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1 Give two reasons why the narrator was worried about the situation (pargarph 1, “The wind was)


2 Why does the narrator decide he has to keep walking? [1]

3 Which two details suggest the weather conditions are getting worse (Paragraph 2, “Meanwhile,
the snow.”) [2]

4 Why does the narrator think his wife will be concerned if he does not return that night?

5 Using your own words, explain what the narrator means by: “…my prospects darkened with the
darkening sky” (lines 11-12) [2]

6 Explain in your own words the meaning of the underlined words and how the writer conveys the
narrator’s feelings.

a “seemed only to make the silence deeper” (line 21) [1]

b “a vague of sense of uneasiness” (lines 21-22) [1]

c “I shuddered” (lines 24-26) [1]

7 Why did the writer use a semi-colon in line 1? [1]

8 a Look at paragraph 1, describe the feelings of the character? [1]

b Give a reason to your answer? [1]

9 Give two features of the text. [2]

10 a What kind of reading is the text? [1]

b Give a reason to support your answer. [1]

11 Look at the opening sentence “Americans across the… ” Give two ways on how did the writer
use this opening to get the reader’s attention. Support your answer with a phrase.

12 Why did the writer use colon on paragraph 3? [1]

13 Complete the chart.

Problems occurred in some states of

Highest coverage of snow

Ways implemented to stay safe


14 Write a summary about the problems caused by the extreme winter weather and how should
people stay safe. Write using 100-120 words long.

Section B: Writing

15 Write a story of a character who is in a journey; then, faced challenges due to natural

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