7 - Difference - Raise and Rise

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Ask a Teacher: Raise or Rise?


Have you ever been confused by the verbs “raise” and “rise”? Both words mean
“to move upward." They also sound similar. But we don’t use them in the same

I would like to know the difference in meaning between “raise” and “rise” and
when to use one or the other

That is a great question and something many English learners wonder about.
The short answer is that “raise” is a transitive verb and “rise” is intransitive.

To answer your question more fully, let me begin by giving you

the dictionary meanings of each verb:

To raise means to lift or move something or someone upward. It also means

to increase.

To rise means to move upward or to increase.

Notice that “raise” includes the words “something” and “someone.” That’s the
big difference between the two. With “raise,” something is causing the upward
movement of something else, whereas with “rise,” the cause is not stated.


“Raise” is a transitive verb, which means it takes a direct object. A direct object
is a person or thing that receives the action of the verb. Here is an example:

Adriana raised her hand when she had a question.

Here, the subject (Adriana) is causing the object (her hand) to move upward.
Here’s another example:

The restaurant raised dinner prices for Valentine’s Day.

The subject (the restaurant) is causing the object (dinner prices) to increase.


On the other hand, “rise” is intransitive. It is never followed by a direct object.

Here’s an example:

Warm air rises.

Here's another example:

Swedish stocks rose after the election Monday.

Looking at the stocks example, we can see there is a cause for the rise of
stocks, but we do not directly state it in the subject-verb-object way do with

Notice that the past tense of “rise” is “rose.” That’s because the verb is
irregular: rise, rose, risen. But, “raise” is regular: raise, raised, raised.

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