Content Creating Proposal

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Content Creating Proposal

(content and prices can be negotiable according to the needs of the brand)

These are our answers for a few questions Ryan asked us, in case you have similar doubts:

● Content Ownership: Onward Ticket holds the rights as long as: The people who
are identifiable in the video or photo do not appear in an unfavorable, offensive or
against human rights situation and does not sell the videos and photos on another
● Compensation Structure: The value is relative to each video or photo produced.
● Making and Approving Videos: All videos are posted with approval from you at
Onward Ticket. Production is made considering the time of the year, the country
we are at and the type of audience. If you have suggestions for specific videos or
topics that need to be mentioned, they are added to the planning. If there are
topics and/or words that must be avoided, we need prior instructions.
● Frequency and Schedule: The creation of the schedule will depend on the type of
package, we will present our deals and options below, but yes, a schedule is
created, with a previous delivery date for approval and posting. The amount of time
we have to produce everything will depend on the number of videos the company
asks for and the complexity of them (should be analyzed and agreed by both
● Video Editing and Final Format: The final format is MP4, as it can be
compressed without losing video and audio quality, but if you prefer another
format, it can be done. If you want 2 different formats, a fee is charged for the

We have 3 different plans and we modified them according to Onward Ticket's needs. If you
find the need to alter something, don’t hesitate to contact us.


This is the most economic package, it only includes vertical MP4 videos of a maximum of 60
seconds with subtitles.
Includes production, script creation, creation/recording using our own equipment, editing and
sending the content.


● 2 to 4 videos per week (depending on the package chosen). Vertical MP4 videos of
a maximum of 60 seconds;
● Subtitles for the videos;
● One thumbnail for each video included.

* Does not include monthly schedule, posting on social media (Instagram and
TikTok), captions for posts, searching for trending hashtags, monitoring through
analytics (Instagram/TikTok) with monthly report, monitoring through analytics
(Instagram/TikTok), support for comments and private messages.
Suggested contract start date and production time:

● January 1, Monday, 2024, which would be also the payday;

● We have 4 work days to produce the content after payment, meaning, the content
is sent for approval on the 4th of January, if there's no delay on payment;
● The feedback is given on the same day or until January 4th, 2024, and we have
until the following day to make changes if necessary;
● If there's the need to change something after the deadline, an amount between
US$10 to US$50 per video, depending on how much needs to be changed and
how fast;
● The payment and work schedule will follow this scheme:

○ Payment every Monday;

○ Delivery for review every Thursday (can be delivered before the
○ Feedback and possible changes every Thursday;
○ Changes must be submitted until Friday.


● 2 videos per week:

○ US$440 monthly via bank transfer (+US$25 via PayPal);

○ Weekly payment of US$110 via bank transfer (+US$6,25 via PayPal).

● 3 videos per week:

○ US$660 monthly via bank transfer (+US$40 via PayPal);

○ Weekly payment of US$165 via bank transfer (+US$6,25 via PayPal).

● 4 videos per week:

○ US$880 monthly via bank transfer (+US$50 via PayPal);
○ Weekly payment of US$220 via bank transfer (+US$6,25 via PayPal).

* Payment is required in advance to start production.

* This is a monthly contract with weekly payment.


If you need original taylor-made videos that fit and cause a bigger buzz on your profile, with
a greater variety of content and planning, this package is the perfect fit.


● 14 videos per month, being 4 videos in the first week, then 3 on the second, 4 on
the third and then 3 on the last one. The opposite can also be done if that's your
preference (3 videos on the first week, 4 videos on the second, 3 videos on the
third and 4 on the last one). All videos are vertical, in MP4 format and of a
maximum of 60 seconds;
● Subtitles for videos;
● 14 Thumbnails for the videos;
● 6 posts per month, being 1 post in the first week, then 2 on the second, 1 on the
third and then 2 on the last one. Memes, images we find online, high quality
original photos and our own personal travel photos;
● Monthly schedule;
● Subtitles for each video and post;
● Search for trending hashtags;
● Production of videos and posts following trends/anniversaries or special dates
(halloween, christmas, new year, etc.).

* Does not include posting on social media (Instagram and TikTok), monitoring
through analytics (Instagram/TikTok) with monthly report, support for comments and
private messages.

Suggested contract start date and production time:

● January 1, Monday, 2024 which would also be the payday;

● The schedule will be delivered a day after the day of the payment;
● We have 7 work days to produce the content after payment (January 10th, 7
videos and 3 posts);
● Feedback should be given until the 10th of January;
● Possible changes delivered within a maximum of two work days after feedback
(January 12th);
● If there's the need to change something after the deadline, an amount between
US$10 to US$50 per video, depending on how much needs to be changed and
how fast;
● The payment and work schedule will follow this scheme:

○ Payment every other Monday;

○ Delivery for review every other Wednesday of the following week (can be
delivered before the deadline);
○ Feedback and possible changes every other Wednesday after delivery;
○ Changes must be submitted within a maximum deadline of Friday.

● US$1.000 monthly via bank transfer (+US$60 via PayPal);

● Payment of US$500 every two weeks via bank transfer (+US$30 via PayPal);
● Payment is required in advance to start production.

* This is a 2 month minimum contract with payment every two weeks.


This plan is for needs that go beyond content production, with greater control over posts,
analytics and support for interactions on accounts (Instagram and TikTok). This would mean
having someone posting something everyday on the brands profile, making it busier and
promoting the online growth of it.


● 16 videos per month, 4 videos per week. Vertical MP4 videos of a maximum of 60
● Subtitles for videos;
● 16 thumbnails for the videos;
● 12 posts per month, 3 posts per week. Memes, images we find online, high quality
original photos and our own personal travel photos;
● Monthly schedule;
● Subtitles for each video and post;
● Search for trending hashtags;
● Production of videos and posts following trends/ephemeris;
● Responsible for posting on social media (Instagram and TikTok);
● Monitoring through analytics (Instagram/TikTok) with monthly report;
● Support for comments and private messages.

Suggested contract start date and production time:

● January 1, Monday, 2024 which would also be the payday;

● The schedule will be delivered a day after the day of the payment;
● We have 7 work days to produce the content after payment (January 10th, 8
videos and 6 posts);
● Feedback should be given until the 10th of January;
● Possible changes delivered within a maximum of two work days after feedback
(January 12th);
● If there's the need to change something after the deadline, an amount between
US$10 to US$50 per video, depending on how much needs to be changed and
how fast;
● The payment and work schedule will follow this scheme:

○ Payment every Monday;

○ Delivery for review every other Wednesday of the following week (can be
delivered before the deadline);
○ Feedback and possible changes every other Wednesday after delivery;
○ Changes must be submitted within a maximum deadline of Friday.


● US$3.300 monthly via bank transfer (+US$200 via PayPal);

● Payment every two weeks of US$1.650 via bank transfer (+US$100 via PayPal);
● Payment is required in advance to start production.
* This is a 3 months minimum contract with payment every two weeks.

What we’d like to have in our contract:

● Responsibility for the use of videos and images, resale being prohibited;
● List of all content that will be offered from the chosen plan (as listed above);
● Minimum contract period according to the chosen plan:
○ Basic: Minimum 1 month contract.
○ Standard: Minimum 1 months contract.
○ Premium: Minimum 3 months contract.
● Termination of the contract is permitted by both parties provided that:
○ On Onward Ticket part: Upon payment of a fee of 60% of the full amount
according to the chosen plan;
○ On our part: upon giving one month's notice.
● Content delivery dates for review;
● Start date for deliveries and posts on Instagram and TikTok;
● Payment methods and payment requirements;
● Payment dates;
● Penalties if delays or something outside of what was agreed in the contract, by
email and in meetings, occur on both sides:
○ On Onward Ticket's behalf: reduction in content delivery and/or interests in
case of payment delay.
○ On our behalf: price reduction according to what was delivered.
● The contract may be in the names: Luana Marcelina Mendes and Luiz Fernando
Simões Nascimento

We already have a contract made by a lawyer so there’s no need for Onward Ticket to
elaborate it, we’d just need to adjust it in the more suitable way for both of us.

* Paid promotion not included in the budget of any of the plans.

If you have any further observations, please don't hesitate to add them. If you would
like to discuss something, please get in touch, we are open for counter-offers.



Another proposal, regardless of the type of plan you choose, a 10% promotional code with
our names (or whatever percentage you think is viable) for us to offer on our social networks.
This value is returned to us according to the sales made by our code.

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