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In a faraway land, there was a boy named Peter whose head was bitten by a

spider. Then, he noticed his amazing powers. He had powers that allowed him to
shoot spider webs from his wrists. When he saw danger coming, he always put on
his suit and saved the town. One day, while walking to school, Peter saw an ogre
destroying the city. Thus, He put on his suit, and when he came out of his house,
he was ready with his webs. Meanwhile, as he prepared his webs, the ogre was
also gearing up for his attacks. But, when the ogre swung his bat, Spider man
ducked. Then, he shot his webs at the ogre’s face. The ogre was defeated.
It was so cool. I have learned that we need to help people when they are in
danger, so I’m going to tell people to help someone or some animals when they
are in danger because sometimes, some people just look at those in need and do
not help them. If everyone around the world helps each other, our world is going
to be more friendly.

Gearing up: preparing oneself for an activity or event.

Thus: so, therefore

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