Nibbi Sidra

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24 year old Sidra wife of Imran, a housewife from New Karachi, consanguineal marriage

for 4 years presented to the Emergency from OPD on 5th April 2023 with lower
abdominal pain. Patient is P1+¹.
LMP: 10 July 2022
Date of delivery: 17th April 2023

1st trimester: The patient learned that she was pregnant via a home pregnancy test.
She got an ultrasound done at 2 months which showed no abnormalities. She got
gestational diabetes at 2 months which was well controlled by using metformin and IV
insulin (2/day) There wasn’t any severe nausea or vomiting. There was no dysuria,
incontinence or per vaginal bleeding. There was no fever or anemia.

2nd trimester: Fetal movement started at 6 months, normal anomaly scan at 4

months. No urinary abnormalities. No anemia, PIH, headaches or visual abnormalities.

3rd trimester: No urinary abnormalities or per vaginal bleeding. Growth of baby was
normal and normal anomaly scan at 7, 8 and 9th month

Uncomplicated cesarean section due to cephalo-pelvic disproportion. Gave birth to a
female infant with high birth weight.

No PPH, PPD or fever. Breastfeeding began 1 hours after birth

Past Obstetric history

She had a miscarriage at 3 months, which she found out about at 1 month through
ultrasound that growth had stopped,

Gynecologic history
Menarche at 14 years. Irregular cycles, with bleeding for 3 to 20 days and length of
cycles varying. No history of HMB, IMB, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, PCB or abnormal
vaginal discharge. No pap smear has been done and the patient does not use any form
of contraception.

Past history
She had TB at 11 years other than that N/S

Family history
Consanguineous marriage. Apart from the newborn, she had one miscarriage. Her
Dada had Asthma. No other history of diabetes, hypertension, TB or hematologic
diseases or other disabilities in the family.

Personal history
Normal sleep, appetite, bladder function. She is constipated for 1 to 2 days and is taking
medicine for it, she also takes chaalia a few times a day other than that no addictions.
Socioeconomic history
The family of 15 live in their own house which has 4 rooms. There are 3 earners out of
which her husband is one of them. The area is unclean and the house receives wind
and sunlight. The family drinks unboiled tap water.

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