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PULIPPINE UEA @ countares, RIVERS INOIAN OCEAN pastas 1 wounrain RANGES WW stanos © CAPITAL caThES MAP OF SOUTHEAST ASIA OCAMPO, DEVEREAOU KAYE G. GEO 3-A 2019 - 00905 GEOL 322 | Scanned with CamScanner We, 3 >z REGION 2 REGION 1 d OCAMPO, DEVEREAOU KAYE GEO 3-A GEOL 322 Scanned with CamScanner MAJOR MOUNTAIN RANGES IN GOUTHEAST ASTA 1) BARISAN MOUNTAIN RANGE Tre jmountain range it dle YmOwA a Bult Barsan Which means “ills meAihG a row" Tk is Youred wet of dumatra in Tedonesi@ and —HaNeEIEs pprimatdy 1,050 milek from 4ne ldrds orn to soul: Thele Ge abou 35 aut yolcancet found m tre Rarsan Mountains with ranged eronn pec ating Mount Kerincl - The mast significant yokary i Me Langs i) Tod, a duper yoloano witKin Lake TOA, Astirated fy have erupted about F000 year ago creating He Keke 2) MERATUS MOUNTAINS Tre Weratls thountainy located jn dawn Kalimantan, Indonesia, Ka Lisional ofceyen | SuHWe Hgukind, He Early ~ Middle Cretocecus colision OF Sehwomner and Fakercter continents Tre Meat Mangia ik Worley. hs Hila allounnonous —OLearre vale, ¢ulomarine, voleanics ard deep sea sediment overlying Mie Juodycted fatemaster conte. Que 40 iit bueyanty relative 40 Upper Mantle, He FareenaIer Contirerh locke, oft MK oLeomiy Frat andl torte fo Ghume in late Ueraceous Hime, 3) MAOKE MOUNTAINS Thy Moo, Naunicins ha mountam range in thy proline of Fpua, indonesia . IF Extends over (42 km and is composed of He surdirman and Joyawjaya anges: It 18 port oF He lager Now Guirea ttighiands or Cental Corde®™- Mooke Mountains Forres duc fo He collision Letween Hee Indo - Sustain Plate and Rocitiy Plate: 4) ANNAMITE MOUNTAIN RANGE The Annamites are a mounkclin lange In mainland GOutredKt Asia Ciicdkchira) Hat extend ear ot ne Mekorg River From central Laos and vietnam low to souten Memmam and ot umol parr of eastern Camioodlia- Annamity range has estatalished a Continental regime from tre beginning OF tne Rilegroic uta (about 850 milion year ay With Hoe formation of ced continental deloris Scdimentory rks Hot are clearly visible in the cevtail Higniands ard in Quy Nyon city (or jourtaie) , ©) ARAKAN YOMA MOUNTAINS Arata Yoma mountoims is located in western @urma (Myanmar) - The Arakan Mountain and tne parallel ar 4 ty west ond coe were Formed toy compression 4 He Sidian plate Calided witla Se, Eurwian Plate approximatdy along the loundary berwen India dtd Nepal W) CENTRAL CORDILLERA The Central Cordier ig situated iM Hoe NorHn- Central part of He istand Luzon and Ane longest mountain range M Me Pritipinnes - Geologicdl data From the wutnenn (eaguio Gry) and centrch (Leparto Taluk) portions oF He fare, gga thot ib ica Magmaic are , Formed mainly in reyponie +0 wubduction along He Kaan Trench Sivice tre cary Miocene « T) ZAMBALES MOUNTAIN RANGE Te Zameces Mountain’ is a mountain fone on western Luzon (larch in the Prilipinines Te trouniains separate Luzovis Ceuta plain fon Hine, doutla China Jed The Zambater Mountain: WMelude TUraKIC fo Miocene ophitite mawits, OVECAIN py Moe Feet Jeclimentay formation, induding te Cagatuan Formation and te carta cruz Formation: Abnough +e mounteint Ore Yolcamie in origin , Mount FeaXvioo iy He omy ahve VOCAND In Hey mouNtTin Marge - OCAMPO, DEVEREAOU KAYE G. BSGEO 3A 2019-00906 «GEOL 322 Scanned with CamScanner : 2) SIERRA MADRE MOUNTATN RANGE: The Serf. Madre is We longest: mountain Range in Hw Poiippires - Spanning over SAOKm it runt from te prvines of COgayjan dow to tee prvi of Quezon, forming a north ~ oul dliredHon on He easiern pottion OF Luzon, tne jagett island oF He aruipelago - The lena Madre Oriental, compared largely oF Folded vedimentary ks oF He Cretaceaus Period Cavour 14s fo WS milion year ago) , owes its present relict to Uplifting. fruiting. and erosion wing aloout 23 millon year ago Moreover, ignecus iMtvusion: forme Ole NumereAs OCAMPO.DEVEREAOU KAYE G P6GEO 3A 2019-00905 GEOL 222 Scanned with CamScanner

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