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00i-2689-37-77 [NORTH KOREAN ARMED FORCES HANDBOOK {U}] JULY 1977- Dia Ni cigar + WHE fork Qeandas® 2-33 eee {eens / Mico NBC -abhest Teen dN cMout - Das. ‘ WSS Al Pot wopul meatrty, 93-2 wale oi cae ai ae ie of 3 _ ae andy PREFACE (UY Phis tat ak is of the unused forces af the De ‘eapl's Republic af Keren, It is inteuale for ue by command aud rated by its dstribntion, The tents of this handbouk are Insel North Koren practice and publications ap to (U) Au effort thes been made to make the handbook xs corsprebensive as posible, though the material, interpretations, atid conclusions are modification formation wuel develop and egy ising abnutt modification of tneties ani ve doctrine, Accontingly, the reader should make adjustinents for aay eh subsequently reportel, (LU) Adiressees ure requested to forward information which will supple ment oF correct this report. Questions and comments should be referred in writing to the Defouse Intel B-2C), Washington, D.C. 20301, iit (Reverse Blank) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. THE ARMED FORCES OF NORTH KOREA A. Historical Developtnent.. : B. National Contret CC. The North Ketemn lnteltigonce Services CHAPTER 2. THE NORTH KOREAN ARMY. A. Genorut.. B. Organization. G. Strategy and Tsetien.. D, Trai F) Weapons and G. Logistics. CHAPTER 3. THE NORTH KOREAN NAVY... ‘A. General B. Orgenization.—- . Ships: Types and D, Weapons: Types and Charecteristios. E. Deployment anel Installation F. Operations. G. Training. 7 HL. Personnel, Mobilization, and Logisties, CHAPTER 4. THE NORTH KOREAN AIR FORCE. ... A. General ‘ 1B. Ongunization. —- CG. Aireralt D. Disposition of Air Puclities. E. Air Defense. F. Training : G. Pervonnel, Mobilization, and Lozi CHAPTER 5. PARAMILITARY AND MILITARIZEI A. Tho Worker Pewant Red Gard... B. The Red Youth Guard. C. Paramilitary Training Units. D. Militarized Security F CHAPTER 6. NORTH KOREAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES A. Organization, B. c D. E, F, CHAPTER 7, UNIFORMS, 1 14, AWARDS AND DECORATIONS A, Uniforios. 1 tusieuin ©. Awards and Desoratione LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Government Organization of thw Demoeratie Pouple’s Republic of Koren (DPRK. Korean Werkee's Party (XWP) Organization weer Seta Staff Ongauization of the Korean People's Army (PAL liso sesso see snization of the General Stall Departineut, Ministry af te People’s Armed Fares, Onzuninetion of the General Rear Service Burcan, Ministey af the People's Armed Forces 1 North Korean Ariay Disp : urps Strengths und Major Taetieal Uni Onanization of the North Korean Ariny, Korean People’s Ar fafantey/Nvotorized Infantry Di Infantry Regiment Organization of an Infamtey Batzation Organization of an. Antiaireratt Artillery Division. Organization of « 160-100 Mortar Rey eee ta Organization of a Pree-Rocket-Over-Ground (FROG) Battalion ‘of an Artillery Regiment of a North Korcen Infantey: Division . 0 Light Engineer River-Crosing Battalion. Attempted NK Double Fi Reconnaissance Porat “A Division Attack 7 Company: Defense Post . Infantry Company Fortification : 5. Fortified Ansllery Position Fortified Tank Position with Buteatice at Rear . Fortified Tank Position with Front Bateance, . Layout of a DMZ Ginnrd Post... Unam Ni Bast Hardened Coastal Defence Site. Location of Confirmed und Suspected DMZ Tunnels, Tank Kdentifiestion Features 2. Wenpons wad Equipment on X Naval Shore Establistiment. 1. Major North Korean . Secondary North Koreat Surface-to-Air Misile (SAM) Threat Envelope 7 AAA Concenteation. ra ses cues es : Organization of the § ix Worker Peasant Red Guard Regiment. Korean Intelligence Seeviews. peace Arews of North Korean Sow Jofilteation Units A Otirers Uniforms listed Me a's Uniforms. t peppepectery Ee lagna Figure 45. NKA Losignin 48. NEN Tasiznin 4, NIA Branch sign Awards und Decorations, 4. Chara: ties of Fie 5. Charaete ties of Si 6. Churacteristies of N 7. Major Ruil Lines in North Korea. 8. Major Highways in North Koren. 9. Principal Ports of North Kore 1. Characteristics of Nerth Korean Na 11, Disposition of NKN Vowels 12. NKAF Aireraf—Number at 13, Aircfaft Armament aed Ordnance Carvving Ci 14. Estimaced SAM Command Strength... 0-2. 15. NRAF Personnel Strength, by ‘Trpe and Function, Motrie Conversion Faetors and Charts vil (Reverse Blank) : A. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT. Army (KPAS cam: ural nie forces af North reption it hn 8 fete wit ETE crossed the 38th, parallel in Ju origin butck to I SEE ranks were welled hy Koreas whe xeripted into and hdl then deserted fn Japanese Acmy. Several thotesnds of these fom with Chinese forces ayeuinst the npanese, in eebellion after tong years of dumina the end of World War 1. After th Tonite wl after st Bl Jaynnese surceer tetion aztinat the Chite-w Nationalists, the ewe B| of the VA bogan to return to Koren where, with Hi ther Korean seturnces fron the Soviet nin 4 they began to develo whit wns to berm the tl North Korean Army and North Koroa'sinteroal Fi security Forres Fl {Reet by were established Kron idee the sper ES vision of the Soviets who hud wecepted the 4 surrender of Japanese forces north of the sth ptallel anal had ther ren ined to help establish North _ Ki All phases of prepara rand force estimated tb n. organized ander one arin’ atl twee qitarters—inte five Border Constabie 1 regular infantry ied ld tceessuty eonaat serviee tion, developed 135,000 Gone le sant etal The Hs name ingplies, ae lary wns ae its ity or fratier zard farce oa Rae CHAPTER 1 THE ARMED FORCES OF NORTH KOREA doytased a sind ate ites rotursedd by allies whey wor ad its mesnbeesbipy wins for tae avast was Crain Soviets. At of its stoengthy a buttle-tested, veterat ye ntose die W sasiet or Chi soltiers who had 194s. the NIEA anennienti ne geoctle actually to ints, dhe ol primarify of K ‘of the Chin tunist Fores al Those Nor rnetivated later, were t cearhing ta the North Ku ean were urmed and equipped by yl (ar rotrained) ran version of Soviet (ip wwitzers, ul 120-s0m gan Ctowed oF tank i rebinszns, rifle wt highly tubile, the supply of Soviet trucks ita gis ad iat joer. By diane 1950, 1 ale fad what 150 Tt tanks On siubay. 28 ine 1950, the North th, Koren, stendily Arne and roe sito Ary he United State Korean invaslea beheld inforein ter. Sut ag September 1200) turned the Gite of buat AKA w flee orth in disarray. The PRC entered the war in Qetubos i950, and it sone thir force that ete tuted the belle of 2 ~ Command UNC) qasil the & in July 1953 sepositiens aeainst the sy Bs woer (se the USSR, incroned in. size tables Pand 2), 4 and PRC for fextept for sone tnigjor items, aid i frown tox cursent,estitnntel peorwannel strengths 426,000. That it is not a static organization is indicated hy: taajor reorganizations which have taken pluce, the netivation of new units, and the acquisition of na increasingly larger and more moder inventory of weapans and equipment ‘The NKA maintains « significant special Wwarlare or “ommend faree capable of eontuctise fwomeded KPA Permuel Stengthe, Setected Years, 145-96 C7) 2,000 14, c00 34, 068 361,600 3s, 000, 16, 000 4, 400 40,000 135,000 348,000 BI, 000 0,000 S444, O00 360! 900 {338,000 386 ¢00 25, 00 Tame 2—Fatimated KPA. Cui fnuipment Strerathe Selected years, 1056-76 (0) mes against South Koren and hs for the e bolle of its eanhiat praianity Go the DM faciligntes ae nttark sot 2. Tae North Kore: se fore ly after World War HL, wus formally wetivated iv Inte 1948, Sov dosigned ena(t wid exetapunese mineavecners of forces afloat beticeon 1045 and 1950, The NKN was vistually de ely in the Korean War but a wall ataber of vesels hy to the territorial waters of the PRC and the Saviet Union, These vessels subrequently to form the rueleus of today’s Meet, the NEN hes expaiuled steadily ioc ne a result of So program. The xeqt clasiinisile SHERSHEN-cluss motor es hws in and combat eapaii ince 1967 North Korea his invested its shiphuilding. preges pletion of two pital frigates of the Tans provides! the ancy with its Tengest combat vessels to date, 3. The North Korean Air Ferce ‘The North Korean Air Forre ite active training program in October 1945, under the supervision of Soviet advivees and Koreans trained in Japan anel China. Tn 1996, the Society assumed military stats and wae nvoved to Psongeane to became the Aviation newly formed North Korean Army ober 1948, the Aviation eeame Tetween 1946 8, Neth prinanite: te the NKAF. Korean aie effort was deve he af the Korean After in were male available fu this sauetusey, the Soviet chuienl guisdaniee, witeeatt, 1 equines sch I related resets the filtle Ianyest air fare ite the eomati-t sizeable mmber of fighters wad bers Fe itl ‘int ST alm Tura fleet of transport wirersft aint tiie tenine fv satiny bottvlions in airburie aperations 4. Paramilitary Reserve Forces Thete are security forces aiul ft Knot known if thane farees cant= ‘organiaed reserve systems, Howocer they do provide an immediately available pool of trained and, in many enses, equipped poronnel who could be called sponte serve in varioite eapacivies during wartime B. NATIONAL CONTROL \ exercised over the North comples of politi! Contras Korean Armed Boreos ty fund berenentie aystens 1 Politieal Conteol HR Kien Heong exercises strange authori tariaa control acer North Kerew thee leadership as President af Nortle Kr General of the Korean Workers Barty (KWP), Chairman of che KP Central Committee, Chaie= mun of the Nations! Defense Camenission, atl Supreme Commander of the Armed Factions Inuividuat politicat power in North Korea is gait! threaygl person! relations ated by membership in stall groups ar factions, ‘These informal elements aperate within. te KWD aud Vie for influeace. Cliques mies: be for host ane common denominator (pruvine of origin rut ate a policy, aembershipy in air ‘organization. we.) Amerne the muy reps whiet have competed far power sinew 1845 ret of at feast twee Laavalists teoatsinti Heleaenter, thar Sanntle Kesey Hose Party faction, de Saviet fyetion. atl w fe Chineseariented gon eat the Yeraa Faction, Beensise focuval, itis ileal so deter shi eo ities ae ‘sentier= Ki Hsu. fins eeplaitesd ee fs Fionn vival Dives, al te pave tn 6 st tee suppart ate wvesfally eltnieatecl fron the fo EaiNL eer, Ka st rel then ssf Iie un st his prolieies, He bas farts, yoerenimont, anal aniitury position. Ale purged have tien these einone Kim's followers acho opposed or faite te eller tively implement bis policies, ar wh achieved to famele personal puser. Kitn's faction. bs eleuely Momminated the ther . 1" Kita is nppearontly ro Whe the Supreme ed a new constitutic which esablished in law the principle of natiousl selfrcliance (ehiehe, the teudve of the North Korean people to reunify the country, nid the idea that North Kucea is committed te 9 tations wide system of defense. Siguitiennt strurtural chuunges ia the gavernanent inet of the powerful position of Peeswlest atl baadios designated as the Central Poop mittee (CPC) aud the Stave Administration 1. Cader the new Co ted it: the 1. The CPC is re guansibte for polieymaking and the SAC is responsibil for exceuting policy. Thee tw fuuetian~ femerly were exerived hy the governnieut huey referred to ae the Cabinet, Under la, the Supreme People’s Assembly is pls eed at the apes of govern meat. To ceality this i hatte more tli an hae critic und syumbolie legislative anit, CPC policy making neeessitntes cooperation between the ers aed top experts in other rernaient. ‘The SAC is seting oat the tlw ete Cass highest party sperisliced stone af Tittle mute than an eseentive bn enters af the CPE aul the Peosident, “The major organs of tho Karean Work cers Patty dfizute 21 jneludd te National Pacts Congres SPC), the Cetitral Conauitton COp 1 Seeretarint. tual the Policies! Coanmittor Hof the Central Coininiten, Sivier the te NVC Hs des Pediat Pay © weds the fly af the party, with ting the work wf th w accutity arty between Party: Cangre the Palitieal Comuiteer that eunteule th Cerys CHEM ted tivities of Ce CC unl NPC the eseeutive: euro The’ Secretarint feier of the KP ES the feat by thee OC it eaeral Secceeaey sad 1 uthie Sece for Asigiuod to ingeteat the places wack co ale party onewsizi, ¢. Interlecking Chala of Coumaad a cout Hove, RAVE unl mulisiey foalershijy ehaails wee slstingsistabe bee , ates Hol high party © Kin wid i= slow vsttions as well as key CPR, weLASsIFIEO supreme rorie's ASSEMBLY (SPA i SPasTANOING presioenr ‘comearrrce - “AL PEOPLE'S SEMGLIES entrar prorte's Covey ‘comnurrce Seay ceutnac ots commission woe erones fomon rover conan Couurees cemtan. terennn ou cous oy pie enscsantons ence anosccont tes easy cnet orn Atriowet Decne conser ee sure a sonra enemas ‘Cou conuncacwoese rontah arcane contenee Fonsi tence UNCLASSIFIED. NATIONAL PARTY ‘conaness cewraat auorTine ‘i ‘comnsitrce —— rouricme Conmantee (eeSteeee [ie HEE comarrers uaisox saiuraay pepantanenr contaurree contrac coy AT MENTS 4 AgmicuttuRe ‘AND COMMERCE COMMUNICATIONS. ORGANIZATION AND. ‘CONSTRUCTION ANDO ‘GUIDANCE TRANSPORTATION PARTY SCHOOL, CULTURE AN THE ARTS ‘Guidance EXTERNAL AFFAIRS PROPAGANDA AND FISCAL PLANNING "AGITATION Hisnees SCIENCE AND Heavy inpusray DUCTION Inrenwarional sociat taeor SPECIAL SECTION eo Pete RP Orcaeaton of the 4. The KWP 9s the Focus of Power this Holow Kin Ul Peomives of due rate Adliinistia= ited of ite Wr tombs anlweshins wt guerril are micialiors oP eat orale erent Volvie) Conaiew the CO Secretarial, AW buat toe of anwar th fy peel rnvanber af th ul a metabo of the CC eel the mst of the Genorat 8 weral Votitieal U8 Ta aelition, evariments ister the KW Scere a hureweeutie network chiles ur hast ed et Unkle malner Saranenedend ete? Ie sanelilate fer ae ssatnple, the P seul A eo pty the RITE gat fisare atl AP ig the sasiot heh tas adept Ii addition to the standacd a chain of cominand, the Kacoan Ps is also coutrolted theougis 9 sepweute.hierarc iy of poltical oiicers responsible far in arty policies and for politi inde all personnel, ‘The KPA is further throusds w poten! safety structure that secret police Fanetions within the 2, Military Control While exercising # controlling influence ‘on ‘military poliey and strategy formulation, in his eapweity ae Supreme Com imander of the Arwed Fi ie 3), dolezates operational and ade control of these forces to his ‘The Minister of the People's Armed diately subordinate to Kian it-wny inisteation Council alfcer dizeetly reative control of the services. ix by the Ministry of the People's Armed ces (MPAE) through the Chief of the Genenat Staff (CGS). The eurrent Armed Farces Minister sand Uke Chiet of Ge General Staff wee both active army officens, high-ranking pwety officials, and (rusted asorintes af Kim Ison b. General Stall Department The General Sixff Departament (GSD) Migure 4) is the primary agency exercising oper supreme commanoen ‘PRESIDENT? Minustay oF wersore’s. ‘ARNEED FORCES. nausraRY annsti” commission arracnen Genenat stare cewcnat Pouricat OURCAU OSPARTAMENT. ‘cneror CENERALREAR ‘SERVICE BUREAU GeNcRAL Stare pounicat ‘SAFETY bureau smurraRy PROSECUTION BUREAU aimronce mmuutany ssustice ‘cour secunnty BATTALION Frque 3 “ustorgamastonct the kevean Poe's Army (KPAL (UH GENERAL Sarr DEPARTMENT i mcr ‘AND stare | REccuNAIESANCE —— consrmucrion —t— ovenarions comear suerany He orricen TAAINING MOBILIZATION" cnverognarnic PERSONNEL, enusteo twspector PERSONNEL, ‘GCNEAAL SIGNAL encinecn matutaRy uaLICATIONS onONANCE ccHeraicat not he General Stat Deo a Fexces (0) stra of al army nnasy. at aie forve eds oliver from ull serves anal is requnrill lacemont GSD cantebe the kes lain ul wing. the jeit well as enzinvor, snal atu! eheniral expaiqarat toh grit thus tel pleat aineei ene nul ere aa tr nber ba the GDI inhale inspertorial -erviees anicROK wned asics, pa . sf plitical teatines ide ty ¢. General Patitieal Bureau fetions petites. ad conted of walltary ete The Gewual Isitanond enna Hateanes os fs unter thee cesta pitnarily of GIT includes Oreanieativ. Pry my Allaire (lor dlicecting poywer operations uzainst South Korea), tutisties, Special Political, aunl Cadre, Other GPB elements are th raps as publishing it studios, roups, and Wises the Red Flas maven teainiiye ayers seal to stastudate conabat oflivienes wl ees a campotitis line superior wits 4. General Rear Service Bureau The General Kear Sorview Bureau (GRSB) (figure 8) is zespansitle for arany: of the combat xervie sappart functions of the KDA, Barons subordinate to the GRSB includes Bowd Control, Clathing Control, Quartermaster Prive luetion, Military Trade, Fuel Conteal, Mili “Tenn-puirt hielo Cun itear Serviee Lane Buldinge Conteot [Same of these Intenns ate dived in subse. quent sections of this handbooks) There is alee Maintenance Departiient which ée ble for wnilitary i While the _ General Rear Serview Buroa tnanages the above listed services, it should be suited tliat, as metic tioned earlier, it neal Staff Departinent hat controls the 1 WeRpOny and various athe tye Drjeet of eqn, itary Justice Court Tie Military dustice Court of the supeevises the egal ace Genera, REARSCHVICE ‘UREA F090 ‘conrRot ‘ouneau cromune ‘conraot ‘urea taurraRy TRANSPORTATION ‘BUREAU miutaRy ROADS ‘CONTROL @UREAU venice cowrrat ‘urea sunomNs conreot UREA auanreawasren ‘PRODUCTION ‘euRcAU. macorcat seavice BUREAU VE ERINARY ‘eUREAU . ean senvice ‘POUTICAL - ‘BUREAU fiance eureau mainrenance ‘oeraRtucur Faure > Orsansaton ome Genera Rear Serve Rat edu Minntreat tbe Pesple Rr Ferces ivities of lower echelon military courts, revi their decisions, aud estat wlicial policy. aslo conducts trinls iavelving high-ranking fieers, ‘Phe jurisdietion of mi ts inches lating wnrticles of the Military Criminal Cole Violetions of many ininor service reysilations ure reqponuble far the investigation aud proveestion of military criminal suspects, exercises ale ministrative control aver. proc echelons nul presents cases apni appearing before the MPAR” Military Courts @: Pulltleal Safety Bureau ‘Tho potitieal Safety Burewu (PSB) thes primary eesponsbility for personnel security in the

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