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Learning Goal: I can write and perform a dramatic monologue about being stuck in a
snow globe with a focus on vocal skills and non-verbal cues.

Your task is to write and perform a dramatic monologue about being stuck in a snow
globe.The expectations for success in this task are:
❏ Set the sensory context for your monologue by listing the things you would see, hear,
taste smell and feel if you were stuck in a snow globe
❏ Use your sensory lists to add details to your monologue writing
❏ Plan your character and get to know what they look like, feel like and act like
❏ Plan your problem (conflict) and what your character wants (motivation)
❏ Write the beginning, middle and end of your monologue using your planners to help
❏ Your monologue should sound like someone is talking
❏ You will be performing your monologue in character to your teacher/classroom
friends using your voice and non-verbal face/body cues to act out what is

Ontario Curriculum Expectations:

❏ LANGUAGE: Writing - 2.4 use a variety of sentence types
❏ 2.1 write short texts using several simple forms
❏ Voice 2.2 establish a personal voice in their writing, with a focus on using familiar
words that convey their attitude or feelings
❏ Vocal Skills and Strategies 2.5 identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch,
and volume, and use them appropriately, and with sensitivity towards cultural
differences, to help communicate their meaning
❏ Non-Verbal Cues 2.6 identify some non-verbal cues, including facial expression,
gestures, and eye contact, and use them in oral communications, appropriately and
with sensitivity towards cultural differences, to help convey their meaning
❏ DRAMA: B1.3 plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by introducing
new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role

Level 1 - Limited evidence of success criteria

Level 2 - Some evidence of success criteria
Level 3 - Good evidence of success criteria
Level 4 - Extended evidence of success criteria
WHOA, it worked! Guys, it’s me, Ms. Chen! I’m stuck in a snow globe and it’s amazing.
I’m so excited. The air is crisp and cool and smells like cinnamon. YUM! There is
glitter snow everywhere, it’s so pretty and doesn’t melt like the real stuff. I know I
should be scared but I LOVE an adventure and this is definitely going to be the most
unbelievable adventure of my life.

It all started with a wish, I was looking into the snow globe and thought to myself “I
bet it would be incredible inside this thing.” A few shakes later and BOOM, here I am. I
met a few cool characters already. Patty the polar bear is super sweet. At first she
was a little nervous seeing me by her den but we talked it out and she told me all
about the snow globe games that are starting today. She introduced me to Sasha,
the snow girl who lent me some skates so I could enter the figure skating contest. If I
win I get a 10lb bag of gold nuggets. So random, but I’ll take it. Also, if I win I get a
key that lets me come in and out of the globe whenever I want. I NEED to win this

Peter the penguin is frankly a jerk, he has never lost the figure skating contest and is
not happy to see me. Whatever, I don’t even care that he cut my skate laces, I just
knotted them back up. He isn’t winning this year, he can’t because I need to get out
of here eventually. Besides, his routine looks more like tap dancing than figure
skating. He’s not ready for all my skills. Tap, tap tap… is that Peter and his annoying
flappy feet again? No wait…what is that? Where is that sound coming from?

It’s coming from the glass. OH NO! It’s dad. He looks HORRIFIED! NO! Dad stop
shaking this thing, I can’t even stand up when you shake it. How am I supposed to
skate when you are causing an earthquake in here? Just calm down, I got this.
SMASH! Wait, what happened? Where am I? Is this the living room. Oh great, dad
broke the globe. Now I’ll never get to beat Peter or get my gold and key.
GROUNDED? What do you mean I’m grounded? This is totally not fair. I don’t want to
clean this mess up, you’re the one who broke the globe!
In the snowglobe:
I see:

In the snowglobe:
I hear:

In the snowglobe:
I taste:

In the snowglobe:
I smell:

In the snowglobe:
I feel:
My character who is Describe what your Describe what your How is your character
stuck in the snow character who is character who is who is stuck in the
globe is: stuck in the snow stuck in the snow snow globe feeling?
globe looks like (draw globes personality is
them): like:

What is your What happens in the What happens in the What happens at the
character’s problem beginning of your middle of your end of your
(conflict)? monologue? monologue? monologue?

What does your

character want
Write your monologue here

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