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Materials should be ready so that there will be smooth

transition from activity. This will also save time.

1. To nurture students creativity, which activity should teacher Emman 9. To show referent power of the teacher, Teacher Arnel
avoid? A. Tells the students the importance of good grade
A. Ask open ended question B. Gives his students a feeling of trust and acceptance
B. Ask divergent question C. Makes the students feel he knows what he is talking about
C. Ask closed ended question D. Reminds his students about his authority over them
D. Be open to “out of the box” idea Answer B. Referent power means that teacher shows loving attitude
Answer C. Closed ended questions limits the creativity of students towards students.
response. 10. When Jacob Kounin said that teacher should have “with-it-ness” he
2. To teach the importance of sustainable development the teacher meant that teacher should
divided the class into six groups and asks them to discuss the topic A. Be available to students consultation
within six minutes. What technique did the teacher employ? B. Be aware of what is happening in the classroom
A. Symposium C. role playing C. Be loving and caring
B. Simulation D. Philips 66 D. Be giving attention to the more slow ones
Answer D. Philips 66 is a technique wherein the group is divided into 6 Answer B. With-it-ness means the teacher should have an eye at the
groups and allow them to discuss within six minutes. back of his head, therefore should be aware of the things happening in
3. Howard Gardner’s MI theory encourages the teachers to the classroom.
A. Think in a multidisciplinary way 11. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which among the
B. Focus on the IQ of students following is nearest from the real thing?

C. Consider various intelligence's when creating a lesson A. Watching demo

D. Present the lesson methodically B. Attending exhibit

Answer C. Gardner encourages teachers to present the lesson in wide C. Hearing and listening
variety of ways and consider the different intelligences of students. D. Viewing images
4. if the teacher would like to focus on attitudinal change, the teacher’s Answer A. watching demo allows the child to learn better than
best option is hearing/listening.
A. Field trip C. role play 12. Ripple effect can also be seen in misdemeanour. The teacher should
B. Exhibit D. simulation therefore

Answer C. Role playing allows the child to show his/her own personal A. Reinforce positive behaviour
emotions and therefore is a good option when focusing on attitudinal B. Immediately respond to misbehaviour
change. C. Be consistently in classroom management
5. Among the following criterion, which should be the priority when D. Count 1 to 10 before she gets angry
choosing device?
Answer A. teacher should reinforce positive behavior so that students will
A. novelty C. attractiveness also show positive behaviour.
B. cost D. appropriateness 13. Teacher Jenny would like ask more high-order questions, she has to
answer D. The teacher should primarily consider appropriateness of the ask more ________ questions.
device to the lesson. A. Fact C. Convergent
6. Teacher Knoi uses low-profile classroom control technique. What does B. Close D. Divergent
this imply?
Answer D. Divergent questions allow students to think more creatively
A. His discipline is reactionary since it is an open ended type.
B. He studies behaviour of students silently 14. Teacher Roel would like to discuss about the earth and therefore
C. He covertly observe misdemeanour brought with him a globe when he started his lesson. How would you
D. He manage misbehaviour without disruption lesson classify Teacher Roel’s device?

Answer D. Low profile discipline means that teacher mangages A. Chart C. Model
misbehavior of students without disrupting lesson. Ex. Signal inference B. Replica D. Realia
and proximity. Answer C. Model is a tangible and scaled replica of something. The
7. Routine activities should established by a teacher globe is a very good example of a model.
A. As soon as the students are inside the room 15. Teacher should use REALIA when.
B. On the first day of school A. available C. affordable
C. Everyday before the start of lesson B. feasible D. plausible
D. Every homeroom day answer B. Realia should only be brought inside the room if its feasible.
Answer B. Routine activities like the rules in getting materials and falling Ex. The teaher should not bring venomous animals in the classroom if
in line etc should be established during the first day of school. the topic is about reptiles.

8. To maintain orderly transition between activities, teachers should 16. Teacher Joy would like to show how volcanoes erupt. Which of the
following materials available is most fit?
A. Make students socialize between activities
A. Model C. Replica
B. Make the materials readily available
B. Mock-up D. Realia
C. Assign fewer time per activity
Answer B. Mock-up allows the students to manipulate the device
D. Wait for those who are slow therefore would be a more effective material to use in the given situation.
17. The environment is greatly abused which is why schools are teaching 24. Teacher should bring REALIA only when…
sustainable development. Which is the best practice among the A. available C. affordable
B. feasible D. accessible
A. Focus the curriculum on environment
answer B. Realia or “real objects” should only be brought inside the
B. Integrate sustainable development on the curriculum classroom if its feasible and safe.
C. Sustainable development is not within the grasp of students 25. A kind of device which is a scaled replica of something
D. Promote environment drive in the school A. diorama C. model
Answer B. Schools can immediately include topics on sustainable B. mock-up D. map
development in the curriculum particularly in the Makabayan classes.
answer C. Models like “globe” are realistic representation of something.
18. Among the following, which best describe the implication of EFA for
schools? 26. This refers to the personalized style of carrying out the step given
A. Making educational reform in exclusive schools
A. Strategy of Teaching C. Approach to Teaching
B. Offering of informal education
B. Technique of Teaching D. Device
C. Practice of inclusive education
Answer B. Technique is the teacher’s personalized style of carrying out
D. Emphasizing formal education system her chosen method.
Answer C. EFA or Education for All gives equal opportunities for all kinds 27. These are methods that stood the test of time and are still used at
of learners whether regular or special. Inclusive education as part of EFA present
allows special students to have access to regular schooling.
A. Traditional Method C. Progressive Method
19. DepEd suggested that to manage effectively the schools, stand-alone
schools in some remote areas should be placed under one lead school. B. Time Tested Method D. Self Pacing method
The strongest factor in consideration regarding this proposal is Answer B. Time tested methods are method of teaching currently used
A. historical C. geographical by teachers.

B. psychological D. social 28. Teachers should allow his or her students to create the rules inside
the classroom to develop a sense of…
answer D. The above situation shows that proximity is one of the factors
in considering effective management. A. discipline C. leadership

20. Teacher is also considered as “trustee of the cultural and educational B. Self control D. ownership
heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such Answer D. If student are allowed to create their own rules (with the
heritage.” The teacher should therefore guidance of the teacher), the students will gladly follow the rules because
A. Use modern technology in teaching. of the “ownership” principle.

B. Use advance learning dynamics. 29. The main proponent of Multiple Intelligence's theory is…

C. Continue higher educational pursuits like MA or PhD. A. Albert Bandura C. Howard Gardner

D. Conduct a lesson on the life of Filipino heroes. B. Ivan Pavlov D. Lawrence Kohlberg

Answer D. Studying the life of Filipino heroes allows the class to Answer C. Howard Gardner developed the Multiple intelligences Theory
appreciate the country’s rich cultural past. in 1983.

21. As a community leader, teacher should avoid? 30. A kind of intelligence that is characterized by a strong inclination
towards dance and sports.
A. Make efforts to help alleviate the social condition of the
community A. Kinesthetic C. Spatial

B. Be aloof so that she can maintain objectivity B. Musical D. Interpersonal

C. Help in finding potential sponsors Answer A. Kinesthetic intelligence is ability to make use of one’s physical
body like dance and sports.
D. Be an active member of the community
31. Maria scores high in test that measures abstract ability. She is
Answer B. Teacher should not make herself “aloof” from community therefore possibly a child with astute skill in…
because she can still maintain objectivity even if she is friendly with the
community members. A. Visual Spatial C. Mathematical Logical

22. what should be your primary consideration as a school administrator B. Interpersonal D. Verbal
if you want to develop a quality program for your faculty? Answer A. Visual spatial intelligence is the ability to easily spot figures in
A. Prescribed by expert abstract forms.

B. Available of funding 32. Teacher Fatima requires a fixed reference material to be used in the
class and this book becomes the sole source of information. Teacher
C. Can be used by teachers to renew license Fatima is traditional teacher using technique called….
D. Responsive to identified teachers’ need A. Rote Learning Technique
Answer D. when identifying areas for professional development programs B. 2x2x8 concept teaching technique
for teachers, it is imperative that administrators consider whether such
program will respond to the identified “needs”. TNA (training needs C. Textbook Technique
analysis) is one technique administrators can use to identify the needs. D. Directed Technique
23. It refers to the science of developing a plan to attain goal and to Answer C. Textbook technique is also known as “bookish” technique
guard against undesirable results. 33. The teacher started his lesson about “Mammals” by giving a general
A. Strategy of Teaching C. Technique of Teaching characteristics of mammals the eventually gives example. His teaching
B. Method of Teaching D. Teaching Device method is known as…

Answer A. strategy of Teaching is the art and science of developing a A. Inductive C. Transductive
plan to attain objectives increases the likelihood of success in the B. Deductive D. Outlining
classroom. Answer B. Deductive method starts from general concepts then
proceeding to specific parts or examples.
34. There are several techniques of lecturing and one of this is delivering B. Panel discussion D. Small Group Discussion
the lecture in a multidisciplinary way. This technique is called… Answer B. Panel discussion is a technique wherein the teacher invites 3
A. Outlining C. Transitional or more experts shedding light on a single topic.
B. Component D. Relevance 43. a student knows that the examination week is approaching, but
Answer C. Transition technique of lecturing is a lecturing done in instead of studying, he choose to spend this time playing computer
multidisciplinary way i.e. lecture about “Poverty” as viewed by games. On the examination day itself, he opted to pray for miracles
Economics, Science, Religion and Sociology. rather than studying. Which attitude towards religion is displayed?

35. To divide the class into smaller groups, the teacher wrote names of A. Religion as fake C. Religion as authentic
animals in small pieces of paper and let the students pick one from the B. Religion as magic D. Religion as real
container containing these small pieces of paper. This technique is Answer B. The particular scenario shows the attitude of the child
called… regarding religion as magic. The child thought that his prayer will create
A. Small Group Discussion C. Barnyard technique miracle and will make him pass the exam.
B. Buzz Session D. Charade 44. Teacher Matilda wants to show the cause and effect of Global
Answer C. Barnyard technique is a technique of dividing the class into Warming to her students, which graphical organizer is BEST suited?
smaller groups using the sound of the animal that a particular student A. Venn Diagram C. Flow Chart
picked. B. Fish Bone Diagram D. Cycle Map
36. “If the teacher would like to compare and contrast, the best graphic Answer B. Fishbone Diagram. Fishbone Diagram is a graphical organizer
organizer to use is… to show CAUSE & EFFECT.
A. venn diagram C. tree diagram 45. The cause of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary
B. fishbone diagram D. KWL Chart level subjects is a result of the implementation of the __________.
answer A. Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer used to compare and A. Program for Decentralized Education
contrast. B. School-based Management
37. Which statement is true about recitation? C. Basic Education Curriculum
A. It is announced D. School first initiative
B. Possible questions are given Answer C. BEC or Basic Education Curriculum uses the integrated
C. Call a students before giving question approach.
D. It is a form of discussion 46. What government program allows students who are not
Answer C. In recitation, question should be asked first before calling accommodated in community public schools to enroll in a private school
name. at the government’s expense?

38. When teachers feel that they are the best source of information, the A. Government Assistance Program
best method to consider is B. Study Now Pay Later
A. Lecture C. Discussion C. Educational Service Contract System
B. Reporting D. Activity D. National Scholarship Program
Answer A. Lecture as a method is chosen if the teacher is the best Answer A. GAP or Government Assistance Program allows students who
source of information. were not accommodated in public community school to enroll in a private
39. The teacher will employ Oxford Oregon whenever there will be school and the expenses will be shouldered by the government.

A. Philips 66 C. Round Robin 47. ____________ supports equitable access but on the other hand,
quality might be compromised.
B. Debate D. Semantic Web
A. Open Admission
Answer B. Oxford Oregon is an internationally accepted procedure when
conducting debate. B. School accreditation

40. Teacher Edna would like to use Reporting Method in her Elementary C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
Pupils. Which technique is most appropriate? D. Selective retention
A. Reading/storytelling Answer A. Open admission might affect the quality of education because
B. Schematic the school will have no chance to screen students although open
admission promotes equal chances for everyone to be accepted.
C. Individual or Group Reporting
48. Educational institution’s efforts of developing work inside the school
D. Symposium are aimed at _______________.
Answer A. Among the options, reading/storytelling is suited for grade A. Developing moral character
school students.
B. Teaching the duties of citizenship
41. Students were assigned to live with the community they are studying
on. This particular technique which is appropriate for mostly mature ones C. Inculcating love of country
is known as D. Developing vocational efficiency
A. Community outreach Answer D. Developing vocational efficiency is aimed to provide students
B. Field Study work skills that will be beneficial for them in the future.

C. Research 49. The student’s choice of seat on the first day of school would influence
the teacher’s impression on how responsive the child is. This example
D. Practicum will be under what particular category of non-verbal communication?
Answer B. Field study actually requires the students to “live in” the A. Attentiveness
community they are studying about.
B. Location in proximity
42. Teacher Andrew invited 3 experts to talk about a single topic. This
technique is known as C. Timing

A. Interview C. Symposium D. Disruptive behavior

Answer B. Non-verbal communication sends message to other person
without using words. Location and proximity may show a child’s
responsive level, for example, someone who sits in front may signal
interest and high response level. Other examples of non-verbal
communication may include crossing legs and arms to show
50. The environment is greatly abused which is why schools are teaching
sustainable development. Which is the best practice among the
A. Focus the curriculum on environment
B. Integrate sustainable development on the curriculum
C. Sustainable development is not within the grasp of students
D. Promote environmental drive in the school
Answer B. Schools can immediately include topics on
sustainable development in the curriculum particularly in
the Makabayan Classes.

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