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● Connotation is an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary
meaning: "the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and
● Buyer Decision Process: Need Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of
Alternatives, Purchase Decision, and Post Purchase Behavior.
● William James stated that an individual’s selfhood can be broken down into several
fragments, with the material self being one.
● Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.
● Paradigmatic is a continuum of words with identical functions that can serve as
substitutes for each other, though some may not be as neutral when used.
● Langue stands for the system, conventions, and rules that are adapted by a community
to enable communication, while parole is the act of speech.
● Commodity fetishism describes the economic relationships of production and exchange
as being social relationships that exist among things (money and merchandise) and not
as relationships that exist among people.


● In the Philippines, “mangkukulam” or “manggagaway” is a form of Witchcraft.

● John Calvin believed that it is through consumption of material goods that people can
truly fulfill God’s desires.
● Protestantism was introduced to us by the Americans which believed that salvation
through Christ Jesus was deeply emphasized and one must be born again and accept
Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior.
● Example of Connotation: John describes the rose flower as a love or passion and an
indication of sincere affection.
● Islam is the second largest religion in the Philippines.
● In Christian Religion, they believe that man was created in the image of God.
● Ritual is an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner.
● Examples of Muslim / Islam Religion practices: Prays five times a day; gives zakat, or
donates a certain portion of one's wealth; fasts during Ramadan.
● Examples of Buddhism Practices are: believes that human life is one of suffering; and
through meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to
achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.


● During the Spanish period, the term “Filipino” refers to a person who belonged to the
elite group.
● To promote the culture of democracy, Filipinos should be willing to listen to others.
● According to Victor Frank people need to participate in community volunteerism with
joy and sacrifices to discover the meaning of life.
● An effective citizenship is characterized by the people who come up with ideas,
resources and who have a strong accountability
● Generally, Filipinos identify themselves with the family rather than being a Filipino.
● Democracy is a form of government whose ideal is that all the adult members of a state
should enjoy the right to participate in deciding on public matters.
● National Identity may be viewed as the set of meanings and predispositions defining
one’s attachment or sense of belonging to a national community.
● In Article 2 Section 5 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, states that the characteristics
of having democracy :

I.Maintenance of peace and order

II. Protection of life, liberty, and property

III. Promotion of general welfare


● Multiphrenia refers to the idea that countless alternatives to self expression neuters
identity formation.
● Anonymity means that someone's identity is completely unknown. Any statements or
writings made by an anonymous person can not be associated with the individual who
actually made them.
● Pseudonymity is the use of a different name from your real name, especially on
something you have written.
● Asynchronicity has an expression of “See you when I see you”. Which John Suler posits
that caused online disinhibition.
● An example of Performance in activities to certain situations in Erving Goffman’s
dramaturgical self is someone who expresses meaning about herself and participates in
front of others.

● An example of a person who lives in a virtual reality is someone who spends much of
their time in meeting friends through social media and engaging himself/ herself in
playing online games. Then creates an avatar to represent himself/herself.
● Simulation is an element of abstraction that represents the uncanny representations of
real – world aspects and can also be used for instruction.


● In practicing deliberately - planning to learn; reflection and self assessment;

think-alouds; developing and using processes; summarizing and synthesizing
information; mental scripting; then you are applying the Metacognition concept.
● Growth mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can
be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting
point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great
● Dweck’s Mindset Theory postulates that people will only try to do what they think they
can do, and would not try what they think they can’t do.
● Practicing setting goals and planning strengthen our regulation of cognition.
● Unwillingness to put forth mental and physical effort is one way of blocking an
individual’s goal to achieve.
● Irrationality is one way of blockage of an individual’s goal to achieve.
● Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory Of Motivation In Psychology:
● Mastery Experiences (Performance Outcomes)- One of the best-proven ways to learn a
new skill or to improve one’s performance in a given activity is by practicing.
● Vicarious Experiences (Social Role Models) - Vicarious experiences involve observing
other people successfully completing a task.
● Social Persuasion/ Verbal Persuasion - Receiving positive verbal feedback while
undertaking a complex task persuades a person to believe that they have the skills and
capabilities to succeed.
● Mindset is a mental attitude one takes that determines how one will respond and
understand the situation.
● Reaction is driven by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the unconscious mind, like
for example merely speaking or acting without much thought and is more concerned
about the now which may be regretted after.
● Metacognitive skills – often referred to as 'thinking about thinking', particularly to
improve learning.

● Metacognition means thinking about your thinking or the process of considering and
regulating one’s own learning.
● Brain is the most complex organ in the body and it contains 100 billion nerve cells.
● Primary appraisal is when we perform the initial evaluation of stimulus and categorize it
as either positive, negative or neutral, then we apply.
● “We cannot give what we do not have”, an old saying that makes such relevant sense in
most, if not all, aspects of our life. It means that we have to learn to take care of
ourselves before we can take care of others.
● Fixed mindset is a way of thinking about your own intelligence and abilities. Specifically,
it describes viewing your intelligence and abilities as innate and unchangeable.
● Cycle of Self – Regulated Learning contains:

I. Plan, set goals and lay out strategies

II. Use strategies and monitor performance

III. Reflect on performance

● In Locke’s Goal Setting theory, the man’s ultimate goal is Happiness.

● One of the best reflective questions to strengthen your metacognitive skills is “How can
I create the best, most distraction-free physical environment for the task?”.

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