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[EGEEIT BETA FUNCTION The beta function is defined as Bom, n = fetta nartae {229 (1) n>0 Putting x = 1 -y in (1), we get B(m, n) = -fPa-tyntay 1 =fpo a" dy = Bin, m) ‘Thus Bim, n) = Bin, m) (2) Putting x = sin? @ so that dr = 2 sin @ cos 6 d®, (1) becomes an Bim, n) = [.°"(sin® 6)" (cos? 6)*-1 2 sin 0 cos @ do es eee 7 = 2 sin?” 0cos?-1 98 3) which expresses p(m, n) in terms of trigonometric functions, ‘This function is also Euler's integral of the first kind®. IEZEI (1) Gamma FUNCTION ene function is defined as ° afar an eaormously crealve Swine mathatican Lamba aa ee nats ne Pee Lent Euler (1707-178; -1783). He studie Hi anc ‘almost all branches of mathematics. ven after Studied under John Bernoulli and "ming totally blind in 1771, he contributed t® no Beta, GAMMA Functions, ra)= Sy © dr=| ii) guction formula for Tin), ® Ee anefoete “the redt iD ‘en <2, then the value: mula, it is clear Ati) 1 s of [(n) throughout the fee ae if Tin is known throughout a unit interval 2. I may be aa a way, the successive 06 on of (iil tion oP go using (i 9 the form Tin) = He+D (iv) econ define In) for values ofm for which the del 9 geste valve of Tin for On Vn terms of the ealune eer infor werc2. Thus wo com define Fn) for all n <0 provided its value for 1< episknown. Also if 1 <1 <0,(4) gives P(n) in terms of ts values for wench Then we may find, Te) for —2 0). rin il #5) vin (.N.T.U., 2003 ; Madras, 2003 8) yt (®) *Be. v= [7 Gey” (D.T.U,, 2011 ; V.T.U., 2003) (ee “do Creat UPTU, 2012 ; Kerala, 2010; V.7.U., 2008) Solution. (a) Tn)= [J x""'e* dx (n> 0) ee ee wanes 1s an improper integral "Here Beta function is expressed as an improper integra iv wreansis AHO BETA, GAMMA Functions wre . Ea HES se) feat oy ee es ive, x = log (My) Bog = fx” A= 0 1 ay | so that dx =- (ly) dy oa fy a+ yt ay and o -1 sothat de => a oF” y gy. : 0 ae OA) asf y depp ON Spee ow substituting y = 1/ in the second integral, we get at “ ~_y O41 Hye ft tft Ae Sr a+ i at mae Ceo ce ana 1 argh gel oss ay) pol neo, BO [yaar fy Gare Example 7.43. Express the following integrals in terms of gamma functions : 1 de @ J, > of ae UP 7.U., 2006) @ ipo" ae. @) ffx Mog Ce? ax (V.7.U., 2014 ; Rohtak, 2011 8) (b) [> Yitan 8 ao. (Madras, 2006) in? © V2.9 ¢08 8.49 1 Solution. (@) J, so that dx =1/2sin” | i x2 =sin@ie, I ve 1 sin”? 0. o 2 Jasin? . £12 5 112 g oog-t2 f0” Sian 8 a0= J, sin'’? @ cos¥? 040 ne putz loge =# 80 that de = dios gL ETI ‘Then Hicten ENGINEERING MarHeuaricg 7 ( ‘ ie at [pee etde = Tic + loge ** = e -—5 0. ee eee Put (b log a) x? =¢ Ot ee so that dx = dt/2 JB Tog ay Ge 2Jblog a) 2Y(b log a) tpt? yA) 5 op Berea lo (©) Jp =" Nog c/s? ae [fetea a5 na) 6 625 625 Example 7.44. Evaluate JJ ee 2" sin bx de in terms of Gamma function. (U.P.T.U., 2003) Solution. We have Fn) = [7 ex"! de (Putx=ay, d= ady) = [eran ydy or fo ee yt dy= Tima” all) T= J eo x sindede= f° €* x" imaginary part of e) dx a1Pof fe ae LP. of (Tm) — iby" (By @)] LP. of (Pm)Ar™ (cos @ — i sin 8y") where a =r cos 0,6 =rsin@ = LP. of Mime" (cos mo — i sin m@)} (Using Demoivere's theorem §19.5) Tm) .(co8 m0-+isinm®) —__) = 1P fT Gos m+ isin m0) eos md isin my) Tim) = sin m@ where r J(a? + 6”), @ = tan“ b/a. 1 stde gt Example 7.45. Prove that x samp Star Tay nee staxieeere stain oor 6 eon Solution. Smee ao [Pang x sin 0, dx = 208040 So Fae Je cond Tan aaa Aye cin & ae EG/) rasa) 2 ray depts 0. Jo Feexy 0 Beam drseco Putting 2* = tan 0, de l pes do se Psin Vy de Ss ima fo 6 [Pocting 200, 11)_1 raprara aa(i 2)"4@ Ter) y {gs noeormss me Beta, Gama Functions Fat 2 {Soh pee = Ja-=5 ° aes aa . goample 1.46. Prove that (i) B (m, 1/2) = 921 Ave 221 Bim, m) Eu Corimr (moda (TU, 2004) gana F 2m) (Legendre's Duplication Formula) . WLU. satution. (0 We know that B (m,n) =2*!in2 » 2010 ; Kerala, M.E., 2005 ; Madras, 2003 8) 0 in?7™=1 9 coste1 9 gi " 0 1 1 agnin putting m= min CD, we a oa) © get Bm, m)= 24" "(sin 0.c0s 0)?" go L_ pare, giz Jy. sin?" 2040 1 © = in?m-1 quot Josin’""* 6 do, putting 20 = 1 of" sin® mar 2 45 "*sin’™-? 9 do © 2m-1 BO, m) = 2 [57sinte oao-p{ m, 1 ) a ' . "2 [by (2) (i) Rewriting the above result in terms of T functions, we get L pon romrim TFL all Tim+m) [ rf r{ m+ ) 2 —— fa pene see 3)" gov Example 7.47. Prove that AS pos TMT im) Oey? - Jem 0 n < poo" ee cicaee where D is the domain x 20,200 dxty sh. (U.P.T.U., 2005) LOroDre pen nat gl | Fs = at ed dxdyde= Te mans D | here Vis the region x20, y20, 220andx+¥*% <1. This important result is known as Dirichlet’s integral*. vyih = ¥, we see that the given integral 1 2 gXd¥ where D” is the domain X20, = Solution. (a) Putting x/h = X and = ff ext ayy y2OandX+¥sl ax “yen pyrene wraxenee px lo Jem Pq Fone) m rd+m+) nen fe ee xth ax" dX =a pam+D jrighlet (1805-1859) who studied under Cauchy and ‘and number theory. ‘Named after a German m ‘ter a German Pete su ‘an mathematician eeeeded Gauss at Gottingen. He is known for 1p Gustav Lejeune D 0 ‘na contributions to Fourier series esate bib iil tae Hiowen ENGINEERING W ING Man wedi) (2 Tm + Vin ( eprom LOT my a Fa+m+D (©) Taking y + 2.¢1 —x(e hs say), the triple intear=l Uplerptorey rer ymol po} dedyde odo do 1 teed her ynct gt dedy]de=[o* FontntD =f [feee Tim) Tn) (l,m +n+1) mm got aaat dee cigs Pim) Tin) F@Timen aD) “Tomenth Tdemened 1 a here % Example 7.48, Evaluate the integral ff tye 12-1 ates ONS condition, (x/a) + (y/b)" + (2/0) <1. Porn, Fdsmenel y, z are all positive with WP.LU, 2011) Solution, Put (way =u, ie, x= au? so that dx = our ‘du ’ ve dv (/b) =v, je, y= bv so that dy = g ° ae (ley = w,i.e.,2 = cw so that de = Swit dw Then fff x1 ym-¥ 2 drdyde 2 ffou!ny+ oor tea ]uiea()eter( Ea dated OM GD fff ult ume tl" du dv dw where u+v+w SI. al b™ c® FU/p)Mmig Tir) eee a Tipe mig enireD [By Dirichlet's integral . x y,2 Example 7.49. The plane =+ +2 =1 meets the axes in A, Band C, Apply Dirichlet’ integral to find the volume of the tetrahedron OABC. Also find its mass ifthe density at any point is kxyz. (U.P.T.U., 2004) Solution. Put x/a = u, y/b =v, z/e = w then the tetrahedron OABC has u>0,v20,w 20 andu+v+w$! volume of this tetrahedron = [ff,,dx dy de adu, dy = bdv, dz = edw [ex 20,v20,w20&urv+ws! = fff, abe du dv dw Mf,aveae [eo sabe fife te wi du do dw rar@ra) _abe “Fasieiel) 6 Mass = [ff kxyedx dy dz = Jff # (aw bv) (cw)abe du dv dw = hatbic? [[furt ow du de dw apg LOPQO | apy I = ha®b%e? Tig 242+ 1) herbie [By Dirichlet’s integr® hk ap abe?

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