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Which of the following statements is CORRECT about standard

1. Teacher Lorraine wants to test her students’ ability to organize ideas. A. the smaller the standard deviation the more spread the
Which of the following she will use? score are.
A. Matching type C. True or False B. The larger the standard deviation the less the spread the
B. Multiple-choice D. Essay score are.
Answer D. Essay test allow students to organize ideas in accordance C. It is a measure of central tendency
with their judgment about a certain topic. Option A, B and C are wrong D. The larger the standard deviation the more spread the score
because it needs an answer that has no further explanation. are.
2. Emil Renz obtained a score of 89 out of 100 in multiple choice tests in Answer D. if the value of the standard deviation is large it can be said
Geometry. What does this mean? that on the average scores are far scattered from the mean value. On the
A. He answered 89 items in the test correctly other hand, the smaller the value of the standard deviation on the
B. He obtained a rating of 89 average the scores are closer to the mean value, thus the scores are
C. His performance is 11% better than the group closer to each other.
D. He answered 89% of the test item correctly 11. Teacher Mode conducted a quiz after discussing his topic “ Normal
Answer A. It pertains to the score he obtained in the test which is 89. Distribution” to test whether his students learned the lesson and not for
3. Teacher Marivic wants to develop periodic test in her English classes, grading purposes. Which type of test he conducted?
What is the first thing she will accomplish? A. Placement C. Diagnostic
A. Develop a Table of Specification B. Formative D. Summative
B. Go back to the instructional objectives Answer B. Formative assessment is given during or after instruction and
C. Select the type of test item to use the purpose is to get feedback whether learning take place or not.
D. Decide on the length of the test. 12. In a normal curve distribution, about how many percent of the score
Answer B. The first step in developing a test is to formulate the fall between -1SD to +1SD?
instructional objectives. A. 68.26% C. 34.14%
4. Marie obtained a percentile of 94 in National Assessment Test. This B. 58.75% D. 30.86%
means that _____. Answer A. The area of -1SD to+1SD of a normal curve from the mean
A. She answered 94 items correctly value is 68.26%. that is, from -1SD to mean is 34.13% and from mean to
B. She surpassed in performance 6% of his fellow examinees +1Sd is also 34.13%. thus, the sum is 68.27%.
C. She surpassed in performance 94% of his fellow examinees 13. Teacher Renz conducted a chapter test in Algebra. In which
D. She got a score of 94 competency did his students find the greatest difficulty? In the item with a
Answer c. Percentile Ranks of 94% of the examinees got a score below difficulty index of_____.
an indicated score. Thus, Marie surpassed in performance 94% of those A. 0.50 C. 0.75
who took the examination. B. 0.45 D. 0.88
5. Which of the following objectives is the highest level in Bloom’s Answer B. Students find greatest difficulty in an item with a difficulty
Taxonomy? index of 0.45 because only 45% of the students in the class got the
A. List the part of a tree correct answer.
B. Explain how tree function in relation to the ecosystem 14. Which of the following statements is TRUE about normal curve
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth distribution?
D. Explain how trees receive nutrients A. There are more high scores than low scores.
Answer C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth deals B. The scores are normally distributed.
with the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy which is evaluation. option A C. Most of the scores are low.
and B deals with comprehension while option D deals with knowledge. D. There are more low scores than high scores.
6. Which measure/s of central tendency easily affected by an extreme Answer B. Normal curve distribution is a kind of distribution where scores
score? are normally distributed below and above the mean value. The mean and
A. mean and mode C. mode median are equal.
B. mean D. median 15. Teacher Dominic gave a 100-item test in Biology where the mean
Answer B. One of the characteristics of the mean is easily affected by the performance of the class is 75 with a standard deviation of 4. Joseph got
extreme values. If there is a change in either the lowest or the highest a score of 87. What description rating should teacher Dominic give to
score then there is also a change the value of the mean. Joseph?
7. Palma Scholarship Foundation conducted examination for scholarship A. Poor C. Average
for three batches. The results are the following: Batch 1:average=89.75 B. Outstanding D. Above average
with 15 takers. Batch 2:average=94.25 with 10 takers. Batch Answer B. The score of Joseph is within the outstanding scale. Because
3:average=96.75 with 25 takers. What is the overall average of the test the score of Joseph is three units standard deviation above the mean
takers? value.
A. 93.58 C. 95.15 16. The graphical presentation of the scores of Teacher Ace in TLE is
B. 94.15 D. 95.58 represented by positively skewed distribution. This means that _____.
Answer B. (89.75(15)+(94.25(10)+(96.75(25))/50=4707.50/50=94.15 A. The mean is less than the median.
8. Teacher Jenny is talking about “grading on the curve” in a teachers B. The mean is greater than the median.
conference at the first District of Cagayan. This means that she is C. The mean is equal to the median
referring to what type of grading system? D. The scores are normally distributed
A. criterion-referenced grading Answer B. Positively skewed distribution implies that the mean is greater
B. Cumulative grading system than the median. Most of the scores are below the mean value. Hence
C. norm-referenced grading the performance of the students are poor.
D. Averaging method 17. In the parlance of test construction, What does TOS mean?
Answer C. Norm-referenced grading means based in the normal curve. A. Test of Spicifics C. Table of Specification
In norm-referenced the performance is relative to the performance of B. Term of Specification D. Table of Specific Item Test
other students in the group. Answer C. TOS means Table of Specification
9. Julie’s score in Biology quizzes are as follows: 92, 87,72,67,99,80. 18. Given two sets of data:
What is the mean of these scores? Distributio A 8 12 15 16 18 19 23 25
A. 81.83 C. 83.17 n
B. 82.83 D. 84.17 Distributio B 12 13 15 17 18 20 21 25
Answer B. The sum of all the scores is 497 divided by 6 equal to 82.83 or n
Which statement best described both distribution of data? D. Nobody got the item correctly
A. The range distribution A is 17 Answer B. The difficulty index is 1 which means hat 100% of the students
B. The range distribution B is 14 who took the examination got the item correctly. Meaning the test item is
C. The score distribution A is more spread out than the scores very easy. The item also non-discriminating.
of distribution B. 27. In his second item analysis, Teacher Vince found out that more from
D. The score of distribution B is more spread out than the the upper group got the test item #12 correctly. This means that the test
scores of distribution A item ______________.
Answer C. The range of the scores distribution A is larger than the range A. Has a negative discriminating power
of the scores in distribution B. hence, the scores in distribution A are B. Has a low validity
more spread out than those scores in distribution. C. Has a positive discriminating power
19. Which of the following measure of variation easily affected by the D. Has a high reliability
extreme scores? Answer C. More students from the upper group got the item correctly.
A. range C. variance Hence, the item has positive discriminating power.
B. inter-quartile range D. standard deviation 28. which is the most reliable tool for seeing the development in your
Answer A. Range easily affected by the extreme scores, if there is a pupils ability to write?
changes in either the highest score or lowest score, the value of the A. Interview of pupils
range easily changes. The range is the difference between the highest B. Self-assessment
score and lowest score C. Scoring Rubric
20. Teacher Roland gave a test in Chemistry. The facility index of item D. Portfolio Assessment
No.10 is 82%. The best way to describe item number 10 is________. Answer D. Portfolio assessment can assess the students’ growth and
A. moderately difficult item C. very difficult item development. In this case, using portfolio assessment you can assess
B. difficult item D. very easy item the improvement of the students’ writing skills.
Answer D. Faculty index of 82% means, 82% of the students got item 29. The score distribution of the students of the Teacher Ruel in Statistics
number 10 correctly. Hence, item number 10 is within a very easy item test is a positively skewed distribution. This means that ______.
category. A. The mean, the median and the mode are equal
21. Teacher Daryl gave a test in Physics. Item no.5 has difficulty index of B. Most of the scores are high
0.85 and discrimination index of -0.10. What should teacher Daryl do? C. The mode is high
A. Retain the item D. Most of the scores are below the mean
B. Make the item bonus Answer D. Positively skewed distribution implies that most of the
C. Reject the item students got scores below the mean. Hence, most of the scores are low.
D. Reject it and make the item bonus 30. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group when we are
Answer C. The difficulty index of the item is very easy and the talking about projective personality test?
discrimination index is poor or questionable item. Hence reject item A. Sentence Completion Test
number 10. B. Word Association Test
22. Paul John is one-half standard deviation below the mean of his group C. Interview
in Science and one standard deviation below in English. What does this D. Thematic Appreciation Test
mean? Answer C. Sentence completion test, word association test, Thematic
A. He did not excel both in Science and in English Apperception test are all projective personally test while interview cannot
B. He is better in Science than in English be considered a test perse.
C. He does not excel in English nor in Science 31. Teacher Kae wrote of Jiro: “When Jiro came in the class this
D. He is better in English than in Science afternoon, he seemed very tired and slouched into his seat. He took no
Answer B. Since the standard deviations of the scores of Paul John in part in his class discussion and seemed to have no interest in what was
both subjects lies below the mean. He did not perform well perform well being discussed. This was very unusual for he has been eager to
compared to the performance of the group. However, Paul John is better participate and often monopolizes the class discussion. What Teacher
in Science than in English because the standard deviation in Science is Kae wrote is an example of a/an _______.
nearer to the mean value. A. Incidence report C. Personality report
23. Which of the following statement is/are important in developing B. Observation report D. Anecdotal report
rubrics? Answer D. Anecdotal reports are notes written by the teacher regarding
I. Description of each criteria to serve as standard incident at the classroom that might be needed special attention in the
II. Very clear description of performance in each level future.
III. Rating Scale 32. Counselor Gary shows the secrets of his counselee with other
IV. Mastery level of achievement members of the faculty. The counselor violates the principle of?
A. I only C. I and II A. secrecy C. ethics
B. I,II,III D. I,II,III and IV B. confidentiality D. promise
Answer D. All the given statements are essentials in constructing or answer B. Confidentiality is a principle of counseling that whatever
developing scoring rubrics. transpires in the guidance room will remain there.
24.What error committed by the teacher if he overate the performance of 33. This is the pre-planned collection of sample of student works,
his students? assessed results and other output produced by the students.
A. ogical error C. generosity error A. Diary C. Portfolio
B. severity error D. central tendency error B. Observation Report D. Anecdotal Report
Answer C. Generosity error was committed by the teacher if tends to use Answer C. Portfolio is a collection of student output and accomplishment
the high end of the scale only or the teacher tends to give a high grades in a period of time.
to the performance of high performing student/s. 34. Teacher Crystal conducted a pretest before she will discuss chapter
25. Which of the following can measure awareness of values? about “Linear Equation” ans most of her students passed the pretest,
A. Rating scale C. Role playing what should teacher Crystal do?
B. Projective technique D. Moral dilemma A. Go on to the next unit.
Answer D. Moral dilemma was used by Kohlberg and other researchers B. Go through the lesson quickly in order not to skip any.
to test the awareness of values. C. Go through the unit as usual because it is part of syllabus.
26 Teacher Manny conducted examination in his Filipino Class. The D. Administer the post test.
difficulty index of a test item number 15 is 1. what does it mean? Answer C. Teacher Crystal must still teach the lesson as it is because
A. The test is very difficult there are still some students did not master the lesson and it is a part of
B. The test is very easy the content of lesson.
C. The test item is quality item 35. Which much go with self-assessment for it to be effective?
A. Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and student B. II only D. II and III
B. Scoring rubric Answer D. A very easy and a very difficult item is a not discriminatory
C. External monitor because it cannot discriminate the students from upper group and the
D. Public display of result of self-evaluation lower group.
Answer B. Scoring rubrics is very important in self-assessment and using 44. All the statements below are the best practices of preparing multiple
scoring rubric it makes the result more reliable. choice test items EXCEPT
36. Which of the following statement is NOT included in developing table A. Use the stem as short as possible.
of specification? B. Shorten the stem that alternatives can be written longer.
A. Decide the number of test item per content. C. Stem should be stated in positive form.
B. Decide the content areas to be included. D. Underline word/s or phrases in the stem that give emphasis.
C. Decide the number of answer sheet needed. Answer B. shortening the stem and lengthening the alternatives is not a
D. Decide the competencies to be measure in each content. good practice in developing a multiple-choice test items. Options A, C, D
Answer C. Option A, B, D are guidelines in the development of TOS. are guidelines in developing a multiple-choice test items.
Hence, the number of answer sheets needed is not included in the
guidelines. SITUATION A. Study this group of test which was administered to a class
37. The main objective of testing in teaching is ________. to whom Ian belongs, then answer the question (45-47):
A. To assess the effectiveness of the teaching method.
B. To assess the effectiveness of instruction and students learning. Subject Ian’s score Mean score Standard
C. To evaluate the performance of the teacher. Deviation (s)
D. To evaluate the instructional materials. Math 90 86 1.5
Answer B. The main purpose of testing in teaching process is to assess Science 85 84 1.25
the learning progress of the learners and the effectiveness of instruction. English 90 88 2.0
38. The instructional objectives is very important in the test construction PEMH 92 91 0.75
when they are stated in terms of ______.
A. learning activities C. student performance 45. In which subject did Ian performed most poorly?
B. teacher activities D. general terms A. Math C. English
answer C. Instructional objectives must be stated in terms of student B. Science D. PEHM
performance so that it is easier to measure. Answer B. Ian performed most poorly in Science because the z-scores is
39. why should negative words be avoided in constructing multiple- 0.8. while the z-score in English is 1.0, z-score in Math is 2.67, the z-
choice test? score in PEHM is 1.33. The smaller the value of z-score, the poorer the
A. More difficult to construct C. it makes the stem longer performance is. The larger the value of z-score the better the
B. Increase the difficulty of the time D. it might be overlooked performance is.
Answer C. Avoid using negative words in constructing multiple-choice 46. What type of learner is Ian?
test they might be overlooked by the test takers. Bold or type it in capital A. Logical and Bodily Kinesthetic C. Linguistic
letters to give emphasis if can’t be avoided. B. Logical D. Bodily Kinesthetic
40. which of the following statement is advantage of multiple-choice test Answer B. Ian is a logical type of learner because his best performance
items over an essay question? is in Mathematics.
A. Provides more extensive sampling of the content area. 47. In which group of scores most spread?
B. Provides assessment of more complex learning outcomes. A. Math and PEHM C. English
C. It emphasis more on the higher level of thinking skills. B. Math D. PEHM
D. Require less time in preparing test items. Answer C. The CV in Math is 1.7%, the CV in Science is 1.5%, the CV in
Answer A. Multiple-choice test items measures a broader sampling of English is 2.3% and the CV in PEHM is 0.8%. the larger the value of CV,
content. Essay test measures more complex learning outcomes and it is the more spread the score are. The smaller the value of CV, the scores
only limited a small sampling content. are less spread. Hence, the scores in English are more spread than
41. Teacher Emely wants to establish the reliability of her test in English. those in Science, Mathematics and PEHM.
Which of the following he will do?
48.The computed r for scores in Filipino and English is 0.65. what does
I. construct an essay test this mean?
II. administer a parallel test A. Filipino scores is positively related to English scores
III. split the test B. The higher the Filipino scores, the lower the English scores
IV. develop a difficult test C. Filipino scores is not in any way related to English scores
D. English scores is slightly related to Filipino scores
A. I only C. IV only Answer A. The computed value of r=0.65 which is highly positive
B. II and III D. III and IV correlation. Hence, Filipino scores is positively related to English scores.
Answer B. Statements II and III are the different methods of establishing SITUATION B. Study the table on the item analysis for non-
reliability of a test. The other methods are test-retest method and Kuder attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based on the results of a
Richardson. try-out test in Science. The letter marked with an asterisk is the correct
42. Teacher JM gives40-items test in Mathematics where the mean answer. (49-50).
performance of the group is 35 and the standard deviation is 4.
Christopher obtained a score of 37. which of the following best described Item No. 1 A B* C D
his performance? Upper 27% 2 6 4 3
A. Below average C. Above average Lower 27% 5 4 2 4
B. Average D. Excellent
Answer C. Above average because the score of Christopher is within 49. The table shows that the test item analyzed _________.
mean plus one-unit standard deviation from the mean value. A. has a positive discrimination index
43. Teacher Mae conducted a test in Science, in her item 1 it is said to B. has a negative discrimination index
be non discriminating. What can be said about this item? C. is easy
D. is difficult
I. Teaching and learning is very effective. answer A. The item analyzed has a positive discrimination index because
II. The item is very easy, all students got the correct answer. there are more students who got the correct answer in the upper group.
III. The item is very difficult, only 4% got the correct answer. 50. Based on the table, which is most effective distracter?
A. Option A C. Option C
A. I only C. I and II B. Option B D. Option D
Answer A. Option A is the most effective distracters because it attracts
most students from the lower group.

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