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San Antonio, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

"Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students in Guimba, Nueva Ecija”

A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty and Staff of Senior High Department

Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

In Practical Research II

Presented by:

Jessa Mae J. Carbonel

Raymond D. Zamora

Adrian E. Cacho

Gillian R. Espejo

Alexa C. Diaz

January 2024

This research paper entitled

“Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students in Guimba Nueva Ecija ”
Prepared and submitted by:

Carbonel, Jessa Mae J.

Zamora, Raymond D.
Cacho, Adrian E.
Espejo, Gillian R.
Diaz, Alexa C.

has been approved and accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements in

Research Teacher

APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners in the Final Oral Defense held on January 2023
at Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School.


Panelist Panelist


Panelist Panelist


Assistant Principal II School Principal IV


First of all, the researchers would like to thank the Almighty God for His

enduring grace, guidance, and protection that He has bestowed upon us during this

research project.

The researchers would also like to express their sincerest gratitude to their

research teacher, Mrs. Vivian S. Ramos for her continuous support in their research, for

her patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped them throughout

their research and writing of their thesis.

To their parents, who have continuously supported them financially to

accomplish this study and for their guidance, encouragement and inspiration to them

throughout their lives, a very special thank you for your parental presence and constant

guidance to them.

They would also like to thank their fellow classmates and friends for the

stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights they were working together for deadlines,

and for all the fun they have had for the last five months.

They also want to show their class adviser, Mrs. Frishan Gain C. Sumandal for

overflowing help and always there to add the guidelines that researchers need to conduct

this study.

They would also like to express their appreciation to their panelist, Mr. Reynaldo

D. Dadulla, Mrs. Frishan Gain C. Sumandal, Ms. Florielyn G. Liwanag and Ms.

Antonia O. Dela Cruz for their trust, advice, support, patience, and guidance from the

start to the completion of the study.


This research paper is sincerely dedicated to their supportive parents who

encouraged and inspired them in conducting this study. They have never left their side

throughout the process and gave them strength and hope when they thought of giving this

up. They provided them a great sense of enthusiasm and perseverance in continuing this.

Without their love and assistance, this research would not have been made possible.

Moreover, they dedicate this research paper to their subject teacher, Mrs.Vivian S.

Ramos, who constantly guiding and teaching them to make this study even better, to their

family for cheering up them, and to their friends who have helped them in finishing this

project. They really appreciate the words of advice and in continuously giving them

moral, emotional, and financial support.

And lastly, They dedicate this research paper to the Almighty God who gives

them strength, wisdom, guidance, power of thinking, security, competence, and for

giving me good health while doing this.

The Researchers


Name: Carbonel, Jessa Mae J.

Zamora, Raymond D.
Cacho, Adrian E.
Espejo, Gillian R.
Diaz, Alexa C.
Year-Level: Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management

School: Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

Title of the Study: "Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students in

Nueva Ecija”

Keywords: Mobile Wallet, Adoption, Online Transaction,Quickly , Easily,

Less hassle, Convinient

In recent years, the landscape of financial transactions has undergone a profound

transformation with the widespread adoption of mobile wallet technology. Mobile

wallets, also known as digital wallets or e-wallets, have emerged as a convenient and

secure alternative to traditional payment methods, offering users the ability to make

transactions, store payment information, and manage financial activities through their

smartphones. As this technology continues to gain momentum, understanding the factors

that drive or hinder mobile wallet adoption becomes imperative for businesses,

policymakers, and researchers alike.

The adoption of mobile wallets is a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by a

myriad of technological, social, economic, and individual factors. Technological

advancements, coupled with the increasing penetration of smartphones and high-speed

internet connectivity, have laid the groundwork for the proliferation of mobile

wallet solutions. However, despite these favorable conditions, the rate of adoption varies

significantly across different regions and demographic groups.

Out of curiosity, the researchers aim to know the mobile wallet adoption of

selected students specifically the College students of Guimba, Nueva Ecija on how the

mobile wallet made their life easier by just using it and what is the most user friendly

mobile wallet. With that, they conducted this study entitled “Mobile Wallet Adoption of

Selected College Students in Guimba, Nueva Ecija.”

The overall goal and focus of this study are to identify how the students adopt the

mobile wallet in their everyday life, as well as the students’ lives easier in making online

transactions like transferring and sending money using only their cellphone and internet

connection. This is a quantitative study that used convenience sampling to select

respondents. While descriptive research under non-experimental applied research is the

type of research design that the researchers apply to their study. The researchers gathered

the needed data through the application of an online survey questionnaire that was sent to

the participants with the help of social media.

The result of the gathered information stated that the students’ lives made easier

by using mobile wallet is helping them to pay if there is a sudden payment at school and

Its save their time and reduce the hassle from making transactions. It also revealed that

Gcash is the most user friendly user mobile wallet according to the respondents. When it

comes to advantage of using it, according to the result its allowing them to make

payments, transfers, and purchase from everywhere. While the disadvantage of using it is

sometimes the network connection is slow.

Table of Contents

“Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students in Guimba, Nueva Ecija” i

Chapter I 1
The Problem and Its Background 1
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Assumption 4
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Delimitation 6
Theoretical Framework 6
Conceptual Framework 7
Definition of terms 8
Chapter II 9
Review of Related Literature and Studies 9
Local Literature 9
Foreign literature 12
Local studies 13
Foreign Studies 15
Synthesis 17
Chapter III 19
Methodology 19
Research Design 19
Research Environment 19
Research Respondents 20

Samples and Sampling Procedure 20
Research Instrument 20
Data Gathering Procedure 21
Statistical Treatment 21
Chapter IV 23
Presentation, Analysis, And Interpretation of Data 23
Section 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents 23
Section 2. Questinnaire and its Interpretation 26
Discussion 32
Chapter V 34
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 34
Summary 34
Findings 34
Conclusions 35
Reccomendations 36
Bibliography 37
Online Published Studies 37
Appendix A 39
Letter to the Respondents 39
Appendix B 40
Self- Made Survey Tool 40
Appendix C 43
Doccumenttion 43
Appendix D 45
Curriculum Vitae 47


1. Research Paradigm 7

2. Environment of the Study 19


1. Profile of respondents in terms of Sex 23

2. Profile of respondents in terms of Age 24

3. Profile of respondents in terms of School 25

4. The student’s lives made easier by using mobile wallet 26

5. Most user-friendly mobile wallet 28

6. Advantage and disadvantage of mobile wallet 30




As technology innovates, different applications were also created especially for

transactions such as payment and etc. Mobile payments have been in use for many years

and have gained ground .

The mobile wallet is a new application of mobile payment that has functionality to

supplant a conventional wallet and more. A mobile wallet is a much-advanced versatile

application that includes elements of mobile transactions, as well as other items one may

find in a wallet, such as membership cards, loyalty cards and travel cards. It also stores

personal and sensitive information like passports, credit card information, PIN codes,

online shopping accounts, booking details and insurance policies that can be encrypted or

password-protected. Mobile wallets have already become a mainstream phenomenon in

Asia (Yang, 2005).

As with many rollouts, a key problem is that there are still not enough places for

consumers to use this technology, even though it has been available for over two years.

About 100,000 terminals and readers have been deployed with retail merchants, not

counting multiple brands of applications accepted at the same shop or restaurant. Other

problems have to do with the technology. Mobile vendors have struggled over how to

personalize phones over the air, as well how to enable a better experience for

downloading mobile wallet applications to the phone. Another challenge is posed by the

many competing standards; it is necessary to standardize mobile payment protocols,

schemes, and services.

According to Jupiter Research (2008), consumers are uncomfortable with the idea

of mobile payment—i.e., “the fear of an unknown medium”—and they are not even

willing to try paying with their mobile device. While there are widespread enthusiasm

and hope about mobile wallet service, there are also fears of security breaches and

identity theft. Mobile wallets provide many functions on a single mobile phone, so that

having all your personal and sensitive information stored on a phone poses a great risk if

the phone is lost, broken, or stolen.

The mobile wallet is the newest form of mobile payment that enables users to

share content and access services as well as conduct payments and ticketing transactions.

Simply put, a mobile wallet is the replacement of a person’s wallet with a mobile phone

equipped with the functions of a bank card, credit card, house key, company access

control ID, subway tickets, membership card, and so on. Jupiter Research (2008)

forecasts that the mobile payment market will gain significant traction over.

The mobile wallet has been defined by Shin (2009) as a form of payment that

enables users to conduct payment electronically via use of a mobile device, replacing the

physical wallet so that payment transactions can be completed at a merchant‫׳‬s location. It

not only stores payment data, but loyalty cards and coupons can also be incorporated,

allowing consumers to benefit, if they so choose, from POS discounts (Hoofnagle et al.,


Mobile phones have affected the lives of billions of people around the globe and

have transformed telephony tremendously. The number of mobile phones in use

surpasses every other technical device that can be used to market, sell, produce, or deliver

products and services to consumers. This has opened lucrative opportunities to both

merchants and service providers (Iman, 2018). The increasing number of smartphone

owners worldwide has paved the way for traditional banking payment services, and non-

financial companies, like Google, to attract new customers and open up new markets by

extending their range of products and services, particularly those concerning offering

innovative payment alternatives (Meyll & Walter, 2018).

Digital financial services have brought financial services from bank branches into

our homes and pockets. During this transformation, financial transactions have become

more convenient and have reached a broader group of users (Reiss, 2018). Technological

innovations in mobile devices and financial applications drive the adoption of digital

payments (Goparaju, 2017). Customers who use their smartphones for mobile payments

can store information of credit or debit cards in mobile wallets on their smartphones, and

this information can be used to perform payments by tapping or waving it over a sensor at

the point of sale or at the comfort of their homes.

The mobile wallet is a new application of mobile payment that functions as a

replacement for the conventional wallet and more (Sumathy & KP, 2017). Mobile wallets

add more functions to smartphones by making it a virtual debit card and enables a

person’s money to move with his phone. With mobile wallets, retailers gain another way

to access consumers and enhance sales by enabling customers to make spontaneous

purchases because they have quick and easy access to money. Some of the most widely

used mobile wallets are Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Amazon

Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, PayZapp, etc. and they provide a variety of services ranging from

utility payment services to ticket booking, recharges and so on. Advancements in

technology supporting mobile transactions made them more convenient and transparent,

which is helping to develop trust among customers who are becoming habitual of

employing this mode of payment (Khan et al., 2017). ‘The diffusion of technology-based

payment solutions hinges on addressing the needs, perceived or real, of consumers whose

adoption will determine whether any specific mobile payment system becomes a

standard’ (Amoroso & Magnier-watanabe, 2012).

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the Mobile wallet adoption of Selected

College Students of Guimba, Nueva Ecija.

Specifically, this study sougth to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of?

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 School

2. How students’ lives are made easier by using mobile wallet?

3. What mobile wallet is the most user-friendly?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile wallet adopted by

selected respondents?


1. The increasing prevalence of smartphones and improved internet connectivity will

likely drive higher mobile wallet adoption, as users seek convenient and secure

digital payment solutions

2. The convenience in making quick payments, managing expenses, and avoiding

the need to carry physical cash or cards.

3. The younger generations that more well informed about the use of modern

technology, will be more likely to adopt mobile wallets, while older generations

may be slower to do so.

Significance of the Study

This research is focused on Mobile Wallet adoption of selected College Students

of Guimba Nueva Ecija as the findings will rebound to the benefit of the students also it

will increase their knowledge in using mobile wallet moderately and correctly.

School Administrators. The result of the research will benefit the school administration

because they will know that Mobile wallet transactions generate digital receipts and

records, which can be easily tracked and managed by the school’s administration. This

reduces the risk of errors and simplifies financial record-keeping.

Teachers. The result of this study will benefit the teachers beacause they can make

cashless payments for various services like online courses, educational apps, or even

ordering teaching materials online, enhancing their overall convenience.

Students. They will surely benefit from this research work, as they will be able to store

their payment information in a mobile wallet app, allowing for quick and easy

transactions for various expenses such as food, transportation, and textbooks.

Scope and Delimitation

This quantitative research aims to determine the “Mobile Wallet Adoption of

Selected College Students of Guimba, Nueva Ecija”. This study is focused only for

Selected College students of College for Research and Technology, Our Lady of sacred

Heart College of Guimba, Colleges of Advance Technology and Management, and World

Citi Colleges at Guimba, Nueva Ecija, and specifically aimed to gather data through

online survey questionnaire answered by one hundred (100) students from College for

Research and Technology, Our Lady of sacred Heart College of Guimba, Colleges of

Advance Technology and Management, and World Citi Colleges. The main purpose of

this study is to determine the Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students of

Guimba, Nueva Ecija.

Theoretical Framework

This study was related to the “Technology Acceptance Model Theory” This

theory suggests that users’ acceptance and adoption of a technology, in this case, mobile

wallets, is influenced by two primary factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of

use. According to this theory, individuals are more likely to adopt mobile wallet if they

perceive them as useful for their daily transactions and find them easy to use. Perceive

usefulness can be related to factors like convenience, security, and cost-effectiveness.

Perceived ease of use refers to how a straightforward it is for individuals to learn and use

the mobile wallet (Davis, 1989).

Conceptual Framework


What is thee
demographic profile
of the respondents in
" Mobile Wallet
terms of;
Survey design Adoption of Selected
1.1 Sex
Survey questionnaire
1.2 Age College Students of
1.3 School Guimba, Nueva


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The Researchers adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model. It includes all the

materials and the information that are needed in the process. The concept model, as

shown in the figure 1 indicates the demographic profile in terms of age, sex, school. For

the process, it demonstrates the research design which is descriptive design and a survey

questionnaire tool will be used. And lastly, the output contains the Mobile Wallet

Adoption of Selected College Students of Guimba, Nueva Ecija

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined on its operational meaning in order to present the

understanding of the whole concept of the study.

Adoption- the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's

own, or the fact of being adopted.

Application- an act of putting something to use.

Consumers- a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Mobile- able to move or be moved freely or easily.

Mobile Wallet- a digital way to store credit, debit, ID, and gift cards so that purchases

can be made using a mobile smart device rather than a physical card

Technology- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or


Transactions- an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.

Wallet- a small flat folded case, usually made of leather or plastic, in which you can keep

banknotes and credit cards.

Transactions- an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.


Review of Related Literature

Local Literature
According to Wikipedia, 2020 E-wallet is a fintech tool; whereas fintech is

defined as a technology utilised in multiple businesses such as books, transportation,

telecommunications and finance-related products. Scholars have generally adapted the

definition of fintech defined by Financial Stability Board in which fintech is described as

technology that enhances financial products and services. This process affects the

financial market and traditional financial institutions regarding their processes,

applications, products and services (Navaretti et al., 2018; Schindler, 2017). Meanwhile,

the ever-increasing global demand for paperless payment systems has turned the mindsets

of consumers to consider using e-wallets, and can the advances being made may change

the dynamics e-wallet acceptance significantly (Shekhar et al., 2020).

The widespread availability of smartphones, the arrival of the mobile enabled shopping

environment and the proliferation of digitally-native generations consumers require

cutting-edge, highly-secured financial solution that makes money from physical wallet

going to mobile and take mobile payment from is just an industry pipedream to a reality.

There are many research paper has defined the mobile wallet and according to

(Aydin,2016). It is the competency and usage of the mobile devices to proceed payment

for goods, services, as well as bills by exploring the availability of communication

technologies of wireless basically as the capability of connecting for the cellular fo the

payment transaction proceeded by mobile devices (Amoroso,2013) based on the mobile

payment system description. In terms of the functionality, we can define as mobile wallet

is a payment application or a platform in the design of mobile wallet which enable smart

phones to proceed as a cashless tool device, and also to store for different and keep credit

card information where its users can be convenient for in-store payment as well as

authorized merchandise (Klenton, 2019)

Mobile wallet refers to a software application that enables mobile devices to store

payment cards, receipts, money balance, vouchers, tickets, loyalty cards, and other

similar items. Users are allowed to store money and perform transactions through a phone

or other device (Melissa et al., 2018). The usage of e-wallet is showing growth, and the

initial transaction value for the mobile wallet in Indonesia was at approximately $1.5

billion in 2018 (Timones, 2019). In 2020, the value is expected to exceed $15 billion,

which is aided through the massive success and rapid growth of mobile wallet adoption

(Timones, 2019). It is reported that there is a total of thirty-one e-payment providers that

are licensed under Bank Indonesia in 2018. Moreover, Indonesia and the Philippines have

the most growth potential for an e-wallet. Indonesia has successfully increased its growth

from 10% to the total number of 36% in 2018. There are approximately 150 players in

Indonesia for e-wallet (Timones, 2019). The top e- wallet players in Indonesia today are

GOPAY, OVO, Dana, and LinkAja, and they have the highest number of active monthly

users (MIA, 2020).

According to Amoroso and Magnier-Watanabe (2012) defined MW as an

electronic wallet (E-Wallet) that enables users to make financial transactions through a

mobile device. MWs are digital forms and they are equivalent to an ordinary physical

wallet. Users easily can spend the money from their wallets and make a payment

whenever they purchase a product or service. Also, for a mobile wallet, users can deposit

a specific amount of money through over the counter (OTC), a debit card, a credit card,

mobile banking or online banking that can be utilized to make payments. The advantages

of using the MW are reducing the need for banknotes or cash, utilizing various types of

financial transactions, earning discount coupons from user loyalty programs, and

supporting the government for greater financial inclusion and transparency (Shin, 2009).

Shin (2009) also stated that MW can be utilized to transact through multi-channels such

as consumer to business (C2B), business to consumer (B2C, and consumer to consumer

(C2C). Chawla and Joshi (2019) explained that MW is basically similar to the concepts

of mobile banking. MW can be assumed as an additional module of mobile banking

wherein users can keep their personal details along with the information of different types

of payment. Thus, MWs has become an alternative method even for customers of banks

to avoid using the ATMs and visiting the physical branches frequently Nag & Gilitwala,


In the current scenario, mobile wallets are playing an important role in today’s

life. The mobile phone users are adopting new technologies for their benefits. The mobile

phone user feels comfortable and flexible to perform online payment transactions through

a mobile device. This study has considered that trust is a factor that affects users’

satisfaction directly. Users’ satisfaction positively influences the actual usage of mobile

wallets. After demonetization, our Indian Economy is moving towards cashless

transactions. Mobile wallet makes everyone’s life comfortable to do 24/7online

transaction. Security and privacy are the component of trust which is the main important

factors determines mobile wallet adoption and user’s satisfaction. Several researchers

have contributed studies to examine the influence of trust on mobile wallet adoption. This

paper review literature and proposes a conceptual model. The researcher attempt to

review literature on influence of trust and its effects on user’s satisfaction.

Foreign Literature
According to (Hord 2005) In the early days, electronic payment can be

managed by using several methods such as debit/credit card, Automated Clearing House

(ACH) network which consists of direct debit, e-cheque, and direct deposit.Besides, by

using Near Field Communications (NFC) technology, Google became the starter in

launching a mobile wallet (m-wallet) around 2011.At that point of time, these

transactions can only be made on mobile devices and received by only a few merchants,

but it was very popular.

According to Mahran and Enaba, 2011; Badran, 2016; Humbani and Wiese 2019;

Herget and Krey 2021, Understanding customer intention and the adoption of mobile

wallet have been recently the focus for both scholars and practitioners worldwide. Indeed,

by using different approaches and according to various theoretical foundations, scholars

gradually attempt to explain how customer formulate their perception, attitude, intention

and behavior toward mobile wallet usage in everyday life.

According to Peha and khamitov 2004, Literature indicates that the adoption of

online transaction is highly governed by customer satisfaction and their choices of

method transaction. However, it helps in service inprovements and can create positive or

negative user generated content which is a better measure for usage satisfaction. Helps to

maintain the transactional relationship between merchant and costumer.

According to eGHL, a Malaysian payment company cooperating with more than

100 payment channels around ASEAN-5, China, Middle East, New Zealand and

Australia, online wallet is recognized based on the payment method and the openness

level. There are three groups of online wallet: digital wallet, e-wallet and mobile wallet.

Personal information in a credit/debit card is stored, and payment deduction is

conducted automatically from the bank/credit account if customers use digital wallet. e-

wallet is different from the former, and credit/debit card is not requisite since users are

enabled to use e-wallet by top-up money in e-wallet. Then, the amount of credit value is

reloaded and deducted from the wallet account. However, in line with digital wallet, e-

wallet does not also permit users depositing money from physical points as shops or

counters. Therefore, without bank accounts, customers are unable to use digital wallet

and e-wallet, which build the constraint on spreading online wallet usage. As a result,

mobile wallet is created to remove this boundery since payment transfers are accepted via

physical agencies such as stores, shops or counters by simple tapping or scanning.

According to Albashrawi and Motiwalla 2019 Antecedents of trust are factors like

talent, kindness and honesty Such concerns surrounding information privacy entails the

access of information residing in the system which is meant to be accessed by the mobile

payment application. Information privacy is related to access rights granted to the mobile

application to access data in the mobile device like location data, messages, files on the

memory, usage data and network usage data.

Local Studies

Such privacy concerns could be related to access and use of sensitive

personal information within or outside the boundary of the firm for unintended usage.

Information privacy is protected; customers should be more satisfied about their service

encounters. Indicates that technology plays a vital role in increasing the growth of mobile

payments service in purchasing good and services. You can also store your loyalty cards,

coupons, and tickets in one place, and access them whenever you need them.users can

store different payment instruments (e.g., cards, transfers) to make mobile payments.

Mobile payments can help the provision of payment services especially person-to-person.

According to (Wycech, 2015) However, only a card-based e-wallet is linked to

the card scheme. In Malaysia, the examples of network-based e-wallets are Touch n Go

e-wallet and Boost. Meanwhile, Aeon wallet and BigPay wallet are famous examples of

card-based e-wallet.To seek consumers’ attention, the providers commonly serve plenty

of incentives as a reward for using their services.Some e-wallet providers offer

consumers to save on costs provided by their related services. For example, there will be

no processing fee for AirAsia ticket purchases made by travelers who pay using the Big

Pay wallet.

The purpose of this article is to explore the mediating role of perceived

usefulness, trust and attitude on a user’s intention towards use of mobile wallets in India.

While mediation has been studied by earlier researchers in the context of online

commerce, mobile banking, short message service (SMS) banking, mobile money, etc.,

not many studies exist in the context of mobile wallets. Considering the potential of

mobile wallets in India, previous relationships from the theories of technology adoption

like technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of

technology (UTAUT) were adapted to investigate the determinants of user attitude and

intention towards mobile wallet adoption. Based on data from 744 respondents collected

through a survey, partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modelling was used to

test the research model. Convenience sampling was used to select the respondents. The

results revealed that out of the nine paths wherein mediation was examined, in two paths

full mediation was found while it was partial in the remaining cases. This study extends

research in explaining attitude and intention through multiple mediating relationships.

The implications for research and practice and future research directions are discussed.

An E-wallet service is an innovative technology that can be acknowledged as a

virtual wallet where a user of the registered E-wallet can make instant payments and

perform other transactions using a smartphone. The advanced technology of E-wallets

contributes to users by helping them be more accessible to financial services. In recent

years, E-wallets have been trending steadily due to their effective results in various

economies (Singh et al., 2017). The convenience of making payments without being

limited to location and time is one of the offers provided by mobile payment services.

The features offered by E-wallet services have made it an alternative method for easy

transactions as payments can be processed without any restrictions using a smartphone

(Teoh et al., 2020).

According to Doan (2014) he conducted a study to understand consumer adoption

on mobile wallet in Finland area. This research was designed in quantitative method

using questionnaire which was sent to potential respondents in Finland. The study

measures the market condition of mobile wallet users. The study findings reveal that the

usage of mobile wallet is only in the initial stage and respondents are showing positive

attitudes towards usage of mobile wallets. Research concluded that the trust factor reveals

the positive or negative impact of adoption of user, depending on the user satisfaction and

user's situation.

According to Doan (2014) he conducted a study to understand consumer adoption

on mobile wallet in Finland area. This research was designed in quantitative method

using questionnaire which was sent to potential respondents in Finland. The study

measures the market condition of mobile wallet users. The study findings reveal that the

usage of mobile wallet is only in the initial stage and respondents are showing positive

attitudes towards usage of mobile wallets. Research concluded that the trust factor reveals

the positive or negative impact of adoption of user, depending on the user satisfaction and

user's situation.

Foreign Studies

According to Poonam Painuly and Shalu Rathi (2016) in their research

paper "Mobile Wallet: An upcoming mode of business transaction "have analyses that

ease of transaction, secured profile and convenience in handling application put forth the

benefits of wallet money and also concluded the business sectors like banking, retail,

hospitality etc., are making use of wallet money and mobile payment instruments

including contactless and remote payment in the customer to customer areas.

Anjani Kumar and Sai Prasad Seri (2014) in their article discusses about the facts

and trends of Mobile wallet and its importance to the bank. For banks, the mobile wallet

presents an opportunity to increase their share of the costumer's wallet. As the number of

players entering the mobile wallet fray increases by the day, the race for dominance in

this space will only get more competitive. It would be a mistake for banks to look at the

mobile wallet as just another alternative payment instrument. Also, banks must not go

solo in their mobile wallets offerings undertaking. Collaborative Partnersips is the key.

According to Govender and Sihlali (2014) they explored the factors determine the

adoption of mobile banking (on-banking) services among students who are more

technically knowledgeable. The questionnaire is prepared based on the qualitative

approach. Based on the extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, the theoretical

framework is developed to investigate the factors that determine student's acceptance

mobile banking. The constructs of TAM for mobile adoption such as Perceived Ease of

Use, Perceived usefulness,Perceived value,Trust intention to Use,and Usage Behavior

were used. The statistical tool multiple regression analysis was used to examine the

influence of independent variable of intention to use m-banking. The Independent

variable trust,perceived value,perceived ease of use and social influence any

account for 42percent on the influence dependent variable.

According to Cabanillas, (2015) they have developed a model to examine

user’s intention to use mobile payment based on TAM and MPTAM (Mobile Payment

Technology Acceptance Model). The study was investigated the moderator effect of the

users age between the subjective rules and the facility of use. They survey has been

conducted among the 2012 national panel of internet user (physical & virtual). The

analysis data shows that sn internet user behavior is influenced by their intention to use

new tools. The study findings show that most of the younger mobile payment users

satisfied and accepted the mobile technology tool when compared to older mobile user.

This study has indicated that older consumers are stronger relationship between facility to

use and subjective rules. So mobile technology provider should give more attention to

older consumers to create knowledge about usable of new tools.

According to Meuthia (2015) the study has been investigated that empirically the

experiences satisfaction o e money adoption in Indonesia. In this study the trust was

considered as an important factor for e-money adopt, and at the time of promotes the

system quality and participation of user. The research proposed that trust factors have

high level followed by the others stimulants variables. The study concluded that trust and

distrust were strongly influenced the level of user’s satisfaction on e-money adoption in



Mobile wallet is playing an important role in today's life. This can make

everyone's life comfortable to do 24/7 online transactions. Several researchers have

contributed studies to examine the influence of trust on mobile wallet adoption. Some

literature indicates that the adoption of online transaction is highly governed by customer

satisfaction and their choices of method transaction. Mobile wallet is an innovative

technology that can be acknowledge as a virtual wallet where a user of the registered

mobile wallet can make an instant payments and perform other transactions using

smartphone. The advanced technology can also contribute to users by helping them to be

more accessible to services. According to an article by Iman (20218), Going digital is a

phenomenon no sector can afford to ignore. Irrespective of the industry one is operating

in—whether large or small scale, traditional or e-commerce, consumer interfacing or

industrial—every sector is bound to get affected by the digital wave that would sooner or

later transform the landscape of the economy. Mobile phones have affected the lives of

billions of people around the globe and have transformed telephony tremendously. The

number of mobile phones in use surpasses every other technical device that can be used

to market, sell, produce, or deliver products and services to consumers. This has opened

lucrative opportunities to both merchants and service providers. According to Meyll and

Walter (2018), The increasing number of smartphone owners worldwide has paved the

way for traditional banking payment services, and non-financial companies, like Google,

to attract new customers and open up new markets by extending their range of products

and services, particularly those concerning offering innovative payment alternatives.

Mobile payments are a broad umbrella term used for all kinds of smartphone-enabled

payment solutions such as mobile banking, mobile wallets, NFC-enabled payment

solutions, etc. All payment solutions on a mobile device come under the purview of

mobile payments. Thus mobile wallets can store a variety of data, such as credit card

details, passport information, etc, thereby supplementing a conventional wallet.



The procedure of data gathering and analysis methods that the researchers used on

their research is the focus of research methodology. The reader can evaluate the

reliability and credibility of the researchers' research by reading this section.

Research Design

Descriptive research under Non-Experimental Applied Research is the

type of research design that the researchers applied to their study, where the research's

main objective is to provide a description of a phenomenon or a list of its features. Such

research is required to record the current situation or do a requirements analysis in the

area of interest mentioned (Belli, n.d.).

Research Environment

This study is carried out at College for Research and Technology, Our lady of

Sacred Heart College of Guimba, Colleges of Advanced Technology and Management

and World Citi Colleges. The aforementioned school is located in Brgy. San Antonio,

Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. The campus spans 3.75 hectares and comprises approximately 15

buildings including senior high school faculty building for each strand namely; STEM,




Figure 2. Environment of the Study

Research Respondents

The data for this study are gathered and collected from College Students of

Guimba, Nueva Ecija, from different schools namely; College for Research and

Technology, Our Lady of sacred Heart College of Guimba, Colleges of Advance

Technology and Management, and World Citi Colleges. This study aims to obtain one

hundred (100) respondents and in order to reach the one hundred (100)

respondents needed for this study, 25 participants from each of the four schools are

expected to respond to the provided survey questionnaires.

Samples and Sampling Procedure

Randomly selected college students in Guimba Nueva Ecija who are using a

Mobile Wallet are the participants in this study, and they provided the data required for

the success of this research. This study adopted convenience sampling because the

information to be acquired will come from the researcher’s fellow students who are

studying at the nearby town. This indicates that the researchers would find it simple and

convenient to gather information because they were already familiar with the respondents

and can easily approach them.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers made survey questionnaire and distributed online.

The questionnaire consisted of questions that gave the necessary data. This online survey

questionnaire was answered by the respondents in which they will read the letter first.

The survey questionnaire contained the demographic profile of the students

including the age, sex and school. It was also included the possible mobile wallet

adoption of selected college students of Guimba, Nueva Ecija

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for this research are collected using an online survey questionnaire. The

survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and

individual questions formed by the researchers. The research assured confidentially of

their survey sheets since the identities are not important. The researchers also understood

that people’s consciousness may also affect their honesty in answering the survey, and so,

the researchers gave people the option of being anonymous. All appropriately fulfilled

questionnaires were retrieved, prepared, organized, and compiled for analysis of data.

Statistical Treatment

As soon as the researchers gathered the data, they compiled, sorted, organized and

tabulated. They were subject to statistical treatment in order to answer the questions

proposed in the study. The statistical tools employed were the frequency distribution,

percentage, ordinal scale and weighted mean.

1. Frequency distribution is an arrangement of the data which shows the frequency

of different values or groups of variables.

2. Percentage is to be used to determine the proportion of each given data by using

the formula.

3. Weighted mean, the arithmetic average obtained by adding all the arithmetic

scores divided by the number of cases as presented by the formula.

4. Likert Scale- applies the data that are divided to different categories that can be



Scale Mean-Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.24 Agree

2 1.75-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree


Presentation, Analysis, And Interpretation of Data

This part presents the results and the data obtained from the respondents. In this

chapter, analysis and interpretation of data are shown that tackle the demographic profile

of the respondents as well as the results of the problems that were included in Chapter 1

of this study, such as the challenges and strategies used by 11-STEM students to quickly

and easily recall and retain mathematical formulas.

Section 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The demographic profile of the respondents is shown in Section 1 in terms of sex,

age, and school.

Table 1. Profile of Respondents in terms of Sex.

Sex f %

Male 32 32%

Female 68 68%

Total 100 100%

Sex- Table 1 presented the findings indicated that most of the respondents were

female comprising of 68 or 68% while male students got 32 or 32% out of overall 100


Table 2. Profile of Respondents in terms of Age

Age f %

18-20 67 67%

21-24 29 29%

31-35 4 4%

Total 100 100%

Age- Table 2 indicates that out of 100 respondents 67 were coming under the age

of 18 to 20, followed by respondents from 21 to 24 years old, got 29. While 31 to 35

years old got 4 respondents with a total count of 100.

Table 3. Profile of Respondents in terms of School.

School f %

Colleges of 25 25%
and Management

Colleges for Research and 25 25%


Our Lady of Sacred Heart 25 25%

College of Guimba

World Citi Colleges 25 25%

Total 100 100%

School- Table 3 shown that the four schools had equal number of

participants.Catman, CRT, Olscho and WCC had 25 respondents each with a total count

of 100.

Section 2. Questionnaire and its Interpretation

In this section, the data obtained in each statement are being interpreted and their

qualitative description is being identified.


AWM- Average Weighted Mean QD- Qualitative Description

Table 4. The student’s lives made easier by using mobile wallet.

The student’s lives made easier by using mobile wallet AWM Rank QD

1.Allowing me to access campus facilities and services 3.18 5 Agree

using my smartphones.
2.Offer me cashback, rewards, or discounts 3.18 6 Agree

3. It reduces the time I spend waiting in line at retail 3.31 3 Strongly

stores. Agree
4. More convenient for me to pay everyday expenses like 3.11 8 Agree
meals or transportation.
5.Help me keep track my spending and budget more 2.57 10 Agree

6.This is a secure way to store and use my payment
information. 3.07 9 Agree

7.Reduce the need to carry cash, making it safer for 3.25 4 Strongly
student like me. Agree

8. It helps me to pay if there is a sudden payment at 3.17 7 Agree

9. It is easier for me to send and receive money from 3.44 1.5 Strongly
friend and family.

10. Its save my time and reduce the hassle from making 3.44 1.5 Strongly
Overall Mean 3.17 Agree

Table 4 contained the student’s lives made easier by using mobile wallet. Among

all ten statement, statement numbers 9 and 10 gained the highest mean and also tied with

the 3.44 mean which had a “Strongly Agree” on its description. Other than statement

number 3 and 7 also dropped below the “Strongly Agree” description which has a mean

of 3.31 and 3.25 respectively. The statement number 5 got the lowest mean with 2.57

which had an” Agree” Statement. This table obtained 3.17as an overall mean and this

indicates the “Agree” description.

Table 5. The most user-friendly mobile wallet.

Most user-friendly mobile wallet AWM Rank QD

1.Gcash 3.70 1 Strongly


2.ShopeePay 2.82 2 Agree

3. PayPal 2.62 5 Agree

4. PayMaya 2.66 3 Agree

5.Samsung Pay/ Samsung Wallet 2.37 8 Strongly

6.Alipay 2.3 10 Strongly


7.Apple Pay/ Apple Wallet 2.44 7 Strongly


8. Cash App 2.62 4 Agree

9. Coinbase 2.35 9 Strongly


10. Google Pay 2.51 6 Agree

Overall Mean 2.64 Agree

The table 5 presented the most user-friendly mobile wallet. Among all ten

statements, statement number 1 has gained the highest mean with 3.70 which is under the

“Strongly Agree” description. On the other hand, statement number 6 gained the lowest

mean with 2.47 which is under the “Strongly disagree” description. Other than statement

number 5,7 and 9 also dropped below the “Strongly Disagree” description. This table

obtained 2.64 as an overall mean and this indicates the “Agree” description.

Table 6. The advantage and disadvantage of mobile wallet.

Advantage and disadvantage of mobile wallet AW Rank QD


1.It makes my transaction quickly and easily. 3.49 2 Strongly


2. It allows me to send money to friends and family with 2.53 5 Agree
a few taps.
3. It is more convenient for me than traditional cash or 3.44 3 Strongly
card payments.

4.It allows me to make payments, transfers, and purchases 3.77 1 Strongly

from anywhere.

5.It reduces my need to carry physical cards. 3.33 4 Strongly



1.It requires an internet or data connection to function. 3.31 3 Strongly


2. My cellphone doesn’t support mobile wallet. 2.47 5 Strongly


3.It is susceptible to hacking and fraud, which may lead to 3.06 4 Agree
the loss of my sensitive financial information.
4.Not all business or regions accept mobile payments. 3.32 2 Strongly

5.Sometimes network connections are slow. 3.40 1 Strongly


Overall Mean 3.21 Strongly

The table 6 presented the advantage and disadvantage of mobile wallet. Among

all five advantage of mobile wallet statement, statement number 4 has gained the highest

mean with 3.77 which is under the “Strongly agree” on its description and statement

number 2 got the lowest mean with 2.53 which is under the “Agree” description. While

on the five disadvantage of mobile wallet statement, statement number five has gained

the highest mean with 3.40 which is under the “Strongly Agree” description. This table

obtained 3.21 as an overall mean and this indicates the “Strongly” Agree”Description.


The demographic profile of the respondents in term of sex was 68% of them are

female and 32% of them are male; in number, there are 68 females and 32 males who

participated in this study. When it comes to age, 67% of them are 18 to 20 years old,

while 29% of them are 21 to 24 years old and 4% of them are 31 to 35 years old. And

when it comes to school, the researchers decided to conduct a survey from the four

colleges in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, which are CRT, CATMAN, OLSCHO and WCC had a

25% respondents each with a total count of 100.

Table 4 shows the student’s lives made easier by using mobile wallet. “It is easier

for me to send and receive money from friend and family” and “Its save my time and

reduce the hassle from making transactions” are the statements that gained the highest

mean with a 3.44 under the description of “Strongly Agree”. This was followed by the

statement “It reduces the time I spend waiting in line at retail stores” which fell under the

third rank with a mean of 3.31 that indicates a “Strongly Agree” description. While the

statement that obtained the fourth rank and gathered a mean of 3.25, which means

“Strongly Agree,” is the statement that states that “Reduce the need to carry cash, making

it safer for student like me.” The statement that gained the highest mean, “It is easier for

me to send and receive money from friend and family” and “Its save my time and reduce

the hassle from making transactions” is being supported by the statement given by Acker

and Murthy (2018) in their article, wherein they concluded that the advantages of mobile

wallets for consumers, as with other m-payment solutions, include ease and convenience.

On the other hand, the statement “It allows me to make payments, transfers, and

purchases from anywhere” has validated the findings of the study by Qasim and Abu-Shanab

(2016) that the ability to perform a transaction without limits of location or time.

Moreover, the statements “It requires an internet or data connection to

function”and“Sometimes my network connection are slow” are similarly related to study

provided by Kongaut and Lis (2017) that Despite offering convenience and advantages

to consumers, the adoption and use of mobile-based payment methods, including mobile

wallets, has been slow in both developed and emerging countries.

As well as the one statement that the most user-friendly mobile wallet that placed

1 in the rank; “GCash” and this statement could be related to an article by Cudis, C.

(2019) that GCash being the leader in the mobile wallet segment, aims to continuously

innovate and improve the user experience through added-value services and features. It is

also stated that mostly people who use mobile wallets prefer GCash among others

because it charges low or no service fees for digital transactions. Users feel safe to use

online transaction with GCash because it also provides users with increased security and

peace of mind when using the app with the recent launch of Customer Protect, a program

that provides compensation for unauthorized financial transactions on their GCash app.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

The summary and findings, the conclusion for the study’s outcomes, and the

researchers’ recommendations are being presented in this chapter.


The research was conducted to determine the mobile wallet adoption of selected

college students in Guimba, Nueva Ecija. A descriptive method was used in this study,

and a self-made questionnaire was the main tool in the data gathering procedure, which

was done through Google Forms with a total of 100 respondents.


The following are the results obtained based on the data gathered for this study:

1. Most of the participants for this study are female which consists of 68 while

on the other hand male respondents are consists of 32. Most of the

respondents answered this study are 18 to 21 years old, followed by 21 to 24

years old that got a 29 respondents and 31 to 35 years old respondents got 4.

Students from four schools of College in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, which are

CRT, CATMAN, OLSCHO, and WCC, are the researchers’ chosen

participants, wherein there are 25 respondents from each school in order to

complete the 100 respondents who participated in this study.

2. According to the findings of this study, It is easier for a student to send and

receive money from friend and family and It save their time and reduce the

hassle by just using mobile wallet and it helps their lives easier from making


3. Based on the findings of this study, students find that GCash is the most user-

friendly mobile wallet because its intuitive interface, seamless navigation, and

user-centric features contributing a positive user experience.

4. According to the findings of this study, the advantage of using mobile wallet

is it allows users to make payments, transfers, and purchases from anywhere

and also, it makes the transaction quickly and easily with only a few taps.

While on the disadvantage of using mobile wallet, sometimes network

connection is slow and not all business or regions accept mobile payment.


Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions were drawn

1. The students can make transactions quickly and easily with only a few taps

especially if there is a sudden payment.

2. Since GCash stands out as the most-user friendly mobile wallet, students have a

better experience in accessing the services such as easy fund transfers, bill

payments, and diverse financial functionalities.

3. The study found that mobile wallets provide convenience and secure digital

payment solutions and reducing reliance on physical cash and gives ease in

making transactions, accessing financial information, and managing funds.


The following recommendations are created and listed with the basis of

the results gathered in this study.

1. Future researchers can also include students from other school for

better results of the study.

2. The users should value the ease of transactions, with features like

contactless payments and QR code scanning.

3. The researcher also recommend that users should explore the security

features such as biometric authentication, tokenization, and secure


4. In addition, users should secure their financial information.


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Appendix A

Letter to the Respondents

January 2024

Dear Respondents,

As part of our research entitled "Mobile Wallet adoption of selected College students in
Guimba, Nueva Ecija” We, Grade-12 ABM Fayol would like to seek your involvement
as one of our respondents. The responses and personal details will be recorded with
confidentiality. Your participation to this survey is a significant contribution to the
accomplishment of this research.Your answer will be appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Very Respectfully Yours,

Jessa Mae J. Carbonel

Raymond D. Zamora

Adrian E. Cacho

Gillian R. Espejo

Alexa C. Diaz


Research Adviser

Appendix B
Self-Made Survey Tool

“Mobile Wallet Adoption of Selected College Students”

Part I. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): ___________________________________
Sex: ____________________________
Age: ________________
School: _________

Part II.
Direction: Read and analyze the following statements. Put a check (/) on the box that
corresponds to your answer.
1. Strongly Disagree (SD) 3. Agree (A)
2. Disagree (D) 4. Strongly Agree (SA)
The student’s lives made easier by using mobile SA A D SD
4 3 2 1
1.Allowing me to access campus facilities and
services using my smartphones.
2.Offer me cashback, rewards, or discounts
3. It reduces the time I spend waiting in line at
retail stores.
4. More convenient for me to pay everyday
expenses like meals or transportation.
5.Help me keep track my spending and budget
more effectively.
6.This is a secure way to store and use my payment

7.Reduce the need to carry cash, making it safer for
student like me.
8. It helps me to pay if there is a sudden payment at
9. It is easier for me to send and receive money
from friend and family.
10. Its save my time and reduce the hassle from
making transactions.

Most user-friendly mobile wallet SA A D SD

4 3 2 1


3. PayPal

4. PayMaya

5.Samsung Pay/ Samsung Wallet


7.Apple Pay/ Apple Wallet

8. Cash App

9. Coinbase

10. Google Pay

Advantage and disadvantage of mobile wallet SA A D SD
4 3 2 1

1.It makes my transaction quickly and easily.

2. It allows me to send money to friends and

family with a few taps.
3. It is more convenient for me than traditional cash
or card payments.
4.It allows me to make payments, transfers, and
purchases from anywhere.
5.It reduces my need to carry physical cards.


1.It requires an internet or data connection to

2. My cellphone doesn’t support mobile wallet.

3.It is susceptible to hacking and fraud, which may

lead to the loss of my sensitive financial
4.Not all business or regions accept mobile
5.Sometimes network connections are slow.

Appendix C


Photo A. Researchers Formulating a Survey

Photo B. Respondents
answering the Survey

Photo C. Researchers Tallying the Data


Table 1. Total Collated Data for Statement of the Problem 1.3

I. School


No. of Respondents 25 25 25 25 100

Table 2. Total Collated Data for Statement of the Problem 2

II. The student’s lives made easier by

SOP using mobile wallet TOTAL x
1 22 72 6 2 100 3.18
2 26 66 8 0 100 3.18
3 37 55 9 0 100 3.31
4 21 69 9 2 100 3.11
5 29 59 12 0 100 2.57
6 15 77 7 2 100 3.07
7 28 67 6 0 100 3.25
8 28 62 9 1 100 3.17
9 46 52 2 0 100 3.44
10 37 63 3 1 100 3.44

Table 3. Total Collated Data for Statement of the Problem 3

III. Most-user friendly mobile wallet

1 67 34 0 0 100 3.70
2 14 59 22 5 100 2.82
3 12 44 37 8 100 2.62
4 12 50 30 8 100 2.66
5 4 42 41 13 100 2.37
6 2 40 44 14 100 2.3
7 6 44 38 12 100 2.44
8 11 49 30 11 100 2.62
9 43 41 44 12 100 2.35
10 8 45 36 12 100 2.51

Table 4. Total Collated Data for Statement of the Problem 4

IV. Advantage and Disadvantage of

SOP mobile wallet TOTAL x
1 49 51 0 0 100 3.49
2 54 45 1 0 100 2.53
3 42 54 7 0 100 3.44
4 40 57 3 0 100 3.77
5 37 60 2 1 100 3.33
6 34 61 6 0 100 3.31
7 12 35 38 18 100 2.47
8 28 52 18 2 100 3.06
9 3 59 11 1 100 3.32
10 41 58 1 0 100 3.40

Curriculum Vitae
Carbonel, Jessa Mae J.
Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Contact No: 09107160313

Age: 17
Birth Place: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Birth Date: October 09, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Name of Mother: Marilyn J. Carbonel
Name of Father: Sixto D. Carbonel Jr.


Elementary Education

School: Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Secondary Education

School: Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

Address: San Antonio, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Vitae
Diaz, Alexa C.
Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Contact No: 09532502174

Age: 17
Birth Place: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Birth Date: August 01, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Name of Mother: Melinda C. Diaz
Name of Father: Alex E. Diaz


Elementary Education

School: Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Secondary Education

School: Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

Address: San Antonio, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Vitae
Espejo, Gillian R.
Address: Cacapasan, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Contact No: 09557022587

Age: 17
Birth Place: Cacapasan, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Birth Date: April 06, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again
Civil Status: Single
Name of Mother: Janice Reyes
Name of Father: Gilbert M. Espejo


Elementary Education

School: Central Elementary School

Address: Plaridel, Lumang Bayan, Bulacan

Secondary Education

School: Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

Address: San Antonio, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Vitae
Cacho, Adrian E.
Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Contact No: 09121019758

Age: 17
Birth Place: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Birth Date: May 18, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Name of Mother: Roselyn E. Cacho
Name of Father: Arnel S. Cacho


Elementary Education

School: Sta. Cruz Elementary School

Address: Sta. Cruz, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Secondary Education

School: Dr. Ramon de Santos National High School

Address: San Antinio, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Vitae
Zamora, Raymond D.
Address: Salagusog, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Contact No: 09266244637

Age: 17
Birth Place: Salagusog, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija
Birth Date: March 25, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Civil Status: Single
Name of Mother: Dina D. Zamora
Name of Father: Roderick D. Zamora


Elementary Education

School: Salagusog Elementary School

Address: Salagusog, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Secondary Education

School: Salagusog National High School

Address: Salagusog, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija


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