2nd Periodical Test g6 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
School ID:174507



I. Identify what is being refer in the sentences. Choose your answer from the word in the box below.

1. ________is a word that tells a name of person, animal, place, thing or event.
2. ________refers to a word that replaces or takes place to a noun.
3. Pronoun that shows ownership is called________________.
4. Noun that can be counted is called____________________.
5. Who, Which, What, Whose, and Whom are used as_____________________.
6._______________ is a noun that refers to specific name of persons, places, animals, things, or events
and begin with capital letter.
7. _________________is a pronoun that used to point out.
8. ____________ is a noun that denotes an idea, quality or named things that are not concrete.
9. ____________ is a pronoun that do not refer to a particular persons, places or things.
10. _______________is a pronoun that used as a subject in a sentence.

Abstract noun subject pronoun proper noun pronoun

Count noun Demonstrative pronoun interrogative pronoun
Possessive pronoun noun indefinite pronoun

II. Write the plural form of the noun.

11. boy
12. class
13. butterfly
14. box
15. echo
III. Tell what kind of noun are the following:(abstract, concrete)
16. glass
17. love
18. table
19. dream
20. knowledge
IV. Read and understand sentences carefully and choose letter of the correct answer.
21. In the following sentence, what is the pronoun?
My mother baked her own cake
a. Mother b. her c. own d. cake
22. The type of noun that names things that can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted is called
a. concrete b. abstract c. proper d. common
23. What type of noun is underlined in the following sentence.
Teacher teaches us to learn in school.
a. proper b. common c. mass d. abstract

24. An abstract noun cannot be seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. No
25. What type of pronoun is underlined in the following sentence.
These are my new collections.
a. demonstrative b. subject c. interrogative d. possessive
26. In the sentence, the new bag is hers. The pronoun hers is a__________.
a. subject b. interrogative c. demonstrative d. possessive
27. What is your score in the test?
What type of pronoun underlined in the sentence?
a. object b. interrogative c. possessive d. subject
28. Women is a singular noun.
a. No b. false c. true d. a or b
29. We are going to find them. The word them is a_____________.
a. object pronoun b. subject d. interrogative d. possessive
30. Which of the following statements about noun is NOT true?
a. A noun tells a name of person, places, animals, things or events.
b. Proper nouns are not capitalized.
c. Count nouns are nouns that can be counted
d. A noun can name something that might not be seen, heard, smelled or tasted
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.

Anyone you she his it

mine We me him

31. Laura told her friend that_____could not go to her house tonight.
32. Phil was happy to put_____backpack down.
33. The plates are still dirty. You need to wash ______again.
34. Manny finished his chores, so _______can play on his tablet.
35. Did____ pass the test?
36. This bag is ______.I love it.
37. You and I are the same._________love chocolates.
38. You need to give _____ a chance. I am new at this.
39. William is waiting for his turn. Don’t make ______wait too long.
40. _________ of us were able to answer the question.
VI. Reading Comprehension


Atalanta is a lovely princess and a great runner. One day, her father told her, “It’s
time you get married.” “I will marry a man who will beat me in a race,” replied Atalanta. Many young
men tried their luck. But they all lost. Hippomenes asked the goddess of love for help. “Here are three
golden apples,” she said. “During the race, throw one apple in front of Atalanta. She will stop to pick it
up. That should slow her down.” Hippomenes heeded her advice and won the race. Thus, Atalanta
became his wife.

Read and answer the following questions.

41. Which sentence says something about Atalanta?

a. She did not want to get married.
b. She was an obedient daughter.
c. She was a great runner. d. She loved Hippomenes.
42. What kind of man would she marry?
a. a kind prince b. a clever ruler c. a great runner d. a handsome man
43. Hippomenes became Atalanta’s __________________.
a. friend b. enemy c. adviser d. husband
44. Many tried their luck. When one tries his luck, he ___________
a. always wins b. is sure to win c. really wants to win d. attempts to win.
45. Hippomenes heeded Aphrodite’s advice. The synonym of heeded is
a. followed b. disobeyed c. laughed at d. disregarded
46. Who was Aphrodite?
a. the godmother of Hippomenes
b. the mother of Atalanta
c. the goddess of love
d. the great teacher
47. How did the golden apples help Hippomenes win?
a. They had magic powers.
b. They made Atalanta sleepy.
c. They delayed Atalanta during the race.
d. They gave Hippomenes strength in running.

Amy’s Good Deed

Amy loves walking home from school to see the colors of the leaves and listen to the birds
sing. But one day, she heard a soft cry. It came from under a bush. “Should I go near?” Amy wondered.
As it grew louder, Amy decided she must help the poor thing. Amy crept closer and held her arm out.
Just when she was about to reach out, she saw a pair of eyes and heard a loud “Hissss!!!!” She also felt a
sharp pain. “Ouch!” Amy cried. Her arm had four long scratch marks. Amy was upset. She really thought
she was doing a good deed.

Read and answer the questions.

48. What does Amy love to do?

a. catching animals b. listening to the trees
c. walking home from school d. seeing the colors of the birds
9. What did she find unusual?
a. the thorny bush b. the cry of an animal
c. the colors of the leaves d. the singing of the birds
50. What did Amy want to do?
a. She wanted to save the animal.
b. She wanted to scare the animal.
c. She wanted to hurt the animal.
d. She wanted to keep the animal.
51. What happened when she tried to help?
a. She was yelled at. b. She was scratched.
c. She was bitten. d. She was pulled forward.
52. Why did the animal react that way?
a. The animal was getting ready to attack.
b. The animal wanted to be friends.
c. The animal was scared of Amy.
d. The animal wanted to play.
53. What for Amy is a "good deed?"
a. a surprise b. a harmful act c. a brave action d. an act of kindness
54. Which phrase best describes Amy?
a. a hardworking girl b. a brave pet owner
c. a caring person d. a diligent student

VII. Match the parts of an excuse letter from Colum A to Column B.

Column A Column B
55. Heading a. name of the receiver and address
56. Inside Address b. signature of the sender
57. Greeting c. address of the sender and date
58. Closing d. below the inside address
59. Body of the letter e. usually start with Very truly yours
60. Signature f. reason or explanation of the sender

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English Teacher

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