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How much sale you made in this segment (toffees)

How much pulses you sold in a day , month

Do you sufficient stock of Pulses to fullfill customer demand

Do you like the taste of the product?

How many flavours are available of this brand?

What is the cost of the dabba?

Can you please provide discount if a customer buy more of pulses?

Except this product what are the other products you prefer

Do the company provide sufficient information in its labelling ?

How much earning you made by selling pulses?

How does the product address specific customer needs? [2]

Can you provide examples of how the product has benefited other customers? [2]

Are there any limitations or challenges associated with using the product? [2]

What sets this product apart from competitors? [2]

How customizable is the product to fit individual needs? [3]

Can you walk me through the pricing options available? [3]

Are there any discounts or promotions currently available? [3]

What level of support is provided after the purchase? [3]

How long does it typically take to see results from using the product? [4]

Can you provide testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers? [4]

What resources are available to help me learn how to use the product effectively? [4]

Is there a trial period or demo available to test the product before purchasing? [4]

How often is the product updated or improved? [4]

Can you explain the onboarding process for new customers? [5]
What security measures are in place to protect user data? [5]

Are there any compatibility issues with other software or systems? [5]

How scalable is the product as my needs grow? [5]

Can I speak with a current customer who is using the product? [6]

What is the average time it takes for customers to start using the product effectively? [6]

How does the product integrate with existing workflows or processes? [6]

Can you provide training for my team on how to use the product? [6]

Are there any additional fees or hidden costs associated with the product? [6]

How reliable is the product in terms of uptime and performance? [6]

What level of customer support can I expect if issues arise? [6]

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