Essay Outline 70003240

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COM210 - Essay outline assessment

Essay outline (Introduction)

Write your full introduction in the box below (approximately 100 to 150 words).
Include your thesis statement.

Artificial intelligence is a part of many aspects of our lives these days. Computer science studies artificial intelligence, a vast field of emerging
technologies.1956 saw the discovery of artificial intelligence by John McCanthy.AI is a branch of computer science that studies machines that
can do tasks that would typically need human intelligence.AI is a recent development in the field of information technology. In addition,
artificial intelligence is quite helpful to us in the modern world. Artificial intelligence is bimodal. Aside from being monsters and miraculous,
they are nice and terrible. Depending on our goals, we may select any side, and AI can provide us with a lot of help.

According to the IBM (2023), Artificial intelligence is the best way to improve efficiency of all kinds of processes in healthcare realm. Healthcare
workers consume lot of time on doing paper works and other administrative tasks. Artificial intelligence can free up employee time by helping
to those tasks with automation and it allows more time to employees for interact with patients. For example, generative AI can help clinicians
with note-taking and content summarization that can help keep medical records as through as possible.AI could also help with accurate coding
and sharing of information between departments and billing IMB.(2023).AI can use to identify errors when patient taking medicine themselves
as an example in IBM(2023)20 percent of patients don’t take insulin as prescribed by doctors for overcome to minimize or overcome that
mistake an AI powered tool can be used to flag errors whenever patient administers an insulin pen or inhaler. IBM article informs that 64
percent of patients are comfortable with the use of Artificial intelligent powered chat bots to answer questions about medicines (2023)
explores artificial intelligence is efficient than other traditional methods in discovery of medicines as it can analyze lot of data quickly to figure
out which molecule might work as medicine. AI is a smart scientist that can predict how drugs will behave in human body and it has ability to
personalize treatments by looking at individual patients’ data. Artificial intelligence can decide what treatment might work best for each person
based on their unique characteristics. Artificial intelligence has greatly benefited the health care industry since it improves the quality of care in
many areas and does it much more quickly and accurately. Examples include tech, health care accuracy, personalized treatment, and drug
discovery. As in health realm AI is more beneficial in developments in education.

Not only for health care realm but also artificial intelligence helps to make everything efficient in education realm. Veltris(2023) shows the
education sector is filled with outdated systems. Artificial intelligence can make it futuristic and effective for both teachers and students.
Veltris(2023) describes Artificial intelligence powered grading system is better and efficient method to follow teachers or professors. This
grading method is combination of teachers’ inputs and AI this combination can grade essays, papers and tests in seconds even if it is in
different language. By the help of the Artificial intelligence teacher and professors can save their time instead of working and checking hours to
grade papers. Veltris(2023) explores Artificial intelligence can eliminate manual administration in schools, collages and universities such as
attendance, grading papers and finance as a result of this they don’t need staff longer. Veltris(2023) shows artificial intelligence can customize
learning based on the specific needs of individual learners they can identify knowledge gaps between student to student and artificial
intelligence support students by giving instructions and feedbacks. AI-powered software, games and tools can set a strategy for students to
learn at their speed, Time and requirements for repeated practice. Veltris(2023) confirms that machine assisted learning method is more
helpful because teacher can make special plans for each students based on what they need this creates a strong foundation for everyone, no
matter how they like to learn. For example given in Veltris(2023) if student is struggling at some point of the lesion, personalized learning
system identify this and support that student with additional information or videos. As a result of changing education and healthcare with the
artificial intelligence there is a something that might be changes and it is the economy.

Artificial intelligence has brought about numerous positive effects on the world economy. lyer,(2022) comments in this technological era
artificial intelligence has effective for all around the world including every single industry when it comes to economy it occurs various ways.
According to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, it is speculated that artificial intelligence has the potential to add up to 16% or about
$13 trillion to the global economy by the year 2030. Additionally, it could boost the global gross domestic product (GDP) by up to 26%. Further
reports are stating that by the next few years, at least 70% of companies are likely to have adopted at least one form of artificial intelligence
technology- visual-based, machine learning, robotic process automation, or virtual assistants. lyer,(2022).Translation Services, improving
negotiations, supply chain management, increasing efficiency, cryptocurrency are the factors that lyer,(2022) lists to improve production by the
help of the artificial intelligence. lyer,(2022) describes deeply on those points one of the main point in that list is increasing efficiency, Artificial
intelligence has potential to increase efficiency and accuracy in various industries. Businesses have increase productivity and cost savings as a
result of automation and smart technology powered by Artificial intelligence. Its effectiveness promotes economic expansion

Essay outline (Body)

In the boxes below write your topic sentences in full.
Next to the dot points include your evidence (intext references) and some ideas for your explanation & examples and linking sentences.
AI has had a significant role in human resources and healthcare.
T = Topic sentence
 Diagnostic Precision
E = Evidence  Tailored Care Programs
 Drug Discovery and Development
 AI power diagnostic tools have shown remarkable accuracy in identifying medications.
E = Explanation & examples  Artificial intelligence algorithms can readily analyze the large datasets containing genetic data
and treatment outcomes.
Paragraph 1
 IBM Watson for drug Discovery
E = Explanation & examples  Atomwise
 BenevolentAI
 Artificial intelligence has greatly benefited the health care industry since it improves the quality
of care in many areas and does it much more quickly and accurately. Examples include tech,
L = Link
health care accuracy, personalized treatment, and drug discovery. As in health realm AI is more
beneficial in developments in education.
AI has emerged as one of the most innovative developments in education.
T = Topic Sentence

 Over the last year, developers have released a dizzying array of AI tools that can
generate text, images, music, and video with no need for complicated coding but
simply in response to instructions given in natural language. These technologies are
E = Evidence
rapidly improving, and developers are introducing capabilities that would have
been considered science fiction just a few years ago. AI is also raising pressing
ethical questions around bias, appropriate use, and plagiarism.( Bailey, J. (2023)
Body  Improving education with customization
Paragraph 2 E = Explanation & examples  Encouraging immediate feedback
 Increasing the number of people who can obtain high-quality education
 Artificial Intelligence is transforming education by adjusting the learning process to each
student's needs and identifying them to provide guidance and improved feedback for their
E = Explanation & examples grades.
 AI in education makes it easier to provide timely and helpful feedback, as demonstrated by
platforms like Turnitin.
 The majority of students struggle with a variety of educational concerns, and artificial
L = Link
intelligence fills in this gap by increasing access to anonymous, high-quality instruction.
The evolution of artificial intelligence in the economy and its implications
Topic Sentence
Paragraph 3  AI Improves Capital and Labor
E = Evidence
 According to the most reliable authorities, artificial intelligence will boost the world economy
by about $450 trillion by 2030.
 This paper examines the potential impact of artificial intelligence (A.I.)
on economic growth. We model A.I. as the latest form of automation, a
broader process dating back more than 200 years. Electricity, internal
combustion engines, and semiconductors facilitated automation in the
last century, but A.I. now seems poised to automate many tasks once
thought to be out of reach, from driving cars to making medical
recommendations and beyond. How will this affect economic growth
and the division of income between labor and capital? What about the
potential emergence of “singularities” and “superintelligence,”
concepts that animate many discussions in the machine intelligence
community? How will the linkages between A.I. and growth be
mediated by firm-level considerations, including organization and
market structure? The goal throughout is to refine a set of critical
questions about A.I. and economic growth and to contribute to shaping
an agenda for the field. One theme that emerges is based on Baumol’s
“cost disease” insight: growth may be constrained not by what we are
good at but rather by what is essential and yet hard to
improve(Charle,October 2017)
 Increasing output and effectiveness
E = Explanation & examples
 Encouraging creativity and investigation
 AI speeds up innovation by analyzing large datasets and spotting trends that indicate
E = Explanation & examples
breakthroughs in the industry.
 The industrial developments and the economy are intricate.Artificial intelligence (AI) has been
L = Link developed in the modern world, albeit not primarily for the economy. Nevertheless, it is
currently enhancing the economy x100 more quickly and correctly than humans could.

Essay outline (Conclusion)

In the box below, make notes about your conclusion.

 The miracle of artificial intelligence is the combination of massive data availability, algorithm
Brief summary (identify main
advances, computational power advancements, open source collaboration, and cross-
Concluding reasons/causes/factors)
disciplinary cooperation.
 It is undeniable that a multitude of factors have combined to propel the remarkable
Reinforce the thesis statement
advancements in artificial intelligence. Thanks to unparalleled advancements in computing
power, artificial intelligence (AI) systems can now accomplish complex jobs at previously
unheard-of speeds. Strong machine learning models have been able to be built because to the
abundance of available data, which has led to new research directions. Artificial intelligence has
been possible due to the conceptual foundation given by algorithmic developments, especially
in the domains of natural language processing and deep learning, which have allowed AI to
reach previously unthinkable levels of capability.
Recommendations/speculations  In order to aid the globe and advance our future generation, we should continue to enhance AI
on future action technology.

Essay outline (Research log)

In the boxes below, write the full reference for each of your sources. Use the referencing guide to help you.
Write an example of the intext reference you will use in your essay.
Give each source a score in each category of the CRAAP test. In the response box, write a reason for giving the score.
Complete the sentence. This source is valid because …

NOTE: You must include at least three sources. You can add more boxes if you have more than four sources.

Full reference (end reference): IBM(2023).BENEFITS OF AI.IBM Education

Intext reference: IMB.(2023).BENEFITS OF AI FROM
CRAAP test Score out of 10 Response (give a reason for the score you gave)
Currency 8 It was easy to find the information
Relevance 5 Not good it was kind empty
Authority 6 Hard to understand
Accuracy 7 The accuracy was good but not quit
Purpose 8 It was so great to find
Total score 34 This source is valid because of the reasons I have shown
Full reference (end reference): IBM(2023).BENEFITS OF AI.IBM Education
Intext reference: : IMB.(2023).BENEFITS OF AI FROM
Category Score out of 10 Response (give a reason for the score you gave)
Currency 9 Superb information
Relevance 9 Perfect understanding
Authority 8 Really easy and love the information
Accuracy 10 Very accurate for the real world
Purpose 7 Excellent work
Total score 43 This source is valid because of the reasons I have shown

Full reference (end reference): IBM(2023).BENEFITS OF AI.IBM Education

Intext reference: : IMB.(2023).BENEFITS OF AI FROM /
Category Score out of 10 Response (give a reason for the score you gave)
Currency 4 The circulation was bad
Relevance 5 Not quit good enough
Authority 4 Boring and the facts are wrong
Accuracy 3 Not accurate at all
Purpose 2 Not good enough for a research
Total score 28 This source is valid because of the reasons I have shown

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