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Part A : Grammar Notes
1 Noun Clauses are dependent clauses are dependent clauses that perform
the same functions as regular nouns:

a. Subjects -What I like is a good joke.

-What makes me laugh is
slapstick comedy.

- I don’t understand why you find

b. Objects that funny.
- You can see that I am easily
- We are impressed by what she’s

c. Subject complements - The question is whether people

will laugh.

d. Adjective complements - It is clear that laughter involves

an emotion.

Noun clauses begin with that, question words, words formed from -ever - We realize that she was joking.
(whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever), or whether or if. - I don’t understand what it
- Whatever you decide is fine with
- He doesn’t know if/whether it is
true or not.
2 We use the word that to introduce certain noun clauses. In such cases, that - That she was a funny person
is a grammatical word that simply introduces a clause. It has no concrete was apparent.

That can be omitted when it introduces an object noun clause or a - I believe (that) humor is healthy.
complement noun clause, especially in speaking. - I told Sue (that) she was a funny
- It is odd (that) you laugh so

When that introduces a subject noun clause, it is never omitted.

- That Joe has a good sense of
humor is obvious.
Not: Joe has a good sense of
Subject noun clauses beginning with that are formal. humor is obvious.

BE CAREFUL! Do not confuse that and what. The word that simply
introduces a noun clause. The word what refers to something definite. It
serves as the object in the noun clause. It cannot be omitted.
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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

- I know (that) she is coming.

- I don’t know what she is

3 The fact that is sometimes used in place of that in subject noun clauses. - That you can laugh is good.
- The fact that you can laugh is
The fact that must be used in place of that in noun clauses that are objects
of prepositions. - I am impressed by the fact that
Bob is here.
Not: I am impressed by that Bob is
here. X
4 Whether… or not can replace whether in all noun clauses. - We do not know whether she
got the job.
- We do not know whether she
got the job or not.

If… or not can replace whether in all but subject noun clauses. - No one has told me whether/if
she received the letter or not.
- Whether she received it is not
Not: If she received it or not is not
known. X

Exercise 1: Examine the bomber stickers and discuss the meaning of each one. On a separate piece of paper, write
one or two sentences explaining the meaning of each, making sure to use a noun clause as the subject or object.
Use phrases like those from the box.

The fact that what this is about what this means what the humor depends on

What this is referring to what is funny about this


What this is referring to is the fact that many people cannot start the day without coffee. They act like they are dead.

1. 3.

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

2. Temmuz 4.

Exercise 2: Read the following statements about the proper way to tell a joke. There are eight mistakes in the use
of noun clauses. The first mistake is already corrected. Find and correct seven more.

Eight Pieces of Advice About Telling a Joke

1. Make sure is the joke you are telling is funny.
2. The best jokes are broad enough so that everyone can enjoy them. Be certain that no one will be embarrassed by
that you tell.
3. Ask yourself is the joke you want to tell vulgar. If it is, do not tell it.
4. Before you begin, be certain you remember what are the key details. Run through them in your mind before you
start speaking.
5. Make sure what you have everybody’s attention when you are ready to start.
6. Be certain whether you remember what the punch line of the joke is. Nothing is worse than listening to a joke when
the teller cannot remember the punch line.
7. The fact can you remember a joke does not guarantee success. You have to make the experience a performance. Be
animated and dramatic.
8. If to laugh at your own jokes is always a question. Many comedians are criticised because they laugh at their own
jokes. Do not laugh at what you are saying. Let others do the laughing.

Part B: Noun clauses beginning with THAT:

You can use THAT clauses after certain adjectives:

subject + be + adjective + noun clause

I am glad that you passed your exam.

Scientists are certain that the Earth’s temperature will continue to rise.

You can use THAT clauses after certain nouns:

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

noun + be + noun clause

A major problem is that a lot of brilliant students are surprisingly unsuccessful in exams.

Another difficulty is that students cannot find a quiet place to study in the dormitory.

You can use THAT clauses after certain verbs: say, know, think, assume, declare, agree, indicate, show,
demonstrate, discover, estimate, find, hope, reveal, state, understand, etc.

Subject + verb + noun clause

The minister says that they are planning to collect less tax from the families with children.

New figures have shown that Germany has the highest percentage of childless women in the world.


● THAT can be omitted in a noun clause when it is used as the object of a sentence.

● If there is a preposition before the noun clause, we use THE FACT THAT instead of THAT. ‘That’ in ‘the fact

that’ cannot be omitted.


⮚ The minister is surprised by the fact that many women do not want to get married.

⮚ Some women are unhappy about the fact that their husbands do not help them with housework.

Exercise 1: Combine the sentences using a noun clause with ‘that’. Make the necessary changes.

e.g. Children need a lot of attention. Parents know this.

Parents know that children need a lot of attention.

1. Parents must put pressure on their children to help them do well. Some parents think like this.
Some parents _________________________________________________________________.

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

2. Children can make better decisions when they are on their own. Parents do not believe this.
Parents ______________________________________________________________________.
3. Parents should spend ‘quality time’ with their children every day. Psychologists say this.
Psychologists __________________________________________________________________.
4. Children cannot do anything without their parents. Some parents are worried about this.
Some parents __________________________________________________________________.
5. Parents focus on the positive things that their children do. Children are happy about this.
Children ______________________________________________________________________.
Exercise 2: Change the given sentences into noun clauses. The first one is done as an example.

1. Tim couldn’t make any friends yet. (PITY)

It is a pity that Tim couldn’t make any friends yet.
2. Drug abuse can ruin one’s health. (TOO BAD)
3. Some women don’t earn equal pay for equal work. (UNFAIR)
4. Irene, who is an excellent student, failed her examination. (SURPRISING)
5. Smoking causes cancer. (OBVIOUS)
6. Climate change is causing glaciers to melt and polar bears to die. (ONE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM)
7. Girls are more ambitious and strong-willed than boys. (RESEARCH – SHOW)
8. The health risks of using mobile phones will be observed in the future. (DOCTORS – SAY)
Part C: Noun clauses beginning with a QUESTION WORD

Q: Why do some very good students often fail exams?

Professor Lynch studied why some very good students often fail exams.
Q: Where does test anxiety come from?
Lynch also investigated where test anxiety comes from.
⮚ Don’t use question word order in a noun clause. In a noun clause, the subject comes before the verb.

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

⮚ Does, did, and do are used in questions, but not in noun clauses.

Question Noun Clause Reminders:

Subject questions: In these examples the word order is the
Who lives there? I don’t know who lives there. same in both the question and the
What happened? Please tell me what happened. noun clause because who and what are
Who is at the door? I wonder who is at the door. the subjects in both.

Object questions: In these examples subjects are

Who is she? I don’t know who she is. different, so they are placed in front of
What time is it? I want to know what time it is. the verb in the noun clause.
Whose car did you buy? I wonder whose car you bought.
Exercise 3: Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause. The first one is done as an example.

1. (How old is he?) I don’t know _____how old he is________.

2. (What was he talking about?) I didn’t understand ____________________________________ .
3. (Where do you live?) Please tell me _______________________________________________.
4. (What did she say?) I didn’t hear _________________________________________________.
5. (When are they coming?) Do you know ____________________________________________?
6. (How much does it cost?) I can’t remember _________________________________________.
7. (Which one does he want?) Let’s ask him __________________________________________.
8. (Who is coming to the party?) I don’t know _________________________________________.
9. (Who are those people?) I don’t know _____________________________________________.
10. (Whose pen is this?) Do you know ________________________________________________?
11. (Why did they leave the country?) They don’t want to say _____________________________.
12. (How many letters are there in the English alphabet?) I don’t remember ________________________.
Part D: Noun Clauses with –ever Words:

-Ever words give the idea of ‘any’ or ‘...doesn’t matter who, which, where, when, how ...’

whoever (a) You can invite whoever you want to the party.
(b) You can invite anyone you want to the party.
whatever (c) He always says whatever comes into his mind.
(d) He always says anything that comes into his mind.
whichever (e) There are four good programs on TV at eight o’clock. We can

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

watch whichever program (whichever one) you prefer.

whenever (f) You may leave whenever you wish.
(g) You can leave at any time that you wish.
wherever (h) She can go wherever she wants to go.
(i) She can go anyplace that she wants to go.
however (j) The students can dress however they please.
(k) The students can dress in any way that they please.
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences by using –ever words. The first one is done as an example.
1. Mike is free to go to any place he wishes. He can go __wherever____ he wants.
2. Mary is free to go anytime she wishes. She can go __________ she wants.
3. I don’t know what you should do about the problem. Do ____________ seems best to you.
4. There are five flights to Chicago every day. We can take ______________ one fits in best with your schedule.
5. I want you to be honest. I hope you feel free to say __________ is in your mind.
6. If you want to rearrange the furniture, go ahead. You can rearrange it ___________you want.
7. Irene does ___________ she wants to do, goes ___________ she wants to go, gets up __________ she wants,
makes friends with ___________ she meets, and dresses _______________she pleases.

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Adapted from: Understanding and Using English Grammar by B.S. Azar, 2002, Longman and Focus on Grammar 5 by Nalan Emirsoy

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