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12 J00 Sota, | Bo | | | | | (POR ae a 1 PB BLE PT 00 FARE: Go FRE HAR: W.39.202R THAR: S00 >. Find out the noun of the word ‘acquit’. 4. Which of the following is not related iy @ acquition @a marriage? @ 20 equittal oes @ Polyandry © acquitation Gusts wt ghey) Src ey Acquit (01% OFT) 2 noun form EE acquittal (CER eT) | % You must compensate .. the loss. @or @ with @ for ® about Bt FOR] ‘creer fer ear wheqay cron ace compensate 2 preposition RAS for Wi! You must compensate for the loss- CORTE® && TPAC OT ITE SMA CE UT | ©. The plural of the word ‘virus’ is- @ viri viratum @ many virus © viruses ay FBR] FRE noun Coe us RICH OTH HIER 05 TE plural 97 F31 W | CA: virus—> viruses. 8. The phrase ‘fight shy of means- @ avoid @ quarrel @ flee @ struggle ar Fara] Fight shy of (90 PN) idiom-Ba 4 avoid. ¢@. Corona Virus has spread ... the globe. @on @ into @ across @ above Ba form] corer fage omens care OT ere care preposition FecAC# across WF | Coronavirus has spread across the globe- Warn Sram 7rar Fay Roem HR ¥. Which of the following is correct? @ No sooner had he seen me before he ran away. @ No sooner had he seen me than he ran away. @ Scarcely had he seen me than he ran away. Hardly he saw me when he ran away. 8. [HSI] OF *TeT- No sooner had he seen me than he ran away (OF Once CRATE aT OraTe enfPrCT O91) | PRT, correlative conjunction RT no fara] Monogamy (2% fear), polyandry (gee are Tere! ae FA), poligamy (zefewe) aware marriage &T A TPES! shire polyglot- TA | ¥. The correct English translation of the sentence "OPT SPA TG TH RAAT is- @ Reading by fits and starts will not do. @ Reading by a bird’s eye view will not do, @ Reading at a glance will not do. @ Reading intermittently will not do. 8, >. Fill in the blank of the following sentence. My father went to London by ... air. @ the @ no article @a @an Be (ONT) SIT ATT CTAWCS air, bus, train, boat Fortine 4 article 471 3.1 am fond of swimming. Here ‘swimming’ is- @averb @ a present participle @a gerund @ an adverb BH FEW) Verb or Te ing Oe WU CH word a FMC verb A noun AF WT WA BIE gerund 3s Swimming HB aE ACIS ee ATT noun GR verb IT WEF SAE | 39. .« your timely help, I would have failed. @ But for @ For @ Despite © Unless =e FoR] "IER are but for TART Wi But for your timely help, | would have failed- 13% 77 COPA FRCPC BIT, SD AE TOT | ‘38. The lady guest proceeded as though I (not speak @ The lady guest proceeded as though I had not spoke @ The lady guest proceeded as though I did not speak @ The lady guest proceeded as though I have not spoken © The lady guest proceeded as though | a sooner ... than 41 not speak. Job Solution 08 AAT The lady guest proceeded ax Trough Thad not spoken BE, AS if as though MCAT IAT KEM past indefinite tense erect exfect tense IH | {p much stronger S iors stronger MEE comparative degree 3 C4 mich ren much AF se. the play “The Hairy Ape” was written by- @ very stronger @ so stronger ue ‘@G.B. Shaw @ William Shakespeare Ben Jonson @ Eugene O'Neill 8% The Hairy Ape (1922) *IBat feestces Fugene O'Neill, 2% ABE Yank Smith ame GH IT ATCA Fe TE RAT FAL Ke area Beh IEMA Paewce Fear ra | 44.The science of teaching is called- @ phonetics © pedazogy @athies ® phonology ae feel rm FRE RTICE pedagogy 1) HT! Phonetics. REFIT; ethics- AfefeTT: phonology. FETT | ye.Choose the correct spelling. @ etiquette @ etiquitte @etiquete @ ctiquettwe ae | ar] 6 AA: eriguette (7a 51544) | | 9.What is the antonym of ‘shabby"? @ honesty @ sagacious @new @ diny Ban [ore] Shabby (BY wrt) 44 amtonym WE new (PH) | Honesty FOE: sagacious- FT: dirty- GE | %».The word ‘extrajudicial’ means- @ extra facility for judges @ judicious @ a criminal activity © happening outside the normal power of the law ©. © Extrajudicial (srarices afar FEE / waar 2217) V4 happening outside the normal power of the law. 39Meat and potatoes’ means- @a special type of curry ® a delicious dish of meat @ a simple and ordinary matter the most basic and important aspects of something. ERT] Meat and potatoes (CCIE ATE aa FY TE fe) idiom-fa a. The most basic and ‘important aspects of something. *e.Which of the following was written by Chinua Achebe? ® Brave New World @ the Trial © Ulysses @® Things Fall Apart 8. & 8 FRR] Father of African Literature 1 aRcofears Berane © ae China Achebe 2 904 BFF Things Fall Apart (1958), 8 FoF areca ni oe seem erence Sar a Shy wecer crews fice Boca orarwice fate eae Brave New World, The Trial 88 Ulysses SOCATEC WET AMdous ster. Franz Kafka 4% James Joye. 83.The teacher said to me, “Why were you absent?” The indirect speech of the sentence above is- @ The teacher asked me why 1 was absent © The teacher asked me why | had been absent. The teacher asked me why I have been absent. {©The teacher wanted to know why I was absent. * Interrogative sentence «Te Wh- question TW direct WET indirect ae FAM: sub + asked + obj + wh-word + aenire assertive TAH BGT | BE ABR indirect form- The teacher asked me why I had been absent. 3&.What is the synonym of ‘pinnacle’? @ Panacea @ Mountain @ Peak © Phantom Ba FORT] Pinnacle (AT FE) eT synonym RR peak (OSPR) | Panacea aca farmer ‘SY; mountain. 448: phantom. AE HE 1 20,The correct passive voice of the sentence “Who can avoid death?” is- @ By whom death can be avoided? @ Whom can death be avoided? @ By whom can death be avoided? @ Who can be avoided by death? Bt Fara] Auxiliary verb @% who TS active voice- & passive FAT FAR: By whom + auxiliary + subtbety;+?. 848 #8 Passive form- By whom can death be avoided? 38.Itis high time you ... a job. @ seek @ need @ sought © apply for Bn fareat] Iris time / 11 is high time-X8 sentence IF Structure RM: It is high time + Sub + verb 4% past form + 8 SO" | TCA PTAA search ‘past form ROR sought FAC | 3¢.Behave how a gentleman behaves. Here the underlined part is a/a @nounclause —_ adjectival clause @ adverbial clause ® coordinating clause ©. % clause T TAT CHA AA verd-ce modify HF BF adverbial clause TT' AS eee ‘a gentleman behaves TIRE AAT verb ‘behave <# modify FAC! was SOTO 9 OIE AC cori ere aft RCHTRY @ are oon © TER 6 orn Berk aw are © corte = Be SOW SY Serre mrapy ret) META A Sriceree 6 xearere ere PAIR SR ST) Sree we eer eTTRTET ARE SURRY) TORT, ICY aT aR RCA, BEE STE TROY Bae Ia aT TB CATE) A. RCO a aR ce? Oren @ aern orn err Bn EY Heer ere eis fe str ea H S809 acer croncers aremrsere (wear rRcaRE) Gite “whem safes ean) BE CRE TET arecore sith ares eA, Kener ere TSE TRAY ARCO Th AT), HER MAGRTET ITE, Rion erie a rere ome srifreon FF PAR) GeeTT Be aCe, sale we BOT (eT were wORreT) | Béircma etme cat oem (308) SR OT BT Bre | TEN 9 He Hem IAT COAT | Rb AIRC CN CY Opies @wzhe Oren Omnd 7 Bt FOES Srey aroha wereray arava oa aly | 8 28 worE CMe aS aa a FCO RSE (sifFeTe, SeRTETETS, ITeTe, FeFBRTETO, Dire, Tee 6 Fare) ) o wea BIT Rear Pres weer aT Taree | alte ce oe BReorer | wy aaTeT Bkrorara flee Soe OF AN AT OAT BACON AT Cl ATT RH ABS | 29. Mooney cam Sree abe? @ eitia aren Orgs ®. @ wae Ba BIT THY CTC NRCC ITOH ETH, wreilt we ETS A Ore FERS SRT ‘Renter’ wat web ane ¢ a8 Aor FIA 36 ACF aE BAT) felt a TE gee “onrefet ai ema BAT | 90, TEM MRCETA RTT A wT CaP @ wr ems Oran vast @xtmr © Srerg amectes 5.4 forrar] sorrercare atcwrs fe, merge oe Bf, meyer ad wt 3 SARTRE rare sat oe erere areneT | fer reer aren PUTA vrereta ferat cia aay ~fers YK RH ae PUTT Oe ‘AMOTE Bae om) FaTTRA SIRT CHEE OF we frow ‘eramameT (3903- co) FO WT wat) 0 wean KEN Ger ace spear | 7 Free cg mtorr | 3480 711 Tye re area ART FTA FMS CD ORES NIAT ae erm © oor oom Bey ro AT SRT ete © carga Ee © Vin are By pa rca ee cred @ BFP are ee age, sifte, mise 8 mee teem ef et MRCET PORTA BU GR AIT eT ey ate WB | 1 oTeT FR, FETCH, Fa, Felon ied a1 pt Frne SeHIES en ae Or) HONE AOS RAT HHT RET 1 ARE feces ATA AAT WB SITS CAPT TECH) See fre RPI TONER CHOPRA ATCT RE a ee repre sre Fra ST BT) 3989 mm snore are Re aT ere OreTE ea afrraia cre erie ABS arse crt ena le se ar cara arr mea aE a, soapteccera entire aco Rerce SASAES er Br 20. ANTE CH RPT? @ Rye @ eae @ wan @ sate ae CTR REE Eh 8 RMR we Fie coen vee Coon of aon TC ICH ATE, AG, ea, eT ore ere RCT TER “BR BAT) CH: ER MTT (TE) aa = 7ATSe | 98 ERS CF CH TAR TRU? Ory our oun one Be c= (9, a) ) SCOT saa Be ah Ree Ore —— @ afeverCeTDaT © *heereT @ misma 8t SORT] wee Teer feammapeg, Bere fee F ‘aaa a 8 oF fey oy a era RT RTT 8 0) en Be awe cere AN ea TH THR CATR 1 Cra: A LOTCORTDAT (B+ = HM) = rico; Bech = Penh | eR MOT BT om tm oun @ om 8 fore] Der (wer) > BT (are) > Em (CFA) | a Job Solution oa EEG e ATO atc al Rae ef cor aCe @ ron at @ wef ot owm ®t — @afrewr a Ba oven] (ore ress er (on) ae rae (#4) font arse ae aaa mee cou ee COROT OMY SE Set wae cx Bea oN aT, OF fiery Be cava. IME a ee ae 2 on, Br me ey Se THEE | TSAR, VC “OTE fey eae a aa mee BP ROE (SMEG) fee, WS 2omr we teens race ai cow. a Ta om em OEM TE @ ene cy Oxmnah Om ey D008 HET) oT mraer afearé nate ae7 © sfobw abe een Cree, Se OT Be BS are cx cee orerah RTT ABT wea THER afc oT SBTC are fer a ger | DAT STATIC CATEATNBT | F Svs HTT 2 OT CAF 9 FIT 22 GET srbes eB ATAIMICR aR Svcir ATCT 3h STR GOH un FR 33 CRpRIA Ae COTY erat ge aT TET Ce BAT | “RMIT rerio arate enter Prete 94oH wafers 39 WE, 3039 HICH SITE BH | A ReCaARATS TFTA AT wrer feafenrera cater Rome wane G. BRT STE 0 AE HM BAT AST TCC | TONE BH TA? Ors ort @ xd aT i @ sit ma @ Mere or e “aemee’ od. fafow rarer COATS WAT TH aa) Ber BET OTA MT AA 8s. are cee ae a cota? @ xn © anh co ate Outre aes 23 omcerbe orn Beem ofr. @ Hers SAT O1ers om QAO = Oarorcea aw Sa veers Sear ‘focercarbra Cre (sy44) | SRmTCTE are Gray onion wast Bae xe ore ace) oF acre Fag, a PET Gr Kocerwrara ar wae fer con ore ate crew ara aer, eras Ger, 2A 9 fermen am fe afgomers Cras Bee ere FABRIC COPTIC RCAC | SRT aE OB aR Fa) oe TTR BoE meer Sorgmanr arene wee) Hae AE a Serre ERSTE GT AACET 80. tate aa fiers ITS ora rae ber Oe Oararm — OST a FF fen er eae eee C2 , 3b80) at Eee Rem | a ofero FRE IEW TT ARC OT TET sree 1 acer ePbTET FECT 0,C8 RET EE) 88 aT “Cabe aY fereT scab RT WT rare Bre a TRS TS 88 FRE SAMY Ae ATT CST om ornent owt ore fa] Oe Sea: rare acer = Te se. cota Boar? anaes = Oa @ueve @aeret a er Baten ward Seamer ‘ores (0930) 1B say re ‘ara tore eres er) Bernt cer fe whe arr Tima pce Rcace WH) OTA CEC Re GT aC A APA) TE HOT CORT TER hirer com Br aT SfICET ora ATS Ae) efor OFM FL ARTE PTC CHIT OTE Berar 3a aor TRC AT CCH CT em) FR MTN FOS MT ATS CATE SICA caaiga fe 1 Bq9 STORE fica Be wa Safee A OR | CH TH RCH | CHORE AIM HACER FATT Soran Fogo we AT WATE! MIRED PACH eH comer | Tara STS AHS WILE “TT (2398); FHF MeCeee ATE SET (939): eae HTT “TET (3929) | i. @ xen r © Cree ae oF ay AR MT Cora ae From OR? Ory Ome sets: orea Be See Ram fer Barr ere Bact Bic A ee BN Rae 1608 an 1 or ret nay Se ee Sa. ere Dc Ours @ mma ta Owen mr 84 fre) Sear ace att area 39, om fa, fefea eae ofa, foam aft wer ay wood Gears ‘fatroy we ae RIN ATH ome AAR ace TRI BC | esa STE eM SAAT EHS AHA HT once ane Re? @m @ re @ToRs @ rem Ba [aren] orere ona seen aca ae BET Fe Satara Fofeeree Bd AT BT Sb ACT | CORCAT mea ae cn fe 209 rem CA > oa AB 8 wa7 230 aeH fia Bam FATT AF BofE iar amice aR Te wr) HME TET TET Sbbs HOT OB Bearer BAT! ¢2,Swatch of No Ground &% Sta CHE? @ cafe Serica @ aay BOTT @ wee own 84 S272 J0b Soltion cs 1 ABE (STE) TOT ee Sage ener F205 vy ar et AAPTATHA ART OF CATR 0 FAT ey sete 241910 3300 ft a aga en @ yaa oan ores Bs wm worn Tate ea ty get ae oT FORT 2 es Gor wera Coe DUNE CE Tb Fay Gren are we cores “DRI Bt sre Feabee aibtrne ARIET F ATOA OA ET Grae 39 Fer) a8 CF ATG, fit eebram QOS SHEN ASAT AT | coma Feefearon #2 me efetbve ear @ 3a @ svaa @oe0e @ we Be fair) sn39 Te orer enna afobre 3 Se wt wat a Eo) BIE TF yo Ber Sa AH ae aC UT HN Ce Face Fach age rae re wae Te an wreBice S39 HE, BCE. ITERTE crag eo ene oa ear | TF eh yafeen yna0 Her rar feet TT oe Rema Te Fier ) BIR, 3099 30H eFCES wT, ee THTR-9' et om @ fem St oraaN O Faas Braces ae @ feyeorsgt aS Crews aro ham Sore THE ATTA. STAB 32 0m, 203 ET yom CaaS Cr CBIR CC Cm Ot TRE ACAD fee Bereor eH ar) ay weer 3309 fait oe afearen "aay areBmRD-» aa Bob Bronce one FAC VT Suoo CMMETR ae oF COGN TARTS COP CORTE aFigE? erene @aeh Oma xem ea fore) omas few qees mens gave Tom Coe APES 1 Fema ster aco ay are ecient OF (Ab -b39) Fray se) Seay mY TT HTT ARR OR Femrey Faecal onfeerE BAT AR sabe HIE RBICTT fy aise ET THT a) yr 947 Job Solution G8 ARTO TREC Corn Bt a WET ACT AT a ev. carats meats ery sp oxen oe @ Freer aire @ Bife aR eer © erate 8 er Ba | ara eer arena Fife ca eee ae bree ante afore aH | oe , TO cerca (IR tere ore), a em tba, roma conreaer (ratona Fates 6 faracon arte) | 2 &ot carate Foy arate om xin aioe, eran, xB, He, em wear 6 forsee) ite mam afin (re) weft RB, T 2008 FIT AES ET Cae areerTeHeta eral ate fer QuEsaT sO OAM AT Oa aks ears © erg or afta OT Ba 3993 FICE 30 after werarra Fae MT BH) ace Srom® For rere wrTE cre HTT rer meets (ofr wr re aes wefiarare) ae Coe more rare Bo aBaAS (rag orice rah mBofe, 10 6 Heat ofcrre) fre war ar) ores he TTS Yorara aaenas aamna ¢ afore mire CGA BE GRE OT BATORTATACE TA, TS rm oe A ae AG CEM BT 0, aI AAA? CPT CORTT ATRT? @ reas @ vba Fare’ © frre 5.4 ® Foren] arses Fife frarerye GT CTO LITT SY afire amesronors Fear aT AT Fecsca faawar war way frereycad Fre ae area AP a | 89. UNESCO oa aH OT GFF ART TARE? ore @ ees @ crs @ i Farer] United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 8 *CO%®. ese anew Stem @fobr ams wea) afb memeTTT fs, Fare @ me Frere: cow aba) 39 CITE oR RET ATH HSE ONE TACT AES | G.I ASEAN 8 OF 7 @ fern © feet @ ares © arm as fara] SPB, 289 ATT aT CAPR are Meese @ SeHIEe FT Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASE. a8 en a rs eR Reva arora rors APRS) 7 TETH TEAT OHH SAE | RET crMOCAT zon. arcafian, iam, FSrremrr, Peters, Remectr, mer, fmrrare, ge, Sima, cafe 6 9 foe 1 o.oo Frater offer et AAT cot? Orr eater @ aie ener @in te [ERE] 2988 ares OreROT wr AERA Rarer amet 8 BHT FRR AT RAs Soe AIC ‘ren earner etre Brit @ AACA MIL 2 TET a I rent aT ca HAT FET 33 1 soe ace franerer afrrcra Sarit FAT 30-9 Bate war POAT MRC AT MENT BT 31 OT wear wit eB mT crea (TERE, TORT, FM, afr 6 FF) Velo FIT SE wT TE so OFC Veto FET | 8.96 «store eas RANTS AearTCRNICe eT a @ Line of Access Control @ Line of Actual Control @ Line of Control @ Line of No Crossing 8. *f RINT] 389 care sneer he @pliced Pras Fre Sree. Tm Om Bo Tae oe Ce enforces merger Ben cmt yefeafers HS oT ge FATE ECE TTA Tw Fas eR INT BAT BH, a 3093 AIC Pe pf a Re oe Beir awed oat er) at ars co wae rates sa ardia ase amare ors snfear Feats rere wrt ae eth arora a Hee SEE | WA.NATO CM HAT CID? @amfre @ ameter @ safe © ancxfoe A ae fare] North Arlantie Treaty Organization Lo os ment 9 ance et re recaps | CaIB 1 ATT CONOR CHT rare rate RCT emt ATS | amnbra wba FH OM om ame efobreTAe wey FT Fer oP | an aera ame wer CARTIER meme (fet Fe ose) | arcorg 3 Cm HC PH OPH GB are ere ee IA | eT coer rcs ea anh? or @ bata orn ed oer wate) SAB 985 Be com aoe BRI GT aE ROR @ Bl and Road ttinive asic Regional Initiativ © Build Regional Intvastncture @ Big Road Infrastructure ee ee FER) oP Be cere oe ofow.afeg PRM, Bear © sneer mercRC TICE TEE @ Gee Rye ee coma cbemé) Bea wer CCE FF Forte soe er aes aay SAREE fre ars Renfre cot (arene) © ar Co ATA FA Cans (amarrara) Fea CAPE OFF SIRPRC ae Clk eres AER at eum Coe, em cAI (sf¥aaTE)| 209% mE Some on an afeata aa AT aE OTS GTS aera (Frareerk) are er ora es sae Cree Soe © afro outta Otaatm 34 TOURS ee rere efor coerce we WBE oF 3022 TIME sferTT age, abarcy Rice am af creer ee st 32 BH Yolk sramefes se acre) oraTTe erent croft xn. aii, wom, 5, zm, Yeu, nian, sae, Sak 6 Sex cma | va. GoRd EU 9 or aa @m @ ta ors © corms Ba fal BBrarta BWhiwy zoe Berar WeICHHT ror OE BOB IRAE o TRAST cob, om fons waren ay wiafee cont Pera fae | 2 ACRE, sano TT Wee yer Wor ae efobl mS BF Ie OF FETT FAT TA 2 | TR A WSS CAE ATAT AOI GAH THES | 90. CP ARPT STR CF HM HH STN EAT ‘free oun © Frematines @ afr © sire APT Ba fret] afew coleere cm frrwatiney 999-2002 rer es ee Fes 9 TR Cree “A RIC FT a mY FACT CE TFT SATE Job Solution ed at OG BH TG HE ARTERY Ora array) IA are eT CAMTPEAT TOA ATE Ace, Sr eer) AT AAT SCE. Hoare FHce OREPTNT CAAATSD STAM COTA TIT cook are MET SATE CBR STEN Tae rare ae OF 49.20 ECTRE, 202) HACE NASA RELA CH my BCI CATA ATR OTA ATA @ Kepler Space Telescope @ James Webb Space Telescope @ Hubble Space Telescope @ Neil Armstrong Space Telescope = fora] oma weerY AAWT AB National Meronautics and space Administration (NASA) Sp gee, Saer SFObT TS FEA) aT THT Ee Suisibs ice aR | x0 AKT, 2033 AEH NASA FMEA James Webb Space Telescope cmt ea RoE TEES RECA FS AM CE OF TT @ rw, @ 993 @ 2002 @ sae Be fT] 9599 oer scare crear famres arse aid Beem @ oriirare were ab fice eae (feet) fared cont oF BI) OTE sD9e TIT Remes aux asia arecifee faced fever wade eT 99. ARTCC BTN HOA AAAS ATR APTA ART 7 @se @ee ® @vo Ba aika otaes wroracr mom mare a aT. [Tapa] a seearernar bam ie He oat _|30 3 cad main ma 508 rR a7 kia aT cua am Bee recat wer ona rT oe or ud ‘aa7 Job Solution [some nor TOT [BRR Teo aim) 20 ew sec ATS Rea Tem we re AON com RD ad eae Be form] ee 7 eee sor ak cafe aiew spre eBeatomre TBS a ee) ceo ABTS sapresit corm creas ofetiticg ara wedy ab arte Te wea mS wre eae Ore aig ma RCE ER coe ae (MBE) TE ofawTTT cory exe | ae. GT 40 Fy oat ieret ——@ aot aret Outre Oar ts forer] fenerare armemarg ore oz oe aT @ eros a ft ree Cw ETE Oe migerm feereere WaT 90" | iP Sb90 AEE D2 ACRE COT come TNT Btw RUBS Sree larga ees ae ew arét eam omcctorre oot fae) wos etic oF fare feaekt esa = F = 0000 = x= 00,000 Brat Spt gee gery? a ae =v Pee wemra won EEE Hahee TE) SeuCed GT ME CO PER ROT CIT FT carrey aro pet ee Ba? @x ® 8 Ge Be ar brane] ween wom aire 2 car wea Me week + 8 = eee rere ; rs)? ar of a meer vipa eae ted FLIER OEE Hse HDD SFR? (yl a @ereo @eveo =1+3=4 Qereo @erso SOT) ys ak ner Ae v8 aR A841 OB MTT SRR] svar wf, 3) RT UT FEY Bonaey Ow @w DHHS H ae ANE See Su ae a(ao43) amg x97, DERE C He DE Fae wre ee = TESTS po 300 siege =a ak pre XIE > 2 wet oe | VR.GAT For aeT soe Ww ARS fer) Ws OAR ore orca | HEMT HS 9 ST SAFER A OF RM 2 I AT CTT FE? FRM cooo Brat ST FA RTT | SHA AM FS? @v000 @etoo 8 0,000 BH © 20,000 Ber @ 8000 @ 8to0 Be ® 80,000 Bret © 02, 000 ar Yeo SEITE Job Solution OT A: RMT wey AAT FAR: vo RAT 3. “seme” fre are ce faery © PrRnn erg ores @ crear aie BE fare] 16a wre ataear “Rests sony yoy &: Put the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence ju... Your © eserthing wi be rig 270" OTH vt © carry off @ carry on © carry up © carry out By HET “Carry our’ phrasal verb-BH oe on aa/ FOUMT FA) Carry off BITE wae eI, carry on. Bree erat | ©. Log 516 ax aH carat? @4 96 @8 ©2 aa PRN log 516 = logs (V2) = Blogs VB = 8x 1=8 8. The synonym of the word ‘auspi @ astounding @ exciting @ promising @lucky a fury Auspicious (88/ 8x81) 99 synonym ROR lucky (88/ SINR)! Astound. Frum whee RSM: excite- SCAMS eat | Sone ere went re WATT err BATH LE @aw om OR Ogee Be fava] enter ore. ar / arate, MICE OTe: coe: ER BP. FART / FAT; AHAB AP WATE | ae sews od iy @aqer @ caen @ wert om ue re mewn ane ot: a, we, com, Pret, Prvow, eB, aE) fh verb form is needed in the question : How many Eid Cards ... this year? @ do you send @ did you send @ are you sending _ @ were you sending ®. UHPRY: 09.99.2022 FAT: 900 fare] CHEAT AICAT This year, at this momen, a ert reer 8 prea continuous tense 8 structure ST MEE Ze semen are you sending P41 ¥. Conflicts the feature of- @ a poem @astory Satna, @ anovel Ba FORT] Conflict a77 GB literary term 7 drama © eae wr) ae Terie ar TB OfaceR AIT ae THRICE conflict TT D. Bb, 38, 98, 28... MMB Ba TT FO? Ge eo ET Wa are fa @ wears GE Oe FR ar aren ay OF TT) emer any ee Coe, COLCA 9 BEART ae me CH CATETET & BiB esc | 39. Cos’@-Sin*o 3 © Cos'8-Sin‘e a WFO? @1 oy Bs Prana] srrrar en, Sin’8+Cos?@= 1 = Cos'6+ Sin’'a= | WH 82 1 Cer SAT ES TS Fae ES «3978 Job Solution 2, ager TMI aE fiero OS 9 ofA LT oe 9 oft oR eR 9 aire Betcen com yea fr AE ana, petXc AB. AC © BC 2051 ABC Rasgcera oat arg GRADBECE "ow gg one, (B+ AC+ BC™ AD + BE + CF a, feos > weary ae ie FARO TuMTaCTT a fagcom ofS SCs oT 99.6% OE Co,000 Ce TRE OMT wa TEA TT Fer 2000 Diet SM wy | TREE ore wo? @a% Oem vm © 30% ae Frees] soar on, Par 1300 Lx300 ae Pxn _ 2000 x300 ~"goo00 x) 1: ra a = 8% 98, Sayfa corery Berg aa? @ freer @ eee @ RoaceRH osm al TMC TCA RTE I ATTATTETT a ce, cx afew Bara FTE aca DOF ea 1 a BIC CA AT PAE BIE Pray ca err | Sogireen ie sicaTeRe Res Oe a ar wae AeA EA A UCAS AACA FL Fre Remi aH CMT BA ICR STATE ATH | 20.6 Ty ACOH HES A? Ou @ore Ore @.ort ae fae rar (ew) 8 Hers 2 ote a ae Faron wars eng) 100'C orerare Fra fee BR, Fees 100/'-150'C SIME ace A OTH Ce gers at TH | >>, rem fae ere CH? @ armces @ ons v8 @amemm es — @sieaten cafe F4 far] error cae wrens Carer maT. sxe eferarce enh en wa | B09 Sica senate Far Ce ATA TENG aT seraf etm (Genetics) | AenRSPeRTE sae ATES CHM CONT CMSA | aa.sfacen cotta ttn cormece a cm ca ax? @ strc © rien ae BR ator car afce caer oe at eR, BE Wat AS o cae Ba ee TH Ca Reg, BBB wae ea A ANE cere cera ai ae ean moat ae Doha ae aT ocr cea meer rer aca) eae came cant face corttoa Cofi corvoren Gia Bra = | Be ACA ore eakeET TAT) GM MMIERS co TER ITE AE HO aw cre Be me | afin Gifs oe foes cx afl ca RT @ were ay © fae aay @ star a © contr ah fret] rents: ae Rema corer arece TTS FR BF Ca hE aH DacMTR ee Sw CoH BIG) Ig ee aa fale Sey eT) Ak afew wer ex HOR AT (x-ray) eae FE wns nites Stacey wo Ce he PTET RAT | career orf, Boe vine wore ore | Boge Te GR BENE NTS FEF OUT OUT COT TE TOT ate Foe ex i ae afta wae a ao INT aE aR FH TRE AY @ areca © fefrars oan © sin Be gow are Pa, ft, ais, RCC 6 oO WRES Oe) OH CafSw Ae wears ania a aeee ewe at) oe rec Fea sr Bere TN feerar aecaTee | 2 amReCeT erode a ANTE ae OF emcee TOC ATS CAE A CH Te TC _afrg feo 300, Bic fe are ec aT A? @ mentor —@ Pacman Omnia — @omhioa Bt w Teoy ar | sorcerer ab 2 ST POET Re wa ea S00 BR ar - 322, © gee” wn 20H DOF ,, = 8000 oF PS. cOS4S? = V3 ARH A aH APT HO? ; ” 85 @6 @v6 he OR FRR cosas’ = VF 4 > es = AA 1 ann 8. 4°" = 32 ery ana ae? el e- @32 0-3/2 Pra 4°" = 32 224 2 ve. 2, 5, 6 a BE EET carte 8 @16 @I5 ©30 esr, oe sarge = 2:556:x @3n+5 @5n+3 @n+s @nt3 pra oars, erara ow a = 8 mre ea d = 13-8 = 5 orwar anf, newmmr=at(n- Id =8+(n-I)5 =8+5n-5=Sn+3 Be ‘BAG Job Solution athe ete ACF GAR ee 0 vad ce 20 =u Preece TEM AT eae HUTT FE? wo eal @ 510 ost ay Br 10 ce 20 re = A (1), 13, 17,19) wre, 10 cH 20 Ea ATT = 1A 4 Pe mPTOT = Tp bv. cos - sin20 = 0 & 8 aa FS? @30° @ 60° @4s° ov Be pain] = 30°R, cosO- sin20= cos30°- sin(2 x 309 0.28 em Orne FAA qCRR CRT EP @1223sqem — @ 1232 sqem @2464sqem = @ 2446 sqem 8.8 orem are, = 1231.50 232 caf, (are) b>, Kem Me goer TPM mee A ofa Ge ‘Seng ar ere @n2 O45 Ona ae ‘407 Job Solution iNT] Etigquene (RCH Rome woe ee wrreerm) 8E- a customary code of behavior, ox fare meee er Carr AIT, cry © day0 @ s90a @ sare Be form] afer 99 fer was aes one wororTT ea esha ok ae areTeR Fare aerate Fer FON FAT ES) MITTS TET Yor alee Onors er ch oote tase Dae PRT ME TM RET BATE BRET 3 9w-> HCE 38 STE POTS AE PH I wT RH OAT “ae ee of erare ey re war Fase @a EH 39a FT rhe BH | Om CAPA RH BwT, HT eamy) 90. carrer 9 “area anemone gc Foe a @ Bae oft wanted are © Oye wires era any © cornea sie meee ay © Sas orr04 sexs ae By faren ‘crrnirer 6 reae Se aiceR 9m Heme a) aerer Siem Fey Saw oe mT BT ST, RH, 81, OAS, CME, CTH 8 FATS | 98RD CHF TAI we? @ sate oma @ wart @ at Be 90. cam arena wd eH"? @ afryet @ fore fro @ wales are O sae aa Be on] ‘ferer frger arene we eebor 1 eras: alae are. Ay: SE FA a8 107 2B OT) ou. sar arTCRCA COIR ARETE CTT? @ bearerarate © arg ih fren] War eer aren’ worm 17, oe Brererararcy os Fert 6 wb caf we) AICHE Senfe eracem sree CRT HATER eMreeCAT waron cman Pig) Para tore ais “a | Pica Sere Per HF 9 TO OTT array ee WT 1 TOMA Te Tar es ere aed gue (omer) covert CTE | A.NASA afore der wae CoB? @ rat @ snare © festa © ara oA ager Tee A National efobt TE HI) A AHR OT Ser Siow a as NASA OR AE seo rere a STA | i 3093 He ITE saeas a ‘2.Who ofthe following was not a British writer? @ John Milton @ Ben Jonson @ Jonathan Swift @ Harold Pinter, fer] Jonathan Sif Fe rare safe cee John Mitton, Ben Jonson 4% Harold Pinter ra fen £5 ce | ‘Select the word that occurs in the plural. @ Information ® Luggage @News @® Thanks By BIN) “Vigormaiion. Tigpage, “Weis meme singular PEAT REE BE Thanks 60 plural ferwea ara =H 80.Ger Barr ANE 200 cmTS MTT wath? Ox Ox @x ex Ba PH] Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Bal Gene RU. TET, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 0% er afm Far By 3030 AEE xe cHDDN afemCET meat ofrmna sown oficery “Transforming ‘our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development Peraer «08 who 7 wt, SDGs A ABE) SDGS OF CATH 2ose Cae 2000 7 S| ACS GaP 9a arRTETAT 6 SuSE itt rar EE TREE 85, 51 an Srmitts Swen ssi Reems oraicw IF FS pa wm 4 6 2 6 8S @ iss ® 160 @ 165 @170 ar Beer | RT| __— aaTT PROT (so [a [4 155_ | 6 10 160 [12 [22 oar [76s [ie [38 170 18 46. 77515151 gue, n= 51 S112 econ em de wearers serrata aah care “mB CT, 268% PF 16S 1 1 MB = 165 wea SBR] 5909 ment 90 ater afer mre oe 371 aCe sromit tm msrnfe axeg crt Yet SHITE Job Solution Bane carMTTes way OFF the ary — ee era au mero OTR AAR PCIE R= (@ FATE oan Cae mone gy rere arareeg PARPIER, 763 on wy Ea oor oerer Fa an P= aca, os aR 2 CRORE ore oH eraTE? weft fage SIE? Osean dt Reg fa eee it Or se @ oma fre Br @r0f oxi Capea ae ou Ot Be TRS TTS Peer] oS oer LOX [ara |?» oat ger ore 8 = i) RB a Kage wen ab Rage = Hf (22, 38, 20, 0 RODE Corr a UT Cae eR TITS EE @ sit © Frm Garman s xchat ay Drea acer car care sretire awa ay Raa abe ae ‘AeA (seo) | AP AETE RATER BML omy Ferrata Fade Frome ee ee abate War, ae, HY, aM ¢ eT MOET 7a PORE ATER He, IT “aeeTERCE ABS ae TE | 6 Ate a wr 39 ae Ace aT abe ITE fered | ee ae aI Aer ae aoa AHO feet ay Sw @s @r @x Be aT Crear B78, TOT TF = 32 Ter 5 : ar" rtd wort, x mer a Ferm ar wba aa feet we SITS, 32+ x = (8 +x) DPRFX=b HK Sx war ge et articles : I would speak ‘Japanese speak it. @ the, the Japanese ... @the,a @aa way ar @a, Article a Fara) SPF 4 the WA A Glas eta er wet ory 28, #8, €9, W, Wb) iii) TAB RB Karger wer Be ET = W (recy, 209) i) a Reger a Ee Fee = SB LOGS +h +249 = 208 2 fre TER RIOT BTCA BT ATTIC er core FTE CCRT? @ afore fe Tra FATS Ce BH © sre fre Fee © anfete stems 2030 3. = [ORT] 2030 are eter core arian eT Bye SIRE (288) sen Fore aa fre ETE a RO SemeaT Bar aro reT ORB eee ers weer) re adhe MUTI eR aT Ber Planet 50-50 75 81 Baa) 38.40 UH RITE ALRT 8 BC BAT stcna IE @x0% © 20% Ow% © 80% ae PRR] t= Bo - 83 = Sy srr oe WOH A = x 900% = 20% 0.84 Re afta @ Faire ae © Bonfire a Od © Befre 34 Be BRS] SorISTS seer wa amceH Bar ATT SRE GTI aT om we adhe a FE TIRE BE) IRE ERG ABee wer Ba BE) RR: ‘©9.The meaning of ‘etiquette’ is- ® a customary code of behavior ® the way one sings @ Food habit © rules and regulations - sat Jon Solution or, Cos'd- Sn’ = 4 Cas‘ BSin"O= Cas" (Sin Co Sm (Coe 0- Sin oglt nara ja eden? 64 Be cart, sien O3-x ae x8 ae Me Sex 24+ Bx - Brox? 83 6 ay-xt3 +0) (B+ 98x) 30.c@F FRE) 9S 9 I CTC stare CoRR? cate ane © Bieta CoC WIECH @ sm eo sipfeteme 84 fever] fe re ainersra Crane Remare remTee cumI Fe asaH) AB wee eH woraertcsn ainfre cent gone enebr was, a wt WEF COAST, HESTEMTS | on ate fecace wane oH fim cmmocmice casa, wee Feo as fort wre Banter 08 cae Sabre aH 2094, S988 S ohLe AER fare coe ETE 5 #07 | se.foaB estate ears ART CHMTN Qy% | CE | eer @9e ao os 2% ae pane) wiaele, ae forong mea Rea eR was gres SRE yy geet = Oe Sey tesa Ser = 29 syae on wen = 43 48 = 90 2@.Complete the sentence using the correct ‘question tag : The students are having a test “they @are they wont they @ don't they se NT] Tuy question ox FRaTATA affirmative TEBE aviary verh IA ATE nor TF FAS I! SOR ETT aren t they FUE! _ 38a +b) = V7 aR (a b) = VS BM, Sad(a’ +B) 1am 8? O24 928 = @32 wm] nom re, a +b = V7 a-b= V3 | o0 FF ves Sabra’ = h°) S4.AM that glitters is not gold. The underlined word @adeterminer —__@ conjunction @ an adjective @a pronoun Be fren] 278 ae thar TA relative pronoun face area eee) AB clause TS FS relative pronoun TH5E &) Se VIR = 3 ae nT OF CHB? 1 7, 3 Ory Ol) OB) BF Pretest) V2eFSTT = 3 = v2xt8 =3 sat Br Sx en 9- ekel > ® Omeger — B8 fret) ware a faery ore nw sete Prag (caTKOT TE TR (2940) ot TELE cmcentetes wer ‘ear ) 9 aire waerrT 2034 IC “OREN Tre ane afi oor ‘ea arate yng ate “eftat aT BET i er rat 20. Free Cora Ce sem ATE TH? ers @ Fast ort orn By xe were Tee HH: 8, BH, STD, Fe a See ee coe ere aero or: TST EFT! gg ante aremrencta etem m ea as A © Oram wry Bare @ STAVE STATA © wreg Cre SE FEAF © 0H, WHI TAS, oT lh vee 2.Choose the correct wi 4 in cere ae rect word/words to fill in the @ incredible ® more incredible ® @ more incredible ©. # SLVR the most incredible PACT WHE RT! That is the most incredible story t have ever heard- ‘ae corer Wa cures steamy TP 1 $8.0, 9, 98 4t MARER MF &, 30 eRe COR FRAT seg oar? Ow @w — @s Ba Prt seve, seer = & 1 aye E2438 84 sone © 8 wee 2 3 8 =se4x 3 x= 8-38 S x=r va. Atira taiBewa fears rae aT. am mete Owe Pa ante Qtr Ome Faw F< Sas. Hr tater aie fewer er Tie Reariiee ay “te Fae wae (9388) sabre sae -ntrerae oe aes wat athe a Bare ah a PR RIS RTE | ‘¥¢.The antonym of the word ‘humane’ is- @angry @ foolish @ cruel @ callous Bt BITE] Humane (FRI) 4 antonym RE cruel (FA) Angry- PIPES: foolish- GT: callous- SA wu. PF Be maT Be af PEATE? @vsere @ @.¥824 @ 2.0806 Ba Pris) > Bf = 2.08 1, v.8eae TF Ff, in the blank with the right form of verb : He along with his wife and children ... (to be) present in the program last night. Gare Ois © were @ was Be BINT] Along with YE ACT 3F subjece See verb Wr! were wee famine we arent “RPA was PIT uy FAtoa CHAE DRETA OF HPAE TTA? oun © crear suf reat Over @ rarest Rar = aT Core RMAYATATA | SICH Fea wagan OF Tee wae TeCTT CIE weer Core Wee AT BLE, TAR OT FOMAAR 3820 CAH SOO2 A TS TAMPA ‘BHT Job Solution sree HCO & PTRTST 7 2 re ea METS SOC Mh Perio wearer FMAM CAE RPE ar praicon eros 49 “CamaPRE TPE ATH Fete fora ‘cates fowl 94 SOSH TEM, wae amr, crema sf, IS COAT RT, eg Bar, aM, FON STON, AOA ees rennet Fae A) aeTSTS EO Hifeery wage carne OB, TRA TE, UT TET rm, ovecara Bar a1, come, TIA FAAS conf rte Gf INIT ME FA em RMN ATTA RE ES CH TAM ear @ amet @ Carrs SEN TEAR AT] OA TEE Seat) caters Bir area era orate te fst rare coreesiar aT RT OL Care ree ao.RfGre Mar QO S| WOE SOT fife Soy, gat ca ET FE? @ 120° @ 150° @ 145" @ 160° ae Fare] 4:00 0 woe ait ¢ fainba aie wees H ia-608| © corer fresn cart = 360°- 210° = 150° 83S FTOTRD- > CH CHO? @ are Ooms @ abr Oa Be fore) oes seer afr Some ‘areg are SB 92 OF, 203% HTT TEMES AS OF CFO cae UTTER.» TaD fare Seo aT 4 SFE 395.9 EO oe area) “ee BAA)" at BoP Bereta cmd GOTT FACT LAT doo CMTE ae oe TTT TRH) oH ROUTE ICH OTH STATE OOF cormnt 1 aftr fee aeqprare mcg TAR aE BACT AEB. caret FARIS (inaxtam) | “aray ebmRD-3! BORE raf reer @ aw cope Fic Faere ITTF Secret cree Cree He | 8a Fiat Carr Foren fe feet? @ ort Fear @ fofeen fears @en far xd ae r a7 Job Solution fravere] can 20 3 1an20 aaReplace the sentence with a sente the verb ‘Let": UI do that for you @ Let's do that for you. ® Let do that © Let me do that for you nce using do that for you, © Let you do that for you. Ba 69,651 er ara 9 Sire Reo RETR? okataet Oommen FR WISE IS eee oR AE ee) x ses et oe B Ste Corn ee Wr COAT TATE A GRR BUMS Hee “aca ere ete atreew eer Bere coe UF RATE AR RAW ReATE CER MASTER sree are cae TAC | @B.Select the correct preposition: She was delighted ... her present, @by @ with @ for @a Be fore) “corer Fg oer arate zon BCE delight G4 AE preposition EAT with 2m ce, bm te com at @ y90 70 @ sae arm @ sn0 70H @smsermy Be otf ferro “WfeeTs ae Ses FET 0-8 Crap ence Facere weRGTETA oe ACTA OPE axfarge wera foarte vee rer fe com BAT) ATES 20 MIE Sve AIT MICETCAM we AT I TRIER FT CRTRST PAT BL RT rer arate fen foe ar CATT) PRET fate | wir ore TIE Cae Tega Ae “eT rr ce EAE TE HT A SERIES AT | €8, Choose the correet spelling. @® Amatuer @ Amature © Amateur @ Ameteur Ba {aren} 98 are: Amateur (SETA) C9, GAT off TETAS FRAT CANT FS? @ s000 @s2@0 ar fact) SFRFOF AMER ao(eotd) DHF OF a ACOZ ao x03 =a 229 x0) = 9240 vee ey. Rawr safe car wife efferare ort Ie orf? Otte pir Oaria fe te Drader aR afr 8 cre fefeatiore seo oF Be SPETRACRTS | FSETIT Joba Me ara sand freer ate Beart ear aa re aa FOPATGPT FIR RCH Om RU AERTS | oe roca 4 Ficars rat cn AN eG) ABE feteercra arce off ora eon Bm aH, ty spe 0 he 90m | Oo, She HI RE CH AMA LAT WM, SYS FCT ¢ co TGR FS are wa? ont @ orn orm @ afta an Fra oer, Sing ae fey Bare Sa) CRE 3963 Ae oe 8 Te) waa oft, 3 Tet = ove fat 8" =8 xoue = 3280 fw 297, 9)3260(3%0 so9y ATE @ bes” 3e wares bo. COMEAT WAN MH SICA THAT HP Ob Ta es | © SAR he OeR aa (© Fir Bere art for) GET srecer aie woqelSter Bor “Galea & BRA HB (2008) | 3893 ACN TIA aferean ear ae Mae xen eT ISTT OTE 6 Boambee: aren Risa OT-BeTs, sfeqer fram, Qfoatre sta s oe ater, Sommiiced sare fear ¢ rermce Sar Bea ABS TATE SAATTIG | s.Choose the correct wordiwords to fill in the gap: Nelson Mandela was .. the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. @ awarding @ an award @ awarded @tobeawarded 8.4 28 ACE TECH awarded THe Te ‘xt wa, TID passive voice 47 957 wpa BATE ne

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