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4 Stars and planets in the night sky have been used as a tool for navigation since ancient times, and scientists believe that some animals actually use the stars as a guide. In approximately 129 ne, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus created a star catalogue in which he described the ‘stellar magnitude’, or brightness, of a star as seen from Earth (now called apparent magnitude). Later, astronomers modified the system so that the magnitude of each object in the sky was represented by a single quantity. Magnitudes of objects in the night sky are given below Stellar Object magnitude Our sun 27 The full moon a3 Venus = Jupiter ad Sirs (star) 4 ‘Halley's comet 2 North star (Polaris) 2 The Andromeda 7 | galaxy _ Uranus 5 a Some people argue that this system makes little mathematical sense. Explain why, using specific examples. b Name two pairs of objects that have opposite magnitudes. What do you think this means, if anything? Explain. ¢ Why do you think this system was created? Explain. ‘ mallemakcal sense, 39 thong the @ te a ae angler voker bile mallemadica coe, ee ven if righ BRhevent djeets can OR ATA nt cannes fret cen sey tak on wejer te is bay . ae is we sytem . Hor He vious ang jet + mmagekes ees pened Arve naga fo sm tak Haxe 1 raga beep ative eS Ne a peskee an an daur. We em 5 ware ane oe eee, vattage sare fr he ee ia we de oo me is a ” ale Sie oo tay BY ES le et beeen oa dojed 15 tv's - (@ note dor (Cars) an teghes (eo this syphen wee craked fo hecrgse oy can we thse shes doe menigation iPteenk caleokel objets ond his ase hoo 4 eater cowie ec eves oP" S \ Oe - » 0 aa owe 7 When describing locations on Earth, their altitude above or below the ocean (sea level) is represented by an integer. Altitudes above sea level are represented by positive numbers while those below sea level are represented by negative values. Sea level is. considered as ‘zero’. The table below gives the altitude of various locations on Earth. Location Altitude (m) Mount Everest +8857 \\ coe 7 Marion French, Marianas Trench 11990 =95-> Del val Osh Baku, Azerbaijan pe -S°— Dery Lote, Arkare tion Paris, France 34 HS > Gasca, Arerbarjon: Manila, Philippines a ve 2] Aowbesdam, Netrolends tusco, Peru Mona, Philip pints Cusco, Pi $3397 Sen Fi lay Phitig Death Valley, USA ca Hays Sealey pany Amsterdam, Netherlands Ea $3399 > eee Pe M i wrens Per Nairobi, Kenya 228 £9850 puedo Deep Lake, Antarctica =e a Write down these locations in order from lowest to highest altitude. b Place all of these locations on a number line that is roughly to scale. ¢ Research five more locations, including your hometown, and find their altitude above or below sea level. Place each of them in the appropriate spot in your list and on your number line. d Mount Everest has the highest altitude on Earth, while the Marianas ‘Trench (the deepest part of the Earth's oceans) has the lowest altitude, and both have been explored by humans. How does the depth of the Marianas Trench compare to the altitude of Mount Everest? Explain. e Research and describe the similarities between conditions at extreme altitudes, above and below sea level. New Orleans is a city in the United States that is below sea level. Research five places on the continent where you live that are below sea level. What are the possible disadvantages of living in such locations? © T T eta = we © Shdobs wilh od fee Leaked er Hee prehertmue a aes CD tap Ae easnnesHeendh carpased de neck bau 7 fae Dave A MA se deands 8 OE - tpl OO (@ Sinlachin gah aa achone coulis Bee ose aly pilfeercee St is pase by seve mm Hench Eau * Va sacinnm gvanch ah i ropible: A Swit Oe Mowt Evaeat , Ha presen is Uveky ve plavienty ‘rands, Hee prtwe is higher © det glebel ueveny mater Luk te thaatpere tha ries vail ne Leng Ge Oe be Ge OK ABY athe Lagical Gxiplenm Absolute value sp Onany voyage of discovery, it is important to take 5) into account the temperature of the region to be 40 explored. The equipment that was necessary to 30 discover the New World was very different than that 20 required to explore Antarctica or even the Moon. 10 While there are several units of temperature, the 5 Celsius scale is the most common. A thermometer <0 has both positive and negative numbers, representing 0 temperatures above and below zero. In some areas, the temperature year-round is relatively stable. In others, the swing between winter and summer temperatures can be almost “0 unbelievable. Verkhoyansk in eastern Russia, for s: example, has had temperatures as low as -68°C and as high as 37°C! Beflect-and discuss < a0 Ona thermometer or number line, what value is in the middle of the positive and negative integers? Is zero positive or negative? Explain, (Feel free to conduct research before answering this question.) NB” #4 44 Fprsits ‘* How does the temperature measured from zero compare fora, yyy es number and its opposite? Explain using an example. —Y at ae a cay A number and its opposite are both the same distance from zero. This distance from zero is called the absolute value of a number and is represented using the symbol ‘| |’. For example, |-3| is ‘the absolute value of three’ | -3 | =3, because ~3 is three units from zero. Practice 2 1 Evaluate the absolute value of each of the following: a |-2|s0 b l12|-2 ¢ [8] 8 dl-7let — e |-34|~ 44 f |102|=0 —-g |-79|.%9 sh [Al] 241 i l-llsy jj [0le8 2 Insert the appropriate symbol (<, > or =) between each pair of quantities. a I-71? 3 b4>-6 ¢ 141 |-3| f |-14| <|-191 g 0>-5 h 101< |-5| i |-100| <1-140] j 1121< 1221 k 7S {11 1 |16| ~ 1-16] 3 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York, divides the city into east and west, If you are on Ast Street, you are on either East 4lst Street or West 41st Street, depending on which side of Fifth Avenue you are. a If you were to represent East 4lst and West 4Ist streets on a number line, what would Fifth Avenue represent? Explain. b Assuming all city blocks are the same length, how should the distance between 231 East 41st Street and Fifth Avenue compare to the distance between 231 West 4st Street and Fifth Avenue? Explain. ¢ Explain how you could use integers in addresses, instead of having East 41st and West 41st streets. d How does the address of a house on East 41st Street relate to the concept of absolute value? Explain. e Suggest two reasons why East and West streets are used instead of using negative numbers for addresses. > Continued on next page ¥ 4 The lowest place in the southern and western hemisphere is the Laguna del Carbon in Argentina, which is at an altitude of 105 meters below sea level. a Represent ‘105 meters below sea level’ as an integer. b How do altitudes reported ‘above’ or ‘below’ sea level relate to absolute value? Explain. ¢ Find as many words as you can that represent ‘positive’ and ‘negative’. Fill in a table like this one, and share your results so that the class as a whole can create a thesaurus of words that represent ‘negative’ and ‘positive’. Add more rows as necessary. above below 5 Roald Amundsen was an explorer from Norway who explored both the Arctic and the Antarctic, and was the first person to travel to the South Pole. In a race against explorer Robert Falcon Scott, Amundsen’s expedition left Kristiansand, Norway, in August 1910 and arrived at the South Pole in December 1911, about one month before Scott. Along his voyage, Amundsen experienced a wide range of temperatures at locations like those in the table below. Kristiansand, Norway | Aug 3,1910 +15 Funchal, Portugal Sept9, 1911 22 Whale Bay, Antarctica | Jan 14,1911 2 Framheim, Antarctica | Feb 14,1911 a South Pole Dec 14,1911 28 a Arrange the locations according to their temperature from lowest to highest. b Arrange the temperatures from lowest absolute value to highest absolute value. ¢ What temperature has the same absolute value as that of Funchal? Research a location on Earth with that average temperature. d Write down two positive temperatures and two negative temperatures that would have an absolute value between those of Framheim and Kristiansand. The coordinate grid In order to define a location, mathematicians use a coordinate grid called the Cartesian plane. Named after the mathematician René Descartes, it includes both a horizontal and a vertical number line as seen below. The horizontal line is called the x-axis and the vertical line is called the y-axis. ypeyans ‘A location on the grid is called a point. Points are usually named with capital letters and their position is given using coordinates, as

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