One Intelligence British English Student

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1 Warm up

In the previous lesson you used your logical skills. In these riddles try to be a little more open-minded
and think out of the box.

1. What ancient invention, which is still in use today, allows people to see through walls?

2. In what sport are the shoes made of metal?

3. Which side of a cat has the most hair?

4. John’s mother has three children. One is named April and one is named May. What is the third
child’s name?

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2 One intelligence?

Nowadays psychologists believe that there are many different types of intelligence, not just one. They
say we can be smart in many ways. Here are eight types of intelligence. Match the descriptions to
the names.

1. Word-smart people a. are good at solving maths problems

2. You are number-smart if you b. are good at dancing and sports.

3. Picture- smart people c. are good at understanding other people.

4. You are body-smart if you d. are good at speaking and writing.

5. Music-smart people e. are good with maps, drawing and painting.

6. You are people-smart if you f. understand their own feelings

7. Self- smart people g. are good at playing musical instruments and singing.

8. Nature-smart people h. feel a strong connection with plants and animals.

3 Which intelligence is your strength?

Tick the statement if you agree with it or if it is true about you. Discover which intelligence is your
biggest strength.

1. I enjoy learning foreign languages.

2. Writing stories or poetry is fun.

3. I like reading.

4. I am good at explaining things.

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1. Math is my favourite subject.

2. I am interested in science.

3. Solving logical puzzles is fun.

4. I am good with numbers.

1. I prefer art classes to music classes.

2. I have a good sense of direction.

3. I am good at remembering faces.

4. I enjoy making models.

1. I am good at sports.

2. I like dancing and performing.

3. I prefer playing sports to watching films.

4. I do exercise several times a week.

1. I like to sing.

2. I can play a musical instrument.

3. I know when a person sings well.

4. I remember songs easily.

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1. I have a lot of friends.

2. I often help other people with their problems.

3. I work best in a group.

4. Meeting new people is fun for me.

1. I prefer working alone to working in a group.

2. I know what makes me happy and what makes me sad.

3. I know my good and bad points.

4. I never ask for advice.

1. I like camping.

2. I enjoy playing with animals.

3. I know the names of many plants.

4. I love walking in the park.

How many boxes did you tick in each group? Two or more ticks mean a strength.

I am ____________________- smart and ____________________- smart .

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4 Personal profiles
Part A: Read the three profiles and choose the correct verb form for each gap.


My name’s Azza. I like listening to music. I don’t like school very much but I’m good at sports. I play
1 2
football and swim. I like swimming in the sea and photos of the fish. I
a lot about fish. Here is one of my photos.
1. a. taking b. take c. to take
2. a. knowing b. to know c. know


My name’s Esteban. I’m interested in science. I’m good at maths. I enjoy experiments
in the school lab and I want to be a scientist. I like music, too. I can the guitar. I don’t
like rock music or hip-hop. My favourite music is folk. I practise every day. I sometimes play with my
father’s band.
1. a. to do b. doing c. do
2. a. to play b. play c. playing


I’m Maria. I like reading and I’m interested in studying psychology. I want what people
feel. I like helping my friends and I enjoy listening to them. I’m good at people and
animals. This is the portrait of my grandmother.
1. a. understand b. to understand c. understanding
2. a. to paint b. painting c. paint

Part B: Read the profiles again and decide which intelligence is each person’s strength. Support your
answers with examples from the text.

Example: Azza is body-smart. She’s good at sports.

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5 Language focus: verb forms

Read the explanations and then add the verbs to the correct column in the table.

When two verbs are used together, the second verb can have three possible forms:

1. infinitive with to - I want to sing.

2. infinitive without to - I can sing.
3. gerund (= verb + ing) - I enjoy singing.

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6 Let’s practice
Write sentences. Use all the words, change their forms if necessary and add any missing words.

Example: My father/prefer/swim/in the evening.

My father prefers swimming (or to swim) in the evening.

1. She/be/not good/solve/maths problems.

2. I/would like/learn/Chinese.

3. My friend/prefer/do exercise/listen/music.

4. I/want/remember/how/spell the words.

5. My sister/like/meet/new people.

7 Talking about preferences

For each pair tick the activity that you prefer. Talk about your preferences like in the example. Support
each choice with at least one sentence. When you are ready, compare your answers with a partner.
Do you like the same things?

1. I prefer playing sports to watching sports. I play tennis and ride a bike. Watching sports on television is
2. I like/enjoy watching sports more than playing sports. I’m not good at sports and I get tired quickly. The
only sport I like is horse-riding.

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8 Presenting a personal profile

Part 1: Listen to Harry’s personal profile. Which three intelligences are his strengths?

Part 2: Listen again and make notes to answer the questions.

What does Harry say about the following?

• watching sports
• science
• doing experiments
• singing

Part 3: Prepare your personal profile. Complete the sentences with your abilities and preferences.
Add details if you can.

I love

I like

I enjoy

I can

I’m good at

I’m interested in

I want

I’m planning

I would like

I am learning

I prefer

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9 Homework

Choose the most interesting things that you have written in Task 8 and write your personal profile.
Check the text for errors. Practise saying the text in a natural way. Record your profile.

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