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This document h a s h prepared and dmhed by COLT0 (Committee 05: Eand Tmnspwt OFficmfsJ

kphnmt of Tmnsport and is for tfre exclusive use by S i d e Rwd Avt)rwities fw R w d ond Bridge

This document is s u p p o d by h e C'M~EnginewingA d v i q Council (CEAC).

EJCopyright: The Government of the Republic d South Africa

8 All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission of
The Government of the Republic af S o h Africa acting through CEAC or its successor.

Published by the South African Institution of Civil Enginmring (SAKE].

Private Bag X200

Halfwmy House
Tel: (011) 805-5947/48/53
Fax: (01I) 805-5971
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Please note:
That the General Conditions of Conhact For R w d and Bridge Works for S t u k Rwd
Authorities document is published under a separate cover.
That any other authority or organisation, which would like to use this document, must apply
to CEAC #or authorisation,

Civil Enginering Advisory Commiiiee

PO Box 16265

Reproduced under Government Printer's Copyright Authority 10528 dated 3 March 1 998.




1100 Definitionsandterms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1200 General requirements and provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1300 Contractor's establishment on site and general obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1400 Housing. offices and laboratories for the engineer's site personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1500 Accommodationoftraffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1600 Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1700 Clearingandgrubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2100 Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2200 Prefabricatedculverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2300 Concrete kerbing, concrete channelling, chutes and downpipes, and
concrete linings for open drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2400 Asphaltandconcreteberms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Borrowmaterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selection. stockpiling and breaking-down the material from borrow pits and cuttings.
and existing pavement layers. and placing and compacting the gravel layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Massearthworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pavement layers of gravel material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stabilization .................................................................
Crushed-stonebase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plant-mixed paver-laid pavement layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Breaking up existing pavement layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patching and repairing edge breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Primecoat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Asphaltbaseandsurfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seals : Materials and general requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Singleseals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doubleseals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bituminous single seal with slurry (Cape seal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surfacingofbridgedecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Treatment of an existing surface exhibiting certain defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sandseals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pitching. stonework and protection against erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Gabions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guideblocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guardrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Roadsigns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Roadmarkings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Landscaping and planting plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Finishing the road and road reserve and treating old roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundations for structures ......................................................
Falsswork. formwork and eoncrete finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steel reinforcement for structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concrete lor slructures .......................................................
Prestressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No-fines concrete. joints. bearings. bolt groups for electrification. and parapets
and drainage for ~tructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Structural steelwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Conslruction ~olerancesfor strucfures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Concrete psvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reinforced earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concrete block paving for roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patented earth retaining systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ground anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Testlng material and workrnanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quality control (Scheme 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CJual~tycontrol (Scheme 2).......................................................
Painting ......................................................................


A mixture to predetermined proportions of aggregate, filler
and bituminous binder material prepared off the road and
CONTENTS usually placed by means of a paving machine.

1103 BASE
1105 BORROW MATERIAL The layer or layers of asphalt constructed on top of the
1106 BRIDGE base, and, in some cases, the shoulders.
1112 CUT A layer of material constructed on top of the subbase, or
1113 EXCESS OVERBURDEN in the absence thereof, the selected layer. A base may
1114 FILL extend to outside the travelled way.
1119 LANE
1120 LEVELLING COURSE An area within designated boundaries, approved for the
1121 LOT purpose of obtaining borrow material. A borrow pit is the
1122 MEDIAN excavated pit in a borrow area.
1128 PAVEMENT PLANING Any gravel, sand, soil, rock or ash obtained from borrow
1129 PIONEER LAYER areas, dumps or sources other than cut within the road
1130 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS prism and which is used in the construction of the works.
1131 RECYCLING It shall not include crushed stone or sand obtained from
1132 REHABILITATION commercial sources.
1138 ROLLER PASSES A structure erected over a depression, river! watercourse,
1139 SCREED railway line, road or other obstacle for carrying motor,
1140 SEAL railway, pedestrian or other traffic or services and having
1141 SELECTED LAYER a length of 6 m or more, measured between the abutment
1142 SERVICES faces along the centre line of the road at girder-bed level,
1143 SIDE DRAIN except that road-over-rail or rail-over-road structures are
1144 SHOULDER always classed as bridges.
1147 SLOPE
1150 SUBSOIL DRAINAGE SYSTEM The surface normally traversed by vehicles and which
1151 TEXTURE TREATMENT consists of one or a number of contiguous traffic lanes,
1152 TRAVELLED WAY including auxiliary lanes and shoulders.
1153 VERGE

Unless inconsistent with the context, in these A longitudinal drain or bank outside the road prism for
specifications, the following terms, words or expressions diverting water that would otherwise flow into the road
shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them. prism.
The Cellfornla Bearing Ratto (CBR) 07 an untreated sol! or The appropriate edition of the General Conditions nl
gravel as determined by means of Method A8 o l TMHI is Contract far Nalional and Provinc~alRoad and Bridge
the load In Newtons e ~ p r e s s e d as a percentage of Warks, fogether with the special conditions of contract
Californla standard values, requirsd to allow a c~rcular f o r m ~ n gpart of the contract
piston of 1 935 n m 2 to penetrate the surface nf a
compacted materlal at a rate af 1,27mm per mlnuts to
depths of 2.54. 5.08 and 7.62 rnrn The California standard
values lor these depths are 13,344, 20,016 snd 25,354 kN
The grade llne Is a reference line In the drawings of the
lang~tudinalsections of the road indicating at regular
intervals the elevations according to which !he road is to
be constructed. The grade line may refer to the level ol the
completed road, base or any other layer and may indicate
Materlal in an exisllng pavement which cannot b e broken the elevat~onselther along the carriagevrsy centre Ilne or
up with the tines of a type 14OG caterpillar or similar road along any designated position on the road cross-section

Cemented crushed stone is cemented material constructed

with crushed stone.
The cumulat~vepercentages by mass of material In a
An e ~ ~ s t i nstabillzed
g pavement layer wlll not necessarily representative sample of aggregate, gravel or soil retained
be classlrlad as cemented materral on the 2 00 mm, 0,425 mm and 0.075 mrn sieves. divlded
b y 100


Astructure other than a br~dge,which provides an o p ~ n i n g

under the carriageway or median tor dra~nageor other Channels lead~ng into or discharging from culverts,
purposes. starmwater cendu~tsand minor bridges

1112 CUT

Cut shall mean all excavations from the road prism, Part of a travelled way ~ntendedfor a single stream of
including side drains, e ~ c a v a t ~ a n stor cross-roads, traff~c tn one d~rection, which has normally been
Interchanges, and, where classif~edas cul, excavalions for demarcated as such by road mark~ngs,
open dra~ns,


One or more layers of asphalt of varying thicknesses, but

Overburden within a borrow area which is not required or w i t h a specified minimum total thickness, which are
is unsuifable for u s e in construclion, applied lo Improve the r ~ d i n gquality of a rand so that It
wrll meet specifled standards or so that constructing the
f~nalsurtac~ngor resurfac~nglayer in accordance with the
required standards lor levels, thickness and surface
grading will be possible A levelling course is a type of
That portjon of the road prrsrn consisting of approved
Imported materlal whrch lies etbove the roadbed and is
bounded by the side slopes. shown on the typrcal cross- 1121 LOT
sectlong on the draw~ngs runnlng downwards and
outwards from !he outer shoulder breakpoint and an whrch
the selected layer, subbase base, shoulders and In the b sizable portion of work or quantity of rnater~alwhich Is
case of dual carrlageways, the rned~an, ate to be assessed as a unit fnr the purpose of quality control and
constructed Material lmported to replace unsuitable selected to represent mater~al or work produced by
materlal In the roadbed shall also be c l a s s ~ f ~ eas
d fttr. ess~ntlallythe same process and materials.

The area between the two travelled ways of a dual Tha processing of salvaged material In a plant for re-use.
carriagtway, excluding the inner shoulders.

Measures aimed at maintaining or Improving the conditton

A longitudinal drain sltuated between the innslr shoulders andlor riding comfort of an ex~stingroad.
of a dual carriageway


Excavating and removing a layer of mafarial exceeding 10 A cloth or grld of synthetlc rnaterlal placed underneath or
mm in thickness fram an existing pavement by means of between asphalt layera for slrengthening the asphalt,
an approved rnllllng machine. Milling is normally used
only tn asphalt and cemented layers

1125 M r n DWUN AND BANK

Treatment of an existing road surface to restore the texture
to a specified depth of tenture or skid resistance.
A drain constructed e: an angle la the centre line of the
road to divert water from a side draln. Mitre drarns ~nclude
rnqtre banks placed across !ha side drains.

The natural In sltu makerla! on whlch the fill, or In the

absenceof fill, any pavement layers, are to be constructed
A n additional pavement layer applied on top a1 an existing
road for strengthening the pavemenl andlor for Improving
the riding quality

That portion of the road construction includad between the

or~ginalground level and the outer boundaries of !he
slopes of cuttings, fills and side drains. It shall not include
The upper layers of the road compris~ngthe selected !he selected layer, subbase, base, surfac~ng,shoulders or
layers, subbase, base or gravel wearrng coucse and the roadbed
shoulder layers.

1 f 37 ROAD R E S E W

Planing el an e ~ l s t ~ nroad
q surface by the removal of a The entire area Included by the boundaries of a road as
layer of material by means of a milling machine or other procla~med.


Unless otherwise specdied In the specificatians or the

An initial layer constructed aver a weak roadbed where project specifimtions, an area will bs taken ta have
select~dmarerial 1s used l o provide a stable platform for received on0 roller pass when a roller has passed over
the construction of subsequent layers. such area once. Additional passes made only as a tesult of
nominal overlapping so as lo ensure full coverageshnlT not
be taken into account.

The specificalions relating to a specific project, which form

part of the contract documents for such project, and which A layer of f~ne-gradedasphalt or slurry ptaced to flll fn
contam supplementary andlor amending specifications to slacks in exist~ngseals and to Improve !he r ~ d ~ n g
quality of
the standard spec~llcat~ons. the road
1140 SEN of the vertical difference in elevation between any two
points and the- hotizontal distance between them.
The appFfcatlon of one or more layers of bitumlnous blnder
with or without layers of crushed stone, sand or slurry In
successiw layers on the carrlageway, shoulders or on any This ratlo may also be expressed as a percentage.
other compacted layer on whlch movement of treff fc takes

Material originating from construction operations and

The tower layer or layers of the pavement which Is whlch is not utllized for construction purposes.
constructed dlrecl onto the fill, or In some cases the
roadbed, It may include roadbed material compacted in
91tu. 114s SUBBASE

Tha layer of material on top of the snlectad layers or fill

and below the base and shoulders.
Cables, plpes or other structures to provide, inter alia,
conduits for electricity, telephons and telegraph
connsclions, water, sewaga, etc

A system OF subsoil drainage plpes (includlng any

permeable material) constructed to intercept and remove
An open longltudlnal drain situated adjacent to and at the subsoll water.
bottom of cut or fill slopes,

Treatment of an exlsting road surface to obtain a uniform

(a) When referring to this as a surface: The area texture.
betwatln tha outside edge of the travelled way and the
shoulder breakpoint.

(b) When referring to this as a pavement layer: The

upper pavement Iayer lying between the outside edge of
the base and the shoulder breakpoint. That portion of the carriageway which includes the various
traffic lanes and auxiliary lanes buf excludes the shoulders.

The line along whlch tha extended flat planes of the

surface of the shoulder and the outside slope of the fill and The area between the outer edge of the road prism and
pavement intersect. This edge I3 normally rounded to a the boundary of the road reserve.
predetermined radius.


The path followed by the wheels of a vehicle during normal

The treatment ol tha materials used in the construmion of riding movements. The wheel tracks cover approximately
the roadbed, fill or pavement layers by the addition of a the outer metre w~dthon both s~desof a traffic lane.
cementitlous binder such as lime or Portland cement or
the mechanicel modification of the materFal through the
addition of a so11binder or a bitumlnous binder. Asphalt
and concrete shall not be considered as materials that
have been slabilizad.
No additional or sxrra ever payment w ~ lbel made lor work
in restricted areas, unless the atems of work to which it will
1147 SLOPE apply and the pay Items under which payment wlll be
effected, are ewpl~c~tlyspecified in these standard
speclkcations or In the project spscifieat!ons and llsted in
Unless otherwise stated, slops is given in terms of the ratio the schedule of quantities.
SHOULDER 1 1 SHOULDER c~lnlllneo I $: n~lkfhl

C 1" G
tr. I





affected by the construdlon of the works.

SECTKm f 2ME :GENEfWL REOUIREMENTS AND The employer WID, in the contract documents, provlde
PrnStONS information regarding the tocatlon of exlsting utility
services, but the employer does not accept responsibility
for the accuracy of thfs inhrmatlnn.

The contractor shall check and determine on the site the

SCOPE posllions of any servlces shown on the drawings. Thls
SERVICES shall be done by visual inspections, using detecting
ROAD INTERSECTIONS AND JUNCTIONS apparatus, and by making excavations to expose the
PROGRAMME OF WORK position of the servlce at critlcal points This shall also be
WORKMANSHIP AND QUALITY CONTROL done where no sewlces are shown on tha drawings but
THE SETTING-OUT OF WORK AND PROTECTION where such services are never!heless believed to be
OF BEACONS present. The positions of all services so detected shall be
NOTICES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS marked carefully and then drawn In on the drawings.
MEASUREMENT These services will then be defined as known servlces. The
PAYMENT contractor shall take all reasonable precautions not to
CERTIFICATE OF PRACTICAL COMPLETION OF damags the services during the search, when the onus
THE WORKS shall rest wlth him to prove that, In the event of damags
TRnFFlC OVER COMPLETED PAVEMENT W E R S being done to such services during the search, it was not
ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS AND OFFERS hls fault that they had been damaged
APPLICATTON OR NOMINAL MlX PROPORTIONS The contractor will be hsld responsible lor any damags
CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES IN RESPECT OF caused by him to known servlces, unless he E m prove that
PROPERW OUTSIDE THE ROAD RESERVE AND he has taken air the above precautions and that the
OF SERVICES MOVED, DAMAGED OR ALTERED damage has nevertheless been caused becauss the
EXTENSION OF TIME RESULTING FROM posltion of the known service hed devlatwd by more than
ABNORMAL RAINFALL one metre from the position as may leasonably have been
INFORMATION FURNISHED BY THE EMPLOYER deduced from the Investigation made by him.
REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET BEFORE The contractor shalT take all reasonable precautions te
CONSTRUCTION OF NEW WORK ON TOP OF protect erlsting services durlng construction and during
COMPLETED WORK IS COMMENCED the relocation of such services. W e r e prolectlvs
REMEDIAL WORK measums involve the construction nt permanent work, the
WATER contractor shall execute the work In accordance with the
A U T H O R I Z E D M E A S U R E M E N T S AND engineer's Instructions, and payment shall be made as
TOLER4NCES provided In the project speclficatlons.
THE USE OF WPLOSIVES All pipes, cables, condults or other known services of any
WORK ON. OVER, UNDER OR ADJACENT TO nature whatsoever damaged as a result of the contractor's
RAILWAY LINES operations shall be repaired and reinstated forthwith by tha
THE HANDING-OVER OF THE ROAD RESERVE contractor or by the authority concerned, all at the expense
HAUL ROADS of the contractor and t o the satisfaction of the engineer.
FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATIONS ll shall be clearly understood that, In ceflafn instances.
MONTHLY SITE MEETINGS e~istingrewlces can be relocated only after the contractor
LEGAL PROVlSlONS has advanced sufficiently on or has compFsted certain
SABS CEMENT SPECIFICATIONS sections of earthworks or certain struclures.

W e n e v e r sewlcesareencountared whlch interfere wlth the

execution of the works and which require ta be moved and
relocated, the contractor shall advise the engineer, who wiFl
daterm~nethe entent of the work, if any, to be undertaken
This section covers matters whlch relate to the contract as by the contractor in moving, relocating and reinstating or
a whole. Definitions, phrases or wordlng whlch would protectlng such services.
otherwise ~equire repetition In other sect~ons of the
specifications are also covered by clauses In this section Any work requlred to be undertaken by the contractor in
Matters covered by the general cenditinns of contract are protecting, moving and relocating the servlces tor whlch no
not repeated In thls section, sxcapt where necessary for provision has been made In the contract documents, or for
providing more detailed informat~on. which there are no appropriale tender fates, will be classed
as a var~ation,as provided In the general mndltFons of

The contractor shall work In close m-operatlon wlth private

Thls contract may inelude certain work relating to the owners Dr public authorities controlling ssrvlcas whlch have
moving and reinstating of existing services that may be to be protected, moved or relocated Details regarding the
state of negotiations concluded between the employer and by more andlor better labour and equipment being
the owner at the time of tendering In respect of the time provided on the site or by the available labour and
when either the owner is prepared to start moving such e q u ~ p m e nbeing
l u t ~ l i z ~more
d effect~vely.
services or when the contcactor is requlred to or will be
allowed l o start moving the services, and the duration o l The approval by the engineer of any programme shall
such operations, will either be stated in the tender have no contractual sign~flcance other than that the
documents or be made ava~lableto tenderers. Should the engineer would be sat~sfbedH the work is carried out tn
owners ot services refuse t o co-operate with the contractor accordance with such programme and that the contractor
in a reasonabla manner in connection with the protection undertakes to carry out the work in accordance with the
or moving of services betonging to them, the contractor programme, neither shall I€limit the right of the engineer
shall refer the matter to the engineer to instruct the contractor to vary the programme should
circumstances so requrre The above shall not ba taken to
When the contractor details hrs programme nf work as limit the rlgh? of the contractor to claim for damages or
referred to In clause 15 of the general conditions of extension of time to which he may be fa~rlyentitled In
contract, he shall, En consultation with the engineer, clearly tprrns of fhe general conditions of contract for delay or
indicate as to when he proposes to start with and conclude d~srupttonof h ~ actlv~t~es.
the movlng of each service or when ha will require the
owner to start wlth and conclude the moving of each Should the employer request and the contractor undertake
service Should It thereafter, through delays on the part of t o finish the whole or part of the works ahead of the time
the employer or the owner of the sewlce to be moved. be oriigjnally requ~red by the contract, payment fur
imposs~bleto adhere to the programme of work, such accelerating the work shall be made only if agreed on
programme shall be suitably amended by the cantractor beforehand, in writing, and i n terms e l such agreement
In consullation with the engineer so as to Ilmit. In so far as
is possible, the extent of any damages or delays. Should
it be impossible to limit entirely the damages nr delays (b) Programme of work for rehabilitarion work
resulting from the amendments necessaty to the
programme of work. the contractor shall be reimbursed lor The contractor shall note that the examination of a road
any additional costs incurred or damages suffered by him with a view to rehabilitat~onis normally undertaken a
considerable period of tlme before the commencement of
the contract, and that cond~tions may subsequenlly
1ZW fWAD INTERSECTIONS AND JUNCTlONS change. The engineer will make further examinations
during the period of contract. and, depending on the
results of such exsrninations, the quantities of any items of
Except where otherwise spec~fled,no additional ;payment work may be drast~callyincreased or decreased.
over and above payment for the various items of work
included In this contract wlll be made for the construction, The contractor shall base hls Initial programme of work on
In a confined space. of curves tapers, bellrnouths, traffic the scope of the work as described In the project
!$lands, farm accesses and other appurtenant works in specificat~ons,and, apart from any other programme t o be
connection with the construction and maintenance of road submitted by him, he shall also submit a network
Intersections and junctions programme in accordance with the critical-path method.
This programme shall be reviewed on a regular basis, eg
The contractor shall be required 10 provide the safe and monthly, by the contractor in accordance with changing
unrestricted flow of public traffic at all limes d u r ~ n gthe clrcumstances, delays and amendments to the work
construction and maintenance of such intersectmns and ordered by the engineer as a result of further exam~natiens
juncfion~. made by h ~ m ,and the revised programme shall be
submitted to the engineer for approval. The revrsed
programme shall then be used by the contractor In order
1204 PROGRAMME OF WORK to determ~nethe necessary adaptations to the resources
requtred by hlm for the work.

(a) General requirements ddlustments to the critical-path programme will, ~ntPralia

serve as the basis tor determining any extenston of t ~ m eto
Tha contractor shall base hls Inltlal programme of work on wh~ct-the contractor m a y b e ent~tled. Any d e v ~ a t ~ ofrom
the scope of work as described In the project the approved programme by the contractor w ~ l bl e at h ~ s
specifications, and, apart lrom any other programme to be own risk, and no claim for delay arising therefrom wrll be
submined by h ~ m ,he shall also submit a network considered,
programme in accordance with the critical-path method

Should ths contractor fall b e h ~ n dwith the approved

programme !he employer may, without prejudice to the 12U5 W R Y S H I P AND Q U W M3W430L
employer's rights, require the contractor to submit. w~thin
seven days of the date on which he has received a notice
to this effect, a revised programme, which ind~catesthe The anus rests wlth the contractor to produce work whlch
manner in which the contractor undertakes to complete the conforms In qual~tyand accuracy of &tall to all the
works wlthln the requlred time. k n y proposal in the requirements of the specit~cationsand drawings. and the
revlsed programme to accelerate the rate of progress shall contractor shall. at his own expense, inst~tutea qual~ty-
be accompanled by pasitlve steps to Increase productmn control system and provide experienced engineers.
foremen, surveyors, materials technicians, other construction operations. Ihe contractor shall establish
technielans and other technical staff, together with all suitable reference beacons at locations where they will not
transport, instruments and equipment, to ensure adequate be displaced during construction. No beacon shall be
supenlsion and posltlve control of the works at all tlmes. covered over, displaced or destroyed before accurate
reference beacons have been established and details of
The conlractor shall conduct tests or have them conducted the position and levels of such beacons have been
continually on a regular basis, to check the properties of submitted to and approved by the engineer The
natural materials and processed natural materials and nf contractor's reference beacons shall be of at least the
products: manufactured on the site, such as concrete and same quality and durability as the exlstlng beacons
asphalt, Although not a requirement for the contractor to
conducl regular tests on any commercially produced The contractor shall submit to the engineer the method of
products such as cement, bitumen, steel and pipes, the setting-out ha proposes to employ To ensure beyond all
contraclor shall remain fully responsible for any defective doubt that the complex elements of the road, such as
material or equipment provided b y him. Similarly. the traffic interchanges. structures and other important features
quality of all elements of the works shall b e checked on a are located truly rind correctly, the contractor shall check
regular basis so as To ensure compliance with the specified all setting4ut by a second method. The engineer may at
requiremenls. any trme request the contractor t o submit proof that his
setting-out has been satisfactorily checked
The IntensTty of control and of tests 10 be conducted by
the contractor in terms of these obligations is not specifled In cases where the displacement of or damage to property
but shalE be adequate to ensure that proper control is beacons or trigonometrlcal-survey beacons Is unavoidable,
being exercised, the conttactar shall norify the engineer in good time so
that he m a y arrange ta have such beacons suitably
W e r e any natural maler~alsor products made from natural referenced and later on refnstated. The cast of such work,
materials are supplied, and upon completion of each i f paid for by the contractor, shall be reimbursable as extra
element of the construction work, the contractor shall test work, as provided In the general conditions of contract.
and check such materials, products andlor elements for
compliance with the specified requirements and shall For the purposes of this clause and nf clause 74 of !he
submlt his resulns to the engineer for approval Such general conditions of contract, any beacon made from a
submission shall include all h ~ measurements
s and lest metal peg cast In concrete and any boundary beacon.
resultsand shall furnish adequare proof of compliance w ~ t h whether or not cast In concrete, shall be regarded as a
the specifiad requirements. beacon Centre-line pegs shall not be classlfled as
No specific pay Items are provided as compensation far
the above obligations, including the provision of all To protect beacons, the boundary fences of the road
samples delivered to the engineer, the repair of places reserve shall be splayed at corners so as to avoid the use
from which samples were taken, and the provision of the af corner posts in the same position as property or
necessary personnel and testing apparatus and facilities, tr~gonometrical-survey beacons, all as shown on the
for which compensation shall be ~ncludedfn the tendered drawings.
rates of the conlractor for the varrous items of work to
which these obligations apply. Accwrate control of line and level shall be provided by the
contractor at all stages of construction. In respect of the
The contractor's attention is also drawn to the provlslons road itself. control shall be at 20 m intervals or such closer
of clauses 8209 or 8308 in regard to Instituting specific intervals as may be directed for horitonZal and vertical
process-control systems. curves Wherever necessary, but partrcularly on
completion of the fill and the base, the contractor shall re-
establish stake-line pegs at s u f l ~ c i ~ n t lclose
y Intervals to
1XS THE S E T I N E M OF WORK AND PROTECTION determine accurately the position of the edges of the base.
OF BEACONS surfacing and especially kerbing, guardrails and other road
elements permanently v~slble.

The contractnr's attention is drawn to The requirements of The setting-out of work will not be measured and paid lor
clause 14 of the general conditions of contract, and he directly, and compensation for the work involved in setting-
shall also comply with all legal provisions in regard to out will be deemed In be covered by the rates tendered
surveying and setting aut work. and paid for the varieus items of work included in t h ~ s
The contractor shall cheek the condition of all reference
and level beacons and shall satisfy h~rnsellthat they have
not been displaced and are true in regard to position and 12U7 NOTICES. StGNS AND ADVERTISEM!3TS
level. tf beacons have been destroyed, d~splaced or
damaged before the slte is handed over to the contiactor.
the engineer will arrange to have new beacons installed The contractor shall not erect any signs, notices or
A beacon which has been displaced shall not be used advertisements on or along the works or the slte of the
unless its true position and lever have been re-established viorks without the written approval of the engineer
and the! new values verified by the engineer.
At each end of the works the contractor shall provide and
Where a beacon is likely l o be displaced during erect. as part o l h ~ obligations
s under section 1300, and on
approved locations, at the starting and ending points of (iv) Structures shall be measured to the neat lines
Ihe works, signboards of sound, weatherproof construction, shown on the drawings and shall ~ncludeany changes
painted by an approved firm of srgnwriters In accordance ordered in writing by the englneer and. for purposes ol
w ~ t hthe derails shown on the drawtngs payment, the calculated volume of concrete structures
shall incrude the volume of reinforcing steel, and minor
These signs are to be erected not later than one month ducts up to 150 mm in diameter
after the contractor has been given access to the slte.

The signboards shall be painted wlth the legend allernalely

in English and Afrikaans.

No signboards other than those specified above will be (a) Conhct rates
perrn~ttedon or adjacent In the works, except that the
contractor may permlt each of h ~ ss u b m n t r ~ c t o r s to In computing the final cantract amount, payment shall be
d~splayone signboard, and one only, of less than 2 rn? at based on !he actual quantity of authorized work done In
the works off~ce. accordance wrth the specif~cationsand drawings. The
tendered rates shall apply, sublect to the provisions of the
The engineer shall have the right to have any slgn, notice general cond~tionsof contract, irrespect~veof whether the
or advertisement moved to a better posit~onor to have ~t actual quantit~erare more or less than ths scheduled
removed from the site of the works If it should in any way quantities
prove unsatisfactory, inconvenient or dangerous to the
general public M e r e no rate or price has been entered agalnst a pay
item in the schedule of quantities by a tenderer. ~t shall be
All advertrsements, notlces and temporary signs shall be understood that he does not require any compensation for
removed by the contractor upon completion of the works such work Where, however, a pay ilem described in these
specillcations or In the project specifications does not
appear in the schedule of quant~tres,the contractor will
receive reasonable compensation for such work if requ~red,
unless anything to the contrary has been determined
(a! 'Units d measurements

AIE work shall be measured In accordance with the SI (b) Rates to be indusive
System of metric units.
The contractor shall accept the payment provided In the
conlract and represented by the rates tanderad by him In
(b3 Schedule of q u a n t i i the schedule of quant~t~es,as payment In fulr for executing
and completing the work as specrf~ed, for procuring.
The quantities set out in the schedule af quantities are furnishing, placing and install~ng all materials, lor
estimated quantities and are used for the comparison of procuring and providing labour, supervision, constructional
tenders and for awarding the contract. It must b e clearly plant, tools and equipment lor wastage, Transport, loading
understood that only the actual quantities of work done or and off-loading. handling, maintenance, temporary work,
mater~alssupplied will be measured for payrneol and that testing, qual~ty control bncluding process conrrol,
rhe scheduled quantities may be ~ncrcasedor decreased overheads, profit, risk and other obligations and lor all
as prou~dedin the general c ~ n d ~ t i o nofs contract other inc~denlalsnecessary lor the complet~onof the work
and rnalntenance durmg the period of maintenance.

(c) Measurement of wmpleted work The contractor shall note that Ihe cost of all works and
malerials for minor construction details at bridges, for
i All distances along the centre line of the road as example small quantities of caulking compound and joint
shown on tho drawtngs are horizontal distances which will tiller (other than expansran joinfs), anchor-bar covers, etc,
be used in calculating the quantltles of f ~ l and
l pavemenr not shown in the schedule of quantities, shall be included
layers lor purposes of payment. All cross-sectrons shall be i n the tendered rates tor concrete.
taken In a vert~calplane
This clause shall apply i n full t o all pay items axcept where
these requirements may be spectfically amended In each
(111 All mater~alswhich are specifled to be measured in case
a vehicle shall be hauled In vehicles o f such type and size
that the actual volume may be readily and accurately
derermrned Unless all veh~clesare of u n ~ f o r mcapacity. (c) The meanings of wmin phrases in payment
each vehicle shall bear a plainly legible ldentrf~cat~on
mark clauses
indicatrng its specific approved capacity.
(i) Procuring and furnishing ... {material)

(iil) The quantity of bituminous and similar materials to Where any or the words "supply". "procure", "provide".
be paid by volume shall b e measured at the specified "provision of" or "furn~sh [material)' are used i n the
temperature. dsscr~ptionof a pay item, it shall mean the supply and
delivery to the point of use of all materials of any klnd clearly marked with the contractor's name, the contract
required for the work covered by the particular pay item. number and other parlicul~rs in accordance with the
Including all tax, purchase costs, clalrns, damages, engineer's instructions.
royalties and transport costs Involved, but excluding
overhaul. In the case of borrow materials, stone and sand.
it shall also include all negotiations with the owners
concerned, excavating, producing, preparing, proc~ssing,
testing, hauling and delivering the material to the polnt of Against an item in the schedule of quantities where no
use: the construction, repair, maintenance and rnaklng quantity is given but a rats only is requlred, the contrector
good after completion 07 all access roads, and all work shall flll In a rate or amount which will constitute payment
required in opening. using and finishing off borrow pits for work which may be done in terms of this item. Such
unless covered by other pay ttems rn the schedule of rate-only Item Is used where it Is estlrnared that little or no
quantities. work will be required under the item, or where the item is
to be consldered as an alternative for another item where
(it) Placing material a quantlty is gtven, or lor variattons i n rates of appl~cation
ar mi%proport~onsIn terms of clause 1213 of thrs section.
The phrase "placing material" shall mean tha off-loading,
spreading, blending, processing, watering, miring, shaping Werk under rate-only items will be paid for only if it hes
and compactrng (where specified) of the material in the been enecuted In terms of a written instruction by the
pavement layers, fills and bypasses, as well as the engineer.
procuring, furnishing, applying and admixing of water: t h ~
breakingdown of oversize material, the removing of
oversize materlal which cannot be broken down, correcting 1210 CERTIFICATE OF PRACTICAL COMFtJTiON OF
irregular or uneven surfaces or layers, the thickness o l M E WOAKS
which is not to speclftcation, fin~shing-oft to within the
specified lalarances, the refilling of test holes and
mafntstning the completed work. In the case of asphalt Amongst others the following sections of the works are to
courses and bituminous seals, it shall also mean ?he be duly completed to the satisfaction of the englneer to
heating and spraying of binder, the spreading of aggregate justify the issue of a certificate of practical complatlon i n
or asphalt mlntures, rolling, compactrng. l~nlsh~ng-off to terms of clause 54 of the general conditions of contract:
within the speclfred tolerances, and rnaintarning the
compleled work. (a) The gravel wearlng course, seats, asphalt or
concrete pavement:
The phrase "procuring furnishing and placing" shall maan
procuring and furnishing in add~tionto placing, all as (b) all above-ground and subsoil drainage structures;
defined hereln.
(c) all fencing:

Id) Pay items Id) the l~nishing-offof medians and slopes of cuts and
The descriptions under the pay items in the various
sectlons of the speclfications, indlcalrng the work for which (e) all the necessary roed signs and road-surface
allowance shall be made In the tendered rates for such pay markings:
items, are for the guldance of the contractor and do not
necessarily repeal all the detalls of work and materials (fj all guardrails;
required by and described In the speclfications
(gI all structures;
These descriptions shall be read in conjunction wlth the
relevant specifications and drawings, and the contractor (h) the finishing-off of ail borrowpits
shall, when tendering, bear in mind that his rates shall be
inclusive as specified En subclause (b) above,
(e) Matwials cm the site

Payment in terms of clause 52 of the general conditions ol Traffic over structures or pavement layers of an
contract for materials on the site. which have not yet been uncompleted road shall, i n addition to orher restrictions
incorporated in the works, will be calculated at BDob of the~r specltied elsewhere, be restricted 20 equipment required
purchase price, or, in the case of crushed stone which has fur its construcf~on,wrth the proviso that traffic for hauling
not been purchased but has been produced on the site, at material over pavement layers, in so far as is possible.
BDO:. of a fair avaluatlon of such mater~al. shall b e llmited to a mlnlmurn b y construction roads and
deviations belng used
The englneer may at his sole discretion allow payment
under "malerials on the site" in respect of artlcles such as Traffic over structures or the completed road will be
precast beams manufactured and stored aff slte, subject restricted to the rnaxlmum axle load permitted i n terms of
la their having been completed, to proof of thelr ownership slarutory prnvisions. Any damage to structures or
as berng that of the contractor, and to the articles being completed layers caused by the contractor's rraffic shall b e
repaired at his own cost. foundation particularsappearlng In the contract document.

Drawings for aiternative designs shall be prepared in

1212 ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS AND OFFERS accordance with !he provisions of clause 1221.

Unless anything to the contrary has been determined (e) Ouantities

elsewhere in the confract documents, a tenderer may,
rogerher with his tender for the orlgbnal designs contained Each alternative offer shall be accornpanled by a modified
in tha contract documents, submtt alternative designs and priced schedule of quant~tiescompiled in accordance with
offers for consideration. Such alternative designs and the standard specifications, in so far as at is appl~cable.
offers shall be sublect to the following conditions and which clearly shows the manner In whlch the prlce for the
requirements original schedule of quantit~eswhich fall away or are being
changed. In addition to the schedule of quantities, a set of
calculaf~onsshall be supplied to show how the quantltles
(a) Tendm have bean determined. All assumptions in regard to
foundation conditions or other factors which will determine
An alternative offer or design will be considered only if the quantities shall be clearly and conspicuously marked by
tender for the original items has been fully priced and underlining or colouring, and shall indicate whether or not
completed. Ihe assumptions have been based on inforrnatlon
furnished tn the contract documents (wlth the necessary
Unless the alternative offer stipulates to the contrary, it references).
shall be assumed that the period for completion of the
works shall be the same as for the original design.
(f) Further details
An alternative offer or design shall b e submitted together
with the lender for the original items or design, otherwrse Should the engineer find that the caiculations and
It wlll not be considered when tenders are adludicated. draw~ngs submitted for alternative designs are not
complete enough for proper ~djudicationof the alternative
Calculations, drawings and a mod~fied schedule of designs, it may mean that no further consideration will be
quantities (as determined hereafter) in respect of each given to such alternative designs The employer, however,
alternatfve offer or design shall accompany the alternative reserves to itself the r~ghtto call on the tenderer to submit
tender offer. such further caicuiat~onsand draw~ngsas may be required.
If such further details are not submitted within ten days of
having been requested, !he alternative des~gns may
@) Design codes possibly not be given further consideration

Alternative designs shall be executed str~ctlyin accordance

with the appropriale deslgn codes and prescriptions of the (g) Preliminary adludication of alternative designs
employer. Copies of such codes and prescriptlong will be
avallable for perusal at the off~ceof the engineer, but the The engineer will undertake a preliminary scrutiny of any
onus rests wlth the contractor to ensure that he complies elternat~vedesigns for compliance w~ththe specified
with tha deslgn requirements of the employer. requ~rementsof the employer. Should he find any mlstakas
or unsalisfactory aspects, he may afford the contractor the
opportunity to rectify them within a period to be
determined by the engineer, However, it is emphasized
that the preliminary scrutiny of the design and tender by
Preliminary calculations tor an alternat~vedesign shall b e the engineer, by its very nature, cannot be comprehensive,
submitted with the tender. Such calculations shall give and no guarantee can be given in this regard that all the
adequate details so as to enable an assessment to be mistakes made by the contractor will in fact bo detected,
made of the general efficacy of the design and of its Any correction of such mistakes shall be made with the
principal elements, aiso of the degree to whlch the design tender price of the contractor being reta~nad, and,
prescr~ptions and codes of the employer are being wherever necessary, the pr~cedschedule of quantities for
complied with. The calculations shall be clear and In a the alternat~vedesign shall be adjusted accord~ngly.
logical sequence and shall clearly reflect all the design

(h) Acceptance of alternative design

(d) Preliminary drawings
The contraclnr shall note that the acceptance of a tender
Prelfmlnary drawings of the alternat~vedes~gnsshall also whlch indudss alternative designs shall mean that the
be swbrnltted with the tender. These draw~ngsshall alternat~vedesigns have been approved in pr~ncep[e only.
comprise adequate layout plans, elevations and sect~ons If the f~nal cdculations drawings and details do not
and shaH clearly Illustrate the general efficacy of the des~gn comply with the specified requirements, such alternative
and its principal elements. Foundation depths and other designs may be rejected, unless they are suitably
elements depending on foundation conditions shall, in so amended by the contraclor so as to be acceptable to the
far as may be applicable, be in accordance w~th engineer.
(IJ Final drsnings and dculablons aml the priced engineer
schedule of quantities

Where a tender with an alternative design has been (1) 01 Eh@&ing h a t i v e designs
accepted, the contractor shall, not less than three months
before he intends starting with the construction of such The contractor shall, in hls tander for each alternative
design, submit to !he engineer a complete set of worklng deslgn, include an Item to cover the cost for checking his
drawings, detailed calculations and a complete schedule design. Thls Item shall be 5% of the tendered amount of
of quantities, for approval. Ths schedule of quanfltles shall the destgn wlthout any price adjustment in terms nf ctause
bs based on the prellmlnary schedule of quantrtles, but 49 of the general conditions of contract behg considered,
with the necessary adjustments In quantitles and prices and the amount wlll be payable to ?heenglneer only upon
and with the tendered price for the alternative deslgn belng an authorization issued by the employer.

Wthln six weeks ot having received the above, the (m) Mtemalh Dflers
engineer will Indicate which drawings, calculations,
quantities, prices and other particulars are acceptable to Alternative offers in this context shatl mean offers not
him and whlch not, with reasons lurnlshed. The contractor relatTng to a structure, such as a bridge, wh~chrequlrss a
shall then submit to the eng.lneer in good time any comprehensive structural analysis. It involves, in the rnaln,
rnodlfied drawings and other particulars for approval, for offers for the use of other materials, construction
which he wit1 require two weeks. Any delay aria~ngfrom the programmes, alternative routes, etc. In this case The
fact that the amended particulars do not meet the provbsions of clause 1212 wlll srlll apply, except In the case
requirements shall be the responstbllity of the contractor. where the contractor, in consultaZion with the employer,
may agree to amend or dalete certaln of the provisions,
No work whkh wlll be affected by an alternative design depending on the nature of the offer, but subject to a
may be commenced, unless the drawings, schedule of wriflen agreemant beforehand wfth the employer.
quantlttes and prlces for such alternative desIgn have been
approved. Should tha contractor fall to modify any
drawings, calculations, quant~t~es, prlces or any other fzt3 vmnm FROM S P E ~ E DNOW RRTES
particulars to the satisfaction of the engineer, the OF APPLICATION OR NOMINAL MIX
alternative design will be rejected and the original design PROPORTlONS
shall bo constructed for the same amount as has been
tendered for the alternative dss~gn.
The varlaus sections of these specifications spsclfy
nominal rates of appllcation or nornfnal rnlx proportlonsfor
materialssuch es brturnlneus materials, aggregates, fillers,
stabillzing agents, palnt and the like. Tenderers shall base
The approval of a deslgn by the engineer shall In no way Zhetr tenders on these nomlnal rates of appllcatlon and mlx
relieve the contractor of his responsibility to produca a proportions.
des~gnwhich conforms in all respects to all the specified
requirements and which wlll be suitable for the purpose Whets such nominal rates af application or mix
envisaged. proportions are speclfled, provision Is made tor deviations
in the quantities of material in consequence of the rates of
Should It appear leter during construction or during the application or mix propnrtions prescrlbed by the engineer
rnaIntenance psrlod that the design does not conform to in each aa.rticular case In consideration of the available-
the specified requirements, the contractor only shall be materials and the conditions on the site.
llable for any damage arising ?hersframand he shall, at his
own expense, do all the necessary work ta ensure that the Where the actual rates of application or r n l ~
structure conforms to all the speclfied requirements. used in the works vary from the specified nominal rates
and mix proportions, adjustment of compensation wlll be
made -
(k) Payments for alternative designs
(a) as a payment to the contractor Fn respect of any
Payments for alternative designs will be based on the authorized Increase in quantltles whlch enceed those
finally approved schedule of quantities end rates for such specified, where such Increase has been ordered, In
designs. The lump sum fur an alternative- deslgn will wr~ting,by the engineer:
remain fixed and wlfl be the final amount payabCa to the
contractor in regard to such deslgn, except only for
deviations arising from -
{b) as a refund to the empfoyet in respect of the
(i) foundation mndltlons whlch differ from foundation decrease In quantities w h ~ c hare less than those speclfled,
conditions shown In the contract documents, or in regard Irrespective of whether such decrease results from an
Zo assumptions regarding foundation conditions staled in authorized decrease In the rates of applicatron or mix
his tender by the contractor and accepted by the englneer: proportlonc, or from unautharfzed reductions on the part
of the contractor.
(ii) changes not arlslng from any failure or fault of the
contractor, but from rnodificatlons requested by the Payment for a prescribed tare of appllcation or mix
proportion shall be based on the actual rate of application These agreements shall ba stgned b y all the parties
or mlK proportion used, provided that this does not enceed concerned and deFlvered to the engineer.
the prescribed rate of applicatlon or mix proportion. plus
any tolerance in the rate of application or mix proportion Where the contractar cannot obtaln the owner's agreement
allowed. If the ectual rate of applicatlon or mix proportion in wr~ting,he shall refer the matter to the engineer snd
exceeds the prescribed rate or pmport~on,payment shall shall furnish him with details, in writing, nt any verbal
be based on the prescribed rate of applicanion or mln agreement made.
proportinn plus any tolerance allowed. It the actual rate of
appl~cationer mls proportion is below the prescribed rate (c) Whare, En addition to any agreement with the owner
of application or mix proportion ordered, payment shall be of any property to be entered upon or temporartly
based on the actual rate of applicatien or mix proportion occupjed or any service to be moved, It Is understood or
regardtess of any tolerance allowed. Notwithstanding the required that the contractor shall serve notice on the owner
above, the engineer shall be fully entltled to reject work immediately before actually entering upon or occupying
which has not been constructed In accordance with the the private property or moving a service, and shall give
specifications or the ratesol apptlcation or mix proportfons proper notice thereof in wrlting, and the engineer shall be
presclibed by him supplied with a copy of such notice, together with
acknowledgement of recelpt.
The employer shall be refunded lor any decrease in the
specified rales of applicatlon ot mix proportions at the (d) On completion of hfs operations, the contractor
same rate per u n ~of
t measurementas that tendered by the shall obtain, from the owner concerned, a written
conlractor for additlonal materials required by an increase statement to the effect -
In the rates of applicatlon or mix proportions.
[I) that the contractor has fulfilled his obligations under
any written agreement, or, in the absence of a written
OF SERVICES MOVED, DAMAGED OR ALTERED (~i) that the owner has recelved all the curnpensatian
he is entitled to and is also satisfied that all property
occupied, including borrow plts, haul roads and
(a) The contractor shall exercise any rlghts that may be constructinn roads, has been properly restored and ts in a
ceded to hlm by an authority In terms of any statutory satisfactory condition
provisions tor purposes of e~ecutingthe contract, on
condition that - In respect of services moved, altered, damaged or affected
In any way, the contractar shall strnllarly obtaln a written
(i.) the contractor complies strictly with the statement from the owner !hat the services have been
requirements of such statutory prevlslons, particularly In taken over [n a satisfactory condftion.
regard to the matters relating lo servlng nottce on the
owner ar consultation wlth h ~ m : All such statements shall be slgned, dated and delivered
to the engineer.
(ii) in each case a written agreement is made with the
engineer regarding the details of the contractor's proposed (e) Should the contractor wish to use land outside the
actians before the tights of the contractor in terms of Ihe area provided by the employer for storing or keeping
statutory provisions are exercised. material or equipment required for the construction nf the
permanent works, it wftl be subject ta the tollow~ng
(b) The conttactor shall put In writlng all his
agreements with owners of properly outside the road (I) That the engineer approve any area seledsd tor
reserve or of services inside or outside the road reserve in thls purpose.
respect of the Iollowlng matters.
(ii} That such land be physically separated from a n y
i The lacat~on,extent and use of borrow pits, haul production plant or actlv~tissand sultably fenced In,
roads. construction roads and bypasses outside the road
(iii) That the area used for the aforesaid purpose be
(li) Compensat)on, if applicable, tor land or materials surveyed, and, where the land does not belong to the
taken or for land temporarily used or occupied contractor, he shall enter Into a contract of lease with the
owner of such land in respect of the full period for which
(iii) The reinstatement of property occupied. used, such land shall be used for such purpose, which contract
damaged or destroyed,or compensatEontherefor in lieu of shall stipulate that the owner shall not have any right
reinstatement whatsoever to any matarral stockpiled on such land during
the currency of the contract of lease
(tv) The procedure for the moving of services and
details as to how and when thls is to be done,
(Iv) That sultable, permanent reference beacons.
approved by the engineer, be placed next to the area, at
(v) Any sirnllar matter directly relaled to the the cost of the contractor, lor use by the englnser with a
contractor s activitieson or in respect of private property or view fo, i f applicable, taklng cross-sectfonsfor determining
sewicel. quantities.
(v) That only rnaterlal used for thls contract shall be project speciflcatlons.
stored on such land.
X = 20, unless otherwise provtded in the project
A B N O R W RAlMFALh Y = 10, unless olhewise provided In the project

Extension of time in terms of clause 45 of the general The total delay that will be taken into account lor the
conditions of contract in respect of abnormal rainfall shall determination of the total extension of tlme for the contract
be determined In terms of method (i) below, unless the shall be the algebraic sum o l the monthly totals for the
project spec~f~calidns determine that method [liJ shall be period under considerat~on. But rf the grand total is
used. negative, the time lor compTetion shall not be reduced on
account of abnormal rainfall. The total extension of time
The extension of time that will be considered for a glven for any calendar month shall no2 exceed {Nc - Nn)
calendar month shall not exceed the number of calendar calendar days, where Nc = number of calendar days in
days in that month less the average number of days In that Ihe month under consideration
month on which a ralnlall of Y mrn or more per day has
been recorded, as derived from enisling ralnfall records. The factor (Nw - Nn) shall be considered lo represent a fair
allowance for variations from the average number of days
during which rainfall equals or exceeds Y mrn per day.

The formula below shall be used to calculate separately The factor (Rw - Rn) t X shall be considered l o represent
the delay for each calendar month or part thereof. It shall a fair allowance for variations from the average lor the
be calculated each month during the period referred to in number of days during which rainfall does not equaf or
the general conditions of contract as the time for exceed Y mm per day, but when wet conditions prevent or
cornptet~onof the works (including any extension thereof disrupt work
that n a y have been granted), or until the Issue data of the
certiftcate 01 practical cornpietian, whichever 1s the shorter This formula daes not take into account any flood damage,
period. The delay calculated for a given month shall be which could cause further or concurrent delays and whlcfr
used to determine the Interlm extension of timegranted for should be treated separately In so far as emtension of time
that month. At the end of the applicable p e r ~ o dreferred to is concerned.
above, !he aggregate of the rnonlhly delays will be taken
into accounl for the final determination of the total Accurate rain gaugings shall be taken at a suitable point
extension of time for the contract on the site daily at 08'00 unless otherwise agreed to by the
engineer, and the contractor shall, at his own expense,
V = (Nw - Nn) -I- jRw - Rnl take all necessary precaurlons to ensure that the rain
X gauges csnnot be Interfered wlth by unauthorized persons,

If any value of Y Is negative and its absolute value exceeds Information regarding exisring rainfall records. if available
Nn, then V shall be taken as equal ta rnlnus Nn from a su~table rainfall station near the slte, wlll be
supplhed in the prolect speclflcations, together with
The delay for a part of a month shall be calculated by calculat~onsof rain delays for prevlous years In accordance
substituting pro rata values for the variables In the with the above formula The average of these delays w ~ l l
equation be regarded as normal raln delays which the contractor
shall accommodate in t719 programme, and for w h ~ c hno
The symbols shall have the lollow~ngmeanings: extension of time will be consrdared.

V = Delay due to rain in calendar days in respect ol the If no suitable rainfall records are available, the above
calendar rnonrh under consideration formula will not apply.

Nw = Actual number of days during the calendar month

on which a rainfall of Y mm or more per day has
been recorded.
Where !he critical-path method is specified in the p r o j ~ c t
Rw = Actual rainfall in mrn lor the calendar month under specifications for determining extenslon of lime resullrng
consldefatlon. from abnormal rainfall. it shall be applted as follows:

Nn = Average number o l days In the relevant calendar A delay caused by Inclement weather condltlons will be
month (as derived from ert~st~ng ralnlall records regarded as a delay only if,in the opin~onol the engineer,
provided in the project specif~catinns)on which a all progress on an Item or items of work on the critical path
rainlalt of Y mrn or more per day has been of the working programme of the contractor has been
recorded. brought to a hall. Delays on wofking days only (based on

RR - Average rainfall in mrn for the calendar month, as

derived from the rainfall records supplied in the
a Itve-day work~ngweek) will be taken into account for the
extenslon of tlme, but the contractor shall make provision
in h ~ sprogramme of work for an expected delay of "nu
working days caused b y normal rarny weather, for which
he will not receive any exteasion of tima, The value of "n" drains, open channels, banks, etc, and providing and
shall be given In the project specifications. operating temporary pumps and such other equipme~tas
may be necessary for adequately protecting, draining and
Extension of time during workkng days will be granted to dewatering the works and temporary works. This will be In
the dagree to which actual delays, as defined above, additron to any permanent drainagm works specified snd
exceed the number of "nuworkings days as mentioned in installed, and Fn addit~on l o any temporary drainage works
the project specificatians. specitically pald for separately as in the case of d~versions.

In case of rehabilitallon work the contractor shall plan the

1216 MFORMATDN FURNISHED BY THE MPLOYER relevant excavation and backfill in detail and obtain the
engineer'sapproval before commencing excavationsIn the
existing pavement on any section of the work. The
Certain infotmatloncontained In these contract documents confractar shall be fully responsible for the protection of
or provided separately Is belng offered in good faith but, underlying pavement layers and the draining andlor
In the circumstances pertalnlng to the type of information keeplng dry of such excavations, and hls planning shall
furnished, no guarantee can be given that all the make provislon for the speedy backfilling and drainage of
inforrnat~onis necessarily correct or representative of the excavations during wet per~ods Unless otherwise directed
In sltu conditions. by the engineer, the contractor shall1 make use of
temporary drainage pipes andfor pumps for draining
This applies more specifically to aft sol1 tests, soil excavations in the pavement Where temporary pipes are
mapping, drilling results, geophysical surveys, qeologlcal placed In completed pavement layers or in ensting
reports, borrow-plt Informstlon, material surveys and pavement layers that will not be broken up, the road shall
reports, and slm~larInformation, the accuracy of whFch Is be repaired in such a manner that the pavement will not
necessarily subject to the llm~tationsof testing, eampting, be weakened thereby. In case of rehabililation work
the natural variation of material or formarions belng payment under any ilem that makes prwlslon for
Investigated and the measure a l certainty wtth which measures for drainlng pavement encavatlons, shall apply
conclusions can be drawn from any invest~gationsmade. only where the engineer has ordered. in writlng, that such
R also applies to any materials-utilization diagram measures be taken and the contractor has executed the
provided, as tha dlagram may be subject to major work Furthermorethe contractor shall. at his own cost, be
alterations durlng the progress of the work, depending on responsible for the repalr of any pavement layers damaged
site conditions. as a result of water being impounded or of saturation
should he have failed to submil his planntng to the
The employer wlTl not accept any llability for the engineer or to comply duly w~ththe approved measures.
correctness nr otherwise of the inlotmatian furnished Qr for
any resulting damage, whether direct or consequential, (b) Care shall b e taken not to allow material in borrow
should It appear, during the course of the contract, that the pits to become excessively wet, to keep all completed
Information supplied Is either ~ncorrect or not layers properly drained, not to cause dumps of material on
representative. completed layer work to inhibit surface drainage or to form
wet spots under and around dumps, and to protect all
Any reliance placed by the contractor on this information parts of the works against erosion by floods and rain.
shalt be at hfs own risk.
Material shall not be spread on a layer that Is so wet as to
Notwithstanding the above, the employer will accept result in the danger of any damage berng caused to the
responsibttlty for the correctness of the following. layer durlng compaction of a subsequent layer, or when
opened to traff~c
(a) Any rock cores purported to be recovered from
des~gnatedtest-drill holes When material Is spread out on the road, the contractor
shall ensure that, during wet periods, r l will have a good
(b) VEsual tnformation apparent from the inspection of cross-falland a light compaction on the surface in order to
open trial pits. fac~l~tate
run-aff durlng rainy weather.

(c) The results only of any centre-line, borrow-area or (c) fill and cut slopes shall be repaired immediateTy
other sol! lests given in the drawings or schedules forming whenever damaged by surface water Where eroslon
part of the contract documents. occurs on high fills, the slopes shall be repaired by cutting
back to form benches and by compacting the backfill
mechanically to the spec~f~ed controlled densities, using
1217 PROTECTION OF THE WORKS AND suitable light equipment
CONSTRVCTlON OF NEW WORK ON TOP OF (d) E~cavationsfor pipe drains, culverts, service ducts
COMPLETED WORK IS COMMENCED and s~m~lar structures shall be adequately protected
against the possrbie ingress of water dur~ngraln-storms,

The general obligations of the contractor in terms of clause (0) All completed layer work shall be protected snd
35 of the general conditions of contract, shall, inter alia, maintained until the following layer is constructed
include the following: Maintenance shall include immediate repairs to any
damage or defects which may occur and shall b e repeated
(a) The provTsion of temporary drainage works such as as often as may be necessary to keep the layer
continuously Intact and Fn a good condition. [ii) Where the Roor of a cutting has been taken too
deep, it will normally require backfilling and recornpaction
(I) Before any completed Tayer Is primed or a with selected gravel In the case of sol! or gravel
succeeding layer Is constructed thereon. eny damage to excavation, and with crushed stone or suitably sized rock
the ex~stlnglayer shall be repalred, SO that, after repair or in the case of hard excavations. All necessary measures
reconstruction i f necessary, it will conform in all respects shall be taken to dram away groundwater that may
to the requirements specifled for that layer. All repair work accumulate in backfilled sections.
other than minor surface damage repairs shall be
submitted to the engineer for inspection before it fs (iii) Excess width of fills wlll have to be trimmed down.
covered up.
[iv) Where erosion has damaged the surface of cuts or
The previously construcfed layer shall be thoroughly fllls, Ihe damage shall be made good by backflll~ngwlth
cleaned by the removal of all loreign material before suitable material and retrimming. In more serious cases,
construction of a succeeding layer ar application of a the slopes may have to be cut back by benching,
prtme coat, surfacing or surface treatment. In the case of backfilled and compacted to the required standard of
all bitumlnouswork in particular, the existing layer shall be compaction with sultable light equipment, and then
thoroughly broomed and all dung, clay, mud and other retrimmed.
deleterious materlal completely removed, Whera
necessary, the surface shall be sprayed with water before.
during and after broomlng to remove all foreign material. @) Stabilizing

(g) Work performed as part af the above obligations Any sections falling to meet the requirements specified or
shall no! be measured and paid far separately, and the damaged to the exten! that they require breaking-up and
cost thereof shall be included in the rates tendered for the recornpaction will have to be restabllized wtth the type and
various items of work requiring protection and the ilemsfor quantity of stabilizing agent ordered by the engineer. The
the contractor's establishment on the site, ets spec~ffed in engineer may also order that the layer be removed entirely
sectlon 1300 and replaced with fresh material to be stabilized

1216 REMEDIAL WOW (cJ LDcal defecls In pavement laym

M e r e remedTal measures are taken to make good local

When any part of the works or any equipment or materlal defects, the width of the area to be repaired by machlnes
Is found, upon examination by the engineer, not to shall be such as w ~ lbe
l necessary to accommodate the full
conform ta the requirements or at any stage before f~nal width of the machines used, and iE shall be of a reasonabre
acceptance is damaged so that it no longer conforms to length to ensure effective operation by the machinery. The
fhe requlrements of the speclficatlons, the englneer may depth to whlch material wlll have to be removed will
order its complete removal and replacement. at the depend on the type of material. Gravel wlll require
contractor's expense, with satisfactory work, equipment ar breaking up to a depth of at Ceast 75 rnm and crushed
material, or he may permit the contractor to apply remedial stone will usually require breaking up over its full depth.
measures In order ta make good any such defects or Asphalt material wlll normally require removal over Its full
damage. The actual remedial measures taken shall at all depth.
times be entirely at the conlractor's own initiative, risk and
cost, but subject to the engineer's approval regarding the
detalls thereof. (d) Concrete

In parti~ular remedial measures shall ensure full Concrete work will normally require the cuttlng.back and
compliance with the requirements of the spec~ficat~nns of complete removal of any weak or honeycombed sections
the final product, shall not endanger or damage any other and making good by usmg speclal epoxy adhes~vesto
part of the works, and shall be careluHy controlled and blnd fresh cgncrete Io old concrete. Cracks, when
submittedtotha engineer forexamination when completed permitted to rernaln, shall be injected with suitable epoxy
or at any Intermediate stage as may be! required. compounds, and test cores shall then be drllled lor testing
the effjcacy of the injection process.
For the guldance of the contractor, an indication is given
below of what would normally be required In the more
common cases of defects or damage, but the engineer will 1219 WATER
In na way b e bound to accept or approve !he mensures
given below. as the actual remedral measures will be
dictated by the circumstances of each particular case. The contractor hfmself shall make arrangements for
procuring, transporting, storing, distributing and applying
the water needed for construction and other purposes.
except where otherwise specified No direct payment w ~ l l
be made for providing water, the cost of which shall be
[i) Where a cut slope has been over-excavated or included in the rates tendered for the various items of work
undercut, backtllllng wlll not normally be allowed and the for which water is needed.
entlre slope may have to be retrimmed to obtain a uniform
slope. Only clean water, free from undesirable concenfratTons of
deleterious salts and other metsrlals, shall bs used. All 7221 DRRWlNGS PRaVIOED BY THE CQNTWGTOFI
water sources used shall be subject to the engineer's
Where [he cantrattar I9 raqulrad to prapere any drawlngs
for the purpose of thls contract, they shall be prepared as
1220 A U T H O R r Z E D MEASUREMENTS AND specified below and In accordance wlth rrny further
TOIEFWCES requlrements specifled by the engfneer.

The contractor shall be pravlded wlth one transparent

The work specified In the varlous sections of these polyester standard drawing sheet and ona steel schedule
speclficatlonfi shall comply with the various dimensional sheet, whlch shall be used as masters tor all drewings
and other tolerances specifled fn each case Whera no preparod by him and submitted to the englneer for
talerencss ate spwclfled, the standard of workmanshlp conslderatlon,
shall be in accordance wlth normal good practice. No
representation Is made that the tull specified tolerances wlll Tha contractor shall subrnlt to the ~nglnmer for hls
be avaltable Independently of each other, and the ad]udieation one transparent polyester prlnt, 0.050 mm
conlractor Is cautioned that the llberal or full usa of Any thick, o l each drawlng prepared by hlm. The standnrd of
one or mora tolerances may deprlvs hlm of the full or any detalFlng and quallty of print shall bs the same as those of
use of tolerances relatlng to other aspects of the work. tho drawlngs suppllad to the contractor under the contract.
The latter would spply particularly In respect of level
tolerances on layer work and the relatad requlrsments The drawlngs shall be cornplled In the nTfFclal hnguege of
ragarding layer thlcknssses. the contract and shall cnmpTy In all respects wlth the
requlrements of ths employer.
In tho dsscrlptlon of certaln pay Items, whetn It Is stated
that quantities wTll be determined from the authorized Accepted drawlngs shall form an integral part of the
dlmenslons, thla shall be taken to mean the dlmmnslans as contract documents, and any drawTng not accepted and
specltlsd or shown on the drawlngs or. H changed, a9 signed will not be psrm~ttedon the slte ot the works for
tlnatty instructed by the engfneer, wrthout any altowance constructlon purposes andlor used for the rnanufactura of
for tolerances betng specifled If the work is therefore any Item. Notwllhstnndlngthe approval sndtor acceptancm
constructed In cnmpllance wlth the authorlzed dimsnslons. and slgnlng of the drawlngs, tho contractor ahst1 take tull
plus or mlnus any tolarances allowed, quantltles will ba responslbllity for all deta~ls, dlscrepancles, omlsslons,
based on the suthorlzed dimenslons rsgsrdless of the errors, atc, In respect of the sald drawlngs 89 wall as for
actual dlmenslons to wlh~chthe work in constructed. the consequences thereof.

Whero the work Is not constructed In accordance wTth the The contractor shall subrnlt only fully cornplatad drawlngs
autharlzsd dlrnanslons, plus or mlnus any tolerances In eccordance wlth thls spaeification and shall not be
allowed, tho snglneer may nevertheless, In his sole entitled to clalm tor delays resulting from the submlsslon
dlscretton, accept tha work for payment. In such cases no of incernptstedrawings The englneer wlll requlre a perlod
payment wlll be made In respect of quanllties of work or of four to sight weeks,depend~ngon clreumstances, lor
material in encesa of those caFcufated from the authorlzed reviewing t h e complete drawlng(s).
dlrnenslons and where the actual dlrnenslons are lass than
the authorized dimensions, minus any tolerance allnwsd. No direct payment For deslgn, praparatlon and submlsslon
quantltlss for payment shall be based nn the actual of drewlngs wlll be made and all coats shall be Included In
dimensions as constructed the rates tendered Inr the relevant pay Items as lprovlded
In the schedule of quantitles. The co2l of revlewlng the
The rneanlng of the specllled tolerances shall be as shown deslgnldrawlngs shall be for the contractor's account.
in table 122011.

Q = Actual dlmenslon of completed work 1222 USE OF€MJLOSnrES

D, = Authorized dimendon of the work

Generally the contractor will be parrnlttsd to use nxploslvea
t = Spsclfled tolerance for breaking up rock and hard materlal during sncavation,
lor dernolishlng existing structures, and 'lor such other
Table 1220!1 purposes for whtch it may normally be rwqulred, sublect to
the following conditions:

Spectflsd D (a3 The englneer wlll have the rlght to prohibit the use
--tolerance of explosives In cases where, En h ~ sopinion, the rlsk of
injury to persons or damsge to property or adloinlng
+t (01 t) (0, + t) 2 D 2 (Da - t)
structures is too high. Such actinn by the englneer shalF
not entitle t h e contractor to any addltlonal payment tar
tt (D, + t) z D r D~ having l o resort to other less economical methods of
constructkon unless otherwise provided In the project
-t Da 2 5 {D,-t) specifications or the schedule ol quantities
(b) The prevlslons of subclause 3308(g) shall be contractor's use and oe~upatlonof ths road reserve.
complied with.

(c) Legal provlslons In regard to the use of e~plosives 1225 HAUL

and the rsqulrements of the lnspedor of Explosives shall
be strictly compiled wlth.
The contractor shall aubmlt to the englneer for approval
(d) The contractor ahall, at hla own cost, meke full detalls of any haul and construction roads he proposes
arrangements fur supplying, transporting, storlng and to bulld. Such detalls shall be submltted well In ndvence
ustng exploslvas. In order to afford the engineer sufficient time 20 InvostEgats
thelr lrnpllcatlons. Haul roads may not be bullt without the
a) Belore any blastlng Ts undertaken, the contractor, englnssr's prlor wrltten approval, 8nd shall be kept to a
together wlth the englneer, shall exarnlne and rneaaure up mlnlmum, parlicularly In areas where thelr Impact on Zha
any buildings, houses or structures In the vlclnlty of the envlrenrnent may be serious.
proposmd blastlng and cretabllsh and record, together with
the ownar thereof, the extent ot any cracks or damage that Where the Contractor constructs temporary davlatlons, haur
may exlat before blasting operallons are commenced It andlor construetion roads for accommodating construct7on
shall be the responslbllity of the contractor to make good, traffic, he shall construct and maintaln them at hfs awn
at hls own sxpense, any furthar damage to such houses, cost and tn accurdance wlth detafls previously agreed on
bulldlngs or struelures which la a result of the blaating wlth the englneer, In wrltlng. Such roads shell be
operations. oblltarated and Zhalr aurisees properly relnetated when no
longer requlred, all at the contractor's own cost, Haul
(f) Where there Is consldsrable danger of damage to roads shall comply with the requlremsnts sf clauses 3104
power or telephone llnes or underground or other services and 3105,
or any other property, the contractor shall sultably adapt
his methnd of blastlng and the slze of the charges, and
shall take edequate protectlve measures, such as cover 1228 ~ O F r n O F T R M C H E S A N D
blastlng, in order to llmlt the risk of damage as fnr as FOUNDATION MCAVATIONS
Whera trenches or foundation excavatlons are raqulrad
(g) The englnesr shall, twenty-lour hours before each below tho level of mass excavatlons for the road prlsm, the
blasting operation Is earrled out, be advlsed thereof, In depth of excavatlon of the trenchea or loundatlons shall be
wrltlng, unless stharwlse sgrned on wlth the engineer, msasured from ground leva1 after cornpletlon of the mass
ancavetton, unless the englnear la setlsfled that the
encavatlon of the trenches or loundatlons from the orlglnal
1223 W R K ON,OVER, UNDER OR CUUAENT TO ground level or any lower lsvsl was unavaldable. Where
RAllWAY LINES trenches are excavated In accordance wlth the 1111 method
in the completed or partly completed road prism, the
depth of sxcavation ahall be measured from the levels at
which Ihs engineer Instructed the contraeror to commence
All work carrled out on, aver, under or adlacent to rallway trench excavatlons. The contractor shall snsure that ha
31nes of a statutory authorlty shall be- carr~edout strictly in obtains such lnstructlons In good tlme end, where
accordanca wlth tho latest edltlon of the officlal raqulred, shall submit proposals to the englnser for
specifications of such authorlty, a copy of whlch wlll approval.
normally be lncluded In the project ~pecll~catlons. Where
no such copy Is Included In the project spscllleatlons or
where the copy lncluded In the prolea spectflcations 19
amended or superseded by another, the contractor tihall
obtain the latest edltlon, whleh shall be kept on tha alte,
before any work of thls nature Is commenced. The cantractor or hla authorlzad reprssentatlveshall attend
monthly meetings an the ~ l t e wlth reprasenZatlves of the
The attention is drawn particularry to Zha requirements employer and the englneer, at dates and times to be
eontalned In the specifications regarding ths approval that determined by the employer. Such rnsetlngs wlll be held
must be nbtained from the relevan?statutory authorlty for tor evaluaZlng the progress of the contraFt and lor
a work permit or occupation of Its property and the dlacusslng matters pertaining to the contract whleh any of
approval of falsework and formwork plans. the parties represented may wlsh to raise. Such meetings
are not Intended for discussing matters concerning the
normal day-te-day running of the cantract.


The road reserve will be handed over to the contractor for
eonsrructlon, subject to such conditions as may be
specified in the project specifications regard~ngmatters The contractor ghall keep himself fully conversant with ttre
such as the sequence In which sections will be handed latest enactments, provisions snd regulations of all
over and must be complsted, the rnaxlmurn total length of legislative and statutory bodtes, and, In all respects and at
temporary deviat~onsthat w~llbe allowed to be in operation all t~mes,shall compty with such enactments, previsions
at any time, and any other matters relating to the and regulations In regard lo executing the contract.
t Z29 SABS CEMENT SPECRCATFONS Common cements are formulated prlrnarlly for use In

!&hen Zhe European standard for cements Is adopted by

the SABS as the new South Afrfcan standard, the enistfng Masonry cements are formulated to obtain mixes with a
four SABS cement speclficalions will be replaced by two good workability tar rendering, plastering and masonry
new spec~fications,namely: work. Masonry cement may not be used In concrete.

SABS 'ENV 197-1 for common cements

As soon as the new SABS cement specifications become
and operative, the SABS cement speclflcatEons and the cement
types specified in the projscl specifications or prescr~bed
SABS EM, 413-1 for masonry cement. by the engrneer in writing shall apply to the contract.
13.01 The c m l r d o r ' s general

(a) Fixed obfigatlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lump sum

130f SCOPE
1302 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS (b) Valusrelsted obligations . . . . . . . . . lump sum
(c) Time-related obligatlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . month

Payment of the lump sums tendered under nubitems (a)

and (b), and the rate per month for subitem (c) shatl, for
the three sublterns together, include full compensation for
This section covers the establishment of the contractor's all the contractor's charges In respect of the following
organization, camp and constructional plant on the site Items, collectively termed the "contractor's general
and their removal on completion of the contract. It also obligations".
covers payment for certain general obligations, risks and
liabilities and general (ternsof cost not covered elsewhere. (I) Setting up and maintaining his organization,
personnel, camps, accommodation, ablut~onand other
facil~lies, offices, stores, workshops, ather temporary
atrudures, fencing, testing facilities and constructional
plant on the slte and their removal on completion of tha
(a) m p s , mmlm3hmal plant a r ~ testing
I facilities
(ii) Complying with the requirements of the general
The contractor shall establish his construction camps, conditions of contract and sectlon 12tM of the
offices, stores, workshops and testing factlltles on the site. specifications, Including the effecting of insurances and
The exact location of these faclllties shall be approved prnvfding the sureties required.
beforehand by the engineer. Accommodation, ablution
and other facrlltles for site staff shall also be provided as oil) All gsneral site and Office overheads, profit,
required and the standard of rtccommodation and the financing costs, risks, legal and contractual responsibilities
location of all facifities shall comply with the requirements and other costs and obl~gationsof a preliminary or general
of the, aulhorlties cancerned and those of the engineer. nature wh~chare not specifically measured for payment
under any other items of payment.
Prlar to stanlng with con~truction,the contractor shall also
move all constructional plant and personnel to the site. On The lump sum tendered under subitem 13 01(a) above
complet~onof the work, all conslructlonal plant, buildings. shall represent full compensation for the fixed part of the
fencing and other temporary structures shall be removed contractor's general obligat~ons,ie that part which is
and the camp slte be restored to its original condition and substantially fixed and is not a function of the time
left neat and tidy. requ~redfor the completron of the contract or of the value
of the work.

Should the final value of the work (excluding any

@) MBinhnanoe during wnstnsStian payments in terms al clause 49 of the general conditions
of contract) Increase or decrease by twenty (20) per cent
During constcuclfon the conrractor's camps, staff living or less in relation to the tendered amount (less any
quarters and other lacilitles shall be maintained In a neat allowances, if sny, in the tender for price adlustrnenls in
and tidy condition, terms ot clause 49 of the general mnditlons of contract).
the lump sum tendered for subitem 13 01 (a) shall not be
subject to any variation whatsoever. However, should the
said vncrease or decrease of the linal value ol tha work
(c) Legal and contractual fequlrements and exceed twenty (20)per cent of the tendered amount, the
respbnsibilii tu the- public provisions of clause 53 of the general crrndttions of
contract shall apply lo that portion of the said increase or
The contractor shall lake all the necessary steps to comply decrease wh~chIs in excess 01 twenty (20) per cent of the
with the general conditions of contract, particularly in tendered amount.
respect of the Insurances and sureties required and his
general obligations to the public end the employer. He Payment at the lump sum tendered under subitem
shall comply with all the regulations of statutory bodies. 13.01(a) will be made In lhree instalments, as follows:
(1) The first Instalment, 50% of the lump sum, will be However, should tha said increase or decrease in the final
paid in the fitst payment cert~f~cate
after the contractor has value of the work exceed twenty (20)per cent of the
met all his abligat~onsunder this section and has made a tendered amount, the above-mentioned pro rara Increase
substantial start with construction in accordance with ths or decrease- in the lump sum tendered under subitem
approved programme, 13.01{b) shall apply up to the limit 01 twenty (20) per cent,
and the provisrons of clause 53 of the general conditions
(2) The second instalrnent, 35% of the Pump sum, will of contract shall apply to that portion of ths said increase
be paid when the value of the work done reaches one half or decrease which is in excess of the said limit of twenty
of the tendered amount, ekcludingcontingenc~esand price (20) per cent of the tendered amount.
adjustments in terms of clause 49 of the general conditlons
of contract. The lump sum tendered In subitem t30l(b) will be
payable monthly In instatrnentr In relation to the value of
(3) The third and final instalment, 15% of the rump work done (encluding the value of any p i c e adjustments
sum, wllt be paid when the works have been completed In termsof clause 49 nf the general conditions of contract).
and Ihs contractor has fulfilled all the requirements of th~s
section. The tendered tale per month for subitem 13.01(c)
represents fwlf cornpensailon for that part of tho
Before any payment is made under thfs subitem, the contractor's general obligations which are mainly a
contractor shall satisfy the engineer that he has provided funct~onof construction time. The tendered rate wit1 bs
camps and construcrional plant of good quality on the sire, paid monthry, pro vata for parls of a month, from the date
the value of wh~chexceeds that of the flrst instalment. on which the contractor has recelved the Better of
acceptance in terms of clause 12 of the general conditions
The contractor may also be required to furnish of contract, until the end of the period for cornplst~onof
documentary proof that he owns the camps and the works, plus any extension thereof as provlded In clause
constructional plant on the site, ths value of which shall 45 of t h general
~ condttlons of contract, provided that -
exceed that of the first instalment
(a) should the works be- certlffed as having been
In the event of the contractor not being able to satisfy the completed before the contractual date tor cornp!etiun of
engineer as to the ownershTp of tho camps and the works, the contractor will tQen be entitled to payments
constructional plant, the engineer shall have the r ~ g htol In regard to the unexpired per~odlor completion.
wrthhold parts of any payments to be made under thls
subitern, until the works have been completed. (b) should the progress of the contractor In terms of
the value of work done be in arrear in regard to his
approved origlnal programme, payments in respect of this
The lump sum tendered under subitem 13.01(b) shell item may be limited lo payments for !his period, which, in
represent full compensation for that part of the contractor's h ~ soriginal programme (after suitable adjustments in
general obligations, which is a funct~onof only the value of respect of the extensron of time granted) agree wlth the
the work, but not of the perlod of complet~on.Should the actual value of work done.
f~naEvalue of the work (excluding any payments In tsrrns
of clause 49 of the general conditions of contract) increase Any payment made under item 13.01 will not be taken lnta
or decrease by twenty (20) per cent or less In relation to account when determlnlng whetfier the value of a
the tendered amount (less any allowances, if any, in the certificate compfies with the "minimum amount of Enterlm
tender for price adjustments in terms of clause 49 of the cert~ficate",as laid dawn in the appendix to tender. The
general conditions of contract), the lump sum tendered for sdrustments specified In subitems (a), (bl and (c) wlll be
subrtem 13 011b) will be increased or decreased pro rata made only If the value of the work or the period for
In full settlement of any dffference in value-relaled general completion were to change and it is agreed that such
obligations resulting from an increased or decreased value adjustments wlll be in full settlement of the changed
of the work. compensation for emended general nbllgatlons.
SfRfES 1000 : GENERAL be constructed in accordance with the details as shown on
the drawings or prov~dedby the engineer.
TORIES FOR THE ENGINEFR'S S m PERSONNEL The s ~ t l n g and orientatton of all oltlces, laboratories.
housing lor other accommodation shall b e to the engineer's
satisfaction and shall be d e c ~ d e don in consultation wilh
CONTENTS h ~ m and confirmed in writing before erection, All
accommodation shall include the pmvlsion ol 220 +volt
140t SCOPE electricity, and where required, fresh clean potabla water
1402 OFFICES AND LdBOR4TORIES and sewerage, including s e p t ~ ctanks, i f necessary, which
1403 HOUSING will be considered as part and parcel of the
1404 SERVICES accommodation provided and w ~ t l not be paid for
1405 GENERAL separately, except in so far as the cost thereof shall be
1406 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT covered under item 14 08 Seruices.

The clear helght of all offices between floor and ceiling

1401 SMPE shaTl be 2,d m minlrnum. All windows shall be of the type
that can open over the lull window area.

This section covers the provision of accommodation for the All accornmodatlon shall meet with the approval of the
engineer's supervisory staff. This accommodat~onshall engineer.
include the necessary o f f i c e a n d laboratory
accommodation, houses and quarters for employees, the
provision of all ?he necessary servlces, as well as all the
arrangemenrs in connection w ~ t hthe land on which the
accommodatron is to be provtded. The varlous types of offices required shall be as shown on
the drawings and schedules. Unless otherwise specified or
detailed, the liltings, furniture and equipment provided in
accordance w ~ l hthe schedule of quantities shall conform
to the following requirementsm

(a) General (I) Each affice desk shall have a surface arsa of at
least 1.5 m2 and shall be provlded with at least three
Bulldings for offices and laboratories shall be constructed drawers, ane of which can be locked.
from timber. fibre-cement. or other approved materials
The build~ngsshall have double walls filled wtth insulating (11) General-purpose steel cabinets shall have at least
material and lined on the Inside with timber or other 1,5 rn7 shelf area and a volume of 0.70 ma each. Each
approved rnaterjal Cell~ngs shall b e provided for both cabinet shall have a lock w ~ l htwo keys.
offlce and laboratory buildings Office buird~ngsrhall have
timber floors or concrete floors with vinyl floor tlles and (iii) Steel tiling cabinets shall each be fitted wilh four
laboratory buildings shall have cancrete floors Window drawers on runners. Each cabinet shall befitted with a lock
areas af these bulldlngs shall be at least equal to 258 of and shall be 1 300 mm h~gh, 460 rnm wide and 600 mm
the floor area. Each b u i l d ~ n gshall be provided with a from front to back.
verandah on one s~de,running for the full lenglh of the
build~ng.The verandah shall be 1,5 m w ~ d eand shall I.raue liv) Shelves shall be suitahre for storing all the contract
a 100 rnm thlck concrete floor. All buildings fur off~cesand drawings or shall else be as detailed on the drawings.
laborator~es s h ~ l lbe provided wrth approved burglar
proofing (v) Each wash-hand basin shall be fitted with taps and
a dra~n.
Stores shall be provlded. installed and furnrshed in the
laboratory building. The s~des of the stores shall be (vi) Alr-cond~t~aningunits and heaters shall be as
fenced off from floor level t o the ceiling with 50 mm specified in subclause 1402(f).
dramond-mesh wlre Each store shall have one lockable
door. [vii) Lights shall be of the Iluorescent type, either double
80 watt. single 80 watt or double 55 watt. of of the
Fire extinguishers shall be provided for o t f ~ c e and incandescent type according to that whlch is required or
laboratory accommodation on the basis of ane g kg all specified
purpose dry powder f ~ r eextinguisher lor every 24 m', or
portion thereof, of Iloar Space provided. (v~ii) Each draughtsman" stool shall be fitted with a
padded seal wlth an adlustable seat height.
Mfics and laboratory burldings shall be painted with an
approved palnt after erection The paintwork shall be (ix) Electric power plug polnts shall be provided Each
rna~ntainedduring the contract p e r ~ o d off~ceshall have al least two 15 ampere plug points.

Each door shall be provided with a lock and two keys. (K) Each drawing table shall have either an Inclined or
a har~zontald r a w ~ n gsurface as may be required and a
The various u n ~ t sof accommodat~onand the tlttlngs shall smooth lop bull1 to the dlmenslons shown on Ihe
drawings. (2) With concrete topsmThe tops shall be at leest
75 mrn Ihick concrete slabs wilh a smooth, hard steel-
(xi) Chairs shall be robust and comfortable. trowelled finish.

{nil) R complete telephone servlce, together with an

exchange llne and the number of extensions specfied All work-benches shall 'be robust and their upper surfaces
shall be provtded, The prime cost sum shall also include shall be 920 rnm above floor level,
the cost of all telephone calls in connectran with contract
adrnlnlstratlon, (iv) Gas lnstallat~onsshall conslst of the necessary gas
cyifnders, regulators, tubing and laps.
The englneer shall be provided with a dired fndependent
telephone line that Is not connected to the mntractorhs (v) High stools for uss at work-benches shall be robust
telephone exchange. and, if of fixed height. shall be 800 mm high.

(xiil) Each conference table shall be large enough to (vi) Where required, a 380 volt 3-phase electric power
seat twelve persons, and shall have an area of at least supply shall be provided Power points for ovens and a
4 mz. crusher shall be suitable for the purpose. Power polnts In
oven rooms shalF be 1-2 rn above floor level.
( K ~ v ) Blinds shall be one of two types, as may be
required: (vli) Concrete working floors shall be at least 125 rnrn
thick and provided with a hard smooth finish. The working
(1) Adjustable venetian blinds to permit Itght to enter areas shall be either sntirely open or under a shelter as
the room, but which wlll exclude direct Ilghl; may be required.

(2) Opaque roller blinds (vill) Wash bas~nsshall be a3 prescribed elther of

stainless steel or precast concrete with an area of at least
(xv) Notlee boards shall be supplled In accordance with 0,s my and a mlnfmum depth of 0,3rn. They shall be
the spsclfications, the drawings or the schedule of provided with swan-neck type laboratory taps and drain
quant~ties. pipes.

[xvl) Bookcases shall comply with !he details in the (ix) A supply nf fresh clean potable water at a constant
specifications or the schedule of quantitles. head of not less than 3 rn at the taps shall be provided.
Storage capacity in respect of the laboratorywater suppiy
(rtvil) Fax apparatus shall be supplled as spec~tled shall be not less than 700 Iltres.

(n) Fire extinguishers shall be of the all purpose dry

powder type manufactured to BS 1721 and su~tablwfor
types A, 8 ,C and E fires, The extinguishers shall contain
All or any of four types of laboratories may b e required: not Tess than 9,0 'kg of extinguishing chemical and shall be
sollo laboratories, biturnlnous-materials laboratories, fitted to the wall at suitable pos~tionsby means of quick-
chemfcal labora!orles, and concrete-testing laboratories release brackets. They shall be freshly charged and the
seals shall be unbroken.
The sites, layout and other details of the laboratories shall
be as shown on the drewlngs and schedules of fittings, (xi) Extractor fans. where required,shalt be so mounted
equlpmenl and furnlture. as to operate noiselessly, They shall have a capacity of at
least 0.15 kW each. hiractor fans shall be spark proof
The laboratories, linings, furnlture and equipment shall be
as follows: (~11) Fume cupboards shall be constructed in
accordance with the deta~lsshown on the drawings
(1) Ordlnary chairs, telephone extens~ons,15 ampere
220 volt electricTty plug po~nts,air-conditloners, heaters (uiii) W e r e required. concrete footings and pades?als
and lights shall meet the same requirements as specifled shall be constructed to the dimensions indicated by the
lor oftrces. engineer for ~nstalllngcertain testlng equipment.

(11) Shelf space provided against walls shall be of (xiv) When required, baths for curTng concrete test
robust construction and shetv~ngshall be olsuitablel~rnber cubes, beams and cylinders shall be provided The baths
or fibre-cement materiat, depend~ng on requirements. shall be recfangular in shape and regarding the ins~de
Shelving below work-tables shall be 390 rnrn above floor drmensions rhe w~dthshall not exceed 1.0 m and the
level, and above working areas, 1 980 mm above floor depth shall not exceed 0,6m, The baths shall have
level. automat~ctemperature control

(Ill) Work-bench areas shatt be of two types a3 may be (xv) M e n required, an 0.3 m ycapacity refrigerator shall
required: be supplied.

(1) Of wooden construction: The tops shatr be hard (xvi) Approved voltage stabilizers shall be Wed t o all
end srnuoth and free from warping or other defects. electrical power points
Car parts shall be so constructed as to protect vehicles A n approved two-way communication system shell ba
parked in them at all ilmes against the direct rays of the provided and maintalnsd.
sun. The car pons shall be at least 20 rnZin area and the
floors shall consist of a layer of broken stone to alleviate
dusty and muddy conditions Each car port shall be at
least 3 m wlde and shall have a headroom of at least 2 m.
The roofs of all car ports shall be water proof.

Prefabricated houses shaft be constructed of wood, libre-

cement or other approved material and shall have double
The access and other roads around the officas shall be walls filled with insulating material. Each house shall have
treated to make them dust free either by crushed stone, a clear heeght from floor to ceillng of at least 2,74 rn.
suitable dust-laying olls, or bituminous surfacing being
used or other approved means being adopted. They shall Glass-l"oe insulating material shall also be provided on
be well drained and kept trawicable and free from mud at top of the ceilings. Floors shall be of timber or alternatively
all times. Footpaths shall be similarly treated to provlde of concrete covered with suitable carpeting or vinyl tiles.
convenient access to ell buildings. The offlces shall be
fenced with a 2,4 m h ~ g hdiamond mesh security fence Each house shall have a floor area of at least 720 ml, wlth
with a single overhang ~nmrporatingone 2,4 m high by three bedrooms,a livlng-room, dinfng-room,bathroam and
5 m wide double leaf security gate fitted with a padlock kitchen, In addition, the house shall have an enclosed
and chain. stoep of approxtrnately 20 ma in area,

The main frame of each house shall be of ateel or light

(f) Alrcanditloning units a M h e m aFloy, All tlmbsr used shall be of a good quality, properly
oven dried and treated against pests All fittings shal! be
Where requlred by the engfneer, Ihe contractor shall accurately Installed.
provide and InstaFl air-condit~an~ng
units and heaters.
Each house shall, after erection, ba properly painted Inside
The air-conditioning units shall be at the electriealry and outside with an approved paint, and the paintwork
operated compressor type with closed circuit and no1 of shall be maintained dur~ngthe contract period.
!he evaporation type, The capacity of rhs alrconditlonlng
units shall be at least 2.2 kW each. Each house shall be provlded wlth the following:

Heaters shall preferable be of a space-heatingtype wlthout (i) A bath and shower with draln and inside Rush toilet.
exposed elements and shall have a capacity of not less
than 1,5 kW each. (ii) R wash bash with drain pipe.

The contractor may also be required to install air- (iii) A metal kltchen-sink untt with staintess steel basin
conditioning units in any housing accommodation and drainlng boards and a cupboard wrth shelves
(iv) A kitchen dresser, linen cupboard, and built-in
wardrobes in the bedrooms.
@) AblutiDn units
(v) A su~tablegeyser, a kltchen stove and refrigerator,
Ablution units shall be well-ventilated units constructed in The geyser shall have a capacity of approximately 140 1
aceordance with the details shown on the drawings They with a weter supply from an outside tank or from a water
may be constructed from fibrecement sheeting with steel main. The stove shall be a four-plate stove complete wlth
frames or from other suitable approved materials, and the grill, oven and splash plate. Tha refrigerator shall have a
floors shall be of concrete with vinyl floor tiles. Latrines volume of a! least 0,3m3.
shall be provided with vitreous snamel WC pans with PVC
seats and covers and flush cisterns. Wash basins shall be (vl) Cold-water plpes from a sultable source to the bath.
of vitreous enamel. complete with taps and drarns shower, wash basin, toile? and sfnk units, complete with
taps where requited.
Provis~onshall be made for sultable sewerage as specified
In clause 1404 (vH) Hot-weter plpes from the geyser to the bath,
shower, wash basin and sink unit, complete with taps.
Where requlred, a separate shower and change room shall
be provided, complete with shower, hot and cold running
water and drains (viii) Electric lighfs In a17 rooms and passages, with plug
paints in the kitchen, living-room and all bedrooms. The
Each tatrine or shower shall be provided wlth a door fined house shall be fully wired and connected to a 2201250 volt
with a latch. Each ablution unit shall be provided wlth an AC power source.
outside door with a lock. At least two keys shall be
provided tor each lock, (in) Goodquality locks on all doors.
(K) Where the water supply of the houss Is not mads between alternative accommodation offered by hlm
connected to a water main, an external elevated cold-water In terms of subclause ti) above and accommodatien he Is
storage tank wlth a capaclty of et least 3 000 1 shall be ordered to provlde In terms of subclause (H) abava, In so
provided In order to obta~na minimum head equal to 3 rn far as the method of payment, hls obllgatlon and rlsks and
of water at the taps, together wlth the pfpes teadfng to the Ihe perlod for whlch the accomrnodatlon Is to be provlded
supply tank and paid for are concerned,

(d) dceorndmlian for tabourem

A cat port as described In subclause 1402(d) for one or Accommodation for labourers employed by tha engineer
twa cars shall be provlded with each house. shall be provided on the slte or, H Zhls Is not possible, In
the neatest town. In the latter case, the contractor shall
A servant's room wfth a rninlrnum area of 12 rn', make prsvlsion for daily providing the labourers wlth
constructed as specified for ollices and laborstories, shall transport arriving on the site at 07*00and departing from
be provided wlth esch house. A lsrrina with flush toilet and the slte at 17:30, The accommodation shall be
separate shower shall also be provided. constructed as specified tor offices and laboratorleg In
housfng unfts In mccordance wlth the detalls shown on the
drawtngs. Each unlt shall be provlded wlth opaque
windows, all of which can be opened at least halfway, and
a steel door with lock or padlock, Provision shall be made
i Instead of the houses described above, tha tor 8 m2 of floor area for each labourer, in sddition to a
contractor m a y provide suitable rented or purchased sturdy bedstead, a new mattress of acceptable quality, a
houses, approved by the englnaer, whlch will pravide at steel locker not less than a,? m3 in slze with hanging and
least the same standard of comlort as that of the shslf space, and which can be locked, and a sturdy steel
prsfabrlcated houses described above, in the nearest town chair. A bedside chesl wlth a top surface of at least O,75
or elsewhere. m' shall be provlded for each labourer. H shown on the
drawlngs, the vnlts shall be provided with approved
The terms, of any lease for such accommodation shall be heaters Each unit shall be provldsd wlfh electricity, plug
subject to the engineer's approval and shall contain polnts and electrical llghts In sccordence wlth the detafls
provlslon, where the owner agrees, for an extension of the on the drawings The size, layout snd number of fixtures
lease- an pre-agreed terms during any extended tlme for and Items of furnlture In each unit shall bw as specified or
completion of the contract, as well as provision tor the shown on the drawings
lease to be taken over by the englneer or another
contractor In the event af default by or Insolvency of the For every five labourers one ablution unit shall be
contractor. Notwtthstandlng the eng~neer'sapproval ol the pravided.
condifions of the lease, the contractor shall be salely
responsible for provldlng the accommodation for the full An ablution unlt shall consist of one well-vantilatad eection
period requlrsd and for sultable substitute accommodatfon containing a flush-typa Iatrlne complete with WC pan and
should the alternative accommodat~on ha no longer PVC seat and cover, and another seetlan contalnlng a
available shower and a wash basin, all ~ o r n p l e t ewith the necessary
running hot snd cold water, taps, drains and sewerage.
The contractor shall aiso be respunslbla for the cost of any The hut shall be of robust construction with a concrete
addltlonal travelling expenses, H any, arising from the use floor and may be steel or tirnbar-framed and clad w ~ t h
of alternative or sub~titutepermanent housing. Such costs galvanised-Iron or f~bre-cementsheetlng, It shall have a
may be subtracted from any moneys owing to the roof snd only nne outer door provlded with a lack and two
contractor for providing housing keys Each lalrlne shall have a door fitted with B slidlng
(ii) The engineer may also order the contraclor to pay
lor any hotel or other accommodatlon or leased houses A cooklng unit shall conslst of a hut as dstalled on the
required and availabla This accommodation may ba in drawings. The hut shall be of the same constructlon as
addition to or instead of the accommodation specitled The specilied for the ablution unit. It shall be provided with an
contractor shall enter into the necessary contracts tor the approved four-plats stove, two outside wash basins each
lease a! such accommodation as may be requ~redand at least 0.5 m v n area and 300 m deep suitable for
shall not unreasonably object to the terms and conditions washing clothes, a single: k i t c h ~ nsink, and at least 1,0 ma
of such leases to be negotiated by the engineer of concrete working slab and 1,s my of shelving. All the
necessary taps, dralns, sewerage, and a hot and cold-water
The cost of drawing up and entering into such leases shall supply shalt be prouided. tn case approved stoves other
be refundable If paFd by the contractor Where such than electrical stoves arw provided, an adequate supply of
accommodazion Is contemplated In advance, allowance fuel shall be provlded for cooking and water heating
shall be made for the cost thereof by inclusion of a pu rpores.
suitable provisional sum. The prov~sion of such
accommodation shall be classed as a variation and
payment therefor shall be made as specified in A latrine shall consist af a single well-ventilated hut of the
subclause 40(1) of the general c o n d ~ t ~ o nofs contract same constructi~n as speclfled for ablution huts and
containing a flush-type latrine complete wlth WC pan and
(iii) The contractor'sattention is drawn to the distinction PVC seat cover.
(xvii) Bookcases ................... number (Nu)

14.03 Wee and labodmy ( x v ~ ~Voftage

i) stabilizers ., , . .. number {No)
fittings. imtallations and
equipment: The unit of measurement shall be the authorised number
of un~ls supplied and Installed, complete end in
(a) Hems measured by number: accardance w ~ t hthe specifications and drawings, together
w~th all rnlner fittings, brackets, connections, leads.
(1) 2201250 volt power points ........ number (No) mountings, etc

(71) 407231 volt 3-phase (b) Prime-cost items and

power points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) items paid far in a lump sum:

(ill) Double 80 watt fluorescent- (i) The provlsinn of telephone

light fittings compfete with service, lncludlng the
ballast and tubes . . . . . . ..... number (No) cost of calls in connectian
with contract admlnistratlon
(Iv) Double 55 watt fluorescent- and telephone rental . . . prime cost (PC) sum
llght finings complete with
ballast and tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) (ii) Handling costs and profit
in respect of subsubitem
(v) Single incandescent-!fght 14 03(b)(i)above . . . . . . . . percentage (%)
fittings complete with 1 W3 watt
globes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number
.. (No) (iii) The provision of a dlrect
independent telephone tine for
(vi) Washhand basins complete the engineer, including the cost
with taps and dralns . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) of calls in connection w~th
contract adm~nislrationand
(vli) Laboratory baslns complete telephone rental . . , prime cost (PC) sum
with swan-neck taps and
drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) (iv) Handl~ngcosts and proflt in
respect of subsubitem
(viii) Extractor fans installed 14 03(b)tiii) above . . , , . . percentage (%)
cornpiets wi!h own power
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) (v) The provlsion of a law
apparatus as spec~f~ed , . . prime cosf (PC) sum
{in) Fume cupboards complete
according to the drawlngs ....... number (No) (vtJ Handl~ngcosts and prof~t
in respect of subsubitern
( ) Fire extinguishers, 9.0 kg. 14 03(b)(v) above ..... ... percentage (96)
a11 purpose dry powder type,
complete, mounted on wall with (vii) The provision of 400f231
brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... number (No) volt 3-phase electrical power
installattan, lncludlng all
(xi) Air-conditioning units wiring, switchboards. mains
with. 2.2 kW minimum capacity. connect~wns,e2c . . lump sum
mounted and with own power
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) {v~ih) The provis~onof gas
installations, including
(nli) Heater, spaceheafing gasstorage cylinders, tublng
type, minimum capacity t , 5 kW ... number (No) regulators, gas burners
and shuf-off cocks , .., , , , , , , .,. lump sum
(xiii] Curing chamber for UCS
specimens, complete w~thwater
connection, including the provision The prtme-cost items shall be pald lor in accordance vrilh
of brick partitions, plaster, the provisions nf the general condirions of contract The
paint and shelving, all complete tendered percentage is a percentage ol the amount
according the drawings . . . . . . . . . number (Nnl actually spent under the relevant prime-cost item, w h ~ c h
shall include lull compensation for the handling costs of
(K~v)General-purposesteel the contractor, and the prof~fIn connection with providing
cupbaards with shelves number (Nu) the specli~edsewrce.

(XV) Steel ffling cabinets The tendered rump sums shall be in full compensation for
with drawers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number {No) providing the complete service or installation and the use
thereof, Including any fired and usage charges payable to
(xvl) Refrigerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) local or other author~ties.
(c) Items measured by area: (c) Cooklng unit, complete
wlth stove, basin, concrete
(I) Shelvlng as specllfed, working table, shelving, aink
complete wlth brackets square metre (rn') and fuel (where sppllcablal ...... number (No)
(il) Work-benches complete (dl Latrine unit as speclfisd ......... number (No)
wlth concrete slab top,
minimum thickness 75 rnm .. square metre (m') Tha unit of measurement shalt be the number of complete
units supplled and erected according to the npeeifications
(Ill) Work-benches complete and drawings.
wlth wooden top, mlnfmum
thlckneas 25 mm . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

(Iv) Constant-temperature
baths of concrete and/or
plastered brlck . . . . . . . . . . . . squera metra (m2)
Pretabrlcated houses wlth out-
(v) FoundaFlons lor laboratory butldlngs as speclfied In sub-
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square rnstre (m2) clauses 1403(a) and 14031b) ........... number (No)

(vl) Roller bllnds, opaque The unlt of measurement shall be thn number of
type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m') prefabricated houses carnpleter as specified which are
provided on the engineer's instructions.
(vll) Venetian blinds . . . . . . . . . . .square metre (m2)

(vlfl) Not~ceboards as
specified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . squara
. metre (m'}
14.07 Rented, hotel w d
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of the other aocomrnodation:
Item supplied and Installed The area shall be determined
from the authorised outside dlmansCons in plan, except the (a) Provisional sum for provldlng
constant-temperature baths, whfch shsll be measured per rented housing, hotel or other
square metra of water surface area irrespective of their aecommodation as described
depth, and the bllnds, whlch shall be measured by The In subsubclause 1403(c)(ii) , ., , , provisional sum
width multrplled by the helght.
(b) Handllng costs and prollt
In respect el subitem 74 07(a) .. percentage (96)
h Unit
Expenditure under this item shall be made In accordance
14.M Car ports: with the general condlrlons of contrect.

Car ports, as specklied, at offices The tendered percantage Is a percentage of the amount
and laboratory buildings . . . . . . ...... number (No) actually spent under subrtam 14.OJ(a),whlch shall lneluda
full compensation for the handling costs of ths contractor,
and the profit in connection with providing the rented
The unit of measurement shall be the number of eat ports accommodation.


The provision of water, elsctrlclty.

(a) Housing as specified low-pressure gas, sewerage, septic
including beds. mattresses, tanks, sewage and rubbish removal,
beds~dachest, cha~rs,tables, cleantng services, maintenance and
lockers, electricity, plug repairs, all as specified In clause
points, electrical light 1404, includtng the construction
f~tt~ngsand burglar and maintenance of the access roads,
proofing . . . . . . . . . number of persons footpaths, etc

r h e unit of measurement in urban areas shall be a man (a) Servlces at offices

month.) and laboratories:

(b) Ablution unit, as specified, (i) Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lump sum

including latrines. wash
baslns, showers and taps . . . . . number (No) (il) Runnlng costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . month
The contractor may offer the use o l already available and houslng.
eccammodation of equal standard In lleu of any of the
accommodaZfon specified above, Where the The power source shall be sultebls lor dornestlc, office and
accornmodatron offered Is not of equal or better standard, laboratory use wlth an anticipated large varlance In load
the englneer may neverthalesa accept such factor Thrse-phase power shalt be aupplled at a nominal
accommodarion at prlces rnututtlly agreed an between voltage of 4001237 volts and a nornlnal frequency of 50 Hz.
hamself and the contractor. The sourca of power shall be elthsr from a recognized
power-supply authority or by an on-slte alternator.
Where alectrtcity Is avallable, the contractor shall supply
efedrlc lights in all housing units. A reasonable supply of The electrlcal load shall be determlned by an appropriate
fuel shall be provlded lor flring stoves for cooking and hot dlvsrsity faclor baing applied to the sum of the connected
water. load, due allowance belng had for the startlng load.
efflclency snd power factor of motors, or shall be
The contractor shall ba responsible for obtaining the estimeted on the basis of 10 CVA slngle phase per house,
necessary approval from any state department or any local 1,2 CVA per mZ of laboratory floor area (three phase) and
authority havlng jurlsdictlon En the matter for - 0,35kVA per m' of oflfce area. Allowance shall be made
for a spare capaclty of 15% with a rnlnlrnum of 15 kVA. A
(I) the siting of the aceommodation; detalled load estimate shall be submlttsd te the engfnser
tor approval prlor to any final arrangements being made
I the plans according to which Ihe aceornrnedatlon for a source of power,
ls to be constructsd:
In the event of alettriclty belng generated by the
(HI) the accomrnodatlon as constructed. contractor, the motor-alternator shall be suitable to
maintaln the voltage so that it will not deviate by more
The proposals by the conlractor, which In rmgard ta (I), (ii) than + 5% from the nominal voltage, and to rnalntaln the
end (Ill), are to be submitted to the authorities concerned frequency so that it wlll not deviate from the nomlnal
for approvaf, shall be drafted in consultatlon with the land frequency by more than -c 2 Hz over the entire load ranga
owner. from 0% te 100% of full load, also In the event of swltching
on and off all normal loads cannecFed to the supply,
The approval for (i)end (ii) above shall be obtained prior Power shall be ~tvallableto the houslng, officsa and the
to constructlon and for (llij prior to tha handing-over for laboratory for 24 hours per day snd between 06:00 and
occupation, 22:00 far other aecornrnodatton.

Power shall be distributed by rnesns of enclosed

All accommodatlon for labourers shall be fitted with distribution boards with adequate weather and tamper
approved burglar prooflng. protectton, suitably rated c~rcultbreakers, earth-leakage
unlts or fuses, and ;by means of adequately slzed
undergroundcables and earth conductors. Slzlng of cables
1404 SERVICES and rating of protective and control devices shall taka Into
account the load and fault currents that can occur on the

The reticulation network and the wirtng lnstallation of all

The contractor shall ba rssponslble for providlng all bulldlngs and structures shall be Installed and malntalned
sanltary servlces necessary lor keeplng latrlnes In a clean, to ensure absolute salety and a high standard of rellabillty,
neat and hygienic condltlon. with partlculat reference to the earthlng installatlon and
safety and protective devices The installations shall
comply with the requirements of SABS 0142 and
When no munlclpal ssvrage treatment Is avallable, the SABS 1500.
contractor shall provlde the necessary septic tanks for all
latrlnes, Waste watet and septic-tank effluent shall be taken The contractor shall at all tlmesmaintaln the power supply,
Into properly designed French drams. The contractor shall the distribution network and the wirlng lnstallation of all
also make provis~onfor the removal of all rubbish bulldings and structures at the hlghest standard at safety
and usability.

Where the construction of septlc tanks or a water-borne The contractor shall atso supply liquid petroleum gas for
sewerage scheme is unfeas~ble, the contractor shall the burners used in t h e laboratories.
construct conservancy tanks and make arrangements for
the removai and disposal of sewage

(b) Water, elecbicity and gas The contractor shall provide all labour, eqvlpmsnt and
material whrch may be necessary lor keep~ngall the
The contractor shall provlde a constant supply of clean buildings In a neat and clean condition, and any repalrs
potable water surtable for human consumptron as well as shall be made immediately at the request of !he englneer.
!he necessaryelectric power at 22012510 volts together whlh The contractor will not be responsible for keepmg
the requlred electrlcal network to the offlces, leboratories prelabr~catedand rented houses In a clean and neat
condition, and for tending to or caring for !he gardens. 1406 M E A S U R E M W AND PAYMENT

(d) M n g fadlies Unit

Ths contractor shall make available a kitchen with suftable 14.0t OKce and laboratory
cooking facllities for tho engineer's labourers near the auwmmdation:
engineer's laborator~esand shall supply fuel For cooking
purposes. The provision of accornrn~dation
as specified, lncludlng mof,
external and internal walls.
windows complete with glazing.
doors with locks and fittings, burglar
proofing, paintlng, floors, fencing, the
(a) At the tlme when The contract is swarded, the provision of a 2201250 volt elec-
engineer shall furnish the contractor wfth full details, in trical Installation with wlring.
writing, regarding the number, type and laynut of all switchboards, etc, water and
accommodation required, ineludlng details of the fittings, sewerage installation, and stores,
furniture and equipment required. The contractor shall not complete, In accordance with the drawings
order any accomm~dation, materials, equipment or fillrngs and specificattons, except for
on the basls of what Is specified or scheduled without Items scheduled elsewhere
written confirmation by the englneer. Ne buildings shall be
erected without the englneer's wr[tten instructionsas to the (a) Offices (Interior floor
exact position and orientation of the buiFdings space only) . . . . . . . . . . ... square metre {m2)
(b) Unless otherwise agreed on, the offices and [b) bboratories (interior
laboratories shall be erected in close proximity to the floor space only) . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')
contractor'soffices and laboratories. Should the contractor
declde to move his own off~cesandlor laboratories to a (c) Open concrete work~ng
new site, the olflces, laboratorfes and other buildings floors. 150 mm th~ck . . . . . . square metre {m')
erected for the use of the engineer shall be moved to the
new site and re-erectedIf required, at no addttlonal charge. (dl Roofs over open concrete
working floors . . . . . . . square metre {m2)
(c) Accommodation supplied by the contractor shall be
ready for use within six weeks of the date of such (e) dblution units ............. square metre {m')
instruction, but the contractor may not proceed with the
permanent works before the required offices and (f) Stores .. .. . . , . . . . . . , , , . , square metre (m2)
taboratories have been erected by hrm, If the houses lor
the engineer"^ slte personnel are not ready for occupat~on The unit of measurement and payment shall b e the aquare
when Ihe permanent works are commenced, the contractor metre of each item provided. measured in accordance with
shall provide swttable temporary beard and lodglng at hls the authorised Inner dlmenslons
own cost

If any further accommodalion is required during the

currency of the contract, the engineer shaFF inform the
contractor at least three months before such additional 14.02 OK* and l a h a t m y
accommodation Is to be ready for use. furniture:

(d) The ownership of all oftices, laboratories. housing, (a) Chairs . ., .. .... ............ . number (No)
sanitary facllities, laboratory equiprnenl and other Items
provided by the contractor shall, when they are no longer (b) Draughtsrnan's stools . ... . , number {No)
required by the anginear, revert to the contractor upon
wfitten advice by tha engFneer and shall be dismantled and (c) High chairs for laboratory . . . . . . . . number (No)
removed from the site.
(dl Desks. complete with
e The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions drswers and locks , number (No)
to prevent unawthorised entry ta the olf~ces and
laboratories and to ensure the general security of the {e) Drawing tables ... .. . . number (No)
offices and laboratories.
(I) Conference tables ............. number (NO)

(f) Tha contractor shall ensure that all accommodation The unit of measurements shall be the number of untts
complies with the appropriate statutory provistons supplled in accordance wlth !he specil~ca!ians.drawings
operative In the area concerned. and the englneer's instructions.
(b) Services for prefabricated kern Unit
14.10 Provision of photostat
(i) Fixed costs ........... . lump sum facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . month
(ii) Running costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . month The tendered rate per month shall include full provision for
providing and maintaining an approved photocopier
(c) Services for rented houses . . . . . . . . . . . . month (capable of making A3-sized copies) and its use, including
all accessories such as paper, etc, for making a maximum
(d) Services for labourers' number of 1 000 A4 copies per month.
accommodation on the site:
General : Method of payment
(i) Fixed costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lump sum
Payment under items 14.01 up to and including 14.06 and
(ii) Running costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .month for item 14.09 will be made as follows:

80% of the amount will be paid when the item is provided

The lump sum and the rate per month tendered for each and erected, fitted or installed to the engineer's
subitem shall collectively include full compensation for satisfaction. A further 10% will be paid when the value of
providing the specified services to the total number of all permanent work done, excluding escalation, exceeds
units which fall in the corresponding category of one-half of the tendered amount, and the remaining 10%
accommodation. will be payable in the certificate which follows the removal
of the items from the site.

Unit Payment for expenditure under item 14.07 will be made In

full as and when the money is expended subject to written
14.09 Combined office and proof by the contractor of payment of the amounts. The
laboratory accommodation: lump sums tendered under item 14.08 shall include full
(Alternative to the use of compensation for all fixed expenditures required in
items 14.01 up to and including connection with these services, and will be payable upon
14.05 when so required in the completion of the work in respect of each subitem. The
project specifications) tendered rate per month will be payable monthly for so
long as the services are required, but not in respect of any
period after the tendered date of completion of any
Office and laboratory accom- extension thereof which may have been granted.
modation, including fittings,
furniture and equipment, car The tendered rates for the various items scheduled in this
ports and housing for labou- section shall include full compensation for providing,
rers in accordance with the procuring, erecting, installing and/or fitting the item or
details given in the project service, as may be required or specified, for the use of the
specifications and on the item or service, Including replacements when defective,
drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum and finally the dismantling and removal of each item,
including all transport, handling and other costs.
The tendered lump sum shall be in full compensation for
supplying and erecting the accommodation, fittings and Payment for alternative accommodation provided in terms
furniture as specified in the project specifications and of subclause 1403(c) shall be adjusted pro rata in
shown on the drawings, and for the proper maintenance accordance with the time it is required during the period of
and the subsequent removal thereof from the site on construction of any extension thereof for which an
completion of the works. extension of time shall have been granted.
The contractor may not commence wlth any part of the
works before he has made adequate provision For the
accommodation of traff lc.

H work has to be done under traffic, the contractor shall

CONTENTS see to It that his employees are elearly visfbfe.

WIDTH AND LENGTH OF TEMPORARY Ewcept where the exlsting road Is to ramaln In use for
DMATIONS through trafflc, the contractor shall provlde, construct or
TEMPORARY DRAlNAGE WORKS put in order such temporary devlatlonsas may be reqwfred
EARTHWORKS FOR TEMPORARY DMATIONS for devlatlng traffic from such sectlons of the road as are
GRAVELLING OF TEMPORARY DMATIONS OR OF handed over to him, as spaclflsd.
DRrlATIONS Should the contractor prefer to build temporary devlations
SELECTED-GRAVEL LAYERS, CRUSHED-STONE at his own Enitlative in stead of complying with the
OR ASPHALT BASS, STAEIILIZATION, AND ROAD requirements of the speciflcatfons, he shall obtain the
MARKING REQUIRED FOR BITUMEN-SURFACED engineer's prior written approval. M fhe engineer's prior
TEMPOMRY DR/lATlONS written approval has been obtained, the contractor will be
BITUMEN-SURFACEDTEMPOWRY DEWATIONS remunerated lor the a~zornrnodatlonof traffic up to an
MlSTlNG ROADS USED AS TEMPORARY amount that does not exceed the tendered amount for the
DEVIATIONS accommodation of traffic In accordance with the
ROADS WITH BITUMINOUS SURFACING USED AS The rnlnlmurn vertical clearance over any section of a
TEMPORARY DEVIATIONS temporary deviation shall be 5,2 rn.
ROAD IS CONSTRUCTED IN HALF WIDTHS II the rnlnlmurn clearance available Is less than 5-2m, the
TEMPORARY FENCING AND GATES minimum clearance shall be Indicated on approved slgns
THE USE OF TEMPORARY DEVIATIONS BY THE at approved locations on and in advance of the
CONTRACTOR obstruction.
(d) Rwand survqr hems

Where posslble, temporary davf~tlonsshall be constructed

so as not to damage or dlsplace property or
trlgonometrical-suruey beacons. In exceptional cases
This sectlon covers the consiruetlen and maintenance of where this Is not posslble, the contractor shall notlfy the
the necessary temporary devlattons and detours. engineer in good time so that he may arrange to have
barricades and slgns, and everythhg necessary for the them suitabSy referenced before they are displaced.
safe and easy passage of all public traffic during the
conslrwcflon and rnalntenance periods, and also the
obllterallon of temporary deviations a3 they become-
redundant. This section also covers the acmmrnodation
of traflc on exlstlng roads wlthout the deviation of traffic The contractor shall also provfde and grant access to
onto temporary deviations persons whose propertiesfall wlthln or adjoin the area over
which he is working, and in this respect the contractor's
attention Is drawn to the general oonditians of contract.
No separate payment wlll be made tor the provision and
maintenance of such accesses and faclllties, except where
it may be required outslde the road resews.

The contractor shall be responsible lor the safe and easy The need for and detalls concerning all temporary
passage of public traff7c past andlor over sectlons of roads deviations shall be approved by the engineer before the
of whlch ha has occupation. The contractor shall at all constructlon of such temporary deviations mmmeneRs,
times In all hls operations end In using his constructional and the contractor shall satisfy hlrnselt before tendering
plant take the necessary care to protect the public and to that he can make arrangements in respect of any
facilltata the flow of trafflc. temporary deviationsas may be necessary tar the safe and
convenient passage OF trafflc. which are in any way connected with construdion
activities, and draw up accident reports {including amongst
others photographs):
(g) Temporary works
(vii) attend to the training and performance of flagmen
The temporary deviations prov~dedby the contractor shall and all other personnel involved in the control of traffic;
Include the construction of temporary gates, fences.
drainage works, and other ~ncidentarsconsidered by the (viii) attend to all complaints and cla~msfrom the public
engineer to be necessary. with regard to traffic safety and report on such matters to
the engineer.

Public services affected by temporary deviations shaH be

treated tn a similar manner as serv~cesaffected by the
permanent works and payment shall be made in The contractor shall provide, erect and rnafnlaln the
accordance w~ththe provisions of section 12M3 of these necessary!ralfic-control devices, road signs, channeltrailon
specifications. devices, barricades, warning devices and road markings
(hereinafter~eferred to as traffic-control facilities),es shown
on the draw~ngsand in the Soulh Afr~canRnad Traffic
S~gnsManuel, and shall remove them when no longer
required. It shall be tncurnbent upon the contractor In see
The safety of the travetltng public Is of utmost fmpnlrtance to it that the above-mentioned traffic-control facitities are
and every effort must be made to ensure that sll road present at all times and are functioning properly, but, prior
signs, barricades, del~neators,flagmen and speed controls to any section of the road which requires the above
are maintained and effective and that courtesy is extended facrllties being opened to traffic, the contractor shall
to the pwbflc at aH times. submtt his proposals in this connection to the englneer for
his information and comment.
The contractor shall nomlnate a knowledgeabfe member
of hfs staH on site who shall be the responsible person for The contractor shall Immediately make good any
the arrangements and maintenance of all accommodetion shortcomings lo the temporary traffic-control facilities The
of traffic measures required for the duration of the contractor shell indemnify the employer agalnst all
contract. The responsible person shsll liaise dally w~!hthe proceedings, ctalms, actions, damages and costs which
resident engineer Fn order to malntain proper traff~c may arise from or be related to the absence or improper
arrangements. functioning or placement of road-traffic signs. barricades,
traffic-control facilities, channelization devices, warning
The traffic safety officer will be requlred to perform the dev~cesand road-traffic marks Road signs,channelization
following duties and this list shall not be deemed to be devices and barricades R O longer required rney be moved
comprehensive. He shall: for re-use, and, if no longer suitable for use, replaced
without any additional compensation If they are required
(i) be responsible for keeping the temporary traffic for re-use.
accornmodatlan requirements up to Ppectflcat~on
24 hours
a day J days a week; The type of construction, spacing and placement of Iratfic-
control facilities, shall be in accordance with the
(if) compile and maintain s complete daily record of prescriptions and recommendation of the latest edition of
and !he traffic signs sequence at each
trafficsigns ~nstalled the South African Road Traffic 51gns Manual, and In
location during the execution of the contract: accordance with the instructions and drawlngs of the
engineer. Thevarious traffic-control facilities which may be
(iii) inspect and report to the engineer on the state ol required are the Followtng:
all required road signs as often as the engineer may
require but In any event not less than once a day or at
such other tntewals as may be specified, (a) TraWwntrol &vices

(iv) exercise control In terms of traflic safety over the Traffic-controldevices Include the use of flagmen, portable
sate movement of personnel, visitors and plant on sita STOP and GO-RY signs, and Iralf~c signals, whichever may
Includ~ng !he wearing of high v~slblllty clothing, the be the most suitable method under prevailing
operation of amber flicker lights. and the display and circumstances. Traff~csignals shall be erected only i f so
~lesnlinessof "constructtonvehicle" signs, all as spec~fted: specified in the project specifications or upon an
instruction in writing, by the engineer
(v) be responsible for keeplng all road slgns and traffic
cones clean and visible at all times The contractor shall If the road is partially closed and one-way traffic only is
remove all bituminous and other foreign matter from road allowed over a section of road of whfch the length exceeds
sfgns and traflic cones or provlde new road signs and 250 rn, the traff~cshall be regulated by flagmen and STOP
traffic cones all at the contractor's own cost. and all as and GO-AY signs at both ends of such section, H It is
directed by and to the satisfact~onof the engineer. necessary for effective communication between the
flagmen, an approved two-way communication system
(vi) compile completa records of trafflc accident scenes shall be in operation at the control polnts
Temporary traffic-control facilities, if applicable, shall be 15W WIDTH AND LENGTH OF TEMPORARY
provided wifh portable stands adequately ballasted wlth DEVlATIONS
sandbags to prevent the sFgns form being blown over by
wind or wind turbulence from moving traffic, whenever
they are used i n a situation where the temporary signs The roadway wldth of gravel temporary deviations
must be relocated frequently accommodating two-way traffic shall be not less than
f 0 rn. Where temporary deviations consist of two separate
one-way lanes, the minimum usable width of each lane
@) b a d signs and barrimdm shall be not less than 5 m.

Road sfgns shall include all the statutorily required road In the case of a two-lane temporary deviation the total
signs in the permanent or temporary series, which shall width of the carriageway shall be 8,5 rn and, if a
also include dellnealors and moveable barricades (the bitumlnous surface Is provided. It shall comprise two lanes
barricadelsign cornbinalion type), or an appropriate of 3,5 rn wldlh each and centrally located on the roadway.
combination thereof, A single lane temporary deviation shall have a 5,Om wide
carriageway and, if required, a centrally located 3,sm wide
surfaced lane
Road signs shall comply with the requirements of section
5600, Because of the llrnltation on overtaking in the case of
single lane temporary deviations, such deviations shall be
as short as possible with B rnaxrmum length of 1.0 km.
(c) Channelization devtms and barricades
If wlder temporary deviations are required. such widths
ChannelIralion devlces shall include delineators, cones. shall be specified in the prejecl specll~cationsandlor on
barricades, guardra~ls,barriers, roadstuds or roadmarkings. the drawings.
or any appropriate combination of these devtces.


(d) Barriers

Barriers for preventing vahlcles from leaving the permitted The contractor shall construct the necessary temporary
lanes may consist ol movable barriers (far example the drainage works such as side drains, catchwater drains,
New Jersey type) of approved construct~onfor separating mitre drains, culverts, elc, to deal adequately with any
two opposite traffic streams, or ordinary guardrails that surface run-oil.
comply with the prov~sionsof section 5400
Temporary culverts of the type and size required by the
engineer shall be installed on existing drainage channels
(e) Warning devices wherever requlred by the engfneer. Any suitable
prefabricated culverts salvaged from an existing raad or an
If specified In the project specifications all conslruct~on abandoned temporary deviation may be re-used if in a
vehicles and plant used on the works shall be equipped good condition and approved by the engineer
with rotating amber flashing lights. All lights shall be
visible at all times and from all s ~ d e s The flashing lights Any damage caused to temporary deviations on account
shall be switched an at all times when the vehicles and of tempotary culverts Installed and maintained i n
plant are used on the site for the execution of the works accordance with the engineer's instructions being unable
to cope with floods effectrvefy shall be repalred. The
If specifled In the project specif~cationswarnlng bosrds contractor will be paid for tha cosl of such work at
shall be mounted on construction vehicles and plant and appl~cable rates or, where no such rates exist, i n
shall be clearly vislble. The words accordance wlth the provisions of clause 40 of the general
shall be displayed on these boards i n 250 rnm hrgh red
letters on a white background Payment for the construction of temporary culverts will be
made under the approprtate ifems provided In this section
No separate payment w ~ l lbe made tor the supply of and payment for the consttuctlon of the other dratnage
flashing lights and warning boards and the inslallation works lor temporary deviations and for the maintenance of
thereof on construction vehrcles and plant all dramage works shall bs included in the rales tendered
for rtem 15,Ol. Accornmodatrng traffic and rnaintainlng
temporary deviations.
fl Road markings

Road markings. as specltied in section 5700. may be

required on b~luminousand concrete surfaces and will
include road-marking studs wherever necessary. The road
markings shall be made In accordance with the prov~sions The contractor shall shape and grade the temporary
of section 5700 Any painted raad markings which no devlallons and shall make full use of all material that can
longer apply shall be removed. Road-markrng studs shall be obtained from alongside the temporary deviations, from
be removed completely. slde cuts or from the Immedlate vtcinlty If an adequate
quantity d material cannot be obtained in this manner, he be prescribed by the engineer.
shaft import materlel from other sources. Where
necessary, cutilngs shall be made to obtain a satisfactory
vartfcal sFlgnment The contractor shell also parlorm the 7570 WSTING ROADS USED AS TEMWRARl
nneessary clearkng and grubbing, Including the removal of DEVLATlONS
all trees and stumps. Where ths subgrade is not
sufnciantly dense in Its natural state, It shall be scarified to
a depth of 200 rnm, mixed, watemd, and compacted to Where existing roads are to be used as temporary
90% of modlfied AASHTO densliv. deviations, the contractor shall, after consultation wlth tha
owner or authority having control of such mad, carry out
Any fllls which mey be neesssaryfor any reason, eg: for the any repairs, afteratlons or sddltlons to such roads as may
constrmtlon 01 fords, shall be constructed and EompaFted be required to bring them In a condition suitable- for traffic.
by the contractor as descrlbed above. Wherever possible, This work wlll be paid for as stipulated hereinafter.
fords shall be constructed from rocMlll or marsa materlal
so as In limit, In so far as $9 possible, damage caused by
flood waters. The contractor shall construct cuttings where 1511 MAINTENANCE OF GRAVEL TEMPORARY

1S[R G R A ~ W F T E M P O R A R T ~ I I O N S O R O F
WSTlNG ROADS USED AS TEMPOWWY All gravel ternporary devlatlons and exlstlng gravel roads
DEWATIONS used as temparary deviations shall be naintainwd by Zha
contractor in a safe traff icable condition. Whenever
required by the engineer, the roads and temporary
When the earlhworks tor temporary davlations as deviations shall be bladed by means of swlf+propelledroad
descrlbed in clause I506 have been completed, those graders to provlde B srnoofh rldlng surletce free from
sectlons of the temporaw deviations and of existing gravel corrugations. All potholes shall be repaired immedlateFy
roads weed as temporary deviatlons, as Indtcated by the
engineer, shall be provided with a wearing course of
suitable gravef approved by the snglnesr. bhe engineer may also Instruct the contractor to water the
temporary deviations to keep down dust or l o facilitate the
The contractor shall provlde, spread, water, mix and proper bradtng of the surface. All dralnage works shall be
mrnpeet such material to a density equal to 93% of rnarntained In a good working order,
modified MSHTO denslty.

if gravel shoulders are to be used for the accommodation The bladlng of surfaces of tsrnporary dsvlatlons and the
of traffTc and If the axlstlng shoulders are unsafe for traffic, appllcatlon of gravel and water shall be measured and
ths shoulders shall be reconstructed as specltisd. All grass pald for separately, but all other maintenance shall be
end much grass shall be bladed from the surtace. deemed to be! included in the rate tendered for item 15.07 *
Approved grevel metmrial shall be imported from the road Accommodating Irafflc and rnalntalning temporary
reserve or from borrow pits. The rnaterlsl shall be spread, devtatlons.
wetersd, rntxsd snd compacted to 93% of modified
A4SHTO density In leysrs of the specflied thickness.
m p o R B R y DE\IIATrnS
PSI roads wlth bltumlnous surfacing used by publie traffic
bypassing constructton shall be malntained In a good snd
W a r s specfffed In tho profeet speclffeati~nsor required by safe trafficable condition lor the entire period during whlch
the snglneor, gravel tayers of selected subgrade or such roads are used. Maintenance shall Include the
subbase quallty, crushed-stone basa, ssphalt base or patching and repair of the bltumlnous surfacing, the
stablllrad gravel layers shall be constructed snd road clearing of shoulders, the clearing of all drafns, ineludlng
marklng shall be done by the contractor, all in accordance culvert Inlet and outlet drains, and other Fncidentals and,
with the requirements of the relevant sections of these unless othsrwlse specifled in the project specifications,
specltlcations and the engineer's Instructions. also rhe cara and maintenance of all road markings, road
slgns, dellneadors and guardralts.

The cost of all maintenance to temporary deviafions wlth

bituminous surfacing shall be Included in the rates
Where requl;nd in the projeci spec(flcations or by the tendered under item 15.01, Accommodating traffic and
snglneer, temporary dsvlalions shall be provided with rnaintainlng temporary deviatlons, except for the cost of
bltumlnous surieelng In accordance wlth the requirements repalrs to the bituminous surfaclng and pmement, which
of series 4 OW or of the project specifications, or as may shaft be paid for separately under Item 75.09.
1513 ACCOMMODAnON OF TRWFlC WHERE THE where his own traffic causes excessive damage or wear to
ROAD IS CONSTRUCTED IN W WIDTHS such mads or constitutes a cond~tionhazardous to public
traffic, the engineer shall have the right to regulate the
contractor's trafftc over such temporary devlatlons and
Where, by reason of difficult terrain or lor any other reason, require the contractor lo provide, at his own cost, such
the construction of temporary devialions Is unfeasible, the marntenance, includ~ng wearing-course gravel and
contractor shall, upon !he written instruclion of the watering, as in the engineer's opinion will be necessary in
engineer, construct the road in half wfdths to allow traftic addition to that which would be required ta maintain the
to use that half of the road not under construcl~on. The ternporaty deviations properly when not used by the
length of the half-wfdth conslruction shall not enceed the contractor's construction traffic.
length specified In the project spedflcatlons or on the
drewlngs, or the length of the section of road that can be
constructed and completed in one day, whichever is the
shortest. Provision shall be made for traffic travelling in
oppos~tedirections to pass at frequent inlervals.
When traffic is routed permanently onto the new road, and
The contractor shall arrangs his work so as to allow traffic on the written instructions of the engfneer, the contractor
to have free one-way access to at least half the width of shall obliterate the temporary deviations and all designated
the roadway at all tlmes during the cwnslruction perlod, sections of obsolete roads and road markings tn
He shall rnaintatn that half of the road, which is being used accordance with section 5WQ.
for traffic for the time being, in a trafficable condit~on,lo
the satisfaction of the engineer
Where gravel or sealed shoulders are used as temporary
devlatians, the confinuous length of road under
constructlon at any time shall be llrnited to 4 km unless Unit
otherwise S D @ C I ~ I @ ~
15.01 kcurnmoda'ting baffic
The number of sectlons undar constructlon at any tlme and maintaining temporary
sharl not exceed four, and spaces of at least 2 krn in deviations . . . .. . k~lometre(km)
length In which the entlre road wldth is open for trafflc
shall be provided between the construction areas to allow The unit of measurement shall be the kllometre, measured
traffic to pass slow moving vehicles. along the centre lines of temporary devlatlons. existing
roads used a3 temporary deviations, and roads
The contractor shall ensure that the entire road width shall constructed In hall-widths. R shall net include sections
be open at nlght and shall be left, at the end of each day's along which the traff~c Is dlverted onto existing roads
work, In a good and sale trafficable conditron to the where the contractor is not responsible for the
satisfaction of the englneer. maintenance of such enisting roads.

During the day the traffic shall be controlled by a STOP The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
snd RVlGO system, accommodating tralftc and maintaming temporary
deviations, including reads constructed in half-widths and
Should the road be not In a safe trafflcable condltlon for e ~ ~ s t ~roads
ng used as temporary deviations during
two-way tralfic over the entire width at the end of each construct~on and maintenance per~ods,but excluding
day's work, the contractor shall provide adequate flagmen, maintenance and repair work for which payment is
signs,barricades, lights and the necessary staft at hFs own specifically made under the other pay Items provlded in
cost to ensure a reasonably free flow of traffic alternately section 1500 The tendered rate shall also Inzlude full
in each direction throughout the entire period when the compensation lor the provision of a full-(ime traffic safety
madway is open to one-way tralllc only officer and for all the duties performed by him, The
tendered rate shall also Include full cornpensatfun for the
provision of communications equipment requlred for
regulating the traff~c,arranging lor the rnovlng of services,
solving traff~c problems, complying with the legal
requirements of all authnrltfes concerned, for prov~ding
W e r e ordered by the engineer or specified on the temporary access to private property. and for the provision
drawings or in fhe project specifications. the contractor and maintenance of temporary drainage, but excluding the
shall make his own arrangements for providing eithnr new work specifically paid for under item 15 12. The tendered
fencing and gates or rnovlng and subsequently reinstating rate shall also include full compensation for the specified
e~istingfencing and gates in accordance with the general requlrements and all lncldental ilerns of cost whrch
provisions of clause 5512. are required under the provisions of section 1500 and
which are not specifically paid for under the other pay
items provided in sectlon 1500.
mtmtAcTOR Payment will ba made in two equal instalrnents in respect
of each section. The firs! instalment w ~ lbe
l made when
The contractor shall have the right to use public roads, suitable temporary deviations have been approved for use
Including temporary devlutlons open to public traffic, but or when traffic is taken over half-width construction. The
second lnstalment wlll become due when the traffic can be Item Unit
accommodated on the new road, all temporary devlatlons
have been obliterated and all general obllgatlons of the 15.03 Temporary trafflc-contml
contractor have been complled wlth, all to the satisfaction fadltlies:
of the engineer.
(a) flagmen ....................... man-day

(b) Portable STOP and GO-RY

signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .number (No)
15.M Eerthworksfor temporary deviations:
(c) Temporary trafflc-control
(a) Shaping of temporary slgnals as specified or as shown
devlatlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kllometre (km) on the drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
The unit of measurement shall be the kllometre of (d) Amber flicker lights . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
temporary devlations shaped, compacted and constructed
In accordance with the provislons of clause 1506 of thls (e) Road signs, R- and TR-serles,
section. Where the contractor has to provlde access roads (slze Indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .number (No)
to private property, the length of such access roads
outslde the road reserve shall also be Included In the (f) Road slgns, TW-series,
quantity measured for payment. (slze Indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
The tendered rate shall lnclude full compensation for (g) Road signs, STW-, DTG-,
clearlng and grubbing where necessary, the removal of TGS- AND TG-series
small trees and stumps, the shaplng and gradlng, (excluding dellneators and
watering, mlxlng and compacting of the materlal and all barricades) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .square metre (ma)
cuts and fllis constructed from materlal obtalned from
alongside the temporary devlatlons or side cut, but (h) Dellneators (DTGSOJ)
lncludlng only such portlons of the fllls which are less than (slze Indicated):
0,5 m In helght.
(I) Slngle ...................... number (No)
@) Cut and borrow to fill . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
(li) Mounted back to back. ......... number (No)
The unlt of measurement shall be the cublc metre of flll
measured in sltu from levelled cross-sectionstaken before (I) Movable barrlcadelroad sign
and after construction where such material is either comblnatlon (size Indicated) ..... number (No)
Imported from a locality more than 100 m from the point
of use or Is utlllsed In a portion of a fill which is in excess (j) Trafflc cones (slze Indlcated) . . . . . number (No)
of 0,5 m above the original ground level.
(k) Slngle guardralls attached
Where measurement by cross-sections is Impractical, the to posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... metre (m)
volume can be assumed to be equal to 70% of the loose
volume measured in trucks in the case of soil and gravel (I) Movable barriers (type indicated) . . . . metre (m)
materlal, and equal to 60% of the loose volume in trucks
In the case of hard material consisting predominantly of (m) Two-way communlcatlon devices . . number (No)
particles of whlch the maxlmum dlmenslon exceeds
100 mm. (a) Flagmen

The tendered rate shall lnclude full cornpensatlon for The unit of measurement shall be a day worked by a
procuring, furnishing and the placing all the classes of flagman.
material, including transportingover a free-haul distance of
0,5 km. The tendered rate shall lnclude full compensation for a
flagman who Is required to control traffic by way of flags
(c) Cut to spoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic meter (ml) or portable STOP and GO-RY signs and shall include the
provision of flags and safety jackets.
The unit of measurement shall be the cublc metre of
authorized excavation taken from cut In temporary
devlations or removed from fill in temporary deviations
which are no longer required and carted to spoil on the The unit of measurement shall be the number of each sign
lnstructlons of the engineer, all measured in sltu before provided, and, as may be applicable, completely erected.
excavation by means of levelled cross-sections.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
excavating In all classes of material, loading, transporting, The tendered rates shall include full cornpensatlon for
off-loading, Including the shaping and levelling of spoil providing, and where applicable, erectlng each slgn
material and transporting over a free-haul distance of complete. In the case of subitem (b) It shall also Include
0,5 km. moving the sign as may be necessary.
(g) The unit of measurement shall be the square metre
of sign face, measured on the face of each item provided.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for 15.05 Gravelling and repair of
providing and erecting each sign, complete with posts. temporary deviations and
existing gravel shoulders
(i) The unit of measurement shall be the number of used as temporary deviations:
movable barricades, complete with road signs provided.
The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for (a) Temporary deviations . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
moving the barricades to fresh positions as and when
necessary. (b) Existing gravel shoulders . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
() The unit of measurement shall be the number of The unit of measurement shall be the cublc metre of
cones provided and the measured quantity shall be the gravel provided as wearing course for the surfacing of
maximum number in use at any one time in accordance temporary deviations and existing gravel shoulders,
with the layout shown on the drawings or as directed by computed from the dimensions of the layer as actually
the engineer. The tendered rate shall also include for all constructed in place, in accordance wlth the engineer's
moves to new positions for the duration of the contract. instructions.

(k) The unit of measurement shall be the metre of Where measurement by the above method Is considered
straight or curved temporary guardrails erected, complete to be impracticable by the engineer, the volume may be
with end units, posts, reflective plates, etc. computed by taking 70% of the loose volume of the gravel
as measured in the hauling vehicles.
(I) The unit of measurement shall be the metre of each
type of movable barriers provided and shall include the The tendered rate shall Include full compensation for
initial erection. procuring, furnishing, placing and compacting the gravel
wearing course, including a free-haul distance of 1,O km,
(m) The unit of measurement shall be the number of and the repair of local sections of the temporary deviations
two-way communication devices ordered by the engineer and gravel shoulders.
for the duration of the contract.

The tendered rate shall Include full compensatlon for the UnH
supply of two-way communication devices suitable for the
control of one-way traffic when half the width of the 15.06 Watering of temporary
roadway is closed for construction purposes. The tendered deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilolitre ( k l )
rate shall also include full compensation for the
maintenance of the devices and for the provision of The unit of measurement shall be the kilolitre of water
operating staff for the duration of the contract. applied to the temporary deviations on the written
instruction of the engineer. Water required for the
construction of temporary deviations will not be measured
General: for payment.

The tendered rates for the respective traffic control facilities The tendered rate shall include full compensatlon for the
shall include full compensation for the supply and initial supply, transport and application of the water. Overhaul
erection complete with posts, stakes, portable stands and shall not apply to transporting the water used for the
sandbags as may be required, for cleaning and watering of temporary deviations.
maintenance, for covering with non-transparent material
when temporarily not required and removal off the site
when no longer required. 75% of the tariff will be payable Item UnR
when the items have been provided and erected in
position for their first use on site and 25% when finally 15.07 Blading by road grader of:
removed from the site. Facilities which become
unserviceable or are damaged by vehicles or stolen, in (a) Temporary deviations ......... kilometre-pass
particular delineators, shall be replaced promptly at no (km-pass)
additional cost.
(b) Existing roads used as
temporary deviations . . . . . . . . . . kilometre-pass
Item Unit (km-pass)

15.04 Relocation of traffiocontrol (c) Existing gravel shoulders used

facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum as temporary deviations . . . . . . . kilometre-pass
The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
dismantling, storing if necessary, transporting, re-erecting The unit of measurement for using a road grader to blade
and inspecting the traffic-control facilities, and for all the surfaces of temporary deviations, existing roads and
labour, equipment, constructional plant and incidentals existing gravel shoulders used as temporary deviations
necessary to execute the work complete as specified or shall be the kilometre-pass, that is, each kilometre of the
shown on the drawings. full width of the temporary deviation, the entire surface of
which has been bladed by one pass of the road grader. In constructed in half-widths on the written instructionsof the
the case of temporary deviations constructed as two engineer.
separate one-way roads, they shall be considered as one
full width of the temporary deviation for purposes of The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
measurement. providing all plant, equipment, tools, transport, labour,
supervision, flagmen, guards, road signs, lights, barricades
Only the number of kilometre-passes actually authorized and all other incidentals necessary for the proper and safe
by the engineer, in writing, will be measured. handling of traffic as specified and shall also include full
compensation for all additional costs and work resulting
Where the blading of temporary deviations has not been from constructing the road in half widths.
carried out satisfactorily and the surface has not been
improved as much as can reasonably be expected from
such an operation, the contractor shall carry out further Item Unit
grading work at his own expense until a satisfactory result
is obtained. 15.11 Traffic signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provisional sum
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The provisional sum provided to cover the cost of
providing the road graders and operators, flagmen, providing traffic signals shall be expended in accordance
guards, barricades, signs and all other costs incidental with the provisions of clause 48 of the general conditions
thereto and for blading the temporary deviations to a of contract.
smooth surface free from corrugations.

b m Unit
15.12 Temporary culverts:
15.08 Repairs, alterations andlor
addions to existing roads (a) Provision and laying of
used as temporary deviations . . provisional sum temporary prefabricated culverts
complete (state size, type and
The provisional sum provided to cover the cost of work bedding) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
ordered by the engineer in terms of clause 1510 of the
specifications shall be expended in accordance with the The unit of measurement shall be the metre of culvert
provisions of clause 48 of the general conditions of provided and installed by the contractor.
contract. Where the exact nature of the work can be
determined in advance, provision may be made in the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
project specifications for suitable rates to be tendered in procuring and furnishing new culverts, all excavations,
lieu of providing a provisional sum. bedding, laying the culverts and backfilling.

(b) Re-use of prefabricated

item Unit culverts complete (state type,
size and type of bedding) . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
15.09 Maintenance of the biimi-
nous surfacing and pavement The unit of measurement shall be the metre of culvert
of temporary deviations with installed.
bituminous surfacing and
existing roads with biiminous The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
surfacing used as temporary taking up the culverts from their previous positions and
deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provisional sum installing the culverts in fresh positions, including all
excavations, backfilling and bedding, the loading and
The provisional sum provided to cover the cost of work transporting and off-loading of the culverts.
ordered by the engineer in terms of clause 1512 for
repairing and maintaming the bituminous surfacing and (c) Eventual removal of
pavement of existing and temporary roads with bituminous prefabricated culverts ............ metre (m)
surfacing used as temporary deviations, shall be expended
in accordance with the provisions of clause 48 of the The unit of measurement shall be the metre of culvert
general conditions of contract. removed.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the

Item Unit eventual removal of prefabricated culverts that are not to
be re-used, including excavation, taking up the culverts,
15.10 Accommodation of traffic loading, transporting, off-loading and stacking the culverts
where the road is constructed at an approved location, including a free-haul of 1,O km,
in half-widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilometre (km) and the reinstatement ofsurfaces. The culverts remain the
property of the employer.
The unit of measurement for accommodating traffic where
the road is constructed in half-widthsshall be the kilometre (d) Overhaul on excavated material
measured along the centre line of the road which road is carted to spoil, backfill material (but
excluding portland cement), equipment, constructionalplant and incidentals necessary
prefabricated culverts removed to execute the work as speclfied or shown on the
and reinstalled, and prefabricated drawings.
culverts removed and stacked,
for haul In excess of a free-
haul distance of 1,O km .. cubic metre-kilometre General notes:

Measurement and payment for overhaul shall be made in The following pay items described in other sections will be
accordance with the provisions of section 1600. listed under this section In the schedule of quantities
where they relate to work executed under this section.
In the case of culverts, the outer volume of each culvert
shall be measured. (1) Overhaul as specified in section 1600.

(2) The clearing and grubbing of large trees as

specified in section 1700.

15.13 h situ preparation and (3) The removal of overburden as specified in

compaction of existing section 3100.
gravel shoulders to 93% of
m o d i AASHTO density .. . . cubic metre (m') (4) The constructionof mass earthworksand pavement
layers as specified in series 3000.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
shoulder material prepared and compacted as specified. (5) Bituminous seals as specified In series 4000 or in
the project specifications.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for (6) Temporary fencing as specified in section 5500.
ripping, shaping, mixing, watering, compacting to a depth
of 150 mm below the final road surface, and for all labour, (7) Road markings as specified In sectlon 5700.
SERIES 1000 : G E N E M in respect of the same hauling operation.

SECTION 1600 :OVERHAUL Restricted overhaul shall apply to fill material from cut and
borrow and to spoil material from excavations when hauled
in excess of the free-haul distance of 0,5km in respect of
CONTENTS haul up to and including 1,Okm, and shall be measured
and paid for b y the cubic metre of material hauled
1601 SCOPE between or over these distances.
Ordinary overhaul shall apply to all overhaul material in
respect of haul in excess of 1,Okm, and shall be measured
1601 SCOPE by the product of the volume of material hauled, measured
as specified hereafter, and the overhaul distance as
defined in clause 1602(e)hereof.
This section covers the hauling of overhaul material as
defined herein from the place of excavation or stockpile to
the position of placement, where such haul distance is in Both restricted and ordinary overhaul shall be paid in
excess of the free-haul distance as defined herein. respect of material having a free-haul distance of 0,5km
when hauled in excess of 1,Okm.

(c) Haul distance

(a) Overhaul material
The haul distance for cut to fill shall be the distance
Overhaul material shall be transported material to which between the centre of volume of the overhaul material In
overhaul shall apply when hauled in excess of the free-haul the cut before excavation and the centre of volume of the
distance and shall include only the following materials: portion of the fill constructed with the overhaul material.

(i) Gravel, soil or rock materials used In the

construction of fills, pavement layers, banks and dykes. The distance between the centres of volume shall be
measured along the centre line of the road, and any
(ii) Topsoil, gravel prescribed b y the engineer as additional distance of haul ascribed to the following of a
wearing course for temporary deviations, and selected different haul route will not be considered. Cut and fill
gravel material used for backfilling drain and culvert volumes for ramps, road approaches and connections on
excavations, but excluding permeable material used in either side of the road shall be considered as concentrated
filter drains. at the centre line of the main roadway under construction
for computing overhaul quantities for payment, unless
(iii) Spoil material resulting from the authorized otherwise specified in the project specifications.
excavations of the road prism, drains, culverts and other
structures and from fills in temporary deviations which are
no longer required. The haul distance for borrow material and cut to spoil
material shall be measured along the shortest route
(iv) Crushed stone used in the construction of subbase determined by the engineer as being feasible and
and base, but only when overhaul applies in the satisfactory. Should the contractor choose to haul material
circumstances specified in item 36.01 of clause 3608. over some other longer route, computations for payment
shali nevertheless be based on the haul distance measured
(v) Materials (irrespective of the type of material) cut along the shortest route designated by the engineer. The
from existing pavement layers and transported to spoil, or haul distance for borrow materials and cut to spoil shall be
direct to fill elsewhere on the site, or to approved measured to the nearest 0,lkm.
stockpiles, or from stockpiles to the point of application.

(vi) Materials and products specified elsewhere in the (d) Freehaul distance
The free-haul distance shali be the distance up to which
overhaul material may be hauled before overhaul becomes
After reprocessing ordinary overhaul only shall apply to payable. This distance shall be 1,Okm in the case of all
asphalt or any other material that has been reprocessed in overhaui materiais, except cut and borrow to fill and cut to
a plant for recycling, and no restricted overhaui shall apply. spoil material where the free-haul distance is 0,5km.

(e) Overhaul distance

@) Overhaul
The overhaul distance applying to item 16.02shall be the
Two types of overhaul shali apply to this contract, and, haul distance as defined above, less 1,Okm, measured to
depending on circumstances, any one or both may apply the nearest 0,lkm.
1- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Overhaul will be the total haul, minus the 1,O km free-haul.

(2) Crushed-stone base or subbase material

Quantity of material (section 3600)

The quantity of material overhauled shall in all cases be The following applies to crushed-stone base or subbase
measured in the same manner as the item to which the material as specified in section 3600 to which overhaul
overhaul applies. applies, ie material not obtained from commercial sources.

Item Unit The haul distance shall be measured from the approved
borrow pit to the crusher site and thence to the point
16.01 Overhaul on material where used on the road. The quantity shall be the actual
hauled in excess of a quantity only of subbase or base material measured for
free-haul distance of payment and does not include material excavated but
0,5 km, for haul up discarded or lost at the crusher.
to or through 1,O km
(restricted overhaul) . . ...... cubic metre (m3) (3) Oversize material removed from the road
(clause 3210)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
overhaul material hauled over the distance given above. The haul on all oversize material removed from the road
and taken to spoil shall be considered as two haul
operations, and overhaul shall be calculated separately as
Unit follows:

16.02 Overhaul on material (a) Haul from the point of procurement of the oversize
hauled in excess of material to the point where it is deposited on the road
1,O km (ordinary overhaul) ....... cubic metre-
kilometre (m3-km) Haul and overhaul shall be calculated in the normal
manner, but no overhaul will be payable on the first
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of portion of the oversize material which does not qualify for
overhaul material hauled in excess of 1,O km, multiplied by payment under any item for the "removal of oversize
the overhaul distance. material".

(b) Haul from the point where it is bladed of the road

Note: to the point of disposal

Both restricted and ordinary overhaul shall be payable on The haul distance shall be from the point alongside the
material having 0,5 km free haul when this material is road where the oversize material is bladed off to the point
hauled in excess of 1,O km. where it is finally deposited. Overhaul shall apply to all
oversize material removed, including material not paid for
Overhaul of material in excess of that required or for a under any item for the "removal of oversize material".
further distance as may be necessary for the completion of Overhaul shall be the haul distance minus the 1,O km free-
the works or otherwise not authorized by the engineer will haul.
not be measured for payment purposes.

The tendered rates for overhaul shall include full (4) Pavement layers constructed from materialsmixed
compensation for hauling material in excess of the free- in a mixing plant and placed by paver
haul distance.
Measurement of and payment for overhaul in regard to
material used in pavement layers, which has been mixed
Notes: in a mixing plant and placed by paver, shall be the same
as that in regard to material in pavement layers not mixed
In the special cases detailed below, overhaul shall be in a mixing plant or placed by paver, excepting that the
measured as follows: haul distance shall be measured along the shortest direct
route from the approved source to the locality where the
(1) Gravel crushed andlor screened (section 3200) material is placed on the road, irrespective of whether the
material has been handled by a longer route from the
The haul distance on crushed and/or screened gravel shall source to the mixing plant and thence to the location
be taken from the point of excavation or borrow to the where it was placed on the road. The tendered rates for
crushinglscreening plant and thence to the point of final item 37.01 and 37.02 shall also include full compensation
use in the road or, in the case of material sieved out and for handling the material for that distance by which the
discarded, to the point where finally placed. actual route is longer than the shortest direct route.
SERIES 1000 : GENERAL Except at borrow areas, the cavities resulting from the
grubbing shall be backfilled with approved material and
SECTION 1700 : CLEARING AND GRUBBING compacted to a density of at least the density of the
surrounding ground.

(c) Conservation of topsoil

1701 SCOPE
1702 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Where suitable topsoil occurs within the limits of the area
1703 EXECUTION OF WORK to be cleared and grubbed, the contractor shall, if so
1704 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ordered by the engineer, remove the topsoil together with
any grass and other suitable vegetation. If not used
immediately, the topsoil shall be transported and
1701 SCOPE deposited in stockpiles for later use. The contractor will
not be required to remove topsoil to an average depth of
less than 150 mm, or more than 400 m m in depth, from
This section covers the clearing of the site and the any particular area.
grubbing necessary for construction of the works covered
by the contract, in accordance with these specifications. This work shall be measured and paid for under section
5800. Where topsoil can be removed without the necessity
This section also covers the cleaning out of existing of first doing clearing and grubbing, no payment will be
hydraulic structures and the clearing and grubbing of made for clearing and grubbing under this section.
vegetation from the inlets and outlets of these structures,
the removal, storage and replanting of selected plants, as
well as clearing to improve sight distances. (d) Consewation of vegetation

Where provided for in the project specifications, certain

1702 DESCRIPTION OF WORK designated plants encountered in the road reserve and
borrow areas shall be carefully protected by the contractor.
Provision will be made for separate payment for the careful
(a) Clearing removal and planting of the plants in a protected and
fenced off area.
Clearing shall consist of the removal of all trees, brush,
other vegetation, rubbish, fences and all other
objectionable material, including the disposal of all 1703 EXECUTION OF WORK
material resulting from the clearing and grubbing.

It shall also include the renioval and disposal of structures (a) Areas to be cleared and grubbed
that obtrude, encroach upon or otherwise obstruct the work
and which can be cleared by means of a bulldozer with a Normally the portions of the road reserve falling within the
mass of approximately 20 tons and an engine developing limits of the road prism and certain borrow areas shall be
approximately 145 kW at the flywheel. Structures which cleared and grubbed. The engineer shall designate the
cannot be cleared in this manner shall be broken down in areas to be cleared, which shall not necessarily be limited
accordance with the requirements of the project to those mentioned above.
specifications for the removal and disposal of structures.
The areas occupied by an existing road prism will normally
No payment will be made for the moving of a certain be excluded.
amount of soil or gravel material which may be inherent in
or unavoidable during the process of clearing. Clearing No clearing and grubbing shall be done other than on the
shall also include the removal of all rocks and boulders of written instructions of the engineer, who shall designate in
up to 0,15 m3 in size which are exposed or lying on the detail the exact areas to be cleared and grubbed and the
surface. time when it shall be done. The contractor shall note that,
in order to avoid reclearing, the clearing and grubbing may
Payment for fences which have to be taken down and the have to be done at the last practicable stage of
material sorted, coiled and stacked shall be made under construction.
section 5500.
Individual trees designated in writing by the engineer shall
be left standing and uninjured. A penalty equal to the
@) Grubbing amount specified in the project specifications shall be
imposed for every such tree which is unnecessarily
In the roadway all stumps and roots exceeding 75 m m in removed or damaged.
diameter shall be removed to a depth of no less than
600 m m below the finished road level and a minimum of
75 m m below the original ground level. Where the @) Cutting of trees
roadbed has to be compacted, all stumps and roots,
including matted roots, shall be removed to a depth of at The contractor shall take the necessary precautions to
least 200 m m below the cleared surface. prevent damage to structures and other private or public
property. If necessary, the trees shall be cut in sections 1704 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
from the top downwards. The branches of trees to be left
standing shall be trimmed so as to leave a 7 m clearance Unit
above the carriageway.
17.01 Clearing and grubbing . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha)

Where clearing and grubbing on government property The unit of measurement for clearing and grubbing is the
would involve the cutting down of indigenous forest hectare. The quantity shall be taken as the area in hectare
containing a significant number of trees with a trunk (to the nearest 0,01 ha) designated by the engineer and
diameter exceeding 200 mm, the contractor shall inform cleared and grubbed in accordance with these
the Director-General of Environment Affairs at least two specifications.
months in advance before commencing with clearing and
grubbing of such areas so as to enable the Department of The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
Environment Affairs to salvage any usable timber and to work necessary for the clearing of the surface, the removal
identify the trees before they are removed. and grubbing of trees and tree stumps (except large trees
and stumps as defined below), cutting of branches,
backfilling of cavities, demolishing and disposal of
. ,
structures except where otherwise provided in the proiect
(c) Disposal of material specifications, and the removal, transporting and disposal
of material, all as specified in this section.
Material obtained from clearing and grubbing shall be
disposed of, as indicated by the engineer, in borrow pits
or other suitable places and covered up with soil or gravel. Unit
The burning of material will not normally be permitted and
may be done only with the prior written approval of the 17.02 Removal and grubbing
engineer. All statutory provisions in regard to air pollution of large trees and
shall be carefully obsewed. tree stumps:

(a) Girth exceeding 1 m up

All tree trunks and branches in excess of 150 m m in to and including 2 m . . number (No)
diameter shall be cleaned of secondary branches, sawn
into lengths not exceeding 4,O m and stacked at sites (b) Girth exceeding 2 m up
indicated by the engineer. All crops and trees which have to and including 3 m . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
a saleable value shall remain the property of the employer
unless otherwise provided for in the project specifications. Etc, in steps of 1 m girth.

Fencing wire shall be neatly wound into reels and all such The girth of trees or stumps shall be measured at the
wire, together with all fence posts and other usable narrowest point of the tree or stump in the first metre of its
material from structures, etc, shall be stacked at sites height above ground level. Trees and stumps with a girth
indicated by the engineer. exceeding 1 m shall be measured individually and
classified according to size in increments of 1 m as
indicated above.

(d) Reclearing of vegetation

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
When portions of the road reserve, borrow or other areas work necessary for the clearing and grubbing of trees and
have been cleared in accordance with the specifications, stumps of all sizes, the backfilling of holes and the
but vegetation grows again in the course of time during removal and disposal of material, all as described in this
construction, the engineer may, if he considers it section.
necessary, order that the area be recleared.

Where construction is carried out through plantations or

Such reclearing of areas previously cleared includes the where the number of trees with a girth exceeding 1 m
removal and disposal of grass, shrubs and other renders individual measurement impracticable, the project
vegetation in the same manner as for the first clearing specifications shall provide that the clearing and grubbing
operation. of trees in such areas be measured in hectares. If this
method of measurement is used, the areas where it
applies will be shown on the drawings, stated in the
project specifications, or indicated to tenderers during site
(e) Cleaning out of hydraulic structures inspection.

Where the project specifications provide payment for the

After the instruction for the cleaning out of hydraulic clearing and grubbing of large trees per hectare in certain
structures has been executed, the contractor shall be specific cases, the tendered price shall include full
responsible for maintaining the hydraulic structures in a compensation for all work as described in connection with
clean condition for the duration of the contract. individual trees above.
Item Unit (b) Pipes with an internal diameter
exceeding 750 m m . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
17.03 Reclearing of surfaces
(on the written instructions
of the engineer only) . . . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha) (c) Box culverts up to and
Including 1,5 m vertical
The unit of measurement for reclearing areas which have dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
previously been cleared shall be the hectare. The quantity
shall be measured to the nearest 0,l ha.
(d) Box culverts exceeding 1,5 m
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all vertical dimension . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
work necessary for the clearing of the surface, grubbing if
necessary, backfilling of holes and the removal and
disposal of material, all as described in this section. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material removed from hydraulic structures where
instructed by the engineer so that the structures are
Item Unit cleaned as specified.

17.04 Clearing and grubbing at

inlets and outiets of hydraulic The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) work necessary for removing all undesirable materials from
structures, transporting and disposing of these materials,
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre as well as additional costs necessary for gaining access to
measured within the limits of the areas designated by the such structures, all as specified in this section. Payment
engineer, which are cleared and grubbed in accordance under this item will normally only be made once during the
with these specifications. duration of the contract.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all

work necessary for clearing the surface, removing and
grubbing trees and tree stumps (except large trees and Item Unit
stumps defined in this section), sawing off branches,
backfilling holes, removing, transporting and disposing of 17.06 Removal and storage of
materials, and all additional costs due to inaccessibility, all selected vegetation:
as specified in this section

(a) Cost of removal, storing,

Item Unit protection and replanting
in a protected and fenced-
17.05 Cleaning out of hydraulic structures: off area of selected
vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... provisional sum
(a) Pipes with an internal
diameter up to and
including 750 m m . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (b) Charge on provisional sum .... percentage (%)
SERIES 2900 : DRAlNAGE (c) Open drains shall be constructed true to line, grade
and cross-section and shall be so maintained for the
SECTKIN 2100 :DRAINS duration of the contract.

Care shall be taken to avold excavation below the required

CONTENTS grades for the open drains and any excavation carrled
beyond the required grade shall be backfilled with suitable
2101 SCOPE material and compacted to at least 90% of modified
2102 OPEN DRAINS AASHTO density by the contractor at his own expense.
2104 SUBSOIL DRAINAGE (d) Material resulting from the excavations for open
2105 CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS drains shall be used in the construction of fills, banks and
2106 MANHOLES, OUTLET STRUCTURES AND dykes, or for other purposes, or shall be disposed of to
CLEANING EYES spoil, all as directed b y the engineer.
In respect of material resulting from open-drain excavation
and not taken to spoil but used elsewhere in the
2101 SCOPE construction of the works, payment will be made for open-
drain excavation as well as for any item of permanent
construction built from such material. Material from open-
This section covers all work in connection with the drain excavation which is taken to spoil will be paid for as
excavation and construction of open drains, subsoil open-draln excavation only.
drainage and banks and dykes at the locations and to the
sizes, shapes, grades and dimensions as shown on the (e) If ordered b y the engineer, all existing open drains,
drawings or as directed by the engineer, and the test but excluding open drains constructed by the contractor
flushing of subsoil drains. himself, shall be cleared and, where necessary, shaped by
removing the sediment and trimming the floors and sides.
It also covers the cleaning of open drains and the repairing The specified requirements for constructing open drains
of subsoil drainage. In special circumstances this work shall apply mutatis mutandis to clearing and shaping the
may be executed outside the road reserve. open drains.

It also covers the clearing of existing culverts, including Measurement and payment In respect of the clearing and
amongst others the removal of all undesirable materials shaping of existing open drains not classified as cut in
that have accumulated in and around inlet and outlet accordance with the classification instructions in subclause
structures and in the barrels of the culverts. 2102(b), shall be made under item 21.02, and those in
respect of existing open drains classified as cut under the
appropriate items in section 3300.

(f) Any pitching of open drains ordered by the

engineer shall be done in accordance with the
(a) Open-drain excavation shall involve the excavating requirements of section 5100. The concrete lining of open
of open drains and channels, including channels to direct drains shall be done as specified in section 2300.
the course of streams, all as shown on the drawings or as
directed by the engineer. (g) All culverts indicated b y the engineer shall be
cleared. The contractor shaii remove all undesirable
(b) Open-drain excavation shall include all excavation materials, such as amongst others all silt, sediment,
required for constructing a channel with a bottom width of driftwood, debris and rubble that have accumulated in and
less than 4 m or a V-shaped channel with side slopes around the culvert inlet and outlet structures and In the
steeper than 1:4, and total width at the top of less than culvert barrels. All materials resulting from the clearing
5 m. Any excavation required for constructing a channel operations shall be disposed of at locations approved by
with a bottom width of 4 m or more, or a V-shaped the engineer. The clearing shall preferably be done by
channel with side slopes equal to or flatter than 1:4, or means of hand tools in order to prevent damage to
where the width at the top exceeds 5 m, shall be classed existing drainage and other structures. The contractor
as "cut" and shall be measured and paid for under section shall repair all structures damaged by him at his own cost,
3300. and to the satisfaction of the engineer.

Open drains wlthln the road prism, such as median drains,

side drains and open drains on excavation-slope benches, 21W BANKS AND DYKES
shall be classed as "cut" and shall be measured and paid
for under section 3300, except where, on account of the
shape of such open drains, excavation b y bulk excavating Mitre banks, catchwater banks and dykes shall be
equipment would not be feasible and either hand constructed of approved soil or gravel obtained from open-
excavation or special excavating equipment, such as drain excavation or, if no suitable material can be obtained
backactors, draglines or similar equipment, would be from that source, from suitable alternative sources, and be
required, in which case such excavation shall be paid for placed in such a way that the water will flow on the natural
as opendrain excavation. ground and against the bank.
The banks and dykes shall be properly compacted to 90% Table 2104/1
of modified AASHTO density in layers not exceeding
150 mm in thickness, unless thicker layers have been NATURAL PERMEABLE MATERIALS : SAND
approved by the engineer.

If so preferred by the contractor and approved by the Grade Nominal maximum

engineer, mitre banks may also be constructed of hand- particle size (mm)
packed stone, provided that the interstices are filled with
an approved coheslve soil. Coarse
Fine 0,20

Crushed stone shali comply with the requirements given in

(a) Mawrials SABS 1083 : Table 5 : Stone for Concrete, and shall be
either coarse (19,O mm nominal size) or fine (13,2 mm
(i) Pipes nominal size) as speclfied.

Pipes for subsoil drainage shail have the specified internal The aggregate shail be evenly graded. The aggregate
diameter, which shall be not less than 100 mm, and shall crushing value of the stone shall not exceed 30 when
be one of the following types: tested in accordance with TMHI method B1.

Perforated pitch-flbre pipes complying with SABS 921; When no suitable sand and/or crushed stone is available
from borrow pits, the engineer may require that it be
Perforated or slotted unplasticized PVC pipes complying procured from commercial sources outside the site.
wlth SABS 791;

Perforated high-density polyethylene pressure pipes The engineer shall indicate the grades of sand and
complying with the requirements of SABS 533, Part II. crushed stone to be used in each case to comply with the
The size of perforations in perforated pipes shall in ail
cases be 8 mm in diameter r 1,5 m m and the number of
perforations per metre shall be not less than 26 for In the case of any sand and/or crushed stone, not more
100 mm pipes and 52 for 150 m m pipes. Perforations than 5% of the material shali pass through the 0,075 m m
shall be spaced in two rows for 100 mm pipes and as sieve.
shown on the drawings for 150 m m pipes.
(iii) Synthetic-fibre filter fabric
Slotted pipes shall have a slot width of 8 m m c 1,5 mm.
The arrangement of slots shall be subject to the engineer's Should the use of synthetic-fibre filter fabric in subsoil
approval, but the total slot area shall be not less than that drainage, or as filter blankets, or for any other purposes,
presented for perforations. be specified, it shall comply with the requirements as
specified hereinafter.
Pipes without slots or perforations required for conveying
ground water from the subsoil drainage proper to the point (I) Composition and manufacturing
of discharge, shali be unperforated pitch fibre, PVC or
polyethylene pipes of the types specified above, or The synthetic-fibre filter fabric, or geotextile, shail be
concrete pipes complying with the requirements of manufactured from a synthetic polymer processed into a
SABS 677. permeable, homogeneous sheet. The sheet shall be either
of a woven, non-woven or knitted construction.
(ii) Natural permeable material

Natural permeable filter materials for subsoil drainage shall On account of the temperature and moisture susceptibility
consist of sand and/or crushed stone of suitable gradings. of polyamide, this synthetic product is not considered
Natural permeable materials shail conform to the following acceptable.
(2) Classification
Sand shall be clean, hard sand obtained from approved
borrow pits. The sand shall comply with the requirements The geotextile is classified according to the mechanical
of SABS 1083, Table 1 : Sand for concrete, and shall be properties thereof, viz its penetration load, puncture
either coarse, medium or fine grade as specified. The resistance and the minimum water-percolation rate as
nominal maximum particle size for the various grades shall measured in the permeability test. Table 210412 shall be
be as shown in table 210411. used for determining the grade of a geotextile.
Table 210412 geotextile he proposes to use, so that the engineer may
carry out the appropriate tests specified in table 210412
GRADE CLASSIFICATIONS OF GEOTEXTILES and in clause 8114,and confirm the use thereof if he is
satisfied that the geotextile meets the specified
GRADE requirements. No extra payment shall be made for
PROPERTY TEST METHOD providing the samples for testing.

Penetration load 3.5 of SABS 0221- (iv) Composite in-plane draining fabric
(minimum) , N 2400 1500 1988
The make and class of fabric shown on the drawings or
Puncture resistance approved by the engineer shall be used.
(maximum), mm 26 32 Clause 8114
(v) Concrete
Water percolation 3.7 of SABS 0221-
(minimum), llm21s 20 20 1988 All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of sections 6200,6300and 6400 and with
the details shown on the drawings.
Notes: - The standard atmosphere for testing and the
preconditioning atmosphere for all geotextile (vi) Galvanized woven wire mesh
tests (SABS tests and other) shall have a
relative humidity falling within the range of 0 to Galvanized woven wire mesh manufactured from 3,sm m
80 per cent and a temperature within the range dia wire, 250 mm x 250 m m in area, with a 12 mm x
of 15°C to 35°C. 12 mm maximum mesh size, shall be built into the outlets
of subsoil drainage systems in accordance with the details
- The resistance of a geotextile to puncture is the shown on the drawings.
average diameter of the hole formed when a
45" cone with a mass of 1 kg is dropped
through 500 m m onto the geotextile fixed in the @) Consfmction of subsoil drainage systems
holding device.
(i) With natural permeable material
(3) Durability
Trenches for subsoil drainage systems shall be excavated
A geotextile is required to comply with the following to the dimensions and gradients shown on the drawings or
specification: as directed by the engineer.

Resistance to chemical attack A layer of natural permeable material of the grade and
thickness as shown on the drawings shall be placed on the
The geotextile shall withstand the level of aggressiveness bottom of the trench and be lightly tamped and finished to
of the soil and ground water given below without the required gradient.
significant loss of its strength and hydraulic properties
during its design life of 25 years: Pipes of the type and size required shall then be firmly
bedded on the natural material, true to level and grade,
Soil and ground water with a pH in the range of 4 to 12 and be coupled in accordance with requirements.
(pH to be determined by Method N O ,TMH1, 1986). Thereafter the trench shail be backfilled with natural
permeable material to such height above the pipes as
Soil (as paste) and ground water containing salts with a shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer.
conductance of up to 1,O Slm (conductivity to be The natural permeable material shall be lightly compacted
determined by Method N I T , TMH1, 1986). and trimmed to the required level. Further layers of finer
natural permeable materidl shall then be placed, lightly
- Resistance of ultra-violet light compacted and finished to an even surface, as directed by
the engineer. The remainder of the trench, if any, shall be
The geotextile shall maintain at least 8046 of its original backfilled with approved impermeable material and as
strength after direct exposure to sunlight of 1 500 hours. required by the engineer, in layers not exceeding 100 mm,
and compacted to at least the same density as the
Resistance to rot surrounding material. The trench shall be specially
protected against the ingress of water until the
The geotextile shall be entirely rot-proof and shall not impermeable layer has been completed. The width of the
support the growth of algae. backfill that will be measured for payment shall not exceed
the specified width of the trench.
(4) Selection
Natural permeable material shall be placed in layers not
The geotextile required shall satisfy the criteria for a grade exceeding 300 mm in thickness at a time and be lightly
2 and 3 geotextile as specified in the schedule of compacted. The total thickness of each type of natural
quantities or project specifications. permeable material shall be carefully controlled, and when
the thinner layers are placed, suitable spacers shall be
The contractor shall, at least 45 days before the installation used. When successive layers are placed, the lower layer
of the geotextile, submit to the engineer samples of the shall not be walked on and, as far as possible, shall not be
disturbed. Care shall be taken to prevent the (iv) With composite in-plane drainage fabric
contamination of natural permeable material during
construction of the subsoil drainage system and all natural Wherever specified, composite in-plane drainage systems
permeable material contaminated by soil or silt shall be shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown
removed and replaced by the contractor at his own on the drawings. The elements of the system shall be
expense. assembled above ground in manageable lengths, and all
exposed surfaces shall be sealed with an approved
geofibre seal. The trench sides shall be vertical, and the
Perforated and slotted pipes shall be jointed by means of composite in-plane system shall be installed against the
couplings. Perforated pipes shall be laid with perforations side through which the subsoil flow is expected. The
at the top or bottom as may be prescribed. trench shall then be backfilled with sand, which shall be
saturated with water after placement, up to the prescribed
The higher end of each subsoil drainage pipe shall be level. The upper part of the trench shall be backfilled with
sealed off with a loose concrete cap of class 20119 impermeable material which shall be compacted to the
concrete, as shown on the drawings, and at the lower end density of the surrounding material, in layers not
the pipe shall be built into a concrete head wall providing exceeding 100 m m in thickness.
a positive outlet or it shall be connected to stormwater
pipes or culverts. The complete system, together with
head walls, shall be constructed in one process starting at (c) Test flushing
the lower head wall.
Final acceptance of longitudinal subsoil drains will be
Any section of a subsoil drainage system constructed of subject to satisfactory test flushing after completion and
pipes without perforations or slots shall be backfilled with installation of the rodding eye inlets. Flushing tests shall
impermeable backfill material as described herein. Where be carried out in the presence of the engineer's
suitable, the excavated material may be used for representative by flushing the drain and metering the
backfilling. outflow to ensure the drain is clear of blockage. Should
blockages be apparent the contractor shall locate and clear
(ii) With polyethylene lining to trenches for subsoil the obstruction and repeat the test.
drainage systems

Where shown on the drawings or directed by the engineer, 2105 CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS
trenches for subsoil drainage systems shall be lined with
approved polyethylene sheeting 0,15 m m thick. The
polyethylene sheet shall cover the bottom of the trench All excavations for open drains and subsoil drainage
and shall extend upwards on both sides for as far as may systems shall be classified as follows for payment
be directed by the engineer in each particular case, in purposes:
order to form a waterproof channel. At joints the
polyethylene sheeting shall be heat-welded together or
lapped by a minimum of 200 mm. Hard material: Material which cannot be excavated except
by drilling and blasting, or with the use of pneumatic tools
When backfilling the trench with natural permeable or mechanical breakers
material, care shall be taken not to displace or damage the
polyethylene lining in any way. The use of plastics other
than polyethylene will be considered, provided that the and
material is of equal quality and is approved by the
boulders exceeding 0,10 d3 shall be classified as hard
(iii) Wth synthetic-fibre filter fabric material.

Where specified that synthetic-fibre filter fabric shall be

used for lining in subsoil drainage systems, it shall be Where more than 40% of any material (by volume) consists
procured, furnished and installed as specified and shown of boulders each exceeding 0,10 m' in size, the material
on the drawings. The lining shall not be displaced or shall be classified as hard material.
damaged in any way when the trench is being filled with
natural permeable material. The filter fabric shall be
lapped both longitudinally and transversely by at least Soft material: All material not classified as hard material
300 m m or as instructed by the manufacturers. The shall be classified as soft material.
transverse lap shall be positioned on top of the box
forming the drain and shall be stitched together with
plastic/galvanised wire or strong synthetic thread at metre 2106 MANHOLES, OUTLET STRUCTURES AND
intervals. The longitudinal lap shall be in the direction of CLEANING EYES

Filter fabric shall be stored under suitable cover and shall Manholes, outlet structures and cleaning eyes for subsoil
not be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods drainage systems shall be constructed in accordance with
and shall be protected from mechanical damage during the details shown on the drawings or in positions as
installation and construction. instructed by the engineer.

21.03 Ercavation for subsoil

Unit drainage systems:

21.01 Excavation for open drains: (a) Excavating soft material

situated within the following
(a) Excavating soft material depth ranges below the surface
situated within the following level:
depth ranges below the surface
level: (i) 0 m up to 1,5 m ........... cubic metre (m')

(i) 0 m up to 1,5 m . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3) (ii) Exceeding 1,5 m and up

to 3,O m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
(ii) Exceeding 1,5 m and up
to 3,O rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (iii) Etc, in increments of 1,5 m

(iii) Etc, in increments of 1,5 m (b) Extra over subitern 21.03(a)

for excavation in hard material
(b) Extra over subitem 21.01 (a) irrespective of depth . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
for excavation in hard material,
irrespective of depth . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material excavated in accordance with the authorized
dimensions, measured in place before excavation.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of Irrespective of the total depth of excavation, the quantity of
material excavated in accordance with the authorized the material in each depth range shall be measured and
dimensions, measured in place before excavation. paid for separately.
Excavation for open drains only as defined in subclause
2102(b) shall be measured. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
excavation of the material to the required lines, levels and
grades, all temporary shoring and strutting, and the
lrrespective of the total depth of the excavation, the disposal of the material as directed, including a free haul
quantity of material in each depth range shall be measured of 1,O km. For payment purposes a distinction shall be
and paid for separately. made between soft and hard material, as defined in clause

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the Where subsoil drainage systems are adjacent to structures
excavation of the material to the required lines, levels and such as culverts, that part of the excavation for subsoil
grades and the disposal of the material as directed, drainage systems which can be made by widening the
including a free haul of 1,O km. excavation for the structure shall be measured and paid for
under excavation for such structure, and not under
excavation for the subsoil drainage systems.
For payment purposes a distinction shall be made
between soft and hard material, as defined in clause 2105.
Item Unit

Item Unit 21.04 Impermeable backfilling

to subsoil drainage
21.02 Clearing and shaping systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
existing open drains . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
completed backfill, measured in place in the subsoil
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of drainage systems and calculated in accordance with the
sediment removed, measured in place before removal. authorized dimensions.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

procuring, furnishing, placing and compacting the
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for backfilling and a free haul of 1,O km.
excavating the material, protecting the existing drainage
structures, trimming the floors and sides of the open
drains and disposing of material as prescribed, including Item Unit
free-haul over a distance of 1.0 km.
21.05 Banks and dykes ........... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of

The clearing of existing concrete side drains will be material, measured in place in the banks or dykes, and
measured and paid for under item 21.18. calculated in accordance with the authorized dimensions.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring, furnishing, placing, watering, compacting, procuring, furnishing, transporting from the borrow areas
shaping and trimming the material in the banks and dykes over a free-haul distance of 1,O km, and placing the sand
and a free haul of 1,O km. as specified.

For payment purposes a distinction shall be made

Item Unit between the different grades of sand.

21.06 Natural permeable (b) Sand from commercial sources

material in subsoil (state grade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic metre (m3)
drainage systems
(crushed stone): The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of sand
in place in the drains, calculated in accordance with the
(a) Crushed stone obtained authorized dimensions. The volume occupied by the pipes
from approved sources on the shall be deducted when calculating the volume of the
site (state grade) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) permeable material.

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
approved crushed stone in place in the drains, calculated procuring, furnishing and transporting approved sand from
in accordance with the authorized dimensions. The commercial suppliers, including the cost of transporting
volume occupied by the pipes shall be deducted when the material to the site, and placing the material as
calculating the volume of the permeable material. specified.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

procuring, furnishing and transporting from the borrow
areas over a free-haul distance of 1,O km and placing the 21.08 Pipes in subsoil drainage
material as specified. systems:

For payment purposes a distinction shall be made (a) Pitch-fibre pipes and
between the different grades of crushed stone. fittings complete with cou-
plings (state size and whether
(b) Crushed stone obtained or not perforated) . . . . . . . . metre (m)
from commercial sources
(state grade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (b) Unplasticized PVC pipes
and fittings, normal duty, com-
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of plete with couplings (state
crushed stone in place in the drains, calculated in size and whether or not perfo-
accordance with the authorized dimensions. The volume rated or slotted) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
occupied by the pipes shall be deducted when calculating
the volume of the permeable material. (c) High-density type poly-
ethylene pressure pipes and fit-
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for tings, complete with couplings
procuring, furnishing and transporting approved crushed (state size, type and class and
stone from commercial suppliers, including the cost of whether or not perforated) . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
transporting the material to the site, and placing the
materials as specified. For payment purposes a distinction (d) Concrete pipes (state
shall be made between the different grades of crushed type and diameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The unit of measurement for pipes shall be the metre of
pipe, measured in place along its centre line, including the
Item Unit length of fittings.

21.07 Natural permeable The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
material in subsoil procuring, furnishing, laying and jointing the pipes and
drainage systems (sand): fittings as specified.

(a) Sand obtained from

approved sources on the site Item Unit
(state grade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
21.09 Polyethylene sheeting,
0,15 mm thick, or similar
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of approved material, for
approved sand in place in the drains, calculated in lining subsoil drainage
accordance with the authorized dimensions. The volume systems . . . . . . . . . . . . ... square metre (m2)
occupied by the pipes shall be deducted when calculating
the volume of the permeable material. The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
polyethylene sheeting Installed, measured net from the providing, erecting and removing formwork, mixing,
specified dimensions. transporting, placing and curing the concrete, and all
labour and constructional plant required for constructing
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the concrete outlet structures, manhole boxes, junction
procuring, supplying, cutting, overlapping, jointing, placing boxes and cleaning eyes, complete as specified.
and protecting the sheeting as specified, as well as for
Item Mi

21.13 Concrete caps for sub

soil drain pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .number (No)
21.10 -fibre fitter
fabric (describe type, The unit of measurement shall be the number of caps
grade, etc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) supplied, and the tendered rate shall include full
compensation for supplying and Installing the caps.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of filter
fabric supplied and installed as specified.
Item UnH
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
furnishing, procurlng, cutting, overlapping, jointing, placing 21.14 Repairing or repladng
and protecting the filter fabric as specified, as well as for existing drainage systems . . . . . provisional sum
The provisional sum given for repairing or replaclng
existing drainage systems shall be expended in terms of
Item Unit the general conditions of contract.

21.1 1 Composite inplane

drainage systems ttem UnR
(state size, type,
grade, etc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) 21.15 Overhaul for material
hauled i n excess of 1,O km
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of composite M a u l (normal ovehaul) ...... cubic metre-
in-plane drainage system measured in place along the kilometre (m'-km)
centre line of the system.
The measurement and payment for overhauling materlal
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for referred to in items21.01,21.02,21.03,21.04,21.05, 21.06,
procuring, furnishing, assembling, installing and jointing 21.07 and 21.16 shall be in accordance with section 1600,
the composite in-plane drainage system, including and the overhaul quantities shall be listed in clause 2107.
perforated or other types of pipes, complete as specified.

Item Unit
21.16 Backtilling existing eroded
21.12 Concrete oullet structures, side drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
manhole boxes, junction boxes
and cleaning eyes for subsoil The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
drainage systems: approved granular material placed and compacted to 93%
of modified AASHTO density, measured in place afler
(a) Outlet structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) compaction, where instructed by the engineer.

(b) Manholes boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(c) Junction boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) trimming the side drains disposing of the resulting material
and procuring, furnishing, transporting, placlng and
(d) Cleaning eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .number (No) compacting the granular material and a free-haul of
1.0 km.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of outlet
structures, manhole boxes, junction boxes and cleaning
eyes for subsoil drainage systems constructed In Item Unit
accordance with the details on the drawings and the
engineer's instructions. 21.17 Test flushing of pipe subsoil
drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .number (No)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
excavation, backfilling, compacting to 90% of modified The unit of measurement shall be the number of tests
AASHTO density, disposing of surplus excavated material, satisfactorily completed on unblocked sections of drain.
keeping the excavations safe, dealing with any surface or No payment will be made for tests which have to be
subsurface water, procuring and furnishing all materials. repeated due to blocked pipes or faulty workmanship.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the and disposing of the excavated material, including shaping
provision of a water tanker, water, equipment and labour and levelling-off piles of spoil material. The tendered rate
necessary to carry out the tests, complete as specified. shall also include full compensation for transporting the
excavated material for a free-haul distance of 1,O km.

21.18 Excavation for the dearing of
existing drainage systems: 21.19 Selected backfill material
under concrete-lined side
(a) Manholes and inlet and outlet drains compacted to 93% of
structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) modified AASHTO density . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(b) Culvert barrels . . . .. . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
compacted material and the quantity shall be calculated
(c) Concrete side drains . ..... cubic metre (m3) from the authorised dimensions given on the drawings.

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of

material excavated and removed, measured in place The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
before excavation. procuring, as if from soft excavation or borrowpits,
breaking down, placing and compacting the material in
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for 150 mm layers, transporting for a free haul distance of 1,O
excavating the material, protecting the existing drainage km, and for shaping the top surface in accordance with the
structures, dealing with any surface or subsurface water, drawings.


The prefabricated culvert units shall be factory produced
by a reputable manufacturer of these articles and shall
comply with the following requirements:

TYPES OF CULVERTS (a) Prefabricated concrete pipe cuhrert units
CONSTRUCTION METHODS Prefabricated concrete pipe culvert units shall comply with
EXCAVATION FOR CONSTRUCTION BY TRENCH the requirements of SABS 677. Pipes with ogee joints shall
METHOD be provided, unless otherwise specified.
UNSUITABLE FOUNDING CONDITIONS @) Portal and rectangular prefabricated concrete
LAYING AND BEDDING OF PREFABRICATED Portal and rectangular prefabricated concrete culvert units
CULVERTS shall comply with the requirements of SABS 986.
AND MANHOLES (c) Corrugated metal culvert units
JOINING NEW WORK TO OLD Corrugated metal culvert units shall comply with the
SERVICE DUCTS requirements of CKS 176 for riveted and nestable pipes
CULVERTS ON STEEP GRADIENTS and pipe arches, and CKS 437 for multiplate pipes and
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Metal culverts shall be supplied with inlet and outlet ends
finished by one of the following two methods, whichever is
shown on the drawings or has been prescribed by the
2201 SCOPE engineer:

(i) Where no concrete inlet and outlet structures but

This section covers work in connection with the bevelled pipe ends are required, inlet and outlet units shall
construction from prefabricated units of culverts and other be bevelled to suit the skew angle of the culverts and the
closed conduits such as stormwater ducts, tremies and side slope of the fill and pavement.
service ducts, together with inlet and outlet structures,
manholes and other appurtenant structures. (ii) Where concrete inlet and outlet structures are
required, the ends of the culvert units shall be cut to the
required plan skew angle (if any) and provided with anchor
2202 TYPES OF CULVERTS bolts projecting radially around the edge as shown on the
drawings for bonding the metal culvert into the concrete
inlet and outlet structures.
For the purposes of this specification, the term
"prefabricated culverts" shall mean culverts constructed The contractor shall not store any nestable culvert units on
from - the site in such a manner that moisture can accumulate
between the contact faces of the nested units, as this may
adversely affect the spelter coating and render the units
(a) prefabricated concrete pipes with circular sections, liable to rejection. Any units damaged by corrosion shall.
hereinafter referred to as "concrete pipe culverts"; if not rejected, be repaired by cleaning all affected areas
and applying at least two coats of an approved zinc-rich
epoxy primer which complies with the. requirements of
(b) prefabricated concrete culverts other than pipe SABS 926, in accordance with the manufacturer's
culverts, hereinafter referred to as "portal culverts" or instructions, or as directed by the engineer.
"rectangular culverts";

(d) Fine granular material

(c) prefabricated corrugated metal pipes and pipe
arches, hereinafter referred to as "metal culverts"; Wherever the use of fine granular material is specified in
this section for the bedding of culverts, it shall mean sand
Other types of prefabricated culverts not mentioned above, or other cohesionless material, all of which shall pass
if required, will be specified in the project specifications or through a 6,70 m m sieve and not more than 10% of which
schedule of quantities or on the drawings. shall pass through a 0,15m m sieve.
(e) Protective coating for metal culverts The following defects will be regarded as poor work, and
the presence of any of or all such defects or any other
Where sol1 or water condltlons are likely to cause excessive defects In any Individual unlt or In general shall constitute
corrosion of metal culverts, the engineer may order that adequate reason for rejection:
prefabricated units be protected by the application of a
mastlc asphalt protective coating. The coating shall be Uneven jolnts, distorted shapes, devlatlons from a straight
applied to either the inside, the outside or to both sldes of centre line, irregular or dlagonaily ruptured sides, loose
the metal culvert units as may be directed by the engineer. rlvets, rivets not In line or irregularly spaced, poorly
finished rivet heads, illegible trade marks, or a lack of
The mastic asphalt shall bear a reglstered trade mark, and rigidity.
shall contain asbestos fibres and filler such as Bltuseal or
an equal approved material and shall be supplied as a
spray or brush-grade material as prescrlbed. (h) Materials at joints

The surfaces to be protected shall be cleaned to remove Joint filler and joint sealing materlal shall comply wlth the
all moisture, dirt, oil, paint, grease, alkalis, rust, mlll scale requirements of clause 6603.
or other deleterious matter.

The material shall be mixed until all asbestos fibres and (i) In situ concrete
filler are uniformly distrlbuted.
All concrete work shall be carried out In accordance wlth
Spray-grade mastlc shall be applied by means of an the requirements of sections 6200, 6300 and 6400.
airless gun and shall be of a suitable conslstency without
the addition of a harmful amount of thinners.
Brush-grade rnastlc shall be applied wlth an ordinary
roofing brush, wlth the second coat being applied at right
angles to the first coat. Prefabricated culverts shall be Installed by either -
The final film thickness measured on the crest of (a) the "trench method", where the unlts are lald In a
corrugations shall be a minimum of 1,30 m m or such other trench excavated below the existing ground level or In a
thickness as may be specified. trench excavated In previously constructed subgrade and,
If necessary, subbase layers; or
Care shall be taken not to damage the protective coating,
and all damage to the coating shall be repaired before the (b) the "embankment method", where the units are lald
culvert Is put to use. approximately on the existlng ground surface and the
subgrade is then constructed on either side and over the
(1) Skewed ends
Culverts shall be constructed by the method shown on the
Where culverts are to be constructed at a skew angle, the drawings or specified in the project specifications.
culvert units at the inlet and outlet of the culvert shall be
supplled with skew ends by the manufacturer, if required. The larger sizes of metal culverts and the larger portal or
The cutting of skew ends on the site shall not be allowed. rectangular culverts shall normally be constructed by the
embankment method.
Portal and rectangular units shall be provided with square
ends and any portions that would otherwise be cut off, Surface drainage shall be controlled by the construction of
shall project beyond the culvert head walls. temporary earth berms and drainage channels.

Where Instructed by the engineer, portal and rectangular The contractor shall comply strictly with all the approprlate
culverts shall be provided with skewed ends constructed statutory provisions in regard to trench excavations.
from cast in sltu reinforced concrete in accordance with the
details shown on the drawings.

All broken, bent, chipped, cracked, dented, corroded or (a) Depth of excavation
otherwise damaged units shall be repaired to the
engineer's satisfaction or, where this is not possible, they In the case of culverts to be constructed by the trench
shall be removed and replaced with undamaged units. method, the contractor shall first construct the fill,
subgrade and, if necessary, the subbase to such level as
Culvert units which are thinner than the specified will provide a minimum cover, above the proposed level of
thickness, or the spelter coating of which has been bruised the top of the culvert, as described hereinafler for the
or broken, or which may exhibit signs of faulty work, will various types of culvert. The contractor may then
be rejected. commence excavating the trench for the culvert.
The amount by whlch the excavation Is to exceed the trench sllpplng or collapslng, the contractor shall
proposed level of the lnvert of the culvert shall be sufficient immediately Inform the englneer and shall not proceed
to allow the type and thickness of bedding materlal to be with any further laying of culverts or backfilling until the
placed as specified or as shown on the drawings. engineer has reviewed the clrcumstances and has glven
Instructions as to the need for altering the class of culvert
The minimum cover above the top of the culvert and or type of bedding.
mlnlmum depth of excavatlon below the bottom slde of
the culvert shall be as speclfled In subsubclauses
2205(a)(I), (11) and (Ill). 2206 PREPARATION FOR C0NSTRUCTK)N BY THE
Notwithstanding the provlslons of subsubclauses
2205(a)(l), (11) and (ill), the base shall not be constructed
before the culvert and the backfill have been completed. Where culverts are to be constructed by the embankment
method as defined In clause 2204 above, the contractor
(I) Concrete pipe culverts shall level the existing ground by excavating, fllllng and
compacting as may be necessary so as to provlde exactly
The mlnlmum helght of embankment construction over the the requlred slope and a unlform density over the entire
top of the proposed plpe culvert before excavation may be length of the culvert.
commenced, shall be the mlnlmum cover specified on the
drawlngs for the type of pipe and bedding onto whlch It The finlshed level of the ground for the beddlng of the
shall be laid. culvert shall be the same depth below the proposed
bottom level of the culvert as speclfied above in clause
The minlmum amount by which the excavatlon shall be 2205 for the various types of culverts.
deeper than the proposed level of the bonom slde of the
plpe shall be 75 m m or such other amount as may be
requlred for accommodatlng the type of bedding requlred 2207 UNSUITABLE FOUNDING CONDITIONS
for the plpe In each case.

(ii) Portal and rectangular culverts Where the bottom of the trench does not provlde a sultably
firm foundation for the culvert on account of soft, mucky
The mlnlmum height of embankment constructlon over the or otherwise unsultable materlal belng encountered, the
top of the proposed culvert before excavation may be unsuitable materlal shall be excavated to a depth below
commenced, shall be 100 m m or such greater helght as the bottom of the culvert as may be indicated by the
may be shown on the drawlngs, whlchever Is the greater. englneer. The contractor shall excavate the unsultable
material to the depth lndlcated and shall replace It with
The minimum amount by which the excavatlon shall be gravel or other approved materlal properly compacted to
deeper than the proposed level of the bottom of the culvert provide a firm earth cushlon.
Invert slab shall be 75 rnm In the case of culverts with
precast invert slabs. In the case of culverts with cast in The width of the excavatlon and earth cushion shall be as
sltu lnvert slabs, the excavatlon shall exactly accommodate prescrlbed by the englneer, but In the case of culverts to
the invert slab. be constructed by the embankment method, the wldth
shall be at least one diameter or span, as the case may
(Ill) Metal culverts be, wider than the culvert on each side.

The minimum helght of embankment constructlon over the Other special construction methods may be shown on the
top of the proposed metal culvert before excavatlon may drawings or specified in the project specifications in
be commenced, shall be the minlmum cover speclfied on specific cases.
the drawingsfor the type of metal culvert, or 0,25 times the
diameter of pipes, or 0,25 times the span of pipe arches,
whlchever is the greatest. 2208 CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION

The minimum amount by which the excavation shall be

deeper than the proposed level of the bottom of the pipe All excavations for prefabricated culverts shall be classified
shall be 75 m m or such other amount required for as provided in clause 2105 for payment purposes.
accommodating the type of bedding required for the
culvert in each case.

@) Wdth of excavation
Where excavated material does not comply with the
The widths of excavations shall be sufficient to allow the requirements for backfilling material as specifled
proper laying, bedding and backfilling of culverts. The hereinafter or is surplus to backfilling requirements, such
widths of the excavation for each type and size of culvert excavated material shall be removed from the site and
shall be as shown on the drawings or as may be disposed of In disused borrow pits or at other places as
prescribed by the engineer in writing. directed by the engineer.

If the width of an excavation is increased by the side of the Material suitable for use in the works, however, shall be
used as prescribed by the engineer. (iv) Rock foundation

Payment for such material will be made as for excavation Where rock, shale or other hard material is encountered on
under item 22.01, and also under the appropriate item for the bottom of excavations, the installation of pipes on
such part of the works as may be constructed from such class B bedding shall proceed as follows:
The material below the pipe shall be excavated and
All excavated material shall be subject to a free-haul replaced with a bed of sand or approved gravel or soil to
distance of 1,O km. a depth as shown on the drawings or prescribed by the
engineer. Such rnaterial shall be classed as backfill for
purposes of payment.
CULVERTS The backfill material shall be watered and compacted to
provide a firm earth cushion. Class B bedding shall then
be prepared as described in subsubclause 2210(a)(ii).
(a) Concrete pipe culverts
(v) Concrete casing
Concrete pipe culverts shall be laid on Class A, B, C or D
bedding as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Where shown on the drawings or ordered by the engineer,
engineer. The pipe ends shall be laid hard up against pipes shall be fully encased in concrete according to class
each other so as to obtain tight joints. Ogee pipes shall and dimensions as shown on the drawings or as ordered
be laid with their spigot ends pointing downstream. The by the engineer. Supports shall be provided close to the
joints shall be sealed on the outside with two layers of pipe ends to support the pipes during the placing of
bitumen-impregnated burlap as specified in subsubclause concrete. The concrete shall be so placed as to fill all
2210(b)(iii). spaces below the pipe completely. Poker vibrators shall be
used to ensure the proper filling of all spaces below and
around the pipes with concrete. Concrete casing shall be
The insides of the culverts shall be smooth and without cast in one continuous operation until completed.
any displaced joints. All pipes shall be laid true to line and
@) Portal and rectangular culverts
(i) Class A bedding
(i) Cast in situ floor slabs
The pipe shall be laid with its bottom part on a 20 MPa
concrete bedding cradle of specified thickness below the Cast in situ floor slabs shall be constructed to the
lower part of the pipe, which concrete shall extend dimensions and at the locations as shown on the drawings
upwards on both sides of the pipe to a specified portion of or as may be prescribed by the engineer. They shall be
its height, as shown on the drawings. reinforced with steel reinforcement as detailed on the
drawings. Joints of the types detailed on the drawings
shall be formed in the floor slabs, and between the floor
Before concreting, the pipes shall be supported on suitably slabs and the inlet and outlet structures.
shaped cradles at the correct level. No longitudinal
construction joints on the horizontal plane will be (ii) Prefabricated floor slabs
A layer of fine-grained material at least 75 rnm thick shall
(ii) Class B and class C beddings be placed on the bottom of the excavation, levelled,
compacted and trimmed to line and grade, to form a bed
The pipe shall be laid on a bedding cradle of compacted to receive the precast slabs.
selected granular material as specified. The bedding shall
extend upwards on both sides of the pipe to a specified The slabs shall be carefully placed on the prepared bed,
portion of its height, as shown on the drawings. Joint true to line and grade, and so bedded that they will be
holes shall be formed in the bedding cradle for pipe uniformly supported over their whole area on the bedding.
sockets and couplings, to ensure that each pipe is fully
supported throughout the length of its barrel on the (iii) Placing the portal portions of culverts
bedding cradle.
The portal portions of portal and rectangular culverts shall
(iii) Class D bedding be placed accurately and symmetrically on the floor slabs,
with a thin layer of mortar of one part of cement and six
The pipe shall be laid on the in situ rnaterial in the parts of sand between the contact surfaces to ensure a
excavation bottom after the bottom has been handtrimmed firm and uniform support.
to support the pipe along the entire length of its barrel in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings. The units shall be butted end to end with butt joints, which
Wherever necessary, the in situ material shall first be joints shall be covered with two layers of burlap of
stabilized in accordance with the details shown on the 340 g/mZ,pre-impregnated with a bituminous emulsion, or
drawings or as prescribed by the engineer. Joint holes a similar approved material. The strip of burlap shall be at
shall be formed in the trench bottom for pipe sockets and least 150 m m wide and placed symmetrically over the
couplings. joint. The units shall first be treated with a primer of 60%
bitumen emulsion over the width of the strip of burlap. (e) Construction of culverts in haH widths in existing
Where two or more culverts are placed side by side to
form a multi-barrel culvert, the space between the culverts If necessary for taking up traffic or for any other reasons,
shall be filled with concrete up to the level of the top of the or if so instructed by the engineer, culverts shall be
culvert. Where prescribed, filter fabric shall be applied to constructed in half widths.
the vertical outer faces in accordance with the details
shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise prescribed, the downstream section shall
be constructed first. The end of the excavation adjoining
the traffic lane shall be properly supported to prevent
(c) Metal culverts displacement from occurring. The necessary warning
signs shall be erected in accordance with the requirements
The excavation shall be trimmed to the shape of the invert of section 1500.
of the culvert and a bed of fine granular material not less
than 75 m m thick shall be placed, compacted and shaped Where the culvert is constructed in an existing road and it
to enable the culverts to be bedded as shown on the has been so prescribed by the engineer, the pavement
drawings. layers at least shall be benched and recompacted during
backfilling. The depth of benching shall equal the
Where rock is encountered, the depth of excavation shall respective layer thicknesses, and the width shall be at least
extend to a depth of at least 200 m m below the invert of 150 mm.
the culvert, and shall be filled with granular material as
(9 General
The culverts shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations as approved . . by the The construction of culverts shall be commenced at one
engineer. Where these specifications are inconsistent with end of the culvert, the position of which shall be fixed as
the manufacturer's recommendations, these specifications shown on the drawings or as prescribed by the engineer.
shall have preference. Anchor bolts shall be installed at
the ends of metal pipe culverts in accordance with the Units which have been deformed or cracked, or which are
manufacturer's instructions to bond them into inlet and not constructed to the required lines, levels and grades, or
outlet head walls, which head walls shall be constructed as which become displaced in the process of the work or
soon as possible after installation of the culverts. during the maintenance period, shall be removed and
replaced by the contractor at his own expense.

No concrete bedding or casing shall be used in the Prefabricated units shall be lifted and handled by means
installation of metal culverts. of approved lifting devices only. Lifting eyes shall be
caulked with a suitable mortar after the units have been
Where prescribed, the invert of metal culverts with
diameters or spans exceeding 1 500 mm which are laid on The contractor shall exercise due care not to damage,
steep grades shall be protected with a layer of concrete overstress or displace any prefabricated culverts with his
with dimensions and class as shown on the drawings. own traffic or compaction equipment. Where loads
exceeding those prescribed in the appropriate statutory
provisions are likely to pass over completed culverts, the
(d) Extension of exisling culverts contractor shall provide additional cover over the culverts
so as to ensure that the design stresses on the culverts will
Where an existing culvert requires extension or portal not be exceeded.
replacement, the new section shall be placed at the same
grade and, where it joins the existing structure, at the All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with
same level as the existing structure. the provisions of series 6000 of these specifications.

When the contractor is required to supply and install

Any sections of existing wing walls, approach slabs and culverts at a slope exceeding 1:4, the work shall be carried
head walls which may obstruct any new work shall be out as specified in clause 2216.
demolished and removed. Existing culvert ends shall not
be damaged, but, should damage occur, the repair work
shall be done before the placement of any fresh concrete 2211 BACKFILLING OF PREFABRICATED CULVERTS
or new culverts. Loose material shall be removed and joint
faces thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the
engineer. After the culverts have been firmly laid on the required
bedding as described in clause 2210, backfilling shall be
Jointing shall be done in accordance with clause 2214. carried out as follows:

After completion of the extension or partial replacement of The material used for the backfilling of those portions of
a culvert, new approach slabs, head walls, wing walls, culverts subject to traffic loads shall be selected material
catchpits, etc, shall be constructed in accordance with the of at least subbase quality or such other lower quality as
drawings and clause 2212. may be permitted by the engineer. Where the excavated
material is not of adequate quality, selected material shall avoided, and the aggregate shall be obtained from an
be imported for this purpose. The contractor shall, in approved source.
advance, ascertain from the engineer as to which portions
will require selected-quality material for backfilling. The soil cement shall be mixed on the site with suitable
concrete mixers, and the water and cement contents shall
In the case of concrete pipe culverts on class B and class be carefully controlled. The material shall be placed and
C beddings and metal culverts, the backfilling material then thoroughly compacted so that all voids are filled as
shaii be thoroughly tamped in under the flanks of the described above. At culvert ends stones shall be packed
cuiverts to provide a uniform bedding, all to the engineer's to prevent the soil cement from flowing beyond the
satisfaction. Metal culverts shaii be temporarily ballasted required limits.
during backfilling to prevent them from lifting.
Soil cement shali not be used for backfilling corrugated
Backfiillng alongside and over all culverts shail be placed metal culverts.
at optlmum moisture content and compacted In layers not
exceeding 150 m m after compaction, to a density of at Afree-haul distance of 1,O km shall apply In respect of all
least the density required for the material In adjoining imported materials used for backfilling the culverts but no
layers of fill, subgrade and subbase. The density of overhaul shall be paid on any cement, water or concrete
backfilling in excavations made in natural ground shail be aggregates used.
at ieast 90% of modified AASHTO density.

Backfilling shail be carried out simultaneously and equally 2212 INLET AND OUTLET STRUCTURES, CATCHPITS
on both sides of a culvert to prevent unequal lateral forces AND MANHOLES
from occurring.

Where the engineer so directs, metal culverts with large Inlet and outlet structures for prefabricated culverts as well
diameters or spans or multi-barrel culverts shall be as catchpits and manholes shali be constructed in
constructed by the embankment method as defined in accordance with the details shown on the drawings.
subclause 2204(b). In such cases the backfilling shali be
carried out to the same standard as described above,
simultaneously and equally on both sides of the culvert (a) Ewcavation and backtilling
and placed over the culvert until the minimum specified
cover is obtained, The width of backfill on each side of the The specifications given elsewhere in this section for
culvert, after completion, shall be at least equal to the excavating and backfilling the culverts shall apply mutatis
diameter (or span) of one of the openings of the culvert. mutandis to inlet and outlet structures, catchpits and
Metal cuiverts shall be backfilled symmetrically to prevent
distortion of the units, and the contractor shall also ensure No backfilling of a concrete structure may be done for a
that the required cover as specified in subsubclause period of at ieast 7 days after the structure has been
2205(a)(iil) is provided over the culvert before routing his completed, unless otherwise specified or directed by the
construction equipment over it. engineer.

Whenever specified or as may be instructed by the

engineer, the backfilling shall conslst of concrete placed @) Concrete work
between the side of the culvert and the excavation up to
the top of the culvert. Concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of series 6000 of these specifications and the
When specified or ordered by the engineer, the backfilling drawings.
of culverts shali be done using a wet or a stiff mixture of
soil cement in lieu of a compacted gravel or lean concrete.
A wet mixture of soil cement shali consist of an approved (c) Brickwork
soil or gravel mixed with 5% of Portland cement and only
sufficient water to give a consistency that will permit the Bricks shall be engineering bricks conforming to the
soil cement to be placed with vibrators, so that all voids requirements of SABS 227.
between the pipes and the sides of excavations and
between culverts in the case of multi-barrel culverts will be The limit for water absorption in the 24 hour immersion
properly filled. A stiff mixture of soil cement shall contain test shall be 8%.
3% of Portland cement and just sufficient water for it to be
placed and compacted like ordinary backfill material. The Brickwork shall be built in English bond in a mortar
height to which the soil cement backfill shall be taken shall consisting of one part of cement and six parts of sand, or
be as prescribed by the engineer or shown on the in stretcher bond where its thickness does not exceed
drawings, and any remaining backfill shall be carried out 115 mm. it shall be well and regularly bonded without any
as described above with a granular material. false headers. Ail bricks shali be unbroken, except where
required as closers. Bricks shall be well wetted before
The aggregate used for soil cement shall preferably be a laying and each brick shall be pressed into its bed so as
sandy material but may contain larger particles up to to leave a finished joint not exceeding 10 m m in thickness.
38 mm, and it shall not have a plasticity index exceeding All joints shall be filled solid with mortar, and joints for
10. Detrimental percentages of silt or clay shali be exposed faces shall be pointed as the work proceeds.
Where pipes enter brickwork, they shall be thoroughly dimenslons as shown on the drawings. All concrete work
caulked into the wall and rendered with mortar. shall comply with the requirements of series 6000.


Where the plastering of brickwork is requlred, all jolnts

shall be well raked out and the brick face thoroughly Where shown on the drawings or directed by the engineer,
wetted before plaster Is applied. Plaster shall not be less existing inlets or outlets to pipe culverts shall be
than 12 mm neither more than 20 m m thick. Plaster finlsh demolished and debris or rubbish disposed of as directed
shall be smooth and even and shall not show any trowel by the engineer. Existing pipes shall be removed where
marks. Unless otherwise specified, all plaster shall be necessary and saved for later use. All such work shall be
finished wlth a steel trowel. Plaster shall consist of one carried out so as to prevent damage belng done to former
part of cement to four parts of approved fine sand. work which is to remain.

Plaster shall be cured for at least 48 hours. The contractor's attention Is directed to the provisions of
section 1700 that specifies which structures have to be
removed as part of the clearing and grubbing operations,
(e) Manhole covers, grid inlets, etc the removal of which will therefore not be measured and
paid for under this section.
Manhole covers and frames, grid inlets and other metal
accessories shall be supplied and/or manufactured in Pipes shall be carefully removed from existing culverts and
accordance wlth the details shown on the drawings. Road thoroughly checked.
and pavement manhole covers and frames shall comply
with the requirements of SABS 558 and shall be of the size Undamaged pipes shall be re-used in the works where
and type Indicated. indicated by the engineer. Pipes whlch cannot be re-used
shall remain the property of the employer and shall be
Before fixlng manhole covers and frames, they shall be stacked within the road reserve or where directed by the
dlpped In an approved preservative and gratings and engineer.
frames painted wlth two coats of bituminous paint.
Manhole frames shall be set firmly in a cement mortar to
leave the covers flush with the final surface. 2214 JOINING NEW WORK TO O D

(f) Retabrlaite~~I
wncreh, chambers and shafts Where partial demolition is required for extension work to
existing structures, the contact face shall be cut to
Prefabricated chambers and shafts shall be constructed predetermined lines and levels, any loose and fragmented
from non-pressure concrete pipes which comply with the material shall be removed, and projecting steel cleaned
requirements of SABS 677. Pipes wlth ogee joints shall be and bent as directed by the englneer. Where partlal
provided unless otherwise specified. The pipes shall be to demolition is not required but extension work only, the
the diameters specified. All chambers and shafts shall be contact surface shall be roughened and cleaned of all dirt
Installed with the spigot ends pointing upwards and shall and loose particles.
be bedded In mortar thoroughly caulked to ensure
watertight joints. If dowels are required, they shall be Installed In holes
drilled into the existing structure, in accordance with the
details shown on the drawings, and secured by means of
(g) Benching an approved type of epoxy resin grout.

All benching shall be rendered in 20 mm granolithic plaster Fresh concrete shall be bonded to the old concrete In
and finished smooth and true with a steel trowel. Corners accordance with the requirements specified in section
shall be rounded to dimensions shown on the drawings. 6400.

Reinforced or plain concrete removed in the process of

(h) Prefabricated inlet and outlet sbuctures partial demolition shall be measured and paid for under
item 22.12 and the installation of dowels and those
Where specified for use, prefabricated inlet and outlet surfaces treated with an epoxy bonding compound will be
structures shall be manufactured in accordance with the paid for separately, but no separate payment will be made
dimensions shown on the drawings. The units shall be laid for any other work described above, the cost of which shall
and jointed generally as specified for prefabricated be deemed to be included in the rates tendered for the
concrete pipe culverts. concrete supplied for the extensions to the existing

(i) Prefabricated energy dinipators in outlet structures

Where shown on the drawings, the contractor shall supply
and install in the outlet structures, prefabricated reinforced-
concrete energy dissipators of class 25/19 concrete with Where required, the contractor shall construct service ducts
for the easy installation and maintenance of existing, new 2216 CULVERTS ON STEEP GRADIENTS
and future cables and other services. Service ducts shall
be constructed from one or more of the following
materials: Where culverts are constructed on gradients exceeding 1
in 4 , they shall be referred to as inclined culverts. Inclined
(i) Normal-duty uPVC pipes in accordance with culverts shall be constructed from the type of unit required,
SABS 791. normally either circular concrete pipe units or metal culvert
units as described in clause 2203.
(ii) Pitch-fibre pipes in accordance with SABS 921
Particular care shall be taken to protect excavations
(iii) Fibre-cement pressure pipes in accordance with against stormwater damage. The trenches shall be
SABS 1223. Class C pipes shall be used unless excavated down to firm ground, and backfilled with
other types are specified. selected gravel or concrete if it is necessary to over-
excavate for obtaining a firm floor.
(iv) Reinforced-concrete pipes in accordance with
SABS 677. After the outlet structure has first been completed, the
culvert units shall be laid in the normal manner by starting
Where required, the pipes shall be cut lengthwise and from the lower end and placing successive units firmly
accurately in two halves. The actual type of pipe required against each other to prevent subsequent movement. The
shall be in accordance with the specifications, The pipes lower unit shall be securely cast into the outlet structure,
shall be installed in the required positions, and accurate and metal culverts shall be provided with the necessary
record shall be kept regarding the depth, position and anchor bolts at both inlet and outlet structures and also at
number of pipes installed in each duct. Pipes shall be laid all thrust and anchor blocks.
at the grades shown on the drawings to facilitate flushing
with water and shall, where required, be encased in Thrust and anchor blocks shall be constructed from
concrete or soil cement. concrete as required in accordance with the drawings and
details furnished by the engineer. Anchor bolts, straps and
The width of excavation for service-duct trenches shall be other anchoring devices required at anchor and thrust
equal to the nominal inside diameter of the pipe, plus blocks shall be provided.
150 m m on each side of the duct. Where ducts consist of
two or more units, the minimum spacing between the units The backfilling of trenches shall be done in horizontal
shall be 75 mm, and the 150 m m side clearance specified layers starting at the lower end.
above shall apply to the outside units of the group.

Below the carriageway the depth of excavation shall 2217 STORMWATER DUCTS, TREMIES AND OTHER
accommodate a minimum cover of 1.0 m above the upper CLOSED CONDUITS
side of the installed service duct.

All pipes shall be joined with watertight couplings made The specifications given in this section for culverts,
from the same material as the pipe. Fibre-cement including the method of measurement and payment, shall
couplings shall be of the rubber-ring type. apply mutatis mutandis to the construction of stormwater
ducts, tremies or any other closed conduits constructed
Split pipes shall normally be used only for providing from the prefabricated units described in clause 2203,
ducting for existing services which cannot be severed and whether intended for drainage or for any other purpose.
threaded through the ducts. The pipes shall be accurately
cut longitudinally in two halves and opposite halves shall No distinction will be made in the schedule of quantities
be matched as sawn. Split pipes shall be placed around between the construction of culverts as defined in section
the service as required, firmly bound by steel straps and 1100 and that of the other closed conduits described
finally encased in concrete if required. above, all being classed as culverts.

Excavating, laying and bedding the pipes shall be in Trernies constructed from prefabricated units shall be
accordance with the specifications for prefabricated classed as inclined culverts where laid to a grade steeper
culverts with any modifications as may be necessary or than 1 in 4.
specified here.

Duct ends shall be provided with suitable conical wooden 2218 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
stoppers to prevent dirt from entering the ducts. Two
strands, 2,5 m m in diameter, of galvanized steel wire shall
be threaded through each unit and shall extend 2 m Unit
beyond each end and firmly wedged into position with the
wooden stoppers. 22.01 Excavation:

The end of each duct shall be marked with a marker block (a) Excavating soft material
constructed to the details shown on the drawings. Each situated within the following
duct marker block shall be at least 50 rnm proud of the depth ranges below the surface
finished surface level. level:
(i) 0 m up to 1,5 m ........... cubic metre (m3) The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material in place after compaction. The quantity shall be
(ii) Exceeding 1,5 m and calculated from the leading dimensions of the backfilling
. .
up to 3,O m . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) as specified or as authorized by the engineer.

(iii) Exceeding 3,O m and If excavations were carried out in excess of the dimensions
up to 4,s m . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) authorized by the engineer, the quantity of backiilling will
nevertheless be based on the authorized dimensions. The
Etc in increments of 1,5 m. volume occupied by the culvert shall be subtracted when
calculating the volume of backfilling.
(b) Extra over subitem
22.01(a) for excavation in The tendered tariffs shall include full compensation for
hard material, irrespective backfilling under, alongside and over conduits, for
of depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) watering, and for compacting the backfill material to the
specified density. The tendered rate for subitem 22.02(b)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of shall, in addition, include full compensation for supplying
material excavated within the specified widths over the selected material of subbase quality from approved
lengths and depths authorized by the engineer in each sources, including a free haul of 1,O km.
case. Excavation in excess of the widths specified or
authorized by the engineer shall not be measured for The tendered rate for subitem 22.02(c) shall be additional
payment. to the rates tendered for subitems 22.02(a) and (b) and
shall include full compensation for all incidentals required
Irrespective of the total depth of the excavation, the for the complete backfilling with soil cement as specified.
quantity of material in each depth range shall be measured
and paid for separately.
kern Unit
When measuring excavation for the removal of existing
culverts, the volume occupied by the culvert shall not be 22.03 Concrete pipe culverts:
subtracted from the calculated volume of excavation.

In the case of manholes, catchpits and inlet and outlet (a) On class A bedding
structures, the dimensions for determining the volume of (type and diameter indicated) ..... . metre (m)
excavation shall be the neat outside dimensions of the
structure, plus an allowance of 0,5 m of working space (b) On class B bedding
around the structure. (type and diameter indicated) ...... metre (m)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all (c) On class C bedding
excavation, temporary timbering, shoring and strutting, for (type and diameter indicated) . . . . . . metre (m)
preparing the bottom of the excavation for the culvert
beds, the disposal of excavated material unsuitable for (d) On class D bedding
backfilling, keeping excavations safe, dealing with any (type and diameter indicated) . . . . . . metre (m)
surface or subsurface water, and for any other operations
necessary for completing the work as specified. The unit of measurement for concrete pipe culverts shall
be the metre of culvert laid as shown on the drawings or
Payment shall distinguish between soft and hard material ordered by the engineer. The length shall be measured
as specified in clause 2208. along the soffit of the culvert.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
transporting the excavated material for a free-haul distance providing, testing, loading, transporting and unloading the
of 1,O km. culverts, for providing and placing the selected granular
material, where required, and for the installation, laying
and jointing of the culverts, as specified.
h Unit
Should it be inevitable for a section to be cut off from a
22.02 Backfilling: concrete pipe unit of standard length, the full standard
length of the unit shall be measured for payment. No
(a) Using the excavated additional compensation for cutting and disposing of such
material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) section will be paid.

@) Using imported selected Where a half-length pipe unit is required, ie a pipe unit of
material .. ...
.. ...... .... cubic metre (m3) which the length is equal to half the standard length, and
provided that such half-length pipe units are iormally
(c) Extra over subitems supplied by the manufacturers, the actual length of such
22.02(a) and (b) for soil half-length pipe unit will be measured for payment, and no
cement backfilling (percen- additional compensation will be paid in respect of such
tage of cement indicated) . . . . cubic metre (m') half-length pipe unit.
Upon payment, differentiation shall be made between the supplying, testing, loading, transporting and off-loading all
various types and sizes of culverts and between the culverts, providing and placing the fine-grained material
culverts placed on A, B, C and D classes of bedding. where required for installing the culverts, and installing,
laying and jointing the culverts as specified, including
cutting them on the site, and waste.
ltem Unit
Payment will be made separately for floor slabs of cast in
22.04 Metal culverts: situ concrete.

(a) Size, wall thickness and Payment shall distinguish between the different sizes and
type indicated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) types of culverts and between culverts installed with or
without prefabricated floor slabs.
(b) Cutting off bevelled and/
or skew ends (size and type
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) ltem Unit

(c) Anchor bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) 22.06 Extra over items 22.03,
22.61 and 22.05 for
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of culvert laid conshucting indined
as shown on the drawings or ordered by the engineer. culverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

In the case of a metal pipe, the culvert length shall be The unit of measurement shall be the metre of culvert
measured along the pipe centre line. In the case of a installed at a grade steeper than 1:4 as specified in
metal pipe arch, the culvert length shall be measured clause 2216.
along the bottom of the pipe arch. In both cases the
length of bevelled and/or skew ends shall be included. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
additional or more difficult work of any nature in regard to
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for laying, excavating and backfilling as may be required for
providing, testing, loading, transporting and off-loading the installing the culverts at a grade steeper than 1:4.
culverts, for providing and placing fine-grained material
where required for the installation of culverts, and for
installing, laying and jointing the culverts as specified. Item Unit
Upon payment, a differentiation shall be made between
the various types and sizes of culverts and also between 22.07 Cast in situ concrete
culverts with differing wall thicknesses. and formwork:

Payment shall be made separately for the cutting of (a) In class A bedding, screeds
bevelled and/or skew ends, and the tendered rate shall and the encasing for pipes,
include full compensation for all work in connection with including formwork, (class of
the cutting of ends. concrete indicated) . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)

The tendered rate per anchor bolt shall include full (b) In floor slabs for portal
compensation for procuring, providing and installing the or rectangular culverts, including
bolts. formwork, joints and class U2
surface finish (class of concrete
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3)
ltem Unit
(c) In inlet and outlet structures,
22.05 Portal and rectangular skewed ends, catchpits, manholes,
culverts: thrust and anchor blocks, excluding
formwork but including class U2
(a) Complete with prefabricated surface finish (class of concrete
floor slabs (size and type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
(d) Formwork of concrete
(b) Without prefabricated under subitem 22.07(c) above
floor slabs (size and type (type of finish indicated) . . . . square metre (m2)
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
(e) In concrete linings for
The unit of measurement for prefabricated portal or the inverts of metal culverts,
rectangular culverts shall be the metre of culvert laid as including formwork and class
shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer. U2 surface finish (class of
concrete indicated) . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The length shall be measured along the soffit of the
culvert. Measurement of formwork and cast in situ concrete shall
be as specified in sections 6200 and 6400 of these
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for specifications.
Payment for formwork and cast in situ concrete shall be dowels installed.
made as provided in sections 6200 and 6400 of these
specifications, except that payment for the formwork for
concreting in subitems 22.07(a), (b) and (e) shall not be The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
made separately, and the contractor's rates for concrete supplying all materials, all cutting, drilling and grouting,
shall include full compensation therefor. and any other operation or thing necessary for the proper
execution of the work.
No separate payment shall be made for the construction
of joints in culvert floor slabs or at inlet and outlet
structures, and the tendered rates for concrete shall Itern Unit
include full compensation for forming the joints complete
in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. 22.12 Removing existing

Item Unit (a) Plain concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

22.08 Concrete backfill for (b) Reinforced concrete ........ cubic metre (m3)
culverts (class
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
existing concrete removed.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre. The
quantity shall be calculated from the dimensions of the The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
excavation as specified or as may be authorized by the demolition and for loading, transporting and disposing of
engineer, minus the volume taken up by the culverts, the products of demolition, including a free haul of 1,O km.
irrespective of whether the actual excavation to be
backfilled exceeds the specified or authorized dimensions. Payment shall distinguish between plain and reinforced
concrete. For the purposes of this item, relnforced
Payment shall be made as for concrete in item 22.07(a) concrete shall be defined as concrete containing at least
above. 0,2% of steel reinforcement measured by volume.

The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for

ttem Unit cutting straight grooves of the specified depth at joint
positions where shown on the drawings.
22.09 Refabricated concrete
inlets and outlets to
culverDr (size and type Item Unit
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
22.13 Removing and relaying
Prefabricated concrete inlets and outlets for concrete pipe existing pipes (size and
culverts shall be measured per inlet or outlet, complete in type of bedding indicated) ........ metre (m)
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of existing
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for pipe removed and re-laid.
procuring, providing, loading, transporting, off-loading and
installing the inlets or outlets as specified. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
lifting, loading, transporting for a free-haul distance of
5,Okm, off-loading, and laying pipes according to the
ltem Unit specifications.

22.10 Steel reinforcement: Payment for any excavation and backfilling required for the
removal and relaying of existing pipes shall be made
(a) Mild steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ton (t) separately under items 22.01 and 22.02.

(b) High-tensile steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) Where existing pipes are loaded, transported and used in
temporary deviations, they shall not be measured for
(c) Welded steel fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg) payment under this item, but payment therefor shall be
made in terms of section 1500.
Measurement and payment for steel reinforcement shall be
made as specified in section 6300 of these specifications.
Item uni
Item Unit 22.14 Removing and stacking
existing prefabricated wiverts
22.11 Dowels for joining old (type and size indicated) . . . ...... metre (m)
and new concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg)
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of existing
The unit of measurement shall be the kilogram of steel prefabricated culverts removed and stacked.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for (e) Extra over or less than
lifting, loading, transporting to stack, off-loading, and subitem 22.17(b) for variations
stacking the prefabricated culverts. in the depths of catchpits from
the standard depth designated
Payment for any excavation and backfilling required for for tendering purposes (stand-
removing and stacking the existing prefabricated culverts ard depth and type of catch-
shall be made separately under items 22.01 and 22.02. pit indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The free-haul distance shall be 5,O km.
The unit of measurement, in the case of subitems (a), (b)
and (c) above, shall be the complete unit as shown on the
Item Unit drawings, including all concrete, brickwork, covers, frames,
grids and other accessories.
22.15 Treating surfaces with
epoxy resin for joining The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
new to old concrete (type procuring, furnishing and installing, and laying where
of epoxy resin specified) . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (I) applicable, the complete units except for excavation and
backfilling, which shall be measured separately. The
The unit of measurement shall be the litre of epoxy-resin tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
compound used at the specified rate of application. connecting up to and building any conduits into the walls
of the various structures.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement in the case of subitems (d) and
providing and applying the epoxy-resin compound. (e) above shall be the metre of increased or decreased
depth of the manhole or catchpit measured in relation to
the standard depth furnished for tendering purposes.
Item Unit
The tendered rates per metre shall be an adjustment to the
22.16 Pmtective mastic asphalt compensation for the standard item, payable either as an
coating for corrugated metal increased compensation to the contractor in the case of an
culvert units (state whether increased depth, or as a decrease in compensation in the
to be applied by brush or by case of a decreased depth in relation to the standard
spray gun) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) depth.

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of Where the above items of work cannot be conveniently
protective coating applied as specified and as directed by standardised for payment according to complete units, the
the engineer. When both inside and outside surfaces are various types of work and items of material provided shall
treated, both surfaces shall be measured. be measured separately in accordance with items 22.18 to
22.21 and such other items as may be necessary.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring and furnishing the mastic asphalt, applying the Concrete and formwork shall be measured and paid for
material, and for all other additional work and incidentals under subitems 22.07(c) and (d) respectively, excavation
required for providing the protective coating as specified. under item 22.01, and backfilling under item 22.02.

Item Unit Item Unit

22.17 Manholes. catchpits, 22.18 Brickwork:

precast inlet and outlet
structures complete: (a) 115 m m thick . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

(a) Manholes (type indicated) . . . . . . . number (No) (b) 230 m m thick . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(b) Catchpits (type indicated) . . . . . . . number (No) (c) 345 m m thick . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

(c) Precast inlet and outlet The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
structures (type indicated) . . . . . . . number (No) brickwork built, calculated from the leading dimensions of
the brickwork. Areas in walls occupied by conduits, shall
(d) Extra over or less than not be included in the areas measured, and corners and
subitem 22.17(a) for variations intersections common to more than one brickwall shall be
in the depths of manholes from measured only once.
the standard depth designated
for tendering purposes (stand- The tendered rates per square metre shall include full
ard depth and type of manhole compensation for the brickwork complete as specified,
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) including pointing and the building-in of conduits.
22.19 Plaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) 22.23 Service ducts:

(a) Ordinary pipes (type

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of and diameter indicated) .......... metre (m)
plasterwork provided.
(b) Split pipes (type and
diameter indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
raking out joints in the brickwork and applying a 1:4 The unit of measurement shall be a metre of service duct
plaster, as specified, to all surfaces where required. laid.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for

Item Unit procuring, providing and laying the pipes, including end
stoppers, draw wires and complete installation, but shall
22.20 Benching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) exclude excavation, backfilling, and encasing with
concrete, which shall be measured for payment under the
appropriate items of payment of this section.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
benching, measured in plan, constructed in class 20119
concrete with granolithic rendering. Hem Unit

22.24 Duct marker blocks (type

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
procuring and furnishing all materials, placing the concrete
benching, and rendering with the specified granolithic The unit of measurement shall be the number of marker
rendering. blocks installed, and the tendered rate shall include full
compensation for manufacturing, delivering and installing
the marker blocks, complete as shown on the drawings.
ltem Unit

22.21 Accessories: Hem Unit

(a) Manhole covers including 22.25 Overhaul on excavated

frames (description) . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) material carted to spoil,
backfill material (but ex-
(b) Inlet grids including cluding Portland cement in
frames (description) ........... number (No) the case of soil cement),
existing structures demo-
(c) Step irons (description) . . . . . . . . . number (No) lished and remwed to spoil,
and removing and relaying,
(d) Etc for other accessories ........ number (No) and removing and stacking
existing prefabricated culverts,
for haul i n excess of the
The unit of measurement shall be the number of each type free-haul distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre-
of accessory delivered and installed. kilometre (m3-km)

Measurement and payment for overhaul shall be made in

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for accordance with the provisions of section 1600, except that
procuring, furnishing and installing the accessories. the free-haul distance shall be as specified in each item.

In the case of pipes, the outer volume of each pipe shall

ltem Unit be measured.

22.22 Anchors for pipes

(description) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) Unit

22.26 Hand excavation to determine

The unit of measurement shall be the complete anchor the positions of existing
installed, including straps, bolts, etc, but excluding any services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
concrete work, which shall be measured under subitem
22.07(c) and (d). The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
material excavated within the lengths and widths
authorized by the engineer and the depth required to
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for expose the service. Excavation in excess of the authorized
procuring, providing and installing the anchors. dimensions shall not be measured for payment.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all The unit of measurement for subltem (e) shall be the
excavation, backfilling, compacting to 90% of modified metre of kerbing replaced due to trench excavations where
AASHTO denslty, disposlng of any surplus excavated instructed by the engineer.
material, keeping the excavations safe, dealing with any
surface or subsurface water, taklng special care to ensure
that services are not damaged In any way and any other Any relnstaternent required beyond the agreed or
operation necessary for completing the work. The instructed dimensions owing to damage caused by the
tendered rate shall also Include the transporting of surplus contractor will not be measured for payment.
excavated material for a free-haul dlstance of 1,O km. Any
damage to a service caused by the contractor shall be The appropriate sections of the specifications shall also be
repaired at his own cost, to the satlsfactlon of the owner of applicable to the reinstatement of the trenches.
the service and the englneer.
The tendered rates shall include full con?pensation for
No distlnctlon will be made between hard and soft procuring, furnishing, placing, compacting and finishing all
material, neither will distinction be made between the materials, providing all labour and constructional plant,
various types of services to be exposed or the depths to cutting and preparing the edges of the existing surfacing,
which excavations are taken. and protecting and maintaining the completed
relnstaternent as specified.

Item Unit
Item Unit
22.27 Reinstating trenches crossing
roads: 22.28 Prefabricated r e i n f o r c e d ~ n c r e t e
skew end units for concrete
(a) Selected layers .......... square metre (m2) culverts constructed at a skew
angle (type and dimensions of
(b) Subbase ............... square metre (m2) unit and class of bedding
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
(c) Base (including prime
coat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) The unit of measurement shall be the number of each type
and size of prefabricated reinforced-concrete skew end unit
(d) Bituminous surfacing provided and installed, irrespective of the angle of skew.
(including tack coat) . . . . . . square metre (m2)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
(e) Kerbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) providing, testing, loading and unloading the units,
constructing the prescribed class of bedding, and for
The unit of measurement for subitems (a) to (b)
shall be installing, laying and joining the units, complete as
the square metre of the layer reinstated where'instructed specified and in accordance with the details shown on the
by the engineer. . drawings.
SERIES 2000 : DRAlNAGE Concrete may also be prescribed as bedding material, in
which case It shall comply wlth the requirements of
SECTION 2300 : CONCRETE KERBING, CONCRETE section 6400 of these specifications.

Kerbing shall Include barrier kerbs, mountable and semi-
2301 SCOPE mountable types, All these elements may be prefabrlcated
2302 MATERIALS units o constructed In a contlnuous operatlon using
2303 TYPES OF STRUCTURES silpforms. Channelling may be cast in situ, prefabricated
2304 CONSTRUCTION units or else of slipform construction. Chutes may be
2305 INLET AND OUTLET STRUCTURES AND either prefabricated units or cast in situ, and the concrete
TRANSITION SECTIONS lining of open channels shall be cast in situ only, except
2306 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES AND SURFACE that side slabs may be precast. Downplpes shall be
FINISH prefabricated units.

2301 SCOPE

(a) Excavation, and preparation of bedding

This section covers the constructlon of concrete kerbing
and channelling, kerb inlets, chutes and downpipes, and (i) Kerbs and channels
concrete linings for open drains at the locations and to the
details as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Trenches for kerbs and channels shall be excavated to the
engineer. required depth and all unsuitable material shall be
removed and replaced with a layer of approved bedding
material at least 75 m m thick. The bedding shall be
2302 MATERIALS compacted and accurately shaped to the required grade.
No concrete or precast concrete units shall be placed on
uncompacted or disturbed material.
(a) Concrete
(ii) Concrete linings
All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with
the requjrements of sections 6200,6300 and 6400 of these The excavation work for open drains shall be executed and
specifications. paid for in accordance with the provisions of section 2100.

The excavations shall then be neatly trimmed to the lines

@) Kerbing and channelling and levels specified so as to permit the accurate
construction of the concrete linings. All loose material
Prefabricated kerbing and channelling shall comply with shall be compacted to a density of not less than 93% of
the requirements of SABS 927. Cast in situ kerbing and modified AASHTO density.
channelling shall be of the class of concrete indicated.

Where the in situ material is unsuitable, the engineer may

(c) Joint sealant order that it be removed to the required depth and
replaced with selected material compacted to a density of
(i) Cold-applied joint sealant shall be a two-part 93% of modified AASHTO density.
polysirlphide sealing compound conforming to the
requirements of BS 4254.
Where excavations for open drains are in rock, overbreak
(ii) Polyurethane-basedjoint sealants shall complywith shall be backfilled as ordered, either with mass concrete or
the requirements of SABS 1077. with selected natural gravel or soil compacted to a
modified AASHTO density of at least 93%.
(iii) Silicone-based joint sealants shall comply with the
requirements of the project specifications. (iii) Chutes

Excavations for chutes shall be neatly trimmed. All loose

(d) Bedding material material shall be thoroughly compacted, and where
overbreak occurs in hard material, the excavations shall be
The material on which concrete kerbs and channels are to backfilled with mass concrete. If required by the engineer,
be bedded shall consist of crushed stone, cinders, slag, the excavations shall be taken deeper to accommodate a
sand or other approved porous material with a maximum concrete screed cast to act as a working platform for the
particle size of 13,2 mm. construction of the chutes.
@) Prefabricated concrete kerbing and channelling right angles to the edge of the road.

Prefabricated concrete kerbing and channelling shall be After concrete has been placed in the forms, it shall be
laid on the approved bedding with close joints filled with tamped and worked until mortar entirely covers any
3:l sand:cement mortar not exceeding 10 m m in thickness exposed faces. Exposed faces shall then be finished to
and neatly pointed with a pointing trowel. The exposed smooth and even surfaces and edges shall be rounded to
faces of kerbs and edging shall be constructed true to line the radii shown on the drawings.
and elevation. Kerbing around curves shall first be laid
along the full curve length before the joints are filled, Forms shall be removed from any concrete surfaces that
unless otherwise allowed by the engineer. Kerbs shall be will be exposed, within a period of 24 hours of the
temporarily propped during construction. concrete having been placed. Minor defects shall be
repaired with a 2 : l sand:cement mortar. Plastering shall
Unless otherwise instructed by the engineer, prefabricated not be permitted on exposed faces and all rejected
concrete kerb units shall be 1,O m in length, except at portions shall be removed and replaced at the contractor's
curves at road junctions, where they shall be 0,3 m in expense. When completed, the sections shall be cured in
length. accordance with the requirements specified in clause 6409.

Prefabricated concrete kerbs shall be laid with a class The completed kerbs and channels shall be true to line
1:4:8/25 cast in situ concrete support behind the kerbs in and elevation and shall have an even and neat
accordance with the details shown on the drawings. appearance.

(c) Prefabricatedchutesand downpipes on side slopes (9 Cast in situ chutes on cut slopes
of fills and cuts
Cast in situ concrete chutes on cut slopes, together with
Prefabricated chutes and downpipes shall be the inlet and outlet structures, shall be constructed in
manufactured in accordance with the dimensions shown accordance with the drawings. The class of concrete shall
on the drawings, and the units shall fit neatly into each be as indicated on the drawings.
other as shown.
Where required by the engineer, a concrete screed shall
The bottom unit shall rest against the outlet structure or first be cast on excavations that cannot be trimmed
footing as shown on the drawings. accurately. The screed shall be accurately finished to the
level of the underside of the chute floor slab and allowed
The units shall be laid true to line and grade from the to set before the floor slab is cast. Where the material
bottom up so that each unit fits neatly into the previous being excavated cannot be accurately trimmed or where
one. the chute sides have to extend above the surface of cut
slopes, the outer faces of the sides shall be cast against
A transition section shall be constructed at the inlet to lead formwork.
the water into the chute or downpipe as shown on the
(g) Concrete-lined open drains

(d) Slipform kerbing The exposed surfaces of the concrete linings of open
drains shall be given a class U2 surface finish. Concrete
Slip-form kerbs and channels shall be placed on an shall be cured in accordance with the requirements of
apbroved bedding by a continuous process with an clause 6409.
.. machine. Contraction joints shall be sawn at
intervals shown on the drawings or prescribed by the Sealed joints in concrete shall be in accordance with the
engineer in a manner so as not to cause the concrete to details indicated on the drawings and the provisions of
spall at the joint. The concrete shall be cured in section 6600. Cold joints shall be painted with a coat of
accordance with the requirements of clause 6409. approved bituminous emulsion containing 60% of pure
bitumen by mass, or with an approved anti-adhesive
The kerbs and channels shall be constructed true to line before any adjoining slabs are cast.
and elevation and shall have a neat appearance. Where
transverse cracks occur, the contractor shall replace the Expansion joints shall be made in accordance with the
entire section between the contraction joints at his own drawings.
Where required, the surfaces on which concrete lining is to
be cast shall, after having been trimmed, be covered with
(e) Cast in sihr kerbs and channels polyethylene sheeting 0,15 m m thick and all joints in the
sheeting shall be overlapped by at least 150 mm.
Forms for kerbs and channels shall be accurately set to
line and elevation and shall be firmly held in position
during the placing of the concrete. Stops and jointing (h) Backlilling
material at the ends of sections shall be accurately placed
so as to ensure that joints between adjacent sections are After completing the concrete work, the spaces at the
truly perpendicular to the surface of the concrete and at backs of kerbs shall be backfilled with approved material
to pavement or road shoulder level. Spaces adjoining (k) Cutting existing bituminous surfacing and
chutes shall be backfilled level with the side slope. Such pavement layers
backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 m m
and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted at optimum Where the engineer instructs kerbing, channelling or
moisture content before the succeeding layer is placed concrete-lined drains to be constructed against existing
thereon. bituminous surfacing, the full depth of the bituminous
surfacing, and the base and subbase if necessary, shall be
Where kerbs and channels are laid after construction of the accurately cut with a mechanical saw to the required line
base, the spaces between the concrete and adjoining base before the kerbing, channelling or concrete-lined drain is
shall be backfilled with premixed bituminous material. constructed. The cut edge shall be vertical for kerbing and
channelling. The concrete shall then be placed directly
against the cut edge without formwork. All material
(i) Construction sequence outside the cut edge shall be removed to the required
depth before the concrete is placed. The debris shall be
(i) Where kerbs and channelling are constructed disposed of at a dumping site to be provided by the
before the base contractor subject to the approval of the engineer. The
bituminous surfacing shall be protected and kept clean to
In this case slip-form units or cast in situ units may be the engineer's satisfaction.
constructed. During working and constructing the base,
precautionary measures shall be taken to prevent the
concrete work from being damaged or shifted. 2305 INLET AND OUTLET STRUCTURES AND
(ii) Where kerbs and channelling are constructed after
the base
Transition sections on kerbing, kerbing-channelling
The base shall be constructed wider than the specified combinations and concrete-lined open drains shall be
width, after which a neat trench shall be dug for the constructed to the same standards and by the same
kerbing or channelling. Any over-excavation shall be filled methods as described for the uniform sections, but with
with concrete cast simultaneously with the kerbs and the required modifications. Sections may be either precast
channelling. or cast in situ units.

(iii) Where kerbs and channelling are constructed after Inlet and outlet structures may be either precast or partially
the asphalt base and/or asphalt surfacing precast concrete units or of cast in situ concrete.

The asphalt base and/or asphalt surfacing shall be Where shown on the drawings or instructed by the
constructed wider than the specified width and shall then engineer, the contractor shall supply and install in the
be cut back accurately with a mechanical saw to a marked outlet structures energy dissipators consisting of
line to give a neat joint line between the kerbs or prefabricated reinforced-concrete blocks of class 20119
channelling and the asphalt layer. The base shall then be concrete of the dimensions shown on the drawings or
removed to the required depth. listed in the schedule of quantities. All concrete work shall
comply with the requirements of series 6000.
Any concrete spilt onto the asphalt surface shall be
removed. Where so required by the engineer, the Components such as grids, covers and frames shall be in
contractor shall, without any additional compensation, accordance with the details shown on the drawings and
paint emulsion over the stained surface. the requirements of subclause 2212(e).


During transporting and laying care shall be taken to
protect all precast units against chipping or breakage.
(a) Concrete kerbing and channelling
Concrete kerbing and channelling as well as any other
structures adjacent to the road shall be protected against Concrete kerbing and channelling shall be constructed to
staining by bitumen being sprayed or premix being within the following dimensional and alignment tolerances:
placed. Where bitumen is to be sprayed, all such work
shall be completely covered with polyethylene sheeting at (i) Horizontal alignment
least 0,25 mm thick, specially reinforced paper or other
approved material, properly secured to prevent the The maximum deviation of edges, centre line, or vertical
sheeting from lifting during windy conditions. Any work surfaces from the specified position shall be 25 mm.
stained by bitumen shall be broken down and replaced,
unless all such bitumen is completely removed so as not The maximum deviation of edges, centre line, or vertical
to show any stains. Painting over stained work is strictly surfaces from the specified alignment, shall be 1:500when
prohibited. taken over any section exceeding 10 m in length.
(ii) Vertical alignment and level 2XV MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The inside edge of channelling shall nowhere be above the

finished road level nor more than 10 m m below the Item Unit
finished road level. The invert level of channels and open
drains and the top of kerbing shall nowhere deviate by 23-01 Concrete kerbing (class
more than 10 m m from the required level and nowhere of concrete indicated for
shall channels or drains have any adverse grade. in situ concrete):

(a) (Description of type with

(iii) Trueness of exposed surfaces reference to drawing) . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

When tested with a 3 m straight-edge, no surface (b) Etc for other types.
irregularities shall exceed 6 mm.

Item Unit
(iv) Cross-sectional dimensions
23.02 Concrete kerbing-chan-
All cross-sectional dimensions shall be within 6 m m of the nelling combination (class
specified dimensions except that the underside of of concrete indicated for
channelling may extend up to 25 m m below the level at cast in situ concrete):
which it would have the required thickness.
(a) (Description of type with
reference to drawing) . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
@) Conwetdined open drains, chutes and downpipes
(b) Etc for other types.
Concrete-lined open drains, chutes and downpipes shall
be constructed to within the following tolerances: The unit of measurement shall be the metre of concrete
kerbing or kerbing-channelling combination complete as
constructed, measured along the front face of the kerb.
(i) Horizontal alignment
The tendered rate for each metre of concrete kerbing
The maximum deviation from the true position of the and/or kerbing-channelling combination shall include full
edges or centre line shall be 25 mm. compensation for the necessary excavation and
preparation of bedding, backfilling, formwork, finishing,
and for procuring, furnishing and installing all materials,
(ii) Vertical alignment kerbing and channelling, protecting it against staining,
supporting the kerbs with in situ cast concrete, and filling
The invert level shall nowhere deviate by more than 25 m m and pointing all joints, all complete as specified.
from the required level and nowhere shall the inverts have
an adverse grade.
Hem Unit

(iii) Trueness of exposed surface 23.03 Concrete chutes (typical designsj:

When tested with a 3 m straight-edge, no exposed surface (a) (Description of type

shall show surface irregularities exceeding 10 mm. with reference to drawing.
State whether prefabricated
or cast in situ and class of
(iv) Cross-sectional dimensions concrete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ metre (m)

All cross-sectional dimensions shall be within 10 m m of the (b) Etc for other types.
specified dimensions, and the average thickness of a floor
or side slab shall not be less than the specified thickness The unit of measurement shall be the metre of completed
when considering any complete slab or a slab section with chute as constructed, including any overlap, measured
a surface area of 10 m2 or more, and disregarding a along the slope as laid but excluding transition sections
thickness exceeding 10 m m of the specified thickness. and inlet and outlet structures measured separately.

(c) Surface finish The tendered rate per metre shall include full
compensation for procuring, furnishing and installing the
All unformed exposed concrete surfaces shall have a class completed chutes as specified and for all excavation and
U2 surface finish and all formed exposed concrete the preparation of bedding, backfilling, formwork and
surfaces shall have a class F2 surface finish. finishing required.
23.04 Cast i n situ concrete 23.07 Trimming of ex--ons
h m (measured by components): for conwetdined open
(a) Concrete (class indicated) .... cubic metre (m3)
(a) In soft material ........... square metre (m')
@) Formwork (surface
finish indicated) . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) (b) In hard material . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
Measurement and payment for formwork and concrete
shall be as specified in sections 6200 and 6400, except The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
that payment for excavation and gravel or soil backfilling excavation trimmed to receive concrete lining.
shall be deemed to be included in the rates tendered for
concrete and shall not be measured and paid for
separately. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
labour, plant, materials and other additional work and
incidentals necessary for trimming the excavations for
Item unit open drains to the standard of finish required for the
construction of concrete linings. All excavation, includlng
23.05 Inlet, outlet, transition the removal of unsuitable ground and backfilling with
and similar sbuchrres suitable material, shall be measured and paid for under
(typical designs): section 2100. Payment shall distinguish between trimming
In soft material and trimming in hard material as defined
(a) (Description of structure, in clause 2105. No extra payment shall be made in
type, etc, with reference respect of any soil or gravel backfilling, additional concrete
to drawing and class of or mass-concrete backfilling required on account of
concrete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) overbreak or unavoidable unevenness of the excavations
in difficult ground, the cost of which shall be deemed to be
(b) Etc for other types. included in the tendered rates for trimming in hard
The unit of measurement and payment shall be the
number of completed units of each type of structure
constructed, and payment shall include full compensation Item Unit
for all formwork, concrete, excavation, trimming and
backfilling, including such accessories as grids, etc, as 23.08 Concrete lining for
may be specified on the typical drawings. open drains:

(a) Cast in situ concrete

Item Unil lining (class of concrete
and type of open drain
23.06 Inlet, outlet, transition indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
and similar sbuctures
(measured by components): (b) Class U2 surface finish
to cast in situ concrete
(a) Concrete (class indicated) . . . . cubic metre (m3) (type of open drain
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(b) Formwork (surface finish
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

(c) Other components . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) Measurement of and payment for concrete shall be as
specified in section 6400, but the tendered rate shall
The measurement and payment for formwork and concrete include full compensation for painting open joint surfaces
shall be as specified in sections 6200 and 6400, except as specified.
that excavation, trimming and backfilling shall not be
measured and paid for separately, the cost of which shall
be deemed to be included in the rates tendered for
concrete. The unit of measurement for surface finish shall be the
square metre of finished surface.
The unit of measurement for other components such as
grids shall be the number of each type of component
installed. The tendered rates shall include full
compensation for procuring, furnishing and installing the The tendered rate for surface finish shall include full
components, including any painting or protective coating compensation for all labour, plant, material and other
specified in the project specifications or as shown on the additional work and incidentals required for trimming the
drawings. concrete lining as specified.
Item Unit ttem Unit

23.09 Formwork to cast in situ 23.12 Steel reinforcement:

conaete lining for open
drains (class F2 surface (a) Mild steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(b) High-tensile steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(a) To sides with formwork
on the internal face only .... square metre (m2) (c) Welded steel fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg)

(b) To sides with formwork Measurement and payment shall be in accordance with the
on both internal and external provisions of section 6300.
faces (each face measured) . . square metre (m2)

(c) To ends of slabs .......... square metre (m2) Item Unit

Measurement of and payment for formwork shall be as 23.13 Polyethylene sheeting

specified in section 6200. Formwork under item 23.09(a) (0,15 mm thick) for
shall be measured and paid for only when the side slope concrete-lined open
of the slabs exceeds 1 in 2 and the slabs cannot be drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
constructed without formwork even when a stiff concrete
mix is used. When the contractor elects to use precast The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of area
side slabs, payment will be made for formwork as if cast covered with polyethylene sheeting.
in situ concrete had been used.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring, furnishing and installing the polyethylene
Item Unit sheeting, including wastage and overlap.

23.10 Sealed joints in con-

crete linings of open Item Unit
drains (description of
type with reference to 23.14 Cutting biminous surfacing
drawing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) and pavement layers for concrete
kerbing, channelling or concrete-
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of completed lined drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
joint of each size and type.
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of bituminous
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the surfacing and pavement layers cut where instructed by the
. . . of all materials and for all labour, formwork and engineer, irrespective of the depth cut. The various layers
incidentals necessary for sealing the joint as shown on the shall not be measured separately for payment.
drawings or specified in the project specifications.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
labour, constructional plant and materials required for
Item Unit cutting the surfacing and pavement layers to the required
depth, removing and disposing of the debris, and
23.1 1 Conaete screed or protecting and keeping the surfacing clean, all as
bacMill below chutes specified.
(class of concrete in-
dicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
ttem Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
concrete screed or backfill as may be instructed by the 23.15 Precast concrete blocks in
engineer to be placed below chutes. outlet structures . . . . . . . ....... number (No)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement is the number of precast
furnishing, procuring and placing the concrete in screed or concrete blocks provided and installed as shown on the
backfill. drawings or directed by the engineer.

(a) Compounding the mixture

Asphalt containing penetration-gracie bitumen shall

2401 SCOPE contain, by mass of the dry aggregate, 7% of net 60/70 or
2402 MATERIALS 801100 penetration-grade bitumen and 1% of active filler.
ASPHALT MIXES Asphalt containing mix-grade bitumen emulsion shall
2404 PREPARING THE BERM FOUNDATION contain, by mass of the dry aggregate, 7% of net bitumen.
2405 PLACING The asphalt mix shall be in accordance with the
2406 TRANSITION SECTIONS FOR NJ TYPE OF RAILS requirements of the project specifications.
The composition of the asphalt mix shall In all cases be
subject to the prlor approval of the engineer.
2401 SCOPE

@) Mixing plant
This section covers the construction of asphalt or concrete
berms at the outer edge of paved shoulders. Berms shall The mixing plant shall be in accordance with the
be cast in situ in moulds or by means of a suitable requirements of clause 4204 for asphalt with penetration-
machine to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as grade bitumen, and clause 4303for asphalt with mix-grade
directed by the engineer. bitumen emulsion.

(c) Mixing, transporting and placing

Asphalt with penetration-grade bitumen shall be mixed,

(a) Bituminous binder transported and placed in accordance wlth the
requirements of section 4200, and asphalt with mix-grade
Bituminous binder shall be a penetration-grade bitumen or bitumen-emulsion in accordance with the requirements of
a mix-grade bituminousemulsion as may be prescribed by the project specifications.
the engineer. Spray-grade emulsion may be used as
primer and tack coat.

The various bituminous materials shall comply with the

following specifications: If shown on the drawings, the prime coat sprayed onto the
base and shoulders shall extend over a wider area to allow
space for the berms to be placed.
Penetration-grade bitumen: SABS 307
Bituminous emulsions: SABS 309 and 548 Where the engineer so instructs during construction that
berms shall be constructed, the specified width of the base
projecting beyond the sides of the paved shoulder shall be
thoroughly cleaned. The shoulder material adjacent to the
base shall be compacted and trimmed to the upper level
The material of asphalt which contains penetration-grade of the base and all loose material removed.
bitumen shall comply wlth the requirements of
section 4200. The aggregate grading shall lie between the A prime coat consisting of 30% bitumen-emulsion shall be
limits indicated in table 4202/7 for a fine continuously applied at a rate of 0,40 litres per square metre onto that
graded mix. part of the berm foundation falling outside the paved
surface of the road. In the case of asphalt berms, a tack
The material of asphalt which contains mix-grade bitumen coat of 30% bituminous emulsion shall be applied at a rate
emulsion shall comply with the requirements of the project of 0,40 litres per square metre over the entire berm
specifications. foundation. The tack coat shall be left to break before the
berm is placed.
The grading of the aggregate shall be subject to the prior
approval of the engineer.

When the berms are placed, proper care shall be taken at

All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with all times to ensure that the toe of the berm does not
the details shown on the drawings and the requirements of encroach on the side of the carriageway or shoulder by
sections 6200 and 6400. more than 25 mm.
(a) Placing by hand 2407 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The mixture shall be placed and shaped in situ in a rigid

portable mould to form a trapezoidal kerb of the Unit
dimensions indicated on the drawings.
24.01 Asphalt berms:

(a) Placed where there are

In the case of asphalt berms the mixture shall be no guardrails (types of asphalt
thoroughly compacted to form a hard unyielding berm, and binder indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
true to level, shape and line, within the specified
tolerances. The moulds may be removed as soon as the (b) Placed at existing guard-
material has cooled to air temperature, or, in the case of a rails (types of asphalt and
cold asphalt mix, as soon as it has hardened. binder indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of asphalt

@) Placing by machine berm placed as specified.

A machine of approved design may be used for placing The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
the berm. In general, machine-placed work will not require procuring, furnishing, mixing and placing the'material, and
any additional compaction. In areas where, in the opinion all other work necessary for completing the asphalt berms
of the engineer, the compaction is inadequate, the as specified.
machine shall be weighted with additional mass, or other
measures shall be taken to ensure that adequate The prime and tack coats shall be paid for under item
compaction is obtained. 24.03.

(c) Placing under guardrails Item Unit

Should the berm be placed first, the holes for the guardrail 24.02 Concrete berms:
posts shall be excavated with care to prevent damage
being done to the berm. Where chutes are required (a) Placed where there are
against fills, the berm shall be discontinued for the width no guardrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
of the top of the chute and finished to form a proper inlet
for the water into the chute, as indicated on the drawings. (b) Placed at existing guard-
rails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

(d) General requirements The unit of measurement shall be the metre of concrete
berm placed as specified.
The berms shall be placed true to level, shape and line.
All berms deviating more than 10 m m from the specified
line when measured at the inner edge of either their crests The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
or their bases, or of which the height or width, measured procuring, furnishing, mixing and placing the material, and
at the crest, varies by more than 5 m m from the specified all other work necessary for completing the concrete
height or width, will be rejected and shall be removed and berms as specified. The prime coat shall be paid for
replaced at the contractor's own expense. under item 24.03.

The surfaces of concrete berms placed by machine, and
all unformed surfaces, shall be given a class U2 finish, and 24.03 Prime and tack coats:
formed surfaces a class F2 finish. Joints shall be provided
at 3 m intervals in all concrete berms, either by casting in (a) Prime coat:
alternate sections or by cutting machine-placed sections.
All such joints shall be neatly formed and finished so as (i) Under asphalt berms
not to leave any irregularities or loose concrete at the (primer indicated) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(ii) Under concrete berms
(primer indicated) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
RAlLS (b) Tack coat (type in-
dicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

Where transition sections for New Jersey type of bridge

rails are required to be constructed from asphalt, the The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
instructions for asphalt berms shall apply in regard to the completed prime coat or tack coat applied in accordance
asphalt composition and the preparation of the foundation. with the specifications.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for Item Unit
procuring and providing all material and for mixing and
applying the adhesive and primer complete as specified, 24.04 Transition sections for
including cleaning, compacting and trimming the coat NJ type of rails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
being primed.

Payment shall be made under this item for the prime coat The unit of measurement shall be the number of
if, as instructed by the engineer, it is applied in a separate completed asphalt transition sections constructed to the
strip independently from the prime coat of the road or details shown on the drawings.
shoulder surface.

If applied as an integral part of the prime coat of the road The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
or shoulder surface by the prime coat being sprayed over procuring, providing, mixing and placing all materials, and
a wider area to provide space for the berms, payment for for all labour, formwork and incidentals reauired for
the prime coat will not be made under this item. constructing complete transition sections as spdcified.
SERIES 3000 : EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENT (b) Borrowpit plans
STONE Borrow-pit plans are included in the contract documents.
The information shown on the borrow-pit plans reflects the
SECTION 3100 : BORROW MATERlALS results of site investigations and laboratory tests conducted
by or for the employer and is supplied in good faith as to
the sufficiency in quantity and quality of the material for
the due and proper completion of the works. The provision
of these borrow-pit plans shall not in any way be construed
as limiting the obtaining of borrow material to the borrow
SCOPE areas and/or to the depth of working specified pits shown
NEGOTIATIONSWITH OWNERSAND AUTHORITIES on the plans or as necessarily limiting the use of the
OBTAINING BORROW MATERIALS rnaterial to that described on the plans.
HAUL ROADS If. at any time during construction, it appears that the
FINISHING-OFF BORROW AREAS AND HAUL quality or quantity of material available in a borrow pit is
ROADS inadequate or insufficient. the contractor shall make use of
DISPOSAL OF BORROW MATERIAL other borrow areas approved by the engineer. irrespective
CLASSIFICATION OF BORROW PlTS FOR GRAVEL of whether or not such other borrow areas are shown on
MATERIALS FOR PAVEMENT LAYERS the borrow-pit plans. The contractor shall provide all
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT assistance in the form of plant, trained personnel. labour
and fencing material as may be required by the engineer
for prospecting for and testing further borrow pits. The
3101 SCOPE cost of such assistance will be for the employer's account.

This section covers the work involved in obtaining borrow (c) U s e of b o r n materials
materials for work under this contract. including
negotiations with owners of the land on which borrow areas The decision as to which source of supply the contractor
are situated, clearing the site, stripping and disposing of shall use at any time shall rest with the engineer. and the
excess overburden. excavating selected material for use in contractor shall at any stage of the work use that approved
the works, and finishing-off the borrow areas. source of supply which in the opinion of the engineer is the
most suitable in regard to the quality and quantities of the
various types of available materials and the ultimate cost
3102 NEGOTIATIONS WrrH OWNERS AND AUTHOR of the work to the employer. Unless otherwise determined
lTlES elsewhere. payment will not be made for moving the
contractor's plant from one location to another at any of
the individual sources shown on the plans or subsequently
(a) With regard to borrow areas that are identified and approved by the engineer.
prescribed by the employer for the execution of the works.
the contractor is exempted from all obligations and costs Should the contractor elect to obtain material from sources
in respect of negotiations with and compensation of the other than those shown on the borrow-pit plans, he shall
owners of the land on which the borrow areas are situated. excavate the necessary trial holes, take such samples and
unless otherwise specified. conduct such tests as are deemed to be necessary by the
engineer. The contractor shall submit the results and
sufficient details to the engineer to satisfy him that the
(b) The attention of the contractor is drawn to the quality and quantity of the material available in the
provisions of clause 1214 as regards his activities on proposed borrow area are acceptable for the intended use.
private land. all at the contractor's own expense. Compensation to
owners and arrangements for taking any material shall be
in terms of the project specifications.
(c) The contractor shall observe all the legal provisions
and the provisions of the project specifications in respect Approval of borrow pits or borrow areas shall apply only to
of his activities at borrow pits and when finishing off the those portions of the pit or area from which acceptable
borrow pits. material can be obtained or produced. The contractor shall
organize his operations in any approved pit or borrow area
or portions thereof with a view to using the material for the
3103 OBTNNING BORROW MATERIALS purpose envisaged.

(a) General The contractor shall plan his exploitation of the borrow pits
in such a manner that the various types of materials
excavated can be selected and loaded directly for use.
Borrow materials shall be obtained from approved sources When this is unfeasible for reasons beyond the contractor's
of supply listed and described on the borrow-pit plans. or control. rnaterial to be stockpiled for later use shall be
from such other sources as may from time to time be loaded, transported and temporarily stockpiled as ordered
tested and approved by the engineer. Borrow-pit material by the engineer and as determined in clause 3203. No
complying with the requirements of the specifications for material resewed for a specific purpose shall be used for
the use for which the material is intended. shall be selected any other purposes without the written approval of the
from these approved sources. engineer.
(d) Bomm materiala obtainable in the mad prism or possible at that stage, replaced into the borrow pits as
within the mad reserve boundaries described in clause 3105.

Where suitable sources of materials are available in Excess overburden will also be measured for payment
existing cuttings and side drains, or anywhere else in the where the borrow material shall be stone or sand used for
road prism or within the road reserve boundaries. such stone pitching, concrete work, crushed-stone subbase and
materials may be used for the construction of fills. base, permeable material in subsurface drainage systems.
pavement layers and shoulders, if so ordered by the and asphalt pavements and seals.

(d) Excavating borrow material

HAUL ROADS Borrow material shall be excavated within the limits of
depth and area shown on the borrow-pit plans or directed
by the engineer. and in a manner that will not prejudice the
(a) Removing topsoil use of the material for the intended purpose.

Prior to opening a borrow pit, the contractor shall ascertain Where any borrow pit contains different types of materials
from the engineer whether the removal of topsoil is in separate layers which require to be mixed to produce a
required and shall then remove and stockpile such topsoil suitable product, the materials shall be excavated over the
as instructed by the engineer. full depth of the approved working face in one operation
without the different types of materials being separated.
This work shall be carried out, measured and paid for in
accordance with the provislons of section 5800. The contractor shall take all reasonable precautionary
measures so as to avoid contamination of the suitable
borrow material by the inclusion of clayey or otherwise
@) Clearing and grubbing unsuitable material from the floor of the borrow pit, the
overburden, any unsuitable layers, or areas beyond the
Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas will be measured approved limits of the borrow area. During loading, any
for payment In accordance with the provisions of section hard oversize material which will not break down during
1700 before excavation is commenced, but only in the processing on the road shall be excluded as far as is
following cases, unless otherwise directed by the engineer: practicable.

(i) In borrow areas located in plantations During borrow operations, and especially when excavating
material near the floor and outer boundaries of the borrow
(li) In borrow areas where large trees with trunks areas, the contractor shall plan his operations so as to
exceeding 1 m in circumference as defined in section 1700 reduce. in so far as is possible, the amount of earth
are found. moving work that will be necessary for finishing-off the
borrow pits. lndiscrimlnate excavation without due regard
(iii) In borrow areas without any excess overburden but being given to the desired final shape of the borrow pit will
where the removal of grass, shrubs and roots is required. not be permitted.

Unless the clearing and grubbing of a borrow area have The material in borrow pits shall be blasted or ripped and
been prescribed by the engineer in writing, no payment will excavated in a manner that will ensure the effective
be made for clearing and grubbing such borrow area. breaking-down of the material in the borrow pit before it Is

(c) Excess overburden

(e) Control at b o r n pH
The contractor shall advise the engineer in good time.
before any excavation at such borrow area is commenced. The contractor shall be responsible for controlling his
of his Intention of starting to use a borrow area in order operations at every borrow pit where material is being
that a survey of the site can be made for the purpose of excavated to ensure compliance with all the requirements
computing the quantity of excess overburden, if any. to be of subclause 3104(d).
He shall conduct sufficient tests on the materiai being
No removal of overburden or other quarrying operations excavated from the borrow pit to satisfy himself that the
shall be proceeded with until agreement has been reached quality of the material will comply with the specified
between the engineer and the contractor in regard to the requirements for the particular layer for which it will be
quantity of such overburden. used.

Unless, under exceptional circumstances. the clearing and If there is any doubt concerning the quality of the borrow
grubbing of the borrow area is required to be done first. material being excavated at any time, the contractor shall
the excess overburden shall be measured only after this notify the engineer immediately, and in any case before
work has been completed. such material is brought onto the road. The results of all
the tests which are conducted by the contractor shall be
As instructed by the engineer, excess overburden shall be submitted to the engineer on request. The engineer will.
moved to the outer limits of the proposed borrow area. after further testing or inspection if necessary, instruct the
and, if this area is enlarged later on. the excess overburden contractor regarding the use of the material in the borrow
shall be moved further to the new outer limits, or. where area. or he may order the borrow pit to be finished off and
abandoned. satisfaction of the engineer, and the contractor shall furnlsh
the engineer with a signed certificate from the landowner
stating that he is fully satisfied with the finishing-off of any
(1) Protecting borrow pits borrow area. The contractor's attention is drawn to the
provisions of clause 1214 in this respect.
Borrow pits shall be continuously protected against the
ingress of surface water, and the contractor shall construct
such temporary banks as may be required for diverting @) Haul roads
surface water, and, in so far as is possible, his operations
shall be planned in such a way that the borrow pit will be All haul roads shall be obliterated and their surfaces
self-draining. Where this is unfeasible. borrow pits shall be scarified, earth banks shall be constructed to prevent
dewatered by pumping. The contractor shall be solely erosion, and all damaged fences and other structures shall
responsible for keeping borrow areas dry and ensuring that be reinstated, unless otherwise specified.
borrow material is sufficiently dry when required for use.
Where materials from a borrow pit are hauled on
unproclaimed private access roads, such roads shail be
(g) Unproclaimed private access roads restored to their original condition to the satisfaction of the
engineer and the owner when borrow operations at the
Where materials from a borrow pit are hauled on borrow pit are completed, unless otherwise specified. No
unproclaimed private access roads, such roads shall be additional payment will be made for this work, and full
maintained properly to the satisfaction of the engineer and compensatlon for restorlng unproclaimed private access
the owner during borrow operations at the borrow pit. No roads used as haul roads will be regarded as being
additional payment will be made for this work, and full included in the rates tendered and paid for the various
compensation for maintaining unproclaimed private access items of work where the materials are used.
roads used as haul roads will be regarded as being
included in the rates tendered and paid for the various The restoration of proclaimed roads shail be done in
items of work where the materials are used. accordance with the instructions of the engineer and
payment will be made in accordance with applicable unit

(a) Bormw areas

The contractor shall not have the right to use material
On completion of his operations in a borrow area, the obtained from borrow pits for any purpose other than for
contractor shall reinstate the entire area so as to blend it the execution of this contract. He shall not dispose of any
with the surrounding area and to permit the re- borrow material whether processed or not either by sale or
establishment of vegetation. For this purpose the borrow donation to any person without the written authorization of
area shall be shaped to even contours without any slopes the employer.
being steeper than 1 In 3, except where the engineer so
permits in specified cases. All material in and around the
borrow area, whether spoil from road-building operations, 31w C~;~~~S~CA T BORROW
excess stockpiled material, oversize material left in the MATERlALS FOR PAVEMENT LAYERS
borrow pit, material resulting fmm etearing and grubbing
opemths or excess overburden, shall be used or
disposed of as directed by the engineer. Material Borrow pits for the exploitation of gravel materials shall be
incapable of supporting vegetation shall be buried and classified in accordance with the same classification as that
used for shaping the borrow area and shall subsequently described in clause 3303 for mass earthworks. Borrow pits
be covered with soft material. All available soft material for exploiting stone for piLching or crushing, and borrow
shall be spread evenly to the prescribed thickness, and pits for sand shall not be classified for purposes of
where sufficient material is not available for so covering the payment.
entire area, the remaining portions shail be scarified along
the contours so as to avoid undue erosion. The engineer shall have the right to decide which borrow
pit shall be operated by the contractor at any particular
The shaping and finishing-off of the borrow pit shall be stage of the work and to approve new borrow pits during
done in such a manner that the borrow pit will be properly the construction period.
drained wherever practicable, and, where required, the
contractor shall place earth banks to divert surface water
from the borrow area. 3108 MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT

If so directed, the borrow area shail be fenced off and

provided with gates as specified in section 5500, and Item Unit
topsoiled and/or hydroseeded as specified in section 5800.
31.01 Excess weburden . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
The finishing-off of the borrow areas shall also comply with
ail legal provisions, which require, inter alia, that The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
rehabilitation shall be approved. (See also Act 50 of 1991.) excess overburden measured in place before stripping.
Such measurement shall be based on the depth of
The finishing-off of any borrow pit shall be to the entire overburden as measured in the trial pits.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
stripping, removing and stockpiling the excess overburden
prior to the borrow material being excavated, for replacing 31.W Finishing-off borrow areas in:
the excess overburden in the borrow pit after completing
the excavation, of borrow material. and for levelling-off the (a) Hard material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha)
excess overburden in the borrow area.
(b) Intermediate material ...... ... . . hectare (ha)
Where the stockpiled excess overburden has to be moved
to beyond the limits originally instructed by the engineer. (c) Soft material . . . . . ...... . . ... . . hectare (ha)
it shall be measured once more for payment.
The unit of measurement for finishing-off borrow areas
Where overburden material is used for filling or for other shall be the hectare measured in accordance with the
purposes, payment will not be made for removing such finally excavated area of the borrow pit before it is finished
overburden material, but will be made in accordance with off.
the purpose for which such material will be used.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
No distinction will be made for purposes of payment. in finishing-off the borrow pits as specified. including any
accordance with the classification set out in clause 3303. further earth moving necessary for finishing. but excluding
between the various types of material. which have been the establishment of grass. Borrow pits shall be classified
removed as overburden. except only in regard to borrow in accordance with the classification of the material
pits for obtaining crushed stone for the subbase and base. removed therefrom and. where more than one class of
as determined in item 31.02 below. material is taken from a borrow area. the area shall be
apportioned pro rata for classification purposes. in
accordance with the volumes of each type of material
Item Unit removed.

31.M Excess overburden i n borrow

pits for obtaining crushed Notes:
stone for pavement layers:

(a) Overburden in soft or (1) Borrow material

intermediate excavation . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
Apart from the existing payment items. no direct payment
(b) Overburden in hard will be made for procuring and providing borrow material.
excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') but it will be regarded as an additional obligation on the
part of the contractor to be covered by the contract prices
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of paid for the various items of work for which the material is
excess overburden measured in place before stripping. used as prescribed in these specifications. Payment shall,
The quantity shall be based on the depth of the however, be made separately for certain items of work
overburden as measured in test pits. Distinction shall be where so specified.
made between soft and intermediate material on the one
hand and hard material on the other, in accordance l ~ i t h The tendered rates for procuring and providing borrow
the classification as described in clause 3303 for material. shall also include full compensation for all
excavations. obligations. costs, activities and work as prescribed in
section 1200 of the specifications. as well as for all
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for supervision. labour. plant, tools and incidentals required
stripping, removing and stockpiling excess overburden therefor. including all costs as may be necessary for
prior to the borrow material being excavated. replacing the conducting control tests on all materials, draining and
excess overburden in the borrow pit after excavation of the protecting all borrow areas, and concluding all negotiations
borrow material has been completed, and levelling-off the with landowners (except negotiations that are entered into
excess overburden in the borrow area. by the employer himself) as specified. also for finally
shaping and finishing the borrow pits.
Where the stockpiled excess overburden has to be mcved
to beyond the limits originally indicated by the engineer, it (2) Prospecting for materials
shall be measured once more for payment. but only under
item 31.01. Payment will be made for excavating trial pits according to
a grid pattern as ordered by the engineer over the entire
Where overburden material is used for filling or for other borrow area. and for assistance rendered by the contractor,
purposes, payment will not be made for removing such as may be directed by the engineer, in prospecting for
overburden material, but will be made in accordance with additional material in accordance with the provisions of
the purpose for which such material will be used. clause 40 of the general conditions of contract.
SEFUES 3000 : -S AND PAVEMENT The contractor should note the provisions of subclauses
LAYERS OF GR4VEL OR CRUSHED 3103(c) and 3104(d) and (e) in regard to activities at
STONE borrow pits, and of subclause 3306(d) in regard to activities
in cuttings.
BREAKlNG-DCWN M E MAT- FROM BORROW PITS, Where the contractor has unnecessarily contaminated or
CUrnNGS AND WSTlNG PAVEMENT LAYERS, AND wasted suitable material, he shall supply other suitable


SELECTING THE MATERIAL The contractor shall so plan his activities that materials
STOCKPILING THE MATERIAL excavated from borrow pits and cuttings, In so far as Is
BREAKING-DOWN THE MATERIAL possible, can be transported direct to and placed at the
CRUSHING AND SCREENING point where it is to be used. However, where utilizing
CONTROLLING THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF materials in this manner is impracticable, and, if so
MATERIALS instructed by the engineer in writing, it shall be temporarily
LAYER THICKNESSES AND SPREADING THE stockpiled for later load in^ and transportation to where It
MATERIALS will be used. ~ o m ~ e n s a tfor
i ostockpiling
~ materials will be
PLACING AND COMPACTING THE MATERIALS IN payable only in regard to material stockpiled in accordance
LAYER THICKNESSES OF 200 m m AND LESS with the engineer's written instructions.
PLACING AND COMPACTING THE MATERIALS IN The temporary stockpiling of material within the borrow
LAYER THICKNESSES IN EXCESS OF 200 mm area in heaps with a view to loading, or any other
AFTER COMPACTION stockpiling method used in connection with the loading
DISPOSING OF OVERSIZE MATERIAL method adopted by the contractor in the cutting or borrow
DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION pit, will not be classified as temporary stockpiling. The
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT costs for these processes will be deemed to be covered by
the rates for the various items of work for which material so
stockpiled is used.
3201 SCOPE
Stockpiling areas shall be indicated or approved by the
engineer. Before any stockpiling of material may be done,
This section describes the selection of materials from the site shall be cleaned, and all loose stones or anv
borrow pits and cuttings for the various purposes for which vegetation or other material which may cause
they are required, stockpiling the materials excavated but contamination shall be removed. After the stock~iled
which cannot be dumped direct where required, breaking material has been removed, the site shall be reinstatdd as
down the material during the excavation process, when it closely as possible to Its original condition, and the surface
is processed on the road, or when special processing for shall be lightly scarified to promote vegetation growth.
breaking-down by crusher is required, controlling the
moisture content, placing and compacting the soil and Payment will be made for stockpiling the material from
gravel layers and constructing the rock fills. existing pavements only if the material is intended for re-
use and If its stockpiling has been approved or directed by
In addition this section describes the treatment of material the engineer.
recovered from existing pavements, and construction in
restricted areas during rehabilitation work.
Unless inconsistent with the context, the provisions of
section 3200 relating to borrow pits or to material obtained
from borrow pits shall apply mutatis mutandis to such (a) Initial breakingdawn of the material in arttine,
places where material is recovered from an existing road, borrow pits and existing pavement layers
and to the material recovered from an existing road
respectively. The material from cuttings and borrow pits shall be broken
down in the cuttings or borrow pits to the maximum sizes
as set out below, depending on the use envisaged for the
3202 SELECTING THE MATERM material, before it is loaded and hauled to the road.

Rock fills 750 m m maximum dimension

The contractor shall use materials strictly in accordance Normal fills 500 m m maximum dimension
with the purpose for which they have been approved and Pavement layers 300 m m maximum dlmenslon
in accordance with the details as indicated on the drawings
or as directed by the engineer. During his activities in Spoil material need be broken down only sufficiently for
borrow pits, cuttings and existing pavement layers, he shall convenient loading and transporting, but the engineer may
ensure that approved materials are not unnecessarily require sufficient material to be broken down to a
polluted with unsuitable material or that approved materials maximum size of 500 m m with a view to effectively
are not unnecessarily wasted. trimming the spoil areas.
Material intended for crushing need only be broken down (4) Any oversized material shall be removed by hand,
sufficiently to permit acceptance by the crusher. and/or constructional plant as provided in clause 3210.

In order that the material can be broken down to the (5) The broken-down material shall be placed In a
above-mentioned sizes, the contractor shall adjust and windrow to the opposite side of the material still to be
control his blasting, ripping, excavating and other broken-down.
operations so that the desired result can be achieved as
effectively as possible. In so far as may be practicable, (6) Repeat steps (2) to (5), but place the second
drilling and blasting patterns shall be such as to break windrow next to the first.
down the material to the desired sizes, and, where this is
impracticable, secondary blasting or other methods shall (7) To mix the material, the two windrows formed in
be used for breaking down oversize materials. steps (2) to (6) shall then be bladed Into a single windrow
to the side of the road.
If, in the opinion of the engineer, the working methods of
the contractor are such that unnecessarily large quantities (8) If so ordered by the engineer repeat steps (2) to (7)
of oversize material are produced, he may instruct the until all the material that needs to be broken-down has
contractor to change his methods in order to produce less been treated.
oversize material, and the contractor shall not be entitled
to any additional compensation for carrying out such (iii) However, should too much oversize material
instructions. continue to be produced by normal grid-rolling, the
engineer may instruct that any one of the following be
Care shall be taken not to load oversize material and to done:
bring it onto the road. However, where this is nevertheless
done, the contractor shall, at his own cost, remove such That additional normal grid-rolling or its equivalent be
oversize material from the road or break it down further to done;
the required size on the road.
That, instead of attempting to break down the material on
Where surplus material is available and the engineer so the road, It be crushed as described In clause 3205; or
agrees the contractor, instead of breaking down any
oversize materials, may work it out or leave it in the borrow That the contractor and engineer agree on the use of any
pits, or in the case of materials from cuttings, spoil it, but other methods and equipment which may be more
in the latter case not without the written approval of the suitable, and determine compensation for such work in
engineer. The engineer may also require oversize terms of clause 40 of the general conditions of contract.
materials to be used for other purposes, such as for rock
fills instead of breaking it down. (iv) Any oversize materlal still remaining after
processing in accordance with any of the processes
described above shall be removed from the road as
@) Further breakingdown of pavement material provided in clause 3210.

(i) Pavement material shall be further broken down to

the sizes as specified for each layer by using grid rollers, (c) Further breaking-down of fill on the mad
and other suitable equipment, subject to the approval of
the engineer. The contractor shall be at liberty to employ After fill material in borrow pits and cuttings has been
any methods and equipment he may prefer, but, where broken down to the maximum size specified in subclause
any difference of opinion may arise in regard to the 3204(a) and then spread on the road, it shall be further
practicabilityof the breaking-down process or the suitability broken down by means of suitable equipment such as grid
of the methods and equipment employed by the rollers, subject to the approval of the engineer.
contractor, the engineer may require normal grid-rolling to
be done as described below. The results so obtained will In many cases breaking down by the normal compaction
then serve as the norm for the degree of breaking-down to process should be adequate, and no special effort should
be attained by any alternative method. be necessary for breaking down the material, but, In the
case of hard and coarse material, the engineer may require
(ii) For the purposes of this specification, normal grid- that the material receive at least a light grid-rolling, and the
rolling shall mean the following: degree to which breaking-downwill occur by means of the
light grid-rolling process will then serve as norm of what
(1) The material shall be placed or bladed to the one may be required in regard to alternative methods the
side of the road to provide working space for breaking- contractor is permitted to employ. For the purposes of
down the material. these specifications light grid-rolling is defined as follows:

(2) Subject to the approval of the engineer a portion of

the material shall be spread in a thin layer on a compacted The material shall be spread in a layer, the uncompacted
surface to promote effective breaking-down of the material, thickness of which shall be more or less equal to the
and to a width which the grid roller shall be able to cover average maximum fragment size, but with a minimum of
in a single pass. 200 mm. It shall then be rolled by means of at least two
complete passes per 200 mm of uncompacted layer
(3) The grid roller, which shall proceed at a speed of at thickness by a grid roller with a mass of not less than
least 12 kmlh and shall have a minimum mass of 13,5 tons, moving at a speed of at least 12 kmh, Should
13,5 tons, shall do four complete roller passes over the the uncompacted layer thickness be in excess of 200 mm,
material. the number of roller passes shall be increased pro rata.
Compensation for light grid-rolling processing will be For all stages of crushing plant, precautionary measures
regarded as being included in the price paid for providing required in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety
and compacting the material, which processing will not be Act (Act 85 of 1993) and the Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991),
included in the number of roller passes whlch may be paid and the latest amendments thereof shall be deemed
for compacting the material. included in the rates tendered for the relevant products.


Milled material need not normally be broken down further
unless so specified or instructed b y the engineer.
The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to
prevent material in borrow pits, excavations, stockpiles and
(0) Existing cemented layers on the road from becoming excessively wet as a result of
rain or groundwater or stormwater. In view hereof, the
Existing cemented layers to be broken down and excavation of borrow pits and cuttings shall, as far as
reprocessed may be reprocessed either where it is to be possible, be so planned and executed as to prevent the
placed, or it may be hauled to a crusher for processing, damming-up of water in the borrow pits or cuttings, and
whichever may have been specified or instructed by the the contractor shall also provide the necessary temporary
engineer. drainage for this purpose. During the rainy season,
material spread over the road shall be spread with a proper
cross slope, and, if not directly compacted, it shall be
3205 CRUSHING AND SCREENING rolled several times with a flat-wheeled roller in order to let
the water run off and not penetrate the material unduly.
Care shall also be taken not to allow the water to dam up
Where the material Intended for use in the pavement layers against material heaps, windrows, or any spread material.
can not be suitably broken down by the methods set out
in subclause 3204(b), the engineer may direct that the
material be crushed, screened, or crushed and screened, Where material, despite proper precautionary measures, on
or be modified b y screening out certain fractions. account of its in situ moisture content, is nevertheless too
wet to comply with the requirements in regard to moisture
A single-stage crushing plant implies the utilization of a content during compaction, the contractor shall dry out the
primary crushing unit in which only one size reduction material until it is adequately dry for compaction, but, in
stage occurs, irrespective of the magnitude of the the first instance, he shall, in so far as is practicable, so
reduction ratio possible by nature of its construction. The plan his construction programme that material with a high
single stage crushing plant, shall be capable of breaking natural moisture content will be used in the dry season and
down oversize material to the maximum size specified for not in the wet season.
the layer concerned.
No prescriptions apply in regard to drying out the material,
A second crushing stage, while not always necessary to and the contractor himself shall decide on the best
achieve the required reduction ratio, is required by utilizing methods. No additional payment will be made for keeping
a secondary crushing plant in addition to the primary dry and drying out the material, but the cost of such work
crushing unit, to control the grading of the product to fall shall be included in his tender rates for the various items
within the broader specified envelope for G4, G5 and lower of work for which the material is to be used, unless
quality selected materials, as well as yielding specified provision for additional compensation of this nature has
shape characteristics as appropriate. This shall be termed been made in the project specifications.
a two-stage crushing plant.
However, where the contractor has taken all reasonable
A third crushing stage and where appropriate a fourth precautions to keep the material dry and to dry it out
crushing stage utilizing in addition to the earlier stage where necessary and it is nevertheless impracticable to dry
crushing plant, tertiary and quaternary crushing plants, as out the material as required, the engineer shall -
appropriate, to control the grading and shape of the higher
quality materials G I , G2 and G3, as well as grades 1 to 3 (a) permit the material to be compacted at a higher
surfacing aggregate and concrete aggregates, shall be moisture content, subject to the required dry density being
termed a multi-stage crushing plant. achieved; or

For the single-stage and two-stage crushing plant, selective (b) declare the material to be unsuitable and instruct
screening may be ordered by the engineer. that it be not used, and, if already on the road, be removed
at the appropriate compensation and replaced with suitable
Screening only of material involves screening the material material; or
into various fractions through a series of screens, the
smallest of which need not be smaller than 6,7 mm. (c) further instruct the contractor as he may deem
necessary under circumstances and compensate him for
For the multi-stage plant, all screening and/or any other any additional expenses brought about theieby, but only to
required activity and concomitant equipment required to the degree to which the additional costs have not arisen
produce the specified end product, shall be considered to through the failure of the contractor to comply with the
be included. provisions of this clause.
3207 LAYER THICKNESSES AND SPREADING THE (iii) Where the thickness of any existing pavement layer
MATERIALS requires to be supplemented and the thickness of the
added material after compaction will be less than 100 mm,
the existing layer shall be scarified to a depth that will give
(a) Fills a layer thickness of at least 100 m m after compacting
together the loosened existing and added material. In the
The layer thickness of fills will generally be determined by case of gravel or crushed-stone bases and subbases. the
the maximum size to which the material can be b~oken engineer may direct the existing layer to be broken down
down in the borrow pits and cuttings. and thereafter when to its full depth.
it is processed on the road itself. The layer thickness will
therefore normally be based on the pre-estimation of what The composite layer shall be watered. mixed and
the maximum size will be to which the material can be compacted as determined in clause 3208.
broken down, and shall be such that the maximum size of
the fragments will be more or less equal to the layer Payment for adding the material will be made as
thickness after compaction. The maximum layer thickness determined for the respective pavement layers.
(after compaction) required from the contractor shall be
200 mm, but layer thicknesses as little as 100 m m will be
In order to prevent the layer thicknesses from being AFTER COMPACTION
determined by the presence of isolated large fragments.
the engineer may require such isolated fragments to be
removed from the road, as determined in clause 3210. The When the layer thickness after compaction is 200 m m or
engineer may also agree to the material being compacted less. any oversize material which cannot be broken down
in layers in excess of 200 m m or the maximum fragment to the required size shall first be removed from the road
size, provided that he is satisfied that the material will be and then disposed of or used as may be prescribed by the
properly compacted. Layer thicknesses shall be agreed on engineer. Tt~ematerial shall then be sprayed with water,
in advance between the engineer and the contractor. niixed. and compacted as described hereafter.

Where a new layer is constructed on an existing or already

constructed fill and the new layer will be less than 100 m m (a) Spraying and mixing
in compacted thickness, the existing fill shall be scarified
to such a depth as will give a layer thickness after (i) General requirements
compaction of not less than 100 m m of the new plus the
scarified material together. No additional payment will be Before the material is compacted. it shall first be
made for this. thoroughly mixed by grader or other suitable plant so as to
obtain an even mix of the various types of materials and to
Where coarse material is to be processed in layer spread the fine and coarse material evenly throughout the
thicknesses which make mixing by road grader mixture. If necessary during the mixing process, water
impracticable, the material shall be so excavated. shall also be sprayed evenly over and mixed into the
transported and dumped that it will be properly mixed after material to bring it to the correct uniform moisture content.
dumping and exhibit a minimum segregation of fine and
coarse material. Such material shall be placed to the The moisture content to which the material shall be
correct thickness by end tipping, and the surface levelled brought shall be just sufficient to bring the material to the
by bulldozer, after which some fine material shall be optimum moisture content for the compacting equipment
spread on top of the layer and worked into the depressions being used and the compaction required. provided that,
on the surface. should the moisture content of the material be in excess of
2% above the optimum moisture content for modified
AASHTO density. it shall be compacted only when so
@) Pavement layers approved by the engineer. If not, it shall first be dried out
to the required moisture content even where it had been
(i) All material placed in position before compaction too wet initially.
shall be spread evenly over the entire surface of the layer
concerned, and the quantity of material spread shall be (ii) Additional requirements in respect of work in
such that every layer will comply with the specified restricted areas
requirements for thickness when measured after
compaction. The engineer may. in restricted areas. permit the contractor
to spread. water and mix the gravel or crushed stone in a
The layer thickness shall comply with the requirements as windrow next to the pavement excavation. Care shall be
indicated on the drawings and in the project specifications. taken not to damage existing surfacing and not to pollute
the mixed material with other deleterious material. Where
(ii) Spreading material in restricted areas may be done this method of mixing is impracticable or impossible. the
in any manner approved by the engineer, on condition that contractor shall make use of concrete mixers or any other
the required level and grading standards can be attained. equipment or method acceptable to the engineer.
Where the compaction apparatus used is of such a nature
that the material in thicker layers can not be properly Irrespective of the layer concerned, the mixing shall be of
compacted, the engineer may instruct that material be such quality that a uniform mix will be obtained at all times
placed and compacted in layers of as thin as 75 mm. to the satisfaction of the engineer.
@) Compaction density being achieved over the full depth of the layer. In
this case efficient vibratory rollers shall be used for
(i) General requirements compacting the sand.

Compaction shall be carried out in a series of continuous

operations covering the full width of the layer concerned, @) Hardmaterialfills
and the length of any section of a layer being compacted
shall, wherever possible, be not less than 150 m nor more Should the material used for fills be of such a nature that.
than can be properly compacted with the available during the breaking-down effort as described in subclause
equipment. 3204(b), it does not readily break down to a maximum size
of 200 m m or less, the material shall be spread as
The engineer reserves the right to order the contractor to described in subclause 3207(a) and processed as follows:
reduce the length of any layer compacted in any single
operation if the proper compaction of such layer is not The material shall be sprayed and mixed as described in
being achieved. subclause 3208(a), but, should this be impracticable on
account of the thickness of the layer, these processes may
The types of compaction equipment to be used and the be omitted on condition that the material be thoroughly
amount of rolling to be done shall be such as to ensure mixed and placed as described in subclause 3207(a) (last
that specified densities are obtained without damage being paragraph).
done to lower layers or structures. During compaction the
layer shall be maintained to the required shape and cross- The material shall subsequently be compacted in
section, and all holes, ruts and laminations shall be accordance with one of the methods described in section
removed. 3300, depending on the method directed by the engineer.

(ii) Additional requirements in respect of work in

restricted areas (c) Rock fill

Suitable equipment and methods acceptable to the Rock-fill processing and compaction shall apply to material
engineer shall be used in restricted areas so that the consisting predominantly of stone and boulders, with some
required densities will be obtained throughout the fine material in between, which, on account of the
thickness of the layer. If necessary, the layers shall be mechanical interlock of the rock, cannot be effectively
placed in thicknesses which are less than the specified compacted by construction methods normally used for
layer thickness, as determined in subsubclause 3207(b)(ii). soils and gravel.

Work that has to be done in restricted areas as a result of When the layer thickness after compaction is 500 m m or
the actions of the contractor, will not be regarded as work less as instructed by the engineer, the processing and
in restricted areas for payment purposes. compaction of such material shall not be classified as rock-
fill processing and compaction, and the engineer may
prescribe that the material be compacted as described in
(c) In place reworking of pavement layers subclause (b) above.

Where so specified in the project specifications and/or The maximum size of rock which may be used in rock fill
instructed by the engineer and the material in any existing is 750 mm, and the layer thickness before compaction
layer complies with the requirements for the new layer, the shall not be in excess of one and a half times the average
contractor shall scarify the layer to the specified depth, add actual size of the rock. The engineer may prescribe that
extra material if necessary, and reprocess the layer in 5% of the oversize material shall be bladed off the road
place. Reprocessing includes watering by spraying, after the material has been dumped onto the road, and it
mixing, and compacting the layer to the density specified shall be disposed of as described in clause 3210, so that
for the layer concerned. Payment will be made as the layer thickness will not be determined by the presence
determined for the respective pavement layers. of isolated large rock fragments.

The compacted layer shall not contain any rock fragments

3209 PLACING AND COMPACTING THE MATERWS IN the largest dimension of which exceeds the thickness of
LAYER THICKNESSES IN MCESS OF 200 mm the compacted layer.
AFTER COMPACTION (only applicable in the case
of fills) The material to be compacted shall be off-loaded by the
end-tipping method. The material shall then be spread by
bulldozer or other suitable plant and shall be so bulldozed
(a) Softmaterial fills and levelled as to properly mix the fine material with the
rock. The rock fill shall contain sufficient fine material to fill
Materials which readily break down to a maximum size of the voids. The routes to be followed by hauling, spreading
200 m m shall be compacted in layers not in excess of and compaction equipment shall be uniformly distributed
200 mm after compaction, and spraying, mixing and over the entire width of the layer to be compacted. The
compacting the material shall be executed as described in material shall be broken down and compacted during the
clause 3208 for pavement layers. spreading and compacting process by grid or other
suitable rollers and finally compacted with vibratory rollers
In the case of cohesionless sand, the layer thicknesses in accordance with the following formula to achieve a good
may however be increased to as much as 400 mm, and mechanical interlock of the rock and the maximum
spraying and mixing the material may be omitted or compaction of the finer material in the spaces between the
limited in so far as is practicable, all subject to the required rock.
The type of vibratory roller used. the operating speed. the the adjacent existirig layer, for example in the case of a
number of passes and the layer thickriesses are stabilized or bitumen-treated layer next to an untreated
determined by means of the following formula: layer. it may be specified. or the engineer may instruct that
pavement subsoil drainage be installed in accordance with

- 1 500 (minimum)
the details indicated on the drawings or determined by

The installation of subsoil drainage will be measured and

where paid for under the pay items of section 2100.

Pe = total static and dynamic force per metre

width generated by the vibratory roller at the 3212 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
operating frequency given by the
manufacturer (kN/m)
n = number of passes required Where provided in the various sections of these specifica-
h = thickness of the compacted layer in metres tions that a payment item shall include compensation for
v = roller speed in metres per second. placing or for placing and compacting the materials, the
terms placing or placing and compacting shall include
Operating frequencies shall be between 18 Hz and 30 tiz compensation for all work described and costs given In this
and Pe shall be at least 120 kN/m. section, excepting work covered by the payment items
below. for which separate payment will be made, as

All oversize materials removed from the road in terms of
subclause 3204(a) and all excess fill removed from the 33.01 Providing a crushing
road in terms of subclause 3207(a) shall be disposed of at andlor screening plant:
the contractor's cost or. with the approval of the engineer.
may be used for other suitable purposes. (a) Single-stage crusher . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

Oversize pavement material left over after application of (b) Two-stage crusher ............. number (No)
the provisions of subclause 3204(b) and removed from the
road in terms of clause 3208, shall be loaded and disposed (c) Screening plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
of as determined by the engineer and will be paid for
subject to the provisions of payment item 32.04. Where. (d) Multiple-stage crusher and
however, such material is used direct for any construction screening plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
work, the contractor will be entitled only to compensation
at the rate in respect of the construction item in question. The unit of measurement shall be the number of complete
plants supplied as ordered by the engineer.
Notwithstanding the methodsof payment described above.
the tender rates for constructing all pavement layers shall The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
include full compensation for the removal of up to 5% by providing the plant. transporting it to the site. erecting.
volumeof oversize material without any additional payment commissioning and finally dismantling it, and loading and
being made to the contractor. The limit of 5% will apply to transporting it away from the site or to the point where it is
individual layers and not to all the layers together. to be re-erected. regardless of the number of types of
material treated.
The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions not to
place on the road any material which cannot be broken
down on the road itself to the required size by processing ttem Unit
This shall be avoided by proper selection during excavation
in the cuttings or borrow pits. If such material is 32.02 &erecting the crushing and/or
encountered in cuttings. it shall be spoiled directly or used screening plant:
as prescribed by the engineer.
(a) Single-stage crusher . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

3211 DWNAGE AND PROTECTION (b) Two-stage crusher . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

(c) Screening plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

The compacted layers shall be adequately drained and
shaped to prevent water from standing on or along or (d) Multiple-stage crusher and
scouring the completed work. Windrows shall be removed screening plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
to facilitate the drainage of water from the surface.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of times
No material for a subsequent layer may be placed if the each plant is dismantled. transported and re-erected as
underlying layer has been softened by excessive moisture. ordered by the engineer. regardless of the number of types
of material treated.
In cases where pavement layers are replaced over a
section of the road width, or where pavement layers are The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
widened and the new layer is more or less permeable than dismantling the plant. loading, transporting. off-loading and
re-erecting it at new positions as ordered b y the engineer. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
and recommissioning it. excavation of material in all classes of excavation, loading
and transporting it to the road, placing. and any breaking-
down treatment given or attempted. blading all oversize
pavement material off the road, loading. transporting it to
32.03 Crushing and screening: the point of disposal or subsequent re-use. including a
free-haul of 1.0 km, and off-loading and spreading of the
(a) Single-stage crushing . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') material.

(b) Two-stage crushing . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ni')

(c) Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre h i ' ) Item M i

(d) Multiple-stage crushing and 37.05 Addiional normal grid

screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ni') rolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)

The unit of measurement shall he a cubic metre of material

crushed or screened or crushed and screened and finally The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
used in construction, measured in place after compaction. compacted material upon which an additional "normal grid-
No allowance will be made for waste. except in the case of rolling operation" as described in subclause 3204(b) is
subitems (c) and (d), where the quantity measured as performed in accordance with the instructions of the
above for payment shall be increased b y including 70% of engineer.
the loose volume, measured in stockpile. of the material
screened out and discarded.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
The tendered rates shall include full co~npensation for performing one additional normal grid-rolling operation in
crushing in the case of subitems (a) and (b), or screening addition to the initial normal grid-rolling operation. the cost
in the case of subitem (c), or crushing and screening the of which has been included in the tender rates for
material in the case of subitem (d). including all labour. pavement layers.
plant, fuel, handling, processing. stockpiling if necessary.
loading for transportation to the point of final use, and for
disposing of any material screened out and discarded.

Item Unit
32.06 -piling of material . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
32.04 Rernwal of wersize pavement
material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of oversize material temporarily stockpiled on the instruction of the
pavement material from cut and borrow. which cannot be engineer.
broken down as specified. and is removed. The volume
shall be determined as prescribed by the engineer and
shall be the loose volume in stockpiles or its equivalent The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
measured in hauling vehicles. Only that volume of cleaning and preparing the stockpiling sites and also for
oversize pavement material in excess of 5% of the levelling and reinstating of the site after completion of the
compacted volume of pavement layers will be measured work. for off-loading and spreading the material if
for payment. all as specified in cla1.1se3210. necessary. and for loading when required for use.
SERIES 3000 : EAATHWORKS AND PAVEMENT to the rock fill and placed as specified in subclause 3307(j).
LAYERS OF GRAVEL OR CRUSHED The addition of approved fines will be paid for separately.
(ii) Where it is possible by virtue of the quality of the
SECTION 3300 : MASS EARTHWORKS available material. the minimum CBR at the specified
compaction shall be as follows:

CONTMS Depth below final

road surface Minimum CBR
MATERIALS Less than 1.2 m 3% at 90% of
FILLS Should the depth below the final road surface exceed 9 m,
FINISHING THE SLOPES or should the material be not in accordance with the said
PROTECTIONOF ROAD PRISMAND STRUCTURES requirements. the material shall conform to the
CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES requirements as set out in the project specifications or as
QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP prescribed by the engineer.
If provision is made for it in the project specifications, the
engineer may allow the use of material not meeting these
3301 SCOPE requirements. ie clay or clayey material with a CBR less
than 3% at 100% modified AASHTO density, subject to the
requirements specified in the project specifications.
This section covers all work in connection with the
construction of cuts and fills. the removal to spoil of (iii) Compaction requirements. minimum in situ dry
material unsuitable for use. the construction and density
compaction of fills with cut material from the road prisrn or
borrow material from approved borrow pits. the When the material is compacted to a percentage of
compaction of the roadbed and finishing off cuts and fills. modified AASHTO density. 90% or 93% (as required).
up to the stage where fills are ready for placing the
pavement layers. Sand which for the purposes of this requirement is
specified as non-plastic sand with not less than 95%
This section also covers the widening of existing cuttings. passing through the 4.75 m m sieve, but with not more than
fills and roadbeds. 20% passing through the 0.075 mm sieve, shall be
compacted to lOOSb of modified AASHTO density. Should
more than 20% pass through the 0.075 m m sieve. the sand
shall be compacted to 95% of modified AASHTO density.

Where existing fills are to be widened. or where new fills

(a) Roadbed and cut are to be constructed adjacent to existing fills. the material
so placed shall be compacted to at least 93% of modified
Roadbed and cut materials which occur along the route of AASHTO density in order to minimise differential
the roadway have been tested and the results of the tests settlement. For sand. the compaction shall be at least 95%
are shown on the drawings. The test results. read in or 100% of modified AASHTO density. as specified.
conjunction with these specifications, give a preliminary
indication as to the purpose for which the cut material may (iv) A maximum swell as specified In the project
be used as well as the treatment. if any. which the roadbed specifications shall apply.
shall receive. The engineer shall give final instructions
during construction regarding the use of cut material and
the treatment of the roadbed. 3303 CLASSIFICATION OF CUT AND BORROW

@) Fill
(a) Classes of excavation
Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications. fill
material shall conform to the requirements specified below: The excavation of material from cut or borrow for fills
(including excavations in existing roads where specified or
(i) The material shall not contain any rock fragments agreed) shall be classified as follows for purposes of
with a maximum dimension exceeding 500 mm, except in measurement and payment:
the case of rock fills. when it may be 750 rnrn.

In the case of rock fills the material shall contain sufficient (i) Soft excavation
finer fractions to fill the voids in order to obtain the
maximum density. The engineer has the right to verify the Soft excavation shall be excavation in material which can
result by means of random trenching. If the rock fill be efficiently removed or loaded by any of the following
material is deficient in fines. approved fines shall be added plant without prior ripping:
A bulldozer with a mass of at least 22 tons, (whlch Includes shall be in a good mechanical order. The expressions
the mass of a ripper If fitted) and an engine developing "efficlently ripped", "efficiently removed" or "efficlently
approximately 145 kW at the flywheel. loaded" as used in this subclause shall in this context
mean ripped, removed or loaded (as the case may be) in
a manner which can reasonably be expected from the
equipment in questlon, with regard to the production
A tractor-scraper unit wlth a mass of at least 28 tons and achieved.
an englne developing approximately 245 kW at the
flywheel, pushed during loading b y a bulldozer as specified
In subsubclause 3303(a)(li). @) Method of dassifying
The contractor shall be at liberty to use any method he
wishes to use for excavating any class of material, but the
A track-type front-end loader wlth a mass of at least method of excavating the materlal shall not dictate the
22 tons and an engine developing approximately 140 kW classification of the excavation.
at the flywheel.
The engineer shall decide under which one of the above
(il) Intermediate excavatlon classes any excavation shall be classified for purposes of
payment. In the first instance the classlflcation shall be
lntermediate excavation shall be excavation (excluding soft based on an inspection of the material to be excavated,
excavatlon) in material which can be efficiently ripped b y which classlflcation shall be agreed on before excavatlon
a bulldozer with a mass of at least 35 tons when fitted with may be started. In the event of a disagreement between
a single tine rlpper and an engine developing the contractor and the engineer, the contractor shall, if
approximately 220 kW at the flywheel. required, make available such mechanical plant as
specified In subclauses 3303(a)(i) and (ii) at his own cost,
(iil) Hard excavation in order to determine whether or not the material can
reasonably be removed. The declslon of the englneer as
Hard excavatlon shall be excavatlon (excluding boulder to the classification shall thereafter be final and bindlng,
excavation) in materlal which cannot be efficiently ripped subject to the provisions of clause 2 of the general
by a bulldozer with properties equivalent to those conditions of contract.
described in subclause 3303(a)(ii).
The contractor shall immediately inform the engineer if and
This type of excavation generally includes excavation in when the nature of the material being excavated changes
material such as formations of unweathered rock, which to the extent that a new classlficatlon for further excavation
can be removed only after blasting. is warranted. Failure on the part of the contractor to advise
the engineer thereof in good time shall entitle the engineer
(iv) Boulder excavation class A to classify, at his discretion, such excavation as may have
been executed in material of a different nature.
Boulder excavation class A shall be excavation in material
containing In excess of 40% by volume of boulders
between 0,03 m' and 20 m3 in size, in a matrix of softer (c) Classes of excavation for exanrations in existing
material or smaller boulders. roads

Excavation In dolomite formations other than solid The system for classifying excavations in existing roads
dolomite shall also be classed as class A excavation if the depends on the clrcumstances in each case, and therefore
formations contains in excess of 40% by volume of lumps on the construction methods which may be applied.
of hard dolomite between 0,03 m3 and 20 m3 in size, in a Unless otherwise specified, and prior to any excavations
matrix of softer material or smaller lumps of hard dolomite. being made in existing roads, the contractor and the
Excavation of solid boulders or lumps of hard dolomite engineer shall agree as to which classification system will
each in excess of 20 m3 in size shall be classed as hard be used and also as to the classification of the materials
excavation. themselves. The two systems of classification are, firstly In
accordance with clause 3803, and secondly in accordance
Excavation of fissured or fractured rock shall not be with subclauses 3303(a) and (b) and the considerations for
classed as boulder excavation but as hard or intermediate determining the classification system are as follows:
excavation according to the nature of the material.
(i) Classification In accordance with clause 3803
(v) Boulder excavation class B
This method of classification shall apply where the
Where material contains 40% or less by volume of boulders excavation is subject to the provisions of clauses 3804 and
or lumps of hard dolomite ranging from 0,03 m3 to 20 m3 3805, that is, where the excavation requires strict control so
In size, in a matrix of soft material or smaller boulders or that underlying layers will not be damaged, or so that only
lumps of hard dolomite, then those boulders or lumps of material from a specified layer will be removed without
hard dolomite between 0,03 m3 and 20 m3 in size shall be being contaminated with material from other layers, and
classed as class B boulder excavation. also where only part of a layer requires to be removed.

The excavation of the rest of the material shall be classed (ii) Classification in accordance with subclauses
as soft or intermediate excavation according to the nature 3303(a) and (b)
of the material.
This method of classification shall apply where excavations
All the equipment specified in subclauses (i) and (ii) above are not subject to the restrictions of section 3800, but only
to those of section 3300. Where excavations can therefore (i) Vibratory roller
be made In the normal manner as in new construction,
even In a restricted area, the classification of subclause The vlbratory roller shall be capable of exerting a
3303(a) shall apply. For excavations In borrow plts, comblned static and dynamic force of not less than
subclause 3303(a) shall always apply. 120 kN1metre-widthfor every metre of loose-layer thickness
at an operating frequency not exceeding 25 Hz and shall
Where extra over items of payment are provided for move at a speed not exceeding 4 k m h .
excavations in various classes of materlal, only those extra
over items relating to the appropriate classification system (ii) Oscillatory roller
as determined above shall apply.
The oscillatory roller shall be capable of exerting a
combined static and dynamic force of not less than
33W CLASSIFICATION OF COMPACTION 120 kN/metre-width for every metre of loose-layer thickness
at an operating frequency not exceedlng 50 Hz and shall
move at a speed not exceedlng 4 k m h .
The method of processing and the compaction of fill
material shall be classified as described below for (Ill) Grid roller
purposes of measurement and payment. The engineer wlll
decide in advance as to which classlficatlon of compactlon The grid roller shall have a mass of not less than 13,5 tons
shall be employed and the classification of materlal for when ballasted, shall be loaded to thls mass, and shall
purposes of excavation shall not In any way be taken into move at a speed of not less than 12 kmlh.
consideration In respect of the classification of the
compaction of material. (iv) Tamping roller

The tamplng roller shall conslst of a cylindrical drum fitted

(a) Compactionto a minimum percentage of modilied with specially deslgned tamping feet, and shall have a total
AASHTO density mass of not less than 13,5 tons, and shall be towed at a
speed of not less than 12 k m h . The feet shall be
Wherever a denslty requlrement in respect of a fill or rectangular in shape and shall have two or three
pavement layer is specified In these specifications, on the consecutive rolling faces, and shall be designed so as not
drawlngs or In the project specifications or is prescribed by to loosen any materlal during the process of rolling.
the engineer In terms of a percentage of modified AASHTO
denslty, the contractor shall be at liberty to employ any
type of compactlon equipment he may choose so as to
achieve such denslty over the full specified depth of the
layer, provided always that he complies in all respects with When so directed by the engineer, the rock fill shall be
the general requirements of these specifications and that constructed as determined In subclause 3209(c).
the equipment employed is adequate and suitable for the
purpose and wlll not in any way be detrimental to any part
of the already completed works. 3305 TREATING THE ROADBED

@) EigM roller passes compaction (a) Removing unsuitable material

Where the degree of compaction cannot be satisfactorily Any roadbed material which is considered by the engineer
controlled by way of testing the in situ density on account to be of a quality that would be detrimental to the
of the nature of the material, the engineer may instruct that performance of the completed road shall be removed to
the material be placed and compacted by eight passes (for such widths and depths as may be instructed by the
every 200 m m of compacted layer thickness) by a engineer and shall be disposed of as prescribed. The
combination of various items of compaction equipment. excavated spaces shall then be backfilled with approved
The engineer may also instruct that the required number of imported material compacted to the required denslty.
passes be increased or decreased and that the payment be
adapted accordingly. The engineer may also order that material which is too wet
to provide a stable platform for the construction of the fill
The contractor shall use a combination of all or any of the be removed and replaced with suitable dry material, and
following items of plant: grid rollers, sheep's-foot rollers, the contractor shall be paid for this work, provided that the
tamping rollers, flatwheel rollers, vibratory rollers, engineer is satisfied that, despite adequate temporary
oscillatory rollers, or any other item of plant deemed by the drainage installed b y the contractor and permanent
engineer to be suitable. The contractor shall base his drainage that the contractor may have installed on the
tendered rates on the inclusion of four passes b y a engineer's instructions, the wet condition is unlikely to be
vibratory roller or an oscillatory roller, two passes by a grid remedied within a reasonable time and could not have
roller, and two passes by a tamping roller in every eight been reasonably foreseen and avoided by proper advance
passes by the combination of rollers. planning for construction being done during a dry period.

Equipment The removal of unsuitable material shall be paid for under

item 33.07. For payment a distinction shall first be made
The plant shall be of any size and type as may be deemed, in respect of the depth of the material removed and
to be suitable by the engineer, except that the following secondly in respect of the stability of the material and the
items of plant shall comply with the requirements stated construction plant to be used. For removing any stable
below: material, payment will be made under this item should
the instruction to remove be given after completion of the directed by the engineer. If necessary, roadbed material
excavations in accordance with the original instructions or may have to be temporarily bladed off to windrow in order
should the thickness of the layer to be removed be less to achieve the necessary depth of compaction.
than 200 mm. If not. payment will be made therefor under
item 33.04 as for ordinary excavated material which is Where any additional material has to be imported to obtain
taken to spoil. the required level and layer thickness. and where the
thickness of the layer of imported material would be less
For the purposes of this clause and of payment item 33.07. than the specified layer thickness after compaction, then
stable material shall be defined as material which can be the roadbed material shall be scarified. the necessary
removed effectively by means of normal road-construction imported material placed, and this combined material
equipment such as bulldozers. road graders. scrapers. mixed and compacted to the full specified depth of the
mechanical shovels, back hoes or excavators, whereas layer. The imported material shall be measured and paid
unstable material shall be material which can be removed for under "Cut and borrow to fill" and the roadbed material
effectively only by means of dragline scrapers or similar shall be measured and paid for under "Roadbed
equipment. preparation and compaction of material".

@) Three roller passes compaction (d) In silu treatment of roadbed

Any portion of the roadbed which, by reason of its Wherever shown on the drawings or as may be directed by
inadequate in situ density is shown on the drawings or is the engineer, the roadbed shall be treated in situ by
specified or is prescribed by the engineer to be given three undesirable formations of hard or rocky materials being
roller passes compaction, shall be prepared by shaping if broken up in order to achieve a uniform standard of
necessary and then compacting with a pneumatic-tyred compaction or to improve drainage.
roller with a load of at least 2.0 t per wheel. or a vibratory
roller which complies with the requirements specified in Treatment in situ shall consist of ripping or blasting the
subclause 3304(b), or with an impact roller. roadbed to depths which. on normally cambered sections,
shall increase from the centre of the roadbed to the edges.
The impact roller shall be a single multi-faced roller with a Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or directed by
maximum of five flat or nearly flat faces and a roller mass the engineer. the depth of ripping in the centre of the
of between 8 and 10 tons. The roller and towing roadbed shall be not less than 300 m m and at the edges
mechanism, which shall be of the free-fall type, shall be so of the roadbed not less than 500 mm. Similarly the depth
designed that all the energy applied in lifting the roller. of drilling and blasting shall be not less than 700 mrn at
when the roller is supported on the ridge between adjacent the centre of the roadbed. and shall slope outwards to not
faces, will be available for application on impact when the less than 1 000 m m at the edges of the roadbed. On
roller drops down again. The roller shall be towed at a superelevated sections the treatment shall, if so directed by
speed between 8 km and 12 kmlh. the engineer or shown on the drawings. have a uniform
crossfall and a minimum depth of 400 m m in the case of
Except where otherwise authorized by the engineer. ripping and 850 rnm in the case of blasting.
compaction shall comprise not less than three complete
coverages by the wheels of the roller. specified or ordered. After ripping or blasting the material shall be processed as
over every portion of the area being compacted. Although follows:
it is not the intention that water be applied to the roadbed
by the contractor under this class of compaction and no Where the engineer instructs the contractor to rip the in situ
rigid control of the moisture content will be exercised material. all the material shall be sized by rolling or
during compaction, the contractor shall nevertheless satisfy knapping until the maximum dimensions of any clod or
the engineer that every possible endeavour is being made spall do not exceed two-thirds of the thickness of the layer
to take advantage of favourable soil-moisture conditions after compaction.
and to carry out such compaction in so far as is possible
during periods when the roadbed is neither excessively dry The material shall then be compacted as described in
nor excessively wet. section 3200 and in subclause 3304(b) by means of eight
passes by an approved combination of various rollers.
The engineer shall be fully authorized to decide as to when
conditions are favourable for compaction and where such Where instructed by the engineer, the contractor shall blast
compaction shall be done at any particular time and he is the in situ material, and all the material shall be processed
authorized to instruct the contractor to water the roadbed and compacted as described in subclause 3209(c).
at the contractor's expense where, in the opinion of the
engineer, the contractor has failed to comply with these In both cases surplus material resulting from bulking after
requirements. Where required. three roller passes treatment in situ shall be removed and disposed of or
compaction shall be followed up by the process described utilized elsewhere as directed by the engineer.
in (c) be!ow.

(e) Draining of roadbed

(c) Reparing and compacting the roadbed
Any drainable waterlogged roadbed. such as saturated
Any part of the roadbed which is classified as being material overlying less pervious strata, shall first be drained
suitable for use in situ, save that it fails to meet density by the installation of all permanent surface or subsoil
requirements, shall be scarified, watered and compacted drainage shown on the drawings or as directed by the
to a percentage of modified MSHTO density. The type of engineer. before any other construction may be started on
compaction and the depth of compaction shall be as these sections.
Such drains shall be constructed, measured and paid for The engineer shall have full control of the use of all
in accordance with the requirements of section 2100 of material obtained from cut excavations, but the contractor
these specifications. shall plan his operations and particularly his cut-to-fill
operations in such a manner that all cut material may be
used to the best advantage of the employer. This would
(1) Wdening the roadbed mean that no material shall be unnecessarily spoiled,
borrowed or hauled. The contractor shall neither borrow
Where the road is to be widened, and where so instructed nor spoil any material without the engineer's approval and
by the engineer, the roadbed shall be treated in without satisfying the engineer that this is necessary and
accordance with the provisions of clause 3305. Where the most economical method of constructing the works.
uncompacted roadbed material occurs below the outer part
of the fills, the fill material shall be cut back or cut away to
expose the full width of the roadbed widening to be
No material other than that originating from cuttings, the
excavations for culverts, foundations, drains and the
3306 CUT AND BORROW shaping of the roadbed may be excavated from within the
road reserve unless so authorized by the engineer.

(a) Dimensions of cuts Where sufficient quantities of suitable cut material are not
available, additional material shall be excavated from
The dimensions of cuts shall be generally in accordance borrow areas shown on the drawings or as directed by the
with the details of the typical cross-sections, and of the engineer. In lieu of borrow, cuttings may be widened or
interchange and intersection as shown on the drawings their slopes flattened, provided that the engineer
and shall further be defined or amended during the course determines the need for such action before the contractor
of construction by instructions from the engineer. The starts work on any particular cutting. If the engineer
contractor shall first obtain instructions from the engineer requires existing cuttings or completed or partly completed
regarding the slope of the sides of cuttings and the depth cuttings to be widened, such widening shall be measured
to which cuttings are to be taken, including the dimensions and paid for separately as provided in subclause (a) of this
of any in situ treatment of cuts that may be required. clause.

All cuts carried below the specified levels shall be Additional material required for the construction of the work
backfilled with suitable material and compacted to the shall, wherever possible, be obtained by the shortest haul
satisfaction of the engineer at the contractor's own distance from approved borrow areas being used.
expense. In the case of cuttings made in hard or boulder
material, where a certain amount of overbreak would be The engineer shall have the right to decide which sources
inevitable, the contractor is, however, afforded the of supply of approved material shall be used by the
opportunity of pricing an item to cover his costs in respect contractor at any particular time.
of unavoidable overbreak on the floor and backfilling in
such sections. Where satisfactory material is obtainable at shorter haul
distances and the contractor elects to use material which
The engineer may, when he considers it necessary, instruct will require longer hauls, the contractor will be paid at the
the contractor to widen existing, completed or partly rate for the shorter haul.
completed cuttings either uniformly or by altering the slope
of the sides of the cutting, or by cutting benches, or in any
other way. Those parts of cut slopes exceeding 2,5 m in (d) Selection
depth and widened by less than 4 m measured horizontally
shall be measured and paid for as specified in clause 3312, The engineer may order that particular materials in borrow
item 33.08. Those parts of widened cut slopes which are pits or in cuts be selected for a specific purpose. Where
less than 2,5 m in depth, and parts widened by more than selection is ordered, the method of excavation and the
4 m measured horizontally, shall be measured and paid for programme of work shall be so arranged as to avoid, in so
as cut to fill or cut to spoil as the case may be. far as is possible, double handling and to meet the
requirements of the engineer.

@) The use of cut material In general the excavated materials shall be placed direct in
their final positions in the fill.
All suitable and approved materials excavated from the
road prism shall, in so far as is practicable, be used for the When ordered by the engineer, the better class fill material
construction of fills, pavement layers and mitre banks and shall be selected for use in the top layer of the fills and in
for such other purposes as shown on the drawings or as the lower layers of high fills.
directed by the engineer.

Coarse rock encountered in cuttings shall be utilized for (e) The temporary Hockpiling of materials
the construction of the lower layers of fills high enough to
accommodate thick layers, or, where so required, shall be Where the earthworks pattern is such that selected
consewed and used as directed for constructing the sides materials cannot be placed direct in their appropriate
of embankments or for sewing as protection against positions, the engineer may authorize their removal to
embankment or channel erosion. temporary stockpiles as described in clause 3203.
The dispwal of surplus material Where a local surplus of cut material occurs or of material
which, for the above reasons, is unsuitable or oversize,
Any surplus material resulting from excavations, including payment will nevertheless be made for the removed
any waste or oversize material bladed off the road, shall be material as for the disposing of cut material to the extent
disposed of as directed b y the engineer. However, no in which such material or an equal volume of other material
material shall be disposed of without the written would in any case have to be spoiled.
instructions of the engineer. Spoil material shall not
require compaction but shall, if required, be spread, All material used for the construction of fills shall, during
shaped and given a smooth surface as may normally be excavating, placing and compacting, be broken down,
obtained by careful bulldozer operations. placed and compacted as described in section 3200. The
density of fill shall comply with the requirements of
subsubclause 3302(b)(iii) unless otherwise authorized b y
@) General the engineer, as in the case of the bottom layer of a fill on
marshy ground or in rock fill.
The contractor shall take proper care when excavating cuts
not to loosen, where it can be avoided, any material The layer thickness used for the construction of the fills will
outside the specified cut line, whether by ripping, blasting depend on the type of material used. The engineer shall
or b y other means, which would endanger the stability of first determine the layer thicknesses with reference to the
the slopes or which would subsequently cause undue provisions of clauses 3207, 3208 and 3209, and shall also
erosion or disintegration of the batters. This would determine the type of compaction to be employed.
normally entail modifying the methods of excavating when
work is done in the vicinity of the final cut surface. Wherever practicable, fill shall be placed in successive
layers parallel to the final road surface, and the
Care shall also be taken not to undercut any slopes, and construction of wedge-shaped layers shall be restricted to
proper control shall at all times be exercised b y regular the bottom layers of fill where this may be unavoidable on
survey checking and by using batter poles at close account of crossfall, the tapering out of fills, or the
intervals. Where the batters are nevertheless undercut, superelevation of the final road surface.
backfilling and compacting with imported material will not
normally be considered to be a suitable remedy, and the
engineer may order such remedial measures as he may @) Placing the rock
consider to be necessary to be implemented at the
contractor's expense, which, in serious cases, may include Rock material containing rock particles In excess of
cutting back the entire or large sections of the batter to a 300 m m in size shall not be used at a depth of less than
uniform slope. 150 m m below the top of the fill unless otherwise
authorized b y the engineer.

3307 nus The contractor shall, b y the judicious planning of layer

thicknesses and by selecting the smaller sized material for
placing in the thinner fill layers, avoid unnecessary spoillng
(a) General of the larger sized rock material and shall ensure its fullest
practicable utilization in fills.
The dimensions of fills shall be in accordance with the
typical cross-sections and the interchange or intersection
details shown on the drawings, as further defined or (c) Canstructing a pioneer layer
amended by the engineer during the course of
construction. Before starting construction, the contractor Where fill is to be constructed across water-logged or soft
shall obtain instructions regarding the required slope of clayey ground exhibiting excessive movement under
each fill, any roadbed preparation or subsoil drainage normal compaction equipment and haulage trucks, and
required, details of earthworks at interchanges and such conditions preclude the effective compaction of the
Intersections, the selection of materials, the method and bottom fill layers, the engineer may direct that a pioneer
classification of compaction, and any other matter that may layer be constructed on the unstable ground. This layer
affect the construction of the fill or sequence of operations. shall be constructed by successive loads of suitable coarse
material being dumped and spread in a uniform layer with
a thickness just sufficient to provide a stable working
Where, for one of the following reasons, material is platform for constructing the further fill layers which are to
oversize or otherwise unsuitable for use - be compacted to a controlled density. Light hauling
equipment shall be used, and, where necessary, end
(i) because it was not properly broken down, during tipping for placing the material, and the layer shall be
the excavation process, to the maximum size as described compacted b y light compaction equipment being used,
In clause 3204: which will glve the most effective compaction without the
roadbed being overstressed. Pioneer layers will not require
(ii) because it was not properly selected or was compaction to a controlled density. The distinction
contaminated as described in clause 3202; between the construction of a pioneer layer and a rock flll
as described in clause 3209 will be determined by the
(iii) because it was excavated in a manner detrimental purpose for which it is constructed.
to its intended use as described in subclause 3104(d);
The compacted volume of material used may be
such material shall be removed from the road and determined by 70% of the loose volume in trucks being
disposed of, and its removal and disposal shall not be paid taken as an alternative to taking cross-sections before and
for. after construction.
(d) Benching (1) Sand filter blankets

Where the natural crossfall of the roadbed exceeds 1 in 10. At the bottom of fills, and sometimes at intermediate levels,
the fills shall be bonded to the roadbed b y means of the construction of sand filter blankets may be required to
benches excavated in the roadbed. facilitate the drainage of fills. Sand filter blankets shall be
constructed in accordance with the details on the drawings
The height of the benches shall be determined b y the and shall normally consist of a layer of selected sand with
engineer. Benches in hard material may normally be a suitable grading to provide effective drainage and to
smaller than those in soft material. Where benches are cut prevent the infiltration of fill or roadbed material into the
into rock, the toe of the fill shall preferably also b e sand filter blanket. The surface on which the sand filter
constructed from rock material. and the benches shall be blanket is to be constructed, shall b e smooth and even and
at least as high as the largest boulders in the fill material. the sand shall be spread evenly to the required thickness
The floor of the first bench in rock material shall also be and be given a light compaction with suitable rollers. The
serrated in order to resist horizontal forces effectively. final surface of the sand filter blanket shall be finished off
Benches in rock material shall also be excavated to slope true to line and level.
slightly inwards so as to obtain a better bond.
The engineer may require the layers immediately below
The benches may be constructed in either one of the and above the filter blanket to be constructed from
following two ways: selected soil or gravel. Sand filter blankets will be
measured and paid for separately.

Method A
(g) Construction of fills near structures
This method requires the cut of the first bench in the
existing roadbed to be of adequate width for At all fills adjoining uncompleted structures such as
accommodating normal-width self-propelled construction bridges and large culverts. where the construction of the fill
equipment. The widths of successive benches shall be and the backfilling behind the structure cannot b e done
determined b y the width of the fill at the relevant height. simultaneously, the fills shall b e so constructed that the
longitudinal slope of the surface of the fill at all stages will
The width of benches shall decrease gradually u p to the form a continuous plane sloping towards ground level at
stage where the fills in any case are wide enough for the structure at a gradient not exceeding 10%. When the
accommodating normal-width self-propelled construction structure is completed, the remaining portion of the fill
equipment. shall b e similarly completed simultaneously with the
backfilling behind the structure, while the backfill behind
Method B the structure is being maintained at the same elevation as
the adjoining fill. No additional payment will b e made for
This method does not require the benching in the toe of constructing fills in this manner outside the restricted areas
the fill to b e cut back adequately for accommodating as defined in clause 6108.
normal construction equipment. but less. and requires the
fills then constructed to be so much wider as may be
necessary for accommodating such equipnierlt u p to the (h) Constructing toes for rock fill embankments
height where the fills are sufficiently wide in any case. In
this case the engineer shall determine the width of the Where required. rock fill embankments shall be protected
lowest bench to be cut in the fill. b y special toes. which shall b e installed as shown on the
drawings and as directed b y the engineer.
The position of the first bench at the toe of the fill shall be
properly measured and clearly set out. All suitable material The toe shall b e constructed simultaneously with the rest
obtained from the excavations for benching shall. in so far of the fill and shall consist of selected rock material varying
as is possible, be re-used for constructing the fills. in size between 150 m m and 750 m m . If shown on the
Measurement of and payment for constructing the benches drawings, a layer of synthetic-fibre filter material and a
shall be treated as "cut to fill" or "cut to spoil" as the case sand blanket shall be installed at the interface between the
may be, unless otherwise determined in the project normal fill and the rock protection. Care shall b e taken not
specifications. In the case of method B construction. the to damage or tear such material.
engineer may require excess width at the toe of the fill to
be removed later on. in which case it shall be classified as The toe shall be constructed and compacted as described
soft excavation material. in clause 3209 for rock fill, but the following additional
requirements shall be taken into consideration: The outer
part of the toe shall consist of larger boulders properly
(e) Construction of high fills bedded b y means of smaller fragments so as to form a
stable interlocking surface.
The construction of high fills may require special
techniques to prevent the development of excessive pore If placing with mechanical construction equipment does
pressure and ensure the stability of such fills during and not achieve the required results, the equipment shall be
after construction. These may include. inter alia, the supplemented b y manual labour to select. bar and place
selection of better class material for use in the bottom keystones in between the larger boulders until the correct
layers of the fill, the construction of sand filter blankets and placing is achieved and the rocks are firmly interlocked.
the strict control of moisture content during compaction.
Where these measures are required. such fills shall be No additional payment will b e made for the supply and
designated as high fills. which shall be constructed in installation of synthetic-fibre filter material and sand
accordance with the project specifications. blankets.
(i) Wdening of Rlls The fines shall be uniformly distributed over the surface of
the rock fill with stiff brooms, and watering, rolling and
Where existing fills are to be widened. the existing fill brooming shall continue until all areas deficient in fines
slopes and the roadbed onto which the new fills are to be have been satisfactorily corrected. All excess fines shall be
constructed, shall be cleared and grubbed, if so ordered by removed from the surface of the rock fill.
the engineer in writing. The clearing and grubbing shall be
done in accordance with the provisions of section 1700.
Subsequently the new roadbed shall be treated in 3308 FINISHING THE SLOPES
accordance with the provisions of clause 3305.

Where existing fills are required to be widened or where (a) Cut slopes
already constructed fills are required to be widened or
flattened, it shall be done by way of bench construction as The slopes of cuttings shall be trimmed to neat lines and
described in subclause 3307(d) in order to form a firm to a standard which. with proper care and workmanship, is
bond. During these operations there shall be close liaison generally attainable with proper care and workmanship in
between the engineer and the contractor. the type of material concerned. All loose rocks. stones and
nests of loose material shall be removed. especially in
Benches of not more than 500 m m deep shall be cut into solid-rock cuts. which must be completely free from such
the existing fill. In the case of fills of less than 1 m in material. The final surface of side slopes shall have a
height, and in the upper metre of any fill, the benches shall slightly roughened surface which will be suitable for
not be deeper than the layer thickness prescribed for subsequent grassing or for establishing natural vegetation.
constructing the widening, depending on whether or not
uncompacted fill material occurs in the side of the existing
fill. @) Fill slopes

The benches shall extend into the properly compacted Fill slopes shall be finished to neat lines with all loose
portion of the original fill material to the satisfaction of the rocks and uncompacted material removed. The degree of
engineer. finish required shall depend on the nature of the material
used for the fill slope but shall be as smooth as is
All suitable material from benches shall be used in the consistent with the material involved and good
construction of the widened section of the fill. Unsuitable workmanship.
material shall be removed as instructed by the engineer.
Benches shall be compacted together with the fill widening No individual boulders occurring in otherwise smaller sized
during the construction of the fill. material shall be allowed to project beyond the surface. All
excess fill shall be removed immediately.
Material from benches used in fill will be paid for as "cct to
fill". Spoil material from the benches will be paid for as In the case of rockfill. soft material shall be dumped over
specified in item 33.17. the sides of fills and worked into the interstices between
the rock on the surface of the slope. Any soft material
Where the existing fill consists of rock fill. the new section ordered by the engineer to be dumped over the sides of
shall consist of rock fill, unless otherwise approved by the rock fills without any further shaping or trimming shall be
engineer. Where a rock fill is widened by adding soil or classified as "cut to spoil", but if shaping and finishing have
gravel material, the contractor shall obtain prior instructions been ordered. the material shall be classified as "cut to fill",
from the engineer as to the type of subsoil drainage to be and all such material shall be measured for payment
provided and other measures to be taken. Benching in additional to fill. which is measured in accordance with the
rock fills shall be planned in consultation with the engineer. net specified dimensions of the road prism. The volume of
such material shall be taken to be equal to 70% of the
An extra over payment for the widening of existing fills will loose volume measured in the trucks.
apply as specified under item 33.16. Rock fills will not be
required to be widened by less than 4.0 m. 1Vhere
narrower widenings of rock fills are required. the (c) Median slopes and interchange areas
construction thereof and payment therefor shall be made
in accordance with the provisions of the project Median slopes shall be finished to the same level
specifications. tolerances as specified in subclause 3310(a) for the top
layers of fills. This tolerance shall apply to both the top
For the subsoil drainage required by the engineer in the layer of the fill and the final surface of the topsoil.
widening of fills, payment will be made in accordance with
section 2100. The area between interchange ramps shall be finished to
the same tolerance as that specified for median slopes.
For the sides of fills steeper than 1 in 4. the provisions of
0) Correcting rock fills that are deficient in fine subclauses 3308(b) and (d) will apply.

if a rock fill does not comply with the requirements of (d) General
subclause 3302(b) In respect of the fines content.
additional approved material that passed through the Except in solid rock. the tops and bottoms of all slopes,
4,75 m m sieve shall be spread over the surface of the rock
including the slopes of drainage ditches. shall be rounded
fill. The material shall then be well watered over short
as indicated on the drawings or as ordered by the
sections at a time, and rolled preferably with dynamic
equipment as specified in subsubclauses 3304(b)(i) engineer. Slopes at the junctions of cuts and fills shall be
and (ii). adjusted and so warped as to flow into one another or into
the natural ground surfaces without any noticeable break. layer of the fill:
When so directed by the engineer, adjustment to the
slopes shall be made so as to avoid damage being done H
,, = * 25 m m
to standing trees and so as to harmonise with existing
landscape features. The transition to such adjusted slopes ,H
, = * 33 mm.
shall be gradual.

Cut and fill slopes shall be finished to a uniform

appearance without any noticeable break which can be
readily discerned from the road. The degree of finish (i) Common fill
required for all fill slopes and for cut slopes flatter than 1
in 4 shall be that normally obtainable by grader or hand- The horizontal measurement taken from the centre line of
shovel operations. the road to the side of the fill, shall nowhere be more than
125 m m less or 250 m m more than the specified
The slopes of cuts and fills which are designated for dimension when measured at any level.
grassing shall, after finishing, be prepared for grass
planting and/or for topsoil being placed for grass planting (ii) Rock fill
as specified in section 5800 of these specifications.
The horizontal measurement taken from the centre line of
All trimming of cut slopes shall be completed before any the road to the side of the fill, shall nowhere be more than
work on the subbase is commenced inside such cuttings. 250 rnm less or 500 m m more than the specified
dimension when measured at any level.
No extra over payments will apply to the finishing of slopes
in restricted areas. (iii) Cut slopes

The cut slopes shall be finished to a standard generally

3309 PROTECTIONOF ROAD PRISMAND STRUCTURES attainable with proper care and workmanship, where the
nature of the excavated material is borne in mind. Care
shall also be taken not to undercut any slopes which would
During construction, the road prism shall be kept well- cause sections to have a steeper slope than specified. All
drained and protected at all times as specified in clause loose material shall be removed.
1217. All windrows shall be cut away after construction to
prevent the concentrated flow of water on completed fill
layers, but, where necessary, flat berms shall be 3311 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP
constructed to prevent the undue erosion of fill slopes. All
permanent drains shall be constructed as soon as possible,
plus sufficient additional temporary drains as may be Routine inspection and tests will be made by the engineer
necessary to protect the road prism, and shall be to determine whether the quality of materials and the
maintained in a good working order. Ruts and potholes workmanship comply with the requirementsof this section.
developing in the fills after completion shall be repaired, Fills comply with the requirements of clause 3302 in cases
and damaged portions of the fills shall be reshaped and where the results of at least 75% of in situ density tests on
recompacted at the contractor's own cost. any lot are equal to or exceed the specified values and no
single density is more than 5 percentage points below the
All cut and fill slopes shall be maintained by the contractor specified value.
until the road has been certified as being finally completed.
All erosion and flood damage to slopes shall be promptly
repaired as specified in clauses 1217 and 1218. 3312 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

Side drains discharging water from cuts and all other

drains shall be so constructed as will avoid damage to the General directions
fills by erosion.
(1) Determining the quantities
Proper precautionary and temporary measures shall be
taken in all cases to ensure that the method or procedure Upon completion of all work in connection with clearing
by which the fills are constructed will not impose loads on and grubbing and working the roadbed, and where the
structures, especially on uncompleted structures, which classification of the excavations change, the contractor, at
may damage or overstress such structures. his own cost, shall take cross-sections at 20 m intervals so
as to determine quantities, and shall submit the results so
obtained to the engineer for approval. The engineer will
3310 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES take control measurements to determine the accuracy and
adequacy of the cross-sections, and may instruct the
contractor to correct any faulty work and to take such
The work described in this section shall be constructed to additional measurements and cross-sections as may be
the dimensional tolerances given below. deemed necessary by him. Such cross-sections shall be
taken before any cut or fill work is done. Where the
contractor proceeds with such work before final approval of
(a) Levels the cross-sections and before the contractor and the
engineer have agreed on the cross-sections, the engineer's
The level tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and 8305 decision regarding the cross-sections to be used shall be
shall be as follows for fill, but shall apply only to the top final and binding on the contractor.
Where there is valid reasons for believing that the roadbed (e) Pioneer layer (as speclfied
is subsiding as fills are being constructed, and after the in subclause 3307(c)) ....... cubic metre (ma)
roadbed work has been completed and cross-sectionshave
been agreed on, the contractor may request that the fill (1) Sand filter blanket (as specified
quantities shall be adjusted accordingly. Such request In subclause 3307(f)) .... ...
. cubic metre (ma)
shall be lodged'without delay, and the contractor shall
submit the required supporting evidence to the engineer. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
Where the engineer Is satisfied that significant subsidence material measured in the compacted fill. For subitems (a),
is occurring, he, together with the contractor, shall decide (b) and (c) the quantity measured shall be computed by
as to how the extent of the subsidence is to be the method of average end areas from levelled cross-
determined, and, where no agreement can be reached, the sections prepared from the ground line after clearlng and
decision of the engineer shall be final. Any adjustments of grubbing and the removal of topsoil and the completion of
this nature shall be made only where the average any preparatory roadbed treatment which may have been
subsidence exceeds 50 mm. ordered by the engineer, but prlor to the construction of
the fill, and the final specified or authorized fill cross-
(2) Material from commercial sources section superimposed thereon at 20 m intervals along the
centre line of the road. All measurement shall be neat, and
If specified In the project specificatlons, material from that part of the fill placed in excess of the authorized cross-
commercial sources shall be used for the construction of section shown on the drawings or directed by the engineer,
fills. In such cases the items listed below shall be will not be paid for irrespective of the tolerances in
applicable, except that the tendered rates shall also include workmanship allowed under the contract. Where the
full compensation for all transport costs, and no overhaul roadbed has subsided under the fills, the quantities shall
shall be measured and paid for. be adjusted to make allowance for such subsidence, as set
out in the note at the commencement of this clause.
(3) Work in restricted areas Measurement of fill shall distinguish between the
alternative methods of processing and compacting.
Items 33.15 and 33.18 are applicable solely to work that
has to be executed in a restricted area of which the wldth
is less than 3,O m or the length is less than 150,O m. The quantities for subitems (d) and (1) shall be calculated
from the authorized dimensions.

For subitem (e) the compacted volume of the material In

kern the pioneer layer may be taken as equal to 70% of the
loose volume of the material in the trucks as an alternative
33.01 Cvt and b o r n to fill, to taking cross-sections before and after construction.
induding free-haul up to 0,5 krn:

(a) Material In compacted layer Material excavated for the construction of open dralns,
thicknesses of 200 mm and less: subsoil drains, culverts, bridge foundations and other
structures, shall, if suitable and if so directed by the
(1) Compacted to 90% of engineer, be used for the constructlon of fills, and payment
modified AASHTO density .... cubic metre (ma) shall be made under item 33.01 irrespective of any
payment made previously for the excavation of such
(ii) Compacted to 93% of material. All such material shall be classified as soft
modified AASHTO density .... cubic metre (ma) excavation.

(iii) Eight roller passes

. . . . . . . ....
compaction . . . . cubic metre (m3) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
procuring, furnishing and placing the material, including
(b) Material in compacted layer excavating as if in soft excavation, the cuttina of benches.
thicknesses exceeding 200 mm: for transporting the material for a free-haul distance of
0,5 km; for preparing, processing, shaping, watering,
(1) Compacted to 90% of mixing, and compacting the materials to the densities or in
modified AASHTO density .... cubic metre (m3) the manner specified herein and for removing and
disposing of up to 5% oversize material from the road after
(ii) Compacted to 93% of processing, including transport for a free-haul distance of
modified AASHTO density ... . cubic metre (ma) 1,O km.

(iii) Eight roller passes

compaction . . . . . . . . . . .... . cubic metre (ma) The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for
the supply and installation of synthetic-fibre filter material
(c) Rock fill (as specified where specified or indicated on the drawings.
in subclause 3209(c)) . ..... . cubic metre (m3)

(d) Toes for rock fill Payment shall distinguish between the various materials
embankments (as specified and methods of processing and compacting specified, as
in subclause 3307(h)) . . . . . .. cubic metre (m3) itemized above.
The extra over payment shall distinguish between
intermediate, hard, boulder class A and boulder class B
33.02 Sand fills (asdescribed excavation.
in clause 3302,induding
free-haul up to 0,5 km):

(a) Non-plastic sand with 33.04 Cut to spoil, including

up to 20% passing through the freehaul up to 0,5 km.
0,075 m m sieve, compacted to Material obtained from:
100% of modified AASHTO
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') (a) Soft excavation ............ cubic metre (m3)

(b) Non-plastic sand with (b) Intermediate excavation ...... cubic metre (m3)
more than 20% passing through
the 0,075 m m sieve, compacted (c) Hard excavation . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
to 95% of modified AASHTO
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3) (d) Boulder excavation
class A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unlt of measurement shall be the cubic metre of sand
measured in fills as determined in item 33.01. but with the (e) Boulder excavation
dlfference that no distinction will be made between class B . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
different layer thicknesses in which the material is placed
and compacted. The unit of measurement shall b e the cubic metre of
material measured in its original position in cut and
The tendered rates shall include fuil compensation for computed b y the method of average end areas from
procuring, placing and compacting the sand fills, as well as levelled cross-sections taken along the ground line after
0,5 k m free-haul. clearing and grubbing and the removal of topsoil, if any,
but prior to excavating the cut, with the final specified or
authorized cross-section of the cut super-imposed thereon
Item Unit at intervals not exceeding 20 m along the centre line of the
33.03 Extra over item 33.01
for excavating and breaking Measurement of boulder excavation class B shall be b y the
down material In: volume of individual boulders being measured after
removal, or, where this is considered to be impracticable,
(a) Intermediate excavation . . . . . . cubic metre (m') b y taking the in sltu voiume of boulder excavation to be
-. equivalent to 50% of the loose volume in the hauling
(b) Hard excavation ........... cubic metre (m3) vehicles.

(c) Boulder excavation Where measurement b y cross-sections is considered b y the

class A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic metre (m3) engineer to be impracticable, cut to spoil may be
measured in the hauling vehicles, b y taking the in situ
(d) Boulder excavation volume of the material in the case of soils and gravel to b e
class B . . . . . . . . . ......... cubic metre (m') the equivalent of 70% of the loose volume in the haul
vehicles. and, in the case of boulder material, as equal to
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of 50% of the loose volume in the haul vehicies.
material removed as specified.
The tendered rates for cut to spoil shall include full
Measurement of items (a). (b) and (c) shall be in the compensation for excavating from the road prism and
original position in the cut or borrow pit.,and the quantity roadbed in the various classes of excavation. for loading,
shall b e computed b y the method of average end areas transporting the material for a free-haul distance of 0.5 km,
from levelled cross-sections at intervals not evceeding off-loading and disposing of the material as specified,
20 m measured along the centre line of the road in the including shaping and levelling-off any piles of spoil
case of cuts and at intervals not exceeding 10 m and material.
parallel to one another in the case of borrow pits. before
and after the removal of the materiai. Measurement of This payment item will also apply to the removal of
boulder excavation class B shall be b y the voiume of unsuitable roadbed material, provided that it is stable
individual boulders being measured after removal, or. material, and that instruction in respect of its removal be
where this is considered to be impracticable. by taking the given before the excavations reach the level of the roadbed
in situ volume of boulder excavation to be equivalent to material to be removed, all as described in subclause
50% of the loose voiume in the hauling vehicies. 3305 (3).

The tendered rates shall be paid as extra over the rates Except where the temporary storage of spoil material is
applying to soft excavation in item 33.01 and shall include ordered b y the engineer, the tendered rates shall also
full compensation for additional costs to excavate and include fuil compensation for the temporary storage of
break down the various classes of material. including the spoil material. the later loading, transporting. off-loading
cost of all the necessary additional effort. plant. tools. and grading of the spoil material within the borrow areas,
materials, labour and supervision. and for reinstating the storage site to its original condition.
Item Unit

33.05 Overbreak in hard and 33.07 Fkmoval of unsuitable

boulder dass A excaration . . square metre (m7) material (induding free-haul
of 0.5 km):

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of (a) In layer thicknesses of
exposed roadbed in completed hard and boulder class A 200 m m and less:
(i) Stable material . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The tendered rate for overbreak in hard and boulder class (ii) Unstable material . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
A cuttings shall include full compensation for unavoidable
overbreak which may occur during excavation and for the (b) In layer thicknesses
cost of backfilling with suitable rock material and exceeding 200 mm:
compacting it to the lines and levels specified for the
excavation. This item shall not apply when item 33.12 is (i) Stable material . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
applied in respect of the same area.
(ii) Unstable material . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
33.06 Variations i n the number unsuitable material removed by the contractor in
of roller passes (applicable to accordance with the engineer's instructions. and it shall be
subsubitems 33.01 (a)lii) and the in situ volume of the material calculated in accordance
33.01 @)(iii) and item 33.1 1): with its authorized dimensions.

(a) Vibratory rollers . . . square-metre-pass (m'-pass)

Subsubitems 33.07(a)(i) and (b)(i) shall apply only in
(b) Oscillatory rollers . square-metre-pass (m7-pass) circumstances as specified in subclause 3305(a) and item
33 04.
(c) Grid rollers ...... square-metre-pass (m7-pass)

(d) Tamping rollers ... square-metre-pass (m7-pass) For the purposes of this clause the definitions of stable and
unstable material shall be as set out in subclause 3305(a).
(e) Impact rollers .... square-metre-pass (m7-pass)

(f) Pneumatic-tyred The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
rollers . . . . . . . . . square-metre-pass (m7-pass) removal of all classes of unsuitable material and shall
distinguish only between stable and unstable material and
layer thicknesses of less than and exceeding 200 mm. It
The unit of measurement shall be the square-metre will also include compensation for free-haul of 0.5 km.
coverage, and shall be computed by multiplying the
number of square metres to which the changed pass
efforts apply by the increased or decreased number of Item Unit
roller passes. In the case of item 33.01. it will be
computed on the basis of a 200 m m layer thickness. 33.08 Wdening of cuts (extra
over items 33.01,
33.02and 33.04):
Where a change in the compaction effort is requested, the
contractor will be compensated at the tendered rates for (a) In hard material . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
the above items in respect of the increased number of
square-metre roller passes of each type of roller required (b) In boulder material
over and above that specified in the relevant standard class A or class B . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
effort. His compensation will be decreased sirnul-
taneously, at the applicable rates. by the number of (c) In all other materials . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
square-metre roller passes of each type of roller which is
either decreased or completely left out. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material excavated during the widening of cuts where they
are more than 2.5 m deep (measured vertically from the
The tendered rate for each additional square metre-pass top of the cut to the shoulder breakpoint). and where the
ordered by the engineer over and above the specified cut is widened by less than 4 m.
number of passes, shall include full compensation for all
supervision, labour, plant, equipment, fuel. materials. work Measurement of the material shall be in the original
and incidentals necessary for completing the work. The position in the cut. and the quantity shall be compvted by
same rates shall be accepted by the contractor during the method of average end areas from levelled cross-
computation of a decrease in his compensation where the sections at intervals not exceeding 20 m measured along
number of roller passes for each specific type of roller is the centre line of the road before and after removal of the
decreased. material.
The tendered rates for widening the cuts shall be paid (c) Grid roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')
extra over the rates tendered for items 33.01. 33.02 and
33.04 and shall include full compensation for the additional (d) Tamping roller . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
costs involved (over and above those for excavating new
cuttings) for excavating material during the widening of a (e) Impact roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (rn2)
cut where the cut exceeds 2,5 m in depth and is widened
by less than 4 m. (f) Pneumatic-tyred
roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

ltem Unit The unit of measurement shall be the sauare metre of

roadbed compacted in accordance with thk provisions of
33.09 Material bladed to windrow ... cubic metre (m3) subclause 3305(b). The quantity will be computed in
accordance with the authorized dimensions of the area to
The unit of measurement in respect of material temporarily be treated.
bladed to windrow as specified in subclause 3305(c) shall
be the cubic metre of material to be bladed off. measured The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
in the original position before blading off, in accordance shaping, providing the rollers, keeping the rollers ready for
with the method of average end areas. use when soil-moisture conditions are favourable as
specified, and compacting the roadbed by three roller
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the passes.
temporary removal of such material and its later
replacement, and for all clearing work which may be
necessary afler replacement of the material.

Only material bladed to windrow on the instructions of the 33.12 In situ treatment
engineer for exposing the underlying roadbed material for of roadbed:
treatment will be measured and paid for as described
above. (a) In situ treatment by
ripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)

ltem Unit (b) In situ treatment by

blasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
33.10 Roadbed preparation and
the compaction of material: The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of in situ
material treated in situ as specified in subclause 3305(d).
(a) Compaction to 90% of The quantity shall be calculated from the authorized
modified AASHTO density ... cubic metre (m3) dimensions of the in situ treatment.

(b) Compaction to 93% of The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
modified AASHTO density .... cubic metre (m') ripping or blasting, shaping. scarifying, sizing. knapping,
rolling. mixing of in situ and imported material if required,
(c) Compaction of sand roadbed and preparing and compacting the material as specified.
to 95% of modified AASHTO Payment shall distinguish between in situ treatment by
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') ripping and in situ treatment by blasting. Surplus material
shall be measured and paid for as in item 33.01 if placed
(d) Compaction of sand in fill and item 33.04(a) if taken to spoil. and no payment
roadbed to 100% of modified shall apply under item 33.03.
AASHTO density . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of Item Unit

roadbed material prepared and compacted as specified in
subclause 3305(c). The quantity shall be computed in 33.13 F i n i s h i n g d cut and
accordance with the authorized dimensions of the fill slopes, medians and
completed layers. interchange areas:

(a) Cut slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
shaping, scarifying, mixing of in situ and imported material (b) Fill slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')
if required, and preparing and compacting the materia! as
specified. (c) Medians and interchange
areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

Unit The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of cut

or fill slopes or medians and interchange areas finished off
33.11 Three roller passes as specified. The areas shall be measured from levelled
compaction: cross-sections taken at 20 m intewals measured along the
centre line of the road and shall be the sloping area
(a) Vibratory roller . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7) between the shoulder breakpoint and the toe of the fill in
the case of fill slopes. and the sloping area between the
(b) Oscillatory roller . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m') top of the cut slope and the toe in the case of cut slopes.
The medians shall include the full width of the median dimensions and the layer thickness to be excavated.
between the inner edges of the shoulders. The area of
median areas which are to be finished off shall be The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
determined in accordance with the drawings. additional work for making excavations in restricted areas.

The area of the side slopes and channel bottoms of any This item does not apply to the widening of cuts.
open channels that are not classified as open drains in
terms of clause 2102, shall be included in item 33.13.
All areas required to be covered by cast in sit11or precast
concrete linings, kerbing. channelling or shutes. as 33.16 Wtdening of fills as specified in
specified and paid for under section 2300. shall not be subdause 3307(i)extra over:
measured and paid for under item 33.13.
(a) Item 33.01(a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
All cut and fill slopes and channel bottoms of open drains
resulting from open-drain excavations as defined in clause (b) Item 33.01(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
2102, as well as the floors and sides of existing open
drains that are trimmed during the clearing and shaping of (c) ltern 33.01 (c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
existing open drains, that are measured and paid for under
items 21.01 and 21.02. shall not be measured and paid for (d) ltem 33.02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
under item 33.13.
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
The tendered rates for finishing cut or fill slopes. medians placed in the widening of existing fills.
and interchange areas shall include full compensation for
all labour, plant, materials and other incidentals and work The tendered rates shall be paid extra over the rates
required for finishing as specified, including the loading. applicable to normal full-width construction. and shall
transporting and disposal of any material brought down include full compensation for all additional transport,
during the finishing operations. equipment. labour. supervision as well as any additional
costs for the widening of fills, including the cutting of
Item Unit
The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for
33.14 Extra over item 33.01 for widening fills in restricted areas.
excavating material from
me pavements and fills of
existing roads: Item lhlit

(a) Non-cemented material . . . . . . cubic me!re (m3) 33.17 Exba over item 33.04 fof
spoiling material excavated
(b) Cemented material .... . . . . cubic metre (97') from benches wnshcted for
widening existing fills . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
removed from the pavements and fills of existing roads. The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
and the quantity will be based on the authorized excavated from benches in the widening of existing fills
dimensions and layer thickness to be excavated. and which is spoiled on the instructions of the engineer.

The material shall be classified as specified in subclause The quantity shall be calculated in accordance with the
3303 (c). authorized dimensions of the benches.

The tendered rate will be paid extra over the rates The tendered rate shall be paid extra over the rates
applicable to soft excavation under item 33.01 and shall applicable to item 33.04, and shall include full
include full compensation for all additional costs for compensation for all additional costs for spoiling the
making excavations in existing pavements in accordance material. including amongst others all additional work.
with the provisions of section 3800. construction equipment. labour and supervision,
irrespective of the size and depth of the benches and the
class of material.
Item Unit
No extra-over payment will be made for work in restricted
33.15 Extraover item 33.14 for areas.
exmvating in pavements and
fills of existing mads
in resbicted areas in:
33.18 Extra over items 1 and
(a) Non-cemented material . . . . . . cubic metre (my) 33.12 for preparing andlor treating
the roadbed and compacting material
(b) Cemented material . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') in restricted areas:

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material (a) ltem 33.10 for roadbed
removed from existing pavements and fills in restricted preparation and the compaction
areas, and the quantity will be based on the authorized of material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(b) hem 33.1 1 for three roller
passes compaction . . .. . . . . square metre (m2)

(c) ttem 33.12 for in situ treatment The following payment items, where they relate to work
of roadbed . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) under this section, will be listed in the schedule of
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre or
square metre of prepared and/or treated roadbed or
compacted material, depending on the type of work Item 16.01 Overhaul (extra over items 33.01, 33.02,
required, as indicated for the various items where such & 16.02 33.04 and 33.07)
work is required to be done in restricted areas. The
quantities shall be calculated as specified under items ltem 31.01 Excess overburden at borrow pits
33.10, 33.11 or 33.12, whichever may be the case.
ltem 32.04 Removal of oversize pavement material
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
additional cost of executing the work in restricted areas. ltern 32.06 Stockpiling of material.

No distinction in payment will be made between the ltem 35.01 Chemical stabilization
various density requirements, the various types of rollers,
and between ripping and blasting. ltem 35.02 Chemical stabilizing agent

h Unit ltern 35.03 Mechanical modification

33.19 Exb-a over subiirn 33.01(c) ltern 35.04 Provision and application of water for
for cmmcling rock fills that are curing
deficient in fine material . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
ltem 35.05 Curing by covering with the subsequent
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of layer
corrected rock fill.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for ltem 35.06 Curing with a bituminous membrane
procuring and furnishing approved material that passed
through the 4,75 m m sieve, including all transport, for ltern 35.07 Bituminous stabilization
placing and spreading, watering and rolling, for removing
all excess fines from the surface of the rock fill, and for all ltern 35.08 Bituminous stabilizing agent
other Incidentals necessary for completing the work as
specified. Item 35.09 Additive for bituminous stabilization.
SERIES 3000 : EARTHWOWS AND PAVEMENT Materials from existing pavements will be classified for the
LAYERS OF GRAVEL OR CRUSHED purposes of this section as non-cemented material or
STONE cemented material (as specified in clause 3803), or as
material mixed with bituminous surfacing material. For
SECTION 3400 : PAVEMENT LAVERS OF GRAVEL payment purposes material mixed with bituminous
MATERIAL surfacing material will be defined as material containing
more than 10% of surfacing material b y volume.

Mixtures of surfacing and other material used in pavement

layers shall not contain more than 30% of such surfacing
3401 SCOPE material by volume, unless otherwise specified. The
3402 MATERIALS material shall not contain fragments of surfacing material
3403 CONSTRUCTION exceeding 37.5 m m in size, and any such larger fragments
3404 PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE shall be removed by hand at the expense of the contractor.
3407 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT @) Compaction requirements

The minimum in situ dry density of gravel material shall be

3401 SCOPE as specified hereinafter for the respective layers in terms of
a percentage of modified AASHTO density.

This section covers the construction of selected layers. Selected layer (see note 1 below)
subbases, bases and shoulders with natural gravel and/or
crushed or partially crushed material. and also gravel Lower selected layer: 93% or 95%. as required
wearing courses. Crushed-stone base is specified in Sand : loo'%
section 3600.
Upper selected layer : 93% or 95%. as required.
This section also covers the rehabilitation of existing Sand : 100%
pavements layers over part of or over the full road width as
well as the widening of existing pavement layers. It also Subbase 95% or 97%. as required for
covers the addition of material to existing layers as material not cher?ically
specified in subsubclause 3207(b)(iii). stabilized.
95% or 96%. as required, for
chemically stabilized

Base 98% or 100%. as required,

(a) General for material not chemically
Gravel material shall be obtained from approved sources 97% or 98%. as required. for
in borrow areas. cuts or existing pavement layers. Tests chemically stabilized
have been made on potential borrow pits, cuts and on the material.
roadbed along the centre line of the route envisaged. and
the results are reflected on the drawings. which also show Shoulder & wearing course: 93% or 95%. as required.
the use for which the material could possibly be suitable.
In restricted areas pavement layers constructed with gravel
The type of material prescribed and used for the material shall comply with the density requirements as
construction of each pavement layer shall comply with the specified in the project specifications.
requirements set out in tables 340211. 340212. 340213 and
340214, unless otherwise specified in the project
specifications. (c) Soluble salinily

Notwithstanding the indications on the drawings regarding When specified in the project specifications. the soluble
the possible use of the sources of natural material tested. salinity of base material shall be subject to the
it shall be incumbent on the contractor to use only material requirements of subclause 3602(b).
which complies with the prescribed requirements for use in
the relevant pavement layers.
Where natural gravel does not fully comply with the
requirements in respect of maximum size after having
been broken down as determined in clause 3204. oversize (1) The requirements of subclause 3302!b) shall apply
material shall be removed as specified in clause 3210. to sand used for the construction of selected layers.

Gravel material for pavement layers may also be material

recovered from existing pavement layers. or imported (2) In the case of very coarse material. the in situ dry
material approved by the engineer. Crushed stone density of which cannot be easily determined. the engineer
reclaimed from existing pavements and processed as may order that selected layers be compacted by eight
gravel material will be paid for as gravel material and not roller passes as described in subclause 3304(b). in which
as crushed stone. case no definite in situ dry density shall apply.
Table 340211


G4 G5 G6
Natural gravel, or natural gravel and boulders Natural gravel, or natural gravel and Natural gravel, or natural gravel and
DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL which may require crushing. boulders whlch may require crushing, or boulders whlch may require
crushed rock. crushing, or crushed rock.

May contain approved additional fines not May conlaln approved natural fines not May conlaln approved natural fines
ADDITIONAL FINES obtained from parent rock. Added fines shall obtalned from parent rock. not obtalned from parent rock.
have a liquid limit (LL) not exceeding 25 and a
plasticity index (PI) not exceeding 6.

NOMINAL (i) Uncruslied material : 53 mm (i) Uncrushed material : 63 m m (I) Uncrushed material:
(il) Crushed material : 37.5 mm or 26.5 mm (li) Crushed rnaterial : 53 mm Two thlrds of the compacted layer
(unless otherwise specified In the before compaction (unless thickness (unless otherwise specified
project specifications) otherwise specified In the In the project speclficatlons)
prolect specifications)
(ii) Crushed material:

83 mm before compaction (unless

otherwise specified in the project

FLAKiNESS INDEX Flakiness Index, determined in accordance with

TMHl method 83, shall not exceed 35 on each
of the -26.5 + 19 mm fraction and the -19 +
13,2 mm fraction.

FRACTURED FACES Alluvial and colluvial gravels shall be crushed so All alluvial and colluvlal material shall be
that at least 50% by mass of the fractions crushed so that at least 50% by mass of
retained on each standard sieve 4,75 mm and the fraction retained on the 4,75 mm
larger shall have at least one fractured face. sieve shall have at least one fractured

Percentage passing through sieve by mass

Crushed rnaterial
Nominal Uncrushed
aperture size of sieve material
Nominal Nominal
(mm) maximum maximum size
size 26,5 mm
The percentage by mass passing the
37.5 mm
2.00 mm sleve shall not be less than
53,O 100 20% nor more than 70%.
37.5 1W 65 - I00
26,5 84 - 94 100

19,O 71 - 84 85 - 95 60 - 90

13,2 59 - 75 71 - 84

4,75 36 - 53 42 - 60 30 - 65

2,OO 23 - 40 27 - 45 20 - 50

0,425 11 - 2 4 13 - 27 10 - 30

0,075 4 - 12 5 - 12 5-15

GRADING MODULUS (GM) 2,s t GM 2 1.5 2,6 a GM r 1,2

(a) All met& except cakrrte: (a) All msterlals ex+ dcmte: PI shall not exceed 12 or a value
LL shall not exceed 30. equal l o 2 times the GM plus 10,
LL shall not exceed 25. PI shall not exceed 10. whlchever is the higher value.
Pi shall not exceed 6. LS shall not exceed 5%. LS shall not excsed 5%.
ATTEREERG LIMITS FOR Linear shrinkage (LS) shall not exceed 3%. In the case of calcrete the PI shall
NATURAL MATERIAL (-0,425 mm (b) Calacte: not exceed 15 provlded the LS does
FRACTION) (b) chkfete: LL s 30 not exceed 6% and (% passing
LL s 25 PI s 15 0,425 mm sieve) LS s 320.
PI S 8 LS s 6
(% passing 0,425 mm sieve) LS s 170 (% passing 0,425 mm sieve) LS s 320
The material shall comply with the requirements Mudrock shall have a wet 10% FACT Mudrock shall have a wet 10% FACT
DURABlLlN in table 3402/3. value of not less than 90 kN, and a value of not less than 80 kN, and a
weVdry Venter test class of I or II. weVdry Venter test class of I or 11.
SOLUBLE SALTS The materials shall comply with the requirements of clause 3602.

CBR at 98% of modified AASHTO density shall CBR at 95% of modified AASHTO CBR at 95% of modified AASHTO
STRENGTH (CBR) not be less than 60%. density shall not be less than 45%. density shall not be lass than 25%.
Swell at 100% of modified AASHTO density shall Swell at 100% of modified AASHTO Swell at 100% of modified AASHTO
SWELL (MAXIMUM) not exceed 0.2% for all materials except calcrete density shall not exceed 0.5%. density shall not exceed 1,0%.
for which the swell shall not exceed 0.5°%.

COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS 96% or 100% (as specified) of modified AASHTO The density requlrements of the layer In whlch the materlal Is used, shall be
density for natural materials applicable. (See subclause 3402(b).) In restrlcted areas the In sltu dry density
of gravel materlal shall comply with the requlrements In the project
Table 340212


G7 G8 G9

Natural material (soil, sand or gravel) Natural material (soil, sand or gravel) Natural material (soil, sand or gravel)
ADDITIONAL FINES Not applicable Not apptlcable Nol applicable

NOMINAL MAXIMUM SIZE (i) Uncrushed material : Two thirds of the Two thirds of the compacled layer thickness Two thirds of the compacted layer thickness
compacted layer thickness
(ii) Crushed material : 75 mm

GRADING MODULUS (GM) 2.7 n GM a 0,75 2,7 2 GM r 0,75 2,7 5: GM 5: 0,75

ATTERBERG LIMITS FOR The Pi shall not exceed 12 or a value equal to 3 The PI shall not exceed 12 or a value equal The PI shall not exceed 12 or a value equal
NATURAL MATERIAL times the GM plus 10, whichever is the higher to 3 times the GM plus 10, whichever Is the to 3 times the GM plus 10, whichever is the
(-0,425 mm FRACTION) value. higher value. higher value.
In the case of calcrete the PI shall not exceed In the case of calcrete the Pi shall not In the case of calcrete the PI shalt not
17 provided that the LS does not exceed 7% exceed 17 provided that the LS does not exceed 17 provided that the LS does not
and exceed 7%. exceed 7%.
(% passing 0.425 mm sieve) LS s 320.
DURABILITY Mudrock shall have a wet 10% FACT value of Mudrock shall have a wet 10% FACT value of Mudrock shall have a wet 10% FACT value
not less than 60 kN, and a wetldry Venter test not less than 60 kN, and a weVdry Venter of not less than 60 kN, and a weVdry
class of I, II or Ill test class of I. II or Ill Venter test class of I, II or Ill

SOLUBLE SALTS The materials shall comply with the requirements of clause 3602.

STRENGTH (CBR) CBR at 93% of modified AASHTO density shall CBR at 93% of modified AASHTO density CBR at 93% of modified AASHTO density
be at least 15% shall be at least 10% shall be at lead 7%

SWELL Swell at 100% of modified AASHTO density Swell at 100% of modified AASHTO density Swell at 1W% of modified AASHTO density
(MAXIMUM) shall not exceed 1.5% shall not exceed 1,5% shall not exceed 1,5%

COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS The density requirements of the layer in which the material is used, shall be applicable. (See subclause 3402(b).) In restricled areas the In
silu dry density of gravel material shall comply with the requirements in the prolect specifications.

Table 3402/3



Basic crystalline rock Basalt 125 35


Acid crystalline rock Gneiss 420 35


High sil~carock Cherl 420 35

Hornfels (clay mineral kaolin)

Sandstone Arkose 125 35

Conglomerate (increase from original not more than 15%)

Mudrock Mudrock 125 35

Shale etc

Carbonate rock Dolomite not applicable no! applicable


Diamictites Greywacke 125 35


Pedogenic material Calcrete 480 40

Table 340214




Maximum size, mm 37.5 37.5

Ovenlze index (I.) (maximum). % 6 5 0

Shrlnkage product (SJ 100 - 365 t 00 - 240

(maximum of 240 preferable)

Gradlng coefficient (GJ 16 - 3 4 16 - 34

CBR at a 95% modified AASHTO Compaction

(soaked value) (minlmum), % B 15 z 15
I, - Oversize index (per cent retained on 37,s mm sleve)

S, - Llnear shrinkage x (per cent passing 0,425 mm sieve)

GJ = (Per cent passlng 26.5 mm - per cent passing 2,O mm) x per cent passing 4.75 mm/100

Note: All the parameters In table 340214 are defined in TRH 20

Table 3402/5


CRiTERlA Cl C2 C3 C4
Material before treatment At least G2 quality At least G4 quallty At least G6 quality
Atterberg limlts after treatment Si~ghtiyplastic Slightly plastic PI shall not exceed 6

Design strength (MPa)

(Laboratory unconfined strength)

(a) at 100% of modified AASHTO density minimum : 6 minimum : 3 minimum : 1.5 minimum : 0.75
maximum : 12 maxlmum : 6 maximum : 3 maximum : t,5

(b) al 97% of modified AASHTO density minimum : 4 minimum : 2 minimum : 1 minimum : 0.5
maximum : 6 maximum : 4 maximum : 2 maximum : 1

lndlrect tensile strength at 100% of modified Mlnimum : 250 Minimum : 200

AASHTO density (kPa)
Durability : Fines lost All characteristics, including amongst others the carbonated values wlth regard to durability, shall comply with
Wet-dry the requirements in the project specif~cations.
Where a base is to be constructed from crushed stone. the
shoulders shall first be constructed and then neatly cut to
the required line to provide lateral support for the crushed
(a) Requirementsapplying prior to me construction of the stone. Care shall be taken not to pollute the base material
layer with the shoulder material. In the case of asphalt bases,
the shoulders may be constructed after completion of the
Pavement layers shall be constructed only where the base.
underlying layer meets all the specified requirements and
has been approved by the engineer. Before the Shoulder material shall be spread, broken down. watered,
construction of any pavement layer, and also before any processed and compacted in accordance with the
material for a pavement layer is dumped on the road. the specifications.
contractor shall check the underlying layer to establish
whether there is any damage, wet spots or other defects. Work shall be so constructed that the road will be
which shall be rectified in accordance with the instructions adequately drained at all times by means of temporary
of the engineer before the next layer is constructed. drainage pipes passing through the shoulders. The
contractor shall not start constructing the final bituminous
Where a layer is constructed on the floor of a pavement surfacing of any part of the road before he has completed
excavation, ie, where the underlying layer has not been the shoulders of such section and the engineer has
reworked or reconstructed. the floor of the excavation shall approved it.
first be watered and rolled if directed by the engineer. The
contractor shall base his tender price on 5 roller passes
with rollers specified in clause 3304. The engineer may (c) Crushing and screening
increase or decrease the number of roller passes or order
the use of other rollers. Where pavement material cannot be suitably broken down
to the required size in excavation and during processing on
Where the in situ material is classified as being suitable for the road. the engineer may prescribe that the material be
a selected layer, it shall be treated as specified in crushed and screened or crushed only. all as specified in
subclause 3305(c) and paid for under item 33.10 in section section 3200.
3400 of the schedule of quantities. and not under item
(d) Stabilization

@) Placing and compacting When specified or required by the engineer. pavement

layers shall be stabilized as specified in section 3500.
The material for a pavement layer shall be placed. spread.
broken down, watered if necessary and mixed. and
oversize material shall be removed and the layer (e) Classification of layers for payment purposes
compacted, all in accordance with the requirements of
section 3200. Payment for pavement layers constructed from gravel
material. shall distinguish between layers constructed with
The following additional requirements in regard to material from borrow pits, cuts or existing pavement layers,
placement and compaction shall apply to specific and in situ recompacted layers with or without the use of
pavement layers: additional material.

(i) Gravel base Layers constructed from crushed-stone material recovered

from existing crushed-stone pavement layers shall be
Coarse gravel containing non-plastic or slightly plastic soil placed and paid for as gravel material. unless otherwise
fines and used in the construction of the gravel base will determined by the engineer. Where the engineer
usually require slushing and rolling in addition to the determines, in writing. that the material shall be processed
compaction specified in clause 3208, in order to obtain a and placed as crushed stone, section 3600 shall apply in
firm, well-knlt surface. If so directed by the engineer. the respect of the placing of and payment for the material.
base, after being processed and compacted as specified
above, shall be well watered by the contractor over short
sections at a time, slushed and rolled with compactors 3404 PROTECTlON AND MAINTENANCE
and/or heavy flatwheel rollers of a mass of not less than
10 tons each. Watering and rolling shall continue over a
section until all excess fines have been brought to the The contractor shall protect and maintain the completed
surface of the layer. Such excess fines shall be uniformly pavement layers in accordance with the provisions of
spread over the entire surface of the layer by means of stiff clause 1217. Protection includes protection against rain
brooms, and watering, rolling and broorning shall continue and flood water and against any undue wear and tear of.
until all areas deficient in fines have been suitably or damage to unsealed layers by construction or other
corrected. All excess fines shall finally be removed from traffic.
the surface of the layer.
In addition, payment may be withheld at the sole discretion
of the engineer for any pavement layers on a particular
(ii) Shoulders section of the road. until the trimming of the sides of cuts
and fills. the construction of side drains. including
Where the shoulders are to be constructed from the same subsurface drainage where specified through cuttings. the
material as the base, they shall be constructed installation of culverts other than lowheight culverts, etc,
simultaneously with the base. have all been completed for that section.
Where paved side drains are specified and the geonletric
shape of such drains do not permit the completion thereof
before the construction of the subbase or subsequent Use the following formula for other lengths
layers a temporary profile will be permitted for the side
drain provided that such profile shall effect positive
drainage of the surface water with no water allowed to
pond on and/or against structural layers of the pavement.

Maintenance shall include, inter alia, the immediate repair

of any damage or defects that may occur, excluding the
normal wear and tear of bases and wearing courses. and
shall be repeated until the end of the maintenance period. The average width of the layer shall not be less than the
specified width, and nowhere shall the outer edge deviate
by more than the following from the edge lines shown on

Selected layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 m m
The completed pavement layers shall comply with the Subbase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 5 m m
construction tolerances given below. The values specified Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 0 m m
below apply to a layer thickness of 150 m m or more. For Shoulders and wearing course . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 m m
layers with a thickness less than 150 mm, more stringent
values shall apply as specified in the project specifications.
(e) Cross-section

(a) Level When tested with a 3 m straight-edge laid at right angles

to the road centre line, the surface shall not deviate from
The level tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and 8305 the bottom of the straight-edge by more than 6 mm.
shall be as follows:
At any cross-section the difference in level between any
two points shall not vary from their difference in level
computed from the cross-sections shown on the drawings
Selected layer 25 m m 33 rnm by more than 15 mm.
Subbase 20 m m 25 mrn
Base 15mm 20rnm
Shoulders and wearing course 25 m m (f) Surface regularity

When testing the base with a rolling straight-edge as

@) Layer thicknesses described in subclause 81 11(c), the number of surface
irregularities shall not exceed those given below:
The thickness tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and
8305 shall be as follows: (i) Average number of irregularities
per 100 m equal to or exceeding 5 m m when
taken over 300 m - 600 m lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

(ii) Number of irregularities equal to or

Selected layer 30 m m 40 m m 10 m m exceeding 5 m m when taken over 100 m sections ... 6
Subbase 21 m m 27rnrn 5mm
Base 21 m m 27mm 5rnrn The maximum value of any individual irregularity measured
Shoulders and wearing with the rolling straight-edge or a 3 m straight-edge laid
course 30 m m -0 rnrn parallel to the road centre line shall not exceed 10 mm.

(c) Grade (g) Construction tolerances for rehabilitation work

Deviations from the specified longitudinal grade shall not The construction tolerances of clause 3405 shall be
exceed the following in respect of the specified grades on applicable to rehabilitation work, except that where a gravel
the completed base: layer is placed on top of an existing layer without it being
required that the existing layer be trimmed first to
prescribed levels, the thickness tolerances of subclause
Length (1)of Maximum deviation 3405(b) shall not apply.
section under (g) of specified
review (m) slope (%)

The engineer will do routine inspections and conduct

routine tests to determine whether the quality of material
and workmanship provided comply with the requirements
of this section.
The test results and measurements will be assessed in (f) Gravel base (chemically
accordance with the provisions of sections 8200 or 8300 stabilized material) compacted to:
according to which section has been designated in the
project specifications as being appropriate. (i) 97% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
(ii) 98% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted
Items 34.08, 34.09 and 34.13 are applicable solely to work layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
that has to be executed in a restricted area of which the
width is less than 3,O m or the length is less than 150,O m. (g) Gravel shoulders compacted to:

Item Unit (i) 93% of modified AASHTO

density (specify compacted
34.01 Pavement layers con- layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
structed from gravel taken
from cut or bonow, induding (ii) 95% of modlfied AASHTO
free-haul up to 1,O km: density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(a) Gravel selected layer
compacted to: (h) Gravel wearing course
compacted to:
(i) 93% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted (i) 93% of modified AASHTO
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(ii) 95% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted (ii) 95% of modified AASHTO
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (mJ)
(b) Sand selected layer
compacted to 100% of modified
AASHTO density (fraction sand The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
< 0,075 mm less than 20%) compacted pavement layer, and the quantity shall be
(specify compacted layer calculated from the authorized dimensions of the
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) completed layer.

(c) Gravel subbase (unstabilized

gravel) compacted to: The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
procuring, as if from soft excavation or pits, breaking
(i) 95% of modified AASHTO down, placing and compacting the material, including
density (specify compacted transporting the material for a distance of 1,O km and its
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) removal, disposal and transporting for a distance of
1,O km, of up to 5% by volume of oversize material, and
(ii) 97% of modified AASHTO the protection and maintenance of the layer and the
density (specify compacted conducting of control tests, all as specified.
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(d) Gravel subbase (chemically Item Unit
stabilized material) compacted to:
34.02 Extra over item 34.01 for
(i) 95% of modified AASHTO excavation of material in:
density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(a) Intermediate excavation . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(ii) 96% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . ... cubic metre (m3) (b) Hard excavation . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(e) Gravel base (unstabilized
gravel) compacted to: The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material obtained from intermediate or hard excavation.
(i) 98% of modified AASHTO
density (specify compacted
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
additional costs involved for taking material from classes of
(ii) 100% of modified AASHTO material harder than soft excavation and for the additional
density (specify compacted costs, if any, for processing such material in the pavement
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) layers.
Gravel subbase (chemically
stabilized material) compacted
34.03 Pavement layers constructed from to 96% of modified AASHTO
gravel o p i n e d from existing density, using:
pavement layers:
(i) Non-cemented material
(a) Gravel selected layer compacted (specify compacted layer
to 93% of modified AASHTO thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
density, using:
(ii) Cemented material
(i) Non-cemented material (specify compacted layer
(specify compacted layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(h) Gravel base (unstabilized gravel)
(ii) Cemented material compacted to 98% of modified
(specify compacted layer AASHTO density (unstabilized
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) gravel), using:

(b) Gravel selected layer compacted (i) Non-cemented material

to 95% of modified AASHTO (specify compacted layer
density, using: thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(i) Non-cemented material (ii) Cemented material

(specify compacted layer (specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(ii) Cemented material (i) Gravel base (unstabilized gravel)

(specify compacted layer compacted to 100% of modified
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) AASHTO density (unstabilized
gravel). using:
(c) Sand selected layer compacted
to 100%of modified AASHTO (i) Non-cemented material
density (specify compacted (specify compacted layer
layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... cubic metre (m3)

(d) Gravel subbase (unstabilized (ii) Cemented material

gravel) compacted to 95% of (specify compacted layer
modified AASHTO density, using: thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(i) Non-cemented material li) Gravel base compacted to 97%

(specify compacted layer of modified AASHTO density
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') (chemically stabilized
material), using:
(ii) Cemented material
(specify compacted layer Non-cemented material
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(e) Gravel subbase (unstabilized
gravel) compacted to 97% of Cemented material
modified AASHTO density, using: (specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer Gravel base compacted to 98%
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) of modified AASHTO density
(chemically stabilized
(ii) Cemented material material). using:
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... cubic metre (m3) (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer
(1) Gravel subbase (chemically thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
stabilized material) compacted
to 95% of modified AASHTO (ii) Cemented material
density, using: (specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(i) Noncemented material
(specify compacted layer (1) Gravel shoulder wearing
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) course compacted to 93% of
modified AASHTO density. using:
(ii) Cemented material (specify
compacted layer thickness) . . cubic metre (m3) (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer measuring and marking-off of the excavation, and the
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') protection of the adjacent existing pavement and its repair
should it be damaged.
(ii) Cemented material
(specify compacted layer The tendered rate for cemented material shall include full
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) compensation of breaking down the material to comply
with the specified grading requirements.
(m) Gravel shoulder wearing
course compacted to 95% of
modified AASHTO density,
34.04 In situ reconstruction of existing
(i) Non-cemented material pavement layers as:
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... cubic metre (m3) (a) Gravel selected layer compacted
to 93% of modified AASHTO
(ii) Cemented material density, using:
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer
(n) Gravel wearing course compacted thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
to 93% of modified AASHTO
density, using: (ii) Cemented material
(specify compacted layer
(i) Non-cemented material thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (b) Gravel selected layer compacted
to 95% of modified AASHTO
(ii) Cemented material density. using:
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer
(0) Gravel wearing course compacted thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
to 95% of modified AASHTO
density, using: (ii) Cemented material
(specify compacted layer
(i) Non-cemented material thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (c) Gravel subbase (unstabilized
gravel) compacted to 95% of
(ii) Cemented material modified AASHTO density, using:
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
compacted pavement layer, the quantity of which shall be
calculated in accordance with the authorized dimensions of (ii) Cemented material
the completed layer if the underlying layer has also been (specify compacted layer
reconstructed or reworked. Where the underlying layer has thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
not been reconstructed or reworked but only rolled. or
where no work has been done on it, quantities shall be (d) Gravel subbase (unstabilized
calculated with the aid of cross-sections taken of the layer material) compacted to 970A of
before and after construction. subject to the provisions of modified AASHTO density. using:
clause 1220. Where the material consist of recovered
pavement material in part and imported material in part. (i) Non-cemented material
the quantity of imported material obtained from cut or (specify compacted layer
borrow shall be paid for under item 34.01,calculated in thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
accordance with the volume relation of the respective
materials. (ii) Cemented material
(specify compacted layer
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
breaking up the existing pavement layer, excavating the
material in the existing pavement, procuring. breaking (e) Gravel subbase (chemically
down, placing and compacting the material, including haul stabilized material) compacted
for a free-haul distance of 1,O km, and for the protection to 95% of modified AASHTO
and maintenance of the layer as well as for the density. using:
performance of control tests, all as specified.
(i) Non-cemented material
Where excavation is executed over sections of the road. (specify compacted layer
payment shall also include compensation for the proper thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
Cemented material (i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer (specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

Gravel subbase (chemically (ii) Cemented material

stabilized material) compacted (specify compacted layer
to 96% of modified AASHTO thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
density, using:
(I) Gravel shoulder wearing course
(i) Non-cemented material compacted to 95% of modified
(specify compacted layer AASHTO density, using:
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . ..... cubic metre (m3)
(i) Non-cemented material
(ii) Cemented material (specify compacted layer
(specify compacted layer thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(ii) Cemented material
(9) Gravel base compacted to 98% (specify compacted layer
of modified AASHTO density thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(unstabilized gravel), using:
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
(i) Non-cemented material compacted pavement layer reworked in situ, the quantity
(specify compacted layer of which shall be calculated in accordance with the
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) authorized dimensions of the completed layer.

(ii) Cemented material The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(specify compacted layer breaking up the existing pavement layer to the specified
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3) depth, breaking down and preparing the material, placing
and compacting the material as well as the protection and
(h) Gravel base compacted to 100% maintenance of the laver, conducting- control tests,
of modified AASHTO density measuring and demarcating the work where layers are
(unstabilized gravel), using: reprocessed partly. protecting the adjacent pavement and
its repair should it be damaged
(i) Non-cemented material
(specify compacted layer The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3) spreading and mixing in any additional material should the
existing layer thickness be inadequate and it be specified
(ii) Cemented material or instructed by the engineer that the thickness be
(specify compacted layer increased.
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
Material which is temporarily bladed to windrow for the
(i) Gravel base compacted to 97% removal of an underlying layer and then bladed back and
of modified AASHTO density compacted. will be classed as in situ reconstruction and
(chemically stabilized material), paid for under this item. The temporary blading of the
using: material to windrow will be paid for under item 34.07.

Non-cemented material The tendered rate for cemented material shall include full
(specify compacted layer compensation for breaking down the material to comply
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) with the specified grading requirements.

Cemented material
(specify compacted layer
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) 34.05 Extra over subitems M.W(a),
@I. 0)
P I , (dl, (el, 0,
Gravel base compacted to 98% and (m), and 34.W(a), @I,
of modified AASHTO density (c), (dl, (4, 0, (kl and
(chemically stabilized (I) for the construction of gravel
material), using: pavement layen from recovered
pavement material mixed with
Non-cemented material existing bituminous surFacing
(specify compacted layer material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The tendered extra-over rate for constructing the pavement
Cemented material layers from material recovered from existing pavements
(specify compacted layer and mixed with existing bituminous surfacing material shall
thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') include full compensation for breaking down the surfacing
material into fragments not exceeding 37,5 m m in size,
Gravel shoulder wearing course uniformly mixing it with the other material, manually
compacted to 93% of modified removing any over-sized fragments, and for any other
AASHTO density, using: incidentals.
thickness of the layers excavated.

34.06 Extra over .item 34.04 for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
adding extra material as additional costs for excavating the material in restricted
specified in subsubdause areas.

(a) Gravel selected layer ........ cubic metre (mJ) Item Unit

(b) Gravel subbase ............ cubic metre (m') 34.09 Extra over items 34.03 and 34.04
for placing and compacting gravel
(c) Gravel base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m7) pavement layers in restricted
(d) Gravel wearing course . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(a) Non-cemented material . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(e) Gravel shoulder wearing
course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (b) Cemented material .... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
added on the instruction of the engineer, which quantity pavement layer placed and compacted in restricted areas.
shall be taken as 70% of the loose volume measured in
trucks, unless instructed by the engineer that the quantity Payment will not distinguish between the various pavement
be determined by way of cross-sections. layers. neither between material mixed with bituminous
surfacing material and material without bituminous
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for surfacing material.
procuring and adding the material to the in situ broken-
down pavement layer. and for haul over a free-haul The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
distance of 1,O km. additional costs for placing and compacting the material in
restricted areas.

ttem Unit This item shall also apply where pavement layers are
widened and work is performed in restricted areas.
34.07 Extra over item 34.04 for
temporarily blading the material
to windrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material 34.10 Conipacting the flwrs of pavement
from an existing pavement layer, temporarily bladed to excavations (5 roller passes) with:
windrow and measured in its original position before
removal. (a) Vibratory rollers . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

The tendered rate shall include full conlpensation for all (b) Oscillatory rollers . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
additional costs involved in temporarily blading the
material to windrow and later blading back and also for all (c) Grid rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
clearing-up work which may be necessary after the material
has been bladed back. (d) Flat-wheeled rollers . . . . . . . square metre (m7)

Only material bladed to windrow on the instruction of the (e) Pneumatic-tyred rollers . . . . . square metre (m2)
engineer in order to expose the underlying layer shall be
measured and paid for. The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of floor
of pavement excavations compacted by 5 roller passes.
Material bladed or cut from restricted areas to windrow. Payment will differentiate between the above types of
and material temporarily stockpiled. will not be paid for rollers.
under this item.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying the roller. applying 5 roller passes. and removing
Unit the roller after completion of the compacting process. The
engineer may increase or decrease the number of roller
34.08 Extra over item 34.03 for passes, in which case payment will be adjusted in
excavating material in existing accordance with item 34.12.
pavement layzrs in resbicted
Item Unit
(a) Non-cemented material . . . . . . cubic metre m3)
34.1 1 Watering the pavement excavation
(b) Cemented material . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilolitre ( k l )

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material The unit of measurement shall be kilolitre of water applied
excavated in a restricted area, the quantity of which shall to the floor of the excavation to be compacted on the
be calculated in accordance with the area and the average instruction of the engineer.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring and applying the water. including all haul.
Where the following items of work are required in
connection with constructing the pavement layers, the
Item Unit appropriate payment items shall appear in section 3400 of
the schedule of quantities.
34.12 Variations in the number of roller
passes applicable to item 34.10: ltem16.02 Overhaul of material for a distance
exceeding 1,O km
(a) Vibratory rollers square metre-pass
(m7-pass) ltern 31.01 Excess overburden

(b) Oscillatory rollers .... . . .. square metre-pass ltern 31.03 Finishing-off borrow areas
ltern 32.01 Provision of crushing and/or screening
(c) Grid rollers . .... . . . .. . . . square metre-pass plant
ltem 32.02 Re-erection of crushing and/or screening
(d) Flat-wheeled rollers ...... square metre-pass plant
ltem 32.03 Crushing and screening
(e) Pneumatic-tyred rollers .... square metre-pass
(m7-pass) ltem 32.04 Removal of oversize pavement material

The provisions of item 33.06 shall apply ltern 35.01 Chemical stabilization

ltem 35.02 Chemical stabilizing agent

Item Unit
ltem 35.03 Mechanical modification
34.13 Extra over item 34.10 for
compacting pavement excavation ltern 35.04 Provision and application of water for
floor in restricted areas . . . . . square metre (m') curing

ltem 35.05 Curing by covering with the subsequent

The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of layer
pavement excavation floor compacted in restricted areas.
ltern 35.07 Bituminous stabilization
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
additional costs for compacting the pavement excavation ltern 35.08 Bituminous stabilizing agent
floor in a restricted area irrespective of the compaction
plant used. ltem 35.09 Additive for bituminous stabilization.
SERlES 3000 : EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENT requirements of SABS 1491 : Part I.
STONE Ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall have a specific
surface of not less than 0,35 m2/g and the residue on a
sieve with 75 micron openings shali not exceed 10% by

CONTENTS Ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall not be used on

its own as a stabilizing agent but shall be mixed either with
SCOPE Portland cement to form a cement-slag mixture, or with
MATERIALS lime to form a lime-slag mixture. The ratio by mass of the
CHEMICAL STABILIZATION ingredients of each mixture shall be indicated by the
TOLERANCES Cement-slag and lime-slag mixtures shall be intimately
CONSTRUCTION OF TRIAL SECTION mixed by means of approved mixers and/or spreaders
STABILIZATION WORK IN RESTRICTED AREAS prior to their application onto any layers to be stabilized, or
QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP they may be mixed on the road, at the discretion of the

(v) Portland fly ash cement

3501 SCOPE
Portland fly ash cement shall comply with the requirements
of SABS 1466.
This section covers the stabilization of materials used in the
construction of the roadbed, fill or pavement layers by the (vi) Other chemical stabilizing agents
addition of a chemical stabilizing agent or by the
mechanical modification of the material by mixing various Other chemical stabilizing agents such as fly-ash may be
materials or by treating the material with a bituminous used if specified in the project specifications or if approved
stabilizing agent. It includes the furnishing, spreading and or so instructed by the engineer. Ry ash shall comply with
mixing-in of the stabilizing agent or soil binder. In the case the requirements of SABS 1491 : Part II.
of chemically stabilized material the layer is given a curing
@) Soil binder
For the purposes of this section, chemical stabilization
includes the mere modification of material properties by Soil binder for mechanical modification shall be taken from
the addition of stabilizing or modifying agents, without within the limits of an approved source and shall be
necessarily envisaging or requiring the cementation of the subject to such requirements regarding grading, plasticity
material by such process. index or other properties as may be Indicated on the
borrow-pit plans, or prescribed by the engineer.

(c) Material for bituminous stabilization

(a) Chemical stabilizing agents (i) Bituminous stabilizing agents

The stabilizing agent shall be either one or more of the For the purposes of this contract the bituminous stabilizing
following agents specified on the drawings, in the schedule agent shall be one or more of the following agents
of quantities or in the project specifications or ordered by specified on the drawings, in the schedule of quantities or
the engineer. in the project specifications, or as may be instructed by the
engineer, and shall comply with the appropriate SABS
(i) Road lime specification given below:

Road lime shall comply with the requirements of SABS 824 Stable-grade bituminous emulsion
and shall bear the SABS mark. (60% net bitumen) SABS 309 (anionic)
or SABS 548 (cationic)
(ii) Ordinary portland cement
(ii) Fillers
Portland cement shall comply with the requirements of
SABS 471. Rapid-hardening portland cement shall not be Fillers such as road lime, portland cement and ground
used. granulated blast-furnace slag added for improving
adhesion and/or stability shali comply with the
(iii) Portland blast-furnace cement requirements of subclause 3502(a) above.

Portland blast-furnace cement shall comply with the (iii) Aggregate

requirements of SABS 626.
Material for bituminous stabilization shall be subject to the
(iv) Ground granulated blast-furnace slag requirements prescribed for chemically stablllzed gravel or
crushed-stone base, with the proviso that the plasticity
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall comply with the index shall not exceed 6 after the addition of chemical
stabilizing agent (if required) and before stabilization obtained

In the case of gravel material, the percentage of material (c) Slaking and applying unslaked lime
smaller than 0,075 m m shall not exceed 12%. No gravel
from weathered igneous rock may be used. unless it is When unslaked lime is used. it stiall be slaked as follows:
prescribed in the project specifications. The material to be treated shall be spread over the road in
a layer of uniform thickness and shall then be lightly rolled
Where gravel material or crushed stone has been with a flatwheel roller. The lime shall then be spread on
recovered from existing pavements. the engineer may the layer as described in subparagraph (b) above. after
allow up to 15% material smaller than 0.075 m m to be which it shall be ploughed in and thoroughly mixed with
present in material intended for bituminous stabilization. the material. The mixture shall then be watered and the
moisture mixed in. The wetness of the mixture shall
Where specified in the project specifications, material from exceed optimum moisture content (approximately 2%
existing pavements mixed with existing bituminous additional moisture) so as to produce a sufficient quantity
surfacing material may be used in bituminously stabilized of rnoisture for slaking the lime. The mixture shall then be
base where so approved by the engineer, in writing. The allowed to slake completely, normally for a period of at
restrictions in subclause 3402(a) in regard to the least 24 hours.
percentage of existing bituminous material and the size of
fragments of such material shall. however. still apply. The contractor shall keep in mind that unslaked lime can
cause serious burns. and also injury to eyes, mouth and
nose. Workers exposed to unslaked lime shall therefore be
(d) General supplied with approved protective apparel and masks. and
no person without such apparel and masks may be
From the time of purchase to the time of use, all chemical permitted to work with or be exposed to the lime.
stabilizing agents shall be kept under proper cover and
protected from moisture. Precautionary measures shall also be taken to ensure that
the public will not be exposed to unslaked lime blown by
Consignments of these materials shall be usedsin the same the wind or under similar circumstances.
sequence as that of their delivery at the works. Stocks
stored on the site in excess of three monttis shall not be
used in the work unless authorized by the engineer. (d) Mixing in the stabilizing agent

Immediately after the stabilizing agent has been spread. it

(e) Water shall be mixed with the material for the full depth of
t~eatment. Care shall be taken not to disturb the
Water used for diluting emulsions shall be clean and free cornpacted layer underneath, nor to mix the stabilizing
from so many salts as will break the emulsions during agent in below the desired depth. Mixing shall be
dilution, and shall be tested for compatibility with the continued for as long as necessary and repeated as often
prescribed stabilizing agent. as required to ensure a thorough, uniform and intimate mix
of the soil or gravel and the stabilizing agent over the full
area and depth of the material to be treated.
Mixing shall be done by grader, disc harrow, rotary mixer
or equivalent plant. working over the full area and depth of
(a) Preparing the layer the layer to be stabilized by means of successive passes of
the equipment.
The material to be stabilized shall be prepared and placed
as specified in section 3200, and given at least one pass Mixing may also be done in central batch-mixing plants,
with a flatwheel roller. The material shall be damp. but the contractor will not be entitled to payment for
additional overhaul or incidentals resulting from such
@) Applying the stabilizing agent

After the layer of soil or gravel has been prepared. the (e) Watering
stabilizing agent shall be spread uniformly over the full
area of the layer by means of an approved type of Immediately after the stabilizing agent tias been properly
mechanical spreader at the prescribed rate of appiication mixed with the soil or gravel, the moisture content of the
in a continuous process. or it may be spread by hand mixture stiall be determined. and the required amount of
water as specified in section 3200 shall be added.
When spreading is done by hand, pockets or bags of
stabilizing agent shall be accurately spaced at equal Each application or increment of water shall be well mixed
intervals along the section to be stabilized so that the with the material so as to avoid the concentration of water
specified rate of application can be achieved The near the surface or the flow of water over the surface of the
stabilizing agent shall be spread as evenly as possible. snd layer.
shall then be uniformly distributed over the entire surface
to be treated. Particular care shall be taken to ensure satisfactory
~ o i s t u r edistribution over the full depth. width and length
The engineer may permit spreading of the hand-spaced of the section being stabilized and to prevent any portion
stabilizing agent by motor grader. provided that he is of the work from getting excessively wet after the
satisfied that an even distribution of the stabilizing agent is stabilizing agent has been added. The moisture content of
the material during compaction shall never exceed 8096 of (i) The stabilized layer shall be kept continuously wet
the saturation moisture content of the natural material or damp by watering at frequent intewals. This method
without stabilizing agent, calculated at maxirnum dry will be permitted for up to a maximum period of 24 hours.
d$nsity in accordance with subclause 8107(d). Any portion but one of methods (ii). (iii), (iv), or (v) shall be applied as
of the work that becomes too wet after the stabilizing agent soon as the moisture content of the stabilized layer so
has been added and before the mixture has been permits. Work which is not kept continuously wet or damp
compacted, will be rejected, and such portions shall be to the satisfaction of the engineer, but is subjected to
allowed to dry out to the required moisture content and consecutive wet-dry cycles, may be rejected by the
shall then be scarified, restabilized, recompacted and again engineer should he consider the layer to have been
finished off in accordance with the requirements specified adversely affected.
herein, all at the expense of the contractor. The water
supply and watering equipment shall be adequate to (ii) The stabilized layer shall be covered with the
ensure that all the water required will be added and mixed material required for the next layer while the stabilized
with the material being treated within a short enough layer is still in a wet or damp condition. The material
period to enable compaction and finishing to be completed forming the protective layer shall be watered at such
within the period specified in subclause 3503fi). intervals as may he required to keep the stabilized layer
continuously wet or damp, and in dry weather this shall be
done at least once in every 24 hours.
(f) Compaction
(iii) The stabilized layer shall be covered with a curing
The provisions of section 3200 shall apply. During membrane consisting of a spray-grade emulsion or
compaction loss of moisture by evaporation shall be cutback bitumen applied at the rate instructed by the
corrected by further light applications of water. engineer. The provisions of section 4100 shall apply
mutatis mutandis to the application of a curing membrane.
During compaction of the stabilized layers. the coritractor
shall lightly harrow or scarify the crust before final rolling. (iv) Where a prirne coat is specified on top of the
if so required by the engineer, in order to prevent the stabilized base or subbase, the prime coat may be utilized
formation of laminations near the surface of the layer. as a curing membrane and shall be applied as specified in
Final rolling shall be done with equipment that will give a section 4100.
smooth surface finish which conforms to the surface
tolerances specified. Low patches on the surface may not (v) The stabilized layer shall be kept continuously wet
be filled after compaction. The minimum compaction for seven days by an effective fog-spraying system which
requirements shall be as specified for the particular layer will not damage the surface of the layer. During this
in the various sections of these specifications. period. the application of water shall be so controlled that
it will not unduly wet the layer but, at the same time, will
not allow the layer to dry out. Layers allowed to dry out
A sufficient number of compacting units shall be employed may be rejected if damaged thereby. In regard to this
on the work to ensure that, from the time when the method. payment will be made only for the application of
stabilizing agent is first applied to the layer, the mixing water.
process, watering, compacting, shaping and final finishing
will be completed within the periods specified in subclause No additional payment will be made for curing as
3503(i) below. described above. except that the application of a curing
membrane or water in accordance with method (v) above
will be paid for when the application of such methods has
@) Finishing at junctions been ordered by the engineer.

Any finished portion of the stabilized layer adjacent to new

work, which is used as a turn-round area by equipment in 6) Conshuclion limitations
constructing the adjoining section. shall be provided with
a protective cover of soil or gravel of at least 100 mm thick For cemented layers the stabilizing agent shall be applied
over a sufficient length to prevent damage to work already only to a surface the size of which will permit all
completed. When the adjoining section is being finally processing, watering. compacting and finishing to be
finished, such cover shall be removed to permit the making completed withiri the period given in table 350311.
of a smooth vertical joint at the junction of the different
sections. Material in the vicinity of the joint which cannot For any special surface finishing operations the maximum
be processed satisfactorily with normal construction period may be fractionally increased by the engineer.
equipment shall be mixed and compacted by hand or with
suitable hand-operated machines. For modification only. the niaximum period allowed from
the time the binder comes into contact with the layer being
modified until the completion of compaction shall be 48
(h) Curing the stabilized work hours in the case of slaked or unslaked lime. The starting
time shall be the median time taken to complete the
The stabilized layer shall be protected against rapid drying- spreading of the lime.
out for at least seven days following completion of the No stabilization shall be done during wet weather or when,
layer. in the opinion of the engineer, windy or freezing conditions
may adversely affect the stabilizing operations. Any rain
falling on the working area during the process of
The methods of protection may be any one or more of the stabilization may be sufficient cause for the engineer to
following subject to the provisions of the project order any affected areas to be reconstructed at the
specifications or the approval of the engineer: contractor's own cost.
Table 350311 roller. The materia! from the second source shall then be
dumped onto the road, prepared, broken down and evenly
CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS FOR spread, after which the two materials shall be thoroughly
CEMENTED LAYERS mixed as described in subclause 3208(a): Spraying and
Maximum continuous period
allowed from the time the
Stabilizing stabilizing agent comes into The mixing of materials from different sources wlll apply
agent contact with the layer being only when the smallest component of the mixture exceeds
stabilized until the completion of 20% of the total mass of the mixture. If not, the process
compaction (see note) will be regarded as the addltlon of a soil blnder as
described above in subclause (a).
Ordinary portland
cement, and/or
approved (c) Recombining recovered material
portland cement
blends 8 hours Where specified in the project specifications or required by
the engineer, recovered material shall be recombined to
Slaked lime 10 hours comply with the requirements of the layer for whlch it Is
Unslaked lime 10 hours

Note: The starting time shall be the median time taken to 3505 BITUMINOUS STABILIZING
complete the spreading of the stabilizing agent.

No traffic nor any plant not actually used for processing the (a) Reparing the material
layer may be allowed to pass over the freshly spread
stabilizing agent. Only equipment required for curing or The material to be stabilized shall be prepared and placed
priming may be allowed over the treated layers during the as specified In section 3200, and shall be ploughed into
specified curing period, unless otherwise specified in the furrows. The moisture content of the material shall be just
projects specifications or approved by the engineer. Where below the optimum molsture content during mlxlng-in of
specified in the project specifications, watering shall be the stabilizing agent. Immediately before the stabilizing
done by side-spraying tankers travelling off the stabilized agent is applied, the material shall again be lightly wetted.
layer. No dry material whatsoever may then be present.

3504 MECHANICAL MODlFlCAllON @) Mixing in the a d d i i

Where an additive (lime, cement, etc) has been specified,

Mechanical modification shall consist of the addition of an or if so required by the engineer, it shall first be spread
approved soil binder to material to improve its properties, and mixed in as described in subclause 3503(b). Separate
or the mixing of material originating from various sources, payment will be made for providing, applying and mixing-
as described hereafter. in the additives.

(a) W i n g soil and gravel by the addition of a soil (c) Heating and diluting the bituminous stabiliing
binder agent

This process involves the addition and mixing of an The bituminous stabilizing agent shall be heated as
approved soil binder, which shall not exceed 20% by mass specified In clause 4305.
of the total mixture, to the material to be improved.

The material to be treated shall be prepared, broken down During dilution of the bituminous emulsion with water, care
and spread to the required loose thickness, all as specified shall be taken to prevent Its breaking. This will mean that
in section 3200. An approved binder material shall then be clean water shall be added gradually during constant
spread over the prepared material at the required rate, and stirring of the emulsion or its circulation by pumps.
the materials shall be mixed by a suitable method by
motor grader, disc harrow and/or other sultabie plant until
the binder material is uniformly and intimately mixed with (d) Applying the stabilizing agent
the material being treated. The mixed materials shall then
be watered, mlxed and compacted as described in section After preparing the material, the stabilizing agent shall be
3200. uniformly applied by an approved binder distributor (in
accordance with subclause 4103(a)) in a continuous
process at the prescribed rate of application over the full
@) Mixing materials from various sources area of the layer. Multiple applications may be necessary.
In such cases it shall be ensured that the molsture
The mixing of materials from various sources requires the escaping on account of drying-out is replaced by water
material from the first source to be dumped onto the road, being applied. Care shall be taken not to allow the
prepared, broken down and spread in a layer of uniform stabilizing agent to run from the layer before it has been
thickness, after which it is lightly rolled with a steel-wheeled mixed in.
The stabilizing agent shall be diluted with water to obtain location. or a representative sample of the aggregate
a better distribution. without any addition of bituminous stabilizing agent, and
the value thus obtained shall b e adjusted to make
In cases where, in the opinion of the engineer, it is provision for the specified percentage of bituminous
impracticable to apply the stabilizing agent b y mechanical stabilizing agent to b e added, but no adjustment shall be
binder distributor, hand distributors m a y b e used. made for making provision for the presence of bituminous
stabilizing agent in regard to such values as are obtained
Where so required by the engineer, a certain part (not for field densities.
more than 10% of the total quantity) of the stabilizing agent
shall b e sprayed onto the surface in a diluted form (with a
maximum of 2 parts of water to 1 part of bituminous (1) Finishing at junctions
stabilizing agent) immediately. before the final finishing of
the layer. The junctions of sections shall be finished in accordance
with subclause 3503(g) for obtaining an even and well-
The stabilizing agent shall. immediately after each compacted joint and so as not to cause damage to the
application, be mixed with the loose material. to the full adjacent parts of the sections.
depth of the treated layer. This work shall be done carefully
so as not to disturb the underlying compacted layer and as
not to mix in the stabilizing agent deeper than the required (g) Construction limitations
depth. During mixing-in, the moisture content of the
material shall b e immediately below or at optimum
moisture content. Mixing shall be proceeded with for so
- When gravel is being stabilized with a bituminous
emulsion. the layer shall b e mixed and compacted
long as m a y be necessary and shall be repeated as within 24 hours.
frequently as may be necessary to ensure the thorough.
uniform and proper mixing of the gravel or the aggregate Limited slushing shall b e done within 48 hours.
and the stabilizing agent over the full surface and depth of
the material to b e treated, until the resulting mixture is Where crushed stone is stabilized with bituminous
homogeneous and has the same appearance throughout emulsion and used for repairing subbase or base
without any individual spots of the stabilizing agent being layers, it shall be mixed in. placed. and compacted
visible, and until the mixture has reached the r ~ q u i r e d within 5 hours.
moisture content of compaction.

Mixing shall be done b y road grader. disc harrow. rotary 3506 TOLERANCES
mixer or similar plant, which will work the layer to b e
stabilized b y way of successive passes over its full surface
and depth. (a) FIale of application

Mixing may also b e done in a central batch-mixing plant. (i) Chemical stabilizing agents
but the contractor shall not be entitled to payment for extra
overhaul or other costs arising from this method of work. The average rate of application of a chemical stabilizing
agent. when applied b y mechanical bulk-spreading
equipment and measured b y the canvas-patch method,
(e) Compaction shall b e equal to the specified rate of application ? 5% of
the rate of application measured over any section not
The provisions of subclause 3503(f) shall apply. The exceeding 1.0 k m in length, and no single measurement
moisture content during the compaction of stabilized layers shall show a value deviating b y more than 20% from the
shall not exceed the optimum of the gravel or aggregate. s ~ e c i f i e drate.
However, the engineer m a y amend these required moisture
contents. When hand spotted. stabilizing agents shall be spread
exactly to the specified rate of application.
The engineer m a y prescribe or permit a limited amount of
slushing as specified in subclause 3604(c) so as to ensure (ii) Bituminous stabilizing agents
a higher density and/or better finish.
The average rate of application of bituminous stabilizing
However, slushing, preferably after an initial drying out agent as measured in the binder distributor shall b e within
period, shall be limited so as to bring just sufficient fine 5% of the specified rate of application.
material to the surface for improving rough spots. but not
in excess. Fine material m a y not b e swept from the road.
@) Uniformity of m i x (chemical stabilization)
Where the required densities for a pavement layer in
accordance with the modified AASHTO density is specified. One of the following test methods. as prescribed in the
the standard density as well as the field densities shall be project specifications. shall b e applied to assess the
determined on the material as obtained from the road, and uniformity of mix:
the standard density or the field densities shall not be
adjusted o n account of the presence of bituminous
stabilizing agents. (i) The quantity of cementitious binder in the mixed
material as determined during sampling and testing
Where, however, the required density has been specified in as specified in subclause 81 lO(a). shall b e within
accordance with the apparent density of the material. the the limits specified in the statistical judgement plan
apparent density shall be determined at a specified testing described in clauses 8206 or 8305.
Samples for the determination of the uniformity of The trial section shall be paid for separately only when It
mix shall be taken immediately after the material complies with all the requirements of these specifications
has been mixed with the water and stabilizer and and has been approved by the engineer.
spreaded, but before the layer is compacted, and
the contractor shall therefore make the necessary After approval has been obtained the mixing process and
arrangements timeously and allow for the time to equipment shall remain unaltered unless otherwise
collect the samples. approved by the engineer.

As described in clause 81 10(a), test results shall be

adjusted to make allowance for the presence in the 3508 STABILIZATION WORK IN RESTRICTED AREAS
material to be stabilized. of minerals which affect
the test results. The above requirements for
uniformity of mix shall be applied only on condition (a) General requirements
that the variation in these adjustments falls within
the limits specified in clause 81 10. The coefficient The provisions of subsubclauses 3208(a)(ii)and 3208(b)(ii)
of variation may not exceed 0.3 (30%) for material in regard to work in restricted areas shall apply mutatis
mixed on the spot, and 0.2 (20%) for material mutandis.
mixed in a mixing plant.
Where existing and new work are joined (longitudinal joints
(ii) The quantity and distribution of the effective and others), material shall be satisfactorily mixed and
cementitious binder in the mixed material shall be compacted without any permeable or loose patches.
deemed acceptable if the resultant unconfined Subclause 3503(g) shall apply.
compressive test results of samples randomly
selected immediately prior to the compaction of a In regard to the curing of stabilized layers in restricted
stabilised construction lot, and covering the area on areas, the construction of the subsequent layers may be
either side of the diagonal dividing such a lot. commenced as soon RS practicable with the permission of
satisfy the statistical assessnient criteria for the the engineer.
method outlined in the project specifications. The
target value for the primary variation, required to
perform the relevant calculations, shall be agreed @) Chemical stabilization
based on the outcome of an acceptable trial
section, and shall fall within the following applicable Where pavement layers are to be widened. no chemical
ranges: stabilizing agent may be spread or mixed beyond the
required width. The contractor will not be permitted to mix
Number of Stabilizer type Permissible range material for stabilization on adjacent surfaces unless he
traffic lanes for setting target has obtained prior permission from the engineer. in writing.
v a l u e of t h e Where the existing surfaces of the road may not be used
primary variation for this purpose, the contractor shall apply other approved
for cementation methods of mixing.

2 LIME 0.3 to 0.7

3 LIME 0.3 to 0.7 Payment over and above payment for work In restricted
2 OPC (or blends) 0.4 to 1.0 areas will not be considered for additional overhaul or other
3 OPC (or blends) 0.5 to 0.9 costs arising from this manner of mixing or working.

Where the primary variation obtained for the trial

section, falls outside the specified range. a new trial (c) Bituminous stabilization
section will be required.
No mixing of material with bituminous stabilizing agent will
be permitted on the existing surfacing without the written
3507 C0NSTRUCTK)N OF TRIAL SECTION permission of the engineer, and then only where such
surface is required to be resealed or provided with a
resurfacing layer. Where restricted areas are such that
Before the contractor commences with the construction of mixing in them will not be practicable and/or mixing on
stabilized layers he shall demonstrate by constructing a adjacent surfaces is not permitted. mixing shall be done in
trial section that the equipment and procedure he proposes a central mixing plant. In the case of smaller quantities,
to use will result in him constructing the layers in approved concrete mixers may be used.
accordance with these specificatiocs.
Payment over and above payment for work in restricted
areas will not be considered for additional overhaul or other
The trial section shall be at least 2 000 m 2 in area and shall costs arising from this manner of mixing or working.
be constructed in its proper position in the pavement.
Only when such a trial section has been satisfactorily
constructed and accepted will the contractor be permitted 3509 QUALITY OF MATERMS AND WORKMANSHIP
to proceed with the stabilized layer in the permanent work.

Routine inspection and testing will be made by the

In the event of the trial section being unsuccessful the engineer to determine the quality of materials and
contractor shall remove the trial section should the workmanship for compliance with the requirements of this
engineer so require. section.
The test results and measurements will be Judged in (b) Portland blast-furnace
accordance with the provisions of section 8200 or 8300, cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
depending on which section is indicated as the appropriate
section in the project specifications. (c) Road lime
(type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
Only the lower limits and not any upper limits for
cementitlous binder content have been laid down In (d) Ground granulated
clauses 8206 and 8208 (alternatelyclauses 8305 and 8307). blast-furnace slag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
Nevertheless, the binder content as determined by the
sample mean of a lot shall be not more than 0,5% above (e) Unslaked lime (dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
the value specified or ordered by the engineer.
(1) Portland fly ash cement .............. ton (1)
Compliance with the requirements for the compaction of
stabilized materials shall be as specified in the relevant (g) Other stabilizing
section for each layer, or in the project specifications. agents (type specified) .............. ton (t)

When the tests for uniformity of mix are not applicable as The unit of measurement shall be the ton of stabilizing
stated In subclause 3506(b), the material shall be visually agent. Measurement shall distinguish between the various
appraised for uniformity of mix. stabilizing agents used. When mixtures of slag and
cement or lime are used, the quantity of each constituent
shall be measured separately and not the mixture as a

In the case of unslaked lime, the mass for purposes of

Items 35.10, 35.11 and 35.12 are applicable solely to payment shall be the mass of the lime before slaking,
stabilization work that has to be executed in a restricted therefore, the mass of the calcium oxide.
area of whlch the width Is less than 3,O m or the length Is
less than 150,O m. Subject to the provlsions of clause 1220, the quantity will
be determined in accordance with the authorized rate of
ttem Unit
The tendered rates shall Include full com~ensationfor
35.01 Chemical stabilization providing the stabilizing agent at the works, irrespective of
(layer thlckness indicated) the rate of application specified or ordered by the engineer,
extra over unstabilizedcom- but shall make allowance for the differences in mixing and
pacted layers (layer to be compaction times specified for various stabilizing agents.
stabilized Indicated) . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The rate for ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall
include full compensation for premixing the blast-furnace
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of granulated slag with other stabilizing agents in the required
stabilized material, the quantity of which shall be proportion, and the rate for unslaked lime shall also Include
determined in accordance wlth the authorized dimensions f~ll'com~ensation for its slaking, Including the supply end
of the layers treated as instructed by the engineer. application of water.

The tendered rates for chemical stablllzation shall be paid

as extra over the rates tendered for constructing the Item Unit
unstabiilzed layers. The tendered rates shall therefore
include full compensation for spreading and mixing the 35.03 Mechanical modiication
stabilizing agent, curing the stabilized sections, any extra (exira over unlreated layer):
water required, and all materials, supewision, labour, plant,
equipment, tools and incidentals (extraover those provided (a) By adding a soil binder ...... cubic metre (ma)
for in the rates tendered for constructing the unstabilized
layer) necessary for completing the specified work, but (b) By mixing materials
excluding the cost of supplying the stabilizing agent. No from different sources ....... cubic metre (m3)
distinction will be made in respect of the type of stabilizing
agent used, the time for completion or the specific layer
being stabilized, and the extra over rate tendered shall The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
apply to any combination thereof. The engineer reserves compacted material that has been mechanically modified
as specified in clause 3504, and the quantity shall be
calculated in accordance with the authorized dimensions of
to himself the right to vary the thickness of the layer to be the mechanically modified layer.
stabilized by up to 20 mm, and the contract rate for this
work shall not be amended by such change.
The tendered rates for mechanical modification shall be
paid as extra over the rate for the construction of an
Unit untreated layer and shall include full compensation for all
the work, plant and other incidentals necessary for
35.02 Chemical stabilizing supplying and hauling the material for a distance of
agent: 1,O km, and for spreading the soil binder and mixing it with
the material to be treated or for mixing materials from
(a) Ordinary portland cement . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) different sources as specified.
The addition of material during a crushing or screening and maintaining the surface as specified.
process, whether it is specially imported material which is
not the product of the crushing process or whether it is
crushed material screened out and then replaced in part or
as a whole, will not be regarded as treatment with soil
binder for measurement and payment purposes. but will be .75.07 Bituminous stabilization
regarded as part of the process of producing crushed (extra over the untreated
stone for subbase, base or other construction work. the layer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
cost of which shall be included in the tendered rates for
those items of work. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
material stabilized: the quantity shall be determined in
accordance with the authorised dimensions of the
k m Unit completed layer.

35.04 Provision and application The tendered rate for bituminous stabilization shall be paid
of water for curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilolitre ( k t ) extra over the rates for constructing the untreated layer and
shall include full compensation for all incidentals,
The unit of measurement shall be the kilolitre of water excepting the compensation covered b y items 35.08 and
provided and applied in accordance with the engineer's 35.09. which are necessary for treating the material as
instructions for curing the stabilized layer as specified in specified. No distinction shall be made in regard to the
subclause 3503(h)(v)r type of bituminous stabilizer used, the time for completion,
and the particular layer to be stabilized. and the tendered
The tendered rate shall include full con~per~sation for extra rate shall apply to any combination thereof. The
furnishing, transporting and applying the water and for the engineer reserves to hin~selfthe right to alter the thickness
provision of spraying equipment. Water applied within the of the layer to b e stabilized, and the contract rates will
first 24 hours of completion of the stabilized layer will not remain applicable to all layer thicknesses between the
be calculated for payment. limits of 100 m m and 200 m m .

Unit ttem Uli

35.05 Curing by covering 35.08 Bituminous stabilizing

with the subsequent layer . . . square metre (m') agent:

The unit of measurement shall b e the square metre of (a) Anionic stable grade bituminous
stabilized pavement layer being cured b y covering it with ernulsion (60% net bitumen) . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
the subsequent layer as specified in subclause 3503(h)(ii).
The quantity will b e deterrnined by the authorized (b) Cationic stable grade bituminous
dimensions of the layer to be treated. emulsion (60% net bitumen) . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for (c) Other (specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
incidentals in respect of applying the subsequent layer for
curing as specified. including the cost of regularly The unit of measurement shall b e the litre of bituminous
supplying and applying water. stabilizing agent applied on the instruction of the engineer.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for

Item Unit providing. diluting and applying the stabilizing agent,
irrespective of the prescribed rate of application.
35.06 Curing with a bituminous membrane:

(a) MC 30 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) lhlii

(b) MC 70 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (I) 35.09 A d d i for bituminous

(c) Invert bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
(a) Ordinary portland cement . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
(d) 60% spray-grade anionic bitumen
emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) (b) Ground granulated
blast-furnace slag ton (1)
(e) 65% spray-grade cationic bitumen
emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (I) (c) Road lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)

The unit of measurement shall be the litre of bituminous The unit of measurement shall be the ton of additive
material conforming to the relevant SABS requirements applied on the instruction of the engineer.
measured at spraying temperature and sprayed as required
in section 4100. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
providing and spreading the additive and for the
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for incidentals required for mixing it in. The tendered rates
supplying the material, preparation of the surface before shall apply irrespective of the percentage of additive
applying the bituminous membrane. applying the material prescribed between the limits of 0.5% and 1.5% b y mass.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
additional costs for executing in restricted areas,
35.10 EKba over item 35.01 for and shall amongst others include full compensation for the
chemical stabilization in additional costs for applying stabilizing agents or soil
restricted areas: binders in restricted areas, as well as for curing chemically
stabilized layers in restricted areas (irrespective of the
(a) Mixing in mechanical method of curing), and the application of additives for
mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) bituminous stabilization in restricted areas.

(b) In situ mixing ............. cubic metre (m3)

(c) Mixing as for in situ mixing Payment under item 35.10 will not distinguish between the
but on adjacent surfaces . ... cubic metre (m') various types of chemical stabilizing agents.

Item Unit
Payment under item 35.1 1 will not distinguish between the
35.11 Extra over item 35.03 for addition of soil binder and the mixing of material from
mechanical modification in various sources.
reslricted areas:

(a) Mixing in mechanical Payment under item 35.12 will not distinguish between the
mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) various types of bituminous stabilizing agents or various
types of additives.
(b) In situ mixing ............. cubic metre (m")

(c) Mixing as for in situ mixing

but on adjacent surfaces . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

35.13 Extra over items 35.01 and 35.07

Item Unit for Ma1 sections . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

35.12 Exira over item 35.07 for The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
biminous stabilization in compacted stabilized layer that has been placed as a trial
restricted areas: section and approved by the engineer.

(a) Mixing in mechanical

mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
additional work, testing and incidentals associated with the
(b) In situ mixing ............. cubic metre (m3) construction of an approved trial section as specified. It
shall also include full compensation for trial sections
(c) Mixing as for in situ mixing removed as excess/unsatisfactory material.
but on adjacent surfaces . ... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of Note:

chemically stabilized or modified material, mechanically
modified material, or bituminous stabilized material in
restricted areas measured in place after placement Where soil binder requires haulage in excess of 1 km, item
irrespective of the layer treated. Payment shall apply only 16.02 shall be included in this section of the schedule of
to bases, subbases and selected layers. quantities to make provision for overhaul.
SERIES 3000 : EAATHWORKS AND PAVEMENT part of or over the full width of the existing layer.

(a) Requirements for crushed aggregate

The aggregate used for crushed-stone base shall comply
SCOPE with the requirements specified in tables 360211 and 360212
MATERIALS and in subclause 3602(b). It shall not contain any
TRIAL SECTION AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS deleterious material such as weathered rock, clay, shale or
BEFORE THE CRUSHED-STONE LAYER MAY BE mica. Argillaceous rocks may only be used if specified in
CONSTRUCTED the project specifications, or with the engineer's written
(i) The percentage of soluble salts in the material shall
be subject to the following provisions:
3601 SCOPE
Untreated material (c 6,7 m m fraction)

This section covers the procuring, furnishing and placing of Witwatersrand quartzite: Crushed stone and mine sand.
approved crushed stone on top of the completed subbase,
and constructing a crushed-stone base in accordance with Where the p H < 6,0, it shall be treated with lime until
the requirements of these specifications. p H r 10, and then used. (The aggregate is normally
treated at the crusher, and if the pH exceeds 10 at that
stage, the decrease which will occur later on, shall be
This section also covers the replacement or the ignored should it remain r 8,O.)
reprocessing of existing crushed-stone layers (with or
without the addition of approved fresh crushed stone) over Where the pH r 6,0, the material is used as it is.

Table 360212


Rock type Matrix Dry Wet Wetldry relationship

min min min

Arenaceous rocks Non-siliceous 140 kN 75%

cementing material

Siliceous cementing 110 kN 75%


Diamictites 200 kN 70%


Argillaceous rocks 180 kN 125 kN

Other rock types 110 kN 75%

Table 360213


Rock type ACV, max

Arenaceous : without siliceous cementing matrix 27%

Arenaceous : with siliceous cementing matrix 29%

Diamictites (tillite) 21%

Argillaceous rocks 24%

Other rock types 29%

Table 3602/1



Sound rock from an approved Sound rock, boulders or coarse Sound rock, boulders or coarse
PARENT quarry, or clean, sound mine gravel gravel
MATERIAL rock from mine dumps, or clean
sound boulders
Only fines crushed from the May contain up to 10% by mass May contain up to 15% by mass of
ADDITIONAL same sound parent rock may be of approved natural fines not approved natural fines not obtained
FINES added for grading correction necessarily obtained from parent from parent rock. Added fines shall
provided that added fines shall rock. Added fines shall have a LL have a LL not exceeding 25 and PI
have a LL not exceeding 25 and not exceeding 25 and PI not not exceeding 6.
PI not exceeding 4. exceeding 6.
STRENGTH 10% Fines Aggregate Crushing Value (10% FACT), determined in accordance with TMHl method 82, shall
be not less than the appropriate value in table 360212, column 3. The Aggregate Crushed value (ACV),
determined in accordance with TMHl method 81, shall not exceed the appropriate value in table 360213.
DURABILITY The material shall comply with the requirements in columns 3, 4 and 5 of table 360212.
FLAKINESS INDEX Flakiness Index, determined in accordance with TMHl method B3, shall not exceed 35 on each of
the -26,5 + 19 m m fraction and the -19 + 13,2 m m fraction.
FRACTURED FACES All faces shall be fractured faces. For crushed materials at least 50% b y mass of the fractions retained on
each standard sieve 4,75 m m and larger shall have at least one
fractured face.
FRACTION LL shall not exceed 25. LL shall not exceed 25. LL shall not exceed 25.
(mm) PI shall not exceed 5. PI shall not exceed 6. PI shall not exceed 6.
LS shall not exceed 2%. In addition the arithmetic mean of LS shall not exceed 3%.
ATTERBERG In addition the arithmetic mean the Pl's for a lot (min 6 tests) shall In the case of calcrete the PI shall
LIMITS of the Pl's for a lot (min 6 tests) not exceed 43. not exceed 8.
shall not exceed 4. LS shall not exceed 3%. (% passing 0,425 m m sieve) LS
5 170

-0,075 The PI shall not exceed 12. If the PI exceeds 12 the material shall be If chemical modification is required,
chemically modified. After chemical modification the PI of the minus the PI of the -0,075 mm fraction
0,075 mm fraction shall not exceed 8. after modification shall not exceed
SOLUBLE SALTS See additional requirements.
NOMINAL MAXIMUM SIZE 37,5 m m 37,5 m m 37,5 m m 26,5 mrn
Nominal Percentage passing sieve, by Percentage passing sieve, by Percentage passing sieve, by mass
aperture mass mass
size of sieve
37,5 100 100 100
26,5 -
84 94 84 - 94 84 - 94 100
19,O 71 - 84 71 - 84 71 - 84 85 - 95
13,2 59 - 75 59 - 75 59 - 75 71 - 84
4,75 36 - 53 36 - 53 36 - 53 42 - 60
2,OO 23 - 40 23 - 40 23 - 40 27 - 45
0,425 11 - 24 11 - 2 4 11 - 2 4 13 - 27
0,075 4 - 12 4-12 4 - 12 5 - 12
COARSE SAND RATIO (SEE Shall not be less than 35% and Shall not be less than 35% and Shall not be less than 35% and
DEFINITION IN shall not exceed 50% in respect shall not exceed 50% in respect of shall not exceed 50% in respect of
SUBSUBCLAUSE of the target grading. the target grading. the target grading.
COMPACTION Minimum of 88% of apparent Minimum of 85% of bulk relative 98% or 100% of modified AASHTO
REQUIREMENTS relative density. density. density (as specified).
OIher materials such as natural gravel and other crushed relating to the crushing charatteristlcs of the parent rock
stone and its impact on the shear characteristics and
compatibility of the structural layer:
Where the electrical conductivity (EC) s 0,15 Sm-', the
material may be used. (i) For 37,5 m m maximum size aggregate the
requirements are as follows (percentage b y mass):
Where the EC > 0,15 Sm", the p H shall be determined.
(1) The -0,075 m m fraction shall be between 7% and
Where the p H < 6,0, the material shall be treated with lime 9%.
until the pH 2 10. The material may then be used. (Any
later decrease of the p H shall be ignored should it remain (2) The -0,425 m m fraction shall not exceed 22%.
2 8,O.)
(3) The -2,OO m m fraction shall not exceed 34%.
Where the pH 2 6,0, it may be used, but special attention
should be given to design and construction measures. (4) The -4,75 m m fraction shall be between 40% and
45%. For aggregate with a flakiness index in excess of 25
Material being stabilized (for example with lime or cement) and which is assessed visually to be of a needle-like shape
the target value shall be 45%. With the written permisslon
Where the pH r 6,O and the EC < 0,02 Sm" and the of the engineer this upper value may be exceeded if the
qualitative test shows that sulphates do not pose a trial section indicates that it is necessary in order to
problem, the material may be used. If not, the material achieve the required bulk density.
shall be further analysed by the engineer in accordance
with the employer's instructions, and the proposals for its (5) The -2,00 m m +0,425 m m fraction shall be not less
use shall be submitted to the employer for approval. than 35% nor more than 50% of the -2,00 m m fraction.
This shall be termed the coarse sand ratio requirement.
(ii) The tests conducted for determining the above
judgement parameters shall include the following: (ii) For 26,5 m m maximum size aggregate the
requirements are as follows (percentage b y mass):
Electrical conductivity (EC) . . . . . . . . . . method A21T of
TMHl ( < 6,7 m m fraction) (1) The -0,075 m m fraction shall be between 7% and
Qualitative sulphate
test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NlTRR method CA21 (2) The -2,OO m m +0,425 m m fraction (ie the coarse
( < 6,7 m m fraction) sand ratio) shall not be less than 35% nor more than 50%
of the -2,OO m m fraction
pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NlTRR method CA 21
( < 6.7 m m fraction) (3) The -4,75 m m fraction shall be between 45% and
sulphate content ........ BS 1377 of 1975, test No 9, (iii) The selected target values shall produce a gradual
made on a full sample change from the coarse to the finer fractions without any
crushed to < 2,00 m m marked gaps or excessive quantities at a particular size.

Water-soluble (iv) In order to satisfy the aforementioned requirements,

sulphate content . . . . . . . . BS 1377 of 1975, test No 10 the mean grading of the approved trial section may not
necessarily represent the target grading finally approved
(iii) Where the salinity of the water used for compaction for quality assessment (eg the variability actually obtained
purposes is so high as to cause an increase in the salinity for particular fractions will dictate the setting of the target
of the material, the engineer shall be entitled to determine grading).
the soluble salinity from samples taken from any section of
the compacted layer within 24 hours, and also before the For G I , G2 and G3 base material the mean grading of
prime coat is applied. each lot (mlnimum of 4 but preferably 6 test points per lot)
determined from samples obtained in a stratified random
sampling procedure shall conform to the approved target
(c) Grading requirements grading within the tolerances specified in table 360214.

After compaction, the individual fractions making up the

grading of the material in place in the road shall conform (d) Material from existing pavements
to the proportions in table 360211, subject to the following
requirements. Where existing crushed-stone material is to be
reprocessed, the engineer will inspect the material and
The target grading after compaction shall be as near as instruct the contractor to reprocess it as gravel subbase or
possible to the mean of the specified grading envelope base, or as crushed-stone base or subbase.
shown in table 360211.
The compaction requirements specified in table 360211
The approved target grading shall be based on test results shall apply to crushed-stone layers constructed from
obtained from a trial section constructed in accordance recovered material.
with clause 3603 and subject to complying with the
following requirements unless otherwise approved, where Payment for crushed-stone layers constructed from
recovered material, will differentiate between the varlous
such approval shall be based on substantive evidence
types of material and their preparation.
Table 360214 No payment will be made for trial sections removed as
excess/unsuitable material.
The crushing of aggregate for the base from any source, or
Permissible deviations Permissible deviations the stockpiling of crushed stone in stockpiles, shall be
Sieve for mean values for individual values restricted to 5 000 m 3 until the material has been approved
size (% by mass) (% by mass) by the engineer. Material shall be furnished only from
(mm) sources approved by the engineer, who may cancel his
Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal approval should in his opinion, the particular source, have
maximum maximum maximum maximum become unsuitable. Approval of the crushed-stone
size size size size material for the base will not relieve the contractor of his
37,5 m m 26,5 m m 37,5 m m 26,5 m m responsibility to produce a finished crushed-stone base
constructed according to the specifications.
26,5 +5 +5
19,O 2 5 f5 +7 +7 (b) The underlying layer shall comply with the
13,2 * 5 '5 2 7 2 7 requirements for the layer concerned.
4,75 + 4 a4 +7 2 7
2,oo *4 '4 +5 + 5 (c) The provisions of subsubclause 3403(b)(ii) shall
0,425 +3 +3 +5 2 5 apply to the construction of a crushed-stone base.
0,075 2 2 +2 +3 5 3
(d) No crushed-stone layer shall be rolled if the
underlying layer, either on account of rain or by any other
3603 TRIAL SECTION AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS cause, is so wet as to constitute a danger of the underlying

Before any crushed-stone layer is constructed, the
following requirements shall be met:
(a) Spreading and mixing
(a) Approval of base material will be granted only after
the successful construction of a trial section or sections The contractor may elect to mix and spread crushed-stone
complying in all respects with the specifications, including material by means of a mixing plant and paver unit
density and grading. No base material, except for the trial respectively, in which event the requirements of subclauses
sections, shall be placed on the road unless the engineer 3704(a) and (b) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
has approved the base material in writing. A trial section
shall be constructed from material from a proposed source Crushed-stone material complying with the requirements
(before 5 000 my has been produced), to prove the quality specified above shall be dumped in quantities sufficient to
and compactibility of the material and to agree to a target ensure that the completed layer will comply with all the
grading for future construction lots where essentially the requirements in regard to layer thickness, level, cross-
same material is used and it is processed essentially in the section and density. Allowance shall also be made for
same manner. sufficient extra material to enable the layer to be properly
The trial section shall be constructed on a layer of the
specified subbase standard and shall be placed as The maximum compacted thickness of any layer of
instructed by the engineer with due regard to the approved crushed-stone base compacted in one process shall be
construction programme. 150 mm, unless otherwise specified or permitted by the
The trial section shall be between 150 m and 200 m in
length, or as otherwise ordered by the engineer. The dumps of material shall be spread out to a layer with
a thickness which will be suitable for mixing. The required
The width shall be as ordered by the engineer, whilst the quantity of water shall then be added and the material
thickness shall be the same as the base thickness specified mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
for the pavement structure.

The trial section shall be adequately assessed by the (b) Compaction

engineer prior to proceeding with the next one where so
ordered, in order to rectify identified shortcomings. After mixing, the crushed-stone material shall be placed ::,
the correct thickness and level and thoroughly compacted
If a trial section fails, it shall be removed as by suitable equipment so that the specified density is
excesslunsuitable material, unless it is structurally obtained throughout the entire layer after slushing (except
acceptable to the engineer to be retained as subbase. where the multi-stage process in subsubclause 3604(c)(ii)
Where further trial sections are required for approval, the is prescribed). When required by the engineer, the density
failed sections shall be removed before further trial of the layer shall be tested at various prescribed depths.
sections may be constructed.

Only trial sections in which the base material complies with The finally compacted layer shall be free from surface
all the requirements of the specifications shall be paid for. laminations, portions exhibiting segregation of the fine and
Payment for the construction of base will be made under coarse aggregate, corrugations, or other defects that may
the relevant Items of section 3600. adversely affect the performance of the layer.
(c) SurPace preparation of the base plastic base.

(i) Continuous process (watering and slushing) The completed layer shall be firm and stable with a closely
knit surface aggregate exposed in mosaic and free from
Immediately after completion of the compaction described nests of segregated material, laminations or corrugations.
above, short sections of the surface shall be thoroughly During surface preparation of the base, care shall be taken
watered, rolled and slushed by means of steel-wheeled not to-roll the surface out of shape,
rollers with a mass of not less than 12 tons each, and/or
with pneumatic-tyred rollers. The process shall continue
until all excess fines are brought to the surface. The grout (d) General
thus formed shall be uniformly broomed over the surface
with stiff brooms to correct any areas still deficient in fines, (i) Kerbing and channelling
whereupon the excess fines shall be broomed from the
surface of the layer. This process shall continue until all Care shall be taken during rolling to ensure that concrete
excess fines in the mixture have been brought to the edging, kerbing and channelling already laid are not
surface of the layer and Its specified density has been displaced or damaged. Any concrete edging, kerbing and
reached. Excess fines and loose aggregate shall then be channelling damaged during construction shall
swept from the surface while the surface is still damp, and immediately be replaced or repaired by the contractor at
the layer shall then be allowed to dry out. his own expense.

During slushing operations, care shall be taken not to roll (ii) Excess crushed-stone material
the surface out of shape.
Excess crushed-stone material shall not be spread over the
The slushing process shall be carried out on each section shoulders or side fills, but shall be loaded and removed
in one continuous process, and each section shall be from the road. It shall not be re-used unless it has been
completed before the next is proceeded with. rescreened, retested and again approved for use. It shall
not be mixed with approved material unless screened,
After completion of the slushing and brooming process, tested and again approved for use on its own.
when the layer is wind-dried, the surface shall be finally
rolled with a steel-wheeled roller. (iii) Junctions with existing bituminous surfaces

The completed layer shall be firm and stable with a closely- At junctions with existing bituminous surfaces, the new
knit surface of aggregate exposed in mosaic and free from base shall not be feathered-off to obtain continuity of
nests of segregated material, laminations or corrugations. grade, but the existing work in the vicinity of the joint shall
be cut back so as to ensure an overall compacted
The engineer may permit omission of the slushing process thickness of new base and surfacing of not less than
in the lower layer of a two-layer base, provided that the 100 mm.
specified density Is obtained in each of the layers.

(ii) Multi-stage process (water or slurry rolling) (e) Breaking down existing crushed-stone layers

After the base has been compacted to the required density The requirements of clause 3805 shall apply.
at optimum moisture content and has then been allowed
to dry out to less than 50% of the optimum moisture
content, the final surface of the base shall be watered and (f) In sih~reconstruction of existing aushed-stone
subjected to additional rolling (the so-called "slurry" or layers
"water" rolling) in order to obtain a firm, even, well-knit
surface. Watering, rolling with suitable rollers, and Where specified in the project specifications and approved
sweeping with stiff brooms shall continue until all excess by the engineer, existing crushed-stone layers shall be
fines on the surface have been distributed over the surface reconstructed in situ in accordance with the requirements
of the base. of subclause 3208(c). Where the existing layer thickness Is
insufficient, additional material shall be added as specified
Any areas deficient in fines shall be corrected by the in subsubclause 3207(b)(iii). The material added shall be
addition of fine aggregate from the same source of supply GI,G2 or G3 material, depending on which type has been
as the crushed aggregate, and by brooming such fine specified. Where the grading requires adjustment by the
aggregate into the surface voids of the layer until a firm addition of specific fractions (eg crusher dust), the
base with a closely knit surface is obtained, free from nests contractor shall comply with the provisions of the project
of segregated materials, loose aggregate or other specifications.
irregularities. All excess fines which cannot be
redistributed shall be removed by brooming whilst still wet
from the slurry roll watering, and the base shall then be (g) Work in restricted areas as defined in the first
allowed to dry out once again to less than 50% of the paragraph of dause 3608
optimum moisture content so as to present an exposed
mosaic of regular stone faces free from fine aggregate and The provisions of clauses 3207 and 3208 shall apply to the
foreign matter before any further treatment of the surface spreading, mixing and compacting of crushed-stone layers
may be carried out. When using entirely non-plastic bases, in restricted areas.
it may be necessary to remove the final portions of excess
fines from the surface after the base has been allowed to Where conventional rollers cannot be used for the surface
dry out to a degree which will be determined only by preparation process, the engineer may order that other
practical trial and error in each specific case of such a non- approved compaction equipment be used.
Where any compaction work is being done adjacent to No traffic is permitted on the completed and primed layer.
existing surfacing, care shall be taken not to damage the Only in exceptional cases may the engineer allow a limited
surfacing. amount of traffic on the layer.

(h) Joints between existing layers and new or 36Of5 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES
reconstructed layers

Where the base is not replaced or reconstructed over the The completed crushed-stone layer shall comply with
full width, any existing unsuitable material shall be construction tolerances specified in clause 3405.
removed until a firm, well-compacted material is reached.
Where the subbase has also been replaced or reprocessed, Where a base is to be constructed in two layers, the
and unless otherwise determined by the engineer, the joint requirements for grade, thickness, cross-section and
in the base shall not be directly above the joint in the smoothness shall not apply to the lower layer, but the
subbase, but staggered by at least 100 mm. The aforesaid lower layer shall be constructed with sufficient accuracy to
provisions shall also apply where a pavement is being enable the construction of the combined layer to be carried
widened. Where it is widened, the excavated material shall out to the tolerances specified.
be disposed of and not used for widening the base.
Where a crushed-stone base is placed directly onto an
In both the above cases, the existing surfacing shall be existing layer without it being required that the existing
removed to at least 100 mm outside the working area of layer be finished to specified levels, the requirements for
the base. layer thicknesses of subclause 3405(b) shall not apply.

Where the existing base consists of cemented material, the

existing material at the joint shall be cut with approved 3607 QUAUW OF MATEWALS AND WORKMANSHIP
sawing equipment or milled out mechanically.

Payment for sawing and milling will be in accordance with Routine inspections and tests will be made by the engineer
the provisions of section 3800. to determine whether the quality of material and
workmanship complies with the requirements of this
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or approved by
the engineer, the joints in the bases shall not fall within a
wheel track. Test results and measurements shall be assessed in
accordance with the provisions of either section 8200 or
8300, depending on which section is indicated in the
(i) Watering and rolling the floor of a pavement project specifications as being the appropriate section.

Where a crushed-stone layer is constructed on the floor of 3608 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
a pavement excavation, ie where the underlying layer has
not been reconstructed, and where the engineer so orders,
the floor of the excavation shall first be watered and rolled Items 36.09,36.10 and 36.14 are applicable solely to work
in accordance with the instructions of the engineer. The that has to be executed in a restricted area of which the
nominal number of roller passes shall be 5 passes with width is less than 3,Om or the length is less than 150,Om.
rollers specified in clause 3304.The engineer may, at his
discretion, increase or decrease the number of roller
passes or order the use of other rollers. Variations in the Item Unil
number of roller passes will be paid for under item 36.13.
36.01 Cmshed-stone base:

Where the material in the floor of the pavement excavation

consists of crushed stone, the engineer may instruct that (a) Constructed from type
the floor be also watered and rolled. Gl material obtained from
commercial sources and
compacted to 88% of apparent
3605 PROTECTION AND MAlNTENANCE relative density (layer
thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)

The contractor shall protect and maintain the completed (b) Constructed from type
crushed-stone layer at his own expense until the next layer GI material obtained from
or the seal or surfacing is applied. The crhshed-stone base approved borrow pits,
shall be primed as soon after construction as possible and crushed by the contractor,
as soon as the moisture content of the layer is below 50% and compacted to 88% of
of the optimum moisture content. Maintenance shall apparent relative density
include the immediate repair of any damage to or defects (layer thickness indicated) ... . cubic metre (ma)
in the layer and shall be repeated as often as is necessary.
Repairs shall be so made as to ensure an even and (c) Constructed from type
uniform surface to be restored after completion of the G2 material obtained from
repair work. commercial sources and
compacted to 85% of bulk and (d) for compaction to 86%
relative density (layer of bulk relative density . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
(d) Constructed from type additional costs for compacting the material to the higher
G2 material obtained from density.
approved borrow pits, crushed
by the contractor, and Item Unit
compacted to 85% of bulk
relative density (layer 36.03 Crushed-stone base trial section
thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (thickness indicated) constructed
in accordance with the pmvisions
(e) Constructed from type G3 of dause 3 6 W . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
natural material obtained from
commercial sources (nominal The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
maximum size of stone indicated) completed trial section approved by the engineer.
and compacted to:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(i) 98% of modified AASHTO constructing the trial section complete as specified.
density (layer thickness
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) Only trial sections in which the base material and the
completed layer comply with all the requirements of the
(ii) 100% of modified AASHTO specifications shall be paid for.
density (layer thickness
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(f) Constructed from type G3

natural material obtained from 36.04 Crushed-stone base constructed
approved borrow pits, crushed with matwial from existing
by the contractor (nominal pavement layers (indicate
maximum size of stone indicated) thickness of crushed-stone base
and compacted to: in each case):

(i) 98% of modified AASHTO (a) GI material compacted

density (layer thickness to 88% of apparent density:
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(i) Material from existing uncemented
(il) 100% of modified AASHTO crushed-stone layers screened
density (layer thickness and recombined in a plant . . . cubic metre (m3)
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(ii) Material from existing cemented
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of crushed-stone layers, not milled
completed crushed-stone base in place as the case may out but crushed, screened and
be, and compacted to the specified density. The quantity recombined in a plant . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
shall be calculated from the authorized dimensions of the
layer as shown on the drawings or prescribed by the (iii) Milled-out material ......... cubic metre (m3)
(b) G2 material compacted to 85% of bulk relative
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for density:
procuring, furnishing and placing all materials, including
the crusher fines or sand (if approved) necessary for (i) Material from existing uncemented
correcting the grading of the crushed stone, for crushing crushed-stone layers:
and screening, for hauling the material over an unlimited
free-haul distance where material is obtained from (1) Unscreened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
commercial sources, and over a 1,Okm free-haul distance
where material is obtained from approved borrow pits, for (2) Screened and recombined
rolling, slushing and correcting the layers, and for testing, in a plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
protecting and maintaining the work as specified.
(ii) Material from existing
cemented crushed-stone layers,
Item Unit not milled but crushed, screened
and recombined in a plant . . . cubic metre (m3)
36.02 Additional compaction:
(iii) Milled-out material ......... cubic metre (m3)
(a) Extra over subitems
36.01(a) and (b) for compaction (c) G3 material compacted to
to 89% of apparent relative 98% of modified AASHTO density:
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(i) Material from existing uncemented
(b) Extra over subitems 36.01(c) crushed-stone layers:
(1) Unscreened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(2) Screened and recombined 36.05 h situ reconstructed

in a plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) uncemented crushed-stone base
(indicate thickness of aushed-
(ii) Materlal from existing stone base in each case):
cemented crushed-stone layers,
not milled but crushed, screened (a) G I material, compacted to
and recombined in a plant . . . cubic metre (m3) 88% of apparent relative
density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(ill) Milled-out material ......... cubic metre (m3)
(b) G2 material, compacted to
(d) G3 material compacted to 100% 85% of bulk relative density . . cubic metre (m3)
of modified AASHTO density:
(c) G3 material, compacted to
(i) Material from existing uncemented 98% of modified AASHTO
crushed-stone layers: density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic meter (m3)
(1) Unscreened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (d) G3 material, compacted to
100% of modified AASHTO
(2) Screened and recombined density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic metre (m3)
in a plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
(ii) Material from existing completed crushed-stone base. The quantity shall be
cemented crushed-stone layers, calculated in accordance with the authorized depth and
not milled but crushed, screened area of the existing broken up layer.
and recombined In a plant . . . cubic metre (m3)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(iii) Milled-out material . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) breaking up the existing crushed-stone layer to the
specified depth, breaking down and preparing the material,
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of spreading and mixing the crusher dust or sand necessary
completed crushed-stone base. The quantity shall be for correcting the grading of the material, placing and
calculated in accordance with the authorized dimensions of compacting the crushed-stone layer, and watering and
the layer. If the underlying layer has not been rolling the underlying layers.
reconstructed or reworked, but only rolled, or where no
work has been done on it, the quantity shall be calculated The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
from the measured cross-sections before and after placing spreading and mixing in the additional approved crushed
the layer, but subject to the provisions of clause 1220. stone where the existing layer thickness is inadequate, and
the increase of the layer thickness is specified or ordered
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for by the engineer.
breaking up the existing pavement layer, excavating the
material from the existing pavement, loading the material, Payment for breaking down, placing and compacting the
mixing in the crusher fines or sand required for rectifying material temporarily removed to windrow to expose or
the grading of the material, transporting the material for a remove underlying material, shall be made under this Item.
free-haul distance of 1,O km, and placing and compacting The operation to cut material to windrow and later to cut
the material, slurrying, and watering and rolling the back such material will be paid for under item 36.06.
underlying layers.
The tendered rate for material mixed with existing
The tendered rate under subsubitem 36.04(a)(i) shall also surfacing material shall also include full compensation for
include full compensation for screening and recombining breaking down fragments of surfacing material by hand,
the material to comply with the specified requirements. and for removing oversized fragments by hand.

The tendered rate under subsubitem 36.04(a)(ii) shall also

include full compensation for crushing, screening and ltem Unit
recombining in an approved plant.
36.06 Exira over item S.05 for
The tendered rates for milled-out material shall also include temporarily blading the
full compensation for loading the material at the stockpile material to windrow . . . . ..... cubic metre (m')
and for hauling it to a screening plant where applicable or
to the polnt of use for a free-haul distance of 1,O km, and The provisions under item 34.07 shall apply.
for any additional processing required to bring the material
up to the required standards, but shall not include
compensatlon for milling.

36.07 Crusher fines or sand for

The tendered rates for material mixed with existing improving the grading of
surfacing material shall also include full compensation for recovered aushed stone:
breaklng down fragments of bituminous material to the
specified maximum size and for removing over-sized (a) Material from approved borrow
fragments by hand. pits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(b) Material from commercial (b) Cemented crushed stone .... cubic metre (ma)
sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of excavated in a restricted area, the quantity of which shall
approved material added on the instruction of the be calculated in accordance with the area and the average
engineer, and the quantity shall be the loose volume thickness of the layer excavated.
measured in trucks.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
The tendered rate for subitem (a) shall include full additional costs for executing the work In restricted areas.
compensation for procuring and providing the material and
hauling it over a free-haul distance of 1,Okm.
Item Unit
The tendered rate for subitem (b) shall include full
compensation for procuring and providing the material 36.10 Exba over payment for placing
from commercial sources and hauling it from the source to and compacting or for in situ
the point on the site where required. reconsbvction of crushedstone
base in resbicted areas:

Item Unit (a) Extra over item 36.04for

placing and compacting material
36-08 Extre over item 36.05 for from existing pavement
using added a u s h e d d m , layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
(b) Extra over item 36.05for in
(a) Material from approved sources situ reconstructing uncemented
on the site: crushed-stone base ........
cubic metre (m3)

(i) G1 material .............. cubic metre (my) The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
crushed-stone base constructed in restricted areas, the
(i) G2 material .............. cubic metre (my) quantities of which shall be calculated as determined for
the item concerned.
(iii) G3 material .............. cubic metre (my)

@) Material from commercial sources: The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
additional costs for executing the work in restricted areas,
(1) GI material .............. cubic metre (my) irrespective of the density required.

(i) G2 material ............... cubic metre (my)

ltem Unit
(lii) G3 material .............. cubic metre (m3)
36.11 Compacting the floor
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of of pavement excavaljons
approved material added on the instruction of the (5 roller passes) with:
engineer. The quantity shall be taken as being 70% of the
loose volume measured in the trucks. Only approved (a) Vibratory rollers . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
freshly broken stone from a commercial source, crusher
plant or stockpile shall be paid for. (b) Oscillatory rollers ......... square metre (m2)

The tendered rate for subitem (a) shali include full (c) Grid rollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')
compensation for the additional cost of providing the
material and hauling it over a free-haul distance of 1,Okm. (d) Flat-wheeled rollers ....... square metre (rn2)

The tendered rate for subitem (b) shall include full (e) Pneumatic-tyred rollers ..... square metre (m2)
compensation for the additional cost of providing the
material and trans~ortinato it from the source where it was
obtained to the point on-the site where it is required.
The unit of measurement for compaction shall be a square
Compensationfor processing and compacting the material metre of pavement excavation floor compacted by means
shall be Included in the rate for item 36.05. of 5 passes by one of the above-mentioned rollers on the
instruction of the engineer.

ltem Unit

36.09 ExGe over item 36.04for The tendered rate for compaction shali include full
exanrating awhed stone from compensation for supplying the rollers, compaction with 5
existing pavements in restricted roller passes, and afterwards removing the rollers. The
areas: engineer may increase or decrease the number of roller
passes, in which case payment will be adjusted in
(a) Non-cemented crushed stone . cubic metre (m3) accordance with item 36.13.
Item Unit No payment shall be made under this item If the crushed-
stone material is supplled from commercial sources or
36.12 Water for compacb'ng the from a crusher that had been erected or was in operation
pavement e x d ' o n floor . . . . . . . . kilolitre (kt) prior to the award of the contract, or from a crusher that is
not completely or directly under the control of the
The unit of measurement shall be a kilolitre of water contractor. In such cases payment under subltems
applied to the floor of the excavations to be compacted on 36.01(a), (c) and (e), 36.07(b) and 36.08(b) shall Include full
the instruction of the engineer. compensation for the work performed In accordance with
this section.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring, applying and mixing in the water, and for all The unit of measurement for establishing the multi-stage
haul. crusher and screening plant and opening the borrow pits
shall be the number of times when the plant is set up and
dismantled, with the approval, in writing, of the engineer,
b m Unit at approved sources of supply, for the purpose of
supplying crushed-stone material for base.
36.13 Variations in the number of
roller passes applicable to item The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
36.11: provision and erection of the multi-stage crusher and
screening plant complying with the requirements of clause
(a) Vibratory roller ... . . . . . . . square metre-pass 3205, ready for crushing, its later dismantling and removal
(m2-pass) afler completion of the crushing operations, and the work
involved in opening the borrow pits, including clearing,
(b) Oscillatory roller . . . ... . . . square metre-pass establishing a working face, and finishing-off the borrow pit
(m2-pass) upon completion of the operations.

(c) Grid roller .. . ... . . ..... square metre-pass Where item 36.15 applies in clrcurnstances as described
(m2-pass) above, and only where such circumstances shall apply,
payment shall also be made for removing excess
(d) Flat-wheeled roller ....... square metre-pass overburden and for overhaul in excess of 1,O km as
(m2-pass) indicated below.

(e) Pneumatic-tyred roller . ... square metre-pass Crushed stone stockpiled on the site will only qualify for
(m2-pass) payment as "material on the site" where the engineer is
satisfied that the material complies with all the speclfied
The provisions under item 33.06 shall apply. requirements. Where the contractor himself produces the
crushed stone, its value per cubic metre, measured loose
in stockpile, will be taken as not exceeding 45% of the
Item Unit tendered rate per cubic metre of compacted material.

36.14 ExGe mer 'mm 36.11 for

compacting the floor of Notes:
pavement excavations in
resbicted areas . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) (1) Payment items from other sections

The unit of measurement described in item 36.11 shall Where material has been obtained from approved borrow
apply. pits on the site, whether indicated on the plans or
approved afler work has started and the engineer has
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all instructed that the borrow pits be used, the followlng
additional costs for compacting the pavement excavation payment items from other sections shall apply to crushed
floor in restricted areas irrespective of the compacting stone, but shall be listed under this section in the schedule
equipment used or the density required. of quantities.

ltem 16.02 Overhaul for material hauled in excess of

b m Unit 1.0 km.

36.15 Establishing a multi-stage

crusher and saeening plant Item 31.02 Excess overburden in borrow pits for
and opening bomm pits where obtaining crushed stone for pavement
stone is obtained fmm approved layers.
bomm pits and crushed by the
contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. number (No)
ltem 31.03 Finishing-off borrow plts.
Where the material for crushod-stone base is obtained by
the contractor from approved borrow pits, whether
indicated on the borrow-pit plans or approved afler ltem 32.06 Stockpiling of material.
construction has started, the contractor shall be entitled to
the compensation provided by item 36.15, provided that
prior instructions have been obtained from the engineer to ltem 38.09 Removing the remaining asphalt from the
crush such material. underlying surface.
processing plant if stored with the approval of the engineer
or processed in a plant (see also subclause 3807(b)).
Overhaul shall also apply to fines and additional crushed
Overhaul shall apply to material obtained from existing stone used on the instruction of the engineer. Where the
pavements, and the distance is measured along the centre fines or additional material is obtained from a commercial
line of the road from the point of excavation to the point of source, no overhaul will be payable (see items 36.07 and
use on the road if used directly, or from the stockpile or 36.08).
STONE Aggregates for stabilized pavement layers may consist of
either natural gravels, crushed stone or crushed natural
Aggregates for wet lean-mix concrete shall consist either of
a mixture of nominal 19.0 m m sized stone and sand or it
CONTENTS may be a graded crushed stone with or without sand.

SCOPE Requirements regarding the properties of the aggregates

MATERIALS shall be in accordance with the project specifications and,
REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET BEFORE A where applicable, the approved source or sources of
PAVEMENT LAYER MAY BE CONSTRUCTED material will be indicated.
TOLERANCES Water shall not contain any deleterious materials in harmful
ROUTINE INSPECTION AND TESTS concentrations. Only approved sources of water shall be



This section covers the construction of plant-mixed paver-

laid pavement layers for concrete pavement. The Before any pavement layer is constructed. the underlying
pavement layer shall consist of any of the following as may layer shall be inspected for compliance with the
be required: specifications for the layer concerned. Any damaged
sections or sections which do not comply with the specified
(a) Stabilized crushed stone requirements shall be repaired or replaced to the
satisfaction of the engineer.
(b) Wet lean-mix concrete
No construction shall commence if the underlying layer is
Layer thicknesses shall be in accordance with the wet enough to be damaged by the construction of the
drawings, and all materials shall be mixed at a central pavement layer. The underlying layer shall be free from
mixing plant and laid by paver. loose or extraneous material.


(a) Stabilizing agents (a) Hxing and transporting

The stabilizing agents shall be any of the following as Mixing shall be done at a location off the road by means
specified in the project specifications or as directed by the of a central mixing plant. Mixing the materials on the road
engineer: will not be allowed. The stabilizing agent content and the
type of stabilizing agent shall be as specified in the project
(i) Ordinary portland cement complying with the specifications or as directed by the engineer.
requirements of SABS 471.
The aggregate or gravel and stabilizing agent shall be
(ii) Portland blast-furnace cement complying with the thoroughly mixed at the mixing plant either by batch-type
requirements of SABS 626. mixing with revolving blade or rotating-drum mixers or by
the continuous-mixing process with suitable pugmill-type
(iii) A mixture of ordinary portland cement and milled mixers. at the option of the contractor. The aggregate or
granulated blast-furnace slag in the proportion of 5096 gravel and stabilizing agent shall be measured by mass.
ordinary portland cement to 50% granulated blast-furnace
slag or as specified by the engineer. Milled granulated In all plants the water may be measured either by mass or
blast-furnace slag shall comply with the requirements of by volume and provision shall be made for readily
SABS 1491 : Part I and shall have a specific surface area of checking the quantity of water per batch or the rate of flow
not less than 0,35 m21g and the residue on a sieve with in a continuous-mixing plant.
square openings of 0,075 m m shall not exceed 10%.

(iv) Portland fly ash cement complying with the Where mixtures of cement and milled slag are used as
requirements of SABS 1466 stabilizing agents. the mixing plant shall contain separate
hoppers for the cement and the slag and the introduction
of each of these materials into the mix shall be controlled
(v) Any other stabilizing agent as may be specified in so as to ensure the correct quantity of each material being
the project specifications. added every time.
The method of introducing the various materials crushed-stone layers, and, if water Is added during or after
comprising the final mix shall be subject to the engineer's the compaction process, it shall be carefully controlled, as
approval. He shall be entitled to reject a process which in the excessive application of water will not be allowed.
his opinion may not consistently produce a mix with the
required proportions. (ii) Wet lean-mix concrete

The mixed material shall be so loaded into the trucks used In the case of wet lean-mix concrete, the stabilizing-agent
for transporting the material that segregation will not take content will generally be higher than that of stabilized
place while the material Is being loaded into the trucks. crushed stone and compaction to a specified density by
normal rolling techniques will not be requlred, but the
Care shall be taken to prevent excessive loss of moisture paver shall be fitted with a vibrating screed capable of
between the time when the materials are mixed and when thoroughly compacting the material and striking it off to a
they are compacted on the road. Where necessary, trucks smooth dense surface.
shall be provided with protective covers to limit the loss of
moisture. (iii) Moisture content

Notwithstandingany other requirements set out elsewhere,

the moisture content of the mix, whether for stabilizing-
agent-treated crushed stone or for wet lean-mix concrete,
The mixture shall be spread by mechanical paver on the shall not exceed 85% of the saturated moisture content as
underlying layer to the required width and to such defined in clause 8107.
thickness as will comply with the requirements specified in
clause 3708 after final compaction. Segregation of the
materials shall be avoided and the layer shall be free from (d) Consbudon joints
pockets of coarse or fine materials.
At the end of each day's work, and when operations are
Immediately prior to spreading the material,the underlying delayed or stopped for more than two hours, a construction
layer shall be moistened and kept moist but not joint with a vertical but rough face shall be made in
excessively wet. thoroughly compacted material, at rlght angles to the
centre line of the road.
H longitudinal construction joints are necessary, they shall
be constructed in the positions shown on the drawings. Additional mixture shall not be placed until the construction
joint has been constructed.

(c) Compaction

(i) Stabilized crushed stone

The stabilized pavement layers and wet lean-mix concrete
The spread mixture shall be compacted at or near the pavement layers shall be of a uniform consistency. All
same optimum moisture content as that in the plant. The coarse segregated areas shall be removed. The edges of
completed compacted layer shall have a dry density of not the holes so formed shall be painted with a slurry of
less than that specified in the project specifications, and cement and water.
the contractor may select any suitable compaction
technique to achieve this required compaction, subject to
the following conditions: The holes shall then be backfilled with stabilized crushed-
stone material or lean-mix concrete compacted to the
Not more than one hour shall elapse between the time of required density and finished off to the required elevation.
starting the mixing process and that of starting to compact Such patches shall be cured as specified below. Any
the material. portion of the pavement layer which does not meet the
specified requirements shall be corrected by approved
The initial compaction shall be carried out with plant which methods to the satisfaction of the engineer at the
will achieve a stability suitable for subsequent compaction contractor's cost.
without causing undue displacement of the material or
deformation of the layer. Normally a ballasted 3-wheel
steel wheel roller should be suitable for this operation. The 3705 CURING
rolling pattern shall be so designed as to retain the shape
of the layers.
The pavement layer shall be cured in accordance with the
From the time when the stabilizing agent, gravel or requirements of subsubclause 3503(h)(v).
aggregate and water are added together and mixed, not
more than three hours shall elapse until the compaction Thereafter a curing membrane as specified in the project
has been finally completed. Compaction equipment shall specifications shall be sprayed onto the layer. Before the
be adequate for obtaining the specified density within the application of the curing membrane, the surface of the
specified time limits. layer shall be thoroughly cleaned and all loose material
and dirt removed.
The compaction equipment and techniques shall be
capable of producing the specified surface finish and
density without any interruption. Alternatively, if allowed for in the project specifications, a
concrete curing membrane may be applied Immediately
The layer shall not be slushed as specified for untreated after the completion of the stabilized layer.
3706 PROTECTION AND MAlNTENANCE tolerances indicated in clause 3405.

The contractor shall cure, protect and maintain the @) Stabilizing-agent content and mix uniformity
completed layer until the next pavement layer is placed.
Maintenance shall include the immediate repair of any The stabilizing-agent content and mix uniformity shall be
damage or defects that may occur in the layer and shail be subject to the provisions specified in clause 3506 for
repeated as often as is necessary for keeping the layer chemical stabilization.
constantly intact and in a good condition.

Repairs shall be made in a manner approved by the 3709 ROUTINE INSPECTION AND TESTS
engineer to ensure an even and uniform surface. Traffic
shall not be allowed onto any completed layer unless
unavoidable and if so authorized by the engineer. The Routine inspection and tests will be made by the engineer
next pavement layer shall not be constructed on a layer to determine the quality of the materials and workmanship
which is less than seven days old. for compliance with the requirements of this section.

Test results and measurements will be assessed in

3707 TRIAL SECTION accordance with the provisions of sections 8200 or 8300
according to which section is indicated In the project
specifications as being the appropriate section.
Prior to commencing with the construction of the specified
plant-mixed paver-laid pavement layer, the contractor shall
construct a trial section of the pavement layer, in a position 37 10 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
approved by the engineer, to demonstrate the capability of
the contractor to construct the pavement layer in
accordance with the specifications. The trial section shall Item
be constructed with the same materials and equipment as
those intended for use by the contractor for the pavement 37.01 Stabilized aushed stone
layer, and he shall also demonstrate the methods he mixed in a plant and placed
proposes to use for the making of construction joints. by paver (pavement layer,
type of material and source
An initial trial section of not less than 150 m in length indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn')
constructed in one continuous operation shall be submitted
for approval. The engineer shall also be entitled to call for The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
a new trial section to be constructed at any stage of the completed stabilized crushed stone. the quantity of which
contract when changes by the contractor in the approved shall be calculated in accordance with the authorized
equipment, materials, mix or rate of paving warrant the dimensions of the layer as shown on the drawings or as
construction of another trial section. directed by the engineer.

The contractor will be paid for the actual length of trial The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
pavement layer constructed as initial trial section and trial procuring. furnishing and placing all materials, but shall
sections constructed in consequence of changes in mixes. exclude the provision of the stabilizing agent and a curing
techniques, materials, etc. effected by the contractor, but membrane. The tendered rate shall also include full
in this respect he will not be paid for a total length compensation for hauling material for an unlimited free-
exceeding 300 m. In addition. he will be paid for any trial haul distance in the case of crushed-stone aggregates
lengths necessary as a result of similar changes required obtained from commercial sources, and for a free-haul
by the engineer, notwithstanding the fact that the trial distance of 1.0 km in the case of material obtained from
section built by the contractor complied with the specified approved borrow pits on the site, and for compacting,
requirements. curing and correcting the stabilized layers, including
protecting and maintaining the work as specified.
The contractor may, unless advised of any deficiencies in
the trial section, proceed with the construction of the
pavement layer ten days after the completion of the trial Item
section or such earlier time as the engineer may determine.
In the event of deficiencies in the trial section. the engineer 37.02 Wet leanmix concrete!
may order the contractor to construct a further trial section. pavement layer (indicate
which will again be regarded as the initial trial section. specific pavement layer) . . . . . cubic metre (m')

Where required by the engineer a rejected trial section The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of wet
shall be removed and disposed of by the contractor at the lean-mix concrete pavement layer measured as specified
contractor's cost. for item 37.01 above.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

3708 TOLERANCES procuring and furnishing all the materials. excluding the
supply of the stabilizing agent and curing membrane. The
tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
(a) Construction tolerances mixing the materials, hauling the material over an unlimited
free-haul distance. for placing, compacting. curing and
The applicable construction tolerances are the relevant correcting the wet lean-mix concrete layers. including
protecting and maintaining the work as specified. The unit of measurement shall be the litre of material
specified conforming to the relevant specifications
measured at spraying temperature and sprayed as required
ltem unit in section 4100 for bituminous material and the project
specifications for products other than bituminous materials.

(a) Ordinary portland cement . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying the material, preparation of the surface before
(b) Portland blast-furnace applying the membrane, applying the material and
cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) maintaining the surface as specified.

(c) Milled granulated

blast-furnace slag .................. ton (1)

(d) Portland fly ash cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) 37.05 Trial section of pavement layer
(specify width) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m)
(e) Others (specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)

The unit of measurement shall be the ton of stabilizing The unit of measurement for the trial section of the plant-
agent. Measurement shall distinguish between the various mixed paver-laid pavement layer shall be the linear metre
types of stabilizing agent used. When a mixture of cement of trial section of the specified width measured along the
and slag is prepared on the site, the quantity of each centre line of the road. Not more than a total length of 300
constituent shall be measured separately. m of trial section will be measured for payment as
described in clause 3707.
The quantity shall be the quantity of stabilizing agent as
specified or as ordered by the engineer and actually
provided within the layer concerned. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
constructing the trial section complete as specified.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
provision of the stabilizing agent within the works
irrespective of the specified rate of application or that Note:
ordered by the engineer. The rate for milled granulsted
blast-furnace slag shall include full compensation for any
additional work or costs resulting from it being mixed with Where material has been obtained from approved borrow
Portland cement. pits on the site. whether indicated on the plans or
approved after work has started and the engineer has
instructed that the borrow pits be used, the following
ltem Unit payment items from other sections shall apply to crushed
stone, but shall be listed under this item in the schedule of
37.04 Curing membrane: quantities.

(a) Bituminous membrane:

ltem 16.02 Overhaul of material for a distance
(i) MC 30 cut-back bitumen ............ litre ( I ) exceeding 1,O km.

(ii) MC 70 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

ltem 31.02 Excess overburden in borrow pits for
(ili) Spray-grade bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . litre ( I ) obtaining crushed stone for pavement layers

@) Other (specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1) ltem 31.03 Finishing-off borrow pits

SERIES 3000 : EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENT (d) Cemented crushed stone
STONE Cemented crushed stone shall be existing cemented
material consisting of crushed stone. Unless specified as
SECTION 3800 : BREAKING UP WSTING PAVEMENT such in the project specifications, cemented crushed stone
LAYERS will not be classified as concrete.

CONTENTS (e) Milled material

3801 SCOPE Milled material shall be bituminous material and/or

3802 SELECTING THE MATERIAL cemented crushed stone excavated with an approved
3803 CLASSIFYING THE MATERIAL milling machine. Milled material will be classified as such
3804 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT only when milling is specified or ordered by the engineer,
3805 CONSTRUCTION in writing. Payment will normally distinguish between
3806 STORING RECOVERED PAVEMENT MATERIAL milling of asphalt and of cemented crushed stone.


3801 SCOPE

(a) Milling equipment

This section covers the breaking up and excavation of
existing pavement layers by conventional means or by Only approved milling plant may be used. The plant shall
milling, selecting the material, and the removal thereof to be so equipped that it will be able to mill out asphalt
spoil dumps or to stockpiles for later reprocessing or and/or cemented material to the prescribed depth in one
recycling. operation over the width specified in the project
specifications. The milling depth shall be controlled
The direction and speed of the milling machine and the
speed of rotatlon of the milling drum shall be adjustable so
Material from existing pavements may only be used for as to obtain the required grading of the milled material.
purposes approved by the engineer. The material shall be The machine shall be capable of making a neat vertical cut
so excavated that material from the various pavement at the outer edges when milling the layer and to leave the
layers will not be mixed unless so permitted by the floor of the cut level and with a uniform texture.
engineer, in writing.

Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications, the

3803 CLASSIFYING THE MATERlAL mllling machine shall be equipped with a self-loading
conveyor belt which can be easily removed and installed
and adjusted for slope and direction.
Material from existing pavements shall be classified as
follows for excavation and processing purposes:
@) General

(a) Existing bituminous material The equipment to be used for the conventional breaking-
up and excavation of existing pavement layers will be
Existing bituminous material shall be asphalt or other determined by the size and depth of the pavement section
bituminous seal or base material removed separately from to be processed or excavated, taking into consideration of
the existing layers on the instruction of the engineer. the fact that work may have to be carried out in restricted
Where underlying material is broken down or excavated areas.
together with bituminous materials, the mixture will not be
classified as bituminous material for payment purposes.
Only approved cutting or sawing equipment may be used
for cutting or sawing the asphalt layers. The equipment
@) Noncemented material
shall be capable of cutting the asphalt layers to the
Non-cemented material shall be existing pavement specified depth in one operation without fragmenting the
material which can be ripped with the teeth of a 140G material, and in straight lines within the required
Caterpillar or similar grader. tolerances.

(c) Cemented material 3805 CONSTRUCTION

Cemented material shall be existing pavement material

which cannot be ripped with a type 140G Caterpillar or (a) General
similar grader. Existing stabilized material will not
Where all or a part of the existing surfacing material is to
necessarily be classified as cemented material.
be reprocessed together with the underlying layer, the
surfacing shall be properly broken down and mixed @) Milling
through the full depth of the existing base material to the
satisfaction of the engineer. Fragments of bituminous (i) Preparing the pavement surface
material shall be broken down to sizes not exceeding
37.5 mm. Before milling may be commenced, the pavement surface
shall be clean and free from soil or other deleterious
Where specified in the project specifications or ordered b y material. Where only part of the pavement is to be mllled
the engineer, the existing bituminous material shall first be out, the milling area shall be properly demarcated. Milling
removed before the underlying layers are broken up. may not exceed the required width by more than 50 mm.
Payment will not be made for milling beyond the required
Bituminous material may be milled out or otherwise broken width, which shall be backfilled with approved material in
up and removed to approved stockpile sites for recycling accordance with the provisions for the specified pavement
or to spoil sites, whichever is required. Where the material at the cost of the contractor.
underlying material is to be reprocessed as base, the
exposed surface shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the (ii) Trial milling
engineer after removal of the bituminous material. All
remaining fragments of bituminous material shall be Where ordered by the engineer, the contractor shall
removed, and not more than 5% of the surface may be execute trial milling on the various materials to be milled.
covered with bituminous material. During the trial work, the contractor will be expected to
vary the direction and speed of the milling machine, the
The existing pavement material shall be broken down to speed of rotation of the milling drum, and also the milling
the specified depth and removed, or reprocessed in place, depth, in order to obtain milled material of the required
whichever may be required. The underlying layers may not grade. No payment will be made for trial milling.
be damaged, and material from one layer may not be
mixed with that of another layer. Where such mixing (iii) Asphalt
occurs or where the material is contaminated in any other
way by the actions of the contractor, he shall remove such Where the asphalt and/or the cemented base must be re-
material and replace it with other approved material, all at used, the asphalt shall be removed separately. Where the
his own cost. asphalt consists of layers of various mixes or grades, the
engineer may instruct the separate removal of the layers to
Where a layer or layers require to be broken down over different stockpiles. Where the milled material is not
part of the pavement width only, the limit of the work shall conveyed directly by conveyor belt and then loaded, and
be clearly demarcated, which limit shall not be exceeded the engineer so approves, the material shall first be cut to
by the contractor by more than 100 mm. Pavement layers windrow and then loaded. During loading, the floor of the
broken down outside the specified limits shall be repaired excavation or the underlying material shall not be
by the contractor at his own cost, to the satisfaction of the damaged.
The milled material shall be inspected and classified in
accordance with the various types of asphalt and its
Where so ordered by the engineer, asphalt and cemented suitability for recycling. Different stockpiles shall be used
layers shall be cut or sawn'through to the specified depth for the different types of material as ordered by the
along the measured limit with approved equipment. engineer. Contamination of the asphalt with underlying
Payment will be made for sawing only where specified on material will not be permitted, and the contractor shall
the drawings or ordered, in writing, by the engineer. adjust the depths of milling in accordance with the
thickness of the layer.

Payment will not be made for sawing or cutting work (iv) Milling in restricted areas
where the existing layer requires removal by milling.
Extra over payment shall only apply to milling in widths of
less than 1.0 m.
Where existing roads have to be widened, the existing
pavement layers shall be cut back to a firm, well- (v) Cemented material
compacted or cemented material. Material so broken up,
if acceptable, may be used togetherwith imported material Unless otherwise specified milled cemented material to be
in the widening process, except in the case of crushed- reprocessed on the road shall first be windrowed with a
stone base. Where existing pavement layers are widened, view to inspecting the underlying surface for any patches
separate payment will not be made for cutting back into of poor or unsuitable material. Where unsuitable material
the existing pavement layers unless so specified in the is encountered in the floor of the excavation, such material
project specifications, irrespective of the type of material shall first be removed b y further milling (where the
in the existing pavement layer. underlying layer also consists of the cemented material),
or by other approved methods, all to the satisfaction of the
Where pavement layers are broken down over a section of engineer. The unsuitable material shall be replaced with
the road width or where pavement layers are widened, the approved material of the required type, which shall be
engineer may order, in writing, that the various pavement placed in accordance with the specifications for the
layers be excavated in benches in accordance with his relevant underlying layer.
instructions. No additional payment will be made for
excavating benches. Where in the opinion of the engineer It may be necessary,
he may instruct the contractor to taper the ends or edges contamination shall be removed. The site shall be graded
of a milled excavation for which payment will be made. smooth with an adequate slope to ensure proper drainage
provided that the tapering is not the result of defective of water. Where so instructed by the engineer, the surface
work. Payment for the milling-out of cemented crushed shall be watered and compacted to a depth of at least
stone will distinguish between the various strengths of the 150 m m to a density of 90% of modified AASHTO density.
cemented layer. Where the engineer is of the opinion that The compacted surface shall be firm without any loose
the existing cemented layer has a compressive strength patches. Where asphalt is recovered for recycling, the
exceeding 10 MPa, he may instruct the contractor to drill engineer may order the surface to be chemically stabilized
cores from the layer and have them tested for compressive to a depth of 150 mm. Upon completion, this surface shall
strength in accordance with the provisions of SABS be swept clean.
method 865. The number of cores to be drilled out and the
drilling locations will be determined on site by the Stockpile sites shall be sufficiently large to allow the
engineer. placing of stockpiles of different types of material or types
of recovered asphalt without the stockpiles overlapping or
(vi) General the limits of the prepared site being exceeded. The
enlargement of the stockpile site afler the stockpiles have
The floor of the milled excavation shall be level and with already been placed will not be permitted without the
an even texture without any loose patches or patches of approval of the engineer.
unsuitable material occurring. Loose patches and patches
with unsuitable material shall be remedied in accordance Stockpiles of milled material shall be shaped in a manner
with the instructions of the engineer. Payment for removing which will limit segregation to a minimum. The stockpiling
and replacing unsuitable material and remedying loose of asphalt shall be done in a manner that will limit
patches shall be as specified elsewhere in these consolidation to a minimum. Adequate approved covers
specifications. Where such remedial work is done in shall be provided for recovered asphalt stockpiles to
restricted areas, the extra over payment concerned shall be prevent them from becoming wet, or being contaminated
in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate by dust.
Upon completion of the work, the stockpile sites shall be
Where the floor of an excavation is tested in the broken up in accordance with the instructions of the
longitudinal direction with a 3 m straight-edge, and in engineer.
other directions with a 3 m straight-edge or a straight-edge
of such shorter length as fits in between the longitudinal The stockpiling of excavated material will not be paid for
sides of the excavation, the surface shall not deviate by directly, but full compensation therefor shall be included in
more than 7 m m from the bottom edge of the straight- the rates for the various items of work in which the
edge. stockpiled material will be used. Separate payment will be
made for the preparation of storage sites.
Payment for milling will distinguish between various types
of milled material and between various milling depths.

(c) Treatment of pavement excavation floor

(a) General
The floor of any pavement excavation where material is not
milled out, shall be treated and paid for as specified in the (i) Material to be reprocessed
relevant clauses of sections 3400 and 3600. Milled surfaces
Direct payment will not be made for breaking up and
shall be treated and paid for as specified in the project excavating existing pavement material that is reprocessed
specifications. and re-used, except when -

the material is milled out in accordance with the provisions

3806 STORING RECOVERED PAVEMENT MATERIAL of the project specifications or upon the written instruction
of the engineer;

Excavated pavement material intended for reprocessing bituminous surfacing or other bituminous pavement layers
are removed separately from the underlying material in
but which cannot he reprocessed in place or. in the
accordance with the project specifications or the written
opinion of the engineer, cannot be windrowed next to the instructions of the engineer.
excavation, nor placed in position directly at any other
place, and material intended for recycling or reprocessing Full compensation for excavating existing pavement
in a plant, shall be transported to approved stockpiles with material. where the excavation thereof is not payable
the written permission of the engineer. separately. shall be included in the rates tendered for the
various pavement layers and items of work in which the
Stockpile sites for material intended for recycling or material is used. as provided in the relevant specifications.
reprocessing in a plant shall be set out at the
(ii) Removal of bituminous layers (except milled
corresponding mixing or crushing plant or at such other
locations as approved by the engineer.
Separate payment will be made for removing existing
The stockpile site shall be cleaned, and all loose stones. bituminous material separately from the underlying layer,
vegetation and other materials which may cause when it is not milled out in accordance with the project
specifications or the instructions of the engineer, (b) Material to be disposed of with the
irrespective of whether or nor it requires recycling. average depth of excavation:

(iii) Material from existing pavements which is not (i) Not exceeding 30 m m ...... square metre (m2)
(ii) Exceeding 30 m m but not
Existing gravel pavement material, gravel, or existing exceeding 60 m m . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
bituminous material not intended for reprocessing, shall be
used for other specified purposes or taken to spoil. (iii) Exceeding 60 m m .... . . . .. square metre (m2)
Payment for the excavation of such material will be made
directly under item 38.04 unless it is used for other The unit of measurement shall be a square metre layer of
purposes. bituminous material excavated from existing pavements
separately from the underlying material on the instruction
(iv) Milling of the engineer, and removed to approved stockpile or
spoil sites.
Milling will be paid for directly irrespective of whether or
not the material will be re-used. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
determining the average thickness of the layer of
(v) Measurement for excavating existing pavement bituminous material to be excavated, including the
material and underlying fill excavation of holes or the drilling of cores, if so instructed,
for breaking down, excavating, loading and transporting
Where payment is made separately for the excavation of the material to approved stockpile or spoil sites for a free-
existing pavement material and underlying fill, the quantity haul distance of 1,O km and for loading and properly
will be calculated in accordance with the authorized placing the material in stockpile or spoil dumps.
horizontal dimensions of the excavated layer and the
average depth of excavation. The average depth of The volume used for calculating overhaul shall be taken as
excavation will be determined in accordance with the test 70% of the loose volume of the material measured in the
holes made or cores drilled at intervals not exceeding hauling vehicles.
10 m, and which are so distributed over the surface that a
realistic estimate of the depth can be obtained.
Item Unit

@) Overhaul 38.02 Milling out existing biminous

material with an average milling
The distance for calculating overhaul on material intended depth:
for recycling or reworking in a plant will be measured from
the point of excavation on the road up to the plant. Where (a) Not exceeding 30 m m . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
the plant is situated outside the site of the works, the
distance will be measured to a suitable location for setting (b) Exceeding 30 m m but not
up a plant closest to the centre of the site. exceeding 60 m m . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(c) Exceeding 60 m m .......... cubic metre (m3)

(c) Item 38.05 is applicable solely to work that has to
be executed in a resbicted area of which the width The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of asphalt
is less than 3.0 m or the length is less than milled out and removed to approved stockpiles.
150.0 m.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
providing milling equipment and milling out the material
(d) Items of payment to the specified depth and in accordance with the
requirements for evenness and for all measurements,
Item Unit labour, supervision and incidentals for executing the work
and obtaining milled material which will comply with the
38.01 Excavating and removing specified requirements.
existing biiminous material
(except milled material): The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
loading and transporting the material to approved
(a) Material intended for recycling stockpiles for a free-haul distance of 1,O km irrespective of
with the average depth of excavation: the method of loading, and for unloading the material and
placing it in stockpile, also for screening out the oversize
material if necessary. Separate payment will be made for
(i) Not exceeding 30 m m . . . . . . square metre (m2) preparing the stockpile site.

(ii) Exceeding 30 m m but not

exceeding 60 m m . . . . . . .. . square metre (m2) Payment for milling the material will distinguish between
the various average depths of excavation, irrespective of
the required number of passes by the plant for milling out
(iii) Exceeding 60 m m .... . . .. . square metre (m2) the material.
for a free-haul distance of 1.0 km, off-loading, and placing
the material in approved spoil dumps.
38.03 Milling out cemented crushed stone:
Payment will not distinguish between material with or
(a) Average milling depth not without existing bituminous material.
exceeding 50 mm:

(i) Compressive strength of

10 MPa and less . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
38.05 Excavating material from an
(ii) Compressive strength of existing pavement andlor underlying
10 MPa up to and including fill in restricted areas:
20 MPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(a) Extra over item 38.01 for
(iii) Compressive strength bituminous material excavated
exceeding 20 MPa . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')

(b) Average milling depth exceeding (b) Extra over item 38.04 for
50 mm but not exceeding 100 mm: other existing pavement and/or
fill material:
(i) Compressive strength of
10 MPa and less . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (i) Non-cementedmaterial ...... cubic metre (m')

(ii) Compressive strength of 10 MPa (ii) Cemented material . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
up to and including 20 MPa . . cubic metre (m3)
(iii) Cemented crushed stone . . . . cubic metre (m3)
(iii) Compressive strength
exceeding 20 MPa . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) Upon payment being made under subitem (a) no
distinction will be made between various thicknesses of
(c) Average milling depth exceeding bituminous material.
100 mm:
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
(i) Compressive strength of 10 MPa incidentals for excavating material in restricted areas.
and less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(ii) Compressive strength of 10 MPa

up to and including 20 MPa . . cubic metre (m3)
38.06 Extra over items 38.02and 38.03
(iii) Compressive strength exceeding for milling in restricted widths of
20 MPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) less than 1.0 m . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The provisions of item 38.02 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
No payment will be made under the subitems in regard to material milled out in a width of less than 1.0 m, the
material with compressive strengths exceeding 10 MPa quantity of which will be calculated in accordance with the
unless the higher strength has been proven by tests. authorized dimensions of the area and the average depth

Item Unit The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
additional costs for executing the milling in the restricted
38.W Excavating and spoiling material width.
from an existing pavement andlor
the underlying fill: Payment will not distinguish between the various depths of
milling or the various types of material.
(a) Non-cementcd material ...... cubic metre (rn3)

(b) Cemented material . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(c) Cemented crushed stone . . . . cubic metre (m3) 38.07 Exha over items 38.02 and
38.03for tapering the milled
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic nietre of excavation edges or ends . . . . cubic metre (ma)
material, with or without existing bituminous material.
excavated from the existing pavement and/or fill and The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
removed to spoil dumps. material milled out in a tapered area. the quantity of which
shall be calculated in accordance with the authorized
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for dimensions of the taper.
excavating the material from the existing pavement and/or
fill, irrespective of layer thickness, for loading, transporting The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
additional measurements. adjustments and costs for Item Unit
milling out the taper to the satisfaction of the engineer.
Payment will not distinguish between the taper at the ends 38.10 Preparing stockpile sites . . . . square metre (m2)
or along the edge of the milled excavation. No payment
will be made for tapering resulting from the normal routine The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
level adjustments of the machine neither for the taper stockpile site prepared on the instruction of the engineer.
necessitated by defective work by the contractor.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
Payment will not distinguish between various depths of demarcating. clearing. levelling and draining the stockpile
milling or various types of material milled. site as specified.

Payment will not be made for preparing the sites for spoil
b m Unit dumps unless such preparation has been instructed, in
writing. by the engineer.
38.08 Sawing or cutting asphalt or
cemented pavement layers: hit

(a) Sawing asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7) 38.11 Extra over item 38.10 for
watering and compacting
(b) Cutting asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) stockpile sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')

(c) Sawing cemented layers: The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
material watered and compacted on the instruction of the
(i) Cemented material . . . . . . . . square metre (m7) engineer on the prepared storage site.

(ii) Cemented crushed stone . . . square metre (m') The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring all material. scarifying, mixing, and compacting
The unit of measurement for subitems (a) and (c) shall be the site as specified.
the square metre of sawcut area calculated in accordance
with the authorized length of sawcut and the average saw
depth measured after excavation of the material. The unit Item lhlii
of measurement for subitem (b) shall be the metre of cut
measured in accordance with the authorized saw length. 38.12 Chemical stabilization of
stockpile site:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
material and sawing or cutting costs and for all incidentals (a) Chemical stabilization . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)
for cutting or sawing the pavement in accordance with the
instructions of the engineer. (b) Chemical stabilizing agent . . . . . . . . . . . ton jt)

Payment will not distinguish between the various depths of The provisions of items 35.01 and 35.02 shall apply
sawing or cutting work, irrespective of the number of mutatis mutandis.
separate cuts which may be required for sawing or cutting
the layer to the required depth. Where surfacing of less
than 30 m m thickness is sawn together with a cemerted Item Unit
pavement, the surfacing section shall be deemed to be
cemented material for payment purposes. 38.13 Drilling cores:

(a) In asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

ltem Unit
(b) In cemented material . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
38.09 Remaring the remaining asphalt
from the undertying layer . . . square metre (m7) The unit of measurement shall be the number of cores
drilled on the instructions of the engineer.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
excavation floor cleaned on the instruction of the engineer. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
setting out the core locations, and for drilling the cores.
The quantity will be calculated in accordance with the
authorized dimensions of the surface from which the
remaining bituminous material will have to be removed ttem
afterthe existing bituminous layer has been taken off. Only
surfaces of existing layers to be reprocessed as base will 38.14 Roviding the milling machine on
be paid for and only if so instvucted by the engineer. the site (size indicated) . . . . . . . . . number (No)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the The unit of measurement shall be the number of milling
removal of any remaining bituminous material from the machines provided on the site, or the number of times a
excavation floor as specified and the disposal thereof. all milling machine is brought onto the site where it had to be
to the satisfaction of the engineer. removed temporarily with the approval of the engineer.
Payment for returning the machine to the site after removal The unit of measurement shall be the number of times the
shall be made only where the removal was in accordance machine Is moved for more than 1,O km, as may be
with the contractor's approved programme of work and not approved or instructed by the engineer, in writing.
for any other reason. Payment will not be made for
replacing any defective plant. Additional machines will be
paid for only where their provision is in accordance with
the contractor's approved programme of work and if all the
milling machines are in use on the site simultaneously.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
costs involved in such moving (irrespective of as to
Item Unit whether the machine is moved to a new section of the site
or returned to a previous position for further work), as well
38.15 M n g the milling machine o n as for all delays and production losses. Payment will not
the site for a distance exceeding be made for moving for the purpose of maintenance and
1.0 km (size indicated) . . . . . . . .. number (No) repairs or for replacement with another machine.
SERIES 3000 : EARTHWORKS AND PAVEMENT The following items of plant and equipment shall also be
LAYERS OF GRAVEL OR CRUSHED available and in good working order:
A vibratory roller having a mass approximately equal to
SECTION 3900 : PATCHING AND REPAlRlNG EDGE that of a Bomag 905 or similar vibratory roller, with an
BREAKS adjustable amplitude and frequency of vibration.

A mobile compressor capable of producing at least

CONTENTS 3 m3/minute compressed air at 750 kPa.

3901 SCOPE Appropriate paving breakers

3903 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Manually-operated pneumatic compactors as required.
3905 REPAIRING EDGE BREAKS IN SURFACING Appropriate concrete mixers.

3901 SCOPE (a) Demarcation

The engineer will demarcate any failed areas to be

This section covers the patching of existing pavement repaired, and shall instruct the contractor in regard to the
layers and the repairing of edge breaks, excluding repair work to be done.
resealing or resurfacing.
The contractor shall give adequate notice to the engineer
Patching shall be any work to existing pavement layers of his intention to commence with repair work on any
(and in exceptional cases to fills and the roadbed) with the specific section of the road so that the engineer will have
purpose of repairing local failures, and which is carried out sufficient time to demarcate the areas to be patched and
in an area having a width of less than 1,O m, or a length of repaired.
less than 25,O m, or an area of less than 100 mZ.This does
not include the repair of edge breaks, pretreatment of the In addition to his specified responsibilities for the
road surface, or the rehabilitation of concrete pavements. accommodation of traffic, the contractor shall also be
responsible for traffic accommodation during the
Patching involves excavating the existing failed sections demarcation work.
and reconstructing the excavated fills and pavement layers
with the specified pavement material. Backfilling with
asphalt will be measured and paid for under section 4200. @) Other sections of the specifications

Compensation for work in restricted areas shall not be In addition to the provisions of section 3900 the various
applicable to patching and repairing edge breaks. provisions of sections 3200, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, 4100
and 4200 amongst others shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(c) Excavating pavement material

The materials shall comply with the requirements specified Unless otherwise instructed by the engineer, the patching
for the various types of material in the appropriate sections shall have a neat rectangular shape. The existing material
of the specifications and the project specifications. shall be excavated and removed to the full specified depth.
Asphalt layers and surfacing shall be cut with approved
sawing equipment.
Herbicide shall be a non-selective herbicide approved by
the engineer. Excavation for patching shall be cut with sideslopes of
approximately 60" to the horizontal.

3903 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Where required, excavation shall be done with an
approved milling plant in accordance with section 3800.

All equipment shall be suitable for the specified use and Excavated material from each pavement layer shall be
working areas and shall be capable of obtaining the placed in separate stockpiles adjacent to the patch, The
specified results. stockpiled material shall be re-used or spoiled in an
approved manner in accordance with the engineer's
Only approved cutting or sawing equipment may be used instructions.
for cutting or sawing asphalt layers. The equipment shall
be capable of cutting asphalt layers to depths of 200 m m After completion of the excavation to the specified depth,
in one operation without fragmenting the material, and in the engineer shall be afforded the opportunity to examine
straight lines within the required tolerances. it. Where required, the floor of the excavation shall be
compacted to the specified density for the layer 3905 REPAIRING EDGE BREAKS IN SURFACING

This treatment is used wherever necessary for finishing off

(d) Backfilling excavations and/or repairing the edges of the paved area, and also for
repairing the edges of the road so that it lines up with the
(i) Excavations shall be backfilled with pavement true edge of the original road or with such other edge as
material as specified in the project specifications or may be required.
as ordered by the engineer, and the backfilling
shall be compacted and finished to the required Where the existing edge of the surfacing is sound and
levels. The requirements for material quality. undamaged but the required surfacing width is exceeded
density and finish specified in other appropriate by more than 50 mm. the excess surfacing shall be cut
sections shall remain applicable. back. parallel to the centre line of the road, to the required
width. Where the edges of the surfacing is fragmented or
Stabilized materials shall be mixed in concrete where the surfacing is narrower than the required width, it
mixers or by other approved equipment. shall be cut back to a line along which a sound edge can
be obtained. These lines shall be parallel to the centre line
Subbase and base materials shall be stabilized as of the road and may not exceed the required width.
Where the surfaci~g. after having been cut back, is
Placing concrete in patches will not be permitted. narrower than the specified width, the pavement material
between the cut edge and the specified surfacing edge
(ii) Unless otherwise specified in the project shall be excavated to a depth of 60 m m below the final
specifications, the base shall be backfilled in road surface, or until firm material is found. The edges
accordance with the following requirements. shall be restored in accordance with the requlrements of
subclause 4804(e).
The specified base material shall be stabilized as
follows: Item 39.05 shall apply only to edge breaks with an average
width of 250 m m and less. Repairing wider edge breaks
The base material shall be placed in a concrete will be classified as patching.
mixer, and water shall be added to moisten the
A suitably diluted 60% stable-grade anionic or
cationic bitumen emulsion shall be added at the
specified rate. The engineer will do routine inspections and conduct
routine tests to determine whether the quality of material
Ordinary portland cement shall be added at a rate and workmanship provided comply with the requirements
of 1,096 by mass, unless otherwise specified. of this section.

During mixing the fluid content (water plus The test results and measurements will be assessed in
emulsion) shall not exceed the optimum moisture accordance with the provisions of sections 8200 or 8300
content of the base. Mixing shall continue until a according to which section in the project specifications has
uniform mix of the base material and the emulsion been designated as being appropriat~.
is obtained.

The contractor shall place and spread the stabilized 3907 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
material by hand in layers of appropriate thickness.
Each layer shall be compacted with a hand-
operated self-propelled vibratory roller to the Unit
specified density. The process of placing.
spreading and compacting shall be repeated until 39.01 Sawing asphalt or cemented
the required total thickness of base is obtained. pavement layers for patching:

(a) Sawing asphalt to an average

The stabilized material shall be placed at a fluid depth:
content not exceeding the optimum moisture
content for the base. (i) Not exceeding 50 m m .... square metre (m2)

(ii) Exceeding 50 m m but not

(e) Resbictions exceeding 100 m m . . . . . . square metre (m2)

Unless otherwise instructed in writing by the engineer. the (iii) Exceeding 100 m m .... . . square metre (m')
excavation, backfilling and all patching work. complete as
specified, for any patch shall be carried out and completed
on the same day. Special attention shall be given during (b) Sawing cemented pavement
patching to controlling and protecting traffic. as specified. layers to an average depth:
(i) Not exceeding 50 m m . . . . square metre (m2) (i) Not exceeding 5 m2 . . ... .. cubic metre (m3)

(ii) Exceeding 50 m m but not (ii) Exceeding 5 m2 but not

exceeding 100 mm . . . . . . square metre (m2) exceeding 100 m2 . . . . . . .. cubic metre (m3)

(iii) Exceeding 100 mm . . . . . . square metre (m2) (iii) Exceeding 100 m2 ... . . ... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of the
sawcut area calculated in accordance with the authorized specified chemically or bituminously stabilized pavement
length of sawcut and the average saw depth measured material placed in accordance with the specified
after excavation of the material. requirements. The quantity will be computed in
accordance with the authorized dimensions of the layer.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
plant, equipment, labour, supervision, materials, transport The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
and for all incidentals for sawing the asphalt and the providing all the material, irrespective of its origin,
cemented pavement layers, complete as specified and including gravel (notwithstanding the provisions of section
prescribed by the engineer, and also for work in restricted 1600),for all mixing, placing, compacting and finishing as
areas. specified in this section and other appropriate sections of
the specifications, for all transport, work in restricted areas,
ttem Unit and also for all machinery, equipment, labour, supervision
and other incidentals for executing the work as specified.
39.02 Excavation in enxsigt pavements
for patching in: The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
chemical or bituminous stabilization, including amongst
(a) Asphalt layers . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) others the provision and application of the stabilizing
(b) Cemented layers ....... . . cubic metre (m3)
ttem unit
(c) Other layers (specify type) . . square metre (m3)
39.04 Compacting the floor of
The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of excavations for patching square metre (m2)
material excavated from the existing pavement. The
quantity shall be computed in accordance with the The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of
authorized dimensions of the excavation. excavation floor compacted on the instruction of the
engineer, and the quantity shall be computed in
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for accordance with the authorized dimensions of the
demarcating the excavation, excavating the material, excavation floor.
placing the excavated material in temporary stockpiles,
spoiling of material in the stockpiles where ordered by the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
engineer, including haul over a free-haul distance of compacting the floor of excavations complete as specified,
1,O km, complete as specified, and also for Work in and also for work in restricted areas.
restricted areas.
Payment will not distinguish between the various methods
Payment will distinguish between the different types of of compaction or various density requirements.
pavement material excavated.
ttem Unil
Item Unil
39.05 Cutting back the edges of the
39.03 Backtilling of excavations for existing surfacing for the
patching with: repairing of edge breaks . . . . ...... metre (m)

(a) Chemically stabilized pavement The unit of measurement for cutting back the edges shall
material (specify the pavement material be a metre of pavement edge cut back and excavated as
and the stabilizing agent) for a patch specified. This Item shall apply only to edge breaks of
with a surface area: which the repaired width is less than 250 mm.

(i) Not exceeding 5 m2 ... . . .. cubic metre (m3) The tendered rate for cutting back the edges shall include
full compensation for cutting back the edges in
Exceeding 5 m2 but not accordance with instructions, excavating the material to the
specified depth, removing all excavated and loose
exceeding 100 m2 . . . ... . . cubic metre (m')
material, and compacting the surface onto which the fresh
edge shall be constructed, all in accordance with the
(iii) Exceeding 100 m2 . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) required lines and levels.

(b) Base material stabilized The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for
with bituminous emulsion (specify all transport, handling, labour, material, and all incidentals
the emulsion) for a patch with a necessary for completing all the work in accordance with
surface area: the specifications, and also for work in restricted areas.
SERIES 4000 :ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SEALS centres for testing binder distributors mentioned in TMH 2;

SECTION 4100 : PWME COAT (ii) not have any fuel, oil or binder leaks;

(iii) have a straight and clean spraybar, all the spray

heads of which shall be of the same type which open
simultaneously and shall not leak when closed;
MATERIALS (iv) have its spray heads all spraying at the same angle
EQUIPMENT to the spraybar and adjusted to the correct level so as to
WEATHER AND OTHER LIMITATIONS obtain the required overlapping:
APPLICATION OF THE PRIME COAT (v) have its fans not interfering with one another;
TOLERANCES (vi) have its sieve undamaged and clean;
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT (vii) be under the direct control of an operator approved
by the engineer on the grounds of a reference, in writing,
or a certificate of competence signed by a representative
4101 SCOPE of a road authority;

(viii) be fitted with a suitable cut-off spray-head or

This section covers the application of a tar or bitumen fishplate.
prime to a prepared pavement layer.

@) Water sprinkler

The water sprinkler shall have efficient spray equipment,

capable of spraying a uniform film of water over the whole
(a) Priming material area to be primed.

The priming material shall be one of the following as may

be specified or directed by the engineer: (c) Rotary broom

RTH 3112P tar prime complying with SABS 748 or The rotary broom shall be self-propelled and supplied
RTL 3/12P tar prime complying with SABS 749. together with a suitable pneumatic-tyred towing vehicle.

RTH 1/4P quickdrying tar prime complying with SABS 748

(d) Other equipment
MC-30 cut-back bitumen complying with SABS 308:
Other equipment shall include hand brooms, mat or
MC-70 cut-back bitumen complying with SABS 308: reinforced paper for joints, string, nails and all other
ancillary equipment required to carry out the operation
Invert bitumen emulsion complying with SABS 1260. efficiently and neatly.

@) Aggregate for blinding 4104 WEATHER AND OTHER LIMITATIONS

The aggregate used for blinding the primed surface shall

consist of crushed rock or river sand, with 100% passing No prime shall be applied under the following adverse
the 6,7 m m sieve and not more than 10% passing the conditions:
2,36 m m sieve. The aggregate shall be clean, hard and
free from excessive dust. It shall contain no clay, loam or (a) during foggy or wet conditions;
other deleterious matter.
(b) when rain is imminent:

(c) when wind is blowing sufficiently hard to cause

uneven spraying:

The following equipment shall be available and in good (d) when the surface of the layer is visibly wet, ie more
working order: than damp:

(e) when the temperature of the surface immediately

(a) Binder distributor prior to commencing with the application of the prime is
below or in the opinion of the engineer likely to fall below
The binder distributor used for distributing the bituminous 10°C;
binders shall -
(1) after sundown:
(i) comply with TMH 2 and shall be covered by a valid
certificate of compliance with TMH 2 issued by one of the (g) when at any position the moisture content of a
granular base layer is more than 50% of the optimum 100 mm.
moisture content as determined by the engineer.
Table 4106/1
The engineer's decision on whether or not to apply the
prime coat under specific conditions shall be final.
Maximum Spray-
storage ing
"C rature
Not longer than 24 hours before spraying, the layer to be "C
primed shall be broomed and cleaned of all loose or Type of prime
Up to Over
deleterious material by means of a rotary broom and hand
24 24
brooms. Sweeping shall be done carefully so as not to
hrs hrs
cause any damage to the layer. A light spray of water,
sufficient to dampen the surface, shall be uniformly applied Cut-back bitumens
to the layer immediately before the application of the
prime. If the water is over applied the layer shall be MC-30 65 30 -
45 60
allowed to dry until a uniform damp surface is obtained. MC-70 80 50 -
60 80
Before any priming material is sprayed the layer to be Tar prime
primed shall be checked for compliance with the surface
and other requirements specified. Any sections not RTHIRTL 3/12P 60 40 54 - 68
complying with the specified requirements shall be Tar +10% creosote 60 40 45 - 55
corrected as specified in clause 1218. Tar +20% creosote 60 40 40 - 50
Tar +30% creosote
Quick drying tar prime

Invert bitumen
(a) A mat, reinforced paper or other suitable approved emulsion
material shall be used at all joints at the beginning and
end of all sprays in order to obtain a neat start and cut-off.

(b) The temperatures for storage and spraying shall be (g) Care shall be taken to protect all kerbing and
in accordance with table 410611. channelling, guard rails and channelling from the prime by
covering them with a suitable protective material when
All prime materials stored in a heated condition shall be spraying. The contractor shall, at his own cost, replace all
stored in a container with a properly functioning circulation soiled items which cannot be properly cleaned. Painting
system and having a securely fitting lid. of the soiled surfaces will not be accepted as a sultable
remedial measure.
(c) The rate of application shall be as directed by the
engineer after trial applications to short sections if (h) After the prime has penetrated sufficiently, surplus
necessary. prime shall be covered with damp crusher sand, which
shall be worked into it by means of hand brooms in order
(d) Wherever feasible, the prime shall be applied in one to absorb the surplus prime. As soon as it is saturated with
or more lanes evenly over the full width of the road and prime, the crusher sand shall be swept off the primed
allowed to penetrate and cure until traffic can pass over the surface. The process shall be repeated until no surplus
surface without the wheels picking up the prime. All traffic prime remains on the primed surface.
shall be kept off the surface until this condition is obtained.
(i) The provisions of clause 4309 apply to the
The total width of the primed surface shall be as shown on application of the prime in areas inaccessible to
the drawings or as prescribed by the engineer, and the mechanical equipment. The prime shall be applied under
edges of the primed surface shall be parallel to the the supervision of an experienced person b y means of a
centreline of the road. portable binder distributor that complies with the
requirements of subclauses 4103(a) and 4309(a). The
(e) Where it is not feasible for traffic to use diversions, quantity of prime applied, shall be controlled so that the
the prime shall be applied and allowed to penetrate for as specified rate of application is achieved. Surplus prime
long as is practicable before a blinding layer of aggregate shall be removed as specified in subclause 4106(h).
is applied at a rate of 285 m2/m3. Care shall be exercised
in this operation to avoid the aggregate being applied too
soon after spraying the prime. Where practicable two to 4107 MAINTENANCE AND OPENING TO TRAmC
four hours shall elapse as directed b y the engineer. Any
"caking" of aggregate which may take place and cause
problems during the surfacing process and all loose Where a blinding layer has been applled to the primed
aggregate shall be removed before the final surfacing is surface, the contractor shall malntain the blindlng layer and
commenced. the primed surface during the period when the surface is
opened to traffic, and shall repair all damage caused to the
(1) H the prime is applied in more than one strip, blinding layer or the primed surface by such trafflc, as
allowance shall be made for overlapping of strips by directed b y the engineer, at no additional payment to the
contractor. (d) MC-70cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(e) Invert bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

The unit of measurement shall be the litre of priming
material measured at spraying temperature and sprayed as
The actual spray rates measured at spraying temperature required.
shall not deviate from the required spray rate as specified
or ordered by the engineer by more than 0,06I /m2. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying the priming material, cleaning and watering the
The edges of the primed surface shall be true to line with layer to be primed, applying the priming material and
a maximum deviation of 25 m m from the specified edge maintaining the primed surface as specified.


4109 TESTING 41.02 Aggregate for blinding . . . . . . square metre (m2)

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of

The contractor shall give the engineer at least 24 hours prime coat blinded with aggregate on the instructions of
notice of his intention to spray prime material so that the the engineer.
actual spray rates can be prescribed and/or verified by the
engineer. Unless otherwise agreed in advance the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
contractor shall only spray when the resident engineer or procuring. furnishing and applying the aggregate for
his representative is present. blinding where directed by the engineer, and for
maintenance of the blinding layer, as specified.


41.03 Extra over item 41.01 fw applying

Unit the prime coat in areas accessible
only to hand held equipment . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
41.01 Rime coat:
The unit of measurement shall be a litre of priming
(a) RTH 3/12P or RTL 3112P material (measured at spraying temperature) sprayed in
tar prime . . . . . . . . . . accordance with the requirements for areas accessible only
to hand held equipment.
(b) Quick drying RTH 114P
tar prime . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
additional costs for executing the work in areas accessible
(c) MC-30 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1) only to hand held equipment.
SERIES 4000 : ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SEALS (d) The construction of asphalt surfacing on bridge
decks where shown on the drawings or ordered by the


MATERIALS (a) Bituminous binders
SURFACING MIXTURES (i) Conventional binders
GENERAL LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The various bituminous binders specified shall comply with
AND THE STORAGE OF MIXED MATERIAL the relevant SABS specifications stated below:
JOINTS Road-grade bitumens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SABS 307
COMPACTION Bitumen emulsions ............ SABS 309 (anionic)
CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES AND FINISH (ii) Non-homogeneous (heterogeneous) modified
(The addition of rubber to the aggregate in the same way
as filler, the so called dry method. is not included in these
4201 SCOPE specifications.)

This section covers the following work: The bitumen-rubber binder shall comply with the following
(a) All the work in connection with the construction of
asphalt bases and surfacing. It includes the procuring and (1) Base bitumen
furnishing of aggregate and bituminous binder, mixing at
a central mixing plant, spreading and compaction of the The bituminous binder used in the production of the
mixture, all as specified for the construction of: bitumen-rubber shall be a 812 or B8 road-grade bitumen
(60170or 801100 penetration-grade bitumen respectively) or
(i) Continuously graded asphalt base; a blend of these grades to provide a product with a
particular viscosity and other prescribed properties.
(ii) Semi-gap-graded asphalt base;
(2) Rubber
(iii) Continuously graded asphalt surfacing with or
without rolled-in precoated chippings; The rubber is obtained by processing and recycling
pneumatic tyres. The rubber crumbs shall be produced by
(iv) Gap-graded asphalt surfacing with or without a mechanical comminuting process. Crumbs produced by
rolled-in precoated chippings; cryogenic-mechanical techniques are not permitted. It
shall be pulverized. free of fabric, steel cords and other
(v) Semi-gap-graded asphalt surfacing with or without contaminants. A maximum of 4% by mass of fine particle
rolled-in precoated chippings; size calcium carbonate. or talc, may be added to the
rubber crumbs to prevent the rubber particles from sticking
(vi) Open-graded asphalt surfacing; together. At the time of use the crumbs shall be free
flowing and dry and comply with the requirements in table
(vii) Stone-mastic asphalt surfacing 420211.

(b) The widening of asphalt bases and surfacing. (3) Extender oil
placing asphalt in restricted areas and placing asphalt
reinforcing where specified. Extender oil shall be a resinous. high flash point aromatic
hydrocarbon conforming with the requirements in table
(c) The recycling of asphalt by reprocessing recovered 420212.
materials, adding fresh aggregate, bituminous binders and
other agents for obtaining an asphalt mix which will The chemical composition of the base bitumen and the
comply with the specified requirements, and placing the nature of the rubber will dictate the need to introduce an
recycled material. The provisions of section 4200 shall extender oil. The bitumen and extender oil, when
apply throughout to recycled asphalt, except where combined shall form a material that is chemically
explicitly specified otherwise. compatible with the rubber.
Table 420211 Table 420213

Property Require- Test Property Require-

ments method ments

Sieve analysis, as a percentage Sabita Percentage of rubber by mass of the total

by mass passing through the BRGT blend, % 18 - 2 4

100 Percentage extender oil by mass of the

1,18 mm sieve, %
total blend (maximum), % 4
0,60 m m sieve, % 50 - 70
0,075 m m sieve, % 0-5
Blendinglreaction temperature, " C 180 - 210
Natural rubber hydro-carbon BS903 Parts
Reaction time, hours 1-4
content (minimum), % 30 Bll&B12

Resilience (raw) (minimum), Sabita

A continuous record shall be kept on the site by the
% 40 BR7T
contractor of the percentage rubber in the mix and the
Loss in resilience (maximum), Sabita reaction temperatures and times. The bitumen-rubber
% 60 BR7T binder shall be sampled within five minutes prior to the
mixing of the asphalt and shall comply with the
Relative density, glcm3 1,lo-1,25 Sabita requirements in table 420214.
Table 420214

Table 420212

Property Require- Test method


Viscosity at 40 OC
(minimum) 2 500 ASTMD88

Flash point, COC, " C 200 ASTMD92

Compositional analysis
Asphaltenes, % by mass
(maximum) 0,1 ASTMD2007
Aromatics. % by mass
(minimum) 55,O

(4) Bitumen-rubber blend

The bitumen-rubber mixture after reaching the desired
At least two weeks prior to commencement of the blending consistency shall not be held at temperatures in excess of
operation, the contractor shall state in writing to the 160°C (with no extender oil) or 190°C (with 4% extender
engineer, in a method statement, that also includes details oil) for more than 4 hours.
of the proposed plant, the percentage of rubber, the
blendinglreaction temperature, reaction time and (iii) Homogeneous modified binders
percentage of extender oil he intends to use, substantiated
by graphs of time against ring and ball softening point and
Homogeneous modified binders are defined as industrial
flow for the full reaction period, taking cognisance of the
actual equipment and method to be used for the mass blends of polymer and bitumen where the blended
production of bitumen-binder. These shall be referred to components form a stable microscopic dispersion, or either
as behaviour curves. The contractor shall not be allowed or both form a stable continuous phase relative to each
to deviate from the stated percentage of rubber crumbs by other. The properties of the homogeneous modified
more than 1 per cent and from the stated reaction binders shall comply with the requirements given in the
temperature by more than 10°C without producing new project specifications.
behaviour curves. Reaction time is defined as half the time
required for adding the rubber to the bitumen plus the time
required for acceptable reaction between the bitumen and
(iv) The type and grade of bituminous binder to be
rubber as determined from the behaviour curves in
agreement with the engineer. No bitumen-rubber blend used in each case shall be as specified hereinafter or in the
shall be used until it has complied with the reaction time. project specifications.

The bitumen-rubber blend, containing where necessary

extender oils, shall satisfy the requirements in table 420213.

Coarse and fine aggregate shall be clean and free from

The reconstitution of the bitumen-rubber blend will not be decomposed materials, vegetable matter and other
allowed unless approved by the engineer in writing.
deleterious substances and shall meet the requirements of
sections 3600 and 4300, unless otherwise provided in this Continuously and open-graded surfacing
section. and stone-mastic asphalt surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Gap-graded surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
(i) Resistance to crushing Rolled-in chippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

The aggregate crushing value (ACV) of the coarse Aggregates with polishing values below those stated above
aggregate, when determined in accordance with TMHl may be approved for use by the engineer.
method 51, shall not exceed the following values for
aggregate used for: (iv) Adhesion

Base and surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 When tested in accordance with TMHl method C5, the
immersion index of a mixture of the binder and aggregate
Rolled-in chipplngs, open-graded proposed for use shall not be less than 75%. The
surfacing and stone-mastic aggregate used for the test mixture shall have a grading
asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 within the actual limits for the mix concerned.

The minimum dry 10% FACT values of the -13,2 m m (v) Absorption
+9,5 m m fraction shall be as follows:
When tested in accordance with TMHl methods 814 and
Rolled-in chippings, open-graded 815, the water absorption of the coarse aggregate shall not
surfacing and stone-mastic asphalt .......... 210 kN exceed 1% by mass, and that of the fine aggregate shall
not exceed 1,5% by mass, unless otherwise permitted.
Other surfacing and base ................ 160 kN
(vi) Sand equivalent
The wetidry ratio shall not be less than 75%,
The total fine aggregate used in all asphalt mixes shall
(ii) Shape of the aggregate have a sand equivalent of at least 50, when tested in
accordance with TMHl method 519, and the natural sand
Base: where it is permitted to be mixed with the aggregate shall
have a sand equivalent of at least 30.
The flakiness index when determined in accordance with
TMHl method 83 shall not exceed 35 for the minus (vii) Design requirements
26,5 m m sieve plus 19,OO m m sieve and minus 19 m m
plus 13,2 m m sieve fractions respectively. The contractor shall, by conducting the necessary tests,
satisfy himself that he will be able to produce a mixture
In addition, at least 50% by mass of the individual fractions meeting the design requirements specified hereinafter,
retained on each of the standard sieves with a square using the aggregate he proposes to supply, within the
mesh size of 4,75 m m and larger shall have at least one grading limits specified.
fractured face.
(viii) Grading
Surfacing and rolled-in-chippings:
The grading of the combined aggregate including any filler
The flakiness index for surfacing asphalt and rolled-in- added in an approved working mix as described in
chippings shall not exceed the values given in table subclause 4202(c) shall be within the limits stated in tables
420215. The grades refer to the single-sized crushed stone 420216 to 4202110 for the various mixes. The approved
grades as defined in subclause 4302(b). grading shall be designated as the target grading. The
mean grading of each lot of the working mix (minimum of
Table 420215 6 tests per lot) determined from samples obtained in a
stratified random sampling procedure, shall conform to the
approved target grading within the tolerances specified In
Nominal size Maximum flakiness index % subclause 4213(c).
of aggregate
(mm) Surfacing aggregate Rolled-in- The target grading requirements for crushed-stone base as
chips (all specified under subclause 3602(c) shall apply to all
Grade 1 Grade 2 grades) continuously graded asphalt bases. In addition, and for
tender purposes and preliminary mix design, the target
19,O 25 30 20
grading for 37,s m m maximum aggregate size asphalt
13,2 25 30 20
base shall be within the range derived from the formula:
9,5 30 35
67 30 35

In addition, at least 9546 of all particles shall have at least

three fractured faces. where:

P = percentage passing a particular sieve, %

(iii) Polishing d = sieve size, m m
n = exponent which determines the shape of the
The polished stone value of aggregate, when determined grading curve
in accordance with SABS method 848, shall not be less D = maximum aggregate size, m m
than the following values for aggregate used for: F= filler content. %
using values of F = 5% with n = 0,45 and F = 7% with cement, fly-ash, or a mixture of any of the above materials.
n = 0,4 (one percent being active filler). Individual materials shall comply with the requirements of
the relevant SABS or other specifications for such material.
The approved target grading shall be determined after Active filler shall have at least 70% by mass passing the
laying a trial section on site. 0,075 m m sieve and a bulk density in toluene falling
between 0,5 and 0,9 g l m l . The voids in dry compacted
Where mixes with coarser and/or other grading filler shall be between 0,374 and 0,5%, when tested in
compositions are required for asphalt bases, it will be accordance with British Standard 812.
specified in the project specifications.
Active fillers for use in asphalt bases shall be introduced to
(ix) Additional requirements for asphalt bases the mix prior to wetting with the binder. An active filler
content of 1% by mass shall be used unless otherwise
If approved by the engineer and if the specified specified.
requirements are met, the aggregate component may
contain natural fines not obtained from the parent rock Only active filler added on the instructions of the engineer,
being crushed, on condition that such added material does for the purpose of improving adhesion, will be paid for. No
not exceed 10% by mass, unless otherwise specified in the payment will be made for filler added to improve the
project specifications. The added fines shall have a liquid grading.
limit not more than 25% and a PI not more than 6. The
contractor shall submit full details regarding the exact
quantity and nature of such fine aggregate, before such (d) Fibres
permission will be considered. In the event of such added
material being natural sand, its impact on dynamic creep The use of fibres in asphalt mixes shall be subject to the
properties should be assessed from laboratory briquettes provisions of the project specifications.
and cores obtained in a trial section planned well ahead of
any production runs.
(e) Asphalt reinforcing
The addition of natural fines shall be done by using a
separate cold feed bin. Asphalt reinforcing shall be of the type specified in the
project specifications and shall be obtained from an
(x) Rolled-in chippings approved manufacturer.

Rolled-in chippings for asphalt surfacing mixes shall Where the use of reinforcing for asphalt has been
comply with the grading requirements of table 420211 1. specified, the contractor shall, at least 3 months before the
material is to be used, submit samples of the type he
Table 420211 1 intends to use, together with complete specifications of the
material, as well as the manufacturer's instructions for use,
GRADING LIMITS FOR ROLLED-IN CHIPPINGS to the engineer for approval. Where the material does not
carry the SABS mark or the mark of another acknowledged
authority, the engineer may instruct the contractor to have
Percentage passing by mass the material tested by an approved laboratory and to
submit the results.
Sieve size 13,2 m m
19,O m m
(mm) chip size chip size
(9 Asphalt for hot plant mix recycling
19,O 100
13,2 0 - 20 100 (i) Recovered asphalt
985 0-5 0 - 20
67 0-1 0-5 The engineer will test the existing asphalt in any part of the
0,425 0,5 max 0,5 max road and determine its suitability for recycling before
removal. He may instruct the contractor to drill additional
cores at specified points. Recovered asphalt intended for
recycling shall be stored separately from other asphalt, and
(c) Fillen the engineer may also direct different types of asphalt to
be stored separately.
If the grading of the combined aggregates for asphalt
surfacing mixes show a deficiency in fines, an approved The recovered asphalt shall be free from any underlying
filler may be used to improve the grading. Filler may base material and other foreign matter.
consist of active filler as defined hereinafter or of inert
material such as rock dust having the required grading Asphalt milled out shall be of a maximum size of 37,5 mm,
necessary to improve the grading of the combined unless another maximum size has been approved by the
aggregates. In no instance shall more than 2% by mass of engineer.
active filler be used in asphalt mixes, Inert filler such as
rock dust used to improve grading shall not be subject to Asphalt not milled out shall be broken down in any
this limitation. approved manner so that it can be properly remixed in a
plant to the satisfaction of the engineer. Mixes of recycled
The engineer may order the use of any active filler to asphalt containing fragments of recovered asphalt
improve the adhesion properties of the aggregate. Active exceeding 37,5 m m in size, will not be accepted.
filler shall consist of milled blast furnace slag, hydrated
lime, ordinary portland cement, portland blast furnace Payment for recovered asphalt will distinguish between
milled out and non-milled out material. (h) General

Samples shall be taken from the recovered asphalt All materials shall be handled and stockpiled in a manner
intended for hot recycled mixes in the stockpil~and shall that will prevent contamination, segregation or damage.
be tested for grading and quality of the aggregate, binder Cement and lime shall be used in the order in which it has
content, and properties of the binder. been received.

The contractor shall, as often as necessary, test and control

(ii) Bituminous binders the materials produced by himself or the materials received
by him from suppliers to ensure that the materials always
The provisions of subclause 4202(a) shall apply. comply with the specified requirements.

The grade of new binder used in the recycled asphalt mix In general the contractor will not be expected to construct
shall be such that the mix of new and residual binder will layers in which the nominal maximum aggregate size
comply with the requirements of the project specifications. exceeds two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.

Recycling agents such as blended oils and other additives

may not be used without prior approval by the engineer. 4203 COMPOSITION OF ASPHALT BASE AND

(iil) New aggregate

The rates of application and mix proportions of bituminous
New aggregate required for use in recycled asphalt binder, aggregates and fillers which are given in tables
mixtures shall comply with the requirements of subclause 420216 to 4202110, are nominal rates and proportions and
4202 (b). shall only be used for tendering purposes. The rates and
proportions actually used shall be determined to suit the
materials used and conditions prevailing during
(iv) Combined aggregate construction and any approved variation on a nominal mix
in the bitumen content or active filler content shall be the
The aggregate mix obtained from new aggregate and the subject of an adjustment in payment for binder or active
aggregate in the recovered asphalt, including any mineral filler variations as described in clause 4215.
filler, an approved quantity of which may be added in
accordance with subclause 4202(c), shall comply with the Before production or delivery of the asphalt the contractor
requirements specified in the project specifications for the shall submit samples of the materials he proposes to use
relevant recycled asphalt layer. in the mix, together with his proposed mix design as
determined by an approved laboratory, to the engineer in
(v) Storing material for recycling accordance with table 810411, so that the engineer may
test the materials and confirm the use of the proposed mix
The provisions of clauses 3203 and 3806 shall apply to the if he is satisfied that it meets the specified requirements.
storing of recovered asphalt. The engineer also reservers the right to change aggregate
blends in order to allow the selection of any combined
In addition the following requirements shall apply. aggregate grading. within the specified grading
Stockpiles of milled or crushed asphalt shall be shaped envelope(s) for the proposed mix.
and formed in a manner that will prevent segregation as far
as possible. The stockpiling of the recovered asphalt shall As soon as the materials become available the contractor
be done in a manner that will prevent consolidation as far shall produce a working mix in the plant in accordance
as possible, and adequate covers shall be provided to with the design mix. The working mix shall again be tested
prevent the ingress of water and contamination by dust. by him for compliance with the design requirements.
Samples of the working mix and the test results shall also
The recovered asphalt that is placed in the stockpile(s) be made available to the engineer, who will authorise the
shall be tested, carefully controlled and recorded with use of the working mix proportions approved for use in the
regard to origin and material properties to ensure a trial section. Final approval of the working mix will be
consistent recycled end product. subject to the approval of the trial section. The composition
of the approved working mix shall be maintained within the
The preparation of stockpile sites and the stockpiling of tolerances given in subclause 4213(c).
recovered asphalt for recycling will not be paid for directly
but full compensation therefore shall be included in the The nominal mix proportions (by mass) of the various
rates for the recycled asphalt. asphalt mixes are set out in tables 420216 to 4202110.

The design of the asphalt mixes shall be in accordance

@) Hot i n situ surface recycling with the design guidelines of TRH8 and appropriate
research results, and the mix properties and requirements
With regard to new binder, recycling additives, new shall be as specified in the project specifications. In
asphalt, new aggregate or combinations of these materials. addition to the design guidelines of TRH8, the asphalt
hot in situ surface recycling shall comply with the mixes shall also comply with the requirements in table
requirements in the project specifications. 420311 unless otherwise stated in the project specifications.
Table 420216



37.5 m m MAX 26.5 m m MAX 37,5 m m MAX 26.5 m m MAX


37,500 100 100

26,500 85 - 100 100 84 - 94 100
19,000 75 - 95 92 - 100 71 - 84 85 - 95
13.200 82 - 93 59 - 75 71 84-
9,500 60 - 80 72 - 87 50 - 67 62 - 78
- 6,700 -
60 75

4,750 45 - 60 50 - 64 36 - 53 42 - 60
zo 2,360 40 - 52 40 - 52 25 - 42 30 - 47
1,180 36 - 47 36 - 47 18 - 3 3 21 - 37
15 - 30
0,600 32 - 42 32 - 42
LL: 0,300 22 - 35 22 - 35 9 - 21 11 - 24
(L 0,150 10 - 2 0 10 - 2 0 6 - 17 8 - 19

0,075 4 - 10 4 - 10 4 - 12 5 - 12

' S
2 = Aggregate 93,5% 95% 94,5%
&?$$ Bitumen (grade
according to project 5,5% 4% 4,5%
+ t v, - specifications)

Active filler* 1,0% 1 ,O% 1,096

*Active filler for tender purposes to be hydrated lime.

Note: For recycled asphalt the nominal mix ratios of recovered asphalt, new aggregate, new bituminous binders, and active
mineral filler to be used for tender purposes, shall be as specified in the project specifications.
Table 4202i7



STONE MEDIATE STONE 26,5 m m 19 m m
26,500 100 100

AGGREGATE 92,0% 92,0% 92,046 93% 93% 93,5% 93,5% 93,076 903%
5 9
2 4 ACCORDING TO 7,0% 7,0% 7,0% 6,0% 6,0% 5,5% 55% 6,0% 8,5%

r;g 2
ACTIVE FILLER 1,0% 1,O% 1,0% 1,090 1,0% 1,0% 1,096 1,0% 1,0%
- - - - -- -


Note: For recycled asphalt the nominal mix ratios of recovered asphalt, new aggregate, new bituminous binders, and active mineral filler to be used for tender purposes, shall be as specified in
.a the project specifications.

Sieve size Percentage passing through by rnass

Continuously graded
13.2 rnm max 19.0 m m max
19 100
13.2 100 84 - 96
9.5 80 - 100 70 - 84
Percentage passing 4.75 50 - 70 45 - 63
through sieve by mass 2.36 32 - 50 29 - 47
1.18 19 - 33
0.60 13 - 25 13 - 25
0.30 8 - 18 10 - 18
0.15 6 - 13
0.075 4-8 4 - 10
Nominal mix proportions Aggregate 91 .On& 91 .O%
by mass Modified binder (bitumen rubber) 7.0°/~ 7.0%
Active filler 2.0% 2.0%


The target grading selected for open-graded asphalt mixes shall be such that in the case of medium open-graded asphalt mixes
of type 2 and 3, the void content of the compacted mix shall he between 18 and 22 per cent. while for all other types. the void-
content shall be between 20 and 25 per cent.

Sieve size Open graded asphalt mixes

(mm) 13.2 mm noniinal 9.5 mm
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
19 100 100
13,2 90 - 100 70 - 100 100
9.5 30 - 50 50 - 80 50 - 70 100
4,75 10 - 20 15 - 30 20 - 30 10 - 25
2,36 8 - 14 1 0 - 22 5 - 15 5 - 15
0,60 6 - 13
030 3-8
0,075 2-6 3-6 2-5 2-6
Binder type Road grade Polymer- Bitumen Bitumen- Bitumen- as for 13.2 m m
bitumen modified ruhher rubher rubber type 1 mixes
Aggregate 94.5% 94.0% 93.51: 93.576 93.5% as for 13.2 m m
type 1 mixes
Binder content 4.5% 5.0% Fi 5% 5.58 5.5% as for 13.2 mm
type 1 mixes
Active filler 1,O% 1 ,O% 1.0'h 1.0°6 1.O% 1.096


Sieve size (rnrn) 13.2 m m man size 9.5 mrn max size 6.7 rnm rnax size
13,2 100

93 67 - 90 100

67 41 - 65 50 - 80 100
4,75 30 - 50 30 - 55 80 - 100
2,36 21 - 32 22 - 32 34 - 44
1,18 17 - 2 7 17 - 2 7 24 - 34

0,600 14 - 24 14 - 2 3 18 - 30
0,300 11 - 23 11 - 22 13 - 25
0,150 9 - 17 9 - 19 9 - 19

0,075 7 - 12 7 -12 7 - 12
Aggregate (%) 93.5 93.5 93.5
Binder stabilizer (cellulose fibres) % 0.3 - 0.5 0.3 - 0.5 0.3 - 0,5
Binder content (%) 6.5 6.5 6.5

Tahle 420811

Property Requirements
Base Continuously graded Continuously- Open-graded Serni-gap-graded
(37.5 m m and stone-mastic graded biturnen- asphalt wearing asphalt wearing
aggregate) wearing courses rubber wearing courses courses
Design guidelines Sabita manual 13 TRH 8 Sahita manual TRH8
and TRH 8 16 and TRH 8
Voids in mix (%) 3-6 3 - 6 2 6 9.5 m m and 3-6
type t : 20 - 25
Target 20
Types 2 and 3 :
18 - 22
Voids in mineral Stone mastic 17 , 15 minimum (19.0)
aggregate (%) 12 minimum minimum 17 minimum 14 minimum (26.5)
graded . 14
Indirect tensile
strength at 25 " C 800 800 550 800
Cantabro abrasion 25 maximum
loss at 25 " C (5%) (Types 2 and 3:
20 max)
Dynamic creep at
40 " C for
laboratory 15 minimum 15 minimum 10 minimum Not applicable 12 minimum
briquettes (MPa) (for stone-mastic
asphalt see project

Note: See project specifications for the dynamic creep reqriirements for cores from trial sections and from the road during
4204 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT to ensure the complete combustion of the fuel in order to
prevent pollution of the atmosphere and the aggregate.

(ii) Non-homogeneous modified blnders (bltumen-

All plant shall be so designed and operated as to produce
a mixture complying with the requirements of this In the event of on-site blending adequate and suitable
specification. The plant and equipment used shall be of heating tanks and acceptable blending equipment shall be
adequate rated capacity, in good working order and provided in addition to the mixing plant for conventional
subject to the approval of the engineer. Obsolete or binder.
wornout plant will not be allowed on site.
(iii) Homogeneous modified binder
Prior to the start of the work the contractor shall supply the
engineer with copies of the manufacturer's handbooks and In addition to the mixing plant requirements for
copies of check lists prepared in terms of IS0 9002 where conventional binder, refer to the reouirements of the
applicable pertaining to the mixing, remixing and paving project specifications.
plants, containing details of the correct settings and
adjustments of the plant. (iv) Recycling

Any alteration which has been or is being effected to any In addition to the requirements set out in subclause
constructional plant, and which does not comply with the 4204(b)(i) the mixing equipment shall be specially adapted
specifications of the manufacturer, shall be brought to the to deal with recycling and any such adjustments shall be
notice of the engineer. in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of
the mixing plant. The recovered asphalt portion of the mlx
shall not be exposed directly to the heating source whilst
the feeding rate and proportioning shall be accurately
controlled. Before work is commenced, the contractor shall
(i) Conventional binders submit full details of his mixing equipment to the engineer
for his approval.
Asphalt shall be mixed by means of an approved type
mixer of proven suitability for producing a mixture
complying with all the requirements of the specifications. (c) Spreading equipment

The mixing plant may be either automatically or manually (i) Paver

controlled but in the latter case, two control operators shall
be provided. The mixture shall be laid by an approved type of
selfpropelled mechanical spreader and finisher capable of
The heating system of the tanks storing the binder shall be laying to the required widths, thicknesses, profile, camber
so designed that the binder will not be degraded during or cross-fall, without causing segregation, dragging or
heating. A circulating system for the binder shall be other surface defects.
provided which shall be of adequate size to ensure the
proper and continuous circulation between storage tanks All pavers shall be fitted with automatic electronic screed
and mixer during the entire operating period. controls to maintain the required levels, cambers and
Binder storage tanks shall be fitted with thermometers
designed to provide a continuous record of the Where levelling beams on multiple skids or sliding beams
temperature of the binder in the tank. Copies of these are used they shall be at least 12,O m long, or as specified
records shall be supplied to the engineer on a daily basis. by the engineer.

Satisfactory means shall be provided to obtain the proper (ii) Chip spreader
amount of binder in the mix within the tolerances specified,
either by weighing or volumetric measurements. Suitable Wherever feasible, a machine straddling the full paved
means shall be provided for maintaining the specified width shall be used for spreading the precoated chippings.
temperatures of the binder in the pipelines, weigh buckets, Such a mechanical spreader must be self-propelled and be
spray bars and other containers or flowlines. able to follow immediately behind the paver.

In the case of a drum type mixer, the system shall control When coated chippings are spread by hand special care
the cold feeding of each aggregate fraction and of the filler shall be taken to prevent bunching of the chippings.
by mass, by means of a load cell or another device
regulating the feed automatically, and by immediately (d) Rollers
correcting any variation In mass which results from
moisture or from any other cause. The cold feed shall be (i) General requirements
regulated automatically in regard to the binder feed so as
to maintain the required mix proportion. Compaction shall be done by means of approved flat
steelwheeled, vibratory or pneumatic-tyred rollers. The
Suitable dust collecting equipment shall be fitted to frequency as well as the amplitude of vibratory rollers shall
prevent pollution of the atmosphere in accordance with the be adjustable. Vibratory rollers shall be used only where
provisions of Act 45 of 1965 and Act 85 of 1993. there is no danger of damage being done to the asphalt,
structures of bridge decks, or other layers. It will be
The fuel chosen and control of the burner shall be such as Indicated in the project specifications whether vibratory
compaction equipment may be used on bridge decks and 4205 GENERAL LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS
what the constraining parameters will be. The rollers shall AND THE STORAGE OF MIXED MATERIAL
be self-propelled and in good working condition. free from
back lash, faulty steering mechanism and worn parts
Rollers shall be equipped with adjustable scrapers to keep (a) Weather conditions
the drums clean and with efficient means of keeping the
wheels wet to prevent mixes from sticking to the rollers. Asphalt may b e mixed and placed only under favourable
weather conditions. and shall not be mixed or placed when
No leakages of any nature may occur in the rollers rain is imminent or during misty or wet conditions.

The mass and/or tyre pressures shall be such so as to The following wind and temperature conditions are
ensure proper compaction to comply with the regarded as being suitable for paving work:
specifications of surface finish and density.
(i) While the air temperature is rising. work may be
performed at temperatures of -
(ii) Non-homogeneous modified binder asphalt
6 ° C with an allowable wind velocity of less than 25 km/h
For continuously graded asphalt the use of an approved
pneumatic-tyred roller shall b e assessed i n a trial section. 10°C with an allowable wind velocity of less than 55 kmlh.
The contractor shall take adequate precautions to eliminate or for asphalt with a compacted thickness of less than
pick-up. 30 m m with an allowable wind velocity of less than
35 kmlh.
For open-graded asphalt and/or stone-mastic asphalt, only
approved static flat steelwheeled rollers having a total (ii) With falling air temperatures. work must be stopped
mass of 7 to 10 tons shall be used. when the temperature reaches 6°C regardless of the wind
velocity and &ay not be restarted before the temperature
is definitely rising.
(iii) Homogeneous modified binder asphalt

The general requirements shall apply. However. for open @) Moisture

graded asphalt and/or stone-mastic asphalt the
requirements as specified for non-homogeneous modified The mixing and placing of asphalt will not be allowed if:
binder asphalt shall equally apply.
(i) the moisture content of the aggregate affects the
uniformity of temperature: or if
(e) Binder di&.butors
(ii) free water is present on the working surface: or if
Where bituminous binders are to be sprayed onto areas
before the asphalt is placed. the binder distributors shall (iii) the rnois!i~re content of the underlying layer. in the
comply with clause 4103. opinion of the engineer. is too high. or if the moisture
content of the upper 50 m m of the base exceeds 50% of
the optimum moisture content as determined b y the
(1) Vehicles engineer.

The asphalt shall be transported from the mixing plant to No overlay shall be placed immediately after a rainy spell
the spreader in trucks having tight. clean. smooth beds on an existing partly cracked and/or highly permeable
and sides which have been treated to prevent adhesion of surfacing resulting in the trapping of m o i s t ~ ~ rin
e the
the mixture to the truck bodies. A thin film of soapy water pavement structure A minimum delay of 24 hours or such
or vegetable oil may b e used to prevent adhesion hut extended period as ordered b y the engineer shall apply.
petroleum products shall not be used for this purpose.

(c) Surface requirements

All vehicles used for transporting hot asphalt shall he fitted
with canvas (transport in excess of 10 k m or cold. windy or (i) Correction of base or suhbase in the case of asphalt
rainy conditions prevailing) or other suitable approved base
covers (less than 10 k m and moderate climatic conditions
prevailing) to minimise temperature loss. Such covers The base (after the prime coat has been applied) or the
shall be securely fixed over the hot asphalt from the time subbase. as the case may be. shall be checked for
of departure at the mixing plant until immediately prior to smoothness and accuracy of grade. elevation and cross
the discharge of the asphalt into the paver. section. Any portion of the base or subbase. as the case
may be. not complying with the specified requirements.
shall be corrected with asphalt at the contractor's own
@) Massmeasuring device for asphalt mixes expense, until the specified requirements are met. The
engineer may. however. in his sole discretion. allow minor
Where payment per ton is specified. the contractor shall surface irregularities to remain. provided they can be taken
keep available at the mixing plant or on the site a suitable u p in the following asphalt layer without adversely affecting
gauged mass-measuring device for measuring the asphalt that layer.
mixes. The device shall be provided with a printer for
printing the type of mix. the mass. the time and the date The asphalt used for the correction of the base or subbase.
The printed data shall be submitted to the engineer. shall be the sarrie mixture as specified for the surfacing or
as directed by the engineer. and the maximum size of (v) Preparation where asphalt layers are to be widened
aggregate used shall be dictated by the required thickness or where surfacing over a section of the road width requires
of the correction in each case. replacement

Notwithstanding these provisions for the correction of the The existing asphalt shall be removed as described in
base or subbase, the engineer reserves the right to order section 3800. where applicable. or as instructed by the
the removal and reconstruction of the layer or of portions engineer.
of the base and subbase layers not complying with the
specified requirements, instead of allowing the correction Where a road has to be widened. the overlay shall be cut
of substandard work with asphalt material. hack not less than 1 0 0 m m from the existing edge. Unless
otherwise indicated on the drawings or instructed by the
Where a prime coat is applied it shall be dry before further engineer. asphalt joints may not fall within a wheel track.
coats or layers are applied. The contractor shall not
commence with the application of the tack coat and/or the
paving without the written approval of the engineer. (d) Storage

The contractor's programme shall allow for delays that are Mixing shall not be allowed to take place more than four
a function of the type of prime. rate of application, base hours before paving begins unless provision has been
porosity and moisture content. and climatic conditions. made for storage. Storage of mixed material will only be
p ~ r m i t t e din approved hoppers. which are capable of
(ii) Cleaning of surface maintaining the temperature of the mix uniform
throughout. In any case storage will not be permitted for a
Immediately before applying the tack coat, or where there period longer than 8 hours after mixing. unless otherwise
is no tack coat, before the application of the asphalt. the approved by the engineer. Open-graded mixes and stone-
surface shall be broomed and cleaned of all loose or mastic asphalt shall not be stored or mixed ahead of
deleterious material. paving operations, but shall be laid directly following
Where the prime coat (if any) has been damaged. it shall
be repaired by handbrushing or spraying priming material
over the damaged portions. 4206 PRODUCING AND TRANSPORTING THE
Where the surfacing is to be constructed on bridge decks.
the concrete deck shall be thoroughly cleaned by washing
and brushing to remove all loose material and allowed to (a) Mixing and storage temperatures of binder
Bituminous binders shall be stored at temperatures not
(iii) Tackcoat exceeding those given in table 420611 or as specified in the
project specifications. and the aggregate and bituminous
Where required in these specifications or the project binders shall be heated at the mixing plant to such
specifications, or where indicated by the engineer. a tack temperatirres that the mixed product shall have a
coat shall be applied to the surface to be paved. temperature within the range given in table 420611.

The tack coat shall consist of a stable-grade bituminous

emulsion diluted to have a 30% bitumen content and shall (b) Production of the mixhrre
be applied at a rate of 0.55 l / m 2 or as directed by the
engineer. (i) Using batch plants

For bridge decks a tack coat consisting of 30% stable- (1) Heating the aggregate
grade bituminous emulsion shall be applied to the surface
at a rate of 0,4 l / m 2 . The tack coat shall then be allowed The aggregate shall be dried and heated so that. when
to dry. delivered to the mixer. its temperature shall be between
0 ° C and 20°C lower than the maximum temperature
The use of hand operated equipment for the application of indicated in table 420611 for the mixture. The moisture
tack coats shall be at the sole discretion of the engineer content of the mix shall not exceed 0.5%.
and his approval shall be timeously obtained.
(2) Batching
All exposed portions of kerbing. channelling and bridge
railing, shall be protected in terms of section 2300 when Each fraction of the aggregate and binder shall be
the tack coat is applied. measured separately and accurately in the proportions by
mass in which they are to be mixed. If filler is used. it shall
The tack coat shall not be applied more than 24 hours be measured separately on a scale of suitable capacity and
before the paving is done. sensitivity. The error in the weighing apparatus used shall
not exceed 2% for each batch.

(iv) Preparation for placing the overlays (3) Mixing

The provisions of section 4800 shall apply to any surface to The aggregate, filler and binder shall be mixed until a
be covered with overlays. The type of treatment to be homogeneous mixture is obtained in which all particles are
applied, if any, will be specified in the project specifications uniformly coated. Care shall be taken to avoid excessively
or instructed in writing by the engineer. long mixing times which can cause hardening of the
engineer, is provided. Any asphalt which has become wet
due to rain or any other cause shall be rejected. Hauling
Table 420611 over freshly laid material is not permitted.

(d) Small quantities ol asphaH


Maximum Temperature range A small quantity of asphalt shall be a quantity of less than
storage of mix 10 tons of a specified composition to be specially
temp of "C produced on occasion. For a small quantity of asphalt of
binder less than 10 tons extra payment will be made if its use has
been instructed by the engineer, in writing, and where. in
the opinion of the engineer it is necessary -
Material Over Under Continuously. Open
24 hrs 24 hrs semi-gap and graded
(i) in accordance with the approved working
gap graded mixes
programme of the contractor. and/or

Bitumens (ii) for the safety of the work or the travelling public on
40150 penetra- account of weather conditions or abnormal traffic
tion grade (824 conditions.
road-grade) 145 175 140-165 110-140
No extra payment will be made where small quantities of
60170 penetra- asphalt are required in consequence of the negligence of
tion grade (812 the contractor. or of poor work or bad planning done by
road-grade) 135 175 135-160 105-135 the contractor. or because he did not execute the works in
accordance with his approved programme.
80/100 penetra-
tion grade (88
road-grade) 125 175 130-155 100-130 (e) Recycled asphah

150/200 penetra- The provisions of subclauses 4206(a) to 4206(d) shall apply

tion grade (84 mutatis mutandis.
road-grade) 115 165 125-150
At least 4 weeks before paving with recycled material will
Non- commence. the contractor shall submit to the engineer full
homogeneous particulars regarding the recycling methods he intends to
modified binders (see clause use.
Bitumen-rubber 4202(a)(ii)(4)) 160 - 180 160 - 180

Homogeneous Where recovered asphalt material is taken from a stockpile.

modified binders See project specifications it shall be done by excavating from the pile over its full
depth. Where segregated material is fed into the mixing
plant. the engineer will have the right to order the work to
cease and to instruct the contractor to remix the stockpile.
(ii) Using drum-type mixer plants retest the mixed material and redesign the asphalt mixture
all at his own cost.
The aggregate and filler shall be accurately proportioned
and conveyed into the drum-mixing unit. The calibrated
amount of binder shall be sprayed onto the aggregates at 4207 SPREADING THE MLXTURE
the correct position so that no hardening of the binder shall
take place. A homogeneous mixture and uniform coating
of binder must be achieved and the moisture content of (a) The mixture shall be delivered to the paver in such
the asphalt mixture shall not exceed 0.5%. Once the final a manner that the paver will never be forced to stop for
mix temperature has been agreed upon it may not be lack of asphalt. The temperature of the mixture shall be
altered without the prior consent of the engineer. controlled by measuring in a random pattern in the truck
immediately before emptying. and shall not be more than
The moisture content of the asphalt mixture shall be tested 10" C below the minimum temperature specified for mixing
according to method C11 of TMHI. in table 420611. The adjustment of the screed. tamping
bars. feed screws. hopper feed. etc. shall be checked
frequently to ensure uniform spreading of the mix. If
segregation or tearing occurs, the spreading operations
(c) Transporting the mixlure shall immediately be suspended until the cause is
determined and corrected.
The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to
the works in trucks complying with the requirements of
subclause 4204(f). Loads shall be covered by waterproof The addition and removal of material behind the paver
canvas or insulated metal sheets when the haul exceeds 10 shall normally not be allowed and the paver shall be
krn or during cold, windy or rainy weather. Deliveries shall capable of spreading the mixture to the correct amounts
be made so that spreading and rolling of all the mixtures that will provide the required compacted thickness without
prepared for a day's run, can be completed during resorting to spotting. picking-up or otherwise shifting or
daylight, unless artificial lighting. as approved by the disturbing the mixture.
Only minimal hand-working of the open graded asphalt the engineer it has resulted in a deficiency of recovered
shall b e permitted after discharge from the paver and material. the contractor shall supplement such deficiency
before rolling and shall only be carried out with wooden at his own cost with a quantity of similar or better material
spreaders. Operatives shall not be permitted to walk on equal to the quantity wasted. as determined b y the
uncompacted open graded asphalt. engineer.

Paving shall, if possible, commence at the bottom of the

grades and the lower edges of superelevated curves. (e) Surfacing of bridge decks
Paving shall be done upgrade o n grades steeper than 5?&
The type and nominal thickness of the surfacing shall be
Spreading shall b e so arranged that longitudinal joints do as indicated on the drawings and specified in the schedule
not coincide with joints in lower layers of asphalt base. of quantities.
paver laid crushed stone bases or surfacing.
Before commencing with the construction of the surfacing.
Continuity of placing is especially important for open- the actual levels of the bridge deck shall be determined by
graded asphalt. Cutting of longitudinal joints shall be means of accurate levelling. The levels and grades to
avoided when paving open-graded asphalt. but where which the surfacing is to b e constructed shall b e as shown
cutting is essential. only sawing shall be permitted. The on the drawings or as indicated b y the engineer. If the
existing layer shall b e heated to assure adequate levels of the concrete deck as constructed b y the
longitudinal bonding of the asphalt in the two lanes. contractor deviate by more than the specified tolerances
from the specified levels. he shall construct a levelling layer
Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications the at his own cost. Ttre nominal size of the aggregate in the
paver shall b e equipped to provide autorr~aticcontrol of levelling layer shall be 9.5 m m .
levels and cross section. In the case of asphalt base
construction, automatic control shall b e run off guidewires
and in the case of surfacing and overlays skids or 1208 JOINTS
guidewires shall b e used.

On restricted areas, inaccessible to the paving equipment All joints between adjacent sections of the work shall b e
used, the mixture may b e placed by hand or other means made b y cutting back the layer against which the material
to obtain the specified results. Paving shall b e carried out is to b e placed except for open-graded asphalt where the
in a manner which will avoid segregation and which will requirements of clause 4207 shall apply. All loose and
allow control of levels. incompletely compacted material shall be removed. A
cutting wheel shall be used for cutting longitudinal joints.
The mixer capacity and the operating speed of the paver
are t o b e so co-ordinated as to ensure continuous laying The joints of adjacent sections shall normally not be cut in
and to avoid intermittent stopping of the paver. the case of open-graded surfacing. but shall b e formed b y
placing hot asphalt in the adjacent lanes.
Paving shall cease when rain starts falling or when the
surfaces to b e paved are visibly wet. Joints shall b e either at right angles or parallel to the
centre line. and unless otherwise approved-joints in the
(b) In the case of overlays, guide wires will normally not final layer of the surfacing shall correspond with the lane
b e required during the placing of the mix unless s p e c i f i ~ d markings. Joints in lower layers shall be offset not less
i n the project specifications. In all cases. including than 150 m m o n either side of the edges of the traffic
levelling courses, the paver shall be provided with lanes.
approved skid beams with electronically controlled
equipment which can ensure a constant crossfall and can Before a new layer is placed next to an existing layer.
even out local irregularities. except in the case of open-graded mixes. the cut edge of
the existing layer shall b e painted with a thin coat of
(c) Asphalt shall be placed in restricted areas with the bituminous emulsion of the same type used for the tack
aid of smaller specially equipped pavers. hand tools. or coat. if so directed by the engineer.
other approved equipment. The space concerned shall be
properly filled with asphalt. without leaving any gaps Joints shall be neat and shall have the same texture and
between the fresh asphalt and the existing pavement density as the remainder of the asphalt course. All joints
layers. shall b e marked out with chalk lines prior to cutting.

All the provisions in regard to temperature. mix

composition, uniformity, etc. shall remain applicable. but The outside edges of the completed asphalt layer shall b e
layer thickness and control shall be such that the trimmed along the shoulder, and parallel to the centre line.
requirements for compaction and surface tolerances can to give a finished width. as shown o n the drawings. within
still be attained. the tolerances specified.

(dl Recycled =Ph&

Any fresh mixture spread accidentally onto existing work at
The provisions of subclauses 4207(a) to 4207(c) shall apply a joint shall be carefully removed by brooming it back with
mutatis mutandis to recycled asphalt. stiff brooms onto the uncompacted work. so as to avoid
the formation of irregularities at the joint. Whenever the
Where the average thickness of a completed asphalt layer paving operation is stopped due to lack of mixture. the
exceeds the specified thickness. and/or recovered asphalt contractor shall form a proper joint as specified above. if so
has been wasted indiscriminately. and. if in the opinion of directed b y the engineer.
The requirements of clause 4208 apply mutatis mutandis steelwheel and pneumatic-tyred rollers in a sequence
to joints in recycled asphalt layers. predetermined and approved during the laying of trial
sections. Such rolling shall commence and be continued
only for so long as it is effective and does not have any
4209 PRECOATED CHIPPINGS FOR ASPHALT detrimental effect. Only steelwheel rollers (non-vibratory)
SURFACING will be permitted for the compaction of open-graded
mixtures although rubber-tyred rollers shall be on standby
if required. The use of pneumatic-tyred rollers for
Aggregate for precoated chippings shall be coated using continuously-gradedasphalt with modified binders shall be
1,7% + 0,396 by mass of the same bitumen used in the assessed in the trial section.
asphalt, provided that the bitumen shall not be softer than
60170 penetration-grade (812 road-grade).One per cent by As many rollers shall be used as is necessary to provide
mass of active filler shall be added to the mixture. the specified pavement density and the required surface
texture. During rolling of asphalt surfacing, the roller wheels
The active filler shall be hydrated lime, and shall comply shall be kept moist with only sufficient water to avoid
with the requirements of subclause 4202(c). picking up the material.

The aggregate shall be dried and fed into the mixer at a After longitudinal joints and edges have been compacted,
temperature of between 130" C and 185°C followed by the rolling shall start longitudinally at the sides and gradually
bitumen at a temperature not exceeding 175°C and filler. progress towards the centre of the pavement, except on
Immediately after the aggregate has been coated and superelevated curves, or where the area to be paved has a
discharged from the mixer it shall be rapidly cooled to cross-fall, when rolling shall begin on the low side and
ambient air temperature by hosing down with water. progress to the higher side, uniformly lapping each
preceding track, covering the entire surface. During
Coated chippings shall be stockpiled in heaps not breakdown-rolling the rollers shall move at a slow but
exceeding 1,O meter in height and protected if necessary uniform speed (not to exceed 5 kmh) with the drive roller
to prevent its temperature from exceeding 60°C during nearest the paver, unless otherwise specified on account of
storage. steep gradients.

The precoated chippings shall be spread on the asphalt at No movement of the asphalt layer shall occur under steel-
the rate of 6 to 8 kglm2when using 13,2 mm nominal size wheel rollers once the asphalt temperature has dropped to
chippings, 7 to 9 kglm2when using 19,O mm nominal size below 100 "C. Three-wheeled steel rollers, with large
chippings, depending on the relative density of the diameter rear wheels are preferable to tandem rollers and
aggregate. The chippings must be laid by a mechanical may be used in conjunction with pneumatic tyred rollers,
spreader which straddles the paved width and follows provided pick-up of the asphalt on the wheels does not
immediately behind the paver. The chippings shall be occur.
spread to give a uniform texture free from clusters and
open patches and rolled in as described in clause 4210. The contractor shall take adequate precautions to eliminate
The desired surface texture shall be demonstrated in the pick-up.
trial section as described in clause 421 1, and it shall have
a texture depth of between 0,6 and 1,O mm when tested The sequence of rollers used in compaction is at the
according to method ST1 of TMH6, and thereafter the discretion of the contractor provided the completed
spread rate shall be determined by the engineer. pavement shall have a density as measured on recovered
core equal to or greater than 97 per cent, minus the
In restricted areas the contractor may use hand tools for percentage voids in the approved production mix, of the
spreading chippings or, if so instructed by the engineer, theoretical maximum density, determined as described in
the contractor mav, ,dace a bituminous seal as specified in TMH1 method C4.
subclause 4309(a) or in the project specificat/ons, after
compaction, over the asphalt layer. The rate of application For thin layer asphalt (less than 25 mm) the compaction
and requirements for evenness of the spread chippings requirements shall be specified in the project
shall remain applicable. specifications.

Where extra over payment is made for work in restricted For open graded asphalt the degree of compaction can be
areas, no distinction shall be made between placing the controlled indirectly by means of in-situ permeability tests
conventional chippings and placing the bituminous seal as calibrated during the trial section and by visual evaluation
specified in clause 4309 or in the project specifications. of the aggregate to prevent crushing.

The contractor shall utilize a calibrated nuclear gauge for

The provisions of clause 4209 shall apply mutatis mutandis process control during compaction operations. (See
to surfacings of recycled asphalt, but the rate of application subclause 8107(f)) Notwithstanding this requirement, the
of the stone chippings will be determined by the engineer acceptance control carried out for compaction by the
after the grading of the recovered asphalt and the mix engineer, shall still be based on cores taken from the
ratios of the recycled mix have been determined. compacted layer.

When constructing asphalt surfacing with rolled-in

4210 COMPACTION chippings the asphalt shall be paver compacted and
thereafter precoated chippings shall be spread at the
specified rate. When the asphalt has reached the correct
The mix shall be rolled as soon as possible after it has temperature the chippings shall be rolled in so that they
been laid by a combination of vibratory and static are firmly bedded in the asphalt. Care shall be taken not to
roll the chipplngs flush wlth the asphalt but to leave them Only when such a trial sectlon has been satisfactorily laid
slightly proud. The procedure for compacting the asphalt and finished, and complies with the specified
and rolling In the chipplngs to produce the desired surface requirements, will the contractor be allowed to commence
texture and specified degree of compaction shall be with construction of the permanent work.
determined on a trlal section as described in clause 421 1.
If the contractor should make any alterations in the
The portion of trlal section having the desired surface methods, processes, equipment or materials used, or if he
texture shall be designated as a reference for what is is unable to comply consistently with the specifications, the
required In the permanent work. engineer may require that further trlal sections be laid at
the contractor's cost before allowing the contractor to
The following requirements shall apply to rolling and contlnue with the permanent work.
compacting generally:
The lntentlon of this clause is to avoid any experimentation
(a) The materlai shall not be excessively displaced in by the contractor on the permanent work.
a longitudinal or transverse direction especially when
changing gears, stopping or starting rollers. The trial sections shali be lald where indicated by the
engineer. The contractor shall prepare the surface on which
(b) No cracks or hair cracks shall be formed and the to lay the trial sectlon and shall also, if requlred, remove
bond wlth the underlying layer shall not be broken. the trlal sectlon after completion and restore the surfaces
on which it was constructed, all at the contractor's cost.
(c) The density shall be uniform over the whole area of
the layer and extend over the full depth of the layer. Provision is made for payment of the first approved trial
sectlon of any particular mlx type, but subsequent trial
(d) Rollers shail not be left standing on the asphalt sections with the same mix type shall be at the contractor's
layer before It has been fully compacted and before the own cost. Payment will be made for the speclfled area of
layer surface temperature has dropped below 60" C. each approved first trial sectlon for any particular mix type.

(e) In restricted areas where the specified rollers cannot The construction equipment and techniques as well as the
be used, compaction shall be carried out wlth hand- mix properties applicable to the approved trlal section shail
operated mechanical compaction equipment or approved not be changed without prior approval by the engineer.
smaller vibratory rollers. The prescribed density
requirements remain applicable throughout over the full
layer thickness irrespective of the method of compaction. 4212 PROTECTIONAND MAlNTENANCE

The contractor shall protect asphalt base and asphalt
The provisions of clause 4210 apply mutatis mutandis to surfacing from all damage until the work Is finally accepted
recycled asphalt. by the engineer and he shall maintain the surfacing work
until the issue of the maintenance certificate. Excepting fair
wear and tear on surfacing any damage occurring to the
4211 LAYlNG TWAL SECTlONS completed base or surfacing during the maintenance
period, or any defects which may develop due to faulty
workmanship, shall be made good by the contractor at his
Before the contractor commences with the construction of own expense and to the satisfaction of the engineer.
any asphalt base or surfacing, he shall demonstrate, by
laying a trial section of between 300 mz and 600 m Z in
area, as specified, depending on the required layer 4213 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES AND FINISH
thickness, that the equipment and processes that he REQUIREMENTS
proposes to use, will enable him to construct the particular
asphalt course in accordance with the specified
requirements. (a) Construction tolerances

The engineer may require that up to 3 different binder (The application to overlays is specified in subclause
contents be incorporated in one such trial section to verify 4213(f))
the laboratory design phase.
The completed sections of asphalt base and surfacing shall
comply with the requirements for grade, width, thickness,
Amongst others the contractor shall submit dynamic test cross section and smoothness stated below.
results obtained from the testing of cores extracted from
the completed trial section in locations determined by (i) Level and grade
stratified random sampling methods, and/or, if specified,
dynamlc test results obtained from briquettes prepared The level tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and 8305
from material obtained by stratified random sampling shall be as follows:
methods at the manufacturing plant or behind the paver as
directed by the engineer.

A maximum period of 10 days shall be allowed to verify Deviation from the specified longitudinal grade due to
dynamic creep test results unless otherwise specified in the deviations from the specified levels shall not exceed the
project speclfications. values given below:
Length of variation Maximum variation from (2) Number of irregularities equal to or exceeding the
in grade specified grade specified value when taken over 100 m sections:
(m) Oh

Freeways (3 m m irregularities)

Asphalt with rolled-in

chippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.
Stone-mastic asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Other asphalt layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Other roads (5 m m irregularities)

(ii) Width
Asphalt with rolled-in
The average width of both asphalt base and surfacing shall chippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
be at least equal to that shown on the drawings and Other asphalt layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
nowhere shall the outer edge of the layer be inside the
lines shown on the drawings by more than 15 m m in the (3) The maximum value of any individual irregularity when
case of both asphalt base and asphalt surfacing. measured with the rolling straight-edge or a 3 m straight-
edge laid parallel to the road centre line:
(iii) Thickness
The thickness tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and
8305 shall be as follows: Asphalt with rolled-in
chippings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. m m
D m base = 15 m m
Dmax base = 20 m m
Dave base = 5 m m
surfacing = 5 m m
8 mm
2 mm
Stone-mastic asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 m m
Other asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. m m

Other roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 m m
Thickness shall be determined from carefully controlled
levels taken before and after construction in exactly the (vi) ~ u l t i ~ l e - l a ybase
same position andlor from cores drilled from the
completed layer. Where the base is constructed from more than one layer,
the requirements specified shall apply to the combined
(iv) Cross section layers in respect of width and thickness. The requirements
for cross section. smoothness and grade shall apply to the
When tested with a 3 m straight-edge laid at right angles final layer only, but the lower layers shall be constructed so
to the road centre line the surface shall not deviate from as to ensure that these requirements in the final layer can
the bottom of the straight-edge by more than 6 m m for be met.
freeways and more than 10 m m for other roads.
(vii) Surfacing of bridge decks
At any transverse section the difference in level between
any two points shall not vary from their difference in level The completed surfacing shall comply with the
computed from the cross section shown on the drawings requirements for base in section 3400 in respect of surface
by more than 15 m m for freeways and 20 m m for other tolerances for grade, smoothness. cross section and width.

(v) Surface regularity

(b) Spread rate of rolled-in chippings
When tested with a rolling straight-edge as described in
clause 81 11 the number of surface irregularities shall not The tolerance in the spread rate of rolled-in chippings shall
exceed those given below (applied to base and surfacing) be a lo0' of the specified spread rate.

(1) Average number of irregularities per 100 m equal to

or exceeding the specified value when taken over 300 m -
600 m lengths: (c) Gradings

Freeways (3 m m irregularities) The combined aggregate and filler grading shall not
deviate from the approved target grading for the working
mix by more than that given in table 421311. The mean
Asphalt with rolled-in grading of each lot of the working mix (minimum of 6 tests
chippings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 per lot) shall be determined from samples obtained in a
Stone-mastic asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 stratified random sampling procedure.
Other asphalt layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Other roads (5 m m irregularities)

(d) Binder content

Asphalt with rolled-in The binder content shall be within the limits specified in
chlppings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 the applicable statistical judgement scheme in clause 8206
Other asphalt layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or clause 8305.

Size of aggregate: Permissible deviation (a) Sampling

Material passing from the approved
through the following target grading Sampling of asphalt mixes shall be carried out according
sieves ("A) to method MB7 of TMH5, or as prescribed by the engineer.
Sampling for acceptance control for bitumen content and
26,500 + 5,O grading shall be carried out immediately behind the paver
19,000 r 5,O or as otherwise prescribed by the engineer.
13,200 + 5,O
9,500 + 5,O Sampling of bitumen shall be carried out at the discharge
6,700 + 5,O point of the delivery vehicle or adjacent to the discharge
4,750 r 4,O point into the mixer. Bitumen sampling shall comply with
2,360 + 4,O the relevant procedure as described in ASTM D140.
1,180 + 4,O
0,600 r 4,O
0,300 2 3,O
@) Coring of asphati layers
0,150 + 2.0
0,075 + 1,0* If required in the project specifications, the contractor shall
provide suitable coring machines capable of cutting 100
*When statistical methods are applied the permissible m m diameter cores from the completed asphalt layers. The
deviation for the 0,075 m m fraction is + 2,0%. contractor will be paid in accordance with item 42.08 for
cutting cores ordered by the engineer. The cost of
extracting cores for process control shall be included in the
(e) Voids contractor's pricesfor the construction of asphalt pavement
layers and will not be paid for separately. The coring
The voids in the mix shall be within the limits specified in equipment, the programme, and the procedures must be
the applicable statistical judgement scheme in clause 8206. approved b y the engineer.

If the contractor does not adhere to the approved

(1) Construction tolerances for overlays programme, the engineer may temporarily suspend the
paving operations.
(i) When the overlay is constructed to specified levels
on a layer that has also been constructed or milled to All Lore holes shall be neatly repaired with asphalt and
specified levels by the contractor, all the tolerance compacted to the specified density. Wherever possible the
requirements of subclause 4213(a) shall be applicable. cores shall be filled with the same mix as used for the layer

(ii) When the overlay is constructed to specified levels

on an existing layer, or on a layer which has been (c) mutine inspeclion and tests
constructed or milled by the contractor, but which has not
been constructed or milled to specified levels, all the Routine inspection and tests will be carried out by the
tolerance requirements of subclause 4213(a) shall be engineer to determine the quality of the materials and
applicable except those of subsubclause 4213(a)(iii) which workmanship for compliance with the requirements of this
relate to thickness. section.

(iii) When the overlay is not constructed to specified Tests results and measurements will be assessed in
levels and no guide wires are used, but an electronically accordance with the provisions of section 8200 or section
controlled paver and a skid beam, the following tolerances 8300 as specified in the project specifications.
shall apply:


The outer edges of the overlay shall nowhere be more than
15 m m inside or outside the lines shown on the drawings,
and shall be parallel to the road centre line. Items 42.13, 42.14 and 42.16 are applicable solely to work
that has to be executed in a restricted area of which the
width is less than 3,O m or the length is less than 150,O m.
The minimum thickness shall be the specified nominal

The maximum thickness shall be the specified nominal 42.01 Asphatt base (state specified
thickness 2 10 mm. thickness, type of b i i m e n and
maximum size of aggregate):

The surface regularity shall be measured with a 3,O m (a) Continuously graded ...... square metre (m2)
straight-edge in accordance with subclause 81 11(b), and
no irregularity may exceed a value of 6 mm. (b) Semi-gap-graded .. . . . .. .. square metre (m2)
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of ttem Unit
asphalt base constructed to the thickness specified. When
specified in the project specificatinris and/or indicated in 42.03 Rolled-in chippings
the schedule of quantities. the unit of measurement shall (nominal size indicated)
be the ton of asphalt constructed as specified and i n surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
measured according to certified weighbridge tickets issued
in respect of mixture used. No payment will be made for The unit of measurement shall be the ton of rolled-in
material wasted. chippings applied at the specified rate. measured loose in
hauling vehicles.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
procuring, furnishing. heating. mixing. placing and procuring. furnishing. precoating. spreading and rollirig in
compaction of all materials as well as process control of precoated chippings and for any additional costs
testing, protecting and maintaining the work as specified resulting from more difficult construction of the asphalt
surfacing with rnlled-in chippings

When the unit of measurement is a ton of asphalt. the

tendered rate shall also include full compensation for ltern Unit
supplying and installing a weighbridge. and for weighing
the material. 42.04 Tack coat of 30%
stablegrade emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (f )

The unit of measurement shall be the litre of 30% stable-

grade emulsion applied as specified.
42.02 Asphalt surfacing (state
specified thickness and The tendered rat- shall include for the procuring. furnishing
type of bitumen): and application of the material as specified.

(a) Continuously graded

(grade stated) . . . . . ....... square metre (m7) ttem Unit

(b) Gap-graded (stone con- 42.05 Binder variations: (state type) . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
tent indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
The unit of measurement in respect of increases or
(c) Open-graded (grade decreases in the hituminous binder from that specified in
stated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . squaw metre (rn7) the nominal mix shall be the ton.

(d) Semi-gap-graded (state Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
maximum size of aggregate) . square metre (m7) 1213.

(e) Semi-open-graded . . . . . . . . square metre ( m 7 )

Item Unit
(1) Stone-mastic asphalt
(state maximum size of 42.06 Variation in active
aggregate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (rn') filler conhnt:

(a) Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
asphalt surfacing constructed to the thickness specifled (b) Lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
When specified in the project specifications andlor
indicated in the schedule of quantities. the unit of (c) Milled granr~lated
measurement shall be the ton of asphalt constructed as blast-furnace slag ton (1)
specified and measured according to certified weighbridge
tickets issued in respect of mixture used. In the case of (d) Fly-ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
asphalt resurfacing. measurement by ton shall he
obligatory. No payment will be made for material wasted The unit of meas~~rement in respect of increases or
decreases iri the active filler content for base and surfacing
mixtures from that specified in the nominal mix shall be
The tendered rates shall include full conipensation for the ton. Nn payment shall be made for inert filler added by
procuring, furnishing, heating. mixing. placing anrl the contractor.
compaction of all materials as specified as well as process
control testing. protecting and maintaining the work as
specified. When the unit of measurement is a ton of Payment for variations shall he made as specified in clause
asphalt, the tendered rate shall also include full 1213.
compensation for supplying and installing a weighbridge.
and for weighing the material.
kern Unit

Rolled-in chippings will be paid for separately under iten1 47.07 Trial sec?ions (nominal
42.03. thickness indicated) . . . . . . . square metre (m')
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of (a) Base constructed with new asphalt
asphalt trial section constructed as ordered. (state specified thickness. type of
bitumen and maximum size of
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the aggregate)
construction of the trial section of asphalt base or surfacing
complete as specified, for the application of a prime coat (i) Continuously graded . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
as in item 41.01 and for the application of rolled-in
precoated chippings, if specified. (ii) Semi-gap-graded . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')

(b) Surfacing or overlay constructed

with new asphalt (state specified
thickness. type of bitumen and
42.08 100 mm cores i n asphalt maximum size of aggregate)
paving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
(i) Continuously graded . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
The unit of measurement shall be the number of 100 nlrn
cores drilled and recovered as instructed by the engineer (ii) Semi-gap-graded . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
for his own testing. No separate payment shall be made for
cores drilled as part of the contractor's obligations under (c) Base constructed with recycled
process control, the cost of which shall be included in the asphalt (state specified
prices tendered for the various items of asphalt paving. thickness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for (d) Surfacing or overlay constructed
drilling the cores as directed. for all plant. fuel. labour and with recycled asphalt (state
other incidentals necessary and for repairing. specified thickness) . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)

bm Unit The unit of measurement for subitems (a) and (b) shall be
a square metre of asphalt base. surfacing or overlay
42.09 Asphalt surfacing on bridge constructed to the specified thickness. The quantity shall
decks (state nominal thickness and be calculated from the authorized dimensions.
type of bitumen):
The unit of measurement for subitems (c) and (d) shall be
(a) Continuously graded a square metre of asphalt base. surfacing or overlay
(grade stated) . . . . . ton (1) constructed with recycled asphalt consisting of recovered
asphalt and new materials mixed in the prescribed ratio.
(b) Gap-graded (stone content The quantity shall be calculated from the authorized
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) dimensions.

(c) Open-graded (grade stated) . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) The tendered rate for subitems (a) and (b) shall include full
compensation for procuring. providing. heating. mixing.
(d) Semi-gap-graded (state placing and compacting the material. process control tests.
maximum size of aggregate) . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) and protection and maintenance. all complete as specified.
Rolled-in chippings will be paid for separately under item
(e) Semi-open-graded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) 42.03. and the additional cost for applying rolled-in
chippings in restricted areas will be paid for under item
(f) Stone-mastic asphalt (state 42.16.
maximum size of aggregate) . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
The tendered rate for subitems(c) and (d) shall include full
The unit of measurement shall be the ton of surfacing compensation for supplying the new materials. taking
completed to the nominal thickness indicated. and recovered asphalt from stockpile. blending the materials in
measured according to certified weighbridge tickets issued accordance with the nominal mix ratios specified in the
in respect of the mixture used. project specifications. heating. mixing. placing and
compacting the material. process control tests. and
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for protection and maintenance. all complete as specified.
procuring and furnishing all materials. heating the binder Payment will distinguish between different types of
and aggregate, mixing, transporting. placing and recycled asphalt in accordance with the project
compacting the material. and the provision and application specifications. No extra payment will be made for small
of the slurry. The rate shall also include full compensation quantities of recycled asphalt.
for variations in thickness within the specified tolerance for
bridge deck levels and for the application of a tack coat
Item Unit
Rolled-in chippings will be paid for separately under item
42.03. 42.11 Asphalt layer c o n w c t e d for
rehabilitation purposes i n accordance
with the provisions of subsubdauses
Itern Unit 4213(f)(ii) or 4213(f)(iii):

4210 Asphalt layer constructed for (a) Base constructed with new asphalt
rehabilitation purposes in accordance with (state type of bitumen and maximum
R e provisions of subsubdause 4213(f)(i): size of aggregate:
(i) Continuously graded ................ ton (1) full compensation for all additional costs to produce and
place small quantities of asphalt on the instruction of the
(ii) Semi-gap-graded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) engineer.

(b) Surfacing or overlay constructed with Payment will not distinguish between various types of
new asphalt (state type of bitumen and asphalt or various types of asphalt layers.
maximum size of aggregate)

(i) Continuously graded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) ltem Unit

(ii) Semi-gap-graded .................. ton (t) 42.13 Placing and compacting asphalt in
Meted areas:
(c) Base constructed with recycled asphalt . . ton (t)
(a) Extra over items 42.01, 42.02
(d) Surfacing or overlay constructed with and 42.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
recycled asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(b) Extra over item 42.1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
The unit of measurement for subitems (a) and (b) shall be
a ton of asphalt placed. The quantity shall be determined The unit of measurement shall be a square metre or a ton
by means of certified weighbridge tickets issued in respect of asphalt (in accordance with the unit of measurement for
of the asphalt mix used. No payment will be made for the item concerned), placed in restricted areas, the
asphalt placed outside the tolerances specified. quantity of which shall be measured as specified for the
item of payment concerned.
The unit of measurement for subitems (c) and (d) shall be
a ton of recycled asphalt consisting of recovered asphalt The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
and new materials mixed in the prescribed ratio. The additional costs for executing the work in restricted areas.
quantity shall be determined by means of certified
weighbridge tickets issued in respect of the asphalt mix
used. No payment will be made for asphalt placed outside Item Mi
the tolerances specified.
42.14 Extra over item 42.04 for applying
The tendered rate for subltems (a) and (b) shall include full tack coat in restricted areas . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
compensation for procuring, providing, heating, mixing,
placing and compacting the material, process control tests, The unit of measurement shall be a litre of 30% stable-
and protection and maintenance, all complete as specified. grade emulsion applied in restricted areas.
Rolled-in chippings will be paid for separately under item
42.03, and the additional cost for applying rolled-in The tendered rate shall Include full compensation for
chippings in restricted areas will be paid for under item additional costs for applying the tack coat in restricted
42.16. areas, irrespective of the method of application.

The tendered rate for subitems (c) and (d) shall include full
compensation for supplying the new materials, taking Item Mi
recovered asphalt from stockpile, blending the materials in
accordance with the nominal mix ratios specified in the 42.15 Application of prime coat and/or tack
project specifications, heating, mixing, placing and coat to the edges of a layer . . . . . . . . . . .litre ( I )
compacting the material, process control tests, and
protection and maintenance, all complete as specified. The unit of measurement shall be a litre of 30% stable-
grade emulsion applied to the edge of a layer against
Payment will distinguish between different types of which asphalt has to be placed.
recycled asphalt in accordance with the project
specifications. No extra payment will be made for small The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
quantities of recycled asphalt. obtaining, procuring and applying the material, irrespective
of the layer thickness, the method of application, or the
size of the area over which it has to be applied.
ltem Unit

42.12 ExGa over items 42.01, 42.02, 42.10 Item Unit

and 421 1 for placing small quantities of
asphalt of less than 10 tons specially 42.16 Exba over item 42.03 for applying
produced as specified in subdause mlledin chippings in restricted areas . ... ton (1)
4206(d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
The unit of measurement shall be a ton of rolled-in
The unit of measurement shall be a ton of asphalt of a chippings applied in restricted areas at the specified rate.
specified composition, less than 10 tons of which is
produced on occasion, as specified, and measured in Payment will not distinguish between rolled-in chippings
accordance with the certified weighbridge tickets issued in and bituminous seals referred to in clause 4209.
regard to the mix used.

The tendered rate shall be paid as extra over the rates The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
tendered for the items mentioned above, and shall include additional cost for executing the work in restricted areas.
Item Unit qoantity of recovered material available for recycling will be
determined in accordance with the authorized quantities
42.17 Asphalt reinforcing complete excavated. and the contractor shall include full
(state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m7) compensation in his tendered rates for making good losses
in recovered materials at his own cost.
The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of
asphalt covered with reinforcing placed. complete as
specified and accepted b y the engineer. Item

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for 42.19 Variations in cellulose fibre content
procuring, providing, placing and fixing all materials at stone~rnasticasphnlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
(irrespective of the quantity of reinforcing required)
overlapping and cut-offs included. and for all transport. The unit of measurement for an increase or a decrease in
equipment, tools, labour. supervision and all other costs the cellulose fibre contpnt of stone-mastic asphalt in
necessary for installing and protecting the reinforcing until comparison with the specified nominal cellulose fibre
the asphalt prime coat has been placed. The tendered rate content shall be a ton of cellulose fibres.
shall also include full compensation for all special
preparatory work required. If it is necessary to repair Payment for variations shall be made in accordance with
cracks in the underlying seal or asphalt layer, separate the provisions of clause 1213.
payment will b e made therefor under the appropriate items
of payment. Item

42.20 BacMilling ol excavations for

Item Unit patching with:

42.18 Variations from nominal mix ratios (a) Asphalt base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
in recycled asphalt mixes:
(b) Asphalt surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(a) New binder (penetration-grade bitumen) ton (1)
The unit of measurement shall be a ton of asphalt placed
(b) New aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1) in accordance with the specified requirements. The
quantity will be computed in accordance with the certified
(c) New active mineral filler . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) weighbridge tickets issued in respect of the asphalt mix.
Payment will not be made for wasted material.
The unit of measurement for an increase or decrease in the
ccntent of new binder, aggregate or mineral filler in the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
recycled asphalt mixture in relation to the content specified procuring and providing all materials. irrespective of its
in the nominal mixture, shall be a ton of binder. aggregate origin. for all mixing. placing. compacting and finishing as
or filler. specified. for all transport. work in restricted areas. and
also for all machinery. equipment. labour. supervision and
Where payment for recycled asphalt is per square metre. other incidentals for executing the work. complete as
the varied quantity shall be calculated b y converting specified.
volume to mass using the average density of the asphalt
layer measured after compaction. Payment for asphalt base and surfacing will not distinguish
between the various types of asphalt.
Payment for variations shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of clause 1213. ltem 42.12 for small quantities of asphalt shall not apply to
Payment will not be made for an increase in the quantity
of new material required where this results from recoverpd Screeds. where required. shall b e measured and paid for
asphalt being wasted. The contractor is warned that the under item 4 8 . 0 4 .
SERIES 4000 : ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SEALS Minimum 80 seconds Saybolt Furol at 50°C.


REQUIREMENTS The type and grade of bituminous binder to be used shall
be as specified under the appropriate section of these
specifications for each type of bituminous seal, or in the
project specifications.

MATERIALS (3) Cutting back of bitumen in the distributor
GENERAL LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The cutting back of bitumen will only be allowed where
HEATING AND STORAGE OF BITUMINOUS authorized by the engineer. The cutting back of bitumen
BINDERS shall be done in accordance with the engineer's
STOCKPILING OF AGGREGATE requirements and the provisions of TRH3.
RATES OF APPLICATION Power paraffin shall comply with the requirements in the
AREAS INACCESSlBiE TO MECHANICAL project specifications.
DUST CONTROL The temperature of the bitumen. when the power paraffin
OPENING TO TRAFFIC is introduced. shall not be higher than 140°C.
MAINTENANCE The power paraffin shall be sucked in measured quantities
TOLERANCES AND FINISH REQUIREMENTS from 200 1 drums through the bitumen pump and
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT circulated with the bitumen for a minimum of 45 minutes.
During this process all burners shall be shut off and no
open flames allowed near the distributor.
4301 SCOPE
The power paraffin shall not be introduced into the
distributor through the manhole. which shall be kept
This section covers the materials. constructional plant. closed. Each distributor shall at all times have two fire
construction and requirements common to the construction extinguishers in a working order available.
of all seals specified in these specifications.
(ii) Non-homogeneous (heterogeneous) modified
binders (summer grade)
The bitumen-rubber binder shall comply with the followirlg
(a) B i m i n o u s binders
(1) Base bitumen
The type and grade of binder specified in the project
specifications or in the schedule of quantities. or ordered The bituminous binder used in the production of the
by the engineer, shall be used. bitumen-rubber shall be a 68 or 84 road-grade bitumen
(801100 or 1501200 penetration-grade bitumen respectively)
(i) Conventional bituminous binders that complies with the requirements of SABS 307, or a
blend of approved grades to provide a product with the
Bituminous binders shall comply with the following required viscosity properties.
(2) Rubber
(1) Bitumens
The rubber is obtained by processing and recycling
Road-grade bitumens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 307 pneumatic tyres. It shall be pulverized, free from fabric,
steel cord and other contaminants. A maximum of 4% by
Cut-back bitumens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 308 mass of fine particle size calcium carbonate, or talc, may
be added to the rubber crumbs to prevent the rubber
(2) Bitumen emulsions particles from sticking together. At the time of use the
crumbs shall be free flowing and dry and comply with the
Anionic emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 309 requirements of table 430211.

Cationic emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 548

(3) Extender oils
The bitumen emulsions shall also be subject to viscosity
requirements for spray-grade emulsions as follows: The extender oil shall be a petroleum-derived material of
high aromaticity and shall comply with the requirements of
table 430212.
Anionic spray-grade (60%) emulsion:

Minimum 12 degrees Engler at 20°C. (4) Diluent

Cationic spray-grade (60% 65% and 70%) emulsion: The diluent shall be a distillate of hydrocarbon.
Table 430U1 Table 430213


Property Requirements Control


Percentage of As specified
rubber by mass of 20% - 24% by the
total blend supplier

Percentage of As specified
extender oil by 6% (maximum) by the
mass of total supplier

Percentage of As specified
diluent by mass of 7% (maximum) by the
total blend supplier

BlendinglReaction 170°C - 210°C As specified

temperature by the

Table 430212 Reaction time 0,5 - 4,O hours As specified

(Reaction time by the
EXTENDER OILS commences when supplier
all the rubber
crumbs have been
Property Requirements added to the
Flash point 180 " C (minimum)

Percentage by mass of
Table 430214
saturated hydrocarbons 25% (maximum)

Percentage by mass of BITUMEN-RUBBER BINDER

aromatic-unsaturated 55% (minimum)
Property Requirements Test method

Compression BR3T
recovery: (Sabita)
(5) Bitumen-rubber blend
after 5 minutes 70% (minimum)
after 1 hour 70% (minimum)
The bitumen-rubber blend, including extender oil and/or after 4 hours 48% - 55%
diluent, if necessary, shall comply with the requirements of (minimum)
table 430213. Ring-and-ball ASTM
softening point 55°C (minimum) method D36

Resilience (%) 13% - 35% BR2T

Prior to commencement of the work, the supplier shall (minimum) (Sabita)
state in writing the percentage of rubber and the
blendinglreaction temperature he intends to use for his Dynamic ERST
specific product. The actual percentage of rubber shall not viscosity (Haake 20 - 35 dPa.s (Sabita)
deviate by more than 1% from the stated value and the at 190°C)
actual reaction temperature shall not deviate by more than
10% from the stated value. Flow 20 m m - 75 m m BR4T

A continuous record of both percentage rubber added and

reaction temperatures shall be kept on site by the The contractor shall provide the engineer with time-
ontractor. temperature ratios in regard to the above properties of his
specific product before work may start in order to
determine the final process and the acceptance limits.

The bitumen-rubber binder shall comply with the The methods of testing bitumen-rubber material have been
requirements of table 430214. published in Manual 3 of the Southern African Bitumen and
Tar Association. The properties of the modified bitumen recovered by using
a rotary vacuum evaporation method or simple evaporation
If a supplier uses a diluent, an ageing test may be required method as described in "Technical Guidelines for Seals
in which the binder is placed in an oven for 5 hours at using homogeneous modified Binders", Sabita Manual 15,
150°C, after which time it shall comply with tlie above May 1994, shall comply with the requirements of table
specifications. 430216.

The contractor shall provide the performance record for If there is any discrepancy in the test results on recovered
three recent projects of the materials he intends to use in modified binder, then the results on recovered binder
order to assess the successful use of the materials. The obtained from the rotary vacuum evaporation method shall
information shall include mean values obtained for the be binding.
prescribed tests as well as any relevant comments. This
information shall be submitted at tender stage.
(v) Homogeneous hot-applied modified binders
(summer grades)
(iii) Non-homogeneous modified binders (winter grade)

The requirements for any polymer other than the generic

If non-homogeneous modified binders (winter grade) are types listed in table 4302/7 used for the manufacture of
required, they shall coinply with the requirements in the homogeneous hot-applied modified binders will be
project specifications. indicated in the project specifications.

(iv) Homogeneous cold applied modified binders Where applicable the following details will be indicated in
the project specifications:

If any polymer other than the elastomer polymers styrene-

butadiene rubber (SBR) or styrene-butadiene (SBS) is - generic type (plastomer or elastomer) and type
required for the manufacture of cationic modified bitumen polymer;
emulsions it shall comply with the requirements in the
project specifications.
- grade base bitumen (58 or 94 road grade)
required, and
Where applicable the following details will be indicated in
the project specifications:
The aforementioned components together with polymer
- type elastomer polymer: SBR or SBS. Unless content will dictate the attributes attainable.
otherwise specified SBR shall be used for tender
(vi) tlomogeneous hot-applied modified binders (winter
grade base bitumen: 58 or 84 road grade (801100 grade)
or 1501200 penetration grade). Unless otherwise
specified 58 road grade shall be used for tender
purposes. Where applicable the requirements for homogeneous
modified binders (winter grade) will be specified In the
modified binder content: 65'/0 or 70%. Unless project specifications.
otherwise specified 65% shall be used for tender

The aforementioned components together with polymer (i) Aggregates for seals
content will dictate the attributes attainable.

The aggregate shall consist of approved crushed stone of

Unless otherwise specified, the properties of cationic the specified grade and size and shall comply with the
modified bitumen emulsion containing SBR or SBS solids following requirements in regard to grading, hardness and
shall comply with the requirements in table 430215. shape:

(1) Gradirig
Avolatile solvent flux content of up to 3% mass by mass of
the bitumen may be added to enhance eniulsion
performance with regard to prevailing climatic conditions. The grading shall comply with the requirements set out in
Any expected change to specified values shall first be table 430218 for grades 1. 2 and 3. The grade or grades of
discussed with the engineer prior to the addition of any aggregate specified in the project specifications and in the
such enhancer. schedule of quantities shall be used.
Table 430215


Polymer Required properties

Grade of base Minimum Minimum Maximum Particle Sedimentation
bitumen modified viscosity at residue on charge after 60
binder 50" C Saybolt sieving rotations
content Furol (91100 m l )
("/.I (seconds)

B8 70 80 0,25 Positive Nil

84 65 70 0,25 Positive Nil

88 70 80 0,25 Positive Nil

84 65 50 0,25 Positive Nil

Test method ASTM D244 ASTM D244 SABS 548 SABS 548 SABS 548

Note 1: Modified binder is bitumen plus polymer.

Table 430216


Polymer Required properties

Grade of base Minimum Minimum Minimum Elastic Minimum adhesion
bitumen softening dynamic ductility at recovery
point ( " C ) viscosity at 10" C (mm) (%) at at 5 0 " ~
135°C (Pas)
("h (%)

B8 55 13 1000 52 90 100
84 45 1To 1000 55 90 100

B8 60 1,3 500 55 90 100

84 47 1,o 500 60 90 100

Test method ASTM D36 ASTM 04402 DIN 52013 DIN 52013 Mod Vialit method

Note (1): The dust content criteria shall be according to table 430218 grade 2 stone for the adhesion test.
Table 430217


Test ASTM ASTM DIN DIN *Mod Vialit

method - D36 D4402 52013 52013 method

The Modified Vialit method: See "Technical Guidelines for Seals using homogeneous modified Binders", Sabita Manual
15, May 1994.

Table 430218


Sieve size (mm) Grade Percentage by mass passing

26,5 m m 19,O m m 13,2 m m 9,5 m m 6,7 m m 4,75 m m 2,36 m m

nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal
size size size size size size size

37,50 100
26,50 85 - 100 100
19,OO 0-30 85-100 100
13,20 Grades 0-5 0-30 8 5 - 100 100
9,50 1&2 0-5 0-30* 85-100 100
6,70 0-5** 0-30* 8 5 - 100 100
4,75 0 - 5** 0 - 30* 85 - 100 100
3,35 0 - 30
2,36 0 - 5** 0-5 0 - 100

Grade 3 Grading shall comply with the requirements for grades 1 and 2 with the following
exceptions: * 0 - 50
**o- 10

Fines content: Grade 1 03 0,s 03 0-5 03 1-0 15,O

Material passing
a 0,425 m m Grade 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,o 2,s 15,O
sieve (max)
Grade 3 NIA NIA 2,O 2,O 3.0 3,5 15,O

Dust content: Grade 1 NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA 2,O
Material passing
a 0,075 m m Grade 2 0,s 0,s 0,s 0,s 1,O 1,O 2,O
sieve (max)
Grade 3 NIA NIA 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,O
Table 430219 Table 430211 1


Sieve size (mm) Percentage by mass


4,75 95 (minimum)

0,425 50 (minimum)

0,075 20 (maximum)

Plasticity Index : Non-Plastic

(2) Hardness

When tested in accordance with TMHl method 81, the

aggregate crushing value shall not exceed 21 and when
tested in accordance with TMHl method 82 the 10% FACT
value (dry) shall be at least 210 kN and the wet to dry ratio
shall be at least 75%.

The polishing stone value shall be at least 50 unless

otherwise specified or approved by the engineer.

(3) Shape
The sand equivalent determined in accordance with SABS
838 (TMHl method B19) shall be at least 35.
The maximum flakiness index, when tested in accordance
with TMHl method 83, shall comply with the requirements The immersion index of briquettes made with slurry
in table 4302/10. aggregate and road grade B8 (80/100 penetration-grade)
bitumen at the specified net bitumen content for the slurry
Table 4302110 shall be not less than 75 when tested in accordance with
method C5 of TMH1.

Nominal size of Maximum flakiness index % In addition, unless otherwise specified, for rapid setting
aggregate slurries the supplier shall assess the compatibility of the
Grade 1 Grade 2 and 3 binder offered with aggregates from suitable sources
nearest to the site prior to tender closure.
19,O m m 25 30

13,2 m m 25 30 Table 4302112


6,7 mm 30 35

Sieve size (mm) Percentage passing sieve

by mass
If so required for special purposes, the average least
dimension (ALD) shall be as indicated in the project 1,180 100
0,600 82 - 100

0,300 50 - 70
(ii) Aggregate for slurry seals
0,150 20 - 35

The aggregate for slurry seals shall be an approved crusher 0.075 7 - 15

sand obtained from a parent rock having an ACV not
exceeding 30 or a mixture of such crusher sand and an
approved clean natural sand, where the mixture does not
contain more than 25% of natural sand. The aggregate (c) Filler for slurry
shall be clean, tough, durable, angular in shape, and shall
comply with the grading requirements given in table Ordinary portland cement shall comply with SABS 471 and
430211 1 for the slurry and the grade or type of aggregate portland blast-furnace cement (PBFC) with the
specified. requirements of SABS 626.
Road lime shall comply with the requirements of SABS 824 (b) Binder distributor
(Lime for Soil Stabilization) and shall bear the SABS mark.
The birider distributor shall comply with all the provisions
Only one of the above materials shall be used throughout. of subclause 4103(a).
in order to prevent undesirable colour differences in the
surface. The binder distributor used for non-homogeneous modified
binder shall be adapted to spray the rubber modified
binder saticzfactorily. The contractor shall provide proof by
(d) Hydrophilic aggregates way of a test on the site that the binder distributor has
sufficient reserve power to maintain the required constant
Where hydrophilic or other aggregates which may cause speed up the steepest incline to which spray has to be
problems are encountered, the engineer may order that the applied, and to obtain a uniform distribution of the binder.
stone chips be precoated, as described below, or that a The optimal spray-bar level shall be determined during
fog spray be applied, as specified in subclause 4403(d). testing. and the spray-bar level shall be adjusted
accordingly before each spray. The uneven application of
(i) Precoating of aggregate for stockpiling or for binder will be unacceptable.
immediate use

This method may be used for aggregate intended for (c) Chip spreaders
immediate use or for stockpiling.
The chip spreaders shall he capable of spreading stone of
The untreated stockpile of aggregate shall be thoroughly the specified size uniformly over widths varying between
sprayed with water, which shall be allowed to drain off. 2.4 m and 4,O m and shall be capable of adjustment to
The damp aggregate shall then be loaded into the bucket permit variation of the rate of application within the
of a front-end loader (1 m3) and a nominal quantity of 12 1 specified tolerances. and uniform spreading in both the
of an approved precoating fluid shall be sprayed evenly transverse and longitudinal directions.
over the aggregate by means of a watering can.
At least two chip spreaders shall be provided, one of which
The wetting agent approved by the engineer shall be shall be self-propelled.
added to the precoating fluid at a rate of 0.5% of the
volume of precoating fluid. Spreaders which are not self-propelled,.shalI be of a type
that can be attached quickly to the reaf of trucks, and
The mixture of aggregate and precoating fluid shall then operated while backed over the stone chippings being
be dumped on a site prepared as specified in clause 4306. spread.
This process shall be repeated until a stockpile of
approximately 15 m' to 20 m 3 has been built up.
(d) Rollers
This stockpile shall then be turned over with the front-end
loader until the aggregate is uniformly coated with the Sufficient operational rollers of each of the following types
precoating fluid. Three complete turnings of the stockpile shall be available on the works to maintain the required
will probably be required. ternpo of work:

The time between the precoating and the placing of the (i) Pneumatic-tyred rollers
aggregate shall not exceed the time specified in the project
specifications or agreed on by the engineer and the Pneuniatic-tyred rollers shall be of a self-propelled type
contractor. equipped with smooth flat profile pneumatic tyres of
uniform size and diameter. The mass of the roller shall not
(ii) Precoating constraints be less than 2 ton per wheel.

No precoating shall be applied where conventional and The rollers shall be equipped with suitable devices for
modified emulsion binders are used unless specifically keeping the wheels wet and clean during operation.
specified or ordered by the engineer.
The wheels of the roller shall be so spaced that one pass
of the roller will provide one complete coverage equal to
4303 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT the rolling width of the machine. The total operating mass
and tyre pressure may be varied by the engineer at his
discretion, Individual tyre pressures shall not differ by
(a) General more than 35 kPa from one another.

All plant and equipment used on the works shall be of an (ii) Rubber-soled steel-wheeled rollers
adequate rated capacity and in a good working condition.
Rubber-soled steel-wheeled rollers shall be self-propelled,
All plant and equipment that will be operated on the road and have a mass of between 6 and 8 tons. It shall be
during construction of the seal shall be free froni ariy equipped with suitable devices for cleaning and moistening
binder, fuel or oil leaks, and no refuelling or servicing of the wheels. The wheels of the roller shall be so arranged
any equipment will be allowed to take place while such as to give one complete coverage, by one passage of the
. equipment is on the road. roller. over a width equal to the rolling width of the roller.
(iii) Steel-wheeled rollers (h) Spreader box for slurry

Steel-wheeled rollers shall be self-propelled three-wheel or The type of spreader box used for spreading the slurry
tandem rollers of between 6 and 8 tons mass and shall be shall be submitted to the engineer, in advance. for
equipped with suitable devices for cleaning and moistening approval. The spreader box for rapid setting slurry shall be
the wheels. The mass of the roller required shall be of a proven and approved type, fitted with a proven and
determined by the engineer. No steel-wheeled rollers shall approved device to ensure sufficient agitation within the
be used without the consent of the engineer. spreader system.

(iv) Additional requirements The spreader box shall be so constructed as to distribute

the weight onto metal skids in such a way that no damage
The type and number of rollers shall be subject to the shall be done to the surface when the box is in operation.
approval of the engineer for each type of seal and the
proposed programme. Soft rubber belting shall be attached to the framework in
such a manner as to prevent slurry from being spilt past
the sides of the spreader box when the box is in operation.
No seal work shall continue if the required rollers are not
on site or not in an operational condition. The spreader box shall be capable of spreading a uniform
application of the slurry in adjustable widths from 1.5 m to
4.0 m , at specified rates. and it shall have efficient
(e) Brooms mechanical means of adjusting the rates and widths of
application specified.
(i) Drag broom

The drag broom shall be of a size, type and mass which (i) Precoating plant
will enable the chips to be distributed evenly over the
surface without dislodging any chips frorn the binder. The precoating of chips may be done with any suitable
equipment capable of uniformly coating the chips.
(ii) Rotary broom

An approved rotary broom, complete with towing vehicle 0) Massmeasuring device

fitted with smooth tyres, shall be available at all times on
the works. Where payment per ton is specified, the contractor shall
provide and install suitable gauged mass-measuring device
on the site. in accordance with the engineer's
(f) Mixer for slurry requirements. The device shall be provided with a printer
for printing the mass. the time and date. The printed data
A mobile mixer of a type approved by the engineer shall shall be submitted to the engineer on a daily basis.
be provided. It may be either a batch mixer or a
continuous type mixer. The paddles of the mixer shall be
so designed as to ensure a complete blending of the (k) Miscellaneous equipment
constituents of the slurry.
Sufficient equipment for handling and hauling aggregate,
binder and slurry. and blending units for non-
For the rapid setting slurry types. the mixing and homogeneous modified binders, shall be provided to
application of the slurry shall be done by a mixer designed ensure prompt and continuous placing and application of
to provide a rapid mixing time, and sufficient agitation bituminous materials as specified. The contractor shall
within the spreading system to prevent segregation or have available all the necessary ancillary equipment and
premature hardening. The mixer shall be capable of hand tools to carry out the work efficiently.
continuous mixing arid application.

Suitable fire-fighting equipment for dealing with bitumen

The purpose designed mixer for cor~tinuoustype mixing of fires shall be available on site. together with suitable first
either conventional or rapid setting slurries. shall be aid equipment for dealing with bitumen burns. (Refer to
equipped with precise metering systems to enable the Sabita Manual 8 : Bitumen Safety Handbook.)
various constituents to be combined continuously to the
prescribed formulation.
The engineer shall be entitled to request reserve plant
should there be any doubt as to the efficiency or capability
No central mixing plant will be allowed. Details of the type of the equipment provided.
of mixer shall be submitted in advance of actual
construction, for approval by the engineer.

@) Loader for aggregate

(a) Weather limitations
A loader, or equivalent capacity labour force where so
required in the project specifications, compatible with the The minirnum road-surface rising temperatures at which
needs and capacity of the mixer unit shall be available at the spraying of the different types and grades of binder
the stockpiling site. may be done are -
(i) Conventional binders When strong winds are blowing which are likely to interfere
with the proper execution of the work, no sealing,
(1) Bitumens especially spraying of binder, shall be done.

150/200 penetration-grade or 84 road

grade bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 " C @) Moisture content
80/100 penetration-grade or B8 road
grade bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 " C No seal shall be placed unless the moisture content of the
MC-BOO cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" C upper 50 m m of the base is less than 50% of the optimum
MC-3000 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" C moisture content as determined by the engineer. No
reseal shall be placed immediately after a rainy spell on an
existing partly cracked and/or highly permeable surfacing
(2) Bitumen emulsions resulting in the trapping of moisture in the pavement
structure. A minimum delay of 24 hours or such extended
Bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" C period as ordered by the engineer shall apply.

(ii) Non-homogeneous modified binders (summer

grade) (c) Olher constraints

Bitumen-rubber (spray application) . . . . . . . . . . 25^C (i) The following curing periods shall apply to the
various treatments listed. prior to applying a seal/reseal
(iii) Non-homogeneous modified binders (winter grade) unless otherwise specified in project specifications:

As specified in the project specifications. Texturing using fine slurries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 weeks

Rapid setting slurry (rut filling, etc) . . . . . . . 12 weeks
(iv) Homogeneous cold applied modified binders Crack sealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 weeks
Repair of distressed patches . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 6 weeks
SBR modified cationic emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" C
SBS modified cationic emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" C
(ii) Unless otherwise agreed by the engineer, and
(v) Homogeneous hot-applied modified binders subject to the ot~tcomeof a trial section, the contractor
(summer grade) shall programme all spraying to cease each working day at
15:OO h.
Modified binder 150/200 penetration-grade or 84 road
grade base bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 " C
Modified binder 80/100 penetration-grade or B8 road grade (iii) Traffic limitations
base bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25°C
The contractor shall comply with the requirements of
(vi) Homogeneous hot-applied modified binders (winter clause 1211.

As specified in the project specifications (d) Preparation of areas to be sealed

Whenever the temperature of the road surface falls below (i) General
the aforesaid temperature for the binder in question. or. in
the opinion of the engineer, will probably fall below the The areas to be sealed shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt.
required temperature before spraying the binder. no binder dung. oil or any other foreign matter that may be
shall be sprayed. deleterious to the seal.

No bituminous work shall be done during foggy or rainy

weather, and, when a cold wind is blowing, the above (ii) Newly constructed seals
temperatures shall be increased by 3°C to 6 " C as directed
by the engineer. Where newly constructed base or shoulder areas are to be
sealed. the surfaces shall be checked for compliance with
Conventional slurry shall not be applied at an air the surface tolerances and all other requirements specified.
temperature of less than 7 ° C when temperatures are Any portions that do not meet these requirements shall first
rising, or less than 13°C when temperatures are dropping. be either corrected or removed and reconstructed before
Rapid setting slurry shall be sufficiently versatile to be laid they are sealed.
in air temperatures of 4°C to 40°C. as well as capable of
being laid under damp conditions.
(iii) Existing surfaces to be resealed
During hot weather slurry operations shall be suspended
when aggregate is being displaced by the spreader box or Existing roads that require resealing shall, if so specified or
squeegees. ordered by the engineer, be given a pretreatment in
accordance with one or more of the methods described in
When the breaking process accelerates to such an extent section 4800.
that it renders the product unworkable to attain the
required end result, for instance when the surface
temperature is in excess of 60°C. or as ottierwise Any failures shall be repaired as specified in the project
prescribed by the engineer, no sealing shall be done. specifications.
(e) Demarcation of working area (c) Non-homogeneous modifiedbinders (winter grade)

(i) New work The contractor shall comply with the requirements
specified in the project specifications with regard to the
The contractor shall demarcate the area of the primed base storage, heating and spraying temperatures, and with
to be sealed by means of setting out string lines down regard to the information to be provided in the tender
each edge of the specified seal width. The intervals for stage, unless otherwise approved by the engineer.
setting out horizontal curves shall be as agreed with the
(d) Homogeneous cold applied modified binders
(ii) Resealing
Modified bitumen emulsions may be stored at ambient
The centre line of the road or a reference line shall be temperature for long periods, provided that some
marked immediately before the tack coat or bituminous circulationlmixing takes place from time to time. The
binder is sprayed. spraying temperatures of these emulsions are the same as
for conventional bitumen emulsions.


BINDERS (e) Homogeneous hot-applied modified binders
(summer grade)

(a) Conventional binders The heat stability of modern modified bitumens is

remarkably good. However, excessive temperature over
The temperature ranges between which bituminous binders extended periods will degrade all modified bitumens and
are to be heated shall be as given in table 4305/1. negatively'affect the enhanced properties of these binders.

Binders stored in a heated condition shall be kept in a

container with a securely fitting lid, and the circulatory The temperature limits for the storage and spraying of
system of which is functioning properly. The container shall modified hot-applied binders shall be as set out in table
be provided with a built-in thermometer. 430513 unless otherwise approved by the engineer.

Binders which have been heated above the maximum

temperatures indicated in table 430511 shall not be used Modified binders stored in a heated condition shall be kept
and shall be removed from the site. Every effort shall be in a container having a properly functioning circulation
made to maintain the binder temperature for spraying to system and a securely fitting lid.
within 5°C of the recommended temperature.

For seals the temperature limits for 80/100 penetration- Note: Many long chain polymers have low shear stability
grade or 88 road grade bitumen, cut back with the and can be degraded by the action of a high shear
indicated amounts of power paraffin in parts per 100 parts rate pump such as a close tolerance gear pump.
of bitumen by volume as described in subsubclause
4302(a)(i)(3), shall be as set out in table 4305/2 to prevent
degradation of the bitumen. (f) Homogeneoushot-appliedmodifiedbinders (winter

@) NonAomogeneous (heterogeneous) modified The contractor shall comply with the requirements
binders (summer grade) specified in the project specifications with regard to the
storage, heating and spraying temperatures, and with
After completion of the bitumen-rubber reaction, the binder regard to the information to be provided in the tender
shall be cooled to below 160°C. The binder mixture may stage, unless otherwise approved b y the engineer.
not be kept for more than 2 days. The mix may only be
stored in tanks with circulation systems.
The spray and storing temperatures of the bitumen-rubber
binder shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) General
Spray temperature, " C .......... Must be provided
by supplier Sites for the stockpiling of aggregates shall be prepared in
such a manner that no grass, mud, dirt or other deleterious
Max storing time at spray material will be included when the aggregates are loaded
temperature, hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 for use.

Max storing temperature

(up to 2 days), " C . . . . . . 35 below spray temperature Access roads to stockpile sites shall be prepared and
but not more than 160 maintained in such a way that no dirt is conveyed by
vehicle wheels onto the areas to be sealed or resealed
Stored blnder heated to a temperature above 160°C shall whilst aggregate is being transported to or from the
not be used and shall be removed from the site. stockpiles.
Table 430511

Maximum storage Heating and spraying temperatures

temperature "C
Materials "C
Over 24 Up to Minimum Maximum Recommended
hours 24 hours
Road grade bitumens
B4 (1501200 penetration grade) 115 165 150 175 165
88 (801100 penetration grade) 125 175 165 190 175

RC-250 60 90 90 115 100
MC-800 75 125 110 135 125
MC-3000 100 155 135 155 145

Bituminous emulsions
60% Air temp. 60 Air temp. 60 60
65% Air temp. 60 50 60 60
70% Air temp. 60 55 65 65

Table 430512 sited that dust deposited on the chips is reduced to a

minimum. Where necessary, temporary deviations and
access roads in the immediate proximity shall be watered
Quantity of power paraffin Temperature limits or sealed.
added (parts per 100 parts
of bitumen by volume) Lower Upper During the wet season when there is danger of the
limit limit precoating fluid being washed off the aggregate, the
"C "C stockpiles shall be covered with tarpaulins or similar
150 175 protective coverings.
23 146 163
138 154 During the cooler periods the engineer may order that
132 149 stockpiles be covered with tarpaulins to ensure that the
rn -
125 -
143 aggregate temperature remains compatible with the
limiting temperature applicable to the specified binder

Table 430513

(a) General

Adequate advance notice shall be given to the engineer

before the contractor proceeds with any seal work.

@) Single and double aggregate seals

(i) Application of tack coat and aggregate

Bituminous binders shall be applied by means of a binder

distributor, unless otherwise approved.

If a choice can be exercised areas inaccessible to

mechanical equipment shall preferably be restricted to
areas that are not subjected to traffic.

Stockpiles shall be so sited that they will not be exposed A bituminous tack coat consisting of the type and grade of
to excessive contamination with dust arising from traffic on binder specified in these specifications under each of the
the road or access roads. Aggregates contaminated to the appropriate sections for each type of bituminous seal, or in
extent that it contains more than the allowable percentage the project specifications, shall be uniformly sprayed on
of material passing through the 0,425 m m sieve and the properly cleaned and prepared base or existing surface
0,075 m m sieve shall not be used for sealing. over the full specified width of the seal.

Where the tank of the binder distributor could become

@) Precautions empty during spraying against inclines, the spraying shall
be done while the binder distributor is moving uphill.
Areas used for stockpiling precoated aggregate shall be so Should the engineer be of the opinion that the contractor
is unable to place the sealant over the full specified width prevent any aggregate from being dislodged, the surface
in one movement, the contractor shall execute the spraying shall b e slowly dragged with a broom drag to ensure even
and the distribution of the chips in strips. The spraying of distribution of the aggregate. If there are areas which are
adjacent strips shall overlap b y 100 m m subject to deficient in stone chips. additional material shall be added
adjustment for the particular fan angle. Chips may not be b y hand so as to leave a single layer of chips lying
placed on the 100 mrn overlap before the adjacent strip shoulder to shoulder.
has been sprayed. The adjacent strip may not be sprayed
before the preceding strip, excluding the 100 m m overlap. If there are areas with an excess of stone chips, such
has been covered satisfactorily with chips in compliance excess shall be removed b y hand so as to leave a single
with the specifications. In so far as is practicable. the layer of chips lying shoulder to shoulder. The importance
contractor shall so place the strips that the joint between of applyirig only a single layer of chips is stressed. Every
two adjacent chip applications shall fall on the centre line care shall be taken to avoid an over-application of stone.
of the road.
After completing the spreading of the aggregate, the
Immediately after the binder has been sprayed. it shall be surface shall b e rolled with a self-propelled pneuniatic-
covered with clean, dry aggregate of the size specified in tyred roller with a minimum load of 2.0 t per wheel for
these specifications under each of the appropriate sections three to four coverages. Except in the case of single seals
for each type of seal. final rolling shall then be done with a steel-wheeled roller
with a mass of 6 to 8 tons working parallel to the centre
The actual rates of application of binder and aggregate to line of the road from the shoulders towards the crown of
b e used in the construction will b e determined b y the the road. until every portion of the surface concerned has
engineer, after he has tested the aggregates the contractor been covered b y at least two to four passes of the roller,
proposes to use for the seal and prior to any sealing being provided that only a limited degree of crushing of the
carried out. aggregate will take place. but if, in the opinion of the
erigineer, general crushing occurs under the rollers, such
The aggregate shall b e applied uniformly b y means of self- rolling shall be stopped regardless of the number of
propelled chip spreaders, unless otherwise specified. The passes completed b y the roller.
immediate application of the chips is of prime importance.
The spreading of the chips shall be done as closely as The surface shall b e well knit and have a uniform
possible behind the distributor. The chip spreader shall be appearance, free of roller-tyre marks; all aggregate
so operated that the tack coat shall be covered with contaminated b y fuel. oil or grease shall b e removed and
aggregate before the wheels of the chip spreader or truck replaced with clean aggregate.
pass over the uncovered tack coat.
(iv) Joints between binder sprays
The quantity of bitumen sprayed in any single spray
operation shall be governed b y the quantity of aggregate. In order to prevent overlapping at junctions of separate
and the number of trucks available shall be sufficient to binder applications. the previous work along the joint shall
ensure the continuous application of stone behind the be covered with a removable protective sheet for a
distributor. In addition the available roller capacity at sufficient distance back from the joint to ensure that the
normal operating speed shall also govern the application sprayer is operating at the required rate before the
rate of the tack coat and aggregate. untreated surface is reached, and also to prevent additional
binder application onto the previously treated section. The
The chip spreaders shall comply with the requirements of same method shall b e used to ensure a neat joint at the
subclause 4303(c). end of the run.

Areas with varying or narrowing widths on which binder (v) Protection of kerbs. channels. etc
distributors can be used, shall be screened off b y means
of fibre-reinforced paper, so that only the area to which the Kerbs, channels. manholes. guard rails. bridge railings and
binder is to be applied, will be exposed. The binder shall any other structures which may b e soiled b y bituniinous
then be applied at the specified rate with a binder binders during spraying operations shall be protected in
distributor. Immediately thereafter the fibre-reinfo~ced terms of section 2300 during spraying operations.
paper shall be removed, the aggregate shall be applied.
and the seal shall be completed. The contractor shall replace at his own cost any items that
have been soiled and cannot be cleaned entirely. The
(ii) Initial rolling of aggregate painting of soiled surfaces will not be accepted as a
suitable remedy.
Immediately after the aggregate has been applied. rolling
shall be commenced. A self-propelled pneumatic-tyred
roller with a load of at least 2.0 t per wheel shall b e used
in the case of single seals, and a steel-wheeled roller may
also be used in the case of double seals, on condition that
excessive crushing of the aggregate shall not take place. Whenever the terms "net bitumen" or "net quantity of
Rollers shall operate parallel to the centre line of the road. bitumen" are used in these specifications to specify the
from the shoulders inwards towards the crown of the road. rate of application of the binder for conventional or
until the entire surface has been covered at least three homogeneous modified binder. they shall mean net
times with the wheels of the roller. bitumen cold at a temperature of 20°C. Non-
homogeneous modified binders. however, shall b e
(iii) Broom drag and final rolling of aggregate specified at spraying temperature.

After the bituminous binder has set-up sufficiently to All binders. aggregates and slurry used in the various types
of seals shall be applied at the rates of application as requlred, and thereafter the second layer of aggregate shall
determined by the engineer after tests on the materials be applied, rolled and broomed. Thereafter, where
proposed for use, within the tolerances specified in clause applicable, the specified fog spray of bitumen emulsion
4314. shall be applied within 48 hours at the rate prescribed by
the engineer.
No payment will be made for bituminous binder applied in
excess of the rate ordered plus the permitted tolerance or The engineer may require a slurry to be applied to areas
at a rate lower than the specified rate, minus the permitted subjected to traffic. The slurry shall comply with the
tolerance, unless, in the opinion of the engineer, such requirements of clause 4302.
overspray or any shortages can be satisfactorily corrected
in the case of a first application by the adjustment of the
application rate of the second spray, and if such correction
is effected.
Where the sealing layer consists of an application of
The nominal rates of application are for tendering purposes aggregate with slurry, the slurry shall be applied to the
onhr and will not necessarilv be used i n consbuction. The surface of the layer constructed as described above, at the
a&al rates of application be used on the site shall in all rate prescribed by the engineer. This shall be done
cases be as instructed b y the engineer. simultaneously with the final slurry application on the other
portions of the work to obtain a uniform appearance.
The appropriate conversion factors given in TRH3
(excluding the annexures) or specified in the project
specifications shall be used for calculating bitumen for 4310 DUST CONTROL
conventional and homogeneous modified binders at
spraying temperature from bitumen net cold.
Any temporary deviations and construction roads shall be
kept watered and damp during all sealing operations and
4309 AREAS INACCESSIBLE TO MECHANICAL all dust shali be removed from surfaces before any binder,
EQUIPMENT aggregate or slurry is applied.

The supply and application of water on temporary

(a) Bituminous binders deviations will be paid for separately as specified in section
1500, but payment for watering the haul and construction
Bituminous binders shall be applied by means of a binder roads shall be included in the unit rates tendered for the
distributor, unless otherwise approved. Binder for seals, various types of seals used.
and particularly bitumen-rubber binder, shall be sprayed
with mechanical equipment, which, where necessary, has
been specially adjusted for accurately applying the binder 4311 OPENING TO TW\FLlC
in restricted areas in accordance with the specified
requirements. Hand-spray equipment may be used only
with the written approval of the engineer, and then only in The engineer shall be responsible for determining when
accordance with approved methods under the strict any sealing layer is to be opened to public traffic.
supewision of experienced personnel and with equipment
suitable for performing the work in accordance with The road shall not be opened to traffic until the binder has
specified requirements. set sufficiently to retain the aggregate, or in the case of
slurry seals, the slurry has set sufficiently so as not to be
If a choice can be exercised areas inaccessible to picked up by the wheels of passing traffic.
mechanical equipment shall preferably be restricted to
areas that are not subjected to traffic. The contractor shall not allow any construction equipment,
which is likely to cause damage, over the completed seal.
The total application of binders shall be controlled in order
to determine whether the specified application rate is being The contractor shall display speed restriction signs in
obtained. accordance with section 1500, section 5600 and the
instructions of the engineer.
Each area that is to be sealed, shall be screened off by
means of fibre-reinforced paper, so that only the area to
which the binder is to be applied, will be exposed. 4312 DEFECTS

The type of tack coat and the rate of application thereof

shall be subject to the engineer's approval. The tack coat Where, in the opinion of the engineer, any unacceptable
shall be applied by means of hand-spraying equipment loss of stone from or bleeding of the road surface that may
complying with the requirements specified in subclause occur during the course of the contract or during the
4103(a). The aggregate shali be of the same size as the maintenance period can be attributed to the contractor not
aggregate in the existing surrounding seal, and shall be observing any of the requirements of the specifications, not
spread by hand. using the correct rates of application, or to any other
omission or fault on the part of the contractor, any
The seal shall be rolled to the satisfaction of the engineer corrective work ordered by the engineer shall be at the
with the most effective rollers that can be used in the area contractor's cost, including the supply, precoating,
in question, and thereafter the excess aggregate shall be stockpiling at selected sites and later removal If not used,
swept off the surface with hand brooms. The specified of any aggregate resewed for corrective work during the
penetration layer shall then be applied if a double seal is period of maintenance or thereafter.
The contractor shall base his proposed repair method on clause 4804 to obtain a uniform surface. which shall then
the requirements specified in this clause, and submit it to be covered with a single seal in accordance with section
the engineer for approval. The contractor m a y not 4400. The type of aggregate and binder to be used shall
commence with the repair work without the engineer's be determined b y the engineer.
(3) Very severe bleeding in large sections or in
Where the reason for bleeding or loss of stone, in the circurnscribed smaller sections
opinion of the engineer, cannot be attributed to ariy fault or
neglect on the part of the contractor, the emplnyer shall In these sections the seal shall be rernoved from the
pay at the tendered rates for the cost of any remedial surface of the base b y means of an approved method, e g
measures taken on the instructions of the engineer. milling or blading. The removal work shall be executed
while the temperature of the road surface is below 15°C.
If necessary the road surface shall be cooled with water
(a) Bleeding during the execution of the work.

Bleeding shall b e corrected b y one or more of the methods Only graders fitted with new blades shall be used.
described below, as may be ordered b y the engineer:
The contractor shall repair all damage to the surface of the
(i) Single seal with slurry basecourse to the satisfaction of the engineer, whereupon
a surface course or a seal shall be applied in accordance
The engineer will determine the size of the aggregate to be with the engineer's instructions.
applied to the bleeding portions, and for this purpose he
may require ball penetration tests to be perfornied on the (iii) General
portions in question. The aggregate shall comply with the
requirements of clause 4302. All operations to correct bleeding shall be carried out at the
correct surface temperature to promote adherence.
If the binder of the existing surface has an oxidised filrr~or
if the road has been used b y traffic for some time. it shall This work shall be effected as soon as possible after
be treated either b y brushing in power paraffin to soften bleeding occurs.
the surface of the binder, or the surface shall be softened
b y heating apparatus, if so ordered b y the engineer. The Before opening any rectified work to traffic, all the loose
heating apparatus shall be an approved type that does not aggregate shall be swept off the surface.
expose the road surface to open flames. This work shall
only commence when the road temperature exceeds 30" C. It is essential to use the specified pneumatic-tyred roller on
all this work. Rolling shall continue until the engineer is
The aggregate shall be applied to the surface immediately satisfied that all the aggregate has been properly
at the rate determined b y the engineer and rolled with a embedded. No rolling shall be done in wet weather, cold
pneumatic-tyred roller having a mass of at least 2.0 t per weather or early in the morning when the surface is cold.
wheel until the aggregate is firmly embedded. All loose
aggregate not embedded shall be broomed off the road Notwithstanding the above methods of treatment. the
before it is opened to traffic. When opening the road to engineer may order any seal which has not been properly
traffic, the affected areas shall be demarcated with traffic constructed to be removed and replaced. The ren~ovalof
cones and speed limit signs for the first two days, care the seal shall be done so as not to damage the existing
being taken to remove all loose aggregate daily. base. All aggregate and binder shall be removed either b y
glacier or b y hand tools and any damage done to the
Areas where whip-off is excessive after the above treatment surface shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the engineer.
has been carried out. shall be retreated in accordance witti
the engineer's instructions. @) Loss of stone

If only half the road width is to be treated, the application Where loss of stone occurs, the following measures shall
of aggregate shall b e finished in a neat line on the centre be applied immediately:
line of the road.
Those sections of the road where loss of stone occurs shall
(ii) Single or multiple seals be closed for traffic b y means of the statutorily required
road signs. All loose stones shall be removed from the
Where, in the opinion of the engineer. severe bleeding road surface. The contractor shall make sure that all the
occurs, the engineer may prescribe one of the following rerriaining stones adhere satisfactorily to the road surface.
Depending on the engineer's opinion about the cause,
(1) Severe bleeding in circumscribed smaller sections degree and extent of the loss of stone. the following
rectifying measures shall be applied:
These sections shall be treated as specified in
subsubclause 4312(a)(i). The engineer will determine the (i) Slight loss of stone
size of the aggregate.
Slight loss of stone shall be treated in accordance with the
(2) Severe bleeding in large sections requirements of the engineer. with the aid of fog spray. The
surface to be repaired shall be clean and dry, and a 30%
If the surface is non-uniform, ie partly bleeding and partly anionic or cationic spray-grade emulsion shall b e applied
coarse-textured, the surface shall b e rectified b y pretreating at a rate of 0.55 f/m%r such other rate as may be
the coarse areas in accordance with the requirements of approved by the engineer.
(ii) Loss of stone due to low temperature : Isolated (ii) Width
The edges of the seal shall be true to line with a nlaximum
The areas where the remaining aggregate has to be deviation of 15 rnm from the specified edge line.
removed from the road surface, shall be demarcated by
the engineer. The remaining aggregate in these areas (iii) Cross section
shall be removed with hand-equipment. Heating apparatus
as described in subsubclause 4312(a)(i) may be used. The requirements relating to the base on which the seal is
Thereafter the areas shall be resealed as specified in coristr\~ctedshall apply.
subclause 4309(a).
(iv) Surface regularity

(iii) Loss of stone due to low temperature : Large area The requirements relating to the base on which the seal is
constructed shall apply.
The remaining aggregate shall be bladed from the road
surface as soon as possible. The exposed area shall be (v) General
resealed with binder and aggregate as prescribed and
approved by the engineer. Any areas whlch show signs of bleeding after the section
has been opened to traffic shall be corrected as specified
(iv) Loss of stone due to a deficiency in binder : in clause 4312. Corrective work shall be carried out in
Isolated areas such a manner as to blend in colour, texture and finish with
adjacent work.
The measures specified in subsubclause 4312(b)(i) shall be
applied. The conipleted seal shall be free from corrugations or any
otlier wave effect where depressions are preceded and
(v) Loss of stone due to a deficiency in binder : Large followed by humps or ridges no matter how small the
area distance between the tnp of the hump to the bottom of the
preceding or followirig depression.
As soon as the temperature of the road surface is within
the prescribed limits, a fog spray of diluted bitumen
emulsion shall be applied at the rate specified or approved @) Resealing work on existing surfaces
by the engineer.
The completed seal shall be of uniform texture without
An additional layer of aggregate shall be applied with a gaps or patches and shall be free from any loose
mechanical spreader at a rate sufficient to replace the loss aggregate or bitumen spillage.
of stone.
Any areas which show signs of bleeding after the section
The completed seal shall be roiled to the satisfaction of the has been opened to traffic shall be corrected as specified
engineer with pneumatic-tyred rollers as specified in in clause 4312. Corrective work shall be carried out in
subclause 4303(d). When the temperature of the road such a manner as to blend in colour, texture and finish with
surface drops sufficiently. all surplus aggregate shall be adjacent work.
swept off the road surface with brooms as specified in
subclause 4303(e). The complsted seal shall be free from corrugations or any
otlier wave effect where depressions are preceded and
followed by humps or ridges no matter how small the
4313 MAINTENANCE distance between the top of the hump to the bottom of the
preceding or following depressions.

The contractor shall maintain the bituniinous surface until The ~ d g e of

s the cornpleted seal shall be coritiriunusly true
the work is finally accepted by the employer. Ariy darnage to line with a maximum allowable deviation from the
done to the surface or any defects which may develop specified edge line of 15 mm.
before the issue of the maintenance certificate. fair wear
and tear excepted. shall be corrected by the csntractor at
his own cost and to the requirements of the engineer. (c) The rate of application

The rnaximum perrnissible variation frorn the rates of

4314 TOLERANCES AND FINISH REQUIREMENTS application of bituminous binders. aggregates or slurry. as
ordered by the engineer. shall be plus or minus 5% of the
rate of application required for the aggregate. and plus or
The completed bituminous work shall comply with the minus 0.06 l / r n 7 net bitumen cold (20°C) for conventional
following requirements reqarding surface tolerances and or homogeneous modified binders. and within a tolerance
finish: of plus or minus 5% for non-homogerleous modified
binders at spraying temperature.

(a) New work When the viscosity of the binder actually in use (at
spraying temperature) varies from that with which the
(i) Level and grade distributor was calibrated or for any other reason, the
engineer may order the transverse distribution to be
The requirements relating to the base on which the seal is checked before the binder is applied by a method
constructed shall apply. prescribed by the engineer. The coefficient of variation
(100.~1~) of the spray applications calculated for 100 m m (c) Where, in the opinion of the engineer, the corrective
strips of spraybar length, excluding the outer 300 m m on work executed in terms of clause 4312 is not for the
each side, shall not exceed 12 percent for any one such contractor's account, the contractor will be remunerated at
test ordered b y the engineer. In order to achieve the the applicable rates as determined by the engineer in
minimum lot size the engineer may combine sublots of the terms of the contract.
same population.

(d) Conditional acceptance

43.01 Application of a fog spray
The provisions of clauses 8208 and 8307 apply to of 30% spraygrade or approved
conditional acceptance. equivalent diluted stable
grade emulsion:

4315 MWUREMENT AND PAYMENT (a) Spray-grade emulsion . ..... ....... litre (1)

(a) Measurement and payment will be made under the (b) Stable-grade emulsion ....... ...... litre (1)
various sections where the different seals are specified.

(b) Work in areas inaccessible to mechanical The unit of measurement shall be the litre of 30% spray-
equipment will be measured and paid for under the grade or approved equivalent diluted stable grade
following sections: emulsion measured at spraying temperature.

Single seals: Section 4400

Double seals: Section 4500 The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
Aggregate with slurry : Section 4600 providing the material and for applying the fog spray as
Sand seals : Section 4900 specified.


Nominal rates of application

Nominal size
of aggregate
4401 SCOPE
4402 MATERIALS bitumen

4401 SCOPE

This section covers all the work in connection with the

construction of single seals.

It also covers the construction of single seals for resealing (c) Final rolling
existing roads, as well as the use of modified binders in
single seal resealing work and in stress-distribution layers. Any areas deficient in aggregate shall have additional
material added so as to leave the carpet with a single layer
Note: of chippings lying shoulder to shoulder. It is essential to
ensure that only one layer of chippings is applied and
Section 4300: Seals : Materials and General Requirements every care shall be taken to avoid over-application of
applies to this section. chippings.

4402 MATERIALS The final rolling shall be done as specified in subsubclause

4307(b) (ii).

The materials shall comply with the requirements of section

4300. The finished surface shall be well-knit and have a uniform
appearance free of roller-tyre marks. All aggregate
The average least dimension (ALD) of the appropriate size contaminated by oil, fuel or grease shall be removed and
and grade of aggregate, where required in the project replaced by clean aggregate.
specifications, shall comply with the requirements in table
Table 440211 All loose aggregate shall be broomed off the surface with
a rotary broom or hard brooms as directed by the
Aggregate properties

Nominal size (mm) Minimum ALD (mm)

(dl Fog spray
19,O 12,O
When required by the project specifications or, if so
13,2 82
directed by the engineer in writing, a fog spray of 60% or
9-5 5,9
30% anionic or cationic emulsion shall be applied to the
surface of the aggregate by means of a pressure distributor
at the required rate.

(a) Application of tack coat and aggregate (e) Blinding

The tack coat and aggregate, of the size and grade If required in the project specifications or as may be
specified in the project specifications or ordered by the directed by the engineer, a light blinding layer of washed
engineer, shall be applied as specified in clause 4307. natural or crusher sand shall be applied by the contractor
to prevent chippings from being picked up by traffic. The
The nominal rates of application given in table 440311 shall blinding layer shall be spread evenly over the full indicated
be used for tendering purposes only. surface. Should it be required by the engineer, the layer
shall be spread evenly by means of hand brooms.
The actual rates of application shall be as determined by
the engineer.
(1) Precoating of aggregate
@) Initial rolling
If required in the project specifications or as may be
Initial rolling shall be carried out as specified in directed by the engineer, the aggregate shall be precoated
subsubclause 4307(b) (ii). with a precoating fluid as specified in subclause 4302(d).
@) Bitumen-rubber seals (d) Using 13.2m m aggregate . . . square metre (ni2)

The provisions of clause 4403 shall apply throughout. (e) Using 19.0m m aggregate ... square metre (m2)
together with the following:

For tender purposes, the contractor shall base his rate on The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
the nominal rate of application indicated in table 440312. completed, and accepted seal.

The total application of bitumen-rubber shall be applied in

a single spray. The tendered rates shall include full compensation, inter
alia. for furnishing all materials, marking the centre line or
Table 440312 reference lines. spraying of binder, spreading of aggregate,
rolling. removing of dust or deleterious material, supplying
of water and spraying of haul roads and construction
Nominal size of Nominal rates of application roads. trimming the edges of the completed surface, and
aggregate all other incidentals necessary for completing the work as
(mm) Bitumen-rubber Aggregate specified, except the application of a fog spray and
tack coat at (m2/m') precoating of aggregate, which shall be paid for separately.
(1/m2) Item Unit
19,O 2,7 65
44.02 Biminous binder variations:
13,2 2.1 90
9,5 1,6 130
(a) Road grade 84 bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)

(b) Road grade B8 bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)

All the aggregate shall be applied immediately, but not
more than 2 minutes after the application of the biturnen- (c) 70% spray-grade emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
rubber tack coat.
(d) 65% spray-grade emulsion . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)

(h) Resealing at bridge joints

(e) 60% spray-grade emulsion . . . . . . . . . . .litre (I)

The seal shall not be applied closer than 300 m m from the (f) MC-3000cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
concrete joint noses, and not under any circumstances
over the joint nose itself.
(g) Bitumen-rubber (specify the type
Where specified in the project specifications, the existing and composition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (I)
surfacing shall be cut back on both sides of the bridge
joint over a width of 300 m m in a tapered shape so that the
resealed surface will be flush with the surface of the (h) Homogeneous modified binder
concrete joint nose. (indicate type) hot applied . . . ....... litre (1)

All bridge joints shall be adequately protected against (i) Homogeneous modified binder
damage or blockage until all rolling and brooming work (indicate type) cold applied . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
has been completed.
(i) Precoating fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)

(i) Work in areas inaccessible to mechanical (k) Paraffin (indicate type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)

The provisions of clause 4309 shall apply. The unit of measurement for bituminous binder in respect
of an increase or a decrease in the specified rates of
application shall be the litre measured at spraying
4404 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT temperature. (The contractor must note that the nominal
rates of application are specified in net bitumen cold,
except for bitumen-rubber.)
Item Unit

44.01 Single seals (indicate grade of Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
aggregate and type of binder): 1213.

(a) Using 4,75m m aggregate . . square metre (m7)

Where paraffin is used to cut back the penetration-grade
(b) Using 6,7m m aggregate . . . . square metre (rn7) bitumen, the rate for paraffin variation under subitem (k)
shall include full compensation for providing the paraffin
(c) Using 9,5m m aggregate . . . . square metre (m7) and mixing it with the bitumen.
ltem Unit approved wetting agent to the precoating fluid as specified
or as directed b y the engineer.
44.03 Aggregate variations (state grade):
The tendered percentage of the prime cost sum shall
(a) 4,75 m m aggregate . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') include full compensation for handling the material. storing
and introducing it into the mix. including any equipment
(b) 6,7 m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) required. and for all other charges and profit.

(c) 9,5 rnm aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (mR)

ltem Unit
(d) 13,2 m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
11.07 Aggregate for blinding:
(e) 19,O rnm aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
(a) Natural sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement for aggregate in respect of an
increase or a decrease in the specified rates of application (b) Crusher sand . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
shall b e the cubic metre of aggregate.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of sand
Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause measured in the hauling vehicles.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
providing the material and applying the blinding coat
ltem Unit complete as specified. and, should it be required.
stockpiling the sand at an approved locality.
44.04 Application of fog spray:

(a) 60% spray-grade emulsion Item Unit

(indicate type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)
44.08 Extra over item 44.01 for work
(b) 30% spray-grade emulsion in areas inaccessible to mechanial
(indicate type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1) equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

The unit of measurement shall be the litre. measured at The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
spraying temperature. additional costs for executing the work in areas inaccesible
to mechanical equipment.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
furnishing the material and applying the fog spray as
specified. Payment will not distinguish between the various types of
binders or various sizes or grades of aggregate.

ltem Unit
ltem Unil
44.05 Recoating the aggre-
gate at a rate of 12 I l m 3 44.09 Resealing at bridge joints:
or as specified) (indicate
precoating fluid) . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') (a) Where the existing surfacing is
not removed . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The unit of measurement for the precoating o: aggregate
shall b e the cubic metre of aggregate so treated measured (b) Where the existing surfacing is
in hauling vehicles or in stockpile. removed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement shall be a metre of bridge joint
furnishing the equipment and materials and precoating the situated in the surface to be resealed. and which has been
aggregate as specified. including the handling. stockpiling protected in accordance with the specifications to the
and protecting of the stockpiles against inclement w e a t h ~ r satisfaction of the engineer.

ltem Unit The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
protecting the bridge joints against damage, blockage and
44.06 Addiion of wetting agent soiling until the resealing has been completed, including
(indicate type): the procuring. placing and removing of all covering
material. and all other incidentals required for executing
(a) Providing and supplying ...... prime cost sum the work in accordance with the specifications.

(b) Handling, applying.

profit and all other costs . . . . . . . percentage of The tendered rate for subitem (b) shall also include full
prime cost sum compensation for cutting back in the existing surfacing.
treating and backfilling it, and disposing of excavated
Prime-cost sum will be paid for in terms of the general material, all as specified and to the satisfaction of the
conditions of contract for providing and supplying an engineer.


Nominal Nominal rates of application

CONTENTS size of
aggregate Tack coat Aggregate Bitumen
4501 SCOPE (mm) (litres of (m2 per rubber at
4502 MATERIALS net m3) spray
4503 CONSTRUCTION bitumen temperature
4504 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT cold per (litres per
m2) m2)

4501 SCOPE 19,O 1,o 75 1,8

13,2 0,8 110 1,6

This section covers the supplying and furnishing of

materials for the construction of a bituminous double seal.
The seal shall be constructed using either 19.0 m m plus (d) Second application of biminous binder and
9,5 m m aggregate, or 19,O m m plus 6,7 m m aggregate, or aggregate
13,2 m m plus 6.7 m m aggregate, or 13,2 m m plus
4,75 m m aggregate, of the specified grade, whichever is The bituminous binder specified by the engineer shall be
shown in the schedule of quantities. If other sizes and applied and followed by the second layer of aggregate of
combinations are required it k i l l be specified in the project the size specified in the project specifications or as ordered
specifications and shown in the schedule of quantities. by the engineer.

The nominal rates of application given in table 450312 shall

Note: be for purposes of tendering only and the actual rates of
application shall be as determined by the engineer.
Section 4300 : Seals : Materials and General Requirements
shall apply to this section. Table 450312

4502 MATERIALS Nominal size Nominal rates of application

of aggregate
(mm) Binder (litres of Aggregate
The materials shall comply with the requirements of section net bitumen cold (m2 per m3)
4300. per m2)

9,5 1,o 165

6-7 0,8 200
4,75 06 250

(a) Application of tack coat and first layer of aggregate

The second application of binder shall preferably take
The binder of the type and grade required, and the place within 48 hours of the application of the tack coat
aggregate of the size and grade specified in the schedule when bitumen is used for the tack coat and not less than
of quantities or ordered by the engineer, shall be applied ten days of the application of the tack coat when cut-back
as specified in subsubclause 4307(b)(i). bitumen is used in tack coat (ie new work).

The nominal rates of application given in table 450311 shall (e) lnitial rolling of second layer
be for the purposes of tendering only and the actual rates
of application shall be as determined by the engineer. Initial rolling of the second layer of aggregate shall be
carried out as specified in subclause 4307(b).

The use of cut-back bitumen in the tack coat will only be

permitted under special circumstances. (1) Broom drag and final rolling of second layer

Dragging and final rolling of the second layer of aggregate

@) lnitial rolling shall be carried out as specified in subsubclause
lnitial rolling shall be carried out as specified in
subsubclause 4307(b)(ii).

(c) Broom drag and final rolling of aggregate When required by the project specifications or if so
directed by the engineer in writing, a fog spray of 60% or
Dragging and final rolling of aggregate shall be carried out 30% anionic or cationic bitumen emulsion shall be applied
as specified in subsubclause 4307(b)(iii). to the surface of the second layer of aggregate by means
of a pressure sprayer at the rate of application specified by (e) 60% spray-grade emulsion
the engineer. (state typo) . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(h) Recoating of aggregate (f) 30% anionic spray-grade

emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
When required b y the project specifications or if so
directed b y the engineer, the aggregate shall be precoated (g) MC-3000cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
with an approved precoating fluid.
(h) Bitumen-rubber (specify the
type and composition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
(i) Homogeneous modified binder
(indicate type) hot applied . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(j) Homogeneous modified binder

45.01 Double seals using: (indicate type) cold applied . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(a) 19,Om m and 9.5rnrn (k) Precoating fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre(!)

aggregate (state grades of
aggregate and types of The unit of measurement of bituminous binder in respect
binders to be used) . . . . . . . . square metre (m') of variations in the specified rates of application shall be a
litre. measured at spraying temperature. The contractor
(b) 19.0 m m and 6.7 m m rnust note that the nominal rates of application are
aggregate (state grades of specified for net bitumen cold. except for bitumen-rubber.
aggregate and types of
binders to be used) . . . . . . . . square metre (m7) Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
(c) 13,2rnrn and 6.7 mrn
aggregate (state grades of
aggregate and types of Item Unit
binder to be used) . . . . . . . . square metre (m7)
45.03 Aggregate variations (state grade):
(d) 13,2m m and 4.75m m
aggregate (state grades of (a) 19.0m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
aggregate and types of
binder to be used) . . . . . . . . square metre lm7) (b) 13.2m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)

The unit of measurement shall be square metre of (c) 9.5m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
completed and accepted surface treatment.
(d) 6.7m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
The tendered rate shall include full compensation. inter
alia, for furnishing all materials. marking the centre line or fe) 4.75m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
reference lines, spraying of binder. spreading of aggregate.
rolling, removing of dust or deleterious material, supplying The unit of measurement with respect to variations in the
of water and spraying of haul roads and construction rate of application of aggregate shall be the cubic metre of
roads, trimming the edges of the completed surface, and aggregate measured in the truck.
all other incidentals necessary for completing the work as
specified, except the application of a fog spray and Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
precoating of aggregate, which shall be paid for separately 1213.

Item Unit Unit

45.02 Bituminous binder variations: 45.04 Application of fog

spray consisting of:
(a) 8 4 road-grade bitumen or
1501200 penetration grade bitumen . . . . . litre (I) (a) 60% spray-grade emulsion
(state anionic or cationic) . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(b) 08 road-grade bitumen or (b) 30" spray-grade emulsion

801100 penetration grade bitumen . . . . . . litre (I) (state anionic or cationic) . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

The unit of measurement shall be the litre of emulsion

(c) 70% spray-grade emulsion sprayed as specified and measured at the application
(state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) temperature

The tendered rate per litre of emulsion shall include full

(d) 65% spray-grade emulsion compensation for procuring and furnishing the binder and
(state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) applying the fog spray as specified.
The prime cost sum will be paid for in terms of the general
conditions of contract for providing and supplying an
45.05 Precoating aggregate approved wetting agent to the precoating fluid as specified
(indicate precoating fluid) .... cubic metre (m') or as may he directed hy the engineer.

The unit of measurement for the precoating of aggregate

shall be the cubic metre of aggregate so t~eatedmeasured The tendered percentage of the prinie cost sum shall
in hauling vehicles or in stockpile. include full cornpensation for handling the material, storing
and introducing it into the rnix. including any equipment
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for rerluired. and for all other charges and profit.
furnishing the equipment and materials arid ;recoatirig the
aggregate as specified, including the handling. stockpiling
arid protecting of the stockpiles against inclernent weather. Item Unit

45.07 &tra over item 45.01 for

Unit work in areas inaccessible
to mechanical equipment .. . square metre (m2)
45.06 Mdiion of --ng agent
(state type): The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
additional costs for executing the work in areas
(a) Providing and supplying . . . . . . prime cost sum inaccessible to mecl>anicalequipment.

(b) Handling, applying, profit

and all other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . percentageof Pay~nentwill not distinguish between ttie various types of
prime cost hinders or various sizes or grades of aggregate.

SECTION 4600 : BITUMINOUS SINGLE SEAL WITH The binder used for slurry shall be an anionic or cationic
SLURRY (CAPE SEAL) stable-grade emulsion (60% bitumen).


4601 SCOPE
4602 GRADES OF BINDER TO BE USED (a) Application of tack coat and aggregate
4604 SLURRY The binder of the type and grade required, and the
4605 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT aggregate of the size specified in the schedule of
quantities or ordered by the engineer, shall be applied as
specified in subsubclause 4307(b)(i) at the rates as ordered
4601 SCOPE by the engineer. The nominal rates of application given in
table 460311 shall be used for the purposes of tendering.

This section covers the construction of a seal consisting of Table 460311

the application of a tack coat, spreading of 19,O m m or
13,2 m m aggregate, as specified, a further application of
bituminous binder coat and the application of the slurry in Nominal Nominal rates of application
one or two coats. size of
net bitumen (m2 per m3)
Section 4300 : Seals : Materials and General Requirements cold per m2)
applies to this section.


(a) Tack coat @) Initial rolling

The tack coat shall consist of one of the following binders, Initial rolling shall be carried out as specified in
whichever is specified in the project specifications or the subsubclause 4307(b) (ii).
schedule of quantities or as ordered by the engineer:

(i) Conventional binders (c) Broom drag and final rolling of aggregate

(1) Road-grade bitumen (84 or 88) Dragging and final rolling of aggregate shall be carried out
as specified in subsubclause 4307(b)(iii).
(2) MC-3000 cut-back bitumen

(3) 60%, 65% or 70% spray-grade emulsion (d) Second application of bituminous binder

(ii) Non-homogeneous modified binders The required binder shall be sprayed at the rate prescribed
by the engineer. This shall be done at least 2 days after
(1) Rubber-bitumen (summer grade) application of the tack coat and the aggregate.

(2) Rubber-bitumen (winter grade) For tender purposes a nominal rate of 0.33 t l m 2 (net
bitumen cold) shall be used for 13,2 m m aggregate and for
(iii) Homogeneous modified binders 19 m m aggregate.

(1) 5% latex cationic emulsion


@) Second application of binder

(a) Condition of surface
The second application of binder shall consist of one of the
following binders, whichever is specified in the project The surface shall be rolled once with a light flat-wheeled
specifications or the schedule of quantities or as ordered roller early in the morning on the day of sealing to depress
by the engineer: any loose stones that may have been displaced.

30% or 60% spray-grade emulsion. The surface shall be cleaned to remove all dust, mud,
leaves, etc, and shall have a uniform closely knit
Where further dilution of the emulsion is required, the appearance, with edges trimmed correctly to the specified
provisions of TRH3 shall be observed. width.
@) Timing of slurry application (ii) Continuous mixer

The slurry shall be applied only after the final spray has Aggregate and filler contained in separate bins shall be fed
cured or dried out (which usually takes at least 2 days). through metering devices at controlled rates to the mixer.
Water and bitumen emulsion contained in separate tanks
shall similarly be pumped to the mixer at controlled rates
(c) Composition of slurry through metering devices. The mixing of the slurry shall
be at a suitable rate adjusted to ensure complete blending
The slurry shall conslst of a mix of the grade of slurry of the Ingredients and uniformity of mix.
aggregate ordered by the engineer and specified in
subsubclause 4302(b)(ii) together with a 60% stable-grade (8) Application of slurry
emulsion, filler and water in the proportions as directed by
the engineer. The following proportions shall apply for The method of application specified in the project
tendering purposes only: specifications shall be used.

Slurry aggregate (saturated Before slurry is applied, the road surface shall be
volume) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 m' thoroughly cleaned and lightly sprinkled with water but no
free water shall be present on the surface when the slurry
Stable-grade emulsion at mixing is applied.
temperature (state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 1
The slurry shall be applied in two layers In the case of
Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.01 m3 19,O m m chippings and in one layer in the case of
13,2 m m chippings, unless otherwise specified in the
Water (as directed by the project specifications or ordered by the engineer.
engineer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .approx 235 1
The nominal rate of application of slurry shall be as follows
If specified in the project specifications, the composition of for a seal using -
the slurry shall be based on the following mass proportions
for tender purposes: 13,2 m m aggregate ........... 166 m'/m3 one layer

Slurry aggregate (dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 19,O m m aggregate 125 m2/m3total for

two layers
Stable-grade emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
If speclfied In the project specifications, the nomlnal rate of
Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 - 1,5 application of the slurry on a mass basis shall be taken as -
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ 15
13,2 m m aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,5 kg/m2
The saturated volume of slurry shall be determined by
applying a correction for bulking of moist aggregate, as 19,O m m aggregate ................... 9,5 kg/m2
described in item 46.05.
The rate of application of slurry shall be measured in cubic
metres of fine aggregate (saturated volume) contained in
(d) Mixing of slurry the slurry applied, per square metre of surfacing.

A mixer of a type approved by the engineer shall be The nominal rates of application given above are intended
provided in a good working order capable of producing a for tendering purposes only and the actual rates of
uniform slurry of the constituent materials. It may either be application on the site shall be as directed by the engineer.
a batch mixer or a continuous type mixer.
The slurry shall be placed in accordance with the
Material which, in the opinion of the engineer, is not requirements of TRM, unless otherwise specified.
properly mixed or in which the emulsion shows signs of
having broken during mixing shall not be applied to the When the slurry is applied in two layers, the first layer of
road. slurry shall be struck off level with the tops of the stones in
the aggregate layer so that, after application, the tops of
The slurry consistency when measured in accordance with the stones will be just visible.
ASTM D3910 section 6.1 shall be between 30 m m and
40 m m in order to achieve the required workability. The second layer of slurry shall not be applied until the first
layer has dried. If required by the engineer, the contractor
(i) Batch mixer shall open the road to traffic before the second layer of
slurry is applied. Rolling of the slurry shall commence after
The slurry shall be mixed in an approved type of mixer as the slurry has dried sufficiently unless otherwise approved
specified in subclause 4303(f). by the engineer. Each layer of slurry shall be roller
compacted by at least three roller passes with a 27 t
All the constituents of the slurry shall be accurately pneumatic-tyred roller. However, the second layer shall be
proportioned and due care and attention shall be given to compacted until the required in situ water permeability is
the sequence in which the ingredients are introduced into less than 1,O 1 l h when measured by means of an
the mixer and to the period of mixing. Mixing shall be approved method. The second layer shall be applied only
continued until the materials in each batch are thoroughly after sufficient time has been allowed for the first layer
blended. to cure. The engineer will decide on the time
necessary for proper curing, which will in any case be not
less than 24 hours.
46.02 Bituminous single seal
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt or with 13,2 mm aggregate and
foreign materials before the second layer of slurry is slurry (indicate type and
applied. grade of binder and grade
of aggregate) . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
For seals using 13,2 mm nominal sized chippings, the
slurry shall be applied In one layer only. The slurry shall The unit of measurement for the complete bituminous
also be struck off so that the tops of the stone chippings single seal with aggregate and slurry shall be the square
will be just visible after the emulsion has set and cured. metre.

When the slurry is applied, the squeegee squad shall be The tendered rates shall include full compensation, for
allowed to complete the spreading of each batch furnishing all materials, demarcating the working area,
discharged onto the road, using squeegees, before the spraying the binders, spreading the aggregates, rolling,
next is discharged. mixing and applying the slurry, and all other incidentals
necessary for completing the work as specified, including
Slurry shall be spread only by hand and not with a the watering of haul and construction roads in and about
spreader box. In order to adequately fill the volds with the site.
slurry, the squeegees shall be applied in a multi-directional
ltem Unit
The contractor shall ensure that either edge of the road
surface is finished to the specified widths and lines. All 46.03 Bituminous binder variations:
stones dislodged in the process of applying the slurry shall
be removed on the same day on which the slurry seal has (a) 84 road-grade bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
been applied. All spillage of slurry or excess slurry shall be
neatly removed form the road and buried. The second (b) 08 road-grade bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
layer of slurry shall extend to the edge of the primed
surface as indicated on the drawings. (c) MC-3000 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
(d) Spray-grade emulsion (30% bitumen) . . . litre (1)
The slurry batch shall be discharged onto the road in small
increments by means of a chute. The rate of application (0) Spray-grade emulsion (60% bitumen) . . . litre (1)
shall be measured by mass in kilogram of fine aggregate,
contained in the slurry applied, per square metre of (1) Spray-grade emulsion (65% bitumen) . . . litre (1)
(g) Spray-grade emulsion (70% bitumen) . . . litre (1)
The slurry shall be worked from side to side and criss-cross (h) Anionic stable-grade emulsion
with the aid of squeegees so as to fill as many spaces as (60% bltumen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
possible. In this case the final layer of slurry shall be
struck off flush with the tops of the stone chippings so as (i) Cationic stable-grade emulsion
to leave the chippings to be visible after the emulsion has (60% bitumen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
stiffened and hardened.
0) Rubber-bitumen (summer grade) . . . . . . . litre (1)
The slurry shall be applied to the full road width in one (k) Rubber-bitumen (winter grade) . . . . . . . . litre (1)
application. If so ordered by the engineer, the slurry may
be applied in half-widths of road, provided that the work is (I) 5% latex cationic emulsion . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
so programmed that the slurry is applied to both half-
widths on two successive days in order to complete a The unit of measurement in respect of variations shall be
section of full road width in two days. the litre of binder measured at spraying (or mixing)

Any damage to the slurry seal by rain or traffic before the Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
slurry has cured shall be rectified by the contractor at his 1213.
own expense.
Item Unit

4605 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 46.04 Aggregate variations:

(a) 13,2 mm nominal sized

Unit aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

46.01 Bituminous single seal (b) 19,O mm nominal sized

with 19,O mm aggregate and aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
slurry (indicate type and
grade of binder and grade The unit of measurement in respect of variations shall be
of aggregate) . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) the cubic metre of aggregate, measured loose in the truck.
Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clausp True (saturated) volume carried by the truck hopper:

h m Unit

46.05 Variation in the rate Item Unit

of application of the slurry . . . . cubic metre (m')
46.06 Slurry application rate
The unit of measurement for slurry variations shall be the variations . . . . . . . . ton (1)
cubic metre of saturated fine aggregate.
The unit of measurement for variations in the slurry
Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause application rate shall be a ton of aggregate contained in
1213. the slurry.

Every load of fine aggregate used for the slurry shall be Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
struck off with a straight-edge at the stockpile. and the 1213.
volume shall then be measured. and corrected for bulking.
The following method shall be used for calculating the
corrected volume of fine aggregate when determining the Item Unit
application rate of slurry:
46.07 Variation in active filler
The volume of a truck hopper filled with fine aggregate content (specify active filler) . . . . .. . . .. ton (1)
shall be carefully measured in cubic metres (say A cubic
metres). The unit of measurement in respect of increases or
decreases in the active filler content from that specified in
A representative sample of aggregate shall be obtained the nominal mix for tender purposes shall be the ton. No
from the conveyor belt feeding the mixer. 1 000 m l of the payment shall be made for inert filler added by the
sample shall be placed in a plastic measuring cylinder and contractor.
dropped ten times through a height of 50 m m onto a
wooden table, after which the volume of aggregate in the Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause
cylinder shall then be measured in millilitres (say B 1213.

The sample in the cylinder shall then be saturated with Item Unit
water and water shall be added until it covers the
aggregate by 50 mm. The mixture shall be shaken well. 46.08 Extra over iterns 46.01 and
and the cylinder containing the aggregate and water 46.02for work in areas
placed on a horizontal surface allowing the aggregate to inaccessible to medranical
settle until the liquid above the aggregate clears sufficiently equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m')
for a reading to be taken of the volurne of the saturated
aggregate, in millilitres (say C rnillilitres). The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
additional costs for executing the work in areas
The saturated volume of the aggregate in the hopper of the inaccessible to mechanical equipment.
truck shall be calculated from the following formula, and
payment for the slurry application variations shall be made Payment will not distinguish between the various types of
in accordance with this formula: binders or various sizes or grades of aggregate.


Irrespective of the type of seal applications on the road on
both sides of the bridge, asphalt surfacing shall be
CONTENTS constructed in accordance with section 4200, and seals for
bridge decks in accordance with section 4300.
4701 SCOPE
4706 SURFACE TOLERANCES The completed surfacing shall comply with the
4707 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT requirements for base of clause 3405 in respect of surface
tolerances for grade, smoothness, cross section and width.

4701 SCOPE

This section covers the construction of a bituminous

surfacing on bridge decks where shown on the drawings or
ordered by the engineer. Asphalt surfacing of bridge decks
is specified in section 4200 47.01 Surfacing on bridge deck
(indicate type and thickness) .......... ton (1)

4702 MATERIALS The unit of measurement shall be the ton of surfacing

completed to the nominal thickness indicated.

Bituminous binders and aggregate shall comply with the

requirements of section 4200 for asphalt surfacing and The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
section 4300 for other bituminous seals. procuring and furnishing all materials, heating the binder
and aggregate. mixing. transporting, placing and
compacting the material, and the provision and application
4703 PREPARATION ON SURFACE of the slurry. The rate shall also include full compensation
for variations in thickness within the specified tolerance for
bridge deck levels and for the application of a tack coat.
Before the surfacing is constructed. the concrete deck shall
be thoroughly cleaned by washing and brushing to remove
all loose material. After drying. a tack coat consisting of Rolled-in chippings will be paid for separately under item
30% bituminous emulsion shall be applied to the surface 47.02.
at a rate of 0,4 Llm2. The tack coat shall then be allowed
to dry. Asphalt surfacing of bridge decks will be paid for under
section 4200.


Item Unit

The type and nominal thickness of the surfacing shall be 47.02 Rolledin chippings
as indicated on the drawings and specified in the schedule (nominal size indicated) in
of quantities. surfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)

Before commencing with the construction of the surfacing. The unit of measurement shall be the ton of rolled-in
the actual levels of the bridge deck shall be determined by chippings applied at the specified rate, measured loose in
means of accurate levelling. The levels and grades to hauling vehicles.
which the surfacing is to be constructed shall be as shown
on the drawings or as indicated by the engineer. If the
levels of the concrete deck as constructed by the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
contractor deviate by more than the specified tolerances procuring. furnishing. precoating. spreading and rolling in
from the specified levels, he shall construct a levelling layer of precoated chippings and for any additional costs
at his own cost. The nominal size of the aggregate in the resulting from more difficult construction of the asphalt
levelling layer shall be 9.5 rnm. surfacing with rolled-in chippings.
SERIES 4000 : ASPHALT PAVEMENTS AND SEALS the binder will have a net rubber content equal to 10% of
the net bitumen content.

30%, 40%. 50% or 60% cationic or anionic spray-grade

CONTENTS emulsion shall be used in accordance with the
4801 SCOPE
4802 MATERIALS (v) Tack coat for texturing
4804 CONSTRUCTION 60% anionic or cationic spray-grade emulsion shall be
4807 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT (vi) Slurry-seal

The following shall be used:

4801 SCOPE
Tack coat : 30% stable-grade emulsion

This section covers the work in connection with the Slurry seal : 60% slurry-grade emulsion
treatment of existing road surfaces exhibiting certain
defects. It covers the treatment of existing seals where: (vii) Screed

(a) The existing surface is deficient in binder 30% bitumen emulsion shall be used for the tackcoat, and
the binder for the asphalt shall be 80/100 penetration-grade
(b) Marked differences in texture occur over the (88 road grade) bitumen unless otherwise specified in the
surface. project specifications.

(c) The existing surface is open-textured. (viii) Binder in asphalt for patching

(d) The surface is uneven on account of bumps. slacks. Tack coat : 60% stable-grade emulsion
Asphalt : 801100 penetration-grade (BE road
(e) Edges require trimming and/or repairs. grade) bitumen

It also covers planing of the road surface, fog spraying. (ix) Bitumen rubber
texturing, slurry sealing, screeding, sealing cracks and
building up broken edges with asphalt. Bitumen rubber shall comply with the requirements of
clause 4302. The softening point shall be at approximately
65 "C.

Section 4300 : Seals : Materials and general requirements @) Rubber crumbs

shall apply to this section.
Rubber crumbs used for crack sealing shall be obtained by
processing rubber tyres. The rubber shall be granulated
48M MATERIALS and free from fibres. steel wire and other impurities. The
rubber crumbs shall pass through a 2.0 m m sieve.

(a) Biminous binders (c) Herbicide

(i) The type or grade of binder used shall be as Herbicide shall be Hyvar X or a similar non-selective
specified in the project specifications or the schedule of herbicide approved by the engineer.
quantities or as ordered by the engineer. Bituminous
binders shall comply with the appropriate requirements of
section 4300. 4803 PLANT AND EQUlPMENl

(ii) Primer for sealing cracks

(a) Planing machine
The primer shall be an invert bitumen emulsion
manufactured from 80/100 penetration-grade bitumen such The machine shall be of a design which will be suitable for
as MSPI1 or similar. planing the existing surfacing in order to remove any
irregularities and to leave an even surface without tearing
(iii) Emulsion for crack treatment the underlying material. An approved milling machine may
be used.
Anionic stable-grade bitumen emulsion shall be used.
Before planing may start, the contractor shall demonstrate
Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications. to the engineer that the machine is in fact capable of
synthetic modifiers shall be added to the emulsion so that executing the work in accordance with the specifications.
@) Equipment for crack-sealing Aggregate .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 0,0045 m3/m2

Over and above the equipment normally used for surface The actual rates of application shall be as instructed by the
treatments, the following additional equipment will be engineer.
necessary for the sealing of cracks:
It is anticipated that spraying and spreading may have to
(i) A vibratory roller having a mass approximately be carried out in narrow strips varying in width from 0,5 m
equal to that of a Bomag 905 or similar, with an adjustable to 2,O m. The emulsion shall be allowed to break before
amplitude and frequency of vibration. the aggregate is applied.

(ii) A mobile pneumatic pump capable of producing at As soon as the aggregate has been spread, patches where
least 3 m31minat 750 kPa for blowing out cracks. it has not been spread evenly shall be corrected by
brooming the patch with a hand broom or a llght
(iii) Special spraying equipment with 2 mm nozzle dragbroom.
openings and provided with resewe nozzles.
Rolling shall be done as specified in subsubclause
(iv) Special heating equipment where appropriate for 4307(b)(ii). Any excess aggregate remaining on the road
cleaning cracks, and custom-built applicators for applying after it has been opened to traffic for two days or more
sealants to cracks. shall be removed.

This treatment, or a sand seal as specified In section 4900,

(c) Mher equipment is intended for application where marked differences in
texture occur In the existing surfaclng, in order to obtain a
All equipment shall be suitable for the specified use and uniform texture before resealing.
working areas and shall be capable of obtaining the
specified results.
(c) Slurry seal

4804 CONSTRUCTION Slurry seal shall comply with the requirements of section
4600. This treatment shall be used when an exlsting
surface treatment, which is open-textured, requires
Before any treatment is carried out, the area to be treated treatment with bituminous slurry.
shall be cleaned and prepared as specified in subclause
4304(d), and any major failures shall be repaired as
specified In this section and in the project specifications. Prior to treatment with a slurry, the surface shall be
sprayed with a tack coat of 30% bitumen emulsion of the
(a) Treatment with diluted biiminous emulsion (fog type and at the rate prescribed by the engineer.
A distinction shall be made In respect of payment for the
This treatment will be applied where In the opinion of the following two methods of construction:
engineer the existing surface is deficisnt in binder.
(i) Where the slurry can be applied by hand methods
The treatment shall consist of the application of a fog spray only or where the engineer so directs or where it is
of the specified grade of bituminous emulsion to the specified that the slurry shall be applied by hand methods.
existing surface by means of a pressure distributor at the
rates of application as directed by the engineer, in widths (ii) Where the slurry can be applied mechanically with
that may vary from 0,5 m to 4,O m. A 30%, 40%, 50% or a spreader box.
60% cationic or anionic spray grade emulsion, as specified,
shall be used. The slurry shall be prepared, mixed and applied as
specified in subclauses 4604(c), (d) and (e), except that -

@) Texturing slurry to be applied by hand can be mixed in a suitable

1 concrete mixer and worked into cracks or other open
A tack coat of cut-back bitumen, 84 or B8 road-grade patches with brooms or squeegees until the surface is
bitumen, or the specified type and grade of emulsion shall smooth and even; and
be applied to the surface as specified In subsubclause
4307(b)(i) followed by an application of double-washed where a spreader box is used for applying the slurry, it
crusher sand. The crusher sand shall be the medium shall be applied in one layer.
grade specified for slurry in subsubclause 4302(b)(ii), but
shall be on the coarse side of the grading envelope, and A nominal rate of application of 0,0040 m'/m2 shall apply
shall be subject to the engineer's approval. for tender purposes.

The nominal rates of application shall be:

Cut-back bitumen : 0,70 1of net bitumenlm2 This treatment is used where the road surface is uneven
and where depressions, humps or small grooves occur,
84 or BE road grade bitumen : 0,70 1of net bitumenlm2 which, in the opinion of the engineer, are the result of the
deformation of the pavement layers, but not of structural
Emulsion .... .......... .. . 0,70 1net bitumenlm2 failure of the pavement.
Where both planing and screening are specified, the exposed shall be swept clean, watered, and If so
screed shall be placed after the planing has been instructed, compacted. It shall then be tack coated as
completed. specified. The edges shall then be built up with medium
continuously-graded asphalt in accordance wlth table
Where milling is required, it shall be done in accordance 420217. The built-up edges shall be properly compacted
with the requirements of section 3800. and finished in accordance with the required lines and
The existing surface of the surfacing shall be swept clean
or cleaned by other approved methods to be free from (f) Sealing cracks
dust, soil, gravel, loose stones or any other undesirable
material. A tack coat of 30% anionic stable-grade emulsion (i) General
shall then be applied at a rate prescribed by the engineer
on the site. The types of cracks treated will be specified in the project
specifications. The engineer will instruct the contractor
The bituminous material used for the screed shall be regarding the type of treatment to be used in the various
asphalt or coarse slurry as specified in the project cases.
(ii) Preparation
(i) Asphalt
The cracks shall be blown clean with compressed air, and
The asphalt shall consist of a medium or fine-grade all foreign and loose matter shall be removed from the
continuously graded asphalt, proportioned as specified in cracks.
table 420217. The actual grade of the mix used shall be in
accordance with the instruction of the engineer or as A supply of approved herbicide diluted in accordance with
determined by the required thickness of the screed. the requirements of the project specifications shall be
prepared. The solution shall be sprayed into cracks on the
The asphalt shall be produced, transported, placed and surfaced shoulders of the road or on such extended area
compacted as specified in section 4200, as applicable. as specified in the project specifications by means of
The paver shall be so adjusted that the straight-edge blade rucksack type of sprayers, and allowed to dry.
will screed off high spots on the existing surface and the
asphalt will therefore be placed only in depressions. Twenty-four hours after application of the herblcide, the
Where high spots have been planed down, the stralght- cracks shall be penetrated with MSPIl or a similar suitable
edge blade shall operate over the planed surface. The primer.
screed shall nevertheless comply with the specified
standards for evenness. Where the required asphalt (iii) Cracks smaller than 3 mm
thickness exceeds 25 mm at any position, such sections of
the screed shall be placed in more than one layer if so Cracks smaller than 3 mm shall be treated with an
instructed by the engineer. Such layerthicknesses shall be emulsion or by means of resealing of the surface.
in accordance with the instructions of the engineer.
(iv) Cracks of 3 mm and wider
Where the surface of the screed breaks up, a slurry-seal
treatment shall be applied in accordance with subclause (c) After the primer has been applied, anionic stable-grade
above, or the screed shall be removed and replaced, all at emulsion shall be mixed with synthetic modifiers, as
the cost of the contractor. specified in the project specifications, and applied by
means of pneumatic spraying equipment or other
(ii) Coarse slurry approved equipment at the rate specified in the project
The aggregate for coarse slurry shall comply with the
requirements for coarse grading in subclause 4302(b). The Where the cracks are to be rolled, the contractor, in
slurry shall be prepared and applied in accordance with the accordance with the provisions of the project specifications
requirements in the project specifications. or the prescriptions of the engineer, shall treat the cracks
as follows:
(iii) Requirements for evenness
The surface shall be heated in an approved manner along
When a completed screed surface is tested, it shall not the full length of the crack and over a width of 250 mm on
deviate by more than 6 mm from the bottom edge of a each side of the crack and then rolled with approved rollers
3 m straight-edge placed in any direction. until an even surface has been obtained.

Depending on the instructions of the engineer, the cracks

(e) Repairing edge breaks in surfacing shall be treated with cold rubber slurry, hot bitumen
rubber, or any other approved sealant.
This treatment shall be used for restoring the road edges
to the true edge lines of the original road or to such other Where, in the opinion of the engineer, the cracks are too
edge line as may be required. wide for this type of treatment, the contractor shall treat the
cracks in accordance with the instructions of the engineer.
The existing surfacing shall be cut back and the pavement
material shall be excavated as specified in clause 3905. (1) Rubber slurry

Where the surfacing, after having been cut back, requires The rubber slurry mixture shall be proportioned as follows
building up to bring it to the required width, the surface so (by volume):
8,O parts of rubber crumbs Material removed beyond the specified limits shall be
2,O parts of crusher dust replaced by the contractor at his own cost and to the
4,5 parts of 60% cationic stable grade bitumen emulsion satisfaction of the engineer.
0,2 parts of ordinary portland cement
1,l part of SBR (net rubber). After planlng has been completed, depressions over whlch
the planlng machine has moved without touching the
Water may be added to improve workability. The mixture surface, and which fall outside the specified smoothness
shall be neatly worked into the cracks by rubber requirements, shall be filled In as specified, or, If so
squeegees. Excess slurry shall be removed from the instructed by the engineer, a screed shall be placed as
surface as soon as the emulslon has broken. specified in subclause 4804(d).

(2) Bitumen rubber Payment will be made only for filling in depressions which
existed In the original surface. Depressions formed as a
Bitumen rubber may be used only where the contractor Is result of the activities of the contractor shall be filled in at
able to convince the engineer that he Is able to mix, heat his own cost.
and apply the material satisfactorily.
Upon completion, the entire treated surface, or where
The bitumen rubber shall be mixed on the site or at depressions have not been filled in, then the planed
another approved locality on condition that the contractor surface, shall be tested for levelness, and, unless otherwise
is able to propose efficacious methods for controlling both specified in the project specifications,the surface shall not
the mixing process and the end product. deviate by more than 6 mm from the bottom edge of the
3 m straight-edge placed in any direction.
Approved heating equlpment and mechanical equipment
for mixing and applying the mixture shall be used. (it) Fog spraying of planed surfaces

The rubber content of the mix shall be at least 25% by After the planing operation has been compieted, the
mass of the total bitumen-rubber mix. planed surface or, if so directed by the engineer, the entire
levelled surface, shall be sprayed with a 30% spray-grade
(3) Other sealants emulsion which has been further diluted if necessary in
accordance with the instructions of the engineer and at a
Other approved sealants shall comply with and be applied rate of application to be determined by the engineer. The
In accordance with the requirements of the project surface shall then be rolled with approved pneumatic
specifications. rollers until it has dried off sufficiently and, in the opinion
of the engineer, can be opened to traffic.
(v) Restrictions

Cracks may be sealed only where the temperature of the 4805 OPENING TO TFWFFIC
road surface exceeds 10°C. Crack sealing may not be
done wlthin 3 days after rain has fallen on the site, unless
otherwise instructed by the engineer. The opening of the road to traffic shall be subject to the
requirements of clause 431 1.
The contractor shall note that a single application of crack
sealant is usually insufficient and that the application will The road shall be left open to traffic for such period as the
have to be repeated. engineer may direct before further surface treatment work
is carried out.

(g) Fk&e&ment of me road surfam by means of


(i) Planing
The requirements of subsubclauses 4307(b)(iv) and
Planing shall be done with an approved planing or milling 4307(b)(v)regarding joints between sprayed strips, and the
machine. The work involves the planing down of high protection of kerbs, channels, barriers, wails, etc, shall be
spots or ridges In the existing asphalt surfacing in observed.
accordance with the specified level requirements. The full
width of the road or sections of the road may be planed,
depending on the instructions of the engineer. 4807 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The planed surface shall be even without any ridges or
steps between the longitudinal cuts. Where planing is 48.01 Trealrnent with diluted b i m i n o u s
required over a portion of the road width, the edge of the emulsion (fog spray):
planed section shall be vertical and straight. The planed
surface shall be of such a nature that the road can be (a) 30% bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
opened to traffic immediately if so required by the
engineer. (b) 40% bitumen emulsion ............. litre ( I )

(c) 50% bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

Material planed off shall be transported to stockpiles for
recycling, or to spoil dumps, whichever is required. (d) 60% bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre ( I )
The unit of measurement for treatment with diluted
bituminous emulsion (fog spray) shall be the litre of
bituminous emulsion sprayed, measured at spraying 48.04 Screed of asphall or coarse slurry:
(a) Tack coat using 30% stable-
grade bitumen emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (I)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
cleaning and preparing the existing surface, for furnishing (b) Continuously-graded
the material and applying the fog spray and for all other asphalt (specify grade) .............. ton (1)
incidentals necessary for completing the work as specified.
(c) Coarse grade slurry . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')

Item Unit The unit of measurement for the tack coat shail be the litre
of emulsion applied. measured at spraying temperature.
48.02 Texturing: The unit of measurement for asphalt shall be the ton of
asphalt placed according to the specifications. The unit of
(a) Tack coat (specify binder) ........... litre ( I ) measurement for coarse grade slurry shail be the cubic
metre of aggregate mix used in the slurry.
(b) Application of slurry seal
with double-washed
aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The tendered rate for tack coat shall include full
compensation for procuring, furnishing and applying the
The unit of measurement for binder application for the tack tack coat and demarcating the areas to be sprayed, and for
coat shall be the litre of net bitumen cold as specified in all incidentals necessary for completing the work as
clause 4308. The unit of measl~rementfor the slurry seal soecified.
with double-washed aggregate shall be the cubic metre of
aggregate applied, measured loose in the truck and The tendered rate for asphalt shall include full
corrected for bulking as described in item 46.05. compensation for procuring. furnishing and mixing all the
materials, for placing the asphalt and for all transport and
other incidentals necessary to complete the work as
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for specified.
furnishing all materials, demarcating the areas to be
sprayed, spraying the binder and applying the aggregate. The tendered rate for slurry shall include full compensation
rolling, sweeping and all other incidentals necessary for for all materials. equipment and labour for producing and
completing the work as specified. applying the slurry, irrespective of the number of
applications required to attain the required thickness.

Item Unil
Item Unit

48.05 Repairing edge breaks in surfacing:

(a) Tack coat using 30%
bitumen emulsion (specify type (a) Tack coat (specify type and
and rate of application) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1) rate of application) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )

(b) Reconstructing edges using

(b) Slurry applied by hand . . . . . . cubic metre (m7) medium continuously-graded asphalt . . . ton (1)

(c) Slurry applied by The unit of measurement for the tack coat shall be the litre
spreader box . . . cubic metre (m') of specified emulsion applied as specified and measured
at spraying temperature.

(d) Slurry applied by hand . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (tl The unit of measurement for reconstructing pavement
edges shall be the ton of medium continuously-graded
(e) Slurry applied by spreader box . . . . . . . . ton (1) asphalt furnished and compacted as specified.

The unit of measurement for tack coat shall be the litre of The tendered rate for reconstructing pavement edges shall
emulsion measured at spraying temperature and applied include full compensation for compacting the surface on
as specified. The unit of measurement for slurry shall be which the new edge is to be constructed and procuring.
the cubic metre of saturated fine aggregate used. furnishing and mixing all materials and placing.
measured as described in item 46.05. or the ton of compacting and trimming the asphalt to the required lines
saturated fine aggregate used. as specified. and levels It shall also include full compensation for
applying a tack coat of emulsion to the surface to be
The tendered rates shail include full compensation for
procuring and furnishing all the materials, for mixing and
applying the slurry, demarcating all areas to be treated and The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
for all plant, labour and incidentals necessary to complete transport. handling. labour. material and all incidentals
the work as specified. necessary to complete all the work. complete as specified.
Item Unit ltem Unit

48.06 Cleaning the cracks with 4.09 Rollingthecradts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
The unit of measurement shall b e a metre of crack rolled
to the satisfaction of the engineer.
The unit of measurement for cleaning the cracks with
compressed air shall be a kilornetre of road along which all The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
the cracks have been blown clean. rolling the cracks complete as specified.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for ltem Unit
providing all equipment. labour, supervision and
incidentals for blowing clean the cracks over the full width 48.10 Planing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
of the road to the satisfaction of the engineer.
The unit of measurement shall b e a net square metre of
road surface planed in accordance with the specifications.
ltem Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
48.07 Applying bituminous binders and planing, for obtaining the required surface regularity to a
herbicides for sealing cracks: maximum depth of 25 m m . collecting. loading and
removing the planed material over a free-haul distance of
(a) Herbicide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (I) 1.0 km. for all plant movement over the site as instructed
b y the engineer. and for providing planing and other
(b) MSPI1 or similar primer . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (I) equipment. labour. supervision and incidentals for
completing the work in accordance with the specifications.
(c) Anionic stable-grade emulsion mixed including filling u p irregularities caused b y the contractor.
with synthetic modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I ) Any planing of deeper than 25 m m will be classified as
(d) Hot bitumen rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1)

(e) Other specified agents (type ltem Unit

indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
4 . 1 1 Fog spraying o n planed surfaces:

The unit of measurement shall be a litre of material applied (a) Hand spraying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre ( I )
as specified or as instructed b y the engineer.
(b) Spraying with mechanical equipment .. litre ( I )

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement shall be a litre of 30% spray-
providing, mixing, heating (where required) and applying grade emulsion sprayed on planed surfaces on the
all the materials as specified. and for all equipment. labour. instruction of the engineer.
supervision and incidentals for completing the work. No
additional payment will be made for multiple applications The tendered rate shall include full compensation for fog
of material, and payment will not distinguish between the spraying on planed surfaces complete as specified.
various types, widths or lengths of cracks.

ltem unit
Item Unit
4 . 1 2 Rolling planed surfaces . . . . . . square metre of
48.08 Cold rubber-slurry mix for roller passes (m2-pass)
sealing cracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of roller-
pass with an approved pneumatic roller on planed surfaces
The unit of measurement for crack treatment with rubber as may be directed b y the engineer.
slurry shall be a cubic metre of fine rubber crumbs csed
for preparing the mix.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
rolling of planed surfaces complete as specified.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring and providing all the material. including
emulsion, synthetic modifiers. cement and water. and for Item Unit
mixing and applying the mixture. and for all equipment.
labour, supervision, and incidentals for executing the work 48.13 Filling depressions in planed
in accordance with the specifications. surfaces (asphatt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)

The unit of measurement shall b e a ton of asphalt of the

Payment will not b e made for redundant rubber pellets or specified composition placed in depressions in planed
redundant mixture or for mixture which. in the opinion of surfaces. measured in accordance with certified
the engineer, has been wasted. weighbridge tickets.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the asphalt.
filling of depressions in planed surfaces complete as
Where a screed is placed, payment will be made under
No extra payment will be made for small quantities of item 48.04.


(a) Equipment

CONTENTS The following equlpment shall be readily available on the

4901 SCOPE
4902 GRADE OF BINDER TO BE USED (i) Pneumatlc-tyred rollers
4903 SAND
4904 CONSTRUCTION (11) A rotary broom
(ill) A drag broom

4901 SCOPE (iv) Mechanical aggregate spreaders.

This section covers the supply and application of all @) Reparation of surface before appllcalion of seal
materials used for constructing sand seals on new pavings.
The surface of the base shall be rolled and swept until a
Note: fine texture Is obtained. The base shall then be primed in
accordance wlth the provlslons of section 4100 and as
Section 4300 : Seals : Materials and general requirements instructed by the englneer.
shall apply to this section.
The road shall be cleaned of all loose or deleterious
materlal before the sand seal is applied.

(c) Application of sand seal

The grades of binder specifled in the project specifications
or in the schedule of quantities or ordered by the engineer The tack coat shall be applied at 1,O f l m 2 net bitumen
shall be used: cold, and, immediately after the coat has been spread, the
aggregate shall be distributed thereon at a rate of
Amongst others the following binders may be used: 0,007 m'/m2 and rolled wlth pneumatic-tyred rollers.
Where emulsions are used, the aggregate shall be applied
MC-800 cut-back bitumen only after the emulsions have broken partially.

MC3000 cut-back bitumen During the rolling process, any uneven appiication of sand
shall be rectified with a light broom drag or other suitable
Spray-grade emulsion (65% or 70% of net bitumen) apparatus.

1501200 penetration-grade (84 road grade) bitumen. Where an emulsion is required to be applied in two
applications, the surface can be opened to controlled traffic
after the first application of emulsion and sand, as soon as
4903 SAND it is convenient to do so. The second application of
emulsion and sand may be applied when the first
application has cured sufficiently for it to take the traffic
The grading of the sand may vary to a fair degree, but the
conditions of table 490311 shall be met: without requiring brooming back of the sand. All loose
sand and deleterious material shall be removed from the
surface and any damaged or defective areas rectified
(a) Grading before the second application of binder and sand. While
the traffic Is using the road, the sand shall be continuously
Table 490311 broomed back onto the road until the binder has cured
sufficiently to retain the sand and until traffic does not
damage the surface. The sweeping-back process shall be
Sieve size Percentage by mass
done with a rotary broom or manually and may take as
passing through sieve
long as two months before the surface finally settles down.
Tenders shall be based on brooming back for up to five
0,300 0 - 15 times.
0,150 0-2
As wet sand is difficult to apply, the preparation of the
sand should be done well ahead of the actual construction
The sand shall be screened to ensure the removal of all to allow the sand to be fairly dry when it is applied. If the
material exceeding 6,7 mm. Water shall be used to assist
sand is not cleaned to the engineer's satisfaction by one
the screening process and to clean the sand of dust and
foreign matter. screening and washing operation, it shall be washed again
at no extra payment.

@) Sand equivalent Where required by the engineer, the sand shall be

precoated with an approved precoating agent, applied at
The sand equivalent shall be at least 35. a rate of 7 I l m ' . No precoating will be allowed where
emulsions are used as binders. (b) Brooming the sand back onto
the paved surface:

4905 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT (i) Mechanically .. .. . . . .. ... square metre (mZ)

(ii) Manually . .... . . . .... ... square metre (m2)

The unit of measurement for the application of sand shall

49.01 Application of tack coat: be the cubic metre of sand applied to the road as
specified, measured in the trucks or in the stockpiles. The
(a) MC-800 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1) unit of measurement for brooming back the sand shall be
the square metre of authorized paved surface onto which
(b) MC-3000 cut-back bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . litre (L) the sand is broomed back.

(c) Spray-grade emulsion

(65% net bitumen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre (1) The tendered rate for applying the sand shall include full
compensation for supplying the sand, washing, screening
(d) Spray-grade emulsion and preparing the sand and applying the sand as
(70% net bitumen) . . specified. The tendered rate for brooming the sand back
onto the surface shall include full compensation for
(e) 1501200 penetration- brooming the sand back onto the paved surface as often
grade (84 road grade) bitumen . . . . . . . . litre (1) as is required. subject to a maximum of 5 times.

(1) Other (specify type of binder) . . ...... litre (1)

Hem Vnit
The unit of measurement shall be the litre, measured at
spraying temperature. 49.03 Recoating the sand with
(indicate precoating fluid) .... cubic metre (m')
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
procuring and furnishing the material and applying the The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of sand
binder, including all preparatory work to the surface prior precoated as specified, measured in hauling vehicles or in
to application of the binder. stockpile.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

furnishing the equipment and materials and precoating the
49.02 Sand: sand. complete as specified. including the handling,
stockpiling and protecting of the stockpiles against
(a) Applying the sand ......... cubic metre (m') inclement weather.

SECTION 5100 : PITCHING, STONEWORK AND (i) Sand for concrete

Sand for concrete, cement slurry and cement mortar shall
comply with the requirements of SABS 1083.

(ii) Sand for bedding

MATERIALS Sand for bedding used for paving blocks shall not contain
STONE PITCHING any deleterious impurities and shall comply with the
RiPRAP following grading requirements:
SEGMENTAL BLOCK PAVING Sieve size (mm) % passing through

5101 SCOPE

This section covers the furnishing of materials and the

construction of a protective covering in stone pitching, cast
in situ concrete pitching, bricks or prefabricated concrete
blocks on exposed surfaces such as earth slopes, drains (iii) Sand for joints
and stream beds, as well as heavier protective layers in the
form of riprap and the construction of stone masonry for Sand used for being brushed into the joints between
walls, all as shown on the drawings or ordered b y the pavement blocks shall ail pass through a 1,18m m sieve,
engineer. and between 10 and 15 per cent of it shall pass through an
0,075m m sieve.

(d) Paving blocks

(a) Stone Paving blocks shall comply with the requirements of SABS
1058 for class 25 paving blocks where paving blocks are
(i) Stone for pitching shall be sound, tough and made from concrete, and bricks used as paving blocks
durable, without any stones less than 200 m m in minimum shali be facebrick units which shall comply with the
dimension, except that smaller pieces or spalls may be requirements of SABS 227. Engineering units may also be
used for filling spaces between the larger stones. The used instead of facebrick units.
shapes of the rocks or stones shall be so as to form a
stable protective layer of the required thickness. Rounded
boulders shall not be used on slopes steeper than 2:l The surface texture and colour of all units shall be uniform.
unless grouted.
Paving blocks for sidewalks shall be square prefabricated
All stone intended for use on a particular pitching job shall concrete blocks, 450 m m x 450 m m x 50 m m in size and
be subject to the prior approval of the engineer. fabricated from class 30 concrete. As to appearance, the
blocks shall comply with the requirements of clause 3.3of
(ii) Stone for riprap shall be hard field or quarry stone SABS 927. The upper surface shall have an approved
not susceptible to disintegration or excessive weathering pattern to provide proper skid resistance.
on exposure to the atmosphere or water. It shall be free
from soft material such as sand, clay, shale or organic
material and shall not contain an excessive quantity Concrete grass blocks shall consist of concrete slabs of the
elongated stones. dimensions shown on the drawings, with openings through
the slab totalling at least 20% of the surface area.
The required size of the stone will depend on the "critical
mass" specified. At least 50% by mass of the material
comprising the riprap shall consist of stones with a mass (e) Con-
heavier than the critical mass, and not more than 10% by
mass of the material shall consist of stones with a mass of Concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with the
less than 10% of the critical mass or more than 5 times the provisions of sections 6200,6300 and 6400.
critical mass.

(f) Wire
@) Cement
Wire for pitching kept in position by wires shall consist of
Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement which complies 4,Om m diameter gaivanised wire which complies with the
with the requirements of SABS 471. requirements of SABS 675.
@) Permeable material for filter layer @) Grouted stone pitching

Permeable material for filter layers shall comply with the The work shall be done in accordance with all the
requirements specified for permeable material for subsoil requirements specified for plain pitching in subclause
drains in subsubclause 2104(a)(ii). 5103(a) above, except that the stones shall be thoroughly
cleaned of adhering dirt or clay, moistened and embedded
in freshly laid cement mortar composed of one part of
(h) Syntheticfibre filter fabric cement to every six parts of sand. Any spaces between
the stones shall be filled with cement grout of the same
Synthetic-fibre filter fabric shall be of the grade and type composition as the mortar. The mortar and grout shall be
specified in the schedule of quantities or project placed in a continuous operation for any day's run at any
specifications, and shall comply with the requirements of one location. The grout shall be worked into the pitching so
subsubclause 2104(a)(iii). as to ensure that all spaces or voids between the stones
will be completely filled with grout to the full depth of the
stone pitching. Grout spilt onto exposed surfaces of the
5103 STONE PITCHING stones shall be removed while still soft, and the joints
between stones shall be neatly finished.

(a) Plain stone pitching The grouted pitching shall be cured with wet sacking or
other approved wet cover for a period of not less than four
The area shall be prepared by the excavating, shaping and days after grouting, and shall not be subjected to loading
trimming necessary for pitching, and by thoroughly until adequate strength has been developed. Where
compacting the area by hand-ramming to prevent required, weep holes shall be formed in the pitching.
subsequent settlement. A trench shall be excavated as
directed by the engineer along the toe of any slopes to be
pitched or along the unprotected edge of the pitching in (c) Grouted stone pitching on a concrete bed
the beds of streams. Two pitching methods follow, and
the method to be adopted shall be decided on by the The area to be pitched shall be prepared as described in
engineer. subclause 5103(a) and a concrete bed (class 15 concrete)
with a thickness of at least 75 m m shall then be placed.
Method 1 The stone pitching shall be of stones with a minimum
dimension of 200 mm, which shall be laid while the
Commencing at the bottom of the trench, the stone shall concrete is still fresh. Openings between stones shall be
be laid and firmly bedded into the slope and against filled with cement grout as described in subclause 5103(b),
adjoining stones. The stones shall be laid with their and care shall be taken not to spill the grout onto the
longitudinal axes at right angles to the slope and with finally exposed surfaces of the stones. Grout spilt onto the
staggered joints. The stones shall be well rammed into the exposed surfaces of the stones shall be removed while still
bank or surface to be protected and the spaces between soft, and the joints between stones shall be neatly finished.
the larger stones shall be filled with spalls of approved
pitching stone securely rammed into place. Curing shall be done as described for grouted stone
pitching in subclause 5103(b).

Placing of rock by dumping shall not be allowed. The completed pitching shall have an even compacted
appearance, and nowhere may the surface deviate by more
Method 2 than 25 m m from the specified lines and grades.

The technique and requirements laid down in method 1

shall also apply to method 2, except in the following

(i) No small stones or spalls shall be used to fill in (a) General

spaces between larger stones.
Riprap shall consist of a course or courses of large rock
(ii) Simultaneously with the placing of stones, topsoil placed on bank slopes and toes in stream and river beds
shall be introduced between individual stones, and and at other localities where protection of this type may be
sufficiently rammed so as to provide a firm bonded required.
structure. The topsoil shall be provided to the full depth of
the stone pitching at any point. Two types of riprap are specified here, viz one type where
the rocks are individually packed, which is designated as
(iii) Rooted grass or tufts of grass shall then be planted packed riprap, and the other type where the rock is
in the topsoil between stones, and watered immediately dumped and then spread by machines, which is
and copiously and thereafter at regular intervals until grass designated as dumped riprap.
has been established.
The surface of areas to receive riprap shall be neatly
Whichever of the above two methods is adopted, the trimmed to line and level and all loose material compacted.
finished surface of the pitching shall present an even, tight The perimeters of riprap areas shall be protected by the
and neat appearance with no stones varying by more than construction of either rock-filled trenches, walls or other
25 m m from the specified surface grades or lines. The structures as may be required. Perimeter trenches shall
thickness of the pitching, measured at right angles to the normally be backfilled with rock of the same size and
surface, shall not be less than 200 mm. quality as that used in the construction of the adjoining
riprap, but any voids shall be filled with smaller stone and stratified stones shall be laid with the largest dimension in
the entire backfill shall be well compacted. the horizontal plane. Stones shall be packed individually
to stagger the joints and to provide a minimum of voids,
and shall be firmly bedded against adjoining stones. The
@) Filter bed spaces between the larger stones shall be filled with spalls
securely rammed into place. The larger stones shall not
The filter bed shall cor~sistof a layer or layers of permeable bear on the spalls used for filling the voids. The top and
material placed on the prepared surface to the required ends of the wall shall be neatly finished with selected
thickness and each layer shall be finished to an even coping stones.
surface and thickness. Compaction of pervious material
will not be required. Care shall be taken not to mix various The appearance of the completed wall shall present an
grades of filter material neither to disturb material already even, tight surface.
placed when subsequent layers or riprap are being placed.

When the use of synthetic-fibre filter fabric is required, the (c) Cement-mortared stone walls
material shall be placed on the prepared surface or on the
filter bed, depending on the instructions. The overlap The walling shall be constructed as specified in (b) above,
between adjacent sheets shall be 150 m m unless otherwise with the exception that the stones shall be wetted and set
specified. Care shall be taken not to damage the filter in a 6:l sand:cement mortar. The exposed parts of the
fabric when subsequent layers are being placed, neither to stones on the wall faces shall be cleaned of all mortar by
expose the filter fabric to the sun for periods exceeding washing or wire-brushing. The mortar shall be flush
three days before it is covered up. pointed to the satisfaction of the engineer, who may
require a capping and end treatment of the same mortar.

(c) Packed riprap Weep holes shall be provided as prescribed and shall be
cleaned of mortar or any other clogging material that may
Packed riprap shall be constructed from rocks placed have entered during construction.
individually to stagger the joints and so as to be firmly
bedded in the prepared surface. The spaces between The walling shall be protected from the elements and kept
larger stones shall be filled with spalls or smaller stones moist for a minimum period of four days after completion.
securely rammed into place. On inclined surfaces the rock
shall be laid in long horizontal strips starting from the
bottom, and not in strips up the slope. 5106 SEGMENTAL BLOCK PAVING

The completed riprap shall present a tight and even

surface. Local surface irregularities of the riprap shall not (a) General
exceed 150 mm.
The underlying layers for surfaces to be pitched shall be
constructed as specified or as indicated on the drawings.
Where no specified requirements have been set in respect
of the underlying layers, the top layer shall be mechanically
Dumped riprap shall be constructed by dumping the stone compacted to at least 90% of modified AASHTO density
on the prepared surface, spreading it by bulldozer, or other down to at least 150 m m from the top. During this process
suitable earth-moving equipment, and trimming it to the the top layer shall be trimmed to the required grades and
required lines and levels. The material shall be placed in levels.
a manner that will prevent the segregation of the smaller
and larger stones and the top layer shall be tight with a Where specified or required by the engineer the prepared
minimum of voids. surface shall be treated with approved environmentally
friendly herbicide and ant poison before the layer of sand
for bedding is placed.

@) Sand for bedding

(a) General
Where required a layer of sand for bedding shall be placed
Stone masonry walls may be plain packed stone walls with on top of the prepared surface, and, when still loose!
dry joints or otherwise mortared stone walls with stones accurately floated to an uncompacted thickness of 30 m m
bedded in cement mortar as indicated on the drawings, as (r 5 mm) so as to afford the correct level to the pavement
specified, or as may be ordered. after compaction. Sand for bedding shall be placed
immediately before the paving blocks are laid and shall not
The minimum mass of each stone used shall be 10 kg and be compacted before the blocks have been laid.
its minimum dimension 75 mm.

(c) laying the paving blocks

@) Plain packed stone walls
The pattern for laying the paving blocks shall be that as
Afoundation trench shall be excavated down to rock, or to shown on the drawings or approved or prescribed earlier
material with an adequate bearing capacity at a minimum on by the engineer. Unbroken blocks shall first be laid and
depth of 300 m m below ground level. Large selected filler pieces afterwards. Filler pieces shall be neatly sawn
stones shall be used for the foundation layer. Flat and or hewn to fit exactly into the space to be filled. Spaces of
less than 25% of a full-sized block may be filled with
25 MPa concrete. The joints between blocks shall be sized
between 2 and 6 mm, and the top faces of blocks shall be
flush. After the paving blocks have been laid, and where The areas where cast in situ concrete pitching is to be
required, the pavement shall be compacted by two passes constructed shall be compacted, trimmed and prepared as
of a suitable vibrating-plate compactor operating at a described in clause 5106 for block paving. The areas shall
frequency of 65 Hz to 100 Hz and a low amplitude. Its also be treated with vegetation destroyer and ant poison if
plate surface shall be 0,2 m2 to 0,4 m2 and shall develop required. The concrete shall comply with the requirements
a centrifugal force of 7 kN to 16 kN. of series 6000.

Prior to placing the concrete, the surface shall be watered

After compaction of the pavement as described above, and kept damp until the concrete has been placed. Unless
joint sand shall be spread and brushed into the joints until otherwise specified, 20 MPa concrete shall be used, and
the joints have been properly filled. Any surplus sand shall the concrete shall be accurately laid in alternate panels to
then be broomed off and where required the pavement the lines and levels indicated, after which the remaining
shall then be subjected to two further passes by the plate panels shall be similarly placed. Accurately set-up guides
vibrator. shall be used to achieve the required line and slope. The
concrete shall be thoroughly compacted and finished to a
class U2 surface finish.
(d) Edge beams
Where indicated, the concrete pitching shall be contained
Concrete edge beams or any such other edge supports by concrete edge beams being constructed as described
shall be constructed onto the supporting layer in in clause 5106(d).
accordance with the details shown on the drawings, and
shall be constructed and left to cure before any paving The concrete pitching shall be cured for at least seven
blocks are laid. days and no traffic shall be allowed to move across the
pitching before the specified 28-day strength has been

(e) Paving blocks for sidewalks The final surface may nowhere deviate by more than
25 m m from the specified levels and planes, and no
Paving blocks for sidewalks shall be laid as specified in irregularities exceeding 10 m m may occur during testing
subclauses 5106(a), (b), (c) and (d), but where so specified, with a 3 m straight-edge.
joints shall be filled with a 6 : l sand:cement mortar in stead
of with sand only. In this case the width of the joints
between the stones shall be strictly in accordance with the 5108 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
dimensions shown on the drawings, and the pavement
shall be fully compacted before the joints are filled.

51.O1 Stone pitching:

(f) Concrete grass blocks
(a) Plain pitching:
Concrete grass blocks of the size specified or shown on
the drawings shall be placed on areas prepared for (i) Method 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
grassing as specified in section 5800. The holes in the
blocks shall be filled with topsoil, and grassed with grass (ii) Method 2 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . square metre (mZ)
cuttings or hydroseeding as specified in section 5800.
(b) Grouted stone pitching . . ... square metre (m2)

(c) Grouted stone pitching

@) Finishing requirements on a concrete bed (total
thickness indicated) . . . .... square metre (m2)

(i) Segmental block paving

The unit of measurement for pitching shall be the square
The completed paving shall be even and neat, flush with metre of each type of pitching in place.
the kerb or edge beam and may not lie below the side of
the kerbing. The final surface may nowhere deviate by
more than 15 m m from the specified levels and planes, The tendered rate for each type of stone pitching shall
and no irregularities exceeding 10 m m may occur during include full compensation for furnishing all materials,
testing with a 3 m straight-edge. making all excavations excluding trench and bulk
excavations, compacting and trimming the excavated
surfaces, forming and cleaning the weepholes, placing
(ii) Grass-block pavement stones and grouting, or wiring and grouting where
applicable, grassing and watering (applicable to method 2)
The completed grass-block pavement shall have a neat and for all other work necessary for completing the
and even appearance. The final surface of the pavement pitching as specified. The tendered rate for grouted stone
may nowhere deviate by more than 15 rnrn from the pitching on a concrete bed shall also include full
specified levels and planes. compensation for the concrete bed.
Excavations for foundation trenches and concrete edge
beams and the construction of the concrete edge beams
will be paid for separately. 51.04 Concrete pitching and
Mock paving:

ltem Unit (a) Cast in situ concrete

pitching (class of concrete
and thickness of pitching
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(a) Packed riprap (critical
mass of stone indicated) ..... cubic metre (m3) @) Segmental block paving
(type and thickness
(b) Dumped riprap (critical indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
mass of stone indicated) ..... cubic metre (m3)
(c) Prefabricated concrete
(c) Rlter layer (subclauses grass blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
2104(a)(ii) and 5104(b)
consisting of: (d) Prefabricated concrete
paving blocks for sidewalk
(i) Crushed stone ............ cubic metre (m3) pavement (thickness
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(ii) Filter sand obtained
from borrow pits . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m') The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of each
type constructed.
(d) Synthetic-fibre filter
fabric (type, class and grade The tendered rates shall Include full compensation for
stated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) furnishing all materials, all excavation (but excluding bulk
excavation and excavation for foundation trenches and
The unit of measurement for riprap and filter layer edge beams), compacting and trimming all the excavated
(subitems (a), (b) and (c) above) shall be the cubic metre areas, treating the prepared surface with an approved
of riprap or filter layer in place and shall include rock used herbicide and ant-poison, providing a sand bedding
in trench backfill. The unit of measurement for subitem (d) (subitems (b) and (d)) laying and compacting the paving
shall be the square metre of filter fabric laid as specified, blocks (subitems (b) and (d)), laying concrete grass blocks
including overlaps. (subitem (c)), topsoiling and grassing, (subitem (c)),
constructing concrete pitching, including normal formwork
The rates tendered for subitems (a), (b) and (c) shall and the shaping of surfaces (subitem (a)), making and
include full compensation for preparing the surfaces, cleaning weepholes (subitem (a)) and for all other work
including excavation (but excluding excavation for trenches necessary for completing the work as specified.
and bulk excavations) and for the furnishing, transporting,
handling and placing of riprap or filter layers. The rate
tendered for subitem (d) shall include full compensation for Item
procuring and furnishing the filter fabric and for laying It as
specified, including wastage. Collectively the rates shall 51.05 Concrete edge beams (class
also include full compensation for all other incidentals of concrete indicated) ....... cubic metre (ma)
necessary for completing the work as specified.
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
concrete in edge beams constructed as instructed.
Item Unil
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
51.03 Stone masonry walls: furnishing all materials and labour, including formwork as
necessary, placing concrete and shaping all surfaces and
(a) Plain packed stone all excavations required (in all classes of material).
walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(b) Cement-mortared stone Item Unit

walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
51.06 Provision of approved
herbicide and ant poison:
The unit of measurement for stone masonry walls shall be
the cubic metre of actual walling constructed and (a) Provision of materials ........ Prime cost sum
(b) Contractor's charges and
profit added to the prime
The tendered rate for each type of stone wall shall include cost sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per cent (%)
full compensation for furnishing all materials, trimming the
areas, placing the stones and cement-mortared masonry Payment under the prime cost sum for providing ant
where necessary, and all other work necessary for poison and herbicide and the contractor's costs and profit
completing the walls in accordance with the specifications. in this respect shall be made in accordance with the
Excavation of foundation trenches will be paid for provisions of the general conditions of contract, but, in
separately. addition, the contractor's tendered rate for costs and profit
shall include 4 compensation for applying the chemicals material excavated for foundation trenches irrespective of
as specified. the class or depth of material. The quantity shall be
calculated according to the dimensions shown on the
drawings or instructed by the engineer.
kern Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
51.07 Foundation trenches . ... . . .. cubic metre (m') excavation of the foundation trenches, irrespective of the
class or depth of material, complete as specified or as
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of shown on the drawings or as instructed by. the engineer.

SECTION 5200 : GABIONS All wire used in the making of gabions shall be galvanized
in accordance with the provisions of SABS 675 for class A
heavy galvanized mild-steel wire.

5201 SCOPE (e) Wire mesh

5203 CONSTRUCTING GABION CAGES Wire mesh shall comply with the requirements of SABS

(9 Filter fabric below the gabions

5201 SCOPE
Filter fabric shall comply with the requirements of
subsubclause 2104(a)(iii) for grade 3 filter fabric.
This section covers the construction of gabion walls and
aprons for constructing retaining walls, lining channels,
revetments and other anti-erosion structures. 5203 CONSTRUCTING GABION CAGES

Generally gablons shall be flexible galvanized steel-wire-

mesh cages packed with rock. (a) General

Gabion cages shall be made from wire mesh of the size

and type and selvedge as specified below. The cages
shall be subdivided into cells by wire mesh dlaphragms
and will be of two types:

(i) Boxes which are generally used for the construction

Rock used as filling for cages shall be clean, hard of gabion walls. These boxes are subdivided into cells by
unweathered boulders or rock fragments. No rock diaphragms spaced at 1,O m intervals. No diaphragms are
fragment shall exceed the maximum size given in table required for a box of which the length does not exceed
520211, and at least 85% of the rocks shall be of a size 150 m.
equal to or above the average least dimension given in
table 520211: (ii) Mattresses which are generally used as single-layer
aprons only in revetments, channel linings, etc, and in
which the maximum width shall be 2,O m , and the
Table 520211 maximum depth 0,5 m. Mattresses shall be subdivided by
diaphragms Into cells with a width of 600 m m or 1,O m as
specified In the schedule of quantities.
Rock size according to
Depth of the largest dimension of rock The standard sizes of boxes and mattresses are as follows:
cage (m)
Average least Maximum Boxes
dimension (mm)
(mm) Length: 1, 2, 3 and 4 m
02 125 150
Width: 1m
03 125 200
0,s 125 250
Depth: 0,3 m, 0,5 m and 1,O m
1,o 125 250
Diaphragm spacing: 1,O m.

@) Wire Mattresses

All wire used for making the gabions and for tying during Length: 6m
the construction of the gabions shall comply with the
requirements of SABS 675 for mild-steel wire. Width: 2m

Depth: 0,2 rn, 0,3 rn and 0,5 m.

(c) PVCcoated wire
Diaphragm spacing: 600 m m or 1,O m as specified.
The gabions of PVC-coated mesh and binding wire shall be
of an acknowledged make which shall be subject to Other gabions may be supplied, provided that the
approval by the engineer. engineer's prior permission has been obtained.
@) Selvedges at the joints, and shall be properly fastened to prevent any
movement or slipping while the gabions are being placed.
The cut edges of all mesh used in the construction of
gabions, except the bottom edges of diaphragms and end (c) Assembly
panels, shall be selvedged with wire with a diameter as
specified in SABS 1580. The methods of constructing, stretching, placing in
position, wiring and filling the gabions with rock shall
Where the selvedge is not woven integrally with the mesh generally be in accordance with the manufacturer's
but has to be tied to the cut ends of the mesh, it shall be instructions subject to the approval of the engineer, but
attached by tying the cut ends of the mesh to the nevertheless sufficient connecting wires shall be tensioned
selvedge, so that a force of not less than 8,5 kN applied in between the vertical sides of all the outer visible cells to
the same plane as the mesh at a point on the selvedge of prevent the deformation of boxes as they are being filled
a mesh sample of 1 m in length will be required to with stone.
separate it from the mesh.
It is essential that the corners of gabion cages be securely
wired together to provide a uniform surface and ensure
(c) Diaphragms and end-panels that the structure does not resemble a series of blocks or
panels. The layout and the tolerances for the layout of the
The diaphragms and end-panels shall be selvedged on the boxes shall be as shown on the drawings or as instructed
top and vertical sides only. The end-panels shall be by the engineer.
attached by the cut ends of the mesh wires at the bottom
of the panel being twisted around the selvedge on the
base of the gabion. Similarly, the diaphragms shall be (d) Rock tilling
attached by the cut ends of the mesh being twisted to the
twisted joints of the mesh in the base of the gabion. In (i) Boxes in retaining walls
each case the force required to separate the panels from
the base shall be not less than 6 kN/m. Particular care shall be taken in packing the visible faces of
gabion boxes, where only selected stone of the specified
size shall be used so as to obtain an even-faced finish.
(d) Binding and connectingerw
i The boxes shall be filled in layers to prevent deformation
and bulging. Boxes shall be filled to just below the level of
Sufficient binding and connecting wire for all the tying to the wire braces, after which the braces shall be twisted to
be done during construction of the gabions as specified in provide tension. Care must be taken to ensure that
clause 5204 below, shall be supplied with the gabion consecutive layers of cages are filled evenly to a level
cages. The diameter of the wire shall be 2,2 mm. surface ready to receive the next course.

(ii) Mattresses used in revetments and aprons

(e) Tolerances
The 0,2 m, 0,3 m and 0,5 m gabions forming aprons and
The tolerance on the specified diameter of all wire shall be revetments shall be filled by random stones being packed
+ 2,5%. The length of the cages shall be subject to a in the first layer and by selected stones being used for the
tolerance of + lo%, the width of the cages shall be subject top layer so as to resemble normal stone pitching.
to a tolerance of + 5% and the depth of the cages shall be
subject to a tolerance of + 5%.



(a) Preparing the foundation and surface 52.01 Foundation trench

excavation and ba*lling:
The surface on which the gabion cages are to be laid prior
to their being filled with rock shall be levelled to the depth (a) In solid rock (material
shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer so which requires blasting) . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
as to present an even surface. If necessary, cavities
between rock protrusions shall be filled with material (b) In all other classes
similar to that specified in subclause 5202(a). Where of material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
required, a foundation trench along the toe of the
revetment or wall shall be excavated to the dimensions The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of each
shown on the drawings or indicated by the engineer. class of excavation made in accordance with the
authorized dimensions.

@) Filter fabric The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
excavating in each class of material, including unavoidable
One layer of grade 3 filter fabric shall be placed where overbreak, the trimming of trenches and compacting the
indicated on the drawings or ordered by the engineer. The trench inverts! backfilling and compacting the backfill: and
material shall be placed, in accordance with the the disposing of surplus excavated material, including a
instructions, in strips with a minimum overlap of 300 m m free-haul of 1,O km.
Item Unit (d) PVC-coated gabion mattresses
(dimensions of mattress, mesh
52.02 Surface preparation size, nominal diameter of mesh
for bedding the gabions .... square metre (mZ) wire and diaphragm spacing
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement for levelling and preparing
surfaces for receiving the gabions shall be the square
metre to the neat dimensions of revetments, aprons or wall The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of the
foundations. rock-filled cages and the quantity shall be calculated from
the dimensions of the gabions indicated on the drawings
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for or prescribed b y the engineer, irrespective of any
excavating, filling any cavities with rock, and levelling the deformation or bulging of the completed gabions.
ground surface so as to be ready for receiving the gabion
cages for retaining walls, aprons and revetments.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, including rock fill, wire-mesh
Item Unit cages, galvanizing, PVC-coating, tying and connecting
wires, loading, transporting and off-loading, the assembling
52.03 Gabions: and filling of the cages, and any other work necessary for
constructing the gabions.
(a) Galvanized gabion boxes
(dimensions of box, nominal
diameter of mesh wire and mesh
size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
52.04 Filter fabric (type
(b) PVC-coated gabion boxes and grade indicated) ...... square metre (m2)
(dimensions of box, nominal
diameter of mesh wire and mesh
size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of area
covered with filter fabric placed in position.
(c) Galvanized gabion mattresses
(dimensions of mattress, mesh
size, nominal diameter of mesh The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
wire and diaphragm spacing supplying the filter fabric, cutting, waste, placing, joining,
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) overlapping, and securing the material in position.
SERIES 5000 : ANClllARY ROADWORKS The recess near the top of the block shall be painted with
the reflective paint specified, while the remainder of the top
SECTION 5300 : GUIDE BLOCKS half of the block shall be painted with white road-marking

5301 SCOPE
5303 FABRICATING The guide blocks shall be spaced as shown on the
5304 SPACING THE GUIDE BLOCKS drawings or as directed by the engineer,

5301 SCOPE
Guide blocks shall be erected after the seal has been
This section covers the supply and erection of guide blocks
in positions and in accordance with the dimensions shown Holes shall be excavated in the shoulder and the blocks
on the drawings or as directed by the engineer. placed vertically and square to the road centre line.

Backfilling shall be compacted in thin layers right from the

5302 MATERIALS bottom of the hole. Surplus excavated material shall be
disposed of as directed.

(a) Concrete The blocks shall be painted immediately after having been
Concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of sections 6200, 6300 and 6400. Guide blocks shall be maintained and protected during the
entire construction period and any guide blocks damaged
or broken before the seal has been completed, the road
@) Paint markings have been painted or the certificate of
completion has been issued, shall be repaired or replaced,
Paint for guide blocks shall be non-reflectorised road- as may be required, at the contractor's cost.
marking paint as specified in section 5700. Paint for the
recess in the block shall be Codit or a similar approved
retro-reflective paint. 5306 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

5303 FABRICATING Item Unit

53.01 Guide blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

Guide blocks shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown
on the drawings. A mixture of four parts of concrete sand The unit of measurement shall be the number of blocks
to one part of Portland cement shall be used. The forms supplied and erected in accordance with the specifications.
shall be smooth and shall have accurate dimensions. The
mixture shall be placed in the forms and vibrated on a The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
vibrating table or by other approved means. The blocks supplying all materials and labour, making and
shall be reinforced as shown on the drawings and shall transporting the guide blocks, setting out, excavating and
have an F3 surface finish. backfilling all the holes and disposing of surplus excavated
material, including a free-haul of 1,O km, placing and
painting the guide blocks and all the equipment. the tools
The blocks shall be true to shape, smooth, and without any and incidentals necessary for completing and maintaining
honeycombing or other blemishes. the works described in this section.
SERIES 5000 : ANCILIARY ROADWORKS washers and spacer blocks for fixing.

SECTION 5400 : GUARDFLAILS Timber posts and spacer blocks shall be treated in
accordance with SABS 05 with a creosote that complies
with SABS 538 or SABS 539, or if it is approved by the
CONTENTS engineer it shall be treated with a copper-chrome-arsenic
compound for timber preservation, which complies with
5401 SCOPE SABS 673. The preservative specified in the project
5402 MATERIALS specifications shall be used. After the posts have been
5403 CONSTRUCTION treated, they shall not be sawn, drilled or shaped.
5405 REMOVING, RENOVATINGAND RE-ERECTING THE Where, however, the cutting of posts is unavoidable after
EXISTING GUARDRAILS having been treated, the engineer may permit the required
5406 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT length to be cut off from the bottom of a post, provided
that the exposed area is subsequently thoroughly treated
with creosote.
5401 SCOPE
Timber posts shall not exhibit excessive cracking at the
ends, particularly cracks aligned at an angle to the
This section covers the supplying, installing and guardrail exceeding 45". Posts which, in the opinion of
maintaining of metal guardrails at locations and in the engineer, exhibit a degree of cracking that would
accordance with the details, dimensions and design shown render them unfit for service during a much shorter than
on the drawings or as directed by the engineer. normal life shall not be used.

(ii) Steel posts

Normally only timber posts shall be used for supporting
the guardrails, but under certain circumstances, eg where
(a) Guardrails guardrails are placed on concrete retaining walls, steel
posts may be used. Steel posts shall be of the type and
Guardrails shall comply with the requirements of SABS size shown on the drawings or described in the project
1350. specifications.

The dimensions of guardrails and end treatments such as (iii) Steel base plates for timber posts
end wings, bull noses and bridge adaptors shall be in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings. Where it is necessary to install timber guard rail posts on
top of a culvert structure, and where the total thickness of
Guardrails shall be supplied together with all the bolts, the fill and pavement layers over such structure is less than
nuts, washers and fixing materials required. 1,O m, the timber posts shall be fastened to the structure
by means of steel base plates as shown on the drawings.
(i) Galvanizing

Unless specified in the project specifications, all guardrails (c) Reflective plates
shall be galvanized with a hot-dip (galvanized) zinc coating
which complies with the requirements of SABS 763 for the V-shaped reflective plates shall be manufactured from
coating of type A1 articles. 1,5 mm thick mild steel plate to the dimensions shown on
the drawings. When supplied with galvanized guardrails,
All bolts, nuts and washers shall have a hot-dip they shall also be galvanized, and when supplied with
(galvanized) zinc coating which complies with the painted guardrails, they shall be finished in white baked
requirements of SABS 763 for the coating of type C1 enamel. The outer surfaces shall be coated with
articles. Galvanized guardrails shall not be nested when engineering-grade retro-reflective material which complies
stacked for storage. with the provisions of SABS 1519 in the colours shown on
the drawings. Holes for fixing shall be drilled before the
reflective plates may be galvanized or painted.
@) Guardrail posts

(i) Timber posts 5403 CONSTRUCTION

Timber posts shall be supplied in lengths as shown on the

drawings and shall comply with the requirements of SABS (a) Erection
457 and shall carry the SABS mark.
The holes for the timber posts shall be of sufficient size to
Posts shall have a top diameter of not less than 150 mm. permit the proper setting of the posts and to allow
Posts with a top diameter up to 230 m m will be sufficient room for backfilling the hole and tamping the
acceptable, provided that posts with widely varying filling. At least 1 m of a post shall be embedded in the
diameters shall not be used together in the same length of ground.
The holes for the timber posts shall be spaced to suit the
Posts shall be drilled and shaped as shown on the standard length of the guardrail supplied. Where shown on
drawings and provided with the necessary bolts, nuts, the drawings or directed by the engineer, posts shall be set
at half the normal spacings. 5404 REQUIREMENTS

The posts, spacer blocks (if applicable) and guardrails shall

be completely erected and set true to line and level, so that The completed guardrail shall have a neat appearance, and
the guardrails will be at the requlred height above the level shall not show any visible deviations from line and grade.
of the completed road shoulder. Where jointed, the end of The posts shall be straight and vertical. The guardrails
the guardrails which overlaps on the side of the traffic shall shall not be warped but shall be in a vertical plane parallel
point in the direction of the traffic movement. The to the road centre line except at flared terminal sections.
guardrail shall be suitably braced to prevent any The painted or galvanized surface on the guardrail shall be
movement, and all bolts shall be tightened prior to any smooth and continuous and free from abrasions or
holes being backfilled. scratches. Any damage to the surface shall be repaired at
the contractor's expense.
After the engineer has signified his approval of the
guardrails so erected, the holes shall be backfilled with an Guardrails which do not comply with the prescribed
approved sandy soil. The material shall be mixed with the requirements shall be replaced or otherwise repaired.
correct quantity of water to ensure that the mixture will be
placed while at or near the optimum moisture content. The
mixture shall then be placed and thoroughly rammed in 5405 REMOVING, RENOVATING AND RE-ERECTING
layers not exceeding 100 m m of compacted thickness. EXISTING GUARDRAILS

End treatments shall be constructed as shown on the

drawings. Where existing guardrails have to be removed, or removed
and re-erected, or removed, renovated and re-erected, the
When the backfilling has been completed and the bracing three processes of removal, renovation and re-erection
removed, the posts shall be rigid and vertical, and the shall be carried out as follows:
guardrail shall be true to line and level and firmly fixed to
the posts. Excess excavated material shall be disposed of
as directed by the engineer. (a) Removing the guardrails

Steel posts shall be erected and fixed as shown on the All guardrails, reflective plates and end units shall be
drawings. loosened. Posts shall be carefully dug out and the holes
shall be filled and compacted in 150 m m layers. Items
All guardrails shall be so erected as to have no projecting used for fixing, such as bolts, nuts and washers, together
ends whlch might Interfere with or endanger traffic. The with the reflective plates, shall be placed into bags, after
edges and the centre of the guardrails shall touch either which all the material shall be transported to a store
the spacer block or the post where no spacer blocks are approved by the engineer and all stored in groups by type.
used. Guardrails, if specified, shall be provided with end
units as shown on the drawings. All splices of guardrails
shall be at posts, and guardrails shall make contact over Where material is intended for re-use, it shall first be
the entire area of the splice. unpacked for inspection by the engineer for deciding which
material will be suitable for re-use. Suitable material shall
then be stored separately from material which is unsuitable
Reflective plates shall be fixed in accordance with the for re-use. The contractor shall dispose of material that is
details shown on the drawings. The reflective surfaces unsuitable for re-use.
shall be arranged with the colours as shown on the
@) Renovating the guardrails

If so directed by the engineer, guardrails and end

treatments suitable for re-use shall be taken to the
The following instructions shall apply where guardrails are workshop for cleaning and painting. Rust and existing
to be painted: paint shall be completely removed and minor indentations
hammered out. The guardrails shall then receive surface
treatment and be painted as described in clause 8408.
Before being fixed, the guardrails shall be cleaned, primed
and painted as specified in clause 8408. After erection, all Timber posts suitable for re-use shall be cleaned and
abraded or damaged surfaces shall be repainted as treated with a timber preservative as described in
specified in clause 8408. Galvanized guardrails shall not subclause 5402(b)(i). Bolts, nuts and washers to be re-
be painted. used shall be cleaned and all rust removed, and shall then
be oiled.

When existing guardrails are required to be repainted, they

shall be dismantled prior to repainting. They shall then be (c) Reerection
thoroughly cleaned with wire brushes and descaled with
suitable tools to remove all rust and loose and oxidised The guardrails shall be erected in the positions as
paint. Thereafter they shall be washed down and all indicated, and all the removed material suitable for re-use
exposed steel surfaces shall be glven a coat of zinc and as much supplementary new material as may be
chromatic primer. The entire prepared surface shall then necessary shall be used. Re-erection shall be as specified
be given a full coat of zinc chromatic primer and two coats for new guardrails, including fixing the retro-reflective
of palnt as specified In clause 8408. plates.

54.04 End treatments:

(a) End wings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
54.01 Guardrails on timber
posts: (b) Bull noses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

(a) Galvanized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) (c) Bridge adaptors .............. number (No)

(b) Painted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) (d) End treatments in accordance

with the drawings where single
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of guardrail as guardrail sections are used . . . ... number (No)
erected, excluding end treatments.
(e) End treatments in accordance
with the drawings where double
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for guardrail sections are used . . ... number (No)
furnishing all materials and labour and for erecting and
painting and galvanizing the guardrails, complete with The unit of measurement shall be the number of end
posts, spacer blocks, bolts, nuts, washers and reinforcing treatments of each type installed.
plates, and excavating holes in all classes of material and
backfilling the post holes and removing any surplus The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
excavated material. labour, constructional plant and materials required for
installing the end treatments as shown on the drawings,
Drilling and blasting will be paid for separately under item including posts and fittings and the bending of turned-
54.12. down sections, excavations in all classes of material,
concrete, backfilling and the removal of surplus backfilling.

Item Unit
Item Unit
54.02 Guardrails on steel
posts: 54.05 Addiional guardrail
(a) Galvanized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m)
(a) Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
(b) Painted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
(b) Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of guardrail
erected, excluding end units. The unit of measurement for additional guardrail posts
shall be the number erected over and above those erected
in accordance with the normal spacing shown on the
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for drawings.
furnishing all materials and labour and erecting and
painting and galvanizing the guardrail, complete with The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
posts, spacer blocks, bolts, nuts, washers and reinforcing supplying and installing additional posts complete as
plates and excavating holes in all classes of material and specified, excavating the necessary holes, erecting the
backfilling the post holes, including concrete backfill, and posts, and backfilling the holes.
removing any surplus excavated material.

hem Unit
Drilling and blasting will be paid for separately under item
54.12. 54.06 Reflective plates .............. number (No)

The unit of measurement shall be the number of reflective

Item Unit plates installed.

54.03 Extra over items 54.01. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
54.02 and 54.1 1 for supplying all materials and labour required for
horizontally cunred guard- manufacturing, painting and fixing the reflective plates as
rails factory bent to a specified and as shown on the drawings.
radius of less than 45 rn . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of curved Item Unit

guardrail erected and measured in place.
54.07 Removing existing
guardrails . . . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rate extra over the rates tendered for items
54.01, 54.02 and 54.1 1 shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement shall be the metre of guardrail
incidentals in respect of supplying and erecting curved removed, and the quantity shall be measured between the
guardrails. terminal points of the sections removed, including the end
treatments, but excluding the anchor blocks and anchor (c) Bridge adaptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
cables, if any, projecting beyond the end treatments.
(d) End treatments with
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the single guardrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
work as described in subclause 5405(a), including loading,
transporting to any point on the site, and off-loading and (e) End treatments with
stacking the material, and disposing of material unsuitable double guardrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
for re-use.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of end
treatments installed with recovered and, in part, new
Item Unit rnaterial.

54.08 Renovan
itg guardrail The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
material: installing the end treatments and for providing all anchors,
fixing materials and anchor blocks.
(a) Guardrails and
end treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m) Apart from anchors, anchor blocks and fixing materials,
payment will be made separately for all new materials.
(b) Posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) End treatments made completely from new materials shall
be paid for in accordance with the appropriate rates for
The unit of measurement for subitem (a) shall be the metre new end treatments.
of single guardrail, whether straight or bent, or end
treatments renovated as specified, the length of which shall
be measured in accordance with the measurements of the Item Unit
guardrail after dismantling.
54.11 New material required for
The unit of measurement for subitem (b) shall be the the reerection of guard-
number of treated posts. rails with recovered materials:

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the (a) Guardrails ...................... metre (m)
work as specified in subclause 5405(b), including the
loading. transporting to and from the workshops, off- (b) Timber posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
loading and storing of the material.
(c) Steel posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

Item Unit (d) Reflective plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

54.09 Reerection of guardrails (e) Spacer blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

with recwered andlor new
material: (f) Splice bolt complete with
nut and washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
(a) Single guardrail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
(g) Post bolt complete with
(b) Double guardrail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) nut and washer . . . . . . ......... number (No)

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of single or (h) Reinforcing plates ............. number (No)
double guardrail re-erected with used and/or new material
and measured between the points where they are joined to The unit of measurement for subitem (a) shall be the metre
the end units. of guardrail provided, measured in accordance with the
measurements of the loose guardrail.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for re-
erecting the guardrails as specified in subclause 5405(c), The unit of measurement for subitems (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),
including the loading, transporting between any two points (g) and (h) shall be the number of new timber posts, steel
on the site and off-loading the material, and providing new posts, reflective plates, spacer blocks, splice bolts, post
fixing material. Payment shall be made separately for any bolts and reinforcing plates provided, respectively.
new material required, including spacer blocks, but not for
other fixing materials. Where sections are made entirely The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
from new material, payment therefor shall be made under supplying the material as specified. ltem 54.03 shall also
the appropriate items for new guardrails. apply to horizontally curved guardrails factory bent to a
radius of less than 45 m.

Item Unit
ltem Unit
54.10 Reerection of end freatments
with recovered rnaterial: 54.12 Extra over items 54.01 and 54.02
for drilling and blasting holes
(a) End wings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) for guardrail posts . . . . . . . . . . . .. number (No)

The unit of measurement shall be the number of holes

(b) Bull noses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) drilled and blasted with explosives in hard material which
cannot be removed by auger. The unit of measurement is the number of steel base
plates installed complete as shown on the drawings or
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for directed by the engineer.
additional work including amongst others all drilling,
explosives, materials, labour and equipment and all
incidentals required for making holes in hard materials by The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
means of drilling and blasting. supplying all labour, materials, equipment and transport
required for manufacturing, galvanising and installing the
base plates complete with cement mortar pad, for cutting
Item Unit the guardrail post to the required length, drilling an
additional hole, treating the hole and butt face with
54.13 Steel base plates for timber creosote and fixing the post all as specified on the
guardrail posts on structures . .... number (No) drawings.
SERIES 5000 : ANCILLARY ROADWORKS Rolled steel sections shall be provided with a protective
coating of tar or other approved material.

@) Bolts for stays

Bolts shall be galvanized steel bolts of the required length
SCOPE and a diameter which shall not be less than 12 mm. All the
MATERIALS necessary bolts, nuts and washers, shall be supplied with
EXISTING FENCES Barbed wire shall comply with the requirements of SABS
ERECTING GATES 675 and shall be one or more of the following types:
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS High-tensile-grade steel single-strand 3,15 rnrn x 2,50 rnm
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT oval-shaped zinc-coated wire, with a 2,82 m m equivalent

5501 SCOPE High-tensile-grade steel single-strand 2,80 m m x 1.90 m m

oval-shaped zinc-coated wire, with a 2,31 m m equivalent
diameter. This wire shall not be used less than 500 m m
This section covers the moving of existing fences where above ground where there is danger of veld fires.
necessary and erecting new fences along the boundaries
of the road reserve and where elsewhere indicated on the Mild-steel-grade zinc-coated double-strand uni-directional-
drawings or as directed by the engineer. twist wire, each strand 2,50m m in diameter, for use at any
height above ground.
It shall also include the erection and later removal of
temporary fences. Except when the engineer allows Barbs shall be manufactured from 2.0 m m zinc-coated
otherwise, new and temporary fences shall be erected mild steel wire and shall be spaced at not more than
before construction on a particular section of the road is 150 mm.
commenced with, or before temporary bypasses are
opened to traffic. (ii) Smooth wire

This section also covers the dismantling of existing fences Smooth wire shall comply with the requirements of SABS
and the stacking of the fencing material. 675 and shall be of the types specified below:

Straining wire shall be 4,00 m m diameter zinc-coated high-

5502 MATERIALS tensile-grade steel wire.

Fencing wire shall be high-tensile-grade steel 2.24 rnm

(a) Straining posts, stays, standards and droppers diameter zinc-coated wire.

Straining posts, stays, standards and droppers shall be of Tying wire shall be 2,50 m m diameter mild-steel zinc-
the type and size indicated on the drawings. Steel sections coated wire for tying fencing wire to standards and
shall comply with the requirements of CKS 82 and timber droppers and 1,6 m m mild-steel zinc-coated wire for tying
posts with the requirements of SABS 457. Timber posts netting and mesh wire to the fencing wire.
shall be treated with a preservative in accordance with the
requirements of subclause 5402(b)(i).
(d) Diamond mesh

Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings, Diamond mesh (chain-link fencing material) shall comply
rolled steel posts shall be 15 or 22 kg/m rails as shown on with the requirements of SABS 1373. The width shall be
the drawings. Standards shall be 2,50 kglm Y-sections. shown on the drawings and the edge finish shall be both
sides clinched or barbed.
Droppers shall be 0 5 6 kg/m ridgeback-pattern droppers.
The nominal diameter of the wire shall be 2.5 rnm and the
mesh size shall be 64 m m x 64 mm.
Tubular straining posts and stays shall be galvanized in
accordance with SABS 763 for class B1 articles, or shall be The wire shall be fully galvanized.
painted as specified in section 8400 as may be required on
the drawings, and shall have a wall thickness of at least
2,95 mrn. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all (e) Wire netting
tubular posts shall be provided with a 230 m m x 230 m m
footplate and a pressed-steel or cast-iron cap. Tubular Wire netting shall be fully galvanized mild-steel wire with a
stays shall have a nominal bore of at least 60 mm. minimum diameter of 1,8 mm, with 75 rnrn hexagonal
erected, they shall be erected either to the same design as
the original, but with such modifications as may be
The width shall be as shown on the drawings required by the engineer, or they shall be erected up to
one of the standards specified above, all as ordered by the
(f) Barbed-tape concertina wire

Barbed-tape concertina wire shall comply with the 5504 PROTECTING LIVESTOCK
requirements of CKS 592 type A. The high-tensile steel wire
shall be heavily galvanized (class A), and the barbed tape
and concertina clamps shall also be heavily galvanized From the time of the site being handed over to him up to
(class 2600). The diameter of the roll shall be 950 m m or the date of the final maintenance certificate being issued
700 mm according to requirements. to the contractor, he shall take all measures necessary for
preventing the ingress of vermin, and for protecting and
controlling livestock, etc, on the sections of the properties
@) Gates affected by his operations. He shall provide gates at the
positions in existing fences cut by him for gaining access
Gates shall be manufactured to the dimensions and details and shall ensure that all gates are kept closed except when
shown on the drawings. they are opened for admitting his traffic. No fences shall be
cut without the approval of the engineer, and consultation
Gates shall be complete in every respect, including hinges, with the owner of the fence.
washers, bolts and locking chains attached to the gate.

Gates shall be zinc-coated as specified in SABS 763 for Where alternative arrangements cannot be made, the
class B1 articles, or painted as specified in section 8400, as engineer may direct the contractor to erect temporary
required on the drawings and in subclause 5502(a). fencing where necessary to protect livestock that may be
lost or are exposed to vermin through his operations. Such
fencing shall be of an adequate standard and shall be
(h) Timber posts for wire mats erected ahead of construction operations. The fencing shall
be maintained in a good order during construction
Timber posts for holding down wire mats where the fence operations and, on completion of the work, it shall be
crosses streams shall comply with the requirements of removed from the site and all surfaces shall be restored.
SABS 457 and shall be in accordance with the The engineer may order that any permanent fencing which
requirements of subclause 5402(b)(i). is required erected up ahead of construction operations,
where practicable, in lieu of erecting temporary fencing.

(i) Manufacturing tolerances for wire

Payment for the protection of livestock, excluding the
The actual diameter of wire supplied shall equal the erection of temporary fences, shall be included in the
specified diameter subject to the appropriate tolerance amounts tendered for the contractor's establishment on the
given in SABS 675. site, as specified in section 1300.

0) Hinge joint mesh 5505 CLEARING THE FENCE UNE

Hinge joint mesh (Veldspan Tension Fence or approved

equivalent) shall be zinc-coated in accordance with SABS The fence line shall be cleared over a width of at least 1 m
675. It shall consist of 3,00 m m diameter edge wires, on each side of the centre line of the fence and surface
2,2 m m diameter line wires and 2,5 m m diameter vertical irregularities shall be graded so that the fence will follow
stay wires. The grade of steel, the height of the fence, the the general contour of the ground. Clearing the line shall
spacing of the vertical wires, and the number and spacing include the removal of all trees, scrub, stumps, isolated
of the horizontal wires shall be as specified on the boulders or stones and other obstructions which will
drawings and in the project specifications. interfere with the construction of the fence. Stumps within
the cleared space shall be grubbed as described in section
1700. The bottom of the fence shall be located at a uniform
5503 TYPES OF FENCING distance above the ground line in accordance with the
requirements shown on the drawings. All material removed
shall be burnt or disposed of in disused borrow pits.
The following types of fences shall be erected in
accordance with the dimensions shown on the drawings: Any areas outside the road reserve where clearing is not
permitted by the owner or is impracticable shall not be
(a) Stock-proof fences cleared if so directed by the engineer.

(b) Vermin-proof fences

(c) Pedestrian fences

(d) Security fences straining posts shall be erected at all terminal points,
gates, low points (as required), corners and bends in the
Where existing fences have to be dismantled and re- fencing and at all junctions with other fences. Straining
posts shall not be spaced further apart than shown on the fencing wire and the first twist.
drawings. The length of posts above ground shall be such
that the correct clearance between the lowest wire and the Splices in the fencing wire shall be permitted if made in
ground can be obtained. the following manner with a splicing tool. The end of each
wire at the splice shall be taken at least 75 m m past the
Straining posts shall be accurately set in holes and shall be splicing tool and wrapped snugly around the other wire by
provided with concrete bases to the dimensions shown on not less than six complete turns with the two separate wire
the drawings. ends being turned in opposite directions. After the splicing
tool has been removed, the space left by it in the spliced
Holes shall be dug to the full specified depth. Where, on wire shall be closed by pulling the wire ends together.
account of the presence of rock, the holes cannot be Unused wire ends shall be cut close so as to leave a neat
excavated by hand or by pneumatic tools and the splice.
contractor has to resort to the use of explosives, he will be
paid separately for the drilling and blasting operations The gaps between gate posts and the adjacent straining
required. posts shall be fenced off with short lengths of fencing
All straining posts shall be braced by means of stays or
anchors as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Droppers shall be tied to each fence wire with soft tying
engineer. Tubular stays shall be bolted to the posts. wire in the required position as specified for standards to
prevent slippage in a vertical direction. The spacing of
Standards shall be firmly planted into the ground at the droppers between any two straining posts shall be uniform.
spacings shown on the drawings or as directed by the Anchoring to structures shall be done as shown on the
engineer. The spacing of standards between any two drawings.
successive straining posts shall be uniform and not greater
than that shown on the drawings. In rock or hard material Barbed-tape concertina wire shall be attached to the fence
standards shall be either driven or set in holes drilled into as shown on the drawings at maximum spaces of 1,O
the rock. The size of drilled holes shall provide a tight fit to metre between tying points. Barbed-tape concertina wire
the standards. Care shall be taken when driving standards rolls shall be spliced by overlapping for one full circle and
to prevent their buckling or being damaged. tied at four evenly spaced points along the circumference.
Spliced ends shall coincide with the positions of the
All straining posts and standards shall be accurately standards.
aligned and set plumb. Where verandah-type of security
fencing is used, the posts shall be planted with the
overhang on the road side and perpendicular to the 5508 ERECTING DIAMOND MESH OR WIRE NEllING
direction of the fence. After the straining posts and
standards have been firmly set in accordance with the
foregoing requirements, fence wires shall be attached Where vermin-proof, pedestrian or security fences are
thereto at the spacings shown on the drawings. erected, or where instructed by the engineer, wire netting
or diamond mesh shall be stretched against the fence and
properly tied to the fencing wire as shown on the drawings.
5507 ERECTING FENCE WIRES The diamond mesh or wire netting shall be secured by soft
tying wire at 1,2 m centres along the top and bottom wires
and at 3 m centres along each of the other fencing wires.
All fencing wire shall be tied to the sides of standards or unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
posts to prevent the wires from being displaced or
becoming loose. The wire shall be carefully tensioned In the case of vermin-proof fencing, vermin shall be
without sagging, and true to line, care being exercised not prevented from creeping under the fence by either one of
to tension the wire to such an extent that it will break, or the two methods described below as ordered by the
that end, corner, straining or gate posts will be pulled out, engineer:
or that it will be easily damaged during veld fires.
(a) By folding back the bottom 130 m m of the wire
Each strand of fencing wire shall be securely tied in the netting so that it lies flat on the ground and by tightly
correct position hard up to each standard with soft packing stones (having a minimum dimension of 200 mm)
galvanised tying wire. The tying wire for each strand shall end to end on this flap to secure it in position.
pass through a hole or notch in the standard, while the
ends of the tying wire shall be wound at least four times (b) By embedding the lower 130 m m of the wire netting
around the fencing wire to prevent it from moving in a in the ground and thoroughly compacting the earth around
vertical direction. it on both sides, to secure the netting.

At all straining posts at terminal points, gates, corners,

bends and other specified positions, the fencing wire shall 5509 CLOSING OPENINGS UNDER FENCES
be securely wrapped twice around the post and secured
against slipping by tying the end tightly around the wire by
means of at least six snug tight twists. At ditches, streams, drainage channels or other
depressions where the fence cannot be erected so as to
Where high-tensile wire is used, two long twists may first follow the general ground contour, the contractor shall
be made followed by the six tight, snug twists around the close the opening under the fence with horizontal barbed
post to prevent the wire from breaking at the first twist. wires at 150 m m distances, stretched between additional
When smooth wire is used, the loose end shall preferably posts or straining posts as shown on the drawings or
be bent over and hooked into the notch between the directed by the engineer. In the case of pedestrian, vermin-
proof and security fences the opening shall be covered specifications or the engineer's instructions. The material
with strips of wire netting or diamond mesh 1 000 m m and erection shall be in accordance with the provisions of
wide, fixed to the barbed wires. this section, but the material need not necessarily be new.
Where used materials are offered, they shall nevertheless
In the case of larger streams where damming of debris be in a good condition and approved in advance by the
against the fence would constitute a hazard, the opening engineer.
below the bottom fencing wire shall be closed with loose-
hanging wire nets. For this purpose additional straining When no longer required, the temporary fencing and gates
posts shall be planted on both sides of the stream with a shall be dismantled and removed.
cable consisting of at least five strands of smooth fencing
wire stretched between them. Onto this cable vertical strips
of diamond mesh hanging down to ground level shall be 5513 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
fixed. The edges of the various strips of diamond mesh
shall be tied to each other so that the entire mat will be
raised by water flowing underneath to leave a free stream The completed fence shall be plumb, taut, true to line and
area. These mats at streams shall be erected only on ground contour, with all posts, standards and stays firmly
instructions by the engineer. If it should be necessary to set. The height of the lower fencing wire above the ground
keep the bottoms of the mats on the ground, the engineer at posts and standards shall not deviate by more
may order that timber posts or pipes be fixed horizontally than 25 m m from that shown on the drawings. Other
to the bottom ends of the diamond-mesh strips. fencing wires shall not deviate by more than 10 m m from
their prescribed vertical positions.

5510 EXISTING FENCES The contractor shall, on completion of each section of

fence, remove all cut-offs and other loose wire or netting so
as not to create a hazard to grazing animals or a nuisance
Where a new fence joins an existing fence whether in line to the owners of the ground.
or at an angle, the new fence shall be erected with a new
straining post positioned at the terminal of the existing

Existing fences that require to be taken down or moved to

a new location shall be dismantled. Material not required Item Unit
for re-erection or unsuitable for re-use shall be neatly
stacked at approved locations in accordance with the 55.01 Clearing the fence line,
engineer's instructions. Fencing wire and wire netting shall 2 m wide strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilometre (km)
be stacked clear of the ground. Payment will be made only
for fences removed in accordance with the written The unit of measurement for clearing the fence line shall
instruction of the engineer. be the kilometre of fence line measured along each fence
Where fences require moving, the contractor shall re-use all
the material, declared to be suitable for this purpose by the The tendered rate shall be in full compensation for clearing
engineer, plus such new material as may be required to the fence line complete as specified in clause 5505,
put up the fence again to the standard specified for new including amongst others the removal of trees, stones, and
fences. The engineer shall not be responsible for any other obstructions and the disposal of all waste material
delays or costs arising from the breaking of re-used wire resulting from clearing operations, as may be directed.
during straining.
The removal of trees and stumps with a girth
exceeding 1 m shall be paid for as specified in
5511 ERECTING GATES section 1700.

Gates shall be erected at the positions indicated by the Item Unit

engineer. The gates shall be hung on gate fittings in
accordance with the requirements shown on the drawings. 55.02 Supply and erect new fencing
Gates shall be so erected as to swing in a horizontal plane material for new fences and
at right angles to the gate posts, clear of the ground in all for supplementing material
positions. In pedestrian and security fences the double in existing fences which are
swing gates shall leave a gap not exceeding 25 m m being repaired or removed:
between them when closed and other gates shall not be
further than 25 m m from the gate post when closed. (a) Zinc-coated barbed wire (grade,
and size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
The clearance below the gates shall not exceed 75 m m
with the gates closed. (b) Zinc-coated smooth wire (grade
and size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)

5512 TEMWRARl FENCING AND GATES (c) Diamond mesh . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
(d) Wire netting . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mz)
If required, the contractor shall erect temporary fencing and
gates in accordance with the drawings, project (e) Barbed-tape concertina
wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) Fencing wire (subitems (a) and (b))

(1) Hinge joint mesh .......... square metre (m2) The unit of measurement shall be the kilometre of each
type of fencing wire measured between end posts. Tying
(g) Standards (length and wire and wire used for anchoring the posts shall not be
type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) measured for payment.

(h) Droppers (length and Diamond mesh, wire netting and hinge joint mesh
type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) (subitems (c), (d) and (1))

(i) Straining posts, stays and anchors: The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
diamond mesh, wire netting or hinge joint mesh, the
(i) Vertical quantity of which shall be calculated according to the
prescribed width and the length between straining posts or
(1) Steel straining posts (type, size gate posts, or the length of strips used for covering
and length and whether galvanized openings under fences, or the length used for covering the
or painted indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) gates.

(2) Timber straining posts Barbed-tape concertina wire (subitem (9))

(diameter indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
The unit of measurement shall be the kilometre of fence
(ii) Inclined: provided with barbed-tape concertina wire of which each
concertina is opened to the maximum effective open
(1) Steel stays and anchors concertina length as specified in CKS 592.
(diameter and wall
thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) Stays and anchors (subitem (i))

(2) Timber stays and anchors The unit of measurement shall be the number of stays and
(diameter indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) anchors of each type installed.

(3) Wire stays and anchors The tendered rate for each straining post, standard,
(diameter and type dropper, each kilometre of fencing wire and barbed-tape
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) concertina wire, and each square metre of diamond mesh,
wire netting or hinge joint mesh, and for each anchor or
(iii) Horizontal: stay shall include full compensation for providing all the
materials, including all concrete, tying wire, straining wire,
(1) Steel stays and anchors bolts, washers and nuts, for excavating or drilling holes for
(diameter and wall standards, for erecting the posts, standards and droppers
thickness indicated) . . . . . . number (No) and the complete putting up of the fence as specified and
as shown on the drawings. No separate payment will be
(2) Timber stays and anchors made in respect of stone packing and/or trenching in the
(diameter indicated) . . . . . . number (No) case of wire netting.

(3) Wire stays and anchors In the case of hinge joint mesh no separate payment will
(diameter and type be made in respect of droppers.
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
Item Unit
The quantity of material used shall be determined b y
measuring the quantities of individual items of material 55.03 New gates (size and type
used in the completed fence. The linear measurement of indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
the completed fence shall not apply.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of new gates
The appropriate units of measurement are as follows: erected.

Straining posts (subitem (i)) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
procuring and furnishing all material, including gates, zinc-
The unit of measurement shall be the number of posts, as coating, painting, hinges and bolts, and for installing the
follows: gates complete as specified and as shown on the
drawings. It shall not include compensation for any fencing
All straining posts erected in accordance with the wire or mesh fitted onto the gate. Gate posts will be paid
maximum specified spacing or such lesser spacing as for under subitem 55.02(i).
authorised by the engineer, all corner posts and posts at
bends authorized by the engineer, and all end posts. Item Unit

Standards and droppers (subitems (g) and (h)) 55.04 Moving exisling fences
and gates:

The unit of measurement shall be the number of standards (a) Fences:

and droppers erected to the maximum specified spacing
or such lesser spacing as authorized by the engineer. (i) Stock-proof fences . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
(ii) Vermin-proof fences . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) (c) Pedestrian fence . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)

(iii) Pedestrian fences . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) The unit of measurement shall be the kilometre of each
type of temporary fencing erected on the instructions of the
(iv) Security fences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) engineer.

(b) Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
providing all labour, new or suitable second-hand material,
The unit of measurement for moving existing fences shall putting up the temporary fence and when no longer
be the kilometre of fence, the quantity of which shall be required, dismantling and removing it from the site to any
taken as the length of fence which has been put up new locality where it is required, and for neatly restoring
permanently with material obtained from fences which the ground surface.
have been dismantled elsewhere. Additional new material
used during the re-erection of existing fences shall be (d) Temporary gates (type
measured under item 55.02. The unit of measurement for and size indicated) . . . ......... number (No)
moving gates shall be the number of gates moved.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of temporary
The tendered rate for each kilometre of existing fence gates provided by the contractor.
moved or for each existing gate moved shall include full
compensation for dismantling the old fence, coiling and The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
stacking the material unsuitable for re-use, moving all procuring, supplying and erecting new or second-hand
material, including posts and wire and again putting up the gates, their later removal, and replacing the fence.
fence or gate at the new position and the provision of
binding, tying and straining wire. New material used for re-
erection of old fences shall be paid for under item 55.02. General

The tendered rate for each gate moved shall include full Where new or second-hand material is used which has
compensation for taking down the gate and re-erecting it been provided by the employer, eg material obtained from
where required, including all new bolts, nuts and other taking down existing fences, such material obtained from
accessories required but excluding new gate posts. taking down the temporary fences or gates shall remain
the property of the employer.

Item Unit
Material provided by the contractor for temporary fences
55.05 Dismantling existing will similarly become the contractor's property after the
fences: temporary fences have been dismantled.

(a) Fences:
Item Unit
(i) Stock-proof fences . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
55.07 Rngbolts for anchoring
(ii) Vermin-proof fences .......... kilometre (km) fencing to siructures . . number (No)

(iii) Pedestrian fences . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) The unit of measurement shall be the number of ringbolts
supplied and fixed to the structure.
(iv) Security fences ............. kilometre (km)

(b) Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying and fixing ringbolts of the type shown on the
The unit of measurement for the dismantling of existing drawings to the structure, including, where necessary,
fences shall be the kilometre of each type taken down and drilling holes, anchorage, grouting ringbolts in with epoxy
dismantled on the instruction of the engineer. The unit of resin. and for all incidentals.
measurement for the dismantling of gates shall be the
number of gates dismantled on the instruction of the
engineer. Item Unit

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for 55.08 Drilling and blasting
taking down existing fences and gates, coiling wires, rolling holes for posts and anchors . . . . . number (No)
netting into rolls, transporting the material to designated
sites and stacking the material.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of holes for
posts and anchors made by drilling and/or blasting where
Item Unit excavation by hand or by pneumatic tools cannot be done
55.06 Providing temporary
fences and gates:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(a) Stock-proof fence ............ kilometre (km) drilling and blasting the holes and for all other expenses in
connection with providing, storing, transporting and using
(b) Vermin-proof fence . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) explosives.
(b) Mild steel pipes (diameter and
wall thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

55.09 Posts fixed horizontally to The unit of measurement shall be the metre of post of
the bottom of wire mesh for the each type installed.
dosing of openings under fences:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring, furnishing and fixing the posts, complete as
(a) Timber posts (diameter indicated) ... metre (m) specified and as shown on the drawings.
SERIES 5000 : ANClllARY ROADWORKS from or coated with a material that will not cause corrosion
through electrolytic action. Hardened blind or aluminium
SECTION 5600 : ROAD SIGNS rivets shall be used for attaching aluminium sections.

CONTENTS (c) Steel plate and steel profiles

SCOPE (i) Steel plate

MANUFACTURING OF ROAD SlGN BOARDS AND Steel plate for road signs shall be 1,40 m m thick
SUPPORTS prepainted galvanized steel plate (Iscor G275 Chromadek
ROAD SlGN FACES AND PAINTING or approved equivalent), which has been treated on both
STORAGE AND HANDLING sides with an epoxy primer followed by a silicon polyester
ERECTING ROAD SIGNS top coat. The total dry thickness of the treatment shall be
EXISTING ROAD SIGNS The reverse side of a STOP sign R1 and all its derivatives
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT shall be painted white. The reverse side of all other signs
shall be dark grey.

SCOPE Where a reflectorised road sign is required, its reverse side

shall be painted with a dull grey prime coat and the face
with only the specified top coat.
This section covers the supply of permanent and
temporary road signs and the erection of permanent road (ii) Steel profiles
traffic signs alongside and over the carriageway, ramps
and cross roads at intersections and interchanges and at Standard sign profiles shall be 200 m m sections with a
the locations indicated on the drawings or as directed by thickness of 1,O mm, manufactured from prepainted
the engineer. galvanized mild steel substrate (lscor (3275 Chromadek or
approved equivalent), and shall comply with the details on
The signs shall be of the standard regulatory, warning, the drawings.
guidance and information signs as detailed on the
drawings and shall be fabricated in accordance with the
South African Road Traffic Signs Manual, except where (d) Other plate material
otherwise indicated on the drawings or in the project
specifications, or as directed by the engineer. Temporary roadworks delineators signs TW401 and TW402
shall be manufactured from a flexible material and shall
comply with the requirements of SABS 1555.

Other plate material shall be as specified in the project

(a) Structural steel

Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of BS (e) Aluminium

4360 for the type of steel specified or shown on the
drawings. Unless otherwise specified, channels, square Aluminium sections shall be of the sizes detailed on the
tubes, angle irons and other steel members on the reverse drawings, shall be manufactured from grade 6063.T.5 alloy
side of the sign boards and steel tubes for sign supports and shall comply with the requirements of BS 1474.
shall be coated in accordance with subclause 5603(a).
Aluminium plate shall be manufactured from grade
Where specified, all structural steel, including tubes shall 5251.H.3 alloy and shall comply with the requirements of
be galvanised in accordance with the requirements of BS 1470 and shall be 2.0 rnm in thickness.
SABS 763 for type A1 or 82 articles, as may be applicable.

Steel tubes shall comply with the requirements of SABS (0 Paint

All paints used shall comply with the requirements of CKS
193. and also with the standards mentioned therein.
@) Bolts, nuts and rivets
Except where reflecting surfaces are specified, the surface
Steel bolts and nuts shall comply with SABS 135 or SABS of painted road signs shall be semi-matt. The 60" specular
1143. Aluminium bolts and nuts shall be manufactured gloss measured in accordance with SABS method 134 shall
from alloy B51S or D65S. not exceed 50. No thinners shall be added to the paint.

All steel bolts, nuts and washers shall have a hot-dip The reference numbers of the colours to be used are 849
(galvanized) zinc coating which complies with the Golden Yellow, A l l Signal Red, G I 3 Dark Grey, F04
requirements of SABS 763 for coatings on type C2 articles. National Flag Blue, E08 Flag Green, 803 Dark Brown and
G80 Cloud White as shown in SABS 1091.
Blind rivets used for fixing road sign boards to square-
tubing framework shall be 4,65 m m rivets manufactured In the case of prepainted steel plate, the contractor shall
ensure that the colours and shades thereof match with 5603 MANUFACTURING OF ROAD SIGN BOARDS AND
those shown in SABS 1091. SUPPORTS

(g) R e t r ~ d e c t i v ematerial The road sign face refers to the semi-matt or fully retro-
reflective painted background plus the text that includes all
Retro-reflective material shall be supplied in the following letters, symbols, numbers, arrows, emblems and borders.
grades and shall comply with the requirements of SABS
1519 and the adhesion requirements of CKS 191: The road sign board refers to the assembled sign
consisting of the road sign face on the specified plate or
Class I material - 7 year warranty grade profiles, the supporting framework, cross bracing, struts
and connecting mechanisms for mounting onto the sign
Class II material - 10 year warranty grade support structure.

Class Ill material - 10 year warranty grade The sign support structure refers to the steel or timber
supports on which the road sign board is erected and
includes the foundations.
The specific commercial product used under class Ill shall
be subject to the approval of the engineer. No additional payment will be made for steel members,
such as amongst others hanging channels and U-bolts,
that are required to complete and erect the total sign
No materials from different manufacturers shall be overlaid structure according to the specifications and the drawings.
without specific approval of the engineer and subject to
such conditions as the engineer may impose.
(a) Road sign boards

The material shall be supplied with a pressure sensitive or Road sign boards shall be manufactured by a recognised
heat applied adhesive backing protected by a removable manufacturer of road signs.
Road sign boards shall be manufactured strictly in
accordance with the details on the drawings. They shall be
(h) Timber posts for road sign supports manufactured from either steel plate or steel profiles, or
aluminium plate or aluminium sections according to what
Timber posts for road sign supports shall conform to the is specified on the drawings.
requirements of SABS 754, shall be equal to or better than
strength group B timber posts and shall be stamped with Retro-reflective material shall be affixed to the sign face
the SABS mark. The posts shall be treated as specified in strictly in accordance with the specifications of the
subclause 5402(b)(i). The exposed surface of the cut shall manufacturer of the retro-reflective material.
be given two coats of the specified preservative. Any holes
drilled in the timber posts after treatment with the Prefabricated road sign faces are unacceptable.
preservative shall be re-treated.
In so far as is possible, road sign boards shall be
manufactured as one unit. Where road signs are
(i) Corrosionprotectiontape manufactured in more than one unit, the completed units
shall be assembled in the workshop prior to delivery to
Corrosion-protection tape used between aluminium and ensure that all sections and legends fit together properly.
steel shall be a black PVC tape not less than 0,25 m m in Joints in road sign boards shall be provided only at
thickness, shall be resistant to ultra-violet rays, and shall locations and to details as shown on the drawings.
have an adhesive backing. The breaking strength of the
material shall be not less than 3,5 kN/m. (i) Steel plate road sign boards

All road signs exceeding 600 m m in length (ie horizontally

measured) shall be stiffened by a supporting framework as
shown on the drawings. On all rectangular signs the
Except where specified for temporary road signs supporting framework shall be positioned so that the
silkscreening shall not be acceptable. distance to the edge of th sign plate shall not exceed
5 mm.
All permissible silkscreening shall be done strictly in
accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of When road sign boards are made up in sections the
the retro-reflective material utilising only such inks or press sections shall be joined with 10 m m galvanised bolts and
colours as recommended by him. nuts through 12 m m holes drilled in both adjoining
members of the supporting framework sections with a
maximum horizontal spacing of 500 m m and a maximum
(k) Black vinyl vertical spacing of 250 mm. All such drilling shall be done
prior to painting.
Black vinyl of a seven year outdoor warranty grade may be
used. This material shall comply with the chromaticity and The framework panels for a particular road sign board shall
luminance factor requirements for black non-reflective be equal in size, so that the sign will have a balanced and
sheeting in SABS 1519 and comply with the adhesion symmetrical appearance when viewed from the rear. All
requirements of CKS 191. such panels shall be placed on the rear of the road sign
be joined longitudinally, unless otherwise shown on the
The steel plate shall be riveted to the framework wherever
the plate is supported by the framework, and not on the Where aluminium sections are to be faced with retro-
edges only. The rivets shall have a maximum spacing of reflective background material, it shall be applied in
150 m m on condition that even the shortest reinforcement advance to individual sections before assembly, with the
will not have fewer than three rivets (ie one at each end material taken around the face edges of each section for at
and one in the middle). The colour of the rivets shall be least 10 mm. Retro-reflective material shall be heated to
the colour of the background on which they are fixed. facilitate adhesion around the edges and to prevent
damage being done to the material. During the heating
Fastening clamps and/or erection brackets shall be process the temperature shall not exceed the
manufactured, positioned and fastened to the framework manufacturers recommendations.
in accordance with the details on the drawings. Care shall
be taken by the contractor to ensure that the erection Where possible, letters across the joint between two
brackets are positioned in such a way that the road sign sections should be avoided. If it cannot be avoided, the
will be vertically and horizontally true to line when letters concerned shall be bisected on the joint and the
mounted. edges properly pressed home.

Each sign that does not require a supporting framework

shall have two mounting holes of 12 m m diameter each (e) Gatvanizing
located 25 mm from the sign edges so that the sign may
be erected on a vertical post. Where the galvanizing of structural-steel frames and sign-
board supporting structures is specified, it shall be done as
The surface of structural steel for the framework of road far as is practicable after welding. Where, however, this is
signs shall be prepared by it being cleaned with a wire not practicable, the steel sections shall be galvanized
brush and it shall either be powder coated in accordance before assembly and then welded. All welds shall be
with SABS 1274 for Type 6 coatings, or painted in thoroughly cleaned, loose material removed, and dressed,
accordance with CKS 193. The colour of the framework after which the welds shall be coated with two coats of an
shall be Dark Grey (reference number G13, as shown in approved zinc-rich paint.
SABS 1091).

Direct contact between aluminium and any supporting steel Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities or
framework shall be avoided by adhering corrosion- the project specifications, galvanized steel will not require
protection tape to the parts of the board in contact with the painting.
steel frame.

(ii) Steel profile road sign boards (f) Road sign supports

Steel profile road sign boards shall be manufactured in Road sign supports shall be constructed in accordance
accordance with the details on the drawings. with the details shown on the drawings.

The sign faces of all steel profile road sign boards shall
comply mutatis mutandis with the requirements of @) General
subclause 5603(d).
Where details for the construction of road sign boards, the
Steel profile road sign boards shall not be joined framework of the road sign boards and their attachment to
longitudinally unless the length of the sign exceeds 6,O m. the supporting steel framework are not shown on the
In such a case the sign shall be manufactured in sections drawings, the contractor himself shall design them and
of equal length and joined in accordance with the details submit the details to the engineer for approval before
on the drawings. manufacture.


All welding of steelwork shall be carried out in accordance

with the standards laid down in BS 5135. All welding shall (a) Colouts, symbols and legends
be done before painting.
Paint colours, symbols, legends and borders used on road
signs shall comply with the applicable statutory provisions,
(c) Structural steel and also with the requirements of the South African Road
Traffic Signs Manual.
The relevant provisions of section 6700, Structural
Steelwork, shall apply to all steel supporting structures for
road signs. The colours and shades shall conform to the colours and
shades specified in SABS 1519 and SABS 1091.

(d) Aluminium sections

The templates for all letters, numerals, arrows, borders,
Aluminium sections for road sign boards shall be jointed symbols, etc or the actual legend itself shall be cut by a
together by blind aluminium rivets or bolts. They shall not method acceptable to the engineer.
@) Preparing surfaces and applying paint and retro- permitted.
reflective sheeting
When required, existing or newly erected road signs shall
The preparation of surfaces and the painting shall be be fully or partially covered with burlap or other approved
carried out as specified in section 8400. adequately ventilated material to obscure destinations that
are temporarily inapplicable or irrelevant. The covers shall
The surface of structural steel for the frames and supports be neatly applied and firmly fixed in position so that they
of road signs shall be prepared by it being cleaned with a will be able to withstand strong gusts of wind or eddies
wire brush and shall then be coated as specified in clause caused by passing traffic. The fixing shall be done in a
8407. way that will not cause any damage to the road sign face.

Unless otherwise specified, aluminium roadsigns, with the

exception of painted road sign boards, will not require 5606 ERECTING ROAD SIGNS
painting. Galvanized frameworks will not require painting.

Road sign boards with a semi-matt finish manufactured (a) Position

from prepainted plate (Chromadek or approved equivalent)
shall not require pre-treatment or painting. No re-painting Road signs shall be erected in the positions shown on the
of these boards shall be accepted. drawings or indicated by the engineer.

Care shall be taken to treat all holes and cutting edges in

accordance with CKS 193. @) Excavation and backfilling

The preparation of surfaces and application of retro- Excavations for the erection of road signs shall be made
reflective sheeting shall be done in strict accordance with according to the dimensions shown on the drawings.
the recommendations of the sheeting manufacturer. The Where the excavations are to be backfilled with soil, a 1:12
preparation of the surface shall receive particular attention; cement:soil mixture shall be made if so required by the
as will the surface of a fully retro-reflective sign background engineer. The soil or soil-cement mixture shall then be
prior to the application of the legend thereon. placed at optimum moisture content in 100 mm thick
layers in the excavation and shall be compacted to a
minimum of 90% of modified AASHTO density.
(c) Time of manufacture
Where posts or structures are to be fixed in concrete, or
The faces and backs of road sign boards and the legend where concrete footings are to be cast, the concrete,
shall not be painted more than six months prior to their formwork and reinforcement shall comply with the
erection. requirements of sections 6200, 6300 and 6400. The holes
shall be completely filled with concrete up to the level
The manufacturer shall paint an identification code on the shown on the drawings or indicated by the engineer. The
reverse side of every completed road sign board in the upper surface of the concrete shall be neatly finished with
lower corner nearest to the road surface in a position where sufficient fall to ensure proper drainage.
the code will not be obscured by the framework or the
erection posts. The code shall be in the form X-MM-JJ This subclause shall apply to ground-mounted signs only.
where X is the letter used by the manufacturer to identify Excavating and backfilling for the foundations of overhead
the manufacturer and MM-JJ indicates the month and year steel structures are specified and measured in section
of the manufacture. These letters shall be painted in white 6 100.
(black on STOP signs) and shall not be larger than 50 m m
in height. For the purposes of this subclause, excavation in rock shall
correspond with the classification described in clause 2105.

(d) Advertisements When material from the excavations is not suitable for
backfilling or for the preparation of soilcrete, suitable
No advertisements may be displayed on or attached to any material shall be obtained as instructed by the engineer.
part or any side of a road sign board or a road sign
[c) Erection

5605 STOWIGE AND HANDUNG Road sign boards must be inspected by the engineer and
approved in writing before the boards are taken from the
manufacturer to the site for erection. The contractor shall
All road signs or parts of road signs shall be so transported notify the engineer at least one (1) week before the said
and so handled and so stored in a weather-proof inspections are required.
storeroom as to prevent any damage and deformation.
Road signs shall be erected strictly in accordance with the
Sign boards shall be stored on blocks in the vertical details and instructions on the drawings and as directed by
position so that the signs are not in contact with the the engineer.
ground. There shall be sufficient space between the
finished road sign boards to permit free air circulation and During erection the structural steelwork shall be firmly
moisture evaporation. Contact of road sign boards with bolted and protected to prevent buckling or damage from
treated timber and diesel, or storage where road sign being caused during erection, or by the equipment used
boards come into contact with dirt or water will not be for erection.
Posts to which road signs are to be fixed shall be vertical Where required by the engineer, the signs shall be
and the undersides of road signs shall be horizontal after repainted or repaired and new materials shall be used for
having been erected. part or all of the supporting structure.

Where timber posts are used for erecting the signs, all
holes that are drilled in the timber shall be retreated with 5609 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
the approved preservative. A road sign identification
number (as indicated on the layout drawings) shall be Unit
painted with white enamel paint on the reverse side of the
road sign board, above the month and year of 56.01 Road sign boards with pain-
manufacture, in 50 m m high letters and numbers on the ted or coloured semimatt background.
side closest to the road surface, Identification numbers on Symbols, lettering and borders in semi-
overhead signs shall be painted in a position that is visible matt black or i n Class Iretro-
from the road shoulder as directed by the engineer. reflective material, where the
sign board is constructed from:

(d) Field welding (a) Aluminium sheet (2,O m m thick):

All welding done during erection shall comply with the (i) Area not exceeding 2 m2 . . . . square metre (mz)
requirements for welding during manufacture.
(ii) Area exceeding 2 m2
but not 10 m Z . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(e) On-site painting
(iii) Area exceeding 10 m2 ..... square metre (m2)
All painting done after the road signs have been erected
shall comply with the requirements for painting during (b) Aluminium sections
manufacture. (type indicated) all sizes .... square metre (mz)

All places where the paintwork has been damaged during (c) Prepainted galvanized steel
erection shall be repaired by the contractor at his own cost plate (chromadek or approved
to the satisfaction of the engineer. equivalent):

(i) Area not exceeding 2 m2 . ... square metre (m2)

(9 Time of erection
(ii) Area exceeding 2 m 2
Road signs shall be erected immediately prior to the road but not 10 ni2 . . . . . . ...... square metre (mZ)
being opened to public traffic, unless otherwise decided by
the engineer. (iii) Area exceeding 10 m 2 . ..... square metre (m2)

(d) Prepainted galvanized steel

@) General profiles (200 m m high chromadek
or approved equivalent):
All destinations and route numbers shown on the drawings
shall be subject to amendment, and confirmation of the (i) Area not exceeding 2 mz .... square metre (mZ)
details shall be obtained from the engineer before any
particular signs may be made. Such particulars may be (ii) Area exceeding 2 m 2 but not
available only at a late stage, for which allowance shall be 10 mZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
made by the contractor in his programme.
(iii) Area exceeding 10 m2 ...... square metre (m2)

5607 PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE (e) Other material (details


The contractor shall protect the completed road signs (i) Area not exceeding 2 m2 . . . . square metre (m2)
against damage until they have been finally accepted by
the employer, and he shall maintain the road signs until (ii) Area exceeding 2 m2
the maintenance certificate has been issued. Damage or but not 10 m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
defects caused by negligence or faulty workmanship shall
be rectified by the contractor at his own cost to the The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
satisfaction of the engineer. completed road sign board.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

5608 DISMANTLING. STORING AND RE-ERECTING procuring and furnishing all the materials, and for
WSTING ROAD SIGNS manufacturing and supplying the completed road sign
board, including amongst others the supporting framework,
reinforcement, cross bracing, struts, fixing brackets, angle-
Where ordered by the engineer, the contractor shall irons, channel profiles, galvanizing (if specified), painting,
dismantle existing road signs, store them, and re-erect retro-reflective or semi-matt black lettering, symbols.
them at new positions indicated. This work shall be done numbers, arrows, emblems and borders, for attaching the
with as little damage as possible to the signs. road sign board to a road sign support structure, or to an
overhead road sign structure, or to an overbridge, and for The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for
all materials, equipment, labour, supervision, nuts, bolts, tidying up, clearing, trimming, disposing of material at
transport, handling, etc necessary for the manufacture, approved dumping sites provided by the contractor, and
completion, delivery and installation of the road sign board finishing the area around each sign footing.
complete as specified.
Overhead road sign supporting structures shall not be
Payment shall distinguish between road sign boards made measured and paid for under this item, but under the
from the various materials specified. appropriate items of series 6000, Structures.

Item Unit Item Unit

56.02 Extra over item 56.01 for using: 56.04 Kilometre posts (type
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
(a) Background of retro-
reflective material: The unit of measurement shall be the number of kilometre
posts provided and erected in accordance with the
(i) Class I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) drawings.

(ii) Class II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all the
labour and material, painting, lettering, posts, excavation,
(iii) Class Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) backfilling with soil or concrete, etc, as may be necessary
for completing the work in accordance with the details
(b) Lettering, symbols, numbers, shown on the drawings.
arrows, emblems and borders
of retro-reflective material:
Item Unit
(i) Class II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
56.05 Excavation and backfilling
(ii) Class Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) for road sign supports (not
applicable to kilometre posts) . cubic metre (m3)
The area measured for payment shall be the full area of
the road sign face as measured in item 56.01. The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
excavation measured in place according to the neat
The tendered rates paid extra over subitems 56.01(a), (b), dimensions of the footings or excavations as shown on the
(c) and (d) shall include full compensation for the drawings or directed by the engineer. In the case of timber
additional cost of providing retro-reflective background, posts not in concrete, the plan area of the excavated hole
- numbers, arrows, emblems and borders
svmbols, lettering, shall be taken as 0,15 m2, irrespective of the actual size of
of the type specified in each case. the excavated hole.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

Item Unit excavating, backfilling and compacting the backfill
material, for the disposal of all surplus excavated material.
56.03 Road sign supports (over- and for providing the backfill material.
head road sign structures
Item Unit
(a) Steel tubing (diameter and
wall thickness indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) 56.06 Extra over item 56.05
for cement-treated soil
(b) Timber (diameter and bacMill . . . . . . . . . . . ....... cubic metre (m3)
type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
(a) The unit of measurement of supporting structures excavation backfilled with cement-treated soil, measured as
manufactured from steel tubing shall be the ton of steel specified for item 56.05.
tubing used. Bolts and other accessories shall not be
measured. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
additional cost of providing and mixing in cement in the
(b) The unit of measurement for timber supporting backfill material.
structures shall be the metre of each diameter post used.
Bolts and other accessories shall not be measured. Only
the actual length of completed posts shall be measured. Item Unit
Cut-off sections shall not be measured.
56.07 Extra over item 56.05
The tendered rates for subitems (a) and (b) shall include for rock excavation . . ....... cubic metre (ma)
full compensation for manufacturing and erecting the road
sign supports, including all bolts, screws, rivets, welding
and accessories, together with the painting and galvanizing The unit of measurement shall be the in situ cubic metre
required, treatment of timber supports and the provision of rock excavated within the excavation limits specified in
and treatment of breakaway holes in timber supports. item 56.05.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the Unit
additional cost of excavating in rock.
56.09 Dismantling and storing
road signs with a surface
Item Unit area of:

56.08 Dismantling, storing (a) Up to 2 m 2 .................. number (No)

and re-erecting road
signs with a surface (b) Exceeding 2 m 2
area of: but not 10 m 2 . . .............. number (No)

(a) Up to 2 m2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) (c) Exceeding 10 m Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

(b) Exceeding 2 m2 The unit of measurement shall be the number in each size
but not 10 m2 . . .............. number (No) group dismantled and stored.

(c) Exceeding 10 mZ . ............. number (No) The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
carefully dismantling and disassembling the road signs,
loading, transporting, off-loading and carefully stacking all
The unit of measurement shall be the number of signs the materials as required by the engineer. It shall also
dismantled, stored and re-erected in each size group. include compensation for restoring the site where the road
signs have been dismantled.

The tendered rates shall also include full compensation for

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for demolishing the concrete footings of existing signs to at
dismantling and storing the road signs and supporting least 200 m m below the adjacent ground level, disposing
structures, transporting the material to a new location, re- of the resulting debris at approved dumping sites provided
erecting the road signs, and restoring the location where by the contractor, and cutting timber or steel support
they were dismantled. structures at not less than 200 m m below the adjacent
ground level.

Payment for excavations, and the new material and Note:

concrete required for re-erecting the road signs shall be
made under the appropriate item, and any repairs and Concrete, formwork and reinforcing steel for road sign
painting which may be necessary, shall be paid for as footings shall be measured and paid for in accordance with
"extra work". No separate payment shall be made for new the provisions of sections 6200, 6300 and 6400, but such
bolts and nuts required for such re-erection, the cost of payment items shall appear under this section in the
which shall be included in the rates tendered above. schedule of quantities.
SERIES 5000 : ANCILLARY ROADWORKS mixing in 20% by mass Class A glass beads in accordance
with BS 6088.
(iv) Colour

CONTENTS The colours to be used shall be bright white, yellow or red.

SCOPE The colour of the yellow and red paint shall be as specified
SETTING OUT THE ROAD MARKINGS Permanent roadstuds shall comply with the requirements
APPLYING THE PAINT of SABS 1442. Permanent and temporary roadstuds shall
APPLYING THE RETRO-REFLECTIVE BEADS be of the size and type indicated on the drawings or
ROADSTUDS specified in the project specifications. The contractor shall,
TOLERANCES prior to delivery, submit to the engineer samples of the
GENERAL type of roadstuds he proposes to supply for approval. All ,
FAULTY WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS studs subsequently used shall be of an equal quality or

5701 SCOPE

Road-marking paint shall not be applied to a damp surface

This section covers the marking of the road surface with or at temperatures lower than 10°C, or when, in the
painted lines and symbols and the supply and fixing of opinion of the engineer, the wind strength is such that it
retro-reflective roadstuds as indicated on the drawings or may adversely affect the painting operations.
required by the engineer. This section also covers the
removal of existing road studs, and the supply and fixing
of temporary road studs as ordered by the engineer, and 5704 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FOR PAINTING
the removal of existing road markings.

All road markings shall be of the standard regulatory, The equipment shall consist of an apparatus for cleaning
warning and guidance markings as detailed on the the surfaces, a mechanical road-painting machine and all
drawings and in accordance with the South African Road additional hand-operated equipment necessary for
Traffic Signs Manual. completing the work. The mechanical road-marking
machine shall be capable of painting at least three lines
simultaneously and shall apply the paint to a uniform film
thickness at the rates of application specified hereinafter.
The machine shall be so designed that it will be capable of
painting the road markings everywhere to a uniform width
(a) Paint with sides within the tolerances specified hereinafter,
without the paint running or splashing or spattering. The
(i) Road-marking paint machine shall further be capable of painting lines of
different widths by adjusting the spray jets on the machine
Road-marking paint shall comply with the requirements of or by means of additional equipment attached to the
SABS 731-1 for type 1, type 2 or type 4 paint as specified machine.
in the project specifications. The no-pick-up time of road
marking paint shall comply with the class 1 requirement in The machine shall be capable of spraying at a speed of
SABS 731-1. not less than 5.0 kmlh, and shall be provided with clearly
visible amber warning flashing lights which shall always be
The paint shall be delivered at the site in sealed containers in operation when the machine is on the road.
marked in accordance with SABS 731-1.

The viscosity of the paint shall be such that it can be 5705 SURFACE PREPAR4TION
applied without being thinned down.

(ii) Retro-reflective road-marking paint Road markings shall be applied to bituminous surfaces
only after sufficient time has elapsed to ensure that
Retro-reflective road-marking paint shall comply with the damage will not be caused to the painted surface by
requirements of subsubclause 5702 (a)(i) and CKS 192. volatiles evaporating from the seal. After completion of the
seal, no less than 2 weeks or such longer period as may be
(iii) Plastic road-marking material directed by the engineer shall elapse before any road
markings shall be applied. However, the engineer may. in
Where specified in the project specifications, hot-melt certain cases, require road markings to be painted without
plastic road-marking material shall comply with the waiting for the seal to harden, in which case it shall be
requirements of BS 3262. The binder shall be a plasticized done as soon as possible after the instruction had been
synthetic resin and the material shall be reflectorized by given.
Before the paint is applied, the surface shall be clean and Where two or three lines are required next to each other,
dry and completely free from any soil, grease, oil, acid or the lines shall be applied simultaneously by the same
any other material which will be detrimental to the bond machine. The paint shall be stirred before application In
between the paint and the surface. The surface where the accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Paint shall
paint is to be applied shall be properly cleaned by means be applied without the addition of thinners.
of watering, brooming or compressed air if required.
Where, under special circumstances, painting is done by
Where road markings are to be applied to a concrete hand, it shall be applied in two layers, and the second
pavement, all laitance and loose curing compound shall be layer shall not be applied before the first layer has dried
removed. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that the out sufficiently. As most road-marking paint reacts with the
surface shall be clean, fresh concrete on all areas where bitumen surface of the road, the paint shall be applied with
roadstuds are to be fixed. one stroke only of the brush or roller.

Ordinary road-marking paint shall be applied at a nominal

5706 SEITING OUT THE ROAD MARKINGS rate of 0,42 l l m Z or as directed by the engineer and
proprietary brand paints or plastic road marking materials
shall be applied at the rates specified in the project
The dimensions and positions of road markings shall be as specifications.
shown on the drawings or as specified in the appropriate
statutory provisions and the South African Road Traffic Unless otherwise prescribed by the engineer, the road
Signs Manual. marking shall be completed before a particular section of
the road is opened to traffic. Each layer of paint shall be
The lines, symbols, figures or marks shall be premarked by continuous over the entire area being painted.
means of paint spots of the same colour as that of the final
lines and marks. These paint spots shall be at such
intervals as will ensure that the traffic markings can be 5708 APPLYING THE RETRO-REFLECTEB B A D S
accurately applied, and in no case shall they be more than
1,5 m apart. Normally spots of approximately 10 m m in
diameter should be sufficient. Where retro-reflective paint is required, the retro-reflective
beads shall be applied by means of a suitable machine in
After spotting, the positions of the proposed road markings one continuous operation, immediately after the paint has
such as broken lines and the starting and finishing points been applied. The rate of application of the beads shall be
of barrier lines shall be indicated on the road. These 0,8k g l l of paint or such other rate as may be directed by
premarkings shall be approved by the engineer prior to any the engineer. Machines which apply the beads by means
painting operations being commenced. of gravity only shall not be used. The beads shall be
sprayed onto the paint layer by means of a pressure
The positions and outlines of special markings shall be sprayer.
produced on the finished road in chalk and shall be
approved by the engineer before they are painted. Additional surface reflectorization of plastic road markings
Approved templates may be used on condition that the shall be applied at the rate and by means of the methods
positioning of the marking is approved by the engineer specified in the project specifications.
before painting is commenced.

The position of roedstuds shall be marked out on the road 5709 ROADSTUDS
and shall be approved by the engineer before they are
fixed in position.
Roadstuds shall be of the type indicated on the drawings
and shall be fixed in the positions indicated and approved
5707 APPLYING THE PAlM by the engineer.

The roadstuds shall be fixed by means of an approved

The figures, letters, signs, symbols, broken or unbroken epoxy resin in accordance with the manufacturer's
lines or other marks shall be painted as shown on the instructions, subject to such amendments to the method as
drawings or as directed by the engineer. may be required by the engineer. The studs shall be
protected against impact until the adhesive has hardened.
Where the paint is applied by machine, it shall be applied Before fixing the roadstuds, the surface shall be thoroughly
in one layer. Before the road-marking machine is used on cleaned as specified in clause 5705.
the permanent works, the satisfactory operation of the
machine shall be demonstrated on a suitable site which is Permanent roadstuds shall be fixed after the painting of
not part of the permanent works. Adjustments to the the road lines. Prior to the application of the surface
machine shall be followed by further testing. Only when the treatment, all existing roadstuds shall be adequately
machine has been correctly adjusted and its use has been protected. Painting over roadstuds is strictly prohibited.
approved by the engineer after testing, may the machine During laying of aggregate chips, rolling and brooming
be used on the permanent work. The operator shall be care shall be taken to protect all existing roadstuds against
experienced in the use of the machine. damage or breakage. The contractor shall replace at his
own cost any roadstuds that have been damaged by
constructional activities or that have been stained and
After the machine has been satisfactorily adjusted, the rate cannot be cleaned entirely. Where ordered by the
of application shall be checked and adjusted if necessary engineer, the contractor shall remove the existing road =
before application on a large scale is commenced. studs prior to the application of the surfacing seal.
Where ordered by the engineer, temporary roadstuds shall 5712 FAULTY WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS
be installed. The contractor shall maintain the temporary
roadstuds in position until the permanent road markings
have been completed. If any material which does not comply with the
requirements is delivered to the site, or is used in the
works, or if any work of an unacceptable quality is carried
5710 TOLERANCES out, such material or work shall be removed, replaced or
repaired as required by the engineer at the contractor's
own cost. Rejected road markings and paint which has
Road markings shall be constructed to an accuracy within been splashed or dripped onto the pavement, kerbs,
the tolerances given below: structures or other such surfaces, shall be removed by the
contractor at his own cost, in an approved manner so that
the markings or spilt paint will not show up at all.
(a) Width

The width of lines and other markings shall not be less 5713 PROTECTION
than the specified width, nor shall it exceed the specified
width by more than 10 mm.
After the paint has been applied, the road markings shall
be protected against damage by traffic or other causes.
@) Position The contractor shall be responsible for erecting, placing
and removing all warning boards, flags, cones, barricades
The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows, retro-reflective and other protective measures which may be necessary in
roadstuds and other markings shall not deviate from the terms of any statutory provisions and/or as may be
true position by more than 100 m m in the longitudinal and recommended in the South African Road Traffic Signs
20 mm in the transverse direction. Manual.

(c) Alignment of markings 5714 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The alignment of the edges of longitudinal lines shall not

deviate from the true alignment by more than 10 m m in
15 m.
57.01 Roadmarking paint:
(d) Broken lines
(a) White lines (broken
The length of segments of broken longitudinal lines shall or unbroken) (width of line
not deviate by more than 150 m m from the specified indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
(b) Yellow lines (broken
or unbroken) (width of line
5711 GENERAL indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilometre (km)
(c) Red lines (broken
In broken lines the length of segments and the gap or unbroken) (width of line
between segments shall be as indicated on the drawings. indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
If these lengths are altered by the engineer, the ratio of the
lengths of the painted section to the length of the gap (d) White lettering and
between painted sections shall remain the same. Lines symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
shall not be painted more than 3 months prior to the road
being opened to public traffic. (e) Yellow lettering and
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
Lines on curves. whether broken or unbroken, shall not
consist of chords but shall follow the correct radius. (1) Transverse lines, painted
island and arrestor bed markings
(any colour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
Where plastic road-marking material is used, the
manufacturer shall produce an approved guarantee as (g) Kerb markings (any
specified in the project specifications. colour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

Where indicated by the engineer, the contractor shall Item Unit

remove existing painted markings from the existing
surfaces by means of sand blasting or as ordered by the 57.02 Retro-reflective road-
engineer. Suitable precautions shall be taken to avoid marking paint:
damage to nearby vehicles or other property during the
sand blasting process. The use of black paint or chemical
paint remover to obliterate existing markings will not be (a) White lines (broken
permitted, except where it is ordered by the engineer as a or unbroken) (width of line
temporary measure. indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (krn)
(b) Yellow lines (broken
or unbroken) (width of line
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) 57.04 Variations i n rate of
(c) Red lines (broken
or unbroken)(width of line (a) White paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre ( I )
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
(b) Yellow paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (1)
(d) White lettering and
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m') litre ( I )

(e) Yellow lettering and (d) Retro-reflective beads . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg)

symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (ni2)
(e) Plastic road-marking
(1) Transverse lines, painted paints (specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litre
. (I)
island and arrestor bed
markings {any colour) . . . . . . square metre (m2) The unit of measurement for variations in the rate of
application of the paint and retro-reflective beads shall be
a litre and a kilogram respectively.

Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause

57.03 Hotmelt plastic road-marking 1213.
material (particulars stated):

(a) White lines (broken Item Unit

or unbroken) (width of line
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) 57.05 Roadstuds (type stated) ..... number (No)

(b) Yellow lines (broken The unit of measurement for roadstuds shall be the actual
or unbroken) (width of line number of approved roadstuds placed.
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(c) Red lines (broken or procuring and furnishing all the necessary material, labour
unbroken)(width of line and equipment, and for fixing and maintenance as
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilometre (km) specified. Distinction shall be made between various types
of roadstuds.
(d) White lettering and
symbols . . . . . . . ......... square metre (rn2)
Item Unit
(e) Yellow lettering and
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) 57.06 Setting out and pre-
marking the lines
(f) Transverse lines, painted island (excluding traftio
and arrestor bed markings island markings, let-
(any colour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mz) tering and symbols) .......... kilometre (km)

The unit of measurement for painting the lines shall be a The unit of measurement for setting out lines shall be the
kilometre of each specified width of line and the quantity kilometre of lines set out and marked. Where two or three
paid for shall be the actual length of line painted in lines are to be painted next to each other! and where the
accordance with the instructions of the engineer, excluding centre to centre distance between adjacent lines does not
the length of gaps in broken lines. exceed 500 mm, the setting-out of lines shall be measured
only once.
The unit of measurement for painting the lettering,
symbols, transverse lines or painted island and arrestor The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
bed markings shall be a square metre, and the quantity to setting out and premarking the lines as specified, including
be paid for shall be the actual surface area of lettering, all materials.
symbols or transverse lines, painted island and arrestor
bed markings completed in accordance with the
instructions of the engineer. Item Unit

57.07 Reestablishing the

The tendered rate per kilometre or per square metre as the painting unit at the end
case may be for painting the road markings shall include of the maintenance period ......... lump sum
full compensation for procuring and furnishing all material,
including the retro-reflective beads in the case of retro- The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
reflective paint, and the necessary equipment, and for the re-establishment on the site and for later removing all
painting, protecting and maintenance as specified, special equipment, personnel, etc, as may be required for
including the setting-out of lettering, symbols and repainting the road-traffic markings at the end of the
transverse lines, painted island and arrestor bed markings, maintenance period. The contractor will be paid at tender
but excluding setting out and premarking the lines. rates for repainting the road markings.
The re-establishment during the construction period shall The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
not be paid for specially, and allowance therefor shall be necessary equipment, labour and materials, for any
made by the contractor in his programme arid his rates for specific protection measures, accommodation of traffic,
painting. and the cleaning of the area of all dust, all as specified.

Hem Unit Unit

57.08 Remwal of existing, temporary 57.09 Removal of existing roadstuds . ... number (No)
or permanent road markings by:
The unit of measurement shall be the actual number of
(a) Sandblasting ..... . . . . ... . square metre (mZ) roadstuds removed.

(b) Overpainting as The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
temporary measure . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ) furnishing all equipment, labour and material to remove the
existing roadstuds as specified and to repair the road
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of road surface in case of any damage, as well as the disposal of
marking removed or obliterated. tlie roadstuds.
SERIES 5000 : ANCILLARY ROADWORKS seeds in the seed mixture shall be as specified in the
project specifications.
Mixing the various types of grass seeds for obtaining the
prescribed grass-seed mixture shall be done on the site in
CONTENTS the presence of the engineer. At any time during the
planting process the engineer has the right to take samples
SCOPE AND DEFINITION in order to test the quality of materials and workmanship.
MATERIALS Storing and identifying the grass seeds and the grass-seed
LANDSCAPING THE AREAS mixtures on the site shall be the responsibility of the
TREES AND SHRUBS (d) Trees and shrubs
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Plants shall be of the variety and size shown on the
drawings or in the project specifications and/or the
schedule of quantities.
The contractor shall supply the required number of plants
as shown on the drawings or in the project specifications
and/or the schedule of quantities. Plants must be healthy,
shapely, well rooted and disease-free. Plants shall not
This section covers the landscaping of designated areas, show any evidence of having been restricted or deformed
the planting of plants for functional and aesthetic purposes at any time. Plants shall be grown specifically to be able
on cut and fill slopes, landscaped areas and such other to cope with the adverse conditions as experienced in the
areas where it may be required. road reserve. The plants must be hardened off and be
exposed to direct sunlight for at least six months prior to
planting in the road reserve. A minimum amount of
@) Definition waterlfertiliser should be administered in order to
acclimatize the plants for their future environment all to the
WEEDS satisfaction of the engineer.

Any proclaimed weeds or alien invader plants (as listed in Each tree shall be supplied in a plastic plant container of
bulletin 413 issued by the Department of Agriculture, at least 8,O 1 capacity, and shall have a height of at least
Directorate of Agricultural Information), as well as any tree, 1 500 mm.
shrub, herb, water plant or any other plant which, in the
opinion of the engineer, may pose any problems in Each shrub shall be supplied in a plastic plant container of
specified areas (such as the road reserve, haul roads, at least 4,5 1 capacity and shall have a height of at least
borrow pits, camp sites, stockpile sites, etc) at certain 500 mm.
times, and is therefore regarded as being undesirable.
Each plant shall be handled and packed in the approved
manner for that species or variety, and all the necessary
5802 MATERIALS precautions shall be taken to ensure that the plants will
arrive at the site of the works in an undamaged and
healthy condition for successful growth. Trucks used for
(a) Fertiliser/soilimprovement material transporting plants shall be equipped with covers to protect
the plants from windburn. Containers shall be in an
The type of fertiliser/soil-improvement material to be used undamaged condition.
shall be one or more of the following types and any other
type of fertiliser/soil-improvement material specified in the The contractor shall ensure that the plants are in a good
project specifications or prescribed by the engineer. condition and free from pests and diseases and he shall
accept full responsibility for maintaining the plants in a
(i) Soil-improvement materials such as dolomitic lime, good condition throughout the contract and the
basic slag, gypsum, superphosphate and agricultural lime. maintenance periods. The plants shall be fully maintained
and watered during this period and any losses of plants on
(ii) Fertilisers such as limestone ammonium nitrate, account of the lack of care, also where they are diseased,
2:3:2(22)and 3:2:1 (25). during the contract and maintenance periods, shall be
replaced at the contractor's own cost.
@) Grass cuttings
(e) Grass sods
Grass cuttings shall be fresh cuttings of an approved type
of grass with sufficient root material to ensure good Grass sods shall be either nursery-grown or veld sods as
growth. described below. Both types shall be harvested, delivered,
planted and watered within 36 hours unless otherwise
authorised by the engineer. The grass sods shall be free
(c) Grass seeds from noxious weeds and diseases. Sods delivered to the
site shall be moist and shall have at least 30 m m soil
Only fresh certified seed shall be used and the types of thickness for nursery-grown sods and 50 m m soil thickness
for veldsods, at the points of planting or placement. Sods (h) Manure
shall also measure a minimum of 400 m m in width and
500 m m in length and shall retain the minimum Manure shall, unless another type has been approved by
dimensions until they are placed. the engineer, be old, sweated, pure kraal manure free from
soil, noxious weed seeds or other undesirable material. It
(i) Nursery-grown sods shall not contain any particles that will not pass through a
50 m m screen and shall be approved by the engineer
These sods shall be of the variety of grass specified in the before being delivered to the site.
project specifications, unless the use of an alternative has
been approved by the engineer. The grass shall have been
grown specifically for sod purposes, mown regularly and (i) Compost
cared for to provide an approved uniformity to the
satisfaction of the engineer. It shall be harvested by special Compost shall be well decayed, friable and free from
machines manufactured for this purpose to ensure an even noxious weed seeds or any other undesirable materials. It
depth of cut with sufficient root material and soil. shall not contain any particles that will not pass through a
50 m m screen and shall be approved by the engineer prior
(ii) Veld sods to delivery on the site.

These sods may be obtained from areas approved by the

engineer within or near the site where a suitable type and 5803 LANDSCAPING THE AREAS
density of grass and type of soil are found. These areas
shall also be mown regularly and cared for to provide
suitable sods to the satisfaction of the engineer. (a) Shaping

Areas within the road reserve but outside the road prism
(f) Antierosion compounds which require shaping by means of bulk earthworks such
as contoured areas at interchanges and intersections and
Anti-erosion compounds shall consist of an organic or rest areas which require earthworks shall be excavated,
inorganic material to bind soil particles together and shall filled and compacted when required, and shaped to the
be a proven product able to suppress dust and form an correct contours to within a tolerance of plus or
encrustation. The application rate shall conform to the minus 150 rnrn. Such work shall be regarded as being
manufacturer's recommendations. The materials used earthworks and measurement and payment therefor shall
shall be of such a quality that grass seeds may germinate be made under section 3300, except that quantities may
and penetrate the crust. be measured by means of a grid system of levels taken at
10 m intervals before and after shaping or else it may be
determined by levelled cross-sections.
@) Topsoil

Topsoil shall preferably consist of selected fertile loamy (b) Trimming

soil, obtained from areas with a good soil coverage of
natural vegetation, preferably grasses. It shall be free from Trimming shall consist of trimming the existing o:
deleterious matter such as large roots, stones, refuse, stiff previously shaped ground to an even surface with the final
or heavy clays and the seeds of noxious weeds, which will levels generally following the original surface. and it is a
adversely affect its suitability for grass being planted. requirement that the drainage remains effective. Trimming
Topsoil stripped from areas infested with weeds shall be shall normally be done by grader, or in more confined or
stockpiled separately. steep areas by bulldozer. Where machine operations are
not practicable, because of confined spaces or steep
Topsoil shall be obtained from wherever suitable material slopes, trimming shall be done with hand tools. When
occurs either in the road reserve from areas where cuts and trimming is done on slopes, the ridges shall be made
fills are to be constructed or from borrow areas to be parallel to the contour. Such ridges shall be approximately
cleared as described in subclause 1702(c). The engineer 100 rnm wide, and the centres between the ridges
shall communicate his requirements to the contractor approximately 400 rnm. Trimming shall be done where
regarding the quantity of topsoil which is necessary and instructed by the engineer to areas inside the road reserve
the areas from which it shall be selected and removed by but outside the road prism, ie normally outside the tops of
the contractor. Unless otherwise specified, topsoil shall be cuts or the toes of fills, but trimming of rock outcrops and
taken from not deeper than 400 m m from the surface. If koppies will not be required.
the contractor fails to conserve the topsoil as instructed, he
shall obtain suitable substitute material from other sources Trimmed surfaces shall be left slightly rough to facilitate a
at no extra cost to the employer. better binding with topsoil or the natural establishing of
Where so specified, the contractor shall procure and
furnish topsoil from his own sources outside the site, after When subsequent grassing is required or when it is
such sources have been approved by the engineer. ordered by the engineer, areas previously shaped shall be
trimmed as described above to within a tolerance of plus
Topsoil shall be stockpiled in separate loose heaps as or minus 100 m m with all undulations following a smooth
tipped from the trucks and shall not be stockpiled in heaps curve. The above tolerance shall apply only to areas where
exceeding 2,Om in height, unless otherwise specified by the final contours are given on the drawings.
the engineer. Care shall be taken to prevent the
compaction of the topsoil in any way, especially by trucks During trimming, all stones in excess of 50 rnm in size and
being driven over such material. all excess material shall be removed. Areas which require
grassing shall be trimmed in such a way that, after by the contractor. The engineer shall be furnished with the
cultivation and the application of topsoil, the finished soil-analysis and subsequent fertilizer recommendations.
surface of the area shall be at least 30 mm below the top Only after approval by the engineer of the nature and
of adjacent kerbing, channelling or pavement in the event quantity of the fertilizer, may the application proceed.
of sodding with nursery grown sods, and at least 50 mm
below in the event of veld sods being placed. Soil-Improvementmaterials (such as lime, superphosphate,
etc) shall be evenly applied over all surfaces where grass
is to be planted, and shall then be thoroughly mixed with
(c) Plant rates the soil to a depth of 150 mm either mechanically or
manually. Where hydroseeding is to be performed, the
The engineer shall be entitled to pay for shaping and fertilizer may be mixed with the anti-erosion compound
trimming as described above on the basis of hourly plant and water used in the hydroseeding.
rates. The motor grader and bulldozer to be provided shall
each have a flywheel power of not less than 93 kW. All
machines shall be in a good condition. Any labour or other (e) Verdyol Complex or similar
plant required shall be paid for as a variation as specified
in clause 40 of the general conditions of contract. In certain limited and unique cases, where topsoil is not
available or can not be retained on a steep slope, Verdyol
Complex or similar may be used at an approved
5W)4 PREPAMNG THE AREAS FOR PLANTS application rate, at the discretion of the engineer.

(a) Soil ripping (f) General

Where soil is too hard to be scarified with a light tractor, After an area has been prepared for grassing, the grassing
the soil shall be ripped up to a depth of 300 mm before it shall be completed before crustificationtakes place. Where
is loosened by a scarifier to a depth of 150 mm. a crust has been formed before grassing is done, the
contractor shall, at his own cost, loosen the crust by
scarifying to a depth of 150 mm.
@) Areas which do not require topsoil

Where the areas to be grassed consist of organically 5805 GRASSING

suitable material, the topsoil shall be loosened by
scarifying to a minimum depth of 150 mm. All loose stones
exceeding 50 mm in size on areas to be mowed by The method of establishing grass shall depend on the
machine and falling withln the road reserve and all stones circumstances relating to each case, and the engineer shall
exceeding 150 mm in size in other areas shall be removed. decide which method is to be used.

Fertilizing may still be required as specified in subclause

5804(d). (a) Planting grass cuttings

The areas to be grassed by means of grass cuttings shall,

(c) Areas which require topsoil unless already moist, be thoroughly watered before the
cuttings are planted to ensure that the soil will be uniformly
Where areas to be grassed consist of organically unsuitable moist to a depth of at least 150 mm when the planting is
material, the surface shall be scarified to a minimum depth done. This method shall only be used on flat areas, such
of 150 mm before topsoil is placed to ensure a proper as medians.
bond between the topsoil and the subsoil. If required, the
area shall be scarified as described in subparagraphs (a) An approved variety of grass cuttings shall be evenly
or (b) above. planted by hand or mechanically at a rate of at least
600 kg of cuttings per hectare and shall be covered with 30
Topsoil shall be placed on the prepared surfaces and mm of approved soil. Fresh cuttings only shall be used but
trimmed to the uniform thickness required. The topsoil not any grass cuttings that have been allowed to dry out.
shall be scarified by means of handraking or light Immediately after having been planted, the grass cuttings
rotavators and all stones removed as specified for areas shall be given a copious watering, and, when sufficiently
not requiring topsoil in subparagraph (b) above. dry, shall be rolled with a light agricultural roller.

Areas inaccessible for topsoil being placed mechanically

after the construction works have been completed shall be @) Sodding
covered with topsoil and protected against erosion as
construction works progress. Areas to be grassed by sodding shall be given a layer of
topsoil of at least 50 mm In thickness unless, where
suitable soil is present, the engineer orders the topsoil to
(d) Fertilizing be omitted. The areas to be sodded shall be thoroughly
watered beforehand so that it will be moist to a depth of at
For all areas to be planted the contractor shall have the top least 150 mm during sodding. The surface shall be
150 mm of the prepared surface analysed to determine the roughened slightly to ensure a good penetration of roots
quantity and type of fertilizer which may be required for into the soil. Sods shall be protected against drying out
establishing proper growth conditions for the grass. The and kept moist from the time of harvesting until they are
locations of soil samples taken shall be indicated on plans finally placed. The handling of the sods shall not result in
the sods losing their prescribed soil thickness. (d) Topsoiling only

The first row of sods shall, where possible, be laid in a Where, in the opinion of the engineer, the planting of grass
straight line, and if on a slope, laying the sods shall start at or hydroseeding can be dispensed with on account of
the bottom of the slope. The sods shall be butted tightly favourable climatic and other conditions, the contractor
against each other, and care shall be taken not to stretch may attempt to establish grass by topsoiling only. Topsoil
or overlap the sods. Where a good fit cannot be obtained, shall be selected for the presence of natural grass and
any intervening spaces shall be filled with topsoil. The next seeds and shall be removed and placed whenever possible
row shall be similarly placed tightly against the bottom row at a time that would favour the establishing of grass.
with staggered joints, and so on until the entire area has These areas shall be treated with an anti-erosion
been covered with sods. Sods shall be laid in such a way compound, if so instructed by the engineer. Fertilizing
that unnecessary trampling over areas previously laid is shall be done as specified in subclause 5804(d).
prevented. To this end, a diagonal method of laying sods
is preferred, moving up the slope and behind previously After the topsoil has been placed, it shall be lightly rolled
laid sods. On steep slopes the sods shall be held in and well watered, and afterwards watered and mown
position by a sufficient number of wooden stakes whenever instructed by the engineer.
approximately 300 mm long by 20 mm in thickness and
these stakes shall be knocked in to a depth of 100 mm into The contractor will not be held responsible for establishing
the subsoil. an acceptable grass cover as defined in subclause 5806@)
when this procedure is followed, but will be responsible for
Sods laid adjacent to concrete side drains shall be laid in the consequences of any omission to water or mow or
such a manner that the sodding will be 20 mm higher than weed the grass as instructed by the engineer.
the concrete. The top surface of sods laid adjacent to the
road pavement shall be 50 mm lower than the road No payment for grassing shall be made other than for
surface. When stripsodding is required, the sods shall be placing topsoil, providing and applying fertilizers and for
laid in such a manner that the sods are proud of the watering, mowing and weeding the grass, which will be
surrounding ground level. During stripsodding the areas in paid for at the tendered rates. For any replanting of grass
between shall be hydroseeded as specified in subclause on bare patches, repairs caused by erosion, and similar
5805(c). Stripsodding shall at all times be staked as work, the contractor will be paid for as a variation in terms
specified above. of clause 40 of the general conditions of contract.

As sodding is completed each section shall be lightly rolled

or firmly pressed to ensure a proper bond with the (e) Grassing wiih an appmved grass planbr
underlying material, and thoroughly watered afterwards.

Grassing shall be done with an approved grass planter
which plants the seeds in rows spaced not more
than 250 mm apart. The planter shall plant the seeds
approximately 6 mm deep and shall lightly compact the
Where it is specified that hydroseeding is to be carried out soil. The prescribed fertiliser may be distributed
on topsoil, the thickness of the topsoil layer shall be as simultaneously with the grass planting.
specified In the project specifications or as directed by the
(f) Sarving by hand
The types and mixtures of seeds to be used shall be as
specified in the project specifications or, if not so specified If approved by the engineer, sowing may be done by hand
therein, shall be agreed on by the engineer and the on areas inaccessible to machines. The seed shall be
contractor before any seed he may wish to use is ordered spread uniformly over the surfaces and then lightly raked
by the contractor. The contractor shall be solely Into the soil.
responsiblefor establishing an acceptable grass cover, and
any approval by the engineer of seed or seed mixtures
intended for use by the contractor shall not relieve him of (g) Whenever speMed in the project specifications,
this responsibility. other methods of grassing may be employed.

A mulch shall be added to the hydroseeding mix at an (h) The grassing of b o r n pits, tempwary devietions,
approved rate. camp sites, access roads and stockpile sites .

Prior to any grassing that may be required on such areas,

Hydroseeding shall then be carried out with an approved the finishing-off of borrow pits as described under clause
hydroseeding machine at a rate of application of not less 3105, obliterating the temporary deviations and access
than 38 kg of seed mixture per hectare, unless otherwise roads as described in clauses 1516 and 5903 respectively,
specified in the project specifications. and the clearing of camp sites as described In section
1300, shall have been carried out as specified in the
relevant sections.
When the use of anti-erosion compounds is required and
such compound is to be applied simultaneously with the Note:
hydroseeding, it shall be mixed with the hydroseeding
mixture before application. Should Verdyol Complex or With regard to subclauses 5805(e) and (1). the areas to be
approved equivalent be used, the quantities of the grassed shall be prepared as desaibed In clause 5804 and
fertilizers shall be adjusted accordingly, subject to the the areas shall be thoroughly watered after campMon ,
engineer's approval. the operation. Also,If deemed necessary, an anti+roefon
campound shall be applied. 5807 TREES AND SHRUBS

5806 PLANTING AND MAINTAINING THE PLANTS (a) Positions of trees and shrubs

The localities where trees and shrubs are to be planted are

(a) Watering, weeding, mowing and replanting as follows:

All sodded and grassed areas shall be adequately watered (i) Trees and shrubs shall be planted at locations
at regular and frequent intervals to ensure the proper shown on the drawings.
germination of seeds and growth of grass until the grass
has established an acceptable cover and thereafter until (ii) Plants in the median shall be planted in a line 1,5
the beginning of the maintenance period of the grass. The m from the centre line of the median or as directed by the
quantity of water and the frequency of watering shall be engineer.
subject to the engineer's approval. With hydroseeding the
commencement of watering may be postponed until a (iii) When the carriageways are at different levels, the
favourable time of the year, but watering shall in any case plants in the median shall be planted 3 m from the edge
commence and continue as soon as the seeds have of the pavement on the high side of the median or as
germinated and growth has started. directed by the engineer.

(iv) Where the road curves, the plants In the median

The contractor shall further mow the grass on all areas shall be planted on the inside of the median centre line.
where grass has been established whenever so instructed
by the engineer, until the end of the maintenance period. (v) Where the carriageways are at different levels as
All grass cuttings shall be collected and disposed of if so well as on a curve, the plants in the median shall be
directed by the engineer. All weeds shall be eradicated and planted on the high side, provided they do not impede on
disposed of by approved means and provision for payment sight distance, or as directed by the engineer.
for such operations shall be made under item 58.04.
Weeds shall be eradicated before they have a chance to (vi) At freeway crossings over roads or rivers, shrubs
flower. Any bare patches where the grass has not taken or shall be planted in the positions shown on the drawings.
where it has been damaged or has dried out shall be
recultivated, planted, sodded or hydroseeded at the (vii) At the headwalls of culverts or similar structures,
contractor's own expense. trees and/or shrubs shall be planted to indicate the
positions of these structures. The locations for planting the
plants shall be as shown on the drawings or as directed by
All grassed areas shall have an acceptable cover as the engineer.
defined below at both the beginning and the end of the
maintenance period. (viii) Care shall be taken not to obscure traffic signs by

@) Acceptable cover (ix) Trees shall not be planted closer than 10 m from
the yellow line on the outside shoulder, or as directed by
An acceptable grass cover shall mean that not less than the engineer.
75% of the area grassed or hydroseeded shall be covered
with grass and that no bare patches exceeding 0,25 mZin
any area of 1 m x 1 m shall occur. In the case of sodding, @) Reparing plant holes
acceptable cover shall mean that the entire area shall be
covered with live grass at the end of any period not less Unless otherwise directed by the engineer, holes shall be
than three months after sodding. spaced and prepared as follows:

(i) All holes shall be square in plan.

(c) Maintenance period
(ii) Holes for shrubs shall be at least 500 mm square by
The maintenance period in respect of grass shall 600 mm deep at intervals of at least 1,5 m centre to centre.
commence when an acceptable grass cover as defined in Alternatively a 500 mm wide trench 600 mm deep may be
(b) above has been established and shall be one year. This dug, subject to the engineer's approval.
means that the maintenance period in respect of grass can
commence earlier or later than the maintenance period for (iii) Holes for trees shall be at least 700 mm square by
other parts of the contract. 800 mm deep.

(iv) The holes for plants shall be refilled with selected

and approved topsoil thoroughly mixed beforehand with
If the maintenance period in respect of grass expires manure or compost (one 5 1 bucket full for every shrub
before the end of the maintenance period for the other hole and one 10 1 bucket full for every tree hole) and:
roadworks, the contractor shall further mow the grass on depending on soil-analysis, the required quantity and type'
such areas as instructed by the engineer up to the end of of fertilizer. The fill material shall contain an approved
the maintenance period for the other roadworks. For water retaining admixture.
mowing that is executed after the maintenance period in
respect of grass has expired, the contractor will be paid (v) The holes shall be thoroughly watered before plants
under item 58.07. are planted. Where the soil is poorly drained, 150 mm of
crushed stone shall be placed at the bottom of the hole @) Traffic on grassed areas
before it is filled with soil.
The contractor shall not plant any grass until all operations
which may require road-building equipment to be taken
(c) Planting over grassed areas have been completed. No road-building
equipment, trucks or water carts shall be allowed onto
Before trees and shrubs are removed from their containers areas which have been grassed and only equipment
for planting purposes, they shall be watered to the point of required for the preparations of areas, application of
saturation. fertiliser and spreading of topsoil will be allowed to operate
on areas to be grassed. All damaged areas shall be
Directly after having been planted, each plant shall be well reinstated by the contractor at his own expense.
watered with a view to settling the soil. After the soil has
settled, additional topsoil mixture shall be added where
necessary to bring the replaced soil in the hole to within (c) Erosion prevention
150 m m of the ground surface, so as to ensure that
sufficient water can be retained in the hole around the During construction the contractor shall protect all areas
plant. All trees shall be tied by means of treated sisal rope susceptible to erosion by installing all the necessary
to two creosote-treated timber stakes planted firmly in the temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as
ground on both sides of the tree directly opposite each possible and by taking such other measures as may be
other. The distance between the stakes shall be 1,O rn. necessary to prevent the surface water from being
The stakes shall have a minimum diameter of 50 mrn and concentrated in streams and from scouring the slopes,
shall be at least 300 m m longer than the planted tree, but banks or other areas.
its length shall not exceed 1,5 m above ground level.
Any runnels or erosion channels developing during the
After planting, the ground surface around the shrubs shall construction period or during the maintenance period shall
be covered with straw or grass or any other type of mulch be backfilled and compacted, and the areas restored to a
to minimise evaporation and/or weed competition. proper condition. The contractor shall not allow erosion to
develop on a large scale before effecting repairs and all
The ground surface around each tree shall be covered with erosion damage shall be repaired as soon as possible and
a plastic membrane with a surface area of 1.0 m Z and a in any case not later than three months before the
thickness of 150 micron. Thereafter rocks or stones termination of the maintenance period. All topsoil or other
measuring 150 m m to 250 m m in diameter shall be placed material accumulated in side drains shall be removed at
in a riprap fashion following the contours of the plant hole. the same time. Topsoil washed away shall be replaced.

The contractor shall water the trees and shrubs until they
are established. He will be paid for watering under item (d) Proprietary brand materials used for erosion
58.06. prevention

Certain proprietary brands of materials which may be

(d) Maintenance necessary for erosion prevention to enable natural grass to
become established, shall, if required, be specified in the
During the period of maintenance, which shall be twelve project specifications. The method according to which the
months after acceptance of established trees and shrubs. material is to be applied, the surface preparation required,
the contractor shall be responsible for watering the trees the type of material to be provided and the method of
and shrubs when necessary and keeping the plants free payment shall be as specified in the project specifications.
from weeds and pests. The plants shall be watered in
accordance with an agreement concluded between the
engineer and the contractor prior to the beginning of the (e) Responsibility for establishing an acceptable cover
maintenance period. The watering of plants will be paid
for under item 58.06. Notwithstanding the fact that the engineer will determine
the method of grassing and that the type of seed or grass
Every tree or shrub, which is not healthy or shows used and the rate of application of the seed may be
unsatisfactory growth, shall be replaced by the contractor specified or agreed on by the engineer, and that the
at his own expense, within one month of having been frequency of mowing will be as ordered by him, the
notified by the engineer, in writing. Such notification as set contractor shall be solely responsible for establishing an
out in the latter sentence, may be given quarterly during acceptable grass cover and for the cost of replanting grass
the maintenance period. or rehydroseeding where no acceptable cover has been
established. Where however, in the opinion of the
contractor, it is doubtful from the outset if it will be
5808 GENERAL possible to establish an acceptable cover he may inform
the engineer of his reasons therefor, and the engineer may.
if he agrees. either adopt another method of grassing or
(a) Time for planting agree to accept whatever cover can be obtained, provided
that all reasonable efforts shall be made to establish a
Grass, trees and shrubs shall be planted as far as is good grass cover by the proposed method. Any such
practicable during periods of the year most likely to agreement shall be valid only if given in writing by the
produce best growing results. The contractor shall make engineer beforehand.
every effort to programme his operations in such a manner
that grass, trees and shrubs shall, as far as is possible, be In the case of grassing by topsoiling only the contractor will
planted during this period. not be held directly responsible for establishing an
acceptable grass cover but will be held responsible for the
consequences of supplying workmanship which does not
conform to the specifications, or for lack of proper care. 58.03 Preparing the areas
for grassing:

(f) Refertilizing (a) Ripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hectare (ha)

Should it become necessary, the engineer may instruct the (b) Scarifying for loosening
contractor to undertake a refertilizing programme on topsoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hectare (ha)
grassed areas during the twelve month maintenance
period. (c) Topsoiling within the
road reserve, where the fol-
Payment for refertilization will be made under subitem lowing materials are used:
(i) Topsoil obtained from
within the road reserve or bor-
5809 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT row areas (free-haul 1,O km) . . cubic metre (m3)

(ii) Topsoil obtained from

Item Unit other sources by the contractor
(including all haul) . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
58.01 Trimming:
(d) Topsoiling of borrow
(a) Machine trimming ......... square metre (m2) pits by using topsoil obtained
from borrow areas or from the
(b) Hand trimming ........... square metre (m2) road reserve (free-haul
1,O km) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

Note: (e) Providing and applying

chemical fertilisers and/or
All bulk earth-moving operations as described under soil-improvement material:
shaping in subclause 5803(a) shall be measured and paid
for under section 3300. (i) Lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)

The unit of measurement for trimming shall be the square (ii) Superphosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
metre of area trimmed on the instruction of the engineer,
including areas trimmed after having been shaped. No (iii) Limestone ammonium nitrate ......... ton (1)
trimming within the road prism shall be measured for
payment. (iv) 2:3:2(22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for (v) 3 2 : l(25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ton (t)
trimming the areas to the specified finishing requirements,
including the moving of a small quantity of material which (vi) Other fertilisers and/
would be inherent in this process and the removal of or soil-improvement materials
surplus material and stones. Payment shall distinguish if required (type stated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
between machine trimming which can reasonably be done
by bulldozer or motor grader, and hand trimming which (f) Stockpiling topsoil
cannot be done by machine on account of confined space, (free-haul 1,O km) . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
steep slopes or difficult shapes.

(a) Ripping
Item Unit
The unit of measurement for ripping shall be the hectare of
58.02 Using machines for trimming soil ripped. Only areas ripped on the written instructions of
or shaping (alternative to the engineer shall be measured for payment.
subitem 58.01(a)):
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(a) Bulldozer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hour (h) ripping, complete as specified in clause 5804.

(b) Motor grader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hour (h) Loosening the soil by scarifying will be paid for under
subitem 58.03(b).
The unit of measurement shall be the hour actually worked
by each machine in trimming or shaping areas. Standing
time will not be measured. (b) Loosening the topsoil by scarifying

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement for loosening the topsoil by
furnishing and using the machines, including the cost of scarifying shall be the hectare of soil loosened and
fuel, operators, maintenance, transporting the machine to prepared in accordance with the specifications. Only areas
and from the point where it is to be used, and for all other loosened by scarifying on the written instructions of the
incidentals necessary for carrying out the work. engineer shall be measured for payment.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for payments to private owners for the use of stockpile areas.
loosening the topsoil by scarifying, removing stones, and
levelling and trimming the surface.

(c) and (d) Placing the topsoil 58.04 Grassing:

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of (a) The planting of grass
topsoil applied at the specified thickness or as directed by cuttings (type of grass
the engineer, measured in situ after the topsoil has been indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha)
placed. The quantity shall be calculated from the net area
of the topsoiled surface multiplied by the average thickness (b) Sodding by using the
of the topsoil but before the grass sods are placed. Any following types of sods:
topsoil placed in excess of the average thickness specified
or prescribed will not be measured for payment. (i) Nursery sods (type of
grass specified) . . . . ....... square metre (m2)
Payment shall distinguish between topsoil obtained from
designated areas within the road reserve or borrow areas (ii) Veld sods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
and topsoil obtained by the contractor from outside
sources when sufficient topsoil is not available from the (c) Hydroseeding:
designated areas mentioned above. Payment shall further
distinguish between topsoil applied to slopes, at (i) Providing an approved
interchanges and at other areas within the road reserve and seed mixture for hydroseeding ... kilogram (kg)
topsoil applied at borrow areas.
(ii) Providing an approved mulch .... kilogram (kg)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
excavating and loading the topsoil, any royalties or (iii) Hydroseeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha)
compensation that may be payable in the case of topsoil
under subsubitem 58.03(c)(ii),transport (except overhaul), (d) Planting grass seed
off-loading, placing and spreading it to the required with an approved grass-plan-
thickness, levelling it off to a smooth surface, for removing ting machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hectare (ha)
any stones as specified and for roughening the surface to
be topsoiled. (e) Hand sowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
The free-haul distance of topsoil obtained from the road (f) Other methods (specify)
reserve or borrow areas shall be 1,Okm. The tendered rate
for topsoil under subsubitem 58.03(c)(ii) shall also include
full compensation for transporting the topsoil to the point (a)- Planting grass cuttings
of eventual use.
The unit of measurement for planting grass cuttings shall
be the hectare of established grass with an acceptable
(e) Providing and applying fertiliser and/or soil- grass cover.
improvement material

The unit of measurement for fertiliser shall be the ton of The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
each type of fertiliser and/or soil-improvement material furnishing and planting the cuttings, watering, weeding,
ordered and applied. and replanting if necessary, and all other incidentals which
may be necessary for establishing an acceptable cover and
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for maintaining the grass, except mowing.
furnishing the fertiliser and/or soil-improvement material,
transporting it to the point of use, spreading and mixing it
into the scarified soil or topsoil, irrespective of the method (b) Sodding
of application.

The unit of measurement for sodding shall be the square

(1) Stockpiling the topsoil metre covered with sods, which has an acceptable cover.

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of

topsoil stockpiled on the written instructions of the The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
engineer where this operation is unavoidable despite procuring, excavating, loading, transporting, off-loading,
proper advance planning. Only material actually loaded, placing and watering the sods, for replanting dead areas,
transported to and stockpiled on sites designated for for watering and weeding the grass, for supplying and
stockpiling will be measured, but not any material merely placing timber stakes and for all other incidentals, except
pushed or bladed into heaps next to the area from which for mowing, which may be necessary for establishing an
it is taken, unless it was done with the prior approval of the acceptable cover, and maintaining the grass. Payment
engineer, and the material was stockpiled in an approved shall distinguish between nursery-grown sods and veld
area. sods obtained from within the road reserve or borrow
areas. In the case of veld sods the tendered price shall
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for include levelling-off and trimming areas from which the
loading the topsoil, placing it in stockpile and for any sods are taken.
(c) Hydroseeding the grassing or hydroseeding has been done, and the
remainder will become due when satisfactory cover has
(i) The unit of measurement for providing seed shall been established.
be the kilogram of seed of the specified seed mixture.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

procuring, furnishing, mixing and storing the seeds.
58.05 Watering the grass
(ii) The unit of measurementfor providing an approved when established by
mulch shall be the kilogram of mulch. topsoiling only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilolitre ( k l )
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement for waterlng areas which have
procuring and furnishing the mulch and applying it as been topsoiled on the instruction of the engineer but which
specified, or as directed by the engineer. have not been hydroseeded or planted with grass, shall be
the kilolitre of water applied on the instructions of the
(iii) The unit of measurementfor hydroseeding shall be engineer and calculated from the number of tank loads
the hectare of grass established by hydroseeding, which applied, multiplied by the capacity of the tank used in each
has an acceptable cover. case.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
furnishing mulch and mixing it with seed and water and procuring, transporting and applying the water as
with any anti-erosion compound if required, applying the specified.
mixture, watering, weeding, re-hydroseeding bare patches,
and for any other work, except mowing, which may be
necessary for establishing an acceptable cover and Unit
maintaining the grass.
58.06 Watering the already planted
grass, trees and s h ~ b s
(d) The unit of measurement for planting any grass periods of dmught experienced
seeds by using an approved planter shall be the hectare of during the growing season . . . . . :. kilolitre (kl)
grass with an acceptable cover, where the seed has been
planted with an approved planter. The unit of measurement for watering the grass, trees and
shrubs shall be the kilolitre of water used.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
labour, material, equipment, weeding, and all incidentals The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
which may be necessary for planting the grass seeds and obtaining, transporting and applying the water.
establishing an acceptable grass cover. The tendered rate
shall also include full compensation for watering the The contractor shall keep a careful record of the quantity
planted areas until an acceptable grass cover has been of water used by him for watering the grass, trees and
established. Payment for the grass seed will be separate shrubs planted and shall submit such information to the
under subsubitem 58.04(c)(i). engineer on a daily basis. When there are times during the
normal growing season, as specified in the project
specifications, when the monthly rainfall figure is less than
(e) Hand-sowing 75% of the monthly average, the contractor will be
compensated under this item for the same percentage of
The unit of measurement for hand-sowingthe grass seeds the quantity of water used for watering as that for the
shall be the square metre of grass with an acceptable monthly rainfall that fell short of the average rainfall.
covering on surfaces instructed by the engineer to be
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
labour, materials, equipment, weeding, and ail incidentals The rainfall figures and minimum and maximum
which may be necessary for planting the grass seeds and temperatures for the contract area are set out in the project
establishing an acceptable grass covering. The tendered specifications.
rate shall also include full compensation for watering the
planted areas until an acceptable grass covering has been
established. Payment for the grass seeds shall be separate Item Unit
under subsubitem 58.04(c)(i).
58.07 Mowing the grass .............. hectare (ha)

(f) Other methods The unit of measurement shall be the hectare measured
each time when the grass has been cut on the instructions
Whenever other methods of grassing are specified in the of the engineer.
project specifications, measurement and payment shall be
as specified.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
plant, equipment and labour, required for every cutting of
General the grass and disposing of the grass cuttings, ie payment
will be made every time the grass has been cut on the
Half the payments under item 58.04 will become due when instructions of the engineer.
The tendered rate for planting and establishing trees shall
also include full compensation for furnishing and placing
58.08 hti+roslon compound the membrane and riprap stone pitching at every plant
(specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg) hole, complete as specified.

The unit of measurement shall be the kilogram net mass of Any chemical fertiliser and/or soil-Improvement material
anti-erosion compound used with the approval of the required will be measured and paid for under subitem
engineer. 58.03(e).

The tendered rate for each kilogram of anti-erosion General:

compound applied with the hydroseeding or by itself shall
include full compensation for furnishing the material and Seventy-five percent of the payments under item 58.09 will
mixing and applying it during hydroseeding or by itself. become due when the planting has been done, and the
remainder will become due when satisfactory growth has
been obtained.

58.09 Trees and shrubs:

(a) Providing the trees and 58.10 E l r a work for landscaping .... provisional sum
shrubs (types indicated) ........ number (No)
The provisional sum allowed shall be expended at the
discretion of the engineer to cover the cost of work in
The unit of measurement shall be the number of each addition to the scheduled items which may be required in
variety of tree or shrub furnished and established. respect of shaping and trimming areas where plant is used
at hourly rates, eg the cost of loading and transporting
surplus material, establishing grass by topsoiling only,
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for repairing erosion damage after topsoil has been applied,
furnishing the plants at the point of final use, including or any other items of work required for whlch no pay items
substitutes for plants whlch may become diseased or die. have been provided.

(b) Planting and establishing: Payment shall be made as specified in clause 48 of the
general conditions of contract.
(i) Trees ...................... number (No)

([I) Shrubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

58.1 1 Weeding all grass-seeded
areas and the grass when
The unit of measurement shall be the number of each type established by topsoiling
planted and established. only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hectare (ha)
The unit of measurement for weeding all grass-seeded
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for areas and areas that have been topsoiled on the instruction
excavating the holes to the specified' dimensions, of the engineer (but have not been hydroseeded or planted
furnishing topsoil, wooden stakes, manure and compost with grass), shall be the hectare.
and mlxlng them together with any fertilizer and water
retaining admixture required for planting and refilling each The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
hole with the topsoil mixture and other soil, for watering weeding the prescribed areas in accordance with the
the plants until the end of the maintenance period, for specifications.
weeding and keeplng the plants free from pests and
diseases during the maintenance period, furnishing and Note:
planting substitutes for plants that have died and for
maintaining the plants as specified until the end of the Measurement and payment for overhaul shall be as
maintenance period, including any other incidentals which specified in item 16.02, but no overhaul shall apply to
may be necessary for properly executing the work. topsoll paid for under subsubitem 58.03(c)(ii).


RESERVE AND TREATING OLD ROADS All old roads, temporary deviations, haul roads and
construction roads shall, in so far as is practicable, be
levelled with the original ground. Surfaces shall be scarified
and broken up to a depth of 150 m m for promoting plant
5901 SCOPE
5903 TREATING OLD ROADS Where required by the engineer, in order to prevent soil
5904 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT erosion, banks, dykes or ditches shall be constructed over
the old road to dimensions ordered by the engineer.

!i901 SCOPE

All roads and temporary deviations treated as above, shall

This section covers the final finishing and cleaning up of be left in a neat and tidy state.
the road and road reserve after construction, and scarifying
and treating old roads and temporary deviations.
The contractor shall note that this section does not cover
the finishing which has to be done under section 1700 :
Clearing and Grubbing, section 3100 : Borrow Materials,
section 3300 : Mass Earthworks and section 5800 :
Landscaping and planting plants. 59.01 Finishing the road and
road reserve:

5902 FINISHING THE ROAD AND ROAD RESERVE (a) Dual carriageway road ......... kilometre (km)

(b) Single carriageway

After completing the seal or surfacing, or gravel surface on .
road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. kilometre (km)
gravel roads, the road and road reserve shall be cleared of
all excess earth, stones, boulders, debris, litter, garbage The unit of measurement shall be the kilometre of road
and other waste material resulting from the construction of measured along the centre line. No separate measurement
the works or the use of the road. All finishing and clearing will be made of ramps at interchanges.
not previously done or completed as specified in the
sections of the specifications set out in clause 5901 above
shall be completed. This specification, however, does not The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
intend the finishing, clearing and maintenance which must clearing, trimming, disposing of material, tidying and ail
be done as provided for in other sections of these other work to be done for finishing off the road and road
specifications, to be postponed until the final finishing reserve as specified.
operations provided for in this section.

Culvert inlets and outlets, culvert barrels, and open drains

shall be cleared of all debris, soil, silt and other material.
59.02 Treatment of old roads
The surfacing shall be cleared of all dirt, mud and foreign and temporary deviations ...... kilometre (km)
objects. Dragging, pushlng or scraping material across the
finished surfacing shall not be permitted. The unit of measurement shall be the kilometre of old road
or temporary deviation treated.
All junctions, intersections, islands, kerbing and other
elements making up the completed works shall be neatly
finished off. The construction of banks, dykes or open drains shall be
measured and paid for under section 2100.
The contractor shall ensure that all declared noxious weeds
have been removed from the road-reserve and borrow-pit
areas. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
levelling and scarifying any surfaces and tidying old roads
All materials resulting from the finishing operations shall be and temporary deviations as specified.
disposed of at approved locations not visible from the
road, such as disused borrow pits and dongas. The
contractor himself shall make his own arrangements with No payment will be made in regard to treating haul roads
the owners of properties on which such materials are to be and construction roads, for which the contractor shall make
deposited. Disposal shall be carried out in a neat and allowance in his rates for constructing the relevant items of
uniform manner. work for which such roads are necessary.
SERIES 6000 : STRUCTURES (d) Granular fill

SECTION 6100 : FOUNDATIONS FOR STRUCTURES Granular material used for constructing the compacted
granular fill shall be approved granular material of at least
gravel subbase quality.

SCOPE (e) Sand fill

GENERAL Sand used for filling the caissons shall be clean, hard sand
ACCESS AND DRAINAGE free from lumps of clay or organic or other deleterious
GROUTING OF ROCK FISSURES Steel in the steel piles shall comply with the requirements
FOUNDATION DOWELS of SABS 1431 or BS 4360, BS EN 10113 and BS EN 10155
FOUNDATION LINING for the grade of steel specified on the drawings.
CAISSONS I and H sections shall comply with the requirements of

Fabricated sections shall comply with the details shown on

6101 SCOPE the drawings and the requirements of section 6700.

This section covers foundation and foundation related work (g) Permanent pile casings
which, for the purposes of these specifications, shall
comprise amongst others those elements of construction Permanent pile casings shall be sufficiently rigid so as not
below the level of the bottom surface of the footings, the to deform permanently or damage during handling and
pile-capping slabs or the caisson cover slabs, collectively construction. The casings shall be sufficiently dense to
hereinafter referred to as base or bases, and it covers all prevent the fluid components of the concrete from leaking
the associated permanent and temporary works. during the placing of the concrete or thereafter. Where
Foundations for prefabricated culverts are not included but steel casings contribute to the strength of the pile, the
are specified in section 2200. casings shall have a minimum wall thickness of 4,5 m m
and shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A 252-68.
Welded joints shall comply with the requirements of
section 6700.

(a) General (h) Driven pile casings

Material used in the permanent foundation work shall Driven pile casings shall have sufficient strength to permit
comply with the requirements specified for the particular their being driven and not being distorted by the driving of
material in series 6000 of these specifications. adjacent piles, and they shall be sufficiently watertight to
prevent water leaking through the casing walls during the
placing of concrete.
@) Rock (for rock fill)

Stones shall be hard, angular, veld or quarry stones of 0) Grouting

such quality that they will not disintegrate on exposure to
water or weathering. The stones shall be free from soil, (i) Cement grout
shale or organic material. Neither the breadth nor thickness
of a single stone shall be less than one-third its length. Not Cement grout shall meet the appropriate requirements of
more than 10% of the total volume of rock fill shall consist subclause 6503(g).
of stones with a mass of less than 0,5 times the specified
mass and not more than 10% of the total volume of rock fill (ii) Proprietary-brand grout
shall consist of stones with a mass of more than 5 times
the specified mass. At least 50% of the total volume of rock Proprietary-brand grout shall be prepared and used strictly
fill shall consist of stones the mass of which exceeds the in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
specified mass.


(c) Crushed stone

(a) Subsurface data
Crushed stone used for the construction of crushed-stone
fill shall originate from sound unweathered rock approved The provisions of clause 1216 shall apply in regard to any
by the engineer. information supplied regarding any subsurface conditions
likely to be encountered. engineer, which show details of the cofferdams and the
method of construction.
If it is found during the course of excavating, founding-pile
or caisson work that the soil or founding conditions differ
greatly from those shown on the drawings, the contractor (c) Drainage
shall immediately notify the engineer.
The contractor shall apply suitable, effective drainage
The engineer shall, as often as he may deem necessary methods for preventing the ingress of water into
during the course of excavation, be entitled to call on the excavations and to keep them dry.
contractor to conduct additional foundation investigations
and/or tests at or below the respective founding levels in The drainage measures, with the exception of pumping,
view of establishing safe bearing pressures and founding shall be maintained until the backfilling has been
depths. completed. Between the various construction stages
pumping may be interrupted in consultation with the
@) Channel preservation
Any draining or pumping of water shall be done in a
The flow of the stream and the conservation of marine and manner as will preclude the concrete or materials or any
freshwater life shall be maintained at all times. Access to part thereof from being carried away.
cofferdams, artificial islands and piling platforms shall be
effected without unnecessarily disrupting the flow of the
stream at the point of crossing, unless otherwise specified. 6105 EXCAVATION

On completion of the work, surplus excavated materials,

including materials excavated from caisson compartments (a) General
and holes for piles, materials used in cofferdams and other
temporary works, as well as in situ material, shall be This work shall include excavations not provided for
removed and disposed of by the contractor to the level of elsewhere in these specifications, which are required for
the original bed or such elevation as agreed to by the founding the structures as well as for the excavating
engineer or required for stream channelisation. required in respect of the demolition, extension or
modification of existing bridges and culverts.

6104 ACCESS AND DMNAGE Excavation required for diverting, channelling or widening
streams within 5,O m of concrete structures shall be
measured and paid for under item 61.02. Excavations
(a) General beyond the 5,O m limit shall be measured and paid for
under the appropriate items of sections 2100 and 3300.
This clause covers the provision of access, including the
construction of cofferdams, and draining the excavations.
Where it is unnecessary to provide access in terms of @) Surface levels agreed on for excavations
subclause 6104(b), the contractor shall be paid separately
for draining the excavations. Prior to commencing with any excavation, the contractor
shall notify the engineer in good time to ensure that levels
After completion of the permanent works, all temporary be taken of the undisturbed ground surface for determining
works shall be completely removed, the ground levelled a ground surface from where the excavation can be
and the site left neat. Where this is impracticable, such measured, and this ground surface shall be agreed on by
portions as have not been removed, shall be dealt with in the engineer and the contractor.
accordance with the engineer's instructions.

(c) Excavation

Where, in the opinion of the engineer, the casting of

Where temporary banks or artificial islands are constructed concrete against the excavated earth faces is not
in view of affording access to the location where structural permissible, or where formwork has to be provided, the
members, piles or caissons are to be constructed, the extremities of the excavation, for purposes of measurement
banks or islands shall be adequately compacted in view of and payment, shall be deemed to be the vertical planes
supporting any plant and material without any undue parallel to and 0,5 m outside the perimeter of the member
settling, which may have a harmful effect on the end for which formwork is to be provided.
Where suitable stable material is encountered during
The contractor may use any material deemed by him to be excavating, that part of the trench or foundation pit shall be
suitable for constructing the islands, but he shall note that excavated to the neat dimensions of the base unless
no separate payment will be made in terms of items otherwise directed by the engineer. Over-excavation
61.02(b), 61.21, 61.22, 61.23 and 61.47(b) for any (overbreak) in hard material shall be backfilled with the
obstructions or hard material occurring in the material used same class of concrete as that in the base or with mass
for constructing temporary banks or artificial islands. concrete fill as specified or as directed by the engineer.

Designing and constructing any cofferdams shall comply Where blasting is required, the contractor shall complete
with the requirements of BS 8004. Before starting with the entire foundation excavation before he commences
construction, the contractor shall submit drawings to the with the construction of any permanent concrete work,
unless otherwise approved by the engineer. Precautionary measures taken by the contractor shall
comply with the appropriate legal provisions.
Boulders, logs or any other unsuitable material excavated
shall be spoiled.
) Inspection
When hard material suitable for founding is encountered at
the founding level, it shall be cut and trimmed to a firm No concrete shall be placed before the excavation has
surface, either level, stepped or serrated, as may be been properly cleaned by the contractor and inspected and
required. approved by the engineer.

Where, in the opinion of the engineer, unsuitable material

is encountered at founding level, such material shall be (i) Excavation by hand
removed and replaced with foundation fill in accordance
with clause 6109 and as directed by the engineer. Where circumstances prevent the use of mechanical
excavators and material can be removed only by hand
implements, the engineer shall authorise the
(d) Classification of excavated material supplementary payment to the contractor for such work at
the tendered rates for excavation by hand should he be
For payment purposes distinction shall be made between satisfied that the contractor had been unable to prevent the
excavation in hard and soft material. All excavation for the necessity for excavation by hand by proper planning and
foundations of structures shall be classified in accordance precautionary measures. The supplementary rate for
with the following classification: excavation by hand shall not apply to minor finishing or
clearing jobs in excavations which are otherwise being
(i) Hard material done by mass excavation plant.

Boulders with a volume of 0,l m3 or more;


material which cannot be excavated except by drilling and In consequence of possible variations of the anticipated
blasting or by using pneumatic tools or mechanical founding conditions, the dimensions and founding levels
breakers shall be classified as hard material. specified or shown on the drawings may possibly have to
be varied during construction.
(ii) Soft material
The engineer has full and absolute power in terms of this
All material not classified as hard material shall be contract to order such variations and to specify the actual
classified as soft material. founding level for each foundation fill, base or caisson
during construction.

(e) Blasting The contractor shall not be entitled to any additional

payment in consequence of any such variation in the
Where blasting is permitted, it shall be carried out in dimensions or founding depths over and above that
accordance with the requirements of clause 1222. provided for in clause 6115,'irrespective of the stage of
construction at which the instruction to alter the
dimensions or founding depths is given. However, if in
(f) Deterioration of foundation excavations consequence of such order to alter the contractor is
compelled to substitute other machines and equipment for
Where soft material, or hard material which quickly machines and equipment for successfully completing the
deteriorates when exposed, is found at foundation level. work, the engineer may reimburse the contractor at a fair
the excavation shall be excavated to the final slope and price for incidentals incurred, provided that the original
level immediately before the screed is placed. machines and equipment had been suitable for the work
required prior to the order to alter having been issued.
Where the bottoms or sides of excavations, in which bases
are to be cast, are softened on account of negligence on No bases, caissons or piles shall be founded unless
the part of the contractor in allowing storm or other water authorised by the engineer. Each founding level shall be
to enter the excavations, the softened material shall be accurately measured and recorded and agreed on.
removed and replaced with foundation fill as directed by
the engineer, at the contractor's expense. The term "founding level" used in these specifications shall
be deemed to have the following meanings in respect of:

@) The safety of excavations

(a) Foundation fill
The contractor shall take the necessary precautions to
safeguard the stability and safety of the excavations and The surface of the in situ material that has been prepared
adjacent structures. to receive foundation fill.

The personal safety of no person shall be jeopardised

neither shall any situation be allowed to arise which may
result in damage of whatsoever nature. The underside of the base.
(c) Piles approved material in horizontal layers not exceeding
150 m m in thickness after compaction, to the level of the
The underside of the underream, bulbous base or rock original ground surface. Each layer shall be moistened or
socket; the tip of the pile shoe or lower pile end, as may dried to the optimum moisture content for the material and
be relevant. then compacted to a density of not less than 90% of
modified AASHTO density for soils and gravels, and not
less than 100% of modified AASHTO density for
(d) Caissons cohesionless sands, or the density of the surrounding soil,
whichever shall be the less, except that, in the road prism,
The underside of the cutting edge. the material shall be compacted to a density of not less
than 93% of modified AASHTO density.


(c) Fill

Excavated material and material recovered from temporary Before the space between the structure and the approach
works shall, if suitable, be utilised for backfill. Material fill, or between the structure and the faces of the
unsuitable for use as backfill or in excess of the required surrounding excavation is backfilled, the slope of the
quantity, shall be spoiled or utilised as directed by the approach fill, or the faces of the excavation shall be
engineer. shaped by benching or serrations to prevent wedge action
from occurring between the structure and the approach fill
Excavated material not used for backfill or not taken to or the excavation faces.
spoil but used in the construction of embankments or other
parts of the work, as directed by the engineer, will be paid The distance between the exposed face of the structure
for under foundation excavation as well as under the and the toe of the approach fill or the excavation face shall
relevant item for the purpose for which it is used. not under any circumstances be less than the height of the
exposed face of the structure.
The free-haul distance on excavated material and imported
material for backfill shall be 1,Okm.
(d) Fill within restricted area
Excavated and stockpiled material shall be so dumped as
not to endanger the uncompleted structure either by direct That part of the fill within a horizontal distance of 3,O m
pressure or indirectly by overloading the fills contiguous to from the vertical and inclined concrete faces of the
the structure, or in any other way. structure and that part between the pillars of the spill-
through abutments or that part shown on the drawings,
shall be termed "fill within restricted area".
Fill within the restricted area shall comply with the
requirements of section 3300, except that it shall be
(a) General compacted to a density of not less than 93% of modified
AASHTO density. In order to achieve the specified density,
When backfill and fill are placed, the following the contractor shall, where necessary, import material of
precautionary measures shall be taken: suitable quality.

(i) The material shall be placed simultaneously. in so Unless otherwise directed by the engineer, only mechanical
far as is possible, to approximately the same elevation on compaction equipment that is pushed 3r drawn by hand
both sides of an abutment, pier, or wall where appropriate. shall be used to achieve the required density within a
If conditions require the backfill or fill to be placed horizontal distance of 3,Om from any concrete structure.
appreciably higher on one side than on the other, the Fill in spaces below concrete soffits that are inaccessible
additional material on the higher side shall not be placed for mechanical compaction equipment shall be constructed
until authorised by the engineer, and preferably not until by methods specified or approved by the engineer.
the concrete has been in place for 14 days, or until tests
show that the concrete has attained sufficient strength to Payment in accordance with item 61.05for the construction
safely withstand any pressure extended by the backfill or of fill within restricted areas shall be made only when
fill or by the method of construction. specifically provided for in the schedule of quantities.

(ii) The material behind abutments directly restrained

at the top by the superstructure, eg portal type of 6109 FOUNDATION FILL
structures, shall be placed as shown on the drawings or as
directed by the engineer.
If it is found during the course of excavation that the
(iii) The materia! behind the portal walls of portal material at the indicated founding depth does not have the
structures shall not be placed until the top slab has been required bearing capacity as specified on the drawings, the
placed and cured, unless otherwise authorised by the excavations shall be extended at the discretion of the
engineer. engineer until satisfactory founding material is
encountered. The engineer reserves to himself the right to
order the contractor to make up the difference in levels
@) Backfill with foundation fill.

Excavated areas around structures shall be backfilled with Where the foundation fill consists of rock or crushed stone,
it shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements cleared and prewetted, they shall be filled with grout.
of the project specifications or as directed by the engineer. Within 15 minutes of having been filled with grout, the
dowels shall be carefully driven into the holes. The cement
Foundation fill consisting of granular material shall be and water in the grout shall be mixed in the ratio of 50 kg
constructed in layers not exceeding 150 m m in thickness of cement to 20 P of water, and an approved expanding
after compaction. Each layer shall be moistened or dried additive which complies with the requirements of
to the optimum moisture content for the material and subclause 6402(e) shall be added.
compacted to a density of not less than 95% of modified
AASHTO density for soils and gravels, and not less than The dowels shall comply with the requirements of clause
100% of modified AASHTO density for cohesionless sands. 6305.

Mass concrete fill to be used shall be of the class or mix of

concrete fill as specified or directed by the engineer. 6112 FOUNDATION UNlNG

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the engineer, the

foundation fill constructed from rock, crushed stone or Where specified or directed by the engineer, foundation
compacted granular material shall be defined by a prism linings shall be installed as described hereafter. The
with vertical sides. The base of the prism lies in the engineer shall have the right to order the use of linings
founding plane and coincides with the base of a prismoid against the sides of excavations and the undersides of
with trapezium-shaped inclined sides which extend bases and slabs in lieu of formwork and concrete blinding.
downwards and outwards at an angle of 60" with the
horizontal from each outer edge of the underside of the All surfaces to be lined shall be covered with an approved
footing down to the founding level. The upper plane of the sheeting to provide a clean impervious layer. The material
prism lies in the plane of the underside of the footing. shall be of sufficient strength to provide a durable working
surface and to support the concrete and reinforcement
A concrete blinding which complies with the requirements without tearing. The joints of the material between strips
shown on the drawings shall be placed underneath all shall have a 150 m m overlap and the lining shall be held
bases except where mass concrete fill is used or where firmly in position by nails, pegs, etc.
authorised by the engineer that this need not be done.

Where mass concrete fill is constructed under a base it Polyethylene sheeting with a thickness of 0,150 mm is
shall be constructed accurately to the final levels of the generally considered to be adequate for use below bridge
underside of the base. approach slabs and bases.


Where specified, fissures in the rock below and around the CONTENTS
bases shall be sealed by pressure grouting with a neat
cement or sand-cement grout or with a proprietary brand (a) General
grout as specified.
(b) Piling layout
The water:cement ratio of the grout shall be approved in
advance by the engineer. (c) Alternative designs for piling and piling layouts

The extent of the fissuring shall be established by means (d) Details to be furnished by the contractor
of water testing under pressure.
(e) Pile-installation frames and equipment
Holes of at least 40 m m in diameter shall be drilled at (1) Piling platforms
places indicated by the engineer and grout shall then be
pumped into these holes under suitable pressures. (g) Setting out
Grouting shall be done in 3 m stages to the maximum
depth ordered. Care shall be taken to avoid further (h) Ground surface for foundation piling
fracturing of the rock strata by excessive grouting
pressures. (i) Cast in situ concrete piles

(j) Precast concrete piles

Grouting the rock fissures shall be done by specialised
operators with adequate experience in this class of work. (k) Steel piles

(I) Driving the piles

(m) Augering and boring

Where required, foundation dowels of specified material, (n) Rock sockets

diameter and length shall be installed at the positions and
(0) Obstructions
to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by
the engineer. After exposing, clearing and trimming the (p) Determining pile lengths
rock formation, holes with specified diameters and depths
shall be drilled in the rock. After the holes have been (q) Piling data
(r) Stripping the pile heads For alternative designs submitted the contractor shall
submit with his tender a detailed description of the method
(s) Construction of pile-capping slab of analysis used in the design of the piles and the pile-
group layouts. The average length of pile and/or of the
(t) Core drilling piles per group on which the quantities in the schedule of
quantities for the alternative designs are based shall be
(u) Load test stated in each case. The type of pile offered shall be
defined in terms of size, materials, working and breaking
(v) Defective piles load.

(w) Standing time in respect of pile-installation The contractor shall be responsible for and shall bear the
frames cost for redesigning, drafting and submitting the detail
drawings for any structural element affected by the
(x) Nuclear integrity testing alternative pile design. Any economy or incidental caused
by constructing such element as compared to the original
design shall be for the account of the contractor.
(a) General
The contractor shall, as specified in clause 1212 for
This section covers the construction of bearing piles of alternative designs, submit to the engineer at least three
concrete or steel or a combination of these materials. months prior to work being commenced, drawings
detailing the piling-group layout and piles, incorporating
such amendments to his original design as may be
@) Piling layout required by the engineer, and drawings detailing the
amendments required to the pile-capping slab dimensions
The piling layout, the minimum pile size and/or bearing and reinforcement as a result of the layout of the piles, all
capacity and type together with the steel reinforcement and as applicable.
class of concrete required shall be as detailed and
specified on the drawings unless otherwise specified in the No work of whatsoever nature shall be commenced on the
project specifications. piling until the drawings have been submitted to and have
been approved by the engineer, in writing.

(c) Nternative designs for piling and piling layouts After approval of the drawings, no departure therefrom
shall be made without authorization by the engineer.
(i) Submission
Final working drawings shall comply with the provisions of
The priced schedule of quantities submitted for alternative clause 1221.
designs shall be compiled strictly in accordance with the
relevant measurement and payment clauses of these Where the alternative piles fail in regard to the load test
specifications. specified in subclause 6113(u) of these specifications, the
contractor shall be responsible for the cost of the work
required for improving the piles and pile layout so as to
Where pay items defined in these specifications have been comply with the design requirements.
omitted, it shall mean either that the items do not apply, or
that where the engineer requires work falling under such (iii) Basis of payment
items to be done, it shall be done without any cost to the
employer. The inclusion of "rate-only" items will not be Where the quantities in the schedule of quantities referred
permitted. to in subsubclause 61 13(c)(i),on the one part, differ from
the number of piles and the average pile length given in
Where pay items not defined in these specifications are the submission for the alternative pile design, on the other
used, the measurement and payment requirements for part, the engineer shall accept the sum in the said
such items shall be specified in detail by the contractor. In schedule of quantities, correct the quantities, and adjust
the absence of such definitions, or in the case of any the rates for the applicable pay items accordingly.
ambiguity, the interpretation of the engineer shall be final
and binding. In addition to these corrections, the employer shall be
justified in using one of the following methods for paying
Except in piling-only contracts or where otherwise provided for piles constructed in accordance with the alternative
in the project specifications, the contractor shall price the design:
schedule of quantities for the original design irrespective of
whether or not an alternative design is offered. (1) Method 1

(ii) Design The employer may check the alternative designs, calculate
the quantities and adjust the rates as set out in the first
The critical design-load combinations acting upon the paragraph of subsubclause 6113(c)(iii).The employer will
underside and the centre of gravity of the pile-capping then pay for the work in accordance with the actually
slab, the maximum permissible set of the pile-capping measured quantities.
slab, and the technical data required for designing
alternative piles and/or piling layouts will be indicated on (2) Method 2
the drawings. Alternative designs shall comply with the
provisions of clause 1212 and the prescriptions set out The employer may use the following formulae for
below. calculating the quantities under items 61.16 to 61.34 for
payment: (iii) The mass of the hammer;
(iv) The set during the last ten blows;
Np = Nd
Lp = Nd . Ld + Nb(Lb-Ld)K for Nd 2 Nb and (v) The expected size of the bulbous base, underream,
Lp = Nd . Ld + Nd(Lb-Ld)K for Nd 5 Nb rock socket, etc, if any;

(vi) How concrete or grout is to be placed and

compacted in the case of cast in situ piles;
K=- for Ld 2 Lb and
(vii) How reinforcing steel is to be placed and held in
place during placing and compacting the concrete in cast
K = -Ld for ~d 5 ~b
Lb in situ piles;

where: (viii) Details of permanent casing, if any;

p = paid, d = designed and b = built. (ix) The mix design for the concrete together with
an adequate quantity of cement and aggregate to enable
The term "units" means items of work measured and paid the engineer to conduct the necessary tests.
for in the respective pay items such as piles, raking piles,
casings, underreams, concrete, etc.
(e) Pile-installation frames and equipment
Np = number of "units" measured and finally paid for in a
particular pile group. The pile-installation frames and equipment used for driving
the piles or forming the holes or for other methods of
Nd = number of "units" provided for in the tender for the sinking the piles shall be in a good working condition and
alternative design in the same pile group. to the prior approval of the engineer and shall comply with
the relevant legal provisions.
Nb = number of approved and accepted "units" finally
installed in the same pile group. The contractor shall supply the necessary equipment, gear
and instruments required for the prescribed investigations
Lp = the length of the "units" measured and paid for or and inspections.
the length to be used in calculating quantities which are a
direct function of the length of the "units" for the same pile The installation frames shall be so designed as to ensure
group. that piles can be installed in their proper positions and true
to line and slope.
Ld = the average length of the "units" provided for in the
tender for the alternative design in the same pile group.
(9 Piling platforms
Lb = the average length of the Nb "units" actually installed
in the same pile group. Piling platforms shall include the prepared in situ material
or artificial islands or any structure (excluding the piling
Note: See the example on page 6100-24 for the equipment) constructed for gaining access to the position
application of the formula. where the pile is to be installed and for carrying out the
piling operations.
The values Nd and Ld for each pile group for which an
alternative design has been offered shall be supplied with Structural piling platforms shall be rigid, and floating
his tender by the contractor for the respective "units". barges used for piling operations shall afford sufficient
stability to enable piles to be properly installed.
The values of Nd, Nb, Ld and Lb for each pile group for
which to be used in the formulae for determining the On completion of the piling, the contractor shall remove all
quantity for a particular pay item shall relate only to the the artificial, constructed platforms and reinstate the site to
piles the item measured. the satisfaction of the engineer.

(d) Details to be furnished by the contractor (g) Setting out

In all cases where the choice of the type of pile to be used The contractor shall set out the pile positions and shall
is left to the contractor, full particulars, specifications, stake these positions with a durable marker. Where the
calculations and drawings of the piles proposed for use by level from which the piling is undertaken is above the
the contractor shall be submitted with the tender. underside of the pile-capping slab, due allowance shall be
made for the offset of raking piles so that the pile at the
The contractor shall submit the following information to the underside of the pile-capping slab will be in the correct
engineer, 2 weeks before any piles are driven or holes are position.

(i) How the piles and casings will be installed or the (h) Ground surface for foundation piling
holes will be formed;
Before starting any piling work, the contractor shall notify
(ii) How the piles and casings will be installed or the the engineer in good time to ensure that levels of the
holes will be made through identified obstructions; ground surface be taken in order that an average ground
surface from which the piling is to be measured can be approved means. Extraction of the temporary casing
established and agreed on by the engineer and the during placement of the concrete shall be such that no
contractor. Where foundation piling at a site is preceded by damage is caused to the pile and the advancing concrete
excavation or the construction of fill, the surface from level is at all times kept considerably above the temporary
which the piling is to be done shall be formed as near as casing's trailing edge. Concrete shall generally be placed
possible to the underside of the pile-capping slab as in the dry, but where this is impracticable, it shall be
directed by the engineer. placed by tremie.

The requirements of subclause 6407(c) together with the

(i) Cast in situ concrete piles following requirements shall apply when concrete is placed
under water by tremie:
(i) Reinforcement
(1) The cement content shall be not less than 400 kg
Reinforcement shall not be placed in the pile holes until per m' and the slump shall be such that the concrete of
immediately before concreting. Before the reinforcement is the specified strength and desired density can be obtained.
placed in position, all mud, water, and any loose or soft
material shall be removed from the hole. (2) The hopper and trernie shall be a closed unit which
cannot be penetrated by water.
Steel reinforcing shall be accurately maintained in position
without damage being done to the sides of the hole or the (3) The trernie shall be at least 150 m m in diameter for
reinforcing itself. Spacers shall be used to keep the 19,O mrn aggregate and larger for larger aggregates.
reinforcing steel at the required distance from the inside
face of the pile casing and wall of the pile hole but shall (4) The concrete shall be so placed as to prevent the
not cause zones through which aggressive ground water mixing of water and concrete. The tremie shall at all times
may penetrate to the reinforcement. penetrate into the concrete.

Pile reinforcement will not be shown in the bending (5) Placing the concrete in that part of the pile below
schedules. Only the number, diameter and type of bars the water level in the casing shall be done in one
and their arrangement will be shown on the drawings. The operation, and the same method of placing the concrete
contractor may replace the bars shown on the drawings shall be maintained throughout.
with bars with different diameters and spacing and of
different types, on a basis of equivalent strength. (6) All tremies shall be thoroughly cleaned before and
after use.
The reinforcement shall be assembled in cages, which
shall be sufficiently robust to prevent their perrnane~t (7) Before placing the concrete in the water, the
deformation during handling. In the case of cast in situ contractor shall ensure that no silt or other materials have
piles, the inner sides of the cages shall be kept open in collected at the bottom of the hole, and where drilling mud
view of the unrestricted placing of concrete therein. is used, the contractor shall ensure that no drilling mud
suspension with a relative density exceeding 1,3 has
The longitudinal bars shall project above !he cut-off point collected at the bottom of the hole.
by the distance shown on the drawings, or by 40 times the
bar diameter if no dimension has been given. Whenever practicable, concrete shall be placed in a
manner that will prevent segregation.
Splicing the reinforcing may be ordered, and the contractor
shall k e e ~available on the site sufficient steel reinforcina
so that an additional length of pile reinforcing can be (j) Precast concrete piles
assembled whenever necessary.
The piles shall be of reinforced or prestressed concrete and
The assembly of this additional reinforcing shall be carried shall be manufactured, handled, stored and installed in
out expeditiously and before any concreting of any specific accordance with BS 8004, unless otherwise specified in
pile commences. If splices have to be provided, the these specifications.
longitudinal bars shall overlap for a distance of 40 bar
diameters, or as required by the engineer. (i) Manufacture

(ii) The concreting of piles The piles may be manufactured in a factory or a casting
yard on the site of the works. The contractor shall ensure
The concreting of the piles shall not be commenced before that the factory or casting yard will at all reasonable times
the engineer has given his permission therefor. be accessible for inspection by the engineer.

Except in self-supporting pile holes, a temporary or The relevant requirements of section 6400 shall apply to
permanent casing shall be installed for the full depth of the the concrete work.
hole to prevent lumps of material from falling from the
sides of the hole into the concrete. Where concrete is to be Transverse reinforcement shall comply with the
placed under the drilling mud, the temporary casing may requirements of BS 8004.
be omitted, except at the top end of the hole.

The concrete shall be so proportioned as to be of sufficient The piles shall be cast on a rigid horizontal platform in
strength, but shall be sufficiently workable to enable it approved moulds. Particular care shall the reinforcement,
being properly placed, and, where self-compacting coupler sockets and pile shoes accurately in position.
concrete is not used, it shall be thoroughly compacted by Adequate provision shall be made for lifting the piles.
Each pile shall be clearly marked with the date of casting, ensure adequate support for the pile or pile casing during
a reference number, and from the tip of the pile at metre installation, Inclined leaders shall be used for installing
intervals, with distance marks. raking piles.

Piles shall be cured for a period sufficient to develop the The heads of precast concrete piles shall be protected with
strength required to withstand, without damage to the pile, packing of resilient material, care being t a k to ~ ensure
the stresses caused by handling, transporting, storing and that it is evenly spread and held in place. A helr~ietshall be
driving. The piles shall not be driven before the concrete in placed over the packing, and a dolly of hardwood or other
the pile has attained the specified strength. material not thicker than the diameter of the pile shall be
placed on top.
(ii) Handling, transport and storage
(ii) Water jetting
Care shall be taken at all stages of lifting, handling and
transporting to ensure that the piles are not damaged or The contractor may employ water jetting to install piles in
cracked. granular material. Jetting shall be discontinued before the
leading end of the pile reaches a depth of 80 per cent of
Piles shall be stored on firm ground which will not settle the anticipated final depth or a depth as agreed on with
unequally under the weight of the stack of piles. The piles the engineer. After jetting, piles or their casings shall be
shall be placed on timber supports which are truly level driven to the required depth, level or set.
and spaced so as to avoid undue bending in the piles. The
supports in the stack shall be located vertically above one (iii) Installation sequence
Unless otherwise specified or ordered, the sequence for
(iii) Lengthening of precast piles installing the piles shall be left to the contractor. However,
the sequence for driving the piles in a group shall be
Piles shall be lengthened where required by such means programmed to minimize the creation of consolidated
and methods as approved by the engineer. Care shall be blocks of ground into which piles cannot be driven or
taken to ensure that the additional length of pile joined is which cause fictitious penetration values. Piling shall
truly axially in line with the original pile within the tolerance generally commence at the centre of the group and be
requirements for straightness set out in subclause 6803(a). progressively extended to the perimeter piles unless
otherwise agreed on b y the engineer.
Driving shall not be resumed until the pile extension and
any bonding agent used has attained the required strength. The installation of piles shall be undertaken in such a
manner that structural damage, distortion or positioning
defects will not be caused to previously installed piles or
(k) Steel piles casings.

Hollow steel piles may be filled with cast in situ concrete (iv) Heaving of piles
and, provided that adequate connections are provided
between the steel and the concrete with a view to In soils in which the installation of piles may cause
transferring the load, the concrete may be deemed to previously installed piles to heave, accurate level marks
assist in carrying the load. shall be placed on each pile immediately after installation
and all piles that have heaved shall be redriven to the
Wherever steel piles are used, they shall be given a required resistance, unless redriving tests on neighbouring
protective coating of bitumen, coal-tar pitch or synthetic piles have shown this to be unnecessary. Piles shall not be
resins to the satisfaction of the engineer or as specified. concreted neither shall any pile-capping slab be
The cross-sectional area of the steel shall be adapted to constructed until the piles within a heave-influence zone
the aggressiveness of the subsurface conditions to have been redriven as required.
compensate for possible reduction in the pile wall
thickness caused by abrasion and corrosion during the (v) Bulbous bases
service life of the pile.
Where required, bulbous (enlarged) bases shall be formed
Steel piles shall be used only where permitted by the after the driven casing has reached the required depth. The
engineer. base shall be formed by progressively displacing the
surrounding subsoil with concrete placed by the repeated
action of a gravity hammer. The size of the base will
(I) Driving the piles depend on the compressibility of the surrounding subsoil
but shall in no case have a diameter of less than 1,5 times
(i) Pile-installation frames the diameter of the pile.

Piles and pile casings shall be driven with a gravity (vi) Piling alignment
hammer, a rapid-action power hammer or b y other
approved means. Prestressed-concrete piles shall be driven Where the inclination of a precast concrete pile deviates
with a hammer with a mass of at least equal to that of the from the correct slope during installation, the pile shall not
pile. Other piles shall preferably be driven by a hammer be forced into the correct position, and the slope of the
with similar mass characteristics. The hammer shall not, guiding frame shall be adjusted so as to coincide with the
during driving operations, damage any permanent actual inclination of the pile to preclude the bending of the
component of the pile. Pile driving leaders shall be pile. Where the verticality or the inclination of the installed
constructed in such a manner as to afford freedom of pile falls outside the specified tolerances, the pile will be
movement of the hammer and shall be held in position to classified as being defective.
(m) Augering and boring quality and thickness for transmitting the specified load.

(i) Auger and bore pile holes

(0) Obstructions
The augering and boring of pile holes shall be carried out
as expeditiously as local conditions permit taking due (i) Definitions
account of services or other restrictions on the site.
(1) ldentified obstructions
Holes shall be cleaned after augering and boring to obtain
a clean and level surface. Identified obstructions shall mean any obstruction
described on the drawings or in the project specifications
Where indicated by the engineer, suitable casing shall be and for which provision for payment has been made in the
installed in those parts of the augered holes where the schedule of quantities in respect of penetrating the
sides are in danger of caving in before the concreting has obstructions.
been completed.

During extraction of the casing, care shall be taken to avoid (2) Unidentified obstructions
lifting the concrete and damaging the pile.
Where provision has been made in the schedule of
The use of water for augering and boring holes shall not be quantities in terms of item 61.21 for penetrating identified
permitted unless approved by the engineer. obstructions and obstructions not described are
encountered, such obstructions shall be classified as
Surface water shall not be allowed to enter the hole. unidentified obstructions and the penetration of such
obstructions shall be paid for under item 61.22 subject to
(ii) Underreaming the condition that the rate of penetration drops to below
that achieved for identified obstructions when the same
Where required, the holes shall be enlarged or belled out method and effort are used, or subject to additional
to form an underream. The earth excavated shall be methods and effort over and above those required for
removed in a manner which will not damage the walls of identified obstructions being required for penetrating the
the hole. obstruction.

The shape of the underream shall be a truncated cone of

which the base diameter depends on the bearing capacity
of the founding material, but it shall be not less than twice Where no provision has been made in the schedule of
the shaft diameter. The base angle of the cone between quantities for penetrating identified obstructions and
the inclined face and horizontal plane shall be not less than obstructions are encountered and, after resorting to the
60". methods specified in the submission in terms of subclause
61 13(d), it is found to be impossible to form the holes in
Full safety measures shall be enforced to protect workmen the proper positions and at the proper inclinations and
working at the bottom of the pile hole. depths, and the contractor has to resort to additional
methods for forming the pile holes successfully, such
(iii) Bulbous bases obstructions shall be classified as unidentified obstructions.

Bulbous bases shall comply with the requirements of (ii) Classification of materials
subclause 61 13(l)(v).
For piling only the following classification of materials shall
(iv) Inspecting preformed holes apply to the identification and description of obstructions.

Equipment for inspecting the pile shafts shall be provided

and operated in accordance with the latest amendment or (1) Matrix
edition of the Code of Practice Relating to the Safety of
Men Working in Small Diameter Vertical and Near Vertical The matrix shall comprise that part of the material which
Shafts for Civil Engineering Purposes, obtainable from the will pass through a sieve with 50 m m x 50 m m openings.
South African Institution of Civil Engineers.
(2) Coarse gravel
Immediately before the reinforcement is to be installed or
the concrete placed, the engineer shall be informed thereof Coarse gravel shall comprise that part of the material
with a view to inspecting the pile holes. When piles are to (stones, pebbles, cobbles, etc) which will pass through a
be underreamed, the excavation shall be inspected twice 200 m m x 200 m m opening, but will not pass through a
by the engineer, firstly to ascertain that suitable founding 50 m m x 50 m m opening. The gravel shall be obtained
material has been obtained before underreaming may from material with at least a class R2 hardness.
start, and, secondly, after the underreaming has been
completed for approval to be given by the engineer for
casting the pile. (3) Boulders

Boulders shall mean any rock mass with a hardness of at

(n) Rock sockets least class R2 which will pass through a square opening
with dimensions equal to the maximum size boulder
Where required, rock sockets to the required dimensions specified in the schedule of quantities but will not pass
shall be formed in rock formations of adequate strength, through a 200 lmm x 200 m m opening.
(4) Rock formation engineer shall be informed immediately.lf the contractor Is
not satisfied that the piles will be capable of carrying the
A rock formation shall be any rock mass with a hardness of specified loads at the depth determined b y the engineer he
at least class R2 which will not pass through a square may, in consultation with the engineer, lengthen the piles
opening with dimensions equal to the maximum size to reach a suitable founding depth. Where the engineer
boulder specified in the schedule of quantities. and the contractor cannot agree on the founding depth, the
engineer may require the contractor to -
Where a boulder Is cut through and part of it is left
imbedded in the wall of the hole, such boulder obstruction (i) undertake additional foundation Investigations
shall be classified as rock formation. and/or core drilling in accordance with subclauses 6103(a)
and 61 13(t) respectively, andlor
For the identiflcatlon of rock in terms of this clause, the
classification in table 61 1311 shall apply. (ii) Install one or more test piles and conduct a load
test in accordance with subclause 61 13(u). The engineer
(ill) Driven displacement and prefabricated piles will prescribe the posltions for each test pile. Test plles
shall comply with the specified requirements for piling.
Where obstructions make it difficult to Install driven
displacement and prefabricated piles in the positions and
at the inclinations shown and to the proper lengths b y the (q) Filing data
methods specified in the submission in terms of subclause
6113(d), the contractor shall resort to additional methods The following data on each plle installed shall be recorded
which are suitable for the type of plle. If the successful in a form prescribed by the englneer:
installation of a pile proves to be impossible after such
methods have been tried, the engineer may order an (i) The effort used for driving the pile and the
additional pile or piles to be installed. resistance to penetration at founding level.

All such work and additional piles shall be paid for in (ii) A description of subsurface material, the presence
accordance with the tendered rates where applicable, or of ground water and the quality of material on which the
where they do not apply, under item 61.23. pile Is founded.

(iv) Auger and bore plle holes (iii) The quality of the materials used in the construction
or manufacture of the pile, as well as of the permanent
Where Identified or unidentified obstructions are casing if used. The method of placing and compacting the
encountered when shaping holes for piles, payment for concrete in cast in situ piles.
penetrating the obstructions shall be made against the
approprlate pay items. (iv) The method of founding of the piles eg bulbous
bases, underreams, rock sockets, etc, and their
@) Determining pile lengths dimenslons.

The design of the piles and pile groups, and the quantities (v) The maximum working load of the pile.
in the schedule of quantitles are based on the subsurface
data shown on the drawings. (vi) The length of the pile and the accuracy of
installation in respect of position and inclinatlon.
The engineer will determine the depth of piles as work
proceeds. (vii) Nomlnal dimensions and type of pile.

Where variations in the subsurface conditions occur as (viii) Length and details of any temporaryand permanent
regards the material and height of the water table, the casings used.

Table 61 1311


Description of hardness Unconfined

Field indicator tests strength
Class Description

R2 Soft rock Can just be scraped and peeled with a knife, firm blows of the pick point 3 to 10
leave indentations 2 m m to 4 mrn in specimens.

R3 Medium hard Cannot be scraped or peeled with a knife; hand-held specimen can be 10 to 25
rock broken with the hammer end of a geological pick with a single firm

R4 Hard rock Point load tests shall be conducted for distinguishing between these 25 to 70
categories. These results may be verified by means of uniaxial
R5 Very Hard rock compressive-strength tests. 70 to 200

Classification after Core Logging Committee, South African Section, Association of Engineering Geologists: "A guide to Core
Logging for Rock Engineering" Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, Vol. XV, No. 3, 1978.

(r) Stripping the pile heads testing shall cease.

Precast piles shall be installed to a level of at least 1,O m No working pile shall be used as an anchor pile. Where
above the cut-off level, and cast in situ piles shall be cast anchor piles or earth anchors are required for providing
to a level of at least 150 m m above the cut-off level. The reaction, they shall be so placed as to have a minimal
excess concrete shall be so stripped off that only sound effect on the test results.
concrete will project into the pile-capping slab.
The contractor shall provide the complete testing
Before a pile head is stripped, the cut-off plane shall be assembly, the necessary plant, equipment, instrumentsand
marked by cutting a 20 m m deep groove with a grinding- labour for carrying out the test and for determining
machine along the full circumference of the pile. Heavy accurately the settlement of the piles under each increase
concrete demolishing equipment may not be used for the or decrease of the load. The test assembly, plant,
stripping of pile heads. All loose aggregate shall be equipment and instruments used shall be subject to the
removed from the cut-off plane. approval of the engineer.

The concrete shall be so stripped off that the pile below Within two days of having completed the tests, the
the cut-off level will not be damaged, or, should defective contractor shall supply the engineer with the test results
concrete be found in the completed pile, the damaged or and neatly plotted load against settlement, load against
defective concrete shall be cut away by the contractor at time, and settlement against time graphs.
his own cost and replaced with new concrete well bonded
to the old concrete, or the pile shall be replaced as (ii) Loading
directed by the engineer.
The maximum test load applied shall be equal to twice the
The main reinforcement of the piles shall extend at least 40 specified working load or the ultimate test load, whichever
times the diameters of the reinforcing bar beyond the cut- shall be the smaller.
off level into the pile-capping slab. This reinforcement shall
be left straight unless otherwise directed by the engineer. The maximum working load shall be half of the maximum
test load or the test load which corresponds with the
The cut-off level for piles shall be the level shown on the allowable settlement, whichever shall be the smaller.
The allowabie settlement shall be as specified on the
(s) Construction of pilecapping slab
(iii) Ultimate test load
The contractor shall not construct the pile capping slab
before the engineer has confirmed, in writing, that all the The ultimate test load in the compression-load test shall be
relevant load tests have been completed and the piles have the load where settlement suddenly increases
been accepted. disproportionately to the load applied.

The ultimate test load in the tension-load test shall be the

(1) Core drilling load where the upward movement suddenly increases
disproportionately to the load applied or the load
The engineer may instruct core drilling to be done with a producing a permanent rise of 10 m m at the top of the
view to obtaining cores of the founding formation and/or of pile, whichever is the smaller.
the concrete in the completed structural member. In the
case of piling, the core drilling may precede the piling or
may be done through the completed pile, as specified, or (v) Defective piles
as instructed by the engineer.
The test pile and the piles represented by the test pile shall
The contractor shall supply the necessary construction be classified as defective if shown in terms of subclause
plant on the site for drilling under the above conditions. 61 13(u) to have a maximum working load of less than the
The plant and techniques used shall be suitable for specified working load, or to exhibit excessive settlement.
ensuring 100% core recovery. The diameters, depths and Defective piles shall also include piles damaged beyond
lengths of the cores shall agree with the specifications or repair, piles with structural defects, or piles which do not
the instructions of the engineer. comply with the tolerance requirements of subclause
The contractor shall keep accurate records of the drilling,
which, together with the cores, shall be handed over to the If required, the defective piles shall be corrected by the
engineer. The cores shall be placed in the correct contractor at his own cost, by applying one of the following
sequence in a clearly identified wooden core box with a lid. methods approved by the engineer:

(i) Extracting the pile and replacing it with a new pile

(u) Load test
(ii) Installing a new pile adjacent to the defective pile
(i) General
(iii) Lengthening the pile to the correct length if
The engineer may order certain selected piles to be load defective in length only
tested. The procedure for loading tests shall comply with
the requirements of subclause 8112(c). During the period (iv) Altering the design to fit in with the new conditions
of testing, driving of other piles which may affect the caused by the defective pile(s).
(w) Standing time in respect of pileinstallation frames @) Conslruction and sinking

Standing time shall only be paid for pile-installation frames A firm horizontal base shall be prepared on which the
standing during normal working hours as laid down in the cutting edge of the caisson shall be laid truly horizontally.
general conditions of contract for such periods during The level of the base shall be determined and shall be
which the pile-installation work has come to a standstill agreed on by the engineer and the contractor and shall
following an action by the employer. serve as the ground surface from which the excavation
inside the caisson will be measured.
As soon as the pile-installation frames have come to a
standstill, the contractor shall inform the engineer, in Successive stages of the caisson shall be of convenient
writing, that he intends to claim standing time, and shall height, or as directed by the engineer, and shall be lined
also furnish - up accurately with the preceding stages.

(i) full particulars of the action which gave rise to the All precast elements shall have properly constructed jolnts
claim in accordance with the drawings to ensure that they fit
snugly together.
(ii) a list of pile-installation frames in respect of which
standing time will be claimed, complete with date and For in situ phase construction, all construction joints in the
time. walls shall be reinforced and the joints shall be made as
specified in clause 6408.
The period In respect of which a claim is lodged shall
become operative from the moment when the notice has The lowest element of every caisson, which contains the
been handed over to the engineer and shall continue until cutting edges, shall be cured for at least 4 days or shall
the restriction has been removed and normal procedure have reached a strength of at least 50% of the specified
may be resumed. strength before sinking is commenced. Subsequent
elements shall be cast in sufficient good time to ensure
adequate strength for safely resisting the applied forces.
(x) kh~dearintegrity testing
During constructing and sinking, the caissons shall be
Integrity tests using both the nuclear and neutron method maintained truly vertically and kept in their correct
shall be performed on all bored piles. The purpose of positions.
these tests is to prove that the technique used in
constructing the piles is satisfactory b y checking for The position and inclination of each caisson shall be
necking of concrete in the pile shafts, checking concrete determined accurately by measurement after every 2 m of
cover to reinforcement and by checking for honeycombing, sinking, or after sinking through the depth of one element,
grout loss and segregation of aggregates. whichever distance is the smalier.

Before piling for the substructure is commenced, the With a view to eliminating excess friction, the contractor
contractor shall construct a 5,O m long calibration pile of may use bentonite or a similar lubricant, or a water-jet
the same diameter, concrete mix and reinforcing and by system.
the same method of construction as the piles in the bridge.
The location of the calibration pile will be selected in Excavation inside caisson compartments shall, unless
agreement with the engineer. otherwise specified herein, comply wlth the provisions of
clause 6: 05.

Results from integrity tests on the piles for each pile cap In multi-compartmented caissons, the excavation in any
must be submitted to the engineer for approval before any one compartment shall not be taken deeper than 0,6 m
work on the pile cap may commence. Tests on the below that in any other compartment, except where
calibration pile must be done at the same time or before necessary for correcting deviations.
tests on the first pile are undertaken.
Cutting edges shall be frequently inspected or probed to
locate obstacles, which shall be removed immediately.

The contractor shall supply all grabs, pumps, diving gear

and other plant required for sinking and founding all
(a) General caissons and shall allow the engineer to use the diving suit
and equipment for inspection purposes.
Caissons shall, for the purposes of these specifications, be
hollow concrete vessels which are wholly or partly The contractor shall employ a competent diver to carry out
constructed at a higher level and lowered by internal work under water and shall make provision in the rates
excavation or kentledge to the desired founding level to tendered for the respective items for this cost.
form structural bearing members. Caissons may be of
circular, rectangular or any other shape and may contain Where the caisson strikes a hard inclined layer !nd work
one or more excavation compartments, all as detailed on has to be carried out below the cutting edge, such work
the drawings. shall be measured and paid for under the relevant items of
clause 61 15, and, where no applicable items exist, such
work shall be paid for as extra work.
Unless otherwise specified hereafter, the provisions of
85 8004 shall apply in regard to the construction of Should the contractor wish to apply the pneumatic caisson
caissons. method (with a compressed air chamber) for construction,
he shall furnish the engineer with full details of the plant. period of at least 7 days after which the caisson shall be
equipment and method for approval. dewatered by pumping for inspection. If more water is still
leaking into the caisson, the process of sealing as specified
herein shall be continued until the water level within the
(c) Founding caisson does not rise at a rate exceeding 10 m m per hour.

The material at the founding level, if sloping and/or

irregular, shall in so far as is possible be cut to as nearly The relevant requirements of subclauses 6407(c) and
level a surface as possible until the entire cutting edge is 61 13(i)(ii) shall apply for placing the concrete under water.
evenly and firmly supported on the material. Subject to the For concrete placed under water by methods other than by
approval of the engineer, blasting may be used for this tremie, the cement content shall be 20% more than the
purpose. If blasting should be resorted to, only light quantity required for ordinary concrete of the same mix but
charges may be used and the caisson shall be protected shall be not less than 450 kg per m3 of concrete.
against damage by suitable cushioning being provided.

Should the sloping surface be of hard rock which cannot (ii) Filling
be cut or broken by any safe and feasible means, the
foundation shall be built up by means of a solid wedge of Subsequent to inspection of the caisson compartments
concrete which fills the entire space between the bedrock above the concrete seal, the compartments shall be fiiled
surface and the horizontal plane through the cutting edge. with sand. The sand shall be sufficiently wetted to obviate
This concrete shall be of the same class as that specified bulking.
on the drawings or in the schedule of quantities for the
concrete seal.
The first 2,O m of filling above the concrete seal shall be
The rock or hard material on which the structure is to be lowered gently into position. The sand may then be poured
founded shall be completely uncovered. The founding from the top and compacted sufficiently to prevent
surface shall be cleared of all loose material before settlement while the cover slab concrete is being placed.
inspection by the engineer immediately prior to casting the
concrete seal.
The top of the sand fill within the caisson shall be finished
No concrete shall be placed in the wedge or the seal off to the level specified below the underside of the caisson
before the engineer has inspected and approved the cover slab.
foundation. For this purpose the contractor shall
adequately dewater the caisson to enable the engineer to
conduct the inspection.

In the event of a caisson not being vertical or in its correct Where the walls of the calsson have been overbuilt, the
position when it has reached the required depth, or in the concrete shall be stripped to the required level without
event of a caisson being cracked during the sinking damage being done to the concrete below the cut-off level.
process, the contractor shall at his own cost carry out the The longitudinal reinforcement of the caisson shall project
necessary remedial work to the satisfaction of the engineer. above the cut-off level by a distance of at least 40 times
the bar diameter.

(g) Concrete screed below the caisson cover slabs

The contractor shall provide the engineer with a complete
record of the types of material excavated during sinking, A concrete screed of the specified thickness and class of
together with the level at which each type of the material concrete shall be provided to the level shown on the
was found. In addition, a log showing the rate of sinking drawings over the area covered by the cover slab,
shall be kept by the contractor and furnished to the including the area within the caissons on top of the sand
engineer. filling, except where the underside of the cover slab is
being formed with formwork.

(e) Filling the caissons

(i) Concrete seal

The seal shall be constructed of mass concrete of the class Unit

specified and shall be placed in accordance with the
dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or as 61.01 Additional foundation
prescribed by the engineer. investigations . . . . . . . ... .... provisional sum

If this seal cannot be placed in the dry and has to be

placed under water, the method of placing this concrete A provisional sum is provided in the schedule of quantities
shall be approved by the engineer. The contractor shall to cover the cost of this work.
cease placing the concrete under water when sufficient
concrete has been placed to seal the foundation effectively.
The work authorised by the engineer shall be paid for in
After the concrete has been placed, the concrete seal and accordance with the provisions of the general conditions of
the head of water over it shall remain undisturbed for a contract.
In no case shall any of the following excavations be
included in the measurement for payment:
61.02 Excavation:
(i) The volume of excavation in excess of the above-
(a) Excavating soft material situated mentioned limits.
within the following successive
depth ranges: (ii) The volume included within the excavated road
prism, contiguous channels, ditches, etc, for which
(i) 0 m up to 2 m . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma) payment is provided elsewhere in the specifications.

(ii) Exceeding 2 m and up The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
to 4 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) excavation in each class of material, the spoiling or
stockpiling of material, the hauling of excavated material
(iii) Etc in increments of for the free-haul distance of 1,O km, any additional
2m ........... . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) excavation the contractor may require for additional
working space outside the authorised limits, trimming and
(b) Extra over subitem 61.02(a) cleaning the bottoms and sides of excavations, and
for excavation in hard strutting, shoring and safeguarding the excavations.
material irrespective of
depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) If, after a foundation excavation has been completed,
cleaned and trimmed ready for concrete screeding, the
(c) Extra over subitem 61.02(a) engineer orders further excavations to be made on account
for additional excavation of changed dimensions and/or founding conditions, an
required by the engineer extra over payment (subitem 61.02(c)) on the additional
after the excavation has excavation measured for payment shall be payable in full
been completed . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) compensation for any incidentals to the contractor over
and above the normal excavation costs.
(d) Extra over subitem 61.02(a)
for excavation by hand . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
Hem Unit
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
measured down from the surface levels agreed on 61.03 Access and drainage:
(subclause 6105(b)) to the founding level (clause 6106)
agreed on. (a) Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum
In the case of excavations that are required for diverting, The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
channelling or widening streams, the successive depth providing access, which, inter alia, shall include
ranges for those portions of the excavations that are within constructing temporary banks, artificial islands and/or
5,O m of a concrete structure shall be measured from the cofferdams, their protection, safeguarding and
surface levels agreed on to the invert level of the channel maintenance, draining and keeping dry the working areas
or stream. and draining the excavations within the access, and any
incidentals in respect of work to be done below standing
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of water.
material, measured in the original position before
excavation. The quantity of excavation for each depth 75% of the lump sum will be paid when the access has
range shall be calculated from the neat outlines of the base been constructed. The remaining 25% will be paid after the
or floor and the depth of excavation completed within each access has been removed.
(b) Drainage where no
Irrespective of the total depth of the excavation, the access has been provided ......... lump sum
quantity of material within each depth range shall be
measured and paid for separately. Payment will be made for this work by way of a lump sum
for each structure or series of structures appearing
Supplementary payment for excavation by hand as separately in the schedule of quantities. The lump sum
specified in subclause 6105(i), shall be the full shall be paid on a pro rata basis as the work progresses.
compensation for incidentals for hand-excavating the
materials instead of with mass-excavating equipment. The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
draining by pumping or in any other way and for any other
At the concrete faces for which formwork has to be work necessary for keeping the excavation dry or for
provided, additional excavation shall be measured to 0,5 m working in the dry.
outside the concrete perimeter to make provision for a
working space.
Hem Unit

Where foundation fill is constructed in an excavation, the 61.04 BacMill to excavations

quantity of excavated material measured for payment shall utilising:
be the material excavated between the average ground
level, as described in subclause 6105(b), and the founding (a) Material from the excavation . . cubic metre (m3)
level, from a prism with vertical sides, as described in
clause 6109 or as prescribed by the engineer. (b) Imported material . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3)
(c) Soil cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) Item Unit

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of 61.08 Foundation fill consisting of:
backfill material measured in the excavation. The quantity
measured shall be calculated from within the neat outlines (a) Rock fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (rn3)
defined for the excavation under item 61.02 and the height
to which the backfilling is constructed. The volume (b) Crushed-stone fill . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
occupied by the structure shall be subtracted when
calculating the volume of backfilling. (c) Compacted granular
material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The height shall be determined by the upper surface of the
road prism or the reference ground surface (subclause (d) Mass concrete (class
6105(b)), whichever is the lower. indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for (e) Concrete screed (thickness
furnishing and placing all materials within the entire and class of concrete
excavation, transporting the material within the free-haul indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
distance of 1,O km, and preparing, processing, shaping,
watering, mixing and compacting the material to the The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
specified densities. approved material placed and compacted below the bases
as specified or where directed by the engineer.

Item Unit The quantity of foundation fill to be measured for payment

shall be the material contained within the prism specified
61.05 Fill within a restricted in clause 6109 or shall otherwise be the quantity to the
area (extra over item 33.01) . . cubic metre (m3) outlines shown on the drawings or as directed by the
The unit of measurement shali be the cubic metre and the
quantity shall be taken as the total volume of material
within the restricted area as defined in subclause 6108(d). The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
The quantity shall not include the volume of backfill which procuring, furnishing, transporting, placing and compacting
is measured and paid for under item 61.04 above. the material.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all

additional work necessitated by working in the restricted Item Unit
area and for the increased density required in the restricted
area. 61.09 Establishment on the
site for the drilling
of holes (type of
Item Unit drilling indicated) . . ............. lump sum

61.06 Overhaul i n excess of

1.0 k m on excavated material The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
and on material imported for establishment on the site and the subsequent removal of
backfill, foundation fill and all special plant for drilling the holes and additional plant
fill for caissons . . . . . . . . . cubic metre-kilometre for carrying out operations, the cost of which does not vary
(m3-km) with the actual amount of work to be done.

Overhaul shall be measured and paid for as specified in

clause 1603 and shall apply only to that portion of the This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 75% of
material qualifying for payment under items 61.02, which will become payable when all the equipment is on
61.04(b), 61.OB(a) and (c), and 61.47. the site and the first hole has been drilled. The remaining
25% will become payable after all the holes have been
Overhaul shall not apply to concrete used in the foundation drilled and the equipment has been removed from the site.

Item Unit
Item Unit
61.10 Moving to and setting
61.07 Overbreak in excavation u p the equipment at each
in hard material . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (rn2) hole to be drilled . . . . . . . ....... number (No)

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of The unit of measurement shall be the number of positions
surface area of the vertical outer faces of the base. to which the equipment has to be moved and set up in
position. The number to be measured shall equal the
number of holes to be drilled as instructed by the engineer.
The tendered rate shall inciude full compensation for the
overbreak material removed from the excavation, for the
concrete fill in accordance with subclause 6105(c), and any The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all the
additional screeding concrete required. costs involved in moving and setting up the equipment.
Item Unit and all special constructional plant and equipment for
foundation piling and for carrying out operations, the cost
61.1 1 Drilling of holes of which does not vary with the actual amount of piling
(diameter and type of done.
drilling indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 50% of
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole drilled. which will become payable when all equipment is on the
site and the first pile has been installed. The second
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for instalment of 25% of the lump sum will be payable after
drilling and clearing the holes as specified. Where no half the total number of piles have been installed, and the
provision has been made for payment in the schedule of final instalment of 25% after all the piles have been
quantities under items 61.09 and 61.10, the tendered rate completed and the equipment has been removed from the
shall also include full compensation for work falling under site.
these items.

Item Unit
ltem Unit
61.16 Moving to, and setting
61.12 Grouting (type of grout u p the equipment at each
and for which purpose it position for installing
is required indicated) . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg) the piles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

The unit measurement for grouting shall be the kilogram of The unit of measurement shall be the number of positions
cement or proprietary mark of grout as may be applicable to which the installation equipment has to be moved and
used in the grouting operation. set up in position. The quantity measured shall be the
number of piles installed plus the number of piles redriven
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for on the instruction of the engineer, plus any piles provided
providing the equipment and all the material, and mixing in addition for load tests, which do not form part of a
and pumping the grout into the prepared holes in specific pile group.
accordance with the instructions of the engineer, and also
for the water-pressure tests. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
costs involved in moving and setting up any equipment.

Item Unit
Item Unit
61.13 Dowel bars (type, diameter and
length of dowel bars, together 61.17 Augered or bored holes
with type of grout, indicated) . . . . . kilogram (kg) for piles with a diameter
of (diameter indicated)
The unit of measurement for the dowel bars shall be the through material situated
kilogram of bars provided and secured in position. within the following
successive depth ranges:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying all the material and positioning and grouting the (a) Augered holes:
dowel bars as specified.
(i) 0 m up to 10 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

Item Unit (ii) Exceeding 10 m and up to 15 m . . . . . metre (m)

61.14 Foundation lining (iii) Etc in increments of 5 m depths . . . . . metre (m)
(type of material and
thickness indicated) ....... square metre (m2) (b) Bored holes:

The unit of measurement for foundation lining shall be the (i) OrnuptolOm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre(m)
square metre of concrete surface lined.
(ii) Exceeding 10 m and up to 15 m . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
procuring, furnishing and placing all material and for all (iii) Etc in increments of 5 m depths . . . . . metre (m)
labour and incidentals required for completing the work as
specified. The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
measured down from the average ground surface
(subclause 61 13(h)) to the agreed founding level (clause
Item Unit 6106).

61.15 Establishment on the The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole,
site for piling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum including the depth of the bulbous base formed, as may
be applicable. The depth of the bulbous base shall be
The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for deemed to be equal to the diameter of a sphere, the
generally levelling the piling site, establishing on the site volume of which shall be equal to the quantity of
and subsequently removing all structural platforms, rafts, compacted concrete in the bulbous base.
lrrespective of the total depth of the hole, the quantity
within each depth range shall be measured and paid for
separately. 61.20 Installation of prefabri-
cated piles (type and size
The tendered rates for forming augered holes shall include indicated) through material
full compensation for augering and disposing of surplus situated within the following
material resulting from the hole having been formed. successive depth ranges:

The tendered rates for forming bored holes shall include (a) 0 m up to 10 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
full compensation for boring, supplying, installing and
extracting the driven temporary casing as well as for (b) Exceeding 10 m and up to 15 m . . . . metre (m)
disposing of surplus material resulting from the hole having
been formed. (c) Etc in increments of 5 m depths . . . . . metre (m)
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
Item Unit measured down from the average ground surface
(subclause 6113(h)) to the founding depth agreed on
61.18 Wiving the temporary (clause 6106).
casing for driven dis-
placement piling systems The unit of measurement shall be the metre of
for forming holes for prefabricated pile installed. That part of the prefabricated
piles with a diameter of pile projecting above the average ground surface shall not
(diameter indicated) be measured and paid for.
through material situated
within the following lrrespective of the total length of pile installed, the quantity
successive depth ranges: installed within each depth range shall be measured and
paid for separately.
(a) 0 m up to 10 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
(b) Exceeding 10 m and up to 15 m . . . . . metre (m) hoisting and driving the pile.

(c) Etc in increments of 5 m depths . . . . . metre (m)

Item Unit
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
measured down from the average ground surface 61.21 Extraoveritem61.17,
(subclause 6113(h)) to the agreed founding level (clause irrespective of the depth,
6106). to form augered and bored
pile holes through identified
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole plus obstructions consisting of:
the depth of bulbous base formed, as may be applicable.
The depth of the bulbous base shall be deemed to be (a) Coarse gravel with a matrix
equal to the diameter of a sphere, the volume of which content of less than (maximum
shall be equal to the quantity of compacted concrete in the percentage indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
bulbous base.
(b) Boulders (description of
lrrespective of the total depth of the hole, the quantity and maximum size indicated) . . . . . . . metre (m)
within each depth range shall be measured and paid for
separately. (c) Rock formation (description
and class of rock indicated) . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying, driving and subsequently extracting the The unit of measurement shall be the metre of pile hole
temporary casing. formed through the identified obstruction, measured from
the depth at which the identified obstruction is encountered
to the depth at which normal auger drilling or boring can
Item Unit be resumed or another type of identified obstruction is
61.19 Manufacturing, supplying
and delivering prefabricated The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all
piles (type and size indicated) . . . . . . . metre (m) additional work and incidentals required for forming the
pile hole through the identified obstruction.

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of accepted Notes:

prefabricated pile delivered on the site in accordance with
the engineer's written instructions. (1) Subitem 61.21(a): The matrix content indicated
shall be the percentage by volume of matrix in material
containing coarse gravel. Where the maximum percentage
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for indicated is exceeded, payment for forming holes through
supplying all the materials, manufacturing, transporting such material shall be made under item 61.17. Unless
and delivering to the point of use and handling the otherwise specified, the maximum percentage of matrix
prefabricated piles. shall be accepted to be 60%.
(2) Where obstructions other than those provided for in
item 61.21can be identified, they shall be described on the Item Unit
drawings and/or in the project specifications. Provision
therefor shall be made in the schedule of quantities under 61.26 Forming the bulbous
extensions to item 61.21. bases for piles of
(diameter indicated) ........... number (No)

Item Unit The unit of measurement shall be the number of bulbous

bases formed.
61.22 Forming augered and bored
pile holes through uniden- The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
tified obstructions . . . . . . . . . . provisional sum work to be done in forming the bulbous bases but shall
exclude the concrete work.
A provisional sum is allowed in the schedule of quantities
for covering the cost of this work.
Item Unit
Payment for the work authorised by the engineer shall be
in accordance with the provisions of the general conditions 61.27 Socketing piles into
of contract. rock formation (class
of rock and length of
socket indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the number of sockets,
61.23 Driving temporary casings the length of which shall be not less than the specified
for driven displacement length, formed in rock, the hardness of which shall be not
piling systems or installing less than that of the specified class of rock.
prefabricated piles through
identified or unidentified The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
obstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provisional sum work to be done for socketing into the rock formation.

A provisional sum is allowed in the schedule of quantities

for covering the cost of this work. Item Unit

The method of payment for the work authorised by the 61.28 Installing and removing
engineer shall be in accordance with the provisions of the temporary casings i n augered
general conditions of contract. holes for piles of (diameter
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (rn)

Item Unit The unit of measurement shall be the metre of temporary

casing installed as directed by the engineer or shown on
61.24 Extra over items 61.17, the drawings. Only the installed temporary casing below
61.18 and 61.20 for the average ground surface (subclause 61 13(h)) shall be
raking piles: measured for payment.

(a) Holes for piles of (diameter The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
and rake indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (rn) supplying, installing and removing the temporary casings.

(b) Temporary casing for driven

displacement pile systems Item Unit
(diameter and rake indicated) . . . . . . . metre (m)
61.29 Installing permanent
(c) Prefabricated piles (type, pile casing for piles
size and rate indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) of (diameter indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for all

additional work and incidentals for forming the pile holes The unit of measurement shall be the metre of permanent
or for driving and later extracting the temporary casing, or casing installed as instructed by the engineer or shown on
for installing prefabricated piles to the rake shown. the drawings.

Item Unit The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying and installing permanent pile casing.
61.25 Forming underreams for
piles of (diameter indicated) ..... number (No)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the number of pile holes
underreamed. 61.30 Steel reinforcement in
cast in situ piles:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
work to be done in forming the underreams. (a) Mild-steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(b) High-yield-stress-steel ttem Unit
bars (type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
61.34 Strippinglcutting the pile
The unit of measurement for steel bars shall be the ton of heads (type and diameterlsize
reinforcement in place in accordance with the drawings or of pile indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
as authorised.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of heads of
Ties and other steel used for keeping the reinforcing steel each type and diameterlsize of pile strippedlcut.
in position shall be measured as steel reinforcing under the
appropriate subitem. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
providing all tools and strippinglcutting the pile heads.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, trial welds,
placing and fixing the steel reinforcing, including all tying Item Unit
wires, spacers and waste.
61.35 Establishment on the
site for the load
ttem Unit testing of piles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum

61.31 Cast i n situ concrete The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
in piles, underreams, the establishment on the site and subsequently removing
bulbous bases and all the special plant and equipment required for conducting
sockets (class of the load tests on piles. This cost does not vary with the
concrete indicated) . ........ cubic metre (m3) number of load tests to be conducted.

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of Payment for this work shall be made by way of a lump
concrete placed in the cast in situ piles, underreams, sum, 100% of which will be paid after the testing assembly
bulbous bases and sockets. The quantity shall be has been completely assembled and the first load test has
calculated from the nominal pile diameter and length of been started.
pile from the founding level to the specified cutting-off
level, plus the additional quantity of concrete in the
underream and bulbous base as may be relevant. Unit

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for 61.36 Load tests on piles
supplying and storing all material, providing all plant, (compression/tension test,
mixing, transporting, placing and compacting the concrete, diameter1 size, specified
curing the concrete and repairing defective concrete. working load indicated) . . ....... number (No)
Payment shall distinguish between the different classes of
concrete. The unit of measurement shall be the number of load tests
conducted on the instruction of the engineer, for each
specified working load.
Test piles, but not anchor piles and anchors, shall be
61.32 Extra over item 61.31 measured as specified above for permanent piles. Anchor
for concrete cast under piles and anchors shall be deemed to form part of the
water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic metre (m3) testing equipment under this item.

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of

concrete cast under water, the quantity being calculated as The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
for item 61 3 1 . installing the anchor piles and anchors where necessary;
conducting load tests, and processing and submitting the
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all results.
additional work, incidentals and extra cement required for
placing the concrete under water.
Item Unit

Item Unit 61.37 Establishment on the

site for core drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum
61.33 Splicinglcoupling prefabricated
piles for lengthening (size of
pile indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for
the establishment on the site and subsequently removing
all the equipment required for conducting the core drilling.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of splices1 This cost does not vary with the quantity of work to be
couplings in prefabricated piles for each size of pile. done.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 100% of
work required for splicinglcoupling the piles in accordance which will become payable when the equipment has been
with the specifications. set up at the first location and drilling has started.
completed and the equipment has been removed from the
61.38 Moving the equipment
to and assembling it
at each location where Item Unit
cores are to be drilled .......... number (No)
61.42 Formwork for caissons
The unit of measurement shall be the number of locations (class of finish
to which the core-drilling equipment is to be moved and at indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
which it has to be assembled.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the formwork, and only the area of formwork in contact with
cost of moving and assembling the equipment. the finished face of the concrete shall be measured.
Formwork for construction joints shall be measured for
payment under class F1 surface finish but shall be
Item Unit measured only for construction joints shown on the
drawings or as prescribed by the engineer.
61.39 Drilling the cores
(diameter indicated) in: The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, erecting the falsework and
(a) Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) formwork, constructing the forms, forming the grooves,
fillets, chamfers, stopends for construction joints, treating
(b) Founding formation: the forms, all accessories, and stripping and removing the
formwork after completion of the work. Payment for
(i) Irrespective of hardness . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) formwork shall be made only after the formwork has been
stripped and the surface finish approved.
(ii) With a hardness of (hardness
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole drilled,
61.43 Steel reinforcement for
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for caissons:
drilling, recovering and packing the cores, keeping the
drilling records, providing core boxes, providing and (a) Mild-steel bars .................... ton (t)
installing the casings, and backfilling the holes with grout.
(b) High-yield-stress-steel
bars (type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement for steel bars shall be the ton of
61.40 Standing time for reinforcement in place in accordance with the drawings or
pile-installation frame hour (h) as may have been authorised.

The unit of measurement for the standing time of a pile- Ties and other steel used for positioning the reinforcing
installation frame shall be the hour during which the pile- steel shall be measured as steel reinforcing under the
installation frame is standing in terms of subclause appropriate subitem.
61 13(w).
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, trial
fixed costs for the pile-installation frame, which is not welding joints, placing and fixing the steel, including all
connected with its operation and the quantity of work done. tying wire, spacers and waste.

Item Unit Item Unit

61.41 Establishment on the site 61.44 Cast in situ concrete in

for constructing the caissons and concrete seals
caissons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum (class of concrete indicated) .. cubic metre (m3)

The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement for cast in situ concrete shall be
the establishment on the site and later removing all special the cubic metre of concrete in place. Concrete quantities
plant and equipment necessary for constructing the in the caissons shall be calculated from the dimensions
caissons. This cost shall not vary in accordance with the shown on the drawings or authorised by the engineer, and
number of caissons constructed. the length of the caisson from the founding level to the
specified cut-off level. The quantity of concrete in the
This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 50% of concrete seal shall be calculated in accordance with the
which will be paid when all the equipment is on the site dimensions shown on the drawings or authorised by the
and the first caisson has been constructed. The second engineer.
payment of 25% of the lump sum will be paid after half the
number of caissons have been completed, and the final The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
instalment of 25% after all the caissons have been procuring and furnishing all the materials, storing the
material, providing all plant, mixing, transporting, placing (b) Extra over subitem 61.47(a) for
and compacting the concrete, all sealing, curing the excavation in hard material
concrete and repairing defective concrete. Payment shall irrespective of depth . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
distinguish between the different classes of concrete.
The limits for the successive depth ranges shall be
measured down from the firm horizontal base (subclause
Item Unit 6114(b)) to the excavated level inside the caisson.

61.45 Cutting edge for (diameter1 The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
size indicated) caissons . . . . . . . . number (No) material, measured in the original position before
excavation. The quantity of excavation for each depth
The unit of measurement shall be the number of caissons range shall be calculated from the gross area of the
provided with cutting edges, irrespective of the material caisson in plan and the depth of excavation completed
they have been constructed of. within each depth range.

Irrespective of the total depth of excavation, the quantity of

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for material within each depth range shall be measured and
manufacturing, supplying, delivering and installing the paid for separately.
complete cutting edge as well as for joining the cutting
edge to the caisson unit. Where the cutting edge is of The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
concrete and forms part of the bottom element, the excavation in the classified material, spoiling or stockpiling
tendered rate shall include full compensation for all the material, hauling the excavated material for the free-
additional work required for completing the element. haul distance of 1,O km, trimming the bottom of the
excavation, dewatering, pumping and removing the
material leaking into the caisson before sealing.
Item Unit

61.46 Sinking (diameterlsize Item Unit

indicated) caissons through
material situated within the 61.48 Filling the caissons ......... cubic metre (m3)
following successive depth
ranges: The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of sand
placed above the concrete seal in the caisson
(a) 0 m up to 5 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) compartments.

(b) Exceeding 5 m and up to 10 m . . . . . metre (m) The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying and placing the sand, transporting the material
(c) Etc in increments of 5 m depths . . . . . metre (m) within a free-haul distance of 1.0 km, and compacting the
material as specified.
The limits of the successive depth ranges shall be
measured down from the firm horizontal base (subclause
61 14(b)) to the agreed founding level (clause 6106). kern Unit

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of caisson 61.49 Stripping the (size of caisson
sunk. indicated) caisson heads . . . . . . . . number (No)

Irrespective of the length of caisson sunk, the quantity for The unit of measurement shall be the number of caissons
each depth range shall be measured and paid for of each size stripped.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
locating and holding in position, dewatering, pumping, cutting away, trimming and disposing of the concrete
kentledge and lubricating the sides of the caisson, and for removed.
all work in connection with the sinking of the caisson which
is not paid for elsewhere.
kern Unit

Item Unit 61.50 Nuclear integrity testing

on bored piles:
61.47 Excavation for caissons:
(a) Constructing 5,O m long
(a) Excavating soft material calibration piles of (indicate
situated within the following diameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
successive depth ranges:
(b) Installing 65 m m internal diameter
(i) 0 m up to 2 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) steel ducts in the piles . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

(ii) Exceeding 2 m and up to 4 m cubic metre (m3) (c) Performing integrity tests using:

(iii) Etc in increments of 2 m depths cubic metre (m3) (i) The nuclear method ........... number (No)
(ii) The neutron method . .. . . . . .. . . number (No) integrity tests performed by each method.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for

The unit of measurement for subitem (a) shall be the procuring and furnishing all materials, constructional plant,
number of calibration piles constructed. The unit of equipment, labour and incidentals for forming the bored
measurement for subitem (b) shall be the metre of 65 m m holes, constructing the calibration piles, installing the steel
internal diameter steel duct installed. The unit of ducts, and performing the prescribed integrity tests,
measurement for subitem (c) shall be the number of complete as specified.


Nd r Nb -
~b Nd 5 Nb
K = Ld for Ld r Lb

Np = Nd Np = Nd
K = L b f o r ~ d< Lb

Lp = Nd.Ld + Nb(Lb - Ld)K Lp = Nd.Ld + Nd (Lb - Ld)K


Nd > Nb Nd = Nb Nd < Nb

Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10

Ld > Lb 10 10 10
Lp = 360 + 25(-2)E = 318 Lp = 300 + 25(-2) 12 = 258 Lp = 240 + 20(-2) 12 = 207

No Length No Length No Length

Offered 30 360 Offered 25 300 Offered 20 240

Built 25 250 Built 25 250 Built 25 250
Paid 30 318 Paid 25 258 Paid 20 207

Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10

Ld = Lb Lp = 300 Lp = 250 Lp = 200

No Length No Length No Length

Offered 30 300 Offered 25 250 Offered 20 200

Built 25 250 Built 25 250 Built 25 250
Paid 30 300 Paid 25 250 Paid 20 200

Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10 Nb = 25 Lb = 10

Ld < Lb 8 8 8
Lp = 240 + 25(2) 10 = 280 Lp = 200 + 25(2) 10 = 240 Lp = 160 + 20(2)% = 192

No Length No Length No Length

Offered 30 240 Offered 25 200 Offered 20 160

Built 25 250 Built 25 250 Built 25 250
Paid 30 280 Paid 25 240 Paid 20 192
SERIES 6000 : STRUCTURES The surfaces of forms which are to be in contact with the
concrete shall be clean, free from deposits or adhering
SECTION 6200 : FALSEWORK, FORMWORK AND matter, ridges or spatter which will impart irregularities and
CONCRETE FINISH blemishes to the concrete surface, and shall also be free
from indentations and warps.

CONTENTS (iii) Void formers

SCOPE Void formers used in permanent work shall be subject to

MATERIALS the approval of the engineer.
DESIGN Where void formers of a special design are required,
CONSTRUCTION details thereof will be specified.
FORMED SURFACES : CLASSES OF FINISH Void formers shall be manufactured from material which
REMEDIAL TREATMENT OF FORMED SURFACES will not leak, tear or be damaged during the course of
UNFORMED SURFACES : CLASSES OF FINISH construction and shall be of such tight construction as to
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT prevent undue loss of the mortar component of the
concrete through leakage. The units shall be sufficiently
rigid so as not to deform during handling or under the
6201 SCOPE pressure of the wet concrete.

For mild-steel spiral-lock-formed void formers, the metal

This section covers the design, supply and erection of all thickness shall be as follows, unless otherwise specified:
falsework and formwork used in the construction of
permanent work. (1) Unbraced void formers

This section also describes the classes of surface finishes 0,6 m m for diameters of up to 600 m m
on formed and unformed concrete surfaces.
0,8 m m for diameters exceeding 600 m m and up to
800 m m
1,O m m for diameters exceeding 800 m m and up to
1 000 mm.
(a) General
(2) Braced void formers
The materials used in the construction of falsework and
formwork shall be suitable for the purpose for which they 0,6 m m for diameters of up to 800 m m
are required and be of such quality as to produce the
specified standard of work. The type, grade and condition 0,8 m m for diameters exceeding 800 m m and up to
of the material shall be subject to the engineer's approval. 1 000 m m

1,O m m for diameters exceeding 1 000 m m and up to

(b) Falsework 1 200 m m

The timber, structural steel and scaffolding used shall be 1,2 m m for diameters exceeding 1 200 mm.
free from defects that may prejudice the stability of the
falsework. The jacks, devices, clamps and fittings shall all The thickness specified for braced void formers shall apply
be in a good working order and of adequate design and to formers internally braced with timber or equivalent
strength. braces. The braces shall be at spacings not exceeding
2,O m and not further than 1,O m from the end of each unit.
Timber cross braces shall consist of members with cross-
(c) Formwork sectional dimensions of at least 50 m m x 50 mm.

(i) Tongue-and-groove boarding All hollow void-former units shall be provided with a 12 m m
diameter drainage hole at each end.
Tongue-and-groove boarding shall be of suitably dried
timber which will not warp, distort or cause discolouration (iv) Chamfer and recess fillets
of the concrete. The widths of the boards shall be as
specified on the drawings or in the schedule of quantities Timber fillets used for forming chamfers and recesses on
or as prescribed by the engineer. Boards shall be supplied exposed surfaces shall be made from new material unless
in lengths not shorter than 3 m. otherwise authorised.

(v) Jack rods for sliding formwork

(ii) Steel forms to exposed surfaces
The jack rods, base plates and couplers shall be strong
For classes F2 and F3 surface finish the individual panels enough to carry the design load under all operating
shall be assembled sufficiently rigidly and so clamped as conditions without buckling, distorting or causing damage
not to deform or kick during handling or under the to the concrete. Jack rods which are to remain permanently
pressure of the wet concrete. embedded in the concrete shall comply with the
requlrernents of clauses 6303 and 6305. Under no The engineer may require the contractor to submit to him
circumstances shall bent rods be used in the work. for consideration and approval the design and drawings of
the faisework and formwork for any structure. The
The jack rods used shall have a diameter of at least contractor shall submit his design criteria and calculations
25 mm. and detail drawings of the falsework and formwork to the
engineer at least 14 days before the engineer's approval is

@) Falsework
Notwithstanding approval given by the engineer for the
design and drawings prepared by the contractor for the The contractor shall make his own assessment of the
falsework and formwork, and the acceptance of the allowable bearing pressure on the foundation material and
falsework and formwork as constructed, the contractor shail shall design the footings and falsework to prevent
be solely responsible for the safety and adequacy of the overloading, differential settlement and unacceptable
falsework and formwork and shall indemnify and keep overall settlement. In assessing the allowable bearing
Indemnifiedthe employer and engineer against any losses, pressure, due account shall be taken of the effect of
claims or damage to persons or property whatsoever which wetting on the foundation material.
may arise out of or in consequence of the design,
construction, use and maintenance of the falsework and In designing the faisework, cognizance shall also be taken
formwork and against all claims, demands, proceedings, of the redistribution of load which may occur on account of
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in the effect of temperature, wind force, the prestressing of
respect thereof or in relation thereto. curved and skewed structures, stage construction, flooding
and debris.
For works on, over, under or adjacent to any railway line
which is controlled by a statutory authority, the contractor Particular attention shall be given to providing transverse
shall comply, inter alia, with the requirements for the and diagonal bracing as well as rib stiffeners on cross
preparation and submission of drawings for falsework and bearers.
formwork, and the submission of certificates for the proper
construction thereof, all In accordance with the official
specifications of such authority. (c) Formwork

After having constructed the falsework and formwork, and (i) General
prior to placing the reinforcing steel and/or the concrete,
the contractor shall Inspect the falsework and formwork. Formwork shall be so designed as to be sufficiently rigid to
Dimensions shail be checked, unevenness of surface shall ensure that the specified dimensional tolerances can be
be corrected, and special attention paid to the adequacy achieved under the combined action of self-weight, dead
and tightness of all bolts, ties and bracings as well as to load and imposed loads as well as the additional loads
the soundness of the foundations. resulting from the rate of concreting, the layer thickness of
the concrete cast in one operation and the method of
placing and compaction.
The contractor shall give the engineer at least 24 hours'
notice of his intention to place the concrete to enable the (ii) Sliding formwork
engineer to inspect all aspects of the completed work.
However, before notifying the engineer, the contractor shail The contractor shall be responsible for the design of the
satisfy himself that the work complies in all respects with sliding formwork. Prior to fabrication or bringing the sliding
the specifications. formwork and any additional equipment to the site, the
contractor shail submit drawings of the complete sliding-
Concrete sections with dimension of smaller than 200 mm formwork assembly to the engineer for approval. The
shall not be formed with sliding formwork unless drawings shail show full details of the forms, jacking
authorised by the engineer. frames, access ladders, hanging platforms, safety rails and
curing skirts as well as details of the jacks and jack layouts.
Where no provision has been made In the schedule of
quantities for sliding formwork, the contractor may, in a The contractor shall be required to submit to the engineer,
covering letter to the tender, submit a lump sum which before slide casting commences, an instruction manual in
reflects a saving in the cost for the use of sliding formwork which the sliding techniques, jacking procedure, methods
in lieu of conventional formwork. The tendered lump sum of keeping the formwork level, the procedure to be
quoted shall be accompanied by rates for pay items 62.07, adopted to prevent bonding of the concrete to the forms
62.08, 62.09 and 63.03, all in accordance with clauses 6210 and a method for releasing the forms in the event of
and 6310. bonding, the instrumentation and monitoring of the slide
casting and correcting for verticality, twisting and levelness
are described in detail.
The formwork panels shall be inclined to give a small
taper, the forms being slightly wider at the bottom than at
the top.

The contractor's design and drawings of the falsework and The taper shall be so designed as to produce the specified
formwork shall comply amongst others with all statutory concrete thickness at the mid-lift level of the form.
The spacing of the jacks with their jack rods shall be so
designed that the dead load of the sliding-formwork Where polystyrene or similar material, susceptible to
assembly, the frictional load, and the mass of materials, damage is used, it shall be lined with a hard surface on the
personnel and equipment will be evenly distributed and side to be concreted. The hard material shall be sufficiently
within the design capacity of the jacks used. resilient to ensure that the required quality of work can be

6205 CONSTRUCTION Where it is specified, all formwork ties shall be provided

with recoverable truncated cones between sleeve ends and
formwork faces to ensure that sleeve ends are not exposed
(a) Falsework on concrete surfaces. The cones shall have a minimum
depth of 15 mm.
Falsework shall be erected in accordance with the
approved drawings incorporating such modifications as (ii) Formwork to exposed surfaces
required by the engineer.
The formwork and boards shall be so arranged as to form
The contractor shall take precautions to prevent a uniform and regular pattern in line with and
deterioration of the foundations during the course of perpendicular to the main axis of the member, unless
construction. otherwise approved or directed by the engineer.

The falsework shall incorporate features which will permit Joints between contiguous members shall, after caulking,
adjustment to the alignment of the formwork to neutralise taping or sealing, be treated to prevent blemishes, stains
the expected settlement and deflection under load. and undue marks from being imparted to the concrete

Bolt and tie positions shall be so arranged that they

conform to the symmetry of the formwork panels or
(i) General boards. Bolt and rivet heads which will be in contact with
the formed surface shall be of the countersunk type and
The formwork for bridge decks shall be erected to levels shall be treated to prevent marks from forming on the
calculated from the information given on the plans for concrete surface.
roadworks and bridges. The levels shall be adapted to
make provision for the specified precamber as well as for The formwork at construction joints shall be braced to
the expected deflection and settlement of the fully loaded prevent steps from forming in the concrete surfaces at the
falsework and formwork. The levels shall be set out and joints between successive stages of construction.
checked at i n t e ~ a l snot exceeding 2 3 0 m.
Where moulding or recess strips are specified, they shall
For constructing the formwork, the contractor may, subject be neatly butted or mitred.
to the provisions of clause 6202, use any material suitable
for and compatible with the class of surface finish and (iii) Formwork for open joints
dimensional tolerances specified forthe particular member.
The requirements for formwork for open joints shall, unless
Formwork shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms otherwise specified, apply only to cases where the distance
in their correct position, shape and profile and shall be of between opposite concrete surfaces is equal to or less than
such tight construction that the concrete can be placed 150 mm.
and compacted without undue loss or leakage of the
mortar component of the concrete. Formwork for open joints shall be constructed to produce
a class F1 surface finish to concealed surfaces or a class
The joints between contiguous formwork elements shall be F2 or F3 surface finish corresponding to the in-plane
of a tight fit and, where necessary, the joints shall be surface finish of the bordering concrete surfaces. The
caulked, taped or packed with a sealing gasket, all at no material used and construction of the formwork shall
extra payment if undue leakage occurs or can be expected. permit its complete removal to form the open joint.
Paper, cloth or similar material shall not be used for this
purpose. No solvent shall be used to remove forrnwork unless
approved by the engineer.
The formwork construction shall permit accurate erection
and easy stripping without shock, disturbance or damage (iv) Openings and wall chases
to the cast concrete. Where necessary, the formwork
assembly shall permit the removal or release of side forms Openings and wall chases shall be provided only where
independently of the soffit forms. indicated on the drawings or as authorised by the
engineer. Frames for openings shall be rigid and firmly
Metal supports, ties, hangers and accessories embedded secured in position to prevent their moving. Temporary
in the concrete shall be removed to a depth of not less holes shall be so formed that they will not create an
than the cover specified for the reinforcement. No wire ties irregular pattern in relation to the rest of the exposed
shall be used. formed concrete surface.

(v) Sliding formwork

All external corners shall be chamfered by fillet strips being
fixed into the corners of the formwork to form 25 m m x (1) Plant and equipment
25 m m chamfers. Re-entrant angles need not be
chamfered unless specified. Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications,
hoisting equipment for sliding formwork, which operates reinforcement can be correctly placed and the specified
stepwise with upward movements of between 10 m m and concrete cover over the reinforcement maintained.
100 m m will be acceptable. However, the use of linked
hydraulic or pneumatic jacks is preferable, which are Where the jack rods are to be recovered, adequate
reversible and driven by an electrically operated pump, and precautions shall be taken in respect of their removal
which can hoist at a steady rate. The jacks shall have without damage being caused to the concrete.
independent controls for regulating verticality and
levelness. The jacking system shall ensure that the sliding- Where jack rods occur at openings or wall chases,
formwork assembly can be hoisted evenly. adequate lateral support shall be provided to prevent their
The use of hoisting systems which operate without jack
rods shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Equipment and material shall be so distributed on the
working platforms that the load will be evenly distributed
All equipment shall be thoroughly tested and inspected over the jacks.
before installation and shall be maintained in a good
working order throughout the entire sliding operation. Guard plates shall be provided at the tops of the forms to
the outside walls to prevent the concrete from falling down
The contractor shall keep adequate back-up plant, the outside.
equipment and quantities of materials on the site to ensure
that the slide casting can proceed without interruption. The framework, forms and platforms shall be regularly
cleared and the accumulation thereon of redundant
(2) Instrumentation and monitoring concrete prevented.

The contractor shall supply and install suitable The contractor shall take all precautions to prevent
instrumentation on the sliding platform and foundations contamination of the concrete by leaking oil or other
and against the sides of the structure for monitoring the causes.
height, verticality, levelness and twisting at regular
distances. The equipment used, its utilisation and the (5) The sliding process
frequency of recording any readings shall be approved b y
the engineer. The contractor shall give the engineer 24 hours' notice of
his intention to commence with slide casting. Permission
The contractor shall be responsible for all monitoring work to commence with the sliding shall not be given by the
and shall ensure that records of all readings and engineer before the sliding-formwork assembly is fully
measurements taken are filed systematically and are at all operative and the complete stock of all materials required
times available to the engineer and the person in control of for the slide casting as well as back-up plant and
the sliding operation. equipment are on the site.

Unless otherwise specified, the verticality of the structure The contractor shall ensure that the rate of sliding is such
shall be controlled with laser alignment apparatus or that the concrete at the bottom of the formwork has
optical plummets, and the levelness of the sliding forms obtained sufficient strength to support itself and all loads
with a water-level system with reference control points which may be placed on the concrete at the time, and that
placed at strategic locations. the concrete does not adhere to the sides of the forms.

Height and verticality shall be monitored at intervals not The slide-casting operation shall be continuous, without
exceeding 4 hours. The readings shall be plotted any interruptions, until the full height of the structure has
immediately on graphs. When the structure is more than been reached, and shall be geared and arganised so as to
10 mm out of vertical, the engineer shall be notified maintain an average rate of sliding of 350 m m per hour.
(6) Interruptions
(3) Supervision
When the sliding operations are delayed for more than 45
During the entire period of the sliding operation, a minutes, the contractor shall prevent adhesion of the
competent person who is fully acquainted with the sliding setting concrete to the formwork panels by easing the
technique and the contractor's methods of construction forms or moving them slightly every 10 minutes, or
shall be in attendance on the sliding platform and in alternatively, where reversible jacks are used, by lowering
control of the sliding operations. the forms by 10 m m to 25 mm. Wherever interruptions
occur, emergency construction joints shall be formed and
(4) Construction treated in accordance with clause 6408. Before concreting
is restarted, the form shall be adjusted to fit snugly onto
The jacking frame shall be constructed with adequate the hardened concrete so as to prevent steps from being
clearance between the underside of the cross members formed on the exposed concrete surface. When slide
and top of the formwork to allow the horizontal casting is recommenced, care shall be taken to prevent the
reinforcement and embedded items to be correctly fresh concrete from being lifted off from the old concrete.
installed. A control procedure shall be agreed on by the
contractor and the engineer to ensure that all the (vi) Permanent formwork
reinforcement is placed. At all times there shall be
horizontal reinforcement above the level of the top of the Void formers shall be secured in position at regular
formwork panel. intervals to prevent displacement and distortion during
concreting. The void formers shall be supported on precast
Guides shall be provided to ensure that the vertical concrete blocks or rigid welded steel cradles, all subject to
approval by the engineer. The ties securing the void On prestressed-concrete structures the falsework and
formers shall be attached to the formwork and cross supporting formwork shall be removed after the full
bearers of the falsework. The void formers shall not be tied prestressing force relating to the particular stage of
to or supported on the reinforcement. construction has been applied, unless otherwise specified
or authorised.
Fibre-cement plates shall be supported so that the plate
spans in the direction parallel to the orientation of the

(vii) Preparing the formwork

(a) General
The surfaces of forms which are to be in contact with fresh
(wet) concrete shall be treated to ensure non-adhesion of In addition to complying with the tolerances specified in
the concrete to the forms and easy release from the clause 6803, the surface finish on formed concrete surfaces
concrete during the stripping of the formwork. shall also comply with the following requirements.

Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with

the manufacturer's instructions, and every precaution shall @) Class F1 surface finish
be taken to avoid the contamination of the reinforcement,
prestressing tendons and anchorages. In the selection of After repair work has been done to surface defects in
release agents, due regard shall be given to the necessity accordance with subclause 6208(b), no further treatment of
for maintaining a uniform colour and appearance the as-stripped finish will be required. This finish is
throughout on the exposed concrete surfaces. required on concealed formed surfaces.

Before the concrete is placed, all dirt and foreign matter

shall be removed from the forms and the forms shall be (c) Class F2 surface finish
thoroughly wetted with water.
This finish shall be equivalent to that obtained from the use
of square-edged timber panels and boards wrought to the
6206 REMOVlNG THE FALSEWORK AND FORMWORK correct thickness, or shutter boards or steel forms arranged
in a regular pattern. This finish is intended to be l$ft as
struck but surface defects shall be remedied in accordance
Falsework and formwork shall not be removed before the with subclause 6208(b). Although minor surface blemishes
concrete has attained sufficient strength to support its own and slight discolourations will be permitted, large
mass and any loads which may be imposed on it. This blemishes and severe stains and discolouration shall be
condition shall be assumed to require the formwork to repaired where so directed by the engineer.
remain in place after the concrete has been placed, for the
appropriate minimum period of time given in table 620611,
unless the contractor can prove, to the satisfaction of the (d) Class F3 surface finish
engineer, that shorter periods are sufficient to fulfil this
condition. In such case the formwork may be removed This finish shall be that obtained by first producing a class
after the shorter periods of time agreed on by the engineer. F2 surface finish with joint marks which form an approved
regular pattern to fit in with the appearance of the
Falsework and formwork shall be carefully removed without structure. All projections shall then be removed,
exposing the cast concrete to damage, disturbance or irregularities repaired and the surface rubbed or treated to
shock. form a smooth finish of uniform texture, appearance and
colour. This surface finish is required on all exposed
Weather may be regarded as being "normal" when formed surfaces unless a class F2 finish is specified.
atmospheric temperatures adjacent to the concrete, as
measured by a maximum-and- minimum thermometer, do
not fall below 15"C, and as "cold" when temperatures, Unless specified to the contrary, steel forms may be used
similarly measured, fall below 5°C. When the minimum to form surfaces with a class F3 surface finish.
temperatures fall between these values, the length of the
period after which the formwork may be removed, shall be
determined by interpolation between the periods specified (e) Board surface finish
for normal and cold weather.
This finish shall be that obtaihed by using tongue-and-
groove timber boarding arrangt$ in an approved regular
Any period during which the temperature remains below pattern. The finish is intended to be left as struck but
2°C shall be disregarded in calculating the minimum time surface defects shall 'be remedied in accordance with
which shall elapse before the forms are removed. subclause 6208(b) and large fins trimmed where directed
by the engineer.

On continuously reinforced concrete structures the

falsework and supporting formwork shall not be removed (f) Protecting the surfaces
before the concrete of the last pour has reached the
appropriate minimum age given in table 620611 or the The contractor shall ensure that permanently exposed
appropriate minimum strength. Where the structure is concrete surfaces are protected from rust marks, spillage
constructed in stages, the falsework and supporting and stains of all kinds and other damage during
formwork shall be removed as specified or authorised. construction.
Table 620611


Type of cement used

Ordinary portland Rapid-hardening Cements containing more

cement and Portland portland cement and than 15% of ground
cement 15 Rapid-hardening granulated blastfurnace
Falsework and formwork for portland cement 15 slag or fly ash

Normal Cold Normal Cold Normal Cold

weather weather weather weather* weather weather

1. Beam sides, walls and unloaded 1 1,5 03 1 2 4


2. Soffits of slabs and beams

(a) Spans up to 3 m 4 7 2 4 6 10

(b) Spans over 3 m and up to 6 m 10 17 5 10 14 24

(c) Spans over 6 m and up to 12 m 14 24 10 18 21 28

(d) Spans over 12 m 21 30 18 28 28 36

* Shorter perlods may be used for sections thlcker than 300 mm, subject to the requirements and the prior approval of
the englneer.

8aOB R€MEDl4L TFIEATMENT OF FORMED SURFACES Where the concrete has been damaged by adheslon to the
formwork panel, the cracked and loose concrete shall be
removed; or where the fresh concrete has lifted off at
(a) Gbneral construction jolnts, the crack shall be scraped out
Immediately on both sides of the wall to a depth of at least
Agreement shall be reached wlth the engineer regarding 50 mm. The cavltles so formed shall then be repalred as
any remedial treatment to be given after the surfaces have described above.
been Inspected immediately after the formwork has been
removed, which treatment shall be carrled out without
delay. No surfaces may be treated before inspection by the (c) Fbbbing the surfaces
If the finish of exposed formed surfaces does not comply
with the requirements for uniformity of texture, appearance
@) Rspairs to surfam defects and colour, the contractor shall, when so Instructed by the
engineer, rub down the exposed surfaces of the entire
Surface defects such as small areas of honeycombing, structure or of any part of it as specified below.
cavities produced by form ties, large Isolated blow-holes,
broken corner edges, etc, shall be repaired with mortar The surface shall be saturated with water for at least one
having a cement and sand ratio equal to that of the hour. Initial rubbing shall be done with a medlum-coarse
concrete being repaired, carborundum stone, where a small amount of mortar,
having a sand and cement ratio equal to that of the
concrete being repaired, is used on the surface. Rubbing
For the repair of large or deep areas of honeycombing and shall be continued until all form marks, projections and
defects, special approved methods and techniques, such irregularities have been removed and a uniform surface has
as pneurnatlcally applied mortar, pressure grouting, epoxy been obtained. The paste produced by the rubbing shall
bonding agents, etc, may be used. be left in place. The final rubbing shall be carried out with
a fine carborundum stone and water. This rubbing shall
continue until the entire surface Is of a smooth, even
Where, In the opinion of the engineer, the extent of the texture and is uniform in colour. The surface shall then be
honeycombing or defects Is of such a degree that doubt washed with a brush to remove surplus paste and powder.
exists about the effectiveness of repalr work, the contractor
shall at his own cost perform a load test in accordance with Where the concrete surfaces formed by sliding formwork
subclause 6414(b)(ii) to prove that the structural safety of require treatment to achieve the surface finish specified for
the repalred member has not been prejudiced, failing the member, the concrete shall, as soon as the surfaces
which, the structure shall be rebuilt In part or In full at the under the formwork are exposed, be floated with rubber-
contractor's cost. lined floats to the desired finish.

62.03 Horizontal forrnwork to

(a) Class U1 surface finish (rough) provide (class of finish
indicated as F1, F2, F3 or
This surface finish is required on those portions of bridge board) surface finish to
decks or culvert decks which are to receive asphalt or (description of member to
concrete surfacing or which are to be covered by which applicable) . . . . . square metre (m2)
backfilling material.

Where the placing and compacting of the concrete have Unit

been completed as specified in clause 6407, the top
surface shall be screeded off with a template to the 62.04 Inclined formwork to
required cross-section and tamped with a tamping board provide (class of finish
to compact the surface thoroughly and to bring mortar to indicated as F1, F2, F3 or
the surface, so as to leave the surface slightly rough but board) surface finish to
generally at the required elevation. (description of member to
which applicable) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

@) Class U2 surface finish (floated) The unit of measurement shall be the square metre, and
only the actual area of formwork in contact with the
This surface finish is required on sidewalks; the tops of finished face of the concrete shall be measured. Formwork
wing walls and retaining walls; exposed concrete shoulders for the different classes of finish shall be measured
and unsurfaced areas on bridge decks; the inverts of box separately. Formwork for construction joints shall be
culverts; and decks which are to receive surfacings other measured for payment under class F1 surface finish, but
than asphalt or concrete, only formwork for mandatory construction joints shall be
measured for payment.
The surface shall first be given a class U1 surface finish
and after the concrete has hardened sufficiently, it shall The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
be wood-floated to a uniform surface free from trowel procuring and furnishing all materials required, erecting the
marks. For non-skid surfaces such as on sidewalks and falsework and formwork, constructing the forms, forming
bridge decks, the surface shall then be given a broom the grooves, fillets, chamfers and stop-ends for
finish. The corrugations so produced shall be construction joints, treating and preparing the forms, all
approximately 1 m m deep, uniform of appearance and bolts, nuts, ties, struts and stays, stripping and removing
width and shall be perpendicular to the centre line of the the formwork after completion of the work, all labour,
pavement. equipment and incidentals, and rubbing and surface
treatment. Payment of 80% of the amount due for
formwork will be made when the forrnwork has been
(c) Class U3 surface finish (smoothly finished) removed, and payment of the remaining 20% will be made
on approval of the concrete surface finish.
This surface finish shall be required at bearing areas and
the tops of concrete railings. The surface shall first be
given a class U1 surface finish, and after the concrete has Note:
hardened sufficiently, it shall be floated with a steel float to
a smooth surface to within the dimensional tolerances Vertical and horizontal formwork shall be the formwork of
specified in subclause 6803(h). which inclination of the finishing surface in relation to the
horizontal level shall be larger and smaller than 40"
Rubbing with carborundum stone after the concrete has respectively. Inclined formwork shall be the formwork
hardened shall be allowed but under no circumstances will described as such in the schedule of quantities.
plastering of the surface be permitted.

Item Unit
62.05 Permanent formwork:

Unit (a) To form voids of (diameter1

size of void indicated)
62.01 Formwork to provide (class in (description of member to
of finish indicated as F1, F2, which applicable) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
F3 or board) surface finish
to (description of member (b) Of (description of material
to which applicable) . . . . . . . square metre (mz) and member to which
applicable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
62.02 Vertical formwork to provide concrete area formed with permanent formwork.
(class of finish indicated as
F1, F2, F3 or board) surface The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
finish to (description of member to procuring and furnishing all the materials required,
which applicable) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) installing the formwork, and labour, equipment and
incidentals, the first structural member on the site, and the remaining
25% will become payable after all sliding work has been
completed and the said items have been removed from the
Item Unit site.

62.06 Formwork to form open

joints (description of Item Unit
member to which applic-
able, and location) . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) 62.08 Transporting to and setting up
the sliding formwork assembly at
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of (description of each structure) . . . . number (No)
concrete area formed.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of structures
Surfaces formed prior to the construction of the final to which the complete sliding-formwork assembly has to
surface for completing the joint, shall be measured under be transported and set up in position ready to be
items 62.01, 62.02, 62.03 or 62.04, as may be applicable. commissioned.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
procuring and furnishing all the materials required, costs involved in dismantling, transporting and erecting of
constructing the formwork and subsequently removing all the complete sliding-formwork assembly.
the material within the joint space, as well as labour,
equipment and incidentals. Payment for formwork to open
joints shall be made only after the forms and filler material Item
have been completely removed and approval of the surface
finish has been obtained. 62.09 Forming the concrete by sliding
formwork for (description of
each structure and class of
Item Unit surface finish to exposed
surfaces indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
62.07 Establishment on the
site for sliding formwork The unit of measurement shall be the metre height of each
operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lump sum structure formed by sliding formwork. The quantity
measured shall be the actual height of each structure
The tendered lump sum shall include full compensationfor formed by the sliding technique.
the establishment on the site and the subsequent removal
of the complete sliding-formwork assembly, special plant
and equipment, and incidentals for the sliding work, the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
cost of which does not vary with the actual amount of sliding, instrumentation and monitoring, the maintenance
sliding work done. of the complete sliding-formwork assembly, plant and
equipment, supplying, installing and recovering the jack
This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 75% of rods, floating, repairing and treating the concrete surfaces,
which will become payable when the sliding-formwork forming the emergency construction joints, and all labour,
assembly, plant and equipment have been fully installed at equipment and incidentals.

SECTION 6300 : STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR The contractor shall submit to the engineer test certificates
STRUCTURES from a recognised testing authority to confirm that the
tensile couplers offered comply with the specified
All mechanical couplers used shall be subject to the
SCOPE approval of the engineer.
COVER AND SUPPORTS Reinforcing steel shall be stacked off the ground and in
LAPS AND JOINTS aggressive environments it shall be stored under cover.

6301 SCOPE
Reinforcement shall be cut or cut and bent to the
dimensions shown on the bending schedules and in
This section covers the furnishing and placing of accordance with SABS 82.
reinforcing steel in concrete structures.
No flame-cutting of high-tensile steel bars shall be
permitted except when authorised.

Except as described below, all bars shall be bent cold and

bending shall be done slowly, a steady, even pressure
(a) Steel bars being exerted without jerking or impact.

Steel reinforcing bars shall comply with the requirements If approved, the hot bending of bars of at least 32 m m in
of SABS 920. For each consignment of steel reinforcement diameter will be permitted, provided that the bars do not
delivered on the site, the contractor shall submit a depend on cold working for their strength. When hot
certificate issued by a recognised testing authority to bending is approved, the bars shall be heated slowly to a
confirm that the steel complies with the specified cherry-red heat (not exceeding 840°C) and shall be
requirements. allowed to cool slowly in air after bending. Quenching with
water shall not be permitted.
Cold-worked reinforcing bars may not be used.
Already bent reinforcing bars shall not be rebent at the
The type of bar required shall be indicated on the drawings same spot without authorization.
by the symbols R, Y or Z in accordance with SABS 82.


@) Welded steel fabric

Welded steel fabric shall comply with the requirements of When the concrete is placed around the reinforcing steel,
SABS 1024. the reinforcing steel shall be clean, free from mud, oil,
grease, paint, loose rust, loose mill scale or any other
substance which could have an adverse chemical effect on
(c) Mechanical couplers the steel or concrete, or which could reduce the bond.

The tensile properties determined on a test sample with a

maximum gauge length of 610 mm, and which consists of 6306 PLACING AND FIXING
reinforcing bars butt-jointed by a mechanical coupler shall
comply with the following requirements:
Reinforcement shall be positioned as shown on the
(i) When tested in accordance with the relevant drawings and shall be firmly secured in position within the
requirements of clause 5.3 of SABS 920, the tensile tolerance given in subclause 6803(f) by being tied with
properties of the test sample shall show an improvement 1,6 m m or 1,25 m m diameter annealed wire or by suitable
of at least 10% on the requirements of clause 3.7 of SABS clips being used, or, where authorised, by tack welding.
Any cover and spacer blocks required tr support the
(ii) Where the test sample is subjected to a load equal reinforcement shall be as small as may be consistent with
to 0,58 of the specified minimum yield force of the bar, the their use and shall be of an approved material and design.
elongation measured on the gauge length shall not exceed
the calculated theoretical elongation for a 610 m m length The concrete cover over the projecting ends of ties or
of the bar, based on a stress of 0,58 of the specified clamps shall comply with the specifications for concrete
minimum yield stress of the bar and a Young's modulus of cover over reinforcement.
Where protruding bars are exposed to the elements for an
indefinite period, the bars shall be adequately protected 6309 WELDING
against corrosion and damage and shall be properly
cleaned before being permanently encased in concrete.
Reinforcement shall be welded only where shown on the
In members which are formed with sliding formwork, drawings or as authorised.
spacer ladders for placing and fixing the wall reinforcement
shall be used at spacings indicated on the drawings or as Flash butt welding shall be done only with the combination
prescribed by the engineer. The spacer ladders shall of flashing, heating, upsetting and annealing to the
consist of two bars 3,7 m in length with ties 4 m m in satisfaction of the engineer, and only those machines
diameter welded to them to resemble a ladder. The ties which control this cycle of operations automatically shall be
shall be spaced at multiples of the horizontal bar spacing used.
in the wall, and shall be used to secure the horizontal
reinforcement. The laps in the horizontal reinforcement Metal-arc welding of reinforcement shall be done in
shall be staggered to ensure that no part of two laps in any accordance with BS 5135, and with the recommendations
four consecutive layers lie in the same vertical plane. of the reinforcement manufacturers, subject to approval by
the engineer and the satisfactory performance of trial
joints. Hot-rolled high-yield-stress steel shall be preheated
6307 COVER AND SUPPORTS to between 240" C and 280" C and low-hydrogen
electrodes only may be used.

The term "cover" in this context shall mean the minimum Trial welding joints shall be made on the site in
thickness of concrete between the surface of the circumstances similar to those which will govern during the
reinforcement and the face of the concrete. making of production welding joints by the person who will
be responsible for the production welding joints.
The minimum cover shall be as shown on the drawings.
Where no cover is indicated, the minimum cover provided Other methods of welding e g resistance welding, may be
shall be at least equal to the appropriate values shown in used subject to approval by the engineer and to their
table 630611. satisfactory performance in trial joints.

The cover shall be increased by the expected depth of any

surface treatment, e g when concrete is bush hammered or Welded joints shall be full-strength welds and their strength
when rebates are provided. shali be assessed by destruction tests on samples selected
by the engineer.
Additional cover as prescribed by the engineer shall be
provided if porous aggregates are used.
The cover blocks or spacers required for ensuring that the
specified cover is obtained shall be of a material, shape
and design acceptable to the engineer. Unit

Concrete spacer blocks shall be made with 6,7 mrn 63.01 Steel reinforcement for:
maximum sized aggregate and shall be of the same
strength and material source as those of the surrounding (a) (Description of portion
concrete. The blocks shall be formed in specially of structure to which applicable):
manufactured moulds and the concrete compacted on a
vibratory table and cured under water for a period of at (i) Mild-steel bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
least 14 days, all to the satisfaction of the engineer.
(ii) High-yield-stress-steel
Ties cast into spacer blocks shall not extend deeper into bars (type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (1)
the spacer block than half the depth of the spacer block.
(iii) Welded steel fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg)
The contractor shall provide stools as shown on the
drawings, or, where they are not detailed on the drawings, (b) Etc for other structures
wherever the engineer requires them to be installed. The or parts of structures
stools shall be suitably robust, and fixed securely so that
they can not swivel or move. The stools shall have
sufficient strength to perform the required functions, taking The unit of measurement for steel bars shall be the ton of
into account amongst others temporary loads such as the reinforcing steel in place in accordance with the drawings
weight of workmen and wet concrete, and forces caused or as authorised.
by vibrators and other methods of compacting the
concrete. The unit of measurement for welded steel fabric shali be
the kilogram of welded steel fabric in place, the quantity of
which shall be calculated from the area of the mesh used
6308 LAPS AND JOINTS in accordance with the drawings or as authorised.

Laps, joints, splices and mechanical couplings shall be Ties, stools and other steel used for positioning the
applied only by the specified methods and at the positions reinforcing steel shall be measured as steel reinforcement
shown on the drawings or as authorised. under the appropriate subitem.
Table 630611


Min cover (mm)

Class of concrete
Description of memberlsurface to which the
Condition of exposure cover applies 20 25 30 40 50

1. MODERATE 1.1 Surfaces protected by the superstructure, viz the )

sides of beams and the undersides of slabs and )
Concrete surfaces above other surfaces not likely to be moistened by 1
ground level and condensation 1
protected against 1.2 Surfaces protected by a waterproof cover or ) 50 45 40 30 25
alternately wet and dry permanent forrnwork not likely to be subjected )
conditions caused by to weathering or corrosion 1
water, rain and sea-water 1.3 Enclosed surfaces 1
spray. 1.4 Structures/members permanently submerged 1
1.5 Transnet Limited structures:

(i) Surfaces of precast elements not in contact

with soil NA NA NA 30 30
(ii) Surfaces protected by permanent formwork
not likely to be subjected to weathering or
corrosion NA 30 30 30 30
(iii) Surfaces in contact with ballast NA 55 50 50 45
(iv) All other surfaces NA 50 40 40 35

2. SEVERE 2.1 All exposed surfaces )

2.2 Surfaces on which condensation takes place 1
Concrete surfaces 2.3 Surfaces in contact with soil ) NA 50 45 40 35
exposed to hard rain and 2.4 Surfaces permanently under running water )
alternately wet and dry 2.5 Transnet Limited structures:
(i) Surfaces of precast elements not in contact
with soil NA NA NA 30 30
(ii) Surfaces protected by permanent formwork
not likely to be subjected to weathering or
corrosion NA 30 30 30 30
(iii) Surfaces in contact with ballast NA 55 50 50 45
(iv) All other surfaces NA 50 40 40 35

2.6 Cast in situ piles:

(i) Wet cast against casing 50 50 50 50 50

(ii) Wet cast against soil )
(iii) Dry cast against soil ) 75 75 75 75 75

3. VERY SEVERE 3.1 All exposed surfaces of structures within 30 km 1

from the sea ) NA NA NA 60 50
Concrete surfaces 3.2 Surfaces in rivers polluted by industries )
exposed to aggressive 3.3 Cast in situ piles, wet cast against casings NA NA NA 80 80
water, sea-water spray or a
saline atmosphere

4. EXTREME 4.1 Surfaces in contact with sea water of industrially )

polluted water ) NA NA NA 65 55
Concrete surfaces 4.2 Surfaces in contact with marshy conditions )
exposed to the abrasive
action of sea water or very
aggressive water
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for ends to be joined, and all tools, equipment and labour
supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, trial weld required for completing the work.
joints, placing and fixing the steel reinforcement, including
all tying wire, spacers and waste.

Item Unit 63.03 Spacer ladders for

(description of part of
63.02 Mechanical couplers structure to which applicable) . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
(type of coupler and
diameter of bar indicated) . ..... . . number (No) The unit of measurement for spacer ladders shall be the
ton of steel in place in accordance with the drawings or as
The unit of measurement shall be the number of
mechanical couplers for each bar diameter installed. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, placing
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for and fixing the ladders, including all tying wire, spacers and
supplying all the material, preparing and modifying the bar waste.


CONTENTS Both coarse aggregate (stone) and fine aggregate (sand)

shall comply with the requirements of SABS 1083, subject
SCOPE to the following:
STORING THE MATERIALS (i) The drying-shrinkage of both the fine and coarse
CONCRETE QUALITY aggregate when tested in accordance with SABS Method
MEASURING THE MATERIALS 836 shall not exceed the following limits:
PLACING AND COMPACTING (1) For use in prestressed concrete, concrete bridge
CONSTRUCTION JOINTS decks and slender columns the shrinkage of both fine and
CURING AND PROTECTING coarse aggregate shall not exceed 130% of that of the
APPLIED LOADING (2) For use in other reinforced concrete members the
PRECAST CONCRETE shrinkage of the fine aggregate shall not exceed 175% and
QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP of the coarse aggregate 150% of that of the reference
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT (3) For use in mass concrete substructures and
unreinforced concrete head walls and wing walls, the
shrinkage of both the fine and coarse aggregate shall not
W 1 SCOPE exceed 200% of that of the reference aggregate.

Where there is any doubt about the shrinkage

This section covers the manufacture, transport, placing and characteristics of aggregates, the contractor shall submit a
testing of concrete used in the works where plain, certificate by an approved laboratory which gives the
reinforced or prestressed concrete is specified. shrinkage characteristics of the aggregate.

The drying shrinkage of concrete samples made from each

of the required three concrete mixtures for preparing the
compressive-strength and flextural-strength samples in
accordance with clause 7104(b) shall not exceed 0,040%.
(a) Cement Drying-shrinkage tests shall be conducted in accordance
with SABS method 1085.
Except as specified below for prestressed concrete
members or units, the cement used for concrete shall be (ii) The flakiness index of the stone as determined by
any of the following: TMH 1 Method 83 shall not exceed 35.

(i) Ordinary portland cement or rapid-hardening (iii) Aggregates shall not contain any deleterious
portland cement complying with the requirements of SABS amounts of organic materials such as grass, timber or
471. similar materials.

(ii) Portland blast-furnace cement complying with the (iv) Where there is any danger of a particular
requirements of SABS 626. combination of aggregate and cement giving rise to a
harmful alkali-aggregate reaction, the particular
(iii) Ordinary portland cement 15 or rapid-hardening combination shall be tested in accordance with the testing
portland cement 15 which complies with the requirements method as described in subclause 8105(f), and, where the
of SABS 831. result points to such reaction, either the aggregate or the
cement or both shall be replaced so that an acceptable
(iv) A 50150 mixture of ordinary or rapid-hardening combination may be obtained.
portland cement and ground granulated blast-furnace slag.
Granulated blast-furnace slag shall comply with the (v) The fineness modulus of the fine aggregate shall
requirements of SABS 1491 Part 1. Ordinary or rapid- not vary by more than a 0,2 from the approved modulus.
hardening portland cement and ground granulated blast-
furnace slag may be mixed in the concrete mixer together
with the other ingredients of the concrete. (c) Plums

(v) Sulphate-resistant cement, but only where shown on Plums used in concrete shall comply with the following
the drawings or instructed by the engineer. requirements:

(vi) In prestressed concrete members or units the use (i) The plums shall be clean, durable and inert.
of portland blast-furnace cement will not be permitted. A
50150 mixture of ordinary portland cement and ground (ii) The aggregate crushing value may not exceed 25%.
granulated blast-furnace slag may be used only if
authorized in the project specifications or by the engineer, (iii) The mass of each plum shall be between 15 kg and
Cement in bulk shall be stored in waterproof contalners so
designed as to prevent any dead spots from forming, and
(iv) No dimension of any plum shall be less than the cement drawn for use shail be measured by mass.
150 mm or exceed 500 mm.
Cement shall not be kept in storage for longer than 8
weeks without the engineer's permission, and different
(d) Water brands and/or types of the same brand of cement shall be
stored separately.
Water shall be clean and free from detrimental
concentrations of acids, alkalis, salts, sugar and other
organic or chemical substances that could impair the
durability and strength of the concrete or the inbedded
steel. The contractor shall prove the suitability of the water Aggregates of different nominal sizes shall be stored
by way of tests conducted by an approved laboratory. The separately and in such a manner as to avoid segregation
water used for concrete shall comply with the requirements from occurring, Intermixing of different materials and
in clause 8116 unless otherwise approved by the engineer. contamination by foreign matter shall be avolded.
For reinforced and prestressed concrete the chloride Aggregates exposed to a marine environment shall be
content of the mixing water shall not exceed 500 m g l l covered to protect them from salt contamination.
when tested in accordance with SABS method 202.
Where concrete is batched on site, the aggregates shall be
stored in bins with a 3,O m wide concrete apron slab
constructed around the outer edge of the aggregate
stockpile area to prevent contamination during the process
Admixtures shall not be used in concrete without the of tipping and hoisting the aggregate. The aggregates
approval of the engineer, who may require that tests be shall be tipped on the concrete apron slab. The storage
conducted before the admixtures be used to prove their bin shall have a concrete floor of 150 mm thickness.

Admixtures, if their use is allowed, shall comply with the (c) *rage capacity
following requirements:
The storage capacity provided and the quantity of material
(i) Admixtures shall be used only in liquid form and stored (whether cement, aggregates or water) shall be
shall be batched in solution in the mixing water by sufficient to ensure that no interruptions to the progress of
mechanical batcher capable of dispensing the admixture the work will be occasioned by any lack of materials.
in quantities accurate to within 5% of the required quantity.

(ii) All admixtures shall comply with the requirements (d) Deteriorated material
of ASTM C494 or AASHTO MI94 and shall be of an
approved brand and type. Deteriorated or contaminated or otherwise damaged
material shail not be used in concrete. Such material shall
(iii) Air entraining agents shall comply with the be removed from the site without delay.
requirements of ASTM C260 or AASHTO M154.

(iv) Admixtures shall not contain any chlorides. W M CONCRETE QUALITY

(a) General

Curing agents shali be tested in accordance with ASTM Concrete shall comply with the requirements for strength
C156 and shall comply with the requirements of ASTM concrete or prescribed-mix concrete, as specified in
C309, except that the loss of water within 72 hours shall subclauses 6404(b) and (c) below.
not exceed 0,40 kg/m2.Approved curing agents only shall
be used. The total alkaline content (Na,O-equivalent) of concrete
shall be limited taking into account the degree of reactivity
as specified in subclause 8105(f).

The required tests shall normally be carried out for all

proposed sources of aggregate which are included in the
materials report. The contractor shall arrange to have the
required tests carried out by an approved laboratory and
Cement stored on the site shall be kept under cover which shali submit the results together with the information
provides adequate protection against moisture and other required in terms of subclause 6404(b) before commencing
factors which may promote deterioration of the cement. with any concrete work.

When the cement is supplied in bags, the bags shall be

closely and neatly stacked to a height not exceeding 12
bags and arranged so that they will not be in contact with The contractor shall be responsible for the design of the
the ground, the floor or the walls, and can be used in the concrete mix and for the proportions of the constituent
order in which they were delivered to the site. materials necessary for producing concretewhich complies
with the requirements specified below for each class of The actual mix proportions used as well as any changes
concrete. thereto shall be subject to the engineer's approval, but
such approval shall not in any way relieve the contractor of
The class of concrete is indicated by the characteristic 28- his responsibility for producing concrete with the specified
day cube compressive strength in MPa and the nominal properties.
size of coarse aggregate in the mix, e g class 30138
concrete means concrete with a characteristic cube
compressive strength of 30 MPa after 28 days and a The contractor is cautioned that the quality
. . of cement may
nominal size coarse aggregate of 38 mm. vary considerably from consignment to consignment so as
to necessitate adjustments in the cement content of mixes.
The aggregate sizes shall be selected in accordance with In order to ensure a uniform quality of concrete, the
SABS 1083. contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer the data
regarding the relevant cement quality for each
The characteristic cube compressive strength of strength consignment with a view to ascertaining the required
concrete shall be of any strength from 15 MPa, in adjustment in the cement content. This information shall be
increments of 5 MPa, up to 60 MPa, as indicated on the submitted to the engineer.
drawings or in the schedule of quantities or as may be
prescribed by the engineer. The strengths preferred are 15,
20.25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 MPa. (c) Presaibedmix concrete

The cement content for any class of concrete shall not The contractor shall submit samples of every constituent of
exceed 500 kg per cubic metre of concrete. the concrete in accordance with the appropriate provisions
of sections 8200 and 8300 and subclause 6404(b) for
Where for reasons of durability or other considerations approval.
concrete is designated by the prefix "W', eg class W30119,
such designations shall denote concrete having a
cementitious content not less than and a water:cement The nominal mixes for prescribed-mix concrete for which
ratio not exceeding the limits specified in the project no strength requirements have been laid down are shown
specifications. in table 640411.

In such cases, characteristic strength of the mix shall be Table 640411

based on the higher of the following values:
(i) the specified 28-day characteristic cube
compressive strength, or
- -
(ii) a characteristic cube compressive strength Constituent or property
1:7:7 155 1:4:4
corresponding to the designated maximum
water:cement ratio. or
Cement (kg) 50 50 50
Total quantity of
(iii) a characteristic cube compressive strength
aggregate (m3) 0,46 0,33 0,26
corresponding to the designated cementitious
Max total quantity of
water (1) 62 46 37
Estimated average 28-day
compressive strength
Before starting with any concrete work on the site, the
(MPa) 10 15 20
contractor shall submit, for approval, samples of the
constituent materials of the concrete and a statement of
the mix proportions which he proposes to use for each
class of concrete indicated in the schedule of quantities. The class of concrete is indicated by the mix and the
nominal size of the coarse aggregate in the mix, e g class
1:7:7/38 concrete shall mean concrete with a prescribed
Where any change occurs in the material sources, the mix in a volume ratio of one part of cement : seven parts
aggregate sizes, or any other components of the concrete, of sand : seven parts of stone, with a nominal stone size of
the above procedure shall be repeated. 38 mm.

The samples submitted shall be accompanied by evidence

that they comply with the requirements for the various (d) Consistence and workability
materials specified. The statement regarding the mix
proportionsshall be accompanied by evidence establishing The concrete shall be of suitable workability without the
that concrete made from the materials in the proposed excessive use of water so that it can be readily compacted
proportions will have the specified properties. into the corners of the formwork and around the
reinforcement, tendons and ducts without the material
Evidence shall be in the form of - segregating.

(i) a statement regarding the test results, which shall

be furnished by an approved laboratory; or Slump measurements obtained in accordance with the test
method described in TMHI Method D3 on concrete used
(ii) an authoritative report on previous use of and in the works shall fall within the ranges specified in table
experience in regard to the material. 640412.
Table 640412 required mass.

(b) Water

Type of construction Maximum Minimum The mixing water for each batch shall be measured, either
slump slump b y mass or by volume, accurate to within 3 per cent of the
(mm)* (mm)* required quantity. The quantity of water added to the mix
shall be adjusted to make allowance for any moisture in
1. Prestressed concrete 75 25 the aggregates.

2. Concrete nosings and

prefabricated units 75 50

3. Mass concrete 100 25 All aggregates for strength concrete shall be measured
separately by mass, except as otherwise provided in this
4. Reinforced concrete walls, clause, accurate to within 3 per cent of the required
footings, cast in situ piles quantity.
(except dry-cast piles),
slabs, beams and columns 125 50 Aggregates for strength concrete may be volume batched
subject to the approval of the engineer, and to the quantity
* Where high-frequency vibrators are used, the values of cement being increased, at the cost of the contractor, by
above shall be reduced by one-third. 25 kg per cubic metre of concrete, over and above the
quantity which would have been necessary were the
aggregate to have been batched by mass.
(e) Bleeding
Aggregates for prescribed-mix concrete as specified in
The concrete shall be so proportioned with suitable subclause 6404(c) may be measured separately by volume.
materials that bleeding is not excessive.
Batching boxes for volume batching shall be filled without
(f) Sulphate content in any way tamping, ramming or consolidating the material
(other than that occurring naturally during the filling of the
The total water soluble sulphate content of the concrete container), and shall be screeded off level with their
mix, expressed as SO,, shall not exceed 4% (mlm) of the topmost edges.
cementitious binder content of the mix. The sulphate
content shall be calculated as the total from the various Any adjustment to the volume shall be made by
constituents of the mix using the following test methods: supplementary containers of a suitable size being used.
Adjustments to the volume, by the incomplete filling of
Cementitious binder : SABS 741 batching boxes to marks on their inside faces will not be
Aggregates : SABS 850
Fine aggregate shall be tested for bulking at the beginning
Water : SABS 212. of and halfway through each concreting shift, and
adjustment shall be made to the batch volume to give the
true volume required.
@) Pumped concrete

Where pumping of the concrete is approved by the The measurement of cement in gauge boxes will not be
engineer, the concrete mix to be pumped shall be so permitted and volume batching shall be so planned as to
designed that - use full bags of cement.

(i) the slump will not exceed 125 mm;

6406 MWNG
(ii) graded aggregate and suitable admixtures be used,
wherever necessary, with a view to improving the
pumpability of the mix; and (a) General

(iii) its shrinkage capacity shall not be excessively Mixing the material for concrete shall be canducted by an
higher than that of ordinary concrete mixes. experienced operator. Unless otherwise a u t W i e d , mixing
shall be carried out in a mechanical mass batch-mixer of
an approved type which will be capable of producing a
64Q5 MEASURING THE MATERIALS uniform distribution of ingredients throughout the batch.

(a) Cement @) Charging the mixer

Where cement is supplied in standard bags, the bags shall The sequence of charging the ingredients shall be subject
be assumed to contain 50 ~ g All
. cement taken from bulk- to approval by the engineer, and, unless otherwise
storage containers and from partly used bags shall be instructed, the same sequence of charging the ingredients
batched by mass, accurate to within 3 per cent of the shall be maintained.
The volume of the mixed material by batch shall not Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the works until
exceed the volume recommended by the manufacturer of the engineer's approval has been given. If concreting is not
the mixer. started within 24 hours of approval having been given,
approval shall again be obtained from the engineer.

(c) Mixing and discharging Concreting operations shall be carried out only during
daylight hours unless proper lighting arrangements have
The period of mixing shall be measured from the time been made and the lights are in working order by noon.
when all the materials are in the drum until the Workmen shall not be allowed to work double shifts and
commencement of discharge. the contractor shall provide a fresh team for night shifts.

The mixing period for the materials shall be 90 seconds Placing and compacting the concrete shall at all times be
and may be reduced only if the engineer is satisfied that under the direct supervision of an experienced concrete
the reduced mixing time will produce concrete with the supervisor.
same strength and uniformity as concrete mixed for 90
seconds. The reduced mixing time, however, shall be not Once the casting of concrete has begun, it shall be carried
less than 50 seconds or the manufacturer's recommended out in a continuous process between construction joints.
mixing time, whichever is the longer. A suitable timing Concrete shall be placed within 60 minutes from the start
device shall be attached to the mixer to ensure that the of mixing. This time may be extended by the engineer
minimum mixing time for the materials has been complied where a retarding admixture has been used. All
with. excavations and other contact surfaces of an absorbent
nature such as timber formwork shall be damp but no
The first batch to be run when starting with a clean mixer, standing water shall be permitted to remain on these
shall contain only 213 of the required quantity of coarse surfaces. The formwork shall be clean on the inside.
aggregate to make provision for "coating" the mixer drum.

Discharge shall be so carried outthat no segregation of the @) Placing

materials will occur in the mix. The mixer shall be emptied
completely before it is recharged with fresh materials. Whenever possible, concrete shall be deposited vertically
into its final position. Where chutes are used, their length
and slope shall be such as not to cause segregation, and
(d) Maintaining and cleaning the mixer suitable spouts and baffles shall be provided at the lower
end to minimise segregation. The displacement of
If the mixer has stopped running for a period in excess of concrete by vibration instead of b y direct placing shall be
30 minutes, it shall be thoroughly cleaned out, particular done only when approved by the engineer.
attention being given to the removal of any build-up of
materials in the drum, in the loader, and around the blades
or paddles. Care shall be taken when casting bridge decks of a
substantial thickness to avoid layering of the concrete, and
Before any concrete is mixed, the inner surfaces of the the entire thickness shall be placed in one pass. Fresh
mixer shall be cleaned and all hardened concrete shall be concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has
removed. been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a
construction joint has been formed or unless a retarding
Worn or bent blades and paddles shall be replaced. additive has been used in the concrete.

The pumping of concrete shall be subject to approval by

(e) Standby mixer the engineer. Aluminium pipes shall not be used for this
When sections are cast where it is important for the casting
to continue without interruption, a standby mixer shall be In plain concrete with a thickness of not less than 300 mm,
held in readiness to run on 15 minutes' notice should the plums may, if approved, be included to displace concrete
stock mixers break down. for up to 20% of the total volume, provided that -

(i) the plums are spread evenly throughout the

(f) Readymixed concrete concrete:

Where ready-mixed concrete is delivered at the site, the (ii) no plum laid shall have a dimension exceeding one
requirements of SABS 878 shall have priority over the third of the smallest dimension of the concrete in any
requirements specified in this section should plane, and
inconsistencies occur.
(iii) each plum is surrounded by at least 75 m m of

(c) Placing under water

(a) General
Placing under water shall be allowed only in exceptional
Concrete shall be transported and placed in a manner that circumstances where it is unfeasible to dewater the location
will prevent segregation or loss of constituent materials or before the concrete is placed. No concrete shall be placed
the contamination of the concrete. in running water.
Underwater concrete shall be placed by means of tremies The contractor shall take all the necessary measures to
or other approved methods. Full details of the method ensure the continuity of operations. All the necessary
proposed by the contractor shall be submitted in advance lighting and standby equipment for mixing, hoisting,
for approval. Placing by skip or pipeline will also be placing and compacting shall be provided and all the
considered in certain circumstances. materials required for completing each structure shall be
ready on the site before casting commences.
During concreting by tremie, the pipe shall be kept filled
with concrete at all times to prevent air and water from Concrete shall be cast in uniform layers in the formwork so
entering the tremie. When the tremie is charged, an that the level of the top surface of the concrete differs by
approved sliding plug shall be used. Once concreting has no more than 250 m m between any two points in the
begun by tremie, the discharge end of the tremie shall be formwork. In addition, the top level of the concrete shall
kept well below the surface of the concrete. Should this never be so low down in the formwork as will cause
seal be broken, the tremie shall be lifted and plugged structural instability in the formwork. The working platform
before concreting is recommenced. Distribution of concrete shall be kept clean and no concrete which has dried out in
by lateral movement of the tremie will not be permitted. part may be swept into the formwork.

The concrete mix to be placed underwater shall be The concrete shall be compacted during and immediately
specially designed and approved for this purpose to ensure after placing. Care shall be taken not to damage or disturb
good flowability, plasticity and cohesion. Increased sand previously placed concrete. To ensure the proper bonding
and cement contents over those of normal mixes will of successive layers, not more than one hour shall elapse
usually be required. between the placing of successive layers except where an
approved admixture has been applied, in which case the
delay may be amended in consideration of such
(d) Compaction circumstances.

Concrete shall be fully compacted by approved means The slump of concrete may be up to 150 m m should the
during and immediately after placing. It shall be thoroughly approved method of sliding so require.
worked against the formwork, around reinforcement bars,
tendons, ducts and embedded fittings and into corners to
form a solid mass free from voids. 6408 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS

The concrete shall be free from honeycombing and planes

of weakness, and successive layers of the same lift shall be (a) General
thoroughly bonded together.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to the
Unless otherwise permitted by the engineer, concrete shall construction joints shown on the working drawings or as
be compacted by means of vibrators, Internal vibrators approved, except that if, because of an emergency (such
shall be capable of operating at more than 10 000 cycles as breakdown of the mixing plant or the occurrence of
per minute and external vibrators at more than 3 000 unsuitable weather), concreting has to be interrupted, a
cycles per minute. Sufficient standby vibrators shall be construction joint shall be formed at the place of stoppage
kept available in case of breakdowns. and in the manner which will least impair the durability,
appearance, and proper functioning of the concrete.
Vibration shall be applied by experienced workmen, and
over-vibration resulting in segregation, surface water and Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the exact
leakage shall be avoided. Contact with reinforcement and position of horizontal construction joints shall be marked
formwork shall, in so far as is practicable, be avoided when on the formwork.
internal vibrators are used. Concrete shall not be subjected
to disturbance by vibration within 4 to 24 hours of it having
been compacted. Stub columns, stub walls and stays on footings shall be
cast integrally with the footings and not afterwards, even
Whenever vibration is applied externally, the design of the where another class of concrete is being used.
formwork and positioning of vibrators shall be such as to
ensure efficient compaction and avoidance of surface
blemishes. @) Preparing the surfaces

Special attention shall be given to the compaction of When the concrete has set and while it is still green, the
concrete in the anchorage zones and behind the anchor surface film and all loose material shall be removed,
plates and in all places where high concentrations of without disturbing the aggregate, by means of a water jet
reinforcing steel or cables occur. assisted by light brushing to expose the aggregate and
leave a sound, irregular surface. Where this is not possible,
Where the placing and compaction of concrete is difficult, the surface film shall be removed after the concrete has
a mix containing smaller sized aggregate may be used but hardened, by mechanical means appropriate to the degree
only with the approval of the engineer and after a mix of hardness of the concrete so as to expose the aggregate
containing such aggregate has been designed and tested. and leave a sound, irregular surface. The roughened
surface shall be washed with clean water to remove all
laitance, dirt and loose particles.
(e) Requirements i n respect of sliding formwork

Where sliding formwork is used, the following additional Surface retarding agents may be used only with the
requirements shall apply: approval of the engineer.
(c) Placing fresh concrete at construction joints (g) Steam curing the concrete (precast units).

Where fresh concrete is placed the same day as that on The method of curing adopted shall be subject to the
which the construction joint was formed, the fresh concrete engineer's approval and shall not cause staining,
shall be cast directly against the face of the construction contamination, or marring of the surface of the concrete.
The curing period shall be continuous for at least 7 days
When concreting recommences a day or more after the for concrete made with ordinary portland cement, ordinary
construction joint has been formed, the following portland cement 15, rapid-hardening portland cement or
procedure shall be followed: rapid-hardening portland cement 15, and at least 10 days
if portland blast-furnace cement or a 50150 mixture of
The construction joint shall be kept constantly wet for a ordinary portland cement and ground granulated blast-
period of at least 6 hours before concreting restarts, but, furnace slag is used. When the ambient temperature of
the surface of the concrete shall be in a saturated, surface- concrete falls below 5 " C, these minimum curing periods
dry condition when concreting has to recommence. shall be extended by the period during which the
temperature of the concrete was below 5°C.
Any dirt, excess water and loose particles shall be removed
prior to reconcreting being started. When sliding formwork is used, the concrete shall be
protected against the weather and rapid drying out by
For horizontal construction joints a 25 m m thick concrete means of a 4 m wide skirt attached to the lower perimeter
layer of the same grade of concrete made richer by of the formwork and hanging over the working platform.
reducing the coarse aggregate content by 25% shall be The skirt shall consist of hessian in summer months but of
placed on the joint plane immediately before concreting. canvas or other suitable material in winter. The skirt shall
be weighted at the bottom to prevent it flapping around in
For vertical construction joints the fresh concrete shall be windy conditions.
placed against a surface prepared in accordance with
subclause 6408(b), and which is in a saturated, surface-dry The concrete shall be cured by means of a fog spray to
condition. keep it wet constantly for the periods stated above or until
a curing compound is applied. Wetting the concrete by
spraying shall be by means of a fixed spraybar along the
Epoxy resins specially designed for bonding old concrete full length of the sliding formwork. The spraybar shall be
to new shall be used at construction joints where so connected to a suitable high-pressure water supply.
specified. The preparation of the construction joint surface Wetting shall be discontinued when the ambient air
and the application of the epoxy resin shall be strictly in temperature drops below 5"C, and care shall be taken by
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the contractor to ensure that the water will not erode the
the engineer's instructions. The actual brand and type of surface of the fresh concrete.
resin used shall be subject to the engineer's approval.



(a) Cold weather

Formwork shall be retained in position for the appropriate
times given in clause 6206, and, as soon as may be Concrete shall not be placed during falling temperatures
practicable, all exposed concrete surfaces shall be when the ambient temperature falls below 7 ° C or during
protected from loss of moisture by one or more of the rising temperatures when the ambient temperature is
following methods: below 3°C. When concrete is placed at ambient
temperatures below 5 ° C the concrete temperature shall
(a) Retaining formwork in place for the full curing not be below 1O0C,for which purpose heating of the water
period. andlor the aggregate shall be permitted. The contractor
shall make all the necessary arrangements for heating the
(b) Ponding the exposed surfaces with water, except material. Heated water and aggregate shall first be mixed
where atmospheric temperatures are low, i e less than 5 " C. and the cement shall then be added only while the
temperature of the mix is below 30" C.
(c) Covering it with sand or mats made from a
moisture-retaining material, and keeping the covering The temperature of placed concrete shall not be allowed to
constantly wet. fall below 5°C until the concrete has attained a strength of
at least 5 MPa, and the contractor shall be responsible for
(d) Constantly spraying the entire area of the exposed all protective measures necessary to this end. All concrete
surfaces with water (only on surfaces where sand cover or damaged by frost or by the formation of ice in the concrete
ponding is impossible). shall be removed and replaced by the contractor at this
own expense.
(e) Covering with awaterproof or plastic sheeting firmly
anchored and sealed at the edges and joints.
@) Hot weather
(1) Using an approved curing compound applied in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, except When the ambient temperature exceeds 30°C during
that, where the surface has to be subsequently concreting, the contractor shall take measures to control
waterproofed, coated or gunited, this method may not be the temperature of the concrete ingredients so that the
used. temperature of the placed concrete will not exceed 30°C
unless otherwise determined by the engineer. Such The contractor shall take all necessary safety and
measures include spraying aggregate stockpiles with water precautionary measures during the handling and erection
to promote cooling down by evaporation and, where of precast members and for ensuring the stability of
feasible, shading the stockpiles and the area where members as positioned and prior to their being cast in.
concreting is carried out. Curing shall commence
immediately after concrete has been placed to prevent an Where precast concrete members have not been
excessive loss of moisture. manufactured on the site, the manufacturer shall keep and
make available to the engineer complete records of all the
concrete mixes and strength tests pertaining to the
(c) Precautionary measures for using sliding formwork members cast. The contractor shall notify the engineer in
advance of the dates on which member are to be cast to
During sliding operations in cold weather, the water only, make arrangements for inspecting and testing the precast
or the water and the aggregate, shall be heated to ensure members.
that the concrete temperature will not drop below 10°C
until it has attained a strength of 5 MPa. For the purposes of identification, all members shall be
marked with paint in neat lettering with the member
During cold weather the rate of sliding shall be suitably number shown on the drawings or as agreed on and an
decreased to ensure sufficient strength in the concrete identification number relating to the manufacturing records.
which leaves the bottom of the formwork. Letters etc shall be so positioned as not to be visible when
the structural member is placed in its final position in the
completed structure.
All precast members which have been chipped, cracked,
warped or otherwise damaged to the extent that such
No pipes and conduits other than those shown on the damage will, in the opinion of the engineer, prejudice the
drawings shall be embedded in the concrete without the appearance, function or structural integrity of the members
engineer's approval. The clear space between such pipes shall be rejected or, where so allowed, repaired to the
or between such pipes and any reinforcing steel shall be at satisfaction of the engineer.
least 40 mm or the maximum size of the aggregate plus
5 mm, whichever is the greater. The thickness of the
concrete cover over pipes and fittings shall be at least 6414 QUALITY OF MATERLALS AND WORKMANSHIP
25 mm.

The ends of all ferrules used for bracing formwork shall be (a) Criteria for compliance with the requirements
neatly finished off to the details shown on the drawings.
Where no details are given on the drawings, ferrules shall Routine inspection and quality control will be done by the
be cut back to a depth of at least the specified cover, and engineer as specified in sections 8200 and 83M). The
the holes shall be filled in with mortar and finished off flush criteria for compliance with the requirements specified for
with the concrete surface. 28-day characteristic compressive strength shall be as
specified in clauses 8206 and 8305 for full acceptance, and
as specified in clauses 8208 and 8307 for conditional
6412 APPLIED LOADING acceptance. The resubmission of concrete lots on the
basis of cores for full or conditional acceptance shall not
be allowed. The contractor's attention is drawn to clauses
No load shall be applied to any part of a structure until the 8209 and 8308. If the engineer is satisfied that the
specified curing period has expired, after which applied requirements of the contractor's process control have been
loading shall be allowed only when approved by the met, the engineer may decide at his discretion to use the
engineer. The engineer's decision will be based on the type contractor's test results in the evaluation of the concrete.
of load to be applied, the age of the concrete, the
magnitude of stress induced and the propping of the
structure. @) Procedure in the event of noncompliance with the
No structure shall be opened to traffic until test cubes
made from the concrete in all parts of the structure have Any lot represented by test cubesfailing to comply with the
attained the specified minimum 28-day compressive criteria specified above for the characteristic strength shall
strength. be rejected.

The engineer may at his discretion allow the following tests

6413 PRECAST CONCRETE to be conducted in order to decide whether the concrete
may be left in position at further reduced payment:

This clause applies to all reinforced and prestressed (i) The engineer may allow the elements or units
concrete members other than precast concrete piles, concerned to be cured for an additional period not
culverts and pipes in so far as they are dealt with exceeding 56 days. Thereafter the contractor shall drill
separately elsewhere in these specifications. cores in accordance with SABS 865, and the engineer will
evaluate these cores in accordance with SABS 0100-Part II.
All precast members shall be manufactured in accordance
with the requirements specified for cast in situ members in (ii) Where the engineer so directs, full-scale load tests
so far as these requirements are relevant. In addition, the shall be conducted in accordance with SABS 0100-Part II to
following shall apply: determine whether any particular structure or member can
be left in position at further reduced payment as decided materials, providing all plant, mixing, transporting, placing
by the engineer. The cost of such tests shall be for the and compacting the concrete, forming the inserts,
contractor's account regardless of the outcome of the tests. construction joints (except mandatory construction joints),
and contraction joints, curing and protecting the concrete,
In all cases where concrete has been supplied which fails repairing defective surfaces, and finishing the concrete
to comply with the strength requirements, the contractor surfaces as specified. Payment shall distinguish between
shall immediately take the required remedial action by the different classes of concrete.
changing the mix proportions to obtain the required
Item Unit

(c) Tests ordered b y the engineer 64.02 Manufacturing precast

concrete members
Where the routine testing of concrete cubes is not (description of member
conducted on the site by the engineer, he may order the with reference to drawing) ....... number (No)
contractor to have the concrete cubes, which have been
made by the engineer, tested at an approved testing The unit of measurement shall be the number of complete
laboratory, in which case payment will be made for such members or elements of each type and size in position in
tests in accordance with the provisions of section 8100. the works.

The tendered rate for each precast member shall include

6415 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF WSTING full compensation for concrete work, formwork, curing and
STRUCTURAL CONCRETE safeguarding, and for reinforcing steel and prestressing as
required for manufacturing the member complete,
excluding only prestressing in connection with in situ
Where partial demolition is required for extension work to concrete cast subsequent to the placing of the precast
existing structures the first three paragraphs of clause 2214 members for which prestressing separate payment is
shall apply. In addition the following shall apply: provided elsewhere in the schedule of quantities.

(a) The contractor shall take great care to ensure that

the reinforcement required to tie in the extension work is Hem Unit
not cut off or damaged in the demolition process. Where
reinforcement has been cut off, or where in the opinion of 64.03 Transporting and erecting
the engineer, the reinforcement has been damaged to such precast concrete members
an extent that it will not adequately perform its function, (description of member and
the contractor shall, at his own expense, install dowel bars approximate mass to be
of the same diameter as the bar cut off or damaged, all to given) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
the satisfaction of the engineer.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of precast
(b) Only hand operated breaking equipment shall be concrete members of each type and size placed into
used for the demolition of concrete where extension work position.
is required.
The tendered rate for each precast member shall include
full compensation for all work, costs and equipment
6416 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT required for transporting, stacking, erecting and installing
the precast concrete member in its final position, complete
as specified.
Item Unit

64.01 Cast in situ concrete: Hem Unit

(a) (Class of concrete and 64.04 Epoxy bonding of new

part of structure or use concrete surfaces to old .... square metre (m2)
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of new
(b) Etc for other classes concrete surface bonded to old by means of an approved
of concrete and other epoxy bonding agent as set out in the specifications.
uses or parts of the
structure The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
preparing the surfaces and for furnishing and applying the
The unit of measurement for cast in situ concrete shall be bonding agent, and for chamfering the concrete on visible
the cubic metre of concrete in place. Quantities shall be joints, complete as shown on the drawings.
calculated from the dimensions shown on the drawings or
as authorised. No deduction in volume measured for
payment shall be made for the volume of any reinforcing Hem Unit
steel, inserts and pipes or conduits up to 150 mm in
diameter embedded in the concrete. 64.05 Extra over items 61.08, 61.31
and 64.01 for the use of
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for sulphate-resistant cement
procuring and furnishing all the materials, storing the in concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m')
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of (b) Reinforced concrete in:
concrete manufactured with sulphate-resistant cement and
placed in accordance with the details on the drawings, or (i) (Member indicated) ...... . . . cubic metre (m3)
as instructed by the engineer.

The tendered rate shall be extra over each of the rates The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of plain
tendered for items 61.08, 61.31 and 64.01, and shall or reinforced concrete demolished for each member or
include full compensation for all additional costs for portion thereof scheduled separately in the schedule of
procuring, furnishing and using sulphate-resistant cement quantities.
in the concrete.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all

Unit labour, plant and equipment required to demolish the
existing concrete and disposal of the product of the
64.06 Demolishing existing concrete: demolition to a borrow pit within a free-haul distance of
1 km. The tendered rate shall also include full
(a) Plain concrete in: compensation for any necessary measures to ensure no
debris falls into rivers and for any debris that has fallen into
(i) (Member indicated) ......... cubic metre (m3) rivers to be recovered.

SECTION 6500 : PRESTRESSING Duct is the void formed to house the tendon(s) and may be
formed by coring, or by using sheaths or by way of
extractable cores.

SCOPE (9) Prestress

MATERIALS Prestress is the stress induced in concrete by tensioned
EQUIPMENT tendons.
PRE-TENSIONING Prestressed concrete is structural concrete in which
POST-TENSIONING effective internal stresses are induced by means of
LOSS OF PRESTRESS tensioned tendons.

(i) Pre-tensioned concrete

6501 SCOPE
Pre-tensioned concrete is prestressed concrete where the
tendon is tensioned before the concrete has been cast.
This section covers the materials, equipment and work
required for prestressing structural concrete members.
0) Post-tensioned concrete

6502 DEFINITIONS Post-tensioned concrete is prestressed concrete where the

tendon is tensioned after the concrete has hardened.

The following definitions shall apply to these specifications:

(k) Pullin

(a) Anchorage Pull-in is the elastic shortening of the tendon caused by

relative movement between the anchorage or coupler
Anchorage is the device comprising all the components components on account of seating and gripping action
and materials required for retaining the force in a tensioned during or immediately after transfer.
tendon and to tiansmit this force to the concrete of the
(I) Release

@) Anchorage reinforcement Release is the specified elastic shortening of the tendon at

the anchorage achieved before or during transfer.
Anchorage reinforcement is the spiral and other
reinforcement which forms part of the anchorage and is
required for strengthening the anchorage and/or assisting (m) Sheath
in transmitting the tendon force to the concrete.
Sheath is the tube or casing enclosing the tendon and
which temporarily or permanently allows a relative
(c) Bursting reinforcement movement between the tendon and the surrounding
Bursting reinforcement is the reinforcing steel required in
and adjacent to the anchorage zones to resist the tensile
stresses induced in the concrete by the anchorage(s).
(n) Tendon

(d) Cable Tendon is the prestressing steel consisting of the bar, wire
or strand individually placed, or of bars, wires or strands
Cable is the tendon. together with the anchorage, placed in a duct, all of which are tensioned to impart
sheathing and all fittings. prestress to a concrete member.

(e) Characteristic strength

(0) Tensioning
Characteristic strength of prestressing steel is the
manufacturer's guaranteed tensile strength below which no Tensioning is the action of inducing and regulating the
more than 5 per cent of the test results in a statistical force in a tendon by means of tensioning and measuring
population shall fall. equipment.
@) Transfer

Transfer in the case of post-tensioned concrete is the Cold-worked high-tensile alloy steel bars for prestressed
action of transferring the tensioning force from the concrete shall comply at least with the requirements of BS
tensioning equipment (jack) to the anchorage. 4486.

Transfer in the case of pre-tensioned concrete is the action The type of prestressing steel shall be indicated in
of transferring the force in the tensioned tendon(s) to the accordance with the requirements of clause 4.2 of BS 4486,
concrete. e g BS 4486-RR-32-1230 for 32 m m diameter ribbed bar
with a nominal tensile strength of 1 230 MPa.
(q) Bond breaker
(iii) Wires and seven-wire steel strand
Bond breaker is the coating or sheath placed on a tendon
to prevent it from bonding to the surrounding concrete. Steel wire and seven-wire steel strand for prestressed
concrete shall comply at least with the requirements of
BS 5896.
(r) Coupler
The type of prestressing steel shall be indicated in
Coupler is the device comprising all components required accordance with the requirements of clauses 14 and 20 of
to join up two tendons. BS 5896 for wire and strands respectively, e g :

(1) BS 589612 wire 1770-7-PE-relax 1 for a 7 m m

nominal diameter straightened smooth wire of class 1
relaxation with a nominal tensile strength of 1 770 MPa;
Deflector is the device used to deflect a tendon alignment and
within a structural element.
(2) BS 589613 superstrand 1860-12,9-relax 2 for a
12,9 m m nominal diameter seven-wire superstrand of class
(1) Transmission length 2 relaxation with a nominal tensile strength of 1 860 MPa.

Transmission length is the tendon length required to (iv) Straightness

transmit via bond stresses the full force in the tendon to
the concrete. Prestressing bars delivered at the site shall be straight.
Only small adjustments for straightness may be made,
which shall be done by hand on the site at a temperature
6503 MATERIALS above 5°C and under the supervision of the engineer.
Where heating of the bars is required, this shall be b y
means of steam or hot water. Bars bent in the threaded
(a) General portion shall not be used.

All materials and prestressing systems used in the Prestressing wire and strand shall be supplied in coils with
prestressing of structural concrete members shall be a sufficiently large diameter to ensure that the wire and
subject to approval. strand will pay off straight.

(v) Surface condition

@) Prestressing steel
Prestressing steel shall be clean, free from faults or
(i) General defects, and without any harmful films and matter which
may impair adhesion to the grout or concrete. A film of
The type of prestressing steel shall be designated in rust is not necessarily harmful and may improve the bond.
accordance with the requirements of subclauses 6503(b)(ii) It may, however, increase the friction between the tendon
and (iii) respectively. and duct.

The contractor shall keep proper records of all material The depth of imperfections or pits on the surface of
analyses and test certificates for the batches of prestressing steel shall not exceed 0,l m m for wire with a
prestressing steel used in the works. Where required b y diameter up to and including 8 mm, or 0,2 m m for bars or
the engineer, the contractor shall produce certificates from wire with a diameter exceeding 8 mm.
recognised testing authorities certifying compliance of the
prestressing steel with the specified requirements.

Where prestressing steel is available in weld-free lengths

Tendons may be cleaned
3 wire brushing or by passing
through a pressure box co aining carborundum powder.

Solvent solutions shall not be used for cleaning without the

(production lengths) and lengths containing welds approval of the engineer.
(standard lengths), the batches delivered at the site shall
be clearly labelled for identifications purposes.
Prestressing steel shall be delivered at the site suitably
protected against damage and corrosion. Such protection
In no circumstances shall prestressing steel after or the use of a corrosion inhibitor where allowed by the
manufacture be subjected to heat treatment other than engineer, shall not have any deleterious effect on the steel
provided for in these specifications. or concrete or impair the bond between the two.
(vi) Galvanising sheath shall be at least 10 mm greater than the diameter
of the tendon. For vertical tendons and where tendons are
Galvanised prestressing steel shall not be used unless to be drawn into cast-in sheaths, the cross-sectional duct
specified. In no circumstances shall prestressing steel be area shall be at least three times the cross-sectional area
subjected to galvanising after manufacture. of the tendon.

(vii) Welds
(e) Cable supports
Prestressing steel used in structural prestressed concrete
shall be weld-free. Where the steel is supplied in standard Supports of reinforcing steel or structural steel suitably
lengths, the welds shall be cut out and delivered to the braced to prevent buckling under load shall be used to
engineer. support the cables. The cable saddles shall be rigid and
secured in position by welding or by equivalent mechanical
means to resist both gravitational and buoyancy forces.
(c) Anchorages and couplers
Normal web reinforcement shall not be utilised to support
Anchorages and couplers to be used in prestressed cables.
concrete shall comply with the requirements of BS 4447
and shall be of a proved and approved type, constructed Saddles for external cables shall be of special design and
from durable material completely free from imperfections material to ensure low friction and to prevent the tendon or
and shall not damage, distort or kink the prestressing steel parts thereof from grooving the surface. The saddle plates
in a manner as will result in ultimate tensile strength shall be curved to the requisite radius to prevent the
reduction. They shall resist, without failure and/or tendon or part thereof from bearing on the end of the plate
excessive deformation or relaxation of the force in the and shall incorporate features to ensure that individual
tendons, the full ultimate tensile strength of the tendons. bars, wires and strands are seated separately.
The characteristic value for anchorages and couplers,
determined in accordance with BS 4447, shall not be less
than 90%. (1) Tendon spacers

The anchorages shall effectively distribute the force in the Tendon spacers used inside the ducts to separate
tendon to the structural member, and the resulting local individual bars, wires or strands of the tendon shall be of
stresses and strains in the member shall be so limited as a proved and approved type and manufactured from
to prevent damage. Unless otherwise approved by the material which will not induce corrosion of the prestressing
engineer, all anchorages and couplers shall be provided steel.
with anchorage reinforcement.

Wedges and the insides of barrels or cones shall be clean

to allow the free movement and seating of the wedges
inside the taper. (i) Materials

The threads of bars, nuts, anchorages and couplers shall In addition to the requirements of subclause 6402(d), water
be suitably protected against damage and corrosion. The shall not contain more than 500 mg of CI ions per litre of
protection shall be removed at the last moment and the water.
threads properly lubricated before use.
Only ordinary portland cement which complies with the
requirements of SABS 471 and ordinary portland cement
(dl Sheaths 15 which complies with the requirements of SABS 831 shall
be used. The temperature of the cement shall be less than
Sheaths shall be grout-tight and of such material and 40" C, and the cement shall be stored in accordance with
configuration that bond forces can be transferred from the the requirements of subclause 6403(a).
grout to the surrounding concrete. The properties of the
sheath material shall be such that no corrosion attack of
the prestressing steel will be induced. The sheath shall be Fine aggregate shall consist of siliceous granules, finely
sufficientlyflexible to accept the required curvature without ground limestones, trass or very fine sand. The aggregate
kinking, and strong enough to retain its cross-section and used shall pass through an 0,600 mm sieve. The use of
alignment and to resist damage on account of handling, fine aggregate shall be subject to the approval of the
transporting, tying and contact with vibrators during engineer and shall be restricted to grout for ducts with a
concreting. Unless otherwise approved by the engineer, diameter exceeding 150 mm. The aggregate content in
the thickness of the metal of steel sheaths shall not be less the grout shall not exceed 30% of the mass of the cement.
than 0,4 mm.

Metal sheathing shall be delivered at the site suitably

protected against damage and corrosion. At the time of The use of admixtures shall be subject to tests havlng
incorporation into the structural member, the sheathing shown that their use improves the properties of the grout,
shall be free from loose mill scale, loose rust, lubricants e g by increasing workability,reducing bleeding, entraining
and harmful matter. air, or expanding the grout. Admixtures shall be free from
any product liable to damage the steel or the grout itself,
Galvanised sheathing shall not be used unless specified. such as halides, nitrates, sulphides, sulphates, etc. The
quantity of admixture to be used shall be in accordance
Unless otherwise specified, the internal diameter of the with the manufacturer's instructions.
(ii) Properties of the grout 6504 EQUIPMENT

The mixed grout shall have the following properties:

(a) General
(1) The CI ions content shall not exceed 750 m g per
litre. All equipment used shall be in a good working order and
properly maintained.
(2) The viscosity of the grout measured in accordance
with subsubclause 81 12(b)(iv)for horizontal cables shall be
500 to 2 500 cP and fo; "&ical cables 400 to 1 500 cP. @) Tensioning and measuring equipment
The viscosity of the grout, 20 minutes after mixing, shall
not exceed 2 500 cP and 1 500 cP for horizontal and Tensioning and measuring equipment shall be such that
vertical cables respectively. the tendon force can be established to an accuracy of
+. 2% during any stage of the tensioning operation.
(3) Bleeding at 20°C measured in accordance with
subsubclause 8112(b)(iv) shall not exceed 2% by volume Unless otherwise authorised b y the engineer, the
3 hours after the grout has been mixed, and the maximum tensioning equipment shall be power driven and capable
bleeding shall not exceed 4%. In addition, the separated of gradually applying a controlled total force without
(bleed) water must be reabsorbed after 24 hours. inducing dangerous secondary stresses in the tendon,
anchorage or concrete.
(4) The cube compressive strength of 100 m m cubes
made of the grout and cured in a moist atmosphere for the The force in the tendon during tensioning shall be
first 24 hours and then in water at 20°C shall exceed measured by a direct-reading dynamometer (load cell type)
20 MPa at 7 days. or obtained direct from pressure gauges fitted in the
hydraulic system to determine the pressure in the jacks.

Protecting agents for unbonded tendons Pressure gauges shall have concentric scale dials which
comply with the requirements of BS 1780. The dials shall
The material used for permanent protection of unbonded not be less than 150 m m in diameter and the gauges shall
tendons shall have the following properties: -
be used within the range of 50 90% of their full capacity
at maximum service pressure.

(i) It shall remain free from cracks and shall not When pressure gauges not using glycerine are used, a
become brittle or fluid within the temperature range of snubber or similar device shall be fitted to protect the
-20°C to 70°C. gauge against any sudden release of pressure. Provision
shall also be made for T-connections for the attachment,
when required, of supplementary control gauges.
(ii) It shall be chemically stable for the entire life of the
structure. Only self-sealing connections shall be used in the hydraulic
circuit. Where the pressure input pipe is connected to the
jack, a pipe rupture valve shall be installed in the circuit.
(iii) It shall be non-reactive with the surrounding
materials, i e concrete, tendons, wrapping or sheathing. Tensioning equipment shall be calibrated before the
tensioning operation and thereafter at frequent intervals, as
directed by the engineer, with a master gauge or proving
It shall be non-corrosive or corrosion-inhibiting. ring, and the engineer shall be furnished with a calibration
chart. The load-measuring devices shall be calibrated to
an accuracy of rt 2%.
(v) It shall be impervious to moisture.
The extension of tendons shall be measured to an
accuracy of 2 2% or + 2 mm, whichever is the more
(vi) It shall be sufficiently tough to withstand the accurate, and pull-in and release to an accuracy of
abrasion caused when a tendon, precoated with the 2 2 mm.
material, is drawn into the sheath.
(c) Grouting equipment
(vii) It shall have no appreciable shrinkage or excessive
(i) Mixer
volume increase.
Mechanically operated mixers only, of a type capable of
(viii) It shall have a suitable viscosity at ambient
producing high local turbulences while imparting only a
temperature or require only moderate preheating to permit
slow motion to the body of the grout shall be used.
The mixer shall be equipped with a screen with openings
not exceeding 1 mm and shall be capable of consistently
(i) Testing
producing grout with a colloidal consistency.
Prestressing steel, anchorages and couplers, and grout
(ii) Agitator
shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of
subclause 81 12(b). Testing shall be carried out at the
Where the capacity of the mixer is insufficient to fill the
frequencies as directed by the engineer.
duct completely with grout, an agitator shall be used.
Mechanical agitators only shall be used, which are capable (e) Extension
of maintaining the colloidal condition of the grout fill during
the storing and injection processes. The grout shall be The extension per tendon or group of tendons under the
delivered at the structure from the agitator, and the system maximum tensioning force, together with the modulus of
shall make provision for recirculating the grout from the elasticity (E) on which it has been based. The release to
pump back to the agitator. be attained at each live anchorage as well as the pull-in for
which provision has been made.

(iii) Injection equipment

The contractor shall show on his drawings the expected
The pump shall be of the positive displacement type extension based on the actual modulus of elasticity of the
(piston, screw or similar type), capable of exerting a strand as well as the expected wedge pull-in and any
constant pressure of at least 10 bars on completely provision for shimming.
grouted cables and shall incorporate a safety device for
preventing the build-up of pressure above 20 bars. The
pump shall be fitted with a pressure gauge and a valve (9 Prestressing losses i n tendons
which can be locked-off without loss of pressure in the
cable. The losses allowed for in the design from the causes listed
below will be given as follows:

The pump shall be capable of delivering grout at a speed (i) Friction loss
as will produce a speed of the grout in the cable of
between 6 and 12 m per min. The formula used for determining the tendonlduct friction
loss together with the values adopted for the friction
coefficient @) caused by curvature, and the wobble factor
All connections ir) the pipes and between the pipe and the (k) caused by unintentional variation from the specified
cable shall be airtight. Only bayonet, threaded, or similar alignment.
types of connectors shall be used.
(ii) Elastic deformation of concrete

6505 TECHNICAL DATA The elastic factor, which, when multlplled by the
compressive stress in the concrete adjacent to the tendon,
will give the loss caused by the deformation of the
The following technical data for pre-tensioned and post- concrete.
tensioned structural members required for the contract will
be furnished on the drawings: (iii) Creep of the concrete

The creep factor, which, when multiplied by the

(a) Tendon alignment compressive stress in the concrete adjacent to the tendon,
will give the loss caused by the creep of the concrete.
A diagram showing the alignment of each tendon or group
of tendons in both the horizontal and vertical planes, (iv) Shrinkage of the concrete
together with the horizontal and vertical coordinates, and
curve equations of the centroid of the tendon(s), as may be The stress loss in MPa caused by the shrinkage of the
relevant. concrete.

(v) Relaxation of prestressing steel

@) Tendon system
The stress loss in MPa at a stress level of 70% of the
The design is based on the system shown on the drawings, characteristic strength of the prestressing steel caused by
but the contractor may use any suitable system which will the relaxation of the prestressing steel.
meet all the specified requirements, subject to approval by
the engineer.
(g) Anchorages

(c) Tensioning the tendons The positions where loop or fan-type dead-end anchorage
may be used.
Full particulars regarding the partial tensioning of the
tendons, the stage during which the tendons shall be
tensioned, and the sequence of tensioning to be followed. ) Bursting reinforcement

The bursting reinforcement for the prestressing system on

(d) Tensioning force which the design is based.

The maximum tensioning force and the effective force at

the live anchorages, after transfer, as well as the
corresponding stress level in the prestressing steel, for (i) Precamber
each tendon or group of tendons. The forces will be given
in MN units, and the stress levels will be expressed as a The precamber at intervals not exceeding 0,25 times the
percentage of the characteristic strength. span length.
(j) Compressive strength of the concrete during bursting forces.
After approval by the engineer of the drawings and
The compressive strength to be attained by the concrete in calculations prepared b y the contractor, no departure shall
the relevant member before transfer may be effected. be permitted from the forces, stresses and extensions
shown thereon, without authorization by the engineer.

6506 PRESTRESSING SYSTEM The prestressing work shall not be commenced before the
relevant drawings have been accepted by the engineer.

The use of all prestressing systems will be subject to The contractor shall make full allowance in his tendered
approval by the engineer. Tenderers are advised to obtain rates for all costs in connection with the furnishing of
approval for the prestressing system they intend using, information, making calculations, and preparing and
prior to submitting their tenders. submitting the drawings. However, no allowance need be
made for the cost of checking, undertaken by engineer, of
Within one month of the tender having been awarded, or drawings and calculations for work which does not qualify
within a period agreed on with the engineer, the contractor as an alternative design.
shall submit full details regarding the prestressing
system(s), materials and equipment he intends using, as Alternative designs shall comply with the requirements of
well as regarding the methods he proposed to adopt in the clause 1212 and the relevant provisions of this section.
prestressing and related operations.

The engineer, at his own discretion, may call for further

information in the form of detailed drawings, proof of
successful previous use, performance certificates from an
approved independent testing authority, and calculations (a) Casting yard on the site
substantiating the adequacy of the system. The contractor
shall furnish such information within 2 weeks of being Subject to approval by the engineer, precast work may be
called upon to do so or within a period agreed on with the done at any location selected by the contractor.
engineer. If, after investigating all the information, the
engineer is not satisfied that the prestressing of the Before the casting yard is established, the contractor shall
structural member can be carried out satisfactorily with the submit plans to the engineer which demarcate the site and
prestressing system offered by the contractor, the engineer detail the layout of the works, together with a flow diagram
reserves to himself the right to order the contractor to use of the construction stages and storage.
any system which is suited to the work and which is readily
available to the contractor.
@) Manufacture off the site
Only minor alterations to the concrete dimensions shown
on the drawings will be considered in order to The contractor shall notify the engineer in advance of the
accommodate the prestressing system finally selected. dates when tensioning of tendons, casting of members and
Major alterations occasioned by the prestressing system transfer. will be undertaken.
offered by the contractor and which is at variance with the
tendon system specified in subclause 6505(b) shall be Within 7 days of transfer, the contractor shall submit to the
treated as alternative designs and shall be dealt with as engineer a certificate giving the tendon force(s) and
specified in clause 1212. extension(s) attained as well as records of the cube
crushing strength and age of concrete at transfer.

6507 DRAWINGS PREPARED BY THE CONTRACTOR Test results relating to all aspects of the work shall be sent
to the engineer immediately upon their becoming
All drawings prepared by the contractor and submitted to
the engineer for consideration shall comply with the Where the engineer requires tests to be conducted on
requirements of clause 1221. completed members, no member to which the tests relate
shall be dispatched to the site until the tests have been
The contractor shall submit to the engineer at least 2 satisfactorily completed and the members accepted by the
months before he intends commencing with the engineer.
prestressing work, drawings detailing the layout and
alignment for the individual tendons, the cable supports,
modifications to the bursting and other reinforcement, (c) Manufacture
anchorage recesses, tensioning sequence, tensioning loads
and extensions, as well as requirements ior controlling the Before work is commenced, details of the manufacture,
tensioning operations. For the prestressing system finally curing and phasing of the work shall be submitted to the
selected, the technical data which are at variance with the engineer for approval. After approval no changes shall be
information given on the drawings shall be shown on the made to the methods or systems without approval b y the
drawings. Each tendon shall be separately numbered for engineer.
The contractor shall ensure that the specified precamber is
Where required, the contractor shall submit calculations in incorporated in the formwork. The magnitude of the
respect of the variation of the tendon force along the precamber shown on the drawings shall be subject to
length of the tendon, the expected extension and the variation depending on the contractor's construction
programme, and the contractor shall, before manufacture, member and the exposed ends covered with a heavy coat
ascertain in writing from the engineer, the increase or of approved bituminous material or epoxy resin. The
decrease in precamber. This procedure shall also apply to cutting of the prestressing steel shall be performed with a
the cases where no precamber has been specified. high-speed abrasive cutting wheel. Flame cutting will not
be permitted.
Lifting and supporting the precast members shall be made
only at the points marked and provided on the members.
Precast members which have not been fully tensioned or
fully stage-tensioned or which have ungrouted tensioned
tendons shall not be handled without authorization by the (a) Storage, handling and protection
During storage, transit, construction and after installation
Where members with ungrouted tensioned tendons are the sheaths, prestressing steel, anchorages and couplers
handled, control shall be exercised to guard against shall be protected against corrosion, damage or permanent
possible slip of the tendon at the anchorage. deformation. The manner and extent of protection
required will depend on the environmental factors and the
Prestressed precast concrete members shall also comply length of time before permanent corrosion protection is
with the requirements of clause 6413. applied, and shall be to the satisfaction of the engineer.
Under severe corrosive conditions in coastal, damp and
wet areas and under aggressive conditions the materials
6509 PRE-TENSIONING shall be stored in weatherproof sheds. All materials shall
be stored clear of the ground and while in storage shall not
be exposed to the weather.
During the period between tensioning and transfer, the
force in the tendon shall be fully maintained by some When prestressing steel has been stored for a prolonged
positive means. At transfer, detensioning shall take place period and there is evidence of its deterioration, the
slowly to minimize any shock which could adversely affect contractor may be called on to prove by tests that the
the transmission length of the tendon. quality of the steel has not been significantly impaired and
that the prestressing steel still complies with the provisions
In the long-line method of pre-tensioning, sufficient locator of these specifications.
plates shall be distributed through-out the length of the
bed to ensure that the straight tendons are maintained in Suitable protection shall be provided to the threaded ends
their proper position during concreting. Where a number of bars.
of units are manufactured in line, they shall be free to slide
in the direction of their length so as to permit transfer of After fabrication, the cable ends shall be covered with
the tendon force to the concrete along the entire line. protective wrapping to prevent the ingress of moisture into
the duct.
In the individual-mould system, the moulds shall be
sufficiently rigid to provide the reaction to the tendon force When the tendon is to be left untensioned for a prolonged
without distortion. period after installation, precautions shall be taken to
protect the tendon against corrosion. Corrosion inhibitors,
Where possible, the mechanism for holding down or oils or similar materials used as lubrication or to provide
holding up deflected tendons shall ensure that the part in temporary protection shall be such that they can be
contact with the tendon will be free to move in the line of completely removed before permanent protection is
the tendon so that friction losses are eliminated. If, effected.
however, a system is used which develops a frictional
force, this force shall be determined by test and due
allowance made therefor. @) Fabrication

For single tendons, the deflector in contact with the tendon All cutting of prestressing steel shall be performed with a
shall have a radius of not less than 5 times the tendon high-speed abrasive cutting wheel or by a method
diameter for wire, or 10 times the tendon diameter for a approved by the engineer. Flame cutting will not be
strand, and the total angle of deflection shall not exceed permitted.
Care shall be taken to prevent the prestressing steel or
Transfer of the tendon force to the concrete shall be anchorages from coming into contact with splashes from
effected in conjunction with the release of hold-down and flame-cutting or welding processes in the vicinity.
hold-up forces in accordance with an approved method.
Where possible, all bars, wires or strands tensioned in one
Transfer shall not be effected until compressive-strength operation shall be taken from the same parcel of
tests on the concrete show that the concrete of the prestressing steel. The tendon or cable shall be labelled to
particular member has attained a compressive strength of show the tendon or cable number, as well as identify from
at least the compressive strength shown on the drawings. which parcel the steel has been taken.
The transmission length is affected by the concrete
strength, and the necessary modification for the concrete Where bars, wires or strands in a tendon are not tensioned
strength at transfer shall be made in conjunction with the simultaneously, tendon spacers shall be used in
engineer. accordance with the recommendations for the prestressing
system or, in the absence thereof, as directed by ttie
The tendons shall be cut off flush with the end of the engineer.
Cables shall be fitted at both ends with pipes with a External tendons shall be installed to the same standards
diameter of at least 10 m m for the injection of grout or and accuracy specified herein for internal tendons. The
protection agents. The ends of the injection pipes shall be tendons shall be temporarily supported at regular intervals
fitted with a clamp, valve or device capable of withstanding along the straight length between saddles. The supports
a pressure of at least 15 bars without loss of grout or shall consist of rigidly constructed frames secured to the
protection agent. concrete face.

Vent pipes with a diameter of at least 25 m m shall be

provided in the duct at every high point, change of sheath (d) Concrete strength
cross-section and at such intermediate positions as may be
shown on the drawings or required by the engineer. The Full tensioning of all or some of the tendons shall not
vent pipes shall extend to at least 500 m m above the commence until the compressive-strength of the concrete
concrete and shall comply with the requirements for is 35 MPa or the strength shown on the drawings,
injection pipes. whichever is the greater.

Connections to, and joints in sheaths shall be made grout- The compressive strength of the concrete shall be
tight by using special sheathing couplings and taping. determined from cubes manufactured and tested in
With bonded cables, the length of taping shall not exceed accordance with subclause 8106(a) which have been cured
six sheath diameters. Where oversleeves are used, equal under the same conditions as the structural member which
overlaps shall be provided over each length of sheathing. is to be prestressed. The number of concrete cubes
Joints in adjacent sheaths shall be spaced at least 300 m m required for this purpose shall be as agreed on with the
apart. engineer.

Where initially all or some of the tendons are to be partially

(c) Installation tensioned, tensioning shall not commence before the
concrete has attained the compressive strength indicated
The installation of tendons shall not commence until the on the drawings.
requirements of clause 6507 have been complied with.

The cable, sheath or extractable core shall be accurately (e) Tensioning

installed to the specified alignment and securely held in
position both vertically and horizontally at intervals (i) Preparation
appropriate to its rigidity and so as not to be displaced
during concreting, either by the weight of the concrete or Within 2 hours of the concrete having been placed, the
by buoyancy. The spacing of the cable supports shall contractor shall demonstrate that sheaths are free from
furthermore ensure that the tendon can be installed to a obstructions, that extractable cores can be removed and,
smooth alignment without kinks and within the tolerance where the design permits, that all tendons are free to move
specified in subclause 6803(g). Cable sheaths shall be in the ducts. All water in the ducts shall then be expelled
supported and held in position by means of separate with compressed air and the cables sealed until tensioning
reinforcing steel supports with a diameter of not less than takes place.
16 mm. The transverse bars must be welded to the vertical
bars or must rest on lugs welded to the vertical bars. The Before tensioning is commenced, the side forms and other
spacing of the vertical supports shall not exceed 1 m. restraining elements shall be released or removed to give
the structural member the freedom to deform under the
Extractable cores shall not be coated with release agent induced force.
unless approved by the engineer.
(ii) Tensioning sequence
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the alignment of
the tendon within a distance of 1,O rn from the live The sequence of tensioning to be followed shall be as
anchorage and/or coupler shall be straight. The tendon shown on the drawings and/or on drawings prepared by
axis shall be set perpendicular to the bearing surface of its the contractor in terms of clause 6507. The contractor shall
anchorage and firmly secured in position so as not to make allowance in his tendered rates for all incidentals
move during concreting. External anchorages shall be which he may have to incur as a result of having to tension
seated on a thin mortar bedding to bear evenly on the fully only some of the tendons at any one stage or instant.
concrete bearing surface, and the tendon axis shall be
perpendicular to the bearing surface of the anchorage. Where partial tensioning of tendons is required, the work
shall be executed in accordance with the details on the
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the minimum drawings or as specified. The contractor shall, in his
concrete cover over the outside surface of the sheath or tendered rates, make provision for all incidentals he may
cable support shall comply with the requirements of clause have to incur as a result of having to tension partially only
6307, except that, for sheaths, the cover shall not be less some of or all the tendons at any one stage or instant.
than 50 mm.
(iii) Assembling the equipment, and safety precautions
The spacing of cables will depend on the size of the cable
and shall be such that the concrete can be properly placed The tensioning and measuring equipment shall be
and compacted. assembled for tensioning in exactly the same way as they
are combined for calibration.
Immediately before concreting, the contractor shall inspect
the sheaths for grout-tightness and shall seal all damaged The contractor shall take all the necessary safety
and suspect sections. precautions to prevent accidents caused by the
malfunctioning or failure of any part of the equipment or (1) The tendons have been tensioned to the required
material and shall accept full responsibility for injury force.
sustained by persons or damage to property resulting
therefrom. (2) The measured extension on individual tendons is
within r 6% of the theoretical extensions.
(iv) Friction
(3) The average variation between the measured and
The engineer may require the contractor to perform friction theoretical extensions of all the tendons in a structural
tests on designated tendons and to revise the relevant member is less than 2 3%.
theoretical extensions to compensate for the discrepancy
between the values adopted in the design and the test (4) The release and/or pull-in is within r 2 m m of the
results. Payment for these tests shall be made under item theoretical values.
Where the above conditions are not met individually and
,Where applicable, allowance shall be made in the collectively, the contractor shall immediately advise the
tensioning force to compensate for friction loss in the jack engineer and obtain a ruling as to the procedure to be
and in the anchorage. followed.

(v) Tensioning In the event of the tendon friction being too high, the
contractor may, subject to approval by the engineer, inject
Tensioning shall be carried out under the supervision of a an approved lubricant into the sheath after first having
technician skilled in the use of the prestressing system and detensioned the tendon.
equipment and the methods of tensioning to be adopted.
The cost of the remedial and corrective measures and of
Tensioning shall not be commenced before the engineer the release and retensioning of tendons, which have been
has been advised of each tensioning operation and has occasioned by failure of the operations to meet the above
given his approval for the work to be started. requirements shall be for the contractor's account.

The technician and operators shall be supplied with a After the tensioning has been accepted by the engineer,
schedule listing the sequence of tensioning the various the contractor may cut off the tendons behind the
tendons and a tensioning record sheet showing the anchorage as described in subclause 6510(b).
theoretical gauge readings, jacking forces, extensions,
release and pull-in for each tensioning operation. The
record sheet shall furthermore provide room for entering (9 Permanent protection and bonding of tendons
the corresponding information recorded and observations
made during tensioning. A graph of the tensioning force (i) General
and/or gauge reading versus theoretical extensions shall,
where required, be appended to the record sheet and the After tensioning, all tendons shall receive permanent
actual extensions measured for each load increment shall protection against mechanical damage and corrosion.
be plotted on the graph. Copies of the completed record
sheets and graphs shall be submitted to the engineer Internal tendons shall be protected and bonded to the
within 24 hours of each tensioning operation having been structural member by cement grout or, when permitted by
completed. the engineer, by sand-cement grout. Where bond is not
important, protection may be effected by the use of
The contractor shall note that the extensions shall be bitumen, petroleum-based compounds, epoxy resins,
regarded as an indirect measurement of the tensioning plastics and similar products, all complying with the
force and shall serve as a control on the tensioning force requirements of subclause 6503(h) and subject to approval.

The protruding ends of all bars, wires and strands shall be Tendons located outside the structural section (i e external
clearly marked for the accurate measurement of extension, tendons) shall be encased with a dense concrete, dense
release and pull-in. mortar or material sufficiently stable and hard, all subject
to approval. The encasement shall be of the thickness
Before tensioning is commenced on external tendons, a shown on the drawings. Where bonding of the tendon to
small load shall be applied to each tendon, commencing the structural concrete is required, this shall be achieved by
with the uppermost tendon. The force shall be sufficient to bonding the concrete encasement to the structure with
take up all slack and prevent entanglement of the tendons. reinforcing steel as detailed on the drawings.

The jacking force shall be increased to approximately 5 to Protection and bonding of the tendons shall be effected
10% of the final jacking force to take up the tendon slack within 7 days of the final tensioning of the tendons, or as
and to determine the zero position for measuring the specified on the drawings, but shall not take place without
extension and to check the gripping devices and the the prior approval of the engineer having been obtained.
position and alignment of the jacks. The load shall then be
increased gradually to the full specified tensioning force After the permanent protection or bonding has been
while intermediate gauge readings and extensions are completed the anchorages shall be encased in concrete or
recorded at regular intervals. grout which shall be bonded to the old concrete with epoxy
resin designed for this purpose, or shall be completely
The final stage of tensioning shall be deemed to have been coated with a corrosion-resistant material. The protection
satisfactorily accomplished when all the following provided shall in all cases prevent the ingress of water or
requirements have been complied with: aggressive agents.
(il) Preparation of ducts whichever is situated at the lower end of the cable.

Before permanent protection and/or bonding of tendons is Grout lnjection shall proceed without any Interruption until
effected, the following precautions shall be taken: the cable has been completely filled and closed off.

(1) The cables shall be checked for blockages by water (2) Protecting agents
or compressed air, being injected.
The injection of protecting agents shall be strictly In
(2) Unlined ducts which are to be filled with grout shall accordance with the instructions, and with the equipment
be flushed with water to wet the concrete. specified by the manufacturer.

(3) Temporary protection or lubricants which are (3) Grout

incompatible with the permanent protection or bonding,
shall be removed by flushing the duct with water or an Immediately after mixing, and also during injection, the
inert solution, or by any suitable approved method. fluidity of the grout shall be tested at regular intervals In
accordance with subclause 6503(i).
(4) On completion of the above, any excess fluid shall
be expelled from the ducts by means of compressed air or lnjection shall be continuous at a rate of 6 m to 12 m per
shall be displaced by the protecting agent or grout, as may minute. As soon as grout with the original consistency
be relevant. flows from the intermediate vent pipes they shall be
successively closed. lnjection shall continue until the grout
Any blockages, leakages or factors which in any way may flowing from the vent at the free end is of the same
affect the permanent protection or bonding shall consistency as that of the injected grout. At this stage the
immediately be reported to the engineer. vent shall be closed and the final pressure or a pressure of
5 bars, whichever is the greater, shall have been
(iii) Mixing maintained on the grout column for 5 minutes before the
valve at the injection end is closed.
(1) Protecting agents
All vents shall be kept closed and supported vertically until
The mixing of protecting agents shall be strictly in the grout has finally settled. On vertical cables, a riser pipe
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. with funnel shall be fitted to the top anchor to ensure that
the separated water migrate upwards and will not remain
(2) Grout in the cable.

The aggregate, if used, and the cement shall be measured If an expanding agent is used in the grout mix, the air
by mass, and the water by mass or by volume. vents shall be re-opened after grouting to release any
separated water, and shall then again be closed.
The water:cement ratio by mass shall be as low as possible
within the range between 0,36 to 0,45, and shall be Unless a retarder is used in the grout mix, the grout not
consistent with the fluidity requirements of subsubclause used within 60 minutes of mixing shall be discarded.
6503 (g) (ii)
During the course of grouting 100 m m cubes shall be
Where an admixture is used, it shall be dissolved in a part made for testing in accordance with subclause 6503(i).
of the mixing water before it is added to the grout. Whilst the grout is being poured into the cube mould, the
sides of the mould shall be slightly tapped to permit any
Mixing shall be commenced by two-thirds of ths cement entrapped air to escape.
being added to the greater part of the mixing water, and,
if used, an additive predissolved in part of the mixing Precautions shall be taken not to discharge the escaping
water, and finally the remainder of the cement. Mixing grout onto railway lines, public roads or private property.
shall continue for not longer than 4 minutes after which the
grout shall be continually agitated at slow speed If a blockage occurs during the course of grouting, the
throughout the injection operation. grouting shall be stopped before the maximum grouting
pressure is reached. The duct shall then be flushed out
Where aggregate is used in the grout mix, the word immediately and the blockage cleared.
"cement" in the preceding paragraph shall be replaced by
the term "cementlaggregate component". Grouting shall not be carried out during very cold weather
when the ambient air temperature drops below 5" C. Care
(iv) lnjection shall be taken that the ducts are completely free from frost
or ice before grouting commences after frosty weather.
(1) General

The injection of permanent protecting agents or grout shall a 1 1 LOSS OF PRESTRESS

not commence before approval has been granted that the
work may start.
Any structural member which has lost all or part of its
Before injection commences all air shall be expelled from prestress through the failure or malfunctioning of any part
the injection equipment and hoses and all connections of the prestressing component may be rejected by the
checked for airtightness. engineer and shall be removed from the works unless
approved remedial measures have been successfully
lnjection shall take place from the anchorage or coupler, carried out on the member. No payment will be made In
respect of such remedial work or loss suffered by the (b) Anchorage at dead end ..... meganewton (MN)
contractor in this regard.
(c) Coupler at jacking end ..... meganewton (MN)

6512 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENl (d) Coupler at dead end ....... meganewton (MN)

ltem Unit The unit of measurement shall be the meganewton which

is calculated as the product of the nominal tensile strength
65.01 Prestressing tendons: in megapascals of the prestressing steel and the cross-
sectional area of the tendon in square metres, effectively
(a) Longitudinal anchored or coupled.
tendons . . . . . . . . . meganewton-metre (MN-m)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
(b) Transverse supplying, storing, handling, fabricating and protecting the
tendons . . ... .... meganewton-metre (MN-m) complete anchorage or coupler assembly, anchorage
reinforcing, constructing the recesses for the anchorage or
(c) Vertical tendons ... meganewton-metre (MN-m) coupler, tensioning, anchoring and/or coupling, trimming
the tendon ends, using all the equipment, as well as for all
The unit of measurement shall be the meganewton-metre work and incidentals required for completing the work as
which is calculated as the product of the nominal tensile specified.
strength in megapascals of the prestressing steel, the
cross-sectionalarea of the tendon i;l square metres and the The coupler shall include the complete assembly
length of the tendon in metres between the faces of the consisting of the anchorage built into the first-stage
anchorages. In the case of fan and loop anchorages the construction and the part coupled to it.
"length of the tendon" shall include the length of tendon
forming the loop or fan. The tendered rate for loop or fan anchorages shall exclude
the cost of the length of tendon forming the loop or fan.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
preparing and submitting the drawings, supplying, storing,
handling and protecting all materials (excluding Item Unit
anchorages and couplers), fabricating, supporting and
installing the cables; lubricating, permanently protecting 65.03 Extra over item 65.02
and bonding the tendons, for the using of all the for partially tensioning
equipment, as well as for all work and incidentals required .
the tendons. . . . . . . . . . . . . meganewton (MN)
for completing the work as specified.
The unit of measurement shall be the meganewton, which
is calculated as for item 65.02.
Item Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
65.02 Anchorages and couplers: use of all equipment, as well as for all work and incidentals
required for tensioning and anchoring the tendons to the
(a) Anchorage at jacking end ... meganewton (MN) specified partial force.
SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES Class Aggregate per 50 kg

CONTENTS (c) Batching and mixing

SCOPE Cement shall be measured by mass or in full pockets of

NO-FINES CONCRETE 50 kg each and aggregate shall be measured by volume in
JOINTS IN STRUCTURES approved measuring boxes or barrows.
DRAINAGE FOR STRUCTURES The aggregate shall be moist or wetted before the cement
BOLT GROUPS FORELECTRIFICATIONBRACKETS is added. Where drum mixers are used, about 20% of the
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT water shall be poured into the drum before the aggregate
and cement are loaded. The mixing time in the drum shall
be about 45 to 50 seconds.
6601 SCOPE

The quantity of water added shall be just sufficient to form

This section covers a smooth grout which will adhere to and completely coat
each and every particle of aggregate, and which is just wet
(a) the manufacture and placing of no-fines concrete enough to ensure that, at points of contact of aggregate,
used in the works: the grout will run together to form a small fillet to bond the
aggregate together. The mix shall contain no more than
(b) the supply and installation of all permanent joints 20 litres of water for every 50 kg of cement.
which will permit relative movement between contiguous
structural members;
Mixing shall be done in an approved batch-type
(c) the construction, supply and installation of bearings mechanical mixer, but small quantities may be hand
for structures; mixed.

(d) the construction of parapets, railings and sidewalks

on structures; (d) Placing
(e) the construction and/or installation of drainage No-fines concrete shall be placed in accordance with the
works such as weep holes, drainage pipes and gulleys, no- procedure approved by the engineer. It shall be placed in
fines concrete blocks, filter lining and concrete channelling; its final position within 15 minutes of having been mixed.

(1) bolt groups for electrification brackets. The concrete shall be worked sufficiently to ensure that it
will completely fill the space to be concreted and that
adjacent aggregate particles are in contact with one
66M NO-FINES CONCRETE another. Excessive tamping shall be avoided and the
concrete shall not in any circumstances be vibrated.

(a) Materials
(e) Protection
Cement, aggregate and water shall comply with the
requirements of clause 6402. All no-fines concrete shall be protected from the elements
and loss of moisture. Protection against loss of moisture
Each size of aggregate shall be a single size aggregate shall be accomplished by one or more of the following
graded in accordance with SABS 1083 : Part II. methods:

(i) Retaining formwork in place.

@) Classes of no-fines concrete
(ii) Covering exposed surfaces with sacking or other
No-fines concrete shall be classified by the prefix NF and approved material kept continuously wet.
the size of aggregate to be used. Class NF 19 means a no-
fines concrete with a 19 m m nominal size aggregate. Covering exposed surfaces with plastic sheeting.
The volume of aggregate per 50 kg of cement for each No-fines concrete placed during cold weather shall be
class of concrete shall be as follows: adequately protected against frost for at least 3 days.
6603 JOINTS IN STRUCTURES (iv) Waterstops

Waterstops shall be of natural rubber or flexible PVC and

(a) Materials of the type specified or shown on the drawings.

(i) General Natural-rubber waterstops shall comply with the

requirements of CKS 388.
All materials used in forming, constructing and sealing
permanent joints as well as all proprietary or custom-built Flexible PVC rubber waterstops shall comply with the
expansion-joint assemblies shall be subject to the approval requirements of CKS 389.
of the engineer.
(v) Accessory material
When required by the engineer, the contractor shall submit
test certificates issued by an approved, independent (1) Primers
testing authority to confirm that the respective materials
comply with the specified requirements, or a certificate by Where a primer is to be used in conjunction with the
the patent holder or designer certifying that the sealant, it shall be of the prescribed proprietary material.
manufactured item complies in all respects with relevant
product specifications. (2) Bond breakers

(ii) Joint filler Polyethylene tape, coated paper, metal foil or similar
material may be used where bond breakers are required.
Joint filler shall consist of sheets or strips of the following
materials complying with the requirements of the relevant (3) Backup material
specifications listed:
Backup material shall consist of a compressible material of
Bitumen-impregnated fibreboard and bitumen- correct width and shape to ensure that, after installation, it
impregnated corkboard U S Federal Specification HH- will be in approximately 50% compression and the sealant
F-341F or AASHTO Specification M213. can be formed to the specified depth.

Resin-impregnated corkboard - U S Federal Specification Backup materials shall be compatible with the sealant
HH-F-341F. used. Material containing bitumen or volatiles shall not be
used with thermosetting chemically curing sealants.
Flexible foams of expanded polyethylene, polyurethane,
PVC or polypropylene - AASHTO Specification M153. (vi) Cover plates

Rigid foams of expanded polyethylene, polyurethane or Steel cover plates shall be of grade 43A steel which
polystyrene - BS 4840 or BS 3837. complies with the requirements of BS 4360, or of grade
300W steel which complies with the requirements of SABS
Other joint filler materials may be used if approved by the 1431. Galvanising shall comply with the requirements of
engineer after he has been furnished with full specifications SABS 763. Anchor bolts shall be of stainless steel grade
and information by the contractor. 302 S.21, which complies with the requirements of BS 970
part 4.
(iii) Sealants

Thermoplastic hot-poured sealants shall comply with the @) Filled and unfilled joints
requirements of U S Federal Specification SS-S-14019, BS
2499 or AASHTO Specification M173. The sealants shall be (i) General
of the rubberised bituminous type containing a minimum
of 20% natural or synthetic rubber. Wherever polystyrene or similar material susceptible to
damage is used for forming joints, it shall be lined with a
Thermoplastic cold-applied sealants shall comply with the hard surface on the side to be concreted. The hard surface
requirements of U S Federal Specification SS-S-156. The shall be sufficiently resilient to ensure that the joint and
sealant shall be of the rubberised bituminous type surfaces can be formed free from defects.
containing a minimum of 20% natural or synthetic rubber.
(ii) Filled joints
Thermosetting chemically curing sealants shall complywith
the requirements of ASTM C.920 or BS 4254. Filled joints shall be accurately formed to the dimensions
shown and with the filler material specified on the
The final IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree) drawings. The filler shall be secured in position not to
hardness of the sealant shall be 20 2 5. displace during concreting or thereafter if the filler is to
remain permanently in the joint.

Silicone sealants shall comply with the requirements of Where the removal of the filler is required, it shall be done
subsubclause 7102(e)(iii) and clause 7120. prior to the installation of the proprietary joint.

(iii) Unfilled joints

Other sealants may be used if approved by the engineer
after he has been furnished with full information and Unfilled joints shall be accurately formed to the dimensions
specifications by the contractor. given on the drawings, and all external corners chamfered
or rounded for at least 5 mm. The concrete face against (e) Sealing the joints
which the fresh concrete is placed shall be treated in good
time with an approved bond breaker. (i) General

Sealed joints shall be made watertight over the full length

(c) Concrete nosings of the joint, including the full height of the kerbing, unless
otherwise prescribed in the project specifications.
Concrete nosings forming the edges of expansion joints
shall be constructed as follows: Unless a waterstop is equipped with an effective watertight
interlocking system for joining sections, all joints in
After the concrete in the structural member has hardened waterstops shall be bonded or fused to have a tensile
sufficiently, the protruding ends of the reinforcing steel strength of at least 50% of that of the unjointed material.
shall be bent flat onto the concrete surface of the formed At intersections and abrupt changes of direction,
recess. waterstops shall be jointed with prefabricated junction
Before the asphalt surfacing is laid, the recess shall be
filled with well-compacted crusher run, sand or weak Restrictions on joint width and on the temperature at the
mortar. The contractor shall ensure that the concrete time of installing the sealant or seal will be shown on the
surfaces of the recess and the reinforcing steel are not drawings. In the absence of such restrictions on the
contaminated with bituminous agents. The asphalt drawings, and unless otherwise specified, installation shall
surfacing shall then be laid continuously over the joint. be carried out only within the temperature range between
5" C and 30" C.
The asphalt surfacing shall be cut with a diamond saw
blade to correspond to the width of the nosing and all (ii) Preparing the joints
material shall be removed from the nosing recess. The
concrete surfaces of the recess shall then be roughened to Where required joints shall be sawn at a suitable time so
expose the aggregate and leave sound, irregular surfaces. as to avoid edge spalling or ravelling.
The reinforcing steel shall then be bent, fixed and placed
as shown on the drawings. After the temporary filler material has been removed or the
excess concrete has been broken out, the inside faces of
The prepared concrete surfaces of the recesses shall be the joint shall be wire-brushed or sand-blasted to remove
treated with an approved epoxy-resin adhesive, all laitance and contaminants. The joint shall then be
immediately before the concrete nosings are cast. cleaned and blown out with compressed air to remove all
Opposite concrete nosings, separated by a joint filler strip traces of dust. Solvents shall not be used for removing
as specified, shall be cast simultaneously in accordance contaminants from the concrete and porous surfaces.
with subclause 6408(c), and compacted by vibrator. The
nosing shall be screeded flush with the asphalt surfacing The contractor shall ensure that primers are applied only to
and be given a class U2 surface finish. surfaces which are absolutely dry. The primer shall be
applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
Curing shall be in accordance with method (f) of clause instructions. Unless otherwise specified, the primer shall be
6409. applied within the temperature range of 10°C and 40°C,
and the sealant shall be applied after the curing period of
The exposed corners of the nosings shall be ground to a the primer and within the period when the primer remains
10 m m chamfer. active.

After the joint has been sealed, the wearing surface of the (iii) Sealants
nosings shall be treated with a bituminous primer to the
satisfaction of the engineer. Sealants shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions by a person skilled in the use
of the particular type of sealant. Trapping of air and the
Unless otherwise specified, traffic shall not be permitted to forming of voids in the sealant shall be avoided. The
pass over the joint before the concrete in the nosing has sealant shall be finished to a neat appearance to the
aged for at least 10 days. specified depth.

Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, the concrete Thermoplastic hot-poured sealants shall not be poured into
used in the construction of the nosings shall be class 40113 the joints when the temperature of the joint is below 10°C.
and shall have a slump of not less than 50 m m and not The safe heating temperature shall not exceed the
exceeding 75 mm. specified pouring temperature by more than 10°C.

Concrete nosings shall be constructed under the direct Two-part thermosetting chemically curing sealants shall not
supewision of experienced and skilled personnel. be applied after expiry of the specified pot-life period
which commences once the base and activator of the
sealant have been combined.
(d) Plug type expansion joint systems
(iv) Waterstops
Plug type expansion joint systems, eg Thormajoint @, shall
be constructed in accordance with the details on the Waterstops shall be securely and accurately located in
drawings and the specifications and instructions of the position so that they will not be displaced or deformed
licensees. during construction.
(1) Roprietmy expansion Joints The expansion Jointsdelivered at the site shall be suitably
marked to show clearly the sequence and position of
(i) General installation.

The use of any type of expansion joint shall be subject to

approval. Tenderers shall obtain approval for the type of @) Installing the expansion joints
expansion joint they intend using prior to submitting their
tenders. Proprietary expansion joints shall be installed by approved
specialist subcontractors only. Installed proprietary
(ii) Dimensions expansion joints shall have a 15 year written guarantee.

The contractor shall note the overall dimensions of the No expansion joint or part thereof shall be installed prior to
expansion joints and the limiting dimensions of that portion the construction of the final surfacing, unless otherwise
of the concrete structure which is to accommodate the approved.
joints. No alterations to the concrete which will be visible in
the final structure or major re-arrangement of the The expansion joint shall form an even surface with the
prestressing anchorages, will be permitted in order to road surface on either side and the deviation across and
accommodate joints of excessive size. along the expansion joint shail comply with the
requirements of subclause 3405(e) and subsubclause
All joints to be installed skew shall be accurately 3405(f)(ii) for surface regularity measured by ordinary
dimensioned to ensure compliance with the requirements straight-edge.
of subclause 6603(g).

Unless otherwise specified, proprietary expansion joints On completion of the installation of proprietary expansion
shall include the complete expansion-joint assembly, joints, the contractor shall submit to the engineer a
traversing the entire roadway, kerbs, sidewalks and certificate from the manufacturer or supplier of the joints,
modian, and shall include the coping and parapet cover certifying acceptance of the installation. Notwithstanding
plates as well as the drainage system to drain the the issuing of such certificate, it shall not relieve the
expansion joint. contractor of his responsibility under the contract. Payment
for the inspection of the joints and the issuing of the
(iii) Design and manufacture certificate by the manufacturer or supplier will be made
under item 81 -02.
The expansion jolnt shall be designed to withstand the
movements, displacements and rotations specified on the
drawings In conjunction with the loads described in the
code of practice adopted for the design of the structure 6604 BEARINGS FOR STRUCTURES
wlthout exceeding in any member the requirement for
serviceability limit state. Any strengthening of the
supporting member required to resist forces imparted by (a) Materials
the joint to the structure shall be for the contractor's
account. (i) General

The specified movements, displacements and rotations When requested by the engineer, the contractor shall
shall be withstood without the efficacy or riding quality of submit test certificates from an approved, independent
the joint being impaired. testing authority to show that the respective materials
comply with the specified requirements, or a certificate
The joint shail be vibration free, resistant to mechanical from the patent holder or designer certifying that the
wear and other forms of abrasion, and shall resist manufactured item complies in all respects with relevant
corrosion. R shall have good riding characteristics, shall be product specifications.
highly skid resistant, and silent, also of watertight
constructlon or have provision for the disposal of water,
debris or grit collecting In the joint, and shall be of a Unless otherwise specified, all the materials used for
construction as will facilitate easy inspection, maintenance manufacturing the bearings shall comply with the
and repair. requirements of BS 5400 : part 9.2.

h a r t from stainless steel, all steel surfaces shall be (ii) Roofing felt
prepared In accordance with the requirements of subclause
8407(b) and sprayed with a galvanising coat which Roofing felt shall be 3-ply and comply with the
complies with the requirements of SABS 1391 part 1 for Zn requirements of SABS 92 for type 1 roofing felt.
150 coverage. AIl exposed surfaces sprayed with zinc
shall, within 4 hours, be covered with a sealant suitable for (iii) Elastomer
use with the zinc and the subsequent layer. Two coats of
chlorinated rubber palnt with a combined dry-coat The elastomer used in the manufacture of bearings shall
thickness of not less than 150 micrometres shall then be be natural rubber or synthetic rubber.
applied. They shall be of two different colours.
Natural rubber shall comply with the requirements of BS
1154 for specified IRHD hardness.
Prior to manufacture of the joints, the contractor shall
submit for approval detail drawings in accordance with the Synthetic rubber shall comply with the requirements of BS
requirements of clause 1221 of each expansion joint. 2752 for specified IRHD hardness.
(iv) Stainless steel plate (c) Roofing felt

The texture of the sliding surface of stainless steel plate Roofing felt used as bearing strips shall consist of at least
used in conjunction with PTFE to form low-friction sliding 3 layers.
surfaces shall be equal to or better than 0,20 micrometre
Ra in accordance with the requirements of BS 1134. Where lubricated linings are specified, the roofing felt shall
be saturated with used motor oil and then liberally dusted
(v) Stainless steel dowels and bolts with graphite powder before it is laid on the bearing
Stainless steel used for the manufacture of dowels and
anchor bolts shall comply with the requirements of
BS 970 : part 4 for steel 316816. (d) Elastomeric bearings

(vi) Mortar (i) Technical data

Mortar beddings for seating the bearings shall be The following technical data for the elastomeric bearings
composed of an approved sand and either cement or will be supplied on the drawings, and shall also be
epoxy resin, or may consist of an approved proprietary supplied on drawings prepared by the contractor for
mortar. The mortar shall comply with the following submission to the engineer:
strength requirements:
(1) Design loads and deformations
(1) Sand-cement mortar
The critical design-load combinations and co-existing
The 7-day compressive strength of 150 m m cubes made rotations and horizontal displacements for each bearing or
from the mortar and cured in a moist atmosphere for the each group of identical bearings.
first 24 hours and afterwards in water at 20°C shall be not
less than 1,5 times the average contact stress under the (2) Size and construction of bearing
bearing or 15 MPa, whichever is the greater.
The size and construction of the bearing shall be
(2) Sand-epoxy resin mortar designated by -
The cured compressive cube strength of the mortar shall
be not less than 2,O times the average contact stress under
the bearing, or 20 MPa, whichever is the greater. where

(3) Proprietary mortar L = length of bearing in the transverse direction, in m m

The strength requirements for proprietary mortars shall be B = width of bearing in the span direction, in m m
in accordance with either subclause 6604(a)(vi)(l)or (2) as
may be relevant. t = thickness of individual elastomer layers, in m m

n = number of elastomer layers.

@) Con- hinges
The steel plates shall be encased in a 3 m m thick
Concrete hinges shall be constructed in accordance with elastomer layer.
the details shown on the drawings.
(3) Hardness and type of elastomer
Construction joints shall not be formed in the throat area.
Where a joint is necessary, it shall be formed as a recess The IRHD hardness and type of elastomer, i e natural or
below the throat, level with the top reinforcement mat. The synthetic rubber, from which the specified bearings are to
width of the recess shall be slightly greater than that of the be manufactured.
(4) Identification
Care shall be taken to eliminate the formation of shrinkage
cracks within the throat. Each bearing shall be identified by a number

During construction, adequate bracing and support shall be (ii) Alternative bearings
provided to the satisfaction of the engineer to prevent
rotation in the throat from the time of casting to completion Where alternative bearings are offered by the contractor,
of the structure incorporating the hinge. During the course they shall be designed in accordance with the
of construction the hinge shall not be subjected to requirements of BS 5400 part 9.1 for the loadings and
conditions which will induce tensile stresses in the throat deformations shown on the drawings.
Where a bearing consisting of a type of rubber is offered,
Upon completion of the structural members incorporating which differs from that which is specified, the bearing shall
the hinge, the space around the throat shall be filled and be redesigned to make provision for the variation in
sealed with an approved compressible material. hardness and/or type of rubber.
(iii) Inspection and testing (1) Themanufacturer'sspecificationcontainingdetailed
information on the design standards, materials,
On completion of the manufacture of the bearings, the manufacture and technical data.
contractor shall submit bearings selected by the engineer,
or specially manufactured bearings to serve as samples as (2) Drawings complying with the provision in clause
authorised by the engineer, to an independent testing 1221 showing the bearing construction and installation
authority for testing. details.

The testing facilities of the manufacturer or supplier may (3) Friction properties based on actual tests conducted
be used if so approved and on condition that the tests are on the relevant materials.
conducted in the presence of the engineer.
(iii) Technical requirements
The engineer will determine which tests are to be
conducted, and the tests shall comply with the appropriate The following technical requirements will be supplied on
requirements of subclause 81 12(a).Payment will be made the drawings, and shall also be supplied on the drawings
under item 81.02 for these tests, for bearings damaged, prepared by the contractor for submission to the engineer:
and for sample bearings.
(1) Design loads and movement
Copies of test results and certificates for the above-
mentioned tests shall be submitted by the contractorto the The maximum and minimum vertical loads and co-existing
engineer in good time to enable the engineer to assess the horizontal loads as well as the maximum horizontal load
information before the bearings are installed. and co-existing vertical load.

The dimensional tolerances for the bearings shall comply The maximum values in each direction of the reversible
with the requirements of subclause 6803(h). and irreversible movements and the rotation about each
Before the bearings are dispatched to the site of the works,
each bearing, with the exception of large bearings as (2) ldentification
provided for in the project specifications, shall be subjected
simultaneously to a vertical load equal to 150% of the Identification of each bearing by a number, data on the
maximum design load, and to a shear distortion equal to degree of freedom of movement (fixed, multi-directional or
150% of the maximum design value. The bearings shall be unidirectional bearings) and the type of bearing (spherical,
visually inspected for defects by the engineer or his elastomer-pot, etc) shall appear on each bearing.
nominee and shall not at any stage under this test show
any cracks visible to the naked eye or any other defects. (iv) Design
The cost of this testing shall be included in the rate
tendered for item 81.01. The bearings shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements and recommendations of BS 5400 part 9.1.
The engineer may instruct that 1 bearing of each The following shall also be complied with:
consignment shall be cut open with a view to a visual
assessment of the bonding and the thickness of layers. (1) The average pressure on the area of the elastomer
shall not exceed 25 MPa under the sewiceabilitylimit state,
unless otherwise prescribed by the engineer.
(e) Proprietary bearings
(2) The maximum average contact stress and
(i) General maximum edge stress on the concrete or mortar bedding
shall not exceed 0,5 and 0,6 times :he 28-day cube
This clause covers custom-built bearings and bearings characteristic compressive strength under the serviceability
manufactured under licence, except elastomeric bearings. limit state respectively, unless otherwise prescribed by the
Combined bearings, consisting of an assembly of an engineer.
elastomeric bearing in conjunction with a low-friction
sliding or mechanical component shall fall under this (3) The bearing pad shall be of dimensions as will fit
clause. into the space allowed for its installation. Major alterations
to the contiguous members will not be permitted.
The tenderer may base his tender on any bearing which
complieswith the specified requirements, provided that the (v) Construction
efficacy of the bearing has been verified by tests and
successful previous use. Evidence hereof as well as Unless otherwise specified, the following shall be complied
information on the durability and suitability of the bearings with:
for the specified use shall be submitted to the engineer for
consideration. (1) The thickness of the elastomer disc shall be not less
than 0,066 times its diameter.
Details of the product guarantee shall be submitted with
the tender. (2) Approved lubricants only shall be used on the PTFE
sliding surfaces.
(ii) Drawings and approval
(3) The bearing shall be provided with tight-fitting seals
Prior to manufacturing the bearings, the contractor or his to prevent the ingress of dust or deleterious matter onto
nominee shall submit the following information to the the moving parts. The seals shall be of an approved type
engineer for consideration. and sufficiently durable to last in excess of 50 years.
(4) The assembled bearing shall be supplied with (9 Dowels and guides
welded or bolted lugs or straps, temporarily securing the
moving parts firmly in position to ensure that no Where dowels and guides are used in conjunction with
undesirable relative movement occurs before or during bearings they shall not complicate or prevent the removal
construction. of the bearings.

(5) The bearing shall be recessed into adaptor plates

or be of such construction as to facilitate removal of the (g) Storage and handling
bearing from the installed position without damage to any
part of the bearing or the surrounding material after the The bearings shall at all times be stored under cover and
relevant structural member has been raised by 15 m m or clear of the ground, away from sunlight, heat, oils and
the distance specified. chemicals deleterious to the bearings. The bearings shall
not be stacked in a manner or on a surface which will
(6) Anchors and holding-down bolts shall be of the cause distortion of the bearings.
specified material.
The bearings shall be handled with care to ensure that they
(7) Corrosion protection of all exposed steel surfaces, are not subjected to impact loads or any other conditions
with the exception of the stainless-steel sliding plate, shall which may be harmful.
involve the following treatment:

Preparing the surfaces by abrasive blasting to a finish (h) Installation

equal to the Sa3 finish of Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00.
The concrete surfaces of elements required to receive
Spraying the surfaces with zinc to comply with the bearings shall comply with the requirements of subclause
requirements of SABS 1391 part 1 for type Zn 150 6209(c). Plastering of the surface will not under any
surfacing. circumstances be permitted.

Coating the zinc-sprayed surfaces within 4 hours with a Before the mortar bedding is constructed, the concrete
sealer compatible with the zinc and the subsequent coats surface shall be chipped back to expose the aggregate and
of paint. leave a sound irregular surface. Bonding of the mortar
bedding to the concrete surface shall be in accordance
Applying a coat of chlorinated rubber paint with a with the manufacturer's recommendations and the
minimum of 75 micrometres of dry-film thickness and of a engineer's instructions.
colour which differs from that of the final coat of paint.
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the bearings
Applying a final coat of chlorinated rubber paint with a shall be installed on a horizontal plane and shall be in full
minimum of 75 micrometres of dry-film thickness and of contact with the concrete and bedding surfaces.
dark grey colour.
To accommodate soffit irregularities and camber in the
Surfaces in contact with concrete shall be sprayed with case of precast members, the member shall be lowered
zinc so that it complies with the requirements of SABS onto a mortar layer on top of the bearing. The member
1391 part 1 for type Zn 150 surfacing. shall then be propped until the mortar layer has hardened
into a wedge.
(vi) Inspection and testing
The bearings shall be accurately installed to the specified
The engineer may require tests to be conducted to verify level, alignment and orientation, all within the construction
compliance of the bearing with the specifications and/or its tolerances set out in subclause 6803(h) and the details
satisfactory performance under the design loads. Payment shown on the drawings.
for this testing will be made under item 81.02.
Where the bearing has long sliding plates, the latter shall
be rigidly supported to prevent their being distorted under
Test certificates of all the tests conducted shall be the weight of the wet concrete and the construction loads.
submitted to the engineer.
Before the bearing is incorporated into the structure, it shall
be cleaned to remove all deleterious substances and
The contractor shall give the engineer at least 7 days' adhering matter, after which it shall be wrapped in
notice prior to final assembly of the bearings to enable the polyethylene sheeting and so sealed as to prevent the
engineer to inspect the bearings at the factory. ingress of mortar and/or slush onto the bearing during the
course of construction.

Under no circumstances shall bearings be taken apart and After installation, the polyethylene wrapping shall be
reassembled on the site, except where it is an unavoidable removed, the bearing and the space around the bearing
feature of the installation procedure, in which case the thoroughly cleaned and the lugs removed as prescribed by
dismantling, installation and reassembly shall be under the the engineer.
supervision of qualified personnel.
On completion of installation of proprietary bearings, the
contractor shall submit to the engineer a certificate from
Rehabilitation, modification and repair work to bearings the manufacturer or supplier of the bearings certifying
shall be carried out only in the factory or in an approved acceptance of the installation. The issuing of such a
engineering works. certificate shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility under this contract. Payment for the neatly chamfered at 45". All open spaces between the bolt
lnspection of the bearings by the manufacturer or supplier and the sides of the holes in the base plate shall be grout
and the issuing of the certificate will be made under item filled.
81 -02.
Steelwork which is to be cast or grouted into concrete shall
be completely painted to a distance of 75 m m in the
f3HE PARAPETS. RAIUNGS AND SIDEWALKS concrete or grout, and shall be cleaned of all loose rust,
mill scale, oil or other material which may impair the bond
between the concrete and steel.
(a) Materials
All steelwork shall be painted in the shop and on site in
(i) Concrete accordance with the provisions of section 8400. Surfaces
which will be inaccessible after erection of the units shall
All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with be painted before erection commsnces. If called for on the
the requirements of sections 6200, 6300, 6400 and clause drawings or in the schedule of quantities, steelwork shall
6603. be galvanised and painted. Galvanising shall be done after
fabrication, in accordance with SABS 763 for type A1
(il) Structural steel articles.

Structural steel work shall comply with the provislons of

subclause 6702(a). (d) Numbers for structures

(iii) Mortar (i) Number plates

Mortar shall comply with the requirements of subsubclause Number plates shall be fixed in the positions and
6604(a)(vi). according to the method of fixing shown on the drawings.

(ii) Painted numbers

The surface onto which the numbers are to be painted

Concrete parapets shall be either cast in situ or precast or shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of
a combination of the two as shown on the drawings. subclause 8409(a). The background shall be of at least two
Where possible, precast elements shail be placed with the coats of the prescribed paint. The letters and figures shall
unformed surface downwards or outwards. be in accordance with the details given on the drawings
and shall be written at the prescribed positions with a
Concrete parapets shall be constructed after the removal template.
of the falsework and the completion of the prestressing,
but not before the bridge deck has been accurately (iii) Numbers shaped In concrete
measured so as to determine the final lines and levels.
Service ducts in parapets and end blocks shall be fixed Bridge numbers shall be placed and shaped in accordance
and cast Into posltion in accordance with the requirements with the requirements shown on the drawings. The
of clause 6411 and the details shown on the drawings. minimum concrete cover over the steel reinforcement
behind the numbers shall not be less than the prescribed
The pipes and fittings to be used for the construction of cover for the structural member In question.
the ducting shall be rigid PVC pipes and fittings with
flexible rubber joints which comply with the requirements
of SABS 967. Duct ends shall be provided with suitable (e) Concrete sidewalks
conlcal wooden stoppers to prevent dirt, concrete, etc,
from entering the ducts. Two strands of 2,5 m m diameter After completion of the prestressing and the removal of the
galvanized steel wire shall be threaded through each duct. formwork, the sidewalks and kerbing shall be constructed,
The strands shall extend 2 m beyond each end and be but not before the bridge deck has been accurately
wedged firmly into position with the wooden stoppers. surveyed to establish final lines and levels.
lnspection eyes for the ducts shall be constructed in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings.
The previously cast bridge deck area shall be prepared as
No separate payment will be made for service ducts in specified in clause 6408 to receive the sidewalk concrete.
parapets and end blocks and the rates tendered for the
parapets and end blocks shall include full compensation Forms shail be accurately set to the final lines and levels
for the provision and installation of service ducts complete and shall be firmly held in position during the placing of
with stoppers, draw wires and Inspections eyes. the concrete. Stops at the ends of sections shall be
accurately placed to ensure that joints between adjacent
sections will be truly perpendicular to the surface of the
(c) Steel tailings concrete and at right angles to the edge of the road or to
the skew angle of the deck at the expansion joint.
All steelwork shall be manufactured in accordance with the
requirements of section 6700. After removal of the forms, the exposed surfaces of the
kerbs and copings shall be rubbed and finished in
A mortar bed, not less than 10 m m in thickness, shall be accordance with the requirements of subclauses 6208(a)
provlded below all steel base plates over the full and (c) and 6209(b). All edges shall be rounded to a radius
dimensions of the plate. The sides of the beds shall be of 20 m m unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
(fJ Concrete surface finish requirements be wrapped in synthetic-fibre geotextile and placed in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings or as
All formed concrete surfaces shall have a class F3 surface instructed by the engineer.
finlsh as specified in subclause 6207(d) and all unformed
concrete surfaces shall have a class U3 surface finish in
accordance with subclause 6209(c). 6607 BOLT GROUPS FOR ELECTRIRCATlONBRACKETS

(g) Transib'on blocks The contractor shall supply and install bolt groups in
bridge decks for the electrification brackets of railway
Transition blocks shall be constructed in accordance with owners. The bolt groups shall consist of stainless-steel
the details shown on the drawings. sockets complete with stainless-steel bolts and mild-steel
plates. The sockets, bolts and plates shall be
manufactured in accordance with the details shown on the
) Nose endings drawings. The contractor shall install the sockets in bridge
decks in the positions and in the manner shown on the
Nose endings at balustrades shall be constructed in drawings.
accordance with the details on the drawings.
On completion of the deck, the contractor shall ensure that
the threads of the bolts and sockets are clean and that the
6Hl6 DRAlNAGE FOR STRUCTURES bolts can be secured in the sockets. The railway owner will
supply and install the brackets at a later stage.

(a) Weep holes, drainage pipes and channelling

Weep holes shall not be placed within 40 mm of any
reinforcement and shall be carefully cleaned and kept
clean. Item Unit

Drainage pipes shall be of the material prescribed on the 66.01 Cast in sihr nm
drawings, and the interior surface shall, on completion, be fines wnwete (class
smooth and clean. of concrete indicated) ....... cubic metre (ma)

Cast In situ concrete channelling shall be provided next to The provisions of clause 6416 item 64.01 shall apply
the kerbing if shown on the drawings and according to the mutatis mutandis.
details provided. Concrete work shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions of section 6400 and
channelling shall be given a class U2 surface finish as Item Unit
specified In subclause 6209(b). The channelling shall be
bonded to the bridge deck concrete in accordance with the 66.02 Precasl nefines
provisions of clause 6408. concrete units (class
of concrete and
description of unit) . ........ ... number (Na)
@) No-fines wmxete blocks
The unit of measurement shall be the number of complete
Blocks shall be of the class of prescribed no-fines concrete units of each size and type in position in the works.
and to the required dimensions and shall be placed in
advance of backfilling.
The tendered rate for each precast concrete unit shall
No-fines concrete shall comply with the requirements of include full compensation for providing all the materials,
clause 6602. labour, plant and formwork required for manufacturing the
unit complete as shown on the drawings and for
transporting and placing the unit in position.
(c) !3ynihetiefibre filter fabric

Synthetic-fibre filter fabric shall be of the type and grade Item Unit
shown on the drawings or specified in the project
specifications. Filter fabric shall be placed as shown on the 66.W Proprietary expansion joints:
drawings and shall be protected against sunlight and
mechanical damage during storage and installation. (a) Prime cost sum allowed
for purchasing and taking
The fabric shall comply with the requirements of delivery of expansion joints . .. . prime cost sum
subsubclause 2104(a)(iii).
(b) Percentage on prime cost
sum for charges and profit . . . . . . . per cent (%)
(d) Crushed stone in drainage sbips behind walls

The crushed stone used in drainage strips shall comply Payment for purchasing and taking delivery of proprietary
with the requirements for 19 m m nominal size stone as expansion joints shall be in accordance with the provisions
specified in table 9 of SABS 1083. The crushed stone shall of the general conditions of contract (see note 2 below).
The tendered rates shall include full compensatlon for
supplying and installing the joint filler and all materials not
66.04 Installation of prtb covered under item 66.08, and for all labour and
prietary expansion joints: incidentals required for completing the filled joint as
(a) (Description of joint
measured per metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

@) (Description of joint
measured by number . . . . . . . . . . number (No) 66.07 Unfilled joints:

The unit of measurement shall be either the metre of (a) (Description of joint for
complete joint of each type installed or the number of for joints measured per
complete joints of each type installed. square metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mz)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for (b) (Description of joint for
supplying all materials not covered unde; item 66.03, joints measured per linear
transporting, handling and storing, and all labour, metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
equipment, shaping the recesses, and incidentals required
for installing the expansion joint complete in accordance The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
with instructions (see notes 1 and 2 below). unfilled joint, calculated in accordance with the joint area.
Where, however, the depth of the joint is 150 mm or less,
The tendered rate shall be final and binding, irrespective of the unit of measurement shall be the metre of unfilled Joint
the type or make of joint finally installed. measured along the joint centre line. Concrete areas
formed before the final surface is constructed to complete
the unfilled joint, shall be measured under items 62.01,
62.02, 62.03 or 62.04, as may be applicable.

66.05 Expansion joints: The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
providing and applying the bond breaker and all materials
(a) (Description of joint not paid for under item 66.08, also for the labour and
measured per metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) incidentals required for completing the unfilled joint as
(b) (Description of joint
measured by number) . . . . . . . . . . number (No) Item Unit

The unit of measurement shall be the metre of complete 66.08 Sealing joints w i t h
expansion joint of each type installed or the number of
completed joints of each type installed. (a) Sealant (description
of joint, sealant and size) . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, manufacturing the expansion (b) Waterstop (description
joint, transporting, handling and storing, and all labour, of joint, waterstop and size) . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
equipment, shaping the recesses, and incidentals required
for installing the expansion joint complete in accordance The unit of measurement shall be the metre of sealant,
with instructions (see notes 1 and 2 below). seal or waterstop of each type installed.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for

supplying all materials, forming or cutting the concrete to
the required shape and size, all labour, equipment and
66.06 Filled joints: incidentals required for sealing the joint complete in
accordance with the prescriptions, and for all waste
(a) (Description of joint and materials (see note 2 below).
thickness of joint filler
for joints measured per
square metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) Item Unit

(b) (Description of joint and 66.09 Proprietary bearings:

thickness of joint filler
for joints measured per metre) . . . . . . metre (m) (a) Prime cost sum allowed
for purchasing and taking
delivery of bearings . . . . . . . . . . prime cost sum
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of filled
joint calculated from the surface area of the joint. Where (b) Percentage on prime
the filled joint is 150 mm or less in depth, the unit of cost sum for charges and
measurement shall be the metre of filled joints measured profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .percentage (%)
along the joint centre line. Concrete surfaces formed prior
to the construction of the final surface for completing the Payment for purchasing and taking delivery of proprietary
filled joint shall be measured under item 62.01, 62.02, bearings, complete with anchor bolts and/or dowels, shall
62.03 or 62.04, as may be applicable. be in accordance with the provisions of the general
conditions of contract, The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, transporting, handling and
storing, and all labour and incidentals required for installing
Item Unit the bearing strips complete as detailed.

66.10 Installing the proprietary

bearings (description of each Item Unit
type, and state class) . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
66.14 Dowelslguides (de-
The unit of measurement shall be the number of complete scription of each type) .......... number (No)
bearings of each type and class installed.
The unit of measurement shall be the number of
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for dowels/guides of each type installed.
supplying all the materials not covered under item 66.09,
constructing the bedding, transporting, handling and The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
storing, and all labour, equipment and incidentals required supplying all materials, including anchor bolts,
for installing the bearings complete as detailed. manufacturing the dowels/guides, transporting, handling
and storing, and all labour, equipment and incidentals
The tendered rate shall be final and binding, irrespective of required .for installing the dowelslguides complete as
the type or make of bearing finally installed. detailed.

Item Unit Item Unit

66.11 Bearings (description 66.15 Concrete parapets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

of each type and class) ......... number (No)
The unit of measurement for concrete parapets shall be the
The unit of measurement shall be the number of complete metre of concrete parapet complete in accordance with the
bearings of each type and class installed. drawings. Concrete parapets shall include all work above
the top level of the sidewalks or, where not placed on a
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for sidewalk, above the top of the bridge deck concrete,
supplying all the materials, including anchor bolts and/or wingwalls or retaining walls and shall also include any
dowels, constructing the bedding, manufacturing the kerbing and coping forming an integral part of the concrete
bearings, transporting, handling and storing, and all labour, parapet.
equipment and incidentals required for installing the
bearings complete as detailed. The tendered rate for concrete parapets shall include full
compensation for all concrete, formwork, service ducts,
drawing wires and accessories. The rates will exclude only
Item Unit the cost of reinforcing steel as this will be measured and
paid for under another pay item.
66.12 Concrete hinges:

(a) (Description of hinge Item Unit

measured per metre) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
66.16 Steel railings (type described) ..... metre (m)
(b) (Description of hinge
measured by number) .......... number (No) The unit of measurement for steel railings shall be the
metre of railing complete in accordance with the drawings.
The unit of measurement shall be either the metre of
complete hinge of each type manufactured and installed or The tendered rate for steel railings shall include full
the number of complete hinges of each type manufactured compensation for all steelwork and corrosion protection,
and installed. including fastenings, anchor bolts, mortar bedding, etc, as
may be required, and for erecting the steel railings,
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for complete as specified.
supplying all materials, including formwork, manufacturing
the hinges, transporting, handling and storing, sealing the
hinges, and all labour, equipment and incidentals required Item Unit
for installing the hinges complete as detailed.
66.17 End blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement of bridge end blocks shall be the
66.13 Bemangstrips number of end blocks constructed complete in accordance
(descr~ptionof the with the drawings.
material and number of
Layers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m 2)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of materials, labour, plant, and other incidentals required for
bearing area lined with the specified material irrespective constructing the end blocks complete as specified.
of the number of layers placed. excluding only reinforcing steel.
Item Unit The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of filter
fabric installed as specified, including the specified overlap.
66.18 Numbers for structures:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(a) Number plates ............... number (No) supplying, cutting and installing the filter fabric, and for
waste material.
(b) Painted numbers .............. number (No)
Item Unit
(c) Numbers formed in concrete . . . . . number (No)
66.22 Concrete channelling
The unit of measurement shall be either the number of (size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
bridge number plates provided and installed, or the
number of complete numbers painted on the structures, or The unit of measurement shall be the metre of completed
the number of complete numbers formed in concrete. A concrete channelling of each size constructed.
bridge number may consist of a combination of letters and
digits, eg 81533. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
providing all the material, all labour, equipment and
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for expenses required for completing the work.
providing and installing either the number plates, or
preparing the surface and painting the numbers, or
forming the numbers in concrete, and for all material, Item Unit
labour and equipment required in this connection.
66.23 Crushed stone in drainage
strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
Item Unit
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
66.19 Drainage pipes and crushed stone placed in position as specified, in
weep holes: accordance with the details shown on the drawings or
instructed by the engineer.
(a) Drainage pipes:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
(i) (Type and size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) procuring, furnishing and placing the crushed stone, and
for wrapping it in synthetic-fibre geotextile as specified.
(ii) (Type and size indicated) ....... number (No)
The geotextile will be measured for payment under item
(b) Weep holes: 66.21.

(i) (Type and size indicated) . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

Item Unit
(ii) (Type and size indicated) ....... number (No)
66.24 Nose endings at balustrades ..... number (No)
The unit of measurement shall be either the metre of
pipelweep hole or the number of pipeslweep holes of each The unit of measurement shall be the number of nose
type and size of pipelweep hole completed. endings constructed complete in accordance with the
details shown on the drawings.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying all the materials, manufacturing and installing
the pipes and making weep holes. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
labour, constructional plant and materials required, for
filling the recesses with concrete or nosing material,
Item Unit 20 m m x 20 m m plastijoint seal between the end block and
the transition block, steel cover plate complete with anchor
66.20 Drainage gulleys bolts, and all incidentals required for constructing the nose
(description of each endings complete.
type given) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

The unit of measurement shall be the number of drainage Item Unit

gulleys of each type installed.
66.25 Concrete transition blocks
(length indicated) . . . . . . ....... number (No)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
providing all the material and manufacturing and installing
the drainage inlets. The unit of measurement shall be the number of each size
of concrete transition block constructed complete in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings.
Item Unit

66.21 Synthetic-fibre filter The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
fabric (type indicated labour, constructional plant, materials and all incidentals
and description) . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m 2) required for constructing the transition blocks.
plant and materials required for installing the bolt groups
as specified.
66.26 Supplying and installing bolt
groups complete for electrification
bra&& Notes:

(a) ...........
Single-bolt groups . . number (No) (1) The cost of forming the open joint(s) shall not be
included in the rates tendered for items 66.04 and 66.05 as
(b) Double-bolt groups . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) payment for this work shall be made under item 62.06.

The unit of measurement shall be the number of each type (2) Separate payment shall not be made for supplying
of bolt group installed complete in position in accordance and/or installing the seal in proprietary expansion joints or
with the details shown on the drawings. the seal between concrete or synthetic nosings.

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for (3) Measurement of and payment for concrete
procuring and furnishing all materials, manufacturing, sidewalks (including kerbing and coping) shall be made in
transporting and storing, and all labour, constructional accordance with clauses 6210. 6310 and 6416.
SERIES 6000 : STRUCTURES Other approved friction-grip fasteners equal to the above
may be used.

Mild-steel rivets shall comply with the requirements of
SCOPE SABS 435. High-tensile rivets shall be so manufactured
MATERIALS that they can be driven and their heads formed
CODES OF PRACTICE satisfactorily without the physical properties of the steel
SHOP DETAILS being impaired.
TESTING (e) Welding consurnables
Welding electrodes shall comply with the requirements of
SABS 455.
6701 SCOPE
The quality, handling and storage of all consumables shall
be so as to achieve the desirable properties of the weld
This section covers the manufacture, transport and erection metal.
of structural steelwork for minor structures, e g overhead
road-sign structures. It does not apply to major steel The welding consumables used shall be appropriate to
structures such as steel bridges, which will be covered in produce weld metal which will yield all the weld-metal test
the project specifications where work of this nature is specimens as specified in BS 709 having both minimum
required. yield and minimum tensile strengths not less than those of
the parent metal.

(q Test certificates

(a) Structural steel The contractor shall submit test certificates, as required by
the engineer, of thwstructural steel and anchor bolts that
Structural steel shall comply with the following will be used.

Mild steel: BS 4360, grade 43A; or 6703 CODES OF PRACTICE

SABS 1431, grade 300W.

High-yield stress steel: BS 4360, grade 508; or The design, where undertaken by the contractor, of all work
SABS 1431, grade 350W. shall comply with the requirements of SABS 0162.

The dimensions and properties of rollei steel sections shall

comply with the prescriptions given in the structural steel 6704 SHOP DETAlLS
tables issued by the SA Institute of Steel Construction.

Where shop details have not been furnished on the

@) Steel tubes drawings, the contractor shall prepare his own shop details
in accordance with the provisions of clause 1221. Shop
Steel tubes shall comply with the requirements of SABS details shall be approved and signed by the engineer prior
657, part 1. to the fabrication of any items.

(c) Bolts, nuts and washers 6705 FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY

Ordinary bolts and nuts shall be bolts and nuts used for
transferring forces by tensile stress, compressive stress and (a) General
shear stress without any friction-grip action being
considered. Ordinary bolts and nuts shall comply with All structural steel both before and after fabrication shall be
SABS 135, SABS 136 or SABS 1143. within the tolerances specified in subclause 6803Q) and
shall be flat, straight (unless required to be formed to
another shape) and free from twists.
Washers for ordinary bolts and nuts shall comply with the
requirements of SABS 1i49.
@) Marking the steel
Friction-grip fasteners:
At all stages of fabrication, all structural steel other than
High-strength friction-grip bolts, nuts and washers shall grade 300W and grade 43A steel shall be clearly marked
comply with the requirements of SABS 1282. by grade by means of a suitable marking system.
Steel shall be cut b y sawing, shearing with shears, (ii) the welder shall hold a valid certificate of
cropping, or flame-cutting. competency in accordance with SABS 044 part V for the
specified type of welding.
Edges shall be free from any defects or distortions and all
burrs, notches and similar defects shall be removed. All structural welds shall be full-strength joints.

(d) Holes for fasteners (i) Bolting

Holes for fasteners shall not be formed by flame cutting. The jointed parts shall be firmly drawn together. Where
Holes in light members not thicker than 12 m m or the necessary, tapering washers shall be used for each bolt
diameter of the hole, whichever is the smaller, may be head and nut to transfer the compressive stress over its full
punched. surface. Where bolt holes have greater than normal
clearance, washers shall be placed under the bolt heads
Holes for fasteners of up to 25 m m in diameter shall not be and nuts.
more than 2 m m larger than the diameter of the fastener
and holes for larger fasteners not more than 3 m m larger
than the diameter of the fastener. The length of each bolt shall be such that, after tightening,
at least one full thread projects through the nut on the
Holes for friction-grip fasteners shall be in accordance with outside and at least one full thread (in addition to the
SABS 094. thread run-out) remains clear between the nut and the bolt
All burrs shall be removed from holes before assembly.

(j) Frictiongrip fastening

(e) Joints in compression
The use of friction-grip bolts shall be in accordance with
The abutting surfaces of joints dependent on contact for SABS 094. Where use is made of equivalent types of
the transmission of load shall be accurately prepared so friction-grip fasteners, they shall comply with the
that the full area intended for bearing will be in contact as requirements of SABS 094 for equivalent fasteners and
specified in subclause 6803(j). shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate
requirements of SABS 094.

(f) Hollow sections

(k) n
Unless protection against corrosion is provided by other
means, the interior of any hollow section shall be sealed to Wherever possible, riveting shall be done with pneumatic
prevent the ingress of moisture. Where a sealed hollow equipment.
member is holed for a fastener or pin, precautionary
measures shall be taken to prevent the ingress of water to Riveted units shall have all parts firmly drawn together and
the interior of the member. Vent holes for galvanising shall aligned before riveting. Every rivet shall, when driven,
be sealed after galvanising has been completed. completely fill the hole and shall have a well-formed head
or, if countersunk, fill the countersink completely.

@) Alignment of holes
All loose, eccentric-headed, badly formed, burnt or
All matching holes for fasteners or pins shall be accurately otherwise defective rivets shall be cut out and replaced.
aligned so that the fasteners can be inserted freely through
the assembled members in a direction at right angles to
the faces in contact. Drifting for aligning the holes shall not (I) Trimming
distort the metal or enlarge the holes.
All fabricated steel work shall be neatly trimmed so as not
to show any sharp edges. Acute angles shall be rounded
(h) Welding off to a radius of at least 1 mrn.

Welding shall be done in accordance with the requirements

of BS 5135. (m) Corrosion prevention

The welding techniques shall be such as to avoid undue (i) Painting

distortion and to minimize shrinking stresses.
Before removal from the place of manufacture the
All slag shall be removed. steelwork shall be painted as specified in section 8400.

Where required for certain welding Where the finishing coats are to be applied on the site, the
shop painting shall include the application of an undercoat
(i) the manufacturer shall hold a valid welding- as specified in section 8400.
procedures certificate in accordance with SABS 044 part Ill
for grade B welding joints, and the welding shall be done Galvanised steel shall not be painted unless painting is
by a welder qualified in accordance with SABS 044 part IV; specifically called for in the specifications.
(ii) Sprayed metal coatings (e) Repairs to painting and site painting

Where the sprayed metal coating of steel surfaces is called Repairs to painting and site painting shall be effected in
for, it shall be done in accordance with the requirements of accordance with the provisions of clause 8407.
SABS 1391 part 1. The type of metal used shall be as
specified, and, unless otherwise specified, the metal
coating shall comply with the requirements of type Al 150 (9 Grouting
or type Zn 150.
The grout shall be poured under and around the base
(iii) Galvanising plates of columns after the steelwork has been finally
checked for alignment and height and after the approval of
Where the galvanising of structural steelwork is required, the engineer has been obtained to proceed with the
the members shall be hot-dip galvanised. Structural steel grouting. The column base plates shall be supported by
members shall be given an 85 micrometre coating or such the top and bottom nuts and by steel wedges. The area
other thickness as may be specified, in accordance with under the steel shall be thoroughly cleaned and shall be
SABS 763 and sheet steel and strip a class M coating in dust and oil-free, and the concrete shall be thoroughly
accordance with SABS 934. rinsed with water to leave the surface clean and moist.

All nuts, bolts, screws and threaded articles shall be hot-

dipped galvanised in accordance with the appropriate
requirements of SABS 763 for type C1 or type C2 articles. The grout shall be an approved non-shrinking, pourable,
cementitious grout. The grout shall be prepared and

Cut ends and small damaged areas shall be repaired by applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
the application of a zinc-rich paint or by zinc spraying. recommendations and the engineer's directives.

ERECTION Leak-proof formwork shall be used for the pourable grout,

and all corners shall be chamfered. The surface finish shall
be class F2 and class U2 as applicable.
(a) General

Where specified, details of the method of erection shall be 6707 TESTING

submitted to the engineer for approval. All structural steel
shall be stored, transported, handled and erected so as not
to subject it to undue stress or damage. (a) Testing by the engineer

The engineer may nominate a testing authority to inspect

Erection over traffic is not permitted, and a temporary the works and to conduct such tests as he may deem to be
deviation for traffic shall be provided. necessary to test compliance with the specifications.
Where required, test samples of welds shall be prepared
Provision for traffic accommodation will be paid for in by the contractor, free of charge.
accordance with the appropriate items under section 1500.

Payment for these tests shall be made under item 81.02.

@) Safety during erection

During the erection of a structure, the steelwork shall be @) Process control

bolted, braced or otherwise secured so as to make
adequate provision for all erection loads. Welds shall be regularly inspected and tested by the
contractor in terms of his obligations in regard to process
control, as described in clause 1205. This shall include
(c) Alignment visual inspection of welds to ensure that no undercutting,
uneven lengths, porosity, or evidence of cracking occurs
Each part of a structure shall be aligned as soon as and that full fusion of the metals has been achieved. In
possible after erection. Members shall not be permanently doubtful areas, cores containing weld metal and adjacent
connected until sufficiently large members of the structure parent material shall, if so required by the engineer, be cut
have been aligned, plumbed, levelled, and temporarily out, polished and examined and the hole repaired.
secured to prevent their displacement during the erection
or alignment of the remainder of the structure.
At least 30% of the welds shall be examined by ultrasonic
or radiographic means. If more than 5% of the examined
(d) Corrections welds show unsatisfactory results, additional examinations
covering all welds shall be performed. Certificates of the
Drift pins, jacking equipment and the like shall not be used examination confirming that ihe steel plates and welds
for bringing improperly fabricated members into place. A comply with the requirements of SABS 044 Part Ill shall be
moderate degree of cutting and reaming may be done to submitted to the engineer.
correct minor misfits if, in the opinion of the engineer, this
will not be detrimental to the appearance or strength of the
structure. The burning of holes will not be permitted The cost of testing shall be deemed to be included in the
without written approval. rate tendered for item 67.01 Structural steel.
6708 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The unit of measurement shall be either the kilogram of
installed anchor-bolt assemblies or the number of installed
anchor-bolt assemblies.
Item Unit

67.01 Struchrral steel: The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
materials, fabrication, handling, transporting and installing
(a) (Structurelarticle described) ........... ton (t) the anchor-bolt assemblies, including corrosion protection.

(b) (Structurelarticle described) . . . . . . . . .metre (m)

(c) (Structurelarticle described) ...... number (No)

67.03 Corrosion protection:
The unit of measurement shall be either the ton or the
metre of erected permanent steel structures or articles, or (a) Sprayed-on metal:
the number of erected permanent steel structures or
articles. Where the unit of measurement is the ton, the (i) (Type of metal and
mass of the steel waste caused by punching, drilling, thickness or type symbol of
sheared edges, milling or planning, or metal cut-outs shall coating indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
not be deducted, and the mass of rivets, bolts, nuts,
washers, welding fillets or temporary bracing shall not be (ii) (Type of metal and
added. In computing the mass of steel, the nominal mass thickness or type symbol of
per unit of length or area will be used and tolerances and coating indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m)
other permissible deviations will be ignored.
(iii) (Type of metal and
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for thickness or type symbol of
preparing shop details where not provided on the coating indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
drawings, the supply of all the required materials,
fabrication, process control, loading, transporting to the (b) Hot-dip galvanizing:
site, off-loading, and erecting. It shall also include full
compensation for all welding, nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, (i) (Thickness or type
cutting, waste, and any temporary bracing necessary for symbol of zinc coat indicated) ......... ton (t)
transporting and erecting.
(ii) (Thickness or type
The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for symbol of zinc coat indicated) . . . . . . . metre (m)
supplying and pouring the specified grout under and
around the base plates of steel columns, for procuring and (iii) (Thickness or type
supplying all the necessary labour, constructional plant, symbol of zinc coat indicated) .... number (No)
tools and materials, as well as waste, formwork for the
grout, and finishing to obtain the required surface finish for The unit of measurement shall be either a ton or a metre
the grout under and around base plates of steel columns. of steel structures or articles protected against corrosion, or
the number of steel structures or articles protected against
corrosion. The quantities are calculated as specified in
Item Unit item 67.01.

67.02 Anchor bolts:

The tendered rates shall be extra over the rates for item
(a) (Description of each 67.01 and shall include full compensation for applying the
assembly, and gradeltype of specified corrosion protection, including surface
steel, diameter and length preparation, materials, labour, tools, equipment and all
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogram (kg) incidentals required.

(b) (Description of each

assembly, and gradeltype of Note:
steel, diameter and length
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) Payment for painting shall be made under item 84.01.
SERIES 6000 : STRUCTURES distance by which the surface tested may deviate from a
straight-edge (or template in the case of curved surfaces)
SECTION 6800 : CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES FOR held against the surface.


6801 SCOPE The tolerances given below shall be the maximum

6802 DEFINITIONS permissible deviations from the specified dimensions,
6803 TOLERANCES levels, alignment, positions, etc, shown on the drawings of
the structures or structural members.

6801 SCOPE
(a) Foundations

This section covers the requirements in regard to the Piles:

construction tolerances applicable to the various structures
and structural members. Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,167 times the diameter
of the pile, or
100 mm, whichever
6802 DEFINITIONS shall be the greater

External dimensions:
Except where otherwise specified, the following aspects of
construction to which tolerances apply shall have the Prefabricated piles .............. + 25 m m - 5 m m
meanings attributed to them below:
Cast in situ piles ............... plus-tolerance not
specified, minus-
(a) Position tolerance 0 m m

The position of a structure or structural member shall be Pile-head level : Average level
the horizontal position of its centre line@) and/or centre of trimmedlcut pile head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -c 25 m m
point(s) in relation to the overall layout of the works as
shown on the drawings. Verticality or rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,5"
@) Alignment
For precast piles the permissible maximum deviation from
The alignment of a structure or structural member shall be straight is 5 m m for piles up to 3 m in length and 1 m m
the alignment of its centre line(s) in relation to the overall more for each additional metre of pile length.
layout of the works as shown on the drawings. Deviation
from true alignment shall be measured in degrees of an Caissons:
Position of top of caisson ............... 10% of the
smallest outer
(c) Leading and cross-sectional dimensions dimension of the
caisson, measured
The leading and cross-sectional dimensions of a structure in plan.
or structural member shall be the dimensions relating to
width, length, height, thickness, etc, which collectively Verticality ...
determine its shape, and are shown on the drawings.
Dimensional tolerances not relating to leading or cross- Dimensions:
sectional dimensions shall be shown on the drawings.
Wall thickness ................. + 25 m m - 5 m m
(d) Levels Outer dimension of circular,
rectangular or square
The level of any structure or structural member shall be the cross-section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . a 25 m m
level of the upper or lower surface, as may be relevant,
with reference to an established datum-level on the site. Level: Upper level of
trimmedlcut caisson head:

(e) Surface regularity

Maximum deviation of
Surface regularity is the shape of a surface with reference average level . . . . . . .................. a 25 m m
to a 3 m straight-edge (or template in the case of cuwed
surfaces) placed on the surface.
Maximum deviation of any
The tolerance for surface regularity is expressed as a individual level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 50 m m
Foundation fill: (d) Bridge and culvert superstructure

Average level of top of fill ............... + 25 m m Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 m m

Alignment: Superstructure as
@) Footings, pile capping slabs, caisson cover slabs, a whole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 minute
Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
. mm
Leading dimensions in plan . . . . . . . . . . . . + 25 m m
Thickness of slabs, width and
Alignment of individual depth of beams: plus-tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 m m
members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5"
Minus-tolerance: 3% of the
Alignment of members as specified dimensions within
they collectively determine the range of 5 m m to 15 m m
the alignment of the
structure as a whole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 minute Surface regularity (all sur-
faces other than upper
Dimensions: Leading dimen- surface of deck) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. m m
sions in plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 25 m m
Bridge and culvert decks, surface tolerances:
Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ 25 m m - 15 m m
The tolerances specified in clause 3405 for the base in
Levels: Average level of slabs, respect of level, grade, cross-section and surface regularity
footings, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 25 m m shall apply. Surface regularity shall be tested by straight-

(c) Columns, walls, piers, abutments, etc

(e) Precast beams
Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
. mm
The following tolerances shall apply to precast beams in
Alignment: Alignment of walls, addition to the requirements stated in subclause 6803(d)
piers, abutments and column for the superstructure.
groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. minutes
The width of the gap between contiguous beams shall not
Dimensions: exceed twice the width of the specified nominal gap shown
or, the drawings or the width of the nominal gap plus
Leading dimensions of walls, 40 rnm, whichever is the less, and the overall width
piers and abutments . . . . . . ............ + 25 rnm between the outermost beams of the bridge deck shall be
within 40 m m of the specified width.
Thickness of walls, piers and
abutments and cross-sectional Straightness or bow: The deviation from the prescribed
dimensions of columns: line measured on the overall length of the beam shall not
exceed the following:

(i) In the horizontal plane:

Minus-tolerance: 3% of the
specified dimensions within 0,5 rnrn per metre length of the beam within the tolerance
the range of 5 m m to 25 m m range of 6 m m to 15 rnm.

Levels: Average level of (ii) In the vertical plane:

finished or trimmedlcut
columns, piers, walls, abut- (1) I-beams: 2 m m per metre length of the beam
ments, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 10 rnm within the tolerance range of 6 rnrn to 20 mm.

Verticality: (2) Other beams: 1 rnm per metre length of the beam
within the tolerance range of 3 rnm to 20 rnrn.
(i) Using ordinary
formwork : 1 in 400.Maximum 25 rnm Camber: The soffits of adjacent beams when placed side
by side on the bridge deck shall not at any place differ by
(ii) Using sliding more than 2 rnrn per metre length of the beam within the
formwork : 1 in 2OO.Maximum 50 m m tolerance range of 6 rnrn to 20 mm.

Surface regularity: The lengths of precast beams before stressing shall be

+ 0,1% of the total length within the tolerance range of
Using ordinary formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 rnm r 5 m m to r 20 mm.

(ii) Using sliding formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 rnrn Surface regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. m m

(9 Reinforcing steel (i) Miscellaneous

Except for the requirements given below, no tolerances are (i) Chamfers
given for the placing and fixing of reinforcing steel. The
steel however, shall be neatly and accurately fixed in a Fillets used for forming chamfers shall be within a
manner which is consistent with proper workmanship and tolerance of 1 m m in cross-sectional dimensions, and the
the structural integrity of the structural member. actual chamfer on the concrete shall not vary by more than
Specifically the following requirements shall apply: 3 m m from the specified dimensions.

(i) Tension steel (ii) Kerbs, copings, sidewalks, bridge railings, parapets,
The actual position of tension steel shall not deviate from
the true position by a distance which would reduce the The members shall be constructed within a tolerance of
effective lever arm by more than 2% of the overall depth of +. 5 m m for all dimensions. The alignment shall not
the member, or 10 mm, whichever is the greater. deviate from the true alignment by more than 10 m m in
any place, nor shall the alignment deviate by more than
(ii) Concrete cover 5 m m from the true alignment over any length of 5 m.

The concrete cover on reinforcing steel shall nowhere be

less than the specified cover. (j) Fabrication and assembly tolerances for structural
(iii) Spacing between bars
(i) General
The spacing between closely spaced parallel bars,
especially in beams and columns, shall, unless otherwise The fabrication and assembly tolerances on all dimensions
specified, be not less than the maximum size of the for structural steel shall be +. 2 mm. Holes for connections
aggregate used in the concrete. shall be drilledlpunched and aligned as specified in
subclauses 6705(d) and (g) respectively.
(iv) Bending of reinforcement
(ii) Cross-section
The requirements of SABS 82 regarding dimensional
tolerances for cutting and bending of the reinforcing steel The tolerances on cross-sectional dimensions of rolled
shall apply, with the proviso that the other requirements set sections shall be as specified in the Structural Steel Tables,
out in this clause shall be complied with even if the published by the SA Institute of Steel Construction.
tolerances in SABS 82 are not exceeded.
(iii) Straightness

@) Prestressing A structural member before erection shall not deviate from

straightness (or the specified shape) by more than the
Sheaths for prestressing tendons shall be placed and following:
maintained in position within the following tolerances:
For compression members and beams, one-thousandth of
In the direction of the width of the member: the length between points which are laterally restrained.

For members of up to 200 m m in depth .... c 20 m m For other members, one five hundredth of the overall
length, but not exceeding 25 mm.
For members exceeding 200 m m in depth . . + 10 m m
(iv) Length
In the direction of the depth of the member:
The length of a member shall not deviate from its
For members of up to 200 m m prescribed length by more than the following:
in depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 0,025 x depth
For compression members faced at both ends for bearing,
For members exceeding 200 m m 5 1 mm
in depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 0,010 x depth For other members, + 0, - 4 m m
within the tole-
rance range of
+ 5 m m to For such members as trusses and lattice girders, the above
tolerances shall apply to the members as a whole.
+ 25 mm.
The lengths of component parts shall be such that the
structural member can be properly assembled with the
(h) Beatings
required accuracy.
Bearings for structures shall be installed to within 5 m m of
(v) Bearing surfaces
the position shown on the drawings and to within 2 m m of
the required level.
Where two steel surfaces are required to be in contact for
transferring compressive forces, the maximum clearance
Dimensional tolerances for elastomeric bearings shall between the bearing surfaces shall not exceed 1 m m when
comply with the requirements of BS 5400 part 9.2. the members in contact are aligned.
(vi) Accuracy of erection Leading dimensions ........... . .... . . . . .c 5 m m

Steelwork shall not be out of plumb over any vertical (ii) Completed walls:
distance by more than 5 m m or one thousandth of the
distance, whichever is the greater. Surface regularity:

When tested with a 3 m straight-edge, the deviation shall

) Fabrimting and construction tolerances for not exceed 20 mm.
reinforcedearth structures
No point of the structure shall be out of position
(i) Individual concrete panels: horizontally by more than 50 mm.

Surface regularity:
No point of the structure shall be out of position vertically
When tested with a 1,5 m straight-edge, the deviation shall by more than 10 m m per metre height of the structure,
not exceed 5 mm. with a maximum of 50 mm.

SECTION 7100 : C O N C R m PAVEMENTS Ordinary portland cement 15 FA in accordance with

SABS 831.

CONTENTS A 50150 mix of ordinary portland cement and milled

granulated blast-furnace slag which complies with all the
SCOPE requirements of SABS 626, except for its composition, may
MATERIALS be used if approved in writing by the engineer. Granulated
REQUIREMENTS IN RESPECT OF CONCRETE blast-furnace slag shall be milled to a specific area of at
DETERMINING THE MIX PROPORTIONS least 3 500 cm21g. The ordinary portland cement and the
BATCHING, MIXING AND TRANSPORTING milled granulated blast-furnace slag may be mixed in the
CONCRETE concrete mixer together with the other concrete
SIDE-FORMS, RAILS AND GUIDE WIRES The use of other cementitious binders may be allowed by
PLACING, COMPACTING AND FINISHING WlTH the engineer, provided that it can be proved by the
SIDE-FORMS contractor that they perform similarly to the cements
PLACING, COMPACTING AND FINISHING WlTH specified above, and that the cementitious binders and/or
SLIPFORM EQUIPMENT extenders comply with the relevant SABS specifications.
HAND EQUIPMENT Where so specified in the project specifications ordinary
REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT portland cement or portland rapid-hardening cement in
SURFACE TEXTURE accordance with SABS 471, may be used in pavement
CURING repairs and in replacing sections of the concrete
CONSTRUCTION JOINTS pavements. No ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall
WEAKENED-PLANE JOINTS be used for this purpose.
TRIAL PAVEMENT The requirements of subclause 6402(d) shall apply.
OPENING TO TRAFFIC Aggregates shall comply with the requirements of SABS
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1083 but subject to the following:

(i) The drying shrinkage of concrete samples made

7101 SCOPE from each of the required three concrete mixtures for
preparing the compressive-strength and flextural-strength
samples in accordance with clause 7104(b) shall not
This section covers the construction of concrete pavements exceed 0,040%. Drying-shrinkage tests shall be conducted
for roads, and includes, inter alia, the specifications for in accordance with SABS method 1085.
materials, the placing and compacting of concrete,
applying the surface texture, and the constructing of joints.
Where the drying shrinkage exceeds the specified
This section also includes requirements for repairing maximum value, either alternative aggregates shall be
existing pavements, cleaning and resealing existing joints, used, or further investigations shall be made, or evidence
repairing cracks in existing concrete pavements, and shall be produced with a view to confirming the suitability
retexturing pavement surfaces. Section 7100 does not of the aggregates proposed for use. The historical
apply to the large-scale rehabilitation of concrete behaviour of the aggregate in concrete may serve as a
pavements. The extent, positions, dimensions and recommendation in such cases.
specifications for the work are as shown on the drawings
and described in the project specifications. (ii) Coarse aggregate shall comply with the 10% FACT
values specified for aggregate used in concrete subject to
In addition, the aggregates shall comply with the following
(a) Cement
(1) The fine aggregate shall be either a natural or
Cement used for concrete shall be any one of the crusher-produced sand or a blend of natural and crusher
following: sands where a mixture is used, and the quantity passing
through each of the 0.150 mm and 0,075 m m sieves shall
Ordinary portland cement in accordance with SABS 471 not exceed the relevant interpolated values for the
approved blend. Where required by the engineer the fine
Ordinary portland cement 15 SL in accordance with aggregate shall contain more than 2096 quartz by mass.
(2) The acid insolubility of the sand or the mixes of requirements of SABS 1023. The seals shall be
sand types as determined b y the test described in manufactured in accordance with an extrusion process,
subclause 8105(b) shall exceed 40%. from an elastomeric material consisting entirely of
polychloroprene which is subsequently vulcanised.
(3) The fineness modulus of the fine aggregate (or
mixtures thereof) shall not deviate from the approved fine (ii) Joint filler for expansion joints
aggregate (or mixtures thereof) by more than 0,20.
Joint filler for expansion joints shall be manufactured from
(4) Aggregates shall not contain any deleterious a closed-cell polyethylene and the filler strips shall be
quantities of organic material, particu:arly pieces of timber, provided with tear-off cover strip. The joint filler shall
which will cause unacceptable surface defects when they comply with the requirements of AASHTO M 153, and the
float to the top of fresh concrete during vibration. particular type used shall be subject to the engineer's
(5) The nominal sizes of coarse aggregate shall be as
follows: (iii) Silicone sealant

Slab thickness of 175 m m and over: The silicone sealant shall be a one-component material
with low-modulus properties which comply with the
37,s mm, plus one or more of the following: following requirements:

19,O mm, 13,2 m m and 9,5 mm. Tensile stress at 150%

expansion determined in
Slab thickness of 150 m m and over but less than 175 mm: accordance with ASTM D 412
(Matrix C) after seven days'
curing at 23°C ? 2 ° C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 1 MPa max
Slab thickness of 100 m m and over but less than 150 mm: Extrusion rate, tested with
a pneumatic caulking gun with
a 3,18 m m nozzle at a
pressure of 0,62 MPa
* Where recommended by an approved laboratory,
smaller sizes of stone (nominal 26,5 m m and 19,O mrn Material temperature - 18°C . . . . . . . . . . min 75 glmin
sizes) shall be provided. Material temperature 38°C . . . . . . . . . . . max 250 g/min

(6) The flakiness index of the coarse aggregate, as Relative density determined
determined by the TMHl method B3T, shall not exceed 35. in accordance with ASTM
D 794 Method A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,01 to 1,515
(7) Where there is any danger of a particular
combination of aggregate and cement giving rise to a Durorneter hardness deter-
harmful alkali-aggregate reaction, the particular mined in accordance with
combination shall be tested in accordance with the testing ASTM D 2240 at -18"C
method as described in subclause 8105(f), and, where the after 7 days' curing at 23°C
result points to such reaction, either the aggregate or the 2 ° C and relative humidity
cement or both shall be replaced so that an acceptable 50% ? 5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 - 20 Shore A
combination may be obtained.
Shelf life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at. least 6 months
after manufacture
(d) Pdrnixtures to concrete
Ozone and UV resistance
No admixtures shall be used without the written permission determined in accordance
of the engineer. with ASTM D 793-75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .no pulverisation,
cracking or loss
Any admixtures used shall comply with the requirements of of bond after
ASTM C 494 (AASHTO M 194) for chemical admixtures, or 5 000 hours
ASTM C260 (AASHTO M 154) for air-entraining admixtures,
and shall be of an approved type and brand. In addition, Adhesion to cement-mortar
admixtures shall be subject to such tests as may be briquettes determined in
prescribed by the engineer, carried out at an approved accordance with clause 8113 . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 4 MPa min
testing laboratory at the contractor's expense to determine
the effect of the admixture on the concrete mix including Non-adhesion period deter-
early strength development. Admixtures containing mined in accordance with
calcium chloride shall not be used. clause 8113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .max 90 rnin

Deformation capability and

(e) Materials for joints adhesion in accordance with
clause 8113 . . no adhesion or
(i) Preformed elastomeric compression seals cohesion after 10
cycles at -18°C
Preformed elastomeric compression seals used for sealing
sawn and expansion joints shall comply with the Colour ... ......... Grey
The contractor shall submit a certificate, less than six The curing compound shall be capable of hardening within
months old, from an approved testing laboratory, certifying 30 minutes of having been applied and of being sprayed
that the sealant conforms to all the specified requirements. onto a wet surface without loss of stability, change in
colour or becoming less efficacious. This characteristic
(iv) Additional materials for silicone sealant shall also be confirmed by the approved testing laboratory.

The sealant shall be supported by a bond breaker backing

strip, and, unless otherwise recommended by the 7103 REQUIREMENTS IN RESPECT OF CONCRETE
manufacturer and approved by the engineer, the faces of
the joint groove shall first be treated with a primer.
(a) General
Supporting and priming materials shall be compatible with
adiacent materials or surfaces in contact with the materials The contractor shall be responsible for providing suitable
and shall be in accordance with the recommendations by materials, determining the mix proportions, and
the manufacturer and subject to approval by the engineer. manufacturing the concrete of the required quality.
Any primer used shall form a barrier layer between the
silicone and the concrete. The specifications contained herein for materials to be
used for concrete shall not limit the contractor's
(v) Liquid sealant for joints between concrete or responsibility to manufacture concrete which complies with
asphalt pavement the requirements of these specifications. If the contractor
finds it necessary to work to more stringent tolerances than
The liquid sealant used in joints between concrete and those specified, or that the aggregates have to be
asphalt pavement shall be of the hot-poured type and shall processed in any way (eg by washing or sieving) to permit
comply with the requirements of US Federal Specification or to facilitate paving operations, all costs resulting
SS-S-1401. therefrom shall be for the contractor's account. However,
if the contractor is of the opinion that the requirements of
(vi) Lubricant adhesive for compression seals the specifications regarding the materials to be used will
prevent him from manufacturing concrete of the required
The lubricant adhesive used for inserting neoprene quality, he shall submit the necessary supporting evidence
compression seals shall comply with the requirements of to the engineer. If such evidence is acceptable to the
ASTM D 2835. engineer, he may amend certain requirements of the
materials specification.
(vii) Materials for cleaning, repairing and resealing
existing joints and repairing cracks
@) Maximum water:cernent ratio
Materials used for cleaning existing joints and for repairing
and sealing or resealing joints and cracks shall comply with The water:cement ratio shall not exceed 0,53.
the provisions of the project specifications. Cleaning
agents shall be such that they will not stain the concrete or
cause the existing bituminous or other material to soak into (c) Minimum cement content
the concrete.
The cement content of the mix shall be not less than
320 kglm3.
(f) Reinforcing steel, tie-bars and dowels

Reinforcing steel, tie-bars and dowels shall comply with the (d) Specified strength
requirements of clause 6302 and SABS 920.
The specified compressive strength shall be the highest of
Tie-bars shall be deformed mild-steel bars or deformed the following four values:
high-yield steel, except that any tie-bars bent and later on
straightened shall be hot-rolled deformed mild-steel bars. (i) 35 MPa at 28 days; or

(ii) 0,85 f c l where f c l is the 28-day compressive

Dowel bars shall be mild-steel bars having a smooth, strength corresponding to a 28-day flexural strength of
circular section produced on a Kocksblock to Vi DIN 4,5 MPa.
tolerance of the DIN 1013 specification.
(iii) 0,85 fc2, where fc2 is the 28-day compressive
strength corresponding to a water:cement ratio of 0,53.
@) Curing compound
(iv) 0,85 fcg, where fc3 is the 28-day compressive
The curing compound used shall be a white-pigmented strength corresponding to a cement content of 320 kg/mJ.
resin-based curing compound containing no water and
which complies with the requirements of ASTM C 309, f c l , fc2 and fc3 shall be the 28-day compressive strengths
except that the water loss requirement be substituted with determined from laboratory mixes as set out in clause
the efficiency-index as determined in accordance with BS 7104.
7542. The efficiency-index shall exceed 90% at an
application rate of 0,2 l / m 2 . A recent certificate from an
approved testing laboratory shall be submitted, certifying (e) Workability of the concrete
that the curing compound complies with the specifications.
Further testing shall be conducted at regular intervals. The mix proportions and consistence of the concrete mix
shall be such that, with the equipment in use, the concrete (c) Changes in the mix proportions or the materials
can be fully compacted without bleeding or segregation of
the components. The concrete consistence shall be suited (i) If during the progress of the work the requirements
to the type of paving equipment used, the haul, the set out in clause 7103 are not being met by concrete
weather and the site conditions. Where consistence is manufactured from the materials or material mix
measured by way of a slump test in accordance with TMHl proportions being used, the contractor shall immediately
method D3, the slump shall not deviate by more than cease producing such concrete and shall effect such
20 m m from the optimum value for mixes with a target changes to the mix proportions and/or materials as may be
slump of 35 m m or greater. necessary, in order to meet those requirements.

Where the consistence of the concrete is such that the (ii) If during the progress of the work the contractor
expected slump is less than 35 mm, the consistence of the wishes to use materials or mix proportions other than those
concrete shall be determined by means of the Vebe test in originally approved, or if the materials from the sources
accordance with BS 1881, part 104. originally approved change in regard to properties, he shall
before proceeding with further work, submit adequate
evidence to the engineer that the new materials or
(f) Air content combination of materials will produce concrete which
complies with the requirements of clause 7103 and will not
Where the contractorwishes to use an air-entraining agent, bring about detrimental changes in the properties of the
the total air content in the freshly mixed concrete shall be concrete.
M + 1%, where M is the target value within the limits of
2% to 4%. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with (iii) Any such changes made shall be at the contractor's
TMHl method D5 (pressure method). expense, and no extra payment will be allowed by reason
of such changes.

7104 DETERMINING THE MU<PROPORTIONS (iv) Where concrete is placed by hand and vibrated or
finished with hand equipment, the requirements of clause
7103 shall remain applicable irrespective of the size of the
(a) General concrete panel or concrete patch placed. The mix
proportions, however, shall be adjusted to promote hand
The preliminary proportions of cement and aggregate placing, vibrating and finishing, and only if the contractor
required for producing concrete which complies with the has produced written proof to the engineer that the
requirements of these specifications, shall be determined requirements of clause 7103 cannot be complied with
by way of laboratory tests on concrete manufactured from under the circumstances, will the engineer change the
the cement, coarse and fine aggregates, admixtures (if requirements in accordance with subclause 7104(d) at his
any) and water proposed for use in the works. own discretion.

@) Preliminary tests (d) Changes in requirements

At least sixty days prior to the construction of the trial The engineer shall have the power, at any time during the
pavement, as specified in clause 7121, the contractor shall progress of the work, to order changes in the requirements
submit to the engineer samples of all the components of set out in clause 7103. In such cases the contractor shall
the concrete he proposes to use, and a report b y an be compensated in accordance with the terms of the
approved testing laboratory showing the mix proportions contract for the additional cost of materials or additional
proposed for each combination of material sources for the handling, placing and/or other costs, if any, entailed b y
concrete. The report shall also show the following: such changes. If such changes result in savings, the
engineer shall recover such savings from the contractor.
(i) The results of tests on the specified properties of all
(ii) The relationship between the 28-day compressive CONCRETE
strength and flexural strength of the concrete at each of at
least three water:cement ratios namely 0,48; 0,53 and 0,58.
All concrete for concrete pavements shall be manufactured
(iii) The effect of the particular admixture (if any) by the contractor at the site of the works. The contractor
proposed b y the contractor in regard to variations in will not be allowed to purchase concrete from a
admixtures, air content (if air entraining) and concrete commercial supplier.
setting and sawing times.

(iv) The effect of at least three water contents on (a) Storing the materials
concrete consistence.
Aggregates shall be stockpiled and handled in such a
manner that the various sizes of aggregate will not be
In determining the relationship between compressive and mixed and that the coarse and fine fractions of each size
flexural strength, the tests shall be based on not less than of aggregates will not segregate.
six compressive-strength specimens and six flexural-
strength specimens for each water:cement ratio. All Cement shall be stored in a silo or in a dry weatherproof
strength tests shall be conducted in accordance with TMHl shed with a raised wooden floor, and each consignment
method Dl (cubes) and SABS method 864 (beams). shall be stacked separately. Cement shall be used in the
order in which it has been delivered at the site. It shall be protected against rain, heat, direct sunlight
and/or evaporation by means of covers on all open
The various types of admixtures shall be properly marked vehicles. No additional water may be added in transit or
and stored separately. where delivered.

@) Roportioningthe components The time lapse from the moment when the cement and
aggregate are intermingled up to the time of placlng and
All components shall be accurately proportioned in compacting the concrete shall not exceed 60 minutes when
approved automatic proportioning devices to within the concrete is transported in truck agitators, and shall not
following tolerances, and supplied separately at the mixing exceed 45 minutes in mild weather or 30 minutes when the
drums. concrete temperature is 30" C or higher when transported
in ordinary trucks.
Cement : k 2% of the prescribed mass of
Aggregate : Each fraction within .c 3% of the
prescribed mass of the fraction in
question. (a) General

Water + 2% of the prescribed volume or The underlying layers shall be constructed in accordance
mass. with the standard specifications and the project
specifications up to the level of the underside of the
Admixtures : Admixtures shall be admixed in part concrete slab.
of the mixing water after having
been carefully measured in an
automatic proportioning device The contractor shall note the provisions of clause 1220 in
capable of proportioning the regard to the use of construction tolerances for successive
admixture in quantities which will pavement layers and shall make provision in hls prices for
not deviate by more than 2% from any additional concrete which may be necessary in respect
the required quantities, and shall be of irregularities in the layer underlying the concrete
done so as to spread the agent pavement.
uniformly throughout the entire
concrete mix during the mixing
process. @) Applying the prime coat

Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications, a

(c) Mixing the con- bituminous prime coat shall be applied to the completed
and approved subbase as specified in section 4100 at a
(i) Batch mixing rate of application ordered by the engineer. Before any
pavement concrete is placed, the prime coat shall be
All concrete shall be mixed in mechanically operated batch checked and any areas having deficient or poor prime, or
mixers. The mixing period shall be at least 90 seconds, where the prime coat has been damaged, shall be repaired
but may be reduced to as little as 50 seconds by the as directed by the engineer. The primed surface shall then
engineer if he is satisfied that, on the basis of site tests, the be thoroughly cleaned. The prime coat shall be dry before
reduced mixing period is adequate. any reinforcing steel, tie bars, dowels or concrete may be
The production capacity of the mixing plant shall be in
accordance with the capacity of the paver used. Where the
mixing plant is supplied with more than one drum, the (c) Wetting the subbase
same unit shall be used for proportioning the components.
The subbase shall be kept continuously wet for a period of
at least one hour before the concrete is placed.
The drums shall always be kept clean, and all build-up Immediately before the concrete is placed, the excess
shall be removed. The total period between the time that water shall be broomed off the road ahead of the paver so
the cement is placed in the drums until mixing starts shall as to ensure that the subbase will still be damp when the
not exceed 15 minutes. concrete is placed, but no puddles of water or deleterious
matter shall be left on the road.
(ii) Transit-mixing

The contractor will be permitted to use appropriate truck (d) Preparing the underlying layers for the purpose of
mixers which agitate previously mixed concrete in transit. rehabiliition work

(i) Preparing the underlying layers after the existing

(d) Transporting the concrete concrete has been removed during rehabilitation work.

Concrete shall be so transported to its final position that

segregation or loss of any of the ingredients, or Where the underlying layers do not have to be removed or
contamination will be prevented and that the mix is of the reworked after the existing concrete pavement has been
required workability at the point and time of placing. removed, it shall be prepared as follows:
(1) Underlying layers of cemented material in accordance with the provisions of sections 3200 and
3600 for pavement layers of crushed stone.
Where the layer consists of cemented material or
cemented crushed stone In accordance with the (iv) Reconstructing underlying layers during
classification of clause 3803, and unless otherwise rehabilitation work
lnstructed by the engineer, its surface shall be swept clean
and all loose, soft or poorly cemented material shall be Where required, the underlying layers shall be
removed. A primer shall then be applied as specified in reconstructed with fresh material, and the provisions of
section 4100. The type of primer and the rate of sections 3200 and 3400 shall apply to all gravel layers, and
application will be prescribed by the engineer. No primer the provisions of section 3600 shall apply to pavement
may be spllt onto the existing concrete pavement. layers of crushed stone. The provisions of section 4200
shall apply to asphalt layers.
After the primer has dried out sufficiently, the surface shall
be tested for irregularities In all directions with a 3 m (v) Stabilization during rehabilitation work
straight-edge. All holes and depressions where the surface
deviates by more than 25 mm from the bottom side of the Where the stabilization of the underlying pavement layers
3 m straight-edge shall be filled in with fine asphalt or is required, the stabilizing agent shall be mixed with the
coarse slurry as specified in section 4800. The asphalt or pavement material in a plant or concrete mixer suitable for
slurry shall be thoroughly compacted with compaction this purpose. The provisions of section 3500 will remain
plant and finished flush with the surface of the layer. The applicable for the rest.
asphalt and slurry shall comply with the requirements of
sections 4200 and 4600 respectively. The engineer will
prescribe the grade and composition of the asphalt and 7107 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS IN RESPECT OF

The surface shall then be thoroughly cleaned immediately

before the new concrete is placed. (a) Compacting

(2) Underlying layers of asphalt The concrete shall be fully compacted by means of
approved equipment and shall be free from honeycombing
The layer shall be cleaned and all damaged and loose and planes of weakness. The average amount of air voids
sections removed. A tack coat shall then be applied and as measured in concrete cores shall not exceed 3% when
all depressions and holes filled with asphalt in accordance measured by the visual assessment method described in
with the requirements of subsubclause 7106(d)(i)(l). the publication: Concrete Society Technical Report No 11 :
Concrete Core Testing for Strength.
The surface shall then be tested for irregularities in all
dlrections with a 3 m straight-edge, and the surface may Over-vibration resulting in segregation, surface laitance, or
not deviate by more than 25 mm from the bottom edge of leakage (or any combination of these) will not be
the straight-edge at any point. Where the surface is too acceptable.
small for a 3 m straight-edge, a shorter straight-edge shall
be used. The levels of the layer shall be such that the No paving in the downhill direction will be allowed if
concrete pavement constructed on it will comply with all tearing of the concrete occurs. The contractor shall take
the tolerances applicable thereto. the necessary measures to the satisfaction of the engineer
to prevent tearing of the concrete for example by carrying
Where so lnstructed by the engineer, a tack coat (30% out the paving in the uphill direction.
stable-grade bitumen emulsion) shall be applied to the
underlying layer immediately before the concrete is placed.
The engineer will prescribe the rate of application of the @) Time for placing and compacting
tack coat.
The placing, compacting and finishing of the concrete shall
(ii) Removal of existing pavement layers during be carried out as quickly as possible, and the operations
rehabilitation work shall be so arranged that in any transverse section of the
pavement, the concrete shall be fully compacted and
Where required, existing pavement layers shall be finished within 2,5 hours of having been mixed. This time
removed. The provisions of section 3800 shall apply shall be reduced by half an hour for every 5°C by which
mutatis mutandis to such work, excepting that milling work the concrete temperature is above 20°C at the time of
and the re-use of excavated material shall not be a placing, unless otherwise permitted by the engineer.
requirement, except where it is specified in the project
specifications. Unless adequate lighting facilities, approved by the
engineer, are provided beforehand by the contractor, the
(iii) Recompaction of existing pavement layers during placing of concrete pavement shall cease in good time so
rehabilitation work that the finishing operation can still be completed during
daylight hours.
Where required, the contractor shall break up and
recompact existing pavement layers to the density
specified in the project specifications. (c) Adverse weather

The provisions of section 3800 shall apply mutatis (i) Protection against rain and hail
mutandis to the breaking up of the material. The
processing and compacting of the material shall be done No concrete shall be placed during rainy weather. For the
concrete to be properly protected against rain and hail 7108 SIDE-FORMS, M L S AND GUIDE WIRES
before it has sufficiently hardened, the contractor shall
have available at all times frame-mounted waterproof
covers for protecting the surface of the unhardened (a) Side-forms
concrete. In addition, when slipforms are used, the
contractor shall also provide acceptable emergency Side-forms and rails shall be so designed, manufactured,
protection for the slab edges. When rain appears to be set and supported that the completed concrete pavement
imminent, all paving operations shall cease and the will comply with all the requirements of clause 7122.
contractor shall take the necessary steps to protect the Where the forms are tested with a 3 m straight-edge, the
unhardened concrete. The contractor shall be responsible top edge shall not deviate by more than 3 m m at any
for the repair of any damage to the concrete, the texturing place, neither the sides by more than 6 mm. The sides
or the curing compound that may occur. shall not deviate by more than 3 m m from the vertical.
The height of the side-forms shall not be less than the
(ii) Cold-weather paving nominal thickness of the concrete slab less 15 mm, and
the resulting opening between the side-forms and the layer
All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the on which it is supported shall be caulked with a stiff mortar
temperature of the pavement concrete from falling below consisting of one part of rapid-hardening cement and 3
5°C during the first 48 hours after casting. When parts of sand by volume and finished vertically on the
prevailing temperatures are low or when cold weather is inside, and the mortar shall have hardened before any
forecast and there is a danger that the temperature of the concrete may be cast against it. The rails, side-forms and
freshly constructed concrete pavement will fall below the running surface shall be kept clean in front of the wheels
prescribed limits the contractor shall either cease all of all paving equipment.
pavement operations, or he may be permitted to proceed,
provided that the engineer is satisfied that adequate
protective measures are available and will be taken to Side-forms shall not be removed before the concrete has
ensure that the temperature of the pavement will be hardened sufficiently to prevent damage being done to the
maintained above 5°C for the period stated. sides and loosening of tie-bars or dowels, if any, and not
earlier than 6 hours after the completion of the construction
(iii) Hot-weather paving of the slab. The side-forms shall also be removed
timeously to permit the sawing of transverse joints up to
When paving is done during hot weather and when the the edges of the concrete slab.
temperature of the fresh concrete can be expected to
exceed 24"C, the contractor shall implement appropriate
precautionary measures to place the concrete at the Projecting tie-bars and/or the concrete shall not be
coolest temperature practicable. damaged during removal of the side-forms.

Paving operations shall cease when the concrete Before any side-forms may be ordered or brought onto the
temperature as discharged at the paver exceeds 32°C. site, particulars regarding the side-forms shall have been
approved by the engineer.
(iv) Responsibility for protection

The contractor shall be responsible for the quality and @) Rails

strength of the concrete placed and for its protection, and
any concrete damaged by adverse weather (eg any The wheels of spreading and finishing machines and
combination of high ambient temperature, low humidity, frame-mounted covers shall not run directly on the top
wind, rain and hail) shall be removed and replaced at the surface on the side-forms but on rails rigidly attached to
contractor's expense. the forms, unless the forms are specially made to double
as rails.

(d) Maintaining continuity during placing

(c) Electronic control systems
The contractor shall make adequate advance arrangements
for preventing delay in delivering and placing the concrete. Where a slipform paver is used, the alignment levels for
An i n t e ~ aofl more than thirty minutes between the placing placing the concrete, shall be controlled automatically from
of any two consecutive batches or loads of concrete shall guide wires by sensors attached at the four corners of the
constitute sufficient reason for the engineer to have the slipform paving machine. The alignment and level of
paving operations stopped, and the contractor shall, then ancillary machines for finishing, texturing and curing shall
at his own expense, make a construction joint in the be automatically controlled relative to the guide wires and
concrete already placed, at the location and of the type to the surface and edges of the slab.
directed by the engineer. Paving operations shall be
continuous, and the rate of paving shall be adjusted to suit Guide wires shall be so designed, manufactured and fixed
the rate of delivery of the concrete. that the paver will be capable of producing a completed
slab which will comply with the requirements of clause
(e) Width of placing

The width of concrete pavement strip to be placed in a Other control methods will also be considered, and should
single uninterrupted operation shall be as shown on the the engineer be satisfied that they will produce satisfactory
drawings or specified in the project specifications. results, their use will have to be approved in writing.
(d) Inspection of sideforms, guide wires and rails with a straight-edge of at least 3 m in length. Irregularities
indicated by the straight-edge shall be removed with a
Before any concrete may be cast, the engineer shall long-handled hand-operated scraping straight-edge of at
approve all assembled side-forms, guide wires and rails. least 3 m length. A gangplank shall be used when walking
For this purpose the engineer shall be given sufficient on the concrete.
notice and opportunity.

Approval by the engineer will not relieve the contractor of (d) Constructing the concrete pavement in more than
any of his obligations to construct the concrete slab in one contiguous strip
accordance with the specified dimensions and tolerances.
Where concrete is placed adjacent to an existing
pavement, that part of the paving equipment running on
7109 PLACING, COMPACTING AND FINISHING WlrH the existing pavement shall have flanged wheels on flat-
SIDE-FORMS bottom section rails weighing not less than 15 kg/m or by
replacing the flanged wheels on that side of the machines
by smooth flangeless wheels. Before the paving operation
The paving train shall consist of several powered machines commences the surface regularity of the existing pavement
which spread, compact, finish, texture and cure the shall comply with clause 7122 (f) and be thoroughly
concrete in a continuous operation. cleaned and brushed to remove all extraneous materials.
The wheels shall run at a distance of not less than 300 m m
from the edge of the pavement to prevent the pavement
(a) Placing and spreading edge from spalling or cracking.

The concrete shall be spread uniformly by means of a No equipment shall be run on the existing pavement until
purpose-made mechanical hopper spreader running on the concrete is strong enough to prevent damage from
rails, and capable of spreading the concrete uniformly to a occurring, but in any case not earlier than 14 days after the
specified level and to a uniform uncompacted density over construction of the slab.
the entire surface of the slab. The machines shall be
capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in slab Where visible cracks occur or any other damage is done to
thickness or crossfall. the pavement, further work involving the paver shall be
suspended immediately.

@) Compaction The contractor shall repair all damage at his own cost.

The concrete shall be fully compacted by vibration or by a

combination of mechanical surface vibration, internal 7110 PLACING, COMPACTING AND FINISHING WITH
vibration and tamping. The power supply to the vibrators SUPFORM EQUIPMENT
shall cut out automatically as soon as the compaction
equipment stops moving.
(a) General
Suitable internal vibrators shall be used against the side-
forms and at joint assemblies to ensure compaction Slipform paving equipment shall be used for spreading,
throughout the pavement layer. compacting, floating and finishing the concrete in a
continuous operation and in such a manner that a
minimum of finishing by hand will be required and a dense
(c) Final finishing and homogeneous concrete to the proper level and grade
will be produced.
The surface of the concrete shall be finished smooth and
true to grade and level by means of an initial finishing
machine equipped with a transverse or oblique oscillating @) Placing and spreading the conuete
beam. The final finish of the surface of the slab shall be
carried out by a machine which incorporates twin oblique The concrete shall be deposited without segregation ahead
oscillating finishing beams. The beams in the case of both of the paver across its whole width and to a height which
machines shall be readily adjustable for both height and at all times is in excess of the required surcharge. The
tilt. The leading beam shall be vibrated. The beam shall deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary
be supported on a carriage with two wheels on either side, average and differential surcharge by means of a strike-off
at least 3,5 m apart in the longitudinal direction. The plate or screw auger device extending across the entire
oscillating beams shall be of rectangular section, spanning width of the slab. The strike-off equipment shall be
the full width of the slab and each weighing not less than capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in slab
170 kgim. thickness or crossfall.

Hand-finishing of the concrete surface shall be reduced to

the absolute minimum and shall be used only to correct (c) Compacting and finishing
minor imperfections and marks on the surface.
The slipform paver shall compact the concrete over the full
Before the concrete starts setting, all pavement edges, and paved width by means of internal vibration only or by a
the edges of joints shall be rounded off to the prescribed combination of internal and surface vibration. The
radius. vibration shall be variable with a maximum energy output
of at least 2.5 kN per metre width of slab per 300 rnrn
After finishing, the contractor shall test the concrete surface depth for a laying speed of up to 1,5 m per minute or pro
rata for higher speeds. (d) Compacting and finishing

The level and grades of the surface shall be automatically The concrete shall be compacted by means of vibrating
controlled within the prescribed tolerances by means of a finishing beams. In addition, internal poker vibrators shall
sensing device running on guide wires as specified. The be used for slabs thicker than 150 mm. Where used, the
consistence of the concrete shall be so controlled that the pokers shall be inserted at points not more than 500 m m
edge slump will not exceed the tolerance specified in apart over the whole area of the slab, and adjacent to
subclause 7122(e). If approved by the engineer, metal sideforms or the edge of a previously constructed slab.
side-forms of sufficient thickness may be used to maintain The surface shall be regulated and finished to the level of
the proper shape and line. the sideforms or adjacent slabs by using twin vibrating
beams. The beams shall be of metal with a contact
surface at least 50 m m wide and a vibrating unit having a
After the concrete has been finished by the finishing minimum centrifugal force of 4 kN with a frequency
devices incorporated in the slipform paving equipment, the recommended by the manufacturer or an equivalent
surface of the concrete shall be checked by means of a compactive effort. The vibrating beams shall be moved
straight-edge of not less than 3,O m in length. High spots forward at a steady speed of 0,s m to 1,O m per minute
indicated by the straight-edge shall be removed by hand whilst vibrating over the compacted surface, to produce a
floats. smooth finish.

The surface shall then be further smoothed by at least two

After the final finishing and texturing of the concrete, but passes of a scraping straight-edge with a blade length of
before curing, the pavement edges shall be rounded to the not less than 2,4 m.
prescribed radius.
The final surface finish of the concrete shall be effected by
means of hand-operated floats. The finishing of the
(d) Constructing the concrete pavement in more than concrete surface shall be to the same standard asspecified
one contiguous strip in clause 7122.

Except for the wheels, which are in the case of slipform

pavers to be replaced with rubber cushioned crawler 7 112 REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT
tracks, the provisions of subclause 7109(d) shall apply
when concrete is being placed in more than one
contiguous strip. (a) General

The term "reinforced concrete pavement" in this context

(e) Track support shall mean isolated reinforced slabs incorporated in a
pavement which is generally unreinforced.
The contractor shall at his own cost ensure that adequate
track support is provided to suit the needs of the slipform
paver, either by extending the upper pavement layers or by @) Reinforcement
providing alternative support layers.
Reinforcement shall be su, 2orted on prefabricated stools
or supports or in any other manner approved by the
7 111 PLACING, COMPACTING AND FINISHING WITH engineer. The supports shall be capable of maintaining
HAND EQUIPMENT the reinforcement in the positions and at the depths shown
on the drawings.

(a) General
Where the slabs are too small or irregular, or the site is so
restricted as to render the use of the methods described in
clauses 7109 and 7110 impracticable, concrete shall be (a) General
placed, compacted and finished by means of hand-guided
twin vibratory beams and poker vibrators. If necessary, the After the concrete has been placed, spread, compacted,
consistence of the concrete shall be adjusted so as to be finished and completed and before the curing membrane
suitable for placing with hand operated equipment. is applied, the surface of the concrete shall be provided
with a surface texture.

@) Forms The direction of texturing shall be at right angles to the

longitudinal axis of the pavement. The surface texture
Side forms complying with the requirements of clause 7108 shall be applied and completed before the concrete is so
shall be used. hard that the surface will be torn and coarse aggregate
unduly loosened during texturing.

(c) Placing and spreading the concrete

@) Equipment
The concrete shall be placed and spread uniformly to a
surcharge of about one-fifth more than the final pavement The required texturing shall be effected by means of a
thickness and shall then be compacted, struck off and machine which spans the full width of the concrete
finished to the level of the side forms. pavement, and which is guided in regard to both level and
direction by the rails in the case of sideform construction The engineer may permit the use of texturing equipment
or by the paver guide wires in the case of slipform other than the grooving comb, provided that it produces a
construction. texture similar to that produced by the metal tines.

(i) Burlap drag equipment

(d) Hand texturing
Unless otherwise authorised by the engineer, the burlap
drag shall be attached to the front of the texturing machine Texturing the surface with hand-held brooms or combs
or to an additional machine which spans the full width of shall be allowed only where the pavement is so small or
the concrete pavement and is placed in such a way that irregular, or the site is so restricted as to make the use of
the full width of the concrete pavement is covered in one the texturing machine impracticable, or in cases of
operation and, when not in use, the entire drag can be -
mechanical breakdown of the texturina machine, in which
lifted clear off the pavement. case it may be used for the required texturing of concrete
already placed. The brush or comb to be used then shall
The dimensions of the burlap drag shall be such that at be of the same type and width used in the machine.
least 1,O m of the material is in contact with the surface of
the concrete pavement measured in the direction in which In order to ensure straight grooves the comb shall be
the drag is being moved. The burlap drag shall consist of operated against a straight-edge placed at right angles to
at least two layers of approximately 340 glrn2 burlap with the pavement centre line.
the bottom layer at least 150 m m longer than the top layer
at the dragging end; however, at the discretion of the The same requirements regarding groove dimensions or
engineer, the number of layers may be increased to four. texture depth as for machine-texturing will apply.
The transverse threads of the trailing 150 m m to 300 m m
of the burlap drag shall be removed.
(ii) Tine grooving device (grooving comb)

The pavemen: shall be grooved by means of a metal tine The exposed surfaces, including the sides of the slab, shall
grooving device. The tines shall be made from flat spring be treated immediately after the required texturing of the
steel approximately 0,6 m m in thickness and 3 m m in surface has been effected and after the side formwork has
width, 125 m m in length and spaced at between 12 m m been removed by the application of a white-pigmented
and 25 m m in an approved random pattern. The engineer curing compound as specified in clause 7102(g) above in
may, however, require a different random pattern or equal accordance with the directions of the manufacturer.
spacing of the tines during the course of the work, and
provision shall be made to supply different sets of combs The curing compound shall be sprayed onto the surface at
as required. No additional payment will be made for the a rate of 0,35 i / m z or as directed by the engineer by
first two changes in the spacing of the tines. means of a mechanical distributor capable of producing a
fine fog-type of spray which will not damage the surface of
The combs for applying the texturing shall be at least the concrete. The curing compound shall be applied in
3,Om wide. It must also be possible to adjust the combs two layers with the distributor moving in opposite
to a lower position in order to compensate for wear. directions for the two applications. Coverage shall be
uniform over the entire surface and the rate of application
of the curing compound shall be carefully controlled.
(c) Burlapdrag-andgrooved texture
During spraying operations the curing compound shall be
This texture shall be obtained by first applying a burlap- continuously stirred mechanically to keep the pigmentation
drag finish to the concrete surface and then by grooving it in suspension. The spray nozzles shall be adequately
with a grooving comb. protected against wind.

The first pass of the burlap drag shall be made as soon as After shutting off the spray nozzles, no dripping of curing
construction operations permit and before the wet sheen compound on the concrete surface may occur. If
has disappeared from the surface. Burlap dragging shall necessary, the contractor shall provide drip pans
be repeated until a gritty and uniform texture having the suspended below the nozzles to prevent dripping of the
required depth of texture has been obtained. curing compound onto the pavement.

Every morning the burlap drag shall be wetted and kept

moist throughout the day. At the end of each day's pour The curing membrane shall be maintained intact for at
the burlap mats shall be cleaned or discarded and least seven days after the concrete has been placed. Any
replaced with new burlap if cleaning is not possible. damage to the curing membrane, caused by the
contractor's activities, shall be repaired by hand-spraying
After the concrete has hardened, all loose particles the affected areas.
generated by the cutting of the grooves shall be broomed
off the surface with stiff hand brooms or mechanically-
operated rotary brooms. Areas inaccessible to the mechanical distributor such as
odd shaped areas, or those with varying widths or shapes,
When measured with a suitable depth gauge, the grooves shall be sprayed with curing compound by means of
shall be not less than 2 m m and not more than 4 m m in approved handspraying equipment, at the specified rate of
depth. application.
7115 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS after the initial sawing.

Joints shall be sealed in accordance with the details shown

Construction joints shall be made only in accordance with on the drawings or specified in the project specifications.
the details and in the positions shown on the drawings or
determined by the engineer.
Where required, dowels shall be installed as specified in
Where the pavement is constructed in more than one strip, clause 7119. Dowelled shrinkage joints shall be exactly at
longitudinal construction joints shall be constructed, and right angles to the longitudinal axis of the pavement.
where edge slump in excess of 6 m m occurs with slipform
paving, the sides of the pavement shall be supported by
an approved method. 7117 EXPANSION JOINTS

Transverse construction joints shall be formed at the end

of a day's work or where necessary on account of any Expansion joints shall be constructed in accordance with
unavoidable suspension of work. the details shown on the drawings.

The upper edges of the pavement shall be rounded off or

chamfered at a construction joint as shown on the The joint filler shall comply with the requirements of
drawings. Where sealing of the construction joint is subclause 7102(e) and holes for the dowels shall be
required, the groove may be sawn only after seven days' accurately punched out or drilled. The filler for each joint
curing of the concrete. shall be supplied in a single piece for the full depth and
width required for the joint unless otherwise authorized by
the engineer. Where the use of more than one piece is
7116 WEAKENED-PLANE JOlNTS authorized for a joint, the abutting ends shall be securely
fastened, and held accurately in shape, by stapling or by
another suitable method acceptable to the engineer.
Weakened-plane joints shall be formed by sawing a groove
in the concrete.
The joint filler together with the sealing groove shall
completely separate adjacent slabs. Any loose-fitting
(a) Longitudinal hinge joints dowel bars and any spaces between the subbase and the
filler shall be caulked with joint-filler material after the joint
Hinge joints shall be sawn where the pavement is has been assembled.
constructed in widths of two or more lanes at a time.

Sawing shall be done at an appropriate time to prevent If expansion joints incorporate dowels, the dowels shall be
longitudinal cracking from occurring, but not later than 24 encased at one end in a close-fitting cap. The cap shall be
hours after concrete placing. placed on the free half of each dowel which half shall be
coated as late as possible before concreting, with a bond-
The widths and depths of the groove and the joint filler breaking coating or sleeve which complies with the
shall be in accordance with the drawings. The width requirements of subclause 71 19(b).
tolerances for hinge joints are set out in clause 7122.

Deformed steel tie bars shall be installed where required. The sealing groove in the upper portion of the expansion
joints shall be sealed with a preformed neoprene
compression seal.
@) Transverse contraction joints

Transverse contraction joints shall initially be sawn as 7118 THE SAWING OF JOINTS
specified in clause 7118, and shall not exceed 3 m m in
width. The grooves shall be sawn to the depth shown on
the drawings. The exact time and sequence of sawing The contractor shall use the type of blade and equipment
shall be determined by the contractor, bearing in mind the best suited to the hardness of the concrete, the type of
risk of excessive ravelling and spalling with early sawing, aggregate and the site conditions.
and the risk of cracking with delayed sawing, but not later
than 24 hours after the concrete has been placed.
Sufficient standby power saws shall be held available by
When the pavement is constructed in more than one strip, the contractor, ready for use, at all times when concrete is
the transverse joints opposite those which have opened in being placed in the pavement.
the adjacent pavement shall be sawn within the first 24
hours. The contractor may initially omit up to two
consecutive planned contraction joints, and shall saw such Immediately after sawing, the joint grooves shall be
joints within 48 hours of the concrete having been placed, washed out with a jet of clean water to remove all fine
but before uncontrolled cracking takes place. material and the joints shall then be sealed temporarily by
means of an approved material, flush with the permanent
All transverse joints shall initially be sawn to the full depth surface.
as indicated, and not more than 3 m m wide. In sealed
joints the top portion of the groove shall be reamed out to No traffic of any kind shall be allowed on the pavement
the specified final width and depth not sooner than 7 days until all the joints have been permanently sealed.
7119 TIE-BARS AND DOWELS (a) Preformed elastomeric compression seals

(i) Material
(a) Tiebars
Preformed elastomeric compression seals shall be as
Tie-bars shall be placed at right angles to joints. Tie-bars specified in subclause 7102(e).
shall be free from paint, grease or other matter which may
affect bonding with the concrete. The actual configuration of the seal shall be as shown on
the drawings, specified in the project specifications, and
At construction joints the one half of each tie-bar shall be approved by the engineer.
supported on the subbase by means of suitable stools,
while the other half shall project into the adjacent lane. (ii) Installation
Mild steel tie-bars at longitudinal joints may be bent
parallel to the edge of the first lane constructed and later Seals may be installed only after all repairs to the joints
on straightened into its final position before the concrete of have been completed.
the adjacent lane is placed, if the method of fixing and
supporting the tie-bars is approved by the engineer. The joint grooves into which the seals are to be inserted
Where tie-bars are bent and later straightened, any shall be cleaned with a power-driven rotary wire brush.
damage to the concrete shall be made good by the The grooves shall be dry and shall be finally cleaned with
contractor. oil-free compressed air at a pressure of at least 700 kPa
immediately before the seals are installed. Before the
joints are sealed, all repair work (if any) shall have been
At weakened-plane hinge joints the bars shall be firmly completed.
supported in position by steel supporting devices fixed to
the subbase. If the paver or other paving equipment is The sides of the sealing groove or seal, or both, shall be
equipped with a device for placing tie-bars into the plastic coated with an approved lubricant adhesive compound
concrete, such device may be used after it has been which complies with the specifications and with subclause
demonstrated that the tie-bars will be located in their 7102(e), and shall be inserted into the joint by means of
correct positions after the slab has been compacted and suitable equipment which will not damage the seal during
finished. its insertion. The seal shall not be stretched for fitting it
into the groove. A maximum increase of 10% in the length
of the seal after installation will be allowed. Excess
adhesive on top of the seal shall be removed to prevent
adhesion of the seal under compression.
Dowel bars shall be straight and free from irregularities and
without any burred ends, and shall have their sliding ends The top of the seal shall be not less than 5 m m nor more
sawn and bevelled. The free or unbonded end of the than 7 m m below the pavement surface. No traffic of any
dowel shall either be coated with a bond-breaking coating nature shall be allowed onto the pavement before the joints
or covered with a sheath, as directed by the engineer, to have been either temporarily or permanently sealed.
prevent the concrete from adhering to it. The coating or
sheath shall cover at least two-thirds of the dowel length. In the case where preformed compression seals are used
The bond-breaking coating shall be an approved synthetic for both transverse and longitudinal joints the seals shall be
material applied at a thickness of 0,5 m m in accordance continuous along the longitudinal joints, with the transverse
with the manufacturers recommendations. The sheath seals butted and fixed to the longitudinal seals with
shall be a tough polyethylene material with an average adhesive.
thickness of 1,O m m 2 0,2 mm.
The size of the sealing strip used will depend on the width
of the groove to be sealed. The contractor shall not order
Dowels shall be fixed rigidly both in horizontal and vertical large quantities of preformed seals before the quantities
alignment parallel to the centre line of the road and the required in the various sizes have been discussed with and
surface of the slab, by robust supporting frames or cradles approved by the engineer.
which do not project over the joint, and are left
permanently in place. The free end of the dowel shall not
be tack-welded to the frame but shall be held in position @) Silicone sealant
by soft binding wire. Dowels may be mechanically inserted
(in which case no frames will be required for securing the (i) Materials
dowels), provided that conclusive evidence is submitted
that the proposed method is an accepted method and has The silicone sealant and appurtenant materials shall be as
already been used successfully. specified in subclause 7102(e). The dimensions and
positions of the sealant and appurtenant materials shall be
as shown on the drawings or as specified in the project
Dowel alignment shall be accurate to within the tolerance specifications, or as approved by the engineer.
given in clause 7122.
(ii) Installation

7120 J O I N SEALING Just prior to sealing the joint grooves shall be reamed to
their prescribed final dimensions and shall then be cleaned
by means of a high pressure jet of water over the full depth
Joints shall be permanently sealed before the pavement is of the joints to remove all fine matter and to produce dust-
opened to any traffic. free joint grooves. Immediately before the supporting
material is supplied, the grooves shall be dried by means the contractor to construct the pavement in accordance
of oil-free compressed air at a pressure of 700 kPa. with the specifications. The trial section shall be
Compressors shall be equipped with an apparatus which constructed with the same materials, concrete mix, plant
removes water and oil from the compressed air. Where a and equipment as those intended for use by the contractor
primer is required, it shall be applied before the supporting for the pavement, and he shall also demonstrate the
materials are installed. methods he proposes to use for applying the required
surface texture, the construction of joints and the placing
After the joints have been finally cleaned and the primer (if of tie-bars, dowels, etc. Before the contractor commences
any) has been applied, a supporting backing cord shall be with the construction of the trial section, he shall
installed by means of an approved rolling tool in the demonstrate to the engineer that all items of his paving
prescribed positions. Where the joints are dirty, wet or cti
equipment are in a satisfactory working order.
moist, the supporting material shall be removed, the joints
cleaned and dried, and fresh material applied. An initial trial section of not less than 150 m in length for
mechanical construction, and at least 30 m in length for
The procedure(s) to be followed by the contractor to manual construction, shall be constructed in one
prevent the sealant from being spilt onto the concrete continuous operation and be submitted for approval.
pavement shall be subject to approval by the engineer.

The silicone sealant shall be pumped continuously directly The engineer shall also be entitled to call for a new trial
into the joints with a suitable pneumatically driven pump. section to be constructed at any stage of the contract when
Sealing shall be done from the upper surface of the changes by the contractor in the approved equipment,
supporting material. Immediately after installation and materials, mix or rate of paving warrant the construction of
before a skin appears, the surface of the sealant shall be another trial section.
worked to compact the sealant and to press it against the
sides of the joint so as to ensure that the prescribed
clearance under the road surface is obtained. As an The contractor will be paid for the actual length of trial
alternative to separate installation and finishing of the pavement constructed as initial trial section and trial
sealant, an approved injection nozzle incorporating a sections constructed in consequence of changes in mixes,
finishing apparatus may be used, in which case only techniques, materials, etc, effected by the contractor, up to
closed-cell polyethylene may be used as supporting a maximum total length of 300 m for mechanical
material. Further directions supplied by the manufacturer construction, and 60 m for manual construction. In
shall be strictly complied with, particularly with regard to addition, he will be paid for any trial lengths necessary as
temperatures for application, opening to traffic, and safety a result of similar changes required by the engineer,
aspects. No traffic shall be permitted to pass over a sealed notwithstanding the fact that the trial section built by the
joint before the sealant is able to withstand the penetration contractor complied with the specified requirements.
of foreign matter.

The top surface of the sealant shall not be less than 5 m m @) Further trial se ons and permission to start
and not more than 7 m m below the paved surface. constructing the pavement

All surplus sealant and other foreign matter shall be The contractor may, unless advised of any deficiencies in
removed from the concrete pavement surface in the trial section, proceed with the construction of the
accordance with the directions of the manufacturer of the pavement ten days after the completion of the trial section
sealant. or such earlier time as the engineer may determine. In the
event of deficiencies in the trial section, the engineer may
order the contractor to construct a further trial section,
(c) Liquid sealant for joints between concrete and which will again be regarded as the initial trial section. The
asphalt pavements contractor may then proceed with the construction of the
pavement ten days after the satisfactory completion of the
These joints shall be sealed with a hot-poured joint-sealing second or subsequent trial section.
compound as specified in subclause 7102(e). Prior to
application, the joints shall be clean and free from water.
Curing compound adhering to joint walls shall be removed 7122 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES
by sandblasting or with an abrasive wheel. Dirt, dust and
laitance shall be blown out of the joint with oil-free
compressed air at a pressure of at least 700 kPa The work described in this section shall be constructed to
immediately before the sealing operation. The sealant the tolerances given below.
shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions, particularly in regard to the temperature of
application. which shall be strictly controlled. (a) Level and grade

The level tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and 8305

7121 TRIAL PAVEMENT shall be as follows:

(a) General

When commencing with paving operations, the contractor Deviations from the specified longitudinal grade on
shall construct a trial section of pavement, in a position account of deviations from the specified levels shall not
approved by the engineer, to demonstrate the capability of exceed those given in subclause 3405(c).
@) Width of pavement and the position of pavement @) Dowels
Dowels shall be positioned at the depth specified,
The average width of each pavement shall be at least measured from the surface level of the slab, within a
equal to the specified width, and the edge of the pavement tolerance of r 10 mm. They shall be aligned parallel to
shall not deviate by more than 25 m m from the specified the finished surface of the slab, to the centreline of the
position. carriageway and to each other within the following

(c) Joints (i) Dowel supported on cradles, prior to construction of

the slab:
Joints shall not deviate by more than 10 m m from their
specified positions in the pavement or by more than (1) All dowels in a joint shall be within + 2 m m per
10 m m from the edge of a 3 m straight-edge placed so as 300 m m length of bar.
to touch the line of the joint. Neither shall the line of a
joint be discontinuous. (2) No individual dowel shall differ in alignment from
an adjoining bar by more than 3 m m per 300 m m
length of bar in either the horizontal or vertical
The tolerance for the groove width of sawn joints shall be planes.
as follows:
(ii) Dowels supported on cradles or mechanically
installed, after construction of the slab.
Longitudinal hinge joints
Transverse contraction joints (1) All dowels in a joint shall be within + 4 m m per
300 m m length of bar.

(d) Thickness (2) No individual dowel shall differ in alignment from

an adjoining bar by more than 6 m m per 300 m m
The thickness tolerances referred to in clauses 8205 and length of bar in either the horizontal or vertical
8305 shall be as follows: planes.

D90 (3) All dowels shall be equally positioned about the

Dmax intended line of the joint within a tolerance of r
Dave 25 mm.

Random checks of the dowels shall be ordered by the

The thickness of the slab shall be determined by accurate engineer by taking cores at the position of the bar ends.
levelling in the same positions at random selected points The coring shall be measured and paid under item 71.07.
before and after construction of the slab, and also by
measuring (an average of 4 measurements per core) on
cores drilled from the slab. 7123 PROCESS CONTROL

(e) Cross section The contractor shall conduct all and a sufficient number of
tests necessary for ensuring compliance with the
When tested with a 3 m straight-edge placed at right requirements specified in this series, during all phases of
angles to the road centre line, the surface shall not deviate the work. Accelerated 20-hour compressive-strength tests
from the bottom of the straight-edge by more than 6 mm. as described in subclause 8106(f) shall be conducted
regularly with a view to predicting the 28-day compressive
strength of the concrete. Test procedures and methods for
(9 Surface regularity the prediction of 28-day compressive strength shall be
determined in consultation with the engineer. Where the
When tested with a rolling straight-edge as described in accelerated tests indicate that the required 28-day
clause 8111(c), the number of surface irregularities in compressive strengths will not be attained, the contractor
excess of 3 m m shall not exceed any of the following: shall immediately effect the necessary changes to the
materials and/or mix proportions in order to ensure that
(i) Average number of further work will comply with the requirements.
surface irregularities per
100 m taken over 300 m -
600 m sections . . . . . . . . . ..................... 5 7124 QUAUTY CONTROL AND WORKMANSHIP

(ii) Number of surface

irregularities taken over Routine inspection and testing will be carried out by the
100 m sections . . . . . . . . engineer to determine whether the quality of materials and
workmanship complies with the requirements of this
The maximum value of any individual irregularity when
measured with the rolling straight-edge or a 3 m straight-
edge laid parallel to the road centre line shall not exceed The assessment of test results and measurements shall be
7 mm. done in accordance with the provisions of section 8200.
In additlon to the above, the following shall also apply:

(a) Compressivesbength control

where P = percentage of normal compensation
Compressive-strength control shall be exercised on the dw = actual average thickness of slab
basis of the acceptance-control plan as described in clause ds = specified average thickness of slab
8206 for full acceptance and clause 8208 for conditional fw = actual 28-day compressive strength
acceptance. Attention is drawn to the special requirements of slab (average of 28-day
relating to concrete for concrete pavements. The compressive-strength tests)
resubmission of concrete lots on the basis of cores for full fs = specified 28-day compressive
acceptance or conditional acceptance shall not be allowed. strength of slab (calculated
The contractor's attention is drawn to clause 8209. acceptance limit La in accordance
with section 8200).
The engineer may, at his discretion, decide to use the
contractor's test results in the judgement plan, if he is The above shall be subject to the rejection of a pavement
satisfied that the contractor has complied with all the with an average thickness of less than 93,1% of the
process control requirements. specified thickness or a strength of less than 91,5% of the
specified strength, as determined above.

@) Relationship between the awnpressive and flexural

strengths of concrete Where both thickness and strength are deficient, it will be
rejected if P is less than 70%.
The relationship between the 28-day compressive and the
28-day flexural strengths of the concrete established by the Where P exceeds loo%, normal compensation only will be
preliminary tests shall be monitored during paving payable.
operations by regular tests at the discretion of the
For thls purpose sets of three beams and three cubes shall
be manufactured from the same batch of concrete and
tested for flexural and compressive strength respectively. In addition to the requirements specified in clause 1218,
the following shall apply specifically to concrete
H the test results Indicate a relationship which deviates pavements:
from that established by the preliminary tests, the specified
compressive strength, as specified in subclause 7103(d)
shall be adjusted accordingly. (a) Removing concrete

Where any section of the pavement which does not comply

(c) Air content of concrete with the specified requirements is to be removed and
reconstructed, the entire portion of the slab shall be
H any test for air content shows a value falling outslde the removed and reconstructed as prescribed by the engineer
specified limits, the quantity of air-entraining agent added in writing.
to the concrete mix shall be adjusted, until the air content
of the concrete Is within the specified limits.
@) Removing high spots

(d) Unacceptable work or materials Where the engineer so permits, high spots may be
removed by approved power chisels and planers. After the
Any work or materials which do not comply with the high spots have been removed, the contractor shall, if
specified requirements shall be removed and replaced with required, grind the surface up to the nearest longitudinal
work or materials which comply with the requirements or, and transverse joint in order that all the ground areas will
if the engineer so permits, shall be repaired as specified in be neat rectangular areas with a uniform texture.
clause 7125, so that it shall comply with the specified
requirements after having been repaired. On all portions of the pavement where the surface texture
has been destroyed or reduced in depth by grinding, the
surface texture shall be restored by grooves being cut into
(e) llcceptance of concrete of inferior strength or the concrete surface. The grooves shall be approximately
thickness at reduced payment of the same size and spacing as specified in subsubclause
In lleu of requiring the removal of work that has been
rejected on account of Insufficient strength or thickness,
the engineer may accept such work at his sole discretion, (c) Repairing joints
at reduced payment for the pavement concrete, on the
following conditions: Joints along which spalls occur that exceed 5 m m in depth
at any point measured from the top surface of the
pavement, or any other joints which In the opinion of the
Where concrete is deficient In thickness or in strength, the engineer are unacceptable, shall be repaired with an
reduced payment shall be calculated in accordance with approved epoxy resin mortar. The method of repairing
the following formula: joints requires the prior approval of the engineer.
(d) Repairing the cracks the concrete in the first panels has sufficiently hardened so
that no damage will be done to the first panels during
The contractor shall be responsible for constructing a construction activities. All formwork shall remain in
pavement which will not exhibit any cracks. position for at least 24 hours.

Where cracks occur in the pavement which, in the opinion

of the engineer, do not warrant the removal and (iii) Surface texture
reconstruction of the particular section of pavement, the
contractor shall, if so required by the engineer, repair such Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications, the
cracks, in accordance with a method approved by the contractor shall produce a surface texture on the new
engineer. concrete panels which shall be the same as that on the
existing panels.

(e) Rehabilitation of concrete pavements

(iv) Joints, tie bars and dowels
Where concrete pavements have to be widened or where
long continuous sections of concrete pavement have to be Joints shall be shaped and tie bars and dowels shall be
replaced and, in the opinion of the engineer, the concrete placed where indicated on the drawings and as specified
can be placed with pavers, the work shall be regarded as in clauses 7115 up to and including 7120.
and shall be measured and paid for as new work under the
applicable items for new work.
At joints in new concrete, the tie bars and dowels in the
(i) Removal of existing concrete existing concrete shall be cleaned, and the tie bars shall be
straightened, should any such bars be indicated on the
Where any section of the concrete pavement has to be drawings. In regard to bent dowels, the contractor shall
removed, the whole panel between longitudinal and follow the instructions of the engineer. Before concrete is
transverse joints shall be removed, unless it is specified in placed, all the bars shall be accurately aligned as indicated
the project specifications or ordered by the engineer that on the drawings and specified in clause 7119. Where the
only part of the panel be removed. In such cases the sliding end of a dowel occurs in existing concrete, the
concrete shall be removed either over the full length or dowel shall be extracted, cleaned and treated in
over the full width of the panel between joints. Where the accordance with the specifications and then replaced.
edge of the section to be removed coincides with an Where tie bars or dowels are shown on the drawings at
existing joint, the edge shall be accurately demarcated in joints between existing and new concrete, but no such bars
a straight line and sawn with an approved concrete saw to occur in the existing concrete, holes shall be drilled in the
a depth of at least 50 rnm before the removal of the existing concrete and fresh bars placed and fixed as
concrete may commence. prescribed in the project specifications. In such cases, the
dowels shall be placed with their sliding ends in the new
Existing concrete may be broken up in any approved concrete. Where no bars are required between the existing
manner, but strict control shall be exercised to ensure that and new concrete but such bars do occur in the existing
the adjacent concrete is not damaged in any way. The concrete, such bars shall be cut off flush with the concrete
contractor shall repair any damage to the adjacent edge.
concrete at his own cost in accordance with the
instructions of the engineer. Such remedial work may
involve the partial or complete replacement of the All joints between the existing and new concrete shall be
damaged panel should it be deemed necessary by the sawn after the new concrete has hardened sufficiently to
engineer. prevent splintering or other damage from occurring.
Sawing the joints may normally be done from two to five
Care shall be taken at existing joints to ensure that tie bars days after the placing of the concrete. The width and
or dowels are not damaged or bent so as to render them depth of the sawn grooves shall comply with the
useless. requirements set in the project specifications and on the
Broken-up concrete shall be removed to approved spoil
dumps. (v) Repairing joints and cracks in existing concrete
(ii) Placing new concrete

Before concrete is placed, the underlying surface or layer Repairing the joints and cracks in the existing concrete
shall be prepared as specified. pavement shall be done in accordance with the
requirements set out in the project specifications and on
Except where concrete is placed in continuous lengths the drawings, and as required by the engineer.
exceeding 50 m, placing, compacting and finishing with
hand equipment shall be carried out as specified in clause (vi) Retexturing
7111. Where new concrete is placed next to existing
concrete, the edge of the existing pavement shall be Where in the opinion of the engineer the skid resistance of
properly cleaned and all bituminous and other jointing the concrete pavement surfaces is too low, or the texture
material shall be removed. is too irregular, and where so specified in the project
specifications, such surfaces shall be provided with a fresh
Where various adjacent panels are constructed, the texture. The depth of texture and groove spacing shall
concrete in every alternate panel shall first be placed. The comply with the requirements of the project specifications.
concrete in the rest of the panels may be placed only after The work shall be done with approved sawing equipment.
7126 OPENING TO TRAFFIC In the case of rehabilitation work the tendered rate shall
also include full compensation for cleaning existing joints
where new concrete has to join up with existing work, for
No vehicle with an axle load exceeding 20 kN shall travel straightening existing dowels and tie bars, and for cutting
over the completed surface within 14 days after it has been off existing bars as specified.
completed, or such longer period as may be directed by
the engineer. The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
constructing concrete pavements which cannot be
constructed with conventional plant, as envisaged in
7127 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT section 7100.

No extra over payment shall apply to work in restricted Item Unit

areas for work carried out in terms of section 7100. The
rates tendered for the payment items of section 7100 shall 71.03 Extra over item 71.02
include full compensation for work in restricted areas. for concrete pavement
requiring hand placing ..... square metre (m Z)

Item Unit The tendered rate for hand-placed concrete shall be extra
over the rate tendered for item 71.02 and shall include full
71.O1 Concrete trial pavement: compensation for the more difficult work, and incidentals
required for placing the concrete by hand where placing
(a) Mechanical construction .... square metre (m 2) cannot be done by normal slipform or sideform equipment.
It shall also include compensation for all the required
(b) Manual construction ....... square metre (m 2) formwork.

The unit of measurement for the trial pavement shall be the Item 71.03 does not apply to rehabilitation work.
square metre of completed trial section. Not more than a
total length of 300 m of mechanically constructed trial
pavement and not more than 60 m of manually Item Unit
constructed trial pavement will be measured for payment
as described in clause 7121. 71.04 Texturing and curing
the concrete pavement:
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
constructing the trial pavement complete as specified. (a) Burlap-dragged and
grooved texture . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

Item Unit (b) Curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

71.02 Concrete pavement The unit of measurement for texturing and curing shall be
(thickness indicated) the square metre of completed pavement which has
excluding texturing and received the specified surface texturing, and which was
curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m Z) cured as specified. The quantity shall be calculated from
the specified horizontal dimensions of the completed
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of concrete surface in the case of texturing and from the
concrete pavement placed and finished in accordance with specified horizontal dimensions of the completed concrete
the specifications and the project specifications. The surface, plus the surface area of the slab sides, in the case
quantity shall be calculated from the authorized of curing.
dimensions of the completed surface, except when the
engineer requires or the drawings show local deviations The tendered rate for texturing shall include full
from the specified thickness, such as at bridge approach compensation for providing the plant and equipment
slabs. The volume of concrete in such cases shall be required and for applying the specified surface texture.
converted into an equivalent area in square metres based
on the specified thickness of the slab. The tendered rate for curing shall include full
compensation for providing the curing compound and its
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for application as specified at the specified nominal rates of
procuring and furnishing all the materials, storing the application by means of an apprbved pressure distributor.
materials, providing all plant, determining the mix The tendered rate shall also include compensation for
proportions, mixing, transporting, placing and finishing the spraying the curing compound in unsealed joints after the
concrete, including formwork, repairs done to defective sawing has been completed.
work, protecting the pavement against damage,
construction joints and process control.
Item Unit
The tendered rate shall also include full compensation for
the provision of any additional width required by the 71.05 Variation in the rate
contractor to the earthworks and/or pavement layers to suit of application of the
the particular requirements of the paving equipment. It curing compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .litre (I)
shall also include full compensation for the removal of the
additional widening which extends beyond the limits of the The unit of measurement in respect of increases or
specified cross-section. decreases in the rate of application of the curing
compound shall be the litre. construction joint, provided that the requisite number and
sizes of tie bars for the hinge joints are installed. Where
Payment for variations shall be made as specified in clause the hinge joint replaced by the construction joint is a
1213. sealed hinged joint, the construction joint shall be sawn
and sealed, in which case the contractor will be paid at the
tendered rate for sawn and sealed hinge joints.

The tendered rates for expansion joints shall include full

compensation for forming the joint complete with joint
filler, rounding or chamfering the corners (if required) and
(a) Expansion joints complete installing a compression seal.
(excluding dowels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The tendered rates for longitudinal hinge joints shall
@) Longitudinal hinge joints: include full compensation for sawing the joint (if required)
and supplying and inserting the seal (if required).
) Sealed hinge joints
(type indicated with reference The tendered rate for transverse contraction joints shall
to drawings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) include full compensation for sawing the joint and installing
the specified type of seal, including appurtenant materials,
(ii) Unsealed hinge joints and for temporarily sealing the joint with paper rope.
(type indicated with reference
to drawings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) The tendered rates for dowel bars and tie-bars shall include
full compensation for supplying, cutting, placing, holding
(iii) Hinge joints between existing the bars in position, including a supporting framework or
and new concrete in cradles where required, and fixing the end caps and bond
rehabilitation work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) breaking materials to dowels.

(c) Sealed transverse contraction The tendered rate for forming and sealing the joints
joints sawn in two separate between asphalt and concrete pavements shall include full
operations (widths as shown on compensation for supplying all the necessary plant and
the drawings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .metre (m) materials, for forming a joint to the required dimensions in
the asphalt seal, cleaning the joint and sealing it as
(d) Dowel bars (mild steel) specified in subclause 7120(c).
(diameter and length indicated):

(i) Installed in new concrete ........ number (No) Unit

(ii) Installed in existing 71.07 [killing and testing

concrete in rehabilitation work .... number (No) of cores:

(e) Tie-bars (diameter and (a) 100 mm cores drilled

length indicated): from the pavement . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

(i) Installed in new concrete ....... number (No) (b) 150 mm cores drilled
from the pavement and tested
(ii) Installed in existing for compressive strength . . . . . . . . number (No)
concrete in rehabilitation work .... number (No)
The unit of measurement shall be the number of cores
(1) End caps for dowels at drilled or drilled and tested on the instruction of the
expansion joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) engineer. Cores drilled by the contractor at his own
initiative as part of his process control or for testing cracks
(g) Forming and sealing sealed at the contractor's own cost, will not be measured
the joints between asphalt
for payment.
and concrete pavements . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)

(h) Cleaning of tie-bars and dowels The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
in existing concrete pavement drilling the test cores and, where applicable, having them
and straightening tie-bars in tested by an approved laboratory, and for all labour,
existing concrete pavement in transport, testing charges and other incidentals, save only
rehabilitation work . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) the cost of providing a core-drilling machine on the site,
which is paid for separately. It shall also include
The unit of measurement for joints in the pavement shall compensation for restoring the concrete pavement where
be the metre of completed joint, except that dowel bars
holes were drilled.
and tie-bars across joints shall be measured separately by
the numbers of each type installed.

Construction joints as such shall not be measured for Item Unit

payment and their cost shall be deemed to be included in
the rate tendered for the concrete pavement. However, if 71.08 Steel reinforcement in concrete
the position of a longitudinal construction joint coincides pavement:
with that of a hlnge joint, the contractor will be paid at the
rate tendered for the type of hinge joint replaced by the (a) Mild steel bars .................... ton (t)
(b) High tensile steel bars .............. ton (t)

(c) Welded steel fabric .......... kilogram (kg) 71.11 Removing existing pavement layers
i n rehabilitation work:

The unit of measurement for steel bars shall be the ton of (a) Uncemented material ....... cubic metre (m a)
reinforcing steel in place in accordance with the drawings
or as authorized. (b) Cemented material ........ cubic metre (m3)

(c) Cemented crushed stone .... cubic metre (m 3)

The unit of measurement for welded steel fabric shall be
the kilogram of welded steel fabric in place in the special
panels of concrete paving which require reinforcement, the The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
quantity of which shall be calculated from the area of the excavated and removed. The quantity shall be computed
mesh used in accordance with the drawings or as in accordance with the authorized dimensions for the
authorized. excavation. The classification of the material shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of clause 3803.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
supplying, delivering, cutting, bending, welding, placing
and fixing the steel reinforcement, including all tying wires, The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
spacers and waste. excavating the material and disposing thereof to approved
spoil dumps, including transport over a free-haul distance
of 1,O km.

71.09 Removing existing concrete i n

rehabilitation work: Item Unit

(a) Concrete without 71.12 Recompaction of underlying

reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m a) pavement layers of gravel
(required density stated)
(b) Reinforced concrete ........ cubic metre (m') in rehabilitation work . . . . . ... cubic metre (m3)

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of

concrete broken up and removed to approved spoil dumps The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of material
as specified. The quantity shall be determined in reprocessed and compacted. The quantity shall be
accordance with the authorized horizontal dimensions and calculated in accordance with the authorized dimensions of
the average depth of the part removed. the layer.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

breaking up the concrete, loading, transporting over a free- The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
haul distance of 1,O km, and placing it in approved spoil breaking up the layer, watering, mixing, compacting and
dumps. The tendered rate shall also include full finishing, and preparing the layer for placing the concrete.
compensation for the protection of adjacent concrete and
its repair should it be damaged.

Dowels and tie bars in existing concrete and stays used to Item Unit
keep the bars in position will not be regarded as
reinforcing. 71.13 Rehabilitation work: Reconstructing
underlying pavement layers with:

ttem Unit (a) Gravel material . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (ma)

71.10 Sawing existing concrete i n (b) Crushed stone (grade G I or

rehabilitation work . . . . . . . . . square metre (m )
G2 indicated) ............. cubic metre (ma)

The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of saw- (c) Asphalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic metre (rn3)
cut in the existing concrete as approved by the engineer
and sawn to the required depth, measured once only
irrespective of the number of times the sawing has to be The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of
repeated to obtain such depth. The quantity shall be the underlying pavement layer reconstructed. The quantity
product of the authorized length and depth of the saw-cut. shall be computed in accordance with the authorized

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for

demarcating the saw line, providing and applying water
and other material, and for sawing the concrete to the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
satisfaction of the engineer. procuring and placing the material, transporting it over a
free-haul distance of 1,O km, and preparing the layer for
This item shall not apply to the sawing of joints. placing the concrete.
ltem Unit Separate payment will be made for providing and placlng
asphalt and slurry.
71.14 Ejrtraweritem 71.13for
stabilization of undertying
pavement layers under This item shall not apply to reconstructed or reprocessed
reconstruction: layers.

(a) Chemical stabilization of

gravel layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m )
Item Unit
@) Chemical stabilization of 71.17 Placing fine asphalt and coarse slurry
crushed-stone layers . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) in preparing the undertying layers
as specified in subdause 7106(d):
(c) Bituminous stabilization of
crushed-stone layers . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3) (a) Fine continuously graded asphalt
for levelling the surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
additional costs for stabilizing the material, including (b) Coarse slurry for levelling
mixing the material and the stabilizing agent in the plant, the surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (my)
curing the layer, and providing the water and the curing
agent. The provision of the stabilizing agent will be paid The unit of measurement for subitem (a) shall be a ton of
for separately under item 71.15. asphalt placed in accordance with the instructlons of the

ttem Unit
The unit of measurement for subitem (b) shall be a cubic
71.15 Stabilizing agents applied in metre of slurry placed in accordance with the instructions
rehabilitation work: of the engineer.

(a) Ordinary portland cement ............ ton (t)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
(b) Anionic stable grade bitumen procuring, providing, placing, compacting and finishing all
emulsion (60% net bitumen) ......... litre (1) the material, and for all transport.

(c) Other chemical stabilizing

agents (type indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t) ttem Unit

(d) Other bituminous stabilizing 71.18 Wxturing existing concrete

agents (type and grade stated) ....... litre (1) pavement in rehabilitation
work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
The provisions of items 35.02 and 35.08 shall apply mutatis
mutandis. The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of
existing concrete pavement which has been retextured.

ltem Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
71.16 Reparing the undertying layers equipment, labour and material required for executing the
af'ter the concrete has been removed work, complete as specified.
in rehabilitation work:

(a) Cemented gravel or ttem Unit

crushed-stone layer ........ square metre (m2)
71.19 Repairing joints and cracks
(b) Uncemented crushed-stone in existing concrete pavement in
layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2) rehabilitation work:

(c) Asphalt subbase .......... square metre (m2) (a) Joints ........................ metre (m)

The unit of measurement shall be a square metre of (b) Cracks ....................... metre (m)
existing underlying layer prepared in accordance with the
requirements of subclause 7106(d). The quantity will be The unit of measurement shall be a metre of joint or crack
computed in accordance with the authorized dimensions of actually repaired on the instruction of the engineer and in
the prepared layer. accordance with the requirements of the project
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
preparing the layer in accordance with the specified The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
requirements, testing for level, cleaning the edge of the procuring, providing and applying all material, and for
existing concrete, providing and applying water, and for repairing, complete as specified. Payment shall distinguish
removing any remaining loose material and waste. between various types and sizes of joints and cracks.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
cleaning and re-treating the bars as specified and to the
71.20 Drilling and placing dowels satisfaction of the engineer.
and tie bars in existing concrete
i n rehabilitation work:
(a) Dowels ..................... number (No)
(1) Where reinforcing steel, except tie bars and dowel
(b) Tie bars .................... number (No) bars, are used for reinforced concrete slabs, it shall be
listed under this section in accordance with the pay items
The unit of measurement shall be the number of bars in section 6300.
placed in existing concrete at the joints with new concrete.
(2) Payment will be made under section 8100 for
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for providing a core drill and a rolling straight-edge.
providing all materials, cutting the bars, drilling the holes
in the existing concrete, placing and fixing the bars with (3) The tendered rates shall include full compensation
epoxy, and treating the sliding ends of the dowels, for the additional costs for executing the work in restricted
complete as specified. areas where necessary.

(4) The following items of payment shall apply where

Item Unit necessary and shall be listed under this section in the
schedule of quantities.
71.21 Re-treating existing dowels:

(a) Sliding end in existing concrete . . . number (No) ltem 16.02 : Overhaul on material hauled in excess of
1,O krn
(b) Sliding end in new concrete ..... number (No)
ltem 41.01 : Prime coat
The unit of measurement shall be the number of bars re-
treated. ltem 42.04 : Tack coat of 30% stable-grade emulsion
SERIES 7000 : SUNDRY STRUCTURES For temporary walls and sea walls ungalvanized reinforcing
strips and tie strips may be used.

(d) Bolts and nuts

Bolts and nuts shall comply with the requirements of SABS
7201 SCOPE 136 for M I 0 Grade 8,8 bolts, and M I 2 Grade 10,9 bolts.
7202 MATERIALS Nuts shall be Grade 8.
DING PANELS Bolts, nuts and washers (where required) shall be hot-
7204 CONSTRUCTION dipped galvanized in accordance with the requirements of
7205 PATENT RIGHTS AND DESIGN SABS 763 for either type C1 or type C2 articles.

(e) Dowels
7201 SCOPE
Dowels shall be formed from 20 m m diameter rigid plastic
This section covers the construction of structures in
accordance with the patented method registered under the
trade name of REINFORCED EARTH. In broad terms, this (f) Tubes
consists of a granular filling which is reinforced with
horizontal layers of galvanized reinforcing strips which Tubes shall be formed from 32 m m diameter PVC pipe.
produce an apparent cohesion in the direction of the strips
and permits the fill to function as a homogeneous gravity
structure. The vertical or sloping outer face of the fill is (g) Joint filler
clad with cladding panels which are connected to the
reinforcing strips. The horizontal joint filler between the panels shall consist
of two 85 m m long hard-rubber pads, and shall have the
following properties:

(i) A 90 2 5 IRHD hardness.

(a) Concrete panels (ii) A 295 Pa breaking strength.

Concrete panels shall be manufactured from materials (iii) Deformation under compressive loads of15 kN and
which comply with the relevant requirements of sections 40 kN shall not exceed 35% and 50% respectively, and
6200, 6300 and 6400. rubber pads may not exhibit any cracks during testing.

The vertical and horizontal joints shall be covered on the

@) Steel panels rear face with 400 m m minimum width strips of unwoven
synthetic fibre. (Kaymat U44 or equivalent).
Steel panels shall be made from cold-rolled steel plate
which complies with the provisions of BS 4360 for grade
43A steel or which complies with the provisions of SABS (h) Fill material
1431 for grade 300W steel, and shall be galvanized in
accordance with the requirements of SABS 934 for a class All material which is used as fill behind cladding panels in
2600 coating. the Reinforced Earth shall comply with the following
grading and chemical requirements in addition to all the
the requirements of series 3000.
(c) Reinforcing strips and ties
A copy of all the results of the tests conducted on the
Reinforcing strips shall be manufactured from hot-rolled material by the contractor or his supplier shall be
steel which complies with the provisions of BS 4360 for submitted to the engineer.
grade 50 steel, or other recognised specifications, eg
EN 10025 : 1990 Grade Fe 510c. Material which does not comply with these specifications
shall not be used without the written permission of the
The reinforcing strips shall be deformed in accordance with engineer.
the patented specifications.
) Grading

The tie strips shall be formed to the required shape prior to The material which is used as fill in Reinforced Earth
galvanizing. structures shall fall within the unshaded section of graph
720211, and shall also comply with the requirements of
table 720211.
All reinforcing strips and tie strips shall be hot-dipped
galvanized after fabrication in accordance with SABS 763 Intermediate material may be used only if approved by the
to a minimum thickness of 85 p m . engineer and if its plasticity index is less than 30.
Table 720211 The project specifications will determine whether class A or
class B requirements shall apply.

Percentage Percentage Plastici- Type

passing finer than ty index (a) Concrete panels
through an 20 p m
8 0 p m sieve Concrete panels shall be manufactured in accordance with
the dimensions and details shown on the drawings, and,
< 12% where necessary, these details shall be adapted to suit
Granu- joining onto existing structures, inclined foundations,
lar varying heights or other similar conditions.
12 tot 35% < 10%

> 10% The concrete panels shall be manufactured in accordance

PI < 30 Inter- with the provisions of sections 6200, 6300 and 6400, and
mediate shall have an off-shutter class F2 surface finish.
> 35% < 40%
Concrete panels shall be between 140 m m and 180 m m
thick, whichever is required, and shall be classified in
(ii) Chemical and electro-chemical properties accordance with the system of the patentee as type 0, 1 or
2 and on the number of reinforcing strips attached to each
Except in the case of structures which will come into concrete panel.
contact with salt water, in which case the requirements will
be set out in the project specifications, fill material shall The date of manufacture and the classification of every
comply with the following chemical requirements: panel shall be clearly marked on the back of such panel.

Class A Class B The concrete panels may be removed from the mould
once the concrete has attained a cube compressive
Resistivity ( r 10 000 r 30 000 strength of 7 MPa.
PH 5 to 10 5 to 10
Chlorides (ppm) < 200 < 100 The concrete panels shall not be stacked more than five
Sulphates (ppm) < 1 000 c 500 panels high during storage. The bottom concrete panels
Sulphides (ppm) < 300 < 100 shall be supported off the ground by means of timber
blocking, and adjacent concrete panels shall be separated
The resistivity shall be determined in accordance with the by timber blocks packed between the tie strips to prevent
method prescribed by the patentee. any forces from being transmitted onto the tie strips.

Graph 720211


SIEVE SIZE (rnrn and prn)

@) Steel panels be checked. The horizontal joint filler shall be correctly
positioned before higher-lying cladding panels are placed.
Steel panels shall be manufactured in accordance with the The clamps and wedges shall be removed as the
details shown on the drawings, from steel plate 2,O mm, construction progresses and once the cladding panels have
2,5 m m or 3,O m m thick, according to requirements. been anchored by the reinforcing strips.

The fill material behind the cladding panels in the

(c) Accessories Reinforced Earth shall be constructed and compacted in
accordance with the provisions of sections 3200 and 3300
The cladding panels shall be complete and shall be of the specifications to at least 93% of modified AASHTO
equipped with the following: density, except that the layer thicknesses may vary
between 100 m m and 375 m m so as to coincide with the
(i) Tie strips for connection to the reinforcing strips. reinforcing strips.

(ii) Dowels and tubes for joining the cladding panels to Fill material shall not be placed right up to the cladding
one another. panels before the underlying reinforcing strips have been
covered, for a sufficient length from the centre of the fill,
(iii) Lifting devices for handling the cladding panels with compacted earth so as to anchor the strips adequately
during transport and erection. to keep the cladding panel in position. The filling shall
therefore be made from the reinforcing strip ends to the
The minimum inner radius of bends in tie strips shall be cladding panels, and the earth shall always be spread in a
25 mm. direction parallel to the walls.

During placing and compacting the fills, no vehicle or

7204 CONSTRUCTION heavy compaction equipment shall come closer than within
2 m of the cladding panels. The earth within 2 m of the
cladding panels shall be compacted by hand tamper or
(a) Foundation light hand-operated vibratory roller. Compaction to 90% of
modified AASHTO or equivalent modified Proctor density
The foundation plane for the Reinforced Earth structure is acceptable in this 2 m region. No machine with steel
shall be graded level to the heights shown on the tracks shall be allowed on the freshly placed reinforcing
drawings, and compacted to 93% modified AASHTO strips.
density in accordance with the requirements of clause
3305. Measurement and payment for this work will be
made under the relevant items of section 3300. 7205 PATENT RIGHTS AND DESIGN

Aconcrete footing shall be provided in accordance with the

details shown on the drawings, or as may be directed by The contractor shall negotiate direct with the licence holder
the engineer. Reinforced Earth (Pty) Ltd in connection with royalties
payable for the use of the patented systems for Reinforced
Earth structures and in respect of providing technical
@) Construction of Reinforced Earth structure assistance during construction.

Concrete panels may be installed once the concrete All details shown on the drawings shall be submitted to the
reaches the cube compressive strength of 18 MPa. licence holders for approval and no construction work shall
be carried out in accordance with any drawings if the
Concrete panels shall be handled and erected by crane official approval of the licence holder has not been clearly
and may be lifted only by means of lifting devices to be indicated on it.
provided for this purpose.
The licence holder shall be responsible for the design,
Half concrete panels shall be used for the bottom row, and manufacture and supply of the cladding panels, reinforcing
special panels for the top row in the wall. strips and accessories and for providing technical
assistance during construction.
The bottom row of cladding panels shall be placed
accurately in position on the concrete footing and properly
braced to prevent movement during the placing of the first 7206 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
layers of fill. Initially only half cladding panels of the
bottom row shall be placed in position. The distance
between the dowel and the tube of two adjacent half unit
cladding panels shall be accurately controlled with a steel
spacer plate to ensure that successive cladding panels will 72.01 Cladding panels:
fit accurately inbetween the spaces between the half
panels. Freshly placed cladding panels shall be clamped (a) Concrete panels (class
in the vertical position to the previously positioned cladding of concrete, type of panel
panels, with screw clamps and wooden wedges. Timber and thickness indicated) . ... square metre (m2)
blocks shall be placed between the cladding panels and
the clamps to protect the concrete. Each cladding panel (b) Steel panels (thickness
shall be individually checked after having been placed with of plate indicated) . . . . . . . . . square metre (m 2)
a plumb-bob and spirit level, and the distance between the
dowel and the tube of the adjacent cladding panels shall (c) Special panels (specify) . . . . . square metre (m2)
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of each Item Unit
type of cladding panel supplied. The quantity shall be
calculated on the basis of the specified dimensions on the 72.05 Erection of cladding
surface which will be visible in the completed structure. panels:
The front surface of the panel only shall be measured in
respect of special panels (eg corner elements). (a) Concrete panels .......... square metre (m Z)

(b) Steel panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)

The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
labour, the supplying of all the materials, including tie (c) Special panels ........... square metre (m Z)
strips, dowels and tubes, bolts and nuts, lifting devices and
the necessary jointing material, for manufacturing, storing, The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
loading, transporting and off-loading and all appurtenant cladding panel erected as measured cn the front surface
work which may be necessary for providing the cladding of the wall.
panels on the site, also for all royalties, design costs and
technical assistance. The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the
erection of the cladding panels, the installation of jointing
material, and the connecting of reinforcing strips to the
ltem Unit cladding panels.

72.02 Reinforcing strips

(dimensions indicatedj . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m) Item Unit

72.06 lnfill concrete and

The unit of measurement shall be a metre of reinforcing finishing on top of the
strip of the various sizes installed. wall (class of concrete
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of infill
supplying all materials, manufacturing the reinforcing concrete placed on top of the wall.
strips, transport, handling and storing, and all the labour
and accessories required for installation. The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
labour, material, formwork and construction equipment
necessary for placing infill concrete and for finishing off the
Item Unit top of the wall.

72.03 Excavation for concrete

footings for walls: Item Unit

(a) In soft material ............ cubic metre (m 3) 72.07 Extra over items
(the numbers of the
(b) Extra over subitem appropriate payment
72.03(a) for excavation in items in series 3000
hard material . . . . . . . . ..... 3
cubic metre (m ) indicated) for the
construction of fills
comprising reinforced
Measurement of and payment for excavation shall be as earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
specified for item 61.02 of these specifications, except that
no additional excavation shall be measured where The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of fill
formwork is required. placed between the reinforcing strips in accordance with
the approved dimensions of the reinforced fills bounded by
the reinforcing strips.
ltem Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the
72.04 Concrete footings additional costs of constructing the fills containing
for walls (class of reinforcing strips, and for any adjustments to normal
concrete indicated) ......... cubic metre (m )
backfilling methods as may be necessary for placing the
backfill material as specified in this section, including the
trimming of layer planes for providing intimate contact with
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of the reinforcing strips.
concrete cast in the concrete footings for walls, calculated
in accordance with the net approved dimensions for the
concrete footings.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for Pay item 64.02 shall apply to the manufacture of
supplying and placing the concrete and constructing the prefabricated concrete coping and pay item 64.03 to its
concrete footings, including the supplying of any formwork transport and erection. These pay items shall be listed
which may be necessary. under section 7200 in the scedule of quantities.
SERIES 7000: SUNDRY STRUCTURES channelling shall comply with the requirements of section

(e) Herbicide and ant poison

The herbicide and ant poison shall be environmentally
7301 SCOPE friendly and shall be subject to the engineer's approval.

7301 SCOPE (a) Underlying pavement layen

The underlying pavement layers shall be constructed and

This section covers the furnishing of materials and the prepared in accordance with the requirements for the
construction of concrete block paving for roads. relevant pavement layers in series 3000 of the standard
specifications, the project specifications and the drawings.
Where specified or required by the engineer the prepared
7302 MATERIALS surface shall be treated with approved herbicide and ant
poison before the layer of sand for bedding is placed.

(a) Bedding sand

@) Bedding sand
Bedding sand for concrete block paving shall not contain
any deleterious impurities. A layer of bedding sand shall be placed on top of the
prepared surface of the underlying pavement layer. It shall
be accurately levelled to an uncompacted thickness of
Bedding sand shall comply with the following grading 25 m m ( + 5 mm) or as specified so that the concrete
requirements: paving blocks will have the correct level after compaction.
The bedding sand shall be placed immediately before the
Sieve size (mm) % passing through concrete paving blocks are laid and shall not be
compacted before the blocks have been laid.

(c) Concrete paving blocks

The blocks shall be laid in the pattern shown on the

drawings or as directed by the engineer. Unbroken blocks
shall be laid first and the filler pieces afterwards. Filler
pieces shall be neatly sawn or hewn to fit exactly into the
space to be filled. Any space of which the size is less than
Bedding sand shall not contain any clay or silt material. 25% of the size of an unbroken block, shall be filled with
35 MPa concrete. The size of the joints between blocks
shall be between 2 m m and 4 mm, and the top faces of
@) Jointing sand the blocks shall be flush.

100% of the sand used to fill the joints between the After the paving blocks have been laid, the pavement shall
concrete blocks shall pass through a 1,18 m m sieve and be compacted by two passes of a suitable vibrating-plate
between 10% and 15% of it shall pass through a 0,075 m m compactor operating at a frequency of 65 Hz to 100 Hz
sieve. and a low amplitude. Its plate surface shall be 0,2 m 2 to
0,4 m 2 and it shall develop a centrifugal force of 7 kN to
16 kN.
(c) Concrete paving blocks
After compaction of the pavement as described above,
Concrete paving blocks shall comply with the requirements jointing sand shall be spread and brushed into the joints
of SABS 1058. The block shall be of the class, type and until the joints have been properly filled. Any surplus sand
thickness specified in the project specifications, on the shall then be broomed off and the pavement shall then be
drawings, or in the schedule of quantities. The surface subjected to two further passes by the plate vibrator.
texture and colour of all blocks shall be uniform. The
blocks shall comply with the Portland Cement Institute's
abrasion test. (d) M g e beams and intermediate beams

Cast in situ or prefabricated concrete edge beams or

(d) Concrete intermediate beams shall be constructed on the underlying
pavement layer in accordance with the details shown on
Cast in situ concrete edge beams or intermediate beams the drawings. No paving blocks shall be laid before the
shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of edge and intermediate beams have developed sufficient
sections 6200, 6300 and 6400. Prefabrlcated kerbing and strength to withstand the construction forces.
(e) Construction tolerances necessary to complete the concrete block paving as
The completed concrete block paving shall comply with the
following construction tolerances:
(i) Line of pattern
73.02 Cast in situ concrete edge
Maximum deviation from any and intermediate beams . . ... cubic metre (m3)
3 m straight line 10 m m
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
Maximum deviation from any concrete in edge and intermediate beams. The quantity
20 m straight line 20 m m shall be calculated from the dimensions shown on the
drawings or authorized by the engineer.
(ii) Vertical deviation from a
3 m straight-edge The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
furnishing all materials, and constructing the edge and
at the edge beams intermediate beams complete as specified, including all
excavation and backfilling in all classes of material.

elsewhere + 10 m m
(iii) Maximum difference in the
surface levels of adjacent 73.03 Provision of approved hehicide
units and ant poison:

(a) Provision of materials . . . . . . . . prime cost sum

(b) Contractor's charges and
profit added to the prime
Item Unit cost sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per cent (%)

73.01 Concrete block paving Payment under the prime cost sum for providing ant
(class, type and thickness poison and herbicide and the contractor's costs and profit
indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . ... square metre (m Z) in this respect shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of the general conditions of contract, but, in
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of addition, the contractor's tendered rate for costs and profit
completed concrete block paving. The quantity shall be shall include full compensation for applying the chemicals
calculated from the dimer~sionsshown on the drawings or as specified.
authorized by the engineer.

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for Note:

furnishing all materials, constructing the sand bedding,
laying and compacting the concrete pavement blocks, All prefabricated concrete kerbing and channelling will be
filling the joints with jointing sand, and for all other work measured and paid for under section 2300.


(a) Excavations

CONTENTS All excavations for the bases of the earth retaining systems
shall be done in accordance with the provisions of section
7401 SCOPE 6100. The contractor shall not commence with the
7402 MATERIALS construction of the bases before the excavations have
7403 CONSTRUCTION been properly cleaned by the contractor and inspected
7404 PATENT RIGHTS and approved by the engineer.

7401 SCOPE
The bases for the earth retaining systems shall be of the
type or types shown on the drawings or specified in the
This section covers the construction of retaining structures project specifications.
by means of proprietary or custom-built precast concrete
block retaining systems such as Loffelstein, Enviro-wall, The provisions of sections 6200,6300 and 6400 shall apply
Terrace Blok, etc. to the construction of concrete bases.

The bases shall be constructed in accordance with the

7402 MATERIALS dimensions and levels shown on the drawings subject to
the provisions of clause 6106.

(a) General No precast concrete blocks shall be installed until the

engineer has inspected and approved in writing the
All materials used in constructing the retaining systems, as completed bases.
well as all precast units of proprietary or custom-built
retaining systems shall be subject to the approval of the
engineer. (c) Installing the precast concrete blocks

The precast concrete blocks shall be installed on the

When requested by the engineer, the contractor shall completed bases in accordance with the specifications of
submit test certificates from an approved independent the patent holders or the licensees and in accordance with
testing authority to show that the respective materials the lines, levels and angles of inclination shown on the
comply with the specified requirements, or certificatesfrom drawings, or with the variations ordered in writing by the
the patent holders or licensees certifying that the engineer.
manufactured items comply in all respects with the
relevant product specifications.

@) Concrete bases for earth retaining systems

The contractor shall negotiate direct with the patent
All materials for concrete bases for earth retaining systems holders or licensees in connection with royalties payable
shall comply with the relevant requirements of sections for the use of the patented systems. The contractor shall
6200. 6300 and 6400. arrange for technical assistance by the patent holders or
licensees before and during construction.

(c) Precast concrete blocks

The precast concrete blocks shall be of the type shown on
the drawings or specified in the project specifications, or
it shall be an approved alternative type. The blocks shall Unit
be uniform of colour and durable and shall not react with
soil. All materials for precast concrete blocks shall comply 74.01 Patented earth retaining
with the relevant requirements of sections 6200, 6300 and systems:
(a) Loffelstein precast
concrete blocks of type
(d) Backfill material (state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m 2)

The backfill material shall be approved granular material, (b) Enviro-wall precast
unless otherwise specified in the project specifications or concrete blocks of type
on the drawings. (state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m2)
(c) Terrace Blok precast (b) Extra over subitem 74.02(a)
concrete blocks of type for excavation in hard
(state type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (m 2) material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)

(d) Etc for other patented

earth retaining systems and Measurement and payment for excavation shall be as
other types of blocks . . . . . . square metre (m2) specified for item 61.02 except that no additional
excavation shall be measured were formwork is required.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of the
front vertical face of the earth retaining system placed in
position as shown on the drawings. The front vertical face kern Unit
shall be measured from the top of the base to the top of
the earth retaining system. 74.03 Concrete bases for earth
retaining systems (class of
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for concrete indicated) . . . . . . . . cubic metre (m3)
procuring,furnishing, transporting, handling and placing all
materials and precast concrete blocks, including the
specified backfill material between the blocks, and any The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of
additional costs required for placing the blocks in position concrete cast in the concrete bases for earth retaining
complete as specified. systems, calculated in accordance with the net approved
dimensions of the concrete bases.

Item Unit
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
74.02 Excavation for concrete bases supplying and placing the concrete and constructing the
for earth retaining systems: concrete bases, including any formwork whiqh may be
necessary, and for all steel reinforcement, complete as
(a) In soft material .... . ...... cubic metre (m )
SERIES 7000 : SUNDRY STRUCTURES requirements of acceptance testing. This facility is
available during the initial stressing phase but
SECTION 7500 : GROUND ANCHORS subsequently, if the protruding tendon is cut, further
measurement or adjustment is not possible.

CONTENTS (ii) Restressable type

SCOPE An anchorage meeting all the requirements of the normal

DEFINITIONS anchorage and also permitting the tendon, throughout the
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS life of the structure, to be measured by check lifting. It
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT also allows small losses, up to, say 10% of working load, to
DRILLING be recovered by shimming or nut turning.
HOMING AND GROUTING (iii) De-tensionable type
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT An anchorage meeting all the requirements of the
restressable type and in addition permitting the tendon to
be de-tensioned in a controlled manner at any time during
7501 SCOPE the life of the anchor. All temporary anchors shall have
anchorages of the de-tensionable type.

This section covers the design, supply, installation,

stressing and testing of ground anchors. (e) Fixed anchor length

The designed length of the anchor over which the tensile

7502 DEFINITIONS load is transmitted by bond to the surrounding ground.

The definitions in clause 6502 together with the following (f) Free anchor length
additional definitions shall apply to these specifications:
The distance between the proximal end of the fixed anchor
(a) Ground anchor and the stressing anchorage.

The term "ground anchor" is a generic term covering all

types of ground anchors which are generally subdivided in @) Proximal
rock anchors and soil anchors. It is an installation which is
capable of transmitting an applied tensile load to a Nearest to the stressing anchorage.
loadbearing stratum. The installation consists basically of
a stressing anchorage, a tendon and a fixed anchor as
shown in figure 750211, (h) Distal

Furthest from the stressing anchorage.

@) Temporary anchor

An installation which is often used during the construction (i) Tendon

phase of a project to withstand forces for a known short
period of time, usually less than two years. The part of the anchor which is capable of transmitting the
tensile load from the fixed anchor to the stressing
(c) Permanent anchor

An installation which is required to ensure the stability and (j) Tendon bond length
satisfactory service performance of the permanent structure
being supported. The length of the tendon which is bonded directly to the

(d) Stressing anchorage

(k) Capsule bond length
The component of a ground anchor which is capable of
transmitting the tensile load from the tendon to the surface The overall length of the outer perimeter of the capsule
of the ground or structure requiring support: which is bonded to the surrounding grout.

(i) Normal type

(I) Free tendon length
An anchorage designed to permit the load in the tendon to
be raised or lowered within the entire range of operating The length of the tendon which is decoupled from the
stress levels and measured when necessary to meet the surrounding ground or grout. During the initial stressing
operation the free tendon length may be extended by the (v) Decoupling
stressing length, depending on the type of stressing
system employed. The separation of components. A term normally used
when tendons are separated from the surrounding ground
and/or grout by grease and sheathing.
(m) Primary grout

The grout injected before or after tendon homing, and prior (w) Characteristic strength
to stressing, to secure the fixed anchor to the surrounding
ground. The value of cube strength of grout or concrete or the
ultimate tensile strength of prestressing steel, below which
not more than 5% of the test results fall.
(n) Secondary grout

The groit injected after stressing to bond and/or protect 7- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
the free length of the tendon.

(a) The ground anchors shall be designed to comply

(0) Absolute accuracy with the requirements contained in the following
The deviation of a calibrated measuring instrument from
the true value, ie where a measuring instrument has been (i) Lateral Support in Surface Excavations : Code of
calibrated against dead weight apparatus or loading Practice 1989 : SAICE.
machines of which the accuracy is known.
(ii) Recommendations for the Design and Construction
of Prestressed Concrete Ground Anchors : FIP
@) Relative amracy (May 1982).

The accuracy of the reading of small differences in (iii) Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Prestressed
quantities to be measured. Ground Anchorages : THOMAS TELFORD : FIP

(q) Lifl off load (b) A ground anchor shall be specified as follows:

The minimum load monitored during a restressing or load (i) Permanent or temporary
checking operation which provides a defined clearance
(0,l mm 1,O mm) between the anchor head or ring nut (ii) Minimum working load
and the anchor plate.
(iii) Minimum ultimate tensile strength

(r) Relaxation (iv) Class and type of anchor

The decrease of stress with time while the tendon is held (v) Degree of corrosion protection
under constant strain.
(vi) Minimum free length

(vii) .Minimum fixed anchor length

The change in strain of the tendon with time under (viii) Minimum drill hole size
constant stress.
(ix) Rock or ground quality or bore hole logs.

Q Skin friction
(c) The contractor shall design the anchor system to
A term commonly used in practice to define the ultimate comply with the above requirements and shall submit his
bond value at the ground/grout interface of the fixed design to the engineer for his approval. The contractor
anchor. may not commence with the installation of ground anchors
until the engineer has approved the contractor's design.

(u) Debonding
(d) No ground anchor may be installed at a distance of
The breakdown of bond at the grout/tendon or 1,O m or less from any point on the exterior of a known
ground/grout interface. service, service duct or culvert.
7- MATERLALS AND EQUIPMENT Position of hole: rt 75 m m of specified position

Depth of hole: Specified depth + 0,3 m - 0 m

All materials used in the ground anchors shall comply with
the requirements of clause 6503, and all equipment used (d) Water testing
in the fabrication, grouting and stressing shall comply with
the requirements of clause 6504. On completion of drilling in rock the hole shall be tested
for watertightness. If the loss of water over a period of 10
minutes exceeds 3 Plmin at a pressure of 100 kPa at collar
level the hole shall be grouted and redrilled. The water
proofing grout shall be cement grout of similar
composition to the anchor grouting.
(a) General
The redrilling shall not commence for at least twelve hours
Holes shall be drilled to the diameter, depth, position and after the waterproof grouting has been completed.
tolerances as specified. The diameter of the drilling bit
shall not be less than the specified diameter. The depth of
drilling shall allow for detritus that cannot be removed from 7506 MANUFACTURE
the hole.

The drilling rig assembly and the working platform shall be The storage, handling and protection of ground anchors
rigid to ensure that the specified alignment shall be shall comply with the requirements of subclause 6510(a),
achieved. and the fabrication of ground anchors shall comply with
the requirements of subclause 6510(b).
Unless otherwise specified or approved by the engineer the
noise level of drilling and pneumatic equipment shall not Anchors composed of plastic sheathed greased strand
exceed 75 dBA when measured at a distance of 15,O m shall have the exposed strand in the fixed anchorage zone
from the equipment. thoroughly cleaned and degreased, using steam or
solvents, after onlaying of the strand.

@) Drilling methods Centralisers and cover spacers shall be non-metallic and

shall be firmly attached to the tendon at a maximum
The drilling methods shall be rotary, percussive, rotary- spacing of 1,5 m to ensure the central location and
percussive or vibratory and shall be chosen to give the minimum grout cover of 10 mm.
minimum disturbance to the surrounding ground.

The use of casing in the free length is permitted. 7507 HOMING AND GROUTING

The use of drilling fluid is subject to the following

conditions: (a) Homing

(i) It shall have no deleterious effect on the ground, Tendon installation and grouting shall be carried out as
tendon or grout. soon as possible after the drilling of the fixed anchor
length and shall be completed within 2 to 4 days. The
(ii) It shall not cause swelling or softening of the homing shall be carried out at a steady controlled rate.

Special care shall be taken when drilling into ground water @) Grouting
with artesian pressure and the contractor shall submit his
drilling method to the engineer for approval. (i) Cementitious grout shall comply with the
requirements of subclause 6510(f).

Should the contractor encounter ground conditions that (ii) Resin grout shall comply with the recommendations
differ from those on which his design is based, he shall of BS 8081.
immediately discontinue the installation of the ground
anchors, notify the engineer and wait for the engineer's The grout shall be injected at the distal end of the hole,
instructions before recommencing with the installation of through a grout tube. This may be done prior to homing
the ground anchors. or after homing dependant on the type of anchor.

Where a tendon is decoupled in the free length the column

(c) Tolerances of grout shall not extend to the structure being anchored.

Minimum hole diameter: maximum tendon diameter The hole shall be adequately vented to allow trapped water
plus 10 m m and airto escape to permit proper filling.

Inclination of hole: 2 2,5"of specified After grouting the anchor shall remain undisturbed until the
inclination specified transfer strength is obtained, which shall not be
less than 25 MPa. The anchor shall in any case remain ltern Unit
undisturbed for a period of at least three days after
grouting. 75.03 Drill holes with a
diameter of (diameter
After the tensioning and testing as specified in clause 7508 indicated) to the specified
have been completed and approved, the anchorages at the depths and inclinations ............metre (m)
jacking end shall be encased in concrete as detailed on the
drawings or as ordered by the engineer. The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole,
including the depth of the bulbous base formed, as may
be applicable. The depth of the bulbous base shall be
7508 TENSIONING AND TESTING deemed to be equal to the diameter of a sphere, the
volume of which shall be equal to the quantity of
compacted concrete in the bulbous base.
(a) Tensioning shall comply with the requirements of
subclause 6510(e). The tendered rate for forming augered holes shall include
full compensation for augering and disposing of surplus
(b) Testing shall be done in accordance with Chapter 6 material resulting from the hole having been formed.
paragraph 6.7 of the SAICE Code of Practice : Lateral
Support in Surface Excavations (1989). The tendered rate for forming bored holes shall include full
compensation for boring, supplying, installing and
(c) The contractor shall bear the cost of all acceptance extracting the driven temporary casing as well as for
tests specified in the contract or prescribed by the engineer disposing of surplus material resulting from the hole having
and which are not listed in the schedule of quantities. been formed.

kern Unit
75.W Water tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)
kern Unit The unit of measurement shall be the number of holes
75.01 Establishment on the
site for drilling .................. lump sum The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
installing and the subsequent dismantling and removal of
The tendered lump sum shall include full compensation for the testing equipment, conducting the test and processing
generally levelling the drilling site, establishing on the site and submitting the results.
and subsequently removing all structural platforms, rafts
and all special plant and equipment for drilling and for
carrying out operations, the cost of which does not vary kern Unit
with the actual amount of drilling done.
75.05 Grouting and redrilling
This work will be paid for by way of a lump sum, 50% of the holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre
. (m)
which will become payable when all equipment is on the
site and the first hole has been drilled. The second The unit of measurement shall be the metre of hole
instalment of 25% of the lump sum will be payable after grouted and redrilled.
half the total number of holes and the final instalment of
25% after all the holes have been drilled and the The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all
equipment has been removed from the site. grouting materials and equipment, the grouting operation,
resetting up drilling equipment, the redrilling operation,
flushing and cleaning the hole to provide a watertight hole.
ltern Unit

75.02 Moving to,and setting up kern Unit

the equipment at each position
for drilling the holes . . . . . . . . . . . number (No) 75.06 Ground anchor tendons:

The unit of measurement shall be the number of positions (a) Free length ............. meganewton-metre
to which the installation equipment has to be moved and (MN-m)
set up in position. The quantity measured shall be the
number of holes drilled plus the number holes redrilled on (b) Fixed anchor length ...... meganewton-metre
the instruction of the engineer, plus any holes provided in (MN-m)
addition for load tests, which do not form part of a specific
anchor group. The unit of measurement shall be the meganewton-metre
which is calculated as the product of the characteristic
s;:ength in megapascals of the prestressing steel, the
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all cross-sectional area of the tendon in square metres and the
costs involved in moving and setting up any equipment. length of the tendon in metres between the outer faces of
the anchorages. In the case of fan and loop anchorages The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
the "length of the tendon" shall include the length of supplying, storing, handling, fabricating and protecting the
tendon forming the loop or fan. complete anchorage or coupler assembly, anchorage
reinforcing, constructing the recesses for the anchorage or
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for coupler, tensioning of the tendons, anchoring and/or
preparing and submitting the drawings, supplying, storing, coupling, trimming the tendon ends, using all the
handling and protecting all materials (excluding equipment, as well as for all work and incidentals required
anchorages and couplers at the jacking end), fabricating, for completing the work as specified. It shall also include
supporting and installing the cables, lubricating, full compensation for testing the tendons to the specified
permanently protecting and bonding the tendons, for the test force in accordance with the prescribed methods.
using of all the equipment, as well as for all work and
incidentals required for completing the work as specified. The coupler shall include the complete assembly
consisting of the anchorage built into the first-stage
construction and the part coupled to it.
Item Unit

75.07 Anchorages and couplers: Item Unit

(a) Anchorage at jacking end . . . rneganewton (MN) 75.08 Encasing the anchorages at the
jacking end in concrete . . . . . . . . number (No)
(b) Coupler at jacking end .. ... meganewton (MN)
The unit of measurement shall be the number of
The unit of measurement shall be the meganewton which anchorages encased.
is calculated as the product of the characteristic strength in
megapascals of the prestressing steel and the cross- The tendered rate shall include full compensation for
sectional area of the tendon in square metres, effectively encasing the anchorages at the jacking end in concrete,
anchored or coupled. complete as specified and detailed on the drawings.

SECTION 8100 : TESTING MATERIALS AND (1) The standard methods of testing of the South
WORKMANSHIP African Bitumen and Tar Association (SABITA).

In addition to the above standard methods of testing,

CONTENTS standard specifications or test methods of other bodies
may also be referred to in these specifications, or test
SCOPE methods may be described where no acceptable standard
TESTING METHODS methods exist.
TESTING THE CONCRETE In all cases the latest amendment or revision current at the
TESTING THE SOILS. GRAVELS AND CRUSHED- closing date of the tender is implied when reference is
STONE MATERIALS FOR EARTHWORKS AND made to one of the above standards in the specification.
STRUCTURAL TESTS The cost of testing undertaken by the contractor in terms
TESTS ON SILICONE SEALANTS of his obligations under clause 1205 for purposes of
G E O T E X T I L E AND G E O T E X T I L E - S O I L process control, including the taking of samples,
COMPATIBILITY TESTS reinstating where samples have been taken, and all testing
CLASSIFYING THE TESTS equipment, labour, materials, etc, shall be included in the
TESTING OF CONSTRUCTION WATER rates tendered for the various items of work supplied and
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT will not be paid for separately.

8101 SCOPE @) Producing certificates

Where the properties of materials or manufactured

During the progress of the work tests shall be conducted products are required in these specifications to comply
on materials and workmanship to ensure compliance with with specified specifications published by a standards
the requirements of the specifications. authority, the contractor shall produce, when called upon
to do so, certificates from the manufacturer confirming that
Certain sampling and testing procedures not covered in the the materials or products supplied comply with the relevant
other sections of the specifications by reference to the specifications. The cost of providing such certificates shall
standard methods mentioned in clause 8102, are given in be borne by the contractor. Where it is specified that a
this section. product shall comply with an SABS specification, it means
that the product shall have been tested and evaluated in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant SABS
8102 TESTING METHODS specification. Where an SABS mark is specified, a
certificate will be required.

All tests shall be conducted in accordance with the

standard methods specified in the following, in order of (c) Testing materials and products covered by
precedence: certificates

(a) Standard methods for testing road construction The engineer shall be entitled to take samples of and order
materials (TMH1 and TMHG) and for calibration (TMH2). tests to be made on products and materials in respect of
compiled by the Committee of State Road Authorities which certificates of compliance may be required as
(CSRA) and published by the Department of Transport as described in subclause (b) above. The contractor shall be
part of the series Technical Methods for Highways. paid at the appropriate rates if the cost of such tests are
itemized in the schedule of quantities, and, if no
(b) South African Bureau of Standards specifications. appropriate rates exist, such tests shall be classed as a
test methods, codes of practice and co-ordinating variation under clause 40 of the general conditions of
specifications (abbreviated as SABS and CKS). contract, provided that such tests indicate compliance with
the specifications, otherwise the cost shall be borne by the
(c) British Standards Institute Specifications contractor.
(abbreviated as BS).

(d) The specifications of the American Society for 8104 TAKING AND SUBMITTING SAMPLES
Testing and Materials (abbreviated as ASTM).
The method of taking samples shall be as specified in the
(e) The specifications of the American Association of appropriate sampling and testing methods. The sampling
State Highway and Transportation Officials (abbreviated as methods described in TMH5. SABS method 827, ASTM and
AASHTO shall apply where relevant. If no sampling @) Determining acid insolubility
method is specified, the sampling methods described in
TMH5 and in SABS method 827 shall take precedence. A sample of fine aggregate with an approximate mass of
1 kg shall be dried and weighed. The sample shall then be
In the case of rehabilitation work the definitions given in treated with an adequate amount of a 6 N solution of
the project specifications for lot, lot size, random sample hydrochloric acid to react with all the acid-soluble particles
and sample size shall apply. in the sample. When the reaction is complete, the residue
shall be removed from the solution by filtration (Whatman
Where the contractor is required in these specifications to No 4 filter paper), washed with water, screened through an
submit samples of materials or mixtures to the engineer for 0,075 m m sieve, dried and weighed. The mass of
approval prior to their being used in the works, the use of insoluble residue retained on the 0,075 m m sieve,
these materials or mixtures without the engineer's written expressed as a percentage of the total sample, shall be
approval shall constitute default on the part of the reported as the acid-insoluble content.
contractor, who shall be liable for the consequence of such
default. All samples shall be submitted in sufficient time
for proper testing. (c) Free-water content

The free-water content of aggregate shall be determined in

The engineer's approval of any materials or mixtures shall accordance with SABS method of testing 855. Rapid-
in no way relieve the contractor of his obligation to provide testing methods approved by the engineer may also be
materials, mixtures and workmanship which comply with applied.
the specifications.
Suitable adaptions of the above method may be used for
determining the free-water content of coarse aggregate.
All samples for testing shall be taken in a random pattern
or as prescribed by the engineer. Where specified or
required by the engineer, stratified random sampling (d) Bulking the fine aggregates
methods shall be followed. For the testing of layerwork
stratified random sampling methods shall be used for The bulking of fine aggregates shall be determined in
obtaining all the sample portions and for determining the accordance with SABS method of testing 856.
locations for in situ tests.

(e) Determining the effect of sand on the water

The engineer shall have full access to the works for the demand of a concrete mix
purpose of taking samples. The contractor shall render
any assistance necessary for taking the samples and shall Water demand is defined as the quantity of water per cubic
be responsible for the reinstatement of pavement layers or metre of concrete required to give a slump of 75 m m in a
other structures at the positions where the samples have concrete with an optimum quantity of stone with a nominal
been taken. Full compensation for rendering assistance size of 19 rnm.
with sampling and for reinstatement where samples have
been taken shall be included in the rates tendered for the The following materials are required:
various items of work tested, and no additional payment
will be made in this respect. - Ordinary portland cement
Crushed stone with a nominal size of 19 m m
Sand or a sand mix to be tested.
Table 810411 provides guidelines in respect of submitting
the materials in regard to the time and quantity of material Method:
required for testing, approval and the mix design. As the
time stated in this table does not make any allowance for (1) Determine the relative density (Rsa) in accordance
possible rejection and the resubmission of alternative with SABS method 844 and the fineness modules (FM) of
materials, the contractor shall submit any materials of the sand or sand mix.
uncertain quality at an early stage or together with
alternative materials in order to minimize any delays in final (2) Determine the compacted bulk density (CBD) of the
approval. 19 m m aggregate in accordance with SABS method 845.
Also determine the relative density of the stone (R
The contractor shall note that any samples submitted direct
to the engineer's laboratory for approval shall be properly Determine the required quantity of stone (S) per
marked and shall be accompanied by a covering letter with 3
cubic metre of mix (in kg/m ) in accordance with formula:
all the required information and countersigned by the
engineer's representative. S = CBD (0,975 - 0,lFM).

(4) Estimate the water demand (W) of the mix (in

8105 TESTING THE AGGREGATES l l m 3 ) . 220 l / m 3 may be used as a starting point.

(5) Determine the required cement content (C) for the

(a) General mix (in kg/m 3) by using the water content 0 as obtained
from (4) and a water:cement ratio of 0,59.
Aggregates shall be regularly tested by the contractor as
part of his process control as they are being manufactured (6) Determine the required sand content (SC) of the
or brought onto the site and used or taken to stockpile. mix (in kg/m3) in accordance with the formula:
(8) Prepare the mix and determine the slump in
accordance with SABS method 862. Where the slump
(7) Decide on the mix size which will apply to the does not amount to 75 mm, repeat the test with adjusted
available equipment and calculate the mix quantities in quantities of cement, water and sand. A good rule to
relation to the calculated quantities per cubic metre. Do remember is that a change of 10 1/m 3 in the water content
not produce a mix of less than 10 1. either halves or doubles the slump.

Table 810411



Submission for quality Submission for quality

approval only approval and mix design

Minimum time
Material Proposed Minimum time Minimum to be allowed Minimum
submitted use to be allowed quantity for testing, quantity
for testing to be approval and to be
and approval submitted mix design submitted

Crushed Coarse aggre- 2 weeks 50 kg of 8 weeks for 150 kg of each size

stone gate for con- each size structures and of stone for each
crete of stone concrete roads class of concrete

Bituminous 2 weeks 50 kg of 2 weeks 50 kg of each size

seals each size of stone
of stone

Asphalt 2 weeks 50 kg of 8 weeks 100 kg of each

mixes each size size of stone
of stone

Crushed-stone 3 weeks 50 kg 8 weeks 200 kg

base or (stabilization)

Crusher dust Fine aggregate 2 weeks 50 kg of 10 weeks 150 kg of each

and/or sand for concrete each size type proposed
of aggregate for use for
each class
of concrete

Asphalt mixes 2 weeks 15 kg of 8 weeks 150 kg of each

each size type proposed
of aggregate for use

Slurry or 2 weeks 15 kg of each 6 weeks 50 kg of each

sand seal type proposed type proposed
for use for use

Gravel Subbase 4 weeks 200 kg of 8 weeks 200 kg

and/or base each sample (stabilization)

Other mate- As specified As prescribed by the engineer

rials eg paint,
cement, addi-
tives, etc
(9) The water content giving a slump of 75 m m will r 0,25 The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is
then be the water demand for the mix. harmful and the aggregate is expanding
(10) In view of obtaining repeatable results, the following
parameters shall be kept constant in so far as is possible: (iii) Interpretation

- Material temperature For aggregates falling in the slowly expanding group, the
- Mixing time alkalinity per m 3 of concrete shall not exceed 2,80 kg of an
- Source of cement Na20 equivalent.
- Source of stone.

For aggregates falling in the rapidly expanding group, the

(9 Accelerated-test method for determining the alkalinity per m 3 of concrete shall not exceed a value of
potential alkali reactivity of aggregates 2,10 kg of an Na20 equivalent per m , depending on the
(i) The method

Three mortar prisms shall be prepared in accordance with The dilution and palliative effect of extenders in the
the requirements of ASTM C 227-90. The prisms are cementitious binders, such as slagment (where permitted
removed from the mould after 24 hours and immersed in in structural concrete) and fly ash, shall be taken into
water in a closed container, placed in an oven and kept at account in the interpretation of the results.
a constant temperature of 80°C. After 24 hours in the
oven, the prisms are taken to a room with a temperature of
23"C, where their lengths are measured with a vertical 8106 TESTING THE CONCRETE
comparator (an indicator type of deformation meter)
accurately to 2 p m before any significant cooling-down
takes place. (a) Determining the compressive strength

This reading will be taken as the nil reading. After the The procedure for sampling and manufacturing, storing,
initial reading has been taken, the prisms are immersed in curing and testing test cubes shall be in accordance with
a 1 N NaOH solution kept at 80°C. This solution is kept in TMHl method D l , except that the machines referred to in
a plastic container which seals tightly and is large enough paragraph 2.3 of TMHl method D l shall also comply with
for the prisms to be completely immersed. Plastic is used, all the requirements of BS 1610 and BS 1881. The
as the caustic solution corrodes glass and metal. The following deviations from the above procedure shall apply:
prisms are measured every working day for a period of 14
days at a room temperature of 23"C, and their linear
expansion is calculated. The average expansion of the Where instructed by the engineer, the compaction of
three prisms for each day is then calculated. Where none concrete specimens in the moulds by means of a vibrating
of the values deviate by more than 15% from the average, table shall be obligatory. The method of compaction shall
the repeatability is regarded as being satisfactory. The be as follows:
average expansion after 10 or 12 days is taken to be the
reference value for determining the potential alkali (i) Plastic concrete
Fill the mould halfway and vibrate it and spade it on all
(ii) Criteria four sides with a suitable trowel to remove air bubbles.
Stop the vibration as soon as a wet sheen appears on the
The criteria proposed provisionally for the accelerated surface. Fill the mould and repeat the procedure, but stop
mortar-prism testing method shall be as follows: when again a wet sheen appears on the surface.

(1) Percentage of linear expansion after 10 days: (ii) Stiff concrete

< 0,08 The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is not The same procedure is followed, except that the mould is
harmful filled in three to four steps instead of in two. The vibration
is stopped for each layer when a wet sheen appears.
2 0,08 The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is
but harmful and the aggregate is expanding
-= 0,20 slowly @) Consistency

2 0,20 The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is The test method described in TMHl method D3 shall apply
harmful and the aggregate is expanding in regard to the slump test, and the method described in
rapidly BS 881 (Part 104) in regard to the VEBE test.

(2) Percentage of linear expansion after 12 days:

(c) Air content
i0,lO The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is not
harmful The air content of the freshly mixed concrete shall be
tested by the method given in TMHl method D5. Ar-
1 0,lO The alkali reactivity of the aggregate is content tests shall be conducted on the same samples of
but harmful and the aggregate is expanding concrete from which cubes were made for the 28-day
i0,25 slowly compressive-strength tests.
(d) Drilling and testing the cores For purposes of the initial work, it is mentioned that
research has shown that the strength of the cubes treated
Where sections of concrete which have failed to comply and tested as described above will be approximately 0,58
with the specifications are required to be further times the 28-day compressive strength for concrete cubes
investigated by extracting and testing concrete cores, prepared from ordinary portland cement (for strengths
100 m m or 150 m m cores shall be drilled and tested. The between 30 and 65 MPa). For rapid-hardening cement, the
sampling and testing procedure to be followed shall be in corresponding factor is 0,59, and for PBFC it is 0,66.
accordance with SABS 865.


(e) Flexural strength test (modulus of rupture) STONE MATERIALS FOR EARTHWORKS AND
The procedure for sampling, making tests beams, curing,
storing and testing, and the moulds used, shall be in
accordance with SABS method 864. Specimens of soils, gravels and crushed-stone materials in
earthworks and pavement layers shall be taken in
accordance with the methods described in TMHS (unless
(f) Curing concrete wbes to attain accelerated SABS method 827 is specified), and any tests thereo'n shall
strength development (55"CIM hours) be conducted in accordance with the methods described
in TMHl (A series), all subject to the following additional
(i) Scope provisions:

A method is described for curing concrete cubes at 55°C

for 20 hours with a view to pre-estimating the 28-day (a) All field-density determinations shall be done in
compressive strength for purposes of quality control. The accordance with method C (direct transmission) of method
accelerated tests are additional tests and do not replace AlO(b). Method AlO(a) may be used where so instructed by
the 28-day tests. the engineer. Unless otherwise directed by the engineer,
density testing for layerworks shall be carried out within 24
(ii) Apparatus hours of compaction having been completed. For the
determination of the dry density the moisture content shall
The following apparatus is required: be determined by means of a gravimetric method. Method
AlO(b) will be the reference method, except where in the
Apparatus for preparing the concrete cubes in accordance opinion of the engineer the material is of such a nature
with method D l of TMHl that, when the method is applied, disturbances will occur
Plastic sheets of 180 m m x 180 m m which will affect the results. The apparatus shall be
Hessian sheets for covering the samples properly calibrated, and a valid calibration certificate by a
A suitable water bath with a thermostat to maintain the recognized laboratory shall be submitted to the engineer
temperature constantly at 55°C +1 "C, with a circulation on demand. The engineer may insist on recalibration at
system and adequate capacity. any stage.

(iii) Method
@) The dry bulk relative density and the apparent
Prepare the required number of concrete cubes in relative density of crushed-stone material shall be
accordance with method D l in TMHl and completely cover determined as specified in clause 8108.
the exposed surface within the cube mould with small
plastic sheets and then with wet hessian. Keep it covered
for 3 hours + 15 minutes. (c) In the case of chemically stabilised material,
determining the optimum moisture content and the
Place the concrete cubes into their moulds in the hot-water maximum dry density shall be completed within the period
bath at a rate which will not allow the water temperature to given in table 3503(1), and field density shall be
drop below 54°C. Record the exact time when each cube determined within 24 hours of compaction having been
is placed into the water and leave it in the water at a completed.
temperature of 55°C 2 1 " C for 20 hours + 15 minutes.

Remove the cubes, in their moulds, from the water and (d) The moisture content at the specified saturation
then carefully from their moulds. Cool the cubes for 2 degree (Sr) shall be determined as follows:
hours + 15 minutes in water at 20°C +
(The apparent density (Gs) of the material shall also be
Test the compressive strength of the cubes in accordance determined for this purpose).
with method D l of TMH1.

(iv) Calculating the compressive strength


The cube compressive strength is calculated in accordance moisture content of the specified degree of
with method D l of TMH1. For calculating the expected 28- saturation (%)
day compressive strength, the ratio between the 28-day density of water (kglm')
compressive strength and the strength of rapid-hardening dry field density of the material (kglm )
cubes shall be determined for each type of concrete mix apparent density of the material (kg/m3)
by correlation techniques. specified degree of saturation (%).
(e) The soundness of mudrock or shale aggregates (v) Evaluation

(i) The soundness of mudrock or shale aggregates The disintegration pattern of the aggregate fragments shall
shall be determined by weathering the aggregate in water be visually classified in accordance with the five classes
by means of the following method (Venter test): specified in (vi) and illustrated in figure 8107/2.

(ii) Apparatus The terms to be used to describe the shape of the

fragments are as follows:
Sieves, 300 m m diameter and with perforated plate
37,5 m m and 26,5 m m openings, complying with SABS Plates - plates of fairly uniform thickness.
Flakes - fragments of non-uniform thickness, concave-,
Stainless steel weathering basins, with perforated bottom convex-, or wedge-shaped.
comprising 3 m m diameter holes, 10 m m centre to centre
apart (see figure 8107/l(a)), with dimensions 150 m m (L) Chunks - roughly equidimensional fragments ( > 3 mm).
x 100mm (W) x 5 0 m m (H).
Grains - fragments from about sand size to 3 m m
Stainless steel reaction trough holding three of the above diameter.
perforated basins with dimension of 500 m m (L) x 160 m m
(W) with inner resting shoulders (see figure 8107/l (b)). Silt, mud or clay.

Stainless steel drip tray, holding nine of the perforated (vi) Classification
weathering basins for drying in the oven with dimensions
of 500 m m (L) x 450 m m (W) x 25 m m (H) (see figure The five classes for rating the aggregate are as follows:
8107/l (c)).
Class I : Nil to minimal breakdown with only
Force draught oven, capable of maintaining a temperature minor closed cracks and difficult
between 105°C and 110°C. separation along these fracture planes

Tank with distilled water supply. Class II : Disintegration into hard fragments with
some open cracks.
(iii) Preparation of aggregate
Class Ill : Moderate disintegration with a high
For each laboratory sample, obtain six (6) representative percentage of open cracks into less hard
aggregate particles passing the 37,5 m m sieve and fragments.
retained on the 26,5 m m sieve, without any visible cracks
or flaws. Class IV : Extensive disintegration into soft
fragments with total separation along
Place the particles in the weathering basin without touching fracture planes.
each other.
Class V : Slaking into very soft fragments, silt,
(iv) Test procedure (start of first cycle) mud or clay.

Put the weathering basins containing the particles in the

oven and dry overnight for 15 h 2 0,5 h at a temperature (f) Nuclear device for compaction process control
between 105°C and 110°C.
The nuclear device for compaction process control shall
Remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature
for at least 30 minutes. (i) be operated by a suitably trained technician;

Place the weathering basins with aggregate particles in the (ii) comply with all the statutory regulations governing
reaction trough and fill with clean water until the particles the use of this equipment;
are covered by at least 15 m m of water.
(iii) be certified to be suitably calibrated.
Keep the aggregate particles immersed in the water at
room temperature for 8 h +
0,5 h.
Lift the weathering basins containing the aggregate BUlX R E L A T M DENSITY AND THE APPARENT
particles out of the trough and by tilting it through 90 R E L A T M DENSITY
degrees, allow the weathering basins to rest on the inner
shoulders of the trough for drip drying. This completes the
first cycle. (a) Total approximate dry bulk relative density

Visually inspect each particle and record the condition of The total approximate dry bulk relative density of base
each particle for cracks, flaws, extent of fissures etc, before material shall be determined as follows:
starting the following cycle.

Firstly the -0,075 m m fraction is removed from the sample

Repeat until five cycles are completed and finally inspect and then the sample is divided up into + 4,751m m and
each aggregate particle. - 4,75 m m fractions.
Figure 810711


, 3mn HoLE "I
4 +

.......... !


0 1
m I


,251 110 1251

T 7



204 ] 503 J 20
I r r



+ 500

Figure 810712












. . . . . .. ..
.. .. . .
For the +4,75 m m fraction, the dry bulk density and water Gently pour off the water without spilling any of the
absorption are determined according to method 814 of sample. Dry the pycnometer with its contents to a
TMHl. constant mass in an oven at 105'C to 110°C and weigh it.

The apparent relative density only is required for the Clean the pycnometer, fill it with distilled water at 25"C,
-4,75 m m fraction. dry the outside, and weigh it.

(i) Definitions Record the mass determinations on a suitable data sheet.

The definitions in methods 814 and 815 of TMHl are (iv) Calculations
(1) +4,75 m m fraction
(ii) Apparatus
Calculate the dry bulk relative density to the nearest
(1) +4,75 m m fraction 0,001 glcm3 from the following formula:

The same apparatus as that required by method 814.

(2) -4,75 m m fraction Dry bulk relative density (25°C):

A 2 1 pycnometer. Gbc = a/(b-c)

A balance with a capacity of at least 5 kg and accurate to where a = mass of oven-dry sample in air
0-5 g. b = mass of saturated surface-dry sample in air
c = mass of saturated surface-dry sample in water
A vacuum pump capable of maintaining a reduced at 25°C.
pressure of 100 m m mercury.
The test shall be repeated if the duplicate results do not
Awater bath capable of maintaining a temperature of 25" C agree within -c 0,005. Report the result to the nearest
2 1°C. 0,001 g/cm .

A drying oven, thermostatically controlled and capable of Calculate the percentage of water absorbed from the
maintaining a temperature of 105°C to 110°C. following formula:

A 25 m l pipette. Percentage of water absorption (mass):

A 0,075 mm sieve. Pwa = 100 (b - a)/a

(iii) Method Report the result to the nearest 0,1%.

(1) +4,75 mm fraction (2) -4,75 m m fraction

The method is the same as method 814 Calculate the apparent relative density to the nearest
0,001 g/cm from the following formula:
(2) -4.75 m m fraction
Apparent relative density (25" C):
After riffling, the volume of the sample shall be 40% + 5%
of that of the pycnometer. Gaf = (A - E)/[(D - E) - (C - A)]

Wash the sample thoroughly to remove the -0,075 m m where A = mass of oven-dry sample and pycnometer
fraction and soak the sample for 24 hours +. 3 hours. C = mass of saturated sample and pycnometer
filled with water at 25'C
After the sample has been soaked, transfer it to a clean D= mass of pycnometer filled with water only, at
pycnometer. 25°C
E = mass of clean, dry pycnometer.
Add distilled water to the sample in the pycnometer until
the pycnometer is approximately three-quarters full. The test shall be repeated if the duplicate results do not
Remove any entrapped air by subjecting the sample to agree within + 0,005. Report the result to the nearest
partial vacuum (air pressure approximately 100 m m 0,001 g/cm 3.
mercury) for a few minutes. This can be done by
connecting the pycnometer directly to an aspirator or a Calculate the dry bulk relative density of the -4,75 m m
vacuum pump, or by using a bell jar. Some soils boil fraction from the following formula:
violently when subject to reduced air pressure, in which
cases the pressure should be increased. Place the Dry bulk relative density - fines (25°C):
pycnometer and contents in the constant-temperature bath
at 25°C + 1 " C and leave it for approximately 20 minutes Gbf = Gaf/(Pwa.Gaf/lOO + 1)
until the contents of the pycnometer are at this
temperature. With a pipette, fill the pycnometer up to the
mark with distilled water at 25°C. Dry the pycnometer Calculate the dry bulk relative density of the total sample
quickly and thoroughly, and weigh it. less the -0,075 m m fraction, from the following formula:
Dry bulk relative density - total (25°C): constant mass.

Gbt = 100/(Pl/Gbf + P2IGbs) Ensure that the pycnometer is clean and determine its
mass together with that of a marked sheet of glass.
where P l = percentage passing through the 4,75 m m
sieve Place the dried sample into the pycnometer and determine
P2 = percentage retained on the 4,75 m m sieve. the mass of the pycnometer, glass sheet and sample
together. (The sample shall not take up more than half of
(v) General requirements the pycnometer's volume.)

The standard temperature is taken as 25°C. If the test is Add clean water at 25°C to the pycnometer until it is
conducted at any other temperature, this shall be stated, or approximately three quarters full. Add three drops of the
the relative density shall be adjusted for a temperature of 10% Teepol solution to the water, close the pycnometer
25°C. and shake it thoroughly for one or two minutes.

The relative density of material retained on the 4,75 m m Fill the pycnometer to near the brim with water at 25°C
sieve can also be determined by using a pycnometer. The and place it in a thermostatically controlled bath at 25°C.
volume of the pycnometer should not be less than 2 1(the Leave it for 30 minutes without disturbing or for so long as
volume occupied by the aggregate shall be 40% + 5% of may be determined by the engineer.
the pycnometer capacity).
Remove the pycnometer without shaking or jarring and
The pycnometer may be a relative-density flask with a place it on a spread-out towel. Fill it with water at 25°C
perforated glass stopper, or avolumetric flask, or any other and carefully slide the glass sheet over the brim from one
glass container equipped with a suitable means of side. Make sure that no air bubbles are trapped beneath
ensuring that it can be filled to a constant volume. the glass sheet. Dry the entire pycnometer and glass sheet
carefully and determine the mass of the filled pycnometer
When the particle size of the -4,75 m m grains is widely plus the glass sheet.
distributed, the test may not be repeatable and more
samples shall be tested. Remove the contents of the pycnometer, clean and fill it in
the same manner with water at 25°C. Dry and determine
The apparent relative density of the +4,75 m m fraction is the mass of the pycnometer filled with water together with
not called for, but if required, calculate it from the following the glass sheet.

Apparent relative density (25" C): (iii) Calculation

Gac = a/(a - c). The apparent relative density of the material is calculated
as follows:

@) Apparent relative density Mass of pycnometer + glass sheet -- a

The apparent relative density of crushed-stone materials Mass of pycnometer +

shall be determined as follows: glass sheet +

(i) Apparatus Mass of material only = (b - a)

A balance to weigh 5 kg accurately to within 0,5 g. Mass of pycnometer +

material + water + glass sheet
A pycnometer, eg a preservative jar with a smooth flat rim.
Mass of pycnometer +
A thermostatically controlled bath capable of maintaining water + glass sheet
a temperature of 25°C +
1 " C.
Apparent relative density
A drying oven capable of maintaining the temperature of material
between 105°C and 110°C.

A thermometer marked from 0 100°C.-


Teepol (10%) solution. Notes:

(ii) Method (1) No chemicals other than the Teepol solution may
be added to the water.
Take 3 000 g to 4 000 g of the material as obtained from
a density hole in the road. All the material obtained from (2) No suction may be applied to the water to remove
the hole should preferably be used. If it is too much for air.
one pycnometer, more than one pycnometer shall be used.
(3) The temperature of the water shall be 25°C + 1 "C
Dry the material in the oven at 105°C - 110°C to a and no other temperature may be used.
(4) Where two pycnometers are used, the apparent mounted on the interior cylindrical surface of the cylinder,
relative density shall be calculated from the weighted in such a way that a plane centred between the large faces
average of the two results. coincides with an axial plane.

(5) The soaking period will be determined b y the The shelf shall be 25 m m + 1 m m thick and mounted by
engineer for aggregate, the water absorption of which bolts or other suitable means so that it is firm and rigid.
exceeds 1,0%.
The position of the shelf shall be such that the distance
from the shelf to the opening measured along the outside
8109 TESTING TAR. BiTUMEN AND ASPHALT circumference of the cylinder in the direction of rotation,
shall not be less than 1 270 mm.

(a) Tests described i n the standard specifications for The machine shall be driven and counterbalanced to
tars, bitumens and bituminous emulsions -
maintain uniform peripheral speed of 30 33 rpm for 300
The engineer shall be entitled to order the contractor to
have materials tested by an approved laboratory for If an angle is used as the shelf, the direction of rotation
compliance with all or any of the requirements specified, shall be such that the charge is caught on the outside
and the results of such tests shall be submitted direct to surface of the angle.
the engineer by the testing laboratory with copies, if
requested, to the contractor. (ii) Test Procedure

The cost of such tests shall be borne as specified in Marshall specimens shall be prepared as described in
subclause 8103(c). TMHl - Method C2, but for this test each Marshall
specimen shall be compacted with 50 blows only on each
@) Determining the film thickness
For each binder content, three specimens shall be made
The film thickness of the binder in asphalt mixes shall be for the abrasion test.
determined as described in the publication TRHB.
The compaction temperature depends on the type of
binder to be used. For 820 road-grade (60170 penetration-
(c) Cantabro abrasion test grade bitumen) it shall be 115°C to 120°C and for
bitumen-rubber (wet method) it shall be 135°C to 140°C
Where required the resistance of porous asphalt briquettes measured in the mould just prior to compaction.
to abrasion loss shall be determined by means of the
Cantabro test. The abrasion loss value for freshly The thickness of the test specimen shall be 63,5 m m 2
compacted specimens shall not exceed the values 1,25 mm.
specified in table 420311.
The mass of the specimen in air (PI) to the nearest 0,l g
The details of the test are as follows: and the average thickness to the nearest 0,l mm, shall be
(i) Apparatus
The test specimen shall be placed in the Los Angeles
The apparatus shall be a Los Angeles Testing Machine as apparatus without the abrasive charge of steel balls and
described in ASTM Method C131. the cover shall be fitted.

The machine shall consist of a hollow steel cylinder, closed The machine shall be switched on and allowed to operate
at both ends, having an inside diameter of 710 m m + for 300 revolutions at a speed between 30 - 33 rpm.
5 mm and an inside length of 510 m m + 5 mm.
After the required number of revolutions, the machine shall
The cylinder shall be mounted with stub shafts, attached to be stopped and the specimen removed and the mass
the end of the cylinder but not entering it, and shall be determined (P2) to the nearest 0 , l g.
mounted in such a manner that it may be rotated with the
axis in a horizontal position with a tolerance in slope of 1 The test shall be carried out for each binder content in
in 100. triplicate.

An opening in the cylinder shall be provided for (iii) Calculations

introduction of the test sample.
The percentage abrasion loss for each specimen shall be
A suitable, dust-tight cover shall be provided for the calculated as follows:
opening with means for bolting the cover in place.

The cover shall be designed to maintain the cylindrical

contour of the interior surface unless the shelf is so located
that the charge and/or test sample will not fall on the Where:
cover, or come in contact with it during the test.

A removable steel shelf extending the full length of the P l = mass of specimen before testing.
cylinder and projecting 90 m m + 2 m m inward shall be P2 = mass of specimen after testing.
The mean of the three specimens at each binder content (d) Determination of in situ water permeability of
shall be determined. bituminous road surfacing or basecourse layers b y
using the falling head (MARVIL) apparatus
(iv) Notes:
(i) Scope
The determination of the optimum binder content is based
on the following factors: This method describes the determination of the in situ
water permeability of asphalt surfacing and/or basecourse
(1) a minimum binder content limit to ensure resistance layers and is based on the principle of the falling head
against aggregate loss due to traffic and to enhance permeameter. The permeability of a layer is an indication
durability of the intensity of interconnected voids in the layer which
may be detrimental to the material due to oxidation of the
(2) a maximum binder content limit to avoid binder binder and/or ingress of water to the lower layers.
run-off and to ensure good drainage in the mix as a layer
on the road. (ii) Apparatus
The minimum binder content to ensure adequate coating The apparatus consists of the falling head permeability
thickness shall not be less than 4%. (MARVIL) apparatus with a circular weight and an acrylic
tube with volume markings from 0 m f to 300 m l in 50 m f
The density of the specimen can also be determined by increments (see figure 8109/1).
calculating the volume of the specimen.
Other items required are:
The voids in the specimen can also be calculated if the
maximum theoretical voidless density (Rice) is determined: Adhesive putty (Prestik or similar approved)
Water resistant grease (BP LS 3 or wheel bearing grease)
% Voids in specimen = 100 (Rice density - Specimen Plaster of Paris (commercial grade) optional for granular
density) / Rice Density. layers

Figure 810911



1. 5rnm P I T C H


WEIGHT ( M . S )
270 $lx 235 p x 40
Stop watch, accurate to 1 second As the test is started under a head of 380 m m of water, the
Plastic tanks with sufficient drinking water (40 1 or more) two threads must not be too thick because they will
Plastic beakers or aluminium kettles of 5 1 capacity prevent the base of the apparatus from coming in close
Mechanical power saw with a corundum blade (optional for contact with the surface of the test area. Fill the space
cutting through thick asphalt layers) between the threads of Prestik with grease. The grease
shall be applied so that it protrudes below the Prestik (see
(iii) Sundries figure 810912). Place the apparatus lightly on the pre-
marked surface of the road. Lift the apparatus off the
Chisels (25 m m and 100 mm width) surface and apply extra grease over the grease band left
Hammers (1 kg - 2 kg mass) on the road and work it into the surface with a spatula or
Paint brushes (25 m m and 100 m m width) finger.
Putty knives (50 m m width)
Spatula (20 m m width) Place the apparatus with the undisturbed adhesive threads,
Hand cleaning cream, paper towels and with additional grease added between the threads,
Toluol (at least 5 1 ) exactly on the pre-marked area. Press firmly until the
grease is expelled from underneath the base. Place the
circular weight on the upper side of the base. This is to
(iv) Test site and apparatus preparation and placing keep the apparatus stable and to prevent the water from
thereof lifting it.

(1) Asphalt and unsurfaced basecourse layers with The expelled grease from underneath the base is worked
smooth surfaces into the surface to form a band of grease about 20 m m
wide around the base of the apparatus to achieve a water-
A test point is randomly chosen or as prescribed in the tight seal. The apparatus is then ready for filling with
project specifications. Areas contaminated with foreign water.
matter, such as grease, oil, animal dung, etc, shall be
avoided. After testing, carefully lift the apparatus with the aid of a
screw driver from the surface. Inspect the condition of the
threads and if they are loose, press down again or replace
Use a brush (100 mm) to clean an area of the surface and fill with grease again.
slightly bigger than the base of the apparatus of all loose
aggregate and dust. Place the apparatus in the middle of (2) Asphalt surfacing with uneven rough surface
the clean area and, using the base as template, mark the
outside with a marker such as chalk. Clean the bottom of This procedure is for single or double aggregate seals.
the base of all grease using Toluol (or similar approved
organic solvent) and dry with paper towels. A test point is obtained as before. In the case of double
seals, a groove is cut to a depth of between 3 m m and
5 mm, and 25 m m inside the inner circumference of the
Place a Prestik thread of 5 m m diameter around the inner pre-marked circle (inner diameter of groove 225 m m 5+
and outer rims of the base edge and press firmly so that it mm) using a thin wall barrel and a carborundum bit.
adheres to the base. The function of the inner thread is to
prevent grease from being expelled into the apparatus's Proceed as before with cleaning the test area, and
test area. preparing and placing the apparatus.

Figure 810912




(3) Basecourse layers under existing road surface Figure 810913

Mark a circle on the asphalt surfacing, about 25 m m in FITTING OF PRESTIK

diameter larger than the base of the apparatus or a square
area 300 m m x 300 mm. Remove the surfacing by cutting
on the delineated line with a power saw or chisels. Lift the
surfacing carefully from the lower layer without causing too
much distortion of the surface of the basecourse layer to
be tested.

Carefully remove any loose aggregate or surfacing

aggregate adhering to the basecourse layer, and, if
required, the prime layer and clean the test surface with a ALUMINIUM BASE

Only one thick thread of adhesive putty is placed on the

bottom in the middle of the base and formed as shown in
figure 810913. Place the apparatus in the centre of the hole
and press firmly down.

Prepare a liquid slurry mixture of plaster of Paris (see notes

in subsubclause (vii)) and water and pour it around and PRESTIK TO BE FLATTENED HERE
above the base (see figure 810914). Allow the mixture to TO FORM PERFECT SEAL
set to a hard mass (10 - 15 minutes). The apparatus is
then ready for filling with water.
(v) Test procedure

After testing, the hard plaster of Paris is chipped away and Fill the apparatus from the top with water to the 0 m l mark
the apparatus carefully lifted from the surface with the aid or just above this mark, depending on the permeability of
of a screw driver. the layer, in the shortest time possible.

Figure 810914



- 100
- 150

- 200
- 250
- 300


For the first reading record the time (in minutes and Table 810911
seconds) taken by the water level to drop from the zero
mark to one of the graduated marks in a period of 2 to 3 RECOMMENDED MARK
minutes. Repeat the test immediately, by filling the I 1
apparatus again to the 0 m l mark, or just above this mark, Time for Number or Recommended
and record the time taken by the water to drop from 0 m l water to repetitions mark to be taken
to the same graduated mark used for the first reading. Not reach
more than three repetitions shall be done at a test point. 50 m l mark
(vi) Test results and calculations

The readings of each test at each test point are tabulated

and the permeability is calculated as follows:

P = 3,6Vw ITsec


P = permeability in l l h , correct to the nearest 0,l

If it is required to test the bond between the surfacing and
the base layer, ten repetitions or more may be required.
Vw = volume of water in millilitres between the
zero mark and the selected volume mark If the bond is not sufficient, an increase in the water flow
may be encountered and the surface layer will eventually
Tsec = time in seconds taken by the water level to lift UD from the basecourse.
drop from the zero mark to the selected
volume mark. If this does not happen, it is not necessarily an indication
of a good bond between the surfacing and the base. In
The permeability per unit area can also be calculated as this case the granular base material may be sufficiently
follows: permeable for the water to penetrate into the base or even
lower layers, rather than follow a horizontal path.
Permeability per unit area (llhlm2)
The testing for bond strength between the surface and the
base, specially in the case of granular materials, should be
considered carefully as the unnecessary oversaturation of
Where the layer with water may be detrimental to the road. This
procedure is more applicable to research projects.
A = surface in m 2 underneath the apparatus exposed to
the water. The permeability of a layer will depend on many factors
such as:
The change in flow rate with increasing or decreasing
saturation can also be graphically indicated b y plotting the the degree of saturation of the layer, eg, after a spell of
values of permeability or permeability per square metre rain, or due to built-in moisture content,
against the number of test repetitions. The trend of the
line may indicate the degree of increasing or decreasing the degree of density of the layer,
flow. However, in this case more than three repetitions
shall be taken. the grading, shape and texture of the material, and

(vli) Notes the degree of saturation of the underlying layer under a

thin upper layer.
Table 810911 indicates the recommended mark to be taken
for a reading as indicated by the time for the water level to Testing of the surface where it shows signs of intensive
reach the graduation mark and the number of repetitions cracking should be considered.
(refills) at a test point.
The plaster of Paris should be mixed to obtain
When there is a possibility of the water level not reaching approximately 900 m l of slurry which should be sufficient
the 50 m l mark in 10 minutes, estimate the volume to the if the hole is not more than 300 m m in diameter. The
nearest 10 m l at 10 minutes, stop the test and calculate procedure is as follows:
the permeability.
Add approximately 1100 g of plaster of Paris to
The times (or flows) may remain fairly constant when taken approximately 900 m l of water in a mixing bowl or small
three times or more, but a decrease in flow indicates that piastic bucket. Let the powder form a small heap in the
the material is becoming saturated. An increase in flow middle of the water.
indicates that the water opens up paths to flow into and if
water appears on the surface in the vicinity of the Let it stand for a minute or two before mixing. Mix it
apparatus there has been horizontal flow through the slowly with the fingers to a watery consistency. Add more
material and this may also give rise to an increase in the water if necessary until a creamy consistency is obtained
flow rate. so that when the slurry is poured around the base of the
apparatus it will fill all the crevices. The slurry must cover 8111 TESTS O N PAVEMENTS
the base to a depth of 5 m m to 10 mm.

As the air and water temperature may influence the setting The following tests shall apply to pavements when
of the slurry, the process must be completed before specified: texture depth, straight-edge, and rolling straight-
hardening starts. edge.

When the surface layer is thinner than the base of the

apparatus, the circular weight shall be used to hold the (a) Determining the texture depth
apparatus in the starting position. Less slurry of plaster of
Paris will be required. The texture depth shall be determined by way of the sand-
patch test as described in test method ST1 of TMH6.


@) Straight-edge test for surface irregularities o n
surfaces with a coarse surface texture
(a) Test for cementitious-binder content
Where surface irregularities are measured on surfaces with
The test method used for determining the cementitious- a coarse surface texture such as grooved concrete
binder content of soils, gravels or crushed stone mixed pavements, crushed-stone pavement layers, natural gravel
with a chemical stabilizing agent shall be determined by base, asphalt with rolled-in chippings, seals and other like
the engineer and may be any test method currently surfaces, the following procedure shall be followed:
recognised by the employer as being acceptable.

Where the cementitious-binder content is determined, due A metal wedge of 100 m m in length and 50 m m in width
allowance shall be made for the presence in the shall be constructed with a taper of 7,5 horizontal to 1,O
unstabilized material of naturally occurring MgO or CaO vertical and tapering to a feather edge (50 m m wide).
(eg basalts, calcrete, etc) which affects the result of such Parallel lines spaced at 7,5 m m intervals shall be engraved
tests. If the standard deviation of the natural CaO plus on the sloping face and numbered to indicate the positions
MgO content of the untreated material exceeds 0,35%, any where the wedge is 1,O mm, 2,O mm, etc, thick.
determination of the cementitious-binder content shall be
Where surface irregularities are measured, the 3,O m
Sample holes shall be randomly spaced transversely as straight-edge, which shall have sharp right-angled corners
well as longitudinally over the area to be tested, or as at the bottom, shall be placed on the road and the thin
directed by the engineer, and if the material is road-mixed, edge of the wedge inserted below the straight-edge from
samples shall be taken from the top and bottom of each the front at the position where a surface irregularity is to be
hole. measured. The size of the irregularity shall be determined
in accordance with the mark to which the wedge can be
inserted without lifting the straight-edge. The width of the
@) Canvas-patch test for the spreading rate of contact plane of the straight edge shall be 18 m m
cementitious binder + 2 mm, and its height shall be 80 m m ? 10 mm.

The following method shall be used for determining the

spreading rate of a chemical stabilizing agent where bulk (c) Using the rolling straightedge for measuring
distributors are used. surface irregularities

At least 10 clean canvas patches, each measuring 1 m x The apparatus and testing method for this test shall be in
1 m, shall be placed flat on the road in selected positions accordance with testing method ST3 of TMHG.
in relation to the bulk distributor's track. After the
stabilizing agent has been spread by the bulk distributor,
the canvas patches shall be carefully lifted and all the 8112 STRUCTURAL TESTS
material on the patches transferred to a container and
weighed. The total mass of stabilizing agent on each
patch is then recorded and the average rate of application (a) Tests o n elastomeric bearings
determined. Instead of canvas patches, flat metal trays
may be used for collecting the stabilizing agent. (i) General

Tests on elastomeric bearings shall be conducted in

(c) Test for mix uniformity i n chemically stabilized accordance with BS 5400 part 9.2, and the bearings shall
layers comply with the test requirements specified in the said
Where required by the engineer, the contractor shall
determine the mix uniformity in chemically stabilized layers
by means of unconfined compressive strength tests, using (ii) Compression and shear-stiffness tests
an approved method.
When compression and shear-stiffness tests are conducted
The contractor shall timeously make the necessary on sample bearers or on only a limited number of bearers
arrdngements to take samples in accordance with the in a consignment, the stiffness values as determined by the
requirements of the method used. tests shall be within 20% of the theoretical values.
@) Prestressed concrete : Testing prestressing steel, glass container with an internal diameter of approximately
anchorage assemblies, couplings and grout 100 m m and a height of approximately 120 mm. The
grout and water levels in the container shall be controlled
(i) General with a metal bridge into which two adjustable studs A and
B are secured. See figure 811212 for details of the
Where so directed by the engineer, the contractor shall apparatus.
make arrangements for samples of the materials he
intends to use in the works to be tested b y an independent The procedure for determining the bleeding of grout shall
testing authority. The cost of testing prestressing steel, be as follows:
anchorage assemblies and couplings will be paid for as
specified in subclause 8103(c). Control tests on the Studs A and B in the metal bridge shall be adjusted and
viscosity and bleeding of grout will be regarded as part of locked so that the distance from the lower tips of the studs
the contractor's obligations under clauses 1205 and 8209 to the bottom of the container will be approximately 100
for process control and will not be paid for separately. m m and 107 m m respectively. The volumes VA and Va for b 8

the container at the respective levels of the stud settings

Material represented by samples which do not comply with shall then be determined to the nearest millilitre.
the specified requirements shall be removed and replaced
with suitable material. The container shall be filled with freshly mixed grout to a
level where the grout will just touch the tip of stud Awhich
(ii) Anchorages and couplers points downwards. The bridge shall then be removed and
the container tightly sealed to prevent evaporation. The
Anchorages and couplers shall be tested in accordance container shall then be stored at 20" C and kept free from
with the requirements of subclause 6503(c). The vibrations for the entire duration of the test.
anchorages and couplers shall be assembled in
accordance with their practical application on the site Three hours after the grout has been mixed, the container
where all the components necessary for anchoring shall be shall be opened and the free (bleed) water poured off. The
used, but excluding the ducts. bridge shall be placed over the container with the tip of
stud B pointing downwards and water poured onto the
(iii) Prestressing steel grout with a measuring apparatus until the water level
touches the tip of stud B. The volume of water added shall
Prestressing steel shall be tested in accordance with the be determined to the nearest millilitre and designated as
requirements of subclause 6503(b). Should any test piece AV.
fail to comply with the requirements specified for the
prestressing steel, the material represented by that sample The percentage of bleeding shall be calculated from the
shall not be used without further testing and shall be formula.
replaced with materials conforming to the specifications if
further testing confirms that they do not comply with the

(iv) Grout

The fluidity of grout shall be measured with a flow cone, (c) Load test on foundation piles
immersion apparatus or viscometer. The instrument shall
be accurately calibrated in a laboratory so that the The head of the test pile shall be exposed for checking
specified viscosity of the grout can be controlled position and slope. Where necessary, the head shall be
satisfactorily. cut further back so as to expose a full bond length of main
reinforcing steel, and a suitable pile head slab for applying
The procedure for conducting the flow-cone test for an axial load to the pile shall be cast. As an alternative,
measuring the fluidity of grout shall be as follows: the head may be cut at right angles and the load applied
direct to the pile.
Unless otherwise approved, the flow cone shall be as
shown in figure 81 1211. The test load shall be applied to the top of the pile with a
hydraulic jack. Where more than one jack is used for
Immediately after the grout has been mixed, the pre-wetted applying the load, all the jacks in the circuit shall be
flow cone, which is held firmly with its top rim in a level activated by the same pumping unit. The jack(s) shall be
position, shall be filled with grout to the level indicated by placed so as to ensure that the load is applied axially.
the pre-set pointer, whilst the bottom orifice is held closed
with a finger. The applied load shall be calculated in accordance with the
hydraulic pressure which is being monitored b y two
As soon as the required volume of grout, ( ? 1 750 m l ) , is pressure meters in the circuit. The pressure meter shall be
reached, the finger shall be released to allow the grout to calibrated in divisions not exceeding 2% of the maximum
flow out freely through the bottom orifice. A stop watch pressure applied, and the range of the meters shall not
shall be used to determine the flow time for emptying the exceed 150% of the maximum pressure. The jack(s) and
cone, to the nearest second. meters shall be calibrated b y an approved testing
laboratory not more than 4 weeks before the tests will
The readings obtained during grouting shall be compared commence.
with the times determined in the laboratory for grouts of
Thedeflection of the pile head shall be measured with two
the specified viscosities. scale rulers and two dial extensometers. The scale rulers
shall be fixed to the pile and placed on both sides of the
The bleeding of grout shall be measured in a metal or pile on a diameter line, and the dial extensometers shall be
Figure 81 1211


Figure 81 1212


similarly placed but on a diameter line at right angles to material may adhere to the polyethylene while it is non-
that in which the scale rulers have been mounted. adhesive.

Level measurements shall be taken on the scale rulers, and

reduced as a level mark to a similar scale ruler placed at a (c) Deformability and adhesion
distance from the test pile. All three scale rulers shall be
calibrated in millimetres and the level-indicating instrument Prepare concrete blocks of 25,4 m m x 25,4 m m x 76,2 m m
shall be capable of taking readings to 0,5 mm, and in accordance with ASTM C-719. A sawn surface is used
approximate readings of up to 0 , l mm. as the bonding surface. Seal 50,8 m m of the block and
leave 12,7 m m at each end of the specimen unsealed. The
The dial extensometers shall have a range of 50 mm, and sealant shall be 9,5 m m thick and 12,7 m m wide. Cure the
shall be marked in 0.1 m m divisions to enable specimen for 7 days in air at 25°C 2 1,7"C, and for 7
measurements to 0,05 m m to be taken. The plungers of days in water at 25°C r 1,7"C. Subject the sealant to
the extensometer shall rest on a machined metal or glass deformation in accordance with ASTM C-719. The ductility
surface. or compressive rate shall be 3,18 m m per hour. One cycle
is defined as extension to a width of 25,4 m m and
The extensometers shall be supported by one or more returning to the initial width of 12,7 mm.
beams kept in the shade. The supports for the beams
shall be so placed as to limit the effect of earth movements
around the test pile on the deflection readings. 8114 GEOTEXTILE AND GEOTEXTILE-SOIL
The test load shall be applied in increments of 20 per cent
of the specified working load to a maximum test load
equal to twice the specified working load or the ultimate Where the term geotextile is used, it shall mean synthetic-
test load, whichever is the smaller. fibre filter fabric.
A load increment may not be applied before the
subsidence or heave rate has stabilized at a rate of not (a) Puncture-resistance tests on geotextiles
more than 0,10 m m in 20 minutes under the load applied.
(i) Apparatus (see figure 81 1411)
After the loading has been completed, the maximum test
load shall be maintained until the movement is less than (1) Clamping device
0,2 m m within a period of 24 hours. The load shall be
removed in decrements of 20 per cent of the specified The specimen shall be positioned and clamped by means
working load at intewals of not less than 20 minutes. of a suitable clamping device that consists of:
After the load has been removed, the readings on both A mounting-platenlsupporting-sleeve assembly;
meters registering the movement of the pile shall be An upper and a lower clamping ring provided with the
recorded accurately to 0,l mm, at intervals of 5, 10 and 20 necessary securing bolts, guide pins and V-grooved
minutes, and then every 30 minutes until the load is concentric matching rings for securing the specimen.
changed. The final recovery shall be recorded 24 hours
after the maximum test load has been removed. (2) Mounting device
During the test, the pile shall be loaded with up to 100 per The specimen shall be positioned in the clamping rings, in
cent of the specified working load, and the load shall then a true plane, free from folds and stress, by means of a
be removed. It shall then be loaded to the maximum test suitable mounting device that consists of:
load after which the test load shall be removed.

A metal base plate at least 4 m m thick;

8113 TESTS ON SIUCONE SEALANTS A centering device secured to the base plate;
A means of preventing the rotation of the upper clamping
ring when the first two bolts are tightened (two short
The following tests on silicone sealants will apply as sockets welded to the base plate will retain the bolt heads).
determined in subclause 7102(e)(iii).
(3) Cone assembly
(a) Bond to cement mortar The cone assembly shall consist of:
Three briquettes, shaped in accordance with AASHTO A polished brass cone with the following dimensions:
T-132 and moisture-cured for at least 28 days, are sawn in
half, cleaned and dried to a constant mass in an oven at a generating angle of cone, 45",
temperature of 110°C r 5°C. After having cooled off, they radius of point of cone, 0,5 mm,
are bonded with approximately 0,25 m m of silicone sealant overall diameter, 50 mm,
and tested with clamps which comply with AASHTO T-132. mass of falling assembly, 1 kg;
They are tested under stress at a loading rate of
7,62 mmlmin.
A means of retaining the point of the cone at a height of
500 rnm above the specimen together with a suitable
@) Non-adhesive period release system.
Prepare the specimens in a mould with an area exceeding
that of the brass weight described below, and which is 6,35 (4) Measuring device
m m thick. Place a 30 g brass weight with dimensions of
41,28 m m x 25,4 m m x 3,18 m m on a polyethylene strip A suitable conical measuring device with a mass of 700 g
applied to the sample after the specified curing period. -c 10 g and raduated from zero to 50 m m diameter at
After the weight has been removed,the polyethylene strip 2 m m lntervaps over a length of 200 m m to measure the
is removed by pulling it off at an angle of 90 degrees to diameter of the hole formed in the specimen. The device
the mix and at a rate of 25,4 m m in 5 seconds. No shall have a polished surface.
Figure 81 1411


(5) Marking and cutting stencil Place the clamping-ring assembly on the supporting
The specimens shall be cut by means of a suitable metal
stencil with a handhold and studs to secure the stencil on Release the cone-release system.
the sample. The stencil shall be capable of accurately
locating the position of bolt holes and pin holes on the Carefully remove the cone from the specimen and measure
specimen. The holes in the stencil shall be 13 m m the diameter of the hole formed in the specimen with the
diameter, ie 2 m m larger than the holes to be cut into the measuring device. The device shall be gently lowered
specimen. vertically, by hand, into the hole formed in the specimen
until penetration under its own mass is stopped. The
(6) Felt pen and punch
diameter of the hole is taken as the graduation nearest to
The position of the holes on the specimen shall be marked the line of contact between the device and the geotextile.
through the stencil with a 3 m m diameter felt-tipped pen.
A punch capable of cutting 11 m m diameter holes in the
specimen. It is advisable to pack the inside of the supporting cylinder
with a resilient material of sufficient thickness to prevent
(7) A suitable cutting device damage to the cone in the event of complete penetration
of the specimen.
(8) A torque wrench
(iv) Calculation and reporting
(ii) Specimens
(1) Calculation
(1) Dimensions of specimens
Record the diameter of the hole formed for each specimen
Specimens shall be either 250 mrn x 250 m m square, or and calculate the average diameter of the holes for the
circular with a diameter of 282 mm. sample.

(2) Number of specimens Round off the results correct to 2 mm.

At least 10 specimens shall be tested (2) Reporting

(3) Preparation of specimens Report the value of the hole diameter for each specimen
and the average diameter for the sample.
With the aid of the stencil, mark on the conditioned sample
the positions of the required specimens, together with the (3) Information sheet
positions of the holes for bolts and locating pins. The
specimens shall be set out in two rows equally spaced An approved information sheet shall be completed in full
across the width of the sample. The spacing of the for each geotextile.
specimens shall be as specified, except that the distance
between the two rows shall be 150 mm. Where the width
of the sample does not allow all the specimens to be set @) Permeability reduction (flow test)
out in two rows, the number of rows shall be increased.
(i) Apparatus
Carefully cut each specimen from the sample as specified.
Centre the punch over the marked positions and punch out (1) Water supply
the holes.
A supply of water from an overhead tank with constant
head of 1 000 m m t 25 m m above the geotextile sample.
Maintain the conditioned specimens in the specified
atmosphere. Test the specimens in the testing Permeameter with a suitable means of mounting to ensure
atmosphere. that the permeameter remains in a vertical position
throughout the test. The permeameter shall consist of the
(iii) Procedure following:

(1) Assembly - Two Perspex cylinders, 90 m m inner diameter. The

bottom cylinder has a recess for the support mesh
Place the lower clamping ring with bolts in position on the and a breather hole.
mounting device and carefully position the specimen over
the bolts and pins so as to ensure that the specimen is free - Two Perspex end caps with inletloutlet nozzles.
from stress and is lying flat on the mounting The end caps shall be machined as shown in figure
device.Position the upper clamping ring over the bolts and 811412 to fit over the cylinders and to allow air
pins and carefully lower the ring onto the spec'men. bubbles to escape through the inlet nozzle. A
Secure the ring in position by tightening the nuts to a bleeding hole shall also be provided.
torque of 30 Nm.
- Three brass rods and nuts (wing nuts)
(2) Testing

Ensure that the mounting-platen/supporting-sleeve Brass or stainless-steel mesh with 2,67 m m

assembly is central with the line of the fall of the cone. openings (standard soil sieve).
Figure 81 1412



t ,












(2) Cutting device time recorded that it takes to fill the 5 litre container, or the
amount of flow that occurs in 30 minutes, whichever occurs
A means of cutting out a circular specimen with a diameter first. It is not important that exactly 5 litres or 30 minutes
of at least 110 mm. be used, but the time and volume shall be recorded
accurately. Record the following with each outflow
(3) Miscellaneous equipment measurement:

Containers with capacity of at least 5 litres. Date and time (hours and minutes)
A riffler with 25,O m m openings. Flow volume (1 000 mm 3 = 1 m l ) Calculate flow in
A soil-test sieve with 13,2 m m openings. mm3/s
A balance to weigh up to 1 kg, accurate to 1 g or better. Flow time (minutes and seconds)
Stopwatch, silicone grease, pans. Height of the sample (soil + geotextile) in m m
Height of the water head above the bottom of the
(ii) Specimens geotextile in m m (ensure that this height remains at
1 000 m m ? 25 mm)
(1) Number of specimens The discoloration or otherwise of the water at the outlet.

Conduct one test for each soil/geotextile combination. Outflow measurements shall be taken at the beginning of
the test (1 minute to 5 minutes after the outlet has been
(2) Geotextile specimens opened) and thereafter at least once a day. The test shall
be continued for at least 400 hours (17 days).
Mark and cut the required number of specimens and
maintain them in the standard atmosphere until they are (iv) Calculations
Permeability coefficient, k
(3) Soil samples
Calculate the permeability coefficient for each outflow
Sieve the oven-dried soil through a 13,2 m m sieve and measurement, as follows:
discard the material larger than 13,2 mm. Riffle the
remaining soil to obtain specimens of 1 000 g + 5 g.
Place the specimens in sample bags and label them.

(iii) Procedure
where Q = outflow (mm3/s)
Place the geotextile specimen between the two cylinders i = hydraulic gradient
on top of the mesh. Apply silicone grease to ensure that = water head above geotextile (mm)
water does not leak out between the two cylinders. sample height (mm)
A = cross-section area (mm 2)
Mix the amount of water required to bring the soil sample = 6 362 mm 2 for 90 m m diameter
to modified AASHTO optimum moisture content (OMC).
With dispersive soils, friable mudstones and heavy clays The permeability reduction factor, K400, is determined at
remoulding often gives an impermeable soil mass. In such the end of the test, as follows:
cases this step shall be omitted and the soil sample shall
be placed dry.
K400 =
K at 400 hours
K at beginning of test
, 00
Place the soil sample on top of the geotextile. Smooth the
surface without compacting the soil.
If an outflow measurement has not been taken at exactly
Place the Perspex end caps in position and fasten the rods 400 hours, K at 400 hours may be determined by linear
and nuts. Place the assembled permeameter in its interoolation.
The degree of permeability reduction is determined by
Close the outlet and the breather hole in the bottorn means of figure 81 1413.
cylinder and slowly fill the entire cylinder with water from
the top. Care must be taken not to disturb the surface of (v) Information sheet
the soil sample. This can be done by using a small-
diameter pipe with a spray nozzle which is inserted through An approved information sheet shall be completed in full
the top inlet to a height just above the soil surface. Fill the for each geotextile. Failure to provide the required
permeameter to the top of the inlet nozzle, remove the information may be taken as sufficient motivation for the
small-diameter pipe, and connect the hose from the geotextile to be disqualified.
constant-head tank. Remove any entrapped air bubbles
through the inlet nozzle and the bleeding hole.
Open the outlet nozzle and breather hole in the bottorn
cylinder and record the time at the beginning of the test.
For the purposes of this section tests are defined as
The first outflow measurement shall be taken between 1 follows:
minute and 5 minutes after the beginning of the test.
Outflow is measured by way of a container and stopwatch. Ordinary tests are tests which are constantly conducted by
The container shall be placed under the outflow and the the contractor on a regular basis in terms of clause 1205

H 10
u - -
> -
H -
m -

1 100
1 10


and section 8100, for which no specified pay items have - Any test requested by the engineer purely for
been provided, and which include the following, inter alia: purposes of acceptance control. Such tests,
however, will not be classified as a special test if
- Tests for determining the properties of all natural the test is requested because the contractor has
materials such as, inter alia, sand, stone, water, soil neglected to conduct sufficient or proper tests in
and gravel, inter alia, provided by the contractor for terms of clause 1205 and with a view to submitting
use in the works. the result to the engineer for his approval of
ompleted work or materials.
- Tests on processed natural materials such as
aggregate for concrete, asphalt and seals,
purchased or produced on the site by the Payment will be made under the pay items of clause 8117
contractor. only in regard to special tests. Payment for ordinary tests
shall be included in the rates tendered by the contractor for
- Tests for determining the properties of products the items of work to which the ordinary tests relate.
such as concrete and asphalt, etc, produced
specially for use on the works by the contractor, or
purchased from commercial producers or 8116 TESTING OF CONSTRUCTION WATER

- Tests on completed elements of construction such (a) Compressive strength test

as fills, pavement layers, concrete structures, etc,
for establishing compliance with the specified
properties. The average 28 day strength of three mortar cubes made
with ordinary portland cement and the water that is to be
Special tests are tests which have to be conducted by the tested shall be at least 90% of that of three similar cubes
contractor only at the specific request of the engineer, and made with water of known purity.
include the following:

- Tests on commercial products such as cement, Additional tests shall be carried out to ensure that the
lime, paint, bituminous products, pipes, valves, setting time of the cement is not adversely affected by
cranes and bridge bearings. The requirements are impurities.
specified as a whole or in part by reference being
made to the specifications of a standards
organisation such as the SABS. @) Inorganic impurities criteria

- Special tests on structures or elements of structures

to determine their efficacy, for the payment of The water used to manufacture concrete shall comply with
which clear provision has been made in the the criteria in table 81 1611 unless otherwise approved by
specifications and the schedule of quantities. the engineer.

Table 81 1611



PH 4,5 - 8,5 SABS method 113

Sulphates Reinforced concrete and SABS method 212

prestressed concrete : 400 pprn
Mass concrete : 1 000 pprn

Chlorides 500 ppm SABS method 202

Conductivity @ 25" C 330 m Slm

Total dissolved solids (TDS) @ 180°C Mass concrete : 3 000 ppm SABS method 213
Reinforced concrete : 1 500 pprn

Alkali SABS method 841

Carbonates and bicarbonates 1 000 ppm

Sugar Negative SABS method 837

Organic impurities 300 ppm (applicable if p H < 5) Chemical oxidation demand


81.03 Providing testing

Item Unit equipment:

81.01 Special tests on elas- (a) Rolling straight-edge ........... number (No)
tomeric bearings (150%
vertical load and 150% (b) Core drill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . number (No)
shear distortion) as
described in subclause 6604(d) . . . number (No) The unit of measurement shall be the number of each item
provided. The rolling straight-edge shall comply with the
requirements of test method ST3 of TMH6. The core drill
The unit of measurement shall be the number of shall be of an approved type capable of drilling cores with
elastomeric bearings tested as described. diameters of 100 m m and 150 m m in concrete and asphalt
respectively. It shall be provided with the necessary drilling

The tendered rate shall include full compensation for The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
having the test conducted by an approved laboratory, also providing the apparatus on the site and making it available
for replacing the bearings which may possibly have been and using it on the site for as long as may be necessary.
damaged during testing. After the work has been completed, and subject to the
provisions of clause 22 of the general conditions of
contract, the contractor shall remove the apparatus from
Rem Unit the site.

81.02 Other special tests Note:

requested by the engineer . . . . . provisional sum
Providing testing equipment for use by the engineer.

The provisional sum provided to cover the cost of special Except for the equipment listed in item 81.03, this
tests as requested by the engineer in terms of clause 81 15 specification does not envisage the provision of testing
shall be expended in accordance with the provisions of the equipment by the contractor for the use of the engineer,
general conditions of contract. Payment will not be made but, where necessary, provision shall be made therefor in
for any special test should the test indicate that the the project specifications, and the relevant pay items shall
specifications have not been complied with. be described.
SERIES 8000 : SUNDRIES Despite acceptance of those properties judged by these
statistical methods, the materials or work submitted will be
SECTION 8200 : QUALITY CONTROL (SCHEME 1) rejected when other properties (which are not controlled by
statistical methods) fail to comply with the requirements of
the specifications, or where there are other causes for
CONTENTS rejection such as obviously defective workmanship or
excessively variable properties, visible signs of poor
SCOPE workmanship, and similar considerations which constitute
JUDGEMENT PLANS : GENERAL sufficient grounds for rejecting the work without any further
JUDGEMENT PLAN B The engineer shall be entitled to assess separately any
CONTROLLING MORE THAN ONE PROPERTY specified portion of a lot if, in his opinion, it exhibits
CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE significant deviations as compared with the remainder of
ENGINEER In order not to change the contractor's or the employer's
DETERMINING REJECTION LIMITS I N risks, the statistical judgement plans shall be strictly
ACCORDANCE WITH STATISTICAL CRITERIA adhered to in all cases where they are used, and decisions
based on these plans shall not be altered. It shall be a
condition of this contract that the theoretical validity of the
8201 SCOPE various statistical judgement plans is accepted and that the
validity of the decisions made on the basis of these
judgement plans cannot be disputed on the grounds of
This section describes one scheme for determining, by statistical theory or a specified or implied producer's risk,
means of tests and measurements and by applying or on the grounds of unjust enrichment.
statistical judgement plans, whether certain requirements
specified in the specifications in regard to the properties of
materials and workmanship are being complied with. 8203 DEFINITIONS

It also covers the requirements in regard to the control to

be exercised by the contractor to monitor the quality of his For the purposes of this section the following words and
work and materials and the routine tests and inspection to symbols shall have the following meanings:
be carried out by the engineer.

(a) Lot
A lot is a sizeable portion of work cr quantity of material
which is assessed as a unit for the purposes of quality
Certain requirements and limit values are laid down in the control, and selected to represent material or work
specifications in regard to the properties of materials and produced by essentially the same process and from
workmanship to be supplied. Tests shall be conducted essentially the same materials.
and measurements taken for controlling the relevant
properties of the workmanship and materials supplied, and
the results of such tests and measurements shall be @) Random sample
assessed on the basis of the prescribed criteria for
compliance with the specified requirements. A random sample is a group of "nutest measurements at
"nu separate test positions or on "nu sample portions
Compliance may be judged by two methods being obtained from the lot in an unbiased manner.
applied. For certain properties statistical judgement plans
are prescribed for assessing the test results, and, where no Random sampling shall mean stratified random sampling,
such statistical judgement plan has been prescribed, the unless inconsistent with the context.
specified requirements and limit values shall be fully
complied with.
(c) Sample mean ( 1),
In this section two types of statistical judgement plans are
used, as follows: in is the arithmetic mean of a set of "nu test results
constituting the sample.
Judaement plan A is used for judging measurement of the
levels and thicknesses of pavement layers. In accordance
with this method the compliance of the individual results (d) Sample standard deviation (Sn)
only with the specified requirements is determined, and the
variability of test results is not computed. The sample standard deviation Sn is defined by

Judqement plan B is used for judging measurements of in

situ densities, the strengths of concrete, and certain other
properties. In this judgement plan the variability of the
values of tests is calculated and applied where acceptance
limits for sample means are determined. where Rn is the sample mean
x is the value of an individual sample portion, i e an (i) Acceptance limits (La and L,)'
individual test result or measurement.
ka is used for determining the acceptance limits for single-
limit specifications.
n is the sample size, i e the number of individual test
results or measurements. kad is used for determining the acceptance limits for
double-limit specifications.

(e) Specification limit (b) (ii) Rejection limits (Lr and L'r):

This is the limit value of the property of any product Only when specified in the project specifications that
outside which not more than a certain specified percentage rejection limits shall be determined in accordance with the
(cp) of the population of values representing an acceptable provisions of clause 821 1. the factors kr and krd shall be
product property is allowed to lie. The specification limit used.
may be a single lower limit Ls, or a single upper limit L,.'
or a double limit consisting of a lower limit Ls and an kr is used for determining the rejection limits in the case of
upper limit L,.' a single-limit specification.

krd is used for determining the rejection limits in the case

(f) Acceptance limit (La) of a double-limit specification.

This is the limit value of the sample mean within which the The factors ka, kad, kr and krd shall apply to both a first
lot will be accepted. For a lower-limit specification this submission and a resubmission.
acceptance limit is denoted by La. For an upper-limit
specification this acceptance limit is denoted by L.,' For
a double limit specification, the lower and upper limits are
denoted by La and L,' respectively.
cp is the maximum percentage of a statistical population of
values of a product property permitted to lie outside the
(g) Conditional acceptance specification limits where the product may still be regarded
as being acceptable. Values for cp may be obtained from
This is the acceptance of a lot at reduced payment in lieu table 820612.
of rejection.

(m) First submission

Conditional acceptance shall be subject to the provisions
of clause 8208. The submission of a lot for approval will be classified as a
first submission when actually submitted for the first time
or when submitted for a second time on the basis of a
(h) Rejection limit (4) second set of test values to be regarded as a first
submission in terms of subclause 8204(e), because the
This is the limit value of the sample mean outside which properties of the first and the second sets of test values
conditional acceptance cannot be considered. It may be differ significantly.
a lower limit Lr or an upper limit L',.

(n) Resubmission
(i) Payment reduction factor (1,)
The submission of a lot for approval for a second time
This is the factor by which payment at contract rates shall shall be classified as a resubmission should it be regarded
be multiplied for calculating the payment for conditionally as a resubmission in terms of subclause 8204(e), because
accepted work. the properties of the first and second sets of test values do
not differ significantly.

(j) Outliers
(0) Definitions pertaining to rehabilitation and repair
Where, in a sample, one or more test results differ work
significantly from the other values obtained, this difference
could be ascribed to an assignable cause, in which case In the case of rehabilitation or repair work the definitions
such test result shall be regarded as an outlier and for lot, lot size and sample size shall be as specified in the
disregarded when assessing the lot. project specifications or as directed by the engineer.

To determine whether or not a test result is an outlier, the 8204 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
procedure given in subclause 8204(d) shall be adopted.

(a) Determining lot size

(k) Factors ka, kad, k, and krd
(i) Road construction layers
These factors are used for calculating the various
judgement limits, as follows: The lot size shall normally be a section compacted in one
process where essentially the same materials and and replaced with a fresh test result.
construction equipment have been used. Where
production is on a continuous basis, a lot shall normally Where repeating a test or re-examining a test result is
mean the product of one day's work and shall not exceed impossible. Method 1 shall be used for identifying outliers
the product of two full days' work. However, a lot of any for all work, except basecourse and asphalt work. Method
smaller size may be ordered by the engineer where 2 shall be used for identifying outliers for basecourse and
asphalt work.
- the properties under investigation exhibit abnormal
local variation within the normal lot size: (i) Method 1

- an area is obviously of a different quality than the Calculate the value of To from

- the rate of production is very high.

where in and Sn are the arithmetic mean and the sample
For rehabilitation or repair work the lot size shall be as standard deviations respectively, and
specified in the project specifications, or as determined by
the engineer. xo is the value of the test result differing most from the
(ii) Concrete
Compare the value of To with the value of T for the
The lot size shall be determined by the engineer, with due applicable value of n, from table 8204(d)l1.
regard to the size and the type of structure in which the
concrete is placed, the specific portion of the structure and If the absolute value of To is greater than T, then xo is an
the total quantity of concrete placed in a day. The lot sizes outlier.
in concrete structures could therefore vary considerably.
and, particularly in the case of small structures, it could be Table 8204(d)/1
necessary to combine samples of the same grade of
concrete from different structures, provided that the
concrete is obtained from the same concrete plant and is Number of obsewations Critical value
cast in the same period. (n) (T)

(iii) Other 4 1.46

5 1.67
In other cases, as for example in material stockpiles where 6 1.82
the definition of a lot in accordance with subclause 8203(a) 7 1.94
does not apply directly, the engineer will determine lot 8 2.03
sizes in accordance with circumstances pertaining to each 9 2.1 1
case. 10 2,18
11 2.23
12 2.29
@) Random sampling 13 2,33
14 2.37
When any lot is tested, whether a normal sized lot or an 15 2,41
isolated section which clearly exhibits an abnormal 16 2,44
variation of the property under consideration, all samples 17 2,47
shall be taken in a stratified random pattern. For this 18 2.50
purpose use shall be made of tables of random numbers, 19 2.53
and the instructions in publication TMH5, Sampling for 20 2,56
Road Construction Materials, shall be followed.

Where, incidentally, Sn is very small, it may be the cause

(c) Sample sizes for a value being wrongly classified as an outlier. For this
purpose a minimum value Sn(min) shall be determined for
For purposes of acceptance control, the engineer will, in Sn, as follows:
advance, determine sample size "nu. The larger the
sample, the more reliable the result will be, and no sample
sizes may be smaller than those given in subclause
8205(a) and table 820612. With regard to rehabilitation or
repair work the sample sizes specified in the project
specifications or prescribed by the engineer shall apply. where ,&g9 ; n - 1 = $0,99 for (n - 1) degrees of
freedom as obtained from table 8204(d)12: and

(d) Outliers
Sn = mean value for Sn for the particular property as
Test results shall be scanned for possible outliers. Where determined by records of previous work.
a test result deviates greatly from the remainder in a lot, it
shall, if possible, be re-examined by further testing and, if
there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the test result Every outlier shall be deleted, and, if possible, be replaced
is erroneous, it shall be regarded as an outlier, rejected, with a new random test value.
Table 8204(d)/2 Table 8204(d)/4



For density For bitumen conlenl For voids in mix

4 3.2 0.4 2.3

5 3.3 0.5 2.4

6 33 0.5 2.5

7 3,6 0.5 2.6

Every outlier shall be discarded and replaced by another

random test value. The sample mean Rn and the sample
standard deviation Sn shall then be recalculated. If an
(ii) Method2 outlier cannot be replaced, the sample mean and standard
deviation shall be calculated on the basis of the remaining
In the case of basecourse and asphalt work the following test results. The final number of test results used in the
procedure shall be used for identifying outliers where it is assessment after the elimination of an outlier shall never be
impossible to repeat a test or to reinvestigate a test result: less than four.

Calculate the absolute value Co from

(e) Resubmission

Where a lot has been accepted conditionally or has been

where xo represents the possible outlier. rejected, the engineer may agree to its resubmission for
approval if
Compare Co with the critical value C = C O , O ~ ; ~ ~
- it has been reworked and the engineer is satisfied
Where u is the standard deviation of the population derived that a proper attempt was made to improve the
from historical data. properties which were unacceptable:

If the absolute value Co > C, the test result xo shall be

regarded as an outlier and shall be excluded from the
sample. - where, in his opinion, there are valid technical
reasons therefor.
The critical values for different values of n are given in
tables 8204(d)/3 and 8204(d)/4 for the different product In both cases a fresh sample shall be taken, and a fresh
properties. (second) set of test values determined. The first and
second sets of test values shall then be compared with
Table 8204(d)13 each other to determine whether thei~properties differ

Where in the opinion of the engineer a significant

difference does occur, the submission of the lot shall be
For For sieve size (mm) For PI regarded as a first submission and be assessed as such,
percentage and only the second set of test values shall then be used
n compaction 26.5 19.0 13.2 4,75 2.00 0,425 0.075
for this purpose.

4 4.1 6.1 8.5 8.5 7.3 5.6 3,6 3,2 2,4 Where in the opinion of the engineer no significant
difference occurs, the submission of the lot shall be
5 4.4 6.4 9,0 9.0 7.7 5.9 3.9 3.3 2,6
regarded and assessed as a resubmission, which will
6 4,6 6,7 9.4 9.4 8.0 6.2 4.0 3,5 2,7 mean, inter alia, that the first and second sets of test
values shall be combined for purposes of assessment.
7 4.7 6.9 9.7 9.7 8.3 6,3 4,l 3,6 2.8

8 4.8 7.1 9.9 9.9 8.5 6,5 4.2 3,7 2.8

In order to be able to determine theoretically whether there
is a significant difference between the two sets of test
9 4.9 7,2 10.1 10.1 8.6 6.6 4.3 3.7 2.9 values (suffixes a and b), the Fisher F-test shall be
conducted, and, if necessary, also the 1-test, all as
10 4,9 7.3 10.2 10.2 8.7 6.7 4.4 3,8 2.9
described below.
The Fisher F-test is conducted as follows: 8205 JUDGEMENT PLAN A (Surface levels and layer
Calculate the value of F = Sg2/~k2,

where Surface levels and layer thicknesses shall be judged in

accordance with the following procedure:
Sg = the greater value of Sa and Sb
Sk = smaller value of Sa and Sb. (a) Taking the levels

The value of F0.05, Vg,?& is obtained from table 8204(e)ll Level measurements shall be taken in a random pattern,
where before and after a layer has been constructed, and levels
shall be taken at exactly the same point before and after
Vg = sample size minus one, from the sample with the construction. Layer thicknesses will then be determinable
larger standard deviation. as the difference between the pre- and post-construction
levels, but may be supplemented by determinations made
?& = sample size minus one, from the sample with the by means of holes made in the layer.
smaller standard deviation.
The number of measurements of layer thicknesses shall be
Where F > F o , ~ , w, a significant difference occurs at least 30, and that of surface levels at least 50. Larger
theoretically between the two sets of test values, but where sample sizes will give more reliable results.
F < F0,5. t%, t&,the difference is not necessarily
significant, and the t-test shall also be conducted with a In the case of asphalt layers, the engineer may require that
view to obtaining a decision. layer thicknesses be determined only by means of
measurements taken on drilled cores, in which case the
The t-test is conducted as follows: minimum number of cores shall be 20 per lot and not 30.

Calculate For rehabilitation or repair work the number of

measurements shall be as specified in the project
specifications or as directed by the engineer.

then calculate @) Calculating the deviations

Compute the difference between the specified level or

thickness and the actual level or thickness. Compute the
mean thickness of the layer.

I Ia - Rb I is the absolute value of the difference between (c) Identifying outliers

X a and I b and is always positive.
Check this work by remeasuring any results which may
Determine the degrees of liberty possibly be defective.

(d) Assessing the results

The value of t0.05, V,is obtained from table 8204(e)/2. The following criteria will apply when results are assessed:

Where t > t0.05. V.a significant difference occurs between (i) Surface levels
the two sets of results, and if t < t0.05, V, there is no
significant difference. The lot will comply with the requirements specified for
surface levels if at least 90% of all surface levels are within
Table 8204(e)/2 the Hgo tolerance specified in each case, before any level
corrections are made.
Individual spots, where the surface level deviates by more
than the Hma, tolerance, specified in each case, shall be
repaired to bring them to within the Hgo tolerance.

(ii) Layer thickness

The layer will comply with the requirements specified for

layer thickness if at least 90% of all thickness
measurements taken are equal to or thicker than the
specified thickness, minus the Dgo tolerance specified in
the relevant section, before any thickness corrections are
made, and the mean layer thickness for the lot is not less
than the specified layer thickness minus the Dave
tolerances specified in each case.
Table 8204(e)il


Individual spots, where the actual thickness is less than the Table 820612
specified thickness minus the Dmax tolerance specified in
each case, shall be locally repaired to bring them within MINIMUM SAMPLE SIZES FOR CONCRETE
the Dgo tolerance. (STRUCTURAL)

8206 JUDGEMENT PLAN B Size of lot Min sample size

(m3) n

The characteristic properties to be controlled in accordance 0-20

with this judgement scheme are as shown in table 820611. 21 - 40
41 - 70
71 - 100
Table 820611 101 - 150
> 150

Structure Characteristic
@) Identifying outliers
Gravel pavement layers Relative compaction
Outliers shall be identified, not taken into account, and, if
Crushed-stone base or Relative compaction possible, replaced with fresh test values, all as prescribed
subbase in subclause 8204(d).

Asphalt base and Relative compaction

surfacing Binder content of mix Calculating standard deviation and the mean of
Voids in mix sample values

Chemically stabilized Stabilizing agent Use the sample r7sults for calculating the standard
layers content deviation Sn and the mean Rn of the sample values in
accordance with definitions in clause 8203.
Concrete Compressive strength
Where it is a resubmission (as defined in clause 8203), the
first and second sets of sample results shall be used for
determining a combined sample mean Rap,. standard
The procedure to be followed when assessing the above deviation Sat, and sample size nab as determined in
properties shall be as follows: formula 820611.

(a) Taking samples and testing the properties (d) Determining the judgement limits

Determine the sample size (n) by taking into consideration All judgement limits shall be computed to three decimal
the minimum sample sizes given in table 820612, and take figures.
the samples in a stratified random pattern as specified in
subclause 8204(b). Conduct the appropriate tests. (i) First submission

For rehabilitation or repair work the sample size shall be as The acceptance limits La and L,' are calculated in
specified in the project specifications or as directed by the accordance with the formulas given below in the case of a
engineer. first submission (as defined in clause 8203).

Formula 820611

nab = na + nb

Rab = (naRa + nbRb)/(na + nb)

Sab = J { ( n a - 1 ) S Z a + ( n b - 1 ) ~ ' +~ N a ( i a b - i a ) ' + Nb(iab-ib)')/(na +nb-1;

where subscript a refers to the first set of test values

b refers to the second set of test values
ab refers to the combined properties.
For a lower-limit specification (iii) Values of constants

The values of the specification limits Ls and are given

in the relevant sections of the specifications and are briefly
Accept the lot if the sample mean Rn is equal to or greater summarised in table 820613. The minimum sample size
than the acceptance limit La, otherwise reject the lot. "n" and the maximum percentage of defectives (@) in an
acceptable product are also given in the table.
For an upper-limit specification
The values of ka and kad are given in tables 820614 and

Accept the lot if the sample mean in is equal to or less Table 820614
than the acceptance limit La, otherwise reject the lot.
For a double-limit specification calculate

Sample ka
size (n)
@ = 5% @ = 10% @ = 15%
4 0,747 0,445 0,220
Accept the lot if the sample mean Rn falls between the 5 0,821 0,520 0,300
lower acceptance limit La and the upper acceptance limit 6 0,878 0,576 0,358
or is equal to either one, otherwise reject the lot. 7 0.923 0,620 0,403
8 0,961 0,656 0,440
Where a lot has been rejected, it may nevertheless be 9 0,993 0,687 0,470
considered for conditional acceptance in terms of clause 10 1,020 0,713 0,496
8208. 12 1,065 0,755 0,538
14 1,101 0,789 0,571
(ii) Resubmission 16 1,131 0,817 0,598
18 1,155 0,840 0,620
Where a lot is resubmitted for approval in terms of 20 1,177 0,860 0,640
subclause 8204(e)the acceptance limits are determined as

For a single-limit specification (iv) Requirements for non-structural concrete

Where any concrete sections or parts are indicated by the

engineer or on the drawings as being non-structural, the
statistical judgement scheme shall not apply, and only
compliance with the specified characteristic strength will be
Accept the lot if Xab 2 La in the case of a lower-limit required. Compliance with the specified characteristic
specification and if Xab 5 L'a in the case of an upper limit strength means that the mean strength of the sample shall
specification, otherwise reject the lot. be at least equal to the specified characteristic strength,
and no single test result may be lower than the specified
For a double-limit specification characteristic strength minus 5 MPa.

Table 8206/5


Accept the lot if La 5 Rab 5 L'a. If not, reject the lot.

The values of ka and kad used in the above cases shall

agree with the sample size nab.

Where a resubmitted lot is rejected, it may nevertheless be

considered for conditional acceptance in terms of clause

The evaluation of a resubmitted lot shall be final and

binding on both employer and contractor. The provisions
of this section shall be strictly complied with.

Where a resubmitted lot is rejected, the contractor shall be

obliged to bear the costs of the additional tests conducted
on the resubmitted lot.
Table 820613


Material Properties Minimum Ls L's CP

sample (Lower (Upper ("'0)

size specification specification

n limit) limit)

Selected subgrade Relative compaction 4 90%, 93% or 95% 15

Subbase Relative compaction 6 95% or 97% 15

Gravel base Relative compaction 6 98% and if 15

stabilised, 97%

Crushed stone subbase or Relative compaction 6 See subclause 15

base 3602(a)

Asphalt base or surfacing Relative compaction 6 See See 15

Binder content 6 note note 15
Voids 4 1 1 15

Chemically stabilized Cementitious binder 10 See See 10

layers content note 2 note 2

Strength concrete Compressive strength See table See notes 3 and 4 5

(structural) (28 days) 820613

Pavement concrete Compressive strength 6 See subclause 5

(28 days) 7103(d)

(2) Specification limits for cementitious-binder content

Ls = 70% of the specified cementitious-binder content or

(1) Asphalt base or surfacing : Specification limits for - as ordered by the engineer.

(a) Density Ls = (97 - percentage of voids (3) Specification limits for compressive strength of
in approved production mix) concrete
% of theoretical maximum
density (see clause 4210) Ls = the specified 28-day cube characteristic strength
(see clause 6404(b), e g, for class 25138 concrete,
(b) Binder content (conventional and homogeneous Ls = 25 MPa.)
modified binders)

For continuously and semi-gap graded mixes 8207 CONTROLLING MORE THAN ONE PROPERTY

Ls = specified binder content

- 0.30% binder Where more than one property of a lot is to be controlled,
the lot shall be accepted if all the properties comply with
Ls = specified binder content the specified requirements, but the lot shall be rejected if
t 0.30% binder one or more of the properties do not comply with the
specified requirements, or the lot may be conditionally
For gap graded mixes, slurry seals and non-homogeneous accepted subject to the requirements of clause 8208.
modified binders

Ls = specified binder content 8208 CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE

- 0,40°h binder
L', = specified binder content (a) General
0,40% binder
Where a lot is rejected under statistical judgement plan B
(c) Voids but the test results are such that the lot complies with the
requirements for conditional acceptance specified
Ls = specified values - 1.5 percentage points hereafter, the engineer may accept the lot conditionally,
that is, the lot may be accepted at reduced payment in lieu
L', = specified values + 1.5 percentage points of complete rejection, provided that -
(i) conditional acceptance shall be in the sole (2) Crushed stone layers shall not be subject to
discretion of the engineer and not an option which may be conditional acceptance, but, where compaction to 88% of
exercised by the contractor or a right the contractor may apparent density is specified but has not been obtained,
claim; the engineer in his sole discretion may accept the layer
against payment at the rate for compaction to 86% of
apparent density, provided that the layer complies with all
(ii) the lot is approved in respect of all other the requirements specified for a crushed stone layer
requirements not judged by a statistical judgement plan; compacted to 86% of apparent density.

(iii) the contractor shall have the option to remove and The same provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis where
reinstate at his own cost conditionally accepted work with a specified compaction of 102% of modified AASHTO
work which complies with the requirements for acceptance density cannot be attained, but 100% of modified AASHTO
at full payment; density can be attained.

(iv) conditional acceptance and the corresponding (c) Criiria for conditional acceptance
reduced payment shall apply only in respect of the work
and properties listed in subclause 8208(b) below. Any lot which does not comply with the requirements for
acceptance plan B may be conditionally accepted should
the value of the sample mean icn lie within the rejection
@) Roperties to which conditional acceptance applies limits given in table 820812.

Conditional acceptance may be applied in respect of the The payment reduction factor shall be calculated in
properties listed below in table 820811. accordance with the following formula:

Table 820811
For conditional acceptance at a lower limit

For conditional acceptance at an upper limit

Property Structure

Relative compaction (i) Asphalt base or

surfacing See clause 8203 for the meaning of the symbols.
(ii) Chemically stabilized
layers Where so required in the project specifications, the
(iii) Plant mixed paver laid rejection limits shall be determined in accordance with the
layers requirements of clause 821 1 instead of table 8208/2.

(See note 2)
(d) Applying the payment-reduction factor
Tar or bitumen binder Asphalt base or surfacing
The payment-reduction factor shall be applied to the
Voids in mix Asphalt base or surfacing following payment items as relevant and described in the

Cementitious binder Chemically stabilized Stabilized layers

content or strength layers
requirements ltems 34.01, 34.02, 34.03, 34.04, 34.05, 34.09, 35.01, 35.02,
35.05, 35.06, 35.07, 35.08, 35.09, 35.10 and 35.12.
28-day-cube All strength concrete
compressive strength (concrete pavements not Asphalt base and surfacing
included. See note 1)


(1) See subclause 7124(e) for details regarding reduced ltems 64.01, 64.02, 64.03 and 64.05. No reduction will
payment in the case of inadequate concrete strength or apply to payment items for formwork, reinforcing and
layer thickness in concrete pavements. prestressing cables.
Table 8208/2 of process control for monitoring the various properties to
be controlled. The specific system used shall be subject
REJECTION LIMITS (L, en L,') FOR SAMPLE MEAN (in) to the engineer's approval, and the attention of the
contractor is drawn to the systems described in clause 4.4
Property Structure Rejection limits of TRH5 which is normally regarded as suitable.
(Lr and L r )
The contractor shall take immediate steps to rectify any
Relative (a) Chemically Lr = (La - deviation from the specified requirements indicated by his
compaction stabilized layers 2.000)% of process-control system, and the engineer shall have the
in accordance relative right to inspect and be given all details of tests and testing
with sections compaction procedures in order to satisfy himself that the contractor is
3500 or 3700 implementing an adequate process-control system.
(b) Asphalt
base or Lr = (La -
relative ENGINEER

Concrete All strength

The engineer will inspect and test materials and completed
compressive concrete
work at regular intervals for compliance with the specified
strength (excepting that
requirements and, where applicable, the various judgement
in pavement)
plans specified will be applied. The testing frequencies
Bituminous Asphalt Lr = (La - and sample and lot sizes for routine testing shall be at the
binder 0.200)% binder engineer's discretion.
content (%) L', = (L', +
0.200)% binder All sections of completed work shall be submitted to the
engineer for routine inspection and testing, and the
Voids in mix Asphalt Lr = (La - contractor shall not cover up or construct any work on top
(%) 0.300)% voids of sections of completed work before being advised by the
L', = (L', + engineer of the outcome of his testing and inspection. The
0.300)% voids contractor shall make arrangements for the submission of
work for testing in a manner which will afford the engineer
Cementitious Chemically reasonable opportunity for inspecting and testing the work.
binder stabilized layers

Pavement layers mixed in a central mixing plant and

placed by paver Where required in the project specifications that the
rejection limits be determined in accordance with statistical
Items 37.01, 37.02. 37.03. criteria such as TRH5, it shall be done as follows:

General For a single-limit specification

.- Where payment items are introduced into the project First submission
specificatia~or are changed in the schedule of quantities.
the payment reduction factor shall apply to the payment
items corresponding to the payment items mentioned

Where a lot is conditionally accepted in regard to more

than one property, the payment-reduction factor for each The lot shall be accepted conditionally where iin2 Lr in
property shall be computed and the factor which gives the the case of a lower-limit specification, or where in IL', in
largest reduction shall be applied, except in the case of the case of an upper-limit specification. If not, the lot shall
concrete pavement when the provisions of subclause be rejected.
7124(e) shall be referred to.

For a double-limit specification


The requirements of clause 1205 shall apply in respect of L', = L,' -
the contractor's obligation to institute and implement a
quality control system for monitoring the quality of the
work and materials during production. r Lr and
The lot shall be conditionally accepted where in
d L',, otherwise reject the lot.
For continuous concrete and asphalt-production processes.
the engineer may order the contractor to augment the The values of kr and krd are given in tables 821 111 and
above-mentioned control system by introducing a system 821 112.
Table 8211/1 Table 821 112



Sample kr Sample k rd
size (n) size (n)
@ = 5% @ = 10% @ = 15% @ = 5% @ = 10% @ = 15% @ =20%

4 0.446 0,123 -0,148 4 d,338 -0.007 -0.324 -0,708

5 0.547 0,238 -0,004 5 0,451 0,132 -0,130 -0,389
6 0.622 0.320 0,089 6 0.534 0,226 -0,016 -0,241
7 0.682 0,382 0,158 7 0.600 0,296 0,065 -0,144
8 0,732 0,432 0,211 8 0,653 0.352 0,126 -0,073
9 0,773 0,474 0,255 9 0.698 0,398 0,176 -0,018
10 0.809 0.509 0,292 10 0.736 0.437 0,217 0,027
12 0,867 0,567 0,357 12 0,800 0,500 0.283 0,098
14 0,914 0,612 0.397 14 0.850 0,550 0,334 0,152
16 0,952 0,649 0,434 16 0.891 0,590 0.375 0,194
18 0,985 0,680 0,465 18 0,926 0,624 0,409 0,229
20 1,013 0,707 0,491 20 0,956 0,653 0,438 0,259
SERIES 8000 : SUNDRIES based on these plans shall not be altered. It shall be a
condition of this contract that the theoretical validity of the
SECTION 8300 : QUAUP/ CONTROL (SCHEME 2) various statistical judgement plans be accepted and that
the validity of the decisions made on the basis of these
judgement plans cannot be disputed on the grounds of
CONTENTS statistical theory or a specified or implied producer's risk,
or unjust on the grounds of enrichment.
CONTROLLING MORE THAN ONE PROPERTY For the purposes of this section the following words and
CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE symbols shall have the following meanings:

8301 SCOPE A lot is a sizeable portion of work or quantity of material

which is assessed as a unit for the purposes of quality
control, and selected to represent material or work
This section describes one scheme used for determining, produced by essentially the same process and from
by means of tests and measurements and by applying essentially the same materials.
statistical judgement plans, whether certain requirements
specified in the specifications in regard to the properties of
materials and workmanship are being complied with. @) Random sample

It also covers the requirements in regard to the control to A random sample is a group of "nu test measurements at
be exercised by the contractor for monitoring the quality of "nu separate test positions or on "nu sample portions
his work and materials and the routine tests and obtained from the lot In an unbiased manner.
inspections to be carried out by the engineer.
Random sampling shall mean stratified random sampling,
unless Inconsistent with the context.

(c) Sample mean (Sn)

Certain requirements and limit values are laid down In the
specifications in regard to the properties of materials and Rn is the arithmetic mean of a set of "n" test results
workmanship to be supplied. Tests shall be conducted constituting the sample.
and measurements taken for controlling the relevant
properties of the workmanship and materials supplied, and
the results of such tests and measurements shall be (d) Specification limit (Ls)
assessed on the basis of the prescribed criteria for
compliance with the specified requirements. This is the limit value of the property of any product
outside which not more than a specified percentage (Q)) of
Wherever possible, acceptance criteria shall be determined the population of values representing an acceptable
by way of statistical principles described in this section. product property is allowed to lie. The specification limit
Wherever impracticable and where no statistical judgement may be a single lower limit Ls, or a single upper limit
criteria have been prescribed, the specified requirements or a double limit consisting of a lower limit Ls and an
and limit values shall be fully complied with. upper limit L.,'

Despite acceptance of those properties judged by these

statistical methods, the materials or work submitted will be (e) Acceptance limit for sample mean
rejected when other properties (which are not controlled by
statistical methods) fail to comply with the requirements of This is the limit value of a product property within which
the specifications, or where there are other causes for the sample mean shall lie for a product to be acceptable.
rejection such as obviously defective workmanship or
excessively variable properties, visible signs of poor
workmanship, and similar considerations which constitute For a lower-limit specification, this acceptance limit is
sufficient grounds for rejecting the work without any further denoted by La. For an upper-limit specification, this
testing. acceptance limit is denoted by Va. For a double-limit
specification, the lower and upper limits are denoted by La
The engineer shall be entitled to assess separately any and L.,'
specified portion of a lot if, in his opinion, it exhibits
significant deviations as compared with the remainder of
the lot. (1) Acceptance limits for individual test values b)
In order not to change the contractor's or the employer's This is the limit values of a product property within which
risks, the statistical judgement plans shall be strictly the sample values representing a product shall lie for the
adhered to in all cases where they are used, and decisions product to be acceptable.
The limit values will depend on the sample sizes "n" and the product of two full days' work. However, a lot of any
may be a lower limit L,,an upper limit r e , or double limits smaller size may be ordered by the engineer where -
L, and r e .
- the properties under investigation exhibit abnormal
local variation within the normal lot size;
(g) Conditional acceptance

This is the acceptance of a lot at reduced payment in lieu - an area is obviously of a different quality than the
of rejection. Conditional acceptance shall be subject to the rest;
provisions of clause 8307.
- the rate of production is very high

(h) Outliers For rehabilitation or repair work the lot size shall be as
specified in the project specifications, or as determined by
Where, in a sample, one or more test results differ the engineer.
significantly from the other values obtained, this difference
could be ascribed to an assignable cause, in which case (ii) Concrete
such test result shall be regarded as an outlier and
disregarded when assessing the lot. The lot size shall be determined by the engineer, with due
regard being had to the size and the type of structure in
To determine whether or not a test result is an outlier, the which the concrete is placed, the specific portion of the
method given in subclause 8304(d) shall be adopted. structure, and the total quantity of concrete placed in a
day. The lot sizes in concrete structures could therefore
vary considerably, and, particularly in the case of small
(i) First submission structures, it could be necessary to combine samples of
the same grade of concrete from different structures.
The submission of a lot for approval will be classified as a provided that the concrete has been obtained from the
first submission when actually submitted for the first time same concrete plant and has been cast in the same period.
or when submitted for a second time on the basis of a
second set of test values which shall be regarded as a first (iii) Other
submission in terms of subclause 8304(e), because the
properties of the first and the second sets of test values In other cases, as for example in material stockpiles where
differ significantly. the definition of a lot in accordance with subclause 8303(a)
does not apply directly, the engineer will determine lot
sizes in accordance with circumstances pertaining to each
0) Resubmission case.

The submission of a lot for approval for a second time

shall be classified as a resubmission should it be regarded @) Random sampling
as a resubmission in terms of subclause 8304(e), as the
properties of the first and second sets of test values do not When any lot is tested, whether a normally sized lot or an
differ significantly. isolated section which clearly exhibits an abnormal
variation of the properties under consideration, all samples
shall be taken in a stratified random pattern. For this
(k) Payment-reduction factor (fr) purpose use shall be made of tables of random numbers,
and the instructions in publication TMH5, Sampling for
This is the factor by which payment at contract rates shall Road Construction Materials, shall be followed.
be multiplied for calculating payment for conditionally
accepted work.
(c) Sample sizes
(I) Definitions pertaining the rehabilitation and repair
work For purposes of acceptance control, the engineer will, in
advance, determine sample size "nu. The larger the
In the case of rehabilitation or repair work the definitions sample, the more reliable the result will be, and no sample
for lot, lot size and sample size shall be as specified in the sizes may be smaller than those given in clause 8305.
project specifications or as directed by the engineer. With regard to rehabilitation or repair work the sample
sizes specified in the project specifications or prescribed
by the engineer shall apply.

(d) Outliers
(a) Determining the lot size
Test results shall be scanned for possible outliers. Where
(i) Road-construction layers a test result deviates greatly from the remainder in a lot, it
shall, if possible, be re-examined by further testing, and, if
The lot size shall normally be a section compacted in one there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the test result
process where essentially the same materials and is erroneous, it shall be regarded as an outlier, rejected,
construction equipment have been used. Where and replaced with a fresh test result.
production is on a continuous basis, a lot shall normally
mean the product of one day's work and shall not exceed Where repeating a test or re-examining a test result is
impossible, method 1 described below shall be used for If the absolute value Co > C, the test result xo shall be
identifying outliers for all work except basecourse and regarded as an outlier and shall be excluded from the
asphalt work. Method 2 shall be used for identifying sample.
outliers for basecourse and asphalt work.

(i) Method 1 The critical values for different values of n are given in
tables 830412 and 830413 for the different product
Calculate the value of To from properties.

Table 830412


where Rn and Sn are the arithmetic mean and the sample
standard deviations respectively, and

For For sieve size (mm) For PI

xo is the value of the test result differing most from the percentage
n compaction 26,5 19.0 13,2 4,75 2.00 0,425 0,075

Compare the value of To with the value of T for the 4 4,l 6.1 8.5 8.5 7,3 5,6 3.6 3,2 2,4
applicable value of "nu, from table 830411.
5 4,4 6,4 9,O 9.0 7,7 5,9 3,9 3,3 2,6

Table 830411 6 4.6 6.7 9.4 9,4 8.0 6,2 4.0 3.5 2,7

7 4,7 6,s 9,7 9.7 8,3 6,3 4,l 3,6 2,8

No of observations Critical values
8 4,8 7,l 9,9 9,9 8,s 6,5 4,2 3,7 2,8
(n) (TI
9 4,9 7,2 10,l 10,l 8,6 6.8 4,3 3,7 2,s
4 1,46
5 1,67 10 4,9 7,3 10,2 10,2 8,7 6.7 4,4 3,8 2.9
6 1,82
7 1,94
8 2,03 Table 830413
9 2.1 1
11 2,23
12 2,29
14 2,37
n For density For bitumen content For voids in mix
15 2,41
16 2,44 4 3,2 04 23
17 2,47
18 2,50 5 3-3 0,s 24
19 2,53 6 33 23
20 2,56
7 3.6 0,s 2,6

If the absolute value of To is greater than T, then xo is an

Every outlier shall be discarded and replaced by another
Every outlier shall be discarded, and, if possible, be random test value. The sample mean Rn and the sample
replaced with a new random test value. standard deviation Sn shall then be recalculated. If an
outlier cannot be replaced, the sample mean and standard
(ii) Method2 deviation shall be calculated on the basis of the remaining
test results. The final number of test results used in the
Inthe case of basecourse and asphalt work the following assessment after the elimination of an outlier shall never be
procedure shall be used for identifying outliers where it is less than four.
impossible to repeat a test or to reinvestigate a test result:

Calculate the absolute value Co from (e) Resubmission

Where a lot has been accepted conditionally or has been

rejected, the engineer may agree to its resubmission for
where xo represents the possible outlier. approval if

Compare Co with the critical value C = Co,Ol;nu

- it has been reworked and the engineer is satisfied
Where c i s the standard deviation of the population derived that a proper attempt was made to improve the
from historical data. properties which were unacceptable;
before and after construction of the layer in exactly the
same position, but may be augmented by thicknesses
- where, in his opinion there are valid technical measurements taken by means of holes made in the layer.
reasons therefor. In the case of asphalt layers, the engineer may require
thickness determinations to be made only by means of
In both cases a fresh sample shall be taken, and a fresh measurements on drilled cores, in which case the
(second) set of test values determined. minimum number of cores per lot shall be 20 instead of
The first and second sets of test values shall then be
compared with each other to determine whether their Outliers shall be identified, disregarded, and, if possible,
properties differ significantly. replaced.

Where in the opinion of the engineer a significant The lot will be considered to comply with the requirements
difference does occur, the submission of the lot shall be for layer thicknesses if -
regarded as a first submission and assessed as such, and
only the second set of test values shall then be used for (i) at least 90% of all the thickness measurements
this purpose. taken before any thickness repairs are made is equal to or
greater than the specified thickness, minus the Dgo
Where in the opinion of the engineer no significant tolerance specified in the appropriate section; and
difference occurs, the submission of the lot shall be
regarded and assessed as a resubmission. Where a lot is (ii) the mean layer thickness of the lot is not less than
resubmitted, it shall be assessed on the same basis as a the specified thickness, minus the Dmean tolerance.
first submission, except that the original and the second Isolated spots where the actual thickness is less than the
set of sample results shall be combined for purposes of specified thickness less the Dmax tolerance shall be
assessment. repaired so as to fall within the Dgo tolerance.

8305 PROCEDURES (c) Relative compaction of pavement layers

At least 4 relative density determinations shall be taken in

The statistical judgement procedures described below will the case of selected layers and at least 6 in the case of all
apply to the corresponding product properties for purposes other pavement layers in accordance with a random
of acceptance control. pattern. After outliers have been examined and replaced,
compliance with the specified density requirements shall
Note: be determined as follows:

For rehabilitation or repair work the number of The sample mean Rn shall be at least equal to or higher
measurements, tests or samples specified in the project than the acceptance limit (La) for the sample mean as
specifications or prescribed by the engineer shall be taken given in table 830511, and no single test value shall be
for acceptance control in respect of the product properties lower than the acceptance limit (k)for single values.
specified in subclauses (a) to (1) below.

(d) Cementitious-binder content of stabilized layers and

(a) Surface levels of fills and pavement layers uniformity of mix

At least 50, but preferably more, level measurements shall Take 50 samples according to a random pattern and
be taken according to a stratified random pattern of each determine their cementitious-binder content. Examine the
lot of completed layer work, and the specified levels shall results for outliers and replace them if any.
then be determined. Outliers shall be identified and
examined. As described in subclause 81 10(a), the test results shall be
adapted to make provision for the presence of minerals,
The lot will be considered to comply with the requirements which may affect the test results, in the material to be
in respect of surface levels if, before any repair work is stabilized.
undertaken, at least 90% of the level measurements show
a deviation from the specified levels which is smaller than
the Hgo tolerance specified in the relative sections in The quantity of cementitious binder in the mixed material
regard to each layer. determined by taking 50 samples per lot and testing them
as specified, shall fall within the following limits:
Isolated spots, where the surface levels deviate by more
than the appropriate Hmax tolerance of the specified levels (i) The mean cementitious-binder content shall be not
shall be repaired to bring the deviation to within the Hgo less than 91% of the specified binder content.
(ii) The cementitious binder content in not more than
12 of the 50 samples may be lower than 70% of the
@) Layer thicknesses of pavement layers specified binder content.

At least 30, but preferably more, layer thicknesses shall be

determined in accordance with a stratified random pattern The requirements for uniformity of the mix shall apply only
for each lot of completed layer work. Layer thicknesses on condition that the variation of these adjustments fall
may be determined by means of level measurements taken within the limits specified in subclause 8110(a).
(e) Binder content of asphalt (i) ic 2 Ls + AA where

Take at least 4 specimens of asphalt in a random pattern

and determine the binder content. Examine the results R = a mean value of the 28-day cube compressive
and replace any outliers as specified. strength tests

Determine the sample mean and assess the lot by using Ls = characteristic strength specified in the concrete-
the following criteria: class indication (see clause 6404)

The binder content of asphalt mixes shall not deviate from

the specified binder content by more than the values given AA = the applicable value given in table 830513
in table 830512.

Table 830512 (ii) No single test value is lower than the value


AB = the applicable value given in table 830513.

Maximum deviation of the sample mean Table 830513

from the specified binder content (% of
Sample Gap-graded and Continuous, semi-gap-
size non-homogeneous graded and open- Sample size (MPa)
AA 43 (MPa)
(number) modified binder graded conventional (n)
mixes and slurry and homogeneous
seals modified binder mixes 3 0,s 3,9
4 1,l 42
2 0,51 037 5 1,4 4,5
3 0,44 0,33 6 1,7 4,7
4 0,41 0,30 7 179 4,9
5 0,38 0,28 8 2,1 50
6 0,36 0,27 9 22 52
7 035 0,26 10 2,3 5,3
8 0,33 0,25 11 2,4 5,4
12 2,s 5,5
13 2,6 56
14 2,7 5,7
15 2,7 5,8
Maximum deviation of any single test
value from the specified binder
content (% of binder) Table 830514

Sample Gap-graded Continuous MINIMUM SAMPLE SIZES FOR

size and semi- and open- STRENGTH CONCRETE (STRUCTURAL)
(number) gap-graded graded
mixes mixes
Volume of lot (m3) Minimum sample size
2 0,76 0,54
3 0,81 0,58 0 - 20 4
4 0,84 0,60 21 - 40 6
5 0,87 0,62 41 - 70 9
6 0,89 0,64 71 - 100 12
7 0,91 0,65 101 - 150 14
8 0,92 0,66 2 150 16

(1) Concrete : 28day cube compressive strength 8306 CONTROLLING MORE THAN ONE PROPERM

Take at least the minimum number of samples as given in

table 830514 according to a random pattern and make test
cubes. Test them for cube compressive strength after 28 Where more than one property of a lot is being controlled,
days. Examine the results for outliers and disregard if any. the lot shall be accepted if all the properties comply with
The results are then assessed according to the criteria set the specified requirements, but if one or more of the
out below. A lot will comply with the requirements for the properties do not comply with the requirements, the lot
characteristic strength if it meets the following shall be rejected, or it may be conditionally accepted
requirements: subject to the provisions of clause 8307.
8307 CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE (c) Criteria for conditional acceptance

In terms of the respective judgement plans relating to the

(a) General properties to which conditional acceptance applies; two
requirements shall always apply, viz one in relation to the
Where a lot is rejected under a statistical judgement plan sample mean (k,), and one in relation to individual test
described in this section but the test results are such that values xn. A lot may be conditionally accepted when it
the lot complies with the requirements for conditional complies with one of the two requirements for acceptance,
acceptance specified hereafter, the engineer may accept but not with the second requirement provided that it
the lot conditionally, that is, the lot may be accepted at complies with the requirements for conditional acceptance
reduced payment in lieu of complete rejection, provided in relation to the second requirement. There are therefore
that always two cases:

(i) conditional acceptance shall be in the sole (i) Case 1

discretion of the engineer and is not an option which may
be exercised by the contractor or a right he may claim; The lot complies with the requirement for sample mean,
but not in all cases with the requirement for individual test
(ii) the lot is approved in respect of all other values.
requirements not judged by a statistical judgement plan;
The lot may be accepted conditionally, subject to the
(iii) the contractor shall have the option to remove and following additional conditions:
reinstate at his own cost conditionally accepted work with
work which complies with the requirementsfor acceptance (1) In regard to the RELATIVE COMPACTION OF
(iv) conditional acceptance and the corresponding STRENGTH, not more than one test value may not comply
reduced payment shall apply only in respect of the work with the requirements of individual test values.
and properties listed in subclause 8307(b) below.
the binder content may be below 70% of the specified
Properties to which conditional acceptance applies binder content in not more than 13 cases.

Conditional acceptance may be applied in respect of the (ii) Case 2

properties of structures listed below in table 830711.
The lot complies with the requirements for individual test
Note: values but not with the requirements for sample mean.

Conditional acceptance shall not apply to crushed-stone The lot may be accepted conditionally on condition that
layers, but, where compaction to 88% of apparent density the sample mean Cn lies within the rejection limits given in
has been specified but cannot be attained, the engineer table 830712.
may accept the layer at payment at the rate for compaction
to 86% of apparent density on condition that the layer Table 830712
complies with the requirements for this compaction
The same provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis where MEAN (Rn)
a specified density of 102% of modified MSHTO density
Property Structure Rejection limits (Lr
Table 830711 and L',)
Relative (a) Chemically Lr = (La - 2.000)%
compaction stabilized layers in relative
accordance with compaction
section 3500 or
Property Structure 3700
(b) Asphalt base Lr = (La - 1.000)%
Relative (i) Asphalt base or surfacing or surfacing relative
compaction (ii) Chemically stabilized layers compaction
(iii) Plant mixed paver laid layers Cube All strength- Lr = 0,85 La
compressive concrete
Bituminous- Asphalt base or surfacing
strength (excluding
binder content
Cementitious- Chemically stabilized layers
binder content Bituminous Asphalt Lr = (La - 0.200)%
or strenqth binder content % binder
requirements L', = (L', +
0.200)% binder
28-day cube All structural concrete (excepting
compressive concrete pavements) Cementitious- Chemically Lr = 0.80 La
strength binder content stabilized layers

Strength Chemically Lr = 0,85 La

cannot be but 100% of modified AASHTO density has in stabilized layers
fact been attained.
(d) Determining the payment reduction factor or) (e) Applying the payment-reduction factor

Where a lot is conditionally accepted, compensation will be The payment-reduction factor shall be applied to the
reduced by multiplying the tender rates for the items following payment items as may apply and be described
in the specifications.
concerned, as set out below, with the payment reduction
factor fr. Chemically stabilized layers

(i) The factor fr is determined as follows in regard to ltems 34.01, 34.02, 34.03, 34.04, 34.05, 34.09, 35.01, 35.02,
the two cases set out in subclause 8307(c) above. 35.05, 35.06, 35.07, 35.08, 35.09, 35.10 and 35.12.

Case 1 Asphalt base and surfacing

The lot complies with the requirements for sample mean, ltems 42.01, 42.02, 42.03, 42.09, 42.10, 42.11, 42.12, 42.13
and 42.16.
but not in all cases with the requirements for single values.
Single and double seals (bituminous binder application
fr is always taken as being equal to 0,85. rates)

Case 2 ltems 44.01, 44.02, 45.01 and 45.02.

The lot complies with the requirements for single values, Concrete
but not with the requirements for sample mean (Rn).
ltems 64.01, 64.02, 64.03 and 64.05.
For conditional acceptance at a lower limit No reduction shall apply to payment items for formwork,
reinforcing or tendons.

Plantmixed pavement layers placed by paver

For conditional acceptance at an upper limit ltems 37.01, 37.02 and 37.03.


Where payment items are incorporated in the project

(See clause 8303 for definitions of symbols). specifications or have been amended in the schedule of
quantities, the payment-reduction factor shall apply to the
(ii) Where a lot is conditionally accepted with regard to payment items corresponding to the payment items
bituminous binder application rates, the appropriate mentioned above.
payment reduction factor in table 830713 shall be
applicable. Where a lot is conditionally accepted in regard to more
than one property, the payment-reduction factor for each
Table 830713 property shall be calculated, and the factor giving rise to
the largest reduction shall be applied, except in the case of
PAYMENT REDUCTION FACTORS FOR CONDITIONALLY concrete pavements when the provisions of clause 7124

Conventional and Bitumen-rubber binders 8308 PROCESS CONTROL BY THE CONTRACTOR

homogeneous modified
The requirements of clause 1205 shall apply in respect of
Deviation from Payment Deviation Payment the contractor's obligation to institute and implement a
the specified reduction from the reduction control system for monitoring the quality of the work and
factor specified rate factor materials supplied.
rate (net
bitumen cold) fr at spraying fr For coritinuous concrete and asphalt-production processes,
llm2 temperature the engineer may order the contractor to augment the
("/.) above control system by introducing a process-control
system for monitoring the various properties to be
r 0.06 1,OO + 5,O 1,OO controlled. The specific system to be applied shall be
+ 0.07 0,95 + 6,O 0,97 subject to the engineer's approval, and the attention of the
2 0.08 0,90 2 7,O 0,95 contractor is drawn to the systems described in clause 4.4
+ 0,09 0,85 + 8,O 0,90 of TRH5, which will normally be regarded as suitable.
+ 0,10 0,80 + 9,O 0,85
The contractor shall take immediate steps to rectify any
deviation from the specified requirements indicated by his
If the deviation exceeds If the deviation exceeds process-control system, and the engineer shall have the
right to inspect and be given all details of tests and testing
procedures in order to satisfy himself that the contractor is
implementing adequate process-control system.
8309 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All sections of completed work shall be submitted to the
engineer for routine inspection and testing, and the
The engineer will at regular intervals inspect and test contractor shall not cover up or construct any work on top
materials and completed work for compliance with the of sections of completed work before being advised by the
specified requirements, and, where applicable, the various engineer of the outcome of his tests and inspection. The
specified judgement plans will be applied. The testing contractor shall arrange the submission of work for testing
frequencies and sample and lot sizes for routine testing in a manner as will afford the engineer reasonable
shall be at the engineer's discretion. opportunity for inspecting and testing.
SERIES 8000 : SUNDRIES Chloro-rubber paint . . . . . . . . . . . Project specifications

SECTION 8400 : PANTING Bituminous aluminium paint . . . . . . . . . . . . .SABS 802

CONTENTS (d) Other

SCOPE Epoxy-tar paints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 801 (type I)

GENERAL Bonding liquid for concrete surfaces ........ CKS 564
PROTECTING THE WORKS DURING PAINTING Powder coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SABS 1274
PREPARING SURFACES FOR PAINTING Bituminous-emulsion paint shall consist of a stable
PAINTING STRUCTURAL STEEL bituminous emulsion with a minimum of 45% of bitumen
PAINTING GUARD RAILS and about 596 of approved fibre.

(a) No paint shall be applied to surfaces containing

8401 SCOPE physically adhering contaminants such as oil, grease. dirt,
marking material, water-soluble salts, wax, paint and
temporary protectives, or to surfaces containing chemically
This section covers the painting and rehabilitation of bonded contaminants such as rust, mill scale, slag and
structural steel, guard rails, overhead road sign supports flux.
and other structures.
(b) All surfaces which are painted shall be dry.

8402 MATERIAL (c) All traces of soluble salts and corrosive airborne
contaminants shall be thoroughly washed from :he surface
prior to painting, and the surface shall be dried and
Paints shall comply with the requirements of the following painted immediately afterwards.
(d) Where surfaces are to be welded, unless othertvise
specified, any paint shall not be applied within 75 m m of
(a) Primers the weld position prior to welding.

Zinc-chromate primers for (e) After the welding has been completed, the welds
steel (or approved alternative) . . . . . . SABS 679 (type 1 and adjacent parent metal shall be completely deslagged,
or type 2, grade II) and the surfaces shall then be inspected and approved. All
spatter shall be removed prior to the surfaces being
Wash primer (metal etch primer) . . . . . . . . . . SABS 723 painted. The weld area shall be abrasive-blasted and/or
ground and all contaminants such as flux shall be removed
Calcium-plumbate primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 912 prior to the surface being painted.

Two-pack zinc-rich epoxy primer . . . . . . . . . . SABS 926 (f) Surfaces which are to rest on concrete or other
floors shall receive all the prescribed coats of paint, and
the paint shall be dry before the members are erected.
@) Undercoats
(g) Damaged paint areas shall be cleaned, rust spots
Undercoat .................... SABS 681 (type II) removed and the surface again be primed so that the
patch painting covers the damaged areas and extends over
a strip of 20 m m beyond each damaged area.
(c) Finishing m a t s
(h) Where the shop coat is allowed to age for a few
Decorative enamel for interior months before the next layer of paint is applied, light
and exteriw use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 630 sanding with sandpaper or rubbing with steel wool and
scrubbing with clean water with a bristle brush shall be
High-gloss paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS 684 (type A) carried out.

Micaceous iron-ore-pigmented (i) Steel members embedded in concrete shall be

paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SABS684 entirely painted to a distance of 75 mm within the concrete
measured from the concrete outer surface, and the paint
Baking enamels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SABS 783 shall be dry before the members are installed.

Emulsion paint for exterior (j) The paint manufacturer's instructions shall be
use (polyacrylic) . . . . . . . . SABS 634 strictly adhered to.
(k) Painted steel members shall be stacked so as to be cost to prevent such damage.
off the ground.
Any unsightly paint stains shall be removed by the
(I) Friction-grip surfaces shall not be painted but shall contractor at his own cost.
be treated in accordance with the project specifications.
If passing traffic creates sufficient dust to harm or spoil the
appearance of painted surfaces, the contractor shall
8404 APPLYING THE PANT sprinkle the adjacent roads and shoulders with water at his
own cost, for a sufficient distance on each side of the
location where the painting is being done, to keep the dust
Unless otherwise specified, paint may be applied either by away from freshly painted surfaces. The contractor shall,
brush, spray or roller method, or by any combination of at his own cost, also furnish and post appropriate
these three methods, or by powder coating. temporary road signs and take other necessary precautions
to prevent dust and dirt from adhering onto freshly painted
Where brushes are used, they shall have sufficient body surfaces.
and length of bristle for spreading the paint in a uniform
coat. Paint shall be evenly spread and thoroughly brushed
out. If brush marks are visible, it will be considered that 8406 PREPARING SURFACES FOR PAlNTlNG
the paint has been improperly applied, and the paint will
not be accepted.
Before paint is applied to any surface, the appropriate
On all surfaces which are inaccessible to painting by specified surface preparation shall be carried out in
regular painting equipment, the paint shall be applied by accordance with the relevant sections of SABS Code of
bottle brushes, sheepskin daubers, or by any other Practice 064 or as specified herein.
acceptable method so as to render the required coating of
If spray methods are used, the operator shall be thoroughly
(a) General
Runs, sags, thin areas in the paint coat, or where air
bubbles have formed or the paint has delaminated, or any The surface preparation, priming and application of an
skips shall be considered as being unsatisfactory, and the undercoat shall be carried out under cover at the
contractor will be required to repaint the surface by brush. fabricator's works. Where possible, all painting shall be
done at the fabricator's works but, where this is unfeasible,
A water trap and an air-regulating valve acceptable to the the engineer may permit the application of the finishing
engineer shall be furnished and installed on the equipment coats on the site, in which case an undercoat shall be
used for spray-painting. applied at the fabricator's works prior to the members
being despatched to the works.
Mechanical mixers shall be used for mixing paint properly
when no ready-mixed paints are used. Prior to application, Unless otherwise specified, the protection described in
the paint shall be remixed for a sufficient length of time to subclauses 8407(c), (d) and (e) shall be applied to all steel
mix the pigment and vehicle thoroughly. Paint shall be work. Corrosion protection of steel work exposed to
constantly kept well stirred to keep the pigments in aggressive or severe conditions shall comply with the
suspension during its application. All skins in the paint requirements of the project specifications.
shall be removed by screening. If it cannot be removed
effectively, the paint and paintwork already completed may
be condemned at the discretion of the engineer. @) Surface preparation

Paint shall not be applied when the temperature of the (i) New structures
steel is not at least 3°C above dew point or when the
temperature of the steel is below 5°C or above 35"C, After all cutting, drilling, welding and punching have been
unless otherwise prescribed by the engineer. completed, it shall be ascertained that all sharp edges
have been uniformly rounded off and smoothed down. AIl
Paint shall not be applied in fog or mist, when it is raining physically adhering contaminants shall be removed and
or when rain is expected, or when the relative humidity is the surface shall then be abrasive-blasted to Sa 2% finish
above 85%. in accordance with the Swedish Standard SIS 05/59/00. The
profile limit of the surface finish shall be between 30 and
60 p m . The abrasive-blasting profile shall be measured in
8405 PROTECTING THE WORKS DURING PNNTING accordance with SABS method 772 and shall comply with
OPERATIONS SABS Code of Practice 064.

No abrasive-blasting shall be done during rainy weather or

The contractor shall protect all parts of the structure when corrosive air conditions prevail.
against disfigurement by spatters, splashes andlor
smirches of paint or of paint materials. The contractor Unless the application of a primer follows within 4 hours of
shall be responsible for any damage to or paint on or abrasive blasting and before any oxidation of the prepared
contamination to vehicles, persons or property, including surface takes place, the abrasive-blasted surface shall
plants and animals, as a result of his operations, and he immediately after abrasive blasting be given one coat of a
will be required to provide protective measures at his own wash primer.
(ii) Existing structures (g) Back-to-back members and areas not easily
The surface preparation of existing steel structures shall be
carried out on site in accordance with clauses 3 and 4.4 of Back-to-back members and areas not easily accessible
SABS 064. shall be fully coated with all the specified coats of paint up
to and including the finishing coats before erection.

(c) Primer
(h) Damaged areas
The prepared surface shall be given two coats of a zinc-
chromate primer in accordance with SABS 679, type 1, Damaged areas shall be treated as follows:
grade II. The first coat shall be applied within 12 hours in
the case of wash-primed surfaces and within 4 hours, but Sand down to bright metal and clean. Spot prime with two
before any oxidation of the surface takes place, in the case coats and sand down lightly when hard. Rinse off with
of abrasive-blasted surfaces that have not been wash- water and allow to dry. Apply two finishing coats.
primed. A fast-drying zinc chromate in accordance with
SABS 679, type II, grade II, may be used as primer. In all
cases the dry-film thickness shall not be less than 30 p m (i) Sbuctural steel to b e embedded below ground
per coat.
Those parts of structural-steel members to be embedded
When steel has to be welded after the primer has been in soil and all bases to a height of 500 mm shall be given
applied, the steel shall be left unpainted for a distance of two coats of an epoxy-tar prime instead of the zinc-
75 mm from the weld joint unless a weldable type of paint chromate prime specified for other surfaces.
has been used. The welds shall be treated in accordance
with the instructions of clauses 8403 and 8407.

(d) Undercoat
(a) General
Where the finishing coats are to be applied on the site. the
primed surfaces shall be given one coat of a universal Guard rails are not painted unless otherwise prescribed.
undercoat with a suitable colour in the fabricator's shop
before despatch. The undercoat shall be applied as soon
as the prime coat has dried sufficiently. The dry-film @) Surface preparation and priming
thickness shall not be less than 25 prn.
All dirt, loose mill scale and loose corrosion products shall
be removed by hand or power tools and all rust and mill
(e) Finishing coat scale by pickling, after which the surface shall be rinsed
and a neutralising rinse shall be applied, or the surface
Two finishing coats of high-gloss structural paint (SABS shall be phosphated.
684, type A) of the specified colour shall be applied to
leave a dry-film thickness of not less than 25 p m per coat.
(c) Priming
Where the finishing coats are applied on the site, the
undercoat shall be lightly sanded and the members Apply two coats of zinc-chromate primer to a dry-film
washed and cleaned of all contaminants. The first finishing thickness of not less than 20 p m per coat.
coat shall be applied as soon as the structural members
are dry. After the prime coats have hardened, the guard rails may
be transported to the site.
Where specified in the project specifications, the second
finishing coat shall consist of a micaceous iron-ore-
pigmented structural paint of the specified colour to a dry- (d) Storage on the site
film thickness of not less than 30 p m . In all cases the
second finishing coat shall be applied within 48 hours of The primed guard rails shall be stored off the ground
the application of the first finishing coat. under cover and protected against rain and weather until
erection. Guard rails shall be stacked individually and not
The dry-film thickness of the total paint system shall not be nested so as to prevent corrosion during storage. The
less than 110pm when no undercoat is used and not less finishing coats shall be applied as soon as possible and
than 135 p m when an undercoat is used. Where the the primed surfaces shall not be allowed to corrode as a
second finishing coat is an iron-ore-pigmented paint, these result of prolonged exposure to the weather. Any guard
thicknesses shall be increased by 5 p m . rails showing signs of rust before the application of the
finishing coats shall be rubbed down with steel wool or fine
sandpaper until all rust is removed, and it shall then be
fl Mating surfaces recoated with a zinc-chromate primer.

When mating surfaces are brought together, both surfaces

shall already have been covered with all the specified coats (e) Finishing
of paint, but, where this is impossible, each surface shall
be given a copious coating of primer and the surfaces Before the first finishing coat is applied, the guard rails
drawn up while the paint is still wet. shall be thoroughly washed down to remove all traces of
salt and/or other air-borne corrosive materials and all dirt preparation and priming shall be as follows:
or other contaminants.

As soon as the rinsed guard rails are dry, a finishing coat (a) Surface preparation
of aluminium paint in accordance with SABS 802 or a white
high-gloss enamel in accordance with SABS 684 shall be Freshly galvanised surfaces shall be thoroughly scrubbed
applied to a dry-film thickness of not less than 25 pm. down with an approved galvanised-iron cleaner to remove
Within 48 hours this shall be followed by a second coat as all traces of the resin protective coating.
described before.
The surface shall be washed down and scrubbed to
The guard rails shall preferably be given both finishing remove all traces of grease, oil, dirt, etc.
coats before erection, but, where this is impossible, the
engineer may permit the finishing coats to be applied after
the guard rails have been erected, provided that all mating
surfaces and spots which are not easily accessible shall be @) Priming
painted with the finishing coats before the guard rails may
be erected. Two coats of calcium-plumbate primer shall be applied to
a dry-film thickness of at least 25 p m .
The total dry-film thickness of all coats of the paint shall
not be less than 90 p m . All damaged spots shall be The undercoat shall follow within one week of the primer.
treated as specified in subclause 8407(h).



The dry-film thickness of paint shall be determined in

(a) Surface preparation accordance with SABS method 141.

The surface of the concrete to be painted shall be cleaned At least 9046 of all thickness measurements shall comply
of all dust, loose particles, laitance, impurities and other with the minimum specified requirements. The thickness
deleterious materials, and then washed and allowed to dry. shall not in any case be less than 70% of the specified
Unless the surface is to be covered with a bituminous
paint, all cracks, holes and cavities shall be filled with grout In addition painters shall be supplied with, and instructed
or an acrylic filler. to use, wet-film thickness gauges.

@) Sealing and priming 8412 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The surface shall be sealed with an approved clear sealer

which complies with CKS 564 and then primed with a Hem Unit
primer consisting of an undercoat diluted to 5096.
84.01 Painting:

(c) Undercoat and finishing (a) (Describe structure/

article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square metre (mZ)
An undercoat shall be applied after priming, followed by
two finishing coats of the prescribed paint. (b) (Describe structure/
article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number (No)

(d) Bituminous paint (c) (Describe structure1

article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metre (m)
The surface shall be prepared in accordance with the
requirements of subclause 8409(a). Before it dries out, a (d) (Describe structure1
primer shall be applied in accordance with the instructions article) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ton (t)
of the fabricator of the bituminous paint.
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of
After the primer has been applied, two coats of bituminous surface painted. Orily the surface covered by the final
paint shall be applied at the rate of 0,75 I/m2/coat. No finishing coat shall be measured.
paint coat shall be applied unless the previous coat has
dried out completely, and no paint shall be applied to the The unit of measurement may also be the number of
paintwork for so long as any moisture occurs on the structures or articles painted, or a metre length of the
surface. structures or articles painted, or a ton of the structures or
articles painted, the quantities are calculated as specified
in item 67.01.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for
surface preparation, applying all the coats of paint,
Galvanised surfaces shall be painted as specified in this repairing any damaged surfaces, and all materials and
section for steel surfaces, except that the surface construction plant necessary for completing the work.

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