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Colegio San Agustin - Makati

High School Department

Academic Year 2023-2024

Name Karyl Masy P. Pilapil Date 10/05/23

Grade & Section 9D Teacher Mr. De Vera



DIRECTION: The students will compose a poem. The piece must have five (5) stanzas with four (4) lines in each
stanza. The content will be about the importance of wise-decision making through the application of the
fundamental concepts in Economics. The content of the poem will be as follows:

1st stanza: Introduction

We spend everything we have and it all goes unnoticed
An economy that's corrupt, we wish it could've flourished.
Sellers that produce, for consumers deprived
How do we make wise decisions? How do we survive?

2nd-3rd stanzas: ways on how the student applies the fundamental concepts of Economics in formulating wise
consumption of scarce resources; and
Consumers need wisdom and logic, economic-wise
Or else they'll fall for all the obvious scams and the lies
Trade-off, think of how you will be of benefit with what you get and give
Since what you gave up was the cost, you'll think was it worth it?
People respond to incentives and improve that's just what they do
But you'd want your wokers on their best behaviors wouldn't you?
Consume wisely on resources that are scarce or limited
Fossil Fuels, Water, these things cannot be wasted

2nd-3rd stanzas: ways on how the student applies the fundamental concepts of Economics in formulating wise
consumption of scarce resources; and
When the demand is high and supply is low Use your money for only what you need
The prices will increase so do what you know Which is equivalent to allocating efficiently
Wait til its the opposite, when the supply is high Take what you'll benefit from big or small
And then you can finally tell spending too much goodbye Or taking the one with greater costs will make your progress fall

4th stanza: Importance of wise consumption of scarce resources in the family and community.

Avoid taking want you want only what you need

Think rationally, and don't be full of greed
Not everything is renewable, not everything can be replaced
Together we'll make wise decisions, and solve the problems we face


CRITERIA With Distinction Pass Not Meeting
3 2 Expectations

Content (x2) The contents of the second milestone The contents of the second milestone The contents of the second milestone
(worksheet) are accurate. It clearly (worksheet) are somewhat accurate. It (worksheet) are not that accurate. It vaguely
explains and meaningfully demonstrates somehow explains and identifies some explains and does not identify concrete ways
concrete steps/actions on how the basic actions on how the basic concepts of on how the basic concepts of economics can
concepts of economics can make the economics can make the consumers make the consumers wise decision-makers.
consumers wise decision-makers. wise decision-makers.

Cohesion and The construction of the essay contents are The construction of the essay contents The construction of the essay contents are
Organization logically organized and coherent. are partially organized and coherent. not that organized and lack coherence.

Total 12

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