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rag ARE fee RY (A) Sere Sarthe 08 PACH MOT RTS MH: TT wie, BTR = A, TETTATT = FEAT | a era rae ox ax om © Gt mH Bt ele acon wanes 1H: EE, AST, SF, faesarh, aeomreh, eoraT, Frere, Fifer, STFSTE, fava, exorea, 3a, Fes, OT) HAT IE THE, BT TE A/T | 0 eH BATOT CH TAT OAT? ext @ Sorurt om @re Ba ira] sPeprews were Borat “ome SAT (aaea) | Beara ear Be Be are PHT RE Frere PCH | TR CRIA TET COT CHC TE ara eug Carwthe He TATE AR BH SR aterex on eres ocx | afaeBra we CFO FA She Pen cape corer SIONS ET areca sree oars eT BN | FOE TAT ATS ore wire cafe ariced Wags Te! OS me fen Be wer Sarge eT FER! OTT TE Fen exes mire aficon Face Bert OAT Ba acare | TINT FACE FA COATS | at AEM, OE BTS | ER CO ATE TT cee raya Ye aR args fran TT eres aes Tr | >. Ifa pen is sold at taka $5 it makes a profit of 10%. What is its purchase cost? @50 @110 @as © 60 ue free] y0.When base is 12 inch and height is 8 inch of a triangle, its area? 96 sq-in @ 48 sqrin @48in @46in Bet agatha cna = 5 x GE x BHT yo.df xy = S49 = 6 them 8 +9 e7 @+7 @l Be aw 95, (vty) = (ae yy + Any sy +4.6 = 25+ 24 = (xt y} xty ae 38.How many prime numbers are there from 1 to 10? @10 @5 @4 @3 Bt frame] J care 10 rhe citfire mesmt = 4 (2, 3, 57 99.The solution of equations x ~ y= 2 and x + = dis: @3and1 @4and3 @S5and1 @-l and -3 ur pret] onsar ore, ye @ XF V4 om (i) >> 2x= are rar, (ii) > @21 @0.21 @0.021 © 0.0021 Ba frame] 0.07 27 3% 3 = 0.07 755 0.21 = Top = 9.0021 3¢. What is the perimeter (*#4t@1) of a square, if its area is 400sq-m_ @40m @20m @80m © 20sq-m Ba SET Job Solu ix members of a fami Jy. 1f each of the six member ily gh 7 ‘money as per their membership mena Then what will be the total amount; , @216 @ 125 @ 100 @64 By fren] ovo TCE, ARTIST TT AAT 6 ay Cy ere Tera THIEN RAT 7H ep rar cx, cree ca Bree afte ~ 26 = 6g 34. Which one is the smallest? By QM, BPA FAR: =) 0.02 1 +100=0.01 ) 103 = 0.001 ome oc eT 1073 RBEH : ov.O.1x 001+1=2 @101 @201 @ 1.001 © 0.001 Ba 0.1 0.01 +1 0.001 +1 1.001 ‘8. Who was the Director of the film “Let there be Light"? @ Zahir Raihan — ® Amjad Hossain @ Khan Ataur Rohman @ Humayun Ahmed Be forer] eee area ofeorres eran valine ‘oF ora Fr or8B" (390) 1 20.Sources its produce electricity in Bangladesh: © Mineral oil @ Natural gas @ Hilly River @allofthem 28 fort] Seater oer ogo agit, TATA fefere Faye Beommeaa Bem. sg SOPH (89.09 OTE), BIT GTI (v.80 AT). FSceRr (0.8% eRe), BTA (39.86 TOR). (0.3 Meter) aa serra sterft (2.0% TER) “Dry Ice’ is produced from: @ Oxygen @ Sulphur dioxide @ Nitrogen ® Carbon dioxide Foren] are aes Zoferw ard wrteraTts (CO!) mT TER ea ee) wer ROME (CO) TP -78.5 °C corm Ahem ware AB FF Rn rahe Bia ee ATES eT) ATT OE a GR Oe aa aT; few af apes AFT! bra cla oF 9 fear Rca af TAR Job Solution een county TSE AVE recognition ta a ngladest? we @ Russi Bhutan @® Nepal Ba ieee BONE. 2092 meTEMES ea ate crx pa) TR APE Pe Bera mE we aye 8. What is LINUX? @ Operating system @ Application program © Antivirus software @ Firewall a fore] #25177 Smart phone-a We TIE HAE BOT ae Linx. a enter flee Andrord ‘gee on operating system. 8 Seb3 et RTECS TEE ee ee Fron BrrsreeH Bara LAT! Linus GA CHT fa | afer cm 1 lB Forage tea re (ee ______| o freer, saa 29.Omicron, the new variant of COVID-19 is oe a ortgnated from: | cee ass 2 ina @UK [ates I (APA | 38 STEM, 398 © America OSoub Afice 5. eivhieh symbol must remain in e-mail Se arrest er er comet adress? AMAT 3.3.025) 1 AF 2033 ET EA TET oe oN aie siren sea sas BE) Pon @& ‘gor | S¥-Which one is output device? ga] Rate Ger wn emcee ® Microphone @CD-Drive TERT aN AB ADH | B-cxRe aT“ (at @ Monitor @None ofthem — &. 51 sign) Be erm FREI FITe 1 @ fBrwa oTETT HEY User name 4% 28 BEE KAT Domain name. soa Ie R.cter Brava IT“ (at sign) Geb aeae ary 38SDG-30 48 FS ANT Goal-a fegowa wr wae? ea Or ge @v Be [a] Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) wT Gee BRAT TAT, T Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 9% cH afar wr) 2030 UNE 2¢ CIObIT wfomCTT meat strane oy SFE “Transforming ow world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development Preamrens aoe wfs [8S FT SDGs Tex GES 1 SDGS AF CHIR 20d CF doco mF fe | ae CG 398 aTaTHAT 6 sea RE ory wahe acme) Saf eTRTATMTA 9 AF ae ger care rece wa Hera, PEAT, GOR 9 refs erent ARIAS) FA | XtHow many accused were in ‘Agartala Conspiracy Case’ including Bangabandhu? 836 @35 OM @32 Be 3009 STE BACON GOAT AT ot Fewce agra ware ofScareT OE ee reac era arf HE Oe HEA ATH 2 SAM, soue once rrawar TET aT (AB IN core afarge Tear 9) AERA AT A! PME, Sanus sree 9 APRA SOTTRTA A FRI) PBEre reer Ce are HT OCT Re sre SEMSTATE O aIwT TET aT SATE BW Compurer-ce# ora 9 xB woe Input Computer OW Im SHE BT TE TARR AIT BE Input device WH) ARE Input device @T: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, OMR, OCR, MICR, Microphone, Light pen etc ORC, Inpus CIC BIE BENEATE Output | BF FH CAA AAA Input Output “SH WH BL Ouput device 1 eH Ousput device ®-Projector, Monitor, Printer ® Speaker 8.Who scored the only goal in the final match of 2021 SAFF U-19 Women’s Championship? @ Shaheda Akter Ripa @ Anai Mogini @ Maria Mauda @ Anishka aa es 3033 Mies areTEMeA ABE He RE-3 BH HH | BRAC ARTO AOR ARTE STE coe a A APT | ‘e0.Under which Sector Dhaka was during our Liberation War in 1971? 3 @2 83 @ % 30 efter, 9999 Ice REIT TATA TW oe ‘wane Oa] AMEE OE aL IEA ar wea 8 BT ABT BMTSTA Hage BAT | TATSS 199 er sera) Ora a a FAC AT (oa,) orale oN a citace we wa CT OC 331 CHBTH © BIE I CART IH AH | ee.The urgency 990 2 RCH OTT 8 ae CBC wwe fer | canara SIEY, CSHe CTE oe ae oreo Ufa whe ws a Gre seniors FT 2 a ony ORC Oa aTTe eco cae area camMTER 6 Cre fon erm | ©3-Who appoints the Chief Justice in Bangladesh? @ Prime Minister @ Parliament @ President {er wraeTER mem eee 36(3) et ara | °8.Who was F.R Khan? © Cancer Specialist ® Nuclear Scientist © Computer engineer® Architect Proton Stars Brome (ata are: 82 Brewa) 8 eT aca | ‘98.Ping Pong means: Volleyball @ Basketball @ Table Tennis @ Lane Tennis oe Feo Brome abtalee were gray FS APT | Seem Ice TSO ReseCe CR wea Oe @ yous atalee wre fig ar) OCH 3899 er TeRATCRE CBfae BET et (Bear orm fie as) Br mee cor BR RT eT Beate roe whe a ‘8.Country participated as “Victory Day Parade 2021”: Ba ‘Observer’ in @USA @ Russia @ India @ Bhutan Be Firm) wies Wer zeag ort aerar weatena ae @ wArerr qatemd Bra Samay 28 WorWG, 2033 HTT BTN THE FANT TET Faore fire aosromer remnant CIC4 TBE ET) MES ARATE FAAS MARAT oho WEAK aay agafoy a err, ome ¢ afte of wore OR YORE 6 caf acara HEcawe He EMOTE BAT | of rural electrification is described in which Article of Constitution? @8 @10 @15 @16 By farm) aereredt menenra nee se aceRT ga, Fa © arTMCTT AT Tae AT HARTA BART TH ITNT ay areca A) A FA ATE ST ‘ov.Architect of National Monument (3h Bangladesh is: @ Hamidur Rahman © Quamrul Hassan @ Syed Mainul Hossain ® FR Khan By fore] sree “poe (or A AARETE er, RITA IdO2 GA ST SHIN, seg op TOU Prater, snee at PATH TEE BIH Sab9 OF APT SICHTEM, 399 9 BEM aT Daud GT TTT, 3999 47 TAT were AoA RBA ATCT STMT REET Fee aca wa CI MIRAE CICA OB Fie aes AB ore ecae Cred Hrercan aM wae, or Swear sco BF (80.92 RBM)! se foes 3993 TCH wife Bre HAG one HeIT Tea oe Fof@ ea IMS Sbee TICE Su SOE ere ere ea Braet eat | 94.Data are entered into a computer through: @ Software @ Output device @ Input device ® Memory ae rr) Brae Terr com oer mG are BA auc BPSD Ce P ATR way eT Bare BI! Computer-c® RT 4 BUF BE Inpu. Computer- OA som aa wy Ct TE HH Fa MA SH Input device WH) KH Inpw device 8: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, OMR OCR, MICR Microphone, Light pen ete SUPA, Input CH es BETS Ouipul TF SIF Fer AHA FART Inpur ee Output MF WH OS Ouput device Tr) RAE Cup device I. Projector, Monitor, Printer 8 Speak v-How many freedom fighters received gallantry awards for contributions in otf Liberation War- 19717 @712 @512 @175 © 676 as BRE weer a yem seme are ATS cxtore arma way ae) Bees Ht (4 7), a7 Ser (wr ay, 84 C80.99).9 Mr erdie (ogy wm op Solution is the onnadesh? pide @ Prime Minister eat} aera & 1 fei meme au(3) er ST, MOTTA we = Ga rien 9 RTT Sr Sor abe iar 8 AE FM A | TTC oer Spot aM IP AT RE Se ar nat & the per capita income (USS) of angladest in 2021? ‘Head of the State’ of usd @ 2454 15% op oom our (Rt . s cor) werent pou e FETE BpIS Reare wy, Tene Fae HT 2990 TET TE | ¢9.The Nobel Laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah is fro @ Turkey © Malaysia @ Indonesia © Tanzania By wal oefacdresrs aera fice sero eR Cia BT 2029 IC RCE coCeT qe TD Hee CHT TOTES YOM CTA TET ame ome) ore Fre Sem. Paradise, Desertion 6 By the Sea. filn which logic gate output is 1 when all inputs are zero? @AND @NAND OR @NOR Bae ir] AND Gate WE fe aeCwe NOT Gate <1 fea ete @aCeT NAND Gate 4 #17 Wi sxée AND 8 8 NOT TF eA NAND Gate ORME FIR) NAND Gate 4 Output &% (2) Tt 7ST Input 7 (0) BA | ATA OR Gate NOT Gate FAH NOR Gate Cf BW) NOR Gate 4 Output 4 (3) BET HT Input (0) LA! 8e.DNA is found in: Chromosome @ Lissome @Ribosome @Galel Complex. Ser] conan quer Betts WHE DNA. DNA 8 Gerace Sra wate CAIETT FS MS, a ft aet @) RNA BE CAPT FATT FAS aay 88.What isthe maximum —_ oper: transmission voltage (KV) in Bangladesh? petal @ 132 230 @ 400 a Roars corneas oie coer faPafee ere ree She Sw conte artace entails Breton eT) reat Brite comte meaaye 330 cos, 302 CPs, 203 CHE ¢ B00 cafe whe a aM CA EE TR 1 ACR HCAS Breiner CETOEE 800 COE) 8¢.The nature of electricity being produced using sun rays @AC @pc @ Both AC and DC ® None Ba fore] orers co xeon Berea feats, 77 Fara IE afore Rebar ers FoalAT Be | rr re Beene FS FETE Direct Current (DC) RH aM | se.cerat atbacatber @ tr © ctr over © coffins Be fare) coffin oe eae ufPaceee, a ¢ RETR CH STAGE BH Bo TOT, dead rer age eae orereersrs caf Cota ers CAT | AE, 398 FCT ATEN aediera Boca crea coat Dera wea BTA ecm Beer arreTTAe E RT| 89.Funetion of distribution sub-stations is to: @ step down voltage © step up voltage @ increase power @increase energy &.# Fa 2c Synchronous Machine WH FER ZOE ‘Bal Go) TON ST Step up transformer ot XT High Voliage-4 ae ar eT) AIBC High Voltage Transmission Line $3 M0 @1 HR ea BH A FAA TRL CMY AT RE | TMT aegece Sub Station-4 Step down transformer #8 arg RTA SACO AT By.“ RAPIS! #4 ATEN ore ora oom © oat a Be fora “RAPIS age rE BI PARIS, TBAT area OOH RA! ‘8p. Which one is not correct? @A+0=A @AI=A @A+A=l Be fret] rere TCT ET gray TATE BOA, AL oA At Ar) MALO AtAOK ANON Avd I AO OO 42-BREB has about ... consumers of the country ~KO% © I0% 3H paren: aavnrh cane fettsnsy WearICTS acm cee fae NY aon eo seit ofearaa ie Faye fam coos free Teamnra oi Fanporae cars af verione | 3. Which one is masculine word? & Mare © Lad © Pillow Pony 3 Masculine sender €M1 ‘Lad’ (away sae ‘minine gender 6 lass (Abasl) : Mare (CUB) 7 masculine yender €te harsehstallion (CTP) | Pillow (24) BOE newer yender ste pony (BIR CHTB1) e296 common gender 28-Fill in the blank of, “A seventeen years old is ot... {0 vote in an election”, ® as old enough & enough old @ old enough © enough older 30 Farm] SHER old enough arco arastia wane 94 ax. Cen a aA fora Comba gy tH aT €2.Which word remains same in plural form? @ Aircraft @ Intention & Mouse @ Teach 3.4 form} Airc raft, deer, sheep, swine, cannon, (ons EDN to salar fo ta BI Intention, mouse © teach $7 plural form OR WBA Intentions, mice, teaches. @8.“Enough is enough’ is used to mean: ®@ Continue & Stop © Continue until it is enough None 3. 4 IPE] “Enough is emnugh’ 4 No more will be tolerated 4 “rt aH, week eure. rerare worm Teme aig CHEM wY ‘enough is enough ' phrase-B yam FI) 40 Mrechure means “a, Ope Fe, Hae hare CH WA) “A somphios yy A) Opie UREN bare Re pag ea. Chhanye the mice of, Whe is calling, ner 6 Woy whan Vans calle” ( Whann ai Leal bf? 5 Soy who sen bbe cae” aa ferns Past continue Iaterraxative Sentence-C& Hrarive are fogm Ausiliary verh © sub being ~ sop hom 04 Part participle farm (1), we ie Passive fur BR by ahr note of interna am Fheing called? @4.°Once in @ blue moon” means: (© Rare iy 5 Mourly Pare) Once ino blue: mann’ 1% % Alway tdinm-Ba 44 yery rarely @r What is synonym of “Inc © Urge Int % Devsive : FT| Ince (Beles ey 68 synonym vor nsigate (Fab) 0m) Urge ee Be permite PRE; deceive. Fete a2 >. What type of noun is “Kindness”? & Abstract “ Proper % Common % Material ae fm rare vert 8 subject PREFER mie WAGE BI Abstract noun 94 cern meee th mess, ment, tion, ship BAI suffic CE eat panence Cy ket noun oer B09 abstract noun ‘¥o.*Alumni’ is the plural o © Aluminus © Alumnous & Alumnus % Alummse at 1] Alumni (814 Bia) XA plural form 8 singular form XA alumnus. FEMA, 2020 UF GF, 2080 29 Oe PTY ics TE Fir arr wr EF ‘sage Recent Job Solution” job Solution, oe aao Tea AW: Bota BR wales a 90 FAT HARE: 90.98.2039 afar: 300 4, slot the masculine gender, corn age ge afer Cora? witch ® mare @ aa rare GRA a Oren © bachelor = @efews @ ace waa ifra a farm ocafe —waseiline @ a9 cepa as “jactelor s (OR) oreeatire areqe Ba ser ct saree 2) SaaS ara) HOTS 29 CHa Oy oer ow oe foe cd CE) | Witch (%) rn wer “ec eT, ite ae ce cate “Gallion (IEF ) Mare (Ca¥) 32 CRU, seeg aca are oars rete oo rCock (TAA) | Hen (aa nica ee mt ara Na eT Eafe Identify the incorrect sentence, @ They are all but happy. He was in hurry. am in a fix. ‘The loss cannot be made up. Ba ser] oe (5) Tar STATE OR | TEAETE in hurry OF RICE “in ee hurry’ (HERA HC) phrase oer Tee oH BET) Awa wee REM AIT: He was ina hurry= OF TRC wT Ft 2. Wat aire ww Far LF RIOR FATS TTP 0 fr @ vo fra O80 frm © v0 fra Be Sara erst war ee brar Breer care PT BATE wate FIT) gery bra Aero CMe LT BURT A a TA CAT COTO STS WA CRT ae aces AIC AT RT SHE BT ES ar ae es ora ATTA IE 30-30 FE ST ahh ew BT fore at masa cree Bore FEF A ecea ait Rcre AAS ova BAP @ r030 1 @ 2030 7H 3099 ane @ 209% 7H on BRT] Bers Socaer aA oo AHTA 20% Wem away afarga rear 9 ba afoarTe P8CF Worlds Documentary Herritage $4 %t Memory of the world Register-9 Rai Bearer, song art BBCHTT Memory of the World Register cenarstt BT] ®7 | ary are erat STeeee wir eta, wre A atarar; STONB AE I STATE TT wren fafee weer “fees: am ag Tear eS oTey ICI FoF ere TET FP SEC RPA (B60) | . Find out the correct sentence. @ Sce the word inthe dictionary © The man has retuned yesterday © They have gone for a picnic. © Open page 50. Be Fret] SACLE AAT OF ART TAT They have gone for a picnic~ SFT FOSTER FATE CHR) ST SoPHTOETA GRAY (#) Look up the word in the dictionary. (®) Open at page 50. 4% (8) The ‘man returned yesterday. 4, The man died ... ancer. @ from @off @of @ for Bt (Diefor waeemen | [ we 7 arare 7 were Coren FoRe Die from | ofafoce wat Mw | Die of | ca, STR aT ACN HAT TCR [Bie by | eer STROH aRRerrere WaT ASAT r vw. crc rs aT aT AP @ Prfeen ora ome © cree Ba @ Bae arco Oe meray 8+ SO.SAARC set aH eH ca wece wes? om @ fife @ Rrra Orme By far oer oftare anette, itafee, arate e aegfow Say exe war Cate ommnyces TIEN MENTE FE 9 ARCUBOT FANN ART FEOF, Sabre FTC ‘AE aA rere HeCATFOT Ft (re) orem efeis a) a réya aa bs arene, ee, fears, Bseer, Zr, v STE Job Soutig aC ANON MF TS CHT Caray, al @xct é me + fora] teres wert ACY TOR ay ge are COP HEMT AEA, 2093 Te fy, aaah Cr RC ET TH He oe pe CT | Bonita Tat AN FEE THT COME Ce ‘sre at EP @ ofia rT @ Pe om cae @ PH BA CoH @ sibs cre Ba sibs onto Ae aM ST AB ay EE FHS OU AAT FANE BA BY ee fay arr SAR cate FAPwESICA 9/08 rH Fro ay cee wer ers a mT Fe CRE Fics ee re mendes srovira rte | gy afer ene eR MFCR CO CY aay Seria om Onecare ‘oman cae @am wee @ ar corer ay @ ewe Saber ea farer] 3aet wrcee aro Reorae corm oy “SERTTET STRCRCTT “core @ WI net Boman a | LAPT! UT FAC EE ToT, @ 5 Heme oy eer eraerecy a5? retreat ere ” @ aren BR. GICERT ANNEMTS aS Boy oA? Os Oona 35 @ AF oxen fret] earner oreer ate afeyrer ener ait | OFF Oran = “CHET @ BART Te (2008) EH 3993 TAT Brae aoReT Wee CRT ya aN aA wha eT OTT var MCR ARTE TS CAT SORE 8 COTTE | SH ae YS TTT Cora SHIRA IO PT war Ser: “oHermT HPA (S94), (2008), [ seater | away aremrr “AOE REIT (3009), "Yea FY, “CATS, “Frere Sr ara ee ] “a arnbta rote | O8.CaTA aFineDIcae RayP fer aa? So. ge eee eI Bi BN CIR FONT @mty © cmaes @ remy Our Qearaa @ acer Be oon Om Be fT] esha are com we rey eae | 88.CTTERICER com steer BoE Ry RO RIT POMGTIATE DP BUT BET SMI BATT own Oete BT Computer oR 4 Sw AWE Input. Ow Or aN Computer-CF RF err ATE wT CLE Ba fore] FF oe oe ae, Some, geyyy, FEO Fa BT OF Input device WA) FAME Input device &M: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, OMR, OCR. MICR Light pen ete. Wufice, CAGES a a PTT FOOTE a ae afomBE TA CE AT afte CY ER aN TH | 09. aaa ea Cara TM LM ICT? ort @ *fomgat Orert © afer Br eee Ice arr eroRTe war aor aa ‘ear OTe RE 8 oie Sur fier cteems Bs ACR Te wi | a MCAT IH 6 OE ATH For cor Bore ce | a.m Farrer Fre ar Fone mic ES? OA Oe oe ORT Sagem FF BeNOR ore eA saa sreTE ICE HF TO ate CC eS EY @ dsv0 @ savy @ savy @ sro Bx at . Joh Solution Ee S863 mene ee Apron eee cer en a WA RT PTS AIO “ar ra a SS oer Wer or Weer we, me aE MAT TT (3098) amex onary Gee FER AOR AE OHNE cet | cnt woe Fa ae POTRCE AIF TH oe BETTE TA CaCI rR corcRTRD a @ dm9z ome @ save Ba wie TE sea ote ee Fpneet (0990) IT! 0 aICaTT are syon od HOE TAT ABS ee ENF Sd30 oe | Fare Hrraten sel sre9H x7 cate scam seyeOd NCAT TTF Song Offerings mice Ae, 2092 FT BART OPT cece epee at Song Offerings om SFrer fice Becaar ae WB Yeats. “Aereter wreracer fing mera Becafe Hm wa OF GBH core 6 EEE aTHE cara a cor BBDre | Taare Sra Sooo mre Aoratre Reale TAF Song Offerings 47 By caIcaer 51 | a Con Rh Or TH orrecr @ar ofefrems @ afm Bs PT | __ CRTCTTe B ae 2.The opposite word of ‘pleasure’ is- @ merriment ® pain @ happiness ® hypocrisy ay OP) Pleasure (ane aa famare «te EAT pain (N/ CeFRT) | Merriment- ST=%; happiness 7M hypocrisy- Sart 26.9 ADE aE! ca? aha ya @ win Baha om mea Outer oy 8% POI] 2809 oneaa ore enceimera others aire GT ABE "a (sayy)! ya Cha sar SEIT aH EMT ATE BIALY 303-08 FTF Fe rere wea | ae ce He sree Say yt ay sac0 sme 39 BUT wae TH ore ER APE ATA Irvin Shaw WBE Bury The Dead (3208) wBrer TPCT sonia wae eR ae ‘ser AAP (2d83), “ET (2989), “AB cer (seco), “MERIT (Siu), ‘arene Bahr (3986), “TE | RASHES oT STEEL Free de aT? @vo ee @eo Ovo a ee IRD cei srpfe ow eeae se corer AB co mene rene TEE FS BCS Ca Re rTeTEenT Py Tere Bey Rate ee wet ee wore? arr | aera or @eo ox [Reo _ [rate acta om] areca om x pre Sica eee at a ews vere ow a Ker 38-85 | evar aC ne ery er AR The adjective form of the word ‘sun’ is- pane ee FOES FAT TT ® moral @ lunar ap pfafanena whmrpf err caf ee war solar ® collar Bt Soa A TIE [Wats iain Ades) | Orminne onenee Hoon fata a ee [Sin ola pi [Earth Terrestrial : Reateorercs a6 ger wr on i uminous/luc ear ft gC BCT 7 Light Luminous/tuci ae ere BAe wae afta Om att %eSelect plural number. Cah Ot AREATIA BI | @ index ® mice ‘oa eat recat ® medium ® scenery aq = oeme @ peat orem Plural owner ae Indices @ a1 oT ered CHT SALE? Medivam (7&7) Media one are Mouse Si) Mice Caen : AO eer cat FRO TAT =A? @ doer faa BOTT ae Sra @ oenten ee @ areren dt Freer Osea @ omers fl 998 Wor wee) SF coo wow Raed BRT (OT) ¢ Beran (carers) ais Sta SOT eres Fawr wey ae gare, fafa, Ba, BAe 6 Hee eToFE eH fet | STE HOTT rao wom Barc erates | >. “Garretts” fr Omtor ras — @ FM AEE Orme OmpmaaT ot Faren] co S571 fice aren ex een er OTe BSH CHA ITOTS THT 1 CONTA: CONTET OTE | Doane CHB aie creraere yfscmaR HT wer Os or Osten @ewew owe ee faret] aeorerens afore sere rere em © warerens Tetoram 90 NT, Bae He CHE We OF Fa WETITETH crore em BAT eT) gt ter Farad (9 om), Ba Sow (or wa), a OT (090 a) 6 By ae (aay BH) | BERT, & eH, 03s Fe Tere Pere sere sree sie ares mfr we wa (Ba Tou), ae oD (Fa Fears), atom inet (a erShe) @ carers Shea (a 218) an crore afer 41 >9AtOe CEE TH CHT ARCH BHM HC ga ACR CR, aby erontire tar erm oan one Our aa Oe RF svae oF » oe GRA Are area Sony fof wea mere TOA OTe AT Aer Fampara ee 1 2) iter Bie: A coare way Ae ero ara FSR AH AUST OTT DI MAS HA CTSA RA | RIG Dee AB come wey A arora wer Hom 08M STH BMT He WA ORSTT BT ©) OTe He: A coats war Her eroTTT ATCT BG ee BET LOTR DIM HTS A OHGAT BA) 8) WH capes Fer: ab conta war Aer eroTTH arab eG “Ra AST OTT Bi ATS AH orem 3, RNS core carate? @ carrey usa omer @cmrm Fae fare) eR corer were foe corera fox @ CRE TET CHET CRE | RR MIA @ CareTeT BST RT corer) 30.60 PM Be BHF SIC A? @r @8-8.¢ @e-8 @ve Y HE Job Souig, Far] amy ice ar a eft 9 FO aE ar HE TH | AT ST AE TH yy OUT FIOH 0.0 - 8.01 3c FCoE TIER FRTHTE CA FAR te eat atas Oat | Q@when cients Orem 5, wren GPRTBS arc BAI oy aah zon (6 (DTT), se (alien GarAGEH (Chlordane), BEAT (Dieldrin), ate (Endrin), FAC (Lindane) 98 Cobra, (Heptachlor) | Se HTH CHECKS ofecee aoe ao CI SB whaTTE ty acre (Sara) FTE A, OT THI we AEBS ECT FGA FETATT STC d¢.Which of the following phrases is correct? @Buythe buy @buy the by @by the by @byethebye 3 2&8 phrase-P ze By the by (RETR); 30 POTENT HCH eT HASHES CHA? em om oom oxmat te aE MOR TOE. PTY R= TAT, EF OTR, RACH Te, MPT OM, TS BT, FI AS (mapa AC Pa Te we TE ‘srnrer Recmce (BES aT RITE | resin mer GI ae AS Oct fme — @ mfr an aren SIT OVE oT F Beeb vite facors aor rerrnt f 2380-80 GH dBe3-00 crm aera wey ear | fale Fences wear fice abe x ‘History of the Second World War’ 4% #0 S800 FCP RCT CET pH ATS A | Se FITTER eH eUT COTA oe RA? @ afte +6 © fear @ are Ba fore] cx are arse eterra aragea age BF Cree TTT BAECS AAC care IRE SH BEATS 6 er wat coe aera fafoare A wae wera Ree Ue an ee wee BF SHC tT SPAETH aRETS Fists TF HOT ERCA TT so fey Ste ait a coray @ NAM Sewer eee oT @ ak cen ak et © patter mater FT 438 a 34, i ® a j OTA «g04e Job Solution eA FRET HOT ET TCR eb ‘afte 7H? @BRRI @ BINA @BIRI @ BARI Bw Bangladesh Agricultural Research institute (BARI) Weenencmra oat Go a 3098 ror efoto te, afer, af, , 8, COM, IR, army fate, GFE 8 SPT EFT IE HG | om mer De TCR TATE LAT yy @ 30-30% @ 90-20% 20-20% @ 80-80% Be fren] ay care wer HAAOS FI re Carer acer) dre ATA ATCA TT ER ay ay Hae a7 RCE SITS Ta OR THIET my Fecore ayaercas we Ftc AAT Fe a arbres Dafa HAR CRATE OF LAT fey 20-80% TE TA go. sarre Teo BRT ‘CTA CHP @ aren @ ware EH @ fete sa = @ GAA BH 99 RTO CLEP TT BT HABTR? @ Bert Te @ fey aE @ns Om Be fare] arearencers “cermree cares’ ater afew file Te) coe Carats Bar OETA TE are AYA) say ar aera afsfereere BYES BT aa bot re cae er BAS HA A HEAT HOTT fas rere wa ee Fa" Ze 92.2 Sa BM ICR? our om Ore om Be ORT] STH CST cm aT oT A AGT LAE BH BIC PIG eT) Tw HR AE Wore a0. aver form ate? own emu @ cer @ ae 98.1 got the work ... by him. @ have done ® done @do @tobedone 4 Get causative verb (acme FT TITS aa OF ACH TIAOF object MF ree AE verb- past participle form 1! AR sub + get (any tense) + TEABF obj. + ¥* JOM TINE done wAras 1 gor the work dase by him. SH ora erat TOR whim Fey | i ee > ssa aft 118 TO OMe far ee as Gig 20 WD. 090 7 cae ee ITCAT MBP sree Pre on ee 8 2009 ON MT SOTEET een een AE BTS ee om @ur SF acon wre «eB are, a memo pars © PTET swe meEpcY eee 1 FOSTER BITe Gam eee Org Som ae et ofS | es sw CORT OTN gp aa8 STRETCH BA Sorear Seam, Tae, fave, wearey, Gere arm raeere oa Guiry o BTSE Tm areca ares pace BET CHEER AIM AB er Bangladesh Instiute of Nuclear griulre (BINA) Sey er mamta he FeatemTTRR areren sf 2H Bangladesh Rce Research Institute (BRRI) 340 HICH sob em, ma He Req omiges SES! Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) sea Her fete a a TSI eca APES €8.The doctor who treats heat patients is clled fan- af oud 3 4 @ urologist cardiologist i Se ee ee rerrenhr Be | x 7 mo TH | [ Crinary Specialist | Urologist SHARE) a: Walk-out’ “ema ett ofereray Heart Specialist | Cardiologist (Aa FOS) gee © Pure 1 Diseases Specialist | Pathologist (EST) cen, atone ee | LNemeSnecalist | Neurologist EE) (oR SRC HCH ATRIA RC cS. A wR exe TERE OA © wrevere wey ay af om Ba the book “Hamlet” is a- novel © drama collection of stories ® collection of poems ta fore] Beaty afecera arab Bree William Shakespeare 5S farsTe Tragedy A Hamlet Shakespeare 4 *Bree west Hamlet (the rotagonisy a crm Prpcare aeearees AA wen eomren) aBrer CIT Hamlet Fears Beare fren ORCS AR BA, A APACE BACTS ive weeces Shakespeare 4% SAT Tragedy Pere xe Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet ete feu te Seman are efebrs cori? = BARI @BRRI ©BADC @BINA e4 Ae) remem gt Samar ecicaner (FAP career wearer Be TACT Reais ath rete AOR: MOOT TE Tare ate Samer acon FACT 3Pv> CT ie ex wae wae ace FReafeP (Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation) Fr any aa ener fier eT AES! cesIeTCTE Tani ARCs of CE A Ga rE aT? omm our @ T3 omit as 8.To join two words are used- @ colon @ semicolon @ dash @ hyphen al for] 22 word co Ie PAE Iphen TERE (455 Left-handed well-to-do, pick-me-up ROT ea ations ste gi THEN Fa oT TOR ew @vt ae of Ba de mec gt fen CAE @ orem sat @ oem ae @ RT TIE @ re CT BF feat wr af frm aceon sar, “REP. 2 af’ CHM FUE oo 7M CT 30 LET eee are) “8 Fre TE STAC | en AE SOTA HHT SOT STE A T- @ fe om aw ow ay wo. ca fe eT STA FETA CO? @ seq EA HTH G B.C HERTS Ogetort OS Mena 3.0 arr aren eh er BRT APS PATRI eo aeren Me CH TTS ey OFF, MEPERH IMT HA odo MEH CTT onto GRA TEA IR O92 ATH RACH ear Beir BAA TR 2030 TM CY ME ST rear SATS BT aes fre} Sew 6 sie when Ua IS HH SHA AeBTE past continuous see WTAE past Indefinite tense 28 aca ae Te ETE ST Sa MES 1 Tom ARTA was writing 77! 90.She still remembers the day when she first .« to Ramna park, went @ was going gone © going 3. fore] sStowem corm wba afar Past indefinite tense WEE BH TOA MATRIC went PHA | 38.1 have just hired a typewriter and 1. type now-a-days, @amleaming —_—_ @ have learnt @ leamt ® will learn Be GBH Now nowwardss, right now, at presen MR OR TERT COTY BT BATE wer ver-fB4 present continuous tense 1 3¢.Columbus ... America @ discovers @ discovered @has had discovered @ had discovered 8, ¥ fren) carr erste war afar verh om past inite tense TERE Bi wae HARTA verb 4 past form WER discovered TAC | >b.We...a friendly cricket match in the evening. @ were playing have played @played @areplaying Bt vice wee area wae BATE verb 44 past nite tense | EWE ATRIA played A | We played a friendly cricket match in the evening omar Rice ae Ate face are corte 1 34.How many glasses of milk ... yesterday? @ you have drank — @ were you drinking @did you drink @doyoudrink 8,1 forer) ate Remte yesterday. ago, long since last (week, month, year) RSF adverb WT Bea eMeLT verb $F past indefinite tense Wi YEA THEA did you drink WET! How many glasses of milk did you drink yesterday?- EFT iB are ary gu one erate? 3v.Carpente @ Runner » Sneakers @ Seamstress : Scissors @Lawyer: Brief — @Painter: Brush 8% fare] Carpenter (FPS) Come saw (BATE) fice ae an Be Coat Tailor (AFB) scissors (1B) fren a4 UB) Runner (GAGA): sneakers (FAN CHEAT FS): lawyer (MRR): brief (remurA AG): painter (FEAT): brush (BA) 1 w SATE Job Soitig, 3b. Judge : Courthouse Carpenter : Bench @ Soldier : Garrison © Physician : Infirmary @ Gun; Hand g foreT) Judge (PORE) 48 PET AMT Courting, famine), Be cox physician (Beer) wget TA infirmary (FFA)! Carper, (#8): bench (C8): soldier C1): ganige (28); gun (PRR): hand (TE) | 30.My friend and me study together during holidays. el @I myself @ myself @No improvement 3,¢ fare] areAe verb OF EF pronoun 8 subjecne form (1, we, he, she, they) WH! Oa: are aay me 68 MC { TAEET ATE ABE REI My fiend and 1 study together during holidays. yx frac eras af ae Saf emnTe BT wi, ‘23.1 had never realized that if an innocent act like this could land a man into trouble, @ that even an innocent act @ what an innocent act @ what an innocent act @ No improvement Be Cae Hea (F) WTA underlined FA Bagy replace We wey wagt a area ee. aft wee gure ofa CF ORT SF Bae IR BANC OT CORTES C8 | &.Predictions twenty years ago that the Phonograph record was about to becom obsolete have proven to be true. @ Predictions twenty years ago that © Predictions twenty years ago @ Twenty years ago, predictions that @ Predictions, twenty years ago ae 2. (1000)' + (10)! = 2 ©10 @ 100 ® 10000 ® 1000 us 1000)" = (10)"" dey sag" = 10"! + 10!* = 19°" = 19° = 1000 38.1 a’ = b, b’ = c, and c= a, then the value of xyzis- @1 @0 @abe of 8 PRR] orem aITR, a = b, bY = caac =a a8 Job Solution Bc oa % AV: aut: po FRAT SS ee a aT erste @ TARA aero garth Omen en fren] Or rT ARB at mM, cr ora ad eae SER SIAC MOT, OF STATE fone RTT AT ATT STAT ACTER) re IRCA ante Wore eres For “HS ar oo Seon B65) 0 Bre eS RCN sn TT, eS ORT, FOR GUAT, BOE BET, safe GOT OD, HR AT ATE AT acter wey wrath ot era ea em ST CRED erie @aeFe out @ eth ess a] yer ngres “aaTAT Srey BOS ACH wa ee nora wer ony Oey nfbe RATE OTeR: FEA ACAIAN > AER — ferent srafee — anita srrote art — a8 ao rein or — eTBie eToy —> OMB eMIGE —> RB ere > a arEP — TOT! ara a “eat gee ae CH HTH TF ACARD ean Ons O8e @19 BA feeie @ dav @ 200 ee ca par] TAA Se 9 CH, Sirsd HE (aE 20 Peart, sae) wre cargricer favre set ofa | waptet war) wage Sree srpreaité fae eu sno) mT ae METS swat afro em 3033 em FOF 9 PD, yb8 FTTH (MAM: 22-ATIT, 308) PIF 327 Sofited areas HAT) >, cfr aa ewer ome oan @ wf aH far ‘ow “eee afore: aes, af, OT Fe 4 | 30, SUT Mew fre stem Boor CHAE? oor ours @ rar Ost Be gooitapfager arnt Se @ ve ST @ seer ema ofa Ba ® Fill in the blank (Questions 12-17) 'y3.When the Principal entered the class, student ...on the blackboard. @ wrote @ was writing @ writes @ is writing Be avo baer Rep cad corn etftrmibce fe ac? OP Ge OF wR @ 5 coer OF ofr, oF vb. The headmaster was angry ... the students. @ for @at @ with @by Bt fore) “area ae aewyarnbee 906 angry a reposition RACE with TBE Bi The headmaster was angry with the students- #7 Prove wrnedicn re PRT | vb.Itis 10 o'clock ... my watch, @by @in @a @of uF fore] ‘conan ER SLAC careICe preposition ROC by TARE Be) Tome WE METER CAAT by watch Fi It is 10 o'clock by my watch- ara STE BT aT | Be fora] 3399 cer arememory uae og Bare ST TAT Wer TT eAicora Cr CATA 392 HICTT & BME eTCTe aA Wa arecoT coe ROT gfe om DOAN tation ee ER wraTAAd erm Bee FRE Se @ 80 @seo @s8e @ see il sree aor Sati AR: at cer ace VRB cae aT BATE TERTIT Pa wie maT) aaTee wre vals war ae Say ye eae Ror wr TECw Be oH we MEE THT FHA GA TAR OF SA BW |G SEAT RMCe co FG MF 380%3¢0° BRAREE errr See Rea BIE co? MATA STAT RCH TC BHATT AS BT) co HARARE aT Free areca a et 3/0 fia AB AT | DL. TA ow? ear @ met @ anf Ost By fora] om aan: errs, are, Se? ) ‘yo. The synonym for the word ‘tender’ is- @ strong ® robust @ soft @ hard Ba fURST] Tender (COMP *B) o% synonym RAM soft (GAIA) | Strong. “REA: robust- FB: hard- airy wT SAFE Job Solutio, eT ACHE OH CH we ateaney Beare @ PRS Fee own at Oxmrmnt yy nee cea ‘ezemn @ Rea ora © FIBA 8 BIH sre) FACrA a ABT oe KC ATTA apy, aperard BIT CHITESCH (KCI) Fibege a or a pe. Bitcra or SamTOeMTe of Boy ae @N,P.K @C.H,0 @ Ca, Mo, S @ As, Hg, Si Re xray 8 Soma Tres Tega, oe fe 9 same Baus aa Tog ee are yr, BH, fig Beormcaa oy wofterd ee ay exarce ia ore ee Bae SICH wars orca my ere Sheena worremy ae Acar acm, Sieerr werenrdix sremrenarr on SUB) me. mecca (Ny, BIEN (K), BEAT (P), area (Ca), *arrtcatorar (Mg), FEF (C), RTT (Hy, fMCET (0), ATHTA (S) @ NE (Fe) | wafer, Sie welts ger war cme Samm aEe araTaT ares icra ea wee MTR) ale a GUAT: FBT (Zn), RATT (Mn), CATE (Mo), BI (B), SPT (Cu) GPR (Cl) 1 data aes wer Sa Ee afte we FE PUTA eT sfBS eM? @ ora 2 0 oat Ome Be for 9% exe mepar Armies ob Bar REE aefte wa oNey aT BE NTE wheres ie ey) decor sa GHP Bret cele Tee ACTED @ rar Orme or © iter ® @ Brera ue doo.Rerer car Fett semen tere eet ‘Beer eH a? @ fists © subs Ons ‘exert Be BMT] 2h AT, 399 er eererery OT “sb Solution Shen cutting 8d pasting, cating see Mnporarily stored Spashbourd Hard Drive clipboard © Pointer 7 ey Clintoard BBE RAN wn a Fee SF coco Dare 7 oe ger Penc oe apt SOOT BT MC | SER THT CTF Program Edit Menu O* Cut 3 Copy ars fica corr F image 8 CF HIE Daa File Pee en FF, 29 B Clipboard-s 7 sa.The blinking point which shows your position in the tents called- @ Blinker ® Causer @ Cursor © Pointer Ba goWhere was the first tannery village of Bangladesh established? @ Gazipur @ Savar @Narayangonj — @Keamnigoni_ 8. fret] 3984 ort ore ar Ore oT rare TAL RT ATE aw araaTE ‘ora Bra ar arene Brews Few cee cH | sra8ire soco Hera om orers eroraarer Barf ra artery OF BA 48,Which of the following is the world’s largest company in terms market capitalization? @ Apple @ Facebook @ Microsoft © Walmart we Barer) > fier, s99u FCT PES HI, CATA SHIRT 6 FS oatrure “ect Apple Inc. efebr wea oe we Hees ToraTEBa erica SARS | Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) $4 5, 2033 wre afar pera, eve Faorea Fart HE ee roti Apple. sfebratea wearer yee “FT 2 Gia ware @ afecana ETH, HC OF For were AH raraceet (EMT 3.0 fre BaF) 6 arRcamPreD (ert 3. Pry BA) | 82.As an alternative to Facebook, Bangladesh is s0ing to launch its own social media platform named- G Jogajog @ Alapon Pipilika @BD Community &.* we carer sryfe aCe CMT ware array RPE Feetert STATON Conger Fee frame comme Atom sort “croncast tefier carest coat wa 1 a FRASHT MTCT Gene Sram wes, Bare. CAMEMEONA ST awa fcr er at rare rae MCAD CaP 381 tot ware oa lace, aot atest Face cas cacat @ RA aT-TE 038 ME Bie, AY RC CAA TY “EN | Freres arerecea earn a8 Best» 2039 orm em) S8.Bangladesh has recently been lected t0 which post in the 76" session of the UN General Assembly? @ President @ Vice-President @ Treasurer © Keynote Speaker 8. + 88, Which was the host country of Copa America 20212 © Brazil © Afgentina @italy @ Columbia a fora sae once abe arcateern orfioraratae ae Bal Ga eT) ar Sea eT PAcaPoR aT Bar BD cater TCR | 2039 CH CHIT TENET Boon aire aIcaTare com afer 9 efecarere nfm CET | ‘8¥.‘My Life’ is the autobiography of- @ Mahatma Gandhi @ Bill Clinton @ George Washington ® Donald Trump 8. % fare] yore saew adinfe feet femteme ACEH ATT My life. GB 2008 He oh >.Which Country is the highest exporter of natural gas from the Middle-East? @ Qatar Saudi Arabia @ iran @ lraq as fara} US Energy Information Adminisration- 2021 efecorm sraMe, weeMEDTA OMT wee acon ca eA oP aT a) OM 08. Fm on Yee aT as, AC 7 wa TERE 3,2 FET @o. What was name of the first temporary capital of Bangladesh? @ Meherpur @ Mujib Nagar @ sythet © Dhaka Be Farrer) aera cern eregrih arererah IMT Far EE caerea spo a Bre RACH FEATS BTETT S errata ofwcre ef ARICRE PACH 3949 ATE 30 fae “afer ee oh AT eT 39 fe, S09 MF AST MA LS |

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