1 Capstone Research

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A Research Paper Submitted to

The Senior High School Department
Aurora National High School
Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of General Physics II, Practical Research II
And 3I’s

July 2021

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported

and assisted us in completing this research study.

We are wholeheartedly grateful to our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Toledo,

Mr. and Mrs. Renil J. Barluado, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ventic Saragena, Mr. and

Mrs. Herlou Fuentes Butalid and Mr. and Mrs. Zairel Antatico Dolero, for

supporting us in doing our study, who patiently understands our busyness and giving us

courage by uplifting us and for providing us financially.

We sincerely thank Engr. Philip Desidore Banaag for assisting us to do our

prototype project and for explaining us the details on how physics work and how it is

applied on this project.

We would also like to thank our dearest adviser, Mr. Joshua Baguio who spend

his time for scrutinizing and assisting us on drafting our research papers.

To Ms. Feb Therisse Toledo and Mrs. Aliper A. Jayme, who have shared their

knowledge and extending their help in sharing their thoughts and ideas.

To our Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion subject teacher, Mr. Mark Joseph

Sabuero for sharing us his knowledge and skills in the field of his specialization.

We would also like to acknowledge Mr. Roland Toledo for lending us his

machine and tools to construct our prototype.

To all our friends and classmates who have been there also in times of needs and

for spending their time to share their laughter with us.

Above all, to the Great Almighty Father, the author of knowledge and wisdom,

who gave us courage and strength to accomplish our study, we humbly thank you for


Frenz Nicus L. Toledo, Kimberly A. Jayme, Jane Herlou F. Butalid, Rustom V.

Saragena, Wenrel A. Dolero


A sanitizer dispenser can be made touchless and automatic in different ways since

various types of sensors can be used to sense the proximity (Arnab et al.). The use of a

touchless automated hand sanitizer dispenser may play a key role to reduce the spread of

contagious diseases. The device used an IR proximity sensor which is commonly used in

obstacle detection systems. A TIP 42C Transistor was used to amplify and control the

electric signals of the involved electronics. A specific wiring diagram was followed for

the proper connectivity of the wirings. The researchers used an isopropyl alcohol as the

choice of liquid to be dispensed out from the device. The device was stored in a wood

housing for more convenience. A design and subsequent development of a low-cost,

touchless, automated sanitizer dispenser to be used in public places, was demonstrated.

The overall performance of the manufactured device was analyzed based on the cost,

power consumption, quality, and functionality. A clear demonstration of the circuitry

connections was presented herein, which facilitates the interested individual to

manufacture a cost-effective dispenser device in a relatively short time and use it

accordingly. The automatic and touchless isopropyl alcohol dispenser (ATIAD)

demonstrated in this study is expected to play a key role in contactless hand disinfection

and sanitation in public places and reduce the spread of contagious diseases.



List of Abbreviation

List of Figures

List of Tables

Chapter 1 - Introduction

 Background of the Study

 Objectives of the Study

 Significance of the Study

 Scope and Limitations

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature

 Electromagnetic Forces and Fields

 Electromagnetic Radiation

 Coulomb’s Law

 Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart’s Law (Biot-Savart’s Law)

 Electric Charge and Power in Electric Circuits

 Resistors and Capacitors

 Transistors: Classification, Types and Application

 Active Infrared (IR) Sensors as Motion Detection of Moving

 A Flexible Proximity Sensor Fully Fabricated by Inkjet
 Automizer-An Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser
 Development of a Novel Design and Subsequent Fabrication of
an Automated Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser to Reduce
the Spread of Contagious Diseases
 Model Design and Simulation of Automatic Sorting Machine
Using Proximity Sensor
 Dispenser Printed Capacitive Proximity Sensor on Fabric for
Applications in the Creative Industries
 High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of
Tilt, Distance, and Contact
Chapter 3 – Research Methods and Materials

 Research Design

 Locale of the Study

 Conduct of Interviews (Questionnaire)

 Sources of Data and Information

 Research Materials and Procedures

Chapter 4 - Outline of Completed Device (Results and Discussion)

 Preparation of Materials

 Creating the ATIAD

 Creating the Housing of the ATIAD

 Putting Together the ATIAD and Housing

 Testing of ATIAD

 Deployment of ATIAD

Chapter 5 – Conclusions and Recommendations

 Conclusions

 Recommendations


 Appendix A
List of Abbreviations

ABHS Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer

LDR Light Dependent Resistor

LED Light Imitating Diode

DC Direct Current

V Volt/Voltage

IR Infrared

Hz Hertz

Ghz Gigahertz

dB Decibel

A Ampere

BJT Bipolar Junction Transistors

FETs Fields Effect Transistors

MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor

ICs Integrated Circuits

PLC Programmable Logic Controllers

USB Universal Serial Bus


Figure 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

Figure 2. Coulomb’s Law Formula

Figure 3. Vortex Magnetic Field of a Current

Figure 4. The source, the drain, and the gate of Transistors

Figure 5. Classification of Transistors According to Shape

Figure 6. Classification of Transistors According to Construction

Figure 7. Logic Gate Symbols

Figure 8. 2-Input Transistor AND Gate

Figure 9. 2-Input Transistor AND Gate Truth Table

Figure 10. Proximity Sensor

Figure 11. Assembling and Deployment Process of the ATIAD

Figure 12. Wiring Diagram

Figure 13. Assembled ATIAD

Figure 14. Left side view layout and measurements of the housing

Figure 15. Right, Front and Back side view layout of the housing

Figure 16. Back view of the device

Figure 17. Top view of the device

Figure 18. The Fully Assembled Device


Chart 1. User Convenience for the ATIAD


Table 1. List of the major components/parts used to make the

Table.2 Cost of Materials

Background of the Study

In crowded environments such as clinics, workplaces, and schools, alcohol-based

hand sanitizer (ABHS) is a beneficial item for preventing the transmission of infectious

viruses. It also aids in the prevention of disease-causing germs and bacteria from

spreading. ABHS considerably decreases bacterial counts on hands, according to early

extensive studies on the efficiency of antiseptic hand rubs. Ehrenkranz et al. reported that

the ABHS is more effective in preventing the hand transfer of Gram-negative bacteria

than the bland soap hand wash.

The alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispenser plays a significant role to allow

individuals to wash/rub their hands using ABHS while on the go. A study by Fournier et

al. reported that the use of a strategically positioned hand sanitizer dispenser was

successful in raising hand hygiene activity from 1.52% to over 60%. A few types of

dispensers such as mechanical, automated with pushbuttons, touchless, etc., are available

to dispense the liquid or gaseous sanitizing materials. In public places including hospitals,

the use of mechanical dispensers is found widespread. Since physical contact is

mandatory for using mechanical dispensers, they are vulnerable to pathogen infection. By

performing a study on the hospital-based mechanical hand sanitizer dispenser, Erief et al.

concluded that the infected person may contaminate the dispenser which may trigger

hospital-acquired infection.
Consequently, nowadays, automated touchless sanitizers are taking place in

healthcare facilities, especially in developed countries. As this dispenser does not require

any human contact to operate, it can be very effective to stop the spread of infectious

diseases if used carefully.

A sanitizer dispenser can be made touchless automatic in different ways since

various types of sensors can be used to sense the proximity (Arnab et al.). Fortunately,

due to the advancement of science and technology, it becomes possible to locally

fabricate a low-cost automated hand sanitizer dispenser, and such a low-cost device may

be very effective to be deployed in public places and individual use as well.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to facilitate the process of assembling and making a

user-friendly and low-cost hand sanitizer dispenser. Specifically,

1. assemble and make a user-friendly, and low-cost isopropyl alcohol dispenser

which is fully touchless and automated using Infrared (IR) proximity sensor;

2. set the automatic isopropyl alcohol dispenser in a wood housing; and

3. test the quality and functionality of the finished product.

Significance of the Study

Individual sanitization is frequently not done on a regular basis by the public,

either because they lack the ability or because they are irresponsible. To prevent the
transmission of contagious diseases in such a setting, a touchless automatic hand sanitizer

dispenser is needed. The use of a touchless automated hand sanitizer dispenser plays a

key role to reduce the spread contagious diseases and having the avoidance in touching

objects while having sanitation. The development of an Automatic and Touchless

Isopropyl Alcohol Dispenser (ATIAD) may have the potential to aid the prevention of

spreading contagious diseases.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses to deliver a cheap and effective technology among people and

as well as to prevent the transmission of contagious diseases. The concept of

electromagnetic forces, fields, radiation Coulomb’s Law and Biot-Savart’s Law was

adapted to mitigate a touchless isopropyl alcohol dispenser. Disparate conventional

dispensers or handwashing, touchless hand wash dispensers mitigate the risk of

unnecessary touches by using IR proximity sensors instead of a button to deliver a robust

sanitizing solution in one quick and convenient actions.

The ATIAD will be stored in a wood housing for more convenience. The overall

quality and functionality of the device will be determined on how it dispenses the

isopropyl alcohol, power consumption, and the overall effectivity of the touchless device.
Review of Related Literature

Electromagnetic Forces and Fields

The electromagnetic force, commonly known as the Lorentz force, describes how

charged particles interact while they are moving or stationary. It's called the

electromagnetic force because it combines the previously separate electric and magnetic

forces; magnetic and electric forces are the same fundamental force. One of the four

fundamental forces is electromagnetic force.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) range from the extreme lows of static magnetic

fields to the extreme highs of gamma rays in the physical electromagnetic spectrum.

EMFs are covered here in frequencies ranging from 0 Hz to 300 GHz, which are termed

nonionizing spectrum. Electric and magnetically driven transportation, overhead power

lines, residential electric appliances (ELF), anti-theft electronic devices, and video

display units are all common sources of low-level electromagnetic field exposure (in very

low to low frequencies). Electric currents are induced in the body when low-frequency

electric and magnetic fields interact with the electric charges in biological tissues (J.R.

Salvatore, 2014).

Electromagnetic Radiation

In classical physics, electromagnetic radiation is the flow of energy at the speed of

light across open space or a solid medium in the form of electric and magnetic fields that

make up electromagnetic waves like radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays. Time-
varying electric and magnetic fields are mutually coupled at right angles and

perpendicular to the motion direction in such a wave. The intensity and frequency V of

the time fluctuation of the electric and magnetic fields define an electromagnetic wave.

Figure 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

Source: Arbor Scientific, 2020

Coulomb’s Law

Coulomb’s law, mathematical description of the electric force between charged

objects. Formulated by the 18th-century French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb,

it is analogous to Isaac Newton’s law of gravity. Coulomb's law states that the electrical

force between two charged items is directly proportional to the product of their charge

quantities and inversely proportional to the square of their separation distance. In

equation form, Coulomb's law can be stated as:

Figure 2. Coulomb’s Law Formula

Source: Quizlet
Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart’s Law (Biot-Savart’s Law)

According to the Biot-Savart’s Law, it is a mathematical statement that depicts

the magnetic field created by a stable electric current in the field of electromagnetism. It

indicates the magnetic field's amplitude, length, direction, and proximity to the electric

current. This law is fundamental to magnetostatics, and it is closely related to Coulomb's

law in electrostatics. In the year 1820, two French physicists, “Jean Baptiste Biot” and

“Felix Savart,” devised a precise expression for magnetic flux density at a point near a

current carrying conductor. The two scientists concluded that every current component

estimates a magnetic field in space by examining the deflection of a magnetic compass


Figure 3. Vortex Magnetic Field of a Current

Source: hyperphysics

A conductor which carries current (I) with the length (dl), is a basic magnetic

field source. The power on one more related conductor can be expressed easily in terms

of the magnetic field (dB) due to the primary. The magnetic field dB dependence on the

‘I’ current, dimension as well as direction of the length dl & on distance ‘r’ was primarily

estimated by Biot & Savart. Once from end-to-end observations as well as calculations

they derived an expression, that includes the density of magnetic flux (dB), is directly
proportional to the element length (dl), the flow of current (I), the sine of the angle θ

among the flow of current direction and the vector combining a given position of the

field, with the current component is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

(r) of the specified point from the current element.

Electric Charge and Power in Electric Circuits

A stream of charged particles, such as electrons or ions, traveling through an

electrical conductor or space is known as an electric current. It's the net rate of electric

charge flow through a surface or into a control container that's monitored. Charge carriers

are the moving particles, and depending on the conductor, they might be one of numerous

sorts of particles. Electrons flowing through a wire are commonly used as charge carriers

in electric circuits. The ampere, or amp, is the SI unit of electric current, which is defined

as the passage of electric charge across a surface at a rate of one coulomb per second. The

ampere (A) is the SI's fundamental unit. An ammeter is a gadget that is used to measure

electric current.

Resistors and Capacitors

The two basic components used in electrical and electronic circuits are the

capacitor and the resistor, which are further divided into active and passive components.

Passive components cannot rely on a source of power and are incapable of controlling

current with another electrical signal, whereas active components control the flow of

energy and can introduce net energy into the circuit. Resistors and capacitors come under
the category of passive components, except resistors limit the flow of current in a circuit,

whereas capacitors provide reactance to the flow of current and are used to store

electrical charge. They are the most essential components employed in various electrical

or electronic circuits (Khillar, S. 2018).

Transistors: Classification, Types and Application

Transistor, semiconductor device for amplifying, controlling, and generating

electrical signals. The active components of integrated circuits, or "microchips," are

transistors, which often have billions of these small devices etched onto their gleaming

surfaces. Transistors, which are found in practically every electronic device, have

evolved into the Information Age's nerve cells (Riordan, M., 2020).

The emitter, collector, and base—or, in modern switching applications, the

source, drain, and gate—are the three electrical leads that make up a transistor. The

ability of the semiconductor material to conduct electrical current, which flows between

the emitter (or source) and collector (or drain) in most applications, is influenced by an

electrical signal applied to the base (or gate). A voltage source, such as a battery,

generates the current, while an input signal at the gate controls the rate of current flow

through the transistor at any given time—much like a faucet valve controls the flow of

water through a garden hose.

Figure 4. The source, the drain, and the gate of Transistors
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2004

The size and shape of the transistor are determined by the power consumption and

method of mounting. Broadly, transistors can be classified into leaded type and surface

mounted type.

Figure 5. Classification of Transistors According to Shape

Source: ROHM

Transistors typically fall into two main types depending on their construction.

These two types are bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and Field Effect Transistors (FET).
Figure 6. Classification of Transistors According to Construction
Source: ROHM

Bipolar Transistors: The word "bipolar" consists of two root words. Bi (meaning

"two"), and polar (meaning "opposites"). A bipolar transistor is one in which the current

through the transistor is carried by holes (positive polarity) and electrons (negative

polarity). Bipolar junction transistors were the first type of transistor to be mass-produced

in 1947 in the form of the point contact transistor (Bell Labs). They are a combination of

two junction diodes, and are formed from either a thin layer of p-type semiconductor

sandwiched between two n-type semiconductors (an n–p–n transistor), or a thin layer of

n-type semiconductor sandwiched between two p-type semiconductors (a p–n–p


FETs (Field Effect Transistors) can generally be classified into three different

types; junction type FETs, MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) type FETs, and MES

(Metal-Semiconductor) type FETs. Junction type FETs are mostly used in analog circuits

such as those in audio equipment, and MOS type FETs are used mostly in digital ICs

such as those used in microcomputers. MES type FETs are used for amplification of

microwaves such as use in satellite broadcasting transceivers.

Transistor Application: Transistors are commonly used in digital circuits as

electronic switches which can be either in an "on" or "off" state, both for high-power

applications such as switched-mode power supplies and for low-power applications such
as logic gates. Logic Gates are the basic building block of a digital circuit having two

inputs and one output. They are used to carry out the logical operations on single or

multiple binary inputs and result in one binary output. In simple words, logic gates are

the electronic circuits in a digital system.

The basic logic gates are classified into seven types: AND gate, OR gate, XOR

gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, XNOR gate, and NOT gate.

Figure 7. Logic Gate Symbols

Source: ElProCus

A simple 2-input logic AND gate can be constructed using RTL Resistor-

transistor switches connected together as shown below with the inputs connected directly

to the transistor bases. Both transistors must be saturated “ON” for an output at Q.

Figure 8. 2-Input Transistor AND Gate

Source: ElProCus
Logic AND Gates are available using digital circuits to produce the desired

logical function and is given a symbol whose shape represents the logical operation of the

AND gate.

Figure 9. 2-Input Transistor AND Gate Truth Table

Source: ElProCus

Active Infrared (IR) Sensors as Motion Detection of Moving Objects

Active Infrared sensors work with radar technology and they both emit and

receive infrared radiation. This radiation hits the objects nearby and bounces back to the

receiver of the device. Through this technology, the sensor can not only detect movement

in an environment but also how far the object is from the device. This is especially useful

in robotics to detect proximity. Setting up an active IR sensor requires both an emitter

and receiver, but this sensing method is simpler than its passive counterpart. One

variation of the standard active IR sensor uses an emitter and receiver facing the same

direction. The two sit very close to each other so the receiver can detect an object’s

reflection when it enters an area. Active IR sensors act as proximity sensors, and they are

commonly used in obstacle detection systems (such as in robots).

Figure 10. Proximity Sensor
Source: EG Engineer Garage, 2017

A Flexible Proximity Sensor Fully Fabricated by Inkjet Printing

A flexible proximity sensor fully fabricated by inkjet printing is proposed in this

paper. The flexible proximity sensor is composed of a ZnO layer sandwiched in between

a flexible aluminum sheet and a web-shaped top electrode layer. The flexible aluminum

sheet serves as the bottom electrode. The material of the top electrode layer is nano

silver. Both the ZnO and top electrode layers are deposited by inkjet printing. The fully

inkjet printing process possesses the advantages of direct patterning and low-cost. It does

not require photolithography and etching processes since the pattern is directly printed on

the flexible aluminum sheet. The prototype demonstrates that the presented flexible

sensor is sensitive to the human body. It may be applied to proximity sensing or thermal

eradiation sensing (Wang et al., 2010).

Automizer-An Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser

This paper presents the design and development of a low-cost automatic sanitizer

dispenser. It is designed in such a way that the overall cost can be reduced without
compromising stability. Generally, an automatic sanitizer dispenser uses ultrasonic or

infrared sensors for detecting the presence of the hand. The problem with an ultrasonic

sensor is that it is costlier than the infrared sensor and requires a microcontroller for its

smooth operation. But the problem with the infrared sensor is that its sensitivity varies

with the intensity of sunlight. As a solution to the above-stated problem, the conventional

design of the infrared sensor is modified such that the transmitter LED emits infrared

pulses at a specific frequency and a frequency-specific infrared receiver can be used

instead of a photodiode. Since here the receiver will only receive infrared pulse at a

specific frequency, the problem caused by sunlight can be overcome. The design of this

sanitizer dispenser is done in such a way that it has a flow controller, a level detector, 24

hours battery life, and can be recharged with a mobile charger (Ajayan et al., 2020).

Development of a Novel Design and Subsequent Fabrication of an Automated

Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser to Reduce the Spread of Contagious Diseases
The use of a touchless automated hand sanitizer dispenser may play a key role to

reduce contagious diseases. The key problem of the conventional ultrasonic and infra-

red-based dispensers is their malfunctioning due to the interference of sunlight, vehicle

sound, etc. when deployed in busy public places. To overcome such limitations, this

study introduced a laser-based sensing device to dispense sanitizer in an automated

touchless process. The dispensing system is based on an Arduino circuit breadboard

where an ATmega328p microcontroller was preinstalled. To sense the proximity, a light-

dependent resistor (LDR) is used where the laser light is to be blocked after the

placement of human hands, hence produced a sharp decrease in the LDR sensor value.

Once the LDR sensor value exceeds the lower threshold, the pump is actuated by the
microcontroller, and the sanitizer dispenses through the nozzle. A novel design and

subsequent fabrication of a low-cost, touchless, automated sanitizer dispenser to be used

in public places, was demonstrated. The overall performance of the manufactured device

was analyzed based on the cost and power consumption, and environmental factors by

deploying it in busy public places as well as in indoor environment in major cities in

Bangladesh, and found to be more efficient and cost-effective compared to other

dispensers available in the market. A comprehensive discussion on this unique design

compared to the conventional ultrasonic and infra-red based dispensers, is presented to

show its suitability over the commercial ones. The guidelines of the World Health

Organization are followed for the preparation of sanitizer liquid. A clear demonstration of

the circuitry connections is presented herein, which facilitates the interested individual to

manufacture a cost-effective dispenser device in a relatively short time and use it

accordingly. This study reveals that the LDR-based automated hand sanitizer dispenser

system is a novel concept, and it is cost-effective compared to the conventional ones. The

presented device is expected to play a key role in contactless hand disinfection in public

places, and reduce the spread of infectious diseases in society (Das et al., 2020).

Model Design and Simulation of Automatic Sorting Machine Using Proximity


The automatic sorting system has been reported to be complex and a global

problem. This is because of the inability of sorting machines to incorporate flexibility in

their design concept. Their research designed and developed an automated sorting object

of a conveyor belt. The developed automated sorting machine is able to incorporate

flexibility and separate species of non-ferrous metal objects and at the same time move

objects automatically to the basket as defined by the regulation of the Programmable

Logic Controllers (PLC) with a capacitive proximity sensor to detect a value range of

objects. The result obtained shows that plastic, wood, and steel were sorted into their

respective and correct position with an average, sorting, time of 9.903 s, 14.072 s and

18.648 s respectively. The developed model of this research was adopted on many

institution and industries, whose practices are based on mechatronics engineering

systems. This is to guide the industrial sector in sorting of object and teaching aid to

institutions and hence produce the list of classified materials according to the enabled

sorting program commands (Oladapo et al., 2016)

Dispenser Printed Capacitive Proximity Sensor on Fabric for Applications in the

Creative Industries
Wei et al., (2016) on their work about Dispenser Printed Capacitive Proximity

Sensor on Fabric for Applications in the Creative Industries reports a planar capacitive

proximity sensor fully dispenser printed on a standard polyester woven fabric using

conductive ink. Dispenser printing is a new digital printing technique offering the

advantages of complete geometric design flexibility and the ability to direct write

multilayer devices without requiring bespoke tooling. A dispenser printer is also capable

of printing a wide range of ink viscosities encompassing those of inkjet and screen

printable inks. Previous research has demonstrated the principle of using proximity

sensors for human interaction but none of them are fabricated directly on fabric. In this

research, the proximity sensor is dispenser printed directly onto the fabric with an

optimised loop electrode design which uses 76% less conductive ink while still offering
90% of the detection range when compared with a standard filled electrode design. The

loop design also has the highest detection coefficient (maximum detection distance

versus the conductive area of the sensor) of 0.23 compared with 0.06 and 0.1 for the

investigated filled and spiral designs, respectively. In addition, the ratio of the track width

to the width of the entire sensor is investigated showing 1/16 as being the most suitable

ratio for the proximity sensor printed on fabric. Proximity sensors with loop widths

ranging from 10 mm to 400 mm are evaluated. The maximum detection distance is

400 mm when the largest sensor is used and the linearity of the sensing circuit is 0.79.

High-Speed High-Precision Proximity Sensor for Detection of Tilt, Distance, and


Koyama et al., (2018) developed a fingertip-size proximity sensor that detects the

distance to and the tilt angle of the surface of an object with the peak-to-peak distance

error less than 1/129th (<;31 μm) and the measuring time less than 1/10th (<;1 ms) those

of existing sensors. In addition, we realized the task of catching a fragile object (paper

balloon) with a high-speed robot hand equipped with the sensor. High-speed, high-

precision sensing enables contact detection independently of the contact force. We

describe a robust contact detection method that does not depend on the reflectance, the

tilt angle, or the shape of target objects surface. In experiments, we confirmed that the

sensor could measure a distance of 2.85-20 mm (resolution: 44 μm in <;3 mm) and a tilt

angle of ±45° (error: 1.47°) for objects with reflectance of 18% and 90%. We

demonstrated that the hand could catch the paper balloon when dropped from a height of

about 20 cm without crushing it.

Research Methods and Materials

Research Design

This research employs the quantitative – non experimental design utilizing the

simple random sampling technique. Quantitative research design is a formal, objective,

systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the

variables. It is used to describe and examine relationships between and among variables

(Lamar, 2005). A simple random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In

this sampling method, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of

being selected (Thomas, 2020). This method is the most straightforward of all the

probability sampling methods, since it only involves a single random selection and

requires little advance knowledge about the student/teacher population in Aurora

National High School.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at the Municipality of Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga

del Sur, particularly in Eastern Bobongan (7.9907° N, 123.4804° E). It is a mountainous

and forested area that occupies the eastern part of Ramon Magsaysay. The specific place

that the study was conducted was in the Barangay Hall of Eastern Bobongan. The

residents from Eartern Bobongan only were involved in the study.

Conduct of Interviews (Questionnaire)

Key informant interviews (KII) were conducted in a one-on-one manner starting

from July 2, 2020, to July 5, 2020. The interview questions were designed to collect

information about the quality and functionality of the device. Interviews were done

informally and conducted using the Cebuano dialect to give the respondents the freedom

to answer comfortably. The data gathered were then written on the interview form

prepared by the researchers, encoded in Microsoft Excel, and were evaluated afterwards.

Sources of Data and Information

This study encompasses the applications of the researcher’s learnings in their

major subject General Physics II. From the topics Electric Charges, Coulomb’s Law,

Capacitors and Capacitance, Current, Resistance and Power, the researchers were able to

apply their knowledge on the topics stated in their creation of the device, the so called

ATIAD. The stated subject was a big factor in developing the device since all the small

bits of information, application, and solution were used and applied in the creation of the


Other relevant information was sourced from various books and journals online,

in relevance to the application of the researcher’s General Physics II.

Research Materials and Procedures

The Automatic and Touchless Isopropyl Alcohol Dispenser (ATIAD) device was

invented under two key objectives: user-friendly and cost-effective. The materials to be

used in the device formation were selected and actuated with the learnings of our General

Physics II Teacher, Engr. Phillip Desidore Banaag. A brief information of the hardware

parts/components together with their key features are presented in Table 1. Furthermore,

an overview of the procedures in assembling and deployment process of the ATIAD is

shown via a flow chart in Figure 12.

Table 1. List of the major components/parts used to make the ATIAD

Manufacturer/ Price
Quantity Parts/Components Advantage(s)
Brand (Pesos)
 Inexpensive
1 IR Proximity Sensor  Low saturation Php 82.00
Electronics voltage
CNP Water
1 DC Water Pump Pump  Energy-efficient Php 99.00
DigiKey  Inexpensive
1 TIP 32C PNP Transistor Electronics  Has high Php 18.00
Philippines collector current
 Does not spill
12 inches Aquarium Tubing unknown any liquid
Php 40.00
 Very cheap
 does not depend
1 1k Ohms Resistor MCIGICM on the external
Php 0.50
source of voltage
 For easy
at least 1 identification of
Black/Red Wire CE RoHS FCC Php 12.00
meter negative/positiv
 Low voltage
1 LED Light Corporation  Very light
Php 5.00
Power Bank & USB  Long lasting Found in
1 Romoss
cable power supply. house

Preparation of Creating the Housing

Creating the ATIAD
Materials of the ATIAD

Putting Together the

Deployment Testing
ATIAD and Housing

Figure 11. Assembling and Deployment Process of the ATIAD

Outline of Completed Device (Results and Discussion)

Preparation of Materials

The creation of the device needs one IR Proximity Sensor, one DC Water Pump

(mini submersible water pump), one TIP 32C PNP Transistor, one 12-inch aquarium

tubing, one 1k ohms resistor, one LED light, 0.5-meter double cable wire, one unused

glass jar, a ballpen tip, an old power bank/power supply with USB cable, and a jar of

Isopropyl Alcohol. The IR Proximity Sensor, DC Water Pump, and the TIP 32C PNP

Transistor were bought online while the 12-inch aquarium tubing, 1k ohms resistor,

soldering iron and lead, LED light, zip locks, 0.5-meter double cable wire, and the

electrical tape were bought from an electronics store in Pagadian City called Valliant.

The materials were stored properly in an insulated place to prevent defects. Before the

device was created/assembled, each electrical component was tested by an electrical

multimeter and a breadboard to ensure its continuity and functionality. Other materials

which are the unused glass jar, ballpen tip, zip locks and old power bank/power supply

can be found in our respective homes. For the isopropyl alcohol, it was bought in a

pharmacy store in Pagadian City called Mercury Drug Store.

Creating the ATIAD

A simple wiring diagram was used as a guide to connect the proper wiring

components to each other.


Figure 12. Wiring Diagram

The researchers used an old nata de coco jar (large) as a storage for the isopropyl

alcohol. The lid of the jar was drilled thrice; one for the DC pump wire; one for the

aquarium tubing and; one enough for the bottle cap to fit so it will be used to refill when

the isopropyl alcohol runs out – allowing the lid and attached wires not to be disturbed.

Soldering iron, soldering lead, electrical tape, zip locks and hot glue were used to install

the wiring components together.

Figure 13. Assembled ATIAD

Creating the Housing of the ATIAD

For the housing of the ATIAD, the researchers used a ½ plywood for the base, left

and right pillar while ¼ plywood for the front and top coverings. The used plywood was

cut using a saw and sandpaper for polishing the edges. A simple layout was used as a

guide for cutting out and assembling the housing components.

Figure 14. Left side view layout and measurements of the housing

Figure 15. Right, Front and Back side view layout of the housing
The housing was assembled by using a hammer, 5mm nails (for plywood nails)

and wooden glue in order to ensure its strength and durability.

Putting Together the ATIAD and Housing

The top part of the housing involves the usage of small screws, leaving the top

part open and closable (refer to figure 17). The back part of the housing was attached

using a small door hinge and a handle for opening it to refill the jar with isopropyl

alcohol. The front part was drilled thrice enough for the LED, proximity sensor, and the

small tube with the pen tip to fit through (refer to figure 18).

The jar was then sticked to the floor of the housing using hot glue together with

the TIP 32C PNP Transistor at the upper right side of the housing. A power bank is

attached at the edge of the inside of the housing for providence of power supply for the

device (refer to figure 16).

Figure 16. Back view of the device

Figure 17. Top view of the device

Figure 18. The Fully Assembled Device

(O) Proximity Sensor
(O) LED light
(O) Tube with pen tip
Testing of ATIAD

At first, the device should be plugged in a power bank using a USB cable. Then

the process will automatically start to run without any human interaction. The

functionality of this dispenser device is simple. Whenever the user puts his/her hand

inside the IR proximity sensor detection chamber, the sensor is then triggered and will

deliver that information the DC water pump to pump out the isopropyl alcohol.

Consequently, the voltage gain from the IR proximity sensor increases since there is a

LED light attached to it which light up when the IR proximity sensor is triggered. The

LED light is used to indicate that the pump is running, and it acts as an indication for

users that the pump has been initiated. Once the user has exited the IR proximity sensor

detection chamber, the LED light automatically turns off and the pumping of isopropyl

alcohol stops.

Deployment of ATIAD

The ATIAD was deployed in the Barangay Hall of Eastern Bobongan, Ramon

Magsaysay and the performance from it were analyzed by the users in terms of the

quality and overall functionality, together with the one-to-one questionnaire in

accordance to data gathering and data manipulation. Chart 1 shows the data from the

respondents who used the ATIAD.

Chart 1. User Convenience for the ATIAD
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Diasgree Strongly Disagree

1 1 2 1 1
3 1
6 6 9


38 39
30 30

Us e r -F r i e ndl y Di spensi ng H a s sl e -fr e e F u n ti o n a l i t y A d a p t a ti o n Qua l i t y Good S e r v i ce S uit abilit y

The ATIAD was first deployed outside the barangay hall which is exposed to

direct sunlight. The device was pumping alcohol without direct contact of users; it is

because of the direct exposure of sunlight. The IR proximity sensor detects the rays of the

sun and transmits that information to dispense isopropyl alcohol. Knowing the

circumstances, the device was transferred inside of the barangay hall. The device was

working properly as expected. This shows the superiority of the device while deployed


For the 6 hours of deployment of the ATIAD, the device consumed about 30% of

the 20000mAh power bank, which is very convenient in terms of power consumption.
Conclusions and Recommendations


In this study, a design of an automatic and touchless hand sanitizer dispenser was

demonstrated. The components needed for the device’s development were described in

detail. The circuit diagram was discussed, which clarifies the connection between the

components. The housing components were shown and described accordingly. The

relevant figures and components of the device were presented in sequential order for a

better understanding of the device’s assembly process/model. Based on this study, our

developed device shows the following advantages:

 superior performance for touchless sanitation;

 superior performance when deployed indoors;

 consumes low power; while in standby mode it automatically turns off the

device, and during the operating cycle for 6 hours it consumes about 30%

of the power bank; and

 cheap readymade components like IR Proximity Sensor, DC water pump,

TIP 42C Transistor, 1 LED light. As a result, this device can be made at a

low cost with a price range from about Php 350 to 500;

The automatic and touchless isopropyl alcohol dispenser (ATIAD) demonstrated

in this study is expected to play a key role in contactless hand disinfection and sanitation

in public places and reduce the spread of contagious diseases. As this device is made of
components that are available in almost every country at a very low price, mostly

available on online sites, it is helpful for normal people to make a dispenser of their own.


Based on the results and observations, the following recommendations are as

follows: a) use a much better and compact jar for the storage of the isopropyl alcohol; b)

use a different tip to control the amount of isopropyl alcohol being pumped; c) include

tests for the determination of the intensity of light absorption of the IR proximity sensor;

d) use lithium batteries and on/off switch to control the usage of the device; and e)

modify the device for further applications.


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Appendix A

Table 2. Cost of the Materials

Materials Price (Pesos)

IR Proximity Sensor Php 82.00
DC Water Pump Php 99.00
TIP 32C PNP Transistor Php 18.00
Aquarium Tubing Php 40.00
1k Ohms Resistor Php 0.50
Black/Red Wire Php 12.00
LED Light Php 5.00
Wood Housing Found in House
Power Bank & USB cable Found in House
Glass Jar Found in House
Total Cost: Php 256.50

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