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Shri Rama Birth Chart Jyotish Analysis

Shri Rama Birth Chart Jyotish Analysis

Various Shastras give the birth details of Shri Rama and his birth chart. Let us first
see Shloka’s and then analyze his horoscope based on the events registered in history.

Details of the birth of Shri Rama:

According to Ramcharitmanas written by Shri Tulsidas ji, the birth of Lord Rama is
as follows:

नौमी तिथि मधुमास पुनीता, सुकल पच्छ अभिजित हरिप्रीता।

मध्य दिवस अति सीत न घामा, पावन काल लोक बिरामा।। ।।श्रा

Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties

Translation: Shri Rama was born on Chaitra month, 9th Tithi (Navami) in the bright
half (Shukla paksha) in Abhijit muhurta (around noon when Sun is in the 10th house).
It was neither too cold nor too hot. It was an auspicious time giving peace and solace
to all three worlds (lokas).

According to Ramayana written by Sage Valmiki the birth of Shri Ram is as follows.

ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनाम् षट् समत्ययुः |

ततः च द्वाद शेमासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ || १-१८-८

नक्क्षत्रे अदिति दैवत्ये स्व उच्छ संस्थेषु पंचसु |

ग्रहेषु कर्कटे लग्ने वाक्पता इंदुना सह || १-१८-९

प्रोद्यमाने जगन्नाथम् सर्व लोक नमस्कृतम् |

कौसल्या अजनयत् रामम् सर्व लक्षण संयुतम् || १-१८-१०

विष्णोः अर्धम् महाभागम् पुत्रम् ऐक्ष्वाकु नंदनम् |

लोहिताक्षम् महाबाहुम् रक्त ओष्टम् दुंदुभि स्वनम् || १-१८-११

Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties Chapter 18

Translation: On completion of the ritual, six seasons have passed by; then in the
twelfth month, i.e., in Chaitra masa, and on the ninth day of that Chaitra month
[April-May], when it is Punarvasu Nakshatra yukta Navami tithi, i.e., when the ruling
star of that ninth day (thithi) is Punarvasu, for which Aditi is the presiding deity; and
when five of the nine planets – Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are exalted and
when Moon and Jupiter are together in Cancer Lagna (ascendant) and when the day is
advancing, Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son with all the divine attributes like lotus-
red eyes, lengthy arms, roseate lips, voice like a drumbeat, and who took birth to
delight the Ikshwaku dynasty and adored by all the worlds, and who is the greatly
blessed epitome of Vishnu, namely Rama.

Horoscope, Birth Chart, or Kundali of Lord Shri Rama

Description of Paraa & Aparaa Vidya

AS: Lagna or Ascendant, AL: Arudha Lagna, UL: Upa pada, A7 :Daar pada,

A10: Rajay pada, A8: Mritu pada, A9: Bhagya pada, A3: Brhatri pada, A11:
Laabh pada

Bhagwan Ram was born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, on the 9th Tithi or Navami. His
moon sign and the ascendant sign were Cancer.

Personality and Image of Shri Rama:

The master archer (Dhanurdhar), is a very knowledgeable and determined warrior.

Protector of Brahmins (holy people), women, and mankind in general. An Ideal king
who has a lot of compassion for his fellow citizens.(Maryada Purushottam) upholder
of righteousness (dharma) and social norms of the highest order. A peace-loving,
spiritual, honorable, and wise personality.

Self-sacrificing person, who kept his interest below the interest of respected elders
(like parents and gurus etc) and the state. At the time when polygamy was prevalent,
He upheld the dharma of one marriage in one lifetime and was completely devoted to
his consort mother Sita.

Jyotish Explanation:

The birth chart of Shri Rama has Cancer Ascendant with Lagna lord Moon and the
6th lord and 9th lord Jupiter are in Lagna. Moon and Jupiter in mutual quadrants that
too in Lagna and in the quadrant from Arudha Lagna make a very powerful Gaja
Kesari yoga of fame beyond death. Indeed the lord is famous and remembered since
(Treta yuga till today in Kal yuga).

Jupiter is the 6th lord and the 9th lord in Shri Rama’s birth chart is placed in Lagna
with Lagna lord Moon. (Lagna is the most auspicious house as it is a trine and a
quadrant both) this placement with Moon in lagna makes Jupiter a benefic of the
highest order for the native. Being the 9th H lord the primary focus of Jupiter is to
enable the native to uphold his duties (dharma) and because it is exalted it will make
the native do it very happily.

Being the 6th lord in Lagna directly brings enmity and obstacles (6th H) to his head
but he will emerge victorious because of his luck/fortune (9th H) and own morals and
principles (1st H). The native because of this will bring some problems for himself
and his close ones and they may suffer because of it but will not let anything bad
happen to others. He will also take those challenges as his duty.

Ref: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 34:Yoga Karakas

(Maharishi Parashara has also taught that the Moon, Jupiter, and Mars are benefices
for Cancer ascendant. Jupiter being a 6th lord if also owns a trine that gives
auspicious results. Here Jupiter owns the 9th house and is with lagna lord Moon.
Venus and Mercury are malefic planets for Cancer Lagna, they will make the natives
struggle. Moreover, Venus is Badhaka for Cancer Lagna:-Jatak Parijata.

Yoga karaka Mars (5th lord and 10th lord) is forming Raj yoga with Jupiter (9th lord)
and Moon (lagna lord). Yoga is formed by the mutual aspect of planets (as they are
present in 7th H from each other).

This gives rise to the most powerful Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga for Lord Shri
Rama in his birth chart. It is the combination of the 10th lord (work, here Mars) and
the 9th lord (righteousness or dharma, here Jupiter) that are strongly connected with
the lagna lord Moon. Hence his ideals and principles, and his actions (karmas) in the
world will be governed by welfare and righteousness of the highest order. Above all
the Raj yoga-forming planets are friends (Moon, Jupiter, and Mars), which makes it
even stronger.

It also gives rise to some other important yogas like Guru-Mangal yoga ( Jupiter and
Mars yoga), Chandra-Mangal yoga (Moon and Mars yoga), and Chandra-Guru-
Mangal yoga ( Moon, Jupiter, and Mars yoga).

Raj yoga is formed by the union of quadrant and trine lords only. Quadrants are ruled
by Lord Vishnu(signifying constructive efforts and karma) and Trines by Maha
Laxmi (signifying fortune, blessings, and good results with less effort).

In Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3, verse 22), Lord Shri Krishna says :


Translation: In the three worlds (lokas) I do not have any prescribed duty or I don’t
need to do anything in the three worlds (lokas). Also, there is nothing in the three
worlds that I wish to achieve/acquire and I can not do so. Yet I am engaged in my
karma and doing my duty. So must all do their selfless Karma without focusing on

Jupiter in Lagna has Dik Bala (directional strength) and grants the native blessings of
Ishana or Shiva(the deity ruling dik or direction of Jupiter in Dik Chakra). With the
blessings of the deity, the native has the highest wisdom and knowledge and will
always behave following them. Before the commencement of the War with Ravana,
Bhagwan Ram prayed to Lord Shiva in Rameshwaram to seek his blessings for

The exalted 9th lord in Lagna makes the native very much liked by his father and or
gurus. His father was in great love with him and wanted him to rule Ayodhya after
him (the kingdom of Shri Dashrath, his father). The gurus and rishis used to demand
he and his younger brother save them from the autocracies of demons.

Jupiter and Moon in Lagna make natives very peace-loving and wise personalities by
nature who would use violence as only the last resort to any problem.

Jupiter is the lord of one bad house (of enmity and overcoming obstacles) and one
good house (9th H of dharma and righteousness) to uphold values and follow the good
path in life. He always followed dharma sacrificed his interest and did what was
correct in life.

All the fights/wars that he fought were for just and righteous causes: right from killing
various demons who were creating problems for rishis and people of his state
(mankind) to killing Ravana, who abducted his spouse forcefully.

Shri Rama has the 2nd lord Sun exalted in 10th H in Dik Bala (directional strength) in
this birth chart making the native victorious in all his pursuits. In Dik Chara, the
concerned deity is Indra, who is always victorious. Lord Rama always conquered all
his enemies in battles and wars against unrighteous people.

There are 5 exalted planets in the birth chart of Shri Rama giving rise to Samrata
yoga. He was indeed a king of high order.

There are 3 Mahapurusha Yogas in the horoscope of lord Rama, which makes the
native a Mahapurusha (great man)

The Janma Nakshatra (birth constellation) of Lord Shi Rama was Punarvasu, the
symbol is a Bow and a quiver of arrows.

Major events of Shri Rama’s life recorded in history

1. Birth in a royal family: Surya Vanshi. Belonging to the lineage of the Sun god. The
birth of his consort, mother Sita in an elite royal family, and she is a very vitreous and
beautiful lady.

Jyotish Explanation:

Arudha Lagna represents the status and image of the native in society at the time of

Lord Shri Rama has Arudha Lagna in Aries in his birth chart. Its lord is Mars. The
planet is exalted confirming his birth in a very high-class family and granting the
native high status in the society.
Note: Just as the status of the spouse is seen from UL (Upapada) in the same way the
status of the person is seen from AL (Arudha Lagna).


Reference: Jaimini Maharishi Updesha Sutra by Pt. Sanjay Rath. Chapter 1 Quarter 4

Translation: If the Lord of Upapada (UL) is exalted, the spouse hails from the
elite/upper class.


Reference: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 30:Upa Pada.

Translation: If the lord of Upapada (UL) or Venus (sthir karaka for wife is exalted)
then the wife is from noble family reverse is true. If the 2nd house from Upapada
(UL) has benefic and the 2nd lord is exalted, the wife of the native will be endowed
with beauty and virtues.

All conditions stated by Maharshi Parashar and by Maharshi Jaimini are fulfilled. UL
lord (Mars) is exalted and Venus is exalted as well, There is benefic Mercury in the
2nd house from UL and 2nd lord from UL, Venus is exalted as well. No doubt that
Mother Sita was a very beautiful and vitreous lady and Ravana wanted to possess her.

Exalted Sun is in Arudha Lagna giving him the royal status of a King. He was born
into a royal family (because of Mars) and his karmas were such that he further
increased his name and fame because of the exalted Sun in Arudha Lagna.

Exalted planet (a friend of Moon) if in Arudha Lagna, will give very high status and a
very positive image to the natives in society. In this case, both the planets associated
with his Arudha Lagna are of warrior class (Kshatriya: Mars and Sun) so his image in
the manifested world is that of a great warrior, ruler, and Ideal king (Raja Ram: King
Ram). The exalted Sun in AL gives royal status and a very high spiritual image as

2. Breaking the Shiva Dhanusha (bow) and marrying goddess Maha Laxmi in the role
of mother Sita during Sita Swayamvar.

In Sita swayamvar (the custom that allowed a young princess to choose the husband
of her free will) the qualifying condition for a groom was to break the bow of Lord
Shiva (Shiva Dhanush). Bhagwan Rama broke the Shiva Dhanusha in a fraction of a
second which all other participants could not even move, proving his might.

Jyotish Explanation:

All the love/physical partners are represented by A7 (Dar pada) and the spouse with
whom the person settles down in life is shown by UL (Upa pada).

Rules for all Arudhas except Arudha Lagna (AL) and Upa pada (UL) (focusing on the
7th house from any arudha):
All planets placed in the 7th house from any arudha will block, oppose, or create
obstacles in the path of that Arudha. The lord of 7th H from any arudha will help raise
that arudha if it is strong and well placed (exaltation sign, own sign, mool-triton sign,
etc). In the contrary case, it will block or create obstacles for that arudha.

Who will block or oppose will be seen by the Natural significance represented by
planets or Naisargik Karaka Tatwa of the planet for the native.

Rules for Upa pada (UL) :

The planet placed in the 7th house from UL as well as the 7th lord from UL represents
the relative of the spouse and not that of the native. When considering other things
represented by Naisargik Karaka Tatwa, (other than relatives) it is the same for all.

If there is no planet in the 7th house from UL and the 7th lord from UL is placed in an
enemy’s sign or is in debility, then that relative of the spouse (represented by the 7th
lord from UL) will oppose the marriage. Example: If UL is in Gemini and there is no
planet in Pisces, and 7th lord Jupiter is in enemy’s sign or is in debility, then the elder
brother of the “to be spouse” can be the opposition to the marriage.

Rules for Arudha Lagna (focusing on the 7th house from AL):

All planets placed in favorable sign (own sign, exaltation sign, mool trikona sign, etc)
in the 7th house from Arudha Lagna will help raise the status of the person. They will
contribute to the success of the person. If they are weak or ill-placed (debilitation
sign, enemy sign, etc) they will create a lot of opposition for the person and hence the
person will have a hard time getting his work done /raising his social status.

Weak natural malefic planets like the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Ketu, and Rahu (kroor
grahas) will create great obstacles for Arudha Lagna (image) to rise. Weak natural
benefic planets ( saumya grahas) like Venus, Jupiter, Moon (sukla Ashtami to Krishna
Saptami), and mercury (not influenced by malefic) still try to do some good for the

The lord of 7th H from Arudha Lagna will help raise the image of the person if it is
strong and well placed (exaltation sign, own sign, mool-trikon sign etc). In the
contrary case, it will block or create obstacles for the native.

Who will block or oppose will be seen by the Natural significance represented by
planets or Naisargik Karaka Tatwa of the planet for the native.

Lord Shri Rama, has AL, A7, and UL all together in 10th H in his birth chart and
there is exalted Saturn in the 7th house from them.

According to above stated rules. Exalted Saturn will create big obstacles or challenges
for his UL (marriage) and A7 (intimate relationship) but will surely help raise his
Arudha (his image or AL).
Maharishi Jaimini gives a clear indication that Saturn is Naisargik Karaka for a bow
also in the following Updesha.


Reference: Jaimini Maharishi Updesha Sutra

Translation: Saturn alone in 5th H, produces an archer. (Navamansh Kundali -D9).

There was a big challenge in his way for his marriage with mother Sita and it was to
break very heavy Shiva dhanush (bow). This obstacle was put in place by the family
of the bride (mother Sita). It was such a great challenge that all other fellow
participants could not even move it.

For the image of Shri Rama (Arudha Lagna) this Saturn behaved very favorably so
Shri Rama could break the bow in two pieces in a fraction of a second proving his
great might and immense strength over all other contestants. Saturn being a malefic
planet by nature gave difficult situations but always proved to be good for Shri Ram

It was an association of two other Arudha (A7 and UL) with his AL that made this
marriage possible. Further, it was the presence of the exalted Sun (Blessings of Lord
Shiva) with the three arudhas that enabled him to marry his consort (Maha Laxmi).

The exalted Sun in UL behaves like a benefic for Upapada and helps to manifest it in
the material world, the marriage actually took place in front of the world.

3. Declaration to the world as the 7th incarnation (Avatar) of lord Vishnu and the
departure of Shri Parshuram as the 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu (end of the karma,
as 6 avatars).

When Shri Rama broke the Shiva Dhanusha (bow), the 6th Incarnation of lord Vishnu
Shri Parshuram appeared in the ceremony and challenged Shri Ram to use his bow
(given to him by lord Vishnu) and launch an arrow to prove his superhuman might as
Lord Vishnu.

Jyotish Explanation

Again the exalted Saturn (bow and arrow) in the 7th H from Arudha Lagna of lord
Rama enabled him to do this task very easily thereby helping him raise his status from
a normal prince to the 7th incarnation of lord Vishnu.

Lord Shri Rama shot an arrow to kill the egos and anger of Shri Parshuram with his
consent leading to his departure as 6th incarnation of lord Vishnu.

4. Exile in the forest for 14 years after marriage, just before his swearing-in ceremony
for the kingship of Ahodhaya.

Opposition was caused by the presence of the younger brother, whose mother (Shri
Rama’s stepmother) wanted his son to become the king. She played her cards well
and forced the king (Shri Dashrath) to accept her demands. Younger step bother (Shri
Bharat) was in agony and frustration because of the evil act of his mother and even
cursed and misbehaved with her over the entire incident. Shri Rama accepts the
verdict of his father (King) and peacefully departs for exile in the forest (Vanvasa).

Jyotish explanation

Kingship, rajya pada (A10) for Shri Rama is placed in ascendant in his birth chart
with powerful Moon and Jupiter making it very strong and famous. The karaka of
younger brother, Mars is in 7th from A10, his formal nomination as the King. So this
Mars will create tremendous opposition for his A10 or will obstruct it fully.

Also, Mars is in the 7th house, Marana Karaka Sthana (death signifying house)
making his younger brother Shri Bharat feel like dying because of the evil and selfish
act of his mother. Shri Bharta loved his elder brother Rama very much and wanted
him to rule the Kingdom.

Shri Rama as A8 (Mritu pada, associated with suffering and or transformation) in 12th
H with debilitated Ketu in it in his birth chart. Indicating that the lord will have
terrible suffering in faraway places from his motherland (foreign), also. Mars and
Ketu are plants of sudden developments, hence these events taking place quite fast.

5. Wandering and living in the forest along with wife and another younger stepbrother
Shri Laxman for 14 years, continuously helping rishis and killing demons. Another
younger brother (Shri Bharat) ruled the throne by keeping his slippers on the throne.

Jyotish explanation

Lord Shri Rama has 2 benefic planets in Lagna in this kundali, indicating his pure
and pious intentions and personality but dire malefic like Saturn in the 4th H will give
him a lot of sorrow in life. Saturn is the enemy of Mars (Karak of house and property)
and will rob lord Rama’s happiness of house and other comforts.

There is Sarpa yoga in the birth chart of Shri Rama, with the presence of 3 malefic in
3 quadrants. The native will be tormented in his life because of various circumstances
and consequently will have to suffer in life.

In his horoscope, there are also 2 benefic planets in Lagna (ascendant) yoga. They
will surely nullify the effects of sarpa yoga but only to some extent.

Saturn is exalted 7th lord from A10 (his kingship) so he will enable his kingship to
manifest in the world. Also, Saturn is in the 7th H from AL, so he will prove helpful
in flourishing his AL (Own Status). Saturn is also karaka of 12th H (foot). His
younger brother placed Shri Rama’s slippers on the throne in his absence and ruled as
his representative during his 14-year stay in forests.

The two planets that manifest his kingship (Rajya Pada or A10) are Moon and Jupiter
in Lagna. These plants have Argala on the 12th H having (A8, suffering), the 10th H
having (AL, own image), the 9th H having (A5, following), and on the 3rd H having
no Arudha but which shows younger siblings. By carefully examining all these factors
the Moon and Jupiter combination is more powerful and Mars is a yoga karaka planet
(owning a quadrant and trine) hence it will finally make the A10 ( kingship) become
reality even in his absence in Ayodhya.

Shri Rama has Exalted Sun in 10th H in his birth chart. From an early age, he had Raj
yogas. The strength of Su is seen in the quality and degree of Raj yogas in the Chart.
As it is present in 10 th house it will happen early in life.

Also, the Moon is very strong in the chart, which is necessary for the sustenance of
Raj Yogas. He became the King quite early in life and continued to remain one with
no opposition at all for his entire lifetime, except once. Though his formal coronation
took place after his return from exile.

6. Abduction of mother Sita by Ravana. The declaration of war by Shri Rama on

Ravana on the account of the irreligious and immoral act (adharma) he did by
abducting mother Sita forcefully. In the end victory over the enemy and return to
Ayodhya along with his consort mother Sita.

Jyotish explanation

When the 6th lord is in Ascendant (Lagna) the native loses his wife to someone else.
Dr. B.V Raman (Exact reference will be quoted ..).

One possible explanation is that the 6th is the house of the enemy and the loss of a
marriage or staying away from the spouse, so if that planet is in Lagna then this
situation is coming to the head of the native.

From the 6th house of enmity as lagna, the lagna lord is in 8th H indicating the enemy
putting in very hard work to torment the native. The Lagna is maraka sthana (7th H)
for the 7th House (spouse) or relationship of the person. So the enemy is tormenting
the native and breaking his marriage. Also in this case A6 (the tangible manifestation
of enmity/enemy) is in the 8th house from Lagna. The 8th house is the house that
destroys the marriage or killer (maraka) for marriage (the 2nd and 7th are maraka
houses from any house). In this particular case, a manifestation of enmity (A6 is in
8th H) destroys the spouse relationship for the native (7th House).

Jupiter is the 9th lord as well and is placed with lagna lord Moon, making the native
fortunate because of luck and his own ideals and he is undefeatable because of the
presence of dik bala Sun (Indra) in 10th H.

Venus is the most malefic planet for the native of Cancer ascendant being a natural
benefic and 4th lord and lord of 11th house.

Reference: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 34:Yoga


Moreover, Venus is badhaka for cancer ascendant and is exalted in the chart. For
movable signs 11th house is badhaka sthana, causing trouble for the natives. Jataka
7. Separation with mother Sita on account of charges levied by a dry cleaner (dhobhi)
that mother Sita had stayed in the custody of another man (Ravan) for many days
without the consent of her husband and hence should be abandoned on moral grounds
as she is no more chaste. Shri Rama accepted this verdict as social/state law prevalent
at that time. They did not divorce or separate officially but mother Sita went away and
started living in the ashram of Sage Valmiki.

Jyotish Explanation

Lord Shir Ram has Brahmin’s curse (sharpa) in his birth chart as Jupiter, representing
brahmin or guru, and is aspected (graha drishti) by Saturn and Mars. The Brahmin
who gave this curse (sharpa) was Dev Rishi Narad ji. He was very angry (Mars) and
very sad (Saturn) as lord Vishnu did not let him marry a girl he liked. So he gave lord
Vishnu a sharpa that as he has suffered for his loved one in the same way lord Vishnu
will suffer in one human life for his beloved spouse.

Saturn (karaka of labor class or common man also represents a servant or one
involved in a profession requiring labor like cleaning and washing) is separative by
nature it is in the 7th H from UL generating great obstacle for marriage/wife thereby
leading to their separation.

Venus is the 7th lord from Arudha Lagna in the birth chart of Shri Rama, so he will
do all that is necessary to make rise all the three arudha: AL+A7+UL. Also, Venus is
2nd lord of the 3 arudhas so he will sustain Lord Rama’s image and their marriage.
Venus is the natural significator of the wife (Naisargik karaa) so the wife will do all
good for the three arudha: to make them rise and sustain them. But this Venus is in the
12th house from AL. So we can say that the wife (Venus) is not destined to see the
rise of the great status of Shri Rama as King of Ayodhya.

Moreover, the planet is exalted hence wife will sacrifice herself happily for his sake.
One can also say that as Venus is in 12th H from Arudha Lagna of Shri Rama. So he
will be forced to ignore his spouse (pure and pious love, exalted Venus) because of
circumstances in life.

Because of this tough decision to abandon his spouse, Shri Rama’s image in the
world rose again as an Ideal King who considers all equal in front of the law.

At the same time, Saturn is exalted 7th L from A10 ( his kingship). So it made his
kingship shine more as an ideal ruler.

8. Great suffering on account of this separation all through his life, then after. His
decision not to marry again. He continued all his religious duties/yogas/ prayers with
a statue of his consort.

Jyotish explanation

The chastity of a person and his heart is seen from the 4th House. The fourth lord
Venus is exalted in the 9th house linking his happiness directly to righteousness (9th
H of Dharma). Such a person is liked by all as he is happy doing what is right
according to the law. This placement makes Shri Rama a very chaste pious and
virtuous personality. Moreover, the exalted Sun is there in the 3 Arduhas ( AL, A7,
UL) making them inseparable.

Lord Shri Rama birth chart tells us that he was born on Navami tithi, ruled by the Sun.
Tithi lord is analyzed to see the quality of relationships a person has in life. The
Panchanga element, Tithi has to do with emotions, feelings, and relationships hence it
is jala tatwa by definition. The placement of Tithi lord is best in Jala tatwa rasi (water
signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). Its placement in fire signs or Agni tatwa signs is
considered bad because Agni and jala are enemies by nature. Agni burns away the
water and hence the relationships die out in life. Also, the exalted Sun brings a lot of
idealism to a relationship.

Despite knowing that Mother Sita was completely chaste and pure, lord Shri Rama let
her go. Perhaps it was right according to social and legal norms of that time.

II Aum Namho Bhagwatey Ramchandray II

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Shri Rama Birth Chart Jyotish Analysis

Shri Rama Birth Chart Jyotish Analysis

Various Shastras give the birth details of Shri Rama and his birth chart. Let us first
see Shloka’s and then analyze his horoscope based on the events registered in history.

Details of the birth of Shri Rama:

According to Ramcharitmanas written by Shri Tulsidas ji, the birth of Lord Rama is
as follows:

नौमी तिथि मधुमास पुनीता, सुकल पच्छ अभिजित हरिप्रीता।

मध्य दिवस अति सीत न घामा, पावन काल लोक बिरामा।। ।।श्रा

Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties

Translation: Shri Rama was born on Chaitra month, 9th Tithi (Navami) in the bright
half (Shukla paksha) in Abhijit muhurta (around noon when Sun is in the 10th house).
It was neither too cold nor too hot. It was an auspicious time giving peace and solace
to all three worlds (lokas).

According to Ramayana written by Sage Valmiki the birth of Shri Ram is as follows.

ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनाम् षट् समत्ययुः |

ततः च द्वाद शेमासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ || १-१८-८

नक्क्षत्रे अदिति दैवत्ये स्व उच्छ संस्थेषु पंचसु |

हे टेलग्नेवाक्पताइंदुनासह || १-१८-९
षु कर् क

प्रोद्यमाने जगन्नाथम् सर्व लोक नमस्कृतम् |

कौसल्या अजनयत् रामम् सर्व लक्षण संयुतम् || १-१८-१०
विष्णोः अर्धम् महाभागम् पुत्रम् ऐक्ष्वाकु नंदनम् |
लोहिताक्षम् महाबाहुम् रक्त ओष्टम् दुंदुभि स्वनम् || १-१८-११

Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties Chapter 18

Translation: On completion of the ritual, six seasons have passed by; then in the
twelfth month, i.e., in Chaitra masa, and on the ninth day of that Chaitra month
[April-May], when it is Punarvasu Nakshatra yukta Navami tithi, i.e., when the ruling
star of that ninth day (thithi) is Punarvasu, for which Aditi is the presiding deity; and
when five of the nine planets – Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are exalted and
when Moon and Jupiter are together in Cancer Lagna (ascendant) and when the day is
advancing, Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son with all the divine attributes like lotus-
red eyes, lengthy arms, roseate lips, voice like a drumbeat, and who took birth to
delight the Ikshwaku dynasty and adored by all the worlds, and who is the greatly
blessed epitome of Vishnu, namely Rama.

Horoscope, Birth Chart, or Kundali of Lord Shri Rama

Description of Paraa & Aparaa Vidya

AS: Lagna or Ascendant, AL: Arudha Lagna, UL: Upa pada, A7 :Daar pada,

A10: Rajay pada, A8: Mritu pada, A9: Bhagya pada, A3: Brhatri pada, A11:
Laabh pada

Bhagwan Ram was born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, on the 9th Tithi or Navami. His
moon sign and the ascendant sign were Cancer.

Personality and Image of Shri Rama:

The master archer (Dhanurdhar), is a very knowledgeable and determined warrior.

Protector of Brahmins (holy people), women, and mankind in general. An Ideal king
who has a lot of compassion for his fellow citizens.(Maryada Purushottam) upholder
of righteousness (dharma) and social norms of the highest order. A peace-loving,
spiritual, honorable, and wise personality.

Self-sacrificing person, who kept his interest below the interest of respected elders
(like parents and gurus etc) and the state. At the time when polygamy was prevalent,
He upheld the dharma of one marriage in one lifetime and was completely devoted to
his consort mother Sita.

Jyotish Explanation:

The birth chart of Shri Rama has Cancer Ascendant with Lagna lord Moon and the
6th lord and 9th lord Jupiter are in Lagna. Moon and Jupiter in mutual quadrants that
too in Lagna and in the quadrant from Arudha Lagna make a very powerful Gaja
Kesari yoga of fame beyond death. Indeed the lord is famous and remembered since
(Treta yuga till today in Kal yuga).
Jupiter is the 6th lord and the 9th lord in Shri Rama’s birth chart is placed in Lagna
with Lagna lord Moon. (Lagna is the most auspicious house as it is a trine and a
quadrant both) this placement with Moon in lagna makes Jupiter a benefic of the
highest order for the native. Being the 9th H lord the primary focus of Jupiter is to
enable the native to uphold his duties (dharma) and because it is exalted it will make
the native do it very happily.

Being the 6th lord in Lagna directly brings enmity and obstacles (6th H) to his head
but he will emerge victorious because of his luck/fortune (9th H) and own morals and
principles (1st H). The native because of this will bring some problems for himself
and his close ones and they may suffer because of it but will not let anything bad
happen to others. He will also take those challenges as his duty.

Ref: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 34:Yoga Karakas

(Maharishi Parashara has also taught that the Moon, Jupiter, and Mars are benefices
for Cancer ascendant. Jupiter being a 6th lord if also owns a trine that gives
auspicious results. Here Jupiter owns the 9th house and is with lagna lord Moon.
Venus and Mercury are malefic planets for Cancer Lagna, they will make the natives
struggle. Moreover, Venus is Badhaka for Cancer Lagna:-Jatak Parijata.

Yoga karaka Mars (5th lord and 10th lord) is forming Raj yoga with Jupiter (9th lord)
and Moon (lagna lord). Yoga is formed by the mutual aspect of planets (as they are
present in 7th H from each other).

This gives rise to the most powerful Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga for Lord Shri
Rama in his birth chart. It is the combination of the 10th lord (work, here Mars) and
the 9th lord (righteousness or dharma, here Jupiter) that are strongly connected with
the lagna lord Moon. Hence his ideals and principles, and his actions (karmas) in the
world will be governed by welfare and righteousness of the highest order. Above all
the Raj yoga-forming planets are friends (Moon, Jupiter, and Mars), which makes it
even stronger.

It also gives rise to some other important yogas like Guru-Mangal yoga ( Jupiter and
Mars yoga), Chandra-Mangal yoga (Moon and Mars yoga), and Chandra-Guru-
Mangal yoga ( Moon, Jupiter, and Mars yoga).

Raj yoga is formed by the union of quadrant and trine lords only. Quadrants are ruled
by Lord Vishnu(signifying constructive efforts and karma) and Trines by Maha
Laxmi (signifying fortune, blessings, and good results with less effort).

In Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3, verse 22), Lord Shri Krishna says :


Translation: In the three worlds (lokas) I do not have any prescribed duty or I don’t
need to do anything in the three worlds (lokas). Also, there is nothing in the three
worlds that I wish to achieve/acquire and I can not do so. Yet I am engaged in my
karma and doing my duty. So must all do their selfless Karma without focusing on

Jupiter in Lagna has Dik Bala (directional strength) and grants the native blessings of
Ishana or Shiva(the deity ruling dik or direction of Jupiter in Dik Chakra). With the
blessings of the deity, the native has the highest wisdom and knowledge and will
always behave following them. Before the commencement of the War with Ravana,
Bhagwan Ram prayed to Lord Shiva in Rameshwaram to seek his blessings for

The exalted 9th lord in Lagna makes the native very much liked by his father and or
gurus. His father was in great love with him and wanted him to rule Ayodhya after
him (the kingdom of Shri Dashrath, his father). The gurus and rishis used to demand
he and his younger brother save them from the autocracies of demons.

Jupiter and Moon in Lagna make natives very peace-loving and wise personalities by
nature who would use violence as only the last resort to any problem.

Jupiter is the lord of one bad house (of enmity and overcoming obstacles) and one
good house (9th H of dharma and righteousness) to uphold values and follow the good
path in life. He always followed dharma sacrificed his interest and did what was
correct in life.

All the fights/wars that he fought were for just and righteous causes: right from killing
various demons who were creating problems for rishis and people of his state
(mankind) to killing Ravana, who abducted his spouse forcefully.

Shri Rama has the 2nd lord Sun exalted in 10th H in Dik Bala (directional strength) in
this birth chart making the native victorious in all his pursuits. In Dik Chara, the
concerned deity is Indra, who is always victorious. Lord Rama always conquered all
his enemies in battles and wars against unrighteous people.

There are 5 exalted planets in the birth chart of Shri Rama giving rise to Samrata
yoga. He was indeed a king of high order.

There are 3 Mahapurusha Yogas in the horoscope of lord Rama, which makes the
native a Mahapurusha (great man)

The Janma Nakshatra (birth constellation) of Lord Shi Rama was Punarvasu, the
symbol is a Bow and a quiver of arrows.

Major events of Shri Rama’s life recorded in history

1. Birth in a royal family: Surya Vanshi. Belonging to the lineage of the Sun god. The
birth of his consort, mother Sita in an elite royal family, and she is a very vitreous and
beautiful lady.

Jyotish Explanation:
Arudha Lagna represents the status and image of the native in society at the time of

Lord Shri Rama has Arudha Lagna in Aries in his birth chart. Its lord is Mars. The
planet is exalted confirming his birth in a very high-class family and granting the
native high status in the society.

Note: Just as the status of the spouse is seen from UL (Upapada) in the same way the
status of the person is seen from AL (Arudha Lagna).


Reference: Jaimini Maharishi Updesha Sutra by Pt. Sanjay Rath. Chapter 1 Quarter 4

Translation: If the Lord of Upapada (UL) is exalted, the spouse hails from the
elite/upper class.


Reference: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 30:Upa Pada.

Translation: If the lord of Upapada (UL) or Venus (sthir karaka for wife is exalted)
then the wife is from noble family reverse is true. If the 2nd house from Upapada
(UL) has benefic and the 2nd lord is exalted, the wife of the native will be endowed
with beauty and virtues.

All conditions stated by Maharshi Parashar and by Maharshi Jaimini are fulfilled. UL
lord (Mars) is exalted and Venus is exalted as well, There is benefic Mercury in the
2nd house from UL and 2nd lord from UL, Venus is exalted as well. No doubt that
Mother Sita was a very beautiful and vitreous lady and Ravana wanted to possess her.

Exalted Sun is in Arudha Lagna giving him the royal status of a King. He was born
into a royal family (because of Mars) and his karmas were such that he further
increased his name and fame because of the exalted Sun in Arudha Lagna.

Exalted planet (a friend of Moon) if in Arudha Lagna, will give very high status and a
very positive image to the natives in society. In this case, both the planets associated
with his Arudha Lagna are of warrior class (Kshatriya: Mars and Sun) so his image in
the manifested world is that of a great warrior, ruler, and Ideal king (Raja Ram: King
Ram). The exalted Sun in AL gives royal status and a very high spiritual image as

2. Breaking the Shiva Dhanusha (bow) and marrying goddess Maha Laxmi in the role
of mother Sita during Sita Swayamvar.

In Sita swayamvar (the custom that allowed a young princess to choose the husband
of her free will) the qualifying condition for a groom was to break the bow of Lord
Shiva (Shiva Dhanush). Bhagwan Rama broke the Shiva Dhanusha in a fraction of a
second which all other participants could not even move, proving his might.
Jyotish Explanation:

All the love/physical partners are represented by A7 (Dar pada) and the spouse with
whom the person settles down in life is shown by UL (Upa pada).

Rules for all Arudhas except Arudha Lagna (AL) and Upa pada (UL) (focusing on the
7th house from any arudha):

All planets placed in the 7th house from any arudha will block, oppose, or create
obstacles in the path of that Arudha. The lord of 7th H from any arudha will help raise
that arudha if it is strong and well placed (exaltation sign, own sign, mool-triton sign,
etc). In the contrary case, it will block or create obstacles for that arudha.

Who will block or oppose will be seen by the Natural significance represented by
planets or Naisargik Karaka Tatwa of the planet for the native.

Rules for Upa pada (UL) :

The planet placed in the 7th house from UL as well as the 7th lord from UL represents
the relative of the spouse and not that of the native. When considering other things
represented by Naisargik Karaka Tatwa, (other than relatives) it is the same for all.

If there is no planet in the 7th house from UL and the 7th lord from UL is placed in an
enemy’s sign or is in debility, then that relative of the spouse (represented by the 7th
lord from UL) will oppose the marriage. Example: If UL is in Gemini and there is no
planet in Pisces, and 7th lord Jupiter is in enemy’s sign or is in debility, then the elder
brother of the “to be spouse” can be the opposition to the marriage.

Rules for Arudha Lagna (focusing on the 7th house from AL):

All planets placed in favorable sign (own sign, exaltation sign, mool trikona sign, etc)
in the 7th house from Arudha Lagna will help raise the status of the person. They will
contribute to the success of the person. If they are weak or ill-placed (debilitation
sign, enemy sign, etc) they will create a lot of opposition for the person and hence the
person will have a hard time getting his work done /raising his social status.

Weak natural malefic planets like the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Ketu, and Rahu (kroor
grahas) will create great obstacles for Arudha Lagna (image) to rise. Weak natural
benefic planets ( saumya grahas) like Venus, Jupiter, Moon (sukla Ashtami to Krishna
Saptami), and mercury (not influenced by malefic) still try to do some good for the

The lord of 7th H from Arudha Lagna will help raise the image of the person if it is
strong and well placed (exaltation sign, own sign, mool-trikon sign etc). In the
contrary case, it will block or create obstacles for the native.

Who will block or oppose will be seen by the Natural significance represented by
planets or Naisargik Karaka Tatwa of the planet for the native.
Lord Shri Rama, has AL, A7, and UL all together in 10th H in his birth chart and
there is exalted Saturn in the 7th house from them.

According to above stated rules. Exalted Saturn will create big obstacles or challenges
for his UL (marriage) and A7 (intimate relationship) but will surely help raise his
Arudha (his image or AL).

Maharishi Jaimini gives a clear indication that Saturn is Naisargik Karaka for a bow
also in the following Updesha.


Reference: Jaimini Maharishi Updesha Sutra

Translation: Saturn alone in 5th H, produces an archer. (Navamansh Kundali -D9).

There was a big challenge in his way for his marriage with mother Sita and it was to
break very heavy Shiva dhanush (bow). This obstacle was put in place by the family
of the bride (mother Sita). It was such a great challenge that all other fellow
participants could not even move it.

For the image of Shri Rama (Arudha Lagna) this Saturn behaved very favorably so
Shri Rama could break the bow in two pieces in a fraction of a second proving his
great might and immense strength over all other contestants. Saturn being a malefic
planet by nature gave difficult situations but always proved to be good for Shri Ram

It was an association of two other Arudha (A7 and UL) with his AL that made this
marriage possible. Further, it was the presence of the exalted Sun (Blessings of Lord
Shiva) with the three arudhas that enabled him to marry his consort (Maha Laxmi).

The exalted Sun in UL behaves like a benefic for Upapada and helps to manifest it in
the material world, the marriage actually took place in front of the world.

3. Declaration to the world as the 7th incarnation (Avatar) of lord Vishnu and the
departure of Shri Parshuram as the 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu (end of the karma,
as 6 avatars).

When Shri Rama broke the Shiva Dhanusha (bow), the 6th Incarnation of lord Vishnu
Shri Parshuram appeared in the ceremony and challenged Shri Ram to use his bow
(given to him by lord Vishnu) and launch an arrow to prove his superhuman might as
Lord Vishnu.

Jyotish Explanation

Again the exalted Saturn (bow and arrow) in the 7th H from Arudha Lagna of lord
Rama enabled him to do this task very easily thereby helping him raise his status from
a normal prince to the 7th incarnation of lord Vishnu.
Lord Shri Rama shot an arrow to kill the egos and anger of Shri Parshuram with his
consent leading to his departure as 6th incarnation of lord Vishnu.

4. Exile in the forest for 14 years after marriage, just before his swearing-in ceremony
for the kingship of Ahodhaya.

Opposition was caused by the presence of the younger brother, whose mother (Shri
Rama’s stepmother) wanted his son to become the king. She played her cards well
and forced the king (Shri Dashrath) to accept her demands. Younger step bother (Shri
Bharat) was in agony and frustration because of the evil act of his mother and even
cursed and misbehaved with her over the entire incident. Shri Rama accepts the
verdict of his father (King) and peacefully departs for exile in the forest (Vanvasa).

Jyotish explanation

Kingship, rajya pada (A10) for Shri Rama is placed in ascendant in his birth chart
with powerful Moon and Jupiter making it very strong and famous. The karaka of
younger brother, Mars is in 7th from A10, his formal nomination as the King. So this
Mars will create tremendous opposition for his A10 or will obstruct it fully.

Also, Mars is in the 7th house, Marana Karaka Sthana (death signifying house)
making his younger brother Shri Bharat feel like dying because of the evil and selfish
act of his mother. Shri Bharta loved his elder brother Rama very much and wanted
him to rule the Kingdom.

Shri Rama as A8 (Mritu pada, associated with suffering and or transformation) in 12th
H with debilitated Ketu in it in his birth chart. Indicating that the lord will have
terrible suffering in faraway places from his motherland (foreign), also. Mars and
Ketu are plants of sudden developments, hence these events taking place quite fast.

5. Wandering and living in the forest along with wife and another younger stepbrother
Shri Laxman for 14 years, continuously helping rishis and killing demons. Another
younger brother (Shri Bharat) ruled the throne by keeping his slippers on the throne.

Jyotish explanation

Lord Shri Rama has 2 benefic planets in Lagna in this kundali, indicating his pure
and pious intentions and personality but dire malefic like Saturn in the 4th H will give
him a lot of sorrow in life. Saturn is the enemy of Mars (Karak of house and property)
and will rob lord Rama’s happiness of house and other comforts.

There is Sarpa yoga in the birth chart of Shri Rama, with the presence of 3 malefic in
3 quadrants. The native will be tormented in his life because of various circumstances
and consequently will have to suffer in life.

In his horoscope, there are also 2 benefic planets in Lagna (ascendant) yoga. They
will surely nullify the effects of sarpa yoga but only to some extent.

Saturn is exalted 7th lord from A10 (his kingship) so he will enable his kingship to
manifest in the world. Also, Saturn is in the 7th H from AL, so he will prove helpful
in flourishing his AL (Own Status). Saturn is also karaka of 12th H (foot). His
younger brother placed Shri Rama’s slippers on the throne in his absence and ruled as
his representative during his 14-year stay in forests.

The two planets that manifest his kingship (Rajya Pada or A10) are Moon and Jupiter
in Lagna. These plants have Argala on the 12th H having (A8, suffering), the 10th H
having (AL, own image), the 9th H having (A5, following), and on the 3rd H having
no Arudha but which shows younger siblings. By carefully examining all these factors
the Moon and Jupiter combination is more powerful and Mars is a yoga karaka planet
(owning a quadrant and trine) hence it will finally make the A10 ( kingship) become
reality even in his absence in Ayodhya.

Shri Rama has Exalted Sun in 10th H in his birth chart. From an early age, he had Raj
yogas. The strength of Su is seen in the quality and degree of Raj yogas in the Chart.
As it is present in 10 th house it will happen early in life.

Also, the Moon is very strong in the chart, which is necessary for the sustenance of
Raj Yogas. He became the King quite early in life and continued to remain one with
no opposition at all for his entire lifetime, except once. Though his formal coronation
took place after his return from exile.

6. Abduction of mother Sita by Ravana. The declaration of war by Shri Rama on

Ravana on the account of the irreligious and immoral act (adharma) he did by
abducting mother Sita forcefully. In the end victory over the enemy and return to
Ayodhya along with his consort mother Sita.

Jyotish explanation

When the 6th lord is in Ascendant (Lagna) the native loses his wife to someone else.
Dr. B.V Raman (Exact reference will be quoted ..).

One possible explanation is that the 6th is the house of the enemy and the loss of a
marriage or staying away from the spouse, so if that planet is in Lagna then this
situation is coming to the head of the native.

From the 6th house of enmity as lagna, the lagna lord is in 8th H indicating the enemy
putting in very hard work to torment the native. The Lagna is maraka sthana (7th H)
for the 7th House (spouse) or relationship of the person. So the enemy is tormenting
the native and breaking his marriage. Also in this case A6 (the tangible manifestation
of enmity/enemy) is in the 8th house from Lagna. The 8th house is the house that
destroys the marriage or killer (maraka) for marriage (the 2nd and 7th are maraka
houses from any house). In this particular case, a manifestation of enmity (A6 is in
8th H) destroys the spouse relationship for the native (7th House).

Jupiter is the 9th lord as well and is placed with lagna lord Moon, making the native
fortunate because of luck and his own ideals and he is undefeatable because of the
presence of dik bala Sun (Indra) in 10th H.

Venus is the most malefic planet for the native of Cancer ascendant being a natural
benefic and 4th lord and lord of 11th house.
Reference: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Shri Sanhtanam. Chapter 34:Yoga

Moreover, Venus is badhaka for cancer ascendant and is exalted in the chart. For
movable signs 11th house is badhaka sthana, causing trouble for the natives. Jataka

7. Separation with mother Sita on account of charges levied by a dry cleaner (dhobhi)
that mother Sita had stayed in the custody of another man (Ravan) for many days
without the consent of her husband and hence should be abandoned on moral grounds
as she is no more chaste. Shri Rama accepted this verdict as social/state law prevalent
at that time. They did not divorce or separate officially but mother Sita went away and
started living in the ashram of Sage Valmiki.

Jyotish Explanation

Lord Shir Ram has Brahmin’s curse (sharpa) in his birth chart as Jupiter, representing
brahmin or guru, and is aspected (graha drishti) by Saturn and Mars. The Brahmin
who gave this curse (sharpa) was Dev Rishi Narad ji. He was very angry (Mars) and
very sad (Saturn) as lord Vishnu did not let him marry a girl he liked. So he gave lord
Vishnu a sharpa that as he has suffered for his loved one in the same way lord Vishnu
will suffer in one human life for his beloved spouse.

Saturn (karaka of labor class or common man also represents a servant or one
involved in a profession requiring labor like cleaning and washing) is separative by
nature it is in the 7th H from UL generating great obstacle for marriage/wife thereby
leading to their separation.

Venus is the 7th lord from Arudha Lagna in the birth chart of Shri Rama, so he will
do all that is necessary to make rise all the three arudha: AL+A7+UL. Also, Venus is
2nd lord of the 3 arudhas so he will sustain Lord Rama’s image and their marriage.
Venus is the natural significator of the wife (Naisargik karaa) so the wife will do all
good for the three arudha: to make them rise and sustain them. But this Venus is in the
12th house from AL. So we can say that the wife (Venus) is not destined to see the
rise of the great status of Shri Rama as King of Ayodhya.

Moreover, the planet is exalted hence wife will sacrifice herself happily for his sake.
One can also say that as Venus is in 12th H from Arudha Lagna of Shri Rama. So he
will be forced to ignore his spouse (pure and pious love, exalted Venus) because of
circumstances in life.

Because of this tough decision to abandon his spouse, Shri Rama’s image in the
world rose again as an Ideal King who considers all equal in front of the law.

At the same time, Saturn is exalted 7th L from A10 ( his kingship). So it made his
kingship shine more as an ideal ruler.
8. Great suffering on account of this separation all through his life, then after. His
decision not to marry again. He continued all his religious duties/yogas/ prayers with
a statue of his consort.

Jyotish explanation

The chastity of a person and his heart is seen from the 4th House. The fourth lord
Venus is exalted in the 9th house linking his happiness directly to righteousness (9th
H of Dharma). Such a person is liked by all as he is happy doing what is right
according to the law. This placement makes Shri Rama a very chaste pious and
virtuous personality. Moreover, the exalted Sun is there in the 3 Arduhas ( AL, A7,
UL) making them inseparable.

Lord Shri Rama birth chart tells us that he was born on Navami tithi, ruled by the Sun.
Tithi lord is analyzed to see the quality of relationships a person has in life. The
Panchanga element, Tithi has to do with emotions, feelings, and relationships hence it
is jala tatwa by definition. The placement of Tithi lord is best in Jala tatwa rasi (water
signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). Its placement in fire signs or Agni tatwa signs is
considered bad because Agni and jala are enemies by nature. Agni burns away the
water and hence the relationships die out in life. Also, the exalted Sun brings a lot of
idealism to a relationship.

Despite knowing that Mother Sita was completely chaste and pure, lord Shri Rama let
her go. Perhaps it was right according to social and legal norms of that time.

II Aum Namho Bhagwatey Ramchandray II

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Janma Nakshatra (Birth Star)
Graha Arudha
Karaka in Jyotish
Jyotish Quizzes
Jyotish Yogas
Char Karaka
Lessons learnt from Ramayana
What is Lagna (Ascendant)
Qualities given by the 9 Planets
Marana Karaka Sthana (MKS)
Significance of 12 Houses
Friends & Friendship via Jyotish
Dhiru Bhai Ambanai
Shri Rama Birth Chart Jyotish Analysis
Concept &Philosophy Behind Astrology
ग्रहों के षष्टयंश कुंडली (डी-60) के अधिपति

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