Beginners German With Áine Verbs Reg

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Beginners German with Áine

Regular Verbs

There are a set of endings for regular verbs that you must learn off by heart.
Machen = to do or to make
Ich mache I make
Du machst you (informal) make
Er/sie/es/man macht he/she/it/one makes
Wir machen we make
Ihr macht you (ye) make
Sie machen you (formal) make
sie machen they make

 Now, write out the endings for the following verbs following the same
model as above
Wohnen = to live schreiben = to write
Translate into German
1. She sings

2. I learn

3. We make

4. You live (formal)

5. They write

6. One shows

Translate into German

1. Carla lives in Berlin

2. They live in Hamburg

3. Alan and Amanda live in South Africa

4. You (polite) live in Dresden

5. We write emails

6. You (pl. informal) do Homework

7. Paul is singing a song

8. She is called Maria

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