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Mahavir Education Trust's


Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088
UG Program in Electronics and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing Question Bank

Syllabus – Modules 1, 2, 3
Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify Ambiguities of NLP and explain applications of NLP
CO2 Apply Grammar and Mathematical Rules for NLP
CO3 Perform Lexical Analysis and pre-processing at Word Level via tokenization,
segmentation, lemmatization, stemming and/or stop word removal
CO4 Analyze syntactic correctness of a lexical or corpus via different models
CO5 Assess the correctness semantic interpretation of the lexical or corpus given by
different models
CO6 Design basic applications and/or bots using NLP

2 Mark Questions CO
1 Analyze given sentences for ambiguities and state the ambiguities 1
2 Analyze given sentences for ambiguities and state the type of ambiguities 1
3 Implement a tokenizer, only using REGEX for the following sentence. Give 3
python code and output
4 Implement a tokenizer, that can tokenize a sentence which even has email IDs. 3
Write a tokenizer, that can filter out email IDs only.
5 Compare the outputs with the following outputs, if the regex used is \w+|\W+ and 3
\b\w+\b. Interpret which tokenized output is more accurate.
6 Compare the outputs of a stemmed operation with the lemmatized operation for 3
the following words, interpret which operation loses meaning.
7 State the applications of NLP 1
8 State the Python libraries used for NLP 1
9 Tag parts of speech for the following sentence. 2
10 Identify Root word for the given sentence. State the importance of root word 2
5 Marks Questions
1 Explain the standard flow of NLP 1
2 Explain the main steps involved in NLP 1
3 Implement a python script that removes stop words from the given sentence. DO 3
NOT use any 3rd Party Library Syntax
4 Implement a python script that filters out articles (a, an, the) from a sentence. DO 3
NOT use any 3rd Party Library Syntax
5 Explain what is an N-Gram Model, state its applications. 3
6 Explain Morphological Analysis, State its applications 3
7 Explain Bayes Theorem for Conditional Probability 2
8 Explain how Mean (Expected value) is linked to highest occurring event in a 2
random probabilistic distribution.

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