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5 - 7 February 2024

Grade 11, 2nd Semester


● Integration


9.5 Definite integration and area under a curve and area between line and curve


Students will understand the concept of definite integrals and how they are used to find the area under
a curve. They will learn how to set up and evaluate definite integrals and apply them to calculate areas
of regions bounded by functions.


● Board

● Graphing software for visualization

● Calculators

● Examples of functions for generating areas under curve

Definite integral and area under a curve (2 x 40 minutes)

Introduction (10 minutes):

● Begin by reviewing the concept of antiderivatives and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

● Introduce the concept of definite integrals as a way to find the area under a curve between
two given points on the x-axis.

● Motivate the need for definite integrals by discussing scenarios where finding areas using
geometric shapes becomes impractical.


Activity 1: Understanding Definite Integrals (30 minutes):

1. Present examples of definite integrals to the class, both graphically and algebraically,
emphasizing the interpretation of the integral as the area under the curve.

2. Work through these examples step by step, demonstrating how to set up and evaluate definite
integrals using antiderivatives.

3. Discuss the properties of definite integrals, such as linearity and the reversal of limits of

4. Provide additional practice problems for students to work on individually or in pairs, with
support available as needed.

Activity 2: Calculating Area Under a Curve (30 minutes):

1. Introduce the concept of finding the area under a curve using definite integrals.

2. Present examples of functions and their corresponding areas under curves, such as finding
the area between a curve and the x-axis or between two curves.

3. Discuss different strategies for setting up the integrals to find these areas, including the use
of symmetry and breaking the region into smaller pieces.

4. Walk through an example problem step by step, demonstrating how to set up and evaluate the
definite integral to find the area.

5. Provide additional examples for students to work on independently or in groups, with

guidance and support available as needed.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

● Summarize the key concepts covered in the lesson, including definite integrals and the area
under a curve.

● Emphasize the connection between these concepts and their real-world applications in fields
such as physics, economics, and engineering.

● Encourage students to continue practicing their skills with definite integrals and area
calculations, as they are fundamental tools in calculus.


● Evaluate students based on their participation in class discussions and activities, their ability
to solve problems involving definite integrals and area calculations, and their understanding
of the underlying concepts. Provide feedback to address any misconceptions or areas for

Principle. Teacher

Ahmad Nurani, S.T.,M.Pd. Fitria Rakhmawati


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