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Northern Caribbean University

College of Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences

Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Coun238: Career Planning: Theory & Practice (A)

Title: Career Assessment

Lecturer: Mrs. Sharon Mcbayne

Shanelle Palmer – 20211482

Date: January 22, 2024

A career test is a way to measure one’s unique aptitudes and interests to select a career that is

best suited for them based on their skill set. This paper seeks to inform the reader about career

tests and the benefits of taking one.

The Holland Codes career test was utilized. The Holland Code, also known as the RIASEC test,

is a theory of career choice and vocational interests developed by John L. Holland, an American

psychologist. It categorizes individuals into six personality types based on their interests and


The participant will complete the self-assessment tool, which asks approximately seventy-two

questions revolving around six distinct personalities and takes roughly five minutes to be


This test contains six career interest areas, each with its own roles, values, and tasks. The six

areas included building jobs, which involves the use of tools and physical skills; creating jobs

involves art and craft, language, and music; thinking jobs involves research; helping jobs

involves assisting and serving others; persuading jobs involve leading and influencing others;

and organizing jobs involve managing data and information.

Before the test was administered, the testee was informed of the purpose, how to answer the

questions, and that there were no right and wrong questions. After the test was completed, we

decided on the results and offered information based on her primary and secondary interests.

After completing the assessment, her scores for each area were as follows: building (8),

thinking (6), creating (35), helping (100), persuading (21) and organizing (6). It is obvious that

her primary interest area is helping. Looking at the scoring, it showed that creating would be her
secondary job option. She stated that this was true because she loved to express herself in unique

ways in the form of songs and poems but over time she had stopped.

The testee agreed with the result, as she is currently in her final semester of studying to become a

social worker. She stated that, as a student helper, she dedicates her free time to advocating for,

caring for, and serving others. I was also in agreement with the result, as I have known the testee

for a while, and some of her personality traits are those of a helper: compassionate, helpful,

generous, warm, approachable, and empathetic.

The questions for the assessment were straight forward; as such, they were easy to use and the

testee was comfortable conducting the assessment as the questions asked were not too personal.

It was suggested to the testee that after completing school, she could work on her other job’s

options, especially the secondary one.

In closing, career decisions are complex; therefore, one can utilize the help of a career counselor,

along with the Holland Code Test, to help guide individuals towards careers that align with their

personalities and interests.

Latif, S. (2023, October 18). 14 Career Counseling Assessments & Tests for Your Students.

Holland Code Career Quiz. (2023, October 12). Truity.


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