Group Dynamics

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Group Dynamics

 Groups come in all shapes and sizes but their influence is universal.
 Many people believe that they can do things without asking for help or having a group.
 Based on the fortune 500 companies research, the number one reason why people are
fired from their jobs is their inability to get along with others.

2 fundamental questions:
1. What is the group?
2. What are group dynamics?

- Two or more individual (hindi pwedeng isa lang) who are connected (There is a connection
or similarity) by and within social relationships (The relations that linked the members of the
group are not on one type only),
- According to John James, he defines group as two or more individuals in face-to-face
interaction (nagkakasama at nakakapag usap sa isat isa)
- Even if you are far away from each other, as long as you have your connection with that
person, that is still considered a group (ONLINE GROUP)
- FAMILY is a group because the members are connected not just by blood but also by social
emotional relationship.


+Another definition of group are the following:

 Categories
 Communication
 Influence
 Interdependence
 Interrelation
 Psychological significance
 Relations
 Shared identity
 Shared tasks and goals
 Size
 Social unit
 Structure
 System

Different Varieties of group

 PRIMARY GROUP – A small, long term group characterized by frequent interaction,

solidarity, and high levels of interdependence among members that substantially
influences that attitudes, values, and scoail outcomes of its members (family, friends)
 SOCIAL GROUP – a relatively small number of individuals who interact with one
another over an extended period of time such as work, group clubs, and congregation.
 COLLECTIVE – A relatively large aggregation or groups of individuals who display
similarities in actions and outlook.
 CATEGORIES – Aggregation of individuals who are similar to one another on some
way such as gender religion or nationality. (Men, Doctors, LGBTQIA+)

 Social psychologist Henry Tajfel explained members of the same social category
often share common identity with one another. This perception of themselves as a
member of the same group/category is called social identity.


SOCIAL IDENTITY – Individual’s sense of self derived from relationship and membership in
groups. This social category can also influence the perception of people who are not part of this
category or group.

STEREOTYPE – Social shared set of qualities, characteristics and behavioral expectations

ascribed to a particular group.


1. COMPOSITION – Who belongs to the group?

2. BOUNDARIES – Who DOES NOT belong to the group?

3. SIZE -How many members should be in the group? (mas konti mas Maganda)

4. INTERACTION – What do members do?

- Task interaction – Work, roles, objectives
- Relationship interaction – Friends, time, bonding, quality time

5. INTERDEPENDENCE – Do the members depend on each other?

 Symmetric interdependence with reciprocity – All the members influence each
other equally (walang boss)
 Hierarchical interdependence without reciprocity – Authocracy/may bossing
(negative way) May nag influence (positive way)
 Hierarchical interdependence without or unequal reciprocity – example: meeting
with the boss (nagtatanong for suggesttions pero at the end of the day, boss parin ang
 Sequential interdependence without reciprocity – pasahan lang

6. STRUCTURE -How is the group organized?

 ROLES – A socially shared set of behaviors, characteristics, and responsibility
expected of people who occupy a particular position.
 NORM – A consensual and often implicit standard that describe what behaviors
should and should not be performed in a given context.

7. GOALS - What is the group’s purpose?

 GENERATING – Planning the strategy to get the goal.
 CHOOSING – make decision that have correct solution
 NEGOTIATING - settling conflict
 EXECUTING – blaming

8. UNITY – how cohesive is the group?

 GROUP COHESION – Integrity, solidarity or unity of a group resulting from
the development of strong and mutual interpersonal bond among members.

- Interpersonal processes that occur within and between groups

Processes of group dynamics

- Formative process
- Influence process
- Performance process
- Conflict process
- Contextual process

FORMING STAGE – team acquaints and establishes ground rules, members treated as

STORMING STAGE – members starts to communicate their feelings but still view themselves
as individual rather than part of the team. they resist control by group leaders and show hostility.

NORMING STAGE – People feel part of the team and realize that they can achieve work if
they accept other point of view.

PERFORMING STAGE – the team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where flexibility
is the key and hierarchy is of a little importance.

ADJOURNING STAGE – the team conducts an assessment of the year and implements a plan
for transitioning roles and recognizing members contribution.

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