Changing Trends in Pediatrics and Pediatric Nursing

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Prepared by:_
• The changes of care in children are changed dramatically for both
physician and nurses during recent decades of advances in medical
knowledge and understanding of the emotional responses of
children such as discover of various immunization, antibiotics and
other drugs that have creative nature in many illness.
• CT scan, MRI scan make early diagnosis possible.
• Nurses have the responsibility of providing nursing intervention in
the hospital, clinic, school, have or the community were children
or parents have health or counseling need.
• Nurse now initiate and direct nursing research, the purpose of
which is to improve the quality of care specialization provides
further opportunity for nurses in the expanded role.
• Pediatric nurse practitioner can able to prescribe the drug and
diagnosis of pediatrics in hospital.
• Top pediatric trends such as:-
• Immunization have reduced disease and changed pediatric care.
• General health care of infant is better.
• Parenting image and confidence is shaky.
• Youth sports injury are on the risk.
• Our kids are our schedule.
• Dr. google.
• Body image changes
• The future technology
• Genetics
• Expanded and extended role of pediatric nurse:-
• i. extended role:-
• 1. preventive care:-
• Prevention of illness and injury is important in the role of pediatric
• The nurse must pan care for every aspect of growth and
development of the child.
• Problem related to development, nutrition, immunization, dental
care, safety, socialization and education should be assessed.
• 2. restoration of health:-
• Nursing the sick children, the nurse is involved in meeting their
needs such as feeding, bathing, securing, comfort and other care.
• she must be continued assessment and evaluation of modify care
plan and meet the developmental needs which influence children
• The rehabilitation of physically or mentally disabled children is
also an important aspect of restoration.
• 3. health education:-
• She should give health instructions as planned tasks or incidental
teaching as required.
• Nurse act as a role model for the parents and children by her
manners and behavior.
• 4. coordination:-
• The nurse play an important role in the health team by
coordinating activities related to parents care which can
interdependent on various health team workers and department.
• The communication and coordination may be direct or indirect
depending on health care system.
• In brief, the pediatric nurse can provide comprehensive care to the
infants and children including guidance to the parents about their
role in the child care.
• 5. direct nursing care:-
• The role of pediatric nurse is to provide direct nursing care to
children and their families.
• The nurse assess the child identifies the nursing diagnosis that
describe the responses of the child and family to the illness or
injury and implement nursing care.
• This care is designed to meet the child’s physical and emotional
• Providing support to children and their families is one component
of direct nursing care.
• Involves listening to the concerns of children and parents during
stressful or emotional experiences.
• She also help families by suggesting ways to support their children
in the hospital and home care setting.
• 6. patient education:-
• As patient educator, nurse helps children adopt to the hospital
settings and prepare them for procedures.
• Taking active role prepares the parent to assumes total
responsibility for care after the child leaves the hospitals.
• Counseling such as injuries prevention strategies.
• Nurse specialists or other experienced nurse are often responsible
for counseling that is directly to helping the child or family solve a
• 7. collaborator:-
• Nurse collaborate with other members of the health care team,
often for coordination and managing the child care.
• Care is improved by an interdisciplinary approach as nurses work
with dietiacians, social workers, physician and others.
• 8. researcher:-
• Nurses contribute to their professional knowledge base by
systemically investigating theoretic or practical issues in nursing.
• Nursing does not borrow scientific knowledge from medicine and
basic sciences.
• Nursing generates and answers in own question based on research
of its unique subject matter.
• 9. child and family advocate:-
• An advocate is one who speak on behalf of another.
• To be an effective advocate, the nurse must be aware of the child
and family needs, the family resources and the health care services
available in the hospital and community.
• The nurse informs parents about these services and the child right
to use them.
• 10. manager of care:-
• Nurse delegates concrete tasks such as giving a bath or taking vital
sign to others.
• As a result nurses spend more time teaching and supervising, non
licensed personnel, planning and coordinating care and
collaborating with other professional agencies.
• 11. care manager:-
• When a child has a significant health problems or handicapping
condition create an interdisciplinary plan to meet the child’s
medical, nursing, developmental, educational and psycho social
• Because nurses spend large amounts of time providing nursing
care for the child and family they often more than other health care
professional about the families.
• Discharge planning is another form of case management.
• To be a discharge planner the nurse needs to know about
community medical resources, home care agencies qualified to
care for children, educational interventions, financial resources.
• 12. health teacher:-
• A major role of the nurse is teaching, teaching the child and the
members of the family unit.
• The nurse should create an environment should be quiet and well
lighted and adequate space for any equipment to be used.
• Audio visual aids may be supplement verbal instruction and
demonstration given by the nurse.
• As trends in nursing care in pediatric changes so do the roles.
All child health nurses functions is a variety of settings as care
givers, client advocates, researcher, case managers and
• 1. family nurse practitioners (F.N.P):-
• A Family nurse practitioner is an advanced practice role, which
provides health care among all personnel through the age span
working with physician.
• A family nurse takes the health and pregnant history, perform
physical examinations, orders appropriate diagnostic and
laboratory tests and plans continued care through pregnancy and
for the family afterwards.
• 2. neonatal nurse practitioners (F.N.P):-
• The neonatal nurse practitioner is skilled in the care of the
newborn, both well and ill.
• The NNP responsibility include managing patient care is an
intensive care unit, conducting normal newborn assessments and
physical examinations and providing high risk follow up discharge
• 3. Pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP):-
• A pediatric nurse practitioner is a nurse prepared with extensive
skills in physical assessment, interviewing and well child
counseling and care.
• The PNP who determines that a child has a common illness (eg:-
iron deficiency anemia) orders the necessary laboratory test and
prescribes appropriate drugs for therapy.
• If the PNP determines that the child has a major illness (eg:-
congenital abnormalities, kidney diseases or heart diseases) he or
she consult with an associate pediatrician.
• 4. clinical nurse specialist:-
• Clinical nurse specialist are nurses prepared at the master degree
level who are capable of acting as consultants in their area of
expertise, as well as serving as role models, researchers and
teachers of quality nursing care.
• Examples of areas of specialization in child health care neonatal
and child and adolescent health care.
• 5. case manager:-
• A case manager is a graduate level nurse who supervises a group
of patients from the time they enter a health care setting until they
are discharged from the setting, monitoring the effectiveness and
cost and satisfaction of their health needs.
• 6. caring demonstration:-
• As nurses care for children and families, they must demonstrate
caring, expressing compassion ad empathy for others. Caring acts
and decisions are strong elements carried out by the professional.
• Health promotion and prevention of illness and restoration of
health considered in to achieve highest level of well being.
• 7. pediatric clinical specialist:-
• The demands brought about by improved technologies, activity of
patient status, increasingly more complaint forms of medical and
nursing care and consumes demand have necessitated to
development of highly specialized roles in pediatric nursing.
• The pediatric clinical specialist role was developed to meet the
ever expanding demands and challenges provided in the nursing
care of children.
• The clinical specialists acts as a role model and change agent. The
expertise and level of practice demonstrated provide an example
for staff to incorporate in their nursing care.
• The specialist may serve as a consultant to nursing staff as well as
members of the health team in matters related to patient care.
• Bibliography:-
• Mrs. K Maheshwari, associate professor, V.M.A college of nursing

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