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SOCIAL DIMENSION OF EDUCATION -Article 8 section 6 of the Code of Ethics for Teacher: A teacher

shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality of
academic performance
1. Teacher Helen is not only a competent teacher but also a
community leader in their place. In this regard, which of the following 6. Mrs. Quinay was asked by the parents of Michael (her favorite student)
should not be done by teacher Helen as a teacher? to help them to get the concession of the school canteen. Mrs Quinay,
effortless made this possible for Michael’s parents. This made Michael’s
A. Provide projects for her community parent to give her a brand new refrigerator as a gift. How should Mrs.
B. Participate actively in the activities of the community Quinay react on this?
C. Seek the support of the philanthropist for the realization of the A. Accept the gift since she has made a favor for Michael’s parents
projects of the community B. Accept the gift and asked Michael’s parent to be discrete about
D. Make herself detached of aloof to everyone in the community so their dealings
that her decision or actions will have no influence of community politics C. Accept not the gift and politely explain that it is against the
Answer D. Teacher is a role model not only in school but even in the principle of a teacher to adhere in such practice
community. As a leader, the teacher must be sociable and very objective D. Accept not the gift and tell to Michael’s parents that you prefer
in his or her goals especially in taking part in the social or political issues. cash over the refrigerator
By all times, he or she should be a person of credibility and integrity.
Answer C. Article 8 Section 4 of the Code of Ethics for Teacher: A
2. Mrs. Dela Pena is an education professor for more than a decade. teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or
In her class, she asked this question: “What type of learning environment others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if
should a teacher implement in a high pluralistic society?” If you are her undeserved.
student, what would be your answer?
7. The Code of Ethics for Professional teachers cover(s)
A. Safe, secure, and gender sensitive
A. All private school teachers in all educational institutions at the
B. Safe, secure and gender-biased preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether
C. Safe and gender-biased academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal
D. Secure and gender-biased B. All public and private school teachers in all educational
Answer A. Teacher should provide a learning, environment that is safe, institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary
secure, and gender sensitive levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal

3. To be an effective classroom manager, teacher must be friendly C. All private school teachers in all educational institutions at the
but at the same time be preschool, primary, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels whether
academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal
A. Highly demanding
D. All public and private school teachers in all educational
B. Business like institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary and
C. Buddy-buddy tertiary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-
D. Rigid formal
Answer B. teaching is a profession. It is expected for a teacher to act like Answer D. Article 1 Section 2 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: This
a professional and treat teaching as a serious business. He or she can Code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational
be friendly but must also merit respect from everyone. institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels
whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal. The term
4. Mrs. Concepcion is a public school teacher for 35 years. Every time
“teacher” shall include industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other
she was asked by her principal to attend a seminar, she refused and
persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all
requested that the new teacher be the one to take care her slot. Is this
school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full time or part -time basis.
8. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher?
A. Yes, Mrs Concepcion had enough of these seminars
A. Has the control of the class
B. Yes, Mrs Concepcion is about to retire and these seminars will
have no longer use for her B. Has the mastery of the lesson
C. No, Mrs Concepcion should take every opportunity to attend a C. Has the capability to implement corporal punishment
seminar for her own professional growth D. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids
D. No, Mrs Concepcion has prerogative to what seminar she will Answer A. the control of the class is a mark of a good teacher. As stated
attend by Glasser (1984): control is necessary for the psychological balance in
Answer C. Article 4 Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for Teacher: Every one’s life. It is a common trait of human beings to want control in their
teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) lives. In schools this is carried to such an extent that discipline itself if
program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue often seen as synonymous with control.
such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of 9. Under the “learning to do”, which of the following instrument must be
the profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity acquired so that a person can perform his work effectively?
in order to be nationally and internally competive. A. Insight
5. Teacher Allyce doesn’t like Maria, her student who is expected to B. Competence
graduate as class Valedictorian. In this regard, she is so impartial to her
and gives her low marks in recitation and project. Is this correct? C. Communication

A. Yes, it is the right of every teacher to determine the mark of D. Compromise

every student Answer B. to perform a job or work, the learning to do must be fulfilled.
B. Yes, it is human nature to feel disgust to an individual This entails the acquisition of competence that enables people to deal
with a variety of situations, and to work in teams.
C. No, it is a mortal sin to hate anyone
10. “Life is what you make it”exemplifies best what __________ is:
D. No, it is a must that every teacher be impartial to each student
A. Existentialism
Answer D. Article 8 section 2 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: a
teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of B. Humanism
first and foremost concern and shall deal justify and impartially with each C. Progressivism
of them.
D. Essentialism 16. After studying the Principle of Identity,Teacher Beng asks her
Answer A. existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of selfhood and students to determine which among the given set of problems conforms
proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. to the said identity. This shows that Teacher Beng upholds this kind of
11. Mr. De Guzman is regarded as the best teacher in their school. He is
known not only because he teaches well but also because of his integrity A. Perennialism
and credibility. In addition, he is also an adviser in their barangay. B. Progressivism
Without the knowledge of everyone he is consistently attending the C. Essentialism
cockfight in his adjacent town every other day. He is also known of
betting a big amount of money in every game. Can he continue doing this D. Naturalism
considering his profession as a teacher? Answer B. progressivism is a philosophy of learning by doing things.
A. Yes, this activity is not affecting his work as a teacher 17. Teacher Carol is a neophyte teacher. One time a mother of one of
B. Yes, this activity is being funded by his own money her students confronted and maligned her in front of her colleagues. How
should Teacher Carol react on this kind of situation?
C. No, this activity will not merit him reasonable social recognition
A. Walk away and ignore the mother
D. No, this activity may lead him to financial loss and problem
Answer C. Article 3 Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for teachers: Every B. Answer back the mother and malign her too
Teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he C. Allow the mother to keep on maligning her until it’s her turn
shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such to do the same
activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much D. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and t invite
less illicit relations. her to discuss the concern with the principal
12. What do you think would be action of a teacher or guidance counselor
Who found out and has proven that his principal is involved in the Answer D. Article 9 Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: Every
malversation of funds of their school? Teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and
A. Malign her through an anonymous letter shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

B. Circulate this issue and let it become gossip 18. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must
be the foremost concern of a teacher?
C. Present the charge to a competent authority
A. Discuss the projects of the school
D. Ignore what the teacher has discovered about this action of the
principal B. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the student

Answer C. Article 6 Section 2 of Code of Ethics for Teachers: A Teacher C. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students
shall not make any false accusations or charges against superiors, D. Discuss the complaints of the other teachers and classmates of
especially under anonymity. However, if there are valid charges, he the students
should present such under oath to competent authority. Answer B. Article 9 Section 2 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: Every
13. After listening to the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Catherine has Teacher shall inform parents through proper authorities of the progress
a comment of reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has and deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact
become deeper as she related this to her past experience. This typifies in pointing out the learner’s deficiencies and seeking parents, and shall
what kind of philosophy? conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.
A. Constructivism 19. Which of the following would best describe the role of schools?
B. Reconstructivism A. To educate the citizens
C. Humanism B. To fit the citizens into society
D. Existentialism C. To educate the citizens to change the society
Answer A. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts that D. All of the above
reality does not exist outside of human conceptions. It is the individual Answer D. All of the above. According to Dr. Adelaida Bago, the possible
who construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives roles of schools are to educate citizens to fit into the society and
meaning to it. eventually to change the society.
14. Teacher Riean is a new teacher. She realizes that handling her 20. Which of the following is the political purpose of the school?
student’s misbehavior is a very demanding aspect of a classroom
management. In this regard, she thought of giving up teaching. What A. To teach the basic cognitive skills
advice can you give her? B. To foster patriotism and loyalty to the existing political order
A. Agree with the class on what rules to follow C. To familiarize every citizen of their various function in the society
B. Report every student’s misbehavior to the principal D. To prepare every citizen for the world of work
C. Set the ground rules for the whole class Answer B. the political purpose of the school is to inculcate patriotism
D. None of the above and loyalty to the existing political order

Answer C. the control of the class is a mark of a good teacher. The ability 21. How will you classify the purpose of the school as it concerns with the
to instill discipline can also make him/her manages the class training and preparation of citizens for the world of work?

15. If a teacher is an advocate of “banking concept in education”, he or A. Political Purposes

she viewed students as? B. Cognitive Purposes
A. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher C. Economic Purposes
B. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher D. Social Purposes
C. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher Answer C. Economic purposes of the school is to inculcate patriotism
D. All of the above and loyalty to the existing political order

Answer A. The “banking concept in education” viewed student as an 22. Which of the following will best describe the purpose of holistic
account to be filled up by the teacher education?
A. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of living and
B. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of schooling and C. Defer the relationship and wait for the right time
society D. None of the above
C. To prepare the students to meet the challenges of living and Answer A. Article 8 Section 7 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: In a
society situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between
D. All of the above teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional
Answer A. The purpose of holistic education is to prepare students to discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the
meet the challenges both of the living and schooling. learners.

23. To ensure holistic education, students must have knowledge and 28. After finishing the degree in Education, teacher Marie realizes that
understanding of? learning never stops. In fact, she accumulates more knowledge after
leaving the portal of her Alma mater. This typifies what kind of
A. Themselves and their healthy relationship with others philosophy?
B. Social Development and resilience A. Constructivism C. Progressivism
C. Beauty, truth and transcendental experience B. Perennialism D. Humanism
D. All of the above Answer C. Progressivism connotes change, growth and development. It
Answer D. All of the Above. Students must have a full knowledge and is an active from of philosophy for it continues to evolve
comprehension of themselves, social development, resilience, beauty, 29. Reiann Therese is an advocate of the principle “making the most of
truth and transcendental experience. (Holistic Education, 2003) your life”. she is indeed an advocate of what kind of philosophy?
24. Which of the following is NOT correct under the Code of Ethics for A. Humanism C. Realism
teachers regarding Teacher and Business?
B. Idealism D. Existentialism
A. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be
financially interested in, any commercial venture which furnish textbooks Answer A. Humanism is a philosophy which stresses to live life to the
and other school commodities in the purchase and disposal of which he fullest
can exercise official influence, except only when his assignment is 30. Student Dianne hits her classmate. Confronted with this situation,
inherently, related to such purchase and disposal; provided they shall be what should be done by a teacher?
in accordance with the existing regulations; provided, further, that A. Ask her aggrieved classmate to hit her too
members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives may participate in the
distribution and sale of such commodities. B. Request her stand for the entire period

B. A teacher has no right to engage, directly or indirectly in C. Give her a failing mark in the subject
legitimate income generation; provided that it does not relate to or D. None of the above
adversely affect his work as a teacher. Answer D. None of the above. Article 8 Section 8 of the Code of Ethics
C. A teacher shall maintain good reputation with respect to the for Teachers: A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending
financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in learners nor make deductions from their scholastic rating as a
arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs. punishment for acts which are clearly nit manifestation of poor
D. None of the above. scholarship.

Answer B. Article 10 Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Teacher: A 31.Principal Lourdes asks the assistance of teacher Elvie to prepare the
Teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate report to be represented to the District commended her for the excellent
income generation; provided that it does not relate to adversely affect his report. She even asked her to print the materials for the distribution to
work as a teacher. other principals. In the printed work, principal Lourdes did not even
acknowledge teacher Elvie. Is this morally correct?
25. Teacher Mely, a neophyte in the field, experienced for the first time
the complaint of the mother of one of her students during the distribution A. Yes, the principal has all the right to decide who should be
of the report card. Which of the following do you think must be the acknowledge
attitude of teacher Mely? B. Yes, the principal knows that the teacher Elvie is afraid of her
A. Bring the parents to the guidance counselor and will not complaint

B. Ignore the complains of the parents C. Yes, the principal must impress her District Supervisor and hide
the truth that it is not her alone who prepared the report
C. Listen to the complains of the parents with sympathy
D. None of the choices is correct
D. None of the above
Answer D. None of the choices is correct. Article 5 Section 2 of the Code
Answer C. Teacher at all times shall hear parent’s complaints with of Ethics for Teachers: A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not
sympathy and understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism. of his own, and shall give due credit for the work of others which he may
26. Thea listens to the advice given by his sister to end the relationship use.
that she has with Gilbert. However, her sister learned that the advice she 32. During the class reunion of teacher Eloisa, she learned that the most
has given was not followed and Thea decided to continue the of her classmates are successful in their fields. Also, she found out that
relationship. This action of Thea is manifestation of what kind of most of them are wealthy because they have chosen a lucrative
Philosophy? profession. Confronted with this situation, how should teacher Eloisa
A. Essentialism C. Perrennialism react?
B. Existentialism D. Humanism A. Hide to those who asked her real profession
Answer B. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of selfhood and B. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked on her profession
problems man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. C. Tell with the pride that she is a teacher by profession
27. Teacher Leor and student Joy are mutually attracted the first time D. Answer not their question concerning her profession
they see each other. This mutual attraction developed into love.
Eventually, the teacher-student relationships also become a boyfriend- Answer C. Tell with pride that she is a teacher by profession. She may
girlfriend relationship. What should they do? not be earning a lot in her profession but her contribution to the society is
immeasurable. Article 4 Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers:
A. Continue the relationship but teacher Leor must exercise utmost Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession
professional discretion so as to protect the interest of one another and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble
B. Stop the relationship because teacher Leor is not allowed to calling.
have a romantic relationship with any his students
33. Teacher Marie Antoniette is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Answer C. Aristotle is the philosopher who considers habits and reasons
Her foremost concern is for the students to learn how to adapt as equally important forces to be cultivated in education.
themselves in the environment. This shows that teacher Marie Antoniette 41. Ms. Valenzuela is always guarded by the principle that she has a
upholds this kind of philosophy? foremost responsibility as a teacher. Given the following, which do you
A. Naturalism C. Progresivism think is the main responsibility of Ms. Valenzuela?
B. Pragmatism D. Rationalism A. Shares responsibility in counseling
Answer A. Naturalism aims to unfold the child’s potential and not to B. Guides students in learning process
prepare him for a definite vocation or social position. It prepares him to C. Inspires students through interesting lesson
adapt to the managing times and needs.
D. Ask challenging questions
34. Teacher Roj serves as an inspiration to his students because of his
efficiency and effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of his students Answer B. Guides students in the learning process. The primary role of
towards him is an instance of what kind of philosophy? the teacher is to facilitate learning. Hence, the foremost concern of the
teacher is to assist or guide his students in the learning process.
A. Realism C. Nationalism
42. What practice(s) will demonstrate the teacher’s genuine concern on
B. Idealism D. Constructivism the learning of the students?
Answer B. Idealism is a philosophy which asserts that what is in the mind A. Confer progress of students to their parents
is the only reality.
B. Guides students to meet their learning goals
35. Keane learns well through active interplay with others. His learning
increases when engaged in activities that has meaning in him. Which C. Validates if learning goals were met
philosophy can describe this? D. All of the above
A. Progressivism C. Realism Answer D. All of the above. It is the responsibility of a teacher to facilitate
B. Idealism D. Empiricism learning among his students. Also, he/she should also develop all their
potentials, assess their performances and assist them in recognizing
Answer A. Progressivism is a philosophy of hands on learning or their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers shall also act as the second
experiential learning. parents to their students and give them advice that will make them
36. Which of the following pillar of education is vital in the building of virtuous citizens.
genuine and lasting culture of peace in the world? 43. “Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning”, this is statement
A. Learning to know C. Learning to live together from a
B. Learning to do D. Learning to be A.Constructivism C. Progressivist
Answer C. Learning to live together is vital in building a genuine and B. Reconstructivist D. Idealist
lasting culture of peace in the world. Answer A. Constructivist. As defined, constructivism is a philosophy of
37. Which of the following pillar of education is dominant in the report of learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of human
Edgar Faure’s report concerning the development of man’s complete conceptions. It is the individual that construct reality by reflecting on his
dimension? own experience and gives meaning to it. It is founded on the premise that
A. Learning to know C. Learning to live together by reflecting on our own experiences, we construct our own
understanding of the world we live in. Therefore, learning is simply the
B. Learning to do D. Learning to be process of adjusting our mental modes to accommodate new
Answer D. Learning to be is the dominant theme in the report of Edgar experiences.
Faure entitled Learning to be: The World of Education Today and 44. Which of the following is the most important component of education
Tomorrow. The report focused in developing all the dimensions of the reform?
complete person.
A. Implementing a better curriculum for students
38. Which of the following instrument is necessary under the “learning to
live together” in the pillar of education? B. Allowing the students to participate more in extra-curricular
A. Competence C. Understanding
C. Hiring only the excellent teachers
B. Communication D. All of the above
D. Involving parents in the education of their children
Answer B. Communication. The following ranges of skills are necessary
for this pillar of education: self-control, handling emotions, Answer D. involving parents in the education of their children is widely
communication, interpretation of behaviors, critical thinking, relationship acclaimed as an important component of educational reform. Even our
building and cooperation, negotiation, mediation and refusal, problem Department of Education posits that every school should promote
solving and decision making. partnerships that will increase parental involvement ant participation in
promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.
39. The four pillar of education started with the report entitled Learning
the Treasure Within. The report is about 45. Teacher Angelita is not only a component teacher but also a
community leader in their place. Which of the following should teacher
A. Insight into Education for the 21st century Angelita NOT do as a teacher?
B. Insight into Education for the 20th century A. Consistently proposes projects that will benefit the community
C. Insight into Education for the 19th century B. Actively participate in the activities of the community
D. Insight into Education for the 18th century C. Always make herself unapproachable to every member of the
Answer A. Insight into education for the 21 st century. The report stresses community so that her decision will have no effect of community politics
that each individual must be equipped to seize learning opportunities D. Constantly help in raising funds for community projects
throughout life: broaden one’s knowledge, skills and attitudes, and adapt
to a changing complex and interdependent world Answer C. Teacher as a role model and being emulated not only by his
students in school but also by everyone in his community. He should be
40. Who among the philosophers considered habits and reasons as sociable and objective in his goals especially in participating in social
equally important forces to be cultivated in education? issues. By all times, she must be amiable and still maintains his
A. Avicenna C. Aristotle credibility and integrity.
B. Jerome Bruner D. Maria Montessori 46. Teacher Helen knows of the illicit affair that her colleague has with a
married man. However, she chooses to be silent about this for the fear
getting involved on this situation. Which of the following principle of Answer D. Article 2 Section 1 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers: The
morality does teacher Helen fail to comply? schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state; each teacher
A. The end does not justify the mean is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is
under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well as to
B. Do what is good elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of
C. Choose the lesser evil country, instill allegiance to the constitution and for all duly constituted
D. All of the above authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state.

Answer B. Always do what is good and avoid what is evil summarizes

what Ethics is all about. Teacher Helen has the responsibility to correct
her colleagues should opportunity arises. Furthermore, Article 5 Section
5 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers state that “It shall be the
responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for what may appear to
be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. However,
this may be done only if there is incontrovertible evidence for such
47. The failure in the test of independence among the Filipino students
can be attributed to
A. Lack of skills
B. Strong family ties
C. High degree of dependence to authority
D. All of the above
Answer C. High dependence to authority is a prevalent attitude among
Filipinos. This trait most of the time is hindrance to his growth and
development. This can cause him to feel insecure and eventually to have
lack of belief towards himself for he thinks that only authority is capable
of making good decisions.
48. Which of the following is NOT in accordance to the provision under
the Code of Ethics for teachers?
A. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy,
helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers and other personnel, such
practices being standard of effective school supervision, dignified
administration, responsible leadership and enlightened directions.
B. School officials shall encourage and attend the professional
growth of all teachers under them such as recommending them for
promotion, giving them due recognition for meritorious performance, and
allowing them to participate in conferences in training programs.
C. School officials, teachers, and other school personnel shall
consider it their cooperative responsibility to formulate policies or
introduce important changes in the system at all levels.
D. No school officials can be stopped from diminishing or from
recommending the dismissal a teacher or other subordinates even
without a cause.
Answer D. No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a
teacher other subordinates except for cause (Article 7 Section 4 of the
Code of Ethics for Teachers)
49. Which of the following is incorrect?
A. Teaching profession is a dignified mean of earning to have a
descent living
B. Teaching profession is the noblest profession
C. Teaching profession can be used in soliciting funds for personal
D. All of the above
Answer C. Teaching profession is a noble profession. Hence, one should
not taint the credibility, reputation or image of his profession to satisfy
one’s personal interest.
50. Teachers being the trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of
the nation is under obligation to
A. Transmit to the learners such heritage and elevate national
B. Promote national pride, cultivate love of country and instill
allegiance to the constitution and for all duly constituted authorities
C. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
D. All of the above

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