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Nuevo León


Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Maestro Jorge Carrillo. Grupo 420. Monterrey, Nuevo León 5/16/2023

Emilia Isabel García Karo #2099285
Armando Salas Guzmán #2099047
Jonathan Israel Cruz García #2099853
Axel Raymundo Cervantes Ramírez #2100115
Maximiliano Juárez Gómez #2099485
Roberto Mercado Pérez #2100704
Eugenio Tamez Zavala #2100554
Samuel Sergei Serna Medina #2099256
Javier Rodrigo Mendiola Vázquez #2101095

Environmental problems are a growing concern for people all over the world. As human activities
continue to impact the natural world, we are seeing the effects of pollution, deforestation, climate
change, and other environmental issues. These problems not only affect the health of our planet,
but also the well-being of all living creatures, including humans. As a result, it is important for
individuals, organizations, and governments to take action to address these issues and work
towards a more sustainable future. In this context, it is essential to understand the causes and
impacts of environmental problems, as well as the solutions that can be implemented to mitigate
There are several pressing environmental problems that we face today, including:
1. Climate Change: The Earth's climate is changing due to the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions caused by human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. This is
leading to rising temperatures, melting glaciers, sea level rise, and more frequent extreme
weather events.
2. Biodiversity Loss: Human activities, such as habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and
overexploitation of resources, are causing a loss of biodiversity. This is leading to the extinction
of many plants and animal species and is threatening the functioning of ecosystems.
3. Pollution: Pollution of air, water, and soil is a major environmental problem that affects human
health and the health of ecosystems. Sources of pollution include industrial activities,
transportation, agriculture, and waste disposal.
These are just a few of the most pressing environmental problems we face today and addressing
them will require a concerted effort from individuals, organizations, and governments around the
Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental challenges we face today. Here are
some key points:
• Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are trapping heat in
the atmosphere and causing global temperatures to rise. This is disrupting climate patterns and
causing more extreme weather events.
• Rising temperatures are melting glaciers and ice sheets, causing sea levels to rise. This
threatens coastal cities and island nations.
• Climate change is also causing shifts in ecosystems, changing precipitation patterns, and
contributing to droughts and wildfires in some areas.
• The effects of climate change are already being felt and are projected to worsen if we don't take
action to reduce emissions. This poses risks to human health, food and water security,
infrastructure, and economies.
• The most important thing individuals can do is to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions.
This includes actions like driving and flying less, eating less meat, using less energy at home, and
avoiding waste.
• Transitioning to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency of buildings,
transportation systems and industry would also significantly lower emissions at a systemic level.
• Governments need to set policies to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, like
carbon pricing, clean energy incentives, stricter emission standards, and investing in green
• International cooperation and agreements are also vital to tackling climate change at the global
scale required. All countries need to commit to ambitious emission reduction targets and transition
In summary, climate change requires urgent and coordinated action at both the individual and
systemic level. By making changes in our own lives and advocating for stronger policies, we can
help push for the societal transformation needed to mitigate the worst effects of global warming.
The solutions are there - we just need the will and determination to implement them at the
necessary scale and speed.

Here are some key points about biodiversity loss and how we can make a change:
• Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including different species of plants, animals
and microorganisms, as well as the genetic diversity within each species.
• Biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate due to human activities like habitat destruction,
overexploitation, pollution, and climate change.
• This loss of biodiversity poses risks to ecosystem health and functioning. When species vanish,
ecosystem services that humans depend on are also compromised.
• Loss of biodiversity also reduces genetic resources for crops and medicines and threatens
"option values" - potential future benefits from species that have yet to be discovered.
• Individuals can make a difference by reducing meat consumption, avoiding single-use plastics,
limiting travel, buying sustainable products, and supporting conservation initiatives.
• Governments need to implement strong policies to protect habitats, reduce pollution, regulate
resource use, and combat wildlife trafficking. Greater international cooperation is also needed.
• Scientists and researchers play an important role in monitoring biodiversity loss, identifying
threats, and developing solutions like selective breeding programs and restoration ecology
• Businesses have a responsibility to minimize their environmental impacts, make more
sustainable choices in sourcing and production, and in some cases promote biodiversity through
their operations.
• Collectively, with coordinated action across all sectors of society, we can slow and reverse
biodiversity loss through a combination of habitat protection, sustainable use of resources, and
restoration of damaged ecosystems.
• Ultimately, a fundamental shift is needed towards a more sustainable model of economic
development that prioritizes nature and biodiversity conservation. But there is still hope if we act
decisively and urgently.
While biodiversity loss is a complex and wide-ranging problem, there are many things’ individuals,
organizations, governments and the global community can do to make a positive change and
ensure a sustainable future for nature and humanity.

pollution and how we can make a change:

• Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment by substances that are harmful to living
• Many forms of pollution threaten the environment and human health, including air pollution,
water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, plastic pollution and electronic waste.
• Individuals can make a difference by reducing consumption, recycling more, minimizing driving,
using less chemicals at home, reducing food waste and choosing environmentally friendly
• Businesses need to minimize pollution from their operations through better waste management,
recycling programs, emissions control technologies and sustainable product design.
• Governments must set and enforce stricter pollution standards, implement environmental
regulations, invest in green infrastructure and provide incentives for greener technologies.
• Governments and international organizations also play a role in negotiating treaties to reduce
transboundary pollution and coordinate responses to global pollution problems.
• Scientists and engineers develop new technologies to monitor, remediate and prevent different
types of pollution, such as sewage treatment plants, renewable energy sources, electric vehicles,
biodegradable plastics and more.
• Nonprofits and civil society groups raise awareness, put pressure on governments and
companies, and advocate for stronger policies to limit pollution and protect the environment.
• Ultimately, we need a systemic shift towards more sustainability, including things like:
- Lowering material and energy consumption
- Transitioning to a circular economy that minimizes waste
- Moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources
- Investing more in public transportation and fewer personal vehicles
- Improving mechanisms for global cooperation and governance
Pollution is a complex problem caused by many factors, there are practical actions we can all take
as individuals, along with interventions across society spanning businesses, governments,
scientists and communities. With a multifaceted approach and a focus on sustainable solutions,
we can make meaningful strides in reducing pollution and protecting human health and the
In conclusion, environmental problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution,
deforestation, and water scarcity are some of the most pressing challenges we face today. These
problems have far-reaching consequences for the health of our planet and all living creatures,
including humans. However, there are many promising technological solutions that can help to
address these issues. By investing in renewable energy, electric vehicles, energy-efficient
buildings, carbon capture and storage, sustainable agriculture, water treatment technologies, and
a circular economy, we can work towards a more sustainable future. It is essential for individuals,
organizations, and governments to take action to address these environmental problems and to
work towards a more sustainable and equitable world for all.
Addressing environmental problems requires a multi-faceted approach that involves not only
technological solutions, but also changes in behavior and policy. In addition to investing in new
technologies, it is important for individuals to make lifestyle changes that reduce their
environmental impact. This can include things like reducing energy consumption, eating a plant-
based diet, using public transportation or biking instead of driving, and reducing waste.
At the same time, government policies and regulations can play a crucial role in addressing
environmental problems. Policies such as carbon pricing, renewable energy mandates, and
regulations on pollution can incentivize the private sector to adopt more sustainable practices and
technologies. Governments can also invest in research and development of new technologies, as
well as in infrastructure that supports sustainable transportation, energy production, and waste
Finally, it is important to recognize that environmental problems are often closely linked to social
and economic issues, such as poverty, inequality, and access to resources. To fully address
environmental problems, we must also work towards creating more just and equitable societies
that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet.
Overall, addressing environmental problems is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential
for the future health and well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants. By working together and
taking action at the individual, organizational, and governmental levels, we can create a more
sustainable and equitable world for generations to come.
To further elaborate on the social and economic dimensions of environmental problems, it is
important to recognize that these problems often disproportionately affect marginalized
communities, such as low-income and indigenous populations. For example, air pollution from
industrial activities is often concentrated in low-income neighborhoods, leading to higher rates of
respiratory illnesses. Similarly, deforestation and habitat destruction can have a devastating
impact on indigenous communities that rely on the natural environment for their livelihoods and
cultural practices. Addressing environmental problems in a just and equitable manner requires
not only reducing the overall environmental impact of human activities, but also ensuring that the
benefits and burdens of environmental policies and technologies are distributed fairly. This means
involving communities that are most affected by environmental problems in the decision-making
process and providing them with the resources and support they need to transition to more
sustainable practices. Furthermore, addressing environmental problems can also present
opportunities for economic growth and job creation. For example, investments in renewable
energy and energy efficiency can create new jobs and stimulate economic activity, while also
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. Similarly, a transition to a circular
economy can create new business opportunities and reduce waste.
In summary, addressing environmental problems requires a holistic approach that takes into
account the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of these issues. By working towards
a more just and equitable society that prioritizes sustainability, we can create a better future for

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