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Voice Based Email System For Blind People



Design Engineering II A (3150001)

Team ID:439938

Submitted by
Patel Jay (211250116008)
Patel Zeel (211250116010)
Domadiya Meet (211250116007)
Patel Divyesh (221253116018)

Sapariya Urvi (211250116011)

Guided by

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet

Department of IT Engineering
Shree swaminarayan institute of technology, GANDHINAGAR

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Patel Jay Enrollment No 211250116008 of Semester

5th , Department of IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the work under

the “Voice Based Email System For Blind People” in Design Engineering I B

(2130005) course with in the four walls of the Institute.

Internal Guide Head of Department

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet Dr. Ramesh Prajapati
Department of IT Engineering Department of IT Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Patel Zeel Enrollment No 211250116010 of Semester

5th , Department of IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the work under

the “Voice Based Email System For Blind People” in Design Engineering I B

(2130005) course with in the four walls of the Institute.

Internal Guide Head of Department

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet Dr. Ramesh Prajapati

Department of IT Engineering Department of IT Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Domadiya Meet Enrollment No 211250116007 of

Semester 5th , Department of IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the

work under the “Voice Based Email System For Blind People” in Design

Engineering I B (2130005) course with in the four walls of the Institute.

Internal Guide Head of Department

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet Dr. Ramesh Prajapati

Department of IT Engineering Department of IT Engineering

Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Sapariya Urvi Enrollment No 211250116007 of

Semester 5th , Department of IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the

work under the “Voice Based Email System For Blind People” in Design

Engineering I B (2130005) course with in the four walls of the Institute.

Internal Guide Head of Department

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet Dr. Ramesh Prajapati

Department of IT Engineering Department of IT Engineering
Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology, Bhat


This is to certify that the Patel Divyesh Enrollment No 221253116018 of

Semester 5th , Department of IT Engineering has satisfactorily completed the

work under the “Voice Based Email System For Blind People” in Design

Engineering I B (2130005) course with in the four walls of the Institute.

Internal Guide Head of Department

Prof. Vyas Khushbhoo Meet Dr. Ramesh Prajapati

Department of IT Engineering Department of IT Engineering

Voice based Email System For Blind People

The contribution made by this research has enabled for blind people to send and receive voice
base email messages in their native language with the help of computer or mobile device.

Figure No Figure Description Page No

1.2 AEIOU Framework 6
1.3 Mind Mapping 8
1.4 Empathy Sheet 9
1.5 Ideation Canvas 10
2.1 Product/Process Development Canvas 12


Chapter No Chapter Title Page No

Chapter 1 Problem Definition
1.1 Introduction of Domain 5
1.2 AEIOU Framework 6
1.3 Mind Mapping 8
1.4 Empathy Sheet 9
1.5 Ideation Canvas 10

1.6 LNM Canvas 11

Chapter 2 Possible Solutions

2.1 Product Development Canvas 12
2.2 Prototyping 13
2.2.1 Version 1 Customer Revalidation 13

Chapter 3 Enhancements
3.1 Future Enhancements 14

Chapter 4 Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion 15
Chapter 1 Problem

1.1 Introduction of Domain:

The Navigation system uses Text to Speech for blindness in order to provide a navigation
service through voice. Suggested system, as an independent program, is fairly cheap and
it is possible to install onto smartphone held by blind people.

1.2 AEIOU Framework :


1.3 Mind Mapping:

1.4 Empathy Sheet

The employee management system project was a hit among users, who found the
system intuitive and easy to use. One user, a new hire, noted how the system made their
onboarding process smoother and more efficient, allowing them to quickly complete their
paperwork and get up to speed on company policies. Another user, a manager, praised the
system's performance management capabilities, which allowed them to track their team's
progress and provide feedback in real-time. The employee management system project was a
success not only for the company but also for the users who interacted with it on a daily basis

Sad :
Sarah was excited to start using the new employee management system at her
workplace. She had heard all about its features and how it would streamline the HR processes.
However, when the system was finally implemented, it was riddled with bugs and errors,
causing delays and frustrations for the entire team. Despite numerous attempts to fix the
issues, the system remained unreliable and Sarah found herself having to manually track
employee data and requests, defeating the purpose of the system entirely. The project had
promised so much, but ultimately failed to deliver, leaving Sarah and her colleagues
disappointed and disheartened.
1.5 Ideation Canvas


Chapter 2
Possible Solutions
2.1 Product/Process Development Canvas:

Fig: 2.1

Chapter 3
3.1 Future Enhancements
➢ There is a wide future scope of this system many enhancements can be done in the
system such as including different languages, including functionality of accessing the
deleted mails and spam mails.
➢ Furthermore sign language system can also be integrated with the system to make the
system more scalable and robust.
➢ We can also implement this system on android.

Chapter 4 Conclusion

➢ This employee management system can be used by any user of any age group
with ease of access.
➢ This system overcomes many drawbacks that were faced by visually
challenged people such as sending and receiving emails. Success of this
project can make an impact on developers motivating them to make something
useful that can help visually challenged people.

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