Home Skills

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Name: Tan Yu Han Janice

Division: Kl Kuen Cheng Combined Cadet Division

Assignment Homeskills

Date: 17 December 2022

1. Before


This is my kitchen. Before, there have water cup put at the nearby wires that switching
open. If I accidentally push the cup down, the water that in the cup will spill out and an
electric shock will occurred. Severe fire will occurred if other flammable materials are
nearby the wires. Therefore, I will let the water keep away the wires that switching open
like the picture after so it could not happen any accident.
2. Before


This is a place that I put medicine. Before, my medicine was randomly put by me at the
table. If my home have baby or younger child, they will use these medicine as their toy
or food. Medicine is dangerous because they have many type of drug ingredients. If they
accidentally eat them, they will sent to hospital to threat and maybe will left serious
sequelae and poisonous. To avoid the following situation, I will put my medicine in
higher cupboard to prevent younger child can take them.
3. Before


This is my kitchen and the place that put knife. Before, I put the knife at any place that
younger child can take it. If the younger child play the knife and accidentally cut their
hand or any part of their outset body, it will cause bleeding. More severe cases will sent
to the hospital for treatment. So I will put the knife at a special place for knives.
4. Before


This is a place that I put my pen, scissors and more. Before, when I use finish my thing, I
will randomly put them on my table. Scissors is a dangerous materials that can cause
bleeding. If younger child use it and hurt them careless, that will cause accident. After, I
will store my things in the pen holder to prevent accident occur.
5. Before


This is my living room. Paper is flammable materials and lighter is igniter materials. If I
accidentally open the lighter, the fire inside the lighter will burn the paper. If the place
that burning have some nearby flammable materials, it will cause fire disaster. To
prevent these following situation, I will let the lighter keep away the paper to avoid
severe accident occur.

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