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ay a Emergence of Two Blocs Origin of Cold War ‘Cie term Cold Waris used for that unprecedented state of tension that suddenly developed between the two former friends the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. By August 1945, with the surrender of Japan, the victory of the Allies had been ascertained but the tension lurking in their camps suddenly ust out The German attack on the U.S.S.R, (June 1941) and the Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbour (Dec. 1941) brought these two countries which subscribed to opposing ideologies together. ‘The Soviet Communism and the American capitalism joined hands to defeat Fascist dictatorship. But this friendship soon changed into a strange war called the Cold Was) Differences between the Allied nations began to surface as the world war drew to its close The Amerivan President Roosevelt wanted the U.S.S.R. to attack Japan but Stalin agreed to do so three months after the war had ended in Europe. The atmosphere in Malta Conference was so cordial that in the British Parliament Churchill dectared on February 27, 1943 hat the Soviet leaders wanted to develop friendly ties with the democratic countries of the West to ensufe mutual faith and cooperation. American diplomat Harry Hopkins also believed in the Soviet prudence and hoped for a permanent friendship between the U.S.S.R. and the democratic countriss but these hopes soon fizzled out. Cold War: Meaning and Definition C The term Cold War stands for hostile and tense international relations berween the U.S.A. and the USSR. and is an outcome of the post world war polities. It expressed itself through ideological hatred, political distrust, diplomatic manoueuvring, military competition, espionage, psychological warfare and bitter relations. Walter Lippmann called the Cold War a pseudo war Thich, according to Flemming, was fought in the minds of met} For John Foster Dulles it was vw vvoralerusade for good against evil, right against wrong and religion against atheism. Louis Hall in his book The Cold War as History writes that it was a bitter state of tension between the two bloes, more dangerous than the armed conflict. They complicated problems rather than resolving thea A pete the countries involved in Cold War remained friendly and maintained diplomatic relations but actually used their diplomats to instigate distrust between the peopleand their governments. It was a war of nerves) Jd War was a peace-time war fought without weapons. It was based on ideological hatred and political distrust. Both the sides tried to humiliate each other and reduce their sphere of influence. ‘ A History of the Modern Woy 378 tanks, planes and ship 6, guns, +10 fig rine was (ed by the U-S.A. and the ia They were such armed blocs as did not use their 1100! wars. They openly propagated against cach other, OM irik dal ae US. SR The U S.A, projected the eo) the enemy piel nen oa oman as the destroyer of individual freedom. They cri faa OTE ot Adal : whteay the U.S.S.R. presented communism as the panacea fF all the Y Bich Anglo Ancela rica. It prompted the developing countries to nationalize all the projects F iamentiiastiaied Capital was invested. America wanted to put a check on the expen N ca tnis i sts : mien bloc comprised Britain, France, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Australia, fs ie ie i nig ‘akistan and Turkey etc. and Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary aad Chekoslovast the members ofthe Soviet blod Yugoslavia broke away from this group in 1948 and became a non-aligned country but it still professed communism. Both the power blocs used propaganda, espionage, to increase he power and eee thelr meer They considered each problem from the point of view of the bloc-and left no opportunity to weaken the apponent. The situation was worse than cnarmed conflict. America played powerfull political role-It dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two cities in Japan and forced her to surrender. Now there was none to challenge the might of America, The U.S.S.R. carried out her first nuclear test in 1949 and the two became great powers. Nature of Cold War (Cold war is a diplomatic war which, when intense, can give rise to armed conflict. It is the absence of direct conflict between the two great powers. As a resuit of rivalry between the great powers several fatal skirmishes occurred in the third world countries. Cold War was neither war nor peace, it only prepared ground for war. ) Causes of Cold War The great powers wanted to consolidate their position and to safeguard their interests. Their ambitions clashed and created conditions for cold war. They complained against each other and made the situation tense. The chief causes of cold war were as follows? “I. Historical Causes—Some observers seek the causes of Cold War in the Bolshevic Revolution of 1917. The westem nations had been attempting to put an end to the USSR, for communism was a world-wide movement and aimed at abolishing capitalism. Britain granted recognition to the USSR in 1924 and America in 1933. The western nations had been inciting Hitler to attack the USSR. for they were more apprehensive of the U.S.S.R. than of Nazi Germany. (_2-Russia violates Yalta Agreement-—Russia violated the agreements si between Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill at Yalta (1945) and attempted to ane Taba government on Poland. It set up pro-U.S.S.R. governments in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania an¢ Chekoslovakia. ts hesitation to provide the Allies bases in Siberia also made them suspicious. TM Soviet troops deployed in Manchuria handed overall war materials st troops in early 1946, left by Japan there to commun's! military intervention and supply of arms Cold War 3 infringes Balkan Agreement 0 379 Churchill's plan of dividing Eastern Europe accordingtg yy, phe? 1944, Russia had sased ith under Soviet influence and Greece under British inflgnes 1° Bulgaria and Romania were to remain equal influence on Hungary and Yugoslavia But Rus, es th Russia and Britain would exercise ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ in all these COUMtrjgg > 4"egarded the agreement and set up governments. This enraged the western nations * Communist Party controlled these <4 The Concept of Vacuum—The defeat of German Russia and America were competent to fill this Vacuum par? 4 Japan had created a vacuum. the German power. This paved the way for Cold Wa," "stead of this they tried to decimate {S.MettaT Stspicion—Though Russia and the wester, - Germany, Italy, and Japan, they never trusted each other, Ruseia had jointly fought against nations in aborting the Bolshevic Revolution and the: neal not forget the role of western aim of Russian leaders was to end capitalism. During th. Mitte ee, well knew that the avowed Chekoslovakia was decided Russia was kept in the datkand even snes renee Wher the fate oF towards it. Britain and France slighted Stalin and followed the poy nn nna Ores Was not shown, A le policy of Hurt by this, when Russia signed a non-aggression agreement w gh lmeepesles se! termed it as treachery. y, the wester During the war some more suspicions developed between ¥ of 1942 Russia insisted on opening a second front against el e a Italy was defeated. This confirmed the Soviet suspicion that the western nations wanted te prolong the German aggression on Russia so that both of them might be shattered and all the advantages of victory accrued to Britain and America. The U.S.A. never disclosed to Russia its project of manufacturing a nuclear bomb. The western nations claimed that the aid they had given to the U.S.S.R. was very liberal and more than required whereas the U.S.S.R. considered it insufficient. ing the last leg of the war efforts were made to resolve these mutual doubts, but in vain. Stages of Cold War For convenience of study we can divide the progress and expansion of Cold War in following stages: (1) First stage—1917-1945; (2) Second stage—1946-1953; (3) Third stage—1953-1958; (4) Fourth stage—1959-1962; (5) Fifth stage—1963-1979, (6) Sixth stage—1980-1989.) \_Dhe First Stage of Cold War (1917-1945) C Hall and Fontaine are of the opinion that Cold War started not in 1945 but in 1917 when the Bolshevic Revolution put forward a new form of government and an alternative programme of social and economic development. The capitalist countries did not welcome the establishment of comynunism. The term ‘Cold War’ had not yet been coined but there were two distinct ideologies, one represented by Russia alone and the other by Britain and her allies. Trade between Russia and America could not begin until Russia had accepted some conditions put forward by America and Britain granted her recognition only when Labour government came in power ‘in 1924, America established diplomatic relations with Russia in 1933.) A History of the Modern Worig 380 Caccording to Fleming the events that precipitated CoM! War cara fron Delay in opening the second front from April 1942 gi) june 1944 qi) ee witrtanbeial rt by Soviet troops from March 29, 1944 till February 1945; (il) ee crea ian and German surrender agreements in March 1945; (jy) On August 6, pane irncep sede nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and caused a strategic imbalance in the WOT: Ts jeer ges 18 1945 on Burnedge Bevin's diplomatic manouevre of holding free election rm Europ DheSecond Stage of Cold War (1946-1953) Cite true face of Cold War made its appearance during between Russia and the western nations both inside and outsic of nuclear power, disarmament, peace treaties with vanquished nations, future of under-developed nations of Asia and Afric) Formation of Cow f by 9 communist countries of Europe aggravated Cold War. Under Russian pressure Finland refused to take aid under Marshal Plan but Yugoslavia refused to accept Stalin's supremacy. This is an important event of this period because it encouraged non-communist countries as well as hardened Russian point of view. \Fire Berlin Blockade—In 1948 Russia blockaded Berlin. It was the first open test in Cold War and helped to bring forth the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in April 1949. “Pivision of Germany—Britain, France and America consolidated the west German territory under their occupation and on December 21, 1949 formed the Federal Republic of Germany. Similarly, on October 7, 1949. Russia formed the German Democratic Republic in the east German territory under its control. Thus Germany was divided into Easter and Western Germany. UNGFth Atlantic Treaty Organization—In response to stern Russian attitude and rapid expansion of communism, the western nations constituted on April 4, 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. For this purpose a twenty year treaty was signed in Washington by U.S.A., Canada and ten European countries. Later on Greece, Turkey and West Germany also joined it. This intensified the atmosphere of cold war. Impact of Cold War on Asia: Rise of Communist China The sphere of Cold War was not confined only to Europe, it had its impact on Asia too. Russia wanted to extend its influence in Turkey and Iran but they successfully resisted it with the help of western powers. The formation of Communist Republic of China on October 1, 1949 intensified cold war America did not recognize this government and opposed her a seat in the Security Council of the U.N.O. It caused bitterness between Russia and America. However, the problem was resolved ‘on October 1, 1971 and China was made a permanent member of both Security Council and the General Assembly. ____ Korean War—In June 1950 North Korea attacked South Korea and the Cold War tuned into an armed conflict. The conflict ended in June 1953 but the Cold War continued. The Korean war brought China and Russia closer but China's relations with western powers deteriorated. this period. There were sharp differences ‘de the U.N.O. on regulation and control Berlin problem and the ninform in October 1947 a —_ Cold War America signs a Peace Treaty with Japan—w),, we i : : ™~While America signed a peace treaty with Japan. Russia gongn "© Korean war was still in progress ee Mned this unit, ‘ Frethird Stage of Cold War (1953-1958) inilateral action of America i After the death of Stalin in March, 1953 Khsichey came policy of peacefull coexistence and compromise. In Americg ime into power. He insisted on the ‘who spurred Cold War. The chief events of this petiog ang sre”™l Eisenbour replaced Truman LNuclear Test 5.8.R— ’ 1985: Afnac EGYSE by the US S(R-—The USSG tested ite first nuclear device in August 53. arted the space race which made the Cold War ait ice in Augu: powers possessed the ‘over kill power, which Made the situation vac ei Both the fn very explosive. ; pean and Warsaw Pact—To check the onward march of communism in South East \sia and the Middle Bast America formed SEATO and MEDO respectively on th NATO. The USSR retaliated this move by forming a Communist Defence Pact sas ahaa War- saw Pact. It aimed at countering the assault of imperialism and capitalism. This divided the whole world into two groups the American bloc and the Soviet bloc. This polarisation deepened and strengthened Cold War. - This polarisation deepened an 3. Civil War in Indo-China—in the struggle agai —— : against French imperialism in Indochina, the (wo tee aie ‘wo blocs supported different sides but both advocated a peaceful agreement for the resolution of the problem and Geneva Agreement on Indo-China was signed in 1954. Vietnam was divided into communist North Vietnam and Democratic South Vietnam but guerrilla warfare between the two broke out within 24 hours of signing the agreement. The Vietnam war remained a significant cause of tension between America and the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1970. Cold War between them deterred any resolution of the Vietnam problem. ___ (4. Hungarian Crisis and Cold War—The westem powers strongly resisted Soviet intervention in Hungary in 1956, but the Suez Canal dispute the same year unexpectedly brought them closer. America did not approve of the Anglo-French-Jewish invasion of Egypt to keep the Suez Canal under their control and Russia threatened to use nuclear weapons if they did not vacate the invasion. The dispute came to an end but the Cold War between America and Russia continued and found a new centre in the Middle East. \s-Eisenhower Doctrine—In June 1957 the Eisenhower Doctrine authorised the American President to use armed forces to contain the danger of communism. This encouraged Cold War and Germany, Berlin, Indochina, Korea, Japan and the Middle East remained its chief centres. The Fourth Stage of Cold War (1959-1962) ‘After 1958 it appeared that the fever of Cold War would lessen, for the Soviet Prime Minister Khrushchev had the policy of peaceful coexistence. The chief events of this period are pol <-Khrushchev's Visit to USA—A New Hope for Peace—Khrushchev visited the U S.A from 15 to 28 September, 1959 and held important talks with President Bisenhower. This visit eased international tension. Another significant change occurred when the four powers America, Russia, Britain and France agreed to hold a summit conference at Paris in June 1960. A History of the Modern Woy 382 ld 21-2 Incident and Renewal of Cold War-—While the preparations for the Paris summit 1 within the boundary of the Soviet ican si 2 was shot were under way an American surveillance plane U-2 Wi Unter: carta Saa Jnion. President Eisenhower justified sending this plane because the Soviet Unio my preparations in a clandestine way, meal fuel to fire and the Soviet Union charged America for infringement of peace. \ a Pailure of Paris Summit—The U-2 incident foredoomed the failure of - Paris summit tobe held on May 16, 1960. In the Conference, Khrushchev raised the question of U-2, condemned the U.S.A. and humiliated Bisenhower by not shaking hands with him. This failure of the Paris summit heightened cold war and frustrated the whole world. 4-Berlin Wall Crisis—In 1961 the Berlin Wall erisis and the Cuban Missile crisis brought the Soviet Union and the U.S.A. on the verge of armed conflict. In August 1961 the Soviet Union ‘wanted to build a wall to divide Berlin into Western and Eastern zones. The U.S.A. strongly protested against it and deployed its troops and tanks on the site. But good will prevailed and the tension eased. ~S-€otd-War towards Hot War- Cuban Missile Crisis—The Soviet Union wanted to build a missile base in Cuba. This brought the two great powers on the verge of hot war. On October 24, 1962 the U.S.A. imposed strict quarantine on the military equipment reaching Cuban harbours and declared that any missile fired from Cuba on any country in the western hemispinere would be taken as an attack on the U.S.A. The two powers came very close to war. Then the Soviet Union agreed to dismantle its missile bases and the conflict ended after a very little struggle. The Fifth-Stage of Cold War (1963-1979) Cold War began to relax after 1962. Though from 1963 to 1970 it still flared in Vietnam, South Asia, Middle East, U.N.O. and Berlin yet certain positive changes such as visiting each other's country, summit conferences, Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968) also occurred. On August 5, 1963 America, Britain and Soviet Union signed a treaty to partially ban nuclear tests. It permitted only underground explosion of nuclear devices. This treaty was later on signed by 102 countries except China and France. Efforts to end cold war gathered momentum but on November 22, 1963 Kennedy was assassinated and Khrushchev was ousted on October 15, 1964. Lyndon V. Johnson succeeded Kennedy and leadership in the Soviet Union passed into the hands of Kosygin and Breznev. In 1964 the Soviet Union strongly opposed President Johnson's decision to strengthen military action in Vietnam. In 1965 Indo-Pak War broke out. America sided with Pakistan and Soviet Union with India. America resented Soviet mediation between India and Pakistan, Arab-Israel War—In the Arab-Israel War the western powers sided with Israel but in 1967 the Soviet Union openly and firmly opposed the policy of the western powers. This war continued for almost 27 years but on June 5, 1975 Israel recalled its troops from the Si ‘Canal front reduced the number of tanks and opened the Suez Canal for cate ships. wacaes te Glassbrough Summit Conference—One more Attempt ¢ : Prime Minster Kosygin and American President Johnson nit at Glace paselseER so" Cold War held from June 23 to June 26, 196 a c e Non-Prolifk 7 and discus: interest. The Non-Prolifer Nion Treaty of 1968 4 sed problems both of mutual as well as international eased the tension, BUTTHE intervention of Sowrer ea eision to stop bombardment of Vietnam Berlin in 1969 prolonged Colg of Soy War, Wiet Union in Chekoslovakia in 1968 and blockade of With a view to ending inter, ationa 5 countries a Det nal tension and generating a new feeling of security in European Nas held in July 1973 at Helsinki, the Capital of Finland. It was £35 countries of Europe. ooaiaia of Cold War (1980-1989) foth, i Pe armonsad ee Pease the great powers continued during this period. President antec atid RRR a the allies and accelerating the arms race and adopted backed Pukiftantend ibaa nion, During the freedom struggle of Bangladesh (1971) America « Soviet Union sided with India. In the struggle in Western Asia America patted the back of Israel but the Soviet Union favoured the Arabs, In 1975 in Angola the Soviet Union with the help of Cuba aborted the efforts of America, China and South Africa to support UNITAJ In 1977, the Soviet Union supplied arms to Ethiopia and America helped Somalia in their conflict, Soviet Union supported the patriotic front in Rhodesia whereas the western powers stood with lan Smith{ President Carter expressed concern over the presence of Soviet troops in Cuba and advocated modernization of NATO powers. He considered Soviet intervention in Afghanistan a grave danger to world peace. The deteriorating relations between America and the Soviet Union renewed Cold Wo2. nee Conference attended by foreign ministers o ‘CAimerica expressed its inability to provide necessary security to Soviet foreign minister Gromyko when he went to attend the session of U.N. General Assembly in mid-September 1983. On this the Soviet Union demanded that the UN Headquarters be shifted from America. Violating restrictions imposed on her, the Soviet Union conducted nuclear test in February 1987, but warned America not to follow suit. Distrust of the Soviet Union continued to be the basis of American national pol ‘The Cold War had a great impact on international policies. It created in the world an atmosphere of terror and fanned arms race. It crippled the UNO and divided the world in two blocs. It increased the possibility of'a nuclear warfare and the number of military pacts proliferated. International polities was mechanised but programmes of human welfare were neglected, (ard of Cold War In 1989 thaworld history took a miraculous turn, The Berlin Wall was pulled down and Germany ified, The Warsaw Pact was called off and cordial relations between the great powers began In the Gulf Crisis (1989-90) both supported the proposals of the Security Council. Demolition of communism in Eastern Europe and the growing political and economic crisis in the Soviet Union brought about the end of Cold War, President Gorbachev of Soviet Union thought it wi up the policies of Cold War. Now Cold War has become a thing of the past) = r to give

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