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Geo-Tech Consutants &Engineers


(As per 1S :2911 (Part / Seo
for the Construction of APARTMENT PUM GNG AKK Nacpr, Mauri
Name of Project:Sub Soil Investlgation
Borehole No.
0.30 m
Dia of Pile
|Coefficient (0)
Fector of sastety 3
-RL 1.000 m
RL of bottom of pile cap :
Depth of Soil layers from Bed Level Løvels
Description Depths
-RL 3.000 m
2.00 m
1st Layer -RL7.000 m
2nd Layer 4.00 m
0.18 m
-RL7.120 m
3rd Layer -RL 9.000 rn
4th Layer 1.82 m

1st Layer
jUtimateSide Resistance or Skin Friction
Sand mixed with Gravel
Type of Soil
030 m
Oia of Pile
Thickness of the Layer 2.000 m
Angle of Intermal friction (ø)
|Average cohesion,C 0.00t/Sqm
Unit weiaht of Soi g 1,747 UCu m
Coefficient of earth pressure (k) 0.30
Reducion Factor a = 04

|Surface Area (As) 1.885 Sq.m

Average Overburden Pressure (Pa) Depth of layer x Unit Weight of soil
|Average Overburden Pressure (Pa) = 3494 USq.m
Skin Fricion (R) = KP,tan BA +(axCxA)
= (0.3x 3.49 x tan 30 x 1.885 )+ (0.4 x0 x 1.885 )
R 1.14t
2nd Layer
Ultimate Side Resistance or Skin Friction
Type of Soil Sand mixed with Clay
Dia of Pile 0.30 m
Thickness of the Layer 4.000 m
Angle of Internal ficion (ø) 15.67°
|Average cohesion , C 2.30 tUSq.m
Unt weight of Sol g = 1754 tUCU.m
Coefficient of earth pressure (k) = 0.30
Reducion Factor a 0.4

Surface Area (As) =

3.770 Sq.m
Average Overburden Pressure (Pa) Depth of layer x Unit Weight of sol
4x 1.754
Average Overturden Pressure (Pa) = 10.510 USqA
Skin Fricion (Rf) = KP, tan A, +(ax CxA)
(0.3x 10.51xtan 15 67 x3. 77 )+(0.4 x 2.3x3.7)
Rf 6.80 t
3rd Layer
Ultimate Side Resistance or Skin Fritlon
Typeof Soil Sand mixed with Clay
Da of Pilo 0.30 m
Thickness ol the Layer 0.180 m
Angle of Intemal friction (o) 32.0
Average oohesion, C 0.00 U8q,m
Unit weight of Soil g 1.780 UCu.m
Coeffcient of earth pressUre (k) 0,30
Reducton Factor a 04
Surtace Area (As) 0.170 Sq.m
Average Overburden Pressure (P) Depth of layer xUnit Waight of soil
0.18 x 1.76
Average Overburden Pressure (Pa) 10.827 U8q.m
SkinFiction (Rf) = KP tan ØA
= +(axCxA)
0.34t 10.83 tan 32 x0.17)
4th Layer
Ulimate Side Resistance or Skin Friction
Type of Soi = Soft
Dia of Pile Disintegrated Rock
0.30 m
Thickness of the Layer 1.820 m
|Angle of Internal fricion (o) : 38,0°
|Average cohesion, C = 0.00 tUSq.m
Unit weight of Soi g = 1,841 UCum
Coefficient of earth pressure (k) 0.30
Reduction Factor a 0.4
|Surface Area (As) = 1.715 Sq.m
Average Overburden Pressure (P Depth of layer xUnit Weight of soil
1.82 x 1.841
Average Overburden Pressure (P) =
14.177 USq.m
Skín Fricton (Rf) = KP tan ØAs +(axCxA,)
(0.3x 14.18 xtan 38 x 1.715)+(0.4 x0x 1.715)
R 5.70 t
Total Skin Friction 13.99 t 140 KN
End Bearing Resistance
Type of Soil
Soft Disintegrated Rock
Dia of Pile = 0.30 m
jÁngie of intermai fricion (ø) 38.0
|Average cohesion at pile tip (Cp) 0.00 USq.m
Submerged unit weight of Soil g 0.842 UCu.m
Area of Cross section(Ap) = 0.071 Sq.m
jAverage Ôverburden Fressure () = 0.842 tsq.m
= 84.86 (From IS 6403:1981 for ø=38°)
= 51.84
= 63.63
End Beaing Resistance (Ru) = Ap {( 12 D. g.N,) +(Pa.NG) +(N,.Cp)
0.071 x( ( 1/2 x0.3 x 0.842 x84.86 0.842 x51.84) +
0.071 x 63.63 x 0
Ru = 3.84 t 38 kN
QU 13.988 +3.843
Total UItinate Pile carying Capacity = 17.83 t 178 KN
Allowable Pile Capacity 17.831 /3 5.94t
Capacity of pile, KN 58.31 KN

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