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Edmonton Journal

'I am not in a position to testify': MD

Fri Apr 22 2011 Page: A17 Section: Letters Byline: Timothy L. Winton Source: Edmonton Journal

The Journal has carried several stories related to health care in Alberta recently in which I have been either specifically referenced or circumstances with which I may have been associated have been identified. These stories include: "Ex-Alberta surgeon wants protection before testifying; McNamee willing to help in push for judicial inquiry," and, "Swann suggests another doctor might step forward if shielded; Former lung-transplant star now a teacher," April 12. I believe I need to clarify my understanding and involvement in matters to date to the extent that I can. I have followed the debate regarding Alberta's regional health authorities' management practices and health-service delivery concerns that have been the focus of attention in the Alberta legislature and that have been covered in the media for months. It has been difficult for my family and me to be forced to silently revisit a challenging and difficult period in our lives. Our dj vu was initially provoked by public disclosure of serious allegations directed at me contained in a lawsuit. This occurred despite the fact that I successfully defended my actions in the matter several years ago. Most importantly, at the time and since, I have maintained confidentiality as required at considerable professional and personal disadvantage. I was not a party to and hence have no knowledge of the settlement, presumably made between the corporate defendants, plaintiffs and related parties, which was referenced in the legislature and in related media coverage. Recently, personal acquaintances, politicians, organizations and the media have requested I come forward and comment on the above as well as my unexpected withdrawal from clinical practice and the related management and program development leadership roles I previously held. This has made circumstances even more difficult. I continue to be bound by professional and personal confidentiality obligations. I wish, however, to assure the honourable members of the legislative assembly, multidisciplinary colleagues in health-care delivery, education, research and administration with whom I continue to have the privilege of working, as well as the people of Alberta, that I have responsibly heeded their calls. I have come forward in confidence to the management and appropriate board members of

relevant organizations to the extent permitted by confidentiality constraints. With due consideration of my current personal, professional, legal and ethical obligations and limitations, I have provided perspective, identified legislative authority and process concerns and most importantly, notified the Health Quality Council that I am not in a position to testify. Despite assurances advanced by the health council, the premier and the health minister, I also remain constrained by contractual arrangements related to the roles and responsibilities I assumed when I arrived in Edmonton. I recognize the interest in securing my participation and I would welcome the opportunity to provide evidence in an appropriate forum where the root causes of increasingly contentious issues can be comprehensively evaluated in a manner in which the public has confidence. Expeditious re-establishment of public trust in the many vitally important public and private organizations involved demands no less. Timothy L. Winton, Edmonton

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