Cover Letter and CV

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Address-ShegerCityLegaXefo Lega Dadi Sub city

To:Fairway school
Position:Mathematics/Physics Teacher




1 personal information detai l
F u l l n a m e G a r o m a T i r f e s a W a g a r i
A g e 2 4 y e a r s
S e x M a l e
Dat e o f b ir t h S e p t e m b e r 1 2 / 0 1 / 1 9 9 2 E . C

Place of birth B e d a I l u
R e g i o n O r o m i a
W o r e d a a n D o
Marital Status n g l e S i
N a t i o n a l i t y i o p i a n E t h
P h ys ic a l co nd it io n a b i l i t y D i s
Profession/qualification e o m a t i c s E n g i n e e r i n g B S c i n G
Contact address + ) 2 5 1 9 3 0 5 6 9 5 9 3 M o b . ( m E-mail : g
2 Educational back ground
L e v e l Nam e of school Y e a r s Achievement
Primary School Beda Ilu elementary 1998E.C-2006 E.C Certificate and books
S c h o o l
Secondary Schoo l K e r a s e c o n d a r y 2007E.C-2008 E.C Certificates& books
S c h o o l

P r e p a r a t o r y S c h o o l S e yo p r e p a r a t o r y 2009E.C-2010 E.C Cert ificat es

S c h o o l

H igher educat io n Wachemo University 2011 E .C-2015 E .C Temporary certif cate, ap reciation certif cate from department of Geomatics Engine ring.

3 Q u ali fi cat i o n
BSc ( Fir st degree) I n G e o m a t i c s E n g i n e e r i n g
4 Training cert ificat es and Resp on sibility
Pre –service training on basic cadesteral and urban planning inArcGIS skills From Ambo town manucipality andGeomatics Engineering department in collaboration with wachemo university.

V o l u n t a r y S e r v i c e Participating in summer free service like educational support for children and building house for elders.
Recommendat ion let ter Excellent inter personal skill, leadership and academic skill
5 C o m p u t e r s k i l l a n d k n o w l e d g e
Basic comput er ski ll I have good computer skill on Microsoft word, excel, power point, publisher power Ge’ez

Software skill & knowledge I have ArcGIS,ERDAS Imagine,Auto CAD/Eagle point,and visual basic studiosoftware knowledge and skill

6 H o b b i e s
Art & science based reading I am interested in reading fictions, engineering journalsnewspaper and books written by people

Spare t ime Ho bbies Playing and Watching football match Communicating with friends, partners & other relatives through internet & face book, fol owing global and national current public concern is ues and doing voluntary service.

7 L a n g u a g e
Reading Speaking W r i t i n g
O r o m i c Excellent E x c e l l e n t E x c e l l e n t
A m h a r i c Excellent E x c e l l e n t E x c e l l e n t
E n g i l s h Excellent E x c e l l e n t E x c e l l e n t
8 R e s e a r c h e x p e r i e n c e
Undergraduate research/paper Developing Land banking information systems by using geospatial technology in case of Hossana town Bobicho kebele.
9 A c a d e m i c r e f e r e n c e Contact address
M o b i l e / e m a i l
Mr.Dinkneh Abebe(MSc.) Wachemouniversity college engineering and technology department of Geomatics Engineering my research advisor M o b. ( + ) 0 9 1 6 6 7 1 4 6 0

Mr.Tibebu Manaye( MSc) Head department of Geomatics Engineering Tel-+251910442204

Mr.Elias (Msc) Lecturer at Wachemo universit y Tel-+25117860840

Mr.Adamu Dassalegn(MSc.) Lecturer at Wachemo Universit y T e l - - 2 5 1 1 9 0 2 0 7 8 6

Ms.AsterChalchisa(MSc.) Lect urerat WachemoUnivesity Tel-25160402709

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