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Reflect 4 (Eng.


Word Meaning Word Meaning
actual ‫ فعلي‬- ‫حقيقي‬ fight ‫يعارك‬
extremely ‫ للغاية‬- ‫ألقصى حد‬ awful ‫ فظيع‬- ‫مريع‬
participant ‫مشارك‬ depression ‫اكتئاب‬
process ‫ يعالج‬- ‫عملية‬ experience ‫خبرة‬
separate ‫يفصل‬ experiment ‫تجربة‬
signal ‫إشارة‬ individual ‫فردي‬
stage ‫مرحلة‬ mood ‫مزاج – حالة نفسية‬
theory ‫نظرية‬ pleasure ‫سرور‬
therapy ‫ عالج‬- ‫ُم َعالَ َجة – مداواة‬ recover ‫ يتعافى‬- ‫يشفى‬
upsetting ‫مزعج‬ symptoms ‫أعراض‬
event ‫حدث‬ technique ‫طريقة‬
brain cell ‫خلية دماغية‬ Alzheimer’s disease ‫مرض الزهايمر‬
dream ‫حلم‬ improve ‫يحسن‬
emotion ‫عاطفة‬ locate ‫يحدد موقع‬
memory ‫ ذكرى‬- ‫ذاكرة‬ decide ‫يقرر‬
wake up ‫يستيقظ‬ stressful ‫ مرهق لألعصاب‬- ‫مجهد‬
absolutely ‫قطعا‬ recycle ‫يعيد تدوير‬
ahead ‫إلى األمام‬ alternatively ‫بدال عن ذلك‬
behavior ‫سلوك‬ based on ‫قائم على‬
conscious ‫واعي‬ benefit ‫ يفيد‬- ‫فائدة‬
painful ‫مؤلم‬ face ‫ يواجه‬- ‫وجه‬
personality ‫شخصية‬ frequently ‫ تكرارا‬- ‫مرارا‬
protect ‫يحمي‬ identify ‫يتعرف على‬
psychology ‫علم النفس‬ image ‫صورة‬
relationship ‫عالقة‬ record ‫يسجل‬
situation ‫موقف‬ nerve signals ‫اإلشارات العصبية‬
forgetful ‫كثير النسيان‬ aspect ‫ وجه‬- ‫جانب‬
unique ‫فريد‬ privacy ‫خصوصية‬

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
brain functions ‫وظائف الدماغ‬ pattern ‫نمط‬
neuroscientist ‫عالم أعصاب‬ asleep ‫نائما‬
purpose ‫ غرض‬- ‫غاية‬ professor ‫أستاذ‬
research ‫ يبحث‬- ‫بحث‬ forget ‫ينسى‬
negative ‫سلبي‬ pronounce ‫ينطق‬
positive ‫إيجابي‬ advantages ‫مزايا‬
skateboard ‫لوح تزلج‬ disadvantages ‫سلبيات‬
pay attention to ‫ينتبه إلى‬ effect ‫تأثير‬
accurate ‫دقيق‬ on one hand ‫من ناحية‬
assignment ‫ واجب‬- ‫مهمة‬ on the other hand ‫من ناحية أخرى‬
embarrassing ‫محرج‬ study ‫ دراسة‬- ‫يدرس‬
random ‫عشوائي‬ annoying ‫مزعج‬
amygdala ‫اللوزة الدماغية‬ curious ‫فضولي‬
Hyperthymesia ‫فرط التذكر‬ incredibly ‫بشكل ال يصدق‬
rare ‫نادر‬ teenager ‫مراهق‬
condition ‫حالة‬ fluent ‫ بليغ‬- ‫ط ِلق‬
sessions ‫جلسات‬ championship ‫بطولة‬
distance ‫مسافة‬ adopting ‫تبني‬
patients ‫مرضى‬ interactions ‫تفاعالت‬
medication ‫دواء‬ historical figures ‫شخصيات تاريخية‬
therapist ‫معالج‬ blogger ‫مدون‬
poems ‫قصائد‬ instance ‫ حالة‬- ‫مثال‬
nutrition ‫تَغ ِذ َية‬ replacement ‫استبدال‬
rapid ‫سريع‬ flag ‫ يعلم‬- ‫علَم‬
contain ‫يحتوي على‬ weight gain ‫زيادة الوزن‬
minerals ‫معادن‬ attempted ‫حاول‬
beverage ‫مشروب‬ throats ‫الحناجر‬
convenient ‫ مناسب‬- ‫مالئم‬ nutrients ‫العناصر الغذائية‬
transportation ‫مواصالت‬ measured ‫قاس‬
vacation ‫إجازة‬ damaging ‫ مدمر‬- ‫ضار‬

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
1. Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition Answer
a. actual 1. a person in an activity 1. …...
b. participant 2. real 2. …...
c. separate 3. to divide 3. …...
d. stage 4. causing feelings of sadness or worry 4. …...
e. therapy 5. an idea about why something happens 5. …...
f. extremely 6. an action that sends a message 6. …...
g. process 7. very 7. …...
h. signal 8. to deal with 8. …...
i. theory 9. a particular time in an event 9. …...
j. upsetting 10. a form of treatment that helps people with problems 10. …...
k. random 11. to examine for problems or patterns 11. …...
l. REM 12. happening at any time for no reason 12. …...
m. scan 13. Rapid Eye Movement, a stage of sleep 13. …...

2. Read the article and answer the questions that follow. (6-1)
1. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day bloggers, people have always been
interested in dreams. Some scientists believe that dreams are the result of random
electrical signals in the brain. To them, dreams have no real meaning. Other
scientists think that dreaming lets us combine new memories with old ones.
Whatever the reasons are, dreaming seems to be good for us.

2. Most of our dreams happen during REM sleep, one of the four main stages of sleep.
Each instance of REM sleep lasts from ten minutes to an hour in adults. It is the time
our brains are most active during sleep. Scientists think that we have five or more
dreams at this time. REM sleep is ruled by the amygdala—the part of the brain that
controls our most basic emotions. These include fear, joy, and love. This may
explain why so many of our dreams can be scary, fun, and extremely strange.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
3. Dreams are entertaining, but they could also be doing something useful. They might
help us process emotionally painful memories. In a recent study in the United States,
two groups of 17 adults looked at 150 photos. Some of the photos were upsetting. For
example, some photos showed people badly hurt in car accidents. The first group
looked at the photos once before sleeping and again after they woke up. The second
group also looked at the photos twice but didn’t sleep between viewings. Matthew
Walker, leader of the study, used an MRI machine to scan the participants’ brains.
The scans showed that activity in the amygdala decreased for the participants in the
first group. These people were less upset looking at the photos again. Walker thinks
that dreaming made the photos less upsetting.

4. Walker’s theory is that our brains “flag” upsetting events. These flags tell our brains
to process these events while we are sleeping. When we dream, the brain separates
the emotions from the event. Walker calls this “overnight therapy.” The results of
Walker’s study show that dreaming may help us deal with actual upsetting events in
our lives.
5. Whatever the purpose of dreaming is, not being able to dream is bad for us. In a
study, people were woken up just as they were entering REM sleep. As a result, they
developed a number of health issues such as depression and weight gain.
A. Read the statements. Write T for True, F for False, and NG for Not Given.
1. Scientists agree on a theory about why we dream.
2. We only dream during REM sleep.
3. Dreaming can help us with emotional events in our lives.
4. Dreaming is a kind of therapy, according to Walker’s study.
5. Missing non-REM sleep makes us sick.
B. Answer these questions.
1. Where was the dream study done? ……………………………………………………
2. How many people participated? ………………………………………………………
3. Who was the lead scientist? ……………………………….……………………………
4. What machine was used? …………………………..…….……………………………
5. What was the scientist’s theory? ……………………………….…………..…………

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
C. Number the events in the study in the correct order (1-5).
The researchers…
showed the two groups the same pictures.
noticed that the group who slept was less affected by the photos.
divided the participants into two groups.
concluded that dreaming may help us better deal with emotional events.
scanned the participants’ brains.

D. Complete the sentences to summarize the reading.

1. Some …………………………... think that dreams have no real meaning.

2. During …………………………... sleep, our brains are active.

3. A study showed that sleeping made people feel less upset by

…………………………... of car accidents.

4. Matthew Walker thinks that our ………………... tell us to dream about actual events.

5. Some studies show that REM sleep is important for our …………………………....

E. What do the underlined words in the article refer to?

1. them: (para 1) ……………………………………...

2. ones: (para 1) ……………………………………...
3. These: (para 2) ……………………………………...
4. This: (para 2) ……………………………………...
5. They: (para 3) ……………………………………...
6. They: (para 5) ……………………………………...

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
3. Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition Answer
a. extremely 1. to deal with 1. …...
b. participant 2. very 2. …...
c. upsetting 3. a particular time in an event 3. …...
d. therapy 4. a person in an activity 4. …...
e. signal 5. an idea about why something happens 5. …...
f. process 6. causing feelings of sadness or worry 6. …...
g. stage 7. to divide 7. …...
h. theory 8. a form of treatment that helps people with problems 8. …...
i. separate 9. real 9. …...
j. actual 10. an action that sends a message 10. …...

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. She is upsetting / extremely tired because she didn’t sleep last night.
2. Some of the children enjoyed the scary movie, but for others, it was separate /
3. Sometimes you need to process / stage events before you can understand them.
4. That scientist has an interesting theory / therapy about the meaning of dreams.
5. If a movie is about actual / extremely events, viewers expect it to show what really
6. He was a therapy / participant in a research study last year.
7. People who suffer from serious mental health problems should get therapy /
8. Children usually learn to talk at an early stage / process of childhood.
9. The astronaut sent a signal / theory to Earth from the space station.
10. It’s easier to teach a big class if you stage / separate the class into smaller groups.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
5. Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition Answer
1. absolutely a. to keep something safe 1. …...
2. ahead b. the way someone does and says things 2. …...
3. behavior c. noticing that something is happening 3. …...
4. conscious d. the way things are at a specific time and place 4. …...
5. painful e. the study of the mind 5. …...
6. personality f. a friendship between two people 6. …...
7. protect g. in the future; in front 7. …...
8. psychology h. certainly 8. …...
9. relationship i. what a person is like 9. …...
10. situation j. causing someone to feel hurt or sad 10. …...
6. Complete the information with the correct form of the words. 6.3
absolutely painful protect psychology relationships
Can you remember what you had for breakfast this morning? A week ago? Ten years
ago? Probably not. However, some people can remember 1 ……………………………
every personal event and experience they’ve had since childhood. They have a rare
condition called hyperthymesia.

How does hyperthymesia work? We don’t know, but many professors of 2 ………………
are trying to find out. They want to know how the brains of people with hyperthymesia
are different from others.

You might think that remembering every detail of your life would be great, but people
with this condition also can’t forget negative or 3 …………………………… memories.
Never forgetting fights, for example, could affect your 4 …………………………… with
family and friends. There may be a reason we forget these details. Some say that
forgetting such memories may actually 5 …………………………… us from difficulties
and help us to be happier.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
7. Match each word to its definition.
Word Definition Answer
1. absolutely a. causing someone to feel hurt or sad 1. …...
2. ahead b. to keep something safe 2. …...
3. behavior c. the way things are at a specific time and place 3. …...
4. conscious d. the study of the mind 4. …...
5. painful e. certainly 5. …...
6. personality f. a friendship between two people 6. …...
7. protect g. in the future; in front 7. …...
8. psychology h. noticing that something is happening 8. …...
9. relationship i. what a person is like 9. …...
10. situation j. the way someone does and says things 10. …...

8. Complete the sentences with a word from the previous activity.

1. My uncle is a professor of ……………………………., so I like talking to him about my
thoughts and feelings, which he helps me to understand.

2. Please try to be kind. If you hurt people’s feelings, it can be ………………… for them.

3. My baby sister definitely knows what she wants! It’s already clear that she has a
strong ………………………...

4. Make sure you take regular breaks when you have a long day of studying …... of you.

5. When you take driving lessons, you also learn how to manage any dangerous
………………………... on the road.

6. Eating healthy food and working out can help to ………………………... you from
getting some illnesses.

7. I don’t know why I just laughed. I didn’t have a ………………………... thought about
something funny; it just happened!

8. There is …………... no doubt that positive memories can help people to feel happier.

9. Even when Ali feels stressed, he doesn’t act differently. His …………. is always calm.

10. The two brothers didn’t get along when they were children, but they have an
excellent ………………………... now.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
9. Match each word to its definition.
Definition Word Answer
1. relating to only one person, place, or thing a. awful 1. …...
2. a sign of an illness or disease b. depression 2. …...
3. a scientific test to find out what happens in a situation c. experience 3. …...
4. a way of doing something d. experiment 4. …...
5. a feeling of great sadness e. individual 5. …...
6. something that happens to you f. mood 6. …...
7. a feeling of happiness g. pleasure 7. …...
8. the way someone feels h. recover 8. …...
9. to become well again i. symptom 9. …...
10. very bad j. technique 10. …...


OFF?’ and answer the questions that follow. 6.1
A. Choose the three main ideas.
a. We might be able to help certain people by turning their memories on and off.
b. Ramirez has helped some people with Alzheimer’s disease .
c. Ramirez and his team tested their technique on mice .
d. The experiment showed that memories do not affect our mood .
e. Turning on a good memory helped mice that had a symptom of depression.
B. Write T for True or F for False.
1. Ramirez and his team have found a way to locate the specific brain cells that contain
2. Ramirez and his team can turn those memories on and off in mice .
3. Ramirez and his team let mice choose between sugar water and milk .
4. Mice that had a symptom of depression chose sugar water most of the time.
5. When Ramirez and his team turned on a positive memory for the mice with
depression, they chose sugar water 80 percent of the time.
6. When Ramirez and his team turned on a good memory over and over again,
depression symptoms increased.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
C. Are these statements facts or opinions? Write F for Fact or O for Opinion.
1. Memories are stored in a part of the brain called the hippocampus.
2. The team thought that turning on positive memories could help the mice .
3. Animals that don’t show symptoms associated with depression choose sugar water
about 80 percent of the time.
4. Ramirez’s work could improve many people’s lives.
5. Activating a positive memory again and again increased the number of new brain
11. Match each word to its definition.
Definition Word Answer
1. a way of doing something a. awful 1. …...
2. a sign of an illness or disease b. experience 2. …...
3. to become well again c. individual 3. …...
4. a feeling of happiness d. pleasure 4. …...
5. the way someone feels e. symptom 5. …...
6. relating to only one person, place, or thing f. depression 6. …...
7. a scientific test to find out what happens in a situation g. experiment 7. …...
8. something that happens to you h. mood 8. …...
9. a feeling of great sadness i. recover 9. …...
10. very bad j. technique 10. …...

12. Choose the correct answer.

1. A: Does your basketball team always train as a group?

B: Actually, no. We train as a group twice a week, but we also have ……………
training sessions so the coach can help each of us improve on our own.

individual / mood / experiment

2. A: How did Galileo Galilei discover the relationship between weight and distance?

B: I’ve read that he tested his theory by doing a simple ………………………... From a
high place, Galileo dropped items that did not weigh the same. He then noticed that
they landed on the ground at the exact same time .

A: He was an amazing scientist.

symptom / experiment / experience

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
3. A: Chika, how was the concert last night?

B: Oh, it was absolutely wonderful. The band played all their big hits, and the
audience sang along. It was a lot of fun and brought us so much …………………...

A: I wish I’d been there with you!

technique / pleasure / symptom

4. A: Ah, you’re reading a health magazine?

B: Yes, I am. This article is about different illnesses of the mind. One of the most
common ones is …………………………, and people who have it feel like happiness and
joy no longer exist.

A: Interesting. I’d like to read that after you.

pleasure / individual / depression

5. A: Are you enjoying your photography course, Felipe?

B: Yeah, I love it. I’m learning so many new things. Like yesterday I learned a new
………………………….for taking photos at night. I want to be a professional
photographer one day.

A: Keep practicing!

technique / experience / pleasure

13. Complete the paragraph with words from the list.

symptom – techniques -mood – pleasure – recover - experiments - depression
1 ……………………… is an illness that affects a person’s 2 ………………………. The
main 3 ………………… of this illness is a feeling of great sadness. In addition, people
who have this illness may not be able to look for or do things that might make them feel
good. They can’t feel 4 ………………………. People without this illness usually look for
foods, activities, and experiences that they enjoy. They also feel hopeful about the
future. Doctors use different 5 ………………………… to try to help people 6
……………………… from this illness. Sometimes they give patients medication. They
might also ask their patients to get more exercise, eat well, and talk to a therapist. One
brain scientist is doing 7 ………………………… to try to find a way to use memories to
help people with depression.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
Unreal present and future conditionals
• We use unreal present and future conditional to talk about unreal situations,
untrue, imagined, or impossible situations and their results in the present or
• For present and future unreal conditions, only use if, not when, as when is used
for real conditional structures.

The form: If + past simple, + would / could / might (not)+ verb.

If doctors removed memories, people with PTSD would recover.

• The verb form (past) is not referring to the past but using a past verb form to
suggest a hypothetical situation.
(could/might + verb) makes it less certain. Could or might show possibility.)
If we removed all our memories, our personalities might change.
If we turned on positive memories in people with depression, we could help them.
• The if-clause can also come second in a sentence.
Our personalities might change if we removed all our memories.

If we didn’t sleep, we wouldn’t dream.

I wouldn’t remember any of my dreams if I didn’t write them down.
If she told the doctor about her sleep problems, he could help her.
You might feel better if you went to bed earlier.
If we saved some money every month, we could go on holiday next year.
We could leave early if we finished the project by 4:00 pm.
If you asked me nicely, I might change my mind.
It might be possible to take the car instead of the train if the weather improved a bit.
I would ask my teacher for help if I didn’t understand the question.
If you stayed with me the night before, we could get a taxi to the airport in the

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
14. Match the two halves to make one sentence.
1. There would be less waste in the world a. if you left now.
2. We could buy a house b. he would be happier.
3. If my father’s job wasn’t so stressful, c. if I had lots of free time and money.
4. You could still catch the train d. if we all recycled more.
5. I would spend my life traveling e. we wouldn’t need translators.
6. If everyone spoke the same language, f. if we saved a bit more money.
15. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.
There may be more than one answer.
1. If a memory-erasing pill ……………………. (exist), I …………………… (not take) it.
2. If doctors ………………………. (turn) on the memories of people with Alzheimer’s
disease, those people ………………………. (get) their lives back.
3. You ………………………. (not be) able to protect yourself from danger if you
………………………. (delete) all your bad memories.
4. If scientists ………………………. (be) able to change people’s memories, criminals
………………………. (try) to give people fake memories.
5. You ………………. (lose) a good memory if a doctor ……………. (make) a mistake.
6. People with PTSD ………………………. (have) happier lives if doctors
………………………. (remove) their worst memories.

16. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. If we try hard, we might be able to control our dreams.
2. If you saw an animal moving during sleep, it could to be dreaming .
3. If you repeated ‘I will remember my dream’ many times before sleeping, you
remember it!
4. You might have happier dreams if you aren’t so stressed.
5. Your dreams may to be influenced by the culture you came from.
6. If you have drawn a picture of your dream, it might not be in color. Most of our
dreams are in black and white.
7. If you were violent in your dream, that can be a warning of a future disease.
8. Artists’ dreams might to influence their work if they had a creative dream .

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
17. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. If we only remembered good things, ……………………………………………………….
2. If we only remembered bad things, ……………………………………………………….
3. I would remove a memory if …………………………………………………………...…...
4. I would ask my teacher for help if ………………………………………………….……...
5. If I could do anything right now, …………………………………………………………...
18. Choose the correct answer.
1. If you listened carefully, you would / can / have realize that he’s upset.
2. We couldn’t / haven’t / didn’t complain if we were responsible for the failure.
3. If you showed her a photo, it did help / would help / is helping her to remember.
4. I won’t say / didn’t say / wouldn’t say any of this if it wasn’t completely true.
5. If I forgot an important detail, I might failed / failing / fail the test.
6. They could argue all day if they had / have / has enough time.
7. I might not remembered /remembering / remember his name if he didn’t remind
me of it frequently.
8. If you enjoyed / will enjoy / would enjoy that documentary, you might like this movie.
9. I would forget so many things if I don’t write / didn’t write / can’t write them in my
10. If she would need / will need / needed advice, she could ask her manager for suggestions.

19. Complete the if-clause and the result clause for each sentence using the
verbs in brackets. There may be more than one answer.
1. I (call) …………………. him back if I (remember) …………………. his number.
2. If she (read) …………………. this article, she (understand) …………………. how they
did the experiment.
3. You (speak) ………………. to a psychologist if you (need) ………………. support.
4. If the best scientists (work) …………………. together, they (find) …………………. a
cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
5. If he (make) ……………. a grocery list, he (not forget) …………. the items he needs.
6. You (not describe) …………………. his appearance if you (not be) ………………….
there when he arrived.
7. If our grandparents (do) …………………. a crossword every day, it (improve)
…………………. their memory.
8. They (be) ……………. more patient if you (not show up) ……………. late every day.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
20. Underline the errors and write the correct sentence.
1. If we remembered everything in detail, we could wrote it all down.

2. Her parents wouldn’t worry so much if she keeps in touch with them.

3. If I hurt someone’s feelings, I will apologize immediately.

4. If you will have more money, you might not be happier.

5. They couldn’t disagreed with you if you made a good argument.

6. If she decided to enter the contest, we would supported her.

7. You might not have be his friend if you knew how unkind he can be.

8. If he like your ideas, he would definitely tell you.

9. We didn’t remember things if they didn’t serve a purpose.

21. Use the phrases to complete the sentences.
serve a purpose - live in the moment - the distant past
1. She decided to put aside her worries and ………………………… during her vacation.
2. Learning about history helps us understand events from ………………………………
3. Our family photos ………………………… by preserving our cherished memories.

22. Listen to the lecture and choose the three main ideas. 6.5
a. We remember negative memories better than positive memories.
b. Our memories serve a purpose.
c. Our memories of events change over time.
d. Scientists are researching ways to improve memory.
e. Our memories make us who we are.

23. Listen again. Complete the sentences with words from the lecture. 6.5
1. Memory includes things you’ve done and things you’ve …………………………...
2. Bad memories may stop us from going into dangerous …………………………...or
forming unhealthy …………………………...with people.
3. …………... people remember negative events better than ………………... people do.
4. Older people generally live in the ………………… and focus on positive memories.
5. Your past experiences are part of you even if you don’t have …………………………...
memories of them.
Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
Facts are things that are true or that you can prove. They sometimes include numbers,
names, and dates.
Opinions are beliefs about things.
Fact: Memories are part of who we are.
Opinion: I think people should try to forget bad memories.
Some common phrases used to introduce an opinion.
I believe/think . . . In my opinion, . . .
This may/might/could mean . . . This probably/possibly means . . .
This suggests . . . One theory is . . .

24. Read the statements. Are they facts or opinions? Write F for Fact or O for
1. I think my experiences make me who I am.
2. Memory includes all the things you’ve done and learned.
3. Many studies find that we remember negative events better than positive ones.
4. Painful memories often cause psychological and even physical problems.
5. Carstensen’s theory is that younger people need to remember negative situations to
protect themselves.
6. Our memories affect our personalities, our behavior, and the decisions we make.

25. Listen to Lana and Shun talking about memories. Complete the main points
of the conversation with these words. Two words are not used. WB 6.1
brother – event – forget - listen to – memory – personality - remember

Hint: Before you listen, read the paragraph where the main points are summarized.
Look at the gaps and the words on either side and decide what kind of word is missing.
Is it a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb? Then look at the word bank to see which words
could fit.

Lana and her 1 ……………………. had an argument about a family vacation. She is
annoyed because she thinks his 2 ……………………. of the vacation is wrong. Her
friend, Shun explains why two people can 3 ……………………., the same 4 …………….
differently. She decides to call Matt back and 5 ……………………. what he says.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
26. Listen again. Circle the correct answer. WB 6.1
Hint: You may hear both answer options in the audio, but only one option is correct in
each sentence. Sometimes the answer choices paraphrase what the speakers say. This
means they use different words to express the same point.

1. Shun explains that it’s not unusual / typical for people to have different memories of
the same event.

2. At first, Lana is surprised / angry by what Shun is telling her.

3. Lana is interested in how the brain shows that people remember individuals /
things differently.

4. Our personality influences / changes the things we remember.

5. Shun studied memory error in his science / psychology class.

6. According to Shun, there are different types of memory error, and different
techniques / reasons for them.
27. Read the extracts from the audio transcript. Decide if the speaker is
expressing a fact or an opinion.

Hint: Look at the language the speakers use. Are they making strong statements (facts
that are true) or using words and phrases that introduce opinions or beliefs?

1. Shun: Well, you would think so, but science shows that we don’t all remember the
same events in the same way. a. fact b. opinion
2. Lana: Hhm, that could mean I’m right and my brother is wrong. a. fact b. opinion
3. Shun: I think it probably means there are reasons for the different things that you
each remember. a. fact b. opinion
4. Shun: Scientists have studied the brain, and they’ve discovered that there are
individual differences in how people remember the same events. a. fact b. opinion
5. Lana: So maybe this suggests that someone’s personality is a factor.
a. fact b. opinion
6. Shun: Yes! Actually, that’s exactly it, Lana. Our memory is influenced by our
personality. a. fact b. opinion
7. Lana: I think age might be a factor. a. fact b. opinion
8. Shun: It certainly is. Depression is another one. It’s fascinating. a. fact b. opinion
Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
28. Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition Answer
a. accurate 1. often a. …...
b. base on 2. special; one-of-a-kind b. …...
c. face 3. differently c. …...
d. identify 4. to be good for d. …...
e. record 5. to take note of and store information e. …...
f. alternatively 6. free from mistakes f. …...
g. benefit 7. a picture g. …...
h. frequently 8. to recognize h. …...
i. image 9. to form an idea or opinion from specific information i. …...
j. unique 10. to deal with something difficult j. …...
k. pattern 11. messages that nerves carry from the body to the brain k. ……
l. nerve signals 12. shape; form l. ……

29. Read the article and answer the questions. 6.6


1. Do you wish you could remember your dreams? Dreams are often difficult to
remember and hard to describe. And most of us forget our dreams soon after we
wake up. Some scientists, however, are learning how to record our dreams. Imagine
one day waking up, turning on your TV, and watching a video of last night’s dream.

2. Scientist Yukiyasu Kamitani recorded images from dreams. He realized that our
dreams frequently include everyday objects like cars and houses. In 2013, Kamitani
asked participants to look at hundreds of photos of these kinds of objects. As they
looked at each object, he used an MRI machine to scan their brains. A computer then
recorded their brain patterns. Each object creates a unique pattern in the brain.
Then, while the participants slept, Kamitani scanned their brains again. His computer
tried to find the same patterns. It was seeing if they were dreaming about the
objects. Kamitani reviewed the data from the computer. Then he created short
videos based on the data. Afterwards, participants watched the videos. Surprisingly,
they said the videos were about 70 percent accurate.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
3. Other scientists have attempted to record speech in dreams. For example, in 2018,
Daniel Oldis and David Schnyer asked participants to pronounce every sound in the
English language. The researchers measured nerve signals in participants’ faces,
throats, and lips as they spoke. Then, the participants were told to sleep. During REM
sleep, Oldis and Schnyer measured the nerve signals again. When they found the
same signals, they could identify what the participants likely said in their dreams.

4. But why would we want or need to watch our dreams? Sure, it might be entertaining
to watch some of our more interesting dreams the next day or even years later.
However, being aware of our dreams could benefit us in more important ways, too.
Watching dreams might help us understand more about problems we face in our
real lives. For example, if we dream about money night after night, we might want to
pay more attention to our spending. It may be that we have money problems that we
don’t want to deal with in our waking life. Watching dreams may also make us more
creative. Many great ideas such as songs, poems, and art have come from dreams.

5. Understanding our dreams might help us be better, healthier people. Alternatively, it

might not. According to psychology professor Antonio Zadra, it’s important “not to
confuse dream experience with reality.” Perhaps dreams are best forgotten.

A. What are dream catchers?

a. Writers telling stories about dreams.
b. Hackers stealing dreams.
c. Scientists studying dreams.

B. What is the article mainly about?

a. How scientists are trying to record our dreams.
b. How to remember more of our dreams.
c. What dreams can reveal about ourselves.

C. Scan the article to find the two studies mentioned. Then answer the questions.
1. When did Yukiyasu Kamitani do his experiment?
2. What machine did he use to scan people’s brains?
3. What were the names of the researchers who recorded speech in dreams?
4. When did they do their experiment?

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the main challenge associated with dreams that the text mentions?
2. How have some scientists been working on solving the challenge of remembering
3. What did scientist Yukiyasu Kamitani do to record images from dreams, and what
surprising result did he achieve?
4. What did Daniel Oldis and David Schnyer attempt to record in dreams, and how did
they measure it?
5. What potential benefits are mentioned for recording and watching our dreams?
6. What cautionary note is provided by psychology professor Antonio Zadra regarding


E. Read “Dream Catchers” again and answer Yes or No.

1. Is it easy for people to remember their dreams?
2. Did Yukiyasu Kamitani ask people to look at photos before they slept?
3. Did Kamitani’s videos show everything that the people dreamed about?
4. Did Daniel Oldis and David Schyner record how people pronounced words?
5. Can we get great ideas to use in music and art from our dreams?
6. Does Antonio Zadra think dream experience is as important as reality?

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
30. Choose the correct meaning of the words in bold.
1. Sleep studies can benefit people with sleep problems.
be good for / be bad for / teach
2. I can’t identify the person in this photo—I’ve never met him.
understand / describe / recognize
3. The artist has a unique style, so her paintings look different from everyone else’s.
beautiful / special / skilled
4. I frequently dream about my cousin, but I don’t think about him much when I’m
awake. rarely / often / never
5. The results of the study were accurate because the scientists worked very carefully.
free from mistakes / full of mistakes / interesting
6. Musicians perform their music in public, but they also record it. sell / play / store
7. Dreams about wearing the wrong clothes can be about feeling free; alternatively,
they can be about feeling anxious or embarrassed. similarly / obviously / or
8. The movie was based on a dream the writer had.
formed from / different from / the same as
9. The scientist showed participants an image of a bird, and they dreamed about it.
example / picture / description
10. After her bad car accident, she couldn’t face driving for a few months.
remember / understand / deal with
31. Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the previous Activity.
1. You can …………………… TV shows so you can enjoy them whenever you want.
2. It’s not easy to …………………… the reasons why we dream.
3. Most people dream …………………… —at least several times every night.
4. Sleeping a lot can make people more productive, but ……………………, it can make
them less productive.
5. Some writers make everything up, but John’s stories are ……………… actual events.
6. An …………………… of a building appeared in Ted’s dream, and he realized that it
was the building he lived in when he was a child.
7. Every dream is …………………… because each dreamer is different in some way.
8. Jenna feels a lot better now that she has learned to …………………… her problems.
9. People who feel stressed can …………………… from getting more sleep.
10. The news report was not …………………… —there were a lot of mistakes in it.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
32. Complete the summary of the article with the correct form of the words .
creativity – image – measure – problem – see - speech

A scientist recorded what people 1 …………………………. in their dreams. He did this

by recording their brain activity when they looked at 2…………………………... Other
scientists recorded 3 …………………………. from people’s dreams. They 4
…………………………. nerve signals in people’s faces. Recording our dreams could
help us in a few different ways. It could help us understand our real-life
5…………………………... It could also increase our 6………………………….

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
Modals of possibility

• Modal verbs e.g. may, might, will, and could have different functions depending
on the context they are being used in.
• Modal verbs are followed by a base form of a verb and do not act as normal verbs,
e.g., they do not change form according to the subject, and you can never use
double modals.
• Will, may, might, and could: can be used to talk about present or future possibility.
We can also use maybe, perhaps, or probably with these modal verbs as well to
indicate degrees of possibility.
• Positive statements have the form: S + will / may / might / could + base verb
• Negative statements have the form:

S + will / may / might/ could + not + base verb

• Interrogatives: Will / may / might / could + S + base verb…?

• Use will and won’t to talk about things that you think are certain to happen.
Scientists will study dreams in the future. They won’t stop researching dreams.
• Add probably to will if you are not completely certain, but it is likely.
It will probably take a long time for scientists to record dreams.
We probably won’t be able to record our dreams in the next five years.
• Use may, may not, might, might not, and could to talk about things that are less
certain to happen.
• Note that we don’t use could not to talk about the future.
We may be able to record our dreams.
Scientists might not find a way to record dreams.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
33. Read the sentences and underline the modal verbs. Are they about past,
present, or future events? Are the events certain to happen?
1. The students will study dreams this term.
2. They will probably find it difficult.
3. They may have to record their dreams.
4. They might not understand their dreams.
34. Read the sentences. How certain are the people making each statement?
Write LC for Less Certain, L for Likely, and C for Certain.
1. We will probably be able to watch our dreams in the future.
2. We might never learn the purpose of dreams.
3. Researchers might find a way to help us remember all of our dreams.
4. People will continue to talk about dreams.
5. People in the future could learn a lot about themselves by watching their own
6. In my opinion, people won’t want to record their dreams.
7. Some participants might not be able to fall asleep in the lab.
8. We’ll probably never know the meaning of our dreams.

35. Complete each sentence with a modal of possibility. More than one answer
is possible.
1. Researchers …………………………… learn more about why we dream.
2. We …………………………… be able to control our dreams.
3. Our dreams …………………………… play on our smartphones.
4. We …………………………… be able to remember all of our dreams .
5. People …………………………… want to record their own dreams.
6. Scientists …………………………… find out what causes dreams.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
36. Complete the sentences with your own ideas about future research
breakthroughs. Use modals of possibility.
1. Within a few years, artificial intelligence …………………………...……………………...
2. In ten years, the University of Bahrain ………………………………...…………………....
3. In the future, the National Space Science Agency (NSSA) in Bahrain.


4. In 20 years, neuroscientists probably ……………………………………………...........

5. Within a few decades, nanotechnology …………………………………………….......
6. By 2080, genetic researchers …………………………………………….......................

37. Read the introductory paragraph and first body paragraph of an essay. Find
and correct five errors with modals of possibility.
An All-in-One Nutrition Drink
By 2050, there might be 10 billion people on planet Earth. This rapid growth means that
we need to find a way to feed everyone without damaging our lands and seas. A drink
that contains all of the protein, vitamins, and minerals that we need might be the
answer. There are pros and cons to a meal-replacement drink that could to feed
billions of people.

On one hand, a meal-replacement beverage might be convenient. People could saving

time because they won’t need to cook and clean. They will able to simply open a bottle
and drink a complete meal. In addition, people might are healthier than they are now.
Right now, people eat a lot of junk food and fast food. With a meal-replacement drink,
they will getting important nutrients quickly and easily.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
38. Read the sentences that use modals of possibility. Label the sentences to
show how certain the person is. Label: less certain likely certain
Hint: We can use the modals will, may, might, and could to express possibility about
the future. We use the base form of the verb after a modal.

1. We probably won’t sleep well tonight.

2. I might not go to the party tomorrow.
3. The scientists will finish their study in a few months.
4. Many years from now, we may understand the meaning of our dreams.
5. He might not take classes over the summer.
6. Most people will probably work from home in 10 or 20 years.
7. Does dreaming about China mean that we could travel there in the future?
8. In the future, people won’t read newspapers because they’ll read news online.
39. Choose the correct answer.
1. I usually dream every night, so I won’t / will probably dream tonight.
2. My sister is very busy at work this week, so I probably won’t / could see her.
3. The trains are running very late, so we may not / will miss the start of the movie.
4. Scientists say that people won’t / will probably have dreams during the REM cycle.
5. The weather forecast says it may not / may rain tomorrow, so you should carry an
6. I could / might not see you tomorrow because I have to take the car to the garage.
40. Complete the sentences from blogs with modals of possibility. You may use
some answers more than once. And more than one answer may be possible.
could - may not - might not – will - won’t – may – might - probably won’t - will

1. My cousin Jeff is applying to law school. He’s smart, and he got a good score on the
exam, so he …………………………... get in.
Hint: The writer is not completely certain.

2. People sometimes ask if scientists can control what people dream about. We don’t
know how to do that yet. But we …………………………... figure out how to do it in the
future. It’s possible.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
Hint: The writer is less certain.

3. Will everyone have self-driving cars in the future? Experts say no. Even though all
cars will be self-driving, public transportation will be much better than it is now. For
that reason, experts think that most people …………………………... need cars.
Hint: The writer is certain.

4. I usually run in a big race in my city every year, but I …………………………... take
part this year because I injured my foot recently. It’s possible that I’ll get better in
time to run, though.
Hint: The writer is less certain.

5. In the future, feeding everyone in the world will not be a problem. If we can’t grow
enough food, people can have meal-replacement drinks instead. So, people
…………………………... have enough to eat.
Hint: The writer is certain.

6. Several people have asked if I’ll see my sister next year. I think so. She
…………………………... come next summer when she has time off from her teaching
Hint: The writer is not completely certain.

7. Some experts believe that robots will take over many jobs that humans do. However,
it is difficult for robots to learn how to do jobs that involve creativity. This means that
in the future, people who do creative work …………………………... lose their jobs.
Hint: The writer is less certain.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
41. Complete the sentences with the words in the list.
actual conscious headache participant stage therapy based on depression mood
personality technique upsetting behavior extremely painful recover theory
1. This story is about ………………… events. It’s ………………… something that
happened to the author.
2. She’s been going to ………………… to learn more about how her feelings affect her
3. Do you want to take this ………………… test? I did it, and I found the results
………………… interesting.
4. Dima has …………………, and it’s very ………………… to see her feeling so sad.
5. I have an awful …………………. I think I’ll lie down so that I can …………………
before the party tonight.
6. The psychologists are trying a new ………………… with each ………………… in their
experiment. They want to test a ………………… about dreams.
7. The injuries from my accident are very ………………… and it’s been putting me in a
very bad………………….
8. We may be partially ………………… of our dreams, depending on what
………………… of sleep we are in.
42. Complete the dialogue with the words from the list.
absolutely experience frequently individual psychology situation accurate
experiment identify process relationship
A I read an interesting article on a 1 ……... website. It was about an 2 ……... on dreams.
B What did it say?
A Well, the study was able to 3 ……………………………... that more than half of the
dreams could be associated with an 4 ……………………………... memory. It said that
the dreams about the future were 5 …………………... related to a past 6 ………………...
that the person had. The study showed a 7 ……………………... between dreaming and
the part of the brain that can 8 ………………………... memory. We can put together
pieces of past events to make a new scenario about the same 9 ………………………... in
the future, though the dream isn’t an 10 …………………... representation of the future.
B That’s 11 ……………………………... fascinating!
Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
43. Read the sentences and underline the option that isn’t possible.
1. We might / won’t / can’t be able to record dreams in the future.
2. I will probably / probably won’t / could probably remember my dreams
3. Scientists may / didn’t / might find a way to stop people losing their memories in a
few years’ time.
4. You may / don’t / might feel frightened if you woke up and couldn’t move.
5. If scientists have / had / received more money, they could do more research.
6. If Ali turned off his electronics in his bedroom at night, he might / may / won’t sleep

44. Put the words in brackets in the right tense or form.

1. If I (have) …………………………. the latest virtual reality headset, I might explore
distant planets from the comfort of my home.
2. If she owned a quantum computer, she could (solve) ………………………….
complex problems in seconds.
3. If I had a teleportation device, I (travel) …………………. to any destination on Earth.
4. If there was more funding available for research, scientists (make)
…………………………. groundbreaking discoveries in various fields.
5. If they (design) …………………………. a universal translator, they might understand
and (communication) ……………………. with people from any culture effortlessly.

45. Complete the paragraphs with words you learned in Unit 6.

Glenn, 19, Canada

My earliest memory is a very happy one. I was three years old, and I was on the beach
playing with my cousins, Alison and Fred. Every year, our families go on vacation
together, and I’ve always had a great 1 ………………………... with my cousins. Alison is
the oldest and she’s usually in charge. She’s very patient with Fred and me, even when
our 2 ………………………... is a bit annoying. Luckily, Alison is a fun person with an
easy-going 3………………………...! We all still go on vacation together.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)

Agustina, 21, Argentina

I’ve always been very curious about the mind, so I wanted to learn more about how our
minds work. I clearly remember the day I took my first college class in 4 ………………...
I was so excited that I had four years of study 5 ………………... of me! And I’m really
enjoying the degree. For example, we study why a case with the same conditions, the
exact same 6 ………………..., can make people behave in very different ways. It’s
incredibly interesting!

Ryuchi, 26, Japan

I remember reading this fantastic novel when I was a teenager. It told the story of two
boys who were best friends. They did 7 ………………………... everything together!
They used to support each other and 8 ………………………... each other if there was a
problem. Then, one day, they had a huge argument and they made a(n) 9
………………………... decision to stop being friends. I was so sad to read that. It was
very 10 ………………………... for those two boys. But 30 years later they met by
accident at a football game and became great friends again.

46. Choose the correct verb forms to complete the paragraph with unreal
present and future conditionals. There may be more than one correct answer.
In the future, people 1 could to / may / might stop eating so much meat from animals.
In fact, some experts say that people won’t 2 eating / eat any meat at all 50 or 100 years
from now. Scientists will 3 able / be able to make meat easily in labs, and people will 4
having / have this fake meat instead of real meat. This might 5are / be true. People 6
will / might / may / could prefer to eat fake meat in the future if it tastes good enough.

47. The following sentences are incorrect. Underline the mistakes and correct
1. If Manar spoked fluent Chinese, she might get a job in a Chinese company.
2. Our team could win the championship if we practicing more regularly.
3. They might adopting a healthier lifestyle if they quit smoking.
4. If robots had emotions, they can better understand human interactions.
5. If she have a time machine, she could meet historical figures from the past.

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)
Reflect 4 (Eng. 102 Unit 6 THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS)
48. Match the words to their definitions.
Word Definition Answer
1. actual a. very, very 1. …...
2. extremely b. aware 2. …...
3. signal c. a medical condition, as well as a mental illness, in 3. …...
which people often feel sad, tired and hopeless
4. conscious d. real 4. …...
5. psychology e. message 5. …...
6. depression f. the study of how people think, as well as their behavior 6. …...

49. Match the words to their definitions.

Word Definition Answer
1. symptoms a. to start or turn off 1. …...
2. activate b. a physical or mental condition that is not normal 2. …...
3. PTSD c. signs that let people know that you are sick. 3. …...
4. disorder d. an illness that causes people to forget things, especially 4. …...
common in the elderly
5. Alzheimer’s e. (post-traumatic stress disorder) a psychological illness 5. …...
disease caused by having or seeing frightening experiences

Prepared by Mr. Khaled Afifi Abo Hattab (Tel. 36880189)

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