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Mobile banking has been rapidly changing the way banks and other financial institutions deliver
their services to their customers and how customers can interact with their service providers in
order to satisfy their needs. This study focused mainly on mobile banking adoption on customer
experience. The independent variable in the study was ‘mobile banking’ and the dependent
variable was ‘customer experience’. A case study research design was used to undertake this
study and it mainly used secondary data. The research was guided by the following objectives; to
identify the factors concerning the experience of mobile banking customers with regards to the
adoption of mobile banking in Uganda, to examine how mobile banking has enabled customers
to transfer funds between their accounts and to suggest strategies of strengthening mobile
banking service practices in Centenary Bank, Mukono Branch.Centenary bank has increasingly
made efforts to satisfy its customers by providing the best financial services which include
mobile banking so that they retain customers and also increase its profits. Banks in Uganda
provide mobile banking facilities to their customers and the mobile banking facilities offered by
banks are based on different functions. Therefore, in conclusion, adoption of mobile banking
services is generally influenced by customer experience and as long as excellent mobile banking
services are provided, there will be positive customer experience and mobile banking adoption
will increase faster with less resistance. The study recommends that the management of
Centenary bank should ensure to provide more relevant and easier to understand mobile financial
information for users. Some customers did not fully understand the way to use mobile banking
thus very few people trust its security and many prefer to make long queues in the bank, the
government of Uganda should prepare clear money transfer laws to clarify the responsibility of
service providers in order to strengthen consumer protection as well as establishing appropriate
safety network procedures which immediately provide remedies if consumers involved into
controversial deal and that the central bank in Uganda should ensure that charges by banks for
deposit and withdrawal services are regulated to avoid over charging the users and banks should
clarify to clients and potential clients the kinds of charges on the deposit and withdrawal services
provided for all transactions.

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