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SAMIEED DWAR CLASSES & Nowe the plysfeal guowty oak tasvetially Voting 40 body ‘mmavea Dore Aloplacement {9 postfle defend OnAae Actual pate abong witty Whe particle mores betveen “wo pola Unan. what Condition, Fe at tame c 5} Sead 4 MDa obfate wl Howe Le dame mmaguilrude 9 A body Ahsduon Su tte vewttcabty ~rpwoad direction, whats up toa Xgut dn ond comes bract to tee pate ae position 6) stant . Called bey V2) Ane dioplacemenr Aen bo ae Qs 4 om o und nip you reel Clem aud tuen arnive back home, cotuntote your displacement ajtu, cormpletiony eto . QS A balm th vunning ot 0 Lometame apera q suum ht sbthouk ty He apeed tm mat? 2 a wet —to Het Cue tt mmathomatiiod fomuta for average. aa Apes § au objects: \e \? AiDplacement \e 5. Whe dsdonce Gnened ond. dite dicploeement oh Weting jobjeet All Yiowle She snkne. a juno sh done. No, ae oo She ‘ond Undial pow bio. &. eee The, dis plaremend alt oN. as SOYA. ull. be. caren ess | So Kelty, dataset dasa gh ia re weyaae abst pr Sfp otni — ¢yorn call ards -TEST- MOTION. MM 24 TIME: 1 HOUR 1 MARK) what does the path of an object look like when itis in uniform motion (QMARBS) A farmer moves along the boundary of a square field of side 10m in 40s. ‘What will be the magnitude of displacement of the farmer at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds from his initial position? In figure two velocity-time graphs have been shown. Which represents higher acceleration? Why? > 8 3 A I O° time |. Atrain starting from a railway station and moving with uniform acceleration attains a speed of 30 kmh=1 in 1 minute. Find its acceleration in the units of ms-2 ‘Abdul while driving to school computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 - km/h, On his return trip along the same route there is less traffic and average ‘speed is 30 km/h. What is the average speed for Abdul's trip? Driver of a car travelling at 72 km/h applies the brakes and accelerates uniformly in the opposite direction. The car stops in Ssecs. Another driver going at 36 km/h in another car applies his brakes slowly and stops in 10 secs. Which of the two cars travelled farther after the brakes were applied? ‘Also plot the speed versus time graphs for both the cars on the same graph. Describe the motion represented by the following displacement time graph 8. Amotorcyclist riding motorcycle A who is travelling at 36 km/h applies the brakes and stops the motorcyclein 10 s. Another motorcyclist of motorcycle B who is travelling at 18 km/h applies the brakes and stops themotorcycle in 20 . Plot speed-time graph for the two motorcycles. Which of the two motorcycles travelledfarther before it came to a stop? 9. The velocity-time graph of a body is as shown in the graph: 4, State the kind of motion represented by OA and AB 2. What is the velocity of the body after 10 s and after 30 s ? 3. Calculate retardation of the body. 4, Calculate the distance covered by the body between 10th and 30th second. Time (in s) > 10. Study the velocity-time graph and calculate. A, The acceleration from Ato B B. The acceleration from B to C C. The distance covered in the region ABE D. The average velocity from C to D E, The distance covered in the region BCFE eae Se aaa = eis ie ci fhé BV8 peeE ne? age? Acr= \00 + \o0 _} A = Woy fl? 5 Soe { Ac =\\o0 AC=\0S2 xn. . jie Srediganee = 26 is Speed = 20a) __Seeed. = oleh — shee bo lime = 26 be, abt deel malo =lora| $s? ~ ae TI i ri FA Y34 25 = 234540 CLASS » IX Physics (Chapter MOTION) 2 Marks questions 1. An object is moving up an inclined plan. Its. Velocity Changes foam 1SHVs to LOmys i two seconds. What is its acceleration? (ans. -2 Sys") 2. Adody covered a distance of x metre along @ semicircular pathy Calculate the magnitude of displacement of the body, and the ratio of distance to displacement? 3. A particle moving with an initial velocity of Smy/s Is subjected to @ uniform acceleration ot 2.Sm/s2. Find the displacement in the ext 4 sec (ans, 0) 4. Acar covers 30km at a uniform speed of 30kmv/hr. what shoul be its speed for the nest 20KMy if the average speed for the entire journey is 60knVh — (ans. 90Km/hr) 5. A person goes to market, makes purchases and comes back at @ constant slower speed. Oraw displacement -time and velocity time graphs of the person? 6. A boy runs for 10 min. at a uniform speed of Ok. At what speed shouk! he run for the next 20 min. so that the average ‘speed comes 12km/hr? —(ans.13.Skm/h) de A particle was at rest from 9 a.m. It moved at a uniform ‘speed 10km/hr from 9.30 am. told a.m. Find the average speed between (a) 9.00 a.m. anc! 10.00 am, (b) 9.15 am. and 10.00 am. (ans. Skn/h, 6. 67kmyh) 8. An insect moves along a circular path of radius 10 cm with Constant speed, If it takes 1 min. to move from a point on the path to the diametrically opposite point, find (a) the distance covered, (b) The speed, (c) the displacement, (d) average velocity. 9. Aparticle with a velocity of 2m/s at t=0 moves along a straight line with a constant acceleration of 0.2mys2. Find the displacement of the particle in 10s? 10. ‘A particle Is pushed along a horizontal surface in such a way that It startswith a velocity of é 12m/s. Its velocity decreases at a uniform rate of 0.5mys2. (a) Find the time it will take to come to rest. (b) Find the distance covered by it before coming to rest? 2 11, Atrain accelerated from 20km/hr to 8Okm/hr in 4 minutes. How much distance does it cove in this period? Assume that the tracks are straight? 12. A.cydlist moving on a circular track of radius 50m completes one revolution in 4 minutes. What is his (a) average speed (b) average velocity in one full revolution? 19 Figure represents the speed time graph for a patticle. Find the distance ‘covered by the particle between t=10min. and t=30min. 44 Find the distance covered by a particle during the time interval t=O and t=10s for which the speed time graph is shown in figure’ (Ans:200m) Speed (kevh) 510 15 20 Time(s) Ayre Aye ty 415.Figure shows distance- time graph of two objects a ‘and b. which object is moving with a greater speed when “oth are moving? _ 16 Cas moving along a streigh ine ato sped of Ser stop in Ss ers |Find the acceleration, assuming it to be constant. (b) Plot the graph of speed versus time. ‘the graph. Find the distance covered by the car after the brakes are applied? 100m due east and then 25m due west. (a) What is the distance covered by the is its displacement? Jil to 21s xa] > Lown} 4 =2 5. sit 2 W-Us |O- i i Pe at ART SN OS TPCT 4, Disomes Zola Lisrares 40 ten. Gree att Tinea Ds oo ead= Sebaiha “hig speed ~ Goleenh ; 4 Cowell Y= owls n= —D-SralgZ. Distonee = 205 = 2 -ut Sens = GY -Gx¥ = ~\0'§ = Huy i S= sulre, Tn eae ae 4g SARS Sk }——-u_ ates z S400 = Yoo * 2xJoo7S Gogg = 3.33 ken. Isop Nowlin), Tate ous Karis agate | x 5 \ 3) 5, 7 i os Ly ee tf i} (This Ja becouse of slow d copie hs : fds tema. ok vieak buck cout, panty sy Sunil. 8 — uh teas A. daggying sobs tun “ic fflare d She ow. drouslied ae fra | Loud rode Coexting, wea) —___> Tie Lou. yuvides. Qe defation. MERIT fis Pad dan onkin dink, Saw. qf -amenkuy aie o heals § cain ns ig wal haga only ige ne do Oplyy fam Cee “a a mite ul aun dang as pin has —ob 2 h.A% olohed od What vis. dintiol ond. fina Merent turn 7 | AS= omg lial yeenngrhumns may =| =fy , Saar Oe oe Si = a fi Leahsh 7 MMT ge gn ES a ma x BE Stowe cha ~ fore € lus Hatin TY oe inention ef an object cautres an otizet to:- ? 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WW) An object Aves Sky Is Slistvg wlth «& oe vetde x Ys dn a ~frretneay Surface Te fore Aegrudet Yo keep te objet whic Same hv 2 st te? © au * wv ne ‘Scanned with CamSounnee q : Sb Cuts 1X Science ~foree aud tae *"otton D CO) parte Te ban ay pc Lancs 0D ick te ol io ol QOD A nail Ie lurk thts dunk xf abc abe het Vmetre um the fuel dftir © yoo, He not | Will A) move apwords ) Move downwards df) remain OF he Sane postlins a) move. sidawoys RNs ee te ing 2 Mace, he Q halls in afereond direction ag; ee &) why one the athhites in ohh june , wrent mada to fet oie oh & Coionad tad eg a Sey Sees & QD) A Hock of Mars M Te pala soup ven Foalow a Smsvth horigontsl pees bhthe Bloc will te ae at ahh Piosadn BC) A torn WN ack on alods whore vel tron Umls to Sule in Comet Nee I Q2) sr wit Hy rect. of change of momectim 7 5) 88) 4) State Newion's TE tuo. © Derive the tos of : —the same . > ae * (DR) Give reson a Th le diftiauttto pul gud the husk of ‘ Coconut tree. b) Woe gota crunchy ort granular fetkig when We chew © pony frit . &) Branches rte tree move od lod freely in high win vedcthy OIG Adair Di bsbar tek a to wolkk on a ehi rood ? AD when tere Tener Poke leaves fall To olay? i Why dere a gunman & Vrs on Living adull? (Po fe boy j P oS ee ee 7 the boat Frames backionrds lon? Fall) Wovite the “third lero cf taobion. (2) Aare bia Tnantin af 0 ood Jon Linsor motion ts be ie Me asa rials Shae oan ard rolls clown estas combart aeerlirotion. Dtravels a ois 5 iw te kK Find Ih accaleration. Find the fore acts on mos (s ooo kg. 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