Power Cycles Reviewer

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APPLIED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. ENGINE POWER CVCLE | A Camot cosine requires 35 KW fiom the hot source. The engine produces 15 KW of power and ‘the tempera of he snk 26°C What isthe perature ofthe ho sus? AMSEC ICI €.2802 1.20047 ‘Solution: Te=264773= 20K Eficeney — =WK/Qs [Te] To 15/35=[T 4 209]/Ty ae026e 2 A Camot cgines uss nitrogen asthe working matium. The hat suppl is 53 KI and the abate capasion ratio fy 6. The recive tempente i 295K, Dacenine he Herat ‘fciney. K= 1.399 (tale) A.0.60 R096 ©0896 D.09%6 Given: Qx= 33K) = Vis Ve 399(able)N> Vee -W6'=0.659 The oat add during the eye is 98.48 KJ. Detemise the net powcr develope. A.S30KW B50: CMs D.350 kta) 00 rpm — (9011200)= 0.566, 359K [NetPower dev = 63.59 KiyeleeyeloelSre nin nin se] = 530 KW 44. A.hoatengneisopenting on « Camot cycle and has them efceney of 7% The waste sat fom this cegne Is oct to a mary aks at ISC at arate of 14 KW. Determine the powcr ‘up. recog na az Das Seton Wenet= ef.) © [WKnet Qa = eWKns ee Wknet—eWKnet=-eQe Wence =] =20e Wnet=eQ./1-2= 0.7514) 07s oKW 5 Ahoatcngne is oponting on « Camot cycle and hat thea fisioncy of 75%. The waste ant from tis caine is ejced a neaty lke a ISC at aa of $00 KJ/min. Decrmine Be teapenurcof te source. Sotto . e=1-Tim wa 8/1075 = 1152K 6. Consider to Camot heat engines operating in sos. The fist enue ecivs het fm fhe resrvcr at ISO0K and reject the was heat t acter reservoir at temperature T. The scond ‘agin receives this energy rejected by the fis one, comers sme of 9 work, and rice fe Festinsreservor at 00K. Ine tormal ethcieney ot bots engines the samo, temine AvTSIK ast Ons Dus? e-l- TM es quae e,andes; = (18e0]=1 3007] ‘TUs00~T)= 180067 — 300) oot T= 1s00T~S40900 T= $40,000 TH 15K Isat Calla the tonporaur of te cold seroi. (4p! 97) B22 e208 pom Qe -Qq Te-T 130-49 _ 1160-7, ao 1160 ‘The temperate atthe bepinning ofthe compression press OF Otto eyek wih & compression Ilo of 8 is 300K, the prssu is | har aud te eins volune i 360 em The asians ‘temperatuduring thle is 2000K. Determine themeaefetve pressure 18) 607 bars 5) 7.06 67 D708; Solution. 8. Condor an Ot eet in which compression rao ie 10. Atte begining of compression, T [DSK and P, =I bar Dung he eee the Isa oat sdiion of 1300 Kg Detrmine the maxim tomperturataiod during the eye. 4) 119K ByIODK, cy 110K Dy 190K Tea Tinh = 208(10/4= 7485K a=6-T) T= qc.+ T= 000.718 + 485 = 2550K T= Tali 2559(/10/4= 1019K 10, 4 4eylndor,4-sroke On eycle engin tas 2 bor of 6 mm and a soke of $4 mm. The ‘earnce volime is 13% and te crankshaft rates at 3500 apm, At the begining of ‘Smpressin, T) = 27C and P. = [0OKPa, The macmm tmpertze inthe cyte fe 2250K, Determine the net power dcvloped by he caine A) 28SKW Dyas = 104.69) =2068K (Ut)*= 6518(18.08)"*= 315 8KPa (PD) =0.13(0423)~ 000286 ms fer Power= [PW BW. BN. Pw]! PA: —PWV.n + PwVin PS) VP. —Pins Pa, DiI ’. P. v 11. Calculate Som the follwing dat, the ky ofa perky of ful ual by an autmcile engine: ar Tempera Is 2.80 Naromet reach 740 tm Hg, aif enecng 175 Mn, Sass ANI gk By 1545 OAs py2ias sm -PVRT (101.325 1.75) 0.287)2045)= 2008 Kgnin Ims= px ¥=0.735 (000) x(001425)(60) = 0.1746 kg kesh r= 2.098 01746 02 12 A spai-inton engine produces brake power of224 KW wieusig 00169 ks ef fil. The Fuad has a higher Pats alu of $4,186 Ekg and th expe has a compression rab of 8. The flows power hst is found whe 224 KW. etn he adcasd hea eee Avis 52% O38 Dia ‘-WK./Qu=WK./ rmx Hy =(224 +224) (101693 44,186) =33% 13 The volume i the clearance space of 15240 rm « 254.0 nm Ons 28 engine i 1.70 srs. Frad te ideal thomal efficacy of the caine onthe sandal a basi fe exponca ofthe ‘expansion andconpression ines 15. Exess pecot, Vo =I 4] tore (stoke) f2/$] 1 S24m (254m = O00865ay ; 8 FC) /C= (1 0.3658) 03659= 3.726 . = 1137268" = 360% 11, Anu engin hs larance wolune of 7%, Itpreduces 300 KW power. Wha she amount of estrone nKW? Hap i528" 4 =Wa/Qs a= Wa /2= 300 0.68 = 452 KW W=O.-O% 300 32 QI KW thermal efciecy of 4.5% and retest athe ae of 520 KI far sed The ens asa sine elds wit bore of 72mm anda stoke of SS mn. The presse and tember te begining of eampressonare 98 tar and 6°, espeaively. Dasrmine he engine clara Ginen = 545% Pia 98 KPa SHOR d-o072 Tae 339K T=0085m cote) a 16, Atthe begining oF he compression proces of Dsl eye cpering with a compresion rao ‘of 8, he mperaure i 300K andthe presse & O-IMPa, The eutetT ratio forthe eye is 2 Ay 0362 ‘B06 oes D036 TTS = [00\18) = 955.3% f=T r= 95530) =1906 6K Tf np = 008 42/18 *= OK H[er. 1) eT) 1702-300) / 1 11008.6-058 3 17. An slrstandand Diese! Cycle operas ith ¢ compression iio of 1S. The maximum este What ithe cata? A B23 ois D237 Te Tat!=G13X03) = 924.637 BeeWWs= WT =1979006557= 203 18. A supschargosstvcytnce ur stoke cyte est engine oF 10% om Dore and 12.7 em sake ‘pm, the scale reads 81.65 kg. 286 kg of fel of 45822 20 Ki heating value are burned during 2'ormmn ts and ar meted pth cline atte mate oF 182 kgs. Fad the rake thermal 0a nose com 0337 Sole: ‘Te Toad x lever arm ~[815kg x 981N/Ag 053m) = 42728N-m 042725 Km Brake Power ~2auf = 2rd fev. 500 cr'soe (042725 KN-m) = 111854KW Mass of fact m=? Sg /6(0)s= = DOOTISK, oe [Bake temmalemcency — brake power’ mx HV, TILASEKW/ [000794 kgs x452220 KU] 030 0.7% 19, Aa entine operating n a-standard Dies cyetehas a compression mio of 17. Th maximum ad mininum cycle temperatures a 1620 and 48°C, espostvly. If he maximum cycle Pressures 5 ar cal te ext-of mato. ‘his erie is 4% whe opcering at 60 pm. determin he mea effete pressure A26IKPS Ba C25 0.66 Solution PD ~ story (seokeKnorking eohes}ie.¢1) A TRSAO IO THEO) 15.27 min =0255 mise as officl hating valu tie =m xg. = 803600) 520,600 5, 16657 KW et /PD £0.) 7D =0.4(146.67)/0255=260KPs Mep 21, Thor are develope 1.063 RW 21267 pm by an 8 cylinder, 2 take cycle draenei siz of 40.64 em X5030 om. Huss 4.94 hy in offi wi eating alu of 2.571 KU. The serap indica mepis 352 KPa. Detine the indicate powerin KW. AGW BIBT C8 D.IB6 Hot aided. Q =x, 4.98kgimin(42571Kka) 10300 74K ain=305KW Piston document, PD = bor) (rote workingstrkes\(n0 cy) ~n 404064) (05084267 6098) Mep.x FD 562(235) =1RIKW Indica Power. IP headend dea cener positon. Caleula the percent ckarnce soar BD C750 Dos Soke fr Compson fae oes {B28 ae ve te} “Go Sobving fr Poco Ceance pwd Mitte tatty 41 Tee 1202-54 rme=c+1— nere-c= eer ALEKW all ory p33 Given Para 1024KP2 4025 0-754 (027(5802)460) = (as148.885) P= BLITKW 24, A305mmx 457 mim fourstoke single sting ese engine ed 150 KW st 260 rm. Fuel eneuption trod nad is 0.26 kg KWh witha wing vue of 912 Kitky. Cala the AsLa3% B63 caus Diss Given: 159 KW a 260 rn ‘taf load = 264gK Whe HV, =43912 Tg Be? Sotuti ‘B= (026 g/KW-hef 150 KW)~39 kg orO.0108kg/s = 150 (0108). 912)]= 03168 31.8% 25.8.6 cinder disel engine on dymmemeer st Was found 9 use SN Ag oF Met having QbAS016 Hi a ene hour tt a tay lad The bake map will te detmine fom the fotowing test dts ant meacrements. Coline is 260m x 247 am. 4 vel te. Spot otepn. Dynamos toque 25000 kx-sm, ASSkyem? | BSSS cas pss ie (0 vise) 2482 SN) 5400512 W = 152 1KW MER, =RP/LAN 4095.12 W /[0.2671 (0.7854) 021¢en){10/246)] 08 Pa

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