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First structure essay

It’s often said that the persons could be Smart and clever, but currently the
persons think about the most important things in them lifes is have a
celphone and gain a lot money.
In my points of view, the society has a enough troubles with these sterotypes
and They is gaining the battle with other material thoughts, for example,
when the child doesn’t want to eat in the dinnig room because they prefer
watch tv or see a movie with its celphone, now that has been frustred and
stronggly difficut to face, the parents thinks about that is normal behavior
with them childrens however the behavior is though and misunderstanding .
For this reason, everybody have to créate a various strategies to make that
our generation more Young could be safety and créate a lot plan or projects
to develoment its differents skills and Good way to face the bad situation
related with de tecnology or bad habits in its life.
To samp on , when the people can see that problema in anytime, is easier the
respond to face the situation and it would be an excelente step to broken the
origin of the troubles’s generationals.



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