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Level of Lead Contamination in the Blood of Bali Cattle Associated with

the Geographical Location and Age of Cattles in Bali.

I Ketut Berata1*, Ni Nyoman Werdi Susari2 dan I Wayan Sudira3
Pathology Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University
Anatomy Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University
Toxicology Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University
Corresponding aurthor :

Lead contamination is increasingly widespread and is threatening to animal and human
health. Cattle as a source of animal protein for humans, are very sensitive to lead
exposure if kept in a polluted environment. This study aims to determine the level of lead
contamination in the blood of bali cattle related to geographical location and age of cattle
in Bali. A total of 300 cattle were drawn for use as a research sample, consisting of 150
cattles from the lowlands and 150 cattles from the highlands location. Of the 150 cattles
each consisting of 50 young cattles (<2 years old), 50 ccattles at puberty (2-3 years old),
and 50 old cattles (> 3 years old). Blood is took from the jugular vein of cattles and
collected in tubes containing ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) as anticoagulants.
Measurement of lead content was carried out using the atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (AAS) method. The results of measurements of lead levels obtained
average data for the lowlands namely young age = 0.430 ± 0.411 ppm, puberty = 0.792 ±
0.356 ppm, and old = 1.234 ± 0.533 ppm, while the highlands ie young age = 0.047 ±
0.074 ppm, puberty = 0.057 ± 0.061 ppm, and old = 0.089 ± 0.169 ppm. Analysis with
ANOVA showed that lead levels in cattles blood in the lowlands were significantly higher
(p <0.05) than cattle in the highlands. Lead levels in cattles blood in the lowlands showed
a significant increase in lead levels (p <0.05) with age of the cattles. While lead levels in
cattle blood between age groups in the highlands did not show a significant difference.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that cattle raised in the lowlands are
exposed to higher lead than cattle in the highlands. Increased blood lead levels in line with
increased age of cattle occur in cattle in the lowlands location but does not occur in cattle
in the highlands location.

Keywords : lead, bali cattle, geographic, age

1. Introduction

Lead contamination is currently very dangerous to human health, animals and the

environment. If humans consume beef contaminated with heavy metals lead in certain

levels, can cause various health problems. Lead metal is accumulative because it is

difficult for the body to metabolize, so it remains dangerous even if it consumes below the

maximum recommended standards. In general, heavy metal contamination in the human

body and animals will disrupt the body's enzymes and physiological work, so it is

dangerous even in small levels (34). Leads in the body of humans and animals cause

damage to erythrocytes, causing anemia (22), oxidative stress cells to cause interference

with body cell DNA, causing damage to various organ systems (21, 43). Disorders of

various organ systems include cardiovascular disorders (11), spermatozoa production (25),

system of hepatic, urinary, immune, respiration (7, 30), hemapoietik system (16,45), the

motor nervous system (43), central nerve damage to reduce the power of cognition,

especially in children and even death (4, 8, 30). Heavy metals are also carcinogenic (20).

Therefore, various efforts to prevent the contamination of lead in food, including beef,

must be continued. Every country has rules about the maximum limit of heavy metal

contamination in food for safe consumption (10).

Cattles are one of the animals that are sensitive to exposure to heavy metals,
including lead. The results of research on several livestock products obtained data
contained contaminants of lead (2). Cattle raised in urban landfills have a higher risk of
being contaminated with lead than those raised in rural areas. Besides being detected in
the blood, lead contamination is also detected in the tissues of internal organs (5). Feed
factor is a major cause of contamination of cattles by lead, as evidenced by the presence of
cattle exposed to lead in conventional farming (27). Research on geographic clusters of
lead contamination in humans is reported that contamination is higher in urban areas than
in the surrounding area (23). In the case of lead poisoning in humans that cause death due
to motor neuron disease (MND) is closely related to geographical factors (40).
The sensitivity of cattle to lead contamination is thought to be related to the age
of the cattle, but there are no definitive reports. The relationship of age factors to the
bioconcentration level of lead in animals has been studied including among Oyster
(Saccostrea cucullata) monkeys (36) and in fish (15). Level of lead contamination to age
factors in humans reported that young age is more sensitive to contamination than adults
(7). The relation between age of cattle and the level of lead heavy metal contamination is

important to know in the effort to select cattle for seedlings and to be slaughtered, so that a
healthy and free lead contamination can be obtained.

2. Material and Method

Research sample
Bali cattle used in this study amounted to 300 catttles, consisting of 150 in the lowlands
and 150 in the highlands location, respectively . From the two locations, cattles with
young age (<2 years old), puberty age (2-3 years) and adult age (> 3 years) were selected,
each with 50 cattles. Determination of age of cattles is done based on interviews with the
farmer, the number of teeth and the number of rings on the horn (12, 46) Cattles in the
lowlands are taken in the Denpasar and Badung areas, whose altitudes are 50-200 meters
above the surface the sea. While the higland area was taken in Kintamani Bangli with an
altitude of about 1500 m above the surface the sea.

Blood drawing
Blood is drawn from the jugular vein by venoject and collected in a tube filled with
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as anticoagulants. Measurement of lead metal
content was carried out using the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) method at
the Analytical Laboratory of Udayana University.

Measurement of lead level

The blood samples were processed for the measurement level of lead by using atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) method. The samples were divided into two parts,
0.5 ml for positive control and 0.5 ml as sample to be evaluated. Standard solution 0.25 ml
of 1 mg/l was added as positive control. The control was evaporated on a hot plate at a
temperature of 100ºC until it dried. Then, the spike and the samples were inserted into a
furnace and covered half of their surface. In the process, the temperature furnace was
raised gradually 100ºC every 30 minutes up to 450ºC and maintained for 18 hours. After
that the spike was removed from the furnace and chilled at room temperature. Next, 1 ml
HNO3 65% was added, before they were shaken carefully so that all the ash dissolved in
acid and then they were evaporated on a hot plate at a temperature of 100ºC until they
were dried. The samples and spike put them back into the ash furnace. Its temperature was

raised gradually 100ºC every 30 minutes up to 450ºC and maintained for 3 hours. After
they were formed white ash, the spike and samples were cooled at room temperature. A 5
ml of HCl 6 M solution was added to each sample and spike then shaken carefully so that
all the ashes were dissolved by acid. Then they were evaporated on a hot plate at a
temperature of 100ºC until dried. A 10 ml of 0.1 M HNO3 was added and cooled at room
temperature for 1 hour, the solution was transferred into a 50 ml flask poly propylene
before they were added with matrix modifier solution, then added with 0.1 M HNO3 until
it reached to the mark limit. Lead heavy metal working standard solution was prepared at
least five points concentration. Working standard solution, samples, and spike were read
on graphite fumace atomic absorption spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 288.3 nm for
lead heavy metal.
Analyze data
The research data were tabulated and analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
and if there are significant differences followed by Duncan's multiple range test.

3. Result

The results of measurements of lead metal content based on geographic location

and age of cattle are presented in Table 1. Levels of lead metal contamination are higher in
cattle in the lowlands (0.819 ±, 547 ppm) than in the highlands (0.064 ± 0.113 ppm). From
each geographic location of cattle, there seems to be a similar pattern, namely the level of
contamination is higher according to age.

Table 1 Results of measurement of lead level in cattle blood based on location and age

No Lowland location Highland location

Young Puberty adult Young Puberty adult
1 0,005 0,292 1,016 0 0,04 0,004
2 0,001 1,741 1,623 0,044 0,056 0,901
3 0,064 1,016 1,295 0,061 0,019 0,057
4 0,006 1,002 1,616 0 0,026 0,011
5 0,006 0,675 1,012 0,08 0,098 0,042
6 0,151 1,197 1,165 0,34 0,046 0,005
7 0,01 1,72 1,642 0 0,089 0,016
8 0,062 1,216 1,597 0,161 0,19 0,304
9 0,002 0,423 1,666 0,032 0,096 0,479
10 0,002 1,344 1,012 0,01 0,122 0,043
11 0,004 0,89 1,688 0,027 0,064 0,006
12 0,034 0,788 1,433 0,042 0,001 0,21
13 0,001 1,169 1,54 0,015 0,008 0,601
14 0 0,921 1,518 0 0,062 0,021
15 0,081 0,684 1,016 0,084 0,008 0,044
16 0,056 0,875 1,654 0,024 0,003 0,123
17 0,714 0,431 1,689 0,301 0,09 0,064
18 0,42 0 1,504 0,06 0,176 0,152
19 0,628 0,817 0 0,009 0,063 0,043
20 0,365 1,048 1,128 0 0,029 0,19
21 1,002 0,281 1,003 0,022 0,016 0
22 0,002 0,744 0,002 0,006 0,067 0,039
23 1,014 1,016 0,001 0,067 0 0,076
24 0,316 1,002 1,39 0,019 0,078 0,018
25 1,001 0,675 1,822 0,078 0,241 0,008
26 1,023 0,148 1,764 0,241 0,01 0,105
27 0,802 0,722 1,025 0 0,062 0,008
28 0,515 1,016 1,001 0,071 0,145 0,06
29 1,164 0,423 1,197 0,145 0,088 0,02
30 0,001 0,344 1,841 0,089 0,014 0,002
31 1,05 0,89 1,68 0,014 0,016 0,074
32 0,808 0,788 0,09 0,019 0,018 0,312
33 1,119 1,146 1,708 0 0,019 0,068
34 1,111 0,921 1,199 0,021 0,078 0,011
35 0,801 0,684 1,867 0,004 0,241 0,083
36 1,029 0,875 1,786 0,004 0,01 0,021
37 0,927 0,431 2,188 0,066 0,062 0,006
38 0,619 0,711 1,229 0,004 0,145 0,168
39 0,266 0,817 1,29 0,01 0,088 0,015
40 0,419 1,081 1,115 0,012 0 0,003
41 0,114 0,722 1,018 0,004 0,013 0,002
42 1,001 0,641 1,176 0,004 0,014 0
43 0,801 0,474 1,545 0,063 0,002 0,008
44 0,029 0,139 1,281 0,002 0,032 0,015
45 0,227 0,704 0,068 0,01 0,022 0,003
46 0,515 0,618 1,109 0,011 0 0,002
47 0,243 1,008 1,191 0,021 0,018 0
48 0,206 0,704 0,068 0,01 0,022 0
49 0,515 0,618 1,109 0 0,01 0,001
50 0,248 1,002 1,111 0,053 0,014 0

±SE 0,430±0,411 0,792±0,356 1,234±0,533 0,047±0,074 0,057±0,061 0,089±0,169

0,819±,547 0,064±0,113

A comparison chart of the lead level between geographical location and age of bali cattles
is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Comparison of lead (ppm) levels in blood between young,

puberty and adult cattle each at lowland and highland location.

Statistical analysis of research data shows that the older the cattles, the higher the

lead level in their blood, both in lowland and highland area. In general the level of lead

level was significantly (p <0.05) different, that is the lowest at young age, followed by

puberty and the highest at adult age (Tables 2 and 3).

Table 2. Analisis of variance between lowland and highland location
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 42,674 1 42,674 273,607 ,000
Within Groups 46,479 298 ,156
Total 89,153 299

Table 3. Posthoc test based on age category

Subset for alpha = 0.05
Age N 1 2 3
Young 99 ,24100
Puberty 100 ,42425
Adult 100 ,66132
Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 99,664.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is
used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.

The results of the analysis of variant data based on geographic of cattle, the level
of lead level in lowland cattle showed a significant difference (p <0.05) between young,
puberty and adult cattle (Tables 4 & 5), whereas in highland of cattle it was not
significantly different (p> 0.05) (Table 6).

Table 4 Analysis of variance of lead level in lowland location

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Lead level * Age Between Groups 15,719 2 7,860 40,700 ,000
of cattle Within Groups 28,194 146 ,193
Total 43,913 148

Table 5. Duncan’s test of the age category in lowland location

Age of Subset for alpha = 0.05

cattle N 1 2 3
Young 49 ,43876
Puberty 50 ,79188
Adult 50 1,23376
Sig. 1,000 1,000 1,000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 49,662.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of
the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not

Table 6 Analysis of variance of lead level in lowland location

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Lead content * Between Groups ,048 2 ,024 1,903 ,153
Age Within Groups 1,845 147 ,013
Total 1,893 149

4. Discussion

Level of lead is higher in cattle in the lowlands than in the highlands location,

indicated sources of pollutants in the lowlands more, both from the air, air and animal

feed. Lowland locations where cattle are sampled are urban areas (Denpasar and Badung),

so pollutant levels are higher than those in the highlands (Bangli Regency). Analogous

with this study is about the level of lead in the blood of pregnant women at Duke

Obstetrics and Durham Regional Hospital Obstetrics, showing higher levels of lead in

mothers in urban areas (lowlands) compared to surrounding areas (23). .

The level of lead contamination of an area's heavy metals can be predicted from

the level of contamination in its flora, commonly called a bioindicator (6, 9). Many types

of plants are useful for remediation of lead contamination in the soil. However, plants that

are bioaccumulators are eaten by livestock, then the animals will be exposed to lead (42).

This situation is reported to cause heavy metal contamination of lead in intensively

maintained cow's milk (28). In accordance with the cycle in an ecosystem, if heavy metals

in the soil are absorbed by plants, then subsequently it enters the body of cattle. If humans

consume beef exposed to heavy metals, then humans will be exposed to heavy metals (37).

Feed factor as a source of heavy metal contamination is also evidenced by the discovery of

lead in the blood of wild cattle (39).

Research on motor neural disease (MND) in humans caused by heavy metals

was reported to be the highest (20.9%) due to contamination of lead with urban

geographies in Spain (3, 41). Therefore it is very important to do a mapping of heavy

metal sources on an ongoing basis as was done in Germany. because a source of heavy

metal pollution will be serial (6, 14).

There is a similar pattern between cattles in the lowlands and in the highlands,

namely the youngest age is lowest exposed to lead and the highest on adult. When

compared between young cattle in the lowlands and in the highlands, there were a

significant difference (p <0.05) between the young, between puberty and between

adulthood respectively (Tables 7, 8 and 9). The difference is more likely due to differences

in levels of lead pollution in the environment where cattles are grazing. In addition there is

a possibility due to the acquisition of a cattles to her calf during the embryonal period

through transplacenta. In humans it is reported that transplacental lead contamination can

occur (8). Bali cattle naturally have the same characteristics between cattle in the lowlands

and in the highlands (38), but the level of environmental pollutants will cause different

developmental characteristics.

Table 7. ANOVA of lead level among calves in both location.

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3,663 1 3,663 41,976 ,000
Within Groups 8,553 98 ,087
Total 12,216 99

Table 8. ANOVA of lead level among the puberty old of cattle in both location
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 13,515 1 13,515 207,396 ,000
Within Groups 6,386 98 ,065
Total 19,901 99

Table 9. ANOVA of lead level among the adults of cattles in both location.
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 29,135 1 29,135 181,717 ,000
Within Groups 15,713 98 ,160
Total 44,848 99

The results of research showed that the duration of exposure greatly affected the

level of lead contamination, because old cattle meant that they had been in the

environment for a long time. Studies on fish have reported that the older the age and the

bigger the body size, the higher the heavy metal contamination (15, 19). In addition, many

factors influence the level of heavy metal contamination, including geographic and fish

species (13), physiological fish (19), tissue types (17, 31, 33) and certain infection (24). In

contrast to the results of experiments using rats it was reported that young rats was

exposed to lead higher than older rats (7), and caused persistent immunotoxicity (29). The

same thing happened to ducks due to exposure to lead heavy metals in Argentina (16).

Similarly, studies on rock oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) found that young age were more

exposed to lead (36). This may be due to animal species factors, as reported that the

exposure response between fish species by heavy metals varies greatly (13). In addition,

breeds in one animal species are also very influential on the level of contamination by

lead, which occur in buffaloes (32)..

Based on the distribution of lead heavy metal contamination data, there appears

to be a similar pattern in the age of puberty, which is a more homogeneous distribution

compared to young and adult (Table 1). This may be due to physiological factors (19) and

feed patterns (26). Physiological factors are closely related to the hormonal system, where

during puberty the release of the hormone gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) can

affect the resistance to heavy metal contamination (35,38). Among the types of animals

there are also variations in sensitivity to heavy metal contamination, so it is referred to as

bioindicator or biomonitoring to the level of environmental pollution in the vicinity.

Several types of animals can be used as bioindicators including buffalo (32), cattle, sheep

and camels (1,44); anthler deer (18).

5. Conclusion

Bali cattle raised in the lowlands are contaminated with lead heavy metals which

are higher than cattle raised in the highlands. Cattle in the lowlands are contaminated by

heavy metals are higher in young cattles compared to puberty and adult cattles. While

cattle in the highlands there is no significant difference between young cattles, puberty and

adult cattles.

6. Aknowledgement
Authors thank to the Directorate General of Research and Public Service, Ministry of
Research, Technology and High Education in Indonesia for the funding support on this

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