Sahara Refund How Much Money Will Sahara Deposit

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Sahara refund: How much

money will Sahara
depositors get as 8rst
Getty Images

The Sahara Refund Portal has been launched for submission of
claims by genuine depositors of Cooperative Societies of Sahara
Group. The refund process of Rs. 5,000 crore to investors has
already begin.

By Sneha Kulkarni, ET Online

Last Updated: Jul 28, 2023, 03:13 PM IST

Investors of Sahara Co-operative societies are

going to get back their money stuck due to
scam. Sahara Refund Portal has been
launched for submission of claims by genuine
depositors of Cooperative Societies of Sahara
Group. The refund process of Rs. 5,000 crore to
investors has already begin.


The Union Home Minister and Minister of

Cooperation, Amit Shah, said during the
launch said that after the completion of Rs.
5,000 crore payment, another appeal will be
made in the Supreme Court to return the
amount to the remaining investors.

Also Read
Sahara Refund Portal: Documents
needed, other rules to know to apply for


Sahara Cooperative Societies includes the



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Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Limited

Saharayan Universal Multipurpose Society


Hamara India Credit Cooperative Society


Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society


How much money will Sahara depositors

get as 8rst payment?
According to the Press Information Bureau
press release, the Nrst payment of up to Rs
10,000 would be made through this portal to
one crore investors who have deposited Rs
10,000 or more. He stated that all four
societies' complete data is available online for
application on this portal.

How does Sahara refund portal work

There are two key prerequisites for the
procedure: Nrst, the investor's Aadhaar card
needs to be linked to their mobile number;
second, it needs to be connected to their bank
account. The money will be put into the
investors' bank accounts within 45 days, he
informed the investors.

To guarantee their identiNcation, the

depositors would have their Aadhaar cards
validated. The payment to the genuine
depositors will be credited in their Bank
accounts within 45 days of Nling their online
claims, subject to fund availability, and they
will be informed of the status through
SMS/Portal. After their claims and uploaded
documents have been veriNed by the
appointed Societies, Auditors, and OSDs. As
conNrmation of their claim and deposits, the
genuine depositors of the Societies are urged
to make sure they have a bank account and a
cellphone number that are both linked to
their Aadhar.

Bhat is the eligibility criteria for 8ling a

claim on the CRCS Sahara Refund Portal?
The depositors must have made deposits &
have outstanding dues receivable before the
following dates, for Nling a claim request:
22nd March 2022 for Humara India Credit
Cooperative Society Limited, Kolkata. Sahara
Credit Cooperative Society Limited, Lucknow,
Saharayan Universal Multipurpose Society
Limited, Bhopal and 29th March 2023 for
Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society
Limited, Hyderabad.

Depositors need to provide with the Claim

Request form
The Depositor should have:
a. Membership no.


b. Deposit Account no.

c. Aadhaar linked Mobile no. (Mandatory)
d. Deposit certiNcates/ Passbook
e. PAN card (if claim amount is Rs. 50,000 and
above) (Mandatory).
( Originally published on Jul 27, 2023 )

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Digital Marketing: EGamples

of successful campaigns &
what you need to know
before starting one
ET Special

More than half of the world’s population uses the internet, and
92.6 percent do so on mobile devices, making digital marketing
crucial for reaching audiences. Creating a digital marketing
strategy starts with understanding your audience by developing
a buyer persona, trying out different techniques with trial and
error, and maintaining a data log.

By ET Special
Jul 28, 2023, 02:27 PM IST

More than half of the world's population

actively uses the internet in today's digital
age. Of those, 92.6 percent use mobile devices
to access the internet. The world has been
undergoing a technological revolution, which
is currently changing marketing tactics.
Digital marketing strategies are necessary for
digital humans.

Best Professional Courses on Digital-


Offering Course Website


Indian School ISB Digital Marketing and

of Business Analytics

Indian School ISB Professional Certificate

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University Certificate in Digital Visit

By creating a digital marketing strategy, you

can precisely articulate your goals and lay out
the procedures to achieve those targets. Here
are a few things you may do to develop a solid
digital marketing strategy:

1. Recognise your audience.

The buyer persona for your company should
serve as the foundation of your digital
marketing approach. A consumer persona is a
hypothetical representation of the type of
customers who are most likely to choose your
goods or services as the best Nt for their
requirements. Ultimately, the goal is to learn
about their preferences and the digital
marketing platform where they are most likely
to be located.

Explore ISB Digital Marketing and Analytics

2. Use the method of trial and error.

When speaking directly with your customers,
you must exercise caution. Try experimenting
with dicerent techniques, but always be
aware of your limits. Never, for instance,
bombard someone with emails or direct
messages on social media. Don't be scared to
push boundaries as new technology for data
collection develops.

3. Maintain a data log

Explore ISB Professional Certi8cate in

Digital Marketing

No campaign is successful or unsuccessful

until the success and failure metrics are
determined. You need to know more about
your target audience than just their buying
preferences if you want to understand them.
You must discover their preferred methods of
purchasing and understand what makes them
lose interest. Before, after, and during a digital
marketing campaign, examine all available

Types of digital marketing

Since there are various types of digital
marketing, you may reach your target
audience through a variety of communication
channels and messaging. The main categories
of digital marketing are as follows:

Explore Kellogg Post Graduate Certi8cate in

Digital Marketing

Organic Social Media Marketing

Ads for social media marketing

SEO (search engine optimisation)

Marketing via search engines (SEM)

Email Promotion

Internet-based ineuencer marketing

Content Promotion

Quick Marketing

Aciliate Marketing

Adversary Marketing

EGample of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the practice of
using social media platforms to interact with
a signiNcant online following. The ultimate
goal is to build your brand through increased
customer awareness and brand loyalty,
revenue and sales growth, and website tracic.

Particulars Details

Campaign Apple#shotoniphone

Campaign To develop a viral marketing campaign to

objective showcase the superior clarity and quality of
Apple's new camera.

Execution A campaign was made using 77 photo

plan submissions from 75 iPhone 6 users in 25
different countries. The hashtag
#shotoniPhone was used to encourage
iPhone 6 owners from around the world to
post their favourite photos taken with their

Key The campaign became viral after

Takeaways going live. Apple takes advantage of
this by choosing photographs from a
variety of social and age
demographics and showing them on
10,000 billboards throughout the
world. With advertisements in
magazines, newspapers, television,
and paid media, the campaign had
now gone global.

The advertising had a significant

global influence. There were 24,000
opinion leaders who mentioned it,
and the campaign received a 95%
favourable reaction.

It received 6.5 billion media

impressions worldwide. It enhanced
consumer involvement, loyalty, and
brand exposure. There were 231
million iPhones sold, a 62 million-unit
increase from the prior year.

With the hashtag #shotoniphone and

a trend of non-users adopting it or
becoming new users, existing users
felt a part of a global community. Even
five years after its initial introduction,
the campaign is still active.

This is an excellent illustration of how

social media contributed to the buzz
surrounding iPhone technology and
how user-generated material
strengthens company confidence. As
consumers trust user-generated
content (UGC) more than
conventional marketing techniques,
this sets them apart from competing

EGample of Social Media Marketing (Paid)

Social media advertising is focused marketing
that uses the platform of social media. Paid
social media, dynamic advertisements,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit,
LinkedIn, Quora, and other social media
platforms are among them.

Particulars Details

Campaign ABTA Travel With Confidence Campaign


Campaign The largest travel organisation in the UK is

objective ABTA, which was once known as the
Association of British Travel agencies and
consists of tour operators and travel
agencies. The goal of the campaign was to
raise awareness of and interest in their
young adult (18–35) traveller product.
Additionally, they desired to increase
bookings from their current clientele.

Execution To appeal to the target population, video

plan material was first created for Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. Pre-
holiday, holiday, and post-holiday were the
three basic categories into which the
campaign messaging fell.

The following were the primary outputs:

Through the use of paid

advertisements on Instagram, Twitter,
and Youtube, raise awareness and

Gain more subscribers and 100% more

YouTube views

Using Facebook ads, raise awareness

and impressions

more paid advertisements across all

channels. When it came to ABTA's
established funds, they may be reallocated
based on whatever channel was
performing the best. For greater
performance, reviewing and reallocating
were essential.

Key By selecting the appropriate

Takeaways demographics and age ranges, ABTA
has amassed 738,218 unique
Facebook users.

The percentage of YouTube views

increased from 20% to 40%.

Facebook impressions grew by 3215%,

from 128,519 to 4,260,668.

EGample of SEO-driven marketing

The process of increasing both the quantity
and quality of visitors to your website is
known as SEO, or search engine optimization.
The basic objective is to raise your brand's
visibility when consumers conduct product or
service searches.

Particulars Details

Campaign Monster India Google Search Campaign


Campaign To enhance and increase their current

objective applicant and resume database

Execution To enhance its database, Monster Inc. India

plan began utilising structured data. The group
enhanced job postings using structured
data. As a result, the job ad qualifies for a
unique user experience in search results.

Key A staggering 94% increase in organic

Takeaways traffic to the job details page and a
10% rise in job applications were
generated by jobs on Google search.
With its user-friendly application style,
it assisted users in discovering
relevant jobs. Monster Philippines,
Monster Singapore, Monster Gulf, and
Monster Malaysia all used the exact
same model.

Additionally, the organic website

traffic has nearly doubled in these

As a result, structured data in SEO can

significantly influence search results.
This blog post about conducting
keyword research is helpful.

EGample of SEM
Paid advertisements are used as part of a
campaign approach called search engine
marketing (SEM). As they appear on SERPs, or
search engine result pages, these products are
directed at potential customers.

Particulars Details

Campaign Zappos Summer Shoes Campaign


Campaign Increase sales of a summer shoe option

objective from Zappos is the goal of the campaign.

Execution One of the biggest online shoe retailers in

plan the world is Zappos. Word-of-mouth
marketing and search engine marketing
account for the majority of the business's
sales. They ran sponsored advertisements
for summer shoes in addition to SEO
strategies like backlinking.

Key The corporation uses search engine

Takeaways marketing for 20% of its sales. Thus, it is
clear that search engine marketing is
crucial for conversions.

EGample of Email Marketing

Utilising emails to spread a marketing
message to a group of individuals is known as
email marketing. It could have as its ultimate
objectives raising consciousness, boosting
sales, or raising money.

Particulars Details

Campaign Wok to Walk Campaign


Campaign Increased open rates will result in more

objective sales and income for the campaign.

Execution Wok to Walk's initial action was to

plan classify their clients according to their
behavioural characteristics. People
who opened their emails were
separated from those who didn't in
their database. Both groups received
an email from the business inviting
them to contact the number provided
in the email, inquire, and place an
order for food. Only 1% of the email
recipients actually opened it.

A follow-up email was sent to the part

that did not open the first one. Now,
this sector has a high conversion rate.
To avoid the user having to open the
email, they made a change by
including the phone number in the
subject line.

Key 7.7% of people responded to and

Takeaways opened the second email as a result.

The segmentation process is crucial

for email marketing. This enables you
to communicate effectively with a
group that may be really interested in
your goods or services.

EGample of E-Commerce Marketing

E-commerce marketing is the process of using
advertising strategies to increase visitors to
your online store or e-commerce site in order
to increase sales. Digital shopper marketing is
another name for it.

Particulars Details


Campaign To address the issue of customers leaving

objective before paying

Execution People abandoning shopping carts during

plan the checkout process are a major problem
for many e-commerce businesses. By
delivering these customers highly
personalised, targeted SMS and email
communications within 48 hours of their
cart abandonment, came
up with a solution to this problem.

Key This attracted the attention of the

Takeaways customer and resulted in an open rate
of 38%, a click-through rate of 25%,
and a conversion rate of 40%.

This is a fantastic illustration of e-

commerce marketing because it
helps the buyer.

EGample of InWuencer Marketing

Ineuencer marketing is the practise of
companies working with opinion leaders and
ineuencers to promote products. In order to
increase sales and raise visibility, it is thought
to capitalise on their audience's existing
relationship with them.

Particulars Details

Campaign Nike Air VaporMax + What's Inside


Campaign The goal of the campaign is to raise

objective anticipation and awareness for the release
of Nike Air VaporMax.

Execution Nike is renowned for its global

plan partnerships with influential people
and celebrities.

In 2017, they made the decision to

collaborate with the well-known
YouTube channel "What's Inside That,"
which stars Dan and his son Lincoln
who cut up commonplace items to
see what's within.

To see inside a pair of Nike Air

VaporMax shoes, the team cut them

Key The film successfully raised awareness

Takeaways about their new product line, drove sales,
and produced engagement with a reach of
3.6 million.

EGample of Content Marketing

The use of videos, blogs, and social media
posts for brand promotion is known as
content marketing.

Particulars Details

Campaign Superdrug's Perception of Perfection


Campaign Campaign's goal is to increase public

objective awareness of the problem of body image.

Execution For their campaign, a picture of a woman

plan was distributed to 18 graphic designers in
various nations. They were told to use
photoshop to make the woman appear
"beautiful." The outcomes varied by
country; some of them altered the image
to make the woman appear smaller,
lighter, darker, etc. in accordance with
their nation's recognised standards of

Key The New York Times, CNN, Huffington

Takeaways Post, Buzzfeed, and many other major
international media outlets covered
the campaign as it became popular

There were 1,000,000 reposts, 7,00,000

organic page visits on their website,
and a 238% increase in organic traffic
search in 16 months. The response was
astounding. Celebrities like Lil Wayne
and Sofia Vergara have made
reference to the advertisement.

EGample of Moment Marketing

Moment marketing is the use of persistently
popular events to spread a brand message. It
could be eccentric, enjoyable, or even convey a
societal message. People are supposed to be
able to relate to it.

Particulars Details

Campaign Dabur's #SubkoChabaJaenge


Campaign To generate interest in Dabur Red

objective toothpaste.

Execution The company utilised the 2019 Cricket

plan World Cup to advertise its Dabur Red
toothpaste variety. The first advertisement
targeted viewers' emotions and was for the
India-Pakistan game. In order to gently
promote their goods while also chewing
up the competition, was their goal.

Key With a staggering 28 million views across

Takeaways digital platforms, the video series became
extremely popular. They were popular with
the general public and the younger

EGample of AXiliate Marketing

An excellent strategy to raise awareness and
increase revenue is through aciliate
marketing. The business pays partners or
other third parties to market its brands.
The aciliate gets compensated with a
commission each time a sale or a
corresponding amount of tracic is produced.
This reward motivates the third-party
publication to advertise the business's goods
or services.

Particulars Details

Campaign My Protein’s Global Brand Ambassador


Campaign The goal of the campaign is to increase

objective brand awareness and boost sales.

Execution In order to advertise their brand on these

plan influencers' pages, the corporation
contacted fitness and lifestyle bloggers.
The affiliates were provided with promo
codes, hashtags, and social media content
to utilise on their pages. The influencers
boosted word-of-mouth advertising and
assisted in increasing sales and public

Key 100 additional potential consumers came

Takeaways from each affiliate, and they saw an
increase of 35% in average traffic and sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Bhat is an illustration of direct
To foster a positive relationship between
consumers and brands, direct marketing uses
a more personalised message. Online
advertisements, emails, giveaways,
newsletters, and outdoor advertising are a few
examples of direct marketing.

Q: Give an illustration of integrated digital

Let's say you work as a content writer for a
corporation and you just Nnished writing a
blog that was published on the online
publication. The social media team added an
Instagram swipe up for that blog, and the
YouTube team created a video on that blog.
Additionally, your paid media department
used that blog to run Google ads. That is what
is meant by integrated digital marketing.
Simply put, integrated digital marketing
happens when several departments work
together to market the same piece of content
on online marketing platforms.

Q: Bhat is an eGample of inbound

Instead of outright marketing your brand,
inbound marketing involves directing
potential consumers or prospects to your
website or company. Through a blog, webinar,
e-book, podcast, etc., the brand can be

Disclaimer: This content was authored by

the content team of ET Spotlight team. The
news and editorial staX of ET had no role in
the creation of this article.


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