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QUARTER 4 – Module 3
Grade 7 and Grade 8


Introduction : Each and everyone of us has his/her own fear. The relative
strength of fear varies from person to person. For some, the degree
of fear is more intense than the others. Fears for some are only
superficials. They pertain to objects or things that may arouse fear
within the person. While for others their fears are deeply-rooted.
They encompass a wider dimension. As for instance, there are
those who are afraid to accept responsibilities because they might
fail and might not be able to live up to expectations. There are
those who are afraid to commit themselves because they might be
hurt. These are only examples of fears one might have.
In this activity, one will be able to identify the fears he has, the
possible reasons for such fears and what can be done to
remove/lessen the fear. The objective of the activity will be
presented, the procedure of the activity and some insights will be
It has been said that fears are inevitable but manageable. Fear
arises without any warning at all. It produces anxiety and threat.
But, then, fears can be controlled and reduced at a lower level. One
only need to process such fears.
Objectives : To help the students identify their fears and the possible reason for
such fears. Eventually, they can be able to identify the things
which can be done to reduce such fears at a minimal level. In the
process, they can be able to control their fears.
Materials Needed : This activity does not require too many materials. It only needs a
piece of paper and a ballpen.
Procedure : On a piece of paper, let the students write their fears, possible
reason for such fears and the things which can be done to reduce
such fears. This has to be done in columns. On the first column,
they have to place their fears. It might be that, it is a certain kind
of object, an animal etc., As for instance, one may say, “I am afraid
of rats and snakes”. Or “I am afraid of childbearing.” “I am afraid to
take responsibilities. And so on … On the second column, let the
students identify the possible reasons for such fears. Like for
example one might say, “I am afraid of taking responsibilities
because I might fail and might not be able to live up to the
expectations of the people around me.” On the third column, let
them identify the possible things they can do to lessen their fears.
As for instance, one might say, “Responsibilities are actually
challenges. It is good to meet these challenges for they make one
more mature and stronger”.

Processing : 1. While doing the activity, what were your feelings?

2. When you were sharing your fears with your groupmates, how
did you feel? Was it easy for you to discuss your fears? Did you
have similar fears with your groupmates?

3. What were your observations regarding your fears? Are they

only trivial or are they deeply-rooted?

4. What should be done about these?

5. What were your significant discoveries and learnings?

6. How do you feel about these discoveries?

Possible Outcomes: It is expected that through this activity, the students will be able to
understand that their fears are inevitable. They arise without any
warning, however, such fears can be manageable. Through the
activity, they would be able to process their fears. Eventually, they
can lessen if not overcome such fears.

Processing Insights: Fear is a negative feeling which produces anxiety and threat. If it is
not processed, it will continue to haunt us. No matter how hard
one may repress it, it will always come out. It is then very
important to process it to be able to integrate it to one’s fear. It is
only in looking into the cause of one’s fear that one will be able to
process such fears. For some, their fears are unreasonable while
for others, they are deeply-rooted. When one digs deeper into the
cause of his fear, he can think of some possible things to be done
to lessen the fear.
QUARTER 4 – Module 4
Grade 7 and Grade 8


Introduction : Adolescence is the period when the growing young child creeps out
from his shell and slowly emerges from his little world of self to a
larger world of persons. It is an age characterized by thrills and
joys – joys of being out with close friends, of having one’s first love
or puppy love. It is an age characterized by mysteries - mysteries
about other people and the circumstances which revolve around
them. The young adolescents, accompanied by some physical
changes, are compelled to explore, to experiment and to make
adjustments: therefore, problems and difficulties arise.
Adolescents, being in a stage where they experience “identify
crisis”, encounter lots of “problems” – a pimple on the face, the
right dress to wear on a party, a phone call that never came, the
right words to say on a conversation, etc. One of the most
observable problems experienced by teen-agers during this stage is
the generation gap. A lot of adolescents, instead of becoming
closer to their parents, become more indifferent or cold because
they believe that their parents do not understand them since they
are a lot older thus, a communication gap.

Communication is indeed important between parents and children

because this is the only way by which they could understand each
other and learn to love and accept each other more.
Objectives : 1. This activity offers the adolescent boy and girl an opportunity to
tell about the stage where they are in to their parents through
2. This is also tailored to enable the students to express their
innermost feelings and to write down their frustrations as well
as their joys as adolescents.

3. To make the students realize the importance of communication

especially to parents.
Procedure : Ask the students to bring out one whole sheet of paper. Tell them
that they are going to write a letter to their mom and dad
expressing how they feel towards them. This letter will also have to
focus on the different events that they as adolescents often
experience. Tell them to write to their mom and dad the typical
characteristics of an adolescent, their difficulties or pains as well
as their achievement or joys.

Here is an example of a letter adapted from a book.

1st Letter
Dear Mom and Dad,
Please don’t be too surprised if upon reading this letter
you find thoughts and ideas which are similar to yours, or words
and phrases almost exactly like those you said; or that they seem
to have been taken right out of your mouth. They are. And I write
this so as to be able to communicate with you. I want to establish
real, good communication between you and me, the younger
We, children of today are better than the children of
decades ago. Physically, we are stronger and bigger and more
active. Mentally, we are more alert and curious and therefore more
receptive to the learning process. So, mom, don’t be surprised if I
can eat a whole fried chicken and still ask for potato salad or
macaroni and 2 glasses of kalamansi juice. I am growing taller and
heavier, too. See these muscles! Don’t you lift that pail of water!
And I’ll take care of the firewood. I can swing the ax and chop wood
in no time at all. Honestly, Mother, shouldn’t we use less of
electricity – it’s so expensive now. That goes for gas, too. Let’s not
contribute to air pollution. You know. Preserve the ecology of the
Daddy, Mom. Listen and try to understand us, the
adolescents. Adolescents, one way or another are problems of the
adults. Us. Yours. Some call this a “psychological sunburn” – we
are terribly touchy. You greet us “hello” and we say ‘Don’t bother
us!” You tell us to wash our hands, have our hair cut; do this and
don’t do that. What happens? We questions you, defy, resist,
insist. We complain, gripe and suffer. We might have even accused
you of parental brutality or tyranny.
Why are we like this? It’s because we live in extremes –
happy one minute, miserable the next. We are so preoccupied with
our own suffering – a pimple hugging the bridge of the nose; my
ideal girl has spurned my love – we have little time for others. Why
do we behave this way? Because we are troubled and so unsure of
ourselves. We are growing up and at the same time growing away.
We are leaving childhood, essentially a period of dependency. We
are trying to find ourselves.
Somehow we can feel the beginning of the end of our
childhood dependency on you, dear parents. A new relationship, a
pulling away of the youngster in us from you, the beginning of the
process of separation that must eventually come, is already in the
air. A handshake please. Not a kiss anymore.

Please don’t despair and although you mean well and

want to spare us the grief of trial and error, remember that trial
and error is the function of adolescence. Parents cannot make
their adolescents happy.
Bear up with us more. The present day adolescent,
sometimes called “post-modern youth” are more difficult to bring
up now than they were years ago. In addition to all the usual
problems, we are experiencing the effects of adult helplessness.
Please don’t even let us suspect that you, our dear parents believe
that the world is going to hell, or that you feel defeated and
trapped in your job – for then we would feel that learning self-
discipline isn’t worth the struggle.
Mom, Dad. Be optimistic about me, your son. You know
criticism destroys a child self-image, which is the most essential
part of him. You must look for my assets, not my failings. You
must have hope for me, and the confidence that I will do well –and
please, please communicate this to me!

Your loving son,


Processing : After you have written the letters, try to read it to someone close to
Then try to answer the following questions:
1. What did you feel upon reading Jun’s letter to his Mom and

2. Do you agree with Jun? Why? Why not?

3. How did you feel when you yourself were writing the letter?

4. Is communication important? Why?

5. What do you think are some reasons why parents and children
fail to understand each other?

* Give your letters to their parents if you want to do so. If they

don’t feel like giving it to their parents, then they could just
keep it for themselves. Later on, you might need it and make
use of it.
Possible Outcomes: From the activity, the students must have understood better the
stage where they are in, and therefore, have become more aware
of themselves – their strengths, needs, motives and difficulties.
It is also expected that the students realize the value of
communication. Communication serves as an instrument by
which children and parents learn to understand each other
better. A lot of problems in families, communities and among
friends is caused by lack of proper communication.
Communication could help a relationship grow especially if
what is being communicated are things which will add to the
growth of the individuals concerned. We could communicate a
lot of things – our frustrations, happiness, affection, care and
even anger.
From the activity, the students will also learn a lot about
parent-children relationship. It is nice to let the students reflect
on this:
“Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love, but not your thoughts
For they have their own thoughts …”

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