CHARITY pART 4 Speaking

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Your school is planning to organise some events and activities to raise money for charity and has
put forward the following suggestions.

You have been asked to choose two and explain to the class why you would recommend them for
the fund raising activities. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen activities.



care help raise money

cooperation homeless social work

contributions organization sponsor

donation orphan support

generosity rescue

Does/ did your school do anything to collect money for charity?

Do you give to charity or volunteer?

What do you think are some important charities people should give to?

What are some of the causes that receive help from charities?

Do you give money to homeless people? Do you think people should give money to homeless

Which charities do you feel are in most urgent need of our support?
What is your view of charities which help animals?

Who do you think needs charity the most?

How much do you think governments should give to help other countries?

Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity?

Do you think there are charities that are scams?

Does your country have a holiday when it is traditional to help out people in your community? If
not, should there be a holiday like that?

Do you think it is better to give time or money?

Why do people give money to charities?

Which charities are the most popular in your country?

What types of charities do you think are doing the best and most effective work in the world?

Do you have a favourite charity?

Are there any charities that you don’t like?

What sort of problems exist is the charity sector?

What do you think of charities that hand out drug paraphernalia to addicts? Do you think it helps
them or encourages the addiction?

Do you think the rich have a duty to help the poor?

What do you think about giving money to homeless people or beggars?

Do charities really help the poor to become independent in the long term or do they simply make
poor people more dependent on charity?

Do you think countries should help the poor in their own country before sending aid to other

Are you satisfied with the work charities do?

Do you think governments should do more to help charities?

Would you like to work for a charity?

Do you worry about where the money you donate to charity goes?

What do you think of people who stand outside stores or railway stations holding charity
donation boxes?

Do you think having large charity organizations is a good idea?

Do you think that locally run charity organizations are more effective?

Why do you think people volunteer to work in a charity?

What benefits other than personal satisfaction could you personally get by volunteering?

Do you agree with the expression “charity begins at home”?

Should it be every citizen’s duty to give money to charity?

Is it better to give your time and skills instead of money?

What charities do you know? What do they do?

Should the rich and very large companies be forced to give money to charity?

How much help should the government give?

Do you ever give money to the homeless? What do they spend the money on?

Do you ever use charity shops?

Have you ever taken part in a fund raising event?

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