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Analytical Biochemistry 342 (2005) 300–311

SPOT synthesis: Reliability of array-based measurement

of peptide binding affinity
Armin A. Weiser a,1, Michal Or-Guil b,1, Victor Tapia b, Astrid Leichsenring c,
Johannes Schuchhardt d, Cornelius Frömmel a, Rudolf Volkmer-Engert c,*
Institute of Biochemistry, Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Monbijoustr. 2, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Institute of Theoretical Biology, Humboldt University, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Institute of Medical Immunology, Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Hessische Str. 3-4, 10115 Berlin, Germany
MicroDiscovery GmbH, Marienburger Str. 1, 10405 Berlin, Germany

Received 23 February 2005

Available online 23 May 2005


Peptide arrays prepared by the SPOT synthesis technology have emerged as a proteomic tool to study molecular recognition and
identify biologically active peptides. However, it was previously not clear how accurately signal intensities obtained by probing pep-
tide arrays for protein binding really reflect the dissociation constants of the protein–peptide complexes. Using the monoclonal anti-
body CB4-1 as a model system, we systematically compared dissociation constants of antibody–peptide complexes with signal
intensities obtained using the SPOT technology. By analyzing a set of peptides possessing different affinities to the antibody, we
determined the strengths of the SPOT screening method. The accuracy of the measured results was improved by taking regional
trends in the membrane surface into account. A model based on the mass action law compares well with the experimental results.
Interestingly, the applied concentrations of the binding partners do not directly correspond to the effective concentrations in the
assay. We show that the SPOT technology is an accurate method for assigning the spotsÕ measured signal intensities to three different
binding affinity classes. The dissociation constants of the intermediate region were found to be between pKdis = 5 and pKdis = 7.
Altering the experimental parameters causes a directed change of this region.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: SPOT technology; Synthetic peptide arrays; Binding affinity; Dissociation constant; Effective concentration; Mass action law;

As demonstrated by DNA microarray experiments tional protein molecules—the principal components in

(‘‘DNA chips’’), the array format is a robust, reliable, organizing and mediating cellular physiological func-
and now well-established method for large-scale analysis tions via protein–protein networks [3]. One of the pri-
of gene expression, allowing a global view of a living cell mary goals in functional genomics is to understand
or organismÕs transcriptome based on a single experi- how such networks support cell physiology. Ideally,
ment [1,2]. However, it became obvious that the infor- we would like to draw a map displaying all protein inter-
mation obtained from DNA chips is not sufficient for actions in the cell and then trace functional pathways
understanding life in general. Gene expression levels along lines connecting the proteins. Recent interaction
do not closely correlate with the abundance of func- analyses produce an intricate picture and interpretation
of the data is still inadequate [4–7]. We have to consider
Corresponding author. Fax: +49 30 450 524942.
that the wiring between all components of the intricate
E-mail address: (R. Volkmer-Engert). network is dynamic. Protein complex formation is influ-
These two authors have contributed equally. enced by all the parameters that determine association

0003-2697/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311 301

and dissociation of all the functional components. ping peptides [10], randomly generated peptide libraries
Therefore, more or less quantitative readout for map- [19], transition pathway libraries that reveal evolution-
ping protein–protein interaction in a high-throughput ary connections between different peptides with similar
manner is of general interest. activities [20], and peptide arrays to elucidate the
Synthetic peptide arrays offer the benefit of studying cross-reactivity of mAb CB4-1 [21].
asymmetric protein–protein interactions: a domain of
partner A acts as a receptor for a linear peptide in part-
ner B. In fact, a fairly large set of cellular protein inter- Materials and methods
actions are mediated by families of relatively small
protein interaction domains (PID),2 such as SH2, SH3, Synthesis of the cellulose-membrane-bound peptide arrays
GYF, WW, or PDZ, which act as receptors accommo-
dating short peptides in their binding pockets. The Cellulose-bound peptide arrays were semiautomati-
SPOT technology is an ideal tool for preparing synthetic cally prepared according to standard SPOT synthesis
peptide arrays, because it is an easy-to-use, robust, and protocols using a SPOT synthesizer (Intavis, Koeln,
inexpensive method. Furthermore, the technique and Germany) as described in detail [22]. The peptides were
many of its applications have been reviewed extensively synthesized on amino-functionalized cellulose mem-
[8–10]. Recently, we successfully applied SPOT technol- branes of the ester type [10] prepared by modifying a cel-
ogy to studying the interaction network of PIDs [11–14]. lulose paper (Whatman 50, Whatman, Maidstone, UK)
Landgraf et al. [12] describes how we were able to dem- with Fmoc-b-alanine as the first anchor residue. Load-
onstrate for the first time that measured spot signal ing of the amino-functionalized cellulose membrane
intensities provide an approximation of the affinities of was determined as described [22]. In the second step of
the several thousand interactions analyzed simulta- coupling the next anchor position, a mixture of different
neously on a peptide array. In principle, signal intensi- ratios of a 0.3 M solution of Fmoc-b-alanine-OPfp and
ties can be used to distinguish between several a 0.3 M solution of N-acetyl-b-alanine-OPfp in dimethyl
interactions, with different affinities, mediated by the sulfoxide was used (100, 50, 25, and 10 Fmoc-b-alanine-
same protein. We first showed this for peptide–antibody OPfp) leading to membranes with a 100, 50, 25, and 10%
interactions [15,16]. Here, we focus in more detail on the amino-functionalization quotient (FQ) at the spot posi-
correlation between spot signal intensities measured in tions [16]. The cellulose-bound peptide arrays were
the array format and dissociation constants determined assembled on these membranes by using 0.3 M solutions
for the appropriate interactions. The question we want of Fmoc-amino acid-OPfp in NMP (in case of Ser and
to address is the quantitative reliability of the SPOT Thr the ODNp-esters were used). Side-chain protection
technique. First, we investigated the reproducibility of of the used Fmoc-amino acids was as follows: Glu, Asp
signals measured on cellulose membrane-bound peptide (OtBu); Ser, Thr, Tyr (tBu); His, Lys, Trp (Boc); Asn,
arrays prepared by the SPOT technology. Second, we Gln, Cys (Trt); Arg (Pbf). The sequence files for the ar-
assessed the correlation between the measured signals ray design were generated with the in-house tool Pool
and the known dissociation constants. Third, we investi- 1.0 and translated into chemistry files for the automated
gated the accuracy with which measured signals can be synthesis using the in-house software LISA 1.571. For
used to classify peptides into binding affinity classes. Fi- synthesis quality control of the peptide library, a repre-
nally, we discuss the experimental requirements needed sentative selection of peptides was prepared (spot size
to obtain reliable binding affinity class predictions. To 0.25 cm2) and cleaved by ammonia vapor in the dry
study the quantitative aspects of the SPOT technology state [22,23]. Subsequently, identity was verified by ma-
we chose the interaction of the anti-p24 (HIV-1) human trix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrome-
monoclonal antibody (mAb) CB4-1 [17,18] with 38 well- try (MALDI-MS) (LaserTec BenchTop II, Applied
known peptides as a model system. The recognition pro- Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) and peptide quality
file of mAb CB4-1 is a well-established experimental sys- was tested by analytical reversed-phase HPLC (Waters
tem that has already been used to evaluate a variety of 600, Waters, Eschborn, Germany) on a C-18 column
structurally different types of peptide arrays prepared (Vydac, Hesparia, CA, USA). According to the general
by the SPOT technology. This includes scans of overlap- protocol a standard peptide array (dimension
6 cm · 8 cm) was synthesized on cellulose membranes
containing 37 different peptides (Table 1, entries 2–38)
Abbreviations used: AuC, area under curve; BG, background signal with an average of 13 repeats of each peptide and 120
intensity; FQ, membrane functionality quotient; Kdis, dissociation times the peptide GATPEDLNQKLAGN (Table 1, en-
constant; pKdis, negative decadic logarithm of Kdis; mAb, monoclonal try 1). The peptides were equally distributed on the ar-
antibody; ROC, receiver operator characteristic; CM, cellulose mem-
brane; SCM, standard cellulose membrane; SI, signal intensity; PID,
ray, resulting in a cellulose membrane that contains
protein interaction domain; MALD, matrix-assisted laser description 607 spots. Such an array was generated on membranes
ionization. with four different FQ values (100, 50, 25, and 10%)
302 Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311

Table 1
Dissociation constants obtained for mAb CB4-1/peptide complexes
No. Sequence pKdis No. Sequence pKdis
a a
4 sATPwDLkTsle 7.7 23 sAGPwDLksslb 5.3
9 DATPEDLNARLe 7.0 28 efslkGpllqwrsGa 4.7
12 FDKEWGGIRITc 6.8 31 sAGdwwLksslb 4.5
13 DALYEWGGARIc 6.7 32 saGdwwGksslb 4.4
14 GLYEWGGARITNTDa 6.7 33 sAGdwDLksslb 4.3
15 sATPwDLkTMle 6.6 34 saGdwwLksslb 4.2
18 sATPwDLksslb 6.0 37 LEMKQDLNIMLQDGFd 4.0
BIAcore studies.

leading to the standard cellulose membranes SCM-100, centrations in T-TBS blocking buffer for 16 h at 4 C.
SCM-50, SCM-25, and SCM-10. The membrane The following concentrations of mAb CB4-1 were used:
SCM-50 was prepared three times and each replica 0.1, 1, and 10 lg/ml. The concentration of 1 lg/ml was
was incubated with a different antibody concentration. used with the membranes SCM-10, SCM-25, SCM-50,
A membrane with the same FQ and the same peptides and SCM-100. After washing three times for 10 min
as SCM-50 was prepared but with about the three- to with T-TBS, the second anti-mouse IgG peroxidase-la-
fourfold number of each peptide resulting in the mem- beled antibody (Sigma, Deisenhofen, Germany) was
brane CM2090-50 with 2090 spots. Furthermore, the cel- added at a final concentration of 1 lg/ml in T-TBS
lulose membrane CM6000-50 (FQ = 50%) was prepared blocking buffer for 2 h, followed by washing three times
using six different peptides from Table 1 (entries: 1, 6, with T-TBS. Analysis and quantification of peptide-
14, 20, 26, 36) but with each peptide equally distributed bound mAb CB4-1 was carried out using a chemilumi-
as 1000 reiterations on the array (size: 18 · 24.4 cm). nescence substrate and a Lumi-Imager (Roche Diagnos-
The peptides cover the affinity spectrum from pKdis = 9 tics, Basel, Switzerland). All steps were carried out at
to pKdis = 3.5. room temperature, unless stated otherwise.

Binding studies on cellulose-membrane-bound peptides Measurement of spot signal intensities

All incubation and washing steps were usually carried Analysis and quantification of spot signal intensities
out under gentle shaking. After washing the membrane were executed with the software Genespotter (MicroDis-
with ethanol once (10 min) and three times for 10 min covery GmbH, Berlin, Germany). Genespotter has a
with Tween–Tris-buffered saline (T-TBS, 50 mM fully automatic grid finding routine resulting in repro-
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, 137 mM NaCl, ducible signal intensities. The spot signal is calculated
2.7 mM KCl, adjusted to pH 8 with HCl/0.05% Tween from a circular region around the spot center detected
20), the membrane-bound peptide arrays were blocked on the image. The background signal for each spot is
(3 h) with blocking buffer, i.e., blocking reagent (CRB, determined with a safety margin to this circular region.
Northwich, UK) diluted 1:10 in T-TBS containing 5%
(w/v) sucrose, and then washed with T-TBS Standard solid-phase peptide synthesis
(1 · 10 min). Subsequently, the peptide arrays were
incubated with the anti-p24 (HIV-1) monoclonal anti- Soluble peptides were synthesized (50 l mol scale) as
body CB4-1 (mouse IgG2a/k) [17,18] at different con- amides on a multiple synthesizer AMS 422 (Abimed,
Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311 303

Langenfeld, Germany) according to the standard Fmoc

machine protocol using TentaGel S RAM resin (Rapp
Polymere, Tübingen, Germany) and PyBOP activation.
All peptides were analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC
on a Vydac C18 column using a linear gradient of
5–60% acetonitrile/water (0.05% trifluoroacetic acid)
for 20 min at 1.2 ml/min flow rate (detection at
214 nm) and by MALDI-MS using a-cyano-4-hy-
droxy-cinnamic acid as matrix and purified to >95%
purity by preparative HPLC on a Vydac C18 column,
if necessary.

Surface plasmon resonance measurements

The affinity of peptides in solution to the mAb CB4-1

was measured with regard to Kdis by monitoring adsorp-
tion-dependent surface plasmon oscillations using the
BIACOREX system (Biacore, Uppsala, Sweden). Both
the mAb CB4-1 and the anti-GST monoclonal antibody
(control antibody) were immobilized on a dextran-
coated gold surface in separate flow cells of a CM5
sensor chip (Biacore AB) using the amine coupling pro-
cedure (5 ll/min; activation with 1:1 EDC/NHS, 7 min;
immobilization with 50 lg/ml antibody, 5- to 75-ll mul-
tiple injections; deactivation of excess groups with 1 M
ethanol amine-HCl, pH 8.5, 7 min). The amount of
covalently coupled antibodies corresponded to a signal Fig. 1. Binding of the anti-p24 (HIV-1) monoclonal IgG antibody
increase of approximately 5000 resonance units (RU) CB4-1 to cellulose-bound peptides. Shown is the membrane SCM-10
for both antibodies (flow cell 1: control antibody; flow (6 · 8 cm) with 607 generated spots representing 38 peptides (Table 1)
cell 2: mAb CB4-1). All binding experiments were per- all known to interact with mAb CB4-1 but possessing different
affinities to the antibody.
formed at 20 C with a flow rate of 15 ll/min (injection
volume 10 ll). Peptides were used at various concentra-
tions between 20 pM and 200 mM in HBS (10 mM dard deviation of the SIs measured for several peptide
Hepes with 0.15 M NaCl, 3.4 mM EDTA, and 0.005% replicas on one membrane varies in the range from 8
surfactant P20, pH 7.4). Complete regeneration was ob- to 22%. We assume that inhomogeneity of the modified
tained after dissociation without regeneration buffer in cellulose membrane is largely responsible for this varia-
most cases. Different regeneration procedures (BIAco- tion, since the synthesis quality of all peptides used in
reX manual) were required in some cases. Transforma- the binding experiment is well established [15,16,19–
tion of data and analysis were performed with the 21]. The membrane-related inhomogeneity of measured
BIA-evaluation software, version 3.0. The control sen- SIs was confirmed by analyzing their spatial distribution
sorgram (flow cell 1) was subtracted from the sensor- (Fig. 2). For this purpose, we determined the mean val-
grams obtained with flow cell 2. The steady state ues of the replica SIs for each peptide on the membrane
values of the binding equilibrium were plotted versus CM6000-50 and calculated the relation of each single SI
the different peptide concentrations and fitted using to its mean value, thus determining regional trends. This
the implemented steady state evaluation, resulting in revealed that peptides with similar mean signal intensi-
the Kdis for each model peptide (Table 1). ties tend to have similar regional trends and peptides
with different mean signal intensities have different re-
gional trends (Figs. 2B and D). Here, regional trends de-
Results and discussion note the trends of spots in different local parts of the
membrane. Furthermore, signal intensity fluctuations
Spot signal intensities: reproducibility and improvements of the background correlate with those of weak binders
(Figs. 2C and D). After analyzing several membranes it
Performing a binding experiment with a cellulose- became obvious that regional trends are intrinsic charac-
membrane-bound peptide array (see Materials and teristics of individual membranes. This presents an
methods) results in measurable spot signal intensities opportunity to correct measured SIs and thus reduce
signifying peptide–protein interactions (Fig. 1). Stan- standard deviation. A minimum of two references are
304 Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311

Fig. 2. (A) Neighborhood of a spot (gray). The size of the neighborhood N indicates that it consists of N · N spots. The black spots represent
reference spots. (B–D) Mapping of the membrane CM6000-50 (18 cm · 24.4 cm) containing 6000 spots (67 rows · 90 columns). Light areas denote
relatively high and dark areas low signal intensity values. (B) Relative signals of the high-affinity reference peptide (about 1000 data points,
pKdis = 9), (C) background (6000 data points), (D) a weak-binding peptide (about 1000 data points, pKdis = 4). Note that maxima and minima of
mapping (B) have different locations compared to (C and D). The scale gives the relation between the local and the global mean signal.

necessary—one peptide with high-affinity and one with were calculated for the CM6000-50 membrane using
low-affinity to the binding partner. The algorithm for background signals as the low-affinity reference and
improving measured SIs involves the following five considering different neighborhood sizes N and different
steps: first, calculating the mean SI values of all high- percentages of high-affinity reference peptide replicas
ðH global Þ and low-affinity references ðL global Þ; second, (Fig. 3B). As expected, increasing the number of high-
defining a neighborhood i for each spot with N spots affinity reference peptides improves the efficiency of
around it (Fig. 2A); third, calculating the mean SI values the method and reduces the optimal neighborhood size
of the high- ðH  local;i Þ and low-affinity references ðL local;i Þ N (Fig. 3B). The results suggest that good adjustment
within each neighborhood i; fourth, calculating the vari- for regional trends can be achieved when around 4%
ables a and b with the equations L global ¼ ai  L local;i þ bi of the spots on a membrane are high-affinity reference
and H  global ¼ ai  H local;i þ bi ; fifth, the improved signal peptides and by using a neighborhood with N · N spots,
intensity for each spot in its neighborhood i (SIimproved) when N is between 10 and 20.
can then be calculated from the measured signal intensi- In practice, there are often no replicas available on a
ties (SImeasured). membrane or no high-affinity peptide is known before-
hand. In such cases, SIimproved can be calculated by using
SIimproved ¼ ai  SImeasured þ bi . ð1Þ
only the background signal around each spot according
The standard deviation of the SI values for to
replicas of the same peptide will be smaller than that global;i
of SImeasured. As an alternative to a low-affinity reference SIimproved ¼ SImeasured   . ð2Þ
peptide, the background signals of each spot can also be Llocal;i
used as references. The resulting standard deviations are The improvements achieved by applying Eqs. (1) and
shown for the SCM-50 membrane in Fig. 3A (stars). The (2) are compared in Fig. 3C. Note that the decrease in
efficiency of improvement is influenced by the neighbor- standard deviation is smaller when using Eq. (2), espe-
hood size N and the percentage of reference peptides cially for peptides with high signal intensities.
regularly distributed on the membrane. To determine We compared SI measurements made from two iden-
optimal parameters, standard deviations of SIimproved tical membranes prepared with the same peptides, the
Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311 305

Fig. 3. Standard deviation of the signal intensity versus size of the neighborhood and the mean signal intensities, respectively, after applying the noise
reduction algorithm. (A) Standard deviations of the signal intensities for each of the 38 different peptides (10–15 spots each) on the SCM-10
membrane (Fig. 1) versus their mean values (circles). Gray diamonds denote the standard deviation after application of the noise reduction algorithm
using only background SI values as a reference. Black stars show the effect of the noise reduction algorithm using background SI values and high-
affinity peptide repeats (14% of total spots) as references. The standard deviation obtained for the corrected signal intensities depends on the size of
the chosen local neighborhood (N) and on the number of reference peptides in it. (B) and (C) show the standard deviation of corrected signal
intensities for two peptides, one with low and one with high binding affinity, using the background and a high-affinity reference peptide (B) or only
the background as reference (C). In (B), four cases where the numbers of high-affinity reference peptides are 14, 7, 4, and 2% of the total number of
spots on the membrane are shown. The signals are derived from membrane CM6000-50.

same number of spots, the same concentration of anti- Correlation between signal intensities and dissociation
body, the same FQ, and the same incubation time. We constants
found signal intensity deviations of around a factor of
10. Nevertheless, the relations of the signals were fairly A representative repertoire of 38 peptides was se-
constant for all peptides, suggesting that, to compare lected from a set of over 100 peptides, all known to
SIs from different membranes, these values should first interact with mAb CB4-1 (Table 1). All chosen peptides
be normalized using are well described in the literature and dissociation con-
stants (pKdis) for the various peptide/antibody com-
SImeasured  SImin
SInorm ¼ . ð3Þ plexes span a range of more than five orders of
SImax  SImin magnitude (pKdis = 9 to pKdis = 3.5). As an example,
Note that, below, this equation will be used only for bet- mean values of measured SIs obtained from a SCM-10
ter visualization of the intermediate region (Fig. 4), with membrane were used to draw an SI/pKdis scatter plot
SI being the mean signal intensity values for each recur- (Fig. 4A). It demonstrates that the obtained SIs corre-
rent peptide. late with given pKdis. To describe the SI/pKdis depen-
306 Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311

Fig. 4. Mean signal intensities versus dissociation constants of all measured peptides. All signal intensities are normalized according to Eq. (3). The
gray region marks all signals that are weaker than the mean background signal. (A) Mean values of the 38 different peptides on the SCM-10 membrane
with an antibody concentration of [AT] nM. The solid curve was derived by fitting Eqs. (4)–(7) to the data. The scale of the SI axis is logarithmic. (B–D)
Fitting of the results from several experimental setups with all parameters held constant except one: (B) two membranes prepared with a different
number of peptide replicas, (C) two membranes loaded with different FQ, (D) two membranes incubated with different antibody concentrations.

dency mathematically and elucidate understand which define a total effective antibody concentration ½Aeff T  for
parameters influence the correlation, we defined a mass this space. Furthermore, the surface density of accessi-
action law model. It is based on the assumption that the ble peptides on a spot is not known. It may be influ-
system is in equilibrium and that the mass action law is enced by positive cooperativeness: cluster formation
the underlying effect. Furthermore, we have to take into of several peptide molecules within a spot may decrease
account that competition among the peptides for mAb its concentration [25,26]. We define a total effective
CB4-1 might take place, especially in cases when peptide peptide concentration per spot ½P effT  and assume that
concentrations or the number of spots are high com- it is the same for all spots. Unfortunately, it is not pos-
pared to the antibody concentration. sible to determine the parameters ½P eff
T  and ½AT  exper-
Since cellulose membranes are porous, the concen- imentally. We therefore estimate these effective
tration of antibody within the fibers may be different parameters by the proposed mass action law model.
from the antibody concentration [AT] in the bulk solu- To formulate the model, we first define Eqs. (4)–(6).
tion. The inter-fiber spaces could be on the order of Here, ½P eff
i  and [A ] denote the concentrations of un-
magnitude of antibody molecules in size. As described bound peptide within a spot i (i = 1, . . . , n) and un-
by Minton [24], this could lead to confinement effects bound antibody, respectively.
and modified diffusion lengths. Since peptide–antibody
interactions primarily occur in the inter-fiber spaces, we ½Aeff   ½P eff
i  ¼ K disi  ½AP i ; ð4Þ
Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311 307

½P eff eff
T  ¼ ½P i  þ ½AP i ; ð5Þ of the fitted total effective peptide concentration from
280 to 42 pM. This result is supported by the fact that
absolute measured SIs decrease with increasing FQ also
½Aeff eff
T  ¼ ½A  þ ½AP i . ð6Þ
(data not shown). The decrease of effective accessible
peptide concentration with increasing FQ can be ex-
Eq. (4) simply states the mass action law for one sin- plained by a clustering effect [25,26], suggesting that
gle spot, Eq. (5) sums the unbound and bound fractions much lower FQs than those used here could also yield
of the peptide population in spot i, and Eq. (6) sums the good results.
concentration of free antibody with the sum of all com- Second, the fitted total effective antibody concentra-
plexes to the given total antibody concentration. This tion ½Aeff
T  does not increase with the same order of mag-
describes a nonlinear system of 2n + 1 equations with nitude as the concentration [AT] originally applied in the
the 2n + 1 variables ½P effi , [APi], and [A ] and the bulk solution. While [AT] increases by a factor of 100,
eff eff
parameters ½AT  and ½P T . Furthermore, it is reasonable ½Aeff
T  increases only by a factor of approximately 4. Most
to assume that the concentration of the antibody–pep- likely, the total effective concentration of the antibody
tide complex [APi] within a spot is proportional to its saturates within the membrane and one consequence is
measured signal intensity and to introduce the back- a nonlinear correlation between the total effective con-
ground signal as an additive factor. Thus, we addition- centration within the spots and the concentration of
ally define Eq. (7) with the proportionality factor a the antibody in solution.
and the background parameter b: Third, several competition effects were observed. Two
SIi ¼ f ðpK disi Þ ¼ a  ½AP i  þ b. ð7Þ membranes with identical antibody concentration and
FQ and the same peptides, but with a different number
Eqs. (4)–(7) are used to fit the free parameters ½Aeff T ,
of spots, i.e., different reiteration of the peptides (see
½P eff
T , and b to the measured experimental data using Materials and methods), show very different signal
the functions ‘‘nls’’ and ‘‘nls.lm’’ from the R language behavior. This can be understood if one considers that
environment [27]. We exclude parameter a from the fit- many spots with high-affinity bind many antibody mole-
ting procedure to avoid redundancies and due to the fact cules, thus depleting the solution of free antibodies. Few-
that a differs from membrane to membrane. Instead, it er antibody molecules are then available for binding to
was estimated by the formula a ¼ SI½P 0  , where ½P 0T  de- peptides with lower affinity, so they will have lower SIs
notes the sweeping start parameter of the fitting process compared to when there are only a few high-affinity spots
for ½P eff
T .
and therefore less competition for antibody (Fig. 4B).
To evaluate the relevance of the model, we specifi- Furthermore, competition for antibodies may also
cally varied several experimental parameters: the num- possibly explain an effect described by Kramer et al.
ber of spots on a membrane, the FQ, and the antibody [16]: signal intensities either increase or decrease with
concentration. The fitting process was accomplished the FQ of the membrane, depending on the peptide
for each binding experiment. The correlation coefficients investigated. In a simulation of this experiment applying
between the mean values of the measured SI and the fit- Eqs. (4)–(7), we compared two model results where only
ted SI were found to be between 0.83 and 0.91. Table 2 the peptide concentration was varied: ½P eff T  ¼ 100 nM
summarizes all fitting results and the experimental con- and ½P eff
T  ¼ 400 nM, both with ½A T  ¼ 10 lM and seven
ditions used. Figs. 4B–D show the best fits to the ob- peptides (pKdis = 9 up to pKdis = 3) each replicated 15
tained experimental data after normalization with Eq. times. The results shown in Fig. 5 illustrate that peptides
(3). with high binding affinity show decreasing signal inten-
First, we observed that the effective peptide concen- sities for decreasing ½P eff
T  (and hence increasing FQ),
tration increases with decreasing FQ. Increasing the while the converse applies to peptides with low binding
membrane FQ from 10 to 100% resulted in a decrease affinity.

Table 2
Several fitted and experimental parameters for different experimental setups
No. Membrane Spots FQ (%) [AT] (nM) a b ½P eff
T  ðpMÞ ½Aeff
T  ðnMÞ Correlation
1 SCM-10 607 10 6.3 5.2e+13 2100 280 180 0.88
2 SCM-25 607 25 6.3 6.6e+13 3100 140 190 0.86
3 SCM-50 607 50 0.63 8.7e+13 1400 130 70 0.89
4 SCM-50 607 50 6.3 7.4e+13 2800 90 190 0.86
5 SCM-50 607 50 63 6.9e+13 2500 100 260 0.85
6 SCM-100 607 100 6.3 1.0e+14 2400 40 190 0.83
7 CM2090-50 2090 50 6.3 9.8e+12 300 100 100 0.91
308 Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311

Fig. 5. Signal intensity versus dissociation constant calculated from

Eqs. (4)–(7) for two cases which differ only in the peptide concentra-
tion. In this theoretical investigation the signal intensities are smaller
for ½P eff eff
T  ¼ 100 nM than for ½P T  ¼ 100 nM if peptides have low-
affinity but larger if their binding affinity is high.

Detection of high-affinity binders from signal intensity


The most important application of the SPOT synthe-

sis technique is to detect peptides that have a strong
binding affinity to defined targets. In practice, there
are often no replicate peptides on cellulose membrane
Fig. 6. (A) Signal intensity versus dissociation constant for each
arrays so one cannot calculate mean values. Therefore, single spot. The class borders obtained by maximizing the contin-
we investigated the confidence of the SPOT synthesis gency coefficient R (Eq. (12)) for classification into three affinity
technique in detecting high-affinity binders for nonre- classes are shown as dashed lines. The gray region marks all signals
current spots. First, we had to define classes of high- that are weaker than the mean background signal. The SI axis has
and low-affinity peptides. As depicted in Fig. 6A, we logarithmic scale. (B) ROC curve generated for classification of
peptides on the SCM-25 membrane with [AT] = 6.3 nM in two
define two borders SI1 and SI2 on the y axis (for the sig- binding affinity classes. The area under the curve (AuC value) is 0.97,
nal intensities) and two borders pK 1dis and pK 2dis on the x indicating that signal intensity obtained as the output of the SPOT
axis (for the peptidesÕ affinity). The four borders are free technology is an excellent quantity for the discrimination between
parameters defining three classes of signal intensities and high- and low-affinity binders.
three classes of dissociation constants, resulting in nine
disjoint quadrants in the plot. For each of the nine
quadrants the number of occurrences of spots can be as- P3 P3 !!
signed for each membrane and is denoted as nij (i,j = 1, X
j¼1 nji j¼1 nji
H ðpK dis Þ ¼  P3  log 2 P3 ; ð9Þ
2, 3 are the enumerations of the SI classes and the pKdis i¼1 j;k¼1 njk j;k¼1 njk
classes, respectively).
To determine how well the signal intensity class cor- X
3 X
nij nij
responds to the actual affinity class of the peptide, we H ðSI; pK dis Þ ¼  P3  log 2 P3 ;
calculate their mutual information (transinformation). i¼1 j¼1 k;l¼1 nkl k;l¼1 nkl

We introduce the following quantities: first, the entro- ð10Þ

pies of signal intensity and dissociation constant (Eqs.
(8)–(10)) and second, the transinformation of signal IðSI; pK dis Þ ¼ H ðSIÞ þ H ðpK dis Þ  H ðSI; pK dis Þ. ð11Þ
intensity and dissociation constant (Eq. (11)): The value for the transinformation I lies between zero
P3 P3 !! and infinity. To rank the value of the transinformation,
X 3
j¼1 nij j¼1 nij
H ðSIÞ ¼  P3  log 2 P3 ; ð8Þ we normalize it and define the contingency coefficient
i¼1 j;k¼1 njk j;k¼1 njk (R) that is bounded by zero and one (Eq. (12)):
Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311 309

Table 3
Calculated pKdis and SI borders with their corresponding contingency coefficients (R) and AuC values
No. Membrane FQ (%) [AT] (nM) R SI1 SI2 pK 1dis pK 2dis AuC
1 SCM-10 10 6.3 0.92 4500 8900 6.8 7.2 0.97
2 SCM-25 25 6.3 0.92 3300 7400 5.3 6.8 0.97
3 SCM-50 50 0.63 0.96 3700 9200 6.8 7.2 0.98
4 SCM-50 50 6.3 0.90 3700 6500 5.3 6.8 0.96
5 SCM-50 50 63 0.93 3200 7600 5.3 6.8 0.95
6 SCM-100 100 6.3 0.83 3200 4800 5.3 6.8 0.90
For calculating the AuC value the SI border of the ROC curve was the mean value of the background signals plus three times its standard deviation
(see Fig. 6B).
1  expð2  IðSI; pK dis ÞÞ between low- and high-binding affinity classes. Fur-
RðSI; pK dis Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . thermore, we determine the border for separating
1  expð2  minðH ðSIÞ; H ðpK dis ÞÞÞ
low and high signal intensities (SI1) with the criteria
ð12Þ described above (background signal plus three times
Note that, when the classifications SI and pKdis are inde- its standard deviation), finally resulting in four quad-
pendent, then H(SI) + H(pKdis) = H(SI, pKdis) and rants nij (i,j = 1,2). With these, we calculate true posi-
therefore R(SI, pKdis) = 0. The larger the value of the tive (TP) rates and false positive (FP) rates
contingency coefficient R, the more information ðTP ¼ n11nþn
; FP ¼ n12nþn
Þ. Moving the border pK 1dis
the two classifications have in common. We calculate over the range of all possible values will change TP
the R values for a sweep of the parameters pK 1dis , and FP. Plotting (TP, FP) points into a diagram
pK 2dis , SI1, and SI2 and determine the borders with the and connecting those gives a ROC curve (Fig. 6B).
best R value. The area under the ROC curve is a measure of the
This procedure was applied to several cellulose mem- quality of discrimination between the two classes.
branes that we examined and the resulting contingency Random prediction would result in a bisecting ROC
coefficients lay between 0.83 and 0.96 (Table 3) showing line, giving an AuC value of 0.5. The closer the
high correlation for the distinction of the three defined AuC is to 1.0, the better is the classification. The
classes of peptide binding affinities. SIs larger than SI2 SI1 border of background signal plus three times its
may be associated with a dissociation constant smaller standard deviation results in AuC values of up to
than pK 2dis and SIs smaller than SI1 may be associated 0.98 for the differently synthesized membranes (Table
with a dissociation constant larger than pK 1dis . The inter- 3), suggesting that signal intensity is an excellent clas-
mediate class between the two borders pK 1dis and pK 2dis sifier for high- and low-affinity binders. Note that the
isolates a small region of dissociation constants (‘‘dy- best pK 1dis value for the distinction of high and low-af-
namic range’’), so that measured signals inside the corre- finity is defined by the experimental setup and will
sponding SI class may be associated with an usually not be known by the experimenter. The exam-
approximate dissociation constant. Under the often ple ROC curve for membrane SCM-25 shown in Fig.
used condition (FQ = 50% and [AT] = 6.3 nM), the dy- 6B suggests a good pK 1dis value at 6.7: 90% of peptides
namic range of the curve is between pK 1dis ¼ 5.3 and classified as having high affinity in fact belong to the
pK 2dis ¼ 6.8. class of peptides with pK dis < pK 1dis , while only 7%
Applying the transinformation to more than the three of the peptides in this class were wrongly classified
classes described above led to singleton classes (data not as being low-affinity binders ðpK dis > pK 1dis Þ. An even
shown). This suggests that any other attempt to classify higher accuracy of classification can be achieved when
the results of the SPOT technology into more classes mean SI values of replica peptides are used.
would be meaningless. For instance, it seems to be
impossible to assign a dissociation constant to each
measured signal. This is due to the extreme variability Conclusions
of the data in the central class and the saturation taking
place far off the dynamic range. We describe a method to reduce the standard devia-
In the data investigated we found that the lower tion of signals measured with the SPOT technique. It
border for signal intensities (SI1) never exceeds the is able to approximately halve the standard deviation
background signal plus three times its standard devia- (Fig. 3A), resulting in improved signal intensities for fur-
tion. To confirm that this value is an objective border ther analysis. To make the best use of this method, we
for distinguishing between the two classes of high- and suggest that around 4% of the spots on a membrane
low-affinity peptides we applied ROC statistics to the should be homogeneously distributed repeats of a refer-
measured data. Contrary to the above, we need to de- ence peptide possessing high-affinity toward the ligand,
fine only one border pK 1dis as the border distinguishing if available. This leads to (i) optimal results in the algo-
310 Array-based measurement of peptides / A.A. Weiser et al. / Anal. Biochem. 342 (2005) 300–311

rithm for reducing signal noise due to regional trends changing the FQ or using a differently coated mem-
and (ii) optimal conditions for automatic grid position- brane, e.g., CAPE, as described [23]. Furthermore,
ing by the software that measures signal intensities. For the ligand concentration in the bulk solution can be
experiments where no strong binding peptides are varied.
known beforehand, the noise reduction algorithm can
still be applied with only background signals as refer-
ences. In this case noise reduction is suboptimal (Fig. Acknowledgments
We report good agreement between model results This work was in part supported by the Deutsche
based on the mass action law (Fig. 4A). The model takes Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 618 and SFB 449).
into account competition among peptides for free anti- M.O.G and V.T. thank the Volkswagen Foundation
body molecules. It describes several observed effects, for funding. We thank W. Hoehne (Institut für Bioche-
such as a shift in the ‘‘dynamic’’ range and hence the mie, Berlin, Germany) for providing the CB4-1 anti-
border separating high- and low-affinity classes when body. Excellent technical assistance by I. Kretzschmar
only the number of peptide replicas on a membrane is is gratefully acknowledged. We thank N. Bruni for help-
changed (Fig. 4B) and the apparently contradictory ful criticism and comments.
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