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Оријентациони план рада наставника за школску 2023/24.

Наставни предмет: Енглески језик
Разред: трећи разред гимназије друштвено-језичког смера
Недељни фонд часова: 4 (3 + 1)
Назив наставне јединице Тип / врста часа
1. Упознавање ученика са наставним планом и програмом рада / вежбање
Annual syllabus presentation
2. Иницијални тест / Initial test evaluation провера
3. Unit 0.1 – Diet; Grammar – Present tenses – review; Vocabulary – обнављање
4. Unit 0.2 – Fun and games; Grammar – Past tenses – review; обнављање
Vocabulary – Sport
5. Unit 0.3 – Teenage types; Grammar – Conditionals; wish and if обнављање
only; Vocabulary – Family; People
6. Unit 0.4 – Visitors from space; Grammar – Modal verbs for обнављање
speculation; Vocabulary – Science
7. Unit 0.5 – Advertising; Grammar – Reported Speech; Vocabulary – обнављање
8. Unit 0.6 – Performers; Grammar – Articles; Vocabulary – Culture; обнављање
The arts
9. Unit 0.7 – UK vs. USA; Grammar – Comparative structures; обнављање
Vocabulary – Adjectives and adverbs
10. Unit 0.8 – USA vs. UK; Grammar – The Passive; have something обнављање
done; Vocabulary – Politics; Society
11. Unit 0 – Workbook exercises – Units 0.1–0.3 вежбање
12. Unit 0 – Workbook exercises – Units 0.4–0.6 вежбање
13. Unit 0 – Workbook exercises – Units 0.7–0.8 вежбање
14. Unit 1 – Do your best; Unit 1.1 – Vocabulary – Education; Phrasal обрада
verbs; Collocations; Personality adjectives – What kind of student
are you? – questionnaire
15. Unit 1.2 – Grammar – Present and past habits обрада
16. Unit 1.3 – Listening – Multiple matching – Memory вежбање
17. Unit 1.4 – Reading – Gapped text – Experiments in education обрада
18. Unit 1.5 – Grammar – Verb patterns обрада
19. Unit 1.6 – Speaking – Describing a photo вежбање
20. Unit 1.7 – Writing – A report вежбање
21. Unit 1.8 – Language in focus – -ing forms утврђивање
22. Focus Review 1 – part one обнављање
23. Focus Review 1 – part two обнављање
24. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.1 – Vocabulary – Education; вежбање
Phrasal verbs; Collocations; Personality adjectives
25. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.2 – Grammar – Present and вежбање
past habits / Unit 1.3 – Listening language practice – Collocations;
Word families
26. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.4 – Reading – Daniel вежбање
Tammet; Collocations
27. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.5 – Grammar – Verb вежбање
patterns / Unit 1.6 – Speaking language practice – Describing a
28. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.7 – Writing – A report / Unit вежбање
1.8 – Language in focus – -ing forms / Unit 1.9 – Use of English
29. Unit 1 – Workbook exercises – Unit 1.11 – Self-check вежбање
30. Unit 2 – It takes all sorts; Unit 2.1 – Vocabulary – Family; обрада
Celebrations; Religious ceremonies; Verb-noun collocations;
Common phrases – Coming-of-age ceremonies
31. Unit 2.2 – Grammar – Past Perfect Simple and Continuous обрада
32. Unit 2.3 – Listening – Sentence completion – A talk by a вежбање
33. Unit 2.4 – Reading – Multiple choice – Two texts about mysterious обрада
34. Unit 2.5 – Grammar – Relative clauses обрада
35. Unit 2.6 – Speaking – Telling a personal anecdote вежбање
36. Unit 2.7 – Writing – An article вежбање
37. Unit 2.8 – Language in focus – Collocations утврђивање
38. Focus Review 2 – part one обнављање
39. Focus Review 2 – part two обнављање
40. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.1 – Vocabulary – Family; вежбање
Celebrations; Religious ceremonies; Verb-noun collocations;
Common phrases
41. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.2 – Grammar – Past Perfect вежбање
Simple and Continuous / Unit 2.3 – Listening language practice –
Comparative expressions; Dependent prepositions
42. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.4 – Reading – Young adult вежбање
fiction; Word families
43. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.5 – Grammar – Relative вежбање
clauses / Unit 2.6 – Speaking language practice – Telling a personal
44. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.7 – Writing – An article / Unit вежбање
2.8 – Language in focus – Collocations / Unit 2.9 – Use of English
45. Unit 2 – Workbook exercises – Unit 2.11 – Self-check вежбање
46. The First Written Test – Preparation вежбање
47. The First Written Test провера
48. The First Written Test – Correction вежбање
49. Unit 3 – A place to live; Unit 3.1 – Vocabulary – Dependent обрада
prepositions; Collocations; Useful phrases to describe cities – The
Youthful Cities Index
50. Unit 3.2 – Grammar – Future forms обрада
51. Unit 3.3 – Listening – Multiple choice – Places to live вежбање
52. Unit 3.4 – Reading – True/False – The International Space Station обрада
53. Unit 3.5 – Grammar – Quantifiers обрада
54. Unit 3.6 – Speaking – Organising a place to live вежбање
55. Unit 3.7 – Writing – A ‘for and against essay’ вежбање
56. Unit 3.8 – Language in focus – Determiners – special cases утврђивање
57. Focus Review 3 – part one обнављање
58. Focus Review 3 – part two обнављање
59. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.1 – Vocabulary – Dependent вежбање
prepositions; Collocations; Useful phrases to describe cities
60. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.2 – Grammar – Future forms / вежбање
Unit 3.3 – Listening language practice – Prepositions; Adjectives
and their near antonyms; Word families
61. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.4 – Reading – London; вежбање
Collocations; Prepositions
62. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.5 – Grammar – Quantifiers / вежбање
Unit 3.6 – Speaking language practice – Organising a place to live
63. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.7 – Writing – A ‘for and вежбање
against essay’ / Unit 3.8 – Language in focus – Determiners –
special cases / Unit 3.9 – Use of English
64. Unit 3 – Workbook exercises – Unit 3.11 – Self-check вежбање
65. Unit 4 – The cost of living; Unit 4.1 – Vocabulary – Shopping and обрада
money; Phrasal verbs; Collocations; Money idioms – Cool places to
hang out in town
66. Unit 4.2 – Grammar – Question tags and reply questions обрада
67. Unit 4.3 – Listening – Multiple choice – Market trading вежбање
68. Unit 4.4 – Reading – Multiple matching – Jeans обрада
69. Unit 4.5 – Grammar – Present and past modal structures обрада
70. Unit 4.6 – Speaking – Making and justifying choices вежбање
71. Unit 4.7 – Writing – A formal email вежбање
72. Unit 4.8 – Language in focus – Modality – alternative structures утврђивање
73. Focus Review 4 – part one обнављање
74. Focus Review 4 – part two обнављање
75. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.1 – Vocabulary – Shopping вежбање
and money; Phrasal verbs; Collocations; Money idioms
76. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.2 – Grammar – Question tags вежбање
and reply questions / Unit 4.3 – Listening language practice –
Chance; Collocations
77. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.4 – Reading – Banknotes; вежбање
Verbs; Word families
78. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.5 – Grammar – Present and вежбање
past modal structures / Unit 4.6 – Speaking language practice –
Making and justifying choices
79. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.7 – Writing – A formal вежбање
email / Unit 4.8 – Language in focus – Modality – alternative
structures / Unit 4.9 – Use of English
80. Unit 4 – Workbook exercises – Unit 4.11 – Self-check вежбање
81. Unit 5 – The world at your feet; Unit 5.1 – Vocabulary – обрада
Employment; Phrasal verbs; Collocations; Word families – The
return of the Best Job in the World!
82. Unit 5.2 – Grammar – Reported Speech обрада
83. Unit 5.3 – Listening – Multiple matching – The future of work вежбање
84. Unit 5.4 – Reading – Multiple choice – A text about men and обрада
women’s roles
85. Unit 5.5 – Grammar – Reporting verbs обрада
86. Unit 5.6 – Speaking – Problem solving вежбање
87. Unit 5.7 – Writing – An article вежбање
88. Unit 5.8 – Language in focus – Phrasal verbs утврђивање
89. Focus Review 5 – part one обнављање
90. Focus Review 5 – part two обнављање
91. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.1 – Vocabulary – вежбање
Employment; Phrasal verbs; Collocations; Word families
92. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.2 – Grammar – Reported вежбање
Speech / Unit 5.3 – Listening language practice – Describing trends;
Adjectives to describe jobs
93. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.4 – Reading – Young earners; вежбање
Collocations; Linking phrases
94. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.5 – Grammar – Reporting вежбање
verbs / Unit 5.6 – Speaking language practice – Problem solving
95. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.7 – Writing – An article / Unit вежбање
5.8 – Language in focus – Phrasal verbs / Unit 5.9 – Use of English
96. Unit 5 – Workbook exercises – Unit 5.11 – Self-check вежбање
97. Unit 6 – True or false?; Unit 6.1 – Vocabulary – Truth and обрада
falsehood; Phrases with take; Compound adjectives – Why can’t you
believe everything you see in the media?
98. Unit 6.2 – Grammar – Conditional clauses – alternatives to if обрада
99. Unit 6.3 – Listening – Sentence completion – A street artist вежбање
100. Unit 6.4 – Reading – Gapped text – An imposter обрада
101. Unit 6.5 – Grammar – Mixed conditionals обрада
102. Unit 6.6 – Speaking – Ethical issues вежбање
103. Unit 6.7 – Writing – An opinion essay вежбање
104. Unit 6.8 – Language in focus – Word families – suffixes утврђивање
105. Focus Review 6 – part one обнављање
106. Focus Review 6 – part two обнављање
107. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.1 – Vocabulary – Truth and вежбање
falsehood; Phrases with take; Compound adjectives
108. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.2 – Grammar – Conditional вежбање
clauses – alternatives to if / Unit 6.3 – Listening language practice –
Prepositions; Verb patterns; Word families
109. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.4 – Reading – The man who вежбање
sold the Eiffel Tower. Twice.; Compound adjectives
110. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.5 – Grammar – Mixed вежбање
conditionals / Unit 6.6 – Speaking language practice – Ethical issues
111. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.7 – Writing – An opinion вежбање
essay / Unit 6.8 – Language in focus – Word families I – suffixes /
Unit 6.9 – Use of English
112. Unit 6 – Workbook exercises – Unit 6.11 – Self-check вежбање
113. The Second Written Test – Preparation вежбање
114. The Second Written Test провера
115. The Second Written Test – Correction вежбање
116. Unit 7 – Log on; Unit 7.1 – Vocabulary – Collocations to do with обрада
Internet use; Health issues; Collocations in set phrases –
Technology: danger or useful tool?
117. Unit 7.2 – Grammar – Advanced passive forms обрада
118. Unit 7.3 – Listening – Multiple choice – Problems with technology вежбање
119. Unit 7.4 – Reading – Multiple choice – Wearable technology обрада
120. Unit 7.5 – Grammar – Passive reporting structures обрада
121. Unit 7.6 – Speaking – Clarification вежбање
122. Unit 7.7 – Writing – A ‘for and against essay’ вежбање
123. Unit 7.8 – Language in focus – Easily confused words утврђивање
124. Focus Review 7 – part one обнављање
125. Focus Review 7 – part two обнављање
126. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.1 – Vocabulary – вежбање
Collocations to do with Internet use; Health issues; Collocations in
set phrases
127. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.2 – Grammar – Advances вежбање
passive forms / Unit 7.3 – Listening language practice –
Collocations; Phrases to describe products; Electronic
128. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.4 – Reading – Driverless cars; вежбање
Collocations to do with driving; What the body does collocations
129. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.5 – Grammar – Passive вежбање
reporting structures / Unit 7.6 – Speaking language practice –
130. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.7 – Writing – A ‘for and вежбање
against’ essay / Unit 7.8 – Language in focus – Easily confused
words / Unit 7.9 – Use of English
131. Unit 7 – Workbook exercises – Unit 7.11 – Self-check вежбање
132. Unit 8 – Around the globe; Unit 8.1 – Vocabulary – The natural обрада
world; Pollution; Compound nouns – A young environmentalist
133. Unit 8.2 – Grammar – Unreal past and regrets – wish, if only, it’s обрада
time and would rather
134. Unit 8.3 – Listening – Multiple choice – Intelligent animals вежбање
135. Unit 8.4 – Reading – Multiple matching – Summaries of films about обрада
amazing journeys
136. Unit 8.5 – Grammar – Emphasis – cleft sentences and inversion обрада
137. Unit 8.6 – Speaking – Giving a presentation вежбање
138. Unit 8.7 – Writing – A review of a travel destination вежбање
139. Unit 8.8 – Language in focus – Word families – prefixes and утврђивање
140. Focus Review 8 – part one обнављање
141. Focus Review 8 – part two обнављање
142. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.1 – Vocabulary – The natural вежбање
world; Pollution; Compound nouns
143. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.2 – Grammar – Unreal past вежбање
and regrets – wish, if only, it’s time and would rather / Unit 8.3 –
Listening language practice – Interview about intelligent animals;
144. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.4 – Reading – Science news; вежбање
Antonyms; Word families
145. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.5 – Grammar – Emphasis – вежбање
cleft sentences and inversion / Unit 8.6 – Speaking language practice
– Giving a presentation
146. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.7 – Writing – A review of a вежбање
travel destination / Unit 8.8 – Language in focus – Word families –
prefixes and suffixes / Unit 8.9 – Use of English
147. Unit 8 – Workbook exercises – Unit 8.11 – Self-check вежбање
148. Годишња систематизација градива / Focus Review 1–8 систематизација

Глобални план рада наставника за школску 2023/24. годину

вежбање обнављање обрада провера систематизација утврђивање укупно

33 14 14 2 / 3 66
47 10 18 1 1 5 82
укупно 80 24 32 3 1 8 148

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